Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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This document generated on 06/07/2024
Current Research Topics for the
DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
All current ARL research topics can be found at:
Changes to these topics will be made using the website on an as needed basis. This document is
a printed copy of the current ARL research topics as of the noted print date. ARL maintains a
daily static snapshot of the ARL research topic website to ensure submissions are aligned with
listed research topics on the day of submission. The available Army Research Office (ARO)
topics are listed alphabetically followed by an alphabetical listing of the Army Research
Directorate (ARD) topics. Interested parties are encouraged to continually browse the ARL
research topic website and review the ARL BAA for instructions on submissions.
The DEVCOM ARL Broad Agency Announcement for Foundational Research,
is available on and
Link to all current ARL research topics
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Available Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topics
The available Army Research Office (ARO) topics are listed in alphabetical order.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Advanced Learning-Enabled Intelligent Cyber Physical SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0032Announcement ID:
TPOC: MaryAnne Fields, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4350
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Mathematics and Statistics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber,
and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
Keywords: Intelligent Systems, Interaction, Assured Operations, Online learning, Robust
Intelligence, World Models, Memory Systems, Causality
Intelligent cyber physical systems play an increasingly important role in civilian and military
settings. With few exceptions, current intelligent systems are restricted to highly constrained
environments for short duration missions. Future systems will need to perform a variety of tasks
in complex, possibly contested, open worlds for extended periods of time. One important
characteristic of open worlds is that the intelligent system will encounter new contexts, activities,
and objects that will require it to adapt previously trained algorithms. Advanced capabilities in
learning, reasoning, interaction, and assured operations are essential to the development of
intelligent systems that can greatly enhance the Army's mobility, agility, lethality, and
survivability in future conflicts.
Over the past 50 years, machine learning has made great strides in classification, natural
language processing, and task learning. However, machine learning still lacks the rigor, agility,
and flexibility necessary to operate in complex, contested open worlds. This thrust focuses on
establishing a theoretical foundation for on-line or continuous machine learning. New learning
approaches will need to address both the dimensionality challenges and temporal characteristics
that may be evolving continuously. In addition, new techniques must address robustness to
enable the learning system to deal with novelty, noise, observation errors and potentially
malicious input that aim to disrupt learning. Innovative approaches to continuous learning will
allow systems to adapt to changing contexts and environments while maintaining previously
learned knowledge. Under this thrust, we investigate approaches that help the intelligent systems
deal with dynamic environments, devise new, transferable skills, and cope with unknown
While end-to-end learning may be important for certain applications, it may not be an effective
approach for the complex environments typical of most battlefields. Instead, there is a need for
compositional learning systems in which each component may learn primitive actions that are
later combined, and adapted, to solve complex long-horizon manipulation problems. Research is
needed to understand how to express and learn the preconditions and post-conditions for each of
the primitive actions. Linking elements from a library of primitives and adapting the ensemble to
solve an existing problem is also an outstanding issue. Automated curriculum learning in which
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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the CPS devises its own learning strategy is an open research area. Important issues in this area
include generating sample task environments from observation, memory and simulation;
sequencing those task into an effective curriculum; and transferring the learning as the tasks
become more complex.
Long duration operations require CPSs to continually reason, make decisions, or take actions
with very limited knowledge of the pertinent events or objects that could impact those decisions.
In real world missions, systems often address multiple near-simultaneous tasks to accomplish
their objectives - on a battlefield, systems need to travel to a location while searching for
potential adversaries and sharing information with teammates. Architectures that draw from
psychological models for human decision making, such as Dual Process theory, may enable
CPSs to effectively distribute the processing for near-simultaneous reasoning tasks. Advances in
risk-aware online planning will enable autonomous systems to balance potentially conflicting
objectives and operate safely in poorly understood environments. CPSs also need to develop a
sense of "'causality" that discovers relationships between objects and events and allows the
system to incorporate temporal and spatial information into the reasoning processes.
Storing and accessing information is vital to long term mission. Not all pertinent information is
collected at the same time: new research in memory systems will enable cyber physical systems
to determine what information, in what form, it needs to store to support future actions that may
or may not relate to its current action. Memory systems are not simply information stores -
processes like reflection, abstraction, and learning enable CPSs to develop new information.
Retrieval mechanisms are very important - information is not useful unless the system can recall
it when it is needed. Research to understand effective memory structure and processes will
benefit from a collaboration with cognitive scientists to understand memory in biological
systems. New approaches are needed to address potential issues with memory systems such as
catastrophic or forgetting, limited storage capacity, and development of new methods to
efficiently use external knowledge stores.
Future autonomous systems must interact physically with humans and other intelligent systems
operating in the same space, remotely with spatially distant entities, and virtually in cyberspace
with intelligent software agents. New research in human-robot interaction and robot-robot
teaming will enable humans and robots to share the same space and work together on complex
tasks. Research in Ad-hoc teamwork will enable entities (human and systems) to dynamically
join together to address a specific problem, then pursue separate tasks after the problem is
solved. In this type of teaming, there is no prior coordination between agents and we cannot
assume that the entities share the same types of learning algorithms or reward structures or that
they have prior agreements regarding action coordination and information sharing. Some of the
important research problems within ad-hoc teaming are: ensuring that actions are understandable
to fellow teammates; modeling the capabilities of team members; including humans in the
ad-hoc teams, and dynamically modeling the performance of both the team and the individuals.
Explicit Human-Robot interaction has been extensively explored throughout the last decade.
Implicit Human-Robot interaction, on the other hand, is relatively unexplored. In this case,
humans may not directly interact with an intelligent system but instead take actions that the
system could use as input. The human actions may be intentional, unintentional or even
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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unconscious but they are a rich source of signals for learning or cooperative actions. These
implicit actions may also provide context information that could be used to adapt a previously
learned behavior to a new environment. Some important research topics in this area include:
identifying implicit signals, the value of implicit robot-human signals, and context-aware
Assured operations require a deep understanding of how a complex system composed of several
components, including mechanical systems, computational hardware, and software algorithms
operates as a coordinated system. In much the same way as the community is trying to
understand the behavior of neural networks, which are composed of layers of mathematical
functions, this topic seeks to understand how information and actions flow from the lowest levels
of the system to system level decisions and actions. Along those lines, new theory and principles
are needed to understand the impact of both gradual and abrupt changes at the component level
on the evolution of the entire system. Investigating modularity and compositionality will enable
the system to address the multiple near-simultaneous problems it is likely to encounter in long
term operations. New theories in information sharing in dynamic environments will lay the
foundation for accountability and provide clear criteria for component-level and global
input/output specification (in terms of computation, rate, semantics, ..) that can be used to: train a
learning component, optimize outputs of a planning component, and test individual and systems
level components. As these areas mature, they will provide a firm mathematical foundation for
systems-level research in learning-based design, performance guarantees, and robustness to
degraded components.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP)Title:
ARL-BAA-0022Announcement ID:
TPOC: Meg Shea, PhD - [email protected] - 240-941-4880
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational
Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT;Long Range Precision Fires;Network/C3I
Topics of interest within Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) include:
Quantum degenerate atomic gases, both Bose and Fermi, their excitations and properties,
including mixed species, mixed state, and molecular;
Quantum enhanced precision metrology;
Nonlinear processes;
Quantum systems in cavities;
Collective and many-body states of matter; and
Emerging areas.
There is an interest in emerging areas of AMO physics such as collective states of matter,
emergent lattices in quantum gases, non-equilibrium many body dynamics, advanced quantum
simulation, and metrology in non-ideal environments. Research efforts within the AMP fall
within two thrust areas: Advanced Quantum Capabilities and Novel Quantum Methods. It is
anticipated that research efforts within these areas will lead to applications including novel
materials, efficient computational platforms, and exquisite quantum sensors.
Advanced Quantum Many-body Dynamics
The focus of this thrust is the development and study of strongly correlated many-body systems.
The quantum simulator portion of the thrust seeks research on novel techniques and studies that
leverage our control and understanding of simple quantum mechanical systems to explore more
complex quantum effects and materials. The effort seeks the validation of many-body quantum
theories through the development of experimental tools including quantum gas microscopes,
atom-array experiments, synthetic gauge fields, mixed species, and novel interactions.
Complimenting this effort will be the inclusion of foundational investigations into quantum
mechanics, such as entanglement, many-body localization, collective modes, and entropy. To
take advantage of the precision inherent in future quantum devices, these systems will need to
connect to the classical world in such a manner that allows them to sample the signal of interest
while remaining robust to noisy environments. Consequently, studies of how the quantum
system interacts with classical world, and the quantum-to-classical boundary are also of interest.
Investigating how to maximize both the quality and quantity of entanglement within these
systems will be a priority. General issues of quantum coherence, quantum interference,
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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entanglement growth, entanglement purity, and non-equilibrium phenomena, as well as
discovering new scientific opportunities are also of interest.
Novel Quantum Metrology
The AMP Program has a general interest in exploring fundamental AMP that may impact future
Army capabilities. This thrust is divided into two main areas: precision metrology beyond the
standard limit and harnessing collective many-body states to improve quantum sensing. The
Novel Quantum Metrology efforts will expand the foundations of quantum measurement into
new areas that seek to exploit entanglement, spin-squeezing, harnessing collective-spin states,
developing back-action avoidance measurements, and other areas that increase fundamental
precision through interactions, including cavities and Rydberg atoms. It is expected that research
in this thrust will complement efforts in the Advanced Quantum Many-body Dynamics thrust
and vice versa. For example, collective many body states could be studied in optical lattices or
quantum gas microscopes and foundational research of entanglement are anticipated to provide
new metrological capabilities in non-ideal environments.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0017Announcement ID:
TPOC: Stephanie A. McElhinny, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4240
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Chemistry;Materials Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Sciences
of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Biomaterials
This program emphasizes basic research focused on understanding and controlling the activity
and assembly of biomolecules. Scientific advances supported by this program are anticipated to
enable the development of novel systems, materials and processes that enhance Soldier
protection and performance. Overarching goals of the program are to provide the scientific
foundations to expand the chemical diversity accessible by biomolecules and to support
biological activity outside of the cellular environment, including integration of biological
systems with synthetic systems.
The Biomolecular Specificity and Regulation thrust is focused on novel approaches to engineer
the specificity and regulation of biomolecules, either via modulation of natural mechanisms or
via design of non-natural mechanisms. Approaches to expand the chemical diversity of
ligands/substrates that are recognized/accepted by biomolecules and/or the products of
biocatalytic reactions beyond elements and chemical bonds common to natural biological
systems are of particular interest. This includes both individual enzymatic reactions as well as
multi-step biocatalytic pathways. The goal of this thrust is to develop novel engineered
approaches to modulate and control biomolecular activity, with emphasis on expanding the
chemical diversity accessible by biomolecules and achieving biomolecular control in
non-cellular contexts.
The Biomolecular Assembly and Organization thrust is focused on understanding the molecular
interactions and design rules that govern self-assembly of biomolecules into both naturally
occurring biomolecular structures and non-natural human-designed architectures. This thrust
aims to elucidate fundamental understanding of sequence-structure-property relationships in
natural biomolecular assemblies, biomaterials, and biological composites to enable rational
design of biological and hybrid biological/abiological assemblies with tailored properties and
functions. Biomolecular assembly across length scales is of interest, including discrete
multi-protein complexes or nucleic acid structures, as well as hierarchical protein or nucleic acid
assemblies and biological composites. This thrust includes homogeneous assemblies utilizing a
single building block, as well as heterogeneous systems in which a mixture of different
biomolecules and/or non-biological species (e.g., minerals, synthetic polymers) self-assemble.
Of particular interest are approaches to expand the chemical diversity of biomolecular
architectures beyond elements and chemical bonds common to natural biological systems. This
research thrust also includes the design of self-assembled biomolecular or hybrid
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biological/abiological architectures that provide control over the chemical environment and
spatial organization necessary to support complex biomolecular function in non-cellular
contexts, including artificial cells and cell-free systems.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0021Announcement ID:
TPOC: Virginia B. Pasour, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4254
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Data Sciences and Informatics;Earth and Environmental
Sciences;Mathematics and Statistics;Network Science;Physics;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Humans
in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Soldier Lethality
Keywords: biomathematics, mathematical biology, theoretical ecology, theoretical
epidemiology, modeling
The introduction of Biomathematics as a separate area of basic research recognizes the
importance and specialized nature of quantitative methods, specifically mechanistic modeling, in
the biological sciences. Biology involves a large number of entities that interact with each other
and their environment in complex ways, and at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Understanding how dynamics at different spatial scales come together to form a biological
system and understanding the dynamics of a system at intermediate timescales, as opposed to its
long term, asymptotic behavior, are critically important in biology, more so than in many other
This complexity makes biomathematics a highly interdisciplinary field that requires unique and
highly specialized mathematical competencies to quantify structure in these relationships. In fact,
progress in mathematical models of biological systems has traditionally been achieved by
making convenient simplifications; major advances in Biomathematics research continue to
require removing these assumptions (for example, stationarity, ergodicity and deterministic
nature) and finding ways to effectively model the essential complexity. Modeling techniques
currently utilized in the field range from agent-based approaches for determining the results of
individual behavior, whether those individuals be molecules, zooplankton, or humans, to
multi-compartmental modeling in physiology, epidemiology and neurobiology, to network
models involved in understanding ecosystem and human social dynamics, as well as
encompassing both deterministic and stochastic approaches. Research in control techniques is
also valuable for its potential application in militarily important areas such as bio warfare and
disease spread. Exciting new opportunities to advance the field are found in high risk attempts to
develop modeling techniques in areas of mathematics, such as algebra and topology, not
traditionally brought to bear on biological problems, advances in Bayesian statistics, a growing
recognition that the diffusion approximation is not necessarily adequate for many systems, and
the availability of large amounts of complex biological data.
The ultimate goal of the Biomathematics Program focuses on adapting existing mathematics and
creating new mathematical techniques to uncover fundamental relationships in biology, spanning
different biological systems as well as multiple spatial and temporal scales. One area of special
interest to the program is Neuromathematics, the mechanistic mathematical modeling of neural
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processes. Recent advances in neuroscience provide important foundations to begin
understanding how the brain works. Combined with experimental data, innovative mathematical
modeling provides an unparalleled opportunity to gain a revolutionary new understanding of
brain physiology, cognition (including sensory processing, attention, decision-making, etc.), and
neurological disease. With this new understanding, improved soldier performance, as well as
treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and other brain-related
disorders suffered by the warfighter will be able to be achieved more effectively, efficiently, and
ethically than via experimentation alone.
Thrust areas of the Biomathematics Program are as follows:
Fundamental Laws of Biology
The field of physics has long been "'mathematized" so that fundamental principles such as
Newton's Laws are not considered the application of mathematics to physics but physics itself.
The field of biology is far behind physics in this respect; a similar process of mathematization is
a basic and high-risk goal of the ARO Biomathematics Program. The identification and
mathematical formulation of the fundamental principles of biological structure, function, and
development applying across systems and scales will not only revolutionize the field of biology
but will motivate the creation of new mathematics that will contribute in as-yet-unforeseen ways
to biology and the field of mathematics itself. For example, heterogeneity/stochasticity is
ubiquitous in biological systems; is heterogeneity necessary for tipping points that result in
diseased individuals and epidemics and if so, what is its role? More generally, is heterogeneity in
biological systems necessary for their functioning or a problem to be overcome, or is the answer
system/function dependent?
Multiscale Modeling/Inverse Problems
Biological systems function through diversity, with large scale function emerging from the
collective behavior of smaller scale heterogeneous elements. This "'forward" problem includes
creating mechanistic mathematical models at different biological scales and synchronizing their
connections from one level of organization to another, as well as an important sub problem, how
to represent the heterogeneity of individual elements and how much heterogeneity to include in
the model. For example, the currently increasing ability to generate large volumes of molecular
data provides a significant opportunity for biomathematical modelers to develop advanced
analytical procedures to elucidate the fundamental principles by which genes, proteins, cells,
etc., are integrated and function as systems through the use of innovative mathematical and
statistical techniques. The task is complicated by the fact that data collection methods are noisy,
many biological mechanisms are not well understood, and, somewhat ironically, large volumes
of data tend to obscure meaningful relationships. However, traditionally "'pure" mathematical
fields such as differential geometry, algebra and topology, integration of Bayesian statistical
methods with mathematical methods, and the new field of topological data analysis, among
others, show promise in approaching these problems. Solutions to these types of multiscale
problems will elucidate the connection, for example, of stem cells to tissue and organ
development or of disease processes within the human body to the behavior of epidemics.
The "'inverse" problem is just as important as the forward problem. From an understanding of
the overall behavior of a system, is it possible to determine the nature of the individual elements?
For example, from knowledge of cell signaling, can we go back and retrieve information about
the cell? Although inverse problems have been studied for a long time, significant progress has
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been elusive. This thrust area involves innovations in spatial and/or temporal modeling of
multi-level biological elements with the goal of achieving a deeper understanding of biological
systems and eventually connecting top-down (data-driven) and bottom-up (model-based)
Hybrid Modeling
While the Biomathematics Program has primarily been concerned with developing and using
mathematical modeling techniques to understand the mechanisms behind biological system
function, future predictions about a system have typically been achieved through statistical
modeling using available data; these methods are limited by their ability to make trustworthy
predictions only under the same situations under which the data was collected. This thrust seeks
to develop new methods that will take advantage of the strengths of both types of modeling, still
allowing the hypothesis and testing of biological mechanism while also allowing prediction
under an expanded set of conditions. These new methods will facilitate the utilization of the
increasingly available data in many areas of biology to expand our ability to understand and
predict biological systems and may be furthered through the use and development of existing and
new data analysis techniques. For example, can we develop a mechanistic model to understand a
cell's ability to repair damage to its DNA by incorporating Machine Learning?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Bionic ElectronicsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0069Announcement ID:
TPOC: Albena Ivanisevic, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 580-3020
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Chemistry;Electronics;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Humans
in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: bioelectronics, biotronics, bionic
This research area focuses on the discovery and manipulation of phenomena and the creation of
new processes where electronics and biology overlap at the cellular / sub-cellular level. This
length scale is where the amplitudes of many types of energies (e.g., electrostatic, mechanical,
and chemical terms) converge, and correspondingly, where electronics can have fundamental
biological impacts and where leveraging electronics capabilities at the nanoscale can yield
unique new understanding of the cellular and intracellular processes.
New electronic structures and materials are now able to focus localized static electric and
magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields at the nanoscale, which presents the opportunity to
selectively address and manipulate the organelles and membranes making up the structure of the
cell. Moreover, cell constituents can have a frequency dependent response to mechanical and
electromagnetic excitation, resulting in unique electronically enabled and controlled biological
experiments. Molecular and subcellular events at the biological interfaces or surfaces are key to
downstream biological dynamics. The stimulation or manipulation of these events by electronic
means provides the opportunity for unique control and experimentation that are orthogonal to
existing biochemical or genetic approaches. Ion flow, which is fundamental to inter- and
intra-cellular signaling and process control, is susceptible to electromagnetic influence and
produces electromagnetic signatures of cellular processes. The dynamics of charged and
polarized cellular components also produces minute displacement currents, and can produce very
large field distributions in a confined nanoscale space (e.g., within a protein scaffold or across a
lipid bilayer); both of which are subject to electromagnetic probing and analysis. The different
geometries of organelles within a cell result in different electromagnetic signatures and
sensitivities which can be leveraged for selective control of cellular processes. Proteins play a
role in almost every cellular process. As extremely large and complex molecules, they should
have electromagnetic and mechanical responses that can be exploited for control. The skeletal
protein assemblies of the cell, in particular, may offer a highway for the introduction of electrical
currents or mechanical vibrations. Bio-chemical or genetic alteration of the interface of the cell
and its components can introduce new electromagnetic properties, for example a new capability
for photosynthesis in bacteria or new electromagnetic responses. Cellular engineering of
membranes, cellular organelles, and proteins by the introduction of nano-particles and
bio-molecules can introduce new sensitivities and new functionality. Opto-genetics is a
well-established procedure for interrogating cells. Early attempts at "'magneto-genetics" have
been controversial, however "'electro- or RF-genetics" may offer new opportunities. There may
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also be inherently non-trivial quantum mechanical mechanisms linked to biological behaviors,
such as navigation. Inherently quantum phenomena such as the tunneling of electrons and
protons play a critical role in many intracellular processes and can be modulated or manipulated
with nanoscale electric fields. This research area seeks understanding and control of inter- and
intra-cellular phenomena at the micro- and nano-scale. The program facilitates highly innovative
extensions of techniques based on the unique capabilities of electronics as well as totally new,
complementary methods, addressing the internal function and electrical processes within a living
entity. Biotronics seeks to accomplish this with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution
and with minimal disruption of "'normal" living cell function. The basic science questions being
addressed by the Biotronics program are geared to achieve a natural evolution into bionic
electronics. Through this evolution the goal is to us
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Complex Dynamics and SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0018Announcement ID:
TPOC: Dean R. Culver, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4225
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics;Materials Science;Mathematics and
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Energy
Sciences;Humans in Complex Systems;Mechanical Sciences;Military Information
Sciences;Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum
Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical
Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat Vehicle;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: nonlinear dynamics; mechanics; high dimensional; morphological computation;
chaos; embodied intelligence; hierarchical mechanics; heterogeneous systems; stochastic control;
stochastic learning
The Complex Dynamics and Systems program emphasizes fundamental understanding of the
dynamics, both physical and information theoretic, of nonlinear and nonconservative systems as
well as innovative scientific approaches for engineering and exploiting nonlinear and
nonequilibrium physical and information theoretic dynamics for a broad range of future
capabilities (e.g. novel energetic and entropic transduction, agile motion, and force generation).
The program seeks to understand how information, momentum, energy, and entropy flows and
transforms in nonlinear systems due to interactions with the system's surroundings or within the
system itself. Research efforts are not solely limited to descriptive understanding, however.
Central to the mission of the program is the additional emphasis on pushing beyond descriptive
understanding toward engineering and exploiting time-varying interactions, fluctuations, inertial
dynamics, phase space structures, modal interplay, practical control opportunities, and other
consequences of nonlinearity in novel ways to enable the generation of useful work, agile
motion, and engineered energetic and entropic transformations. Further information on the
current scientific thrust areas are detailed in the paragraphs that follow.
