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is at the
core of
who we are.
Code of Conduct
October 2023
We are
We have work because our customers value
our high-quality communications services.
We deliver superior customer experiences through our products and our actions.
Everything we do we build on a strong network, systems and process foundation.
The quality and reliability of the products we deliver are paramount. Customers
pay us to provide them with services that they can rely on.
We focus outward on the customer, not inward.
We make it easy for customers to do business with us, by listening, anticipating and
responding to their needs. We know our products and can explain them to customers.
We focus on fundamental execution. We are accountable and we follow through with
a sense of urgency. We know that having the highest ethical standards is a competitive
We know teamwork enables us to serve
our customers better and faster.
We embrace diversity and personal development not only because it’s the right
thing to do, but also because it’s smart business. We are driven not by ego but by
accomplishments. We keep our commitments to each other and our customers. Our
word is our contract. We respect and trust one another, communicating openly, candidly
and directly since any other way is unfair and a waste of time. We voice our opinion and
exercise constructive dissent, and then rally around the agreed-upon action with our full
support. Any one of us can deliver a view or idea to anyone else, and listen to and value
another’s view regardless of title or level. Ideas live and die on their merits rather than
where they were invented.
We believe integrity is at the core of who we are.
It establishes the trust that is critical to the relationships we have. We are committed
to do the right thing and follow sound business practices in dealing with our customers,
suppliers, owners and competitors. Our competitors are not enemies; they are
challengers who drive us to improve. We are good corporate citizens and share our
success with the community to make the world in which we work better than it was
We know that bigness is not our strength,
best is our strength.
Bureaucracy is an enemy. We fight every day to stay “small” and keep bureaucracy
out. We are more agile than companies a fraction of our size, because we act fast and
take risks every day. We see crisis and change as opportunities, not threats. We run to
a crisis, not away. Change energizes us. We work hard, take action and take personal
accountability for getting things done. Our actions produce measurable results.
Everything we do is built on the strong foundation
of our corporate values.
We work 24x7 because our customers depend on us 24x7. We know our best
was good for today. Tomorrow we’ll do better.
A letter
from Hans
Hello V Team,
Trust and transparency are the bedrock of any business. At Verizon, we conduct our
work at the highest level of operational excellence with integrity and accountability as
core values baked into the very fabric of our culture and Credo.
Guiding our operations, processes and behaviors is a Code of Conduct that reinforces
how we must manage our relationships and business. It provides a framework to gauge
when we need to seek guidance on ethical dilemmas and what to do when faced with
compliance concerns. Most of all, it’s a moral compass that lifts up our Purpose so that
we can continue to move the world forward.
Everyone has a role to play in making sure we hold ourselves to the highest ethical
standards and integrity in our work. At times, that may mean making some tough
decisions, but to remain at the forefront of the industry means we lead by example with
our values guiding us forward.
Please review our Code of Conduct and seek guidance if you have any questions or
concerns. Being part of the V Team means we have the honor of serving our customers
and communities who trust us and are counting on us to do right by them. It’s important
to not only understand our values but put them into practice by living them every day.
Together, we will continue to grow and elevate our standards to make our company even
greater than it is today. And we will do it the right way — the V Team way.
Table of
Introduction 6
Where to report 6
Cooperation with investigations 7
Section 1
A respectful, safe and professional workplace 8
A respectful and inclusive workplace 9
Commitment to diversity 9
Discrimination and harassment 9
A safe and healthy workplace 10
Workplace safety and environment 10
Workplace violence 10
Drugs and alcohol 11
Misconduct outside the workplace 11
A professional workplace 12
Solicitation and fundraising 12
Gambling 12
Employee privacy 12
Monitoring and recording at work 12
Section 2
Integrity and fairness in the workplace 14
Conflicts of interest 15
Personal conflicts of interest 15
Outside employment 16
Outside activities 16
Political interactions and contributions 17
Seeking public oce 17
Insider trading and securities transactions 17
Outside financial interests 18
Loans 18
Section 3
Protecting Verizon’s assets and reputation 19
Preparing, disclosing and maintaining accurate records 20
Promoting transparent and complete disclosure 20
Safeguarding company information 21
Acquiring other parties’ non-public information 21
Intellectual property 21
Gathering information about competitors 22
Protecting company communication
and information systems 22
Proper use of Verizon resources 22
Security of facilities 23
External communications 23
5 Verizon Code of Conduct Table of contents
Section 4
Integrity and fairness in the marketplace 24
Relationships with customers 25
Customer privacy 25
Customer marketing 25
Selling with integrity 26
Relationships with business providers and partners 26
Relationships with competitors 26
Relationships with former employees 27
Gifts and entertainment 27
Gifts 28
Entertainment 28
Bribery, anticorruption and government ethics 29
Anti-money laundering laws 29
International relationships 29
Locating oces or receiving
services outside the US 30
Compliance with sanctions
and anti-boycott laws 30
Import/export compliance 30
Sources of help 31
Quick references 31
We are defined by our values: integrity, respect, performance excellence, accountability,
and social responsibility. These values should guide us in how we deal with every problem
at work, large and small. The Code of Conduct gives us detailed guidance about how to
apply Verizons values to specific issues and challenges that arise in our jobs. It reflects
our changing business environment and has been approved by the Verizon Board of
You must follow the law, the Code of Conduct, and all Verizon policies and guidelines.
You can’t violate any of these rules for any reason, even if you are instructed to do so by
a supervisor. Violations of this Code, or any other Verizon policy, can lead to discipline up
to and including termination of employment.
But following the Code of Conduct is just a starting point. We’re all expected to help
maintain and promote the culture of integrity that is one of Verizons greatest competitive
advantages. A critical part of maintaining a culture of integrity is making sure that each
of us asks questions and raises concerns. If you do this, you can help the company spot
issues before they turn into problems. Reporting misconduct or ethics concerns isn’t just
an option – it’s each employees responsibility. You must report suspected misconduct
and violations of the Code.
Employees in supervisory roles have a special duty to set the right example. Supervisors
must promote an open door culture in which employees are comfortable speaking
their mind. Verizon prohibits retaliation against employees for submitting complaints or
cooperating with investigations, and anyone engaging in retaliation is subject to discipline,
up to and including termination of employment. If you believe that you or anyone else is
the subject of retaliation for reporting misconduct or cooperating with an investigation,
you must report it to the Legal Department, Verizon Ethics, or Human Resources.
