Unit 3: Ma vie scolaire
Content Area: World Language
Course(s): French I
Time Period: November
Length: 7 weeks
Status: Published
Unit Overview:
Students will learn how to discuss school subjects and supplies, state colors, recognize French subject
pronouns, conjugate regular verbs in the present tense, and ask and respond to questions about school life.
Essential Questions:
What strategies can I use to communicate more effectively?
How can I better understand what I hear and read when I have just begun learning a new language?
How do I make myself clearly understood when speaking and writing in the target language?
How do phrase and sentence formations facilitate language formation?
How can I enhance connections with people through languages?
How can I start, carry on, and end a conversation more effectively?
Enduring Understandings:
Language is a multi-faceted, multi-layered system of communication.
Speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are developed by using the interpersonal, interpretative
and presentational modes of communication.
Bilingualism is a necessary component of communication in a global economy.
It's necessary to use appropriate vocabulary, correct language structure, and patterns to communicate
effectively in another language.
Standards/Indicators/Student Learning Objectives (SLOs):
Identify cultural products and practices of France and la Francophonie.
State classroom objects, school supplies, and school subjects.
Use the correct articles for nouns in a given situation.
Conjugate regular verbs in the present tense.
Ask and respond to questions about school schedule.
Skim and scan target language culturally authentic audio, video, or written text from electronic
information sources and other sources to school supplies and school subjects.
Imitate and incorporate appropriate intonation for asking different types of questions.
Request and provide information by asking and answering simple, practiced questions,
using memorized words and phrases.
Share basic needs on very familiar topics using words, phrases, and short memorized,
formulaic sentences practiced in class.
Express one’s own and react to others’ basic preferences and/or feelings using
memorized, words, phrases, and simple memorized sentences that are supported by
gestures and visuals.
Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in classroom and cultural activities.
Imitate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native speakers when greeting
others, during leave-takings, and in daily interactions.
Identify familiar spoken and written words, phrases, and simple sentences contained in
culturally authentic materials and other resources related to targeted themes.
Respond with actions and/or gestures to oral and written directions, commands, and
requests that relate to familiar and practiced topics.
Identify familiar people, places, objects in daily life based on simple oral and written
Report on the content of short messages that they hear, view, and read in predictable
culturally authentic materials.
Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages found in short culturally
authentic materials on global issues, including climate change.
Present basic personal information, interests, and activities using memorized words,
phrases, and a few simple sentences on targeted themes.
State basic needs on very familiar topics using words, phrases, and short memorized,
formulaic sentences practiced in class.
Imitate, recite, and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs, and skits.
Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally
or in writing.
Lesson Titles:
Around the Classroom and School Supplies
Around the Classroom Project
Indefinite Articles
School Subjects
Definite Articles
School Schedule Skit (Speaking Performance)
Subject Pronouns (2 days)
Regular Verb Conjugations
Articles, Subject Pronouns, and Regular Verbs Test
Career Readiness, Life Literacies, & Key Skills:
Global perspectives
Communication and Collaboration
Investigate how continuing education contributes to one's career and personal growth.
Assess and modify a personal plan to support current interests and post-secondary plans.
Identify transferable skills in career choices and design alternative career plans based on
those skills.
Inter-Disciplinary Connections:
ELA: Language and Reading
Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of
Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing
many of the most frequently used sounds of each consonant.
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
With prompting and support, read and comprehend stories and poetry at grade level text
complexity or above.
Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through
multiple exchanges.
Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and
feelings clearly.
Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas,
thoughts, and feelings.
Students will analyze how culture influences individuals, including themselves.
Students will evaluate important social institutions and how they respond to social needs.
Equity Considerations
Amistad Mandate
Topic: N/A
Materials Used:
Addresses the Following Component of the Mandate:
• African Slave Trade
• Amistad
• Contributions of African Americans to our Society
• Slavery in America
• Vestiges of Slavery in this Country
Holocaust Mandate
Topic: N/A
Materials Used:
Addresses the Following Component of the Mandate:
• Bias
• Bigotry
• Bullying
• Holocaust Studies
• Prejudice
LGBTQ and Disabilities Mandate
Topic (Person and Contribution Addresses): N/A
Materials Used:
Addresses the Following Component of the Mandate:
• Economic
• Political
• Social
Climate Change
Asian American Pacific Islander Mandate
Topic (Person and Contribution Addresses): N/A
Materials Used:
Addresses the Following Component of the Mandate:
• Economic
• Political
• Social
Summative Assessment:
- Unit test that includes listening, reading, writing and speaking sections
- Listening comprehension assessment
- Interpersonal speaking assessment
• Chapter Test (vocabulary and grammar)-Interpretative, Presentational
• Listening and Reading comprehension questions-Interpretative
• Project/Presentation on Vocabulary/Grammar topic-Presentational
• Simulated Conversation-Interpersonal
- Unit test that includes listening, reading, writing and speaking sections.
