Employee Handbook
Date Last Updated: February 26, 2024
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Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................ 9
Vision ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Mission ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Shared Beliefs .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Board of Education Information ........................................................................................................................ 11
District Leadership Team (DLT) .......................................................................................................................... 11
Employee Handbook Overview ..................................................................................... 12
Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Human Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Statement of Non-Discrimination ...................................................................................................................... 12
Confidentiality .................................................................................................................................................... 13
General Employment Information ................................................................................ 13
Differences in Employee Classifications ............................................................................................................ 13
Employment Procedures .............................................................................................. 14
Hiring and Selection ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Current Classified Personnel Hiring Protocol ..................................................................................................... 15
Physical and TB Skin Test ................................................................................................................................... 15
New Employee Onboarding (NEO) .................................................................................................................... 16
Assignments and Transfers/ Excess Certified Allocations.............................................. 16
Assignment and Transfer of Certified Staff........................................................................................................ 16
Assignment and Transfer of Classified Staff ...................................................................................................... 16
Voluntary Transfers ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Staff Development ........................................................................................................ 17
Frontline Professional Growth ........................................................................................................................... 17
District-Sponsored Activities .............................................................................................................................. 17
Conference/Workshop ...................................................................................................................................... 18
College Credit ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Salary Schedules ........................................................................................................... 19
Administrative .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Certified ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Classified ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Temporary.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Guest Staff (Substitutes) .................................................................................................................................... 20
Paraeducator and Health Room Assistant Career Ladders ................................................................................ 20
Clerical Professional Growth Program ............................................................................................................... 21
Reclassification .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Temporary Leave and Leaves of Absence ..................................................................... 22
Attendance Standards .................................................................................................. 22
Classified Attendance Standards ....................................................................................................................... 23
Attendance Standards for Classified Employees Not Covered by a Negotiated Agreement ............................ 23
Certified Attendance Standards......................................................................................................................... 23
Breaks ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Shift Change ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Overtime ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Employee Evaluations ................................................................................................... 24
Administrators ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Certified ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Classified ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Employee Conduct ........................................................................................................ 24
Performance Expectations ................................................................................................................................. 25
Fact Finding Process ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Sexual Harassment, Harassment, and Bullying .................................................................................................. 26
Staff and Student Relations ............................................................................................................................... 26
Professional Boundaries .................................................................................................................................... 26
Performance Management ................................................................................................................................ 27
Initial Probation ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Travel Conduct ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Employee Benefits & Insurance Management .............................................................. 28
Health Insurance ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Open Enrollment and Wellness Verification ...................................................................................................... 29
Cash Option........................................................................................................................................................ 30
COBRA - Continuation of Group Health Coverage ............................................................................................. 31
Retiree Health Plan Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 31
Retiree Health Plan Enrollment ......................................................................................................................... 31
Maternity Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Parental Leave ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Adoptive Leave .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Break Time for Nursing Mothers ....................................................................................................................... 33
FMLA .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Short-Term Disability ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Long-Term Disability (LTD) ................................................................................................................................. 34
ADA Accommodations ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ................................................................................................................. 35
Catastrophic Pool ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Damage to Personal Property ............................................................................................................................ 35
Workers’ Compensation .................................................................................................................................... 36
Accident Reporting Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 36
Reporting AccidentsVehicle Related Actions at Scene................................................................................... 36
Life Insurance ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Retirement ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Frontline Absence Management (formerly AESOP) ...................................................... 41
Absence Management ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Setting Up a Preferred Substitutes List .............................................................................................................. 42
Selecting an Assignment (Substitutes)............................................................................................................... 43
Payroll .......................................................................................................................... 43
Differences in Pay Groups .................................................................................................................................. 43
Pay Periods for All Employees ........................................................................................................................... 44
Pay Group Calendars .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Review and Print Your Paycheck ........................................................................................................................ 44
Temporary Leave and Vacation What’s the difference? ................................................................................ 45
Submitting Vacation/Temp Leave Request ....................................................................................................... 46
Checking Vacation/Temp Leave Balances.......................................................................................................... 46
Direct Deposit vs. Commerce Pay Card ............................................................................................................. 46
K-4 and W-4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
W-2/W-2c........................................................................................................................................................... 47
Time Clock Users ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Review Time and Missing Punch Requests ........................................................................................................ 48
Voluntary Payroll Deductions ............................................................................................................................ 49
Mileage .............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Travel and Business Expenses ............................................................................................................................ 50
Employee Cellular Telephone Allowances ......................................................................................................... 50
Unused Leave ..................................................................................................................................................... 51
Severance ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Purchasing and Procurement........................................................................................ 52
Best Practices ..................................................................................................................................................... 52
Visa Procurement Card (P-Card) ........................................................................................................................ 52
Safety and Security ....................................................................................................... 53
Visitors ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
Parking Lot Safety .............................................................................................................................................. 53
Threats of Violence ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Violent Intruder ................................................................................................................................................. 54
Suicide Intervention ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Reporting Abuse ................................................................................................................................................ 56
Criminal Convictions .......................................................................................................................................... 57
Searches of Students and Property ................................................................................................................... 57
Health and Environment ............................................................................................... 57
Bloodborne Pathogens ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Hazardous Waste ............................................................................................................................................... 57
Asbestos ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Communicable Diseases .................................................................................................................................... 58
Inclement Weather/Tornado Drills .................................................................................................................... 58
Fire Drills ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Earthquake Drills ................................................................................................................................................ 59
Snow Days/Emergency Closures ........................................................................................................................ 60
Care and Use of Facilities/Rentals ..................................................................................................................... 60
Energy Management Conservation Policy ......................................................................................................... 60
Equipment Use ................................................................................................................................................... 61
Operation of District Vehicles ............................................................................................................................ 61
Resignation and Dismissal ............................................................................................ 62
Certified Resignation.......................................................................................................................................... 62
Certified Dismissal ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Nonrenewal of Probationary Certified Contract ............................................................................................... 62
Classified Resignation ........................................................................................................................................ 62
Classified Dismissal ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Separation Procedures....................................................................................................................................... 62
Unemployment .................................................................................................................................................. 63
Grievances .................................................................................................................... 63
Other Employee Information ........................................................................................ 64
Changes to Personal Information ...................................................................................................................... 64
Name Changes ................................................................................................................................................... 64
Employee Badges ............................................................................................................................................... 64
Issuance of Keys ................................................................................................................................................. 64
Professional Dress .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Personnel File Review ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Employee Discounts ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Conflict of Interest/Personal Business/Solicitation ........................................................................................... 66
Outside Employment (Moonlighting) ................................................................................................................ 67
Distribution of Information ................................................................................................................................ 67
Technology Use .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Featuring Student Photos and Concealed Observations ................................................................................... 68
Political Campaign Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 68
Opportunities to Give ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Memorials .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
General Donations ............................................................................................................................................. 71
McKinney Vento ................................................................................................................................................. 71
Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 73
Welcome to Wichita Public Schools! We are delighted that you have chosen to join our organization and hope
that you will enjoy a long and successful career with us. As you become familiar with our culture and mission,
we hope you will take advantage of opportunities to enhance your career and further Wichita Public Schools’
You are joining an organization that has a reputation for outstanding leadership, innovation, and expertise. Our
employees use their creativity and talent to invent new solutions, meet new demands, and offer the most
effective services/products in the industry. With your active involvement, creativity, and support, Wichita
Public Schools will continue to achieve its goals. We sincerely hope you will take pride in being an important
part of Wichita Public Schools’ success.
Please take time to review the guidelines contained in this handbook. All policies mentioned may be found at
usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies. If you have questions, feel free to ask your supervisor or to contact the
Human Resources Department.
The Wichita Public Schools will be the premier district of choice and inspire each student and staff member to
thrive and become future ready within the greater community.
Wichita Public Schools prepares each student to achieve readiness for life, college and career through an
innovative and impactful educational experience.
Shared Beliefs
Student Success
Every student can learn, and they possess natural skills, abilities and talents.
Every student will have access to research-based, rigorous, culturally-relevant curriculum.
Every staff member will work to ensure every student learns.
High expectations are essential for success.
Safety and Belonging
Everyone has worth and dignity and is treated with respect.
A safe, quality learning experience is essential for every child, every day, everywhere.
Family and Community Collaboration
All staff, families, students and community partners are responsible for students’ academic, social and
behavioral success.
Visionary Leadership
Our culture will encourage innovation and taking risks.
Change is inevitable and necessary; our response is intentional.
Resources are allocated equitably and efficiently.
Common Good
Public education is the foundation of functional citizenship, financial well-being, and productive
participation as a member of our society.
Wichita Public Schools reflects the proud tradition of public education in the Wichita community.
Equity and Diversity
Our students have a richer experience because they learn in a diverse environment where the world
walks in our hallways.
Every student is entitled to equitable opportunities, resources and services.
Board of Education Information
The Wichita Public Schools Board of Education consists of seven members elected to four-year terms. Six of the
board members must live in six specific geographic districts, while the seventh can live anywhere in the district
at large.
Special Schools: Bryant Opportunity Academy,
Dunlap Transition Program at Chisholm, Education
Imagine Academy at the Joyce Focht ISC, Gateway
Alternative Program, Greiffenstein-Wells Middle
School, Juvenile Detention Facility, Chester I. Lewis
Academic Learning Center, Wichita Alternative High
School, Wichita Adult Learning Center, Levy Special
Education Center, Little Early Childhood Center,
Sowers Alternative High School, Wichita Learning
Center at Towne East
Elementary: Adams, Buckner, Gammon, Isely,
Jackson, Mueller, Spaght
K-8: Gordon Parks Academy
Middle: Brooks, Stucky
High: Heights, Northeast
Elementary: Beech, College Hill, Hyde, Minneha,
Price-Harris, Seltzer
K-8: Christa McAuliffe Academy
Middle: Coleman, Robinson
High: Southeast
Elementary: Allen, Bostic, Caldwell, Clark,
Colvin, Griffith, Jefferson, White
Middle: Curtis, Jardine, Mead
High: East
Elementary: Anderson, Cessna, Cleaveland,
Enders, Enterprise, Gardiner, Harry Street,
Kelly, Linwood, Stanley, Woodman
Middle: Hamilton, Truesdell
High: South, West
Elementary: Benton, Black, Dodge, Kensler,
Lawrence, McCollom, OK, Payne, Peterson
Middle: Hadley, Mayberry, Wilbur
High: Northwest
Elementary: Chisholm Trail, Cloud, Earhart,
Franklin, Irving, L’Ouverture, McLean, Ortiz,
Park, Pleasant Valley, Riverside, Washington,
K-8: Horace Mann
Middle: Allison, Marshall, Pleasant Valley
High: North
For specific information regarding BOE members, please visit usd259.org > About WPS > Board of Education
District Leadership Team (DLT)
Deputy Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools
Assistant Superintendent of Support Services
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Information Officer
Division Director of Strategic Communications
Division Director of Operations
Division Director of Facilities
Executive Director of Public Affairs and Special Projects
Division Director of Safety and Environmental Services
Chief Legal Counsel
Employee Handbook Overview
To provide guidelines to employees of Wichita Public Schools and clarify District policy. The intent of this
handbook is to serve as a resource and should not be construed as a contract of employment. In the event that
the content of this handbook contradicts District policy or any negotiated agreements, District policy and the
collective bargaining agreements will supersede these guidelines. Further, this handbook supersedes all
previous versions of District handbooks.
The handbook contains expectations of performance applicable to all employees of the Wichita Public Schools.
Each employee is responsible for reading, understanding, and performing in accordance with these
expectations. Any exceptions to content in this handbook must be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources
Officer on a case-by-case basis.
Human Resources
The information in this handbook has been compiled by Human Resources with appropriate input from other
departments and approved by the Board of Education. All updates or feedback may be directed as follows:
Human Resources
(316) 973-4605
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Wichita Public Schools is committed to ensuring an environment that is free of discrimination, and to
fostering a climate in which all employees and students may participate, contribute and grow to their fullest
Harassment and disparate treatment will not be permitted or condoned in Wichita Public Schools.
The Wichita Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, genetic information, or other legally
protected classifications in its programs and activities.
All Wichita Public Schools employees have the responsibility to support this statement. The following persons
have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination statement:
Section 504 Coordinator for Adults and Title IX
Coordinator for Adults and Students
903 South Edgemoor
Wichita, KS 67218
(316) 973-4420
Section 504 Coordinator for Students
903 South Edgemoor
Wichita, KS 67218
(316) 973-4475
Reference usd259.org > Non-Discrimination Statement
Student and employee information, whether written or verbal, shall be handled in a confidential manner and
be discussed only with the parents/guardians of the particular student and the appropriate District personnel.
Violations of this rule which violate the privacy rights of students could result in the disciplinary actions being
taken against the employee, including termination.
Personnel information, whether written or verbal, shall be handled in a confidential manner and be discussed
only with the appropriate District personnel. Violations of this rule which violate the privacy rights of personnel
could result in the disciplinary actions being taken against the employee, including termination.
General Employment Information
Differences in Employee Classifications
Temporary and substitute employees are “at-will” employees. The state of Kansas is an employment at will
state which means employers can discharge employees for any non-discriminatory and/or non-retaliatory
reason, with or without notice, and employees can leave the employer’s employment at any time, for any or no
reason at all, with or without notice.
Certified Staff, Classified Staff (A-J) and Safety and Security Officers & Dispatchers (A-J) are covered under
collective bargaining agreements. Administrators and K-Z do not fall under collective bargaining agreements
and are considered Meet & Confer groups.
Administrative employees are defined by the Administrator Employment Policy as, “any person employed by
the Board on the Administrators Salary Schedule.” This may include, but is not exclusive, to the following:
Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent
Principal/Assistant Principal
Executive Director
Certified Employees are defined by the Teacher Agreement as, “those contract employees of the Board of
Education in positions which require a certificate/license issued by the state Board of Education or employed in
a professional, educational or instructional capacity by the Board of Education.” This includes:
Teacher (Classroom, Instructional Coaches, MTSS Facilitators, Data Leaders, etc.)
Social Worker
Speech Language Pathologist
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
Library Media Specialist
School Counselor
School Psychologist
Athletic Director/Coordinator
Occupational/Physical Therapist
Any employee not defined under Administrative or Certified is considered a classified employee. Classified
employees are divided into three salary schedules: A-Jc, K-Z, and Security (see “Salary Schedules”). Classified
employee positions include, but are not limited to, the following:
Assistant Paraeducator
Administrative Assistant
Food/Nutrition Services
Technical Assistant
Temporary positions are non-benefitted, non-unionized, classified positions. Positions will be defined as
“temporary aide” and include, but are not limited to, the following:
Lunch Period Aide
Language Support Aides
Guest Staff (Substitute):
Guest staff play a significant role in delivering a continuous service in the absence of our regular staff members.
Substitute positions include:
Guest Teacher
Guest Nurse
Guest Paraeducator
Guest Custodian
Guest Clerical/ Administrative Assistant
Employment Procedures
Hiring and Selection
Job Postings: All vacancies will be posted, except in emergency situations, for a minimum of 3 days.
Application Process: Applicants must complete an online application and meet the qualifications of the job,
state and federal law requirements, and additional requirements established by Human Resources in order to
be considered for vacant positions. Internal applicants will be given preference only if they meet the
requirements of the job description.
1. Complete an online application.
2. Human Resources will then await receipt of at least one (1) professional references before reviewing
for qualifications and “releasing” (making viewable) to hiring managers, as appropriate.
3. Hiring Managers (location of the job opening) will then review qualified applicants, set up interviews
with the candidates of their choice, and notify HR to whom they would like to offer the position.
Offers of Employment: All offers of employment are contingent upon successful completion of the pre-
employment screening process, established by Human Resources. The screening processes are based upon the
requirements of the position.
General Requirements: Most Wichita Public Schools positions require a minimum of a High School diploma or
GED. A background check and drug screening will be conducted on all individuals considered for employment.
Employees will also be expected to provide a completed Certification of Health for School Personnel upon hire
to prove, “there is no evidence of [a] physical condition that would conflict with the health, safety, or welfare
of the pupils; and that freedom from tuberculosis has been established by chest x-ray or negative tuberculin
skin test” per K.S.A. 72-6266. Certain positions may require additional screening, as determined by the hiring
department or Human Resources. Attendance of an onboarding session will also be required before clearance
may be granted to begin work.
Principals and supervisors should be familiar with HR procedures concerning hiring and staff adjustment. The
principal and supervisor must assume responsibility for determining need and initiating formal requests for
hiring. Only offers of employment made by Human Resources are considered official.
Reference Policy 4010 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Reference K.S.A. 72-6266 at ksrevisor.org/ksa.html
Current Classified Personnel Hiring Protocol
The criteria to be used for filling vacancies and transferring employees is as follows:
First consideration shall be given to qualified, current employees. The selection should be based on the
qualifications and the ability to perform; identified skills, strengths, and successful work experiences;
education, and successful years of experience with the Wichita Public Schools. Insofar as is reasonably possible,
the Superintendent shall strive to maintain an equitable balance in each category of employment with regard
to race, age, and sex. All employees having met the criteria as established by the administration will be
considered for an interview.
Physical and TB Skin Test
Every employee is required to submit a Certification of Health for School Personnel upon hire. Forms should be
completed by a person licensed to practice medicine, or by a licensed physician assistant and/or advanced
registered nurse practitioner when working at the direction of or in collaboration with a physician.
Forms include two sections:
TB Skin Test (top portion): Recorded results that prove freedom from tuberculosis has been established
by chest x-ray or negative tuberculin skin test.
Pre-employment Physical (bottom portion): A signature from the medical professional performing the
exam, indicating there is no evidence of physical condition that would conflict with the health, safety, or
welfare of the students
Reference Policy 4010 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
New Employee Onboarding (NEO)
Every new and returning employee is required to attend a New Employee Onboarding session prior to
beginning work. This session will be scheduled with Human Resources upon completion of all other pre-
employment requirements. The in-person session will be used to complete any remaining new hire paperwork
and issuance of an employee badge.
In addition to the in-person session, employees will review orientation information online vital to the safety
and success of students and staff. Information provided will include, but is not exclusive to, expectations and
boundaries, codes of conduct, customer service, employee benefits, payroll, communication and information
tools, time clock, and badges.
Assignments and Transfers/ Excess Certified Allocations
Assignment and Transfer of Certified Staff
The BOE and District administration have the right to determine the budget and staffing allocations. In
situations where staff is to be “excessed from a building” and reassigned, the District will first seek volunteers.
The District has the right to assign and transfer staff based on, but not limited to, the following:
Staffing Levels
Instructional Needs
Student Needs
Predicted Enrollment
Class Size
Professional Qualifications/Licensure
District Liabilities
Certified and Administrative staff have year to year contracts of employment. Those contracts are between
staff and the district and not between staff and a particular building. The district makes building assignments
based on the criteria above.
