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Central Commissioning
13th Floor (13.55)
102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ
DX : 328 London
For attention of the Contract Liaison Manager
Sent via email to:
20 July 2018
Our reference:
Dear Sir/Madam,
ACTION REQUIRED BY 23:59:59 ON 5 AUGUST 2018 offer to extend your 2013 Standard Civil
Contract Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS) Schedule to provide HPCDS Services
from 1 October 2018 for contingency period
As you will be aware, on 5 July 2018 we gave notice cancelling the process we had launched for the
reprocurement of HPCDS services. Please see a copy of the notice at for ease of reference.
We took that decision in order to give effect to the Administrative Court’s decision dated 22 June 2018
(case number CO/5321/2017) in the judicial review proceedings brought by the Law Centres Federation
t/as Law Centres Network against the Lord Chancellor.
Subsequently, we wrote to you on 6 July to inform you of our intentions for maintaining HPCDS services
for a contingency period. That period is required to allow for a review of relevant policy and to provide
the time needed to prepare and run a new procurement exercise for these services.
We confirmed that our approach for the contingency period will be to offer all existing providers of
HPCDS services an extension of their current contract. That contract will maintain the 2013 Standard
Civil Contract Exclusive Schedule Arrangements you currently work under.
There is a continuing requirement for providers of HPCDS services to hold and comply with a Standard
Civil Contract with an authorisation to undertake mainstream services in the Housing and Debt
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Categories of Law from 1 October 2018. Given that requirement, the relevant Standard Civil Contract
Standard Terms and General Rules of the Specification for the Contract will be those which are
incorporated into the 2018 Standard Civil Contract. Accordingly, the offer also includes certain
amendments for consistency with the 2018 Standard Civil Contract.
This letter (“Offer Letter”) contains the terms of an offer of an extension to your current contract (2013
Standard Civil Contract) HPCDS Schedule upon the terms and conditions as set out within this Offer
Letter. If you accept this Offer, you will be required to continue to deliver the Contract Work you are
authorised to provide under your HPCDS Schedule by virtue of the contract extension offer dated 18
January 2018 which you accepted.
If you wish to continue to carry out the Contract Work you are currently authorised
to provide under your HPCDS Schedule beyond its current expiry date of 30
September 2018, you must complete and sign the acceptance form below and email
a copy to us at by no later than 23:59:59 on 5
August 2018.
References in this Offer Letter to:
current contract means the 2013 Standard Civil Contract as varied by the terms of the offer
letter dated 18 January 2018 which you (and the other current providers of HPCDS services)
accepted and which incorporates within the documents together comprising that contract, the
HPCDS Schedule;
HPCDS Schedule means the schedule setting out the Exclusive Schedule Arrangements for the
HPCDS services you are authorised to and required to provide under your current contract,
which schedule is extended and varied under the terms of the Offer as incorporated as Annex B
to this Contract;
Contract means the current contract as varied by the terms of the Offer;
Contract Period means, as the context requires, either: (i) the Interim Contingency Extension
Period alone; or (ii) where we have given you notice under the provisions of this Offer Letter that
your Contract has been extended into the Run-off Contingency Extension Period, the sum of the
Interim Contingency Extension Period and the Run-off Contingency Extension Period;
HPCDS Services shall have the same meaning as the Service as defined in Paragraph 10.16 of
the Category Specific Rules at Annex A;
Interim Contingency Extension Period means the period from 1 October 2018 to 23:59:59
hours on 30 September 2019;
Offer means the offer to you to continue working under your current contract to provide the
Service under your HPCDS Schedule as set out in this Offer Letter (including the terms of Annex
A Category Specific Rules and Annex B HPCDS Schedule which will apply for the Contract
Period); and
Run-off Contingency Extension Period means any period from 1 October 2019 and ending on
a date no later than 30 September 2020.
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For clarity of interpretation, and unless otherwise stated, any terms which are capitalised but not defined
within this Offer Letter shall have the meaning given to them in the Standard Civil Contract (as varied
under the Offer, where applicable).
Unless otherwise stated, references to “paragraph” and “Annex” are to paragraphs of and annexes to
this Offer Letter.