- Target Language Integrated Performance Assessments
Alternative Assessments
- Performance tasks
- Project-based assignments
- Problem-based assignments
- Presentations
- Reflective pieces
- Concept maps
- Case-based scenarios
- Portfolios
Resources & Materials:
NJDOE Student Learning Standards for World Language
Textbook: Bien Dit, Level 1 (Holt)
Cahier de Vocabulaire et Grammaire (workbook)
Cahier d'Activities (workbook)
Grammaire Guide (workbook)
Bien Dit, Level 1 Listening CDs and corresponding listening activities
Bien Dit Assessment Program
Quizlet Vocabulary and Grammar sets (flashcards, online activities and practice)
Flash Cards
White Boards
Google Classroom - questions, posts, assignments, share documents, polls
Google Docs - individual assignments, document sharing for collaborative assignments
Google Forms - surveys, formative and summative assessments
WordReference Extension- Submit up to 10 words a day in French/English to find it's definition in the
opposite language, conjugation guide
Easy Accent Marks Extension
Instructional Strategies, Learning Activities, and Levels of Blooms/DOK:
School Supplies Comparison using France's National Minister of Education website (U.S. and France)-
Around the Classroom Labeling Assignment-Remembering, Understanding
Around the Classroom and School Supplies Stations-Remembering, Understanding
Classroom Project-Creating
School Schedule Comparison: Article and Video Clips (U.S. and France)- Analyzing
School Schedule Stations-Remembering, Understanding
School Schedule Partner Skit-Creating
Articles and Subject Pronouns Notes-Remembering, Understanding
Subject Pronouns Slides Presentation-Applying, Evaluating
Regular Verbs Notes-Remembering, Understanding
Regular Verbs Stations-Remembering, Understanding
Regular Verbs Dice Games-Applying, Analyzing
Regular Verbs Paragraph-Evaluating, Creating
Delsea One
Formative Assessment:
lundi litteraire - Interpretation of French proverb or quote; writing prompt on the current topic in class
mardi musicale- French song on the current topic in class (search for cognates/vocabulary, interpret
mercred'ecouter- Listening activity on the current topic in class
jeudi journal - News article on current events or topic linked to class discussions
vendredi video- Cultural video related to current topic in class or class discussions
Anticipatory Set
Writing Prompts
Listening Activities (authentic conversations, authentic commercials/advertisements, etc.)
News (articles and recordings)
Fishbowl activity (Choose a question at random to answer.)
Koosh Activity
Exit Ticket
Graphic Organizers (Venn Diagram, T-Chart, Organized Notes sheet)
Whiteboard review games
Vocabulary Flash Card games (Memory, POP!, Heads Up)
Speaking Practice (large group, with a partner)
Quizlet Practice and QuizletLive
Exit ticket
Hot seat (rapid fire questions)
Oral questioning and answers
Worksheet guided review practice
Other Formative Assessments
Vocabulary Quizzes
Grammar Quizzes
Google Classroom Questions
Identify vocabulary words in French.
Answer questions in French in complete sentences orally.
Answer questions in French in complete sentences in written form.
Correct the sentences in French.
Create 5 sentences in French about a given topic.
Create 5 sentences in French about a picture prompt.
DuoLingo website practice
Conjuguemos website practice
ELL Modifications:
• Choice of test format (multiple-choice, essay, true-false)
• Continue practicing vocabulary
• Provide study guides prior to tests
• Read directions to the student
• Read test passages aloud (for comprehension assessment)
• Vary test formats
IEP & 504 Modifications:
*All teachers of students with special needs must review each student's IEP. Teachers must then select the
appropriate modifications and/or accommodations necessary to enable the student to appropriately progress in
the general curriculum.
