Jacket: 640533
Title: D1099ApplyOnlineLawnSigns
Agency: Census
BidOpening: March19,2019 at 11a.m.
Bid Terms DiscountedTotal
$277,680.00 0.0% 0 days $277,680.00
$339,530.00 0.0% 0 days $339,530.00
$357,240.00 0.0% 0 days $357,240.00
$374,400.00 0.0% 0 days $374,400.00
$379,080.00 1.0% 20 days $375,289.20
$386,880.00 0.5% 20 days $384,945.60
$429,000.00 1.0% 20 days $424,710.00
$463,320.00 0.0% 0 days $463,320.00
$474,000.00 1.0% 20 days $469,260.00
$498,656.54 2.0% 30 days $488,683.41
$624,000.00 0.0% 0 days $624,000.00
March 14, 2019
This is Amendment No. #1. The specifications in our invitation for bids on Jackets 640-533, scheduled
for opening at 11 :00 AM on March 1 9, 2019, are amended as follows:
1. Replace DESCRIPTION/PRINTING: on page 2 with:
DESCRIPTION/PRINTING: Screen Printing is acceptable. Contractor's option to print digitally
(high resolution) in full color OR screen print in 3 Pantone colors (Pantone color numbers to be
determined after award). White coroplast or equal corrugated plastic weather resistant yard
signs, vertical flutes. Signs print one-side only, medium coverage, consisting of text and line
matter; and solids with text reversing to white. Bleeds bottom, left, and right. Inks must be UV
fade resistant, direct to substrate.
Each sign equipped with wire standard H stakes, 10 x 24" galvanized steel, minimum 9 gauge
wire and suitable strength for outside yard display. Contractor must include wire mounting "H-
stands" to enable posting the signs into the ground. These stands are to meet standard
dimensions to enable the signs to be elevated above the ground for viewing from the
street/roadway as a "real estate" signage is typically viewable.
NOTE: Do not print GPO imprint on this product.
2. Under PACKING: on page 4 add:
Packaging: Stakes to be zip-tied or boxed in suitable quantities (must not be loose). Equal
number of signs and stakes per pallet. For example: If 500 signs are on a pallet, there must be
500 stakes on the same pallet. Quantities to be suitable to follow the Census pallet
requirements in the specifications. Suitable cardboard pallet packs to be used and shrink
All other specifications remain the same.
If amendment is not acknowledged on bid, direct acknowledgement to:
U.S. Government Publishing Office
Columbus Regional Office
1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B
Columbus, OH 43215-7034
Or fax the amendment acknowledgement to (614) 488-4577.
Page 1 of 2
Columbus Regional Office | 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B, Columbus, OH 43215-7034
http://www.gpo.gov | www.facebook.com/USGPO | twitter.com/USGPO
Amended bid or acknowledgement must be submitted using the method(s) specified in the solicitation
for bid submission. Telephone or e-mail submission is not acceptable.
Failure to acknowledge receipt of amendment, by amendment number, prior to bid-opening time, may
be reason for bid being declared nonresponsive.
Contracting Officer
Page 2 of 2.
Columbus Regional Office | 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B, Columbus, OH 43215-7034
http://www.gpo.gov | www.facebook.com/USGPO | twitter.com/USGPO
Page 1 of 7
Jacket 640-533
Specifications by BR Department: Commerce/Census
Reviewed by WL Requisition: 9-00148
BID OPENING: March 19, 2019.
Bids shall be publicly opened at 11:00 AM prevailing Columbus, OH time on March 19, 2019. Submit bids to: U.S.
Government Publishing Office, Columbus Regional Printing Procurement Office, 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B,
Any questions before or after award concerning these specifications call Becky Rottier at (614) 488-4616, Ext. 9. No
collect calls.
