Broward County Bar Association
1051 SE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
January 2009 WWW.BROWARDBAR.ORG 954-764-8040 VOLUME 40, ISSUE 1
BCBAs Annual Workers’ Compensation Seminar
February 27, 2009 Noon- 4:30p.m. Riverside Hotel
For reservations call Mike at 954-764-8040 x 202 or sign up online at
Cost: $75 for members; $90 for non-members
Topics and speakers:
“View From the Bench” Broward County Judges of Compensation Claims
“Navigating Through the Workers’ Compensation System”- Deputy Chief Judge of
Compensation Claims David Langham and Barry Keyfetz, Esquire
“How to effectively Secure and Defend Hourly Attorney Fees”- Cory Schnepper, Esquire and
Neal Falk, Esquire
“Practicing with Professionalism”- Mal Steinberg, Esquire and Barbara Wagner, Esquire
“Retraining and Job Placement”- Seth Abrams, Esquire and Alan Sokol, Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor State of Florida Bureau of Rehabilitation and Re-employment Services
The Broward County Bar Association
Criminal Law Section Presents: Ethics Seminar
January 23, 2009 - 1:00- 4:00p.m.
In the Jury room of the Broward County Courthouse
RSVP with the BCBA at (954) 764- 8040
With guest speaker Denis M. deVlaming from Clearwater, Florida
A dynamic and interactive presentation
3.5 Ethics Credits from the Florida Bar
Admission is free to all members of the Broward County Bar Association, state attorneys and public defenders.
There is a $50 admission for the remaining attendees. This fee will be waived for those attendees desiring to
become a member of the Broward County Bar Association for the reduced pro rata dues of $62.50.
To become a member of the Broward County Bar Association visit our website at
Broward County Bar
Judicial Robing Ceremony
Friday, February 6, 2009
17th Judicial Circuit
Of and For Broward County
1:00 p.m.
Third Floor Jury Room
Main Courthouse
Thursday, January 8th:
South Broward Bar Association monthly luncheon. At
the Ark Restaurant in Davie. Noon. Guest Speaker,
Howard Finkelstein, Public Defender. For more
information, contact (954) 791-3939.
Friday, January 9th:
Bankruptcy Bar Association Brown Bag Seminar on
Evidence & Trial Techniques at 12:00 1:30p.m. At
the U.S. Bankruptcy Court 299 E. Broward Ave.,
Courtroom 301 in Fort Lauderdale. Free! The panel
will include Judges Mark, Isicoff, Ray, and Olson,
Scott Baena, and Soneet Kapila. The speakers will
present entertaining skits demonstrating (1)
impeachment by use of prior sworn testimony; (2)
common mistakes in direct examinations and in
evidentiary objections; and (3) common cross
examination mistakes." RSVP to Julie Hough,
Saturday, January 10th:
4 Hour Minor Guardianship Class. 9:00a.m. to 1:00
p.m. Norma B. Howard Bar Center, 1051 SE 3rd Ave. Ft.
Lauderdale, 33316. Cost: $100.00. Guardian for anyone under
the age of 18. To sign up please contact Tish at BCBA (954) 764-
8040 ext. 200.
Monday, January 12th:
Grievance Committee 17G Meeting. 2:00 p.m. Broward
County Bar Association’s, Norma B. Howard Center, 1051 SE
3rd Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, 33316.
Tuesday, January 13th:
Association of South Florida Mediators and Arbitrators present
a seminar, Jerome Tabas and David Lichter- "Addressing the
mediation within the mediation: Sources of intra party conflict"
location to be announced. If you have not renewed your
ASFMA membership this is a good opportunity to do so at the
meeting or contact our Membership Chairperson, Ms. Betty
Eichelbaum at [email protected].
Tuesday, January 13th:
Broward County Bar Association Board of Directors Meeting.
5:15. 1051 SE 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale.
Wednesday, January 14th:
Broward County Women Lawyers’ Association “Green Law
Firm” Awards Luncheon. 12:00 p.m. (11:45 registration). At
the Tower Club, One Financial Plaza, Fort Lauderdale, FL
33394. $22 BCWLA members, $27 non-members; $15
judiciary. RSVP to [email protected] by January 7, 2009.
Wednesday, January 14th:
Solo Small Law Firm Networking Dinner. 6:00p.m. Dave &
Buster’s, 3000 Oakwood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33020. When
reserving at least 48 hours in advance: $35 for Broward County
Bar Association members and $40 for non-members. At door,
$5 more on a space available basis. Credit card and check
payments accepted. For further information contact Mike at the
Broward County Bar Association, (954) 764- 8040 x 202 or
visit our website to register at
Friday, January 16th:
Summit for Florida Bar leaders on state court funding to be held
at the Hyatt Regency in Miami. From 9:00 a.m.- to noon. The
basic right of Floridians to seek justice in their courts is the
foundation of our society.
The summit is sponsored by The Florida Bar and the Young
Lawyers Division. For those unable to attend, the YLD will
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2009!!!
I hope this finds you and yours well, and
wish all of you a healthy, happy, and
prosperous New Year. As usual, I am
writing my article well in advance of
January (today is December 18th) so that
you will hopefully have the Barrister by
the beginning of the month.
It is hard to believe that my term is already half over. Time
sure flies when you are having a good time, and also when
you are very busy! I have enjoyed my BCBA Presidency
tremendously (it truly is a labor of love), and encourage each
and every one or you to become involved in BCBA. You
can and will make a difference, and that it can be very
rewarding, both personally and professionally, and will help
you to develop to be a better lawyer and a better person.
This is our profession, and we should all give something
back to it. We have a fantastic Board, as well as our
sections, committees and members, and we are all extremely
fortunate that so many have freely and unselfishly been
giving back. We have been extremely busy at BCBA, and
we have made some differences.
We hosted our annual holiday party for all of our members
on Friday, December 12, at our fantastic Bar center, which
was absolutely wonderful. Over 300 lawyers and judges
attended. Everyone brought gifts for the Young Lawyers
Holiday in January (which will actually be held in February
this year) to give to foster children. The floor under the tree
looked like a toy store! What a beautiful sight. I do not ever
recall seeing so many toys under one tree!
Holiday music was played by a quartet of extremely talented
young musicians who are members of The Florida Youth
Orchestra and/or Ars Flores Orchestra. Attorneys Peter and
Ellen Itzler arranged the musicians, one of which was their
lovely daughter Gabriella Itzler, who played the violin.
Also, Kevin Seto played violin; Alex Fox played viola; Jose
Arrillaga played cello; and, our harpist was Sasha Medici.
Creative Cuisine catered the event this year, and the food
was most excellent. We reconfigured the event setup this
year. We had Creative use the back porch for their grills,
ovens and preparation areas, which was much more
convenient. We had the musicians set up on the Southwest
inside corner, opening the traffic flow to the North Patio,
which had a nice tent enclosure, and where we displayed our
new BCBA Banner. Two bars were set up on the East and
West side of the patio, which also helped the traffic flow.