Possible Modifications/Accommodations: (See listed items below):
• Allow for redos/retakes
• Assign fewer problems at one time (e.g., assign only odds or evens)
• Differentiated center-based small group instruction
• Extra time on assessments
• Highlight key directions
• If a manipulative is used during instruction, allow its use on a test
• Opportunities for cooperative partner work
• Provide reteach pages if necessary
• Provide several ways to solve a problem if possible
• Provide visual aids and anchor charts
• Test in alternative site
• Tiered lessons and assignments
• Use of a graphic organizer
• Use of concrete materials and objects (manipulatives)
• Use of word processor
G&T Modifications:
• Alternate assignments/enrichment assignments
• Enrichment projects
• Extension activities
• Higher-level cooperative learning activities
• Pairing direct instruction with coaching to promote self-directed learning
• Provide higher-order questioning and discussion opportunities
• Provide texts at a higher reading level
• Tiered assignments
• Tiered centers
At Risk Modifications
The possible list of modifications/accommodations identified for Special Education students can be utilized
for At-Risk students. Teachers should utilize ongoing methods to provide instruction, assess student needs,
and utilize modifications specific to the needs of individual students. In addition, the following may be
• Additional time for assignments
• Adjusted assignment timelines
• Agenda book and checklists
• Answers to be dictated
• Assistance in maintaining uncluttered space
• Books on tape
• Concrete examples
• Extra visual and verbal cues and prompts
• Follow a routine/schedule
• Graphic organizers
• Have students restate information
• No penalty for spelling errors or sloppy handwriting
• Peer or scribe note-taking
• Personalized examples
• Preferential seating
• Provision of notes or outlines
• Reduction of distractions
• Review of directions
• Review sessions
• Space for movement or breaks
• Support auditory presentations with visuals
• Teach time management skills
• Use of a study carrel
• Use of mnemonics
• Varied reinforcement procedures
• Work in progress check
Technology Materials and Standards
Google Suite with Apps
School Supplies
Comparison: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p01RtVsmmizFeasvWeOz9QJpQiPivm9ndr5rLb9Gc2I/ed
Around the Classroom/School Supplies Vocabulary
Prediction: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ycEPIRIXjjxVmrBJJFR2fzm5L3HvqrNq-
Classroom Labeling
Assignment: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EiGhZa7VtI6jKkVdE6dQeFgdF4UbFkPY1nQJj8xgsjs/e
Around the Classroom/School Supplies
Stations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A89Px8imqQvyhr6FQx8XFpfoGQqvyTtJP5f5pfSPfBU/edit?u
Around the Classroom
Project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13cUW3LKqw3bnnrZGZs7F5Jld4Qum0XuIVlHbIQF5S18/edit?
School Schedule Reading/Comparison: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RnaMH9O8NsWm-
School Schedule Stations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QEmCiEYpj1sfp-aClo47tyOBaW-
School Schedule Skit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11BlCjvyNvbbNOYkK-
Grammar Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nqCPtBJGKpx7xh-
Quizlet.com - Learn, Flashcards, Writing, Listening, Matching, Gravity, QuizletLive
Around the Classroom: https://quizlet.com/158831423/a-lecole-la-salle-de-classe-1-flash-cards/
School Supplies: https://quizlet.com/281190539/a-la-papeterie-et-les-couleurs-1-flash-cards/
School Subjects: https://quizlet.com/166672035/a-lecole-les-matieres-1-flash-cards/
Articles and Subjects: https://quizlet.com/160774256/articles-indefinitedefinite-and-subject-pronouns-flash-
Regular Verbs: https://quizlet.com/205308971/regular-verbs-in-the-present-tense-review-flash-cards/
School Schedule Questions Importantes: https://quizlet.com/172941971/questions-importantes-a-lecole-1-
Kahoot.it - Jumble and quiz games for vocab and grammar review
Around the Classroom: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/78a4b871-cc3a-4c6a-a86c-556364fc3498
School Supplies: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/b53ed7dc-8978-47b0-8c60-789f1aa1d7ca
School Subjects: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/2ee1b5ef-9967-4d46-b678-8589add9d372
Questions Importantes: School Subjects: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/2d35ee37-d1c4-40b5-bdb9-f235e14c4373
Articles: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/fa578516-4167-4702-8ca1-2dcb4ce9aa19
Regular Verbs: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/3b656b05-01b4-4107-a0e7-c353e3decc36
Around the Classroom: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/59e646c8474113100081ca45/la-salle-de-classe
School Supplies: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/56cc411b0a32ce8e703699fc/les-matieres
Regular Verbs: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58b628cdb60c1ba227b721ef/french-regular-verbs
Regular Verbs: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/59c258da0d227e10004c6532/french-regular-verbs
Duolingo - Reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice (Weekly Assignments for Enrichment)
Youtube.com - Cultural videos, tutorial videos
La Salle de Classe Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098Xf9d-
La salle de Classe Song
2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc2pmthHrMQ&index=11&list=PL5AlM20JYVYOhXRDuAs38vKKl
Regular Verbs Instructional
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr_7aVZhVaM&index=15&list=PL5AlM20JYVYOhXRDuAs38
-er verbs song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rzYvAWYKfI
-re verbs
song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJta6B8Be4&list=PL5AlM20JYVYOhXRDuAs38vKKlOluEQ1n
-ir verbs song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5tPzwb-
Additional Websites
Creativity and Innovation
Critical Thinking and Problem-solving
Technology Literacy
Global and Cultural Awareness
Computer Science and Design Thinking Standards
Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and
quickly based on user needs and preferences.
Model and describe how individuals use computers to connect to other individuals, places,
information, and ideas through a network.
Describe how the Internet enables individuals to connect with others worldwide.
Evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural
Predict the potential impacts and implications of emerging technologies on larger social,
economic, and political structures, using evidence from credible sources.