High-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamics
Classical dynamics has produced limited fundamental insight and theoretical methods
concerning strongly nonlinear, high-dimensional, dissipative, and time-varying systems. For over
a century, qualitative geometric approaches in low-dimensions have dominated research in
dynamics. These approaches of reduced-order-modeling of high-dimensional dynamics are often
premised on empirical and statistical model fitting and are incapable of capturing the effects of
slowly growing instabilities and memory. The program seeks to develop novel theoretical and
experimental methods for understanding the physical and information dynamics of driven
dissipative continuous systems. It also seeks novel reduced-order-modeling methodologies
capable of retaining time-dependent and global nonlinearities. Novel research pertaining to the
analysis and fundamental physics of time-varying nonlinear systems and transient dynamics is a
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Embodied and Distributed Control, Sensing, and Actuation
This thrust develops deeper understanding, through supporting theory and experiment, of the role
of embodiment and dynamics on a physical system's capability to process information and
transform energy. Proposals emphasizing the mechanics and control of soft, continuous bodies
are encouraged along with novel experimental paradigms leveraging programmable printed
matter. Generally, this thrust strongly leverages advances in, and approaches from, sensory
biomechanics, neuromechanics, underactuated systems theory, and mechanical locomotion
dynamics to understand the motion of both articulated and continuum dynamical systems
operating in highly-dynamic environments. The scientific principles sought, however, are not
limited to biological movement and manipulation. Proposals are strongly encouraged that view
morphology in an abstract sense. For example, understanding morphology as a system's
symmetry, its confinement (e.g. chemical reactions), or its coupling topology.
Statistical Physics of Control and Learning
The program seeks to lay the foundations for an algorithmic theory of control and learning that
goes significantly beyond the state of-the-art in model predictive control and integrates novel
learning methodologies that are not mere variations of artificial neural networks and deep
learning. Additional goals of this program is to develop an experimentally tested theoretical
framework for controlling and creating new types of critical dynamics, phase transitions, and
universality classes by bringing together theory and physical principles in statistical dynamics
with control and dynamical systems theory (controlling statistical dynamics).
Topics of interest relating to this include: nonlinear control of distributions with non-Gaussian
uncertainty; non-Gaussian uncertainty representations; understanding relationships between
work absorption and dynamics in the presence of fluctuations leading to emergent prediction and
emergent centralization; steering multi-critical interacting dynamical systems toward desired
universal scaling behaviors; externally controlling the strength of stochastic fluctuations and
intrinsic noise in systems that are driven far from thermal equilibrium and display generic scale
invariance; and selectively targeting and stabilizing specific self-generated spatio-temporal
patterns in strongly fluctuating reaction-diffusion systems. Stochastic control at the microscale to
enable novel manipulation of the dynamics of synthetic and natural biomolecular machines is
also of interest.
Mechanics of Hierarchical and Heterogeneous Systems
Recent experimental, theoretical, and computational advancements have made it possible to
challenge macroscopic, continuum representations of inherently hierarchical systems like never
before - acknowledging that desirable macroscopic characteristics arise as a function of
architecture and interaction between scales cascading all the way down to the nanoscopic
environments within. This thrust in part seeks to develop reduced order and component-level
models of nano-scale mechanisms in order to identify principles of physical interaction in these
intricate (and in most cases only stochastically or empirically understood) systems. In addition to
understanding the capabilities of component and mechanism design at the nano-scale, the
program encourages the characterization of energy and information passing from one "'scale" to
the next, as well as sensing and control strategies that tap into hierarchical and complex systems
at different scales and locations.
Topics of interest include, but are certainly not limited to: magnetohydrodynamics; the control of
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plasmas; frontiers of dynamical systems theory exploring turbulence; modeling biochemical
mechanisms in order to identify design principles that exceed their capabilities; locomotion at
micro- and sub-micro-scales. The program highly encourages studies that approach these
problems from the perspective of hierarchical structures as assemblies of known base units rather
than continua whose emergent properties can be modeled by approximating the complexity of
the structure within.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Computational MathematicsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0034Announcement ID:
TPOC: Radhakrishnan Balu, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-4302
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Mathematics and Statistics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Mechanical Sciences;Network, Cyber, and
Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT;Network/C3I
Keywords: Mathematical modeling, Scientific computation, Fractional order methods,
Mathematics of QIS, Atmospheric physics, Embedded simulation
The research strategy of this program is to focus on the following opportunities for crucial
discoveries: innovative methodologies for solving currently intractable problems that take
advantage of symmetry, conservation, and recurrence, that can adapt to both the evolving
solution and to the evolving run-time resource allocation of modern computer architectures;
novel algorithms that accommodate different mathematical models at different scales, interacting
subsystems, and coupling between models and scales; methods that incorporate nonlocality
through integral operators with advantageous representations. Research in this area will
ultimately lead to the development of new mathematical principles that enable faster and higher
fidelity computational methods, and new methods that will enable modeling of future problems.
Scientific computation is an essential component of scientific inquiry, complementing theory and
experiment, and is also an essential element of engineering in both design and in failure autopsy.
Simulations in support of inquiry, design, or autopsy often require expert knowledge in order to
select methods that are compatible with the assumptions of the scenario at hand, require
considerable skill to properly set up, require considerable time, memory, and storage on large
scale parallel/distributed/heterogeneous systems to compute, and require considerable skill and
effort to distill useful information from the massive data sets which result. Expert knowledge is
also required to quantitatively estimate solution accuracy and to estimate the time and effort
required to achieve a desired accuracy. Data has become ubiquitous and is potentially very
valuable in increasing solution accuracy and/or decreasing the effort required to solve, but
mathematically sound methods for incorporating data into accurate simulations are incomplete.
Simulations are not always timely, with results often not being available until after they are
needed, for example in calculating failure of New Orleans levees during Katrina and in revising
those estimates based on real time surge data.
The emphasis in the Computational Mathematics program is on mathematical research directed
towards developing capabilities in these and related areas. For problems that are not
time-limited, research areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Advances in Numerical Analysis. Novel methodologies are sought for solving currently
intractable problems. New ways of taking advantage of symmetry, conservation, and recurrence
are of interest, as are new ways of creating sparsity and new computational structures which can
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adapt to both the evolving solution and to the evolving run-time resource allocation of modern
computer architectures. Rigorous analysis is sought for each in order to enable error bounds,
error distribution, and error control.
Mathematics for Quantum Information Systems (QIS). New mathematical constructs and
understanding are sought in order to provide useful mathematical tools and language to others
working to advance QIS. QIS goes far beyond quantum computing (QC), with focus also on
quantum networking, quantum sensing, topological quantum computing, and topological phases
of matter. Advances are sought in factors of von Neumann algebras, type II and type III, that are
yet to be fully explored even after a century of studies from a QIS point of view. Topological
quantum information processing going beyond anyons and in 3+1 spacetime dimensions are of
interest. Exploration of noncommutative geometry from QIS point of view are important in
pushing the field. Advances are sought in the language for quantum field theory as a basis for
QIS and for the associated mathematical structures that are involved. New bases for QIS-based
chemical and biological systems are just beginning; language and representations for these
more-complex and messier-than-physics-based-systems are sought in order to enable new
mathematical models. The QIS of metamaterials-based systems is very different from other
systems, and new mathematics is sought that is capable of representing the unification of these
disparate QIS themes.
Fractional Order Methods. As an alternative to high order methods and other less-local
operators, fractional operators are another nonlocal operator that have proven to work well in
modeling and have the advantage of not enforcing dubious assumptions of smoothness,
especially at discontinuities and interfaces. However, the nonlocality of fractional operators also
typically introduces a significant increase in computational load. Advances in novel efficient
computational methods for these operators are of interest. Army systems often operate under
rapidly-changing unpredictable and adverse conditions. It is desirable for models to be
computationally simulated and fast enough to drive decision making, exercise control, and to
help avoid disaster. Such simulations need to be created, run, and interpreted in better than real
time. Research directed towards making this goal achievable is of interest, such as: Fast Methods
for Atmospheric Physics. Modeling and prediction of local and mid-range atmospheric physics
are a key part of the domain of operations. New exploratory efforts in fast algorithms for
atmospheric physics have been identified as an area where new computational methods could
make an important impact on problems of current and future Army interest. The emphasis of
these efforts is on mathematical methods which have some promise of wider application rather
than methods limited only to specific application areas.
Reduced Order Models. Full scale simulations are often not realizable in real time. In order to
investigate the behavior of systems under a variety of possible scenarios, many runs are required.
Reduced order models are one way to enable this. Possible methods to create these models
include adaptive simplification methods based on singular value decompositions and reduced
order numerics. To be useful, all such models should be equipped with reliable estimates of
Problem Solving Environments. To enable rapid decision making that is driven by simulation,
it is necessary to set up simulations very quickly and obtain results in an understandable format.
Matlab is one current tool for such a problem solving environment. What are other approaches?
Embedded Simulation. As algorithms become more efficient and computational devices shrink,
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it will become increasingly possible to use real-time simulation to drive control systems. New
methods which address this goal are welcome, especially those which permit user- controlled
and/or adaptively-controlled tradeoffs between speed and accuracy. Decision Making. One valid
criticism of numerical simulation is that it takes so long to set up, run, and post-process the
results that they cannot be used in a timely manner to guide decision making. Mathematical ideas
that help address this problem are of interest.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Condensed Matter PhysicsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0029Announcement ID:
TPOC: Joe X. Qiu, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4297
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Photonics,
Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT;Network/C3I
Keywords: Solid-state physics; Crystal lattices; Correlated oxides
This program strives to drive research that looks beyond the current understanding of natural and
designed condensed matter, to lay a foundation for revolutionary electronic device concepts for
future generations of warfighters.
Strong Correlations and Novel Quantum Phases of Matter. Understanding, predicting, and
experimentally demonstrating novel phases of matter in strongly correlated solid state materials
will lay a foundation for new technology paradigms for applications ranging from information
processing to sensing to novel functional materials. Interest primarily involves strong
correlations of electrons, but those of other particles or excitations are not excluded. This thrust
is currently emphasizing endeavors to determine if material properties can be significantly
altered by dressing bosonic states within materials with engineered fluctuations of the vacuum.
Topologically Non-Trivial Phases in Condensed Matter. Topologically non-trivial states of
matter in solid state materials beyond the quantum Hall phases have shown a remarkable
opportunity to advance our understanding of physics and provide a foundation for novel device
concepts. This thrust emphasizes the interaction between magnetic order and topological states.
A deeper understanding of these interactions is necessary to determine if meaningful device
concepts can be built upon them. The thrust is also broadly interested in the discovery and
engineering of new non-trivial phases, verification of non-trivial topologies and phase transitions
between trivial and non-trivial topological states.
Unique Instrumentation Development. Advanced studies of SSP phenomena often require unique
experimental techniques with tools that are not readily available. The construction and
demonstration of new methods for probing and controlling unique quantum phenomena in solid
state materials is of particular interest.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Dynamical Influences on Social SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0102Announcement ID:
TPOC: Gregory Ruark, PhD - [email protected] - (240) 890-3591
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Mathematics and Statistics;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems;Military
Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
The overall goal of this program is to enhance fundamental understanding of the interdependent,
reciprocal, and complex relationships across social systems accounting for environmental factors
needed to enhance future warfighters' performance across operational contexts. Performance is
traditionally bounded to a task where the ability to successfully execute actions and achieve
mission objectives is a result of training and leadership. This narrow focus on the task, however,
does not account for the critical factors in everyday interactions that impacts performance: the
social system that shapes the warfighters through shared norms, values, and expectations; lived
experiences that support inter- and intra-dependence; and exogenous variables that directly and
indirectly impact quality of life. A warfighter's social systems exists among other systems -
whether embedded within larger systems, parallel to, in competition to, and/or in opposition of -
that see reciprocal influence forces exchanged between them. These social systems transcend the
task or operational environment to include garrison, schools, deployments, and other institutions
to include those outside the military that co-exist with social systems, and in combination impact
the warfighters' capabilities development. Therefore, it is important to take a holistic approach
that accounts for the human, social, and environmental elements that interact and over time
shape development to understand and predict performance levels and variability within and
across missions.
The Dynamical Influences on Social Systems program supports fundamental research to
understand how to construct, maintain, and, as necessary, reconstruct social systems within and
across environments that promote the desired social behaviors necessary for effective
performance. Successful projects will develop new innovative theoretical, methodological, and
modeling approaches to understand scalable human behaviors within complex systems and
across environments. This program has three focal areas of interest. First, create the scientific
capability to identify and assess the influence of meaningful contextual factors that consciously
and unconsciously impact ongoing affective, cognitive, and behavioral processes within and
across individuals and collectives. Second, to enable the integration of the science of time (i.e.,
the experience and perception of time) to understand cascading effects beyond first and second
order effects on social systems. Third, to understand the impact of advanced technologies that
more closely mimic human characteristics and capabilities on the evolution of various social
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Earth Materials and ProcessesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0007Announcement ID:
TPOC: Jamin M. Rager, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4313
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics;Earth and Environmental Sciences;Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Humans in
Complex Systems;Mechanical Sciences;Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber, and
Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: geoscience, earth science, environmental, civil engineering, urban, built
environment, atmosphere, terrain
The Earth Materials and Processes program seeks to enable maneuver, communication and
situational awareness in all terrain through understanding and prediction of the physical and
mechanical properties and behaviors of rocks, soil, and man-made earth surfaces and their
interactions with their surrounding environment. The Program is especially interested in
interdisciplinary efforts that could be eligible for cross-discipline support. Topics for
consideration include but are not limited to the following:
Investigations on the transmission of information (e.g., seismic, acoustic, or radio frequency) in
challenging environments: Of special interest are urban, high-latitude, high-altitude, and forested
environments. Access to new field areas and high-resolution data collection and modeling
provide opportunities to differentiate sources and characterize terrain.
Research on fundamental processes within the built environment: How natural and artificial
surfaces (e.g., soil, sand, or concrete) store and conduct energy depending on their spatial
relationships, inherent material properties, and imparted features such as moisture storage and
evapotranspiration. Detailed characterization of these environments will enable prediction of
geophysical and environmental processes in diverse urban settings. Investigations that support
the development, integrity, and resilience of cyber-physical systems as related to environmental
sensing are of special interest.
Science to advance environmental security: These efforts must focus on the fundamental
knowledge that will inform new approaches and tools to predict and mitigate risks posed by
changing environments and extreme weather events and to ensure access to natural resources,
including strategic minerals. Note that (1) the Program focus is on the science required to enable
development of tools and products, not the development of the tools and products themselves,
and (2) proposals must target specific Army-relevant challenges rather than general topics (e.g.,
extreme weather, climate change, natural hazards, as broadly defined). A discussion with the
program manager is encouraged to determine if a topic sufficiently addresses an Army challenge.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0025Announcement ID:
TPOC: Hugh C. De Long, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4271
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: Electrochmistry, Redox, Chemistry, Transport, Electroactive
This Program supports fundamental electrochemical studies to understand and control the
physics and chemistry that govern electrochemical redox reactions and transport of species, and
how these are coupled with electrode, catalysis, electrolyte, and interface. Research includes
ionic conduction in electrolytes, electrocatalysis, interfacial electron transfer, transport through
coatings, surface films and polymer electrolytes, activation of carbon-hydrogen and
carbon-carbon bonds, and spectroscopic techniques that selectively probe electrode surfaces and
electrode-electrolyte interfaces. Novel electrochemical synthesis, investigations into the effect of
microenvironment on chemical reactivity, quantitative models of electrochemical systems, and
electrochemistry using excited electrons are also of interest. This Program is divided into two
research thrusts, although other areas of electrochemical research may be considered:
Reduction-oxidation (Redox) Chemistry and Electrocatalysis
The Redox Chemistry and Electrocatalysis thrust supports research to understand how material
and morphology affect electron transfer and electrocatalysis, to tailor electrodes and
electrocatalysts at a molecular level, and to discover new spectroscopic and electrochemical
techniques for probing surfaces and selected species on those surfaces.
Transport of Electroactive Species
The Transport of Electroactive Species thrust supports research to uncover the mechanisms of
transport through heterogeneous, charged environments such as polymers and electrolytes, to
design tailorable electrolytes based on new polymers and ionic liquids, and to explore new
methodologies and computational approaches to study the selective transport of species in
charged environments.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Electronic SensingTitle:
ARL-BAA-0027Announcement ID:
TPOC: Tania M. Paskova, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4334
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Electronics;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Long Range Precision Fires;Soldier
This program focuses on basic research investigations leading to new electronic sensing science
that enable 100% situational awareness to include day/night, all weather, non-line-of-sight and
through natural and man-made obstructions for sensing of personnel, weapons, chemical and
biological threats. The Electronic Sensing (ES) program is currently emphasizing research
focused on materials development, including experimental, theoretical and computational studies
that design, create, and understand novel materials functionalities and device operation concepts
through advances in the fields of electronics, photonics, photoacoustics and piezo-phototronics to
enhance or enable new detection capabilities. This program is divided into two thrusts: (i) Novel
materials platforms and (ii) Advanced sensing concepts.
Novel materials platforms
This thrust seeks to push beyond the state of the art in conventional material systems, seeking
novel advanced material platforms with functionality beyond the established limits on
sensitivity. Research of interest is targeting fundamental understanding of nontraditional
materials and nanostructures of high quality enabling new phenomena and unique properties that
could lead to higher detectivity and ultrafast response at or near ambient temperature. This thrust
also supports research aimed at exploring the properties and capabilities of artificially engineered
materials platforms including, but not limited to: metamaterials; 2D vertical or lateral stacking;
azimuthally twisted mono/bilayers or chiral twisted nanowires, which can enable exotic
phenomena such as strong electron correlations, superconductivity or novel optically excited
quasiparticles such as moire excitons or trions, leading to enhanced energy transport toward the
quantum limits in efficiency. Engineered 3D photonic and artificially shaped 2D crystals into
increasingly complex 3D structures, benefitting from expansion into the additional dimension
that could allow enhanced interaction with light or enhanced chemical reactivity are also of
interest. Advances in these areas require deep understanding of mechanisms of interface
formation, new phenomena and properties arising from the unique integration of same or
dissimilar materials, calling for innovative theoretical and experimental methods.
Advanced sensing concepts
This thrust emphasizes research in design and development of tailored device architectures based
on different sensing concepts to achieve performance metrics surpassing current capabilities to
detect, recognize and identify targets and threats. The goal of this thrust is to develop new
engineered approaches to enhance the stimulus-response characteristics and improve the
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signal-to-noise ratio and conversion (transduction) of the signal to another form with higher
efficiency, while reducing all components of the noise (thermal, optical, mechanical, and
electrical) and thus enabling higher sensitivity, reliability and resilience to various environmental
factors. Of particular interest are research efforts exploring innovative hybrid architectures in
pursue of novel or multi-functionality, benefiting from various combinations of optical and
piezoelectric electromechanical resonances, nonlinear plasmonics, selective gating or field
modulation and tailored band structure when targeting different sensing modalities, such as
electro-optic, thermal, acoustic, chemical or biosensing. Other modalities and mixed concepts
that meet the Army needs for highly sensitive, fast, tunable, flexible or multimodal sensors are
also welcome. Advances in these areas require theory-guided experimental research paving the
way towards development of new generation detectors with enhanced multi-band, broad-band or
hyperspectral capabilities.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Environmental ChemistryTitle:
ARL-BAA-0005Announcement ID:
TPOC: Elizabeth (Liz) K. King-Doonan, PhD - [email protected] - (919)
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Chemistry;Earth and Environmental Sciences
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Energy
Sciences;Humans in Complex Systems;Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: Environment, Chemistry, Fate, Transport, Climate, Arctic
The Environmental Chemistry Program seeks to support transformative research to enable
unprecedented detection, prediction, manipulation, and mitigation strategies in complex
environmental matrices. This is an interdisciplinary program that incorporates recent discoveries
in chemical, biological, and physical principles to enhance national security.
Current focus areas for this portfolio include, but are not limited to, the following:
Biogeochemical transport and transformation aims to elucidate and characterize novel
biogeochemical mechanisms that drive (or prevent) the release and/or transformation of
emerging compounds of concern within or across environmental reservoirs. Environmental
reservoirs of interest include the lithosphere (e.g., soils and sediments), biosphere (e.g., plants
and microbiome), hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
Environmental chemistry of the built environment supports research to understand the
biogeochemical interactions that are unique to built and urban environments. The reactions in
these environments are a function of the structure and partitioning of the compounds present, the
chemical and physical properties of the built/artificial materials, and the microenvironments that
form at the natural-built interface. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
environmental/biofilm formation on Army-relevant built materials, biological and chemical
transport in subterranean built environments, and contaminant transport and transformation
through diverse urban interfaces.
Environmental forensics strives to develop cutting-edge approaches to enable novel techniques
for detection, tracking, source partitioning, and prediction at military-relevant scales. Research
that leverages recent discoveries in other scientific fields such as biology, physics, network and
data science, and computational modeling are encouraged. Topics that focus on
instrument/sensor development and materials design are not supported.
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Environmental chemistry to inform environmental security characterizes how dynamic and
extreme weather events (e.g., fires, flooding, drought), or extreme environmental conditions
(e.g., temperature, relative humidity) alter the speciation, partitioning, transformation, and
recovery of biological and chemical compounds of interest, including critical resources.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Fluid DynamicsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0030Announcement ID:
TPOC: Jack R. Edwards, PhD - [email protected] - 919-549-4235
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Long Range Precision Fires
Keywords: fluid, turbulence, dynamic stall,
Fluid dynamics plays a critical role in many Army operational capabilities. Accurate and
efficient prediction of the flow physics required for the design of future advanced capabilities
and improvements to the performance of existing systems is challenged by the nonlinear and
high-dimensional character of the governing equations. In addition, Army relevant platforms are
often dominated by flows with high degrees of unsteadiness, turbulence, and compressibility and
are characterized by multiple and widely separated spatio-temporal scales and geometrical
complexity of solid or flexible boundaries. The program seeks to support basic research
investigations of fundamental and novel flow physics underpinning future concepts and
capabilities for Army platforms.
The program seeks basic research proposals in the following three thrust areas:
Dynamics of Unsteady and Separated Flows
Efforts in this research area require novel and aggressive strategies for examination of the
interplay between disparate spatio-temporal scales, the inclusion of physically significant sources
of three dimensionality, and the characterization of the role of flow instabilities and nonlinear
interactions across a range of Mach and Reynolds numbers appropriate to Army aerial vehicle
and weapons systems. In all cases, the flow is characterized by a high degree of unsteadiness.
