EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Author: Tambiama Madiega
Members' Research Service
PE 640.163 September 2019
EU guidelines on ethics
in artificial intelligence:
Context and implementation
The discussion around artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their impact on society is
increasingly focused on the question of whether AI should be regulated. Following the call from the
European Parliament to update and complement the existing Union legal framework with guiding
ethical principles, the EU has carved out a 'human-centric' approach to AI that is respectful of
European values and principles. As part of this approach, the EU published its guidelines on ethics
in AI in April 2019, and European Commission President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced
that the Commission will soon put forward further legislative proposals for a coordinated European
approach to the human and ethical implications of AI.
Against this background, this paper aims to shed some light on the ethical rules that are now
recommended when designing, developing, deploying, implementing or using AI products and
services in the EU. Moreover, it identifies some implementation challenges and presents possible
further EU action ranging from soft law guidance to standardisation to legislation in the field of
ethics and AI. There are calls for clarifying the EU guidelines, fostering the adoption of ethical
standards and adopting legally binding instruments to, inter alia, set common rules on transparency
and common requirements for fundamental rights impact assessments, and to provide an adequate
legal framework for face recognition technology. Finally, the paper gives an overview of the main
ethical frameworks for AI under development outside the EU (e.g. in the United States and China).
In this Briefing
EU human-
centric approach to artificial
Key ethical requirements
Implementation challenges
Possible further EU action
International context
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EU human-centric approach to artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) commonly refers to a combination of: machine learning techniques used
for searching and analysing large volumes of data; robotics dealing with the conception, design,
manufacture and operation of programmable machines; and algorithms and automated decision-
making systems (ADMS) able to predict human and machine behaviour and to make autonomous
AI technologies can be extremely beneficial from an economic and social point of
view and are already being used in areas such as healthcare (for instance, to find effective
treatments for cancer) and transport (for instance, to predict traffic conditions
and guide
autonomous vehicles), or to efficiently manage energy and water consumption. AI increasingly
affects our daily lives, and its potential range of application is so broad that it is sometimes referred
to as the fourth industrial revolution.
However, while most studies concur that AI brings many
benefits, they also highlight a number of ethical, legal and
economic concerns, relating primarily to the risks facing
human rights and fundamental freedoms
. For instance, AI poses
risks to the right to personal data protection and privacy, and
equally so a risk of discrimination when algorithms are used for
purposes such as to profile people or to resolve situations in
criminal justice.
There are also some concerns about the impact
of AI technologies and robotics on the labour market (e.g. jobs
being destroyed by automation). Furthermore, there are calls to
assess the impact of algorithms and automated decision-
making systems (ADMS) in the context of defective products
safety and liability), digital currency (blockchain),
disinformation-spreading (fake news) and the potential military
application of algorithms (autonomous weapons systems and
cybersecurity). Finally, the question of how to develop ethical
principles in algorithms and AI design has also been raised.
EU approach
Policy-makers across the world are looking at ways to tackle the risks associated with the
development of AI. That said, the EU can be considered a front-runner with regard to establishing a
framework on ethical rules for AI.
Leading the EU-level debate, the European Parliament called on the European Commission to
assess the impact of AI, and made wide-ranging recommendations on civil law rules on robotics
January 2017. The Parliament drew up a code of ethics for robotics engineers and asked the
Commission to consider the creation of a European agency for robotics and AI, tasked with
providing the technical, ethical and regulatory expertise needed in an AI-driven environment.
Against this background, in 2018 the Commission adopted a communication
to promote the
development of AI in Europe, and in 2019 it published a coordinated plan on AI endorsed by the
Council of the European Unionto coordinate the EU Member States' national AI strategies.
Building on this groundwork, in April 2019 the Commission published a set of non-binding
guidelines for trustworthy AI. Prepared by the Commission's High-Level Expert Group on AI,
composed of 52 independent experts, this document aims to offer guidance on how to foster and
secure the development of ethical AI systems in the EU.
A recent report by
Algorithmwatch a not-for-profit
organisation promoting more
arency in the use of
algorithms lists examples of
ADMS already in use in the EU. AI
applications are wide-ranging.
For instance, the Slovenian
Ministry of F
inance uses a
learning system to
detect tax evasion and tax fraud.