Assignment and Transfer of Classified Staff
The BOE and District administration have the right to assign and transfer classified staff. The hours of work for
classified staff and the calendar work schedules are not guaranteed. Schedules and assignments are
determined by, but not limited to, the following:
Staffing Levels
Building Needs
District Liabilities
Voluntary Transfers
Staff may apply for any open vacancies (see “Application Process”), but there may be restrictions on the ability
to move to those vacancies. Exceptions may occur for unique circumstances or based on business necessity,
with the approval of the CHRO or designee. Once a position is accepted for the school year, the staff member
must complete the assignment for the school year unless the transfer would result in a promotion. Teachers
may transfer to open vacancies for the following school year without principal approval up to the “statutory
resignation date.” All transfers will be made through Human Resources (including changes with FTE, salary,
title, etc.).
Reference Policies 4030 and 4031 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Reference K.S.A. 72-2251 at ksrevisor.org/ksa.html
Staff Development
Frontline Professional Growth
Frontline Technology’s Professional Growth site (formerly known as MyLearningPlan) is the online system
Wichita Public Schools uses to track the District’s professional development activities and the points earned
from attendance of such activities. As an employee of Wichita Public Schools, there are three (3) ways to earn
professional development points:
1. Activities/in-services offered through the District
2. Conference/Workshop
3. College Credit
District-Sponsored Activities
Activity proposals must be submitted to the Building Professional Learning Representative (AKA building PD
rep) via Professional Growth for approval by the Council of Professional Learning’s designated personnel.
Activities and actions may include:
Building and District curriculum, instruction, and assessment in-service
Committee work
Conferences, conventions, workshops, and seminars
Participation in a professional organization/study groups
Presentations to other professionals
Point Assignments
1 point per clock hour spent in the activity. Breaks and meals are not counted.
.25 point for a 15 minutes activity
.50 point for a 30 minute activity
.67 point for a 40 minute activity
.75 point for a 45 minute activity
.83 point for a 50 minute activity
1 point for a full hour activity
Suggested Documentation
Agenda, program, registration forms
Certificate of participation, acknowledgement letter
Log, reflection journal
Signature on the sign in sheet
Study group discussion notes, minutes
Professional development hours/points can be earned for attending out of District conferences and workshops.
Any Professional development hours/points must be approved by the Council of Professional Learning’s
designated personnel.
Complete the conference/workshop request form on Professional Growth:
1. Log in to rapid identity with your District username and password:
2. Choose “Professional Growth”
3. Click on “My File Library”
4. Click on “Add File
5. Follow the instructions on the screen to upload your certificate or proof of completion. Your file should
now appear in your file library
6. Click on “Certified Conference/Workshop Request” or “Classified Conference/ Workshop Request,
in respect to your position
7. Complete all required fields on the form, which are highlighted in red
8. At the bottom of the form, in the section titled “Attach a ‘My File,’” select your pre-uploaded certificate
or proof of completion to attach to your request
9. Click “Submit”
College Credit
In order to earn professional development points with college credit for license renewal (certified), the course
must be related to professional education, earned from an accredited institution, and be entered into
Professional Growth.
*Only college credits needed to renew a license (certified) or for career ladder (select classified) need to be
entered into MLP.
One (1) college credit hour is equivalent to twenty (20) professional development points.
To enter your college credit hours into Professional Growth (You will need your transcript handy):
1. Log in to rapid identity with your District username and password:
2. Choose “Professional Growth”
3. Enter your college courses for renewal into Professional Growth by selecting “College Credit Requeston
the left-hand column.
4. Enter all required information.
5. The course will then show up on the first page of your “Learning Plan” under Pending
6. When the course is completed, go back into Professional Growth and click on the name of each course.
Click on “Mark Complete,” scroll down, and click “Submit” for each course.
7. The course will then show up on the first page of your MLP under “Awaiting Final Approval.”
8. Final approval cannot be given until the official, original transcript is received by the Licensure Specialist
in Human Resources. Visit usd259.org > Departments > Human Resources > Transcripts for acceptable
submission guidelines.
Salary Schedules
Salary of each pay group is subject to negotiations between the Board of Education and its respective union
organization each school year. Salary increases and the method of such only occur should it be negotiated for
the school year discussed during these negotiations.
Administrator salary placement is based on position title/level, contract days, and experience.
Reference Administrator Salary Schedule at usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements
Initial Placement = number of years of accredited teaching experience.
Education = conferred degree and additional graduate hours.
*Track/Grade must be verified by an official university transcript.
Reference Teacher Salary Schedule at usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements
For initial classified placement, ranges are determined on the position and steps are determined by an
individual’s education and experience.
Reference usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements for AJ Salary Schedule, KZ Salary
Schedule, and Security Salary Schedule
Temporary aides are non-benefitted positions. These positions are not protected under a union or bargaining
unit. Funding and availability for such positions are determined on a year-to-year basis.
$14.00 per hour
Instructional Support
Lunch Support (recess)
Nutrition Services
Volunteer Site Coordinator
$15.00 per hour
AVID Tutors / Tutors
Clerical Support
$18.00 per hour
Language Support Aides
Guest Staff (Substitutes)
Guest Teachers’ Daily Rate
Bachelor’s degree: $119/day
Master’s degree: $125/day
Guest Teachers’ Long-Term Rate (starts on 11
Bachelor’s degree: $161/day
Master’s degree: $172/day
Guest Teachers’ Bonus Opportunities:
In a semester, if a guest teacher works all Fridays except one, they will be eligible for a $200 bonus.
In a semester, if a guest teacher works all Mondays except one, they will be eligible for a $200 bonus.
In a month, if a guest teacher works all workdays except two, they will be eligible for a $50-$75 bonus,
depending on the number of work days in that month. This excludes August and December.
Guest Paraeducators: $14/hour or $14.50/hour for categorical positions
Guest Clerical: $14.00/hour
Guest Custodial: $13.50/hour
Guest Nurses (RN): $25.00/hour
Technical Guest Staff: $21.00/hour
Paraeducator and Health Room Assistant Career Ladders
A career ladder is a career development plan that allows upward movement for employees. This type of
program serves as a way to advance employees who have enhanced their skills and/or furthered their
education. Career Ladders are subject to annual negotiations.
Paras/HRA’s working at least 20 hours/week in a permanent position are eligible for career ladder.
Assistant Paraeducators are not eligible for career ladder.
Special Education Safety Support positions are eligible for career ladder.
Reference usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements for Paraeducator and Health
Room Assistant Career Ladder Guidelines
Clerical Professional Growth Program
Wichita Public Schools offers a Clerical Professional Growth Program for clerical positions on the A-Jc salary
schedule. The intent of this program is to encourage employees to equip themselves for increasing responsibility
within the District. Participation in this program is voluntary and availability of the program is subject to
negotiations. To be eligible to participate, an employee must:
Be employed with USD 259 in one of the following positions:
o Administrative Assistant
o Clerk
o Bookkeeper
Have worked in a benefitted clerical role within the District for at least two academic years.
Reference usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements for Clerical Professional Growth
Program Guidelines
As budget permits, a reclassification plan has been adopted to standardize titles, provide accurate
specifications of entrance requirements, and develop standards for equitable remuneration. The
reclassification plan includes:
Written job descriptions identifying each position, an analysis of the duties involved, and a summary of
minimum qualifications for their execution.
Grouping into range levels all positions which require similar qualifications, are of equal difficulty, and
require comparable responsibility.
Conducting periodic market research to analyze and compare each position with positions outside of
USD 259 which require similar qualifications and involve similar duties.
Supervisor requests for reclassification are subject to the following procedures:
o A study of the pay, duties, skill requirements, and responsibilities of each position. All new
positions must be submitted to the Board of Education for approval.
o The Reviewing Committee for employees on the A-Jc and the K-Z Salary Schedules shall consist
of the following:
Superintendent’s designee
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services
Manager of Staffing & Recruitment
Three Building Principals
o A request for reclassification should include changes in the duties and responsibilities of a
department involving either the addition of new positions, the modifications of existing ones,
or their elimination; such requests must be reported in writing to the Human Resources
Division accompanied by letters of justification and revised job descriptions. All final
determinations are subject to the acceptance and approval of the Superintendent of Schools
and the Board of Education.
o An employee who is assuming significantly greater responsibilities in covering a vacant position
may be eligible for additional compensation per month for the added responsibilities on a
temporary basis. Appropriate compensation will be identified and approved by the Human
Resources Division and processed for implementation.
Temporary Leave and Leaves of Absence
Temporary Leave and Leaves of Absence are governed by negotiated agreements and Policy 4029. Please
contact Human Resources for information regarding jury duty, military leave, sabbatical leaves, and leaves of
absence for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault.
Employees are eligible to accrue temporary leave days if they are working in a permanent position
twenty (20) hours or more per week. Temporary leave days are computed on a common factor for all
eligible employees based on one (1) day earned for every fifteen (15) days in pay status.
Employees are encouraged to serve on jury duty as partial fulfillment of their responsibilities of
o An employee’s total daily compensation (the combination of pay as a juror and regular salary)
while serving as a juror shall not exceed his/her regular daily rate of pay. Verification of the
amount received for jury duty or witness fees must be provided.
o Duty days spent as a juror shall not be charged against an employee’s accumulation of
temporary leave days.
Employees who are victims of domestic violence or sexual assault will be granted paid or unpaid leave
in accordance with state law. Employees may not use more than eight (8) days of leave per calendar
year for this purpose.
Employees will be allowed to take an unpaid leave of absence for military service in accordance with
the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. Employees should contact
Human Resources for further information.
Employees may be granted temporary leave without pay at the discretion of the Superintendent or
designee. The primary considerations in granting such leave shall be the reason for the leave and the
impact of the employee’s absence on the welfare of the District.
Employees may be granted opportunities to attend professional development activities or employee
organization activities that correlate to job duties subject to submission and approval by their direct
supervisor. Time spent at these activities should be recorded as professional roster time and will not be
charged against an employee’s accumulation of temporary leave days.
Reference Policy 4029 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Attendance Standards
All employees are expected to be regular in attendance and to be at their assigned workstations throughout
the duty day. All requests for time off should be submitted to the supervisor. It is the responsibility of the
employee to be aware of how many hours of temporary leave s/he has accumulated, used, and has remaining.
Administration can ask for verification for absences taken for personal and family illness.
Disciplinary action will be taken based on the attendance standards referenced below concerning employees
who are approaching or are in deduct status pertaining to the use of temporary leave.
Reference Policy 4026 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Classified Attendance Standards
Reference usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements for Agreement between The
Board of Education and SEIU
Attendance Standards for Classified Employees Not Covered by a
Negotiated Agreement
Reference Policy 4026.1 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Certified Attendance Standards
Reference Policy 4026.2 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
All classified employees are allowed a rest period if their regular daily schedule calls for four hours or more
of continuous work. During the rest period employees are free to leave those workstations not requiring
continuous attendance.
Rest periods are subject to certain restrictions:
o No rest period is to be taken until at least one hour after shift starting time.
o Rest periods are limited to 15 minutes duration.
Adjustments in rest periods must be approved by the immediate supervisor. Adjustments in rest periods due
to disability must also be verified by a medical doctor.
Reference Policy 4027 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Shift Change
Work for some positions may be conducted in two or three shifts. Shifts may be day, evening, or night.
Employees who are involved in a shift change (e.g.: moving from day to night) will be given a three-day
notice unless there is an emergency, as determined by the CHRO or designee.
If prior approval has been given to an employee by his/her immediate supervisor to work more than 40
hours in any work week, and if the employee is eligible, the employee shall receive additional pay for each
hour worked in excess of 40 hours. Eligibility is determined by an employee’s exempt/non-exempt status,
as determined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime.
See your supervisor for eligibility verification. Supervisors are responsible for planning work assignments
and will inform the employee at least one (1) day in advance when overtime is required, unless an
emergency situation occurs, and in the emergency situation an attempt should be made to inform the
employee as soon as possible.
Employee Evaluations
All employees will be evaluated on a regular basis; evaluation goals may be adjusted in relation to performance
or conduct via special evaluations.
Reference Policy 4034 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
All administrative employees are evaluated on an annual basis for the purpose of improving performance. Job
performance effectiveness, based on the Marzano model, is considered in the evaluation of building
administrative employees. The Superintendent’s Leadership Team will be evaluated using a model that aligns
with the District’s Strategic Plan.
The Marzano Teacher Evaluation System will be used to evaluate the quality of a teacher’s work on four
domains. Administrators and teachers use Marzano’s iObservation electronic tool to collect and organize
progress over the course of the year. This continuing feedback guides teacher growth.
Certified support staff will be evaluated using the Marzano Instructional support model.
All classified employees are evaluated on an annual basis (and after their first 90 days) for the purpose of
improving performance. Job performance effectiveness, efficiency, abilities, and skills, are considered in the
evaluation of classified employees.
The responsibility for conducting evaluations is delegated to immediate supervisors. Others may be
involved in the evaluation process.
Supervisors shall be knowledgeable of the employment and performance status of all classified
personnel for whom they are responsible.
Persons being evaluated shall have input in their evaluations via their self-evaluation forms, but the
self-evaluation does not become part of the personnel file.
The employee shall be given the opportunity to review and sign the written evaluation forms.
The classified employee being evaluated may submit a written response to any part of the evaluation
within the timeframe designated by the CHRO, following the presentation of the formal evaluation.
Performance evaluation documents and responses thereto shall be forwarded to the Human Resources
Division and shall be maintained in a personnel file for each employee for an indefinite period.
Employee Conduct
All employees are expected to acknowledge and adhere to District policies and his/her appropriate negotiated
agreement regarding performance expectations. If any employee does not meet expectations, s/he may be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.
Performance Expectations
All employees of the District shall operate and communicate with respect, honor, and ethics in carrying out
official duties and in interacting with authority, members of the District, and the community. General
performance expectations include, but are not limited to the following:
Identification badges shall be worn and properly displayed at all times. If an identification badge
has been lost, it must be reported to 973-2100 and a new badge must immediately be secured at
the cost of the employee.
Violence in the workplace or provoking violence is prohibited.
Firearms/weapons on property or in the workplace are prohibited.
Threatening, intimidating, coercing, harassing (including racial or sexual) or using abusive
language is prohibited and may result in termination.
Deliberate damage or destruction of District property, or the property of another
employee, is prohibited.
Possession of and/or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal narcotics, drugs, etc., is
prohibited and may result in termination. The consumption of alcohol during working hours,
including lunch breaks and rest periods, is also prohibited.
The use of tobacco products is prohibited in or on District property. This applies to everyone
working on, working in, using or visiting school District property. It applies to personal vehicles
on school District property and District owned vehicles.
District time, supplies, materials, equipment, tools, machines, and facilities are to be used
exclusively and efficiently for school District purposes.
The deliberate falsification of time reporting, personnel records, sign in/out sheets at District
sites, and other various reports is prohibited.
Wichita Public Schools property and salvage, shall not be taken from the District, except
for school District purposes and/or unless authorized by appropriate authority.
Use of school District telephones or personal cell devices is only permitted during scheduled breaks
and should not disrupt learning, supervision of students, or other work functions.
Fact Finding Process
To provide accountability and consistency regarding Performance Expectations, employees who choose
not to meet these expectations could face progressive discipline. An objective fact-finding process must
occur prior to the implementation of consequences. All employees should be informed in regards to this
process to ensure that all employees know they have due process.
1. Confirm complaint
a. If the complaint is anonymous, the supervisor will inform all employees of the concern and
clarify expectations. In most cases, fact-finding will not be conducted and no disciplinary
action will be taken.
2. Talk to individual(s) mentioned in complaint to gain information.
3. Investigate using all possible people involved any relevant documentation, and any security/video
4. Choose a course of Action or No Action based on the findings of the investigation.
5. If there is a course of Action:
a. Training programs, Assistive Process, Plan of Assistance, probation, and/or discipline up to
termination will be considered as possible courses of action.
b. BOE policy shall be referenced and followed.
Sexual Harassment, Harassment, and Bullying
All forms of sexual harassment, harassment, and bullying are prohibited in any form either by or on any student,
staff member, customer, or guest on or while using school property, in a school vehicle, and at all school-
sponsored activities, programs, or events.
See something, say something, speak up! If you have witnessed or been the target of sexual harassment,
harassment, or bullying, the following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and reports:
Director of Employee Relations and Title IX
903 South Edgemoor
Wichita, KS 67218
(316) 973-4420
Reference usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
P1115 for Sexual Harassment of Employees
P1116 for Sexual Harassment of Students
P1120 for Harassment of Employees
P1119 for Harassment of Students
P4000 for Equal Opportunity Employment
Staff and Student Relations
All employees are expected to maintain relationships with members of the student body which are conducive
to an effective, professional education environment. Social fraternization between employees and students is
prohibited. Employees should maintain a professional boundary between them and students, at all times, for
the protection of both parties. All employees share the responsibility for the regulation of student conduct at
school and at school-sponsored events not on school property.
Professional Boundaries
What are professional boundaries?
Professional boundaries define effective and appropriate professional interactions between USD 259 staff
members and the customers they serve. Boundaries exist to protect both the professional and the client.
What is a boundary violation?
Any behavior or interaction which compromises or damages the professional relationship and trust between
staff members and internal or external customers can be a violation. It is also the victimization and exploitation
of a customer by staff members. It is a betrayal of the sacred covenant of trust, and this includes sexual and
non-sexual misconduct.
Why are professional boundaries important?
The legal environment demands and the public expects strict adherence to professional boundaries. No
conscientious professional sets out to violate standards of appropriate, professional boundaries with
customers, yet violations continue to occur. It can happen to those that are dedicated, moral and highly
professional in the overall conduct of their practice, which is why we have to ensure our actions, words and
deeds can withstand public scrutiny.
Reporting Violations:
Students and their parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to notify the principal (or other administrators)
if they believe a teacher or other staff member may be engaging in conduct that violates professional
boundaries. Staff members are required to promptly notify the principal (or other administrators) or the
Superintendent if they become aware of a situation that may constitute a violation of this policy.
Disciplinary Action:
Staff violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Violations
involving professional boundaries or sexual or other abuse will also result in a report to the appropriate
authorities and licensing boards.