Criteria for identifying the signatures of unsteady separation and/or incipient separation are of
particular interest, as are diagnostics capable of real time measurements of such
signatures. Historical management of complexity has often resulted in scientific approaches that
lead to the elimination of potentially critical flow physics. Research efforts capable of gaining
deep understanding of highly complicated flows are likely to allow these critical physics to be
Nonlinear Flow Interactions and Turbulence
Many Army relevant flows are governed by strong nonlinearities and are fundamentally
turbulent in nature. Historically, many analysis tools developed for linear dynamics have been
applied to gain understanding of flow behaviors. The practical usefulness of such techniques has
saturated; the ability to gain global understanding of the evolution of flows requires the
development and use of approaches that can deal directly with inherent nonlinearities. Operator
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theoretic methods are making great strides in tackling the perennial difficulties associated with
the Navier-Stokes equations. Our understanding of turbulent flows is also benefitting from new
approaches based in dynamical systems theory to build frameworks beyond the notions based on
Reynolds averaging and stochastic dynamics. By leveraging the existence of underlying
deterministic structures, significant advances in the ability to design systems capable of not just
dealing with turbulence but exploiting its dynamics may become possible. Modeling turbulent
flows near walls at high Reynolds is a continuing challenge for practical applications of
scale-resolving simulation methods. Creative numerical and theoretical constructs may benefit
from novel non-intrusive diagnostics that can accurately measure turbulent flow properties near
Dispersed-phase Interactions with Aerodynamic Surfaces
Understanding the dynamics of the interaction of dispersed phases (sand, dust, rain, frozen
precipitation) with aerodynamic surfaces is necessary to mitigate potential performance
degradations and to expand the range of applicability of Army aerospace systems. Accurate
prediction and description of dispersed-phase interactions within aerodynamic boundary layers,
with solid surfaces, and with other dispersed-phase components is needed for a better
understanding of the underlying flow physics. Advances in modeling and simulation strategies
capable of predicting near-surface dispersed phase and dense-phase effects are needed, as are
quantitative diagnostics capable of interrogating local flow phenomena that impact overall
aerodynamic performance.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0035Announcement ID:
TPOC: Micheline K. Strand, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4343
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Soldier Lethality
Keywords: genetics, genetic variation, DNA barcoding, mitochondria, oxidative stress
The Genetics program supports fundamental basic research in genetics, molecular biology,
genomics, epigenetics, and systems biology in areas that are anticipated to enable improved
cognitive and physical performance capabilities, increase survivability, and enable new Army
capabilities in areas such as biomaterials, sensing and intelligence. This program emphasizes
innovative high-risk fundamental research in areas such as identification and characterization of
genetic variation, gene function, gene regulation, genetic interactions, gene pathways, gene
expression patterns, epigenetics, mitochondrial regulation and biogenesis, and nuclear and
mitochondrial DNA stability and instability. More specifically the Genetics program is currently
focused on the following questions: Can we advance our understanding of the factors that affect
mitochondrial integrity and oxidative stress? Can we further our understanding, characterization
and exploitation of genetic variation within and between species? Can we fully identify,
characterize and understand the relationships with and the effects of prokaryotes and fungi on
larger eukaryotes, including in eukaryotic organs traditionally considered to be sterile? How can
we exploit genetic pathways and genetic variation to protect soldiers and develop new Army
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Information AssuranceTitle:
ARL-BAA-0010Announcement ID:
TPOC: Paul L. Yu, PhD - [email protected] - (240) 890-3589
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
Keywords: cyber defense, resiliency and robustness, trusted computing and communication,
wireless security
Information Assurance
The Information Assurance program establishes the scientific mathematical and information
processing foundations for achieving information and decision dominance under threat
conditions. Information provided to warfighters must be authentic, accurate, secure, reliable, and
timely. The research program seeks the development of foundational science to assure
information flows in autonomous cyber systems, protect their interactions with capable
adversaries, and understand how to apply and account for deception. Central to program efforts
is the resilience of complex systems in highly dynamic and congested environments that are
contested by capable adversaries.
Models and Metrics for Next Generation Systems
The program seeks foundational science to measure a complex system and provide
trustworthiness and robustness guarantees. Assurance principles and metrics are needed to help
define, develop, and evaluate future resilient systems and networks that can, with measurable
confidence, survive and recover from sophisticated attacks and intrusions. An enduring challenge
is the proactive discovery of exploits and vulnerabilities in cyber-physical systems, neural
networks, and other complex systems. Ideally, the subsequent mitigation process improves
resilience against future attacks. Deep understanding and accurate modeling of attacker-defender
interactions will also be important to improve future system development. In addition, some
areas of interest for improving warfighter performance include the development of
human-centric security and usability metrics, computational models for usable security in
stressful situations, and adaptive security protocols according to perceived threats.
Trusted Learning for Cyber Autonomy
Future Army autonomous systems, especially cyber-physical systems working alongside
soldiers, are subject to adversarial attacks during operations such as fault injection. While current
testing and verification techniques help assure system integrity prior to deployment, few of them
can help mitigate runtime risk or achieve automatic recovery after a compromise. Robustness
certification or domain adaptation at both the data processing layer and the information/decision
layer may lead to better mission sustainment and resiliency against adversarial manipulation and
exploits. Also lacking is the ability to adapt to changing operational environments, mission
requirements, and adversarial conditions. New research is sought to establish fundamental
principles for cyber autonomous system adaptation, including trusted cyber-domain learning,
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decision making, introspection, self-healing, and adaptation. Assurance of the autonomous
response for safety and correctness is critical for defense systems to maintain mission assurance.
Cyber Deception
Cyber deception is a proactive technique to degrade the adversary's effectiveness by
manipulating its cognitive state and decision process. Scientific understanding is required to
establish effective models for understanding and tracking the adversary's tactics, techniques, and
procedures (TTP) and quantify the effectiveness of deceptive maneuvers in steering the
adversary's decision processes. Deceptive cyber artifacts have been used to engage adversaries
but the dynamics between attackers and defenders, especially mental interactions, are not well
understood. Advanced methods are sought to understand adversaries through neutralized
engagements to inform effective deception schemes. Capable adversaries will also leverage
deceptive techniques in engaging with Army networks; it is critical to model deceptive
adversaries that attempt to mask their TTP, evade detection, and launch sophisticated attacks.
Trustworthy Tactical Communication
The program seeks direct guidance in the design of theory, protocols, and techniques that assure
delivery of trustworthy information over tactical wireless systems. Novel ideas in fundamental
research areas, such as information-theoretic security and game theory, may yield new
paradigms for physical layer security (ranging from confidentiality to authentication to
trustworthiness), fundamental bounds in trust management and data integrity in distributed
systems, and assured information delivery and dissemination in tactical environments. The
corresponding constructions stemming from such investigations represent a significant avenue
for improving trustworthiness of future tactical wireless communications.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Information Processing and FusionTitle:
ARL-BAA-0008Announcement ID:
TPOC: John S. Hyatt, PhD - [email protected] - (240) 309-8380
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Mathematics and Statistics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
With ubiquitous data acquisition capabilities, effective data and information processing is of
critical importance to defense missions. The Information Processing and Fusion program is
concerned with the creation of innovative theories and algorithms for extracting actionable
intelligence from diverse, distributed multimodal data to support Army operations.
Foundations of Image and Multimodal Data Analysis
Innovative research is sought concerning: (1) novel representations of multimodal data to enable
the understanding of multimodal sensor data and contextual information, including nonstandard
data types beyond image and video; (2) detection, localization, and recognition of objects and
locations from image data with particular emphasis on provable performance guarantees; (3)
detection of events, actions, and activities to extract activity-based intelligence, especially when
no extensive training data is available; and (4) integrated approaches that enable semantic
descriptions of objects and events including relations. Learning and adaptation should enable the
representation at both low and high levels, where inputs from actual users of the systems are
used to improve the performance of the algorithms and the fidelity of models at all levels of the
modeling hierarchy. Of high interest are methods to exploit the structure of the data, capture its
intrinsic dimensionality, and extract information content of data, and which go beyond
correlative modeling to incorporate causality, symbolic reasoning, and physics. The development
of an "'information/complexity theory" and a "'learning theory" specific for remote sensing,
imaging data, and decision tasks is highly desirable.
Data and Information Fusion
Multimodal data acquisition systems are increasingly prevalent with disparate sensors and other
information sources, ranging in design from a finite number of locally grouped sensors to a very
large, geographically dispersed sensor network. This thrust seeks advanced mathematical
theories and approaches for integrating multimodal data and contextual information to provide
actionable intelligence. Of particular interest are systematic and unifying approaches for data and
information fusion from diverse sources with heterogeneous fidelities and timescales, varying
degrees of overlap, and differing levels of uncertainty. Scalable methods are needed for
efficiently handling vast amounts of data, as are methods for preserving data provenance and
identifying the key raw data used to generate fused representations or make predictions. Fusion
in networked environments addressing issues such as adaptive, distributed, and cooperative
fusion is emphasized. Theories and principles for performance analysis and guarantees at all
fusion levels to support robust, uncertainty-aware data and information fusion are important to
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ensure successful military operations.
Active and Collaborative Sensing
Modern sensing systems typically include multiple networked sensors with communication
capabilities where the whole network can be thought of as a meta-sensor that can be controlled,
in addition to each individual node having some controllable degrees of freedom such as
mobility for unmanned aerial/ground systems, pan-tilt-zoom for infrastructure sensors, or
waveform for agile radar. Depending on the task or query, it is desirable for the system to control
the data acquisition process to acquire the "'most informative data" for the specific task or query,
to minimize uncertainty, or to identify the type and deployment scheme of additional sensors
required. Consequently, of particular interest are methods that address the integration of
mobility, sensor-selection, modality selection, and active observation for real-time assessment
and improvements of sensing performance. Another research area of interest is
performance-driven active data collection, where a query is given to the system together with a
desired performance bound. Where the confidence in answering the query is insufficient, the
system should actively interrogate or control sensors to achieve the desired confidence. Such an
active learning and information-driven sensor control should include the user in the feedback
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Knowledge SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0033Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert St. Amant - [email protected] - (240) 927-2060
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Economics;Mathematics and
Statistics;Network Science;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat Vehicle;Synthetic
Training Environment
Keywords: Game Theory; Natural Language Processing; Decision Making; AI as software;
Problem Solving
The overall objective of the Knowledge Systems program is to augment human decision makers
(both commanders and Soldiers) with enhanced-embedded battlefield intelligence that will
provide them with the necessary situational awareness, reconnaissance, and decision making
tools to decisively defeat any future adversarial threats. While software agents will likely be the
decision aide, it turns out robots also need planning and decision tools and need to be able to
understand their human handlers/ colleagues. Given these objectives, it becomes necessary to
understand (a) fundamentals of what intelligence means in the context of autonomous systems
and how to build intelligent systems especially as it relates to interaction amongst a network of
humans and machines, and (b) foundational algorithmic issues in representation and reasoning
about networks inherent in societies and nature.
Information Networks
In order to model network effects it is necessary to algorithmically represent large networks and
reason about them. Unfortunately, information about networks is seldom complete - data
available might be missing crucial pieces of information, might have contradictory pieces of
information, or could be approximate (with associated notions of uncertainty). Representing and
reasoning about these networks requires advances in knowledge representation, graph and data
mining, natural language processing, algorithmic graph theory, machine learning, and
uncertainty quantification and reasoning. Examples include the emerging area of Graphons
which provide new tools for generating and reasoning about graphs that occur in practice
(satisfying power law distributions), but also provide new tools for Machine Learning. In
particular, a major goal of this thrust are tools and techniques that allow data driven approaches
to capturing latent relationships with powers to both explain and predict. Advances in this thrust
would not only lead to improved autonomous systems and algorithms, but also
enhanced-embedded battlefield intelligence with tools for creating necessary situational
awareness, reconnaissance, and decision making. Finally, it should be noted that algorithmic
notions of approximations, tight performance bounds, probabilistic guarantees, etc., would be
major concerns of the solution space.
Adversarial Reasoning
Development of appropriate mathematical tools to model and reason about societies and cultures,
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that brings together tools from Game Theory, Social Sciences and Knowledge Representation.
Research of interest includes, but is not limited to, Game Theory for security applications while
accounting for bounded rationality, development of Game Theory based on data regarding
cultural and adversarial groups, and Behavioral Game Theory that can explain intelligence in
groups and societies. In particular, the role of human biases in decision making and game theory
is of importance to this thrust of the program.
Natural Language Processing and Affective Computing
Inference algorithms work incredibly well when data is in a structured format. However, most
reports, email, and conversations are written out as text with information embedded in them.
This thrust seeks advances in purposeful Natural Language Processing at scale that can account
for context and mode-switches by bringing together statistical and logical methods. Indeed, when
combined with other signals, such as video signals, the inter-play of non-verbal and verbal/
textual communication provides rich contextual information, which, in turn, leads to accurate
information being gleaned from an interaction.
Engineering AI Systems
AI systems are insular, brittle, dependent on massive amounts of data, and with no avenues for
composition. While notions of type systems, effect systems, assume-guarantee assertions, and
procedural and process abstractions are all now available to describe and compose software
components, similar notions of modularity are critically needed for building AI systems from
small learning-based components. There are examples such as model-cards and data-sheets that
are now available, which along with notions of Probabilistic Programming could provide the
necessary basis. However, there are a number of problems, especially in the context of Deep
Neural Networks, that still need to be addressed. The necessary science required to address AI
safety - rigorous specifications for composition, run-time monitoring, self-healing, reasoning,
etc., are all of interest to this program.
Afore mentioned problems of interest deal with tools for producing robust AI
systems. However, the task of designing and building AI systems from scratch - from vague
definitions of problem to be solved - is still open. An enormous amount of insight and effort
may go into the process of turning an ambiguous description into a formal problem specification
amenable to an AI solution. What data sources are relevant? What structure can be identified in
the problem space? What makes one family of solution techniques better than another? Which
measures should be adopted for evaluating the quality of a solution? Research on problem
formulation and formalization can be found in the literature, with results in some specialized
areas such as concept learning for DNNs, general game playing, and historical work on
formalizing data analysis procedures. General solutions are lacking, however, which has a
bearing on current challenges in AI (e.g. under-specification for ML systems) and may
contribute to the relatively slow adoption of AI in some high-stakes domains (e.g. clinical
practice in medicine). The need is more than simply for automated tools to assist AI
developers. Rather, the scientific question to be answered concerns the extent to which the
informal process of problem formulation can be formalized.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Materials DesignTitle:
ARL-BAA-0012Announcement ID:
TPOC: Evan L. Runnerstrom, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4259
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Photonics,
Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities: Soldier Lethality
Keywords: self-assembly, soft materials, colloids, functional materials, metamaterials,
The overarching goal of the Materials Design program is to establish new smart materials
concepts by pursuing fundamental science that exploits multiple physical and chemical forces at
play during directed self-assembly to create stimuli-responsive, multifunctional materials with
designer geometries, hierarchical complexity, and the ability to dynamically switch among
configurations, thereby enabling the future Warfighter to adapt to any environment or situation.
Bottom-up materials science, functional materials, and soft matter are the unifying themes of the
Materials Design program. The program supports experimental, theoretical, and computational
advances to better design, create, understand, and manipulate novel functional materials from the
bottom up. The foundations established here support the realization of 3D metamaterials,
reconfigurable optics and electronics, bio-mimetic materials, and multi-functional materials that
dynamically respond to their environment.
supports basic research into the multiple physical and chemicalThe Science of Self-Assembly
forces at play during directed, bottom-up 3-D assembly into super-structures incorporating
multiple components. The goal is to design novel self-assembled materials that would be
impossible to create using top-down techniques. Self-assembling materials systems of interest
include: colloids; nanocrystals; liquid crystals; functional biomaterials and bio-hybrid materials;
and/or hybrids (e.g., polymeric composites) of these materials. Specific research interests
include: non-equilibrium and dissipative self-assembly; 3-D photonic crystals and structural
color; interactions between self-assembled materials and water; and non-traditional assembly
directing forces (e.g., turbulence).
supports the design and synthesis of soft matter capable of reversibleReconfigurable Materials
transformations. The goal is to elucidate the design rules for creating novel functional materials
with dynamic property contrast and/or emergent behavior and develop new methods to
"'program" materials with the ability to respond in specific ways to external stimuli.
Reconfigurable materials systems of interest include: bio-mimetic materials; liquid crystal
elastomers; colloidal metamaterials; 3D/4D metamaterials; and active matter. Specific research
interests include: 3D/4D printing of functional materials with molecular-scale precision;
materials that form reconfigurable networks; "'natural" (i.e., non-robotic) active matter capable
of autonomous collective behavior and/or computation, and, in particular, materials capable of
changing their shape, color, or texture.
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seeks to leverage recent advances in machine learning,Computer-aided Materials Design
artificial intelligence, computational materials science, and other numerical approaches to solve
difficult materials design problems, particularly those in soft matter, self-assembly, and
reconfigurable materials. Points of interest include inverse design of self-assembled materials;
data-driven design of heterogeneous hierarchical materials; and novel models or algorithms for
solving materials-specific problems. Specific research interests include: "'self-driving" materials
simulations; unified simulation approaches that bridge all time- and length-scales of interest; and
designing soft materials to perform AI/ML computations (e.g., physical artificial neural
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Mechanical Behavior of MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0001Announcement ID:
TPOC: Daniel P. Cole, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4371
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Chemistry;Data Sciences and Informatics;Materials Science;Mathematics and
Statistics;Mechanics;Network Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Sciences of Extreme Materials;Terminal
Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
This program focuses on basic research investigations that enable unprecedented mechanical
properties in advanced structural materials in order to ensure high performance under a variety of
extreme and highly variable operational conditions. Experimental, theoretical, and numerical
efforts are encouraged, particularly those that promote understanding of the underlying physical
mechanisms leading to extraordinary behaviors. Studies may focus on a variety of materials,
including: metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and hybrid structures. Research efforts that
leverage recent discoveries in other scientific fields, such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Network Science and Data Science, are also highly encouraged. These investigations are
expected to enable transformative capabilities for the Soldier in the areas of protection,
maneuver, and sustainability. Current focus areas for this portfolio include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Extreme Thermomechanical Behaviors. This thrust emphasizes foundational concepts that
enable structural materials with extraordinary combinations of ultrahigh temperature stability
and exceptional mechanical properties under non-equilibrium conditions, e.g. transient thermal
loads, high g-loading, and/or variable oxidizing environments. Areas of interest include:
Understanding, control, or confinement of deformation mechanisms; exploiting
interface/interphase interactions in heterogeneous materials; and concepts enabling materials to
undergo refinement under relevant conditions to enhance thermomechanical performance.
Disruptive Mechanical Responsiveness. This thrust focuses on structural materials with
unprecedented mechanical responsiveness when subject to complex loading environments, e.g.
severe and/or high strain rate events. Areas of interest include materials that actively respond to
dynamic loading environments and other external stimuli through rapid adaptation of shape,
topology, mechanical properties, and/or through the ability to intrinsically process information.
In addition, this thrust seeks concepts for manipulation of mechanical forces within materials at
specific spatial locations, particularly for the consideration of inelastic behaviors.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0006Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert J. Kokoska, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4342
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Humans
in Complex Systems;Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
This program supports basic research in fundamental microbiology that can help advance needs
in Soldier protection and performance. There are two primary research thrusts within this
program: (i) Microbial Survival Mechanisms in Challenging and Extreme Environments and (ii)
Analysis and Engineering of Microbial Communities.
The Microbial Survival Mechanisms in Challenging and Extreme Environments thrust focuses
on the study of the cellular and genetic mechanisms and responses that underlie bacterial,
archaeal and fungal survival in the face of environmental stress, as well as the ability of these
microbes to thrive under those conditions. These stressors include extremes in temperature, pH,
or salinity; the presence of toxins including metals and toxic organic molecules; oxidative stress;
and cellular starvation and the depletion of specific nutrients. Included here is the study of
microbial metabolism under conditions of slow growth and the transitions into and out of slow
growth phases. Research approaches can include fundamental studies of microbial physiology
and metabolism, cell biology, and molecular genetics that examine key cellular networks linked
to survival and environmental adaptation, microbial cell membrane structure, and the dissection
of relevant critical signal transduction pathways and other sense-and-respond mechanisms.
The Analysis and Engineering of Microbial Communities thrust supports basic research that
addresses the fundamental principles that drive the formation, proliferation, sustenance and
robustness of microbial communities through reductionist, systems-level, ecological and
evolutionary approaches. Bottom-up analysis of nutrient consumption, information exchange,
signaling interactions, spatial/temporal effects, structure-function relationships, and biosynthetic
output for single and multi-species communities within the context of planktonic and both native
and engineered biofilm architectures is considered. The use of these approaches for the analysis
of model microbial systems that address the biology of mammalian and environmental
microbiomes are welcome. Of joint interest with the ARO Biomathematics Program, research
efforts that advance the ability to work with biological data sets toward an understanding of
microbiological systems marked by ever-increasing complexity are encouraged.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Modeling of Complex SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0020Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert S. Martin, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 580-7573
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Mathematics and Statistics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber,
and Computational Sciences;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: data assimilation, inverse problems, model closure, geometric data analysis,
information theory, sparsity, data compression
The Modeling of Complex Systems Program is a program of fundamental mathematics
oriented research directed at addressing the critical challenges resulting from the approximate
nature of mathematical models that are particularly exacerbated by complex macroscopic
phenomena. While models have traditionally relied on tuned, empirically inspired closures, this
program seeks to rigorously explore the bounds of model predictive power through the
development of coupled nonlinear uncertainty propagation methodologies and novel data
assimilation techniques for the self-consistent integration of observed data within constrained
modeling frameworks. By leveraging available prior knowledge such as conservation laws,
invariances, symmetries, graph interaction structure, and information geometry, the program
seeks to improve predictive horizons beyond naive interpolative data fitting across a variety of
disciplines. The program particularly seeks modeling frameworks that can be adapted to span a
variety of disciplines where complete first principle descriptions are unavailable,
computationally inaccessible, or that require inference of missing and incomplete information in
problem descriptions to enable rapid predictions for applications ranging from anomaly detection
to design and planning. Although they break down into more specific research directions, the
three thrust areas of interest to the Modeling of Complex Systems Program are 1) development
and analysis of new, general, outer-loop modeling and data assimilation frameworks 2)
validation metrics for models of complex phenomena that avoid overfitting phenomena and 3)
data topology, hierarchical compression, and nonlinear sparsity in quantifying optimal minimal
model state representations across the range of observed emergent system complexities.
Note that the research in modeling of complex phenomena supported by the Modeling of
Complex Systems Program is primarily mathematical analysis and not numerical analysis or
computational mathematics. Rather than demonstrating asymptotic convergence of numerical
methods to an assumed mathematical model form, the goal instead is in the development of
frameworks capable of asymptotic convergence of predicted uncertainty bounds to observed
distributions under the assumptions of finite complexity computation and limited data
Models of particular complex systems that address and are to be utilized for more specific
purposes and objectives will be assessed within the context of one of the program's other
modeling thrust areas. Research carried out under this section should address the general theory
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and analysis of mathematical modeling from a broader perspective.
Furthermore, any modeling research effort that could be of benefit to military applications but
that might not fall directly under one or more of the program thrust areas will still be considered,
particularly if the innovation in the modeling and analysis are significant and noteworthy.