U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO)
1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B
Columbus, OH 43215-7034
BID SUBMISSION: Using the bid return sheet (p.7 of these specifications), submit bids to the U.S. Government
Publishing Office, Columbus Regional Printing Procurement Office, 1335 Dublin Road, Suite 112-B, Columbus, OH
43215-7034. Facsimile bids in response to this solicitation are permitted. Facsimile bids may be submitted directly to
the GPO Columbus bid Section, Fax No. (614) 488-4577. The Jacket number and bid opening date must be specified with
the bid. Refer to Facsimile Bids in Solicitation Provisions of GPO Contract Terms, GPO Publication 310.2, as revised
January 2018.
BIDDERS PLEASE NOTE: The GPO 910 “BID” Form is no longer required. Bidders are to fill out, sign/initial, as
applicable, page 7.
GPO has issued a new GPO Publication 310.2, GPO Contract Terms – Solicitations Provisions, Supplemental
Specifications, and Contract Clause (Rev. 1-18). Prospective bidders should carefully read this publication as the
applicable terms within become an integral part of this contract. The document is posted at https://www.gpo.gov/how-to-
work-with-us/vendors/forms-and-standards along with a list of major revisions.
OFFERS: Offers must include the cost of all materials and operations for the total quantity ordered in accordance with
these specifications. In addition, a price must be submitted for each additional 1000 copies. The price for additional
quantities must be based on a continuing run, exclusive of all basic or preliminary charges and will not be a factor for
determination of award.
GPO CONTRACT TERMS: Any contract which results from this Invitation for Bid will be subject to the applicable
provisions, clauses, and supplemental specifications of GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2, effective 12/1/87, Rev. 01-
18) and GPO Contract Terms, Quality Assurance Through Attributes Program (GPO Pub. 310.1, effective May 1979,
Rev. 8/2002).
GPO Contract Terms (GPO Publication 310.2):
o https://www.gpo.gov/docs/default-source/forms-and-standards-files-for-vendors/terms-01-18.pdf
GPO QATAP (GPO Publication 310.1):
o https://www.gpo.gov/docs/default-source/forms-and-standards-files-for-vendors/qatap.pdf
WARRANTY: Contract Clause 15, "Warranty", of GPO Contract Terms (Publication 310.2, effective December 1, 1987
(Rev. 01-18)) is amended for the solicitation to the effect that the warranty period is EXTENDED from 120 days to one
calendar year from the date the check is tendered as final payment. All other provisions remain the same.
Page 2 of 7 Jacket 640-533
PREAWARD SURVEY: In order to determine the responsibility of the contractor, the Government reserves the right to
conduct an on-site pre-award survey at the contractor’s facility and/or to require other evidence of technical, production,
managerial, financial, and similar abilities to perform, prior to the award of a contract. The contractor must additionally be
able to demonstrate the availability, capacity, and adequate resources to fulfill all contract requirements within the
schedule required.
PAYMENT: Submitting invoices for payment via the GPO fax gateway (if no samples are required) utilizing the GPO
barcode coversheet program application is the most efficient method of invoicing. Instruction for using this method can be
found at the following web address: http://winapps.access.gpo.gov/fms/vouchers/barcode/instructions.html.
Invoices may also be mailed to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Office of Financial Management, Attn: Comptroller,
Stop: FMCE, Washington, DC 20401.
For more information about the billing process refer to the General Information of the Office of Finance web page located
at https://www.gpo.gov/how-to-work-with-us/vendors/how-to-get-paid.
GOVERNMENT IN-PLANT INSPECTIONS: The Government reserves the right to have Government
representative(s) inspect any operation under this contract at the start of its production and at any time during production.
In addition to the inspections indicated, the Government reserves the right to inspect all stages of production.
TITLE: D-1099 Apply Online Lawn Sign 24 x 18”
FORM NO.: D-1099
PRODUCT: These specifications cover the production and delivery of corrugated plastic lawn signs with stakes.
