Please read all instructions to ensure that the information you provide is accurate and complete.
Applications that do not follow instructions or are incomplete will not be considered by the selection
The application must be typed, using 1” margins and no smaller than 12 point font.
The resume must be typed, using 1” margins and no smaller than 12 point font. The resume should
not exceed two pages.
The short answer questions should be single-spaced. Please do not exceed the maximum word
count for each question.
The essay should be double-spaced and include a references/citations page.
Application Deadline: emailed by 11:59 PM PST on January 24, 2024.
Application materials must be emailed to Jason Curley, Education Programs Manager, at
Please do not mail your application materials to the Udall Foundation.
Letters of Recommendation: emailed by 11:59 PM PST on January 24, 2024.
Writers of recommendation letters must email signed digital copies of their letter to Jason Curley,
Education Programs Manager, at [email protected]v.
Please do not mail recommendation letters to the Udall Foundation.
Transcripts: emailed by 11:59 PM PST on January 24, 2024.
Current and previous school transcripts must be emailed to Jason Curley, Education Programs Manager, at
Please do not mail transcripts to the Udall Foundation.
Signed application form (Section 1)
Resume (Section 2)
Completed short answers (Section 3)
Essay, signed and dated (Section 4)
Three recommendation letters (Section 5)
Current official transcript (Section 6)
Other transcripts from colleges/universities attended for credit within the past 6 years (Section 6)
Copy of Tribal enrollment card or Tribal verification documents (Section 6)
(If applicable) Proof of U.S. permanent residency (Section 6)
Section One: Application Form
Personal Information
Legal Full Name:
Date of birth:
Are you a U.S. Citizen
U.S. Permanent Resident
Tribal affiliation:
Enrollment Status: Enrolled Not Enrolled (Descendant of enrolled member)
Additional Tribal affiliation(s):
State of Permanent Residence:
Congressional Voter Registration (State/District No.):
Permanent residence is established by at least two of the following: home address for school registration; place of registration
to vote; family’s primary residence.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Best telephone:
Best email address:
Current Grade level: Junior Senior Graduate Law Student Recent Graduate
Undergraduate Institution:
Location: Start Date:
Undergraduate Major:
Undergraduate Minor:
Undergraduate Completion Date (month/year):
GPA: On a scale of:
Graduate Institution (if applicable):
Start Date:
Graduate Degree Program:
On a scale of:
Graduate Completion Date (month/year):
I, ___________________________________ have read and understood the conditions of the Internship.
I waive the right to access letters of recommendation written on my behalf. This application, including
the essay, is my own work or formally cited from other sources. The information contained herein is true
and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Section 2: Resume
Your resume should observe the following general format: Objective, Education History, Professional
Experience, Clubs and Organizations, Awards and Recognition, Related Experience (i.e. coursework,
research, and extracurricular activities). Please submit your resume as a separate document. (1-2 pages)
Section 3: Short Answer
1. Describe your educational and professional goals. Indicate in which area(s) you hope to work and what
issues you hope to address in your career. How will the Udall Internship assist you in achieving your goals?
(250-300 words)
2. As a Udall intern, you may be asked to work with a variety of staff, fellow interns, and stakeholders. Please
describe situations in which you have worked effectively as part of a group or team. Provide examples that
illustrate your approach to group dynamics, problem-solving, and/or conflict. (250-300 words)
3. What specific policy issues or legislative areas are you most interested in? (100-150 words)
(Please indicate three or more areas of interest).