In Belgium, the police are using a
predictive algorithm to predict
car robberies. In Poland, this
technology is used to profile
unemployed people and decide
upon the type of assistance
appropriate for them.
EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation
Notion of human-centric AI
The core principle of the EU guidelines is that the EU must develop a 'human-centric' approach
to AI that is respectful of European values and principles.
The human-centric approach to AI strives to ensure that human values are central to the way
in which AI systems are developed, deployed, used and monitored, by ensuring respect for
fundamental rights, including those set out in the Treaties of the European Union and Charter
of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, all of which are united by reference to a
common foundation rooted in respect for human dignity, in which the human being enjoys
a unique and inalienable moral status. This also entails consideration of the natural
environment and of other living beings that are part of the human ecosystem, as well as a
sustainable approach enabling the flourishing of future generations to come.
While this approach will unfold in the context of the global race on AI, EU policy-makers have
adopted a frame of analysis to differentiate the EU strategy on AI from the US strategy (developed
mostly through private-sector initiatives and self-regulation) and the Chinese strategy (essentially
government-led and characterised by strong coordination of private and public investment into AI
In its approach, the EU seeks to remain faithful to its cultural preferences and its
higher standard of protection against the social risks posed by AI in particular those affecting
privacy, data protection and discrimination rules unlike other more lax jurisdictions.
To that end, the EU ethics guidelines promote a trustworthy AI system that is lawful (complying
with all applicable laws and regulations), ethical (ensuring adherence to ethical principles and
values) and robust (both from a technical and social perspective) in order to avoid causing
unintentional harm. Furthermore, the guidelines highlight that AI software and hardware systems
need to be human-centric, i.e. developed, deployed and used in adherence to the key ethical
requirements outlined below.
Key ethical requirements
The guidelines are addressed to all AI stakeholders designing, developing, deploying,
implementing, using or being affected by AI in the EU, including companies, researchers, public
services, government agencies, institutions, civil society organisations, individuals, workers and
consumers. Stakeholders can voluntarily opt to use these guidelines and follow the seven key
requirements (see box on the right) when they are developing, deploying or using AI systems in
the EU.
Human agency and oversight
Respect for human autonomy and fundamental rights is at the
heart of the seven EU ethical rules. The EU guidelines prescribe
three measures to ensure this requirement is reflected in practice:
to make sure that an AI system does not hamper EU
fundamental rights, a fundamental rights impact
assessment should be undertaken prior to its
development. Mechanisms should be put in place
afterwards to allow for external feedback on any potential
infringement of fundamental rights;
human agency should be ensured, i.e. users should be
able to understand and interact with AI systems to a
satisfactory degree. The right of end users not to be
subject to a decision based solely on automated
processing (when this produces a legal effect on users or
significantly affects them) should be enforced in the EU;
The key EU requirements for
achieving trustworthy AI
human agency and
robustness and safety
privacy and data
diversity, non-
discrimination and fairness
societal and environmental
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a machine cannot be in full control. Therefore, there should always be human
oversight. Humans should always have the possibility ultimately to over-ride a
decision made by a system. When designing an AI product or service, AI developers
should consider the type of technical measures that should be implemented to
ensure human oversight. For instance, they should provide a stop button or a
procedure to abort an operation to ensure human control.
Different types of fundamental rights impact assessments are already being used in the EU. The European
Commission adopted a set of guidelines on fundamental rights in impact assessments and uses this
checklist to identify which fundamental rights could be affected by a proposal and to assess systematically
the impact of each envisaged policy option on these rights. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
provides for a regulatory framework that obliges data controllers to apply a Data Protection Impact
Assessment (DPIA). The Government of Canada has also developed an Algorithmic Impact Assessment that
assesses the potential impact of an algorithm on citizens, with a digital questionnaire evaluating the potential
risk of a public-facing automated decision system. This tool will be mandatory in Canada as of 2020.
