Chubb Target Market
Combined Insurance - a division
of Chubb Insurance Australia
Accident Policy and Sickness
(For selected PDS issued from 1983 -
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies,
Australia. Published 09/2023. ©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and
Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Important Information
This Target Market Determination (TMD) is required under section 994B of the
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and has been prepared by the product issuer Chubb
Insurance Australia Limited (Chubb) AFSL 239687 ABN 23 001 642 020. The
TMD is designed to assist customers, distributors and Chubb staff to understand
who this product has been designed for and who it is not suitable for. The TMD
identifies triggers for Chubb to review the target market and sets out the
conditions and restrictions on distribution of the product described below. It also
sets out the reporting obligations of Chubb’s distributors. This document is not a
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or Supplementary Product Disclosure
Statement (SPDS) and is not a summary of the product features or terms of the
product. This document does not take into account any person’s individual
objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended to constitute personal
advice. Persons interested in acquiring this product should carefully read the
PDS/SPDS before deciding whether to purchase this product.
This TMD is effective from the date of publication until its replacement or
Where a word is capitalised in this TMD and not otherwise defined, the
definition of the word can be found in the policy wording/PDS/SPDS.
For a copy of any of your policy documents please contact Chubb.
Chubb Target Market Determination
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Product Name/s:
Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies (as listed
in Annexure A) (the Products)
Publication Date of
Originally published 5 October 2021.
Revised: June 2022
Last reviewed: October 2023
Next Review Date:
October 2025 (2 years from date of last review)
Frequency of Product
Every 2 years from date of publication, subject to intervening review triggers as
outlined in section 4 of this TMD
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
The likely objectives of customers in this target market is to have insurance cover in the
event of accident and/ or sickness to protect against some financial losses following
accidental injury or sickness.
The likely financial situation for customers in this target market is broad. Individuals in
a range of financial situations may seek to protect themselves (and their family) against
the losses that are covered by the Products. Individuals would need to be able to afford
the premium and any excess payable in the event of a claim.
Customers in this target market will likely need an insurance Product which can offer
financial benefits payable on the occurrence of certain bodily injuries and/or sickness.
Such benefits may provide them will a lump sum payment or periodical payments.
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Method of
These Products may be distributed by Chubb to existing customers on an annual renewal
Chubb no longer offers the Products to new customers.
Chubb’s employees are only authorised to provide general financial product advice.
The distribution of these Products is subject to the terms of the Enforceable Undertaking
as between Chubb and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission dated
February 2016.
As the Products are not being sold to any new customers, promotional material is
limited. Any promotional material which is used by the Distributor in relation to the
Product must be pre-approved by Chubb and must contain an electronic link to this
in accordance
with TMD
The Product must only be distributed in accordance with this TMD.
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Periods of
Mandatory periodic reviews of the TMD will occur at least every 2 years subject to
intervening review triggers (see below).
Any material change to the Product, including a change to the PDS.
Changes to relevant laws, regulatory guidance, or industry codes.
Any determination of or feedback from regulators, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, a
court or a tribunal suggesting that the target market may no longer be appropriate (including the
use of Product Intervention Powers).
The nature of feedback regarding the Product, including whether complaints have increased
significantly from consumers or distributors.
Distribution or purchasing of the Product in a manner significantly inconsistent with the TMD.
Type of
Reporting Period
If the Distributor acts under a binding authority
from Chubb, or as an Authorised Representative
of Chubb, the Distributor must provide
complaints data and information in accordance
with the existing contractual terms as agreed to
between the parties.
If the Distributor acts as a broker (agent for the
consumer), the Distributor must provide the
following complaints data:
The number of complaints received
regarding the Product during the
Reporting Period and the nature and
details of the complaints.
Quarterly (10 business days after
the quarter has closed)
Send data to:
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Complaint is defined in the Australian Securities
and Investment Commission (ASIC) Regulatory
Guide RG 271.
A significant dealing in the Product which is not
consistent with this TMD must be notified to
ASIC. What amounts to a "significant dealing"
will be determined by the circumstances of each
case but generally:
regard should be had to the proportion of
customers purchasing the product who
are not in the target market, the actual or
potential harm to those customers, and
the nature and extent of the
inconsistency of distribution with the
distributors should have regard to
current ASIC guidelines when
determining what may constitute a
significant dealing.
if in doubt, Distributors must report the
dealing to Chubb, so that Chubb can
undertake the necessary assessments.
The report must include:
date(s) of the significant dealing;
description of the significant dealing;
why the dealing is significant;
how the significant dealing was
what steps, if any, have been taken in
relation to persons affected by the
significant dealing; and
steps which have been, or will be, taken
to ensure that the significant dealing does
not occur again.
Within 1 business day of becoming
aware of the significant dealing.
Send data to:
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Annexure A
This TMD applies to the Products listed below, together with anyone subsequent SPDSs.
