PharmaSUG2011 - Paper CC10
A Recursive SAS Macro to Automate Importing Multiple Excel
Worksheets into SAS Data Sets
Wenyu Hu, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Upper Gwynedd, PA
Liping Zhang, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Upper Gwynedd, PA
In order to import data from Microsoft Excel into SAS
, there are various methods such as PROC IMPORT,
IMPORT WIZARD, ODBC and Excel LIBNAME engine. The optimal way often depends on the project needs
and programmer's preference. The need for importing multiple worksheets adds more complexity to an
already challenging job. This paper introduces a SAS macro that can automatically handle all Excel files with
various numbers of worksheets in different subfolders and generate separate SAS datasets for each Excel
file. As Excel files often contain multiple worksheets, we believe this macro is a flexible and user-friendly tool
that has wide applicability for importing Excel files to SAS.
Keywords: proc import, Excel, recursive
In the pharmaceutical industry, SDTM and ADaM Metadata information are usually stored in Excel
spreadsheets. The current version of Excel files often need to be compared to previous versions to see what
changes were made to the data definition file. Since there are no good tools to compare two files and
identify the exact differences, we decided to convert the Excel files to SAS datasets and then compare the
SAS datasets. Normally for different studies, the number of sheets and sheet names are different, thus using
hard coding is very time consuming and error prone. An automated SAS macro would be a desirable utility
tool to accomplish this task.
This paper introduces a macro which reads multiple Excel files that have multi-sheets under different folders
and subfolders by using a recursive macro technique and the Excel LIBNAME engine.
The Excel LIBNAME engine was introduced in SAS version 9 and constructed a new way to connect SAS
files and Microsoft Excel files. By using this new LIBNAME engine, along with other data transfer tools such
as PROC EXPORT, PROC IMPORT, PROC SQL or DATA step, transferring data between Excel and SAS
can be greatly simplified.
The fundamental design of this macro (%xls2sas) is to use a recursive approach. The macro flow is as
follows: it first opens the root folder using DOPEN. If DOPEN returns a directory id value of greater than 0,
it then uses DNUM to return the number of members in this directory. Once it gets the total number of
members in the folder, it uses DREAD to get the member name and the scan function to extract the second
word of the member name with the period as the delimiter. If the second word is XLS, then the Excel
spreadsheet is read in using Excel LIBNAME. Once the LIBNAME statement is successfully executed, the
Excel workbook, the sheets, and named ranges defined in the workbook will be available in the SAS
Explorer window. If the second word resolves to null, it means the first word is considered as sub-folder.
%xls2sas calls itself upon reaching sub-folders not listed in the exclusion folders list. When %xls2sas is
called, it repeats the same process as the above. Upon finishing reading any file or folder, it goes up one
level to its parent folder to read the next XLS file or folder. The process finishes when all Excel files and
folders under the root folder are read. The key to the recursive design is to localize the macro variables so
that every call to %xls2sas will have its local instance of variables. This prevents subsequent %xls2sas calls
from overwriting the macro variable values of previous macro calls.
%macro xls2sas(folder=
STEP #1: Declare local macro variables
%local _j _cnt _dsid _i _num _s_ext _s_name _filename _rc;
%let _rc=%qsysfunc(filename(filrf,&folder));
%if &_rc=0 %then
STEP #2: Open the folders
%let _dsid=%sysfunc(dopen(&filrf));
%if &_dsid>0 %then
STEP #3: Get the number of files and folders
%let _num=%sysfunc(dnum(&_dsid));
%do _i=1 %to &_num;
STEP #4: Check if the file extension is XLS. If so, open Excel workbook and read in the multi-sheets
or named ranges
%if %upcase(&_s_ext)=XLS %then
Libname excellib excel "&folder\&_filename";
libname excellib clear;
STEP #5: If the file extension resolves to NULL, check if the read subfolder flag is Y and also it is not
in the exclusion folder list. If so, call %xls2sas to open the subfolder and Excel files under it
%else %if %scan(&_filename, 2, .)= and &subfd=Y and
%qsysfunc(indexw(&exclfd,&_filename))=0 %then
%mend xls2sas;
folder root folder name to be searched for
subfd include subfolder (Y/N, default=Y)
exclfd subfolder list to be excluded
startrow starting row of Excel worksheet
First we use the LIBNAME statement to define libref Excellib as shown in step 4 above. Once the library is
established, the worksheet names become available under Excellib, as shown in figure 1 below:
Figure 1
By using Data Step or Proc SQL, we can create a list of macro variables from SASHELP.VSTABVW. In our
example &sheet1, &sheet2, &sheet3, &sheet4 and &sheet5 are resolved to AE$, CM$, CO$, DM$ and DS$
respectively. Notice that here we use SASHELP.VSTABVW instead of SASHEP.VTABLE to get sheet
names because if there are quotation marks in sheet names, then SASHELP.VTABLE will not have these
sheet names in memname column.