The three major areas and subsequent sub-areas of research for the Modeling of Complex
Systems Program are described further below.
Outer-Loop Modeling Frameworks and Analysis
Mathematical modeling is fundamental to nearly every other direction of research in the
physical, social, and computational sciences. A common element of modeling - even if the
phenomenon in question is highly complex - is truncation and simplification that sacrifices
realistic application and utility for computational tractability. This is particularly true for
enabling outer-loop models such as those used in design optimization, uncertainty quantification,
model predictive control, and inverse problems. Where necessary, data-driven simplifications
motivated by observed regularity with corresponding uncertainty bounds are preferred to ad hoc
assumptions. Modeling frameworks are desired that are able to eschew the usual computational
simplification assumptions and realistically capture, adequately govern and/or control, and
effectively operate within the particular complexities of real-world environments and
phenomena, while maintaining sufficient computational tractability to provide testable
predictions at relevant timescales. Of specific interest are hybrid model frameworks that capture
both causal and predictive features, data assimilation in compressed spaces, probabilistic
modeling frameworks for the nonlinear evolution of uncertainty, and applications of categorical
Validation Metrics
A critical component of any mathematical modeling framework, reliable validation metrics are
required to attain confidence in model predictions. Traditional metrics, such as a few low
moments of quantities of interest, often leave system characteristics unconstrained for
phenomena in which observers in general and the Army in particular may later become
interested. This is particularly true of rare event and heavy-tailed phenomena. With the
application of increased model complexity to many complex phenomena, as in the case of highly
parameterized purely data-driven models, new metrics need to be developed to balance model
expressivity with the risk of overfitting. Approaches for understanding the bounds of model
validity near mode transition boundaries where model assumptions fail are also particularly
critical. As is the case for the modeling effort, these metrics should preferably be in a complete
mathematical analytical framework, which is to say, in part, that they should derive from the
problem in question and its inherent complexity as opposed to a situation in which one forces the
model to fit an a priori chosen metric. Further, with the proliferation of post-hoc data-mining,
development of rigorous metrics that are resilient to overfitting are particularly critical.
Data Topology, Hierarchical Compression, and Nonlinear Sparsity
Representation of complex, irregular geometric objects and complicated, often high-dimensional,
abstract phenomena, functions, and processes is fundamental for Army, DoD, and civilian needs.
These compressed representations are often a critical initial step in modeling of any complex
system. Such needs arise in the multiscale models of physical phenomena, coarse-graining,
sociological and biological objects, information flow, and many other contexts. While any finite
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representation of real data is necessarily lossy, finding efficient spaces that retain the information
necessary for a given prediction task is a critical component of building computationally
tractable models. Any research that incorporates an innovative information geometric and/or
topological approach to address a problem with military, defense, and intelligence applications is
welcome and will be considered, but there are three specific threads that are of particular interest
to this thrust of the program: 1) geometric data analysis, and 2) multiscale geometric modeling,
including dynamics and physical modeling on domains with fine, complex, geometric and/or
topological structure and 3) the fundamental mathematical structure of closure models.
Geometric data analysis includes - among other subfields - topological data analysis, subspace
analysis, manifold learning, empirical dynamic modeling, and dimension reduction techniques.
Current research directions of importance to Army applications include video, audio, and image
processing (i.e. mathematical signal analysis), fast and accurate object recognition (i.e.
reconstructing and matching geometric data through queries over a database), embedology,
causal inference, geometrically motivated methods and structures for working effectively with
large - and often real-time extracted - data sets that may be corrupted in some way (e.g. missing
or distorted data), and the application of persistent homology in the detection and classification
of signals by shape. New approximation theory that does not require the classical assumptions -
primarily smoothness - and that provides structure for the many new non-smooth approximation
techniques currently under investigation is required. Concurrently, research on the metrics by
which we measure and evaluate the approximation is needed.
Additionally, approximation theory for information flow and other abstract phenomena in large
wireless communication, sensor and social networks is also of interest. The approximation
theory developed under support of this program is expected to provide building blocks for
computational geometry, pattern recognition, automatic target recognition, visualization systems,
information processing and network information flow.
Multiscale geometric modeling, analysis, and dynamics are of particular interest, both in the
context of models of physical phenomena over real-world terrain and in the aforementioned
complex, high-dimensional data structures. Models that make use of self-similar structures and
recursively defined spaces (e.g. fractals, solenoids, etc.) would be of great interest in adapting or
enhancing current techniques in areas such as data mining, fluid and heat flow, and search,
evasion, deployment, and maneuver over complex terrain that exhibits self-similar properties
(e.g. urban or mountainous terrain). Current techniques for dealing with complex dynamical
processes and large, noisy, and possibly corrupted data sets could be greatly improved in both
the time and efficiency realms by employing techniques from scale symmetry, which often
allows one to reduce a large and unwieldy number of variables to a more manageable problem if
the variables are appropriately scaled.
Finally, closure models, and particularly those that exploit self-similarity or other structural
invariances, are of interest. However, reliance on model closures remains contingent on the
development of rigorous mathematical foundations for highly parameterized models such as
those arising from neural network approximations in establishing convergence properties,
uniqueness, and equivalence of the resulting inferred maps.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Modern OpticsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0009Announcement ID:
TPOC: James A. Joseph, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4213
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Network,
Cyber, and Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
The objective of this program is to promote a deeper understanding of the properties of light and
the discovery of new optical effects that can improve Army capabilities. Most sensing and
communications systems depend on light in some way. This program seeks transformational
basic science discoveries in optical physics that are needed to enable dynamic control of light for
remote sensing, information routing, and energy transmission. In order to accomplish this goal,
the Modern Optics Program targets new or emerging phenomena related to quantum optics,
light-matter interactions, structured light and ultra-short pulse lasers.
Quantum Photonics. This thrust seeks to push beyond the state of the art in photonics and
integrated optical platforms, seeking novel functionality beyond classical limits on sensitivity,
accuracy, and stability. Research efforts may include studies addressing complexity and loss in
integrated optical systems, scalable realizations of multi-photon quantum states or quantum light
sources, and novel laser platforms to probe or manipulate quantum information in physical
qubits. Basic science understanding is needed to push integrated photonics into the quantum
regime which will be essential for next generation quantum technology.
Meta-Optics. This thrust looks for novel functionality enabled by optical metamaterials. In this
area, the conventional norms of classical optics will be broken. Examples include resolution
beyond the diffraction limit, super-lensing, as well as subwavelength control of optical fields.
Proposals related to non-Hermitian optics and the physics of exceptional points, where these
concepts are utilized to fabricate photonic structures with novel properties and sensors with
precision beyond the state of the art are sought. In general, any phenomena arising from optical
metamaterials that would benefit the Soldier and improve Army capabilities will be considered.
Extreme Light. This thrust focuses on extreme light, meaning the examination of optical fields in
extreme limits, such as shortest pulse and/or high intensity. General areas of study under this
thrust include, THz formation, broadband localized radiation, coherent control of atomic and
molecular energy states, plasma effects in materials, and relativistic plasma physics. Theoretical
and experimental research efforts are needed to push beyond the state of the art in ultrafast
science and to understand how extreme light interacts with matter.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Multi-Agent Network ControlTitle:
ARL-BAA-0031Announcement ID:
TPOC: Derya Cansever, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4282
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber,
and Computational Sciences;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Long Range Precision Fires;Network/C3I;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
Keywords: Control, Reinforcement Learning, Quantum, Multi-Agent, Distributed, Data Driven,
Networked Systems
The objective of the Multi-Agent Network Control program is to establish the physical,
mathematical and information processing foundations for the control of complex dynamic
networks with possibly multiple controllers that may operate using different information sets.
The research program seeks the development of novel mathematical and computational methods
for the modeling and control of the collective behavior of large-scale networked systems
controlled by of heterogeneous agents which may or may not follow a common goal. Autonomy
is central to program efforts to support anticipated dynamics of the future battle space.
Requirements of such environments may include mobility, effective sensor coverage, efficient
information flow, responsiveness to support the military goals of information superiority,
dominant maneuver and precision engagement.
Distributed and Time-Varying Control of Networked Systems
Distributed control techniques play a major role in the analysis and synthesis of networked
systems. They have been successfully used in robotics for replicating self-organized behaviors
found in nature (e.g., bird flocking, fish schooling, and synchronization) and in developing
applications such as formation control, rendezvous, robot coordination, and distributed
estimation. Many dynamic systems are, or can be made time-varying, and they may be subject to
possibly abrupt transitions of the states, and hard to predict disturbances and external effects.
Innovative methods that incorporate, and even exploit time varying nature of distributed systems
for establishing their stability, robustness and optimality is of interest. Analysis and control of
networked non-linear systems where standard linearization methods are not satisfactorily
applicable is also sought. Potential use of techniques such as geometry, graph theory, topological
analysis and other innovative methods are encouraged.
Data Driven Control and Learning
Control of systems with unknown dynamics and methods to reduce their uncertainties has been
part of mainstream control systems research, examples of which include Reinforcement Learning
(RL), Adaptive Control, and in general data driven control. Reinforcement Learning is shown to
be closely related to Stochastic Dynamic Programming, which enabled successful leveraging of
significant body of research of the latter. However, data driven controls such as RL face
significant challenges, including computational complexity, very long convergence times, and
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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lack of sufficiently rich training data. Hybrid approaches that properly incorporate prior or
learned models of the systems to be controlled into the problem formulation are emerging and
their furthering is encouraged in this program. Broadly, research to address fundamental issues in
data driven control is sought. Those include, but not limited to, efficient computation methods
that allow real-time operations without sacrificing precision, scalability, optimization algorithms
that address the occurrence of multiple local minima encountered in learning and developing
systematic methods for reliable transfer of learning from other experiments. Use and advancing
of control theoretical tools such as stability analysis, non-convex optimization, and other
innovative approaches to address these open problems is encouraged. New insights to RL
algorithms which may extend, modify, or replace standard Markovian formulations are desired.
Extensions of RL techniques to networked systems featuring multiple controllers with
applications to autonomy and coordination among interacting agents are sought. Innovative
research focused on adaptive control, and system identification techniques to reduce
uncertainties and facilitate optimal or near-optimal control is also in scope.
Control of Quantum Systems and novel applications of control theory
Innovative tools and methodology from control theory could provide new insights and
approaches to pave the path for solving some of the outstanding problems in quantum, such as
maintaining coherence and stability of Quantum Qubits and their entangled states. Capabilities
enabled by quantum computers are expected to surpass their classical counterparts in the future.
However, maintaining the desired state of qubits remains a fundamental problem encountered in
the realization of quantum computers and quantum networks. Adaptation of control theoretical
tools and approaches in enhancing the stability of coherence of qubits and reducing the impact of
noise in quantum gates and their operations could provide new research opportunities in the
control of networked quantum systems.
Researching and devising other applications of control theory in areas that are relevant to the
Army and that could advance the state of control theory itself is of interest. Among novel
applications of potential interest is the study of control functions acting on neural circuits that are
distributed in the brain. These interactions include synchronization, but their fundamental
principles and underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Modeling and analysis of these
phenomena could provide novel research opportunities in the control of networked systems.
Similarly, study of biological systems has unveiled control architectures that are not encountered
in industrial control systems. Understanding the principles, analyzing the effectiveness of such
naturally occurring control systems and their potential adaptation to the control of man-made
applications could be an area of fertile research.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Neurophysiology of CognitionTitle:
ARL-BAA-0016Announcement ID:
TPOC: Chou P. Hung, PhD - [email protected] - (240) 962-0229
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Mathematics
and Statistics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology Sciences;Humans
in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities:
The Neurophysiology of Cognition program supports non medically oriented high-risk
high-reward basic research that will enable discovery of the appropriate molecular, cellular,
systems and behavioral-level codes underlying cognition and performance across multiple time
scales. An overarching goal of the program is to foster advances in a broad range of
experimental, computational and theoretical approaches applied to animal models and humans as
well as data. Inquiries are strongly encouraged for projects that include recent methodological
advances to assess and augment the nervous system (i.e., electrophysiological, imaging or
computational). Basic research opportunities are sought in two primary research thrusts within
this program: (i) Evolutionary and Revolutionary Interactions and (ii) Neural Computation.
Evolutionary and Revolutionary Interactions (with Real and Mixed Worlds)
The Evolutionary and Revolutionary Interactions thrust aims to understand evolutionary
neurophysiological processes that enable complex task performance in both unstructured and
structured real-world environments. Foundational research is encouraged to uncover biological
mechanisms and to concurrently develop efficient and adaptive computational and modeling
frameworks that abstract cognitive phenomena such as anticipatory sensing, automatic learning,
complex decision-making, and rapid adaptive action. How these neural phenomena translate
across teams of human and AI agents and span wider ranges of spatiotemporal scales and task
complexities is of particular importance. Experimental approaches building upon man-made
structured and mixed environments with increasingly complex, information-rich/poor/deceptive
and cooperative/competitive features will be most informative. Also, foundational research to
understand and improve cognitive performance and to avoid cognitive failures by understanding
(across neuromechanistic, glymphatic, and neurocomputational levels) sleep and mitigation of
cognitive fatigue due to physiological and environmental stressors is of high value.
Neural Computation, Information Coding, and Translation
The Neural Computation thrust is focused on broadening understanding of the mechanisms
employed by neural circuits and systems to generate desirable computations and to learn and
adapt from few examples. Research in this thrust can broadly address research in areas such as
studying aspects of multiscale information processing dynamics mediating computations among
neurons, glial cells and blood vessels as well as identifying how these circuits and circuit
architectures generate desirable computations over multiple timescales, discovering mechanisms
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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for bidirectional control. Mathematical and computational frameworks are encouraged for
closed-loop prediction and control of neural dynamics and to translate across divergent
information types (e.g. differing in information capacity, throughput, modality, processing
architectures, levels of abstraction). Focus should be paid to uncovering fundamental principles
of neural system adaptations required to solve unstructured problems, infer expectations of
teammates and adversaries and of tasks and the environment, and estimating rewards for
complex decisions. Integrative approaches involving combinations of experimentation, theory
and mechanistic modeling are highly encouraged, for both biological and novel hybrid
living-nonliving frameworks.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
ARL-BAA-0019Announcement ID:
TPOC: Michael D. Gerhold, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4357
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Energy
Sciences;Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences;Photonics,
Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Network/C3I;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
Keywords: optoelectronics, photonics, semiconductor
Research in this subarea includes novel semiconductor structures, processing techniques, and
integrated optical components. The generation, guidance and control of UV through infrared
signals in semiconductor, dielectric, and metallic materials are of interest. The Army has
semiconductor laser research opportunities based on low dimensional semiconductor structures
(quantum dots, wells, wires, etc.) operating in the eye-safer (>1.4), 3-5, and 8-12 microns regions
for various applications, such as LIDAR, infrared countermeasures, and free space/integrated
data links. Components and sources in the UV/visible spectral ranges (particularly < 300 nm)
may be of interest as well. Research is necessary in semiconductor materials growth and device
processing to improve the efficiency and reliability of the output of devices at these wavelengths.
However, near infrared or wavelength agnostic device advances can be explored for potential
impact on various material systems and wavelengths of interest.
Research that leads to an increase in the data rate of optoelectronic structures is sought.
Interfacing of optoelectronic devices with electronic processors will be investigated for full
utilization of available bandwidth. Electro-optic components will be studied for use in guided
wave data links for interconnections and optoelectronic integration, all requirements for
high-speed full situational awareness. Optical interconnect components are needed in
guided-wave data links for computer interconnection and in free-space links for optical
switching and processing. For high-speed optical signal processing as well as potential for power
scaling, research on individual and 1 or 2-D arrays of surface or edge-emitting lasers is
necessary. Spectral and coherent beam combining approaches for integrated photonics need
more exploration. Research addressing efficient, novel optical components for high-speed
switching based on electro-optic materials, nanostructures, metamaterials or other regimes may
be of interest. Emitters and architectures for novel display and processing of battlefield imagery
are important.
Research on components and sub-elements of photonic circuits used in neuromorphic photonic
information processing and computation are of interest. Photonic processing within a photonic
integrated circuit (PIC) requires smaller and more energy efficient modulator devices on the
order of 5 microns and 1 femtojoule/bit. Modulation bandwidth of 10 Gb/s or more, and
insertion loss of 0.1 dB or less are needed to cascade modulators with less than 1 dB/cm total
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loss. Modulation and bit resolutions of 12 bits or more and floating-point calculations will be
required for PIC processor implementations. Other advances leading to enhanced analog
computing performance regimes including energy efficient and high-speed photodetectors and
light sources (most likely coherent) are sought. Exploration of ideas leading to enhanced use of
photonic interactions in both 2D and 3D architectures that take advantage of photonic degrees of
freedom (wavelength, polarization, spatial modes, etc.) will be considered. While quantum
communications and quantum integrated photonics are not focused upon per se, low bit energy
signals (photon count < 500) may be considered. Such research could impact single photon,
quantum optics regimes due to similar signal to noise considerations.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Physical Properties of MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0003Announcement ID:
TPOC: Kate J. Duncan, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-5456
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Chemistry;Electronics;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Energy
Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: Novel functional materials discovery, materials characterization techniques,
materials defects
The Physical Properties of Materials program seeks to discover novel functional materials and
elucidate fundamental mechanisms responsible for achieving extraordinary electronic,
photonic/optical, magnetic and thermal properties in materials to enable future innovative Army
applications. There are mainly three focus areas in this program:
Novel Functional Materials Discovery area supports the discovery of novel functional materials
with unique compositions and/or structures to realize unique physical properties. Examples of
materials include oxides, nitrides, carbides, chalcogenides, super-lattices, free-standing low
dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D organic / inorganic) materials, hetero-structures, polymers,
organic-inorganic hybrids, co-crystals, etc. Basic research ideas in the areas such as synthesis
(thin films as well as bulk materials), modeling, and influence of external stimuli such as light,
magnetic field etc. to determine unprecedented functional properties (semiconducting,
superconducting, ferroelectric/multiferroic, photonic, magnetic, thermal etc.) are encouraged.
Science & Engineering of Crystal Imperfections area explores the influence (either positive or
negative) of various crystalline imperfections (e.g., point, line, area, volume defects etc.) on the
physical properties (electronic, optical, magnetic, and thermal) in functional materials. Basic
research ideas in the areas such as elucidation of different mechanisms of
incorporation/elimination of the defects during thin film growth/bulk materials processing of
materials, characterization of novel defects, and influence of them on the extraordinary
functional properties of the materials etc. are encouraged.
Novel materials characterization techniques: Development of novel characterization techniques
to determine composition- structure- defects- stimuli- property relationships in functional
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Polymer ChemistryTitle:
ARL-BAA-0002Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert H. Lambeth - [email protected] - (410) 306-0281
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Mechanical Sciences;Sciences of Extreme
Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: polymers, stimuli-responsive materials, polymer-based composites, hybrid materials
The Polymer Chemistry program supports basic, foundational research in polymer design,
synthesis, and characterization with the goal of linking polymer structure through the
atomic/molecular- nano- and microstructural continuum to bulk macroscopic
properties. Innovative methodologies are sought for synthesizing polymers with well-defined
functionality and architecture with the objective of gaining a more acute understanding of how
chemical structure influences microstructure, morphology, phase behavior, self-assembly,
processing and ultimately, functional/structural properties. The continued development of these
relationships is critical to creating new generations of materials with superior mechanical,
thermal, optical, chemical, electrical, and other transport properties to perform well under
extreme operating conditions. Research areas of interest include but are not limited to the
New synthetic approaches are sought for preparing polymersPolymer Synthesis and Assembly
with well-defined molecular weight, functionality, architecture, tacticity, and sequence. This
could include new methodologies for controlled polymerization, catalyst and initiator design for
tacticity or sequence control, novel strategies for post-polymerization functionalization or
transformation and accessing ultra-high molecular weights. Proposals which link molecular level
control to polymer assembly to access increasingly complex structures with improved selectivity
driven by non-covalent chemistry, solvent effects, and/or immiscibility are also
desired. Assembly of dissimilar materials or polymer alloying concepts where mixing entropy
suppresses phase separation are of particular interest. Biological routes to create or degrade
polymers with stable, non-hydrolytic bonds will also be considered. Methodologies that leverage
autonomy, high-throughput experimentation, and machine learning to accelerate the pace of
discovery are also highly sought.
Polymer networks find broad utility in defense applications yetAdvanced Polymer Networks
suffer numerous limitations due to the nature of their polymerization and the resulting defects
that are formed which tend to dominate their mechanical response. New architectures, topologies
and synthetic approaches are desired to access polymer networks with limited or controlled
defects and/or hierarchical structures leading to extraordinary properties. Incorporation of novel
molecular mechanisms or cascades for energy dissipation, sensing, self-healing, actuation, and
recyclability that are triggered by external forces such as light, stress, and electric or magnetic
fields which enable reversible changes in physical properties. Mechanisms that induce
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responsiveness and local molecular motion in thermosets below T /T and/or require low energy
g m
doses and offer spatiotemporal control are highly desired.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Quantum Information ScienceTitle:
ARL-BAA-0023Announcement ID:
TPOC: Sara Gamble, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4241
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber,
and Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
Keywords: quantum information science, quantum sensing, quantum computing, quantum
entanglement, quantum networking
Quantum mechanics provides the opportunity to perform highly non-classical operations that
have the potential to result in beyond-classical capabilities in sensing, precision measurement,
computation, and networking. The quantum information science program seeks to understand,
control, and exploit such non-classical phenomena for revolutionary advances beyond those
possible with classical systems. An overarching interest is the exploration of small systems
involving small numbers of entangled particles. There are three primary areas of interest within
the program.
Foundational Quantum Physics
Experimental investigations of a fundamental nature of quantum phenomena that are potentially
useful for quantum information science are of interest. Examples include coherence properties,
decoherence mechanisms, decoherence mitigation, entanglement creation and measurement,
nondestructive measurement, complex quantum state manipulation, and quantum feedback. An
important objective is to ascertain the limits of our ability to create, control, and utilize quantum
information in multiple quantum entities in the presence of noise. Systematic materials science
based and/or focused research which identifies and/or mitigates decoherence mechanisms is also
of interest. Models of machine learning that are based on the foundations of quantum physics are
of interest. Theoretical analyses of non-classical phenomena may also be of interest if the work
is strongly coupled to a specific experimental investigation, such as proof-of-concept
demonstrations in atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) or other systems.
