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1. The parties to this Side Letter Agreement are the University of California Berkeley (“Campus”), the
University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (“LBNL”), and Alameda County
Building and Construction Trades Council (“KB), collectively (“the Parties”). This Side Letter
Agreement covers the collective bargaining agreement (Agreement”) between the Parties for the
skilled crafts unit.
2. The current collective bargaining agreement which was set to expire on October 1, 2020, was extended
by a Side Letter Agreement on October 8, 2020, extending the contract until June 1, 2021. The 2
Letter Agreement, agreed upon by the Parties on May 26, 2021, extended the current collective
bargaining agreement until December 1, 2021. The 3
Side Letter Agreement, agreed upon by the
Parties on November 18, 2021, extended the current collective bargaining agreement until December
17, 2021. The 4
Side Letter Agreement, agreed upon by the Parties on December 17, 2021, extended
the current collective bargaining agreement until February 18, 2022. By signing this 5
Side Letter
Agreement, the Parties agree to extend the current collective bargaining agreement until May 1, 2022.
3. The parties agree to continue engaging in successor negotiations in good faith and follow compliance
with the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA).
4. This Side Letter Agreement extension shall apply to the terms and conditions of employment for all
employees covered in Article 1, Recognition, at the Campus and LBNL.
5. All provisions of the Parties’ collective bargaining agreement, whether specifically written to expire on
February 18, 2022, or not, shall be automatically extended until May 1, 2022. Such extension also
applies to all side letters and appendices connected to the Agreement.
For the University
______________________________ ______________________________
Courtney Foster Janet Yokoyama
Employee and Labor Relations Consultant Employee and Labor Relations Consultant
Berkeley Campus LBNL
For the Union
Edward Alvarez
DocuSign Envelope ID: A634641F-E402-4875-8919-19E09CBEE787
2/4/2022 2/4/2022
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Union Representative, Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council
_____________________________ _______________________________
Bridget Hall Joey Mossor
Chief Steward Chief Steward
Berkeley Campus LBNL
DocuSign Envelope ID: A634641F-E402-4875-8919-19E09CBEE787