The carving station was set up on the East wall near the back
yard, and had plenty of delicious roast beef and turkey,
and…the grilled vegetables were awesome. Everything was
great, from the shrimp appetizers, to the LARGE Sushi boat,
to the deserts. Thanks again to Stephens Distributing for
donating a variety of Budweiser beer products, and to Art for
getting the wine and soft drinks.
BCBA staff deserves kudos for their decorating the building
and assisting with the event from beginning to end, as well
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE by Christopher M. “Chris” Neilson
as serving beverages to our guests, etc. We are extremely
fortunate to have such a dedicated and wonderful Executive
Director and staff. Thanks to security provided by the City
of Fort Lauderdale Police Department, and to the Valet
provided by Secure Parking Systems.
The newly painted building looked great inside and out. We
have landscaped the back yard of the Norma Howard Center,
which looked magical on the parties cool, clear night with the
new fenced enclosure and tiki torches we had lit out back.
We had removed the old fence on the small back porch,
which opened up the entire back yard and created an entirely
new spacious look and feel. We had also made pathways
through the hedges, and mulched the area, for access to the
entire back yard. The new emergency generator is now
connected, and we continue to make improvements to our
BCBA property.
The Young Lawyers Holiday Luncheon on Thursday,
December 11, as usual, was just great. Dillard High School
Choir Director Brenda Brown again presented the Dillard
Singers, who entertained us with Holiday songs and music.
And, the Tower club was tastefully decorated for the
Holidays, setting the tone for the season. The luncheon was
delicious, and the Choir was invited to dine afterwards as
On Thursday, December 18, Art and I attended the Broward
County Justice Association’s delightful retirement dinner for
Judge Leroy H. Moe and Judge Robert Lance Andrews at the
Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six. It was a first class event. The
distinguished speakers included J. David Bogenschutz, Skip
Campbell, and Willie Gary who spoke about Judge Moe, and
the Honorable J. Leonard Fleet, Russell Adler, and Sheldon J.
Schlesinger who spoke about Judge Andrews. Both Judge
Moe and Judge Andrews addressed the 200 lawyers and
Judges in attendance, and were presented awards for their
service by BCJA.
BCBA and our Criminal Law Chair Jeff Harris have been
busy planning an exciting 3 hour interactive ethics seminar.
This event is scheduled to be held in the Jury Room of the
main Courthouse on the afternoon of January 23, 2009.
Make your plans and reservations to attend now, since the
seminar is expected to be filled to capacity.
The robing ceremony for the 8 new judges will be held at the
main Courthouse jury room on the afternoon of February 6,
2009, so plan to attend and save the date.
Speaking of the Courthouse, please remember that we are all
ambassadors of BCBA, as well as Officers of the Court. All
of us should, whenever possible, educate everyone we come
into contact with concerning the need for a new courthouse.
We should all be conditioning our friends, family, clients and
the public of just how important and necessary this is. Take
the opportunity to speak in your communities about this,
including at meeting such as Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.
The moment we learned of the Courthouse closure, I was
very pleased with our Executive Director, in that he
provide a live webcast. Information about how to watch will be
posted on The Florida Bar home page,
Please RSVP to
Tuesday, January 20th:
Grievance Committee 17H Meeting. 2:00 p.m. Broward
County Bar Association’s. Norma B. Howard Center, 1051 SE
3rd Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316.
Tuesday, January 20th:
Bench and Bar Committee Meeting. Noon. Broward County
Bar Association, 1051 SE 3rd Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, 33316.
Thursday, January 22nd:
Young Lawyers Section Annual State of the Circuit Luncheon
and discussion with Chief Judge Tobin at the Tower Club.
12:00 p.m. Space is limited. Reservations are required. Please
call Mike at the Broward County Bar Association (954) 764-
8040 x 202. Cost per person is $25.00.
Friday, January 23rd:
The Broward County Bar Association, Criminal Law Section is
pleased to announce that it is hosting an Ethics Seminar.
1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. in the Jury room of the Broward County
Courthouse. 3.5 Ethics credits from the Florida Bar. Denis M.
deVlaming, guest speaker. Admission is free to all BCBA
members, state attorneys and public defenders.
Saturday, January 24th:
8 Hour Adult Guardianship Class. 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Norma B. Howard Bar Center, 1051 SE 3rd Ave. Ft.
Lauderdale, 33316. Cost: $180.00. Guardian for anyone over
the age of 18. To sign up contact Tish at BCBA (954) 764-
8040 ext. 200.
Saturday, January 24th:
The Ft. Lauderdale chapter of The American Board of Trial
Advocates will install its’ 2009 Executive Board at their annual
judge’s night Black Tie Dinner. See page 19 for list of 2009
Saturday, January, 31st:
Cuban American Bar Association Installation Gala. 6:30 p.m.
Doral Golf Resort & Spa, Legends Ballroom, 4480 NW 87th
Ave, Doral, FL. Contact Roland Sanchez-Medina at for more information.
Monday, February, 2nd:
Grievance Committee 17G Meeting. 2:00 p.m.
Broward County Bar Association’s, Norma B. Howard
Bar Center, 1051 SE 3rd Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, 33316.
Thursday, February 5th:
South Broward Bar Association Monthly Luncheon.
At the Ark Restaurant in Davie. Noon. With Guest
Speaker Judge Robert A. Rosenberg. Please contact
954- 791-3939 for more information.
Friday, February 6th:
Solo/ Small Law Firm Networking Lunch. Olive
Garden, 1555 N. University Drive, Coral Springs
(954) 344-5226, RSVP to: Evan M. Ostfeld (954)
227-7529 and or [email protected].
Friday, February 6th:
Broward County Bar Association Judicial Robing
Ceremony. 17th Judicial Circuit, Of and For Broward
County. 1:00 p.m. Third Floor Jury Room, Main
Courthouse. For more information contact the Bar at
(954) 764- 8040.
The Broward Barrister is published by the Broward County Bar Association a
part of our commitment to provide membership with information relating to
issues and concerns on the local level. Opinions and positions expressed in the
signed materials are those of the author and may not necessarily r eflect the
views of this publication or the Broward County Bar Association.
1051 SE Third Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Michele A. Cavallaro 925-8228
Edward F, Holodak 927-3436
Morrie I. Levine 925-9000
Roshawn J. Banks 747-1843
Michael R. Vines 881-3503
Robin S. Moselle 315-0923
Diana Santa Maria 434-1077
The Honorable John B. Bowman
Art Goldberg 764-8040 Fax: 764-8060
President Scott P. Chitoff 522-2200
President-Elect Michael B. Gilden 924-0300
Secretary/Treasurer David Hirschberg 967-5458
Allison Bethel 712-4605 Eugene Pettis 523-9922
Jesse H. Diner 925-5501 Frank C. Walker 764-7676
Nancy W. Gregoire 761-8600
Scott Chitoff Felicia Jordan Adam Rabinowitz Ghenette Wright Muir
Ray G. Ferrero III 494-6066
Paul G. Finizio 767-6000
Deborah P. FitzGerald 463-8456
John G. Jordan 772-8222
Edwina V. Kessler 463-8593
Todd R. McPharlin 522-6601
Angel Petti Rosenberg 463-9077
Jorge E. Hurtado 777-4711
Alan S. Fishman 975-7800
Patrick B. Giunta 928-0100
Julie F. Klahr
Lawyers in the LIMELIGHT
Scott J. Brook, mayor of Coral Springs, has been named Vice Chair of the National League of Cities’ City Future Panel on
community and Regional Development.