If your local laws conflict with the Code of Conduct or your business unit has more
restrictive policies or practices, you must comply with the local law or the unit’s policy
or practice.
Where to report
You have an array of resources to assist you should you have any concerns or questions
about how the Code applies to a particular issue. Verizon Ethics is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week at 844-894-8433, verizonethics.com, or ethics@verizon.com. You
can make anonymous reports to Verizon Ethics, and you can contact Verizon Ethics
either to report misconduct or just to ask a question about the Code of Conduct
or company policy. A complete list of available resources is available at the end of the
Code of Conduct.
You must immediately report any instance of violence, hostile behavior, or possession of
weapons on company property to Security and a supervisor. In cases of imminent danger,
My manager is directing me to violate
the expense policy. I am concerned
that she will retaliate against me if
I report her. What do I do?
You should report the manager’s
misconduct. Retaliation against
employees who report concerns
is strictly prohibited, and if you have
concerns about retaliation, you must
report those as well. In addition,
you have the option of making an
anonymous report to Verizon Ethics.
you should contact 911 or local law enforcement first, and then contact
Security at 800-997-3287 (US) or 972-615-4343 (International).
You must report any concerns or questions you have about the accuracy or integrity of
Verizons financial statements, reporting, accounting, internal accounting controls, or
auditing matters to Verizon Ethics.
Cooperation with investigations
You must cooperate completely in any investigation. You must be honest and forthcoming
at all times during an investigation, and you must provide any investigator with full,
accurate, timely, and truthful information. Misrepresenting facts or failing to disclose
facts during an investigation is strictly prohibited. You can’t interfere with or obstruct
an investigation conducted by the company or by any government agency.
You are required to comply with this Code as a condition of continued employment. This
Code may be changed by the company at any time, except pursuant to any applicable
collective bargaining obligations, without notice to you. Except where applicable law
provides otherwise, employment with Verizon is “at will,” which means that you or Verizon
may terminate your employment, at any time, with or without cause, with or without
notice, for any reason not prohibited by law, unless governed by a collective bargaining
agreement or specific contract of employment. Any at will employment relationship may
not be modified except in a written agreement signed by an authorized Verizon ocer.
I work in a store, and a police ocer
came into the store to demand
records about a customer. What
should I do?
You should refer any requests from law
enforcement to Security or the Legal
Department immediately. Additional
information about the handling of
external requests is available on page
23 and contact information for Security
and the Legal Department is available
at the end of the Code of Conduct.
7Verizon Code of Conduct Introduction
Verizon Code of Conduct A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
A respectful,
safe and
We are committed to a safe, healthy, and professional work environment in which
each of us is treated with respect and given the opportunity to achieve performance
A respectful and inclusive workplace
As a Verizon employee, you are expected to treat customers, fellow employees,
and vendors with respect, dignity, honesty, fairness, and integrity at all times.
Not only is this sound business practice, it’s also the right thing to do.
Commitment to diversity
An inclusive workplace is key to our success and we will win in the marketplace by
attracting, retaining, and developing a highly qualified, dedicated, and diverse workforce.
Our commitment to inclusiveness extends beyond our workplace. Verizon seeks to do
business with diverse suppliers and vendors. And we refuse to use facilities, sponsor
events, or maintain memberships at organizations that have exclusionary membership
Discrimination and harassment
We are committed to maintaining a workplace free from illegal discrimination
or harassment, including sexual harassment or harassment based on any other
legally protected category.
We respect and comply with all laws providing equal opportunity to individuals without
regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity
and expression, genetic information, national origin, disability, marital status, citizenship
status, veteran status, military service status, union activity or membership status, and
any other protected category under applicable law.
Unlawful harassment comes in many forms and includes conduct or language that
creates a hostile or oensive work environment. It can be physical, verbal, or visual.
For example, sexual harassment may include inappropriate touching, unwelcome
romantic advances, lewd gestures, or the display of obscene material. Other forms
of harassment may include racist comments, ethnic slurs, religious stereotypes,
or homophobic jokes.
A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
We do not tolerate such behavior. If you are subjected to or observe unlawful
harassment, you should report it to your supervisor (if appropriate), Human Resources,
Verizon Ethics, or the Legal Department, and, if you are comfortable doing so, confront
the perceived harasser and ask that they stop. Supervisors who become aware of
harassment concerns must report the issue.
A safe and healthy workplace
We share a responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and for doing
business in a way that meets our responsibilities to each other, our customers, and
the public.
Workplace safety and environment
We are committed to providing a safe workplace and to meeting our environmental
responsibilities. We have implemented an environmental, health, and safety (EHS)
management system, and provide the resources and governance needed to meet
our commitments and continuously improve performance.
That means that each of us must perform our jobs in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner and in compliance with Verizon programs and the law. Supervisors
must ensure that direct reports are trained in the safety and environmental practices
of their jobs, report potential noncompliance, and investigate all EHS concerns of which
they become aware.
You must report a work-related crash or injury; a hazard or incident; or a violation of an
environmental, health, or safety law or company policy to your Supervisor or the EHS
hotline at 800-386-9639. You should also contact the EHS hotline if you need advice
on EHS compliance, a regulator visits your worksite or asks to schedule an inspection,
or you believe an unsafe condition or environmental issue is not being properly
Workplace violence
We are committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from violence
and weapons, or threatening, hostile, or abusive behavior.
You must never engage in violent or threatening behavior toward fellow employees,
customers, or business partners.
We maintain a weapons-free workplace. Under no circumstances should anyone possess
or use any weapon or weapon component (e.g., ammunition) on company property, in
a company vehicle, or while conducting company business. Unless expressly permitted
by local law, this includes weapons stored in a locked personal vehicle on company
property. The only exceptions to the above requirements are authorized Verizon Security
Corporate Protection Operations programs that have been approved in advance by the
Chief Security Ocer, with the concurrence of the Chief Compliance Ocer.
It is critical that you take personal responsibility for immediately reporting any instance
of violence, threats, hostile behavior, or weapon possession on company property to
Security and your supervisor. In cases of imminent danger, you should immediately notify
local law enforcement (e.g., 911 or other applicable local emergency service number).