QUANTITY: 156,000 signs with stakes
TRIM SIZE: 24 x 18”
DESCRIPTION/PRINTING: White coroplast or equal corrugated plastic weather resistant yard signs. Yard signs print
medium coverage, high resolution, digital full color quality image (face only) with type reversing out to white with line
and text art, bleeds left, right, and bottom. Direct to substrate. Inks used must be UV Fade resistant. Screen printing is not
acceptable. NOTE: File size is 36 x 24”, must be reduced to 24 x 18”.
Each sign equipped with wire standard H stakes, 10 x 24" and suitable strength for outside yard display. Contractor must
include wire mounting "H-stands" to enable posting the signs into the ground. These stands are to meet standard
dimensions to enable the signs to be elevated above the ground for viewing from the street/roadway as a "real estate"
signage is typically viewable.
NOTE: Do not print GPO imprint on this product.
GOVERNMENT TO FURNISH: PO and PDF file will be emailed at time of award. File is cmyk, with bleeds. M.S.
Word file of shipping container label. NOTE: File size is 36 x 24”, must be reduced to 24 x 18”.
The contractor is responsible for creating or altering any necessary trapping, setting proper screen angles and screen
frequency, and defining file output selection for the imaging device being utilized. All furnished files must be imaged as
necessary to meet the assigned quality level.
Page 3 of 7 Jacket 640-533
PREFLIGHT: The contractor shall preflight the furnished file prior to image processing (I.e. verify completeness and
presence of all components required to process image in accordance with the visual provided such as fonts, graphic files,
trim size, bleeds, etc.). It is further recommended that the contractor produce laser output or other acceptable digital
proofing of files prior to imaging production materials. Any discrepancies of the Government Furnished Materials (GFM)
and these specifications, or instances of missing files, fonts, instructions, etc. are to immediately be brought to the
attention of the GPO Contracting Officer prior to further performance.
Upon completion of the order, if requested by the Government, the contractor must return the final production native
application files (digital deliverables) with the furnished material. The digital deliverables must be an exact representation
of the final printed product and shall be returned on suitable storage media or e-mailed as directed.
CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH: All materials and operations, other than those listed under "Government to Furnish”,
necessary to produce the products in accordance with these specifications.
The sample requirement is 3 complete printed signs with stakes. Samples must be constructed as specified using the form,
ink, equipment, and methods of production which will be used in producing the finished products. Samples will be
inspected & must comply with the specifications as to kind and quality of materials & quality of reproduction.
Prior to the commencement of the contract production quantity, the contractor shall submit samples to the address
indicated under Distribution.
The package must be marked "PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLES DO NOT DELAY"; and must include the GPO jacket #,
dept. req # & form title.
Samples must arrive not later than March 26, 2019, to allow Government inspection and production and shipment of the
final product. The Government will approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the samples within 2 WORKDAYS of
the receipt thereof. The date of receipt is NOT the first workday. Approval or conditional approval shall not relieve the
contractor from complying with the specifications and all other terms and conditions of the contract. A conditional
approval shall state any further action required by the contractor. A notice of disapproval shall state the reasons therefor.
If samples are disapproved by the Government, the Government at its option may require the contractor to submit
additional sample(s) for inspection and test, in the time and under the terms and conditions specified in the notice of
rejection. Such additional sample(s) shall be furnished, and necessary changes made, at no additional cost to the
Government, and with no extension in the shipping schedule. The Government will require the time specified above to
inspect and test any additional samples required.
In the event samples are disapproved by the Government, the contractor shall be deemed to have failed to make delivery
within the meaning of the default clause in which event this contract shall be subject to termination for default, provided
however, that the failure of the Government to terminate the contract for default in such event shall not relieve the
contractor of the responsibility to deliver the contract quantities in accordance with the shipping schedule.
Manufacture of the final product prior to approval of the samples submitted is at the risk of the contractor. Samples are in
addition to the contract specified quantity. All costs, including the costs of all samples shall be included in the contract
price for the production quantity. All samples shall be manufactured at the facilities in which the contract production
quantity is to be manufactured.
Do not print prior to receipt of sample approval.
