For students enrolled Summer 2018 and later
College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Animal Science
Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of the workforce
Department of Animal Science
335 Ag Sc In Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Dr. Robert E. Mikesell
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
345 Ag Sc In Bldg.
The Animal Science Major is a four-year program leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree. The primary
objective of this program is to provide the opportunity for the student to develop expertise in many aspects of
the animal industries, to develop skills in communication and quantification, and to obtain a broad
understanding of the natural sciences, arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences.
This major offers two options (business and animal management and science) so that students may select
numerous areas of study to help them gain employment in the many and diverse career opportunities available
in the Animal Sciences. Courses in both options can be selected by students to plan a program consistent with
their personal interests and professional goals. Specific requirements of the major are listed in the Baccalaureate
Degree Programs Bulletin (
Students interested in domestic animal species have the opportunity to develop basic and applied knowledge in
biological and physical sciences, nutrition, genetics, reproduction, physiology, economics, business
management, animal products and much more. Additionally, there are opportunities to study the care and
management of companion animals, horses, livestock, dairy and poultry. Current areas of faculty expertise
include ruminant nutrition, genetics and genomics, and reproductive biology. Combining studies in related
fields such as agribusiness management, wildlife and fisheries science, agronomy or biology is possible.
Students majoring in Animal Science have many opportunities for hands-on experience in animal facilities and
laboratories, internships and other student employment related to the program, participation in teams and clubs,
scholarships, and international study.
Employment opportunities available to graduates of the Animal Science Major include, but are not limited to,
technical sales and service for companies supplying feed, equipment, pharmaceuticals and other related
agriculture products; promotion, public relations and human resources, and editorial positions; finance and
insurance; county extension and other government agencies; management trainee for agri-business industries;
herdspersons, flock supervisors, returning to the family farm, assistant farm managers; breed associations and
artificial insemination and embryo transfer firms; and livestock buyers, inspectors, supervisors and quality
control personnel in the meats and poultry industries. Graduates also may pursue post-baccalaureate study in
graduate school to prepare for careers in research, teaching, or extension. Others may pursue studies in
veterinary medicine.
124 Total Credits Required
ENGL 015 Rhetoric & Comp (GWS) AN SC 100 3
or ENGL 030 Honors Fresh Comp (GWS)*3 CHEM 112 - Chem Princ (GN) 3
General Education 3 CHEM 113 - Exper Chem (GN) 1
CHEM 110 - Chem Princ (GN) 3 AG BM 101 Econ Prin Agribus (GS) or
CHEM 111 - Exper Chem (GN) 1 ECON 102 Micro Anly (GS) 3
First-Year Seminar (S) 1
Quantification selection (GQ)* 2-4
Quantification selection (GQ)* 3-4
General Education (GH) 3
14-15 15-17
BIOL 110 - Biology Conc Biod (GN) 4 AN SC 201 * 4
AN SC 290 1 AGRO 028 - Prin Crop Mgmt or
AN SC 207*, 208* 3 SOILS 101 - Intro Soils or
CHEM 202 or CHEM 210 AN SC 213 (fall only) or AN SC 211 3
Organic Chemistry 3 BIOL 220 Biology Pop Comm or
General Education (GHW) 1.5 BIOL 230 Biology Mol Cells or
General Education 3 BIOL 240 Biol Func Dev Org 4
15.5 CHEM 203 or CHEM 212 and CHEM 213
Organic Chemistry (Lab) 3-5
General Education 3
AN SC 301* 3 AN SC 300* 3
AN SC 305*, 306*, 308*, 309*, B M B 221 - Applied Biochem 2
310*, 311*, 315*, 324*or 327* 3-4 General Education (GHW) 1.5
AN SC 322 or BIOL 222-Genetics 3 MICRB 201 Intro Microbiology 3
B M B 211 - Elem Biochemistry 3 MICRB 202 Intro Micro Lab 2
B M B 212 - Elem Biochem Lab 1 PHYS 250 - Intro Phys (GN)
CAS 100* 3 15.5
AN SC 305*, 306*, 308*, 309*, AN SC 423 3
310*, 311*, 315*, 324*, 327* 3-4 Supporting courses 5-7
AN SC 431 4 ANSC 202 W or Communication Skills selection 3-5
Elective 0-4
Elective 1-3
ENGL 202 selection (GWS)* 3
General Education 3
Required to complete one of the following: MATH 021 GQ(3), 022 GQ(3), 26 GQ(3), 41 GQ(4), 110 GQ(4), or 140 GQ(4); recommend MATH 110
GQ(4) or 140 GQ(4) for veterinary school admission. Check enforced pre-requisites for Math 110 and Math 140.
Required to complete one of the following: CMPSC 101 GQ(3), 203 GQ(4), MATH 022 GQ(3), 111 GQ(2), 141 GQ(4),
200 GQ(4), or 250 GQ(3).
PHYS 251 is required for admission to veterinary school.
Enforced Pre-requisites: ALEX score < = 76, or Math 22 + Math 26, or Math 40, or Math 41, or Math 26 and ALEX score < = 61.
Required to complete 5-7 credits from the department list. Courses that fulfill major requirements do not count in this area.
Required to complete one of the following: ENGL 50 (GA), 210, 212, 213, 215, any foreign language (001-003), SPAN 105 or 106; CAS 212, 213, 250, 352;
AEE 330, 360, 440; ANSC 202W, AN SC 217 and 426, or AN SC 421 and 426, or AN SC 225 and 426, or AN SC 424 and 426. (AN SC courses cannot
count as supporting courses and fulfill communication skills requirement)
Recommend ENGL 202C GWS, Technical Writing.
* A grade of C or higher is required to graduate.
Course titles available on the semester schedule of Animal Science courses offered.
(49-54 CREDITS)
(42-46 CREDITS)
(18 to 24 of these are included in requirements for major)
See General Education Requirements Worksheet
or visit
AGBM 101 (3) or ECON 102(3) fulfills 1 (GS) requirement
GN requirements are usually fulfilled within required
major courses
ENGL 15, ENGL 202, and CAS 100 are C-required.
Must include 3 credits of U.S. (US) and 3 credits of
International (IL) Cultures
US _______
IL _______
AN SC 100 3 _______
* AN SC 201 4
* AN SC 207 & 208 3
AN SC 290 1
* AN SC 300 3
* AN SC 301 3
BMB 211 3
BIOL 110 GN 4 _______
CHEM 202 or 210 3
ANSC 322 or BIOL 222 3 _______
AG BM 101 GS or ECON 102 GS 3
* AN SC 305, 306, 308, 309, 310
311, 315, 324, or 327 6-8
* MATH 021 GQ, 022 GQ, 26 GQ,
41 GQ, 110 GQ
, or 140 GQ
* CMPSC 101 GQ, 203 GQ;
MATH O22 GQ, 111 GQ, 141 GQ,
200 GQ, or 250 GQ 2-4
Communication Skills
* A grade of C or higher must be obtained to
graduate Policy 82-44.
** Writing across the curriculum designation.
Required to complete 3 credits within the College
AN SC 423 3
AN SC 431 4
BMB 212 1
BMB 221 2
CHEM 110 & 111 GN 4
CHEM 112 & 113 GN 4
MICRB 201 3
MICRB 202 2
CHEM 203 or 212 & 213 3-5
AGRO 028, SOILS 101 or
AN SC 213 or AN SC 211 3
BIOL 220, 230,
or 240 4
AREAS (5-7 CREDITS 400 level) ***
Select 5-7 credits from the 5-7
department list.
*** Courses that fulfill major requirements do not count in
this area.
NOTE: 296 or 496(TA, research, etc.) credit may not be
used to fulfill any degree requirements.
Pre-requisites rigidly enforced.