Quantum Sensing and Metrology
This research area seeks to explore, develop, and demonstrate multi-particle coherent systems to
enable beyond classical capabilities in sensing and metrology. Central to this research area is the
exploration of small systems involving a few entangled particles. Topics of interest include the
discovery and exploration of (a) multi-particle quantum states advantageous for sensing and
metrology, (b) quantum circuits that operate on multi-particle quantum states to enable
beyond-classical capabilities, and (c) methods for the readout of quantum states. Other research
topics of interest include theory to explore multi-particle quantum states useful for beyond
classical capabilities, quantitative assessment of capabilities and comparison to classical systems,
efficient state preparation, quantum circuits for processing these states as quantum bits, readout
techniques, decoherence mitigation and error-correction for improved performance, supporting
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algorithms as a basis for processing circuits, connections between the solution of hard
computational problems and overcoming classical limitations in sensing and metrology,
entanglement as a resource, and suitable physical systems and key demonstration experiments.
Quantum Computation and Quantum Networking
Quantum computing and networking will entail the control and manipulation of quantum bits
with high fidelity. The objective is the experimental demonstration of quantum logic performed
on several quantum bits operating simultaneously, which would represent a significant advance
toward that ultimate goal of beyond classical capabilities in information processing.
Demonstrations of quantum feedback and error correction for multiple quantum bit systems are
also of interest. There is particular interest in developing quantum computation algorithms that
efficiently solve classically hard problems, and are useful for applications involving resource
optimization, imaging, and the simulation of complex physical systems. Examples include
machine learning, parameter estimation, constrained optimization, and quantum chemistry,
among others. The ability to transmit information through quantum entanglement distributed
between spatially-separated quantum entities has opened the possibility for new approaches to
information processing. Exploration of quantum networking of information and distributed
quantum information processing based on entanglement is of interest. These include the
exploration of long-range quantum entanglement, entanglement transfer among different
quantum systems, and long-term quantum memory.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Social and Cognitive NetworksTitle:
ARL-BAA-0026Announcement ID:
TPOC: Edward T. Palazzolo, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4234
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics;Economics;Education;Network Science;Social
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems;Military
Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Keywords: Social, Cognitive, Network, Behavior, Knowledge, Teams, Learning
The goal of the Social and Cognitive Networks program is to understand human behaviors and
cognitive processes leading to collective level phenomena particularly relevant in military
settings with an emphasis on high performance teams, computational social science, and
collective resilience. Social networks are the underlying structure of interaction and exchanges
between humans within both strategically designed and emergent or self-organized systems.
Social networks allow for collective actions in which groups of people can communicate,
collaborate, organize, mobilize, attack, and defend. The changing nature of DoD's missions
greatly increase the need for models that capture the cognitive, organizational, and cultural
factors that drive activities of co-present, virtual, or distributed groups, teams, and populations.
Better understanding the human dimension of complexity will provide critical insights about
emerging phenomena, social diffusion and propagation, thresholds, and tipping points.
The Social and Cognitive Networks program supports projects that contribute substantive
knowledge to theories about human behavior and interaction and make methodological
advancements in modeling and analyzing social network structures. This program funds projects
successful in blending theories and methods from the social sciences with rigorous
computational methods from computer science, engineering, and mathematical modeling.
Advances in this program are expected to lead to development of measures, theories, and models
that capture behavioral and cognitive processes leading to emergent phenomena in teams,
organizations, and populations.
Community Cognitive Resilience
Cognitive resilience for sustained operations is a critical need within an evolving environment of
work and family. There is a need to create verifiable models bridging cognitive and social
networks to discover the developmental processes and science of cognitive and social well-being
to establish cognitive resilience in individuals and communities. Research in this program
focuses on rapid integration modalities of mindfulness and hypnotherapy for cognitive
management and improvement as well as emotional regulation. Basic research in this thrust will
explore the impact of these modalities on social science theories from psychology,
communication, anthropology, and sociology. Research will use social networks methods to
explore an individual's impact on and from the communities in which they are embedded.
Research supported in this thrust will explore small- and large-scale network patterns that
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support both individual cognitive resilience and collectively support the community. Priority will
be given to fundamental science (nonclinical) efforts focused on illness to wellness related to
PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain management, suicidal ideation and prevention, healthcare
behaviors, and disease propagation.
Human Behavior and Interaction
This program supports research from disciplines such as communication, health and behavioral
science, industrial and organizational and social psychology, library and information science,
management science, and sociology that use a social networks lens to focus on the ways people
think and interact whereby creating higher-order systems. Topics of interest include social
influence, leadership, trust, team science, cooperation and competition, crisis management, and
mis/disinformation. Such social influence and opinion dynamics research could focus on the
formation and dissolution of civic-minded and violent ideological networks, mobilization of
benign to hostile political movements, propagation of and enduring changes in attitudes leading
to populations reaching consensus or contested states, and network-based interventions. Of
particular interest in research focused on the inflection point between cyberspace and physical
domains to understand the interaction space between the two and work towards predictive
models for when human behaviors are likely to move from one to the other.
Information and Knowledge Management
This program supports social network centric research to study the ways people learn
individually and collectively and how they utilize that information for decision making and goal
attainment. Examples of relevant topics include transactive memories, public goods, collective
action, information sharing, information fidelity, diffusion and propagation dynamics, and
collective decision-making. Diffusion dynamics research will develop mechanistic understanding
of opinion and behavior change associated with influence, contagion, and other social
propagation processes. Collective decision-making research will contribute fundamental theories
and models to predict, evaluate and simulate how teams organize, exchange information, build
knowledge, influence, adapt, learn, and build consensus using cooperative strategies and
emergent capabilities. Furthermore, topics of particular interest include social effects of
human-agent teaming, especially related to information processing, cognitive biases, and support
of multi-team systems and multilevel (nested) systems.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Solid MechanicsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0011Announcement ID:
TPOC: Denise C. Ford, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4244
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Earth and
Environmental Sciences;Materials Science;Mathematics and Statistics;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Mechanical Sciences;Network, Cyber, and
Computational Sciences;Sciences of Extreme Materials;Terminal Effects
Army Modernization Priorities:
The Solid Mechanics Program supports investigations of the behavior of material systems under
extreme high loading and loading rate events, such as impact and blast, repetitive loading, and
temperature and pressure extremes. Development of new computational techniques and
enhanced understanding of the physical processes taking place during deformation, damage
initiation and propagation, and failure are sought.
Advances in computational techniques should aim to connect phenomena occurring at different
spatial and/or temporal scales, substantially improve efficiency and/or accuracy of predictions,
integrate new physical relationships, apply a novel approach to studying a physical process, or
expand the range of conditions at which processes can be studied.
Studies of physical processes should seek to uncover relationships or mechanisms rather than
design or optimize a material system for a specific purpose. Studies of all material types,
including brittle, ductile, soft, and composite will be considered. Novel or nature-inspired
compositions, geometries, and structures are particularly encouraged. Studies of biological
tissues or tissue surrogates will also be considered, and studies of interfaces between tissues are
particularly encouraged.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Support to ARL Foundation Research CompetenciesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0070Announcement ID:
TPOC: Unspecified TPOC - [email protected]
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Chemistry;Computer Science;Data Sciences and
Informatics;Earth and Environmental Sciences;Economics;Education;Electronics;Materials
Science;Mathematics and Statistics;Mechanics;Network Science;Physics;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology
Sciences;Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Energy Sciences;Humans in Complex
Systems;Mechanical Sciences;Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber, and
Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Sciences of Extreme
Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Under this topic, ARL will consider whitepapers and proposals that may not directly align to the
current research topics published by an ARL TPOC, but can demonstrate a strong alignment to
ARL's mission. ARL's research mission is executed within identified foundational research
competencies that provide the Army foundational expertise and specialized capabilities grounded
in scientific excellence and driven by unique Army challenges. ARL is always interested in
innovative research whitepapers and proposals that demonstrate a strong alignment to ARL's
foundational research competencies and potential to create discovery, innovation, and transition
of technologies for Army transformational overmatch. To learn more about ARL's foundational
research competencies visit the ARL website at
White papers and proposals submitted under the "'Support to ARL Foundation Research
Competencies" topic must clearly describe the research and objectives and will be considered by
ARL if it is aligned to one or more of these foundational research competencies that support the
ARL mission. Applicants interested in submitting a white paper or proposal under this topic are
strongly encouraged to first make preliminary inquiries as to the potential alignment to an ARL
foundational research competency, funding availability for the type of research effort
contemplated, and identification of an ARL TPOC to receive and review potential white papers
or proposals.
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Synthesis and Processing of MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0013Announcement ID:
TPOC: Andrew D Brown, PhD - [email protected] - (301)641-7014
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Materials Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Mechanical Sciences;Sciences of Extreme
Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Next Generation Combat Vehicle;Soldier Lethality
Keywords: synthesis, processing, structural, materials, additive manufacturing, ceramics,
metals, composites
The Synthesis and Processing of Materials program seeks to discover and illuminate the
governing processing-microstructure-property relationships to enable optimal design and
fabrication of nano or micro structural bulk structural materials. Structural materials refer to
materials such as metals, ceramics, and composites that in bulk are used in applications that
support or transmit mechanical stresses.
supports research focused on understanding theElucidation of Phase Transformations
mechanisms by which materials transition from one state of matter to another in order to enable
the creation of new structural materials. Potential research directions include but are not limited
to: discovering the kinetic mechanisms governing phase transformations and new means of
manipulating them to encourage or impair phase transformations, defining the relationships
between properties of the prior phase and the structural properties of the transformed phase, the
creation of specific short-range orders in amorphous materials with unique mechanical
characteristics, and new routes or methods for synthesizing structural material phases previously
accessible only via extreme pressures or temperatures.
supports research focused onAdvanced Methods for Structural Materials Processing
developing alternatives to conventional methods for the synthesis and processing of structural
materials. Potential research should involve exploring new means and forces in order to establish
the technical foundation for new processing methods for structural materials, or further exploring
the underlying mechanisms of existing advanced manufacturing methods to enhance their
capabilities. Examples of directions to potentially be explored include but are not limited to:
ultrasonic arrangement, plasma manipulation and interactions, biological and novel molecular
precursors, and electromagnetic field interactions.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Office (ARO) Research Topic
Wireless Communications NetworksTitle:
ARL-BAA-0015Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert Ulman, PhD - [email protected] - (919) 549-4330
ARL Office: Army Research Office (ARO)
Discipline: Computer Science;Electronics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Military
Information Sciences;Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
Keywords: wireless networks, ad hoc networks, Internet of things
This program is concerned with the investigation and advancing of network science applied to
communication networks in wireless and tactical environments, focusing on DoD and Army
unique problems. Of primary interest is research applicable to infrastructure-less multi-hop
wireless networks operating in congested and contested spectrum. Also of interest is the analysis
of mutual interaction among the communications, social, and information networks.
Wireless Network Theory
Research is required in the broad area of wireless network science including fundamental limits,
performance characterization, novel architectures, and high-fidelity simulation of multi-hop
wireless networks with mobility, node loss, natural and man-made impairments and
unpredictable, bursty traffic. Novel analytical tools and simulation techniques may be necessary
to allow for the modeling of very large networking scenarios without losing the fidelity at the
physical layer, which is critical in millimeter wave networks.
Emerging communications network paradigms of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are also of interest as applied to wireless and hybrid
networks. Concepts from SDN/NVF could be adapted for wireless ad hoc networks,
centralization is not desirable, but policy control and hierarchical control of semi-autonomous
systems could adapt to disconnected and limited connectivity networks. NFV, facilitated by
SDN, should adapt resources according to the needs and objectives of the users is desired.
Extending concepts of NVF and adapting the network to the mission can be extended to
distributed data caching and processing.
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Networks serving Army need to operate in highly dynamic environments with limited or no
infrastructure support. Available spectrum may be highly congested and contested, and mobile
nodes may only have access to noisy local information with limited awareness of remote nodes
in the network. Novel networking approaches may be needed to account for the lack of full
network state information and reduce the penalty incurred due to coordination while sustaining
acceptable performance. Networking algorithms may need to choose between various radio
interfaces, such as traditional military bands, mm wave, and commercial (e.g., cellular) to based
on throughput, reliability, and security trade-offs.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Adaptive and specialized machine learning techniques are needed for dynamic allocation of
network resources based on operation needs, traffic characteristics, mobility, natural and
man-made spectrum interference conditions, and security considerations. Networking and
sensing architectures for cognitive mobile ad hoc networks needs to be developed with
qualitative and quantitative performance measures, and the impacts of mobility, fading, and
multi-user interference needs to be investigated.
Networking in combat operations may need to cope with the presence adversarial actions of
various types, including strategically inserted spectral impediments. New signal processing,
information theory, game theory and network science methodologies are needed to provide
reliable and efficient communications in the presence of various adversarial actions. The analysis
and characterization of fundamental tradeoffs among conflicting objectives such as Low
Probability of Detection (LPD) vs. rate of communications vs. operating in a limited frequency
spectrum are needed, along with novel techniques to achieve optimally located areas in the
trade-off boundaries.
Novel and Revolutionary Methods in Communications and Networking
The synergy among social networking and communication networking, particularly in a tactical
mobile ad-hoc scenario, is a research area that could advance the design of new communication
approaches. There are many social networking aspects that are common to mobile ad-hoc
networking needs such as distributed decision making, robustness, cooperation,
self-organization, and cluster formation.
Novel physical and MAC layer techniques are required to improve LPI / LPD / AJ capabilities as
well as throughput. Examples include mm wave and (sub) THz. bands, which have unique
characteristics to overcome or exploit, such as directivity, large bandwidth, and limited range.
With limited bandwidth, the co-existence and dual use of communication and sensing signals
should be explored. In addition, exploration of quantum information processing, teleportation
and networked quantum information theory is of interest.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Available Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topics
The available Army Research Directorate (ARD) topics are listed in alphabetical order.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Active and Passive RF SensingTitle:
ARL-BAA-0061Announcement ID:
TPOC: Timothy J. Garner, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-2705
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: radar, spectrum awareness, synthetic aperature radar
ARL seeks to create and experimentally demonstrate concepts, algorithms and enabling
technologies that will provide the Army with new capabilities in sensing across the entire RF
spectrum up through millimeter-wave and THz frequencies. Both active and passive RF sensing
are used for targeting, detection & tracking of airborne and ground-based threats, surveillance,
imaging and maneuver. Key attributes of Army RF sensors are the ability to operate in harsh
environments and constraints on size, weight and power consumption.
Topics of interest include:
Air defense radar
Airborne radar
Ground surveillance radar
Multi-static radar v. Signal processing
Spectrum awareness
Waveform design
Multi-function radar
Synthetic aperture radar
Passive imaging
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Advanced Manufacturing Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0075Announcement ID:
TPOC: Brandon A. McWilliams - [email protected] - (410) 306-2237
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
Army modernization requires a set of robust manufacturing strategies and integrated capabilities
that enable a highly connected and collaborative enterprise. Agile manufacturing involves
digitally enabled advanced manufacturing (AdvM) technologies with ubiquitous access to rapid
prototyping, small-scale production, materials by design, etc. that are capable of scalable, and
on-demand distributed production of components and systems. Agile manufacturing integrates
the procedures, resources, and preparation that are needed to respond to changes in the demand
utilizing systems, resources, and practice to react to these demands and adapt quickly without
jeopardizing the Army's ability to meet the performance requirements.
This area seeks transformational materials that can operate in extreme conditions, and methods
to manufacture them readily in the organic US industrial base as well as in austere environments
at the point of need. Next generation Army components and systems will need to integrate novel
structures of unmatched geometric complexity, and novel materials produced using novel data
driven digital manufacturing methods. Topics of interest include:
Additive manufacturing
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques for AdvM
Printed hybrid electronics including multi-functional devices and structures
Novel and robust design methodologies for convergent manufacturing
Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) for development of novel
feedstocks for metallic, ceramic, electronic, and polymer additive manufacturing
Tools for path planning for multi-axis multi-material manufacturing
Digital twin and data management for AdvM
Sensor development and in-situ process monitoring
Interface science for heterogeneous structures
Manufacturing across multiple length scales
Integrated manufacturing of dissimilar and gradient materials
Materials, processing techniques, and algorithms for multiple integrated simultaneous
manufacturing operations
Tools for rapid qualification and certification of new materials and components
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) TechnologiesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0100Announcement ID:
TPOC: John W Gerdes - [email protected] - (410) 278-8735
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are uniquely suited to project capability forward due to small
size, low cost, and the potential to overwhelm adversaries through swarming. Innovative
capabilities are needed to advance the capability provided by UAS, split into two main focus
areas: platforms and payloads.
Platform capabilities sought include adaptive structures and airframes that enhance range,
endurance, agility, resilience, and covertness. Associated technologies related to propulsion
systems and actuators that advance these objectives are sought, including bio-inspired
technology as well as hybrid platform designs that blend vertical takeoff, efficient cruising flight,
and aggressive maneuvers. Single and multi-agent autonomy, teaming, coordination,
maneuvering, and control are required, including route planning, GPS-denied robust navigation,
obstacle avoidance, swarm planning, and associated modeling and simulation strategies. Control
systems are sought that handle hybrid UAS designs, provide damage tolerance, and translate
high-level mission objectives into low-level control commands for single agents and swarm
Payload capabilities sought include sensing hardware advances that provide advantageous size,
weight, and power tradeoffs in Army-relevant fields. These include external sensing modalities,
including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); electro-optical and infrared
(EO/IR); and acoustic. Intrinsic sensing capabilities are sought related to self and swarm-state
awareness, including angle of attack and airspeed, relative and absolute positioning and timing,
and data processing and fusion techniques.
Technologies relevant to both platform and payload capabilities are sought that reduce reliance
on heavy computing resources, facilitate cross-coordination among agents of a swarm, and allow
for graceful degradation of performance with variable or absent inter-agent communications.
In-flight and post-flight data analysis, reduction, and processing techniques are sought including
neural networks, artificial intelligence, and other relevant methods that improve sensor readings,
state awareness, and swarm awareness.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Advanced Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft TechnologiesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0099Announcement ID:
TPOC: Hao Kang - [email protected] - (410) 278-6811
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift
Innovative technologies are needed to achieve higher vehicle speeds and hover efficiency,
greater vehicle ranges, increased payload, and reduced maintenance to achieve performance
attributes for future VTOL platforms. Analytical and experimental capabilities to support
development of advanced numerical methods and computational codes for assessing design,
aeroelastic, aeromechanical, and structural dynamics performance are of interest. ARL conducts
foundational aeromechanics, control, and acoustics research to enable future Army rotorcraft
with performance capabilities that are currently infeasible.
ARL seeks proposals to
develop algorithms, methods, and analysis tools for aeromechanics predictions,
performance assessment, acoustics, flight mechanics, and design space exploration of
VTOL vehicles for sizes ranging from small unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to large
vehicles. These algorithms and methods include, but are not limited to, physics-based
modeling and simulation, high-fidelity modeling and analysis, reduced-order modeling and
approaches, AI/ML-based algorithms, and optimization algorithms.
develop new technologies to achieve revolutionary improvements in vehicle performance
across different flight regimes. These technologies include, but are not limited to, active
flow control, passive and active structural shape control, adaptive morphologies, and
AI/ML for flight control and improved aeromechanical behaviors.
explore innovative vehicle and reconfigurable concepts for large VTOL platforms and
micro/small autonomous air vehicles. Develop design tools for innovative vehicle
platforms and reconfigurable concepts.
Novel proposal concepts from structural dynamics, aerodynamic performance, coupled
fluids/structures, nonlinear dynamics, theoretic perspectives, and flight control are relevant.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
AI Model Optimization for Real-Time, Scalable Data AnalyticsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0043Announcement ID:
TPOC: Venkateswara Rao Dasari - [email protected] - (410) 278-2846
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Mathematics and Statistics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
Rapid increases in the number of radically distinct Artificial Intelligence (AI) model
architectures deployed in complex areas with variable resource constraints makes it substantially
challenging to apply unified and automated optimization of these heterogeneous models. Topics
of interest include development of novel computing methods and neural architecture search,
development of comprehensive objective functions, optimization algorithms, abstractions to
encapsulate heterogeneity needed to achieve optimization objectives across various model
architectures and inference engines, as well as theoretical and experimental approaches in
support of generalized AI model optimization. The sheer magnitude of the data generated by
experiments and simulations performed necessitates highly efficient and optimized AI assisted
intelligent methods of processing to make it actionable. Proposed AI optimization architectures
should be tailored to enable real-time large scale data analytics that balance performance,
efficiency, and scalability, accommodating different types of AI models, targeting computing
platforms that may be subject to computational and network resource constraints. We are seeking
proposals that explore new frontiers in computational optimization research addressing problems
of Army interest. We also encourage submissions that investigate related fields that can lead to
discoveries at the intersections of these domains.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Extremely Sparse DataTitle:
ARL-BAA-0038Announcement ID:
TPOC: Rajgopal Kannan - [email protected] - (225) 802-0880
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
The Army has limited data to train or adapt AI&ML systems to dynamic and diverse operating
environments. ARL seeks research to enable Army platforms, intelligence systems and command
systems to learn, infer and provide meaningful predictions in circumstances characterized by
extreme epistemic uncertainty. We expect that combinations of data-driven learning and
domain-expert-elicited rules will ease the need for data, and that uncertainty-aware processing
that considers both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty over neuro-symbolic architectures will
enlighten the limits of inference due to data-driven learning.
Potential research goals include: 1) theories for optimal learning and inference when supervised
training data is limited, 2) computationally efficient approximations to optimal processing, 3)
determination of state transitions when and when not more traditional AI&ML models are
sufficient in light of task difficulty and availability of data, 4) techniques for efficient processing
on edge computing devices, and 5) methods for distributed learning and inference that leverage
graphical neural networks.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Enabling Technologies for ExpeditionaryTitle:
Maneuver and Air/Ground Reconnaissance
ARL-BAA-0037Announcement ID:
TPOC: Daniel N. Cassenti, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-3726
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Next Generation Combat Vehicle
The Army must compete with near-peer adversaries in a dynamic battlefield that will increase in
complexity with the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). Mixed-entity
battlefields will require understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of human and
autonomous actors, information processors and decision makers. Two mission types have great
significance for Army research in AI/ML: Expeditionary maneuver and air/ground
reconnaissance. Expeditionary maneuver refers to missions that require strategic placement and
movement of Warfighters and their assets in a battlefield to gain overmatch versus adversaries.
Air/ground reconnaissance refers to missions to obtain information about environmental threats
and adversary activity from manned and autonomous sensor platforms on the ground and in the
air. Optimal performance of these missions will require improvements in autonomous agents,
sensors, and edge computing.
