Frozen Baked Care Sheet 0116 264 4004
Products that have been heated
up but not sold must be disposed
of and not heated up again
This information is a guide only and
individual equipment may vary.
Heating times will need to be
increased if the pie heater is very full.
For best results heat from frozen.
*Product must reach a core
temperature of 75°C
Once reached temperature store
at a minimum core temperature
of 65°C before serving
Keep pies in their foil container
Fan assisted oven
Large pies 50 min 190°C
Medium pies and large stand up pasties 35 min 170°C
D shaped and beef and onion pasties 30 min 170°C
Potato, cheese and onion pasties 20 min 170°C
Jumbo sausage rolls 25 min 170°C
Large pies 90 min On full
Medium pies 75 min On full
Other pasties 60 min On full
Jumbo sausage rolls 25 min On full
Pre-heat the oven to the
required temperature
Bake on a baking tray
Keep pies in their foil container
Pie heater
Heating Guidelines
Once reached temperature turn the
heater down to prevent burning
*Product must reach a core
temperature of 75°C
Remember to keep them at a
minimum core temperature of 65°C
before serving
DO NOT stack pies on top of each
other as this may not allow for
thorough cooking
*In Scotland the products must be initially heated to a core temperature of 82°C
frozen at -18°C
or below
Turn heater onto full
After thawing: Fan assisted oven
Large pies 20 min 190°C
Medium pies and large stand up pasties 25 min 170°C
D shaped and beef and onion pasties 20 min 170°C
Potato, cheese and onion pasties 15 min 170°C
Jumbo sausage rolls 15 min 170°C
After thawing: Pie heater
Large pies 75 min On full
Medium pies and large stand up pasties 60 min On full
Other pasties 45 min On full
Thaw for 24 hours
in the fridge
Never thaw at
room temperature
Label all product
taken out of the
freezer with a date
it was taken out
and the date it
must be used by
The product
must be kept
refridgerated at
all times and used
within 7 days of
being taken out of
the freezer
Do not refreeze
any product that
has been thawed
frozen at -18°C
or below 0116 264 4004
Thawing Best Practice
Frozen Baked Care Sheet
5°C 5°C