Technical robustness and safety
Another essential requirement is to have secure and reliable systems and software. Trustworthy
AI requires algorithms to be secure, reliable and robust enough to deal with errors or inconsistencies
during all life-cycle phases of an AI system. This requirement is about ensuring cybersecurity. In
practice, all vulnerabilities should be taken into account when building algorithms. This requires
testing AI systems to understand and mitigate the risks of cyber-attacks and hacking. AI developers
should put in place processes capable of assessing the safety risks involved, in case someone uses
the AI system they are building for harmful purposes. For instance, if the system is compromised, it
should be possible for human control to take over and abort the system. To tackle this important
question, the EU applies a twofold approach: first, fostering cooperation between the AI
community and the security community, and second, reflecting
on how to modify the legal
framework governing liabilities in the EU, and to go from a human-conduct-based liability regime
to a more machine-based liability regime.
Privacy and data protection
In the EU, there is a lot of consideration for data protection and privacy, and all AI stakeholders must
comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR
) as a matter of principle. Furthermore,
the EU guidelines on AI advise the AI community to ensure privacy and personal data are protected,
both when building and when running an AI system. Citizens should have full control over their
own data, and their data should not be used to harm or discriminate against them. In practice, this
means that AI systems should be designed to guarantee privacy and data protection. To this end, AI
developers should apply design techniques such as data encryption and data anonymisation.
Moreover, they should ensure the quality of the data, i.e. avoid socially constructed biased,
inaccuracies, errors and mistakes. To that end, data collection should not be biased and AI
developers should put in place oversight mechanisms to control the quality of data sets.
Transparency is paramount to ensuring that AI is not biased. The AI guidelines introduce a number
of measures to ensure transparency in the AI industry. For instance, the data sets and processes that
are used in building AI systems should be documented and traceable
. Also, AI systems should be
identifiable as such, and humans need to be aware that they are interacting with an AI system.
Furthermore, AI systems and related human decisions are subject to the principle of explainability,
according to which it should be possible for them to be understood and traced by humans.
EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation
Diversity, non-discrimination and fairness
The guidelines focus strongly on avoiding unfair bias
when AI products and services are designed. In
practice, AI developers should make sure that the
design of their algorithms is not biased (e.g. by the
use of an inadequate data set). Stakeholders that may
be directly or indirectly affected by AI systems should
be consulted and involved in their development and
implementation. AI systems should be conceived with
consideration for the whole range of human abilities,
skills and requirements, and ensure accessibility to
persons with disabilities.
Societal and environmental well-
AI systems should be used to enhance positive social
change and encourage sustainability and
environmental responsibility of AI systems. In other
words, measures securing the environmental
friendliness of AI systems should be encouraged (e.g.
opting for a less harmful energy consumption
method) and the social impacts of these systems (i.e.
on people's physical and mental wellbeing) must be
monitored and considered. Moreover, the effects of
AI systems on society and democracy (including
regarding the electoral context) should be assessed.
Mechanisms should be put in place to ensure responsibility and accountability for AI systems and
their outcomes. Internal and external independent audits should be put in place, especially for AI
systems whose use affects fundamental rights. Reporting of the AI systems' negative impacts
should be available (including for whistle-blowers), and impact assessment tools should be used
to that end. In situations where the implementation of the key ethical requirements creates conflicts
between them, decisions on the trade-off (i.e. the decision to choose to fulfil one ethical
requirement over another) should be evaluated continuously. Accessible redress mechanisms
should be implemented.
Implementation challenges
While the implementing phase of the guidelines has started, academics and stakeholders have
warned about a number of implementation challenges.
Need for clarification
The lack of clarity in the wording of the guidelines has been criticised in many respects. Thomas
Metzinger, professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Mainz and a member of the
Commission's expert group on AI, warns
that the guidelines are short-sighted, deliberately vague
and do not take long-term risks into consideration. Furthermore, he regrets that the 'red-lines'
(i.e. non-negotiable ethical principles) in the draft guidelines were deleted or watered down in the
final text. Two of these 'red lines' had been that AI should never be used to build autonomous lethal
weapons or social scoring systems. However, after protracted negotiations, the final version of the
Explainability part I
The wide-ranging concept of explainability is
making explanations on an
algorithmic decision-making system
available. The requirement for
explainable AI
addresses the fact that complex machines and
algorithms often cannot provide insights into
their behaviour and processes. This sometimes
results in a black box effect, i.e. a situation
where AI systems are capable of producing
results, but the process by which the results are
produced and the reasons why the algorithm
makes specific decisions are not fully
understandable by humans.