Animal Science Major
Science Option
Supporting Courses
Select 5-7 additional credits from the following list. Courses that fulfill major requirements or the additional
production course for the option cannot count as a supporting course. 496 credits may not be substituted for this
Science Selections:
Course (credits) Title Semester Offered
AN SC 410 (4) Advanced Dairy Herd Management Fall
AN SC 413 (3) Transgenic Biology Spring
AN SC 415 (3) Companion Animal Behavior Spring
AN SC 418 (3) Nutrient Management in Agricultural Systems Fall
AN SC 419W (3) Applied Animal Welfare Fall
AN SC 420 (4) Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Spring
ANSC 422W (3) Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Selection Spring
AN SC 425 (3) Principles of Avian Diseases Fall
AN SC 427 (3) Milk Secretion Spring
AN SC 432 (1) Techniques in Cattle Reproduction Fall
AN SC 447 (GN) (3) Equine Exercise Physiology Fall
AN SC 457 (3) Equine Reproduction and Breeding Farm Management Fall
AN SC 467W (3) Equine Nutrition and Feeding Spring
BIOL 479 (3) General Endocrinology Fall (odd years)
FD SC 408 (2) Food Microbiology Fall
FD SC 409W (3) Laboratory in Food Microbiology Fall
FD SC 415 (3) Science and Technology of Muscle Foods Spring
VB SC 402W (3) Biology of Animal Parasites Spring
VB SC 403 (3) Principles of Animal Disease Fall
VB SC 405 (3) Laboratory Animal Science Spring
VB SC 420 (3) General Animal Pathology Fall
VB SC 421 (3) Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates Fall
VB SC 423W (3) Pathology of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases Spring
WFS 407 (3) Ornithology Spring
WFS 408 (3) Mammalogy Spring
WFS 430 (3) Conservation Biology Fall
WFS 447W (3) Wildlife Management Fall
WFS 460 (3) Wildlife Behavior Fall
124 Total Credits Required
BIOL 110 Biology Conc Biod (GN) 4 AN SC 100 3
ENGL 015 Rhetoric and Comp (GWS) or AG BM 101 Econ Prin Agribus (GS) or
ENGL 030 - Honors Fresh Comp (GWS)*3 ECON 102 Microec Anly (GS) 3
General Education 3 CHEM 101(GN), 110
(GN), 130(GN) 3
First Year Seminar (S)
1 General Education 3
Quantification selection (GQ)* 3-4
Quantification selection (GQ)* 2-4
14-15 14-16
AN SC 290 1 AN SC 201* 4
AN SC 207* and 208* 3 ACCTG 211 Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk 4
MICRB 106 Elem Micrb (GN) or AG BM 200 Introduction to Agribus Mgmt
MICRB 201 Intro Microbiology 3 or BA 304 Mgmt and Organization
MICRB 107 Elem Micrb Lab (GN) or General Education 3
MICRB 202 Intro Micrb Lab 1-2 ANSC 202 W or Communication
AG BM 102 Econ Food System or Skills Selection
BA 303 Marketing
3 17
CHEM 202 Organic Chem 3
General Education 1.5
AN SC 301* 3 AN SC 305*, 306*, 308*, 309*, 310*,
AN SC 305*, 306*, 308*, 309*, 311*, 315*, 324*, 327* 3-4
310*, 311*, 315*, 324*, 327* 3-4 AN SC 300* 3
AN SC 322 or BIOL 222 3 CAS 100 Effective Speech (GWS)* 3
General Education 3 Supporting Courses 6
BMB 211 Elem Biochem 3 15-16
AN SC 420, 423, 427, 431 3-4 Supporting Courses 11
General Education 3 General Education (GHW) 1.5
Supporting Courses 6
Elective 0-3
ENGL 202D* 3
Elective 1-3
Required to complete one of the following: MATH 021 GQ(3), 022 GQ(3), 26 GQ (3), 41 GQ (4), 110 GQ(4), or 140 GQ(4)
Check enforced pre-requisites for Math 110 and Math 140.
Required to complete one of the following: CMPSC 101 GQ(3), 203 GQ(4), MATH 022 GQ(3), 111 GQ(2), 141 GQ(4), STAT 100 GQ(3), 200
GQ(4), or 250 GQ(3).
To receive Natural Sciences General Education (GN) credit for CHEM 110, CHEM 111 must be taken in addition to CHEM 110
Econ 102 pre-requisite
Required to complete 23 credits from the department list (at least 9 credits of business and 9 credits of production courses; 12 credits must be 400
- level courses). These 23 credits cannot fulfill any other requirements.
Recommend ENGL 202D GWS, Business Writing.
Required to complete one of the following: ENGL 50 (GA), 210, 212, 213, 215; any foreign language (001-003), SPAN 105 or 106, CAS 212,
213, 250, 352; AEE 330, 360, 440; ANSC 202W, AN SC 217 and 426, or AN SC 421 and 426, or AN SC 225 and 426, or AN SC 424 and 426
(AN SC courses cannot count as supporting courses and fulfill communication skills requirement).
* A grade of C or higher is required to graduate credits - Senate Policy 82 - 44.
Course titles available on the semester schedule of Animal Science courses offered.
(49-54 CREDITS)
(42-48 CREDITS)
(18 to 24 of these are included in requirements for major)
See General Education Requirements Worksheet
Or visit
AGBM 101(3) or ECON 102 (3) fulfills 1 (GS) requirement
GN requirements are usually fulfilled within required
major courses
ENGL 15, ENGL 202, and CAS 100 are C-required.
Must include 3 credits of U.S. (US) and 3 credits of
International (IL) Cultures
US _______
IL _______
AN SC 100 3 _______
* AN SC 201 4
* AN SC 207 & 208 3
AN SC 290 1
* AN SC 300 3
* AN SC 301 3
BMB 211 3
BIOL 110 GN 4 _______
ACCT 211 4
ANSC 346 3 _________
CHEM 130 GN or CHEM 110 3
AG BM 102 or BA 303 3
AG BM 200 or BA 304 3
AN SC 420, 423, 427,
431 3-4
MICRB 106 GN or 201 3
MICRB 107 GN or 202 1-2
Select 23 credits from the Department list. At least 9
credits in business and 9 credits in production courses
and at least 12 credits must be at the 400-level.**
Business Selections:
Production Selections:
Additional Selections:
NOTE: 296 or 496(TA, research, etc.) credit may
not be used to fulfill any degree requirements.
Pre-requisites rigidly enforced.
CHEM 202 or 210 3
AN SC 322 or BIOL 222 3 _______
AG BM 101 GS or ECON 102 GS 3
* AN SC 305, 306, 308, 309, 310
311, 315, 324, or 327 6-8
* MATH 021 GQ, 022 GQ, 26 GQ,
41 GQ, 110 GQ
or 140 GQ
* CMPSC 101 GQ, 203 GQ;
MATH O22 GQ, 111 GQ, 141 GQ;
200 GQ, or 250 GQ 2-4
Communication Skills
* A grade of C or higher must be obtained to
graduate Policy 82-44.
** Writing across the curriculum designation.
Required to complete 3 credits within the College
*** These 23 credits cannot fulfull any other requirements.
Animal Science Major
Business and Animal Management Option
Supporting Courses
Select 23 additional credits from the following list. At least 9 credits of business and 9 credits of production courses
(Courses that fulfill major requirements or the additional production course for the option cannot count as a supporting
course.); 12 of the 23 credits must be 400-level courses. Courses required in the major cannot be counted to meet these 12
credits of 400-level courses. 496 credits may not be substituted for this substituted for this requirement.
Business Selections:
Course (credits) Title Semester Offered
AG BM 106 (3) Agribusiness Problem Solving Fall, Spring
AN SC 117 (2) Equine Marketing Spring
AG BM 302 (3)
Food Product Marketing Fall, Spring
AG BM 308 (3)
Strategic Decision Making in Agribusiness Fall, Spring
AG BM 320 (3)
Market and Prices Fall, Spring
AG BM 338 (3) Global Agribusiness Fall, Spring
AG BM 407 (3) Farm Planning and Financial Management Fall, Spring
AG BM 408 (3) Financial Decision Making for Agribusiness Spring
AG BM 420 (3) Agribusiness Markets and Prices Fall, Spring
AG BM 460 (3)
Managing the Food System Fall
AN SC 450 (3) Dairy Farm Management Systems Spring
BA 301 (3)
Finance Fall, Spring
BA 302 (3)
Supply Chains Fall, Spring
BA 303 (3) Marketing Fall, Spring
BA 304 (3) Management and Organization Fall, Spring
B LAW 243 (3) Legal Environment of Business Fall, Spring
ENGR 310 Entrepreneurial Leadership Fall, Spring
ENGR 411
Entrepreneurial Business Basics Fall, Spring
IB 303 (IL) (3) International Business Operations Fall, Spring
IST 110 (GS) (3) Introduction to Information Sciences
and Technology Fall, Spring
LER 100 (GS) (3) Employment Relations Fall, Spring
SCM 200 (4) Introduction to Statistics for Business Fall, Spring
Students must be enrolled in the entrepreneurship minor in order to schedule these courses.
