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ONIXEDIT Converter
ONIXEDIT Converter
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Table of contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3
System requirements .......................................................................................... 4
Registration and Trial mode ................................................................................ 4
Configuration and Operation ............................................................................... 7
EULA ................................................................................................................ 9
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Welcome to Onixedit Converter Ó
ONIXEDIT Converter is the perfect companion tool of ONIXEDIT. Its sole purpose is to
automate books and ebooks' metadata conversion between ONIX files and flat files (Excel,
CSV, tabulated or fixed length).
With ONIXEDIT Pro and with ONIXEDIT regular edition (including the import/export option),
you can create import/export scripts defining what is the corresponding ONIX tag for each
column of the flat file. Consequently, the import/export script is the recipe allowing
ONIXEDIT to know how to convert, for example, an Excel file into an ONIX file or an ONIX
file into Excel.
The ONIXEDIT Import/Export tool with a Sample script defined
Once an import or export script is created, you must select the source/destination file and
click on the "Convert" button to get the result. This is, then, a manual process.
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ONIXEDIT Converter allows you to automatically apply an import or export script to a "hot
folder" where files to process are dropped without any human intervention.
As an example, if you receive ONIX files from your clients or partners and you want to
import some critical information to your legacy system that is able to read a simple
tabulated file, you can create an export script using ONIXEDIT to retrieve the data you are
looking for and generate a tabulated file with it. Then you can introduce ONIXEDIT
Converter to your processing workflow of metadata files. The ONIX files will be uploaded
by your partners to a specific folder (via FTP or other transmission method) and ONIXEDIT
Converter will automatically convert it, applying your export script, and save the resulting
tabulated file to a destination folder. Then, your legacy system will be able to take over and
will process the new generated file.
ONIXEDIT Converter can process ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 files from and to flat files
providing that you define the corresponding ONIXEDIT import or export scripts. Moreover,
ONIXEDIT Converter is able to deal with very huge metadata files and does not need to
load it completely in memory to process it. Consequently, you can operate it on a regular
Windows station (see System requirements for details). ONIXEDIT Converter can also
convert ONIX 2.1 files into ONIX 3.0.
System requirements
ONIXEDIT Converter must be purchased as an option of one of the following licenses:
· ONIXEDIT Regular Edition with the import/export option
It is not mandatory to install ONIXEDIT Converter on the same PC as ONIXEDIT.
ONIXEDIT Converter requires one of the following operating systems with Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.7 or higher installed:
· Microsoft Windows 10
· Microsoft Windows 8.1
· Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
· Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64)
· Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (x64)
· Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
· Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (x64)
· Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (x64)
ONIXEDIT Converter requires a computer with 2 cores @ 2GHz or higher with at least
4096 MB of RAM.
Also, ONIXEDIT Converter requires Internet access for registration or updating of the user
Registration and Trial mode
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When you launch ONIXEDIT Converter for the first time, the following registration window
will appear:
To register your copy of ONIXEDIT Converter, you must have a valid ONIXEDIT Pro license
with ONIXEDIT Converter option or a valid ONIXEDIT Regular edition with the
import/export and ONIXEDIT Converter options. If you don't have ONIXEDIT or if you didn't
ask for the requested options, you can get them easily from our Website After login, just go in "My Account/Upgrade and Renew" section and
click on "Buy ONIXEDIT" if you don't have it or "Add other services" if you have ONIXEDIT
without the required options.
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Once you have all the required options, all you have to do is register ONIXEDIT Converter
using the same email and serial number as the one received by email after you bought
Trial mode
You can also launch ONIXEDIT Converter in trial mode. To do so, you just have to click on
the Trial button without having to enter your email and serial number:
When launched in trial mode, ONIXEDIT Converter will work for 10 minutes and will close
automatically after this deadline. You can start it again as many times as you want.
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Configuration and Operation
ONIXEDIT Converter is pre-set to allow you to test it quickly. After installing it, you will find,
in your Documents folder, a folder named "ONIXEDIT Converter" containing all the required
sub-folders and sample import/export scripts. At first launch, you will see a configuration
similar to the following screen capture:
You can leave it that way or change the location of each folder following your needs.
ONIXEDIT Converter will remember your settings next time you will launch it.
The first folder, ONIXEDIT Scripts Folder, is where you will place your ONIXEDIT
import/export scripts. You can copy as many import/export scripts (2.1 or 3.0) as you want
in that folder. ONIXEDIT Converter will choose those to apply, based on the metadata files
that you will drop in the Input folder. You can also organize the scripts folder in sub-folders.
Using sub-folders allows you to decide which import/export script to apply. Each sub-folder
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must be paired with a corresponding sub-folder having the same name in the Input folder.
The second folder is the Input Folder. It is where you or an automated process will place
the metadata files to convert. This folder is usually empty.
The Output Folder is where the files converted by ONIXEDIT Converter will be generated
when a metadata file will be dropped in the Input folder. If you drop an ONIX file (2.1 or 3.0),
you will get, as a result, a flat file (CSV, tabulated, fixed length or Excel) based on the type
of import/export scripts you have placed in the ONIXEDIT Scripts folder. The resulting flat
file will be placed in a folder having the same name as the import/export script
corresponding to the ONIX file you dropped. An ONIX 2.1 file will be converted using a
import/export script made for ONIX 2.1 files. As well, an ONIX 3.0 file will be converted
using a import/export script made for ONIX 3.0 files. If no such import/export script exists,
the source file will be moved to the Error folder with a text file describing the error.