Explainability is therefore particularly
important to ensure fairness in the use of
algorithms and to identify potential bias in the
training data. This far-reaching requirement
means that an explanation should be available
on how AI systems influence and shape the
decision-making process, on how they are
designed, and on what is the rationale for
deploying them. Explainability must address
both the technical processes of an AI system
and the related human decisions taken in
accordance with the EU guidelines.
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text instead referred to these issues as 'critical concerns' and did not include a clearly formulated
Another expert group member, Andrea Renda, together with the AI task force of the Centre for
European Policy Studies (CEPS), also published a report
highlighting some shortcomings of the draft
ethics guidelines. The report warns in particular about the lack of a hierarchy of principles that
would otherwise have allowed EU institutions to tailor their policy approach.
Lack of regulatory oversight
The EU ethics guidelines are non-binding. However, concerns have been raised regarding the lack
of regulatory oversight to support their implementation. Non-profit research and advocacy
organisation AlgorithmWatch stresses
that most of the recommendations and guidelines on AI
issued so far do not provide any oversight mechanisms to ensure and enforce compliance with
voluntary commitments. Without such mechanisms, however, there is little incentive to adhere to
these ethical principles. Others also
warn about the risk of the technology industry financing and
shaping the ethical debate about algorithms and automated decision-making systems. The lack of
regulatory oversight raises the issue of the empowerment of public bodies or authorities to monitor
the enforcement of the EU ethical guidelines.
The AI Now Institute, argues for expanding the powers of regulators to oversee, audit, and monitor AI
technologies by domain. The institute favours a sector-specific approach that focuses on the application of AI
technologies within individual domains (e.g. health, education, transport).
Need for coordination of actions at EU and national levels
Several EU Member States have started work on establishing their own national frameworks on
ethics and AI in parallel to the EU initiatives. Below is an outline of these moves, by country.
Dating from March 2018, the French AI strategy sets out as one of its core principles the requirement
that AI technologies must be explainable to be socially acceptable. To that end, the government is
required to: put in place several policies in order to develop algorithm transparency and audits;
include ethics in training for AI engineers and researchers; carry out a discrimination impact
assessment (to encourage AI designers to consider the social implications of the algorithms they
produce); and ensure that the principle of human responsibility is applied (e.g. by setting
boundaries for the use of predictive algorithms in the law enforcement context). Furthermore, it is
proposed that a consultative ethics committee for digital technologies and AI be set up for the
purpose of organising a public debate in this field.
Initially, the ethics-related debate was essentially driven by sector-specific industry interests, and
resulted in the adoption in June 2017 of a set of
ethical rules for automated and connected vehicular
traffic by the Transport Ministry's Ethics Commission. In November 2018, the national AI strategy
was launched, setting out a range of measures on ethics. For instance, the document advocates
using an 'ethics by, in and for design' approach for all development stages and uses of AI. It
pledges to promote research into novel ways for pseudonymising and anonymising data and for
differential privacy. Furthermore, the federal government will review whether the German AI-
related legal framework covers all aspects related to algorithm-based and AI-based decisions,
services and products and, if necessary, adapt it in order to make it possible to verify whether there
is any undue discrimination or bias. The legislation governing the use of personal and non-
personal data for AI-based applications will be reviewed, and the possibility to establish and/or
expand government agencies or private-sector auditing institutions to verify algorithmic decision-
making processes will be examined.
EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation
In August 2018, the Ministry of Economic Affairs issued a report recommending to set up a
parliamentary monitoring group to promote the ethical value base of AI more extensively in
society, and to monitor and evaluate pilots and technology developments associated with the
ethical aspects of artificial intelligence. This group would be tasked with the creation of rules and
the assessment of practices in the context of defining responsibilities in situations where a machine
is taking decisions autonomously.
United Kingdom
The UK Committee on Standards in Public Life announced in March 2019 it was launching an inquiry
into the use of AI in public services, with the aim of examining whether the rules were sufficient to
ensure that high standards of conduct are upheld as technologically assisted decision-making is
adopted more widely across the public sector. In the UK, there is particular focus on the risks of
biometrics in ongoing discussions. A 2019 report from the UK Biometrics and Forensics Ethics
Group outlines some of the ethical issues raised by the use of live (real-time)
face recognition
technology (FRT) based on machine-learning techniques and recommends the development of an
adequate legal framework. Against this background, the House of Commons Science and
Technology Committee has urged the UK government to issue a moratorium on the current use of
FRT and to prohibit further FRT trials until a proper legislative framework has been introduced, and
guidance on trial protocols and an oversight and evaluation system have been established.