Florida Children's First President Howard Talenfeld, a staunch child advocate and partner with Colodny Fass Talenfeld Karlinsky
& Abate, and Executive Director Andrea Moore led a successful Fundraising Event, which honored those in Palm Beach County
who are making a difference in the lives of foster children.
Fisher & Phillips LLP and firm partner Cathy Stutin are recipients of the 2008 Broward Partnership for the Homeless, Inc.
(BPHI) Special Recognition Award.
Robin J. King, an estate planning attorney and shareholder in the Ft. Lauderdale office of GrayRobinson, P.A., has been named to
the American Red Cross Broward Chapter board of directors and to the Broward Health Foundation Planned Giving Committee.
Susan L. Trevarthen, a partner with the law firm of Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole & Boniske, presented at St. Lucie
County’s Treasure Coast Planning Officials Training Forum on November 17.
Diana Santa Maria, who practices in Ft. Lauderdale in the field of Personal Injury Litigation, has been selected for inclusion in the
2009 publication of Best Lawyers in America. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal
The following members were listed in the Daily Business Review’s Most Effective Lawyers 2008:
Scott W. Rostock of Ackerman Senterfitt law firm
Brian Wolf of Smith Currie & Hancock
Erika Deutsch Rotbart of Deutsch Rotbart & Associates
Stuart H. Singer and Damien Marshall of Boies Schiller & Flexner
Michael C. Foster of Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod
Crane Johnstone of Sheldon J. Shlesinger P.A.
Barbara has proven her commitment and dedication to
the members of the Broward County Bar Association
by serving as a Director since 1997.
Barbara was President of the Broward County Bar
Association from 2007-2008;
she served as President-elect from 2006-2007, and was
elected Secretary-Treasurer for the term 2005-2006.
“I will bring my leadership and energy to The Florida
Bar if elected to Seat 5 of the Board of Governors,
Seventeenth Judicial Circuit.
Ballots will be mailed on or before March 1, 2009.
immediately followed my instruction to take the lead in this
matter. I requested Art to proactively notify by email every
attorney in Broward County of the closure, members and
on-members alike, and to continue to update everyone on
the status of the closure. This service alone is worth the
price of membership, i.e. not having to drive to go to the
Courthouse only to find it is closed.
We want to continue to provide the best possible service and
education to our members and the public. Many of you,
member and non-member alike, have notified us of your
appreciation of our efforts in notifying and updating you on
the Courthouse closure. We hope this service was helpful to
you, and we look forward to serving you in similar ways in
the future. All we ask is that if you are a member, to please
encourage all attorneys in Broward to join BCBA. If you
are a non-member, please join us now.
We would love for every member of every firm to become
BCBA members. We can accomplish even more with more
members. I personally believe that every lawyer in Broward
County should be a member of BCBA. BCBA membership
demonstrates dedication and commitment to your
profession. The very minimal dues, as well as increased
numbers of members, helps us to help our profession, to
encourage civility and professionalism, and to educate our
members and the public.
At the Broward County Bar Association Board Workshop I
held this past summer, our Board met and discussed both
short and long term goals of BCBA, and the need for a new
Courthouse was on the top of both lists. I have been writing
and speaking about the courthouse issue long before the
current flooding and closure of the courthouse for over a
week (from one pipe bursting).
We have been advised that over 10,000 files were either
damaged or destroyed, and that 4,000 phone lines were put
out of service. The ongoing cleanup and expense involved
in this is going to be considerable. And, this was just one of
many pipes in many walls. It is just plain unacceptable that
our members and non-members alike, the Judiciary, the
employees of the Courthouse, and last but certainly not
least, the public, should have to endure with this antiquated
building, which is over a half-century old. We have been
advised of pending mold lawsuits concerning employees of
this facility. Unpredictable closures affect each and every
one of us.
We all deserve better. Most everyone is going to have to go
through the courthouse some point, whether as a litigant, a
witness, a juror, for information, etc. Our Courthouse is the
embodiment of our system of justice. It should serve
everyone in the community, and should be safe, up to date,
clean, efficient and dependable. We need a modern facility
that has the infrastructure to handle the thousands of people
that utilize our court house.
I believe that Broward County is disproportionately
impacted, since we are the epicenter of South Florida, since
we are smack dab in the middle, with the 8 million people
who live between Saint Lucie and the Florida Keys, as well
as those who travel here from our Gulf Coast, and of course
not to mention our visitors vacationing here or travelling
through our Port on Cruise ships, our airport and rail system.
Our Courthouse should be a place our community is proud
f, and that can be utilized in an emergency as well.
Hurricane Wilma almost destroyed the current building. We
need a Hurricane Resistant facility. We need a Courthouse
with current technology, where data is backed up and stored
off site and is readily available in the even if the building is
damaged or destroyed. We cannot afford one more leak or
one more Hurricane. We need a facility where people don’t
have to line up around the block, without shelter, in all kinds
of weather to get into the building.
We need a facility where people should not have to pay $8
and hour, and it almost always takes at least an hour and a
few minutes to just get in and out of anywhere in the
building, so it now costs $16, which working people just
can’t afford. We need a building that can accommodate
more than two metal detectors so people aren’t funneled into
an inadequate place to efficiently screen them while
hundreds wait outside. We need elevators that
work efficiently on all floors.
We should all be demanding it.
We all deserve better.
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Contact: Ruben Horschauer
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Have a favorite restaurant
or place to shop?
We’d like to hear from you!
Email Mike:
or Art:
1. Attorney’s Fees/Construction
Trytek v. Gale Industries, Inc.,
33 Fla. L. Weekly S945 (Fla.
December 11, 2008).
The supreme court has held that in determining
attorney’s fees under section 713.29 in construction lien
cases, the trial court must apply the “significant issues”
test in determining which party, if any, is the prevailing
party. The court quashed a Fifth DCA opinion holding
that the court was required to award the lienor fees if it
recovered a judgment in any amount exceeding the
homeowner’s claims.
2. Premises Liability/Negligence
Etheredge v. Walt Disney World Co.,
33 Fla. L. Weekly D2785 (Fla. 5th DCA December 5,
The Fifth District reversed a directed verdict against a
young visitor who was injured when she caught her
ankle in a storm drain. She alleged not that the drain
was defective or could not be seen, but that Disney was
negligent in encouraging guests to cross the street
where the drain was located. The appellate court held
that under the negligent mode of operation theory, there
was evidence that Disney could reasonably anticipate
that a dangerous condition would arise as a result of the
way it directed guests to cross, and that whether it was
in fact negligent was a jury question.