Performance Management
A teacher may be placed in the Assistive Process for instructional issues only after a building administrator has
completed a 30-minute observation and discussed the observation with the teacher. The Assistive Process shall
provide support above and beyond what is provided to the staff as a whole. During the Assistive Process,
building and District administration (or a designee) will provide the following:
Observe performance at least twice
o Each observation must be at least thirty (30) minutes in length
Provide written feedback, resources, support, or other interventions aimed at improving performance
The Plan of Assistance is initiated when the Assistive Process has not been successful and the supervisor
determines that the teacher needs additional assistance and support to maintain or achieve an acceptable level
of performance. The Plan of Assistance (for teachers who have completed their first three years with USD 259)
is a process designed to:
Provide a structured format to identify performance-based concerns
Develop a plan of action to address the concerns
Motivate and provide assistance
And provide feedback in order to improve performance
Teachers who enter a Plan of Assistance will enter a different evaluation cycle where they will be evaluated
each year. The duration of a Plan of Assistance must be at least nine (9) weeks. The supervisor will review the
teacher’s performance through the Plan of Assistance to determine the extent of improvement. Assessment of
progress will result in one of the following determinations:
Satisfactory of performance and removal from the Plan of Assistance
Continue the Plan of Assistance with adjustments
Or move into the termination process
If an employee’s work performance is not satisfactory, the immediate supervisor must inform the employee. If
the employee’s work performance does not improve, the Assistive Process and Plan of Assistance are helpful
formal options that the immediate supervisor should take into consideration to maintain or achieve an
acceptable level of performance.
If an evaluation results in three (3) “Needs Development” (ND) ratings or one (1) “Unacceptable” rating, an
Assistive Process should be initiated. If there are other performance concerns, an assistive process also may be
If the employees’ performance does not improve to a satisfactory level, the Plan of Assistance should be
initiated. If the employee’s work performance remains under par, termination should occur. The Plan of
Assistance is designed to be helpful. It is initiated when other means of the assistive process have not been
successful and the supervisor determines that the classified employee needs additional assistance and support
to maintain or achieve an acceptable level of performance.
Initial Probation
All employees new to a permanent, classified position are placed on a ninety (90) calendar day probationary
period in which they must prove they possess the necessary skills to perform their assignment. If the
probationary employee is eligible for paid leave, it is unavailable for use during this ninety (90) day term until
the probationary period has been successfully completed. At the end of the ninety (90) calendar day probation,
the employee’s supervisor will determine if they possess the necessary skills to perform their assignment; if
they do not, the supervisor will contact Human Resources and the probation could be extended for an
additional ninety (90) days and/or the employee may be terminated.
Travel Conduct
Employees who travel to conduct business on behalf of USD 259 are representatives of the District at all times,
and they are expected to maintain professional boundaries by modeling appropriate behaviors and maintaining
professionalism at all times. Any act of professional misconduct can lead to disciplinary measures being taken
by USD 259.
Employee Benefits & Insurance Management
If you have any questions pertaining to Employee Benefits and Insurance Management (EBIM), please contact
the EBIM Department at employeebenefits@usd259.net or 316.973.4581.
Health Insurance
What is included: Health Insurance benefits include Medical (including Prescription Drugs), Dental, Vision,
Flexible Spending Accounts, and Life Insurance.
Who is eligible: Group health insurance coverage is available to benefit-eligible employees (.75 FTE and above)
and eligible retirees. (Employees with an FTE of .50 -.69 have access to voluntary life insurance options and
flexible spending accounts.)
Costs and district contributions: The District’s contribution to employee medical insurance premiums is
negotiated annually by the Board of Education. Detailed descriptions of insurance coverage including employee
cost and eligibility requirements are provided online at https://usd259.bswift.com.
Plan year: The health insurance (coverage) plan year is from January 1 through December 31.
Enrollment timeframe for new employees: New employees must complete online enrollment within the first
31 days of employment.
What happens if new employees fail to enroll: Failure to enroll within this time frame will automatically enroll
employees into the base employee only medical, dental, and vision plan.
Current employee open enrollment and qualifying life events: Current employees can elect changes in their
insurance coverage only during the annual Open Enrollment period or within 31 days of a qualifying life event.
A change of election must be related to the reason for the change. The employee must request a change of
election within 31 calendar days of the date of the qualifying event. Changes requested after this time frame
will not be permitted until the next annual enrollment period. An approved change of election will be effective
the first day of the month following the qualifying event date (with the exception of “birth” whose effective
date is the date of birth) as long as all required documents are submitted within that timeframe.
Qualifying events include:
Change in employee’s legal marital status
Change in the number of employee’s dependents (birth, adoption, death)
Change in employment status of employee, spouse, or dependent affecting eligibility
Employee’s dependent satisfies or ceases to satisfy eligibility Requirements
Gain or loss of other coverage under other employer’s plan (i.e.: open enrollment of spouse’s
Medicare or Medicaid eligibility resulting in loss or gain of coverage
Open Enrollment and Wellness Verification
Open Enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to enroll in or change benefits coverage. Benefit elections are
some of the most important decisions eligible employees will make all year. Please take the time to understand
your benefit options by visiting the Employee Benefits website at usd259.org/employeebenefits or
Failing to enroll during the open enrollment period: Unless otherwise communicated during Open Enrollment
communication materials, employees who do not enroll during the annual open enrollment period will be
automatically enrolled in the employee-only base medical plan without the wellness discount and the
employee-only base dental and vision plan. This also applies to those who decline (or choose the “cash option”)
through the enrollment process without proper documentation of other coverage by the close of the
enrollment period. (Please watch your Open Enrollment communication materials closely each year as this is
subject to change, and there have been some passive enrollment years where enrollments have defaulted to
current choices for the year ahead. It is your responsibility to review and read your enrollment materials each
year to know what is required of you to obtain and secure the benefits you wish to have for the following year.)
Wellness discount and timeframe for wellness services: Employees and spouses have the opportunity to earn a
wellness discount by completing specific preventative services. By completing these services between
September 1 through August 31 of the previous year, employees, and spouses each earn a $1,200 annual
wellness discount toward their health plan premium for the following calendar year.
Wellness discount for calendar year 2024 and what services apply (based on services from 9/1/22 8/31/23):
For the wellness discount for 2024, employees (and spouses if applicable) must have obtained both an annual
physical exam with blood work AND an eye exam OR they can have obtained a total of 100 points between the
following services: mammogram (25 points), well woman exam with pap (25 points), annual physical exam
with blood work (40 points), annual eye exam (40 points), two dental cleanings (worth 20 points each), CDC
approved vaccine (25 points), well man exam with PSA test (25 points), non-smoking status (25 points), or
colonoscopy (25 points). These services must have taken place between 9/1/22 and 8/31/23 to apply toward
the 2024 discount.
Wellness discount for calendar year 2025 and what services apply (based on services from 9/1/23 8/31/24):
For the 2025 calendar year discount, wellness credits will only be applied for the following services: either an
annual eye exam OR an annual physical exam with blood work. Obtaining either of these services between
9/1/23 and 8/31/24 will be enough to achieve the wellness discount for 2025, along with following any given
instructions for how to claim that discount during enrollment in fall of 2024 for 2025 benefits.
Wellness discount subject to audit: All wellness services are subject to audit before the premium discount is
reflected on the enrollment screen. Wellness discounts will not reflect during enrollments and will not show
until final confirmations after Open Enrollments when audits are complete.
For life events: When coverage is being added for the employee and/or spouse, these same wellness dates and
discount periods will apply.
Cash Option
What is cash option and amount of benefit: Eligible employees who are covered under another medical
insurance plan may elect the cash option benefit in lieu of the Board provided group medical plan. You will
receive a $1,200 annual cash benefit, prorated according to your pay schedule and paid out on each paycheck.
What is required to obtain the cash option benefit: Employees covered by another USD 259 employee are still
required to complete the enrollment process, elect the cash option benefit, and provide a copy of your current
health insurance card (or copy of the spouse’s enrollment confirmation to show you are covered under them).
To receive the cash option payment, even if you are covered under another USD 259 employee, you must
provide a copy of your current health insurance card each year (or copy of the spouse’s enrollment
confirmation to show you are covered under them). (There may be some years where this may not be required
and if so will be communicated within your Open Enrollment materials, so it is important to review and read
those closely each year to follow requirements.)
Those who choose the cash option still have the opportunity to enroll in dental and vision coverage.
Failure to provide proof of other coverage: Failure to provide proof of coverage within 31 days of your hire
date, within 31 days of a “qualifying life event” or during the annual open enrollment period, will result in the
employee being changed from the cash option benefit to the medical base plan, employee only coverage. (Note
during certain open enrollments if you are already on the cash option, proof of other coverage may be waived.
It is important to check each year’s open enrollment requirements to determine what is needed from you that
COBRA - Continuation of Group Health Coverage
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) gives an employee or their qualified
beneficiary the right to choose to continue group health benefits for limited periods of time. Qualifying
circumstances include:
Loss of health coverage due to voluntary or involuntary job loss
Reduction in the hours worked
Transition between jobs
Other life events
Qualified individuals are required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102% of the cost to the plan.
COBRA paperwork is sent out by bswift following separation from employment. COBRA is administered by
bswift, and payments are handled by bswift.
Retiree Health Plan Eligibility
Retirees who meet the following criteria may elect to participate in the USD 259 Retiree Health Plan:
You have worked for USD 259 in a benefitted position for 10 consecutive years or more
You are under age 65 and are currently enrolled in the district’s health plan at the time of
You are considered a retiree from the district and have not just separated employment
You must be currently enrolled in the plan in order to cover your dependents which includes your
spouse who is under age 65 and any eligible dependent children
If your spouse is enrolled in the plan, they can remain a covered member until they turn age 65 as
long as you are under 65 and are currently enrolled.
If you and your dependents are currently enrolled in the plan and you turn age 65, coverage will be
terminated for everyone enrolled at the end of the month prior to your 65th birthday. At that time
your dependents would be eligible for COBRA continuation for up to 36 months.
Retiree Health Plan Enrollment
Eligible retirees who choose to enroll in the Retiree Health Plan must enroll prior to your active coverage
ending. Additional premiums may apply for working spouse, retiree/retiree spouse tobacco, and the wellness
premium. Retiree must re-enroll each year during the annual open enrollment period. Failure to re-enroll will
result in coverage ending 12/31 of the current year.
If retiree or a covered dependent becomes eligible for Medicare due to disability, signing up for Medicare Part
A and B is required in order to continue coverage under the plan. Failure to enroll in Medicare Part A & B will
result in termination from the health plan. Medicare would be the primary coverage, and the Retiree Health
Plan would be your secondary coverage. If you are covered under the Retiree Health Plan, you cannot also
enroll in a separate Medicare Part D plan since our plan includes prescription drug coverage.
Employees can contact the Benefit Specialist at 973-4564 or employeeben[email protected] for more
Maternity Leave
A benefitted employee (.50 FTE and above) requiring Maternity Leave is eligible for six (6) weeks of paid leave
(eight (8) weeks if the delivery is a C-section). Maternity Leave begins on the date of delivery and continues for
six or eight (if a C-section) calendar weeks. It is paid with personal illness until the employee has exhausted
personal illness. The remainder of the six (6) or eight (8) weeks is paid through Short-Term Disability at 70% of
the employee’s normal rate.
An employee is eligible for additional weeks of unpaid leave. An employee can take no more than 12 weeks
leave in a 12-month period.
Non-benefitted employees (0.49 and below) requiring maternity leave may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid
At the beginning of the third trimester, an employee anticipating missing work due to maternity leave should
notify Employee Benefits. All documentation provided by Employee Benefits must be completed and returned
by the deadlines given. Failure to complete documentation in the allotted time may result in delayed payment.
Maternity Leave and FMLA, if eligible, will run concurrently and the absence will be counted as FMLA. Any
benefit-eligible employee who plans to add their child to their health insurance plan must do so within 31 days
from the date of delivery. Changes requested after this time frame will not be permitted until the next annual
enrollment period. Once approved, insurance coverage for the newborn would be effective as of the date of
Parental Leave
Parental Leave is provided for the non-delivery parent to attend the birth of their child. A benefitted employee
(.5 FTE and above) requiring parental leave is eligible for up to 5 days of paid leave through their available
temporary leave. Employees may be eligible for additional unpaid time off work through FMLA and may take
off up to 12 weeks of parental leave. At the beginning of the third trimester, an employee anticipating missing
work due to parental leave should notify Employee Benefits. All documentation provided by Employee Benefits
must be completed and returned by the deadlines given.
Any benefit-eligible employee who plans to add their child to their health insurance plan must do so within 31
days from the date of delivery. Changes requested after this time frame will not be permitted until the next
annual enrollment period. Once approved, insurance coverage for the newborn would be effective as of the
date of birth.
Adoptive Leave
A benefitted employee (.5 FTE and above) requiring adoptive leave is eligible for up to 15 days of paid leave
through their available temporary leave. Employees may be eligible for additional unpaid time off work through
FMLA and may take off up to 12 weeks of adoptive leave. When adoption plans are known, an employee
anticipating missing work due to adoptive leave should notify Employee Benefits. All documentation provided
by Employee Benefits must be completed and returned by the deadlines given.
Any benefit-eligible employee who plans to add their child to their health insurance plan must do so within 31
days from the date of adoption. Changes requested after this time frame will not be permitted until the next
annual enrollment period. Once approved, insurance coverage for the child would be effective as of the date of
Break Time for Nursing Mothers
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), USD 259 shall provide a supportive environment to
enable employees to breastfeed/express their milk during work hours when requested. Employees who wish to
breastfeed/express milk during the work period shall make a request to Employee Health and their supervisor.
Employees are allowed to breastfeed/express milk during work hours, using their normal breaks and
mealtimes. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times, eligible employees may use personal
leave or may make up the time as negotiated with supervisors. A private room (not a restroom) that is shielded
from view, free from intrusion from co-workers and the public, and with a door equipped with a functional
lock, shall be available for employees to breastfeed/express milk. If employees prefer, they may also
breastfeed/express milk in their own private office. The room will have a sign advising that the room or location
is in use and not accessible to other employees or the public. Breastfeeding/milk expressing employees and the
employer are responsible for keeping the milk expression areas clean. No employee shall be discriminated
against for breastfeeding or expressing milk.
See the building administrator for inquiries regarding designated room locations. Contact Employee Relations
with any questions or concerns.
According to the United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, Family Medical Leave may be
taken for an employee’s own serious medical condition, to care for a qualifying family member’s serious health
condition, maternity/paternity leave, adoption or foster child placement, or other qualifying reasons. FMLA
may be taken on an intermittent or continual basis.
To have absences protected by FMLA, an employee must apply and be approved. The application process can
be initiated by contacting Employee Benefits. All documentation provided by Employee Benefits must be
completed and returned by the specified deadlines. Failure to complete documentation in the allotted time
may result in the denial of a request.
An employee protected by FMLA must use available leave hours until his/her applicable leave has been
exhausted. Once leave is exhausted, FMLA will protect the employee’s job. However, FMLA does not provide
payment and the remainder of the leave will be unpaid.
Reference Policy 3707 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Reference Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act at dol.gov
Short-Term Disability
Short-Term Disability is a benefit provided by the District to benefitted employees with an FTE of .5 and above.
An employee may be eligible for short-term disability for their own serious medical condition. An employee on
Short-Term Disability is certifying that s/he is totally disabled from non-occupational illness or injury, and s/he
is prohibited from engaging in any other work.
To be placed on Short-Term Disability, an employee must contact Employee Benefits. All documentation,
provided by Employee Benefits, must be completed and returned by the deadlines given. Failure to complete
documentation in the allotted time frame may result in the denial of your request. Approval of requests is
based on common practice and the recommendations of the employee’s doctor. Employee Benefits reserves to
require the medical recommendation of the appropriate specialists or require a Fit-for-Duty examination.
Short-Term Disability is paid as follows:
An employee must exhaust her/his personal illness days before s/he will be paid through Short-
term disability
After personal illness is exhausted, leave is paid at 70% of the employee’s normal rate of pay,
subject to all applicable deductions
Following the exhaustion of temporary leave, there is a five (5) day waiting period before short
term disability benefits begin. The five (5) day waiting period will be waived for absences greater
than thirty (30) calendar days and short-term disability payments paid retroactively.
If the employee is eligible for Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), short term disability and FMLA will run
concurrently, and the absence will be counted as FMLA.
Short-Term Disability may last for 180 days, though the length of absence that is approved varies based on the
medical condition.
Following the end of the 180 days, an employee may be eligible for long-term disability through KPERS or may
be granted an unpaid medical leave of absence.
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
Long-Term Disability (LTD) is covered under Kansas Public Employment Retirement System (KPERS) and
administered by a third party. KPERS members may be eligible for a disability benefit beginning the 181st day
of total and continuous disability. Employee Benefits will guide employees through this process as their 180th
day of absence approaches. KPERS long-term disability benefits provides a monthly benefit based on 60
percent of your annual base salary if approved. You qualify, you must have first been off of work for 180 days
and no longer be receiving compensation.
Reference Policy 3708 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
ADA Accommodations
The Americans with Disability Act-Amendments Act (ADAAA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability
and enables an employee with a permanent disability to request a work-related accommodation so they can
perform the essential duties of their job. A request for accommodation should be made to the Director of
Employee Relations and Title IX. Human Resources will review the request and shall provide accommodations
for disabled employees in the workplace, upon request and if eligible. The building based 504 team is not to be
utilized to request an accommodation for a disabled employee. For questions or to make a request for
accommodation, please contact the Employee Relations/ Title IX Office at (316) 973-4420.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Wichita Public Schools contracts with an external agency to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for
employees of the school District and family members of that employee’s immediate household. 10 sessions are
provided per person and per issue. Voluntary participation may be initiated by an employee. However,
mandatory referrals may be made by the employer for certain areas of concern.
For information on how to access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), visit usd259.org/employeebenefits
Reference Policy 3702 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Catastrophic Pool
The Board provides a Catastrophic Emergency Benefit Plan to assist employees who have suffered a
catastrophic family or personal illness event which has caused exhaustion of temporary leave. The Plan is
administered by Employee Benefits and Insurance Management and is open to all benefitted employees who
voluntarily make a one-time donation to the pool. Employees who wish to donate may do so at any time. Any
employee new to the District during the term of the contract must contribute one (1) day of temporary leave in
order to be a participant in the plan but will not be able to do so until after his/her new hire probation has
concluded. Only those employees who have contributed to the plan shall be eligible to draw from it.
Employees who meet the criteria above shall be eligible to draw up to 20 days per contract year from the pool.
The employee must exhaust all accumulated temporary leave to be eligible to draw from the pool and must
show in deduct status in PeopleSoft for an FMLA related, qualifying medical reason before hours can be
reviewed for potential payment. Hours eligible for pay through Short-Term Disability, Worker’s Compensation
or any other benefit program are not eligible for pay through the Catastrophic Pool.
Employees who have donated one (1) day of temporary leave to the pool may continue as a participant during
the term of the contract without contributing another day unless the pool falls below 300 days. If the pool falls
below 300 days, participating employees may be asked to donate an additional day.
In the event of a disputed application denial, the President of the SEIU (Service Employee International Union),
the President of the UTW (United Teachers of Wichita), and the Chief Human Resources Officer and/or
designee will work to provide final determination.