Risk of fragmentation. EU Member States are likely to enact some diverging national ethical rules on AI that
could fragment the EU landscape in this domain. Such fragmentation may hamper the emergence of pan-
European Al services. Therefore, coordinated actions at EU and national levels will be key to ensuring coherent
harmonisation of the EU ethical guidelines and avoiding any discrepancies within the EU.
Possible further EU action
Following the publication of the EU guidelines on ethics in AI, the Commission launched a pilot
phase in June 2019 and invited all stakeholders to provide feedback on the practical
implementation of the key requirements by the end of 2019. To this end, companies participating
in the pilot will report on their experience in implementing the guidelines. Based on the feedback
received, the High-Level Expert Group on AI will propose a revised version of the compliance
assessment list to the Commission in early 2020.
Something crucial in this context is to reflect on the following question: to what extent will voluntary
ethical rules, driven by industry’s pace and strategies, be sufficient to address the ethical issues
raised by AI development. There are calls for stronger intervention on the part of public authorities
to influence the development and enforcement of these rules. The European Commission
President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced
that she will put forward legislative
proposals for a coordinated European approach on the human and ethical implications of AI within
her first 100 days in office. Policy-makers, academics and stakeholders have called for further action
to implement and complement the ethics guidelines, and equally to ensure a harmonised approach
and avoid fragmentation. Possible further action focusing on ethical issues ranges from soft law
guidance, hard law legislation and standardisation.
Clarification of the guidelines
One of the main recommendations of the CEPS task force report on AI is to adopt some guidance
allowing to identify which applications or business models are potentially problematic and which
should be prohibited because they are incompatible with EU core values and legislation. The report
further stresses that extensive explanations should be provided to establish effective fairness
standards and that it is necessary to focus more extensively on setting up appropriate redress
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mechanisms for individuals.
Another great challenge is to clarify how to implement the
requirement of explainability in a context where the complexity of AI algorithms can make it
difficult to provide a clear explanation and justification for a decision made by a machine (i.e. black
box effect). Ensuring a harmonised application of the guidelines throughout the EU would require
spelling out this concept in more detail.
Explainability part II
While AI systems can be made explainable, this may result in a trade-off between cost and interpretability.
In order to apply the guidelines consistently and efficiently, stakeholders would need additional
recommendations on key questions such as: i) do they need to ensure explainability by design; ii) can they
differentiate the level of transparency required when they face cases where AI supports decision-making
by humans which may raise fewer explainability issues than fully automated decision-making systems;
iii) to what extent should intellectual property rights and trade secret protection be limited by the
implementation of the explainability requirement. In this regard, the AI Now Institute argues that AI
companies should waive trade secrecy and other legal claims that inhibit full auditing and understanding of
their software, because such trade secrecy contributes to the black box effect and makes it hard to assess bias,
contest decisions or remedy errors.
Standardisation is expected to play an essential role in driving AI market adoption. Standards can
influence the development and deployment of particular AI systems through product certification,
and serve to disseminate best practices in AI as is the case in cybersecurity or environmental
A number of standardisation organisations are working on AI technical standards;
in parallel, ethical AI standards are also being developed.
For instance, the joint technical
committee of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is working on
developing standards to ensure trustworthiness in AI
technology from the outset. Expert working groups are
considering how to technically achieve AI systems'
robustness, resiliency, reliability, accuracy, safety, security and
privacy. Another leading standardisation organisation, the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
published in 2019 an ethical framework setting out more than
100 ethical issues and recommendations to serve as a
reference for policy-makers, engineers, developers and
companies deploying, selling and using AI systems. In
practice, the IEEE seeks to develop specific industry
standards and processes related to transparency,
accountability, and algorithmic bias for the certification of
AI systems.
Against this background, the Commission’s 2019 Rolling plan for ICT standardisation
identifies three
main actions in relation to standard-setting in AI, namely: i) fostering coordination of
standardisation efforts on AI in Europe; ii) ensuring coordination between standardisation efforts on
AI in Europe and other international standardisation efforts; and iii) integrating the outcomes of the
High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence within the standardisation roadmaps.