A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Domestic violence
Domestic violence can also have an impact on workplace safety. If you are the victim of
domestic violence, you should notify the police and Security about any person who may
be threatening your safety or the safety of fellow employees. You can also contact your
HR Business Partner and the Employee Assistance Program for help.
Forced labor and slavery
Verizon does not tolerate forced labor, slavery, or human tracking in any form, and will
not knowingly work with any supplier or contractor who engages in such practices. In
addition, Verizon does not tolerate child labor and adheres to minimum age laws in all
places where we conduct operations.
Drugs and alcohol
Substance abuse is incompatible with workplace health and safety.
You may not report to work under the influence of alcohol, an illegal drug, or any
controlled substance for which you do not have a prescription. If you are taking
prescription medication that may aect your perception or responsiveness, you must
notify your supervisor and Human Resources. Never operate a vehicle or machinery
while in an impaired state.
You must not use or possess illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia while on company
property, in a company vehicle, or when on company time. You should not possess
or use controlled substances or prescription drugs that have not been prescribed
to you by a physician.
Marijuana is an illegal drug under U.S. federal law. Even if you work in a jurisdiction that
has legalized marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, you may not report to
work under the influence of marijuana, or use or possess marijuana while on company
property, in a company vehicle, or when on company time.
Possession and use of alcohol are prohibited on company property, while in Verizon
vehicles, and when conducting company business. There are limited exceptions
to this prohibition:
• alcohol may be served at social functions on company premises, but only
with prior approval from a vice president level (or above) leader;
• alcohol may be consumed if it is served at an external event at which you
are representing Verizon (e.g., a business dinner or cocktail reception).
In such cases, consumption of alcohol must be voluntary, in moderation, and
in a manner that does not embarrass the company.
A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Misconduct outside the workplace
Each of us must avoid any misconduct o the job that could impair our ability
to do our jobs or aect the companys reputation or business interests.
Accordingly, you must promptly report to Verizon Ethics any arrest, charge,
or conviction for:
• a felony (or equivalent under local law);
• an oense involving dishonesty, assault, or battery;
• a drug-related oense;
• an alcohol-related oense relating to conduct while on company property
or business or that may otherwise aect your ability to perform your job,
or aect the company’s business interests; or
• any other oense which may aect your ability to perform your job
or otherwise aect the company’s business interests.
A professional workplace
We are committed to maintaining a professional, productive work environment.
Solicitation and fundraising
You may not engage in solicitation or fundraising during work time (defined as the work
time of either the employee making or receiving the solicitation), and you may not engage
in the distribution of nonbusiness literature during work time or in company work areas.
Further, you may not use company resources to solicit or distribute at any time. Non-
employees may not engage in solicitation, fundraising, or the distribution of literature
on company property.
There are limited exceptions to this policy:
• company pre-approved communications relating to employee benefits or services;
• communications about charitable initiatives undertaken with the approval of the
Corporate Social Responsibility Team;
• political activities undertaken on the companys behalf in coordination with the
Public Policy and Legal Department; or
• activities conducted pursuant to the Employee Resource Group (ERG) Guidelines.
Gambling is illegal in many jurisdictions and can contribute to an unprofessional
workplace. You may not gamble (online or oine) on company property, when using
company systems, or while conducting company business. You may not participate in
games of chance (including sports pools, raes, or lotteries) on company property, when
using company systems, or while conducting company business without written approval
from Verizon Ethics.
A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Employee privacy
You must take appropriate steps to protect confidential personal employee information,
including social security numbers, identification numbers, passwords, bank account
information, and medical information. You should never access or obtain, and may not
disclose outside of Verizon, another employees personal information obtained from
Verizon business records or systems unless you are acting for legitimate business
purposes and in accordance with applicable laws, legal process, and company policies,
including obtaining any approvals necessary under those policies.
Monitoring and recording at work
To maintain a safe and professional work environment, Verizon monitors employee
use of company property, consistent with applicable law. Monitoring applies to
company facilities and vehicles. Such monitoring also applies to company-provided
communications devices, our networks and computer systems (including corporate
email, encrypted and unencrypted internet access, and any application, such as
web-based email, accessed from company provided devices and systems).
In cases involving safety or suspected misconduct (for example, investigating claims
of sexual harassment, workplace violence, or suspected theft), the company reserves
the right to monitor or inspect, without notice, any company property or any personal
property on company premises that may contain evidence of misconduct, consistent
with applicable law or any local data privacy notice. With respect to company provided
or paid for communications devices or accounts, the company may, as permitted by
law or any local data privacy notice, access any stored information (whether on the
device, our servers or with a third-party) that may contain evidence of misconduct, and
employees are required to cooperate, including by providing access to the information,
when requested by the Legal Department or its designee, or Security.
Unless you are participating in an approved observation program or have obtained prior
approval from Security or the Legal Department, subject to applicable law or any local
data privacy notice, you may not record (photo, video, or audio) an employee (while
the employee is at work or engaged in business activities), a customer, partner,
or competitor without that individual’s knowledge and consent, or access another
employees information systems or business records without that employees
knowledge and consent.
A respectful, safe and
professional workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct Integrity and fairness
in the workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Integrity and
fairness in the
Our company’s reputation is based on the actions of its employees. Each of us must
act with integrity and respect at all times.
Conflicts of interest
You must avoid any relationships or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair,
your ability to make objective and fair decisions when performing your job. When acting
on behalf of the company, you must advance the company’s legitimate interests when
the opportunity to do so arises. If you identify a situation where the companys interests
are being harmed, you must report the matter to Verizon Ethics.
You must never use Verizon property or information for personal gain or take personal
advantage of any opportunity that arises in your work for Verizon.
You must disclose any potential or actual conflict to Verizon Ethics as soon as you
become aware of it.
Personal conflicts of interest
Certain types of personal relationships can create actual or apparent conflicts
of interest both internally at Verizon and in our interactions with third parties. Never use
your position at the company to improperly advance your personal interests or those of a
friend or relative.
Internally, you may not supervise – directly or indirectly – someone with whom you share
a close personal relationship, such as anyone in your family or household, or someone
with whom you have or had a romantic relationship or other similar relationship. Even if a
family member or romantic partner is not in your reporting chain, if you interact with such
a person as part of your Verizon work responsibilities, you must avoid any actions at work
that could create even the appearance of a conflict of interest. If you are uncertain about
what interactions are appropriate, you must contact Verizon Ethics.