Writing Across the Curriculum designation. Required to complete 3 credits within the College.
May be used to fulfill Smeal College Business Fundamentals Certificate if taken in addition to: BA 303,
BA 304, Acctg 211, Econ 102 and a 200 level statistics.
Students must be enrolled in the AGBM minor.
Production Selections:
Course (credits) Title Semester Offered
AGRO 028 (3) Principles of Crop Management Fall
AGRO 423 (3) Forage Crop Management Fall
AGRO 425 (3) Field Crop Management Spring
AN SC 107 (3) Intro to Equine Science and Industry Fall, Spring
AN SC 211 (3) Introduction to Avian Biology Spring
AN SC 213 (3) Introduction to Animal Biotechnology Fall
AN SC 215 (GS) (3) Pets in Society Summer, Fall, Spring
AN SC 217 (2) Introduction to Horse Judging Fall, Spring
AN SC 225 (1) Introduction to Dairy Judging Spring
AN SC 226 (2) Meat Selection and Grading Spring
AN SC 305 (3) Companion Animal Nutrition and Management Fall
AN SC 306 (3) Swine Production and Management Fall
AN SC 308 (3) Sheep and Goat Production and Management Spring (even years)
AN SC 309 (4) Beef Cattle Production and Management Spring
AN SC 310 (3) Dairy Cattle Production and Management Spring
AN SC 311 (3) Poultry Production and Management Fall
AN SC 315 (3) Small Animal Health Spring
AN SC 317 (3) Horse Handling and Training Spring
AN SC 324 (3) Value Determination of Meat Animals Fall
AN SC 327 (4) Horse Production and Management Fall
AN SC 332N (3) Science and Policy of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mgmt Fall
AN SC 350 (2) Dairy Problem Solving Spring
AN SC 410 (4) Advanced Dairy Herd Management Fall
AN SC 413 (3) Transgenic Biology Spring
AN SC 415 (3) Companion Animal Behavior Spring
AN SC (AGECO) (SOILS) 418 (3) Nutrient Management in Agricultural Systems Fall
AN SC 419 (3)** Applied Animal Welfare Fall
AN SC 420 (4) Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Spring
AN SC 421 (3)* Poultry Evaluation and Selection Spring
AN SC 422 (3)** Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Selection Spring
AN SC 423 (3) Comparative Physiology of Domestic Animals Spring
AN SC 424 (3)* Livestock Breeding Evaluation and Selection Spring
AN SC (VB SC) 425 (3) Principles of Avian Diseases Fall
AN SC 426 (2)* Advanced Judging and Selection Fall
AN SC 427 (3) Milk Secretion Spring
AN SC 429 (3) Advanced Beef Cattle Production Fall
AN SC 431 (4) Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction Fall
AN SC 432 (1) Techniques in Cattle Reproduction Fall
AN SC 437 (3) Equine Facilitated Therapy Fall (even years)
AN SC 447 (GN) (3) Equine Exercise Physiology Fall
AN SC 450 (3) Dairy Farm Management Systems Spring
AN SC 451 (1-2) Dairy Systems Analysis Fall, Spring
AN SC 457 (3) Equine Reproduction and Breeding Farm Management Fall
AN SC 467 (3)** Equine Nutrition and Feeding Spring
FD SC 200 (3) Introductory Food Science Fall
FD SC 408 (2) Applied Food Microbiology Fall
FD SC 409 (3)** Laboratory in Applied Food Microbiology Fall
FD SC 415 (3) Science and Technology of Muscle Foods Spring
SOILS 101 (GN) (3) Introduction to Soils Fall, Spring
VB SC 403 (3) Principles of Animal Disease Fall
VB SC 402 (ENT) (3)** Biology of Animal Parasites Spring
VB SC 405 (3) Laboratory Animal Science Spring
VB SC 407 (2) Dairy Herd Health Programs Spring
VB SC 420 (3) General Animal Pathology Fall
VB SC 423 (3)** Pathology of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases Fall
WFS 407 (3) Ornithology Spring
WFS 408 (3) Mammalogy Spring
WFS 430 (3) Wildlife Biology Fall
WFS 447(3)** Wildlife Management Fall
WFS 460 (3) Wildlife Behavior Fall
*Cannot count as supporting production courses and fulfill communication skills requirement.
**Writing Across the Curriculum. Required to complete 3 credits within the College.
Name Address Telephone(814) Email Address Interest Area
Paul Bartell 301A FRL 863-2101 [email protected] Avian Biology
John Boney 318 Ag Sc In 863-8934 [email protected] Poultry
Phillip Clauer 319 Ag Sc In 863-8960 [email protected] Poultry
Rachel Cloninger** 346 Ag Sc In 863-4198 [email protected] Animal Science
Chad Dechow Almquist Res. Cen. 863-3659 [email protected] Dairy, Genetics
Francisco Diaz 313 FRL 865-1499 [email protected] Reproductive Biology
Nancy Dreschel 312 Ag Sc In 863-4197 [email protected] Small Animals/Behavior
Brian Egan 348 Ag Sc In 863-0569 beg[email protected] Horses
Robert Elkin 323 Ag Sc In 863-2102 [email protected] Nutritional Biochemistry
Tara Felix 351 Ag Sc In 865-0065 [email protected] Beef Nutrition
Kevin Harvatine 321 Ag Sc In 865-6334 [email protected] Nutritional Physiology
Elizabeth Hines 315 Ag Sc In 865-3267 [email protected] Swine
Lisa Holden 339 Ag Sc In 863-3672 [email protected] Dairy
Alexander Hristov 352 Ag Sc In 863-3669 [email protected] Dairy Nutrition
Virginia Ishler 343 Ag Sc In 863-3912 [email protected] Dairy
Dan Kniffen 320 Ag Sc In 865-7809 dknif[email protected] Beef Cattle
Andrea Kocher 314 Ag Sc In 863-3957 [email protected] Horses
Ann Macrina 332 Ag Sc In 863-4202 Horses, Lactation
Gino Lorenzoni 306 Ag Sc In 863-7302 [email protected] Poultry
Wansheng Liu 310 FRL 867-1673 [email protected] Genomics
Robert Mikesell* 345 Ag Sc In 865-2987 [email protected] Beef and Swine
Edward Mills 350 Ag Sc In 865-2394 em[email protected] Muscle Foods
Dale Olver 349 Ag Sc In 863-3914 [email protected] Dairy
Troy Ott 319 FRL 441-2657 [email protected] Reproductive Biology
Joy Pate 320 FRL 863-0558 [email protected] Reproductive Biology
Ramesh Molecular
Ramachandran 301B FRL 865-5202 [email protected] Neuroendocrinology
Danielle Smarsh 315 Ag Sc In 865-7810 [email protected] Horses
Burt Staniar 316 Ag Sc In 865-0698 [email protected] Horses
Jacob Werner 101 Central Bio Lab 865-1495 [email protected] Veterinary Medicine
Ben Williamson 307 Ag Sc In 867-4917 [email protected] Livestock
*Animal Science Program Coordinator
**Animal Science Advising Coordinator
Administrative Support Assistants
Molly Martin 335B Ag Sc In 863-3664 [email protected]
Cathy Walker 335B Ag Sc In 865-7638 [email protected]
Animal Science Minor
Department of Animal Science
The Animal Science minor is designed for
students who wish to supplement their academic
major with studies in animal science.
Students are required to complete a minimum of
20 credits, at least six of which must be at the 400
level. A grade of C or better must be obtained in
each course in order to complete the minor. The
core of prescribed courses develops a foundation
in the various basic disciplines of animal science.
Additional courses may be selected by the student
to emphasize the production/management of beef
cattle, companion animals, dairy cattle, horses,
poultry, sheep, or swine, or to emphasize
genetics, nutrition or physiology.