However, launching a standardisation process raises many questions. Similar to technical standards,
ethical standards are voluntary measures. Standards can be made mandatory or become a
condition for awarding procurement contracts
so as to ensure that industry players implement
them. Some researchers stress, however, that there are not sufficient grounds for the adoption of
public certification or mandatory standards on AI in Europe, as the self-certification framework is
AI ethical standards
process model by which engineers
ethical consideration throughout
initiation, analysis and design of
new IT products and systems.
manner in which personal privacy
terms are offered and how they can
be read and agreed to by machines,
or describe specific methodologies
address and eliminate bias when
algorithms are created.
EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation
evolving and it is too early to anticipate with enough certainty how the AI market will develop over
The fact that standards are vague and certification enforcement and oversight are
unclear (i.e. who performs the ethical certifications?) has been criticised too. One concern is that the
standardisation and certification bodies are focused on enabling AI to become 'ethically' marketable
and that existing market logic will control AI development.
The risk of a race to the bottom in
regulatory oversight because AI development organisations may choose to locate in jurisdictions
that impose more lax rules for implementing ethical standards has also been pointed out.
EU regulatory framework on AI
A number of proposals on AI legislation have been discussed,
including several described below.
Legislation on transparency of decision-making systems
Transparency is paramount to ensuring that AI is not biased and AI systems are explainable. There
are calls to legislate and make the transparency requirement mandatory. For instance, the
Finnish national AI strategy
paper recommends assessing how ethical obligations could be imposed
on platforms as is done in the GDPR. The paper stresses in particular that certain parts of an
algorithm developed and used by the platforms could be prohibited if it distorts or restricts
competition without justification.
The EU could build on existing legislative initiatives and research
on transparency conducted in recent years. In July 2019, the EU adopted the new
Regulation (EU) 2019/1150
requiring providers of online intermediation services and online search
engines to implement a set of measures to ensure transparency and fairness in the contractual
relations they have with online businesses (e.g. online retailers, hotels and restaurants businesses,
app stores) that use such online platforms to sell and provide their services to customers in the EU.
The Commission is also carrying out an in-depth analysis on
algorithmic transparency.
Against this background, a 2019 Parliament study recommends the creation of a regulatory body
for algorithmic decision-making tasked with defining i) criteria that can be used to differentiate
acceptable algorithmic decision-making systems (that should be subject to an algorithmic
impact assessment) and systems that should be prohibited; and ii) the obligations falling on
algorithmic decision-making system providers (such as the obligation to make their systems
auditable). New EU legislation could also address the responsibility for informing the persons
affected by such systems, while also clarifying the explainability requirements and setting
specific liability and certifications regimes.
Sector-specific legislation in the health sector
It is arguably more important to ensure rigorous implementation of the ethical rules in specific
sectors, such as healthcare, where human control over algorithms and decision-making systems is
paramount. Against this background, the Finnish national AI strategy
proposes to formulate AI
ethics rules specific to the healthcare ecosystem. A 2018 study by the University of Oxford stresses
the need to analyse the implementation of the GDPR in the field of health research, and where
needed, amend laws or create more clarity through interpretation and guidance.
Legislation on face recognition technology
The use of face recognition technology (FRT) is becoming widespread across Europe and is giving
rise to growing concerns. FRT is considered as processing 'biometric data'
under the GDPR, and is in
principle subject to strict terms and conditions of use. However, technology experts disagree on
whether the GDPR framework is robust enough to address all issues created by the growing use of
AI-based FRT, or whether additional legislation will be necessary to ensure EU fundamental rights
are protected.
Already, the adoption of national FRT legislation is being discussed in some
Member States (see in particular the UK debate mentioned above).
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A number of legally binding instruments could be adopted to translate ethical rules into hard law and make
them mandatory for the most influential AI industry players in the EU.
International context
While the EU is clearly a front-runner in the debate on the ethical and social implications of AI, other
government entities in the world are also looking at these issues.
United States
In the US, while a range of industry players have already developed some codes of conduct on ethics
and AI, there are calls for more government-led regulation. Collaborative industry groups, such
as the Partnership on AI
(including Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Apple), have pledged to
develop and share best practices, including on ethics. The Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) also published in 2018 a
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct to guide the ethical conduct
of computing professionals. Furthermore, companies are developing their own ethical guidelines.