The provisions of this Offer Letter shall operate as a variation to the terms of your current contract. In
the event of any conflict between any of the provisions of this Offer Letter and any of the provisions of
the Contract Documents, the conflict will be resolved by this Offer Letter taking priority over the Contract
Documents. In the event of any conflict between any of the provisions of the Contract Documents, the
conflict will be resolved under the following order of priority:
(a) the HPCDS Schedule;
(b) the Category Specific Rules at Annex A;
(c) the Contract for Signature;
(d) the Standard Terms; and
(e) the General Rules to the Specification.
We are now offering you and the other providers who have a current contract the opportunity to continue
working under it to provide the Service under the HPCDS Schedule for the Contract Period.
This Offer is made to you in consideration of and conditional upon your acceptance of and compliance
with the following terms:
1. The Contract is offered and, following acceptance by you, comes into force on the condition that
you enter into and continue to hold at all times a 2018 Standard Civil Contract in the Housing and
Debt Categories of Work. If you do not comply with this condition as at 31 August 2018 or (where
you comply with this condition at that date) any date subsequent to it, this Contract will terminate
automatically and you will not be authorised to carry out any Contract Work or new Contract Work,
as applicable, under it.
2. The Contract will expire automatically at midnight on 30 September 2019 save where we have
given you not less than one month’s notice that we wish to extend it into the Run-off Contingency
Extension Period.
3. Where we extend the term of the Contract into the Run-off Contingency Extension Period we may
exercise our right under paragraph 2 on any number of occasions and for any period within the
Run-off Contingency Extension Period provided that:
on the occasion of each such extension, we give you not less than one month’s notice;
the period of each such extension is not less than three months; and
the expiry date of each such extension shall be no later than 30 September 2020.
4. The 2018 Standard Civil Contract Standard Terms shall apply to the Contract in place of the 2013
Standard Civil Contract Standard Terms.
5. The General Rules to the 2018 Standard Civil Contract Specification shall apply to the Contract in
place of the General Rules to the 2013 Standard Civil Contract Specification.
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6. To allow for the fact that the Contract only covers Contract Work within the scope of your HPCDS
Schedule, the Category Specific Rules at Annex A shall apply to your Contract in place of the
Category Specific Rules which apply to the current contract.
7. To provide for the extension of the Service for the Contract Period, the version of the HPCDS
Schedule at Annex B shall apply to your Contract in place of the version incorporated into your
current contract.
8. The Service you are authorised and required to provide under your Contract is designated as
Exclusive Schedule Arrangements for the purposes of Paragraph 1.29 of the General Rules.
9. Except for those terms that are varied under this Offer Letter, the terms of your current contract
(including any notice given by us under it) shall apply to the Service you provide under the
Contract from 1 October 2018.
10. Where you wish to accept the Offer, you must complete the Offer acceptance form below and
return it to the LAA by email at by 23:59:59 on 5 August 2018.
If you do not accept this Offer by 23:59:59 on 5 August 2018 your current
contract, including, for the avoidance of doubt, your HPCDS Schedule will
expire automatically at 23:59:59 on 30 September 2018 and you will not be
entitled to undertake and be paid for any new Contract Work from 1 October
2018 onwards.
If you have any queries in relation to the content of this letter, please contact your Contract Manager.
Yours faithfully,
Shaun McNally
Chief Executive
Annex A: Category Specific Rules
Annex B: HPCDS Schedule [example]
Provider principal (“lead”) Office Legal Aid Agency Account Number:
I/we [provider to insert name(s) of provider signatory(ies)]
being duly authorised to act for and on behalf of [full name of provider to be inserted]
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ACCEPT the terms of the Offer of an extension to the terms of my current contract: 2013 Standard
Civil Contract Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS) Schedule as set out in the Legal
Aid Agency’s Offer Letter dated 20 July 2018.
Signed by ……………………………………………….. Date………………….
Signed by ………………………………………………..Date…………………
For the avoidance of doubt, although only my principal or “lead” Office Legal Aid Agency account
number is cited, where my organisation has more than one Office, I understand that my acceptance of
the Offer applies to all Offices from which I am authorised by the Legal Aid Agency to carry out Contract
Work under my HPCDS Schedule (and that, therefore, I do not need to complete a separate Offer
acceptance form for each such Office).
By signing above, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Offer and
the terms and conditions of the HPCDS Schedule as varied by the Offer.