Externally, you may not participate in the selection process for, have discretionary
authority involving Verizons business with, or supervise Verizon’s relationship with,
a company that does business with Verizon if it employs someone with whom you
have a close personal relationship or is a company with which you have a business
relationship. Exceptions to this restriction are extremely limited and require the
approval of Verizon Ethics.
Integrity and fairness
in the workplace.
I am a Vice President and one of
my reports disclosed a personal
conflict of interest to me. I promptly
implemented controls to minimize the
risk. Is that sucient?
No. All conflicts and potential conflicts
of interest must be cleared by Verizon
I work with several vendors and
wanted to introduce them to my
college-age daughter, who is looking
for a summer internship. She’s very
qualified, and would be a tremendous
asset to any of the vendors. Can I ask
the vendors to meet with her about an
If you work with a vendor, asking that
vendor for personal favors is generally
prohibited. Here, it is not okay to ask
the vendor to consider one of your
relatives for a position, even a summer
internship. The request could create
the appearance of favoritism and place
inappropriate pressure on the vendor.
Verizon Code of Conduct
If a family member or person with whom you have a close personal relationship
is employed by an entity that does business with Verizon, you cannot interact
with that individual about business between Verizon and the outside entity.
Outside employment
You may not—with or without compensation—be self-employed or employed by,
consult with, own, perform services for, or aid:
• a company or organization (including a charitable organization) that is a vendor,
supplier, partner, contractor, subcontractor, or competitor of Verizon; or
• a company that provides services that are provided by Verizon, or that Verizon
is seeking to provide.
Outside work must not interfere with your work for Verizon or have any connection to the
company (for example, soliciting coworkers for business or investments). This limitation
also applies to simultaneous employment by Verizon and its subsidiaries, aliates, and
joint ventures in which the company maintains an ownership interest. Exceptions to the
requirements of the previous paragraph may be granted only upon written approval by
Verizon Ethics.
Unless you receive the prior written approval of your supervisor and Human Resources,
you may not engage in any outside employment or self-employment or perform any
commercially-related services—with or without compensation—while absent from work
on any company-approved leave of absence, absence due to sickness or disability,
Family Medical Leave, or comparable leave provided for by applicable law.
Outside activities
When employees participate in outside activities, Verizon draws a distinction between
personal activities (not representing Verizon) and service on behalf of the company
(representing Verizon). Many employees, in their personal capacities, participate in
outside civic and charitable activities by serving as trustees or members of various
community organizations such as local not-for-profits, religious institutions, parent
teacher associations, or homeowners’ associations. If a matter regarding Verizons
services or products arises when performing such outside civic or charitable activities,
you must remove yourself from discussing or voting on the matter or on any matter
that involves the interests of Verizon or its competitors to avoid conflicts of interest,
such as whether your organization should select Verizon phone service, or purchase a
competitor’s products rather than Verizons. Participation in outside civic or charitable
activities should not interfere with your work for Verizon. To the extent your participation
infringes on company time or involves the use of Verizon resources, your supervisors
approval is required.
Service in an outside organization on behalf of Verizon means that you are expected
to represent Verizon’s interests when participating in the organization’s activities. Prior
to serving as a representative of Verizon with any outside organization, you must obtain
the prior approval of Verizon Ethics and your vice president level supervisor.
Special approval requirements apply when seeking to serve on any outside company’s
Board of Directors:
• Service on the Board of Directors of a public corporation must be approved in
advance by both Verizon Ethics and your organizations executive vice president.
• Service on the Board of Directors of a non-public corporation must be approved
in advance by Verizon Ethics.
How do I find out if the company
where I have a second job is providing
services that are also provided by
Verizon provides a wide array of
products and services. Many are
obvious, including telephone, internet,
and television service. However, Verizon
provides many other services, and if
you think there is any chance that an
outside employer might be operating
in the same space as Verizon, you must
contact Verizon Ethics for guidance.
My supervisor knows that I have a side
job designing apps for mobile devices.
Do I have to let anyone else know?
A “side hustle” related to the field in
which you work for Verizon, or involving
any product or service in which Verizon
might be active, must be approved by
Verizon Ethics.
Integrity and fairness
in the workplace.
I have been asked to participate in
an investor expert network as a tech
industry professional. This expert
network does research to assist
investors. If I do not reveal any
confidential Verizon information, can I
Employees and executives are generally
prohibited from participating in expert
networks for investors due to insider
trading concerns. You should consult
with Verizon Ethics regarding this
Verizon Code of Conduct
Political interactions and contributions
The company encourages us to participate in the political process and each of us is
responsible for ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations relating to interactions
with government ocials, including laws governing campaign finance, government
ethics, and lobbying. In addition, all lobbying activities on behalf of the company must be
authorized by the Public Policy and Legal Department.
If you are appearing before a government body or engaging in contact with a public
ocial outside of your ordinary work duties regarding a business in which Verizon is
engaged or a business issue in which Verizon has an interest, make it clear that you
are not representing Verizon and advise your supervisor in advance.
Your personal political contributions and activities must be kept separate from the
company. If you make political contributions, you may not refer to your employment
or use the company’s assets, including its name, in connection with your contributions,
unless required to do so by law. You may not make payments of corporate contributions,
whether monetary or non-monetary assets, to any domestic or foreign political party,
candidate, campaign, or public ocial unless that contribution is permitted under
applicable laws inside and outside the U.S., and approved in advance by the Public Policy
and Legal Department. In addition, you may never reimburse anyone for any political
Verizon and its subsidiaries administer Political Action Committees (PACs) that accept
contributions from employees who wish to support Verizons goals through the political
process. Your personal contributions to these PACs are entirely voluntary.
Seeking public oce
Before you seek any elected or appointed public oce, including a local position,
such as school board, you must obtain the approval of your director level or above
supervisor and Verizon Ethics.
Insider trading and securities transactions
Insider trading occurs when a person trades in a company’s securities using material
inside information—that is, information that is not publicly available and that could
reasonably aect a persons decision about whether to buy or sell the securities.
It also occurs when a person gives material inside information to someone else who
trades on it. Insider trading is a serious violation of the law and can result in severe
penalties, including imprisonment.