For instance, Microsoft has its own
AI advisory board and Google has disclosed its AI principles, an
ethics charter to guide the responsible development and use of AI in research and products.
However, there is growing concern
that self-regulation will not be enough to tackle the ethical
challenges posed by the development of AI. In 2018 the AI Now Institute issued a report concluding
that internal governance structures in most technology companies are failing to ensure
accountability for AI systems. It argues therefore that government agencies need greater power to
oversee, audit and monitor AI technologies, especially those involving face recognition.
In China, there is growing interest in setting up an ethical framework for the development of AI. In
2017, China released its Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan
setting out long-
term strategic goals for AI development in the country by 2030. One objective is to establish
regulatory and ethical frameworks to ensure the healthy development of AI in China. China would
promote self-discipline of the AI industry and enterprises, and increase punishments for data abuse,
violations of personal privacy and unethical activities in this regard. The Artificial Intelligence
Industry Alliance, which brings together Chinese tech firms and universities, released
guidelines for self-regulation in the field of AI in May 2019.
These call for implementing principles
of 'human-oriented', 'secure/safe and controllable' and 'transparent and explainable' AI similar to
the ones enshrined in the EU AI ethical guidelines. Furthermore, the New Generation AI Governance
Expert Committee, established by the Ministry of Science and Technology, released in June 2019 a
document outlining eight non-binding principles to guide AI development in China. These
principles largely mirror the EU rules on AI.
For instance, AI development should conform to 'human
values, ethics, and morality'; 'should be based on the premise of safeguarding societal security and
respecting human rights'; should 'eliminate bias and discrimination in the process of data
acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, product R&D, and application'; and should
'respect and protect personal privacy'.
Other countries and organisations in the world
Canada has already adopted a number of guiding principles governing the use of AI in the
administration and public services. Public institutions are required to incorporate some ethical
principles (including privacy and transparency concerns) in their application of AI.
The 2018
Directive on Automated Decision-Making for Federal Institutions
outlines the responsibilities of
federal institutions and provides rules to help them assess and mitigate the risks associated with
deploying an automated decision system. Australia is also well advanced. The Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner published
a Guide to data analytics and the Australian privacy
principles in 2018 and is working on a national ethics framework to address standards and codes of
EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation
conduct in the field of AI. Preparatory work for establishing an AI ethical framework is also ongoing
in India, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Japan.
Some international organisations
are engaging in setting international rules in the field of ethics and AI. In May 2019, the OECD and
associated nations adopted a non-binding list of guidelines
for the development and use of AI.
The AlgorithmWatch AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory lists all of the ethical frameworks and principles
being developed across the globe. Recent years have seen a flurry of initiatives from companies, governments,
NGOs and research bodies to propose ethical rules on AI. The ethical principles laid down in other jurisdictions
seem relatively similar to those of the EU (though less detailed) and are essentially of a self-regulatory nature,
even though there is growing demand for more government oversight.
Policy-makers all over the globe are looking at how to tackle the risks associated with the
development of AI. In April 2019, the EU published its guidelines on ethics in AI, becoming a front-
runner in the setting up of a framework for AI. Ethical rules on AI, where such exist, are so far
essentially of a self-regulatory nature, and there is growing demand for more government
oversight. In the EU, there are strong calls for clarifying the EU guidelines, fostering the adoption of
ethical standards and adopting legally biding instruments in order to, inter alia, set common rules
on transparency, set common requirements for fundamental rights impact assessments and
provide an adequate legal framework for face recognition technology.
Boucher P., How artificial intelligence works, briefing, EPRS, March 2019.
The Age of Artificial Intelligence, European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission, March 2018.
Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Independent High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence,
European Commission, April 2019.
Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective, JRC, European Commission, 2018.
Kritikos M., Artificial Intelligence ante portas: Legal & ethical reflections, briefing, EPRS, March 2019.
A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency, study, Scientific Foresight Unit
(STOA), EPRS, April 2019.
Understanding algorithmic decision-making: Opportunities and challenges, study, STOA, EPRS,
March 2019.
