For Students at Charleston Southern University and the College of Charleston
Cross-Registration Policies
1. This form is to be used only for those undergraduate students cross registering under the “Tuition-Free Policy. Students must register in
person. Mailed, faxed or emailed forms will not be processed.
2. Student must have already earned 15 hours or more at the home institution before cross-registering (with exceptions for those enrolled in
special programs between specific institutions). College of Charleston students with more than 87 hours must also submit a Coursework
Elsewhere During Senior Year Petition Form.
3. Courses are available under this program only on a space-available basis; registration occurs at the time designated by the host campus.
4. In order to qualify, visiting students must:
a. Be enrolled in 12 credit hours at their home institution and pay full-time tuition at their home institution
b. Be in good standing at their home institution and have a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
c. Be enrolling in a course or courses not available at their home institution for which they meet the prerequisite requirements and have
obtained the required approvals
d. Present a current, official transcript from their home institution along with this Cross-Registration Form
e. Pay additional special fees, such as science and foreign language lab fees directly to the host institution.
5. All courses taken at the host campus will be sent to and recorded by the home institution. Students will be awarded transfer credit at home
institution for courses with a grade of C (2.0) or higher.
Home Institution ____________________________________ Cross-Registration is for: Semester: _________ Year: _________
Host Institution __________________________ Part of Term (circle): FULL EXPRESS/TERM 1 EXPRESS/TERM 2
Personal Data
Name __________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________ Social Security # __________________
Student ID #, if different _____________________ Program or Major _________________________________
Freshman ____ Sophomore ____ Junior ____ Senior ____ Gender: M ____ F ____
Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone # ____________________________ Home Institution Email Address________________________________________
Ethnicity: Are you Hispanic/Latino? Yes _____ No_____ Regardless of your answer to the ethnicity question, please
mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be: Black or African American ____ Alaskan Native ____
American Indian ____ Asian ____ Native Hawaiian ____ Pacific Islander ____ White ____ Unknown ____
Country of Citizenship _________ If not US, please list visa type, or permanent resident (P) ______. Expiration date _________.
If yes, what county?___________________ Have you attended the host institution before? Yes ____No ____
If yes, when?______________ If you attended under a different name, what was that name?________________________________
Titles of Requested Courses
Course #
Section #
Home Campus Department Approval
(signature and comparable course
Example: Parasitology
I certify that I am enrolled for a minimum of 12 hours at my home institution and paying full-time tuition there. The courses at
the host institution are in addition to those at home. If my enrollment at my home institution drops to less than 12 hours, I will
notify the Registrar at the host institution.
I hereby authorize my grades for the course(s) listed above to be sent to the registrar of my home institution at the semester’s end.
The above information furnished by me is true.
Student Sign Here __________________________________________________________ Date _________________
1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________
Home Institution Dean/Director Signature Home Institution Registrar Signature
(Signature not required for College of Charleston students) Is this student a SC resident? Yes____ No_____
3. _________________________________________
Host Institution Registrar Signature