As a Verizon employee, you may become aware of material inside information about
Verizon or other companies with which Verizon does business. You must never use
material inside information (even if you acquired it as a “tip” from others) to trade in
Verizons or any other company’s securities, including options and other derivative
securities. In addition, you may not provide material inside information to any other
person, including members of your family or your friends, or assist any other person
in trading using material inside information.
Integrity and fairness
in the workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
The rules that relate to insider trading are complex. If you are not sure whether these
restrictions apply to you, you should consult the Legal Department before making any
decision to trade in a security, or before you disclose any information to another person.
As a general rule, non-public information concerning a companys business, financial
prospects, major transactions, regulatory or legal matters, significant cybersecurity
incidents, or management issues, is often considered “material.”
In addition, you may never engage in any transaction that permits you to benefit from
the devaluation of Verizon’s stock, bonds, or other securities, including engaging in
short selling or buying “put” options on Verizon stock. You also may not participate
in transactions in the stock or other securities of business providers or prospective
business providers that could influence, or appear to influence, your business judgment
on behalf of Verizon.
Outside financial interests
You may not transact any business in a company’s securities or derivatives of those
securities if you conduct or supervise Verizon business with that company.
If you have a pre-existing stock interest in a company and your position at Verizon
requires you to conduct or supervise business with this company, you must disclose
your ownership interest to a vice president level or above supervisor. You may not trade
in that company’s securities without advance approval from the Legal Department.
You may not take a significant financial interest in a company that is a business provider
or that competes with or is in one of the same lines of business as Verizon. A significant
financial interest is any financial interest that is more than US$100,000 and that
represents either (1) more than 25% of your annual gross income or (2) more than 1%
of the value of the other company. If any investment appreciates over time so that it
creates an actual or apparent conflict of interest, it should be brought to the attention
of the Legal Department.
Personal loans from the company to any executive ocer (as defined by securities
law) are unlawful and strictly prohibited. Personal loans from the company to any other
employee must be approved in writing in advance by the Legal Department or under an
approved Verizon program. Loans greater than US$25 between employees in a direct
or indirect reporting relationship are prohibited.
Can I purchase stock in a company
that is a vendor on a project I am
working on?
If you are working with that vendor, you
cannot purchase stock in that company.
Integrity and fairness
in the workplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct Protecting Verizons
assets and reputation.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Verizon’s assets
and reputation.
We are all accountable for protecting the company’s assets and reputation.
Preparing, disclosing, and maintaining
accurate records
We are committed to maintaining and providing truthful information that satisfies all legal
requirements. We do not tolerate the falsification or improper alteration of records.
You must create and maintain true and accurate records. If you identify any mistakes
or discrepancies, no matter how small, you must try to resolve them immediately, and
you must promptly notify your supervisor.
You may never direct anyone to create or approve a false or misleading record,
or intentionally take any action that helps to create a false or misleading record,
such as withholding information from someone preparing a record.
Company records must be retained according to applicable laws and Verizons Records
Management Policy. You may never destroy, alter, or conceal any record if you have been
directed to retain it or if you know – or reasonably believe there is a possibility – of any
litigation or any internal or external investigation concerning that record.
If you believe a record was intentionally falsified or created to be misleading, or if anyone
directed you to violate any section of this policy, you must immediately contact Verizon
Promoting transparent and complete disclosure
Our investors and shareholders are key to our success and we are committed to
transparency in financial reporting. All disclosures made in financial reports and
in public communications must be full, fair, accurate, and understandable.
You may not selectively disclose (even in one-on-one or small meetings) any material
information regarding the company. You should be particularly careful not to disclose
such information if you make presentations to customers, business providers, investors,
or other third parties.
I am required to track and record
the time I spend working each
week. I sometimes fail to properly
record half-days as vacation days or
personal time, but it is not a common
occurrence. Is this a big deal?
Yes. Failure to accurately record your
time is a violation of the Code and could
result in discipline up to and including
termination of employment.
Protecting Verizons
assets and reputation.
Verizon Code of Conduct
We use auditors to ensure the accuracy of our reporting. You must cooperate with
auditors and provide them with complete, accurate, and timely information, and you
must never improperly influence or mislead any auditor.
Safeguarding company information
Our business depends on protecting its proprietary, non-public, and confidential
information, as well as the information others entrust to us as part of our business.
Examples of such information include: “inside information” that could lead someone to
buy or sell Verizon stock, marketing presentations, or copyrighted materials. You must
comply with all company policies regarding the protection of Verizons information. You
may not release non-public company financial information to the public or third parties
unless specifically authorized by Verizons Controller.
You may not release other non-public company information to the public, third parties,
or internet forums (including blogs or chat rooms) unless you are specifically authorized
to do so by a vice president level or above supervisor, and the Legal Department. You
may only disclose non-public company information to employees who have demonstrated
a legitimate, business-related need for the information.
Your obligation to safeguard Verizon information continues even after your employment
at the company has ended, and you may never disclose or use non-public company
information absent Verizons specific written authorization.
Acquiring other parties’ non-public information
You cannot accept or use non-public information belonging to a third party (including
information from a former employer) unless the person disclosing the information is
authorized to do so, Verizon has the owner’s written permission to receive it, and the
information is provided according to a written agreement approved in advance by your
supervisor and the Legal Department.
Intellectual property
Our intellectual property is a valuable asset and must be protected by everyone. Similarly,
you must respect the proprietary rights of others by complying with all applicable laws
and agreements, including those with business providers, competitors, and customers.
You must not acquire the intellectual property of others through unlawful or inappropriate
means. You may not copy, use, or share copyrighted materials unless you obtain the
specific, written, prior consent of the owner, or unless such use is permitted under
applicable law as determined by the Legal Department.
If you have entered into any agreement with a prior employer with respect to intellectual
property, non-competition, non-solicitation, or non-disclosure, you are required to
disclose such an agreement to your supervisor.
A customer shared a competitor’s
pricing in connection with a pending
bid because the customer wants to
make it clear that there is a certain
“price to beat.” Can I use this
No. This information is almost certainly
proprietary and the customer may
not be authorized to share it with
Verizon. You should contact the Legal
Department, preserve the email, and
do not take further action until directed
by Legal.
A competitor’s pricing information
was posted on a blog. It’s marked
“confidential.” Can I use it?
If you have reason to believe the
blogger wasn’t authorized to post the
information and that it is non-public,
contact the Legal Department to
receive guidance before using it.