For more information regarding the Catastrophic Benefit Pool, visit usd259.org/employeebenefits
Damage to Personal Property
Some employees are reimbursed for damages caused by students in two limited circumstances:
If the employee’s clothing or personal effects worn by the employee are damaged or destroyed as
a result of a physical attack or willful malice; or
If the employee’s personal property, brought to the classroom as a teaching aid for the curriculum
being taught or brought as requested by USD 250 as a function of your position, is destroyed by
willful malice.
Terms and conditions apply. Please reference the appropriate and current agreement between USD 259 and
the associated Union for your position. Reimbursements are calculated at actual cash value at time of loss. USD
259 reserves the right to investigate and determine coverage on all personal property claims.
Workers Compensation
Workers’ Compensation is a form of insurance that is provided to all District employees that may be injured or
suffer an illness arising out of and in the course of one’s employment. Benefits may include medical and
disability payments when applicable. This benefit is defined by current state statute and is subject to legislative
and judicial changes.
If an injured employee is in need of medical care, the employee must call the Workers’ Compensation Office at
973-4579 to be referred for medical treatment and coordination of all appointments. In the event an incident
occurs outside normal business hours, call BOE Security at 973-2100. Failure to provide notice of an injury can
result in denial of benefits.
*It is the responsibility of the employee to report injuries to their supervisor and to the Employee Benefits and
Insurance Management office immediately but no more than 24 hours after the occurrence. An Employee
Report of Incident must be completed by the employee, with the supervisor’s report and with witness
statements, if applicable. The Workers’ Compensation office will coordinate any medical appointments with
the employee. The injured employee will report to their supervisor and to the Employee Benefits and Insurance
Management office after each appointment to advise of their current work status/restrictions.
Reference Policy 3711 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Accident Reporting Procedures
Reference Policy 3712 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
at usd259.org > Departments > Employee Benefits > Student Accidents
Reporting AccidentsVehicle Related Actions at Scene
If the vehicle is in the right-of-way, protect the scene to prevent further collision. Avoid moving the
vehicles until the police have arrived unless it presents a hazard to other traffic or personnel.
Check for injuries and CALL 911 for required medical care.
Notify USD 259 Security at 973-2100 and state if the accident is an injury or non-injury accident.
Security will notify the police if necessary.
Notify your immediate supervisor. It is then the supervisor’s or their designee’s responsibility to
immediately go to the accident site.
Exchange identifying information with other property owners involved, injured parties, and witnesses.
Use forms inserted in your “Accident Report Kit” located in each District-owned vehicle and District
authorized driver’s vehicle.
Do not leave the scene until released by police and USD 259 Security.
If towing of the District vehicle is required, call the District’s garage at 973-2136 or 973-2231.
Provide police with the District insurance information (insured by, insurance agent, policy number, and
insurance company) provided in the Accident Report Kit.
Complete the USD 259 Vehicle Accident Report (located in Accident Report Kit). This report is the
operator’s primary way to get an account of the accident recorded and must be completed even if
a) the operator is not at fault;
b) the operator is not cited at the scene;
c) the vehicle is involved in an accident while parked; or
d) the police make a report
DO NOT discuss this accident with anyone other than the responding police officers, USD 259 Security
personnel, your supervisor, or Employee Benefits & Insurance Management personnel. At any time in
the future should anyone request information from you, they should be referred to Employee Benefits
& Insurance Management (973-4581). All information about this accident will be communicated to
outside agencies through Employee Benefits & Insurance Management.
Return all forms to Employee Benefits & Insurance Management, Alvin E. Morris Administrative Center,
903 S Edgemoor, Wichita, Kansas, 67218
***If a food service truck is disabled, a back-up truck and/or driver shall be sent to the accident site to pick-up
and deliver food on to its intended destination. When damage to a vehicle is incurred, incidents and employee
history will be reviewed to determine if damages are due to negligence, inattentiveness, abuse, or unsafe
operation. Findings may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Life Insurance
Group Term Life Insurance:
The Board provides group term life insurance coverage through the district free of charge for all employees
who are employed in a 0.44 FTE to 1.0 FTE permanent position. This coverage will not be effective until the
employee reports for work.
The face value of your Board provided term life policy is based upon your position.
Certified employees $30,000
Classified/Hourly employees $30,000
Supervisory and technical employees $40,000
Administrators $50,000
This insurance continues until you retire, resign, or separate employment with the district. There are options to
take this with you listed under “portability” below. If you are a Bridge retiree recipient, when you retire, your
district life insurance remains active until you reach the age of 65. It stops on the date you turn 65.
Beneficiaries can be changed any time throughout the year at https://usd259.bswift.com
Portability Of Insurance-District Provided Life Benefits
If your insurance under the Group Policy ends because your employment with your Employer terminates, you
may be eligible to buy portable group insurance coverage.
Voluntary Term Life Insurance:
At their own expense, employees who are employed in a 0.44 FTE to 1.0 FTE permanent position may enroll in
supplemental term life insurance for themselves, spouse and children when enrolling in benefits upon hire and
annually during benefits open enrollment. Premiums are paid by payroll deduction. This benefit would be in
addition to the district provided life insurance benefit.
Employees are not able to purchase supplemental life insurance for a spouse or for children unless they also
have purchased it for themselves.
Beneficiaries can be updated anytime throughout the year at https://usd259.bswift.com
Guardian Converting Employee Term Life Insurance-Voluntary Life Benefits
You can apply to convert up to the full amount of voluntary life insurance for which you were insured under
this Certificate on the date Your insurance ended.
KPERS Provided Life Insurance
Please see KPERS Life insurance under Retirement section. This is provided by KPERS.
Retirement benefits are extended to personnel as outlined by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System
(KPERS), Voluntary Retirement Plans, the Voluntary Early Retirement Program (if applicable), and by the Social
Security Act.
Employees who belong to KPERS, a 403(b) plan, or a 457 plan, and terminate employment before retirement
may, within the provisions of the plans, withdraw the funds credited to their savings record.
Retirement Planning:
Employees planning to retire from USD 259 must contact the Retirement Office at least six months in advance
to complete paperwork and ensure all steps for a successful retirement have been taken.
Employees can obtain retirement planning assistance through the district’s Retirement Office by contacting the
district’s KPERS designated agent in the retirement office at 973-4590. Including retirement estimates,
information regarding KPERS retirement options or information about the WPS Early Retirement program (the
Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS):
Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) is a defined benefit plan not a defined contribution plan
like a 403b, 401k or 457. All employees working in a position that requires 630 hours or more (or .41 FTE) are
required by law to participate in KPERS, beginning with the employee’s first day of employment.
This is a mandatory program for all eligible state employees. The contribution rate is set by state law and
cannot be increased or decreased by the employee. Refer to KPERS website www.kpers.org for current
contribution and retirement requirements.
Basic Life insurance:
KPERS eligible employees receive Basic Group Life Insurance equal to 150% of your annual salary at no cost. The
effective date of coverage is your date of hire. New employees and employees who become KPERS benefit
eligible are encouraged to create a KPERS account at www.kpers.org and assign beneficiaries which can be
updated at any time. This coverage ends when you leave the district or move to a position not covered by
KPERS. You do have the option to continue your coverage on your own if done within 60 days. Please contact
the Retirement Specialist for more information.
Long-Term Disability (LTD) is covered under Kansas Public Employment Retirement System (KPERS) and
administered by a third party. KPERS members may be eligible for a disability benefit beginning the 181st day
of total and continuous disability. Employee Benefits will guide employees through this process as their 180th
day of absence approaches. KPERS long-term disability benefits provides a monthly benefit based on 60
percent of your annual base salary if approved. You qualify, you must have first been off of work for 180 days
and no longer be receiving compensation.
Eligible employees (those employed in a .50 to 1.0 FTE position) receive disability benefits at no cost. KPERS
long term disability income benefits provide a monthly benefit based on 60 percent of your annual base salary.
To qualify you must be disabled for 180 days, apply for Social Security benefits, and no longer receive employer
Reference Policy 3708 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Retiree Death Benefit:
When an employee passes away, KPERS pays a $4,000 lump-sum death benefit to the designated beneficiary.
You can name a person, estate, trust, or a funeral establishment to receive your benefit. KPERS does not pay
the death benefit automatically. Your beneficiary should contact KPERS to receive an application when the time
Employees must be a member of KPERS for five (5) years before becoming vested. If you leave covered
employment before completing five (5) years of service you may apply for a refund of your contributions plus
interest. If you are vested with five or more years of service you are guaranteed a monthly retirement benefit
even if you leave covered employment as long as you keep your contributions in your account.
Working After Retirement (KPERS):
If you’re planning to work during retirement, there are a few things you need to know if you plan to work for a
KPERS employer. When you retire, you’ll have a waiting period before you can go back to work for a KPERS
employer. KPERS members and employers are not allowed to arrange a return to work, either before
retirement or during the waiting period after retirement.
The length of your waiting period depends on your age. Count the day after your retirement date as the first
date of your waiting period.
Before age 62: 180 days
Age 62 & older: 60 days
Social Security:
All employees are required by law to participate in Social Security. Visit www.ssa.gov for instructions on how to
apply online for retirement benefits, calculators to determine your benefit and other information about the
government retirement system.
Voluntary Early Retirement Program (“the Bridge”):
Employees who are eligible for the Voluntary Early Retirement Program (“the Bridge”) include those employees
with an effective hire date prior to July 1, 1996, and have worked continuously in any position which was
permanent and at least half-time (20 hours per week). These employees must contact the Retirement Specialist
to complete paperwork at least 6 months prior to their first bridge payment.
A departing employee can lock in the Bridge any time after the age of fifty (50) with at least 15 years of service.
However, Bridge payments will not be paid out until the employee is at least sixty (60) years of age.
Reference Policy 3714 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Working After Retirement (Bridge Eligible Retirees):
Effective September 1, 2019: District retirees who are receiving bridge payments (60-65) are not eligible for
employment by USD 259. A bridge eligible retiree is permitted to substitute for the district until age 60 when
their bridge begins, while still following KPERS waiting period guidelines. They may also substitute at age 65
after their bridge ends.
Voluntary Retirement Plans:
Permanent, benefitted employees have the opportunity to set up contributions to their personal investment
programs through payroll deductions. There are two options available: the USD 259 endorsed 457 Deferred
Compensation program with Empower, and 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity plans. Employees interested in setting
up personal accounts must work with an investment counselor to determine an investment program and begin
a payroll deduction. Any tax questions should be discussed with your own tax advisor.
457 (b) Deferred Compensation program:
457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans are employer-sponsored retirement savings plans, offered by
municipalities and governmental entities, which allow employees to defer a portion of their current
compensation through payroll deduction on a tax-advantaged basis for retirement. Employees may choose
between a traditional pre-tax contribution and a Roth contribution. Both pre-tax contributions and their
respective earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawn.
The district’s 457 plan is managed by Empower. Empower works with a local financial advisor who assists
district employees with enrollment and other transactions related to the 457 plan. For more information,
contact USD 259’s designated 457(b) Retirement Plan Advisor.
Deb Anton, RPA Financial Advisor
Phone: (316) 210-5049
Email: danton@retirementplanadvisors.com
403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans:
Employees may elect to participate in a tax-sheltered annuity plan. Employees shall select plan investments
from qualifying companies and operate within rules and procedures established in Internal Revenue Code
Section 403(b) and BOE Policy 3515 regarding selection and deselection of funding vehicles/vendors from the
403(b)-retirement plan.
Employees wanting to set up a payroll deduction will work with an investment advisor from one of our
approved participating service providers. The Omni Group is our 403(b)-plan administrator and processes all
plan transactions, including enrollment, contribution changes, loans, and hardship withdrawals.
The Omni Group can be reached at 1-877-544-6664. A list of approved providers can be found on the Omni
website www.omni403b.com.
Unused Leave Benefit:
Employees will be paid out any remaining vacation upon retirement. The first 160 hours (20 days) will be paid
out at the employee’s normal base rate of pay. If employee has more than 160 hours, the remaining will be
paid at the bank rate ($3.75/hr).
Employees who have been with the district for at least 5 years will be paid out their temporary leave balance
upon retirement at the following rates.
Classified: $3.75/hr
Certified: $30/day
Administrators: $3.75/hr
Frontline Absence Management (formerly AESOP)
If you have any questions regarding Aesop, please contact the Guest Staff Services Office at 316-973-4593.
Absence Management
1. Log in to rapid identity with your District username and password:
2. Choose “Absence Management
Creating an Absence: To start the creation process, click the Create Absence tab found at the top of
your home page, or scroll down to find the option on the bottom of your home page.
o Fill out the details: Select each date one at a time or drag the mouse across multiple days.
Absence management automatically highlights your selection(s) in blue.
Note: Absences can be created up to one year in advance when created on the web.
o Next, complete details including the absence reason, time, and optional Fields.
Use the drop-down boxes to choose these details.
The only fields that are required to create an absence are date, absence reason, time,
and time absent.
All other fields are optional.
o Notes: There are three different types of notes that can be added to an absence.
1. Notes to Administrator - The employee can put notes here for you to see. You have the
ability to add notes here as well.
2. Notes to Substitute - The employee can put notes here for the substitute to see. You
have the ability to leave notes here as well.
3. Attach a File: Absence management gives you the ability to attach files to your absence
for your substitute to see, such as lesson plans or seating charts. You can attach Word,
Excel, and PDF files.
a. To attach a file, click the Choose File button and browse your computer for the
file you want to attach. If you are using a web browser like Chrome or Safari, you
may also be able to drag the file right into the drop area you see in the example
b. Once you have added a file, you will see the name of the file in the File
Attachments area. To delete, the file use the trash can icon.
Once you have filled in all the required fields, click the Create Absence button at the bottom right corner.
Once the absence is saved, you will see a message at the top of your screen which will include the
confirmation number. The absence will also show up under the "Scheduled Absences" tab.
Setting Up a Preferred Substitutes List
If your position requires a sub during your absence, you have the ability to select a list of the substitutes you
prefer to fill your absences. The substitute placement feature will attempt to contact these substitutes first
when you create an absence.
To access the "Preferred Substitutes" page, click the Account option in the side navigation.
Now click on the Preferred Substitutes tab.
Adding Substitutes: To add a substitute, click the Add Substitute(s) button.
o This will open up the substitute selection page. Here, you can find the substitutes you want by
searching by the substitute's last name, filtering by the first letter of the substitute's last name,
or just browsing the list of substitutes.
o Select the substitute(s) that you would like to add to your Preferred Substitutes list by checking
the box next to their names. Once you have finished selecting the substitutes, click the Add to
Preferred Substitutes button. This will add the substitutes to your Preferred Substitutes list.
Removing Substitutes: To remove a substitute from your Preferred Substitutes list, click the check box
for the substitute you would like to remove. The Remove Selected Substitute(s) button will appear. Click
that button.
o The substitute will be removed from your Preferred Substitutes list.
Once you have added a number of substitutes to your Preferred Substitutes list, you can select up to five
of them to be your "Favorite Five." The Favorite Five will get even more of an advantage when attempting
to fill your absences. Substitutes that are marked as favorites, and who are considered "qualified and
available" at the time the absence is created, will be notified instantly by email when you create an
absence that needs a substitute. Also, absence management will begin calling the Favorite Five subs
during the next evening calling period up to 120 nights before the absence.
Choosing Favorite Substitutes: To mark someone as a favorite, simply click the heart icon in their row in
the preferred list. The heart will turn red, indicating that this substitute has been added to your Favorite
Five list.
o Once you have marked your favorites, you can order them by dragging them up or down in the
order by grabbing the drag icon and dragging them into the position you want them (shown
o Ordering your Favorite Five will determine in what order absence management will attempt to
contact them when making calls.
o When you've finished re-ordering the substitutes to your liking, click the Check Mark button to
save the changes.
Removing Substitutes from Favorites: To remove a substitute from your Favorite Five list, click the
check box for the substitute you would like to remove. The Remove Selected Substitute(s) button will
appear. Click that button.
Selecting an Assignment (Substitutes)
Log in to rapid identity with your District username and password:
Choose “Absence Management
Selecting an Assignment: To view available jobs, click the Available Jobs tab found at the top of your
home page, or scroll down to find the option on the bottom of your home page.
o Days in blue represent your currently scheduled jobs
o Dark grey days show your non-work days
o Green days show available jobs
To accept a job, click the green Accept button beside the job of your choice.
Jobs you have scheduled can be viewed under the Scheduled Jobs tab.
If you have any questions regarding payroll, please contact the Payroll Department at payrolldept@usd259.net
or 316-973-4574.
Differences in Pay Groups
An administrative employee is defined as any person employed by the Board on the Administrators Salary
Administrative employees are paid on the last day of the month, unless this day falls on a holiday or weekend.
In such cases, certified employees will then be paid the most recent working weekday prior.
Certified employees shall be defined as those contract employees of the Board of Education in positions which
require a certificate/license issued by the state Board of Education or employed in a professional, educational
or instructional capacity by the Board of Education, including nurses, social workers and High School Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) instructors, but shall not mean any such person who is an administrative
employee or administrative intern.
Certified employees are paid on the twentieth (20
) of each month, unless the 20
falls on a holiday or
weekend. In such cases, certified employees will then be paid the most recent working weekday prior.
Classified employees shall be defined as any employee who doesn't fit into the administrator or certified
category. Classified employees usually are paid an hourly rate, and their job duties are routine, following a
specific set of standards and rules.
In addition, Wichita Public Schools divides classified staff into three separate salary schedules: A-Jc, Security,
and K-Z (see “Salary Schedules” section of this handbook).
Classified employees are paid bi-weekly, on Friday, unless the Friday falls on a holiday. In such cases, classified
employees will then be paid the most recent working weekday prior.
Pay Periods for All Employees
Certified personnel shall be paid 1/12 of contract pay on the 20
of each month.
Administrative personnel shall be paid 1/12 of contract pay on the last business day of each month. Classified
personnel shall be paid biweekly on alternating Fridays.
In the event the scheduled payday is not a business day or is a bank holiday, payments will be made on the last
business day prior to payday.
In accordance with K.S.A 74-4940, when requested, a contracted certificated employee who has completed the
contractual commitment by June 30 may receive contractual compensation for the three summer months in a
lump sum payment on or before June 30.
Online authorization must be made by the employee by April 1.
Authorization for lump sum payment will remain in effect until revoked in writing by the employee.
So long as the authorization for lump sum payment remains in effect, the balance of the employee’s
contractual compensation shall be paid by June 30 of each year.