4. Describe any additional skills or accomplishments that you consider relevant to an internship with a
Congressional office or Federal agency. (300-350 words)
5. Describe a specific activity or experience that has been important in clarifying or strengthening your
commitment to working in Indian Country. (250-300 words)
6. Describe any public service and/or volunteer activities in which you have participated that demonstrate
your interest in Tribal public policy and/or Tribal communities. Explain the duration, degree and significance
of your involvement. (300-350 words)
7. What else would you like for us to know about you? (250-300 words)
Section 4: Essay
Briefly summarize a legislative act or policy statement of Congressman Morris K. Udall or Secretary of
Interior Stewart L. Udall that relates to your interest in an area of Tribal public policy. Analyze its
impact or potential impact and relate the issues it addresses specifically to your educational and
career goals. (650-800 words)
Please submit your essay as a separate document. There is no required citation style but applicant
should be consistent in the style used.
If selected as an Intern, your essay will be used as a writing sample when arranging your office
Section 5: Recommendation Letters
Please provide names, titles, and contact information of three individuals who have written your letters
of recommendation for the Internship. Letters should be written on official letterhead, signed by the
recommender, and can be submitted separately from the application.
Title: Phone:
Tribal Official Community Leader Faculty Member Other
Tribal Official Community Leader Faculty Member Other
Name: Email:
Title: Phone:
Tribal Official Community Leader Faculty Member Other
Please tell us how you heard about the Native American Congressional Internship.
Direct mailing
Tribe Faculty/Staff Law school Native program
Web search
Social media
Udall Foundation
Other (please specify):
Please tell us who referred you to our program:
Please provide names and contact information of organizations or people with whom to share
information about our programs.
Name & Contact
Name & Contact
Section 6: Supporting Documents
Current official transcript may be submitted separately.
Other transcripts (unofficial) from colleges or universities attended for credit within the past 6
years may be submitted separately.
Proof of Tribal enrollment or descendance please do not submit original documents:
o Copy of enrollment forms, cards, and/or descent documentation such as a certificate of
degree of Indian or Alaska Native blood.
o Descendants of enrolled Tribal members must provide copies of their parent's or
grandparent's enrollment and birth certificates that demonstrate the applicant's
relationship to the enrolled Tribal member.
Application Resources
Link to application materials:
Link to advice for the application:
2024 Program Important Dates:
The following dates are subject to change. Please monitor the important dates section of our website
to get updates on any changes. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
October 13, 2023 The application is available at www.udall.gov
January 24, 2024
Internship application, letters of recommendation, transcripts
(current/other), and other supporting documents must be emailed and
received by 11:59 PM PST on this date. Incomplete applications will not be
reviewed by the selection committee.
February 5 9, 2024 The Internship selection committee conducts video interviews with finalists.
February 15, 2024 The Udall Foundation will notify all applicants of the Internship results.
February 20, 2024 Deadline for Udall Foundation receipt of Intern Consent and Release form.
February 23, 2024 Deadline for Udall Foundation receipt of all Intern forms.
March 29, 2024 Udall Interns announced at www.udall.gov
May 29 to Aug. 3, 2024 Udall Native American Congressional Internship Program, Washington, D.C.
Thank you for your interest in the Udall Native American Congressional Internship!
Privacy Act Notice
eneral: This notice is provided pursuant to Public Law 93-579, Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a, for individuals
supplying information to the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation (Udall Foundation) in the course of seeking a
scholarship, internship, and/or fellowship.
uthority: Sections 5604, 5605 of Title 20 of the U.S. Code authorize collection of this information.
urposes and Uses: This information is collected for the purpose of evaluating applicants for scholarships, internships,
fellowships, and similar positions. This information will be disclosed to personnel within the Udall Foundation and to other
personnel outside of the Udall Foundation as required by Udall policies and procedures for the review, award, and
administration of the scholarship, internship, and/or fellowship program(s). Contact information for alumni of the
scholarship, internship, and/or fellowship program(s) may be used the Udall Foundation to contact individuals about events
or issues related to the Udall Foundation programs and mission.
ffects of Nondisclosure: Individuals are not required to apply for scholarships, internships, or fellowships through the Udall
Foundation programs. Submission of applicant information is voluntary. Failure to supply the information could prevent the
Udall Foundation from considering the individual for a scholarship, internship, and/or fellowship.