Product Name
Policy no. / Issue date
Product Code
Accident Bonus Hospital
21010, 21076, 21088, 21196, 21197
Accident Confinement Indemnity
24101 & 24102
Accident Disability Plus Policy
1997 (November); 01/05/2000;
and 01/12/2001
24125, 24126, 24129, 24130,
24151, 24152 & 24293
Accident Policy
Issue No 1 (01/07/2003),
Issue No 2 (08/09/2003),
Issue No 3 (01/07/2004 &
Issue No 4 (01/10/2008) &
Issue No 5 (01/06/2009)
24165, 25113, 25114, 24169, 24171,
24167, 24164, 24170, 25117, 25116,
25113, 24168, 24166, 24131, 24197,
24161, 24162, 24163, 24159, 24160
Accident Policy
10PDSCOAC01 (13/08/10),
10PDSCOAC02 (20/07/2011) &
10PDSCIAC03 (16/01/2012)
25117, 25116, 24197, 28700 & 28701
Accidental Death &
Dismemberment Policy
1995; 1989
24108, 24109 & 24113
Accidental Hospital Indemnity
21198, 21199
Bonus Accidental Death &
Dismemberment Policy
1995 (October)
Cancer Aid Policy
21602, 21603
Cancer Indemnity Policy
24601 24608
Comprehensive Healthcare Policy
1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2001
24621 24635, 24225, 24731 to
24769 & 24771 to 24784, 24275,
24276 to 24288 24226 to 24262,
24245 to 24247, 24235 & 24237
Full Accident Coverage Policy
1983; 1987; 1989; 1992; 1996
21038, 21072, 21079, 21096,
21193, 24136-40, 24104, 24106,
24107, 24120, 21194, 21195, 24105
Healthcare Policy
1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2001
(August); 2001 (December)
24637 to 24643, 24275, 24276 to
24288, 24290 to 24292
Introductory Accident Policy
1997 (May); 2000 (May)
24123, 24124, 24127 and 2412
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia. Published 09/2023.
©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited. Chubb
, its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb.
Prime Cover Accidental Death
2001 (April)
Prime Cover Accidental Death
Cover (Family)
2001 (April); 2002 (June)
24143, 24148 & 24154
Prime Cover Accidental Death
Cover (Individual)
2002 (June)
24147, 24153, 24156 & 24157
Sickness Confinement Indemnity
24701 to 24730
Sickness Hospital Benefit Policy
21089, 21090 and 22705
Sickness Indemnity Policy
1988 and 1993
21029, 21075, 21080 to 21082,
22613, 22614, 24201 to 24211
Sickness Policy
Issue No 1 (01/07/2003),
Issue No 2 (27/10/2003 &
Issue No 3 (01/09/2005 &
Issue No 4 (19/06/2006) &
Issue No 5 (01/05/2009)
24645 to 24661, 24947, 24664,
24663, 24665, 24666, 24787,
24786, 24792, 24793, 24789,
24790, 24297, 24915, 24946, 24965
to 24966, 24914 & 24965, 24916
Travel Accident Plus Policy
1996; 2001 (August)
24134, 24135, 24149 and 24150
Travel Accident Policy
1983; 1992
21063, 21071, 23386, 24121 &
Sickness and Accident PDS and policy wordings issued prior to 2003 as listed above; (Supplementary Product
Disclosure Statement (SPDS) − Legacy Policy. Published 04/2021 and Supplementary Product Disclosure
Statement (SPDS) − Accident Policy and Sickness Policy Published 04/2021; updates or adds to the Policy
Wording in the PDS as listed in the same).
This content is brought to you by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited (“Chubb”) as a convenience to readers
and is not intended to constitute advice (professional or otherwise) or recommendations upon
which a reader may rely. Chubb Insurance Australia Limited (Chubb) makes no warranty or guarantee
about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the content. Readers relying on any content do so at their
own risk. It is the responsibility of the reader to evaluate the quality and accuracy of the content.
Reference in this content (if any) to any specific commercial product, process, or service, and links from this
content to other third party websites, do not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Chubb
and shall not be used for advertising or service/product endorsement purposes.
Chubb Target Market Determination, Combined Insurance - Accident Policy and Sickness Policies, Australia.
Published 09/2023. ©2023 Chubb Insurance Australia Limited ABN: 23 001 642 020 AFSL: 239687. Chubb
its logos, and Chubb. Insured.
are protected trademarks of Chubb. Chubb11-596-0622
About Chubb in Australia
Chubb is the world’s largest publicly
traded property and casualty insurer.
Chubb, via acquisitions by its predecessor
companies, has been present in Australia
for 100 years. Its operation in Australia
(Chubb Insurance Australia Limited)
provides specialised and customised
coverages including Business Package,
Marine, Property, Liability, Energy,
Professional Indemnity, Directors &
Officers, Financial Lines, Utilities as well
as Accident & Health, to a broad client
base, including many of the country’s
largest companies. Chubb also serves
successful individuals with substantial
assets to insure and consumers purchasing
travel insurance.
More information can be found at
Contact Us
Chubb Insurance Australia Limited
ABN: 23 001 642 020 AFSL: 239687
Grosvenor Place
Level 38, 225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
O +61 2 9335 3200