This Offer may only be signed by a person who has the capacity to act on behalf of the above-named
provider and who has been duly authorised to accept and bind that provider to the terms of the Offer. If
you are a partnership, an appropriate partner must sign. If you are a sole practitioner solicitor, the sole
practitioner (principal) must sign. If you are a company, an appropriate director must sign. If you are a
limited liability partnership, an appropriate designated member must sign. If you are an unincorporated
charity, two appropriate trustees must sign. limited liability partnership, an appropriate designated
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Annex A
Standard Civil Contract
Category Specific Rules
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Category Specific Rules
Section 10 Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme
10.1-10.15 [NOT USED]
10.16 You may participate in the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme only if you are authorised
to do so under Exclusive Schedule Arrangements. Unless otherwise stated, in Paragraphs
10.16 to 10.55:
(a) references to a Schedule refer to your Exclusive Schedule Arrangements for the
Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme;
(b) “the Scheme” means the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme operating under this
Contract; and
(c) “the Service” means services you provide as part of the Scheme, as more specifically
described at Paragraphs 10.18 and 10.38 to 10.39.
The Schedule
10.17 All work carried out under the Scheme is subject to any conditions or restrictions set out in
that Schedule. You may only provide services under the Scheme during the period specified
in your Schedule. When a Schedule expires but this Contract remains in force, we will issue
you with a new Schedule unless you have given us at least one month’s notice that you do
not wish us to do so.
The Service
10.18 The Service involves the provision at a court of Legal Help and Help at Court to Clients and
for cases described at Paragraphs 10.36 to 10.39 below. Subject to the terms of your
Schedule, work covered by the Scheme may only be claimed for under this Contract.
10.19 The Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme is Controlled Work. The payment provisions for
all work under the Scheme are specified in the Remuneration Regulations.
10.20 Payment will be monthly in arrears for work done. Payments will be made separately from
your Standard Monthly Payments for other Controlled Work. Periodically we will reconcile
your Claims and payments. If, in any Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme session, you
have performed no work for Clients we will pay you on the basis that you have seen one
Client during the session and you are entitled to payment on that basis.
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10.21 For the purpose of the Scheme, “session” means either a morning or afternoon period when
the court is in session. Consequently, a court can list a maximum of two sessions per day.
However, there must be a clear break between sessions listed on the same day for two
payments to be claimed. Where the court lists a full day session, you will only be entitled to
Claim one payment for this full day session.
10.22 The rate referred to in the Remuneration Regulations is payable per Client and covers all work
for a Client under the Scheme so that no additional payments will be made. There are no
additional payments for travel or waiting.
10.23 You must comply with the requirements to provide information about the Scheme by the
specified times and your entitlement to receive payment is conditional on your doing so.
Matter Start rules
10.24 If you provide the Service at court and, within six months of doing so, subsequently open a
new Housing or Debt Matter Start under your 2018 Standard Civil Contract in relation to the
same case then you cannot claim any payment for providing the Service at court. The costs
of providing the Service will be included in the Housing or Debt Matter Start Fixed Fee
provided for in the Remuneration Regulations and paid in accordance with your 2018
Standard Civil Contract.
10.25 The rule at Paragraph 10.24 does not apply if you subsequently open a non-Housing/nonDebt
Matter Start under your 2018 Standard Civil Contract (where you have authorisations in
Categories other than Housing and Debt under that contract) after providing the Service at
court. The Matter Start rules set out in Section 3 of the General Rules of the Specification to
your 2018 Standard Civil Contract will apply in these circumstances.
10.26 You must report data about the Service to us in such form as we may specify. Monthly
monitoring reports showing details of Clients assisted must be completed fully and returned
to us by you within 10 days after the end of each month. Payments are triggered by our
receipt of fully completed monthly monitoring reports on or before their respective due date.
If you fail to provide any report to us by its due date, your payment will be delayed until
after we have received it.
Volumes of work
10.27 We will allocate a volume of acts of assistance to each Scheme for the year (or such other
period as is specified in your Schedule). Schemes will be able to provide 10% more acts of
assistance than their allocated volume without prior authorisation from us. If Schemes wish
to provide acts of assistance above this level then our prior written approval is required.
Provision of the Service does not allow or require you to use up Housing Matter Starts issued
to you under your 2018 Standard Civil Contract for services not covered by the Scheme.