3. Release/Parent’s Authority to Execute
Kirton v. Fields,
33 Fla. L. Weekly S939 (Fla. December 11, 2008).
Answering a certified question from the Fourth
District, the supreme court held that a parent does not
have the authority to execute a pre-injury release on
behalf of a minor child when the release involves
participation in a commercial activity. This case
involved the death of a 14 year old operating an ATV at
a motor sports park. The court held that although
parents have a fundamental right to make decisions
regarding their child, they cannot waive future tort
claims of a minor child or the child’s estate.
4. Settlement/Fraudulent Inducement
Archbishop John Favalora v. Sidaway,
33 Fla. L. Weekly D2763 (Fla. 4th DCA December 3,
The Fourth District rejected challenges to the trial
court’s jurisdiction over a complaint alleging that the
Archdiocese fraudulently induced the plaintiff to settle
his claim by promising to implement reforms which it
never planned to implement and which cannot be
enforced. The Archdiocese had argued that the issues
regarding its agent’s authority to enter into the
settlement agreement were matters of internal church
law, which could not be questioned in a civil trial court.
The Fourth District disagreed, holding that courts are
not forbidden from examining a church’s internal laws,
where the inquiry is relevant to a third party’s secular
tort or contract claims.
5. Workers Compensation/Horizontal Immunity
Amorin v. Gordon,
33 Fla. L. Weekly D2764 (Fla. 4th DCA December 3,
Reversing a partial summary judgment in favor of the
estate of a deceased worker on the issue of workers
compensation immunity, the Fourth District held that
the defendants were covered by the general contractor’s
policy. The court then rejected a constitutional
challenge to the 2004 horizontal immunity statute,
holding that it did not deprive claimants from access to
court with no alternative, but simply increased the class
of fellow employees who are immune from suit where
coverage in fact exists.
Nancy Little Hoffmann is a Board-Certified Appellate
Lawyer practicing in the Fort Lauderdale area since
1974. She may be contacted at 954-771-0606 or by e-
by Nancy Little Hoffmann
Broward County Bar Association’s
Young Lawyers Section Lunches
All YLS Luncheons are held at
the Tower Club in Fort
Lauderdale at 12:00p.m. The
cost per person is $25.00.
Reservations are recommended
with the Bar (954) 764-8040
Chief Judge Tobin
January 22, 2009
Black History Month
February, 26, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Full day Seminar with Judges
and General Magistrates
Fort Lauderdale
Renaissance Hotel
RSVP (954) 764- 8040
Or sign up online at
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Solo Small/ Law Firm Networking
Confirmed February Lunch Dates!
Friday, February 6th: Olive Garden, 1555 N. University Drive, Coral Springs (954) 344-5226,
RSVP to: Evan M. Ostfeld (954) 227- 7529 and or
Friday, February 13th: East City Grill, 1800 Tower Bell Lane, Weston, (954) 659-3339,
11:45 a.m. RSVP to: Rick Woolf (954) 252-0043 and or
Tuesday, February 17th: Olive Garden, 807 S. University Drive, Plantation (954) 424-7201, RSVP
to: John Rizvi (954) 452-0033 and or [email protected].
Friday, February 20th: The Ark, 6255 Stirling Road, Hollywood (954) 584-3075, RSVP to: David
Silverstone (954) 367-0770 and or
Tuesday, February 24th: At J. Marks Restaurant, 1490 Copans Road, Pompano Beach, (954) 782-
7000, RSVP to: Jane Bolin, (954) 316- 1339 and or [email protected].
Friday, February 27th: At Bimini Boat Yard, 1555 SE 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
(954) 525- 7400, RSVP to: Beth Lindie (954) 764-5400 and or
Nomination Petitions Now Being Accepted for Officers, Directors for 2009 BCBA Election
Nomination Petitions are now being accepted from BCBA members interested in running for one of
the nine (9) seats that become available in the BCBA Board of Directors’ 2009 Election
According to BCBA Bylaws, ARTICLE VIII, Nomination and Elections, Section 1 Nominations
“There shall be no Nominating Committee. Any regular member who desires to seek election
may obtain the signatures of ten (10) members on one or more Nominating Petitions. The Petitions must state the
office or group for which the member seeks election. The signed Petitions must be received in the Association office
no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 1st. No member may be nominated for more than one (1) position”.
For a full set of the BCBA Bylaws, visit
Also, the following positions on the Executive Committee will be decided in the April, 2009 election.
Here are the geographic areas of representation on the BCBA Board of Directors:
NORTHEAST- (1) Director shall be elected in April 2009
North of the centerline of Commercial Blvd. and East of the centerline of State Road 7 (441)
NORTHWEST- (1) Director shall be elected in April 2009
North of the centerline of Commercial Blvd. and West of the centerline of State Road 7 (441)
CENTRAL- Four (4) Directors shall be elected in April 2009
East of the centerline of State Road 7 (441), north to the centerline of Commercial Blvd. and
south to the centerline of State Road 84
WEST - Two (2) Directors shall be elected in April 2009
West of the centerline of State Road 7 (441), north to the centerline of Commercial Blvd.
and south to the centerline of State Road 84
SOUTHEAST- (1) Director shall be elected in April 2009
South of the centerline of State Road 84and East of the centerline of State Road 7 (441)
Nomination Petitions Due in Bar Office,
no later than 5:00 p.m.
Paper Ballot mailed.
Ballots due back to BCBA office
no later than 5:00 p.m.
to be valid.
Deadline for ballots to be counted.
6 B
Great location. University Drive across from “the walk”. 2
window offices (11x14) and (10x14); Each includes 1
work station (additional stations available); shared
reception area, kitchen. Independent telephone system with
phones, Professionally decorated. Will rent offices
individually. Rent starting at just $800.00 per month.
Contact Mark Abzug Esq. (954) 753-1003; email:
To share with two other attorneys, share reception area,
conference, free parking, possibility to share legal
assistant. Use of printer, paper, all inclusive without
receptionist at $1,250.00 per month with receptionist,
$2200.00 per month. Call Romaine Brown at
(954) 880-0159.
Class A downtown Broward law offices with beautiful 20th
floor view, within established firm. Nice appearance,
collegial atmosphere. One or two offices available, with
secretarial stations. Receptionist, copier, fax, scanner and
library. Call Richard at 954-463-8456.
IP firm has Class A” space to share in luxury office
condominium in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Las Olas and
Andrews Avenue. 3 windowed offices and 1 interior office
in first floor suite. Includes use of up to 6 secretarial
spaces, conference room, library, kitchen, receptionist,
telephone, copier/fax/scanner and high speed internet with
wi-fi. Sublease together or individually. $1500-$2500 per
office/all inclusive. Available January 2009. Contact 954-
351-7474 or [email protected] for more information.