In connection with a pending
transaction, a partner sent me
confidential information. A properly
approved NDA is in place. Can
I accept the information?
Yes, you can accept confidential
information pursuant to a properly
approved NDA.
Protecting Verizons
assets and reputation.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Gathering information about competitors
Gathering information about competitors is a common business practice, but you must
always do so with integrity. You must always accurately represent yourself and may never
misrepresent your identity when gathering information. You are also required to direct
that all consultants and agents with whom you work on behalf of Verizon do the same.
You may generally obtain information from public sources, industry gatherings, surveys,
and competitive research, but it is never acceptable to obtain or request non-public
information from any source, including the internet. It is never appropriate to engage in
theft, espionage, or breach of a competitor’s non-disclosure agreement. If information
you receive is marked private or marked in such a way as to indicate it is private, absent
an appropriate confidentiality agreement, do not use it and contact the Legal
Department for guidance.
Protecting company communication
and information systems
Verizons communication and information systems, including all company computers
and mobile devices, are critical to the companys operation. You must protect company
information from accidental or unauthorized disclosure. You must also protect the
security of user IDs and passwords for all company systems and devices. Additionally,
you must also comply with all company policies relating to the use of computer hardware
and software on company systems, and the acquisition, use, and disposition of data on
company systems. Only approved software and hardware may be used on company
systems, and such media must have a legitimate business purpose and be malware free.
You may not use company systems, such as email or instant messaging, to engage in
activities that are illegal, violate company policy, or could result in Verizons liability or
reputational harm. Some examples of improper uses of company systems include:
• pornographic, obscene, oensive, harassing or discriminatory content;
• unauthorized mass distributions; and
• communications on behalf of commercial ventures.
You may make limited personal use of company systems, so long as it does not interfere
with your work responsibilities, incur costs, or otherwise violate the Code or Verizon
policy. You may not send non-public company information to personal email unless you
are authorized to do so by a supervisor and comply with company policies regarding
Proper use of Verizon resources
You are required to protect Verizon’s resources, as well as property belonging to
customers, business providers, and co-workers. All company resources must be used
appropriately, and never for personal gain. Company property cannot be taken, sold,
loaned, intentionally damaged, given away, or otherwise disposed of, regardless of its
condition or value, without specific authorization.
Protecting Verizons
assets and reputation.
Verizon Code of Conduct
You are never permitted to use Verizon equipment or vehicles for personal purposes,
or any device or system to obtain unauthorized free or discounted service.
Verizon benefits plans and programs must be used honestly. You are not permitted
to misrepresent any fact regarding your health status, covered members, beneficiaries,
or any other facts, including reasons for absence, for any purpose.
Security of facilities
To ensure a safe work environment and the integrity of the company’s facilities,
you must take all appropriate precautions to protect Verizon’s systems and premises.
Do not leave visitors unescorted or sensitive areas unattended or unlocked. When on
company property and conducting company business, wear your identification badge
and request identification from others you do not recognize. You must report all
suspicious activity to Security.
External communications
Unless you receive prior approval from both your supervisor and Corporate Public
Relations, when presenting your personal views in public or at professional, community,
and other events, you may never suggest you are speaking on behalf of the company.
External requests and inquiries seeking information from the company must be directed
to the appropriate organizations:
• Media Relations is responsible for contact with the news media and inquiries
about community relations.
• Investor Relations handles communications related to the company’s financial
performance and all contacts with the financial community.
• Human Resources handles inquiries regarding current and former employees,
including employment verification.
• Public Policy, and Legal and Security Departments handle contacts from
outside attorneys, law enforcement, legislative bodies, and regulatory agencies.
This includes responses to subpoenas, court orders, and inquiries from law
enforcement, including requests to access Verizon facilities. You may never confirm
or deny the existence, or discuss the substance, of any subpoena, warrant or court
order, and must immediately refer any such inquiries or requests to Security or the
Legal Department. If you receive any legal documents relating to Verizon, you must
immediately forward them to the Legal Department.
Verizon generally does not make company-sponsored endorsements or provide
testimonials. You may not use Verizons name, nor may you make any endorsement,
without the explicit approval of the Legal Department and Brand Management.
If I am using my personal social media
account on my personal time, does
the Code of Conduct apply?
Yes, portions of this Code of Conduct
still apply to your personal use of social
media. For example, if you identify
Verizon as your employer and post a
racist comment or encourage acts of
violence on your social media pages,
such behavior may constitute prohibited
o-duty misconduct.
Can I post an online review of a
Verizon product that I purchased
in my individual capacity?
Yes, but you must always tell the truth
and you must disclose your employment
relationship with the company.
Where can I get more information
about the company’s policies on
social media?
More information can be found
on vzweb.verizon.com/
Protecting Verizons
assets and reputation.
Verizon Code of Conduct Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Integrity and
fairness in the
Our relationships with customers, suppliers, and society are fundamental to our
commercial success and are a critical part of our social responsibility. Each of us
must ensure that our interactions outside the company are based on integrity and
respect for internationally recognized human rights.
Relationships with customers
Customer privacy
We are all responsible for protecting customers’ privacy. You must only obtain, use,
or share customer information for legitimate business purposes.
Verizons privacy policies describe the information the company collects from and about
customers and website visitors and how that information may be used and shared. The
privacy policies also explain the choices customers have about certain uses and sharing
of that information. You must respect these choices.
You must not, and must not permit others to access, listen to, monitor, record, tamper
with, or disclose any customer communication, except as required by the duties of your
position to comply with a valid service or installation order, to comply with a valid legal
order or law, or for the limited purpose of quality monitoring and training, or as approved
by the Legal Department.
You must also protect customer information. That means you may not access, view, use,
modify or share customer information without a proper business reason. You also may
not access account information concerning yourself, or your friends, acquaintances,
family, or coworkers without prior approval from your supervisor.
Verizon contractors and business partners also must protect customer information.
Before sharing any customer information with a third party, ensure that a written
agreement that protects customer information is in place.
If you are aware of or suspect unauthorized access to, disclosure of, or loss of customer
information, you must report it immediately to the Legal Department or Verizon Ethics.