Prescribed courses:
AN SC 201(4): Animal Science
AN SC 290(1): Careers in Animal
AN SC 207(2): (FD SC) Animal Products
Technology AND
AN SC 208(1): (FD SC) Animal Products
Technology Lab OR
AN SC 300(GN)(3): Integrated Animal Biology
AN SC 301(3): Principles of Animal
Additional Courses:
The student must select 3 credits from the following list:
AN SC 305(3): Companion Animal Nutrition
AN SC 306(3): Swine Production and Management
AN SC 308(3): Sheep and Goat Production and Mgmt.
AN SC 309(4): Beef Cattle Production and Management
AN SC 310(3): Dairy Cattle Production and Mgmt.
AN SC 311(4): Poultry Production and Management
AN SC 327(4): Horse Production and Management
The student must select, in consultation with the
Undergraduate Program Coordinator, at least 6 credits at
the 400 level from the following list:
AN SC 410(4): Advanced Dairy Herd Management
AN SC 413(3): Transgenic Biology
AN SC 415(3): Companion Animal Behavior
AN SC 418(3): Nutrient Management in
Agricultural Systems
AN SC 419W(3): Applied Animal Welfare
AN SC 420(4): Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
AN SC 421(3): Poultry Evaluation and Selection
AN SC 422W(3): Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Selection
AN SC 423(3): Comparative Physiology of Domestic
AN SC 424(3): Livestock Breeding Evaluation and
AN SC 425(3): (VB SC) Principles of Avian Diseases
AN SC 426(2): Advanced Judging and Selection
AN SC 427(3): Milk Secretion
AN SC 429(3): Advanced Beef Cattle Production
AN SC 431(4): Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
AN SC 432(1): Techniques in Cattle Reproduction
AN SC 437(3): Equine Facilitated Therapy
AN SC 450(3): Dairy Farm Management Systems
AN SC 447(3): Equine Exercise Physiology
AN SC 457(3): Equine Reprod. and Breeding Farm
AN SC 467W(3): Equine Nutrition and Feeding
Procedures for Enrollment
Students enroll in the minor via LionPATH after they have completed 60 or more credits. For additional information
contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Robert E. Mikesell, 345 Ag Sc In Building, University Park, PA
16802, phone (814) 865-2987. Email address:
Equine Science Minor
Department of Animal Science
The Equine Science Minor is designed for students
who wish to supplement their academic major with
studies in equine science.
Students are required to complete a minimum of 21
credits, at least 6 of which must be at the 400 level.
A grade of C or better must be obtained in each
course in order to complete the minor. The core of
prescribed courses develops a foundation in the
basic discipline of animal science and equine
science. Additional courses may be selected by the
student to emphasize other special areas of interest.
Prescribed Courses: (all must be taken)
AN SC 107(3) FA/SP Introduction to Equine
Science and Industry
AN SC 201(4) FA/SP Animal Science
AN SC 217(2) FA/SP Introduction to Horse
AN SC 327(4) FA Horse Production and
Additional Courses: (take 3 credits)
ANSC 437(3) FA* Equine Facilitated Therapy
ANSC 447(3) FA Equine Exercise
ANSC 457(3) FA Equine Reproduction and
Breeding Farm
ANSC 467(3)** SP Equine Nutrition and
Additional Courses: (take 6-7 credits of which 3 or
more must be at the 400 level)
Cannot be used elsewhere in minor
AN SC 117 (2) SP Equine Marketing
ANSC 317(3) SP Horse Handling and
ANSC 415(3) SP Companion Animal
ANSC 418(3) FA Nutrient Management in
Agricultural Systems
ANSC 419(3)** FA Applied Animal Welfare
ANSC 420(4) SP Animal Nutrition and
Feed Technology
ANSC 423(3) SP Comparative Physiology
of Domestic Animals
ANSC 427(3) SP Milk Secretion
ANSC 431(4) FA Physiology of Animal
ANSC 437(3) FA* Equine Facilitated
ANSC 447(3) FA Equine Exercise
AN SC 457(3) FA Equine Reproduction and
Breeding Farm
AN SC 467(3)** SP Equine Nutrition and
AGRO 423(3) FA Forage Crop
VBSC 403(3) FA Principles of Animal
*offered in even numbered years
**Writing Across the Curriculum designation
Procedure for Enrollment
Students enroll in the minor in LionPATH after completing at least 27.1 credits or after being accepted into a major.
For additional information, please contact the Program Coordinator, Ann Macrina, 322 Ag Sc In Building, University
Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-4202, al[email protected]du.
Preparing for an Equine Science Minor
Once you have completed 27.1 credits or have entered a major, you are eligible to enroll in the Equine Science
minor. This information is intended to answer your questions related to things to do and courses you might take
while you are waiting to get to this point. Remember, as you proceed, that you must achieve a minimum grade
of a C for all courses in the minor.
Courses to take/things to do
Courses to take:
AN SC 107 (FA/SP)
Things to do:
Email Ann Macrina (alm[email protected]) and ask to be added to the
Canvas Equine Minor Group as a pre-minor
Consider finding a club or activity you enjoy. Equine-related choices
o Block & Bridle Equine Committee
o Collegiate Horsemen’s Association at Penn State
o Penn State Equine Research Team
o Penn State Equestrian Team
o Penn State Dressage Team
o Penn State Western Team
Courses to take:
AN SC 217 (FA/SP)
AN SC 117 (SP)
Things to do:
Continue your club/activity
Check the Canvas site for possible internships or summer job ideas, but
also look on your own
3 or 4
Courses to take:
AN SC 201 (FA/SP) pre-requisite for AN SC 327
Things to do:
Become a committee chair or officer in your club/activity
Courses to take:
Catch up on any courses not previously taken
Department of Animal Science
College of Agricultural Sciences
The Poultry and Avian Science (P A S) Minor is designed
for students who wish to supplement their academic major
with studies focused on the biology and management of
avian species, with an emphasis on domestic fowl. In
recognition of the diverse career opportunities in the
modern poultry and game bird industries, the minor is
designed to also accommodate students with primary
interests in agribusiness management, food science, and
wildlife science. The University’s Poultry Education and
Research Center is used extensively for supplementing
classroom work with hands-on laboratories. The flexibility
of the minor permits program planning commensurate with
an individual’s interests and professional goals and should
enhance the student’s ability to compete for related
positions in industry, government, and academia (graduate
or professional school).
Students are required to complete a minimum of 19 credits
(9 at the 400 level). The three prescribed courses provide
a foundation of knowledge pertaining to both avian
sciences and the commercial poultry industry, while
additional courses selected by the student will allow for
further specialization in the foundation animal science
disciplines, agribusiness management, food science, and
wildlife and fisheries science. In addition, credits from
poultry or avian internship experiences and/or independent
study projects may also be applied towards meeting the
requirements of the minor. A grade of C or better is
required for all courses in the minor.
AN SC 211(3): Introduction to Avian Biology
(Sem: 1-4)
AN SC 311(4): Poultry Production and Management
(Sem: 5-7)
AN SC 425(3): Principles of Avian Diseases
(Sem: 6-8)
The student must select 3 credits from the
AG BM 302(3): Food Product Marketing
AG BM 338(3): Agribusiness in the Global Economy
AN SC 207(2): Animal Products Technology
AN SC 208(1): Animal Products Technology
AN SC 300(3): Integrated Animal Biology
AN SC 301(3): Principles of Animal Nutrition
AN SC 322 (3): Animal Genetics and Selection
*AN SC 395(1-3): Animal Science Internship
W F S 300(2): The Vertebrates
W F S 301(2): Vertebrate Laboratory
The student must select 6 credits from the
AG BM 407(3): Farm Planning and Financial
AG BM 408(3): Financial Decision Making for
AG BM 420(3): Agribusiness Markets and Prices
AG BM 460(3): Managing the Food System
AN SC 418(3): Nutrient Management in Agricultural
AN SC 420(4): Animal Nutrition and Feed
AN SC 421(3): Poultry Evaluation and Selection
AN SC 423(3): Comparative Physiology of Domestic
*AN SC 496(3): Independent Studies
FD SC 408(2): Food Microbiology
FD SC 409W(3): Laboratory in Food Microbiology
FD SC 411(2): Managing Food Quality
FD SC 415(3): Science and Technology of Muscle
VB SC 420(3): General Animal Pathology
WFS 406(1): Ornithology Laboratory
WFS 407(3): Ornithology
WFS 447W(3): Wildlife Management
*AN SC 395 and AN SC 496 must have a poultry
or avian biology emphasis
Students can enroll via LionPATH any time after they have achieved at least fifth semester
classification, but not later than the end of the sixth week of the student's final semester.