ARL seeks research proposals that advance the state-of-the-art in enabling technologies for
expeditionary maneuver and ground reconnaissance, including: (1) scene understanding for
adversarial threats, degraded visual environments, and tracking of moving objects; (2) robotic
movement over rugged terrain with limited human engagement and correction; (3) secure and
informative data sharing among multiple autonomous systems and human collaborators; (4) data
processing algorithms to provide information to human decision-makers in ways that support the
human's cognitive processing needs; and (5) expansion of a repository of proven AI/ML
algorithms, data, and software. Examples of research products of interest to the Army include
new robotic movement capabilities, cognitive modeling integration with AI processes, advances
in cyber-security for autonomous agents, AI simulation processes, advanced sensing in degraded
visual environments, improved object recognition, and advanced machine learning techniques.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning_Managing Massive Data SetsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0039Announcement ID:
TPOC: AI/ML Managing Massive Data Sets Topic -
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
The Government collects more data than it can meaningfully process, including image data,
video data, structured data sets for a variety of combat and non-combat missions (e.g. health,
maintenance, logistics, and operations), and various stove-piped, unstructured, massive data sets
that exist primarily in the form of text documents. The scale of data collection challenges human
driven solutions to management and processing. ARL is seeking research proposals that may
increase the government's capacity to process data by assisting and augmenting analysts with
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Potential research areas include:
Experimental investigation and development of data analytic prototypes.
Technologies that help analysts perceive and understand dynamic and unknown
Comprehensive models of real-world environments in which AI/ML entities facilitate
course of action development, using intuition and improvisation characteristics in
real-time, dynamic scenarios.
Frameworks and tools for the creation of algorithms.
Tailored algorithms to perform discrete tasks, particularly in the fields of computer vision
and language.
Innovative AI/ML computational environments.
Labeling techniques to generate massive scale annotated data for supervised deep learning.
Methods for edge computation that enable use of deep learning algorithms in constrained
computational environments.
Methods to evaluate and determine effectiveness of algorithmic approaches.
Interfaces for display of, search of, and interaction with algorithmically derived metadata
and tabular structured algorithmic output.
Techniques, hardware, software, and tools for training, testing, and validating algorithms.
Storage and indexing capabilities for local algorithmically produced data.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Autonomous Sensing and Information Fusion for Advanced Indications and WarningsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0064Announcement ID:
TPOC: Thomas W. Walker - [email protected] - (301) 394-0756
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: Autonomous Sensing, Information fusion, geophysical sensors, sensors on small
UAS, networked sensors
This research effort will focus on developing and enhancing traditional and non-traditional
sensing technologies for robust detection and exploitation of unique objects of predominately
military interest, including targeting sensors. Fusion of multiple information sources; including
unattended ground sensors, and relocatable unattended sensors, typified by small autonomous
ground and air platforms, is essential - and much of the program will be focused on foundational
work aimed at facilitating the correlation and reporting of relevant information between all
sensing sources. The research also investigates end-to-end autonomy solutions enabling remote
delivery of loosely integrated ground and relocatable sensors that operate cooperatively to detect,
track, and identify targets. Fundamental research in the physical phenomenology of both
traditional geo-physical modalities and imaging modalities as well as non-traditional modalities
that will lead to improvements in persistent sensing applications involving unique detection,
processing, exploitation, and novel reporting capabilities across diverse environments and
meteorological conditions for low power, long mission life applications.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Ballistic Science ResearchTitle:
ARL-BAA-0097Announcement ID:
TPOC: Muge Fermen-Coker - [email protected] - (410) 278-6018
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Terminal Effects
Army Modernization Priorities: Next Generation Combat Vehicle;Soldier Lethality
ARL seeks proposals to enhance the understanding and characterization of material behavior and
failure during projectile target interactions at ballistic impact speeds.
Specific research areas include:
Directed-energy means and effects.
Laser studies and concepts associated with ballistics.
Fundamental and applied physics research associated with ballistic impact, survivability,
and protection.
Electromagnetisms and concepts associated with ballistics.
Plate- impact and Split-Hopkinson Bar (SHB) experiments for materials relevant to
ballistic weapons and armors.
Materials science research associated with improved ballistic performance.
Molecular, meso-scale, multi-scale, and level modeling capability development, including
material models, failure models, and analytical models associated with ballistic impact and
penetration and effectiveness.
Experimental techniques and diagnostics associated with ballistic research.
Novel manufacturing and processing techniques are of interest, provided that the work will
involve high strain rate relevant research scope.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Computational Modeling of Aviation SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0101Announcement ID:
TPOC: Phuriwat Anusonti-Inthra - [email protected] - (410) 278-3556
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Next-generation Army aviation platforms will need to integrate novel technologies in multiple
areas including aerodynamics, acoustics, structural dynamics, and flight controls. These
technologies will be evaluated in computational and experimental environments for real-world
applications. Fundamental modeling and analysis capabilities also need to be developed at
different degrees of fidelity from low fidelity for conceptual design and trade-space exploration
to high fidelity for detailed design or scientific exploration.
Novel technologies for next-generation Army aviation platforms are sought, including both
manned platforms and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Associated modeling and simulation
approaches for these technologies will be required at varying degrees of fidelity to accommodate
assessments at different stages of design and analysis processes including conceptual,
preliminary, and detailed design stages. Topics of interest include:
Aerodynamics, acoustics, structural dynamics, and flight controls, including component
designs or concepts and software or algorithms for computational modeling of those
technology areas.
Both physics-based and data-driven techniques for modeling and simulation
Design methodologies for these new technologies
Methods to incorporate complex physics such as interactional aerodynamics or electric
powertrain models at a low computational cost suitable for conceptual or preliminary
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Computational Modeling of Complex Physical SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0041Announcement ID:
TPOC: Jaroslaw Knap, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-0420
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Computer Science;Electronics;Materials Science;Mathematics and
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
Concentrates on the fundamental aspects of computational science (CS) to enable
multi-disciplinary and multi-scale modeling and simulation (M&S) to predict, quantify, assess,
and optimize the performance and response of complex system and system of systems, enabling
rapid design, development, and transition particularly in cases where laboratory experimental
approaches are costly and difficult to conduct, and/or are not feasible. Proposals are requested
for the following areas:
Computational Mathematics and Algorithms
Research encompasses a range of disciplines seeking new computational methodologies to solve
fundamental equations. Solutions may be sought for existing equations or new equations may be
developed expressly for the purpose of treating problems of Army relevance. Problems in which
the equations can be expressed in the form of partial differential equations may stem from the
basic science and engineering disciplines spanning characteristic length scales from sub-atomic
to continuum, neural signals, stochastic variables, and design theory. Broad classes of problems
may also require considerable specialization of solutions based on the platform used to obtain
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
Research is focused on assessing predictive capabilities of models, considering the range of
conditions where models reproduce observed behavior within acceptable tolerances and
establishing confidence levels. UQ research is concerned with novel and efficient concepts and
methodologies for high-fidelity assessment of the level of agreement in sets of models relative to
input and output data, as well as the variations in interdependent models due to various physics,
mathematical, and numerical assumptions. UQ methodologies, integrated with data sciences and
machine learning will enable tools for (i) identifying deficiencies in simulations; (ii) setting
guidelines for adequacy of computational results; (iii) exploring the impact of known variability
and uncertainty of input; and (iv) control of adaptive algorithms to achieve specified levels of
accuracy to aid decisions from design to operational planning.
Multi-scale Modeling
Research focuses on the development of models of complex physical systems in order to
significantly reduce development time and evaluation costs of these systems. This goal can be
through development of 1) high-fidelity at-scale models and 2) computational methodologies
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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(numerical methods and associated algorithms) to enable rapid creation of new high-fidelity
multi-scale models of complex systems from at-scale models capable of utilizing modern
extreme-scale computing. The success of multi-scale modeling hinges on the ability to combine
at-scale models into a multi-scale model. However, few numerical methodologies and associated
algorithms have been developed so far to enable such scale-bridging. Moreover, many at-scale
models are extremely demanding computationally and render any multi-scale model utilizing
them unsuitable for practical applications. While surrogate modeling allows reduction of this
computational cost, most methodologies for surrogate modeling are global and thus
characterized by a relatively high cost. New adaptive non-local surrogate modeling
methodologies are needed, which can bring the computational cost to tractable levels. Finally,
at-scale models are frequently endowed with uncertainty due to various sources such as natural
fluctuations, model parameters or model form. This uncertainty and natural variability must be
consistently incorporated into multi-scale computer models to enable computational design.
Machine Learning for Complex Physical Systems
Many Army activities rely on the use of computer models to facilitate making purposeful
decisions. These models often aim to capture behavior of physical systems with many degrees of
freedom, complex dynamics and short time scales. Because of that, existing models often
struggle to adequately span the problem space and cannot be effectively employed to optimize
these Army systems for desired performance. The advent of data science and machine learning
has opened for avenues for improved computer models of physical systems. Yet, direct
applications of existing machine learning techniques to model physical systems are fraught with
challenges. First and foremost, success of machine learning hinges on availability of vast
amounts of data. In contrast, for many physical systems data are rarely obtainable in vast
amounts due to high cost of acquisition and/or experimentation. In addition, the behavior of
physical systems is customarily governed by well-established laws, for example conservation of
mass and energy. Consequently, machine-learning models of physical systems must strictly obey
these laws. Finally, for many physical systems under certain regimes, experimentation is not
technically possible or prohibitively costly. In these circumstances, models of physical systems
serve to extrapolate the description of system response outside of regimes where the
experimentation is feasible. Current machine-learning approaches are known to perform poorly
under extrapolation. Hence, novel approaches in machine learning are urgently needed to allow
for construction of high-fidelity and predictive models of physical systems.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Cyber SecurityTitle:
ARL-BAA-0044Announcement ID:
TPOC: Jerry A. Clarke - [email protected] - (410) 278-9279
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
The ARL Network Cyber and Computational Sciences foundational research competency of
cyber-defense/cyber-security addresses the prevention, detection, mitigation, monitoring, and
prediction of adversarial activities and their impacts within cyber space. The scope includes
traditional enterprise level and tactical information networks as well as non-traditional networks
such as communication buses found on vehicle platforms. This research effort will focus on
developing the theories, understanding, models and methods to overcome existing barriers to the
realization of effective cyber security defenses and maneuvers against adaptive and sophisticated
adversaries in complex, uncertain and dynamic settings.
The goals of this work are:
Pursue near-autonomous, rapid, resource-efficient monitoring, detection and identification
of malicious cyber activity directed at friendly networks, data, machine learning
algorithms and/or vehicle platform systems.
Advance the predictive characterization of information networks and/or vehicle platform
systems states, resilience and vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks and adversarial
Pursue methodologies for the reliable reconfiguration of friendly cyber assets to evade or
recover from attack, to validate system resilience, and enable continued operations and
mission success.
Advance methods to rapidly and efficiently prepare and respond to adversarial activities in
the cyber domain, including:
Intelligent preparation of the cyber battlespace and cyber situational awareness
Proactive and reactive cyber deception and counter-deception strategies
Covert means for collection of evidence and predictive analysis of enemy actions
and capabilities
Countering the evasion and manipulation of machine learning algorithms
Building cyber resilience
Pursue methodologies to deceive, degrade or destroy adversarial cyber assets with high
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Disruptive Energetic Materials and ConceptsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0066Announcement ID:
TPOC: Edward F. Byrd, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 306-0729
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Long Range Precision Fires;Next
Generation Combat Vehicle;Soldier Lethality
Keywords: energetic materials, explosives, propulsion, propellants, modeling, experimentation,
synthesis, multiscale, range, lethality, reactive materials
Improved models, concepts, diagnostics and new energetic materials for propulsion and
explosives are expected to provide enhanced lethality and range, speed of engagement, and
maneuverability while maintaining weapons safety and surety. Additionally, game-changing
energetic concepts with greater than state-of-the-art potential than previous energetics are being
pursued and are expected to enable new approaches to lethality and range, particularly when
partnered with emerging accuracy and precision advances.
These efforts will focus on the exploration and maturation of novel energetic materials and
concepts for explosive and propulsive applications which are expected to provide revolutionary
performance capabilities that are unachievable today. Research in this area seeks to synthesize
high energy density materials with desired physical properties, scale-up techniques, novel
manufacturing and processing techniques, understand and control energy release on desired
timescales, novel diagnostic techniques capturing relevant chemistry and physics, advanced
modeling and simulation of multiscale behavior, novel concepts maximizing work performed
and minimizing losses, and predictive tools guiding performance, synthesis, and processing
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Electric- and Magnetic-Field Sensor TechnologyTitle:
ARL-BAA-0076Announcement ID:
TPOC: Stephen J Vinci - [email protected] - (301) 394-0418
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Research proposals are desired that are related to small, rugged, low-power electric- and
magnetic-field sensors that can be deployed on a battlefield using artillery-based delivery
systems, or scattered from air or ground vehicles, or emplaced by individual soldiers. These
sensors should be passive or semi-active (i.e., with no local field-generating element), and may
operate at low frequencies in the quasi-static zone (or "near field"), where the electric and
magnetic fields are not coupled. These sensors should be characterized by exceptionally low
power, size, weight, and cost, and/or by exceptionally high sensitivity and low noise (i.e., with
performance limited by the background environment). Sensor bandwidth generally falls between
DC and ~1 MHz, but may be further limited for specific applications: e.g., 0.001-10 Hz for
anomaly detection; 30-3000 Hz for electric-power sensing; 3-30 kHz for very low frequency
(VLF) sensing.
Sensors should operate in an unattended mode, and should be able to detect, classify, identify,
localize, and/or track tactically-significant targets, including ground vehicles (tanks and other
tracked vehicles, and wheeled vehicles), air vehicles (fixed-wing, rotary-wing, unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAV) / manned aerial vehicles (MAV), etc.), and/or other targets and events at
tactically-useful distances. These other targets include, but are not limited to, armed individual
soldiers, underground facilities, power and telephone lines, RF transmitters; other events
including gunshots, mortar and artillery launches, and explosions.
These sensors may be used individually or as part of a wide-area sensor array for surveillance,
target acquisition, and/or engagement. While individual sensors may or may not have
exceptional individual performance, their low size, power, weight, and cost should permit them
to be used on the battlefield in ways not previously contemplated. Moreover, arrays and/or
networks of such sensors are expected to provide new sensing capabilities and levels of
performance simply not available today.
Unattended surveillance sensors may be stationary or mounted on robotic platforms; these
sensors will be integrated with local and networked signal processing and communications
capabilities. They should operate unattended for weeks or months after deployment, and
indefinitely with energy harvesting. The sensor output should be quantitative: e.g., analog
voltage level(s) or digital word(s); it should contain target information, and possibly a
confidence level, suitable for low-bandwidth transmission and/or inter-sensor fusion.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Proposals will be accepted in six areas:
i. Research on novel electric- and magnetic-field sensor concepts leading to quantification of
detection distance(s), classification, identification, localization, and/or tracking of various classes
of targets. High-performance, low-SWaP-C sensors should have exceptional sensitivity (limited
by environmental noise), frequency and phase response, dynamic range (60 to 120+ dB),
linearity, total harmonic distortion, hysteresis, cross-axis sensitivity, cross-modality sensitivity,
etc. Arrays of sensors should be characterized by exceptional performance matching.
ii. Research directed at environmental and/or platform noise reduction, and/or reduction of
sensor front-end noise (particularly 1/f noise).
iii. Research related to filtering and/or signal processing techniques, which are expected to
improve the detectability of targets in a battlefield environment. Array processing, in-situ
"imaging", and multi-modal processing are of particular interest. Processing should be
resilient with performance that gracefully degrades in the presence of intermittent power,
intermittent and/or unreliable networking, information assurance attacks, memory failures, and
cosmic rays, etc.
iv. Computer-based modeling of targets and sensors that can provide a capability to perform
trade-off analyses of sensor performance during prototype design.
v. Algorithms that can provide improved detection, classification, and/or identification of targets
of interest in real-world environments. Proposed algorithms should be low-SWaP-C, portable to
the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT), and usable in tactical networks.
vi. Research related to the novel application of electric- and magnetic-field sensors to analyze
electric power system operation, including islanded microgrids and large fixed grids.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Electromechanical and magnetomechanical power conversion (INACTIVE) (INACTIVE)Title:
ARL-BAA-0058Announcement ID:
TPOC: Bruce R. Geil - [email protected] - (301) 394-3190
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
This research topic has 4 thrust areas:
1. High-torque-density and/or high-power-density electric machines with high efficiency.
2. Novel designs for higher-reliability electromechanical power conversion components,
including magnetic bearings and magnetic gearboxes.
3. High-torque-density, high-efficiency noncontact magnetic gear boxes or magnetically geared
machines, including designs for propulsion and actuation applications.
4. Novel magnetic, electrical, thermal, and/or structural materials for use in electric machines,
magnetic gears, and transformers, including multifunctional materials and alternatives to
rare-earth materials.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Energy AwarenessTitle:
ARL-BAA-0056Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert S Jane - [email protected] - (845) 938-7401
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics;Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
Keywords: energy sensing, energy optimization, energy forecasting
Technologies providing energy sensors and virtual sensing techniques, at the component,
system and platform level. Primary interest areas are sensors to collect energy flow and use
information; and virtual techniques to generate data on energy when direct sensing is not
available or practical.
Advanced cognitive techniques for real time adaptive prediction and optimization for real
time energy awareness. Primary interest areas are technologies to enable machine-based
decision making for energy management that utilize heuristics and cognitive techniques. A key
goal is to provide learned behavior with input from external sources such as operational data,
weather, maintenance, and other factors.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Environmental Security for Multi-Echelon Decision Making -Assessing and MitigatingTitle:
Climate Risk
ARL-BAA-0040Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robb M. Randall, PhD - [email protected] - (575) 678-3123
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
ARL seeks proposals for basic and applied research that advances our understanding of
environmental effects on DoD assets and operations within climatological time frames, to
include dynamics and changes in the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer in complex
environments (including high-relief and dense urban terrain) with emphasis on the atmospheric
surface layer and the land-surface processes that effect the environmental state. Research work
products should enable technologies for mission command decision support, interoperability of
distributed networked systems, and mission planning.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Estimating and Predicting Human BehaviorTitle:
ARL-BAA-0050Announcement ID:
TPOC: Amar R. Marathe, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 873-2886
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Social
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat
Vehicle;Soldier Lethality;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: Human Variability, Human State Estimation, Human Performance,
Human-Machine Teaming, Opportunistic Sensing
Within complex systems, human behavior and skills tends to be highly variable. This variability
in behavior presents challenges for developing techniques for intelligently selecting the right
person for the right job and providing intelligent agents the capability to understand their human
teammates. In addition to these challenges, variability in human behavior also provides potential
information regarding the local context. To address these challenges and capitalize on this
potential information source, this research area focuses on developing novel approaches to
estimate and predict human states (e.g stress, fatigue, task difficulty, intent) to enable technology
adaptation and inference of the environmental context and to estimate and predict human
knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to forecast an individual's capability to effectively
interact with intelligent systems.
The research goals for estimating and predicting human behavior are to integrate empirical and
theoretical efforts to generate novel concepts and approaches to generate high-resolution
predictions of individual Soldier's performance variability in mixed human-agent teams across
multiple time scales. In turn, these concepts and approaches will provide the foundation for
future Army systems and processes to adapt to the individual Soldier's states, traits, behaviors,
and intentions. Likewise, this will enable identification of the best Soldiers for specific roles and
provide those Soldier the most favorable conditions to train, engage in operations, and team with
intelligent systems and personnel from the U.S. and partner nations.
This research will provide the techniques to generate high resolution, multi-time scale,
predictions of individual Soldier's internal and external behavioral and performance dynamics in
mixed-agent team and across training and operational socio-technical environments. Critical
breakthroughs are needed in two specific areas: (i) creating multi-faceted models to generate
high resolution, moment-to-moment prediction of individual human state based on multi-modal,
multi-time scale data with sufficient resolution to enable technology adaptation; (ii) developing
models to predict an individual's technology fluency, defined as the ability to effectively interact
with dynamic, adaptable, intelligent systems in future operating environments; and (iii) creating
models to leverage information from human behavior and actions to make inferences about the
environment or situation that they are operating within.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Specific Questions of Interest
How do multi-timescale human processes influence individual's moment-to-moment
capabilities, behaviors, and performance?
What are the multi-disciplinary foundational theories and models required to understand
individual dynamics and emergent team behavior in heterogeneous human-agent teams?
Can models of individual and/or team technological fluency be developed that effectively
predict performance?
What are the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that enable specific individuals to be more
technologically fluent (the ability to use and rapidly adapt novel and intelligent
technologies without formal training on specific technologies) than others?
What are the critical team factors (e.g., composition, interactions, shared situational
awareness) that enable sufficient technological fluency to effectively adapt significant
shifts in technological intelligence and behavior?
Can human cognition be predicted in complex socio-technical setting and on a
moment-to-moment basis with sufficient resolution to provide disruptive military relevant
How can we use current and next-gen human sensing technologies to provide context and
insight (i.e. via access to human cognition) into how individuals and teams understand
complex real-world environments?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Heat Transfer and Thermal ManagementTitle:
ARL-BAA-0059Announcement ID:
TPOC: Adam Andrew Wilson - [email protected] - (301) 394-1984
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
This research topic has two thrust areas:
Materials, packaging, passive/active cooling techniques for thermal transfer and storage.
Fundamental thermal transport, switching, tunability, and phenomenon in
nano/micro/macro-scales for enabling steady-state and fast-transient pulse power,
switching, personnel, and environmental cooling modalities
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
High Voltage/High Frequency Power Switching DevicesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0060Announcement ID:
TPOC: Miguel Hinojosa, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-1860
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Energy
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
Keywords: HV semiconductors, power switches
Research into semiconductor power devices in the following three thrust areas:
Device design and fabrication of monolithic and hybrid voltage-controlled SiC or GaN
high-temperature high-field power devices.
High-temperature high-field insulator materials for use as gate dielectric and field
passivation layers for application to SiC and/or GaN power devices.
Advanced Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) modeling methods, techniques
and/or material models that advance computational efficiency or accuracy.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Human-Guided System AdaptationTitle:
ARL-BAA-0047Announcement ID:
TPOC: Kaleb G. McDowell, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-1453
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network
Science;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat
Vehicle;Soldier Lethality;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: Interactive Machine Learning; Human-in-the-Loop Learning; Adaptation;
Human-guided Machine Learning; Reinforcement Learning; Intelligent Technology; Imitation
Learning; Training; Human Feedback
The rising capability to rapidly field blue and red force technologies, as well as the proliferation
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the civilian environment, will force future Soldier-systems to
have the capability to rapidly adapt. This research topic seeks novel methodologies to enable
humans to efficiently guide the adaptation of blue force technologies through multiple forms of
human interaction to develop new or upgraded human-system team capabilities.