One block south of the courthouse. Light and spacious
offices for up to three professionals and assistants. Shared
reception and conference room, kitchen, bath and ample
parking. Available October 1, 2008. Contact (954) 463-
800 sq.ft. office with w/2 secretary stations on Federal
Highway near Holy Cross Hospital; share reception area,
conference room, copier and phone system.
Call 954-772-4460
2 private offices (1 with private entrance & 1 with private
restroom) and secretarial area, 991 sf. $2,500/month gross plus
sales tax. Includes wireless internet service, “green” office
cleaning and use of reception area & conference room. Copier/
scanner and monument signage available. Short walk to
courthouse. Three parking spaces. Michelle Trca, 954.467.6711,
ext. 2.
Office share with sole practitioner available in first class
office building. Mutual referral potential. First class
building, covered parking, with large windowed office.
$1,750/month, including reception, conference room
internet, copier and fax. Quality, upscale environment.
Contact Alberth Quiceno at (954) 926-5430, or email at
Two offices available, furnished or unfurnished. Shared
conference room, Reception. Internet
Access included. High visibility area on Oakland Park
Blvd across from the main post office.
Referral work probable. Call Antonette Russell:
954-358-5555 or Email:
Share office suite with attorney on Pines Blvd. Furnished
office and secretarial station, conference room, phone
system, fax, ample parking. Call Willa, 954-392-3921.
Office space to share with transactional attorney on
Broward Blvd. Conference room, copier, facsimile &
phone system available. Separate office for staff available.
Referrals also available. (954) 474-5988.
One office plus secretarial space conveniently located
between I-95 and the Turnpike on Sample Road. Use of
conference room, internet, and all office equipment.
Please contact Alan Fishman 954- 975- 7800.
Bernard Madoff’s arrest for
orchestrating the largest Ponzi
scheme in history will have an
extensive ripple effect on South
Florida for years to come. From both sides of
the fraud, individuals and entities in South
Florida should expect to hear from federal
investigators, attorneys, and the media, as
the all the truth comes out.
From one side, you have the victims of the
scandal, that lost all or part of the money that
they “invested” in the Madoff Investment
Securities, LLC group of hedge funds.
Naturally, these individuals and entities, many
of which shared “investment advice” in
Madoff’s stomping ground of Palm Beach
County, will be looking to any avenue to
recover their losses. In order to achieve this
objective, in addition to relying on the SEC’s
enforcement action in New York, many South
Florida investors will be hiring attorneys to
investigate and possibly sue any
professionals, such as investment brokers,
attorneys, and accountants, that either knew
of on-goings of Madoff’s company or should
have known. These targets are often the
most lucrative sources of recovery because
they carry insurance for this exact type of
negligence. Essentially, anyone that stood by
idle while this scheme took place is at risk.
On the other side of this equation are those
investors that were lucky enough to exit the
hedge fund with their money and a profit.
These investors are characterized as
“Profiteers” and are targets of recovery for the
portion of the returns they received that
exceed their investment. Unfortunately, these
“False Profits” that were paid to Profiteers
may be the subject of recovery by the court
appointed receiver in order to redistribute
these funds to investors that lost the principal
on their investment.
The Receiver is also likely to try to recover
donations and contribution s to charities and
foundations. By their nature, these types
transfers bolstered Madoffs standing in the
community as a wealthy benefactor and only
further imbued investors with confidence to
invest in his hedge funds. The problem for
the recipients of these transfers is that if they
were made with Madoff’s intent to defraud
creditors (like the investors that have now lost
money) and, like the False Profits, they may
be recoverable by the Receiver as fraudulent
As his tapestry of lies is unwoven, the end
result is unknown. But one thing is for sure,
this Ponzi scheme will be on the minds of
many South Floridians for years to come.
Eric N. Assouline, Esq. is a litigation partner with the
business law firm of Assouline & Berlowe, P.A. in its Ft.
Lauderdale office. Mr. Assouline has represented receivers
including a court appointed receiver in an SEC enforcement
action that brought dozens of recovery actions throughout
the country to recover money for aggrieved investors of a
Ponzi scheme.
Effective January 24, 2009 The Ft.
Lauderdale office Of the Florida Bar
will operate from a new location:
Lake Shore Plaza II
1300 Concord Terrace
Suite 130
Sunrise, FL 33323
(954) 772- 2245
A Pitney Bowes Machine:
K7MO Postage Meter
SBYK K7MO W/2lb Integrated SCA
7-13-5 Mailstation2
The payments have been $177.93 scheduled for
five years. The amount will likely be reduced in the
next two years. Contact Marge McClain, Judicial
Assistant to Judge John Hurley (954) 831-7615.
Madoffs Ponzi Scheme Will Effect South Florida for Years
By Eric N. Assouline, Esq.
AV-rated Fox Wackeen, Dungey, Law firm seeks a
motivated, self-starting associate with 2-4 years civil
litigation experience, preferably in insurance defense or
condo/HOA litigation. Candidate must have strong academic
credentials. Career path opportunity in well established firm.
We offer a congenial work atmosphere and competitive salary
and benefits package. The firm is located in Martin County
which offers an excellent quality of life and a best-in-the-
state school system. Please forward resume and law school
transcripts to Maryellen Castellano, HR Director, @ or fax to 772.220.1489
The Ft. Lauderdale office of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, a
leading law firm with over 450 attorneys nationwide, is
seeking an associate to join its growing defense litigation
practice. We are seeking someone with at least five years
of complex defense litigation experience in the areas of
products liability and accident reconstruction. This is an
excellent opportunity for candidates seeking a high level of
responsibility in a diverse and progressive law firm
environment. The Firm provides an excellent work
environment, competitive benefits package and opportunity
for advancement. Compensation is commensurate with
experience. Please submit your resume and cover letter in
confidence to:
Beverley Greenland
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
One East Broward Boulevard
Suite 1010
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
Fax: (954) 467-1024
Only candidates contacted for an interview will receive a
response. EOE.
Web Gems
C-SPAN: American Political Archive
C-SPAN has created this online archive as part
of their general mission, and educators and
politicos will find much to search through on
this site. On the top of the page, visitors can
look through the most recent programs, which
include broadcast audio recordings from a
number of the Presidential Libraries, the
Smithsonian, and the Library of Congress.
Further down the page, visitors can look
through the "Past Programs" area. Here they
will find links to interviews with figures such
as Shirley Chisholm, Lady Bird Johnson, and
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Along the right-hand
side of the page, visitors can make their way
through a host of important web resources,
including a collection of oral histories with
former Secretaries of Defense and an interview
with Harry Truman.
Hispanic Bar Adopts Broward Families in
Adopt-A-Family-For-The-Holidays Program
Judge Robert F. Diaz delivering a meal to one of the
adopted families.