Contact Dr. Robert G. Elkin ([email protected]) to further discuss requirements for the minor.
Animal Science 100 INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL INDUSTRIES (3). Students will study the biology,
production systems, terminology, and emerging issues of the N. American animal industries.
Instructor: R. Mikesell
Animal Science 107 INTRODUCTION TO EQUINE SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY (3). Prepare students to
proceed into further studies in equine science by providing background to communicate
effectively with educators and industry. Instructors: W. B. Staniar & A. Kocher.
Animal Science 117 EQUINE MARKETING (2). Principles of marketing and event planning including
marketing systems, advertising, management systems, team building and other aspects of
conducting a purebred livestock sale. Students learn through the planning and conducting of
the annual Penn State Equine Science Showcase and Registered Quarter Horse Sale.
Instructor: B. Egan.
Animal Science 150S ANIMAL SCIENCE FRESHMEN SEMINAR (2). Students will engage in college
success strategies including time management, advising resources, University
practices, policies and procedures, as well as campus resources and opportunities.
Students will explore Penn State's animal facilities and interact with peers and faculty
while building research, oral, and written communication skills. Instructors: R.
Cloninger, R. Mikesell, D. Olver, and D. Smarsh.
Animal Science 201 ANIMAL SCIENCE (4). Scope of animal and poultry science; genetic, physiological,
nutritional, and health factors in food production. Instructor: D. Olver.
Animal Science 202W CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE (3). This course will be
designed to give students focused on animal science and agriculture the necessary skill set to
not only identify issues with in the discipline but to source, cite, and write about those issues
in the field of study as well. The course will emphasize the discussion and written work of
contemporary or emerging issues in animal agriculture. It will involve self, peer, and
instructor evaluations of writing over the course of the semester. Instructors: W.B. Staniar, T.
Felix, E. Hines, & J. Boney.
Animal Science 207 AN SC 207 (FD SC 207) ANIMAL PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY (2). Composition,
safety, palatability, preservation, and processing of foods from animals, impact of animal
production, and handling practices on product properties. Instructor: E. W. Mills.
Harvesting and processing of foods from animals; hands-on and demonstration exercises;
industry procedures for processing meat, milk, and egg products. Prerequisite or concurrent:
AN SC 207. Instructor: E. W. Mills.
Animal Science 211 INTRODUCTION TO AVIAN BIOLOGY (3). Introduces the biology of birds; lectures,
laboratories on anatomy and function, incubation, breeding, disease control, management
techniques and student projects. Prerequisite or concurrent: BIOL 110.
Instructor: P. A. Bartell.
Animal Science 213 INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY (3). An introduction to the
multidisciplinary area of animal biotechnology: from molecular, genetic, genomics and
development issues to their technological applications. Prerequisites: AN SC 201, BIOL 110,
CHEM 110, CHEM 112. Instructor: W. Liu.
Animal Science 215 (GS) PETS IN SOCIETY (3) Introduction to the varied roles that companion animals play in
human society and their impact on human activity and well-being. Instructor: N. A.
Animal Science 217 INTRODUCTION TO HORSE JUDGING (2). Introductory analysis of halter and
performance classes of stock-type horses, with emphasis on conformation, gaits, patterns, and
oral reasons. Instructors: C. Grant (Fall) & B. A. Egan (Spring).
Animal Science 225 INTRODUCTION TO DAIRY JUDGING (1). Training in the visual evaluation of
dairy cattle and practice in defending decisions through oral reasons.
Instructor: D. Olver.
Animal Science 226 MEAT SELECTION AND GRADING (2). Training in identifying, grading, and judging
carcasses and wholesale cuts of meat and in selection and identification of specification cuts.
Prerequisite: AN SC 201. Instructor: J. Campbell
Animal Science 290 CAREERS IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE (1). A description and analysis of career
opportunities in the animal science and allied industries. Instructors: R. Mikesell, R.
Cloninger, & A. Kocher.
Animal Science 291 EXTERNSHIP WITH ANIMAL SCIENCE BUSINESS (1-2). Students will obtain a one-
week on site work experience with an animal-related agribusiness.
Instructors: R. Mikesell and R. Cloninger.
Animal Science 296 INDEPENDENT STUDIES (1-18). Career projects or studies which are supervised on an
individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal classes. Dairy and Animal
Science majors may apply a total of six credits of Animal Science 296 to the total credits
required for graduation. This course may not be used for specific course requirements in
the Animal Science major. In order to pursue an independent study, the student must
contact the faculty member and reach a mutual agreement regarding the topic, number
of credits and mode of conduct. The student must complete a Course Proposal Form
and return the form to the Department Office during the first five days of classes. Any
faculty member may work with any student. Coordinator: R. Mikesell.
Animal Science 297 SPECIAL TOPICS (1-9). Formal courses offered infrequently on a topic or special interest
subject. Coordinator: R. Mikesell.
Animal Science 300 INTEGRATED ANIMAL BIOLOGY (3). An integrated study of the biology of domestic
animal growth and the underlying cellular, endocrine, and immune systems involved.
Prerequisites: BIOL 110; at least third semester standing. Instructors: F. Diaz and E. Hines.
Animal Science 301 PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION (3). Nutrients and their metabolism; the
nutritional requirements of livestock; the nutritional value of various feeds; principles of
ration formulation. Prerequisite: CHEM 202, CHEM 210. Instructors: K. Harvatine and T.
Animal Science 305 COMPANION ANIMAL NUTRITION AND MANAGEMENT (3). Principles of care and
nutrition and contemporary importance of companion animals with emphasis on canine and feline
species. Prerequisite: AN SC 201. Instructor: N. A. Dreschel.
Animal Science 306 SWINE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (3). Application of the principles of
enterprise and facility development, operations management, quality control, public relations,
marketing for the efficient operation of a swine production business. Prerequisite: AN SC
201. Instructor: E. Hines.
Animal Science 308 SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (3). Application of
principles of nutrition, breeding, physiology, health, facilities, marketing, and product
development, to animal production agriculture. Prerequisite: AN SC 201. Instructor: T. Ott
Animal Science 309 BEEF CATTLE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (4). Application of principles of
nutrition, breeding, physiology, health, facilities, and marketing to produce and manage beef
efficiently. Prerequisite: AN SC 201. Instructor: D. M. Kniffen.
Animal Science 310 DAIRY CATTLE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (3). Principles of dairy
management including the dairy industry, reproduction and housing. Prerequisite: AN SC
201. Instructors: A. J. Heinrichs, D. R. Olver, T. Edwards, and T. Ott.
Animal Science 311 POULTRY PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (4). The application of fundamental
concepts and preparation for careers in the economically integrated commercial poultry
industry. Prerequisite: AN SC 201. Instructor: J. Boney.
Animal Science 315 SMALL ANIMAL HEALTH AND DISEASE (3). Introduction to the principles of small
animal health, including the recognition, prevention and control of common small animal
diseases. Prerequisite: MICRB 106 or MICRB 201. Instructor: J. B. Werner.
Animal Science 317 HORSE HANDLING AND TRAINING (3). Responses of horses to various stimuli during
the training period. Laboratory exercises involve extensive practice with young horses.
Prerequisites: AN SC 327 and approved level of horsemanship. Instructor: B. A. Egan.
Animal Science 322 ANIMAL GENETICS AND SELECTION (3). The fundamental principles of genetics as
applied to breeding farm animals. Instructor: C. D. Dechow.
Animal Science 324 VALUE DETERMINATION OF MEAT ANIMALS (3). Live Animal and carcass
evaluation of cattle, sheep, and swine to determine value of market animals and meat
products. Instructor: B. Williamson.
Animal Science 327 HORSE PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (4). Principles of selection, breeding,
feeding, management and marketing of horses; emphasis on light leg horses. Prerequisite:
AN SC 201. Instructors: B. A. Egan & W. B. Staniar.
Animal Science 346 ANIMAL ENTERPRISE ANALYSIS (3). Evaluating livestock operations within and
across enterprises has become a vital skill to being profitable today. The nexus of financial
performance and production management is the catalyst to profitable and sustainable
operations. Concurrent: ANSC 201. Instructors: L.A. Holden & R. Goodling.