See definition provided by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (glossary section of the Ethics
Guidelines for Trustworthy AI). There is no commonly agreed definition for AI. For an overview of the notion of AI and
the difficulty in defining it, see Philip Boucher's 2019 EPRS briefings on How artificial intelligence works and on Why
artificial intelligence matters.
See EPRS briefing on Economic impacts of artificial intelligence by Marcin Szczepański, July 2019.
See Data quality and artificial intelligence mitigating bias and error to protect fundamental rights, FRA Focus, EU
Agency for Fundamental Rights, June 2019.
See two EPRS publications by Mihalis Kritikos: What if algorithms could abide by ethical principles?, at a glance’ note,
November 2018; and Artificial Intelligence ante portas: Legal & ethical reflections, briefing, March 2019.
Furthermore, the Parliament adopted an own-initiative-resolution on a Comprehensive European industrial policy on
artificial intelligence and robotics in February 2019. The European Economic and Social Committee issued an own-
initiative opinion on AI in May 2017 also calling for a code of ethics for the development, application and use of AI.
Furthermore, on 10 April 2018, 25 European countries signed a Declaration of cooperation on Artificial Intelligence.
See definition provided by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (glossary section of the Ethics
Guidelines for Trustworthy AI).
See The Age of Artificial Intelligence, European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission, March 2018.
Ibid. See as well Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective, JRC, European Commission, 2018.
EU action could also be taken to clarify the issue of liability of damages and measures to encourage data-sharing.
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
See Andrea Renda, Artificial Intelligence: ethics, governance and policy challenges, report of a CEPS Task Force, 2019,
p. 117.
See PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2018 AI predictions: 8 insights to shape business strategy, 2018. The report argues that
most AI can be made explainable but at a cost, and explains that, if every step must be documented and explained,
the process becomes slower and may be more expensive.
See OECD, above at p. 93.
See Peter Cihon, Standards for AI Governance: International Standards to Enable Global Coordination in AI Research &
Development, University of Oxford, April 2019.
See Jens Popper et al., Artificial intelligence across industries, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
whitepaper, October 2018, pp. 71-78.
See Marc Böhlen cited in Industry standards won't give artificial intelligence a conscience, Matthew Linares,
openDemocracy media platform, February 2019.
See Alan F. T. Winfield, Ethical standards in robotics and AI, University of the West of England, Bristol, February 2019.
See A. Renda, op.cit., p. 118.
See Marc Böhlen cited in M. Linares, op.cit.
See P. Cihon, op.cit., p. 17.
See a draft European Commission priorities working document published by Politico in August 2019.
See Work in the age of artificial intelligence Four perspectives on the economy, employment, skills and ethics,
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, 2018 p. 54.
See the following EPRS studies: A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency, April 2019;
Understanding algorithmic decision-making: Opportunities and challenges, March 2019; Cost of non-Europe in
robotics and artificial intelligence - Liability, insurance and risk management, June 2019.
On 21 August 2019, the Swedish Data Protection Authority (DPA) imposed its first fine since the EU GDPR came into
effect in May 2018. The fine was imposed on a school for creating a facial recognition program in violation of the GDPR.
More generally, how the GDPR affects machine learning techniques remains unclear in many respects. See also Mapping
regulatory proposals for artificial Intelligence in Europe, Access Now non-profit advocacy group, November 2018.
Work has started being undertaken on the application of FRT in Schengen border control. See Biometrics and the
Schengen Information System Fostering identification capabilities, JRC blog, European Commission, July 2019.
Google also established an Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC) featuring prominent academics
and designed to monitor its use of artificial intelligence, but decided to dissolved
it in April 2019 amid a controversy
about the appointment and independence of some of the Council members.
See Joint Pledge on Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Discipline (Draft for Comment), June 17, 2019.
See Chinese Government Governance Principles for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence: Develop Responsible
Artificial Intelligence, 17 June 2019. The eight principles with regard to AI are: harmony and friendliness; fairness and
justice; inclusivity and sharing; respect for privacy; secure/safe and controllable; shared responsibility; open
collaboration; and agile governance.
See Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Government of Canada (Digital Disruption White Paper Series), Treasury
Board of Canada Secretariat, 10 April 2019.
For an overview, see Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Selected Jurisdictions, the Law Library of Congress, United
States, January 2019.
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EU guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence: Context and implementation