Pay Group Calendars
Wichita Public Schools has several different working calendars, depending on an individual’s job type. The
different working calendars include:
196 Day Work Schedule - Food Production Center - benefited
191-196 Day NS Work Schedule - School-Based Nutrition Services (benefited)
198 Day Para/Assistant Para Work Schedule
220 Day Work Schedule
225 Day Work Schedule
230 Day Work Schedule
260 Day Work Schedule
Adm Level 2 Work Schedule
Adm Level 2E, 3, and 4 Work Schedule
Adm Level 5-8 Work Schedule
These calendars can be found at usd259.org > Departments > Human Resources > YYYY-YYYY Calendars
To view your specific working calendar, log into PeopleSoft/Self-Service with your District username and
password. Click on “WPS Salary Detail and Calendar” under the “Paytile.
Review and Print Your Paycheck
View Paycheck allows for the employee to review their paycheck two days before payday. Pay advices are
saved as PDF documents, which allows for the employee to easily save or print their advice as needed.
1. Log in to PeopleSoft/ Employee Self Service using your District username and password. If you don’t
have a password or your password is not working, contact the Help Desk at 973-HELP (4357). As a
reminder, PeopleSoft can only be accessed from a District computer.
2. Click on the “Pay” tile.
3. Find the date of the check you wish to view and click on the Paycheck. A new window should open with
a pdf copy of your paycheck. If you experience difficulty opening your paycheck, try holding the CTRL
key while clicking on the Paycheck, check your browser settings to temporarily disable the popup
blocker, try a different computer, or contact the Help Desk at 973-4357.
Temporary Leave and Vacation What’s the difference?
Most eligible employees receive temporary leave time and some eligible employees receive temporary leave
and vacation days. Below is an explanation of the two types of leave.
Temporary Leave:
Employees are eligible to accrue temporary leave days if they are working at least half time (0.5 FTE or greater)
in a permanent position. Temporary leave hours are awarded in a lump sum at the beginning of each school
year. There are different absence reasons available for temporary leave, and you may visit
usd259.org/Page/17450 for more information for Certified employees or usd259.org/Page/17449 for Classified
employees. Unused temporary leave hours at the end of the year will accumulate without limit. Upon
separation of employment, if an employee has been employed for five consecutive years or is at least fifty-five
years of age, all unused temporary leave will be compensated to the employee at a rate of $30 per day.
Classified and administrative employees in the 220, 225, 230, and 260 day calendars are eligible to accrue
vacation days. Vacation hours are awarded on the first of each month, and employees may accumulate up to
320 hours each year. After July 1 each year, any vacation hours over 320 will be moved to the employee’s
vacation bank and can no longer be used. Upon separation of employment, vacation hours up to 160 are paid
out at the employee’s regular rate of pay. Any hours over 160 and all hours in the vacation bank will be paid
out at $30 per day.
Leave and vacation time can be viewed in Peoplesoft under My Time. Please feel free to contact the Payroll
Department at payr[email protected]et or 973-4574 with any specific questions regarding your temporary
leave or vacation benefits.
Conference Release Time:
In an effort to recognize the importance of parent-teacher conferences in District or out of District, employees
are to be released from work generally for up to two hours without loss of pay or leave to attend regularly
scheduled building-wide parent-teacher conferences or I.E.P conferences pertaining to employees’
children. This does not include field trips, visitations, and other parental obligations.
No paperwork is required for this release time and nothing is to be reported for payroll purposes.
Substitutes are not to be requested.
Please notify your principal/supervisor when you are leaving so your duties can be covered.
Submitting Vacation/Temp Leave Request
There are two platforms for submitted vacation/temp leave. All requests for vacation/temp leave must be
submitted through one of these platforms: Aesop or PeopleSoft, depending on your position and work location.
Please note: proper advance notice should be given to your immediate supervisor, when possible.
Aesop users:
To submit a vacation/temp leave request using Aesop, please see the “AESOP” section of this handbook, under
“Absence Management.”
PeopleSoft users:
To submit a vacation/temp leave request using PeopleSoft, log into PeopleSoft/Self-Service with your District
username and password.
Click on “Leave Request,” under the “Manage Your Leave” box
Type in the date
Select the type of leave by selecting the drop down box
Enter the amount of hours and minutes (minimum of 15 minute increments)
Enter the reason for your absence
Click Submit
If there are multiple requests for the same type of leave request, check mark the box next to the absence to be
duplicated and click “Duplicate Request.” This will create a duplicate request for the following day.
To Delete Or Cancel a Request:
Deleting a request can occur before the manager approves or denies the absence request. To delete,
click “Delete.”
Cancelling a request can occur after the manager approves or denies the absence request. To cancel,
click Delete/Cancel.
After the request is submitted, deleted, or cancelled an email is sent to the person to whom the employee
Checking Vacation/Temp Leave Balances
To check your vacation/temp leave balance, log in to peoplesoft.usd259.net using your District username and
password. Click on the Request Time Off tile and reference WPS Attendance History. You will be able to view
your current balance(s), as well as your absence history.
Please Remember: Time Management is the responsibility of the employee.
Reference Policy 3505 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Direct Deposit vs. Commerce Pay Card
Employees sign up for direct deposit or are issued a pay card from Commerce Bank when employment begins.
If Direct Deposit is elected, employees will first receive a live paycheck that will need to be cashed at their bank.
Live paycheck will be sent to your base location, with the exception of Guest Staff. Guest Staff live
paychecks will be mailed to their homes.
If an employee elects to receive a pay card, it will be mailed to their home address. The card will need to be
activated before use.
Employees may change which payment option s/he receives at any time. Direct Deposit changes may be made
in PeopleSoft, under “Pay.” Please call 316-973-4707 for questions pertaining to Direct Deposit or the
Commerce Pay card.
K-4 and W-4
To make changes to your K-4 and W-4 tax information, log in to peoplesoft.usd259.net using your District
username and password. Click on the “My Taxes” tile, then click “K-4 Tax Information” and “W-4 Tax
Information” to make changes.
When W-2/W-2c forms are issued, Payroll will send an all-District notification out via email. They will mail them
to the address that each employee has in PeopleSoft, unless the employee has consented to receive their form
only electronically. To go paperless and consent to receive W-2/W-2c forms only electronically and to view all
previous W-2/W-2c forms, log in to peoplesoft.usd259.net using your District username and password. Click on
the “My Taxes” tile, then click “W-2/W-2c Consent” and “View W-2/W-2c Forms”.
Time Clock Users
In order to record your time with the timeclock, follow these instructions:
1. Place your finger on the finger sensor
2. To clock in, push the clock in button
3. When taking a meal, push ‘begin meal’
4. When returning from a meal, push the ‘End Meal’ button
5. Push clock out when your work day ends
Change Job is only used for employees with multiple jobs. For instructions on how to clock multiple jobs, please
see your school secretary.
Review Last Punch & Total Time
To review your last punch and total rounded time for the week, place your finger on the finger sensor and after
it shows you were identified, push the Review Last Punch & Total Time button.
Tip: If you’re unsure when you began your meal, push this button to see when you began your meal time.
Zero hours will appear when you begin your week or are missing a punch. If you have one or more missing
punches, a message will display at the bottom with the numerical amount of errors missing for the week.
Review your time in PeopleSoft at your earliest convenience to submit a missing punch.
Duplicate Punch Warning Message
The “duplicate punch warning” message appears when you have the same punch type two times in a row.
Select the next action by either pushing:
Accept this punch to accept the punch you are currently trying to make
Change this punch to return to the previous screen to select a different punch type, or
Cancel this punch to completely exit to the main page
You should review your Timesheet in PeopleSoft and submit a missed punch request for approval.
Review Time and Missing Punch Requests
Every Monday, time clock employees receive an email summarizing what they clocked the previous week.
Monday afternoon, Payroll downloads absences for benefited employees from Aesop to PeopleSoft. On
Tuesday, classified employees receive a final email summarizing what they clocked the previous week in
PeopleSoft and any absences that downloaded from Aesop. If the employee has more than one position, the
email will list all positions.
Employees have until the end of day TUESDAY to make changes. Changes made after this time will be added to
your next check.
For Time Clock Users, click on the link in your email to be directed to PeopleSoft and log in. As a reminder,
PeopleSoft can only be accessed from a District computer. The Timesheet view reflects actual punch time and
should not be used to identify the hours scheduled to be paid.
The Timesheet view is useful for leaving comments and identifying missing punches. To add a comment, click
on the bubble located to the left of the ‘Day.’ Corrections CANNOT be made in the comments section. It is
ONLY to be used if you'd like to leave a note. Once a comment is made, it cannot be deleted or modified.
Click “Add Comment” and type in the box the comment you'd like to leave
Then click 'Apply' to save and click 'OK' to exit the screen and return to your Timesheet
Use the WPS Time and Attendance view for reviewing time and submitting missing punches. The Start Date
will default to the current pay period or the last date range you reviewed.
1. Use the arrows under Start Date to navigate through the different pay periods
2. You can view time by Day, Weekly, or BiWeekly by check marking the appropriate box
3. After your date range is selected, click “Update Time Period”
4. Click on your name displayed under Reported Time to review the timecard. If you have multiple jobs,
each job will be listed
5. To view actual punch time, click on Show Actual Timecard to review the exact time punched
The timecard defaults the punched and total time rounded to the quarter hour. Orange punches indicate the
punch occurred via web clock, green punches are punch corrections, and black are punches that occurred on
the time clock device.
Click on Missed Punch Request to submit a missing punch request. Once the punch is approved, it’ll display on
your timecard.
1. Enter the date
2. Select the Punch Type
3. Enter the Punch Time (Format: 00:00AM or PM)
4. Put a reason under Comments
5. Click Punch Detail to ensure a punch is MISSING
6. Click Submit Request
To add an additional Missed Punch Request select “Add new request.” Once the request has been submitted,
an email will be automatically generated for approval. You will receive a confirmation email once the punch
has been approved or denied.
Common Reasons why a punch would be denied:
Duplicate request
Punch already exists
Military time is used
Incorrect AM or PM
Letter O is used instead of the number ZERO
Voluntary Payroll Deductions
A payroll deduction is a contribution plan in which an employer deducts a specified amount from an
employee's pay and puts the funds toward insurance, healthcare or an investment account. The Board of
Education may authorize, as a service to employees, voluntary payroll deductions for specified employee
groups and other approved purposes. All voluntary payroll deductions must begin and end with the
authorization of the employee.
Some examples of a voluntary payroll deduction with Wichita Public Schools include, but are not limited to, the
YMCA membership fees (on a voluntary basis)
Tax sheltered annuity (457 or 403(b) plan)
Flex Spending Accounts
KPERS Life Insurance
Health Insurance Premiums
UTW/SEIU membership fees
Education Edge
Friendship Fund
United Way
Reference Policy 3500 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
There is no statutory requirement to reimburse mileage.
District will reimburse:
Gap between end of shift and overtime obligation is ½ hour or less (same job)
Gap between end of shift and overtime obligation is ½ hour to 1 hour (same job)
Gap between end of shift and overtime obligation is 1 hour or more (same job)
Mileage between two different District jobs
Mileage on the weekends for District purposes
District will not reimburse:
Miles driven from home to any building
Miles driven from any building to home
Miles driven from home to any location in the Wichita metro and surrounding area
Miles driven from a location in the Wichita metro and surrounding area to home
Miles driven if employee goes home or runs errands between obligations
Reference Policy 3400 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Travel and Business Expenses
The school district will reimburse the traveler for actual and reasonable travel expenses incurred during school
business related travel. Expense reports, appropriately documented, must be completed by the traveler and
properly approved prior to reimbursement. ORIGINAL, ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ARE REQUIRED FOR
REIMBURSEMENT. For complete information, the District’s Travel and Business Expense Guide may be found on
the WPS Document Center, under the Travel category, or you may contact [email protected]et
Reference Policy 3402 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Employee Cellular Telephone Allowances
The Board of Education provides cellular telephone allowances for certain employees (if approved by the CFO
and CHRO) to properly conduct business in accordance with the three following categories:
Tier 1 Limited Usage:
Employees in this tier are considered to have limited need of a cellular telephone, in that, the cellular phone is
used primarily to contact the employee when out of the office, in an on-call situation, in an emergency, or
attending to District business at locations other than their primary place of work.
Tier 2 Medium Usage:
Employees in this tier regularly work out of the office and in the “field”, and do not have easy access to a
telephone in order to remain in contact with those with whom communication is necessary to the performance
of their job duties. Employees in this tier may also be required to be available beyond their regularly scheduled
Tier 3 Extensive Usage:
Employees in this tier, by the nature of their position, are required to extensively use cellular communications
in the course of their duties because they do not have ready access to a telephone to remain in contact with
those with whom communication is necessary to the performance of their job duties. Employees in this tier
require workspace mobility and frequently need to be reached outside their regularly scheduled workday.
Reference Policy 3310 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Unused Leave
Administrative/Certified Staff:
Administrators and Certified Staff accumulate temporary leave days without limit. Any former administrator or
certified staff who is reemployed within twelve (12) months of the date of termination will have their
temporary leave days that were accrued at the time of separation reinstated for up to a maximum of five (5)
years for temporary leave that was accrued after March 31, 1999, unless severance compensation has been
paid for such leave.
Classified Staff:
Classified staff accumulate temporary leave days without limit. Any former employee, who is reemployed
within twelve (12) months of the date of termination, upon satisfactory completion of their probationary
period, will have their temporary leave days that were accrued at the time of their separation reinstated for up
to a maximum of five (5) years for temporary leave that was accrued after March 31, 1999, unless severance
compensation has been paid for such leave.
An administrative employee who dies or who retires or resigns honorably after reaching age fifty-five (55) years
or after five (5) years in the employ of the Board shall be eligible for a severance payment.
The amount of the severance payment for which the administrative employee is eligible shall be
computed by multiplying the sum of the number of unused temporary leave days which the
administrative employee has accumulated plus the number of unused vacation days which the
administrative employee has accumulated in excess of the number which he/she is still eligible to take
by thirty dollars ($30).
Certified Staff:
A certified employee who dies, retires, resigns, claims total disability, or leaves the District for other good
causes as determined solely by the Board of Education, after reaching age fifty-five (55) years or five (5) years
of service, may be eligible for a severance payment. Teachers may elect to have their severance applied to
health plan payments. The amount of severance payment is computed by multiplying the number of
accumulated unused temporary leave days by $30.
Classified Staff:
An employee who dies or who retires or resigns honorably after reaching age fifty-five (55) years or five (5)
years in the employ of the Board shall be eligible for a severance payment.
Vacation: All earned vacation credit up to a maximum of twenty (20) days is paid upon separation from
employment and is computed on the basis of the current salary. At the discretion of the
Administration, employees who move to a shorter work year may be paid for some or all of their
accumulated unused vacation days.
Temporary Leave: The amount of the severance payment for which the employee is eligible shall be
computed by multiplying the sum of the number of unused temporary leave hours which the employee
has accumulated plus the number of unused vacation hours which the employee has accumulated in
excess of the number which he/she is still eligible to take by $3.75 per hour. For those employees paid
by the hour the severance payment will be computed by multiplying the accumulated hours by $3.75
per hour. The severance payment shall Bi-weekly 26 pays Bi-weekly 20 pays Monthly Annually Cash
Option $46.15 $60.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,200.00 23 be made to the eligible employee in accordance with
regular payroll procedures and shall be subject to all applicable deductions.
Exception: Any employee who applies for retention of employment prior to retiring for the purpose of
KPERS is not eligible for such severance payment at that time.
(# Unused temporary leave hours + # of Unused vacation hours after the excess of 20 days) x $3.75 = Severance Payment
Purchasing and Procurement
The Purchasing Department is part of the Operations Division and provides a centralized purchasing point. They
are available to help with all material and service needs, as well as ensure that all Federal Guidelines, State
Statutes, and Board Policies are adhered to. Specifically, Purchasing can help with sourcing and competitive
pricing, allowing the District to save time and spend budgeted dollars more effectively. Purchasing can also
serve as a mediator between the District and vendors to ensure fair and effective exchange. Purchasing can be
reached at (316) 973-4540.
Best Practices
State Funds - Never spend over $19,999, whether it is for one item or multiple, without contacting
Federal Funds Never spend over $3,499 without contacting Purchasing
Material/ Service Contracts Always get Purchasing involved when entering into any contract with a
vendor for materials or services
Reference Policy 3304 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Visa Procurement Card (P-Card)
All Visa matters are handled through Purchasing by the Procurement Card Technician, who can be reached at
(316) 973-4588.
Authorization to carry a P-Card is requested through your Principal or Supervisor. Once authorization is
received, P-Card training and the P-Card User Agreement form must be completed prior to obtaining the card.
All P-Card users are required to reconcile statements for all purchases by the 15
of each month. Receipts and
explanations must accompany the reconciliations.
Include an explanation for any purchase that either isn’t clearly described on the receipt or if it looks like an
item that could be for personal use (e.g.: bathroom caddy). The more information the better.
Always use the sales tax exemption number. If a vendor does not grant tax exemption, please contact
Purchasing to help resolve the situation.
Reference Policy 3307 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Safety and Security
In the event of an emergency, always dial 911 first. For Wichita Public Schools 24-hour Emergency Services and
Information, contact Security Communications at (316) 973-2100. For all other inquiries, contact Safety Services
at (316) 973-2260.
Guests and patrons are welcome to our schools but will be required to sign in and sign out using the Hall Pass
system. Employees visiting buildings other than their designated working location(s) will be required to sign in
and sign out using the Hall Pass system using their ID badge.
A driver’s license or government-issued ID card will be used to check you in to the building. Name and birthdate
will be instantly captured, and you will receive a custom, date-specific visitor’s ID badge to wear in school.
Visitor IDs will be scanned against national sexual offender data bases to ensure the safety and security of our
school environment.
Frequent visitors may request a unique key fob from the building to make check-in/check-out scanning easier
on future visits. Frequent visitors will still be required to check in on each visit and wear an ID badge.
A visitor will be required to check in each time they visit. This can be done using the key fob, or their driver’s
Should an unauthorized visitor attempt to enter a school, both school leaders and our District’s safety
personnel will be alerted, and the visitor will be asked to leave.
Reference Policy 2216 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Parking Lot Safety
Everyone plays a part in getting children to and from school safely.
Recognize and obey all traffic signals and markings. Follow the flow of traffic
Please do not drive through designated parking spaces
Only park in marked spaces; do not double-park
Please be aware of speed as pedestrians are entering and exiting our buildings
Reference Policy 2370 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Threats of Violence
A threat is a concerning communication or behavior that may intend to harm. It requires no witness, the target
need not be aware of the threat, and the threat may come in any form. All threats must be taken seriously until
they can be assessed.
