Learning Aims and Curriculum Intent:
In Year 7 we intend to instil in all our students a passion for French that helps them develop the skills and confidence to belong in a multicultural world. We aim to ensure that all students understand and respond
to spoken and written language from a variety of sources, speak with increasing confidence finding ways of communicating what they want to say using a variety of grammatical structures. We aspire to give our
pupils a real taste of Francophone culture, which enable to bring language learning to life and establish excellent French pronunciation and spelling, as key sounds of French are introduced using phonics.
Content, Key Questions and Knowledge
Hobbies: Je joue au tennis chaque vendredi
Describing the sports and activities that you like to do in your free-time
Using time-phrases to say when you do certain activities
Giving opinions on sports and hobbies, and justifying your opinions.
Discussing which sports you do in different seasons and weather.
Introductions and family : Ma vie de famille
Describing and introducing myself
Discussing where you live and who you live with including pets
Describing family members using
to describe appearance and personality
Explaining which hobbies people in your family like to do and why
Explaining what you like to do with your family or friends at the weekend
Can I use the verb jouer” in the present tense?
Can I use time-phrases to say when I like to do certain activities?
Can I use the negative (ne…pas / ne … jamais) to discuss free-time
Can I give opinions on free-time activities and justify them?
Can I ask and answer questions in French?
Can I complete a short-writing task?
Can I complete reading comprehension tasks?
Retrieval quizzes to build knowledge acquisition and
understanding of key vocabulary and grammar.
Comprehension questions on the types of sports and hobbies that
people like to do, when they do them and their opinions.
A short-writing on the sports and hobbies that you do in your free-
Comprehension questions on family descriptions (physical
appearance and personality).
Verb conjugation quizzes to ensure that you can accurately
conjugate the verbs ‘être’ and ‘avoir’
School life: J’adore le français et les langues
Giving and justifying your opinions about school life, subjects and teachers
Describing what you wear to school
Learning about a typical French school
Food and Drink: J’adore manger à la cantine
Describing what you like to eat and drink, and explaining your opinions
Learning how to use time-phrases to explain what you eat at different times
Developing speaking skills further to be able to discuss your views on types of food and
Practising vocabulary for ordering food and drink
Can I use opinion phrases and justifications to develop my answers ?
Can I discuss what I like to study at school and why?
Can I describe my school uniform and my opinions on uniform?
Can I discuss what I like to eat and drink, and justify my views?
Retrieval quizzes to build knowledge acquisition and
understanding of key vocabulary and grammar.
Comprehension questions on the school subjects and elements of
school life, including questions on opinions and justifications.
A short-writing on school life and your opinions on school
subjects and your school.
Examples of Homework
Reading comprehension tasks and “Who says what” activities all completed in the target language. Learning and consolidating vocabulary and grammar.
Preparing speaking questions for oral assessments. Writing short paragraphs with opinions and justifications. Listening comprehension tasks.
Grammar activities such as practicing verb conjugations or adjectival agreements. A short research project on a town in France.
Key terminology
Je joue, il joue, je pense que, je dirais que, j’aime, j’adore, je n’aime pas, je déteste, je suis, il est, elle est, nous sommes, ils sont, elles sont, aller, faire, écouter, regarder, je voudrais, je mange, je bois, il y a, il n’y a pas
de, j’étudie,
All key vocabulary from each topic is given to students at the start of each half-term.
infinitive, agreement, time-phrase, conjugation, subject pronoun, verb, noun.
enrichment and
scholarly extension
Astérix Le Gaulois
Astérix gladiateur
TinTin, Les Misérables
(graphic novel),
Arsène Lupin
- gentleman-cambrioleur
all available in the school library with many other popular French books and
parallel texts.
Watch: Wakfu on Netflix, Les Visiteurs, Micmacs all available in the school library with other popular French films.
Listen: CoffeeBreak French podcasts ensure that you choose the right level for you, music by Stromae. Download DuoLingo to practise useful vocabulary
Visit: L’Institut Francais (London), The National Gallery (London)
Useful websites
https://quizlet.com/gb/....... /
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zgdqxnb https://www.languagenut.com
https://www.language-gym.com & https://www.language-gym.com/listening
Who can I contact?
Head of Department
Dr Alex Gray, ajg@forest.org.uk
Anne Bergès, anb@forest.org.uk; Carolyn Heath, ch@forest.org.uk;
James Miller, djm@forest.org.uk; Isabel Pearse, ipearse@forest.org.uk;
Ricky Sokhal, r[email protected]k
My Town: Dans ma ville, il y a pas mal de magasins
Describing where you live
Giving and justifying opinions on where you live
Explaining where you like to go and what you like to do at the weekend in your town
Using the near future tense to explain what you are going to do at the weekend.
Revision & Town Research Project
Researching a town in a Francophone country
Preparing a short presentation on your chosen town, providing key information linked to
the topics covered over the course of the year.
Delivering a presentation to your peers, including key phrases in French, explaining your
opinions on sports, food, drink and life in your chosen town.
Can I use opinion phrases to consistently develop my sentences ?
Can I describe my weekend plans using the near future tense?
Can I research and prepare for a presentation, and prepare key
phrases in French to deliver to my peers?
Can I complete a writing task using the vocabulary and grammar
from each topic this year?
Retrieval quizzes to build knowledge acquisition and
understanding of key vocabulary and grammar.
Comprehension questions on descriptions of towns and regions,
including questions on opinions and justifications.
A short-writing on your town or region and your opinions on the
area where you live.
A speaking assessment where you answer a series of questions on
content covered throughout the year.
An end of year exam, assessing all four skills and covering all
topics, grammar and vocabulary studied over the course of the