If a flat file is dropped in the Input folder (or sub-folders), it will be converted using each
ONIXEDIT import/export script provided from the corresponding scripts folder or sub-
folder. That is, if you provide 2.1 and 3.0 scripts, you will get, as a result, an ONIX 2.1 file
and an ONIX 3.0 file, providing that the flat file dropped is compatible with the scripts.
Otherwise, it will be moved to the error folder.
Other options:
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Under the folders settings, you will find 4 other options:
Check option #1 to automatically convert ONIX 2.1 into ONIX 3.0 files using our generic
embedded translator.
Check option #2 to delete files dropped in Input folder after processing. By default, the
input file is moved to the Output folder.
Check option #3 if you want to generate Excel 2003 files. By default, Excel files produced
are compatible with Excel 2007 and beyond.
Check option #4 if you want to have your resulting files split into smaller files when
processing large metadata files.
Starting the Converter
Once everything is set, just click on the Start button and let ONIXEDIT Converter do the job
for you. If something goes wrong, a notice will appear in the message box and ONIXEDIT
Converter will stop automatically:
If everything is OK, you will see "Waiting for files..." in the message box. This means that
ONIXEDIT Converter is ready to work.
ONIXEDIT, ONIXEDIT Pro, ONIXEDIT Converter and ONIXEDIT Server Edition are
protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual
property laws and treaties. Those SOFTWARE PRODUCTS are licensed, not sold.
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End User License Agreement
This End User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an
individual or a single entity) and ONIXEDIT with regard to the copyrighted Software (herein
referred to as "SOFTWARE PRODUCT" or "SOFTWARE") provided with this EULA. The
SOFTWARE PRODUCT includes computer software, the associated media, any printed
materials, and any "online" or electronic documentation. Use of any software and related
documentation ("Software") provided to you by ONIXEDIT in whatever form or media, will
constitute your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with the terms of this EULA,
do not install, copy or use the Software. By installing, copying or otherwise using the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not
agree to the terms of this EULA, ONIXEDIT is unwilling to license the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT to you.
1. Eligible Licensees. This Software is available for license solely to SOFTWARE owners,
with no right of duplication or further distribution, licensing, or sub-licensing. IF YOU DO
2. License Grant. ONIXEDIT grants to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive
right to use the copy of the Software provided with this EULA. You agree you will not copy
the Software except as necessary to use it on a single computer. You agree that you may
not copy the written materials accompanying the Software. Modifying, translating, renting,
copying, transferring or assigning all or part of the Software, or any rights granted
hereunder, to any other persons and removing any proprietary notices, labels or marks
from the Software is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, you hereby agree not to create
derivative works based on the Software. You may not transfer this Software.
3. Maximum installation and personal use. ONIXEDIT authorizes you to install the copy of
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT provided with this user agreement on a maximum of 3
different computers and to register it with the unique serial number that you have obtained
from ONIXEDIT for your own personal use. You are not authorized to install the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT and register it with your serial number on a computer that is not
used by you. You agree that each person to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT must have
their own serial number.
4. Copyright. The Software is licensed, not sold. You acknowledge that no title to the
intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title
and full ownership rights to the Software will remain the exclusive property of ONIXEDIT
and/or its suppliers, and you will not acquire any rights to the Software, except as expressly
set forth above. All copies of the Software will contain the same proprietary notices as
contained in or on the Software. All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video,
audio, music, text and "applets," incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the
accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, are
owned by ONIXEDIT or its suppliers. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by
copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may not copy the printed materials
accompanying the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
5. Reverse Engineering. You agree that you will not attempt, and if you are a corporation,
you will use your best efforts to prevent your employees and contractors from attempting to
reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the Software in whole or in part. Any
failure to comply with the above or any other terms and conditions contained herein will
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result in the automatic termination of this license and the reversion of the rights granted
hereunder to ONIXEDIT.
6. Disclaimer of Warranty. The Software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
ONIXEDIT and its suppliers disclaim and make no express or implied warranties and
specifically disclaim the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
non-infringement of third-party rights. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of
the Software is with you. Neither ONIXEDIT nor its suppliers warrant that the functions
contained in the Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software
will be uninterrupted or error-free. ONIXEDIT IS NOT OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE ANY
7. Limitation of Liability. ONIXEDIT's entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this
EULA shall not exceed the price paid for the Software, if any. In no event shall ONIXEDIT
or its suppliers be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect
damages of any kind arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if
ONIXEDIT or its supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or any
claim by a third party.
8. Rental. You may not loan, rent, or lease the SOFTWARE.
9. Upgrades. If the SOFTWARE is an upgrade from an earlier release or previously
released version, you now may use that upgraded product only in accordance with this
EULA. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is an upgrade of a software program which you
licensed as a single product, the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be used only as part of that
single product package and may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
10. No Liability for Consequential Damages. In no event shall ONIXEDIT or its suppliers
be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, incidental, direct,
indirect special and consequential damages, damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of
the use or inability to use this ONIXEDIT product, even if ONIXEDIT has been advised of
the possibility of such damages.
11. Indemnification By You. If you distribute the Software in violation of this Agreement, you
agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend ONIXEDIT and its suppliers from and
against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees that arise or result from the use or
distribution of the Software in violation of this Agreement.
12. ONIXEDIT includes Saxon HE 9.8 that is Open Source under Mozilla Public License
2.0. Source code of Saxon HE 9.8 can be found here:
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