If a threat is made by a non-student:
Notify administrator or designee
Call 911 and be prepared to provide:
o Your name and work location
o Description of situation and reason for concern
o If the person making the threat is in the building, provide his/her exact location
o Call back if anything changes
Call Security Communications (973-2100) to notify them of the need for assistance. Security
Communications will notify:
o Designated District personnel and public safety agencies, as needed
o Safety Services Department
Safety Services Department personnel will respond appropriately
If the person is in the building, ask him/her to leave
o We aware of his/her actions at this time (where he/she is located, whether he/she is carrying a
weapon or package, etc.)
o If possible, maintain visual contact with the intruder from a safe distance
o Consider initiating lockdown procedures
Once the person leaves or is removed from the property, follow District ban procedures
Administrator or designee coordinates with Strategic Communications regarding communication to
media, social media, the website and front office staff, as needed
Violent Intruder
A violent intruder is someone armed and engaged or attempting to engage in harming students and staff. At
the first sign that there is an armed intruder in your building, your initial response should be to get to a safe
place. Secondly, you should alert others and call 911. Your first priority is to get out of harm’s way.
Violent Intruder Response Procedures:
Each situation will be different; assess the situation and take necessary action. Please note these steps may be
occurring concurrently.
When possible, call 911, be prepared to provide:
Your name and school
Detailed information about the nature of the situation
Advise of imminent risk of danger
Provide exact location inside or outside the school
If inside the school, provide the door number and location of the door for best entry point
Call back if anything changes
When possible, call Security Communications (973-2100) to notify them of the situation and of need for
Security Communications will notify:
Strategic Communications
Designated District personnel and public safety agencies
Safety Services Department
Communicate the presence of a violent intruder in the building via the public address system using plain
language: “There is an armed intruder in the building; take necessary action. This is not a drill.”
Run, Hide, Fight is an intruder response plan where staff and students assess the situation and respond on
which option is best. As the name implies, if a violent intruder comes into a school, the response could be to
run to a safe place, or hide in a locked area, or attempt to stop the intruder as a last resort with items found in
the school.
RUN (Get Out or Evacuate):
If staff is present, students should follow their instructions
Escape by exits or windows
Leave your belongings behind
Help others escape
Prevent and warn others along the way about the danger
If it is safe to do so, go to the evacuation site
Once at the evacuation site:
o Account for all students and staff
o Check for any injuries
o Staff should continue to monitor students
o Wait for further instructions
HIDE (Lock Out or Barricade):
If evacuation is not possible, students and staff should find a place to hide in an area that can be secured.
Hide until help arrives
Silence all electronic devices
Remain calmit can have a contagious effect on others
Lock and/or barricade the door
Jam door handlesincluding doors that open into the hallway or handicap accessible handles to
prevent the handle from unlatching the door
Tie off doors to limit the intruder’s ability to open doors
Remain in place until law enforcement or the incident commander gives the all clear
FIGHT (Resist or Neutralize):
When RUN or HIDE fail or are not possible FIGHT as a LAST RESORT.
Fight as a last resort
Attempt to incapacitate the attacker
Improvise weapons; use any means
Commit to your actions
When Law Enforcement and Public Safety Personnel Arrive:
Remain calm
Keep your hands visible
Avoid pointing or yelling
Know that help for the injured is on the way
Staff and students should go to evacuation site
Once at evacuation site, staff should:
o Account for students
o Check for injuries
o Immediately report any missing, extra or injured students
o Continue to monitor students
Have a staff member meet emergency personnel to:
o Advise location of injured persons
o Advise of any missing persons
o Refer to Reunification Plan, Communication Plan, and Recovery Plan
Suicide Intervention
All threats of suicide should be taken seriously.
Stay with the person
Get or call for help immediately
If an employee expresses suicidal thoughts, immediately contact a building administrator or support staff
member (social worker, psychologist, counselor or nurse) to discuss these concerns.
Determine the risk - if there is likelihood of immediate harm (an active safety issue)
Notify 911 and/or security, as needed, if there is a likelihood of immediate harm (an active safety issue)
Provide employee with information on the Employee Assistance Program and assists in the referral
process if requested
The resources for staff on suicide awareness and prevention and other informational documents are available
at usd259.org/Page/12437
Reporting Abuse
All school employees will take appropriate action in reporting suspected abuse (physical and/or emotional)
and/or neglect cases to the proper authorities in accordance with State statutes.
All District employees are mandated reporters; those who suspect abuse and/or neglect have the legal
responsibility to report the suspicion
The employee shall report the matter on the same day the suspicion arises to the Department for
Children and Families online or by telephone. If the employee does not report the matter on the same
day and abuse and/or neglect takes place, the employee may be held personally liable, both legally and
The employee shall also notify the building principal or designee promptly of his/her suspicion
Notification of the building principal or designee does not relieve the employee of the obligation to
make reports
All reports are construed to be confidential. Please do not notify the parent and/or guardian of the
suspicion (as they could be the abuser)
Reference Policy 5117 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Criminal Convictions
Any employee who falls under the below circumstance(s) must notify the Superintendent or designee and his
or her immediate supervisor of the arrest or conviction within five (5) days. The Board will take appropriate
action within 30 days after the notice of conviction, if the employee:
Is convicted of a felony
Is driving under the influence
Enters a plea of guilty or diversion agreement
Is arrested and/or convicted of violating local, state, federal criminal statute or a criminal violation
Searches of Students and Property
If there is a belief that a search of a student’s property is necessary, the principal should be contacted with the
request. Searches of students or property shall be conducted in accordance with Policy 1470.
Health and Environment
For questions relating to the health and environment of the District, please contact the Environmental Services
office at (316) 973-2006.
Bloodborne Pathogens
All employees should be trained annually on the Exposure Control Plan (ECP), provided by Environmental
Services to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The complete Exposure
Control Plan can be found at usd259.org/page/7767
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste shall be identified, collected, labeled, stored, treated and disposed of in a manner complying
with Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations. Hazardous wastes include, but are not limited to, the
following items:
Highly reactive
Reference Policy 7020 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Wichita Public Schools has completed a survey, as required by law, to identify the location and condition of all
asbestos containing materials within the District’s buildings. In response to our findings, Asbestos Management
Plans have been developed to minimize the hazard of airborne asbestos fibers to building occupants. This plan
is available for viewing in all school offices, upon request. A copy of the plan may be obtained from
Environmental Services, for a fee.
Reference the Annual Asbestos Notification Letter at usd259.org > Environmental Services
Communicable Diseases
An employee afflicted with a communicable disease dangerous to public health may be required to withdraw
from active employment for the duration of the illness in order to give maximum health protection to other
District employees and students. The employee may return to duty upon termination of the illness, when
authorized in writing by a physician. For more information, visit usd259.org/Page/1982
Inclement Weather/Tornado Drills
Wichita Public Schools will provide safety to building occupants by “Being Prepared, Having a Plan, and
Practicing Regularly.
Safe Room Storm Shelter in every school
Three tornado drills each school year
First drill early in the school year
Two more drills prior to tornado season
Designated District employees will monitor the weather, but staff at each school should monitor weather in the
area by checking the weather radio, keeping eye on local radar, and staying in contact with the District. The
school will be notified immediately and principal or designee will make announcement to go to the safe room.
Students and staff will quickly move to safe room in an organized manner.
School personnel will:
Make sure the emergency bus doors are unlocked (marked with green bus sign)
Unlock doors to the secondary shelter
Check restrooms and other areas for students
Nurse or designee will grab first aid kit and student medications to take to safe room (this should be
the ONLY job this person performs)
Students and staff should enter the safe room and proceed to predetermined locations within the shelter. Each
safe room has a special phone line to contact District officials in such emergencies. A designated staff member
will retrieve the phone and plug it into the phone jack marked FEMA.
Magnetic signs should be placed on the outside of the shelter so latecomers will know the shelter is locked and
to proceed to secondary shelter. Shelter coordinator should do a quick check before locking the safe room
doors. School board policy states that once the doors are locked, the shelter doors WILL NOT be unlocked until
the all clear is given. This includes when storms happen at the end of the day, when students will ordinarily be
heading home. Once the doors have been locked, an administrator or designee should stay by the doors to
ensure no one tries to get in or out.
If inclement weather occurs while bus drivers are on the road, bus drivers will head to the closest school and
find the green bus door. After verifying that the green bus door is unlocked, the bus driver and students should
go inside quickly. Students in secondary shelter will sit against a wall, duck down, and cover their heads with
their hands. Once the all clear has been given by District officials, staff should check for damage before
releasing students from the safe room. It is vital that ALL school personnel are trained on emergency weather
procedures as inclement weather can strike at any time.
For more information regarding Emergency Procedures/ Severe Weather, visit usd259.org/Page/2402
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held monthly. Teachers will inform students of proper exits and procedures. These exits are also
posted in each room.
Reference Policy 2300 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Earthquake Drills
Just as schools practice fire and tornado drills during the school year, Wichita Public Schools students and staff
learn how to protect themselves in case of a major earthquake. The Drop, Cover, and Hold Earthquake
Response Plan, supported by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, is a simple reminder
of how to take cover in case a powerful earthquake occurs.
At the first indications of an earthquake, initiate Drop, Cover, and Hold:
Drop to the ground
Take cover under a desk or table, protecting your head with one arm and using the other arm to hold
on to a table or desk
Designated staff member should assist those in a wheelchair
If no cover is available, crouch against an interior wall
o Stay away from outside walls, windows, and potential falling objects
If outside, move away from the building, gas and sewer lines, and electrical wires
o Sit down and wait for the shocks to subside
o Do not attempt to enter the building until authorized
Once the shaking stops:
Account for all students
Check for injuries
Report any missing, extra, or injured students
In the event of a strong earthquake:
Building crisis team activated
Announcements made to staff, students, and visitors
Evacuation may be necessary
o If initiated, follow evacuation procedures
o Do not use the elevator
In the event of aftershocks, remain calm and stay sitting close to the ground. Do not re-enter the building until
the all clear is given.
In the event an earthquake causes an emergency situation:
Call 911 or Security Communications
o Provide name of school
o Provide detailed information
Snow Days/Emergency Closures
It shall be the responsibility of the District Crisis Team to determine when extreme weather conditions or some
other emergency warrant all or selected buildings throughout the District not to be convened or to be
dismissed during a school day scheduled on the official annual calendar.
Any cancellations will be communicated by Strategic Communications, including what positions should still be
expected to report to work.
Reference Policies 2300 and 4044 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Care and Use of Facilities/Rentals
The primary purpose of school facilities and grounds is to support the educational and extracurricular
endeavors of all students. It is the intent of the Board of Education to maintain all facilities and grounds for this
purpose and to give first priority to these endeavors. However, since all District properties belong to the
general public, it is the Board’s position that community groups and organizations should utilize the properties
to the fullest extent possible. All arrangements with such groups shall be made through the Property Services
office at least two weeks in advance of the use date.
Damage and/or accelerated wear and tear to school property due to abuse, neglect or other misuse may be
cause for disciplinary action. When leaving a building for the night, all doors and windows should be closed and
locked. All lights and other equipment should be turned off as appropriate.
For questions, please contact the Technical Assistant of Property Services/Rentals in Business/Financial Services
at (316) 973-4558.
Reference Policies 3450 and 3450a at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Energy Management Conservation Policy
All efforts shall be made for the school District to operate facilities and programs consistent with sound
principles for conservation of fuel and energy and for economical use of other natural resources.
Lights shall be turned off in classrooms and office areas when they are unoccupied
Pumps, fans, and other motors shall be turned off when they are not required to be in operation
Reference Policy 7025 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Equipment Use
Use of equipment and supplies is for the performance of official and approved assignments only. Use of District
equipment or supplies for personal projects is prohibited unless permission is granted by the employee’s
When damage to equipment is incurred, incidents and employee history will be reviewed to determine if
damages are due to negligence, inattentiveness, abuse, or unsafe operation. Findings may result in disciplinary
action, up to and including termination.
Operation of District Vehicles
The following are the expectations for all employees who operate District vehicles as part of their
employment with the District. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including
Firearms/weapons in District vehicles are prohibited.
District vehicles shall be driven in a safe, legal, and prudent manner.
Drivers that cause damage to District vehicles shall immediately report the damage to their
supervisor and complete a security report
District employees must observe all traffic and parking regulations and are personally responsible
for any citations issued to them
Cell phone use or texting is prohibited while driving a District vehicle
District vehicles are to be driven the most direct, assigned, or quickest route to job sites, between
job sites and when returning to the base location. Specific conditions may allow for a deviation to
the route
District vehicles may be driven to a nearby restaurant or convenience store for lunch periods. Due
to public perception, the number of District vehicles at the same location should be held to a
minimum. Travel time shall be included in the allotted time for lunch periods
District vehicles shall not be driven from job sites for breaks, but drivers may stop when
traveling between job sites for the morning or afternoon break periods
District vehicles are not to be driven for personal use at any time
With the exception of the large trucks equipped with lift gates, District vehicles must have the
motor off, keys removed, and doors locked when left unattended. Vehicles with lift gates, security
vehicles and mail trucks may only be left running when a second set of keys is available to allow
the vehicle doors to be locked while unattended
District vehicles should not park in public parking areas on District property
All drivers shall complete a pre-use vehicle inspection/walk-around each time the vehicle is moved
from a parked position. Report any damage to your supervisor
Drivers with a commercial driver license shall complete a pre-use vehicle inspection/walk-around one
time each day
Use of tobacco products of any kind is prohibited in District vehicles
District Drivers should report to their supervisor any accidents they are involved in or any traffic
citations issued to them. This includes accidents and citations received on personal time in
personal vehicles
Reference Policy 7085 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Resignation and Dismissal
Reference Policy 4048 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Certified Resignation
According to K.S.A. 72-2251 at ksrevisor.org/ksa.html, “A teacher shall give written notice to a board that the
teacher does not desire continuation of a contract on or before the 14th calendar day following the third Friday
in May or, if applicable, not later than 15 days after the issuance of a unilateral contract as authorized by K.S.A.
72-2238, and amendments thereto, whichever is the later date.
Certified Dismissal
An Assistant Superintendent or principal may initiate a recommendation for dismissal if such dismissal is in the
best interest of the students and/or the school system in accordance with statutes and Board policy.
Reference Policy 4040 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Nonrenewal of Probationary Certified Contract
On or before the date established by Kansas statutes, the Board must notify the teacher of nonrenewal of
contract for the upcoming school year, in accordance with Kansas statutes.
Reference Policy 4040 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Reference K.S.A. 72-2251 at ksrevisor.org/ksa.html
Classified Resignation
Classified employees shall give written notice of their intent to resign. Such notice shall be provided to both
their supervisor and Human Resources and include an effective resignation date and reason for leaving. To
remain in good standing, best practice is to provide a minimum of two weeks notice.
Classified Dismissal
Reference Policy 4047 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Separation Procedures
If the employee is enrolled in District Benefits, benefits will continue until the end of the month for which the
resignation is effective.
Questions regarding KPERS should be directed to KPERS toll-free at 1-888-275-5737 or by email at
Employees must return any District owned property prior to separation. District owned property may include,
but is not limited to, the following items:
Keys (building, room, cabinet, etc.)
Laptop, iPad, other electronic device, and related equipment
iProcurement Card (P-Card)
Unemployment insurance is a small source of income for workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of
their own. Workers who quit or who are self-employed are generally not eligible for unemployment
insurance. You are not eligible for unemployment benefits if you are discharged (fired) for misconduct
connected with the work, effective the day after your severance, and continuing until you become re
employed and have insured earnings of at least three times your weekly benefit amount.
"Misconduct" is defined as a violation of a duty or obligation reasonably owed the employer as a
condition of employment.
"Gross misconduct" is defined as extreme, willful or wanton misconduct.
For further information or to see if you may qualify, please visit the Kansas Department of Labor’s
Unemployment website at https://www.getkansasbenefits.gov or contact the Wichita Area Unemployment
Representative at (316) 383-9947.
A grievance is an allegation of a violation or misapplication of a negotiated agreement. Any employee or group
of employees represented by a bargaining unit may file a grievance with their immediate supervisor seeking a
solution. Relief through the grievance procedure shall be barred if the employee pursues any legal remedy.
The timeline and procedures for grievances are set forth in the UTW Agreement, the SEIU Agreement, and the
Uniformed Security Officers and Dispatchers Agreement. An employee may have representation during the
grievance procedures.
Other Employee Information
Changes to Personal Information
Employees are responsible for making sure their information is current in PeopleSoft.
Employees may change their contact information in PeopleSoft using the following steps:
Log in to peoplesoft.usd259.net using your District username and password
Click on the “Personal Details”
To edit, click on the information you would like to change
Update and click Save
Should you no longer be an employee of Wichita Public Schools and need to change your contact information
(such as for W-2 purposes), please send a written request to Human Resources at
Name Changes
Employees that would like to change their name must do so in person with Human Resources, as it is required
that the original social security card is viewed. In order to change a name with WPS, the social security card
must have the new name. A new badge with the new name will be issued to the employee at no cost. You will
be notified by IST regarding changes to your District email address.
Employee Badges
All staff will be issued a picture identification badge that is to be worn while at work. Badges will also serve as a
key card for all staff assigned to a building equipped with a card reader access system. This will give them
access to their assigned building during the hours associated with their position and AMAC during normal
business hours. The initial badge is paid for by the District. Should a badge need to be replaced, the employee
will be charged a replacement fee of $5.00.
Badges are the property of the District and must be returned to the District office when an employee is no
longer employed by or working in one of the District buildings. Badges must not be loaned to others. Badges
must not be worn with any building identifiers, for security precautions, in the event a badge is lost or stolen.
Lost or stolen badges must be reported immediately to 973-2100 so measures may be taken to maintain safety
and security and to protect District property. Questions regarding employee ID badges should be directed to
Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS).
Issuance of Keys
The Facilities Division is responsible for the maintenance of locks and other equipment necessary to provide
security to buildings and contents. Keys shall be issued to building principals through procedures which assure
maximum security.
Principals/Supervisors are responsible for issuing door keys and maintaining an accurate up-to-date list
in the school office of all people who have been issued such keys. Principals/Supervisors are also
responsible for issuing other equipment necessary to provide building security as assigned
Principals/Supervisors are responsible for retrieving all keys provided to any employee under their
authority in the event the employee no longer becomes an employee of their building
No door key shall be duplicated
In the event a key becomes lost or stolen, charges may be made to the person to whom the key has
been issued
Any loss of keys shall be reported immediately to the principal and a safety services incident report
should be completed
Professional Dress
It is the intent of the Wichita Public Schools Professional Dress philosophies to ensure all personnel present
themselves to our students, parents, and public in a manner which enhances their professional position and/or
job assignment. The secondary intent of this professional dress is to ensure all personnel model for students
and staff the attire appropriate to success and provide a positive image for our educational community.
Any item of clothing, jewelry, or body adornment that in the opinion of the Superintendent or designee creates
a disruption to the environment and/or well-being of students and staff may be excluded. Where questions
arise concerning appropriateness of professional dress/attire, the building administration or supervisor will
make the final determination.