Animal Science 350 DAIRY PROBLEM SOLVING (2). Students will use dairy records to analyze herd
performance in order to identify bottlenecks for higher productivity. Prerequisite or
concurrent: AN SC 310. Instructor: C. D. Dechow.
Animal Science 357 EQUINE BROODMARE & FOAL CARE (3). This course is an in depth study of late
gestation broodmares, fetal development, pre-foaling indicators of readiness for birth,
and post-partum care and management of the mare and foal. Students completing this
course should be well prepared to be employed on breeding farms as broodmare or
foaling. Prerequisite: AN SC 327. Instructors: B. Egan & E. Jedrzejewski.
Animal Science 395 ANIMAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP (1-12). Supervised field experience and study related
to the student's major professional interest. Written and oral critique of the activity is
required. Prerequisites: Dairy and Animal Science majors who have a GPA of 2.0 or higher,
completed 6 credits in their major field of study and have obtained permission of their faculty
advisor and course instructor. Coordinator: P. Clauer.
Animal Science 410 ADVANCED DAIRY HERD MANAGEMENT (4). Application of dairy herd
management principles using case studies and actual dairy farm situations. Students will be
required to seek solutions to problems and to make management decisions using actual dairy
farms and/or case studies. Prerequisite: AN SC 310. Instructors: L. Holden, A. Hristov, and
T. Ott.
Animal Science 413 TRANSGENIC BIOLOGY (3). The principles and concepts used to generate genetically
engineered animals by pronuclear, knockout, and cloning methods; and applied
biotechnology applications. Prerequisite: B M B 211 or BIOL 230W and AN SC 322 or
BIOL 222. Instructor: T.H. Kim
Animal Science 415 COMPANION ANIMAL BEHAVIOR (3). Detailed study of companion animal behavior;
including individual, developmental, and environmental bases of behavior with applied
demonstration and discussion. Prerequisite: BIOL 110. Instructor: N. A. Dreschel.
Animal Science 418 AN SC 418 (AGEC 418) and (SOILS 418) NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN
AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS (3). Comprehensive review of nutrient flow in animal
agricultural systems, environmental regulations, and environmental stewardship practices.
Instructors: R. Meinen & C. White.
Animal Science 419W APPLIED ANIMAL WELFARE (3). Assessment of management practices impacting
animal welfare; devoted to livestock species, companion animals, captive exotic species, and
animals in research. Prerequisite: AN SC 201 or 6 credits of biology. Instructor: A. Macrina.
Animal Science 420 ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED TECHNOLOGY (4). Feedstuff evaluation, quality
control, handling, storage; life cycle feeding of beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, swine, horses,
and poultry. Prerequisite: AN SC 301. Instructors: A. Hristov, W. B. Staniar, T. Felix, R.
Elkin, & R. Mikesell.
Animal Science 421 POULTRY EVALUATION AND SELECTION (3) Introduction and application of
standards and principles used to evaluate live poultry and poultry products. Prerequisite:
permission of program. Instructors: P. Clauer.
Animal Science 422W DAIRY CATTLE EVALUATION AND SELECTION (3). Methods used in evaluation of
production and type traits and their role in selecting dairy breeding stock domestically and
internationally. Prerequisite: AN SC 322. Instructors: D. R. Olver and C. D. Dechow.
approach to understanding body function in domesticated avian and mammalian species.
Prerequisite: BIOL 110. Instructor: A. G. Lorenzoni.
Animal Science 424 LIVESTOCK BREEDING EVALUATION AND SELECTION (3). Evaluation and selection
of beef cattle, sheep, and swine: critical analysis of performance records and genetic evaluations.
Prerequisite: AN SC 324. Instructor: B. Williamson.
Animal Science 425 AN SC 425 (VB SC 425) PRINCIPLES OF AVIAN DISEASES (3). Principles of
pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of diseases in poultry and other avian populations.
Prerequisites: AN SC 201, BIOL 110, 4 credits in microbiology and 3 credits in anatomy
and/or physiology. Instructor: A. G. Lorenzoni.
Animal Science 426 ADVANCED JUDGING AND SELECTION (2-4). Development of critical thinking and
communication skills through evaluation and selection of animals and animal products.
Prerequisites: AN SC 322; Instructor approval. Instructors: D. Olver, B. A. Egan, B.
Williamson, P. J. Clauer, and J. Campbell.
Animal Science 427 MILK SECRETION (3). Development and physiology of the mammary gland and factors
which affect the amount and composition of milk produced. Prerequisites: AN SC 201
Instructor: A. Macrina.
Animal Science 429 ADVANCED BEEF CATTLE PRODUCTION (3). Application of scientific and business
principles to practical production and management issues using case studies or selected live
settings. Prerequisite: AN SC 309. Instructor: D. Kniffen.
Animal Science 431 PHYSIOLOGY OF MAMMALIAN REPRODUCTION (3). Physiological processes of
reproduction in animals, including the use of current and emerging technologies.
Prerequisite: 3 credits in animal physiology. Instructor: T. Ott.
Animal Science 432 TECHNIQUES IN CATTLE REPRODUCTION (1). Demonstration and practice in
estrus detection, inseminating techniques, pregnancy detection, embryo recovery and transfer
methods. Prerequisite or concurrent: AN SC 309 or 310. Instructor: R. Cloninger.
Animal Science 437 AN SC 437 and (AEE 437). EQUINE FACILITATED THERAPY (3). Equine
Facilitated Therapy uses equine-related activities to contribute positively to the
wellbeing of people with disabilities. Prerequisite: AN SC 327. Instructor: A. Macrina.
Animal Science 447 EQUINE EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY (3). Course is an in depth examination of the topic
of equine exercise physiology. It covers anatomy and basic physiology of pertinent body
systems in the first third of the semester, management, training, and therapy responses in the
middle third, and examples of application in the equine industry in the last third. Instructor:
D. Smarsh.
Animal Science 450 DAIRY FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (3). Capstone course emphasizing
integration of dairy farm management principles into whole farm systems. Prerequisites: AN
SC 310, AN SC 350, AN SC 410. Instructor: L. A. Holden.
Animal Science 451 DAIRY SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (1). Students will evaluate all aspects of a working dairy
farm business. Prerequisites: AN SC 310, AN SC 410. Instructors: L. A. Holden and V.
Advanced aspects of equine reproduction will be covered, including collection of semen,
processing it for shipment, and insemination of mares. Prerequisites: AN SC 327. Instructor:
E. Jedrzejewski.
Animal Science 467W EQUINE NUTRITION AND FEEDING (3). Equine gastrointestinal anatomy and
physiology; energy and nutrient requirements for body functions; applied interrelationships
between nutrition, health, and performance. Prerequisite: AN SC 301. Instructor: W. B.
Animal Science 494 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH (1-6 per semester/maximum of 6) Independent
undergraduate research directed by an Animal Science faculty supervisor. Prerequisite: junior
or senior status approval of an Animal Science faculty supervisor and approval of the
Undergraduate Program Coordinator. Coordinator: R. Mikesell
Animal Science 496 INDEPENDENT STUDIES (1-18). Creative projects or studies which are supervised on an
individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses. Animal Science majors
may apply a total of six credits of AN SC 496 to the total credits required for graduation.
This course may not be used for specific course requirements in the Animal Sciences
major. In order to pursue an independent study, the student must contact the faculty
member and reach a mutual agreement regarding the topic, number of credits and
mode of conduct. The student then notifies the course coordinator regarding the
agreement in order to facilitate record keeping. Any faculty member may work with
any student. The coordinator serves as a focal point for communications and records.
The student is required to complete a Course Proposal Form. Prerequisites: 6 credits
in animal science. Coordinator: R. Mikesell
Animal Science 497 SPECIAL TOPICS (1-9). Formal courses offered infrequently on a topic or special interest
subject. Prerequisite: 3 credits in animal science. Coordinator: R. Mikesell
Animal Science 499 FOREIGN STUDIES (1-12).