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Verizon’s privacy policies may be
found at verizon.com/about/privacy/
privacy-policy-summary. The Privacy
Oce can assist with any questions
or concerns.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Customer marketing
You must follow all company policies and applicable laws before using any customer’s
information to market to the customer, including marketing for additional products
and services. When customers are also telecommunications carriers or resellers of
telecommunications services, you may not use their subscriber information, orders,
or services to aid in Verizon’s retail marketing or sales eorts.
Selling with integrity
You may never deceive customers, and you must fully, clearly, and directly inform
customers of the terms and conditions of our services:
• All advertising and sales materials must be truthful and accurate. All claims must
be substantiated in advance with a factual basis and backup. No advertising
or sales materials should be released without Legal Department approval.
• When selling to Verizon’s customers, never disparage or misrepresent the
company’s products or services.
• When advertising the price of Verizons products and services, the customer
must be clearly informed of all material terms and restrictions for obtaining the
advertised rate in marketing and promotional materials. There should be no
hidden charges.
• All rules regarding sales and promotions must be followed without exception.
• Promote Verizons products and services by focusing on their strength, quality,
reputation, and where appropriate, through fair and accurate comparisons with
our competitors. You should not disparage competitors, or make misleading or
inaccurate comparisons with competitors’ products and services.
• Report to the Legal Department any loopholes or flaws in promotions or oers
that allow customers or the company to be harmed.
Relationships with business
providers and partners
You must use good judgment when selecting and maintaining relationships with
all of Verizons business providers and partners. Employees who select, supervise,
and work with business providers must:
• use a selection process that is fair, lawful, does not improperly discriminate,
and complies with all company policies;
• ensure that business providers and partners are apprised of their obligation
to abide by all applicable Verizon policies, including the Verizon Supplier Code
of Conduct;
• put all agreements in writing and obtain all required approvals for agreements; and
• protect the confidential information of business providers and partners.
Relationships with competitors
We depend upon a fair marketplace for our success. Accordingly, we will never seek
to eliminate or reduce competition through illegal agreements with competitors. To
safeguard against this risk, you may not enter into agreements with competitors without
advance approval from the Legal Department. When thinking about what companies
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
could be competitors, take a broad view and, if in doubt, contact the Legal Department
prior to making any agreement.
You must avoid agreements that could violate antitrust and competition laws such as
fixing prices, dividing markets or products, rigging bids, or boycotting particular suppliers
or customers. Explicit agreements, informal “gentlemen’s agreements,” and even a
“wink and a nod” are against the law and can result in criminal penalties for Verizon
or you personally.
When interacting with competitors externally – including at trade association activities
or in informal settings – do not discuss Verizons pricing, terms, or marketing plans.
Relationships with former employees
Your obligation to follow the company’s standards continues even after your employment
at Verizon ends:
• When leaving or retiring, you must return all Verizon property, including all records
and equipment. You can’t use or disclose Verizons non-public information in any
subsequent employment, unless you receive written permission in advance from
a Verizon vice president level employee and the Legal Department.
• You may not provide any Verizon non-public information to former employees
unless properly authorized. If a former employee solicits non-public information
from you, you must immediately notify Security or the Legal Department.
• You may not rehire a former employee or engage a former employee as an
independent contractor or a contract worker, whether engaged through a stang
company or other third-party vendor, unless the former employee has been
separated from the company for six months. In extremely limited circumstances,
the Executive Vice President for Human Resources may, in writing prior to the
engagement, and upon a finding of a compelling reason, approve the rehire of
a former employee or the engagement of a former employee as an independent
contractor or a contract worker, as described above, within six months of that
person’s separation.
• You may not receive services or purchase products from a former employee
on behalf of Verizon unless the former employee has been separated from the
company for six months. Verizon Ethics may, upon finding of a compelling reason,
approve such interactions on Verizons behalf with a former employee within six
months of that person’s separation. When a former employee has been separated
from Verizon for more than six months, you must obtain authorization from your
supervisor before purchasing products or receiving services from the former
Gifts and entertainment
Gifts and entertainment can be part of promoting a successful working relationship
with our business partners and customers. However, if you fail to follow the rules
relating to gifts and entertainment, it can damage our relationships, harm our reputation,
and expose the company to legal risk.
No gift or entertainment can be exchanged if (a) it might create the appearance
of undue influence, unfairness or impropriety, (b) it is intended to improperly influence
another person’s business judgment, or (c) you are participating in, conducting,
or directly supervising a formal Verizon procurement process.
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
My colleague left Verizon last month
to work for one of our vendors where
he is working on Verizon matters. Can
I interact with the former employee
regarding Verizon business?
It depends. When a former employee
has left Verizon, depending on the role
he plays at his new employer, there may
be restrictions on Verizon employees
ability to immediately interact with
the person. You should reach out to
Verizon Ethics to discuss the individual
Verizon Code of Conduct
If you receive or want to oer a gift or entertainment that is outside of Code standards,
you must contact Verizon Ethics for guidance.
Moreover, you may never use your own funds to circumvent our rules regarding gifts
and entertainment, and you must ensure that all gifts and entertainment are accurately
reflected in Verizons books and records, including expense reports. Our rules regarding
gifts and entertainment can apply to your family and individuals with whom you have
a close personal relationship when those individuals receive gifts and entertainment
because of your position at Verizon.
A gift is anything of value, including promotional trinkets, food, beverages, and event
tickets, that you give or receive. To be permissible, a gift must comply with all applicable
laws and be:
• not cash or usable as cash (including gift cards unless they have been approved
as part of an authorized Verizon program and by the Legal Department); and
• no more than US$150 in value in a calendar year to or from the same organization,
unless approved by a director level supervisor and Verizon Ethics.
You must receive approval from Verizon Ethics before oering or accepting any gifts
of travel or lodging.
Entertainment is any meal or event you attend with a customer or business provider.
If you do not attend an event with a customer or business provider, the tickets to the
event are considered a gift, not entertainment. To be permissible, entertainment must
comply with all applicable laws and be:
• attended by both a Verizon employee and a business provider’s employee,
and be an occasion where business is discussed;
• no more than US$250 in value per occasion, per person, unless approved
by a director level supervisor and Verizon Ethics; and
• at a venue and conducted in a manner that does not violate other provisions
of the Code or harm the Company’s reputation (e.g., attending an event at an
adult entertainment venue).