Human-guided system adaptation aims to integrate empirical and theoretical efforts to generate
novel concepts and approaches for humans to influence and guide the evolving behavior of
intelligent technologies for the purposes of effectively solving complex problems under variable
resource and time constraints. We generally characterize the complex problems as more
ambiguously structured with uncertain boundaries (if any) across time and space. Such complex
problems are computationally intractable for common analytic solutions due to massive and
perhaps unattainable data requirements to obtain complete certainty. These problems may not
have singularly optimal solutions, because problems will often have multiple, competing criteria
and all solutions will ultimately reflect trade-offs and reduction of optimality in meeting other
criteria in the set.
Contextualized within the concept of enhancing adaptive human-autonomy teamwork, this topic
specifically seeks to (i) discover a novel suite of mechanisms to extract human intelligence that
ensures Soldiers in the field can efficiently train and adapt intelligent technologies; and (ii)
elucidate principles of effective, stable mutual adaptation between humans and intelligent
systems that improve performance in complex, dynamic environments. If successful, the science
is envisioned to enable in-field human-machine adaptation capable of responding to novel
mission demands, enemy actions, and technological surprise across a wide range of operational
environments for all US Army Modernization areas.
Specific Questions of Interest
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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How can human knowledge be leveraged to enable system adaptation in highly uncertain
and poorly understood environments? How do you transfer knowledge of how to do a task
from the Soldier to an intelligent technology in a way that requires little to no expert
knowledge (i.e., without programming skills)? Can you create a suite of knowledge
transfer mechanisms that in combination allow machine learning (ML) to infer intent
under different environments and mission constraints?
Can hierarchical reinforcement learning be extended to dynamic, partially-observed
environments for both improved multi-task generalization and enhanced human
interpretability and compatibility with human-in-the-loop feedback?
Can behavior cloning, intervention learning, learning from human preferences, and
learning from evaluative feedback be combined into a single learning framework with
reinforcement learning to enable continuous adaptation and training of intelligent agents?
How do you ensure long-term stability when allowing groups of people to train ML? How
do you allow ML systems to be adaptable by multiple humans and when should that
adaption occur?
Can crowd-sourcing techniques be used to provide reward shaping and evaluative human
feedback to rapidly train autonomous agents? What are the best methods and approaches
to elicit the notion of "'functional equivalence" from crowd workers?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Human-System Team InteractionsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0046Announcement ID:
TPOC: Brandon Scott Perelman, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-5968
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network
Science;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat
Vehicle;Soldier Lethality;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: Human-Machine Teaming; Human-Autonomy Teaming; HAT; Human Robot
Interaction; Man-machine interface
A critical challenge facing the deployment of human-system teams is developing the necessary
principles to enable dynamic interaction of Soldiers and advanced intelligent systems to
effectively collaborate on complex tasks. This research area focuses on developing: a theoretical
understanding of emergent team properties, techniques to link variability in individual agent
performance to changes in overall team performance, approaches to develop and maintain a
shared situation understanding, methods to dynamically allocate tasks across Soldiers and
intelligent systems in complex adversarial environments. These team-level interactions must be
developed to account for degradation or loss of team capabilities, changes in mission goals or
priorities, and responding to adversarial actions.
The research goals in human-system team interaction are to integrate empirical and theoretical
efforts to generate novel concepts and approaches for future Army multi-, mixed-agent teams
across distributed network systems. These technologies must effectively merge human and agent
capabilities for collaborative decision-making and enhanced team performance; ensure that
diverse teams of Soldiers comprehend new and critical information to maintain unprecedented
situation awareness; and interact effectively with Soldiers and noncombatants to foster trust and
gain community acceptance within complex, dynamic, environments. These heterogenous
multi-agent networked teams will enable faster and better-informed decisions; reduce Soldier
workload; provide otherwise unachievable levels of situation understanding and management;
and maintain strategic and tactical advantages in future operating environments.
The objective of this research is to provide the critical technological breakthroughs needed to
shape current and future operational environments consisting of Soldiers and heterogenous
intelligent systems operating in distributed teams to: (i) rapidly comprehend new and critical
information from a diverse set of battlefield sensors to achieve unprecedented situational
awareness (ii) effectively enable collaborative decision-making and enhanced team performance
in dynamic, and complex socio-technical environments; (iii) effectively coordinate distributed
human-system behaviors to enable actions on an objective; and (iv) rapidly adapt team behaviors
to dynamic battlefield events or unexpected threats across a wide range of operational
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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environments for all U.S. Army Modernization areas.
Specific Questions of Interest
What are the general principles that underlie the capability for human-technology teams to
perform any mission, adapt to any situation, and overcome any adversary? How do these
principles change as machine intelligence evolves?
Can we discover novel theories, algorithms, methods modulating individual
human-technology interaction that dramatically improve human-technology robustness in
the presence of complex, real-world environment-task-technology novelty?
Can we predict and optimize mixed teams of humans and agents across a wide spectrum of
real world and future battlefield conditions?
What novel and advanced methods are critical to enable rapid team reconfiguration, in
mixed teams of humans and agents, in rapidly changing socio-technical environments?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Hybrid Human-Technology IntelligenceTitle:
ARL-BAA-0049Announcement ID:
TPOC: Javier Omar Garcia, PhD - [email protected] - (949) 981-7697
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Network
Science;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat
Vehicle;Soldier Lethality;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: Cognition; Intelligence; Command and Control; Decision Making; Adaptation;
Future operational environments will require faster than human decision-making within
increasingly complex, dynamic and rapidly evolving sociotechnical environments to ensure a
technological advantage over adversarial forces; current human-technology systems do not take
full advantage of the unique capabilities of both human and machine intelligence. This research
topic seeks anti-disciplinary research aimed at reconceiving human brain processes to optimize
how humans and machines could jointly think (ideation, decision making, adaptation) to
influence decisions and actions previously believed to be outside of human capabilities alone.
Futurists envision seamless integration of humans with technology not only in the future
battlefield of the US Army but also in our everyday lives. This concept extends to teams as it is
well-documented that (i) intricate tasks are routinely implemented in multi-team and (ii) modern
technology has infiltrated nearly every facet of the human experience. This future vision of the
world, coupled with the prioritization of complex multi-domain (e.g., ground, air, cyber)
operations creates substantial challenges to the US Army to maintain overmatch at the
intersection of humans and technology. Briefly, these challenges span temporal and spatial scales
and operate at several levels of complexity. Human-technology teams are expected to operate
independently but coordinated with geographically distributed operations, accommodate
incredibly rapid incoming complex information from distributed sources, and adapt to needs of
different command echelons. With these challenges and needs we must consider
human-technology hybrid systems that operate symbiotically to accomplish mission goals,
account for the emergent hybridized cognitive capabilities of the system and reconceive human
brain processes to optimize human-technology hybrid thinking, perhaps creating new forms of
intelligence that transcends humans' current level of complexity.
This topic seeks to merge scientific advancements from human-guided machine learning (e.g.,
instantaneous crowdsourcing; interactive machine learning) with advancements from
neuroscience (e.g., neuroprosthetics; neurostimulation) and/or team science and training (e.g.,
technology-enhanced human teaming; training for rapid human adaptation) to reimagine the how
thoughts are processed in hybrid human-technology systems. If successful, the science is
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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envisioned to allow for 10-1000x faster decision making, exponentially increase decision
complexity, and open new opportunities for idea generation, which fundamentally can change
how the US Army operates in including but not limited to command and control.
Specific Questions of Interest
What brain processes may be hybridized for optimal, faster than human decision making?
What is the limit to the scale of hybridization, in systems, agents, and groups? What new
cognitive elements will arise after hybridizing uniquely human characteristics?
Can agents (i.e., intelligent technologies) integrated with human teams generate novel
ideas faster and more effectively than agents or teams alone? Can hybrid teams converge
information into more effective decisions? Can neurostimulation paired with agents
rapidly promote shared understanding and divergent thinking? Can humans' innate ability
to adapt be made faster and extended to radically different forms of thinking (merged
human-agent thinking)?
Can humans be integrated with intelligent command and control (C2) agents to adapt C2
plans to live, incomplete and potentially erroneous data streams in real time to overcome
semi-predictable and unforeseen events? Can intelligent C2 agent policies be effectively
translated for humans to understand and interpret under stressful and time constrained
conditions? Can a flexible, multi-faceted approach to human-AI interaction (AI as a tool,
AI as a human decision enhancer, trainable AI) improve adaptability to semi-predictable
and unforeseen events?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Invincible Materials Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0077Announcement ID:
TPOC: Kris Behler, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 306-2238
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Data Sciences and Informatics;Materials Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
The invincible materials portfolio focuses on the fundamental, basic and applied material science
and engineering to identify novel and emerging materials, systems and technologies for use
across multiple high valued platforms and systems. The portfolio seeks to expand knowledge of
materials and the related science and engineering of all materials classes with respect to
synthesis, processing, development of novel materials or feedstocks, methods, advanced
manufacturing techniques, experimentation, high through put techniques, machine learning,
characterization, and modeling and simulation. The portfolio seeks to enable the discovery,
development, design and integration of emerging structural, chemical and biological protection,
electronic, laser and energy, materials in traditional and extreme environments such as materials
under high rate and dynamic conditions. The portfolio also seeks material science and
manufacturing technologies that supports the soldier, combat vehicles, combat support vehicles
and other high valued assets to enable improved performance and survivability.
Goals and Objectives:
Provide advances in materials through science and technology to enable improved
protection and survivability of soldiers, combat equipment and combat support equipment
and other high valued assets.
Improve materials performance in extreme and non-traditional environments such as high
rate/dynamic or within the electromagnetic spectrum (lasers for example).
Decrease weight and improve power, energy and fuel efficiency for the soldier, combat
vehicles, combat support vehicles and other high valued assets
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Utilize new or improve upon existing capabilities to rapidly discover, design and develop
materials and the supporting science to enable solutions for the Army.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Invisible Materials Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme Materials CompetencyTitle:
ARL-BAA-0078Announcement ID:
TPOC: Daniel De Bonis - [email protected] - (410) 306-0690
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Data Sciences and Informatics;Materials Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
The Invisible Materials Portfolio seeks to identify novel electromagnetic spectrum materials
(EMS) for use in a wide range of military applications. The portfolio seeks materials with
advanced capabilities to increase, decreases or alter the energy emitted, scattered or absorbed in
a controlled manner.
Provide expertise and support for identifying emerging materials science technologies that can
potentially transform how the military is detected by sensors across the entire EMS.
Goals and Objectives
Provide a suite of technologies that can be tailored and fused to improve the Army's ability
to meet diverse platform/system/mission requirements.
Improve the ability to manage EMS emissions from Soldiers, Combat, and Combat
support equipment.
Provide advances in EMS materials to allow future combat force to adapt to unknown
threats across the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) in real time.
Dramatically improve materials performance to allow extreme EMS performance in
realistic military environments (temperature, UV exposure, humidity, low power, etc.).
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Isomer Power for Enhanced Mission EnduranceTitle:
ARL-BAA-0098Announcement ID:
TPOC: James J. Carroll - [email protected] - (301) 394-0039
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation Combat Vehicle
The Army faces significant challenges in meeting its future energy and power needs and is
exploring the feasibility of tapping into nuclear-scale energies via radioisotope decays, whether
natural or induced. For this topic, the emphasis is on the potential for induced energy release
from metastable nuclear excited states (nuclear isomers), particularly when their half-lives are on
the order of a year or longer and when their ground states can release additional energy by
radioactive decay. A key to utilizing isomers as essentially nuclear batteries is the ability to
move a population of nuclei from a long-lived isomeric state to the ground state via a nuclear
reaction: this has been termed "'isomer switching" or "'isomer depletion" and has been discussed
in the scientific literature (see the 2024 publication of "'Isomer Depletion" in the European
Physical Journal - Special Topics). For most processes envisioned for isomer
switching/depletion, the two general components are 1) a pathway of electromagnetic transitions
within an isomeric nucleus that leads from the isomer to the ground state and 2) a mechanism by
which to initiate the switching via the transition from the isomer to a higher-lying excited state
that starts the switching/depletion pathway. The recent demonstration of nuclear excitation by
electron capture (NEEC) shows one possible mechanism by which to initiate isomer
switching/depletion, but there are also other known mechanisms that may be useful for some
long-lived isomers. Other related research areas include the study of reactions by which to best
produce isomers and ways to eventually convert the released energy of induced decays
(following isomer switching/depletion) into useful energy and power.
ARL seeks research proposals that advance the state-of-the-art in research into isomer
switching/depletion in the areas described above and which augment and/or expand ARL's
existing internal efforts. Such proposals could be experimental in scope, providing new
approaches to identifying switching/depletion pathways in nuclei having long-lived isomers,
investigating NEEC or other switching/depletion mechanisms, or studying isomer-production
reactions. Much of ARL's internal research into isomer switching/depletion have focused on
beam-based approaches using facilities like that at Argonne National Laboratory
ATLAS/Gammasphere using multi-fold gamma-ray spectroscopy. Proposals could follow
similar methods, but could also suggest other approaches using implantation detectors,
etc. Proposals could also be theoretical in scope, seeking to better understand the nuclear
structure leading to effective switching/depletion pathways in nuclei of interest, or enhancing
models for NEEC or other switching/depletion mechanisms. Proposals to study reactions for
isomer production would also be of interest.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Light Manipulating Materials and DevicesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0036Announcement ID:
TPOC: William Shensky - [email protected] - (301) 394-0937
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation Combat Vehicle;Soldier
Keywords: Nonlinear optics. metamaterials, novel optical materials, optical switching
Light manipulating materials and devices: The Energy Sciences Competency requires research in
transparent nonlinear optical (NLO) materials, electro-optical (EO) materials, metamaterials, and
related components and devices that can reduce their optical transmission across the visible,
NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and/or LWIR wavelength range passively or actively, when subjected to an
incident laser beam. Orders-of-magnitude of reduction of transmission, or optical density (OD),
is desired. Materials and devices must be highly transmissive in the initial state.
Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Development of optical materials with large nonlinearities and a broad wavelength and/or
pulse-width response (fs to continuous wave). This can include molecular modeling,
material synthesis, and characterization of nonlinear parameters as well as nonlinear
transmission studies to determine structure-property relationships to improve their
response. Materials can be organic, inorganic, or hybrid.
Modeling efforts to relate material properties to their ability to affect laser light. Modeling
effort should include details on how the materials affect the propagation of incoming laser
Development of metamaterial structures and nanoparticles, or other structured or
engineered materials and devices that can reflect, scatter, or otherwise affect laser
propagation, including modeling studies and characterization efforts.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Mechanical Metamaterials for Advanced ProtectionTitle:
ARL-BAA-0096Announcement ID:
TPOC: Muge Fermen-Coker - [email protected] - (410) 278-6018
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science;Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Terminal Effects
Army Modernization Priorities: Next Generation Combat Vehicle
DEVCOM ARL is seeking proposals on the exploration and maturation of mechanical
metamaterials and associated concepts, testing/diagnostics methods for characterization, scale-up
methods etc., in a manner relevant to ballistic impact conditions. Novel manufacturing and
processing techniques are of interest, provided that the work will involve high strain rate relevant
characterization. Research in this area seeks to understand and control/manipulate material
behavior to ballistic advantage, understand behavior on various scales, advanced modeling and
simulation associated with these materials for enhanced understanding and further
design/development of mechanical metamaterials.
Specific research areas include:
Mechanical metamaterials, nanostructured composites, engineered materials specifically
built for manipulating shock and damage propagation due to ballistic impact and
Special consideration for increasing thickness, towards building 3D mechanical
Fundamental systematic studies to link manufacturing/synthesis process,
nano/microstructure, mechanical properties, high strain rate properties, and ballistic
Use or development of machine learning based approaches to aid in material discovery and
design of mechanical metamaterials when there is no &lsquo;big data'.
Modeling and simulation of such structures at various scales.
Multi-scale modeling approaches, verification, and validation involving mechanical
Developing/using experimental techniques and diagnostics to assess/characterize
mechanical metamaterials. Scaling effects associated with small scale experimentation of
such materials, and exploration of how they translate to continuum scale dynamic
properties and performance.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Multimodal Synthetic Data for Machine LearningTitle:
ARL-BAA-0079Announcement ID:
TPOC: Raghuveer M. Rao, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-0860
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Data Sciences and Informatics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Next Generation Combat Vehicle
The use of artificial intelligence solutions for Army field applications will rely heavily on
machine learning (ML) algorithms. Current ML algorithms need large amounts of
mission-relevant training data to enable them to perform well in tasks such as object and activity
recognition, and high-level decision making. Battlefield data sources can be heterogeneous,
encompassing multiple sensing modalities. Present open-source data sets for training ML
approaches provide inadequate representation of scenes and situations of interest to the Army, in
both content and sensing modalities. There is a push to use synthetic data to make up for the
paucity of real-world training data relevant to military multi-domain operations of the future.
However, there are no systematic approaches for synthetic generation of data that provide any
degree of assurance of improved real-world performance of the ML techniques trained on such
data. The problem of effective synthetic data generation for ML raises deeper questions than that
of artificially generating speech or imagery that humans find realistic.
Accordingly, ARL seeks research proposals in the following (1) Synthesis techniques for
multimodal machine learning (2) Machine learning for synthesis of causality and hierarchical
relationships (3) Continuous and/or incremental multimodal learning (3) Algorithms and
architectures that learn physics or are endowed with relevant domain knowledge (4) Domain
adaptation techniques with rich intermediate representations (5) Methods for providing insight
into ML models' internal representations and comparison of synthetic versus real representations.
Additional related areas will also be considered.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Networking Structure, Dynamics, and ProtocolsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0045Announcement ID:
TPOC: Robert J. Drost, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-0158
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Electronics;Mathematics and Statistics;Network Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
The Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences (NC&CS) foundational research competency
of Networking Structures, Dynamics, and Protocols addresses the increasingly complex
battlefields (highly dynamic, wireless, mobile networking environment populated by hundreds to
thousands of networked nodes) in which the Army must be able to communicate. Often, these
environments are austere in terms of availability of resources for supporting and servicing the
networking equipment. They are highly congested by multiple conflicting demands on
bandwidth and severely contested by a capable adversary. Research in networking and
communications will address these multiple and complex challenges by pursuing the following
overarching goals:
Diverse, effective channels-traditional and non-traditional-will be available for creating
heterogeneous networks rapidly, predictably, and in a manner optimized for specific
requirements and constraints of mission and environment, adapting intelligently to
challenges of terrain, atmospheric conditions, local bandwidth congestion, and ensuring
high performance along with energy efficiency and minimized probability of detection and
interception by the adversary. Inclusion of quantum channels and networks may provide
breakthrough capabilities beyond what is conventionally (classically) possible.
The networks will be autonomously driven to meet performance goals/priories provided by
the warfighter, through protocols and algorithms for control and processing of signal and
information, as well as for self-organization of the network. These protocols/algorithms
will ensure persistent high performance of the network, consistent with dynamically
changing missions, supportive of rapid reorganization and mobility of friendly forces, and
be highly robust against strong disruptions.
Survivability and defensive properties will be integral to the future network, making it
inherently secure and survivable against disruptions by adversarial attacks such as
jamming and other forms of interference, in part by minimizing probability of the
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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communications and networks detection, interception, penetration, and information
exfiltration, as well as by responding to adversary actions by agile maneuver and
The NC&CS core competency on Networking Structure, Dynamics, and Protocols will provide
underpinning technology for Army capabilities where it is critical to ensure communications
remain reliable, robust, and resilient in the face of disruptive effects such as task reorganization,
mobility of friendly forces, and adversarial attacks on friendly networks in future tactical
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Neuroscience and NeurotechnologyTitle:
ARL-BAA-0048Announcement ID:
TPOC: David Lloyd Boothe, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-8562
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Computer Science;Data Sciences and Informatics;Mathematics
and Statistics;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Humans in Complex Systems
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift;Network/C3I;Next Generation Combat
Vehicle;Soldier Lethality;Synthetic Training Environment
Keywords: Neuroscience; Intelligence; Decision Making; Adaptation; Ideation, Representation,
The human nervous system is the most intelligent complex system in the known universe. This
research area attempts to understand and harness the power of the nervous system for the
advancement of future human-technology systems. This topic seeks to integrate neuroscience
with traditional approaches to understanding Soldier behavior to enable system designs that
maximize human-system performance, and also attempts to leverage an understanding of the
nervous system to drive the development of novel computational approaches necessary for
creating future intelligent systems.
The future battlefield presents substantial challenges to the US Army to maintain overmatch at
the intersection of humans and technology. This topic aims to harness the power of the human
nervous system to enable neuroscientific principles to be used to maximize Soldier-system
performance and to drive the understanding and development of novel computational approaches
necessary for improving future algorithms and human machine teams. Specifically, the topic
focuses on the properties of biological systems that allow them to rapidly adapt to changing
context, robustly operate together to complete complex tasks, and quickly understand
environmental constraints to perform actions.
The topic has two discrete integrative, transdisciplinary thrust areas that aim to transcend a single
biological system and be applicable to human-technology systems that span a wide variety of
spatial and temporal scales. (i) The topic aims to abstract the human brain to uncover
computational approaches that can be used to develop robust, human-compatible intelligent
technologies by understanding how connectivity, unit dynamics, and parallel computation
underlie the ability of biological nervous systems to generate abstract representations and predict
future outcomes. If successful, the science is envisioned to generate intelligent algorithms
demonstrating improved flexibility and ability to work ergonomically with human teammates.
(ii) The topic aims to uncover foundational principles of the inter-brain system interactions
underlying heterogeneous effective human-human and human-machine teams. Research is
envisioned that builds off of recent analytical advances in neuroscience such as linking network
features such as connectivity and unit dynamics to the brains ability to construct abstract
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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representations and cognition, by the application of new methods to represent neuronal
information such as manifolds, topological data analysis, network science, and dynamical
systems theory.
Specific Questions of Interest
How can current advances in computational methods that transcend disciplines modify our
understanding of brain function? How will emerging (and converging) methods of neural
recording shape our knowledge of brain function? How will new methods, developed on
neural measurements transcend to other complex systems?
What is the primary system to reach and mimic the human's ability to rapidly adapt to
rapidly changing contexts? What are the functional properties of some of the most basic
human properties?
Can we create new machine architectures by mimicking the ability of humans to overcome
uncertainty and context dependence?
How can a mechanistic understanding of inter-brain system interactions enable team
behavioral modification? What advances in computational approaches to detect and
predict team states enable in neural enhancement? How will inter-brain network neural
enhancement affect group behavior?