Holiday Elves Making a Difference From left to right: Frank Wagner of BNY Mellon, Alan
Pascal, Rossy Rosario of BNY Mellon, Larry Marin, Gabi Diaz, Judge Robert F. Diaz,
and Juan Carlos Arias, President of the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association.
Thanks to the generosity of our legal community, the Hispanic Bar delivered holiday meals and toys to over 100
families in Broward County. Special Thanks to Publix and the Broward County Bar Association for their support.
Board of Governors’ Report
By Eugene Pettis, Esq.
At its December 12, 2008, meeting in Orlando, The Florida Bar Board of Governors:
Approved 13 legislative positions for the 2008-10 biennium. Legislation Committee Chair Greg Coleman said all were renewals of
positions the board had approved for the 2006-08 legislative sessions. The positions include maintaining the Supreme Court’s authority
over the court system and the legal profession, supporting adequate funding for the court system including public defenders and state
attorneys, supporting the Supreme Court’s certification of the need for new judges, supporting a substantial pay raise for federal judges,
getting adequate funding for the Civil Legal Assistance Act, and opposing the indiscriminate shackling of juveniles in court
Heard a report from Coleman and Legislative Consultant Steve Metz on the Bar coordinating its efforts with the Supreme Court to get
better funding for the court system in the state’s current economic crisis. Metz noted that the court and others are looking at the more
than $300 million in fees and fines currently collected by court clerks and returned to the state’s general revenue fund, of which less
than $14 million is earmarked for the courts. More of the effort will be detailed and worked out at the summit on state court funding
January 16 at the Midyear Meeting in Miami.
Heard a report from Investment Committee Chair Ian Comisky that while the stock market is down 35 to 45 percent, the Bar’s
investment portfolio is down only about 15 percent. He said the Investment Committee is continuing to monitor the funds. President-
elect Jesse Diner added that the difficult economy and investments mean the Bar will be facing a tough time with its 2009-10 budget,
but that he does not foresee an increase in Bar annual membership fees.
Heard a report from President-elect Jesse Diner on the recent planning retreat. He said the Strategic Planning Committee reaffirmed
the Bar’s existing priorities, but that economic considerations were giving them a special urgency. The four top goals remain protecting
the courts including getting adequate funding, protecting the legal profession, protect access to the courts, and improving
communications with Bar members and the public. On the latter, Diner said the Bar will be exploring using technology to improve
communications and efficiency.
Passed on final reading several rules, including one which allows for the emergency placing on the inactive list an attorney who has
an incapacity not related to misconduct which affects that member's ability to competently practice law. The board also gave final
approval to a new Standing Board Policy which provides guidelines for exempting some recipients of public reprimands from having to
appear before the board under certain circumstances with the approval of the designated reviewer after discussion with staff counsel.
Heard a report from Board Review Committee on Professional Ethics Chair David Prather that the committee postponed action on a
revision to Ethics Opinion 90-6, which addresses an attorney’s duties when he or she discovers a criminal defense client is proceeding
under a false name. Prather said the committee heard extensive debate on the matter at its December 11 meeting, and requested that
staff draft alternatives for the BRC to consider on the revised opinion. He said the issue will come to the board at its January 30
Approved revisions of Supreme Court-approved residential eviction forms. The revisions reflect statutory changes and the revised
forms will be filed with the Supreme Court.
Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate, P.A.
Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate, P.A. maintains a
comprehensive Civil Litigation practice.
We are looking for an energetic associate to join our team.
Strong qualified candidates should have 5 years of civil litigation
experience in the State of Florida and should have substantial
legal writing and research experience.
As an AV-rated Downtown Ft. Lauderdale firm, we can offer the
right individual exposure to sophisticated legal work, excellent
compensation, benefits and advancement potential, all in a small
firm environment.
Interested individuals can e-mail their resume to the firm’s
administrator at
January 14, 2009
* For Attorneys in Firms with Four or fewer Lawyers
- Functions Foster Interactive Networking
- Promote Your Law Firm / Enhance Visibility
- Development of Referral Relationships
- No outside Speakers
- You and other Participants of the Solo / Small Law
Firm Networking Group are our “Guest Speakers”
- Pre-meal Business Card Exchange Session
Dave & Buster’s 3000 Oakwood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33020
When reserving at least 48 hours in advance: $35 for Broward
County Bar Association members and $40 for non-members.
At door, $5 more on a space available basis. Credit card and
check payments accepted. For
further information contact Broward County Bar Association
(954) 764-8040.
New Year Resolution: Pipeline to Profitability
By Margaret Grisdela
What is a reasonable revenue goal for an attorney's
2009 business development program? A quick search
of the Internet does not yield much in the way of
specific suggestions on this topic.
This Rainmaking Lady suggests starting with a simple
minimum calculation of one times the attorney's
annual salary, plus a 25% factor for benefits. identifies average attorney salaries
starting at $57,500 in Year 1, climbing to $114,958 in
Year 20. For purposes of an example, let's make it
simple and work with an attorney who is earning
about $100,000 per year. The new business
development goal jumps to $125,000 with basic
benefits. An annual rainmaking goal of 1.25 times
salary translates into just over $10,000 per month in
new business development. Looked at in terms of
billable hours, it is 50 hours at $200 per hour, or 25
hours at $400 per hour.
One new $10,000 account per month most likely
means there have to be about nine other leads that
did not convert to new business yet. Stated another
way, it quickly becomes clear that an attorney has to
maintain a continuous, focused effort on finding
qualified prospects and converting them to clients.
Since business development time is so precious, it is
easy to see the importance of creating and
implementing an effective business development plan
and sharpening one's selling skills.
Where will new leads be found? Knowing the profile of
your ideal client will help. What services are worth
$10,000, particularly when transactions are slowing to
a trickle? The attorney who offers an effective solution
to known problems faced by those ideal clients is in
the best position to make the $10,000 sale.
As stated, the above example of 1.25 times salary is a
minimum goal. Three times salary as a measure of
total revenue responsibility in new and recurring
business is better ... one multiple to cover the
attorney's expense, one multiple to cover overhead,
and a one multiple profit contributor. Is this a
reasonable business development goal? Maybe.
Maybe not. The answer will vary with the firm and the
attorney. It is certainly a stretch goal, rather than a
slam-dunk goal.
In the case of a solo practitioner, an attorney's ability
to generate new accounts consistently will determine
the health and profitability of their practice in the
longer run. Partners in a larger firm most likely operate
under a more complex set of goals.
When one third of a firm's revenue is derived from
new accounts, this translates into demonstrated
competencies in the many activities that go into
closing a sale. For example, a sufficient volume of
qualified leads needs to be in the pipeline at any point
in time. Next, the "conversion" process from "lead" to
"client" must be tracked, monitored, and handled
efficiently. Finally, competitive factors must be
overcome, services must be priced fairly, and
prospects must be convinced that their needs will be
fully met in order for them to say "yes!" to becoming a
If your law firm does not maintain a healthy sales
pipeline, it may find itself suddenly at a loss for new
revenue as work in process is completed or cases
settle. Don't get caught in this situation!