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Bribery, anticorruption and
government ethics
We win business fairly. And we maintain strict policies against bribery and corruption,
which apply to all of us regardless of the country in which we work. Compliance with
these policies is critically important, regardless of what the customs might be in a
particular country. In addition, Verizon employees must comply with all anti-bribery
and anti-corruption laws applicable in any jurisdiction in which we operate.
You must not oer or pay a bribe to anyone, and you must never receive or solicit a bribe
from anyone. If you are ever oered a bribe by anyone, you must report it to the Legal
Department immediately.
You must obtain Legal Department approval before oering any gifts, entertainment,
meals, or anything else of value to any government ocial, whether they are based inside
or outside of the United States. You must also obtain Legal Department approval before
entering into personal business with a government ocial as a consultant on behalf
of Verizon (for example, hiring a government ocial or entering into a joint venture
or partnership with a government ocial).
You may never make payments to any third party you suspect may be passed on
to government ocials or otherwise used to improperly influence anyone’s decision
making to obtain business or other benefits for Verizon. Whenever you retain any agents
or consultants in connection with our global business, you must verify that there are
adequate controls to prevent funds provided to those agents from being used to make
improper payments.
You must ensure that Verizon and any agents or consultants hired to represent Verizon
properly document all transactions and maintain accurate records regarding all
payments, including amounts, recipients, and purpose of payments.
If you have questions about any anti-corruption or anti-bribery related issue, contact
the Legal Department immediately.
Anti-money laundering laws
Money laundering is an attempt to hide or disguise the proceeds of criminal activity
through a series of otherwise legitimate business transactions. Be sure products and
services are reviewed before release to determine if any features could be susceptible
to money laundering. We prohibit knowingly engaging in transactions that facilitate
money laundering or result in unlawful diversion.
International relationships
We must follow the law, wherever we do business. If you find that there is a conflict
between applicable law and the Code or Verizon policy, you should comply with the
law and seek further guidance from the Legal Department.
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Who counts as a “government
Legal definitions of “government ocial”
can vary. For the purpose of complying
with company policy, you should take
the broadest possible view of who is
a government ocial. This includes all
elected and appointed ocials and any
employee of any government entity,
at any level, including national, state,
provincial, local, or municipal level.
It also includes ocials and employees
associated with quasi-governmental
entities and state-owned companies.
If you’re in doubt as to whether
someone should be treated as a
government ocial, contact the Legal
Department for assistance.
In conjunction with an international
deal I am working on, a government
ocial has asked Verizon to pay a
“processing fee” to expedite clearing
customs. What should I do?
“Expediting” or “facilitating” payments
are unlawful in many circumstances
and are generally prohibited at Verizon.
You must immediately notify the Legal
Department about any requests to pay
what you believe may be an expediting
or facilitating payment.
Verizon Code of Conduct
Locating oces or receiving services
outside the United States
If you are considering (a) locating a project, group, or any Verizon activity outside the
United States, or (b) obtaining services from employees or external providers located
outside the United States (including call center services or IT services), you must contact
the Legal Department in advance to obtain guidance regarding the policies that apply.
Compliance with sanctions and anti-boycott laws
Sanctions laws (including embargoes and boycotts) restrict or prohibit business activities
with targeted countries, governments, entities, organizations, and individuals. The United
Nations and many countries, including the United States and European Union member
countries, maintain lists of sanctioned parties that include persons involved in terrorism,
money laundering, drug tracking activities, or human rights abuses. Often, it is unlawful
to engage in business with the listed entity or entities that are owned or controlled by the
listed entity. You must check with the Legal Department before conducting business in
or with sanctioned countries and governments or with listed parties.
Not all countries agree on sanctions and boycotts. From time to time, a country may
prohibit Verizon from complying with another country’s sanctions and/or boycott laws.
For example, U.S. laws prohibit or penalize compliance with the Arab League’s boycott
of Israel, and EU laws restrict compliance with certain extraterritorial U.S. sanctions. You
must contact the Legal Department if a sanctions or boycott law appears to conflict with
the laws of another country.
Import/export compliance
International trade laws regulate where Verizon can send or receive its products
and services. These laws are complex, and apply to:
• imports and exports of goods and software from or into any country; and
• exports of technical data.
What constitutes “export” or “import” under the law is broad. Examples include:
• sending goods or software from one country to another;
• permitting the download of software by someone in another country;
• exposing or allowing access by non-U.S. persons to U.S. technical information,
regardless of what country the exposure occurs in; and
• transporting technical data or software on your phone or laptop, or transporting
tools or equipment in your luggage when traveling to another country.
Before engaging in export or import activities, you must obtain approval from the Legal
Department or Verizons Import Export Compliance group. Be aware that the laws of
more than one country may apply. Know the end use and end user of our transactions,
and the requirements regarding customs clearances and payment of duties and taris.
Integrity and fairness
in the marketplace.
Where can I get more detail about
export rules?
Go here for more information about
export and import laws.
Which countries are covered by
sanctions laws?
Check with the Legal Department for
specific guidance, but the U.S. maintains
broad prohibitions on dealings with
countries such as Cuba, Iran, North
Korea, and Syria.
In connection with an RFP, a potential
customer asked if Verizon does
business with Israel. What should I do?
You must contact the Legal Department
if you receive any request relating to
Verizons relationships with Israel or
blacklisted companies or a request
regarding anyone’s race, religion,
gender, national origin, or nationality.
of help
Verizon provides many resources to help you make ethical decisions. In addition to your
supervisor, you may consult with Human Resources, the Legal Department or call
Verizon Ethics.
Verizons VZWeb (intranet), vzweb2.verizon.com, contains expansive helpful contact
and subject matter information. In addition, please reference the chart below for
some important resources.
Quick reference chart
Resource Phone number
Verizon Ethics
844.894.8433 US
International dialing
Human Resources
Consult website
Security (US)
Global Corporate Security Operations
Consult website
Verizon Compliance
Consult website
Internal Audit
844.894.8433 US
International dialing
Privacy Oce
Consult website
32 Verizon Code of Conduct Sources of help
Resource Phone number
Environment, Health & Safety
800.386.9639 US
+1.800.386.9639 International
Export Control Compliance
Consult website
Public Policy, Law & Security
Consult website
Subpoenas & Court Orders
Media Relations
Consult website
Investor Relations
Consult website
Corporate Responsibility
(including Verizon Foundation)
Consult website
Employee Assistance Program
website US
website International
888.441.8674 US
Consult website International
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