AN SC Courses (credits) Title Semester Offered
100 (3) Introduction to Animal Industries Spring
107 (3) Introduction to Equine Science and Industry Fall/Spring
117(2) Equine Marketing Spring
201 (4) Animal Science Fall/Spring
202W (3) Contemporary Issues in Animal Agriculture Fall/Spring
207 (2) (FD SC) Animal Products Technology Fall
208 (1) (FD SC) Animal Products Technology Laboratory Fall/Spring
211 (3) Introduction to Avian Biology Spring
213 (3) Introduction to Animal Biotechnology Fall
215 (3) (GS) Pets in Society Fall/Spring
217 (2) Introduction to Horse Judging Fall
225 (1) Introduction to Dairy Judging Spring
226 (2) Meat Selection and Grading Spring
290 (1) Careers in Animal Agriculture Fall
291(1-2) Externship with Animal Science Business Spring
300 (3) Integrated Animal Biology Spring
301 (3) Principles of Animal Nutrition Fall/Spring
305 (3) Companion Animal Nutrition and Management Fall
306 (3) Swine Production and Management Fall (odd years)
308 (3) Sheep and Goat Production and Management Spring (even years)
309 (4) Beef Cattle Production and Management Spring
310 (3) Dairy Cattle Production and Management Spring
311 (4) Poultry Production and Management Fall
315 (3) Small Animal Health and Disease Spring
317 (3) Horse Handling and Training Spring
322 (3) Animal Genetics and Selection Fall
324 (3) Value Determination of Meat Animals Fall
327 (3) Horse Production and Management Fall
346 (3) Animal Enterprise Analysis Spring
350 (2) Dairy Problem Solving Spring
395 (1-12) Animal Science Internship All
410 (4) Advanced Dairy Herd Management Fall
413 (3) Transgenic Biology Spring
415 (3) Companion Animal Behavior Spring
418 (3) (AGECO and SOILS) Nutrient Management in Agricultural Systems Fall
419W (3) Applied Animal Welfare Fall
420 (4) Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology Spring
421 (3) Poultry Evaluation and Selection Spring
422W (3) Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Selection Spring
423 (3) Comparative Physiology of Domestic Animals Spring
424 (3) Livestock Breeding Evaluation and Selection Spring
425 (3) (VB SC) Principles of Avian Diseases Fall
426 (2) Advanced Judging and Selection Fall/Spring
427 (3) Milk Secretion Spring
429 (3) Advance Beef Cattle Production Fall
431(4) Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction Fall
432 (1) Techniques in Cattle Reproduction Fall
437 (3) Equine Facilitated Therapy Fall (even years)
447 (3) Equine Exercise Physiology Fall
450 (3) Dairy Farm Management Systems Spring
451 (1) Dairy Systems Analysis Fall/Spring
457 (3) Equine Reproduction and Breeding Farm Management Fall
467W(3) Equine Nutrition and Feeding Spring
Penn State recognizes that extracurricular activities contribute to the development of a well-rounded individual. The
University provides many opportunities for entertainment, supplemental education, or involvement. Within the Penn State
system there are some 400 student organizations.
The Penn State Chapter of the National Block and Bridle Club is open to any Penn State student with an interest in the
animal sciences industry. Exciting club activities include the welcome back picnic, club calf sale, industry tours, and the
fall and spring meat sales. The club also holds an annual "Beef up the Blood Supply" spring blood drive and also collects
"Blood for Bats" for the Philadelphia Zoo. Club members have a chance to travel to Harrisburg for the Keystone
International Livestock Exposition, to help with the judging contest. Each spring, the club holds the annual Little
International Livestock Exposition, where students have the opportunity to learn hands on how to prepare the exhibit
horses, sheep, swine and beef cattle. Every year the club participates in the National Block and Bridle
Convention. Previous conventions have been held in Texas, Missouri and Kentucky. Club meetings are held the first and
third Thursday of each month in 101 ASI Building. Advisers: Dr. Dan Kniffen, 320 ASI, 814-865-7809, Mr. Chris Grant
863-0834; Dr. Ed Mills 863-9415, & Mr. Ben Williamson 307 ASI, 814-867-4917.
The Collegiate Horsemen's Association of Penn State (CHAPS) is a club for all Penn State equine enthusiasts. It is an
affiliate chapter of the American Collegiate Horseman’s Association (ACHA) and as such participates in the national
convention each year, hosting the convention in 2009. Members participate in horse-related activities such as therapeutic
riding, horse rescue, clinics, expositions, horse shows, fun shows, trail rides, and socials. Many CHAPS members with
similar riding goals and interests form lesson groups. CHAPS meetings will be every other Tuesday’s of the month. Time
and location will be announced. Advisers: Mr. Brian Egan, 317 Henning, 863-0569; Ms. Andrea Kocher, 314 ASI, 863-
The Dairy Science Club is open to Penn State students from all colleges who have an interest in the dairy industry. Major
emphasis is placed on promotional, educational, and service events. Club activities are numerous and include the
Osteochallenge Walk/Run, Nittany Lion Fall Classic Holstein Consignment Sale, Holiday Cheesebox Sale, Dairy Days
Cow Camp, Meet-a-Cow Day, Spring Judging Contest, and the Dairy Exposition fitting and showmanship competition.
Club members travel to other states during the annual spring break trip. Recent domestic destinations included California,
Colorado, Arizona, and Washington. International destinations include Ireland, New Zealand, Argentina, and Costa Rica.
The Dairy Science Club has been recognized as the nation's outstanding student chapter by the American Dairy Science
Association many times over the last 10 years. The Penn State Dairy Science Club meets every other Wednesday evening
at 7:00 p.m. in 101 ASI Building. Advisers: Mr. Dale Olver, 319 Henning, 814-863-3914; Dr. Chad Dechow, 333
Henning, 814-863-3659.
The Penn State Poultry Science Club is open to any student with an interest in poultry and avian species. Emphasis is
placed on educational, service, and social events and activities. The two most anticipated events each year are the trip to
Atlanta for the International Poultry Trade Show and College Student Career Program and the Spring Banquet. Other
club activities include the fall and spring semester educational tours, community service projects (Thon, Heifer
International, and Easter baskets for the Food Bank), the fresh turkey sale at Thanksgiving and the smoked turkey sale at
Easter, helping at the PA Farm Show, and numerous social activities. The Poultry Science Club has been consistently
recognized nationally. The Club has won the National Scrapbook of the Year competitions and has been recognized as
the National Club of the Year numerous times. Check out our web page at
for more information. The Penn State Poultry Science Club typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each
month at 7:00 p.m. Come join us for dinner and a guest speaker. For more information, contact Phillip J. Clauer (814-
PRE-VET CLUB (sponsored by the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences)
The Pre-Vet Club is designed to allow students interested in veterinary medicine as a career to interact with each other,
and also to provide an opportunity to gain information and experiences relevant to veterinary medicine. The club meets
every other Monday evening during the regular academic year to discuss current and upcoming activities and events as
well as to listen to and interact with guest speakers from veterinary schools and hospitals. Recent activities have included
coordination of dog shows at the Ag Arena, medical assistance at an annual competitive equine trail ride, adoption of a
wolf at a wildlife preserve, and trips to the annual American PreVeterinary Medical Association (APVMA) meeting and
nearby veterinary schools. The club maintains a display case in the front lobby of the Henning Building which lists
current and future activities as well as officer names and addresses. For more information, contact Dr. Lester Griel at
(814) 865-7696 or
SEAC members concern themselves with current issues of animal welfare, care, and use. The purpose of this group is to
promote the improvement of animal welfare, increase the awareness of animal use in agriculture among students of the
University and the community, and bring about enhanced animal well-being. During the semester there are bimonthly
meetings that consist of a speaker on an area of interest to the group followed by a business meeting. Some of the club's
activities include animal-assisted therapy at local nursing homes and youth centers, volunteer at T&D Cats of the World
and Centre County PAWS, sponsoring the PAWS Pet Extravaganza. The club takes trips to research facilities, zoos, and
participates in service projects. They also participate in the PSU Dance Marathon-THON. The club is open to any
student with the desire to learn about the issues facing animal welfare today. SEAC meets every other Wednesday
evening at 8:00 p.m. in 324 ASI Building. Adviser: Dr. Nancy Dreschel, 312 ASI, 814-863-4197.
Penn State Collegiate Cattlewomen is a club available to students from any college who has an interest in cattle, both beef
and dairy. Major emphasis is placed on promotional activities, educational events, and social events that will forge a
closer bond among collegiate women with an interest in the animal industry. Important activities include the welcome
back picnic, farm and industry tours, Meat-In Day, and attendance to the National Cattleman's Beef Association Cattle
Industry Annual Convention and Trade Show, where the American National Cattlewomen hold their annual meeting.