A well organized, strategic business development
campaign that sets clear goals and rewards success
can have a significant impact on the bottom line.
Below is a simple set of business development
guidelines that can help you achieve your 2009
profitability goals.
Reader feedback is welcome. Revenue goals for
Broward County lawyers are sure to set off a lively
debate! Join in.
About the Author: Margaret Grisdela is President of the South
Florida legal marketing agency Legal Expert Connections, Inc. She
is the author of “Courting Your Clients,” and 2008 Co-Chair of the
Legal Marketing Association, South Florida City Group. Email her
A Special Thank You…
At press time, these are the individuals who have made contributions this current fiscal year to our Mortgage Reduction program that
was created to help BCBA pay down the mortgage on the Norma B. Howard Bar Center
Each individual received a blue and gold BCBA lapel pin.
005 Contributors
. George Allen
ichael J. Alman
lizabeth Athanasakos
ay E. Auerbach
he Honorable Marcia Beach
arl D. Berry
lan C. (Peter) Brandt, Jr.
ames H. Carroll
. Hugh Chappell, Jr.
aron R. Cohen
ictor P. DeBianchi, Jr.
ames P. Durkin
ary M. Farmer, Jr.
he Honorable Jane D. Fishman
olanda L. Fox
obert J. Friedman
elinda S. Gentile
elly Gibson
llen Gilbert-Rose
orge E. Hurtado
arry M. Kaufman
hila L. Khani
homas L. LaSalle
illie Lawson
ody Leslie
ernard J. Levy
obin Sobo Moselle
hristopher M. Neilson
harles E. Paoli, Jr.
Samuel A. Price
Kimberly A. Register
The Honorable Ronald J. Rothschild
Arlene Joy Simon
Arnold M. Straus, Jr.
Barbara K. Sunshine
Tami R. Wolfe
Alicia Zachman
2006 Contributors
W. George Allen
Roger Ally
Michael J. Alman
Jay E. Auerbach
The Honorable Paul L. Backman
Frederick C. Bamman, III
The Honorable Marcia Beach
Anthony J. Beisler, III
The Honorable Martin J. Bidwill
Samara Bober
David Wm. Boone
Alan C. (Peter) Brandt, Jr.
Steven D. Braverman
James H. Carroll
The Honorable Patricia Cocalis
George C. Cohen
The Honorable James I. Cohn
Michael J. Costantino
David W. Crane
Elizabeth G. Daugherty
Brenda Di Ioia
Michael S. Elstein
Ben I. Farbstein
Gary M. Farmer, Jr.
Michael A. Fischler
The Honorable Jane D. Fishman
RoseAnn Flynn
Yolanda L. Fox
Kelly Gibson
Steve Ginestra
Nathaniel E. Green
Dan Davis Hallenberg
Vene M. Hamilton
R. Michael Hursey
Jorge E. Hurtado
Gordon James, III
Barry M. Kaufman
Khila L. Khani
Arlene H. Lakin
Thomas D. Lardin
Thomas L. LaSalle
Jody Leslie
Margery Lexa
Kim T. Mollica
Sean L. Moore
Robin Sobo Moselle
Karen Myatt
Michael B. Nipon
Bennett Oppenheimer
Thomas F. Panza
he Honorable Carol-Lisa Phillips
he Honorable Gisele Pollack
isa M. Porter
ohn C. Primeau
. Mark Purdy
aleigh R. Rawls
ene F. Reibman
erry M. Rosenblum
ary J. Rotella
iana Santa Maria
he Honorable Barry S. Seltzer
rlene Joy Simon
ason E. Slatkin
artin J. Sperry
arbara K. Sunshine
eah Rothman Tell
egan D. Widmeyer
illiam Wong
henete Wright Muir
licia Zachman
007 Contributors
effrey A. Adelman
. George Allen
ark Allsworth
Jay E. Auerbach
The Honorable Paul L. Backman
Anthony J. Beisler, III
The Honorable Martin J. Bidwill
Sandra Bonfiglio
Alan C. (Peter) Brandt, Jr.
Warren Brown
Gordon C. Brydger
Robert Bulfin
Scott C. Burgess
James H. Carroll
Michele Cavallaro
The Honorable James I. Cohn
Richard DeNapoli
Martin S. Fein
Michael Fischler
The Honorable Jane D. Fishman
Deborah P. FitzGerald
Ted P. Galatis, Jr.
Kelly Gibson
Steve Ginestra
Melinda S. Gentile
The Honorable Renee Goldenberg
Vene M. Hamilton
The Honorable Patti E Henning
Catherine F. Hoffman
Stuart N. House
R. Michael Hursey
Jorge E. Hurtado
The Honorable Cynthia Imperato
The Honorable Kathleen Ireland
Neal R. Kalis
Barry M. Kaufman
Khila Khani
Arlene H. Lakin
Thomas L. LaSalle
Toni Latino
Bernard J. Levy
Margery J. Lexa
Carlos M. Llorente
Jeffrey R. Miner
Kim Mollica
Robin Moselle
Ghenette Wright Muir
Joseph P. Mullen
Karen Myatt
Bennett Oppenheimer
Thomas F. Panza
Charles E. Paoli, Jr.
Roger Pickles
Hope L Plevy
Peter Portley
Brandan J. Pratt
John C. Primeau
H. Mark Purdy
Charles Radice
The Honorable Stacy Ross
The Honorable Ronald J. Rothschild
Diana Santa Maria
The Honorable Arlene Joy Simon
Martin J. Sperry
Barbara K. Sunshine
Meah Rothman Tell
Lachezar Vanchev
Laura M. Watson
illiam Wong
licia Zachman
008 Contributors
.C. Chase Adams
effrey A. Adelman
rances Arnold
. George Allen
ark Allsworth
oger Ally
ichael Alman
ichelle Armstrong
ay E. Auerbach
ary M. Bagliebter
atrick L. Bailey
imothy Bailey
laudia Y. Barona
oshawn Banks
CBA Construction Law Section
udge Marcia Beach
nthony J. Beisler III
onna Benckenstein
isa K. Bennett
erry Abrams Berger
arry and Deborah Berkowitz
The Honorable Martin Bidwill
Katherine Birnbaum
Anthony B. Borras
The Honorable John B. Bowman
Alan C. (Peter) Brandt Jr.
Jeffrey M. Braxton
Nancy Brodzki
Warren Brown
Scott C. Burgess
Mark F. Butler
James D. Camp, Jr.
Walter G. Campbell Jr.
Caryn Goldenberg Carvo
Bobbie Celler
Mary M. Cohen
James and Ada Cole
Linda A. Conahan
Michael Constantino
Andrew Demos
Richard L. DeNapoli
Jesse H. Diner
Victor P. DeBianchi
Pedro E. Dijols
Michael Samuel Dyer
Law Offices Ben Farbstein
Catherine Favitta
Martin S. Fein
Craig Fergus
Michael A. Fischler
Chris B. Fisher
Alan Fishman
Jay Feldman
Ray Ferrero Jr.
