Notice of Breach of Contract
[Form of notice, e.g., Registered Mail (or) Certified Mail]
[Name of recipient – breaching party]
[Street address]
[City, State, Zip]
Attention: [Name of individual or department, e.g., General Counsel, Legal Department, President]
Re: [name of subject contract] dated [date] between [name of party] and [name of party]
Notice of Breach
Dear [name]:
Please be advised that [name of breaching party] is in breach of the [name (or description) of agreement] dated
[date] between [name of party sending the notice] and [name of breaching party] (the “Agreement).
[Name of breaching party] is in breach of the Agreement based upon [provide sufficient description of the
breach, e.g., its failure to deliver to us the 1000 units by June 1, 2016, as required in Section 4 of the
Agreement; failed to timely pay our invoice #1234 dated June 1, 2016; etc.].
[Name of party sending the notice] therefore demands [description of action or relief being sought based upon
the subject breach, e.g., that [name of breaching party] cure the aforementioned breach within [number of days
for cure provided by the agreement, e.g., thirty (30) days], on or before [date cure period expires].
The Agreement shall be terminated immediately and automatically upon the expiration of this notice period
unless the breach has been timely cured by [name of breaching party], [if provided for in the subject agreement,
add: without further notice or action by [name of party sending the notice]. Termination shall be in addition to
any other remedies that may be available to [name of party sending the notice].
Very truly yours,
[title], [name of party sending the notice]
End of Document