data _null_;
set sashelp.vstabvw end=last;
where libname="EXCELLIB";
memname=upcase(scan(memname, 1, '$'));
call symputx(cats('sheet', _n_), memname, 'L');
if last then call symputx('_cnt', _n_, 'L');
libname excellib clear;
After the macro variables list is created, we need to clear the LIBNAME for future use. The next step uses
Proc Import combined with %do loop to read in the data from multiple Excel worksheets. In the code
example below, &folder refers to the folder/subfolder %xls2sas currently processing. Since this is a recursive
macro, &folder could be the subfolder under &folder user originally specified and &_filename is the Excel file
currently under &folder. We also use "range" instead of the "sheet" option to specify the sheet name and
combine it with the starting row if the variable values do not start on row 2. This adds more flexibility to the
macro. Finally, the sheet information is appended to the master dataset created for the Excel file read in. In
our example, the master dataset name is created using the folder/subfolder name together with the Excel
spreadsheet name so that each Excel spreadsheet is guaranteed to have a unique master output dataset
name for later comparisons.
%do _j=1 %to &_cnt;
proc import datafile="&folder\&_filename"
dbms=excel replace;
data &master;
set &master __&&sheet&_j;
The Excel LIBNAME engine has the capabilities to:
Read data from pre-existing sheets and named ranges
Append data to pre-existing sheets and named ranges
Create new workbooks
Create new spreadsheets and named ranges
Write data to empty existing named ranges
Delete existing data from spreadsheets
Delete existing data from named ranges
The following are not possible via Excel LIBNAME engine
Read data from hidden worksheets
Delete entire workbook or spreadsheets
Change or apply formatting, i.e, font, color
Delete cells containing formula
Write formulas to the cell
Rename spreadsheets within a workbook
By default, SAS only scans the first 8 records of XLS file to determine column attributes/types. If
the first 8 records contain only numeric data type and records with character data type are in the
records afterwards, this column is considered as numeric data type when imported into SAS even
though mix=yes is specified as an option in proc import statement. To solve this issue, the user
needs to increase the TypeGuessRows in the Windows registry for the Microsoft Jet Engine to 0
which indicates 16,384 rows. This would force Proc Import to scan until the last non-empty data
row in the workbook to determine the column data type.
In our example of reading multiple Excel spreadsheets and appending them to the master dataset,
we assumed that all worksheets within a single Excel file have similar attributes and data types
because this is the nature of our metadata. Special attention is needed if the user has different data
types for the same column within 2 different spreadsheets.
%xls2sas provides a flexible way to import a variable number of Excel worksheets under different
folder/subfolder into SAS datasets. The macro, built with the Excel LIBNAME engine in conjunction with
SASHELP.VSTABVW and recursive techniques, greatly reduces the amount of manual work.
Ed Heaton "So, Your Data are in Excel!" Proceedings of the 31
Annual SAS Users Group International
Paul A. Choate, Carol A. Martell "De-Mystifying the SAS LIBNAME Engine in Microsoft Excel: A Practical
Guide" Proceedings of the 31
Annual SAS Users Group International
Harry Droogendyk "Customized Excel Output Using the Excel Libname" Proceedings of South East SAS
Users Group 2008
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Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the authors at:
Wenyu Hu Liping Zhang
UG 1D-88 UG 1D-10
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
Upper Gwynedd, PA 19454 Upper Gwynedd, PA 19454
(267) 305-6847 (267) 305-7980