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
New Developments in Antenna AperturesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0062Announcement ID:
TPOC: Gregory Mitchell, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-2322
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: additive manufacturing, antennas, electromagnetic skins
ARL seeks to develop antenna apertures (i.e., antennas and antenna arrays) for future Army
systems. To realize these radiating structures, there is interest in utilizing new man-made, or
engineered materials, as well as novel processes such as additive manufacturing. Future
platforms will require apertures that are low in profile and can be integrated into both ground and
airborne platforms and are conformal to such platforms. Such apertures should have little or no
visible signature as well as minimal or no obvious protrusion.
Topics of interest include:
Antennas and arrays using engineered materials (e.g., metamaterials)
Electrically thin antennas, integrated into platforms
Electromagnetic skins for required functions
Balun designs exploiting engineered materials and/or additive manufacturing
Apertures with integrated flexible electronics
Diversity schemes for enhanced performance
Conformal antennas and arrays
Additive manufacturing of antennas and RF devices
Antennas that use bio and synthetic biomaterials
Machine learning for development and enhancement of antennas and RF devices
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Novel Computing Architecture and Algorithm Co-designTitle:
ARL-BAA-0042Announcement ID:
TPOC: Barry R Secrest - [email protected] - (410) 306-1313
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
Theories, models, analyses and development of advanced and unconventional computing
architectures and algorithms optimized to run on novel and emerging architectures. Spanning
commercial off the shelf (COTS), domain- and application-specific computing architectures,
such as lightweight, non-von-Neumann and other emerging architectures. Algorithms and
methods for constrained resource computing with distributed/decentralized communication-, low
size-weight-and-power (SWAP), and scalable computing.
Represented in this BAA for the NC&CS Competency are computer architecture, algorithmic,
and hardware/software co-design goals that form a robust advanced computing foundation to
understand and overcome complex fundamental challenges simultaneous to improving
approaches of importance to the Army. These areas include weapon systems design;
materials-by-design; information dominated and networked battle command applications;
system-of-systems analyses; human performance modeling; platform maneuverability; and
tactical supercomputers. Discoveries and innovations made in this area will exert a significant
impact on the Army of the future. There are natural synergies among the challenges facing
ARL's NC&CS Competency and ARL's other S&T Competencies. Synergistic advances across
all competencies are expected to enable next generation scientific breakthroughs.
This topic concentrates on understanding and exploiting the fundamental aspects of hardware
and associated software and algorithms for emergent and future computing for mobile, scientific,
and data intensive applications. Primary technical areas within novel HW/SW and algorithmic
co-design include tactical scalable computing, extremely low SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power)
computing, and Next Generation Computing Architectures. Tactical scalable computing focuses
on understanding scalable computing on the tactical network to include Emergent Computing
Architectures cloudlets, vehicle born computing, or ad hoc network connected platforms.
Numerous applications are envisioned for these types of system in the future and include
artificial intelligence aids for decision making, processing large-scale datasets (text, video), and
navigation systems for autonomous vehicles. Emergent Computing Architectures considers new
non-von Neumann and domain specific architectures that may provide leap ahead capabilities for
Army applications. Tactical Computing is at-the-edge computing capabilities to better
understand algorithms that provide applications for use by the soldier and edge devices at the
point of need. Finally, Next Generation Computing Architectures research is focused on
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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non-traditional computing systems and envisioned to provide disruptive technologies for the
Army. Cognitive computing, neuro-synaptic computing, and DNA computing are some
emerging concepts.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Novel Solid State Lasers and Laser MaterialsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0053Announcement ID:
TPOC: Mark Dubinskiy, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-1821
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: laser, Raman, solid-state, fiber, bulk, crystalline
The Army is interested in research on innovative gain media, for example laser-quality ceramics
with emphasis on engineerable doping and index profile (e.g., gradient doping, sharp-step
waveguiding structures, planar and circular, with sub-10-micrometer diffusion zone); solid-state
materials for high-gain stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS); specialty fibers and fiber lasers
suitable for high average powers and power scaling (e.g., fibers with glass compositions having
an ultra-low SBS gain and/or ultra-high Raman gain; low-loss fully crystalline double-clad, i.e.,
crystalline core/crystalline cladding, fibers; glass fiber designs with developed mode selection
mechanisms or self-mode selection; fiber designs with specialty wavelength-selective properties,
e.g., for Raman suppression); advanced laser materials for diode-pumped eyesafe lasers (e.g.,
based on high and ultra-high thermal conductivity hosts, environmentally stable
ultra-low-phonon hosts, or gain materials with exceptionally high emission/absorption
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Platform Design and ControlTitle:
ARL-BAA-0065Announcement ID:
TPOC: Asha J. Hall, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 278-2384
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Mechanics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Mechanical Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: Platform Design, Control Algorithms for Platforms, Mobile Platforms
ARL seeks research proposals in platform design and control that will enable maneuverable,
adaptive tactical mobility platforms for Army ground and air vehicles. Technical challenges
include developing a computational framework for automated design of mechanical systems
(soft/compliant robots and platforms) capable of performing morphological computation.
Furthermore, control paradigms are required for non-linear adaptive structures for which
maneuverability is being maximized. The goal is to address (1) structural adaptations (2)
describing structural and aerodynamic performance in dynamic environments as well as (3)
controlling these highly coupled vehicles.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Power ConversionTitle:
ARL-BAA-0055Announcement ID:
TPOC: Wes Wesley Tipton, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-5209
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
Keywords: Power conversion, inverter, converter, transformers, platform electrification
Electrical Power Conversion
The Army is searching for innovative technologies and techniques for reducing the size, weight,
cost, and logistics footprint of power conversion systems across the full range of mobile and
stationary Army applications. High efficiency and high temperature operation (for reduced
cooling) are also critical requirements.
Some specific areas of interest include:
Novel power converter toopologies
Novel materials and designs for high-temperature power conditioning components
including capacitors
inductors, transformers and other passive components
High performance components such as switches, transformers, and capacitors
Novel power conditioning components and control research in technologies for conversion
of power between frequencies and voltages with the ability to scale system power levels
based on needs
Pulse-Forming Network (PFNs) and power conversion technology for lethality,
survivability and directed energy capabilities and future high power and high voltage loads
Thermal management materials and techniques for power switching and conversion
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Power Electronics PackagingTitle:
ARL-BAA-0057Announcement ID:
TPOC: Michael Fish, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-3173
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift;Next Generation
Combat Vehicle
This topic has four thrust areas:
High performance packaging materials, methods and systems o enable the full
performance level of wide bandgap power electronics. This includes high temperature (Tj>
200 degrees C), high voltage ( > 10 kV), and high frequency (Mhz range) operation.
Integrated design techniques and modeling that utilize co-engineering and/or co-design to
improve power packaging design by understanding the power density, reliability, thermal
performance, and electrical performance trade-offs.
Novel applications of standard additive manufacturing techniques as well as novel additive
manufacturing techniques are desired to enable advanced and high-performance power
packaging. In addition, techniques and methods to functionalize structural, aerodynamic
and/or other structures by integrating power electronics features are of interest.
Intelligent control methods and techniques for in package control and monitoring of device
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Quantum Entanglement Science and Efficient Light-Matter InteractionTitle:
ARL-BAA-0052Announcement ID:
TPOC: Brenda L VanMil - [email protected] - (301) 394-0979
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT;Network/C3I
Keywords: quantum; positioning, navigation, timing (PNT); quantum information science;
atomic clocks; entanglement; quantum sensing;
Over the past century, the quantum principles of superposition, electronic structure, and
uncertainty relations gave us tremendous advances in a number of applications relevant to the
military, including atomic clocks, magnetometry, positioning/navigation/timing (PNT), and
gravimetry. While these areas can still be improved through technological advances,
next-generation gains in sensing and in secure communications will occur through the concept of
quantum identicality and quantum entanglement.
Our efforts conduct cross-cutting foundational research to exploit quantum effects for (1) novel
sensors and capabilities, (2) beyond-classical sensor performance limits using entanglement, and
(3) entanglement-enhanced information processing, decision-making, and security. Research
emphasizes strong light-matter interfaces, including cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) and
nanophotonic integration. Examples of relevant research include electromagnetic field sensing
using Rydberg atoms, solid-state "atomic" clocks, solid-state defects for sensing and quantum
information, nanophotonics, and building blocks of entanglement distribution (quantum
memories, repeaters, hybrid interfaces, etc).
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Quantum Information Science and Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (QIS-PNT)Title:
ARL-BAA-0051Announcement ID:
TPOC: Adam Schofield, PhD - [email protected] - (443) 395-0621
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Photonics,
Electronics, and Quantum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Assured PNT
Keywords: positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT); quantum information science; quantum
The Quantum Information Science and Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (QIS-PNT)
Essential Research Program (ERP) is the Army's leader in continuously transforming quantum
information science and PNT to outpace our adversaries through discovery and innovation of
novel sensing capabilities and quantum approaches to ensure seamless navigation and
communication across all combat environments.
provide the expertise and component technologies to foster transformational improvements to the
accuracy and resiliency of Army PNT and quantum sensing capabilities that improve the
maneuver, FIRES, and communication capabilities of the future force.
Goals and Objectives
Provide a suite of PNT technologies that can be tailored and fused to improve the Army's
ability to meet diverse platform/system/mission requirements
Improve availability and precision synchronization of time beyond current GPS time
transfer capabilities
Provide improved resilience of position information at GPS-level accuracy and
precision greater than GPS
Improve access to and integrity of navigation and communications information
Identify, develop, and evaluate quantum mechanical principles and quantum phenomena to
support revolutionary advances in sensing capabilities, including clocks, sensing, and
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Quantum networking for communications, distributed entanglement and informationTitle:
ARL-BAA-0082Announcement ID:
TPOC: Quantum Networking Team - [email protected]
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Computer Science;Network Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Network, Cyber, and Computational Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Network/C3I
Keywords: Quantum optics, quantum information distribution, trapped ion quantum
information, quantum entanglement distribution, quantum networking experiment/theory
The Army seeks proposals in the development of quantum networks to advance performance
metrics across a range of applications, including information distribution/security/processing,
logistics, conventional networking and computing.
Technical areas of interest include experimental and theoretical work in the following topics:
Quantum network connectivity, including methods for preservation and characterization of
quantum signals, including polarization preservation, frequency-control and timing
distribution for network control.
Development of quantum-based networking models involving quantum information
distribution, processing, error-correction and protocols for state characterization and
Strong light-matter interfaces including nanophotonic light manipulation and quantum
frequency conversion.
Trapped ion quantum networking, including photon-mediated entanglement-based
Quantum networking technologies for quantum nodes, quantum information generation,
routing, detection, measurement and control.
Entanglement-enhanced information processing, decision-making, and data security.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Reactive Chemical SystemsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0067Announcement ID:
TPOC: James F. Berry (acting) - [email protected] - (410) 278-1519
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Materials Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences;Sciences of Extreme
Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Soldier Lethality
Keywords: responsive assemblies; surface science; catalysis; nanostructured materials
The goal of the Reactive Chemical Systems Program is to achieve a molecular level
understanding of surface/interfacial activity and dynamic nanostructured chemical systems to
provide leap-ahead advancements in Army relevant materials for the benefit of the Soldier. This
program supports basic research in the areas of surfaces, catalysis, interfaces, coatings, and novel
and stimuli-responsive chemical systems.
This program is divided into three areas: (i) Nanostructure Surface Interactions and Reactivity,
(ii) Development of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Alternatives, and (iii) Synthetic
Molecular Systems.
Nanostructure Surface Interactions and Reactivity
This thrust seeks to understand the kinetics and mechanisms of reactions occurring at surfaces
and interfaces, as well as the development of new methods to achieve precise control over the
structure and function of chemical and biological molecules on surfaces. Areas of interest
include adsorption, desorption, the catalytic and reactive processes occurring on surfaces and at
interfaces, and the interfacial activity/reactivity between dissimilar materials to enhance systemic
response to external stimuli. A topic of particular interest is the use of confinement of chemical
species within a system to influence parameters of reactivity. Breakdown of both reactive
(hazardous) and long-lived (stable) chemical species is relevant to this area. Also,
characterization and novel methods to control how surfaces and interfaces of disparate materials
respond to and/or degrade under extreme conditions are of interest. To achieve greater
understanding of the phenomena that govern these interactions, rapid, in-situ characterization of
material changes in extreme conditions is also covered.
Development of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Alternatives
Development of robust alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), including
coatings/materials that provide performance equal or greater than these fluorine-containing
systems, without the associated hazards, are covered in this area. Investigation of chemical
surfaces and novel materials that enable superior thermal stability, hydrophobicity,
oleophobicity, low surface tension, and low coefficients of friction are of interest. Basic research
efforts for the development of the chemistry that enables these coatings to adhere to various form
factors are of interest, in particular for their use in environmental extremes. Another area of
interest is the exploration of the chemical space that imparts flammability mitigation, especially
for high temperature applications.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Synthetic Molecular Systems
This topic supports research that imparts multifunctionality, stimuli-responsive and dynamic
behavior to synthetic molecular and chemical systems. Research of interest includes design and
development of nanostructured scaffolds and sequential catalytic systems. Research aimed at
exploring the properties and capabilities of porous supramolecular structures, including their
functionality, and the downstream capabilities that can be integrated into the system, is also a
priority. A specific technical area of interest is "targeting and triggering" in which a specific
chemical (or event) is targeted (recognized) and that recognition triggers a response. Important
technical challenges include selective and reversible recognition, amplification, and
multi-responsive systems in which specific stimuli trigger distinct responses including shape
and/or color change, subsequent generation of chemical species, and unmasking of catalytic
functionalities are also relevant.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
RF Sensing Through Obscured MediaTitle:
ARL-BAA-0080Announcement ID:
TPOC: Brian Phelan, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 518-0713
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
ARL seeks to discover, innovate, and experimentally demonstrate adaptable, low-SWAP (SWAP
= Size, Weight, and Power) transceivers, adaptable RF front-end concepts, algorithms, and
enabling technologies that will provide new capabilities in standoff explosive threat sensing
across the electromagnetic spectrum. Explosive threats are often obscured; sensor technologies
need to be able to detect explosive threats in such situations. The sensor technologies should be
configurable to operate on mobile platforms (ground-vehicle, and airborne platforms) for field
evaluations and subsequent data collections. Novel techniques, such as distributed-radar
concepts are of interest due to their potential to enable Low-Probability of Detection (LPD)
operation. Furthermore, the sensor technologies should be able to perform standoff detection in
congested, contested, and complex Electromagnetic Environments (EME) by implementing
cognitive radar concepts. Due to continued congestion of the RF spectrum, decision-theory
approaches and other adaptive, flexible, and reconfigurable algorithms and associated hardware
as needed. Spatial, spectral, and temporal domains need to be leveraged to sense, react, and
avoid. Active and passive RF sensing should be employed for targeting, detecting, and tracking
airborne and ground-based threats.
Topics of interest include:
Explosive Hazards
Explosive Hazards Triggering Devices
Transceivers for Passive & Active Capabilities
Digital Backends
Adaptative/Reconfigurable Frontends
Integration of Transceivers on Ground- and Airborne Platforms
Ground-to-Air Tracking Radar
Ground-Surveillance Radar
Multistatic Radar vs. Signal Processing
Multifunction Radar
Synthetic-Aperture Radar
Distributed Radar
Waveform Design & Agility
Passive Imaging
Decision Theory
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Spectrum Situational Awareness (SSA)
Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA)
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
RF-to-THz Devices and Integrated Circuit TechnologyTitle:
ARL-BAA-0063Announcement ID:
TPOC: Dmitry A. Ruzmetov, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-0242
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Electronics;Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Long Range Precision Fires
Keywords: RF, UWB, diamond
ARL is interested in research on innovative electronic substrates, epitaxial materials, devices,
monolithic circuits, and integration techniques for digital, mixed-signal, RF, millimeter-wave to
Terahertz (THz) applications, including radar, communications, electronic warfare, and sensor
systems. Research should involve materials, devices, integrated circuits, and subsystems built
upon advanced Si-based, III-V, III-nitride, and II-VI materials, ultra-wide bandgap
semiconductors (i.e. diamond), novel device structures, nano-technology innovative circuit
topology, and multi-level, and/or heterogeneous integration technology. The research may also
include related device, circuit, subsystem, and system level CAD modeling and analysis to
achieve optimal performance.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Super-Materials Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme Materials CompetencyTitle:
ARL-BAA-0081Announcement ID:
TPOC: Victoria L. Blair, PhD - [email protected] - (410) 306-4947
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Data Sciences and Informatics;Materials Science;Mechanics;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Sciences of Extreme Materials
Army Modernization Priorities:
This program focuses on basic and applied research investigations of materials synthesis,
processing and characterization of structural materials which perform in high temperature, highly
dynamic chemical, mechanical, and thermal environments. An example extreme environment for
this topic would be transient thermal loads, high-g loading, oxidizing environments, and
corrosive gases. Research efforts that are supported by both experimental and computational
efforts are encouraged. Structural materials of interest can include, carbon-fiber reinforced
composites, silicon carbide fiber reinforced composites, ultra-high temperature ceramics (with
and without fiber reinforcement), refractory metals, metal matrix and ceramic matrix composites.
Machine learning-driven materials discovery may be used to accelerate research progress but
must be supported with experimental methods.
Examples of research topics:
Fundamental discovery of crack propagation and failure mechanisms of materials in a
computer-simulated use-environment or experimental environment.
Processing relationship with materials properties and characteristics of interest including
strength, hardness and toughness at temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees C. Thermal
properties like thermal expansion, conductivity and emissivity.
Development of high temperature material evaluation methods and linkages back to
process-property relationships of exemplar materials.
Mechanisms and characteristics of dissimilar material joints and interfaces.
Examinations of novel processing methods to improve interfacial strength and
Examining multi-functionality, whereby an additional attribute beyond structural
performance is optimized, such as high strength, thermal shock resistant materials that is
also transparent to specific wavelengths of light.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Support to ARL Foundation Research CompetenciesTitle:
ARL-BAA-0071Announcement ID:
TPOC: Unspecified TPOC - [email protected]
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Biological Sciences;Chemistry;Computer Science;Data Sciences and
Informatics;Earth and Environmental Sciences;Economics;Education;Electronics;Materials
Science;Mathematics and Statistics;Mechanics;Network Science;Physics;Social Science
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Biological and Biotechnology
Sciences;Electromagnetic Spectrum Sciences;Energy Sciences;Humans in Complex
Systems;Mechanical Sciences;Military Information Sciences;Network, Cyber, and
Computational Sciences;Photonics, Electronics, and Quantum Sciences;Sciences of Extreme
Materials;Terminal Effects;Weapons Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
Under this topic, ARL will consider whitepapers and proposals that may not directly align to the
current research topics published by an ARL TPOC, but can demonstrate a strong alignment to
ARL's mission. ARL's research mission is executed within identified foundational research
competencies that provide the Army foundational expertise and specialized capabilities grounded
in scientific excellence and driven by unique Army challenges. ARL is always interested in
innovative research whitepapers and proposals that demonstrate a strong alignment to ARL's
foundational research competencies and potential to create discovery, innovation, and transition
of technologies for Army transformational overmatch. To learn more about ARL's foundational
research competencies visit the ARL website at
White papers and proposals submitted under the "'Support to ARL Foundation Research
Competencies" topic must clearly describe the research and objectives and will be considered by
ARL if it is aligned to one or more of these foundational research competencies that support the
ARL mission. Applicants interested in submitting a white paper or proposal under this topic are
strongly encouraged to first make preliminary inquiries as to the potential alignment to an ARL
foundational research competency, funding availability for the type of research effort
contemplated, and identification of an ARL TPOC to receive and review potential white papers
or proposals.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Tactical Heterogeneous Sensing in Complex Environments, Aerosols, and ImpactsTitle:
ARL-BAA-0083Announcement ID:
TPOC: Chatt C Williamson - [email protected] - (301) 394-1771
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Chemistry;Data Sciences and Informatics;Earth and Environmental
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Military Information Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities:
This program focuses on basic and applied research investigations designed to enhance
situational and operational awareness with respect to operations in complex, multi-domain
environments enabling C4ISR and maneuver capabilities. The research covers a broad portfolio
including aerosol sciences, propagation of electro-optic (EO), electro-magnetic (EM),
radio-frequency (RF) and acoustic signals in complex environments, impacts thereof, and
heterogeneous sensing. Areas of specific interest are optical spectroscopy and characterization of
aerosols, modeling of light interaction with material, atmospheric aerosol composition,
heterogeneous remote sensing, and propagation modeling. Complex environments of particular
interest are urban, littoral, forested, and domain interfaces.
Examples of research topics:
Fundamental understanding of single aerosol particle interaction with open air factors and
the impact of such interactions on optical signatures of such aerosols.
Development and application of methods, techniques, and models representing physical
interactions between light and materials (aerosols).
Heterogeneous remote sensing that considers both environmental sensing (to include
Doppler lidar and radar) and target detection (to include acoustic, EO, EM, RF).
Fundamental research on the impact of the complex environment on propagation,
characterization, and detection of signals.
Innovative signal processing, computational methods, and instrumentation system
concepts for autonomous heterogeneous sensing in complex environments.
Exploratory research in AI/ML (or other advanced computational methods) for
autonomous heterogenous remote sensing in clutter environments. Sensing nodes could
include EO, EM, RF, and acoustic and different/varying bands, for both target and
environmental sensing. Simultaneous environmental and target sensing should allow for
characterization of the clutter, removal of the clutter for improved target detection, and
characterization of the environment. Atmospheric state, topography, surface sea-state, and
turbulence characterization are of interest.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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Army Research Directorate (ARD) Research Topic
Techniques and Sources Enabling Major Power Scaling of Diode-Pumped Solid-StateTitle:
Lasers (fiber and bulk)
ARL-BAA-0054Announcement ID:
TPOC: Mark Dubinskiy, PhD - [email protected] - (301) 394-1821
ARL Office: Army Research Directorate (ARD)
Discipline: Materials Science;Physics
ARL Foundational Research Competencies: Energy Sciences
Army Modernization Priorities: Air and Missile Defense;Future Vertical Lift
Keywords: Pump couplers, splicing dislike materials, fiber-coupled diode modules
The Army is interested in innovative highly efficient pump-coupling techniques; innovative
pump diode and active medium cooling techniques (e.g., cooling via optically transparent highly
thermoconductive materials); passive and active laser beam/aperture combining methods;
advanced fiber splicing techniques, as it pertains to splicing silica glass to dislike materials, e.g.,
alternative glasses, as well as YAG, Sapphire, silicon nitride materials; laser wavelength shifting
techniques and materials for achieving high average powers with emphasis on eye-safety and
emission in best atmospheric propagation bands; development of surface patterning techniques
with anti-reflection and high reflection properties. Of special interest is research and
development enabling fiber-coupled laser diode sources with output brightness exceeding current
state-of-the-art by a factor of 10 or more.
Current Research Topics for DEVCOM ARL BAA For Foundational Research
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