By enacting this professional dress policy, the Wichita Public Schools recognizes that there are occasions when
individuals may need to wear specific clothing due to medical reasons or as a part of a bona fide personal
religious practice. When such is the case, the personnel should provide documentation to his or her supervisor
of the medical necessity or his or her bona fide personal religious practice that gives rise to the need for
deviation for this professional dress policy.
Additional details of each employee group’s Professional Dress Philosophy made be found in the respective
Reference usd259.org > Human Resources > Employee Negotiated Agreements for Agreements between The
Board of Education and Service Employees International Union (SEIU), United Teachers of Wichita (UTW), and
Uniformed Security Officers and Security Dispatchers
Personnel File Review
Human Resources maintains a personnel file for each employee consisting of pre-employment documents,
employment documentation, disciplinary documents, and separation of employment documents as required by
HR guidelines. Employees have the right to review the content of their personnel file at their request. To do so,
please make an appointment with Human Resources at 973-4605. Photo identification will be required upon
arrival. A hard copy of your personnel file will be presented to you for review at the time of your appointment.
Personal photocopying, photography, and removal of any documents will not be permitted.
Employee Discounts
Many businesses offer discounts and special opportunities to the employees of the Wichita Public Schools as
their way of saying "thank you!" Staff may view a list of current discounts by logging into usd259.org and
visiting the Staff page.
Activity Passes:
Employees will simply show their District photo ID badge for a discounted ticket price of $3 to all Greater
Wichita Athletic League hosted contests (KSHSAA sponsored post season events are the exception). This benefit
will be extended to the spouses and minor children of employees that attend with them, though it is important
to note that the employee must have their employee badge present to receive the discounted price.
You can check for updates to the schedules, and find more detailed information about our league (including
standings, previous champions and more) by visiting https://www.usd259.org/athletics
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Athletics office at 316-973-4476.
Conflict of Interest/Personal Business/Solicitation
District employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may be defined as a conflict of interest and
detract from the effective performance of their duties. During the school day or on school property, no
employee will attempt to sell or influence any student or staff member to buy any product or service which
would directly or indirectly benefit the employee.
No school employee will enter into a contract with the District other than for employment unless the contract
is awarded on the basis of competitive bidding.
Solicitation, while at USD 259 buildings, is strictly prohibited (e.g.: Avon, Prime America, Mary Kay, etc.). This
also includes any type of recruiting of students for outside organization or programs. Unless permission is
granted by the appropriate supervisor, solicitation of employees by any vendor, student, school District
employee, or patron during normal duty hours is prohibited.
No employee will attempt, during the school day or on school property, to sell or influence any student or
school employee to buy any product, article, instrument, service, or other items which may directly or
indirectly benefit the school employee.
Any agent or business representative calling on school staff about school matters, such as textbooks,
publications of the school, class insignia, athletic equipment, music instruments, school equipment, school
supplies, building and custodial supplies, etc., will first obtain permission from the Superintendent or principal.
It is the duty of the school employee to determine if the representative has such permission. In general, an
employee will not interrupt class work to purchase anything for the school without expressed authorization
from the Superintendent or principal and shall be personally liable for payment of the bill and material so
ordered if prior approval has not been made. Contact the Purchasing Department for any questions or
Reference Policy 4035 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Outside Employment (Moonlighting)
Wichita Public Schools recognizes that some employees may need or want to hold additional jobs outside their
District employment (also known as “moonlighting”). Employees are permitted to engage in outside work or
hold other jobs, subject to certain restrictions based on reasonable business concerns.
Under no circumstances may a full-time employee (FTE equal to 1.0) be employed by another company in a
full-time capacity.
Additional part-time employment may not be performed on District time.
District employees must carefully consider the demands that additional work activity will create before
accepting outside employment. Outside employment will not be considered an excuse for poor job
performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel, or refusal to work overtime or different
hours. If outside work activity causes or contributes to job-related performance issues, the employee will be
asked to discontinue the outside employment, and the employee may be subject to the normal disciplinary
procedures as appropriate to performance issues.
Employees may not use District paid temporary leave to perform work for another employer. Additionally,
outside employment may impact your eligibility for leave benefits, including Short-Term Disability.
If an employee's outside employment presents a conflict of interest with Wichita Public Schools, as defined in
the Conflict of Interest Policy, or if such outside employment has any potential for negative impact on the
District, the employee will be asked to terminate the outside employment.
Fraudulent use of District temporary leave or an employee's refusal to comply with Wichita Public Schools'
reasonable request to terminate outside employment may result in immediate termination of employment.
Reference K.S.A. 72-2216 at ksrevisor.org/ksa.html
Distribution of Information
Materials from sources outside of the District may not be distributed on school grounds without prior
permission from the building principal. Examples of outside materials include, but are not limited to, political
materials, special interest materials, and advertisements. The principal shall determine the time, place, and
manner for materials distribution. Requests for affairs pertaining to political solicitations must receive
permission from the Government Affairs Office.
Technology Use
Wichita Public Schools recognizes the value of innovation, using new technology tools to enhance the learning
experience. The District encourages the use of technology to further learning objectives. However, the use of
technology for personal purposes or in a manner that detracts from the learning environment on District time
or on District equipment is prohibited. This applies to computers, networks, Internet, electronic mail (e-mail),
and personal electronic devices (e.g. cell phones, tablets, etc.) whether owned and provided by the District or
the personal property of the employee. It is the responsibility of the employee to follow District policies that
govern the appropriate use of such equipment.
Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, the following:
Texting or personal phone calls
Harassing, bullying, insulting, attacking, or threatening others
Accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing pornographic, obscene, derogatory, or sexually
explicit material
Violating any local, state, or federal law or statute
Gaining unauthorized access or invading the privacy of others
Reference Policies 1230 and 1230b at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Featuring Student Photos and Concealed Observations
The District encourages all staff to celebrate the accomplishments occurring in their schools. To best protect
the privacy of students and staff, Human Resources best practices recommends contacting the building
administrator or designee regarding any photography, public content, or social media posts. Compliance will be
ensured using the following guidelines:
Ensure you follow District opting out policies
Ensure you know who can’t be photographed
Special Education students must be opted IN by their parents if exceptionality will be identified
If you are unsure of a student’s status, don’t include them in the photograph
Understand FERPA
Photos should never be taken of students for personal reasons
Students are not to be videotaped, audio taped, or photographed by the use of concealed devices
without the prior approval of the Superintendent
Concealed observations of staff may be conducted upon approval of the Superintendent.
Reference Policy 1389 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
Political Campaign Guidelines
Wichita Public Schools (“WPS”) buildings and property are a non-public forum which may be used only for
purposes consistent with the educational mission of WPS. These guidelines permit limited access to and use of
WPS property solely for the civic and educational purposes described herein. These guidelines must be applied
impartially and without preference for candidate or party. WPS does not endorse the views of any candidate or
office holder subject to these guidelines.
Classroom Guidelines
Can candidates or incumbents speak to classes?
Engaging students in the political process lays the foundation for a lifetime of active citizen and community
involvement. Therefore, WPS welcomes elected officials and candidates for office who wish to visit schools for
an educational purpose that is related to our curriculum and the State’s civic engagement standards. It is
important to offer this opportunity on an equal basis to all in order to expose students to variety of political
points of view, thoughts, and ideals.
Can staff and students wear political buttons?
Staff and students may wear political buttons that are not disruptive and do not interfere with the educational
Can teachers display campaign signs or posters in their classrooms?
Individual teachers may display campaign signs or posters in their classrooms for educational purposes.
However, signs or posters must not to be used to encourage one political view over another.
Can students be involved in voter registration drives at school?
Yes. Students are very effective in encouraging their peers to register and to vote. Student-sponsored
registration tables at school events are a great way to help parents, staff, and students register to vote. Voter
registration information can be found at http://www.sedgwickcounty.org/elections/
Employee Involvement Guidelines
Can WPS employees participate in political campaigns and political advocacy?
Yes. WPS employees are free to exercise rights and fulfill responsibilities as a citizen by participating in political
activity, attending functions of political parties, belonging to the party of choice, seeking support in the
community on political issues, becoming a candidate for public office and holding such office. However, it is
important that employees remember that WPS cannot advocate for or against any political candidate.
Therefore, political advocacy by employees must occur after work hours and using only personal equipment.
Employees must not use WPS facilities or resources, including the inter-school mail, WPS e-mail, WPS mailing
lists, or WPS-provided office supplies, computers, telephones, or fax machines for political purposes, including
fundraising or soliciting voters. Employees who write opinion pieces, editorials, endorsement letters, or similar
works should take care to ensure that their audience understands that the employee is speaking in their
capacity as a private citizen, rather than an employee or representative of WPS. As an example, it is fine for an
employee to sign a letter or editorial by identifying themselves as a “teacher,” “educator,” or similar title;
however, employees should generally avoid specifics such as “4th Grade Teacher, Gardiner Elementary School,
USD 259.” WPS employees must take care not to allow political activity to compromise their professional
integrity, nor to pursue political activity under the guise of academic freedom. No WPS staff member may use
their contact with students to influence an election for public office or a partisan political election.
Building Guidelines
What if a candidate calls asking for a tour of our building?
WPS encourages candidates and incumbents to visit our buildings and meet administrators and faculty. Please
coordinate visits with the Director of Government Affairs.
Can schools promote voter registration?
Yes. Parent-teacher Conferences and open houses are opportunities to help our patrons and staff register to
vote. Efforts to promote voter registration should be coordinated through Office of Public Affairs.
Can candidates attend PTA, PTO, Booster Club, and Site Council meetings?
School Site Councils are governed by Board of Education Policy 2210. Elected officials and candidates who are
already members of a School Site Council may continue to participate in School Site Council meetings during
their candidacy or term of office. Non-member elected officials and candidates may be invited to attend School
Site Council meetings only to discuss education-related matters affecting WPS. PTO, PTA, and Booster Clubs
are independent organizations that are not a part of WPS in the same way as a School Site Council and are not
subject to the same limitations. PTO, PTA, and Booster Clubs may invite candidates or incumbents to attend
meetings and participate in discussions at those meetings.
Can a WPS employee distribute campaign materials at the WPS school or facility where they work?
Campaign materials may be distributed to adult employees of WPS as provided in Board Policy 2119. Any
employee who wishes to distribute political materials to other WPS employees should begin by informing their
building principal or administrator of the desire to do so, then proceed according to the principal’s guidance.
Note that political materials may be distributed only with principal or building administrator approval, and that
approval will not be granted for the distribution of materials which, in WPS administration’s discretion, are
disruptive or subversive to the mission of WPS or the education environment. Political materials may not be
distributed to students by staff nor posted in common areas, hallways, lounges, bathrooms, bulletin boards, or
similar venues. All political materials must identify their source; the distribution of anonymous and un-
attributed materials will not be authorized.
What should I do if yard signs are posted on the easement in front of the school?
Political signage placed on school property or on an easement in front of a school building or other WPS facility
should be immediately removed. Store the signage safely and contact the Director of Government Affairs.
Can candidates have photographs or videos taken of themselves on school property?
In order to be fair to all candidates, candidates should not take photographs or videos of themselves on school
property that they intend to use in their campaigns.
Opportunities to Give
Friendship Fund:
Wichita Public Schools is a large supporter of the United Way. The District has created the United Way
Friendship Fund which helps provide aid for USD 259 employees that are experiencing financial difficulty.
Through contributions, this fund has helped many employees. Please take a moment to consider supporting
your fellow teachers and support staff through the United Way Friendship Fund.
To apply, sign into usd259.org and visit Human Resources > Friendship Fund to complete the Employee
Temporary Assistance Form. Send the completed form to Student Support Services, Attention: Friendship Fund,
by mailing to Wichita Public Schools, 903 S Edgemoor, Wichita, KS 67218 or faxing 316-973-4492.
Education Edge:
In 2003, the Board of Education created Wichita Public Schools Gift Funds to provide support for classroom
mini-grants, athletics, and fine art activities. This unique partnership with the Wichita Community Foundation
allows all gifts received by the Education EDGE to be devoted to these three gift fund areas. Employees and
community members can show their support of teachers and students by contributing to the Education EDGE.
The foundation allows contributions to the Classroom Mini-Grant, Fine Arts, and/or Athletics Gift Funds. For
more information, please visit https://www.usd259.org/edge
Reference Policy 1785 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
A memorial is something that serves as a memory, usually of an event or a person. Popular forms of memorials
include landmark objects such as sculptures, statues, trees, or fountains. Memorials may also include
scholarships or other types of monetary contributions to a particular cause. Wichita Public Schools may accept
memorials as long as the individual, group, or entity donating the memorial funds the full cost of the memorial,
including any installation or set up fees. The Division Director of Facilities or designee is responsible for
approving the design and quality of work proposed for the memorial. The District reserves the right to remove
the memorial at any time. For more information, please contact Facilities at 316-973-2055.
General Donations
Campuses and the District may accept computer technology, equipment, materials, supplies, and/or money
donations, provided these items do not exceed $1,000.00 and do not require state and federal reporting. The
USD 259 Stategic Communications department is the single point of contact for all donated items, and they will
route the request to the appropriate District department for acceptance and the redistribution of small items,
large items, equipment, and computer technology.
What is considered a "Gift” or “Donation?"
An act or instance of presenting something (physical or monetary) as a gift, grant, or contribution
What governs gifts and donations?
K.S.A. 72-1142 allows school boards to accept gifts, donations, trusts, and legacies and to use those
gifts as close to the donor's wishes as possible. Many fund-raisers by school District patrons or
organizations are made and presented to the local board of education.
The local board of education is responsible for accepting gifts and if they do accept them, they must
use them as close to the donor's wishes as possible and place them in a separate board fund. Not a
school Activity Fund.
Reference Policies 1412 and 1310 at usd259.org > About WPS > BOE Policies
McKinney Vento
A program developed by the ESEA, designed to provide services to families to overcome the obstacles and
barriers so that their children and youth can be successful in school. If you or you know of anyone who is
temporarily living in any of the following situations due to economic hardship, eviction, or loss of housing they
may qualify for our services. These families do not have a regular nighttime residence of their own.
Families are temporarily:
doubled up living with a friend or relative
staying in a motel or hotel
living in an emergency, transitional or domestic violence shelter
living in a car, public place abandoned building or campground
For more information regarding the McKinney Vento program, please contact the McKinney-Vento Liaison at
cmartinez@usd259.net or 316-973-4670.
504 Rehabilitation: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is American legislation that guarantees certain
rights to people with disabilities. It was one of the first U.S. federal civil rights laws offering protection for
people with disabilities.
Academic Leadership Team (ALT): A group comprised of leaders from various levels and departments in the
District that organize, problem-solve, communicate, and collaborate to identify recommendations that align
strategies and resources to support the MTSS framework
Academic Life Skills (ALS): A program developed to assist students with disabilities of a psychosocial nature in
everyday life activities, such as purchasing groceries or reading road signs.
Adapted Physical Education (APE): A physical education instructional program for a learner with mild to
moderate disabilities providing the learner with the skills necessary for leisure, recreation, and sport
experiences to improve physical fitness and wellness
Administrator: Any person employed by the Board in an administrative capacity who is fulfilling duties for
which an administrator’s certificate is required.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID): A global nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the
achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities. AVID trains
educators to use proven practices in order to prepare students for success in high school, college, and a career,
especially students traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
Affirmative Action: Employment programs required by federal statutes and regulations designed to remedy
discriminatory practices in hiring minority group members.
Alvin E. Morris Administrative Center (AMAC): A non-attendance center where the day-to-day business of the
District takes place. Includes payroll, human resources and employee benefits, strategic communications,
curriculum, Superintendents, parent and community support, student records, etc.
American Federation of Labor-Congress Industrial (AFL-CIO): Formed in 1955 when the AFL and the CIO
merged. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFLCIO) is a national
trade union center and the largest federation of unions in the United States.
American Federation of Teachers (AFT): An American labor union that primarily represents teachers.
American Federation of Teachers-Kansas (AFT-Kansas): AFT-Kansas is the largest public employee union in the
State of Kansas. AFT-Kansas advocates on behalf of the members while providing support and resources to
each local. The American Federation of Teachers-Kansas believes in public service, social and economic justice,
and the democratic process.
Applied Academics: An approach to learning and teaching that focuses on how academic subjects
(communications, mathematics, science, and basic literacy) can apply to the real world. Further, applied
academics can be viewed as theoretical knowledge supporting practical applications.
Base Contract: The teacher’s basic contract for assigned services and for a designated number of contract days
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): A plan that uses positive intervention strategies to combat negative
behaviors based on the results of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)
Board of Education (BOE): Board of Education of Unified School District 259, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Campus Environment and Safety Services (CESS): A division within Wichita Public Schools who establishes
standards that promote a safe, environmentally sound learning environment that is conducive to student
Career and Technical Education (CTE): Career and Technical Education is a program of elective courses that
provides students with career-specific employment and technical skills.
Child Study Team (CST): The Child Study Team is a multidisciplinary team consisting of a school psychologist,
social worker, counselor, nurse, speech pathologist, and administrator. Other disciplines such as an
Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Audiologist, etc. may join the team when applicable. The role of the
Child Study Team is to problem solve around student performance (at both the group and individual student
level) in order to help students, teachers, and parents determine what interventions, accommodations, and/or
services are appropriate in order to help students progress in the general education curriculum.
Classroom Teacher: A teacher whose major professional responsibility is the instruction of students and with
whom students are based for student accounting purposes.
Clerical Professional Growth (CPG): The Board of Education and SEIU negotiate advancement for eligible
employees through the CPG. Clerical staff in full-time, benefited positions, with a minimum of 3 years clerical
experience with an educational institute, may be eligible for advancement consideration based of experience,
education, and in-service hours.
Continuous Growth Plan (CGP): An ongoing process to assure quality service and support through systems
review, growth plans, and staff development. The growth plan has four (4) parts, including:
a feedback loop
growth goals
focused staff support
personal support file
Contract Addendum: A teacher’s contract(s) for assigned services for contract days in an assignment which is
an extension of the duties assigned under the teacher’s base contract.
Contract Days: Those days during a professional year on which assignments can be made for which a teacher is
paid to work.
Contract Year: A year of time starting August 1 and ending the following July 31.
Council of Professional Learning (CPL): A representative group of local District certificated and classified
personnel who advise the local board of education in matters concerning the planning, development,
implementation and operation of the Inservice plan.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH):
Deaf: An individual with very little or no functional hearing and who often uses sign language to
Hard of Hearing: An individual who has a mild-to-moderate hearing loss who may communicate
through sign language, spoken language, or both.
Designee: A person selected or designated to carry out a duty or role.
Developmentally Delayed (DD): Developmentally Delayed is a deviation from average development in one or
more of the following developmental areas that special education and related services are required: Physical;
cognitive; adaptive behavior; communication; or social or emotional. The DD label enables teams to continue
serving students who have a suspected disability and to confidently attach 1 of the 13 categories under IDEA
(Individuals Disability Education Act).