Page 4 of 7 Jacket 640-533
2 Prior to Production samples WITH STAKES to be delivered to: US Census Bureau, ACSD/PSB/Printing Services,
Attn: William Burbano (3J422E), 4600 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746 m/f: “Prior to Production Samples
URGENT” on a fluorescent label.
1 Prior to Production sample WITH STAKE to be delivered to: US Government Publishing Office, Attn: B. Rottier
640-533, 1335 Dublin Road, Ste. 112-B, Columbus, OH 43215
STOCK/PAPER: The specifications of all paper furnished must be in accordance with those listed herein or listed for
the corresponding JCP Code numbers in the “Government Paper Specification Standards No. 12" dated March 2011.
4mm White Corrugated Plastic, Coroplast or equal
INK: 4-color process, UV fade resistant
MARGINS: Bleeds left, right, and bottom.
QUALITY ASSURANCE LEVELS AND STANDARDS: The following levels and standards shall apply to these
Product Quality Levels:
(a) Printing Attributes - Level 3
(b) Finishing Attributes - Level 3
Inspection Levels (from ANSI/ASQC Zl.4):
(a) Non-destructive Tests--General Inspection Level I.
(b) Destructive Tests ----- Special Inspection Level S-2.
Specified Standards--The specified standards for the attributes requiring them shall be:
Attribute Specified Standard
P-7. Type Quality and Uniformity Approved Prior to Production Sample
P-10. Process Color Match Approved Prior to Production Sample
PACKING: Noncompliance with the packing instructions will be cause for the Government to take corrective action in
accordance with GPO Pub. 310.2.
Pack suitable per shipping container.
LABELING AND MARKING: Label and mark in accordance with GPO Contract Terms (GPO Pub. 310.2) and with
furnished MS Word file provided. (All info as depicted on furnished label example must be included). Contractor to
download the “Labeling and Marking Specifications” form (GPO Form 905, R. 7-15) from gpo.gov, fill in appropriate
blanks (follow Word file), and attach to shipping containers.
Palletizing: Wood pallets are required with un-notched solid stringers allowing entry only from the ends. Pallets shall not
have deck boards that overhang from outside edge of stringer. Plastic or pressboard pallets are not acceptable. Pallets
must measure 48” x 42” (stringer measurement shall be the 48” dimension). Full two-sided entry on the 42” width
dimension required. The entire pallet shall be shrink-wrapped (including top and bottom). Maximum height allowance
(including pallet) must not exceed 48”.
Cartons shall be of the appropriate dimensions so as to be stacked on the pallets, so that the length of each carton runs in
the opposite direction to the row of cartons beneath/above, (i.e., interlocking 90-degree palletizing scheme), with carton
labels facing out. Carton dimensions shall allow for this interlocking 90-degree palletizing scheme. The interlocking 90-
Page 5 of 7 Jacket 640-533
degree palletizing scheme must ensure all rows on all pallets are of the same dimensions. Pallets with overhanging
cartons or row will not be accepted.
DEPARTMENTAL RANDOM COPIES (BLUE LABEL): Each delivery must be divided into 200 equal sublots. A
random copy must be selected from each sublot. Do not choose copies from the same general area in each sublot. The
contractor will be required to certify that copies were selected as directed using GPO Form 917-Certificate of Selection of
Random Copies (located on GPO.gov). The random copies constitute a part of the total quantity ordered, and no
additional charge will be allowed.
These randomly selected copies must be packed separately and identified by a special label (GPO Form 2678-
Departmental Random Copies (Blue Label) that must be printed on blue paper and affixed to each affected container. This
form can be downloaded from GPO.gov. The container and its contents shall be recorded separately on all shipping
documents and sent to the specified delivery address.
A copy of the print order/specification and a signed Certificate of Selection of Random Copies must be included.
A copy of the signed Certificate of Selection of Random Copies must accompany the invoice sent to U.S. Government
Publishing Office, Financial Management Services, for payment. Failure to furnish the certificate may result in delay in
processing the invoice.