10.28 You must have a Housing and Debt Supervisor at all times you are delivering the Service.
10.29 You must nominate a member of your personnel who is responsible for the overall
supervision and management of the Service and provide us with their name. This person
must meet the Housing and Debt Supervisor standard.
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10.30 The nominated member of your personnel must liaise with the court to ensure that the
Scheme is in place each time the court lists possession proceedings.
10.31 You must demonstrate that the Scheme has effective induction, training, appraisal and
supervision procedures for all caseworkers.
10.32 You must ensure that you have appropriate adviser(s) present on each day at the court when
the Service is required.
10.33 For the purposes of Paragraph 10.32 “appropriate adviser” means a caseworker who conducts
a minimum of 12 hours casework per week.
10.34 You must include your Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme files in any file review process
you conduct.
Delegation of the Service
10.35 Without prejudice to your management obligations at Paragraphs 10.28 to 10.34, you may
delegate provision of the Service to other Providers who will act as your Agents for the
purposes of the Scheme. Any such delegation must be authorised under your Schedule.
Unless otherwise provided in your Schedule, we will make payments to you for all work
covered by the Schedule and you will be responsible for any payments agreed between you
and the Agents.
Who can use the Scheme?
10.36 The Scheme is available to any person (regardless of means) whose home is at immediate
risk because of possession proceedings. You must provide the Service to any such person
(the Client) who requires it during one of the specified court sessions. The Client does not
pay anything for the Service. If a Client has received the Service and wishes to use it again
you may provide it to them if they are in genuine need of it and it is appropriate to do so.
10.37 You must provide the Service to all Clients who request to see an adviser under the Scheme.
Scope of the Scheme
10.38 The Scheme covers the following types of proceedings at the court set out in your Schedule.
(a) private rented possession proceedings;
(b) public/registered social landlord rented possession proceedings;
(c) mortgage possession proceedings;
(d) applications to stay/suspend execution of warrants of possession; and
(e) Clients with charging orders relating to property whereby the Client is at immediate
risk of losing their home through a forced sale.
10.39 For Clients within the scope of the Scheme (see Paragraphs 10.36 to 10.37) you must provide
the following services:
(a) face-to-face advice to the Client on the day, prior to the hearing;
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(b) advocacy for the relevant proceedings on the day of the hearing;
(c) face-to-face advice to the Client on the day, post the hearing, explaining the
outcome and the options available to the Client;
(d) on the day of the hearing, assisting Clients to liaise with third parties;
(e) referrals to other Providers to take on follow up work where you are unable to take
on this work under your Contract or to other organisations where the Client may
not be eligible for Legal Aid;
(f) send a letter to each Client setting out your advice.
Clients requesting advice outside the terms of the Scheme
10.40 Where a Client seeks your advice outside of the terms of the Housing Possession Court Duty
Scheme, then, subject to any means or merits tests you should (if you are permitted by your
2018 Standard Civil Contract) consider whether it is appropriate in the circumstances to
commence Legal Help, Help at Court or Licensed Work. You will be entitled to payment for
assisting that Client in accordance with your 2018 Standard Civil Contract but you will not be
entitled to claim any fee under this Contract.
10.41 Further to Paragraph 10.40, when considering whether it is appropriate in the circumstances,
you should take account of the Client’s location and whether it is feasible to deliver face-to-
face advice from your Office or whether it is more appropriate to refer the Client to a Provider
located nearer the Client.
10.42 If the Client needs further services but you are not able to provide them yourself under your
2018 Standard Civil Contract, you must (if it is practicable to do so) refer the Client to an
organisation that will be able to provide them. If the Client is likely to be financially eligible
this should be an organisation holding a 2018 Standard Civil Contract.
Emergency Representation
10.43 Exceptionally it may be appropriate for you to grant Emergency Representation to a Client
who has contacted you under the Scheme. The fact that advocacy under the Scheme is
available is not automatically a ground for refusing Emergency Representation where it would
otherwise be justified but is a relevant consideration for the purposes of the Merits
10.44 Any grant of Emergency Representation by you must be made in accordance with the
Procedure Regulations and does not fall within the scope of this Contract.
Reporting and Auditing
10.45 You must make a record of the Service that you give to each Client (or why you refused to
provide the Service).
