Exchange Visitor
Sponsorship Program (EVSP)
Copyright © 2019-2023 by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG®). All rights reserved.
February 10, 2023
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Continuation of Sponsorship in an
ACGME-accredited Training Program or
Non-standard Training (NST) Program at an
ACGME-recognized Sponsoring Institution
The application process requires completion of the following steps:
1. Through EVNet, TPL submits an on-line appointment prole
2. Through EVNet, TPL uploads the necessary supporting documents for each applicant (with the exception of the SoN; see below
for details)
3. Through OASIS, applicant accepts on-line appointment prole, pays the $370 administrative/application fee, completes the
electronic application, and uploads any documentation (not already submitted by the TPL) needed to complete application
4. Electronically or by mail/courier service, Ministry of Health ofcial or applicant submits the original SoN (see below for details)
NOTE: All uploaded documents must be in PDF format and must be uploaded one document at a time.
Documentation Required of Continuing Applicants
Application Processing Instructions
The checklist below provides an overview of the basic requirements to apply for continued ECFMG sponsorship to participate in a
clinical training program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or NST program at an
ACGME-recognized Sponsoring Institution. Note that submission of a complete on-line application requires close coordination between
each applicant and the Training Program Liaison (TPL) at the teaching hospital. While ECFMG generally reserves four to six weeks
from the time all required documentation is received for review and processing, it is important to note that submission of all required
documentation at the same time may signicantly shorten processing time. Therefore, applicants and TPLs are encouraged to upload all
required documentation on the same day, when possible. Note also that EVSP will match the original Statement of Need (SoN) received
from the home country government with the pending application. Applicants can verify that an SoN has been received by checking the
On-line Applicant Status and Information System (OASIS) regularly.
Any application deciencies and/or requests for additional documentation will be communicated directly by ECFMG to the TPL via e-mail.
Applicants are able to view deciency letters in OASIS. It is recommended that applicants and/or TPLs retain a copy of all uploaded materials.
The contract or letter of offer must specify:
Start and end dates of the training year,
Specialty and subspecialty of the training program/pathway,
Training level,
And must be signed by both the applicant and an appropriate hospital ofcial.
The applicant must complete and sign Part 1; the program director or director of graduate medical education of the most recent
(not proposed) host program must complete and sign Part 2 of the form.
FORM I-94 (arrival/departure record)
A photocopy of the applicant’s most recent Form I-94 documenting admission to the United States in J-1 status valid for
“Duration of Status – D/S” must be submitted to ECFMG. Copies of electronically issued Form I-94 can be downloaded at Note that Form I-94 also may be attached to Form I-797, Notice of Action, issued by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security.
Copyright © 2019-2023 by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG®). All rights reserved.
February 10, 2023
Page 2 of 2
A new/updated SoN is required to apply for sponsorship continuation if any of the following criteria apply:
The applicant is proposing to enter a new subspecialty.
The letter on le with EVSP will expire prior to or during the proposed training period.
The letter on le with EVSP is institution-specic and a change in host institution is proposed.
An original, ofcial SoN issued directly from the Ministry of Health in the country of most recent legal permanent residence
must be submitted directly to ECFMG. SoN letters are accepted in two ways—electronically OR by mail/courier service.
Regardless of submission method, per the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), all SoNs
Be issued by the federal/central ofce of the applicant’s country of most recent legal
permanent residence
Be issued on ofcial Ministry of Health letterhead and addressed to ECFMG
Exactly follow prescribed wording outlined in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Specify a need that exactly matches the name of the training specialty/subspecialty being
Contain the ofcial stamp or seal of the issuing government and dated signature of issuing
ofcial on the SoN
Be issued in English; if not issued in English, a certied word-for-word English translation
is required (again, please note that the SoN and any translation must follow regulatory
prescribed language)
It is important to note that the source country for the SoN cannot be changed once an
applicant acquires J-1 status. Any/all subsequent SoNs must be issued from the same source country.
Provides proof of funding by the organization paying the trainee directly or conrmation of the applicant’s personal funds if the
source of funding is other than, or in addition to, the salary provided by the hospital or institution where the training will take place.
Outside Organization: A signed letter, on organizational letterhead, from an ofcial of the organization providing direct funding
to the applicant. The letter must include the terms and conditions, dates, and amount in U.S. dollars.
Personal Funds: Submission of a letter signed by a bank ofcial or a copy of a bank statement on letterhead conrming the
(self) funding amount specied in the on-line application. Foreign currency amounts must also include U.S. dollar equivalent.
IMPORTANT: Letters and/or statements issued by a bank should not show personal account information such as account
number or other personal identier.
*Minimum funding levels are $1,600 per month for the exchange visitor physician, $600 per month for a J-2 spouse, and $400
per month per child (any status).
EVIDENCE OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIP (marriage/birth/adoption certificate)
Required if requesting J-2 dependent sponsorship for a spouse and/or an unmarried minor child. If not in English, the certicate(s)
must include a certied, word-for-word English translation(s).
If an application is approved, ECFMG will issue Form DS-2019, Certicate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Visa Status,
to the TPL via rst-class U.S. mail. ECFMG is not authorized to release the Form DS-2019 directly to an applicant. For expedited and
trackable delivery, applicants must upload a prepaid/preaddressed courier service shipping label at the time of application (prior to
application review by EVSP). EVSP staff cannot complete a shipping label on behalf of an applicant or institution.
See for additional information on the use of shipping labels.
Additional documentation and fee are required if the proposed training program will necessitate an extension of the applicant’s
sponsorship beyond seven years (the regulatory maximum duration of ECFMG-sponsored clinical training). Such an extension must
be reviewed and authorized by the U.S. Department of State (DoS). Detailed information and documentation requirements for
applicants seeking exceptional extensions beyond the maximum duration are available on the EVSP website at
Additional Documentation (required if applicable)
Whether an SoN is sent
electronically or by mail/
courier service, there are
specic, respective submission
procedures and requirements. If
an SoN is received that does not
meet these requirements, it will
not be accepted.
View the submission
requirements, and the required
SoN format and wording, on
the EVSP website at https://