The Honorable Jane Fishman
Michael C.Foster
Yolanda Lee Fox
Neil G. Frank
Howard S. Friedman
Scott and Iana Fuerst
Steve Ginestra
Patrick Giunta
Art Goldberg
The Honorable Renee Goldenberg
Donna Hearne-Gousse
Nathaniel Green
Nancy W. Gregoire
Peter N. Hanna
Fred Haddad
Douglas A. Harrison
Edward F. Holodak
Judith A. Homko
Stuart N. House
Samuel Taylor Hill
James Hurchalla
Jorge E. Hurtado
Judge Cynthia G. Imperato
Kathleen D. Ireland
W. Clayton Johnson
John G Jordan
Kelley Uustal Trial Attorneys
Khila L. Khani
Petia Knowles
Donald G. Korman
Nancy Lapierre
Thomas L. LaSalle
illiam T. Laswell
aw Offices of Atkinson, Diner, Stone,
ankuta and Ploucha
aw Office of Dobbins, Meeks, Raleigh
nd Dover
atrick W. Lawlor
illie Lawson
aniel Lemongello
ody Leslie
orrie I. Levine
pencer D. Levine
. Kay Lewis
aria Rodriguez Lewis
argery J. Lexa
arlos M. Llorente
ruce M. Lyons
cott Mager
teven Makodi
onald McCoy
atrick J. McGeehan
odd and Kimberly McPharlin
illiam J. McPharlin
ichard A. Merlino
illiam G. Miller
im T. Mollica
Marie Montefusco
Steve E. Moody
Law Offices Moody,Jones,Montefusco,
Ingino and Morehead
Stefanie C. Moon
Robin S. Moselle
Susan Motley/Kenneth Rubin
Bernard Moyle
Karen Munzer
Karen A. Myatt
Michael Nipon
Donald H. Norman
Terrence P. O’Connor
Phillips Paul O’Shaughnessy
Bennett Oppenheimer
Anthony Palmer
George A. Patterson
The Honorable Carol –Lisa Phillips
Peter A. Portley
Raymond J. Posgay
Brandan Pratt
Judge Linda R. Pratt
John Primeau
H. Mark Purdy
John C. Rayson
The Honorable Carlos S. Rebollo
Gene Reibman
Law Offices Rogers, Morris and Ziegler
Harry and Jacqueline Rosen
Angel Petti Rosenberg
Terry M. Rosenblum
The Honorable Ron Rothschild
C. Anthony Rumore
Terrence J. Russell
Dale R. Sanders
Carl and Sandra Schuster
Elaine J Schwartz
M.Ross Shulmister
The Honorable Arlene Joy Simon
Jeffrey Solomon
Jason Slatkin
Roger H. Stale
Barbara Sunshine
Frank C. Walker
Jeffrey P. Wasserman
Bruce Weihe
Max R. Whitney
Donald A. Wich, Jr.
The Honorable Marina Garcia Wood
Alicia Zachman
491 North State Road 7
Plantation, FL 33317
Over 300 guests are expected to attend Legal Aid Service of Broward County’s 8th Annual FOR THE
PUBLIC GOOD gala dinner to be held on May 15, 2009 at the Fort Lauderdale Grande Hotel and Yacht Club
from 6 to 10 p.m. The event, which will include dinner, an awards ceremony, silent auction and
entertainment, will commemorate the 35th anniversary of the firm. As in the past the event will honor
several individuals in Broward who have demonstrated leadership in helping people gain access to justice. Its
theme: “You’ve Been Served. The goal of this year’s event is to raise over $150,000, and sponsors have
already committed to over $12,000, according to Committee Co-chairs Katherine O. Birnbaum, Esq. and
Juliette E. Lippman, Esq.,
Kirschbaum, Birnbaum, Lippman and Gregoire, PLLC. “We know that the legal community will answer our
question, ‘If not us, then who?’ with their sponsorship dollars, silent auction donations and ads in our
commemorative journal.
Legal Aid Service of Broward County (LAS) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit law firm and has been providing
free civil legal services to Broward County children, families and senior citizens in the low income and
underserved communities for 35 years. Last year LAS assisted over 10,000 family members and over 3000
children at no charge. LAS also manages the largest pro bono program in Broward County, Broward Lawyers
The Ft. Lauderdale chapter of
The American Board of Trial
Advocates will install its 2009
Executive Board at their annual
Judge’s Night black tie dinner on
Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009.
The 2009 officers are:
David Keller- President
Carey Fischer- President-Elect
Deborah FitzGerald- Vice President
Diana Santa Maria- Secretary
John Richards- Treasurer
Jay Cohen- Flabota Representative
Jeff Abers- National Abota Representative
Gordon James- National Abota Representative
Howard Pomerantz- Immediate Past President
Awards will be presented as follows:
Judge David Krathen- Judge of the Year
Howard Pomerantz- Lawyer of the Year
W. George Allen, Esquire Patrick L. Bailey, Esquire Timothy Bailey, Esquire Alan C. (Peter) Brandt,
Jr., Esquire
Mark F. Butler, Esquire
Walter G. Campbell, Jr.
James D. Camp, Jr.
Linda A. Conahan,
Victor P. DeBianchi, Jr.,
Jesse H. Diner, Esquire
Ray Ferrero, Jr, Esquire
Nancy W. Gregoire,
William G. Miller, Esquire Steve E. Moody, Esquire Donald H. Norman,
George A. Patterson,
Peter A. Portley, Esquire Terrence J. Russell,
Dale R. Sanders, Esquire
Roger H. Staley, Esquire
Barbara K. Sunshine,
Frank C. Walker, Esquire Jeffrey P. Wasserman,
Donald A. Wich. Jr.
The Board of Directors of the Broward County Bar Association would like to thank
oger H. Staley and Barbara K. Sunshine for their tireless efforts on behalf of the
BCBA Mortgage Reduction Campaign.
We honor the members of the Past President’s Council of the BCBA for making a Major Gift to the Mortgage
Reduction Campaign.
Past President’s Council Major Gift Contributors
12 B
Young Lawyers Holiday Lunch
Broward County Bar Association 2008 Holiday Party
The Young Lawyers Section presents Healthy
Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward
County, Inc. with a check for $7,500.00, representing
monies raised at the 21st Annual YLS Golf
Tournament held last November 1st.
From left to right : Melissa Santos and Kathy Dunbar
from the charity, with David L. Hirschberg,
Tournament Chair.
Dillard High School Choir
Director Brenda Brown
with the singers.
James Mitchell and Louis Reinstein,
both from Bunnell Woulfe & Keller, P.A.
From left to right, Art Goldberg,
Executive Director of the Broward
County Bar Association; Carol Ortman,
Court Administrator, and Judge John