SCHEDULE: Adherence to this schedule must be maintained. See "Notice of Compliance with Schedules”, in GPO
Pub. 310.2.
Purchase Order and material will be e-mailed from U.S. Government Publishing Office, Columbus Regional Procurement
Office, Suite 112-B, 1335 Dublin Road, Columbus, OH 43215; by March 20, 2019.
Delivery Dates: Quantities are the minimum acceptable, contractor has option to deliver in excess of stated amounts.
Deliver 30,000 signs and stakes on or before April 19, 2019.
Deliver 42,000 signs and stakes on or before May 17, 2019.
Deliver 42,000 signs and stakes on or before June 14, 2019.
Deliver balance of 42,000 signs and stakes on or before July 12, 2019.
NOTE: 48 hour delivery notice must be provided prior to each delivery to: William Burbano, 301-763-4418 and Howard
Dick 812-218-2012 and e-mail: [email protected].
Two samples as soon as completed, shall be sent for inspection to the U.S. Government Publishing Office, Regional
Printing Procurement Office, Suite 112-B, 1335 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215-7034, Attn: R. Rottier Inspection
Samples 640-533.
These samples cannot be deducted from the total quantity ordered. The package or envelope containing the samples shall
be identified by the GPO jacket number & title. The contractor will comply with the shipping schedule regardless of this
requirement and will be notified of the test results only if there are deficiencies.
Unscheduled material such as shipping documents, receipts or instructions, delivery lists, labels, etc., will be furnished
with the order or shortly thereafter. In the event such information is not received in due time, the contractor will not be
relieved of any responsibility in meeting the shipping schedule because of failure to request such information.
Page 6 of 7 Jacket 640-533
RECEIPT FOR DELIVERY: As applicable, the contractor must furnish their own receipts for deliveries. These
receipts must include the GPO jacket number; total quantity delivered number of cartons, and quantity per carton; date
delivery made; and signature of the Government agent accepting delivery. The original copies of these receipts must
accompany the contractor's voucher for payment.
DISTRIBUTION: Deliver F.O.B. Destination. Deliver to all destinations by traceable means. All expenses incidental to
picking up and returning materials, proofs, and random copies must be borne by the contractor.
Deliver 156,000 signs with stakes to: U.S Census Bureau, NPC Decennial Logistics, 100 Logistics Avenue, Jeffersonville,
IN 47130 – Mark for Receiving Office – Howard Dick 812-218-2012
Page 7 of 7 Jacket 640-533
SHIPMENT(S): Shipment(s) will be made f.o.b. destination from: City _______________________,
Bid Price: $________________________________Additional Rate: $_____________ per ________.
DISCOUNTS: Discount is offered for payment as follows: __________ Percent, _________calendar days.
See Article 12 “Discounts” of Solicitation Provisions in GPO Contract Terms (Publication 310.2).
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: In compliance with the above, the undersigned agree, if this bid is accepted
within____________ calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the bidder) from
the date for receipt of bids, to furnish the specified items at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the
designated points(s), in exact accordance with specifications.
Failure to provide a 60-day bid acceptance period may result in expiration of the bid prior to award.
AMENDMENT(S): Bidder hereby acknowledges amendment(s) number(ed)______________________
BIDDER’S NAME AND SIGNATURE: Unless specific written exception is taken, the bidder, by signing
and submitting a bid, agrees with and accepts responsibility for all certifications and representations as required
by the solicitation and GPO Contract Terms – Publication 310.2.
Failure to sign the signature block below may result in the bid being declared non-responsive.
(Contractor Name) (GPO Contractor’s Code)
(Street Address)
(City – State – Zip Code)
(Printed Name, Signature, and Title of Person Authorized to Sign this Bid) (Date)
(Person to be Contacted) (Telephone Number) (Email)
Contracting Officer Review __________Date ___________Certifier ______________Date
(initials) (initials)