Open Access, Volume - 2
Feature Selecon Based Fuzzy Expert System for Ecient Diagnosis of
Coronary Artery Disease
Case Report
*Corresponding Author: LJ Muhammad, Computer Science Depart-
ment, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria.
Received Date : Feb 11, 2022
Accepted Date : Mar 04, 2022
Published Date : Mar 18, 2022
Archived :
Copyright : © LJ Muhammad