CCW also works closely with Pennsylvania Cattlewomen in their efforts in promoting the beef industry. In order to better
endorse the beef industry, CCW will complete the Master of Beef Advocacy Program, a course that provides a chance to
improve our speaking skills and hone our public relations abilities. Cattlewomen club meetings are held the second and
fourth Thursdays of the month at 8 pm in 324 ASI. Advisers: Dr. Daniel Kniffen , 320 ASI, 814-865-7809; Mr. Ben
Williamson, 307 ASI, 814-867-4917.
The Penn State Equine Research Team is a club that is open to anyone with an interest in equine research. This team
presents an opportunity for undergraduate students to gain exposure to this field, as well as develop a basic understanding
of the "real world" of equine research. The meetings provide a setting for students with the same interests to engage in
informal and enlightening discussion of equine science. This club is also a great opportunity for students to learn about
graduate school opportunities here at Penn State, and across the country. Members will have the opportunity to help out
with research projects being carried out throughout the year, as well as gain hands on experience and insight into the
world of equine research. Equine Research Team meetings will be the 3
Tuesday of the month at 5:45 PM in 324 ASI.
Adviser: Dr. Burt Staniar, 316 ASI, 814-865-0698; Dr. Danielle Smarsh, 315 ASI, 814-865-7810.
The purpose of the Penn State Reproduction Research Team is to provide undergraduate students experience working
with dairy cattle, identifying signs of estrus and monitoring the health and welfare of cows. The Penn State Reproductive
Research Team’s main goal is to assist in observations of estrous behavior and general health checks of dairy cows used
for reproductive biology research. Each student will have the opportunity to interact with graduate students and
postdoctoral associates in reproductive biology at monthly meetings, learn about current research projects and why this
research is likely to benefit both agriculture and human medicine. Adviser: Dr. Joy Pate, 814-863-0558.
Penn State recognizes that extracurricular competitive events contribute to the development of a well-rounded individual. The
University provides many opportunities for entertainment, supplemental education, or involvement. Within the Penn State's
College of Agricultural Sciences there are approximately 8 competitive teams, 5 of which have their foundation in the Animal
The Dairy Cattle Judging Team is selected from interested students who attend practices throughout the spring and summer.
Four student judges make up the Penn State team. Contest opportunities include the Eastern States Exposition, Springfield,
MA; PA All-American Dairy Show, Harrisburg; and World Dairy Exposition, Madison, Wisconsin. A second team participates
at the North American Livestock Exposition Contest in Louisville, KY. Intensive training sessions are held at the Maryland
State Fair and at farms around the nation. Contestants place classes, give reasons, and meet students from other universities.
For more information, contact Mr. Dale Olver at (814) 863-3914 or [email protected].
The Penn State Meat Judging Team is open to any student within the College or University who has a desire to learn more about
the selection and grading techniques used to place monetary value on commodities in the meat industry. Students interested in
the team should enroll in AN SC 226-Meat Selection & Grading (spring). This course is an introduction to meat judging and
explains the factors and terminology associated with evaluation of beef, pork and lamb. Those enrolled in the spring course will
be eligible for the one intercollegiate spring contest that Penn State University competes in. Those completing the AN SC 226
course will then be eligible for AN SC 426-Advanced Judging and Selection (fall). The team of four to seven students
competes at three national intercollegiate contests annually in the following rotation: Southeastern, Columbus, OH &
Lexington, KY (2-day contest in April); Eastern National, Wyalusing, PA (October); International, Dakota City, NE
(November). Unlike various other judging teams, meat judging focuses on written communication (reasons) to defend
decisions made in placing a class of beef, pork or lamb. Institutional meat purchasing specifications of the three species are also
a valuable component to understanding what meat commodities are available to the consumer. For more information, please
contact Dr. Jonathan Campbell at (814) 867-2880 or j[email protected].
Members of the Penn State Horse Judging Team are selected from those students who have demonstrated their ability and
interest in applying the “form and function” to selection of American Quarter Horses. Students interested in the team should
enroll in AN SC 217-Introduction to Horse Judging (spring) prior to enrolling in AN SC 426-Advanced Judging and Selection
(fall) and competing for a position on the team. The four member team and one alternate compete at the All-American Quarter
Horse Congress, Columbus, OH, and The World Quarter Horse Show in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Contestants place and
give reasons on both halter and performance classes. Further practice in judging can be obtained in AN SC 327 and in special
sessions scheduled for students interested in contest competition. For more information, contact Mr. Brian Egan at (814) 863-
0569 or
The Penn State Livestock Judging Team is open to any student within the University who has a sincere interest in the
improvement of meat animals utilizing modern techniques of evaluation and methods of selection. Students interested in the
team should enroll in AN SC 324-Value Determination of Meat Animals (fall) and AN SC 424-Livestock Breeding, Evaluation
and Selection (spring) prior to enrolling in AN SC 426-Advanced Judging and Selection (fall) and competing for a position on
the team. The team of five to ten competes at four regional contests and two national intercollegiate contests: All-East, various
universities east of the Mississippi; Keystone International, Harrisburg, PA; Main Event, Dayton, OH; American Royal, Kansas
City, MO; and North American International at Louisville, KY. Students judge market and breeding beef cattle, sheep and
swine, and provide oral reasons on selected classes. Performance records are incorporated in a variety of classes. For more
information, contact Mr. Ben Williamson at (814) 865-1362 or bcw1[email protected].
The Penn State Poultry Judging Team gives students the opportunity to attend two events per year. These poultry judging events
consist of table egg quality, meat-carcass quality, breeder performance, and breed phenotype characteristics. The fall contest is held in
Arkansas and the spring event takes place in Louisiana. By participating in the Poultry Judging Team, the benefit to students is four-
fold: (1) provides decision analysis skills associated with genetic potential of poultry breeds; (2) provides decision analysis of poultry
commodity quality (eggs/meat); (3) provides potential employer’s with information about students’ association with extra-curricular
activities related to poultry industry; and (4) provides students with interaction among national agricultural programs and students.
For more information, contact Mr. Phillip Clauer at (814) 863-8960 or pc[email protected]u.
If you are interested in any domestic
animal species, this major gives you
the opportunity to develop basic and
applied knowledge in biological
sciences, nutrition, genetics,
reproduction, physiology, economics,
business management, and animal
management. Depending on your
interests and career goals, you can
define your program of study by
choosing between two options,
Business & Animal Management or
The Business and Animal
Management option combines
business and the production and
management of animals and/or
poultry. This option can help prepare
you for careers in agribusiness/farm
management, technical sales and
service, cooperative extension, or
commodities promotion.
The Science option provides
opportunity for more in-depth study of
the basic sciences relevant to animal
biology. This option can help you
prepare for veterinary school,
graduate study in nutrition,
physiology, reproduction, or genetics,
or careers in the biomedical or
research industries.
New and exciting courses in Animal
Biotechnology, Companion Animal
Science, and Equine Science can be
incorporated into either option. You
can also get hands-on experience with
the college’s herds and flocks and at
the meats and research laboratories.
Internships, externships, and summer
employment can help you obtain a
variety of work experiences. You also
can take advantage of international
study tours, and many Animal
Sciences students participate in study
abroad programs.
Why Major in Animal Science?
Consider majoring Animal Science if
are preparing for graduate or
veterinary school
would like a career in research
relating to and/or using animals
would like to manage a farm or
business related to animals
like to work with people in
addition to animals and may be
interested in a career in technical
sales or service, cooperative
extension, or promotions
Career Opportunities for Animal
Science Graduates
Employment opportunities for Animal
Sciences graduates include, but are
not limited to the following:
agribusiness manager
farm manager
feed industry sales/service
pharmaceutical sales/service
artificial insemination technician
ag finance
cooperative extension
federal meat inspector
equipment sales/service
government agency
animal caretaker
research and development
livestock buyer
marketing director
news industry editor
stable manager
public relations
quality control manager
For more information about
this major contact:
Dr. Robert E Mikesell
345 Ag Sc In Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865-2987
Ms. Rachel Cloninger
346 Ag Sc In Building
University Park, Pa 16802
(814) 863-4198