10.46 In addition to the requirements to keep records under the Standard Terms, you must keep a
central record (in such form as we may specify) of Clients seen under the Scheme.
10.47 Although the Service is available to any person (regardless of means) whose home is at
immediate risk because of possession proceedings, we need to know how many Clients would
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be financially eligible for the Scheme if there were a means test. Therefore, you must ensure
that, for each Client, our means assessment questionnaire is completed.
10.48 You must report to us such data (in such form as we may reasonably specify) about the
Scheme at such intervals (not more often than monthly) as we may require.
10.49 Your obligation is to provide the Scheme at the court listed in your Schedule. You must provide
the Service at all sessions the court runs and therefore you must have the flexibility to cater
for the fluctuations in demand for the Service.
10.50 If you are unable to provide the Service at a court session you must inform your Contract
Manager immediately.
Providing services at a court where the Scheme is not in place
10.51 You are permitted to provide the services detailed in Paragraph 10.39 in the proceedings set
out in Paragraph 10.38, but only when:
(a) we have provided a written authorisation (in your main Schedule or otherwise)
under this Paragraph to do so; and
(b) there is no current Scheme operating at that court.
10.52 Client eligibility for the Scheme under Paragraph 10.51 is equivalent to that defined in
Paragraph 10.36 and unless otherwise stated the rules of the Scheme as set out at Paragraphs
10.18 to 10.50 are applicable. For the avoidance of doubt Clients who do not meet our usual
eligibility criteria may only have services provided as detailed at Paragraph 10.38.
10.53 Where you provide services under Paragraph 10.51 you may claim only the fixed fee specified
for the Scheme under the Remuneration Regulations. You may not claim any Legal Help
Housing or Debt Standard Fee under your 2018 Standard Civil Contract (but Paragraph 10.24
will still apply). No payment will be made for sessions where you see no Clients and no
management fee will be paid.
10.54 Work carried out under Paragraphs 10.51 to 10.53 above is to be treated as having been
provided under the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme.
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Annex B
2013 Standard Civil Contract
Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS) - Exclusive Office Schedule
Contract Number
Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme:
Office Schedule Number
Schedule Amendment Notice Number:
Name of Provider
Address of Principal Office
Address of the Office to which this
Schedule Applies
This office schedule is the account through which you must claim for services delivered through this HPCDS schedule.
The SPL is based on the total allocated acts of assistance. Your monthly payment will depend on the work you have
undertaken in the previous month.
Schedule Start
1 October 2018
Schedule End Date
30 September 2019
Name of Court(s) to
which this Schedule
Allocated Volume of
Acts of Assistance
10% buffer
Total acts of
Your Schedule Payment Limit is2
£0 (inclusive of VAT where applicable)
You are authorised to delegate provision of the service to Agents for the
purposes of delivering the scheme in the court(s) listed in Table 2. You must
ensure that Advisors who act as your agents are appropriate advisors as
defined in 10.33 of the Standard Civil Contract specification i.e. they
undertake 12 hours a week specialist housing advice.
In using Agents you must follow the rules set out in 2.5 and 2.6 of the Civil
Specification. As the delegation, will, of necessity be of the entire Matter
because the Scheme covers one off advice at Court the conditions in 2.6 a)
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to f) must be satisfied. However, for work delivered under this schedule only,
we will dis-apply clause 2.6 b) (“the Agent works solely or mainly for you.”).
This Contract Schedule is dependent on your organisation continuing to hold a Legal Aid Agency
Contract with authorisation to undertake mainstream Housing and Debt Services.
This Contract Schedule is conditional on your organisation delivering at all sessions listed for the
Scheme(s) included in this Schedule on and after 01 October 2018.
Your organisation must cover all sessions that the court lists and provide Housing Possession
Court Duty Scheme Services to any Client at court with a Housing problem that requests to see
an adviser.
Your organisation must deliver the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme service in
accordance with the Service awarded and as committed to in any selection criteria responses
given by your organisation at the time of tendering.
Signed for and on behalf of the Lord Chancellor (electronically or by hand) by:
Name of signatory: … Shaun McNally………………… [Print Name]
Status of signatory: … Chief Executive……………..... [Print Status]
This schedule is valid only if it is signed by a person authorised by the Lord Chancellor.