District Leadership Team (DLT): A team of 13 veteran educators and community leaders join the
Superintendent as members of the District Leadership Team. Focused on serving students and schools, the
leadership team works to ensure that District resources are used strategically and effectively to support
student achievement.
District Translation Services: Multilingual Education Service administered service that includes on-site
interpretation for parents, students and school personnel, written translation for communication with parents,
and the Language Line.
Due process: When complaints are registered against an employee a process of investigation will be conducted
which is fair and gives the employee an opportunity to be heard.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA): Enacted in 1965, this act greatly expanded the influence of
the federal government in education and, most notably, developed Title I funding. The most recent
reauthorization of the act is No Child Left Behind which was passed in 2001.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER): Congress set aside approximately $13.2 billion of
the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund). Signed into
law on March 20, 2021, the Department awarded these grants -to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the
purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs), including charter schools that are LEAs, with emergency
relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary
schools across the Nation.
Emotionally Disturbed (ED): According to KSDE, a condition exhibiting one or more of the following
characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s educational
An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors
An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers
Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances
A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): A confidential benefit provided as part of the permanent employee
benefit package, with the tools, whether online or in person, to tackle life’s challenges, such as
Relationship challenges
Life-changing events
Legal or financial issues
Excessive worry or stress
Substance dependence
Workplace challenges
Employee Benefits & Insurance Management (EBIM): Handles District benefits, including the self-insured
health plan, wellness initiatives, flexible spending accounts, life insurance programs, KPERS retirement
program, worker’s compensation, short term disability, FMLA programs, and District property including
casualty and liability insurance matters. EBIM also contracts with a third party to administer the employee
assistance program (EAP), which provides free consultations to any District employee and their immediate
family for counseling services. If you need further assistance, please contact the Employee Benefits & Insurance
Management department at 973-4581 or employeebenefits@usd259.net
Employee Health Advisory Committee (EHAC): A committee of employees appointed by the appropriate
bargaining units whose purpose is to meet monthly in order to review the administration of the Board health
insurance for eligible employees and dependents, if any, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
exclusions of the plan as developed by the administration with the involvement of the bargaining units
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): English for Speakers of Other Languages is program that
serves over 9,500 WPS students. The program was developed to assist students learning the English language
(English Learners) develop linguistically, academically, and cognitively.
English Language Learner (ELL): Youth ages 3-21 learning English as a second, third, etc. language.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Wichita Public School provides equal employment opportunities to all
employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry,
disability, age, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender expression, or
genetic information. In addition to federal law requirements, Wichita Public School complies with applicable
state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment. These protections extend to all terms and
conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination,
layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.
Family Engagement (FE): Intentional efforts to involve a student’s family in his or her education. Wichita Public
Schools has an office dedicated to strengthening this relationship with the goal of increasing student
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): Free Appropriate Public Education is an educational right of children
with disabilities in the United States that is guaranteed by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act.
Full Time Equivalency (FTE): The ratio of the total number of paid hours during a period (part time, full time,
contracted) by the number of working hours in that period Mondays through Fridays.
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA): A comprehensive assessment used to help teachers determine the
when, where, how, and why problematic behavior occurs, using interviews, record reviews, observation, data
collection, graphing data collection, testing hypotheses, curriculum analysis, implementation of interventions,
and evaluation of effectiveness of the plan.
General Educational Development (GED): The Kansas Board of Regents will issue a high school diploma
equivalent to individuals who pass the General Education Development Exam. This is a comprehensive test that
assesses the following areas: Science, Social Studies, Math Analysis, and Reading Analysis. (AKA General
Educational Diploma)
Grievance: Any alleged violation or misapplication of a negotiated agreement
Hearing Impaired: An individual with any degree of hearing loss. The term may be offensive to many deaf and
hard-of-hearing individuals because they prefer not to be labeled "impaired" as people. They consider the
terms "deaf" and "hard of hearing" to be more positive.
History Geography and Social Studies Standards (HGSS): The History, Geography, and Social Studies Standards
(HGSS) is a set of five standards and corresponding benchmarks adopted by the Kansas Board of Regents. The
five standards are aimed to help a student become an informed and participative citizen. Student achievement
in this area is measured through standardized testing.
Human Resources (HR): The department that handles the recruitment, hiring and employment processing of all
certified, classified and administrative employees for the District. HR is also responsible for investigating
employee concerns, complaints and grievances.
Immediate Supervisor: The immediate supervisor of a teacher is the building base principal unless otherwise
designated by the teacher’s job description. In case of a grievance, the immediate supervisor shall be the
affected administrator.
Individual Education Plan (IEP): Individual Education Plans were developed and are required by the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act. It is a legally binding document that details the provisions a school will provide
to assist a child with disabilities in obtaining education.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): The Individuals with Disabilities Act was most recently
reauthorized in 2004 and regulates the provision education for eligible children, age infant through 21. The
purpose of the bill is to ensure free and public education (FAPE) is available and tailored to every child with
Information Services & Technology Department (IST): This department keeps District technology operating,
while helping staff integrate technology into their workplace.
Instructional Support (IS): A variety of teaching methods, educational services, and school resources provided
to students to help them succeed
Intellectual Disability (ID): An Intellectual Disability is defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
as below average cognitive ability and a significantly limited ability to perform daily activities. To be defined as
an intellectual disability, the disability must develop prior to the age of 18.
Interrelated (IR): A term that indicates an area of special education that works with mild to moderate
disabilities (also referred to as Adaptive or High-Incidence)
Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center (JFISC): District building home to Parents as Teachers, Teacher
Resource Center, the PANDO Initiative, Hearing Office, etc.
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC): A federal program sponsored by the United States Armed
Forces in high schools and some middle schools across the US and the US Military Bases across the world, to aid
in the instruction and development of leadership skills
Kansas Assessment Performance (KAP): Each spring, KAP releases reports that detail students’ performance on
that year’s summative assessments. Score reports are subject-specific, so students will receive one score report
for each summative assessment they took. Schools and Districts also have access to reports on their overall
Kansas College & Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) or (CCSS): Grade-level expectations that clearly define what
students should understand and be able to do in mathematics and English language arts, from kindergarten
through high school.
Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA): A yearly test taken by English Language Learner
students that covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Once students pass the assessment, they are
reclassified as proficient and exit ESOL services.
Kansas Learning Network (KLN): A KSDE-funded contract between Cross & Joftus, LLC (an education consulting
firm); the Kansas State Department of Education; and the local school Districts aimed at improving education
for all learners through implementing proven techniques.
Kansas National Education Association (KNEA): A professional organization that provides resources and
support to its members with the goal of improving education. Membership includes educators, administrators,
prospective and retired educators, and education support staff.
Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS): A defined benefit retirement plan in which all state
employees working over a specified number of hours per week are required to participate. The employee
contribution rate is defined by state law.
Kansas State Board of Education (KSBE): A council consisting of 10 elected members whose goal is to promote
student achievement through quality education.
Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE): A division of the state government set up to regulate all aspects
of education in the state of Kansas.
Language Line: A District service provided to assist families and school personnel with language translation
services from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Phone numbers are 316-866-8000 (Spanish), 316-
866-8003 (Vietnamese), and 316-866-8045 (for any Other language).
Learning Services (LS): A teaching technique in which students participate in a community service activity that
is clearly related to the academic objectives of a course and/or major field of study, allowing students to gain
relevant, hands-on experience while improving the quality of life of citizens in our region.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): As defined under IDEA, children who receive special education should
spend as much time as possible with peers who do not receive special education.
Library Media Services (LMS): A department that supports the District by providing textbooks, curriculum
materials, library books, teacher resources, Destiny Online Catalog technical support, and instructional support
for library staff in order to optimize student and staff learning.
Local Option Budget (LOB): Funds raised through locally approved taxes to support the school District where
those taxes are collected in order to allow school Districts to better personalize their District with extras and
additional programs approved by the local school board.
Migrant Education Program (MEP): A federal program to help migrant children access the same educational
opportunities as all other children. Through this MES administered program, services beyond other local and
federal programs are provided to students who qualify so that they can succeed academically.
Migrant students: MES service provided to students who have moved across school District boundaries in the
past 3 years in order to get work related to agriculture or meat processing. Migrant students are eligible for
services from ages 3 through 21.
Multilingual Education Services (MES): Serve and assist Wichita Public Schools' English Language Learners and
their families. The MES Center is the home of several Wichita Public Schools services, including:
The Newcomer Intake Center
Migrant Education Program (MEP)
Migrant students
Wichita Family Learning Program
District Translation Services
Language Line
Multiple Disabilities (MD): An individual who has more than one significant disability, such as movement
difficulties, sensory loss, and/or a behavior or emotional disorder.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS): A term used in Kansas to describe how schools provide support for
each child in their building to be successful and the processes and tools teachers use to make decisions.
MyLearningPlan (MLP): Also known as Frontline Professional Growth, MyLearningPlan is a web-based
application that centralizes, tracks, and maintains the District’s professional development activities. Certified
staff licensed by KSDE use the Professional Development Points from MLP to relicense. Classified staff in
eligible positions may use the Professional Development Points to move on the pay scale.
National Education Association (NEA): UTW works under the affiliation of the NEA, the nation's largest
professional employee organization, committed to advancing the cause of public education from pre-school to
university graduate programs.
Newcomer Intake Center: The central point of contact in the Wichita Public Schools MES for students and
families who are new to the District and have a language other than English in their backgrounds. English
language skills are tested so students are placed in the best program for their English proficiency and parents
receive assistance completing enrollment paperwork.
New Experienced Teachers (NETwork): Teachers who are new to teaching in Wichita Public Schools but are not
new to the teaching profession.
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): The K12 science content standards used by Wichita Public
New Teacher Induction (NTI): Housed at the JFISC, this department includes operations regarding New Staff
Orientation (NSO), the Peer Consultant Program, New Teacher Induction Training, New Teacher Induction
Training Year 2, NETwork Training, and Mentor Training
Nonteaching Professional Days: Those contract days for assigned services during which school is not in session.
Nonworking Days: Those days, Monday through Friday, interspersed between the first and last contract days of
the contract year on which an employee is not required to be on duty.
North Central Association (NCA): The organization (in conjunction with KSDE) by which Wichita Public Schools
is accredited.
Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA): An Act, established in 1970, to assure safe working conditions for
workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance
Orthopedically Impaired (OI): Anomalies that arise from birth defects, disease, or other causes
Other Health Impairment (OHI): A designation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that encompasses
disabilities that do not fall under another specified category
Parent Advisory Council-Title 1 (PAC): A two-parent team, along with a building administrator, that is created
to promote and develop effective education policy with special attention to the areas of curriculum, teaching
methods, staffing, staff evaluation, integration, planning, community involvement, home-school collaboration,
budgeting, and obtaining resources.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA): A building-based organization composed of parents, teachers, and staff
intended to provide resources/activities for the school, students, and parents.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO): A nationally recognized formal organization that is composed of parents,
teachers, and staff working together to benefit the school and the children being educated in the school
Parent Teacher Resources (PTR): Located at JFISC, an area where staff and members of the community create
and purchase a variety of educational materials for use in the workplace.
Parents as Teachers (PAT): An international early childhood parent education and family support program
serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5. PAT is voluntary, and
free of charge to families living within the Wichita Public Schools boundaries. The program is designed to give
children the best possible start in life, and to support parents in their role as children’s first and most important
teachers. Contact 316-973-5160 for more information.
Peer Consultant Program (PCP): A program that utilizes a team of mentors to provide support to first year
teachers as they transition from a college setting to classroom teaching.
Personnel Action Request (PAR): Serve as documentation regarding proposed and approved changes to
employment. The records of these submissions and approvals are tied to the employee’s personnel record and
are essential for any audits that we receive regarding our HR practices and approval structures (e.g.: checks-
Physical Capacity Profile (PCP): A pre-employment screening to measure if an employee has the strength and
fitness required for a specific position. PCP’s may also be used to determine if a current employee is ready to
return to their job and is fit-for-duty after recovering from an injury.
Positive Behavior Supports (PBS): Techniques or tools, such as CHAMPS or rewards, which are implemented to
reinforce and encourage good behavior in students.
Primary Care Physician (PCP): A doctor within the health insurance’s network designated for each covered
family member when enrolling in the District’s benefit package.
Problem Solving Process (PSP): The 4-step model used by the District to ensure that all buildings within the
Wichita Public Schools use a single problem solving model to integrate academic and behavior instruction and
Quality Performance Accreditation (QPA): A school-based model in Kansas, which relies on a combination of
the individual school’s performance on state assessments and its ability to meet Quality Assurance Criteria
School District, District, or School System: Unified School District 259, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
School Improvement Plan (SIP): A road map that lays out the changes a school needs to make to improve the
level of student achievement, showing how and when the changes will be made
School in Session or School Day: Those hours during which students are regularly required to attend classes.
School Resource Officer (SRO): A police officer employed by a local law enforcement agency who is assigned to
a District through an agreement between the local law enforcement agency and the District.
School Service Center (SSC): A non-attendance center where facilities staff maintain our buildings and
equipment; nutrition services staff prepare healthy school meals in the largest kitchen in Wichita; and
departments such as safety services, library media and textbook services, and transportation help keep the
school day running smoothly.
School Year: That period of time when school is in session as set forth in the school calendar adopted by the
Service Employees International Union (SEIU): This labor union represents almost 1.9 million workers in over
100 occupations in the United States and Canada, including classified employees of Wichita Public Schools.
Severance: Earned or accumulated compensation (e.g.: for unused leave) paid by Wichita Public Schools to an
eligible employee who separates service
Site Councils: A group of parents, community members, business representatives, teachers and other school
staff at each attendance center that identifies, considers, and discusses educational problems and issues at the
school. Councils provide advice and counsel for evaluating state, District, and school performance goals and
Site Technology Specialist (STS): A classified or certificated individuals identified by the principal at each
instructional to help be the first line of contact for staff for both training and troubleshooting.
Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD): A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in
understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen,
think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations. (Specific learning disability does not include
learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of
emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.)
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP): A trained professional who evaluates and treats students with
communication disabilities. The speech-language pathologist is licensed by the State of Kansas Department of
Health & Environment and holds a certificate from the Kansas State Board of Education.
Structured Learning: An environment that requires intensive supports and predictable and consistent routines
and structure throughout the school day to engage in learning activities with regards to communication, social
skills, academic tasks, and behavior management
Student Information Form: The form that is filled out by parents/guardians at enrollment or on-line during
enrollment. It lists the student’s name, parent name, and any emergency contacts (among other items).
Information contained on this form is critical and must remain up to date at all times. In the event of an
emergency, the school will use this form to contact an adult. For safety purposes, if a child needs to leave
school early for any reason, only persons listed as contacts on the PIF will be allowed to check a child out. If
changes need to be made, (new phone number, new emergency contact) in many cases, this can be done
online on ParentVue or over the phone by contacting the school office.
Student Information System (SIS): Is a reflective tool meant to be used to facilitate conversations about
improving academic performance
Superintendent: The Superintendent of Schools, as the chief executive officer and the chief administrative
officer of the school District, is responsible to the Board of Education for the leadership and management of all
aspects of the school District. The Superintendent oversees the District’s strategic plan, vision, and mission. The
superintendence consists of the administrative and supervisory structure which functions as the facilitating,
coordinating, and servicing team for all teaching-learning situations within the school system. In managing the
school District, the Superintendent delegates to certain staff members responsibility and authority for the
administration of various operational units.
Supplemental Contract: A teacher’s contract(s) for assigned and accepted services during hours that are in
addition to those paid for in the teacher’s base contract or in contract addendum(s).
Teacher: As defined by the UTW bargaining unit, those contract employees of the Board of Education in
positions which require a certificate/license issued by the state Board of Education or employed in a
professional, educational or instructional capacity by the Board of Education, including nurses, social workers
and High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) instructors, but shall not mean any such person
who is an administrative employee or administrative intern.
Teacher Employment Agreement (TEA): The negotiated agreement between the United Teachers of Wichita
(UTW) and the Board of Education (BOE).
Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD): An electronic device for text communication via a telephone line, used
when one or more of the parties has hearing or speech difficulties. A small screen displays typed text
electronically and the text is transmitted live, via telephone line, to a compatible device
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): An injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or
partial functional disability, a psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child’s educational
Unified School District (USD): A school District that generally includes and operates both primary
schools (kindergarten through middle school or junior high) and high schools (grades 912) under the same
District administration
United Teachers of Wichita (UTW): United Teachers of Wichita (UTW) is a solutions-driven union focused on
the learning conditions of our students while supporting the working conditions of our employees. UTW is the
largest local teacher union in Kansas and one of the first merged locals in the country. UTW is affiliated with
both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) at the national
level. At the state level, UTW is affiliated with the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) and AFT-
Kansas. This dual affiliation provides UTW members double the benefits as compared to non-merged locals.
UTW members, as advocates for quality public schools, lobby the Kansas Legislature and the State Board of
Education to ensure strong, pro-public education policies/laws are enacted. In order to keep the best
educators, UTW leaders and members negotiate with the USD 259 Board of Education for competitive salaries,
benefits, and working conditions. Members of UTW have full access to the UTW website which provides
instructional resources and links to our social media. Only UTW members receive a copy of the Teachers
Employment Agreement (contract). Our national affiliates, AFT and NEA, also keep members informed on
current trends in public education as well as challenges and successes of colleagues across the country through
publications and expansive websites. 150 S. Ida | Wichita, KS 67211 | 316-262-5171 | [email protected]
Visually Impaired (VI): A visual impairment that requires dependence on tactile and auditory media for
learning; a chronic condition that exists which interferes with the visual learning mode; ocular motor deficiency
(e.g., muscle imbalance); or any other vision condition that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s
educational performance
Wichita Association of Educational Office Professionals (WAEOP): The Wichita, KS branch of the National
Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP), which primarily operates in the Professional
Organizations business / industry within the Membership Organizations sector.
Wichita Association of Elementary School Principals (WAESP): the Wichita, KS branch of the Kansas
Association of Elementary School Principals, which is committed to providing professional development to
Elementary principals at all points in their career
Wichita Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP): The Wichita, KS branch of the Kansas Association
of Secondary School Principals, which is committed to providing professional development to Secondary
principals at all points in their career
Wichita Association of Technical-Supervisory Personnel (WATSP): The Wichita, KS branch of the ATSP, an
employee organization, established in 1974, that serves the Technical and Supervisory Employees of the Food
Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Wichita Family Learning Program: A MES administered program that provides a variety of free adult ESOL
classes across the District specifically for parents and adult family members of students in ESOL or Title I
programs. Contact 316-866-8029 for more information.
If you have a suggestion for an addition or update to the Employee Handbook, please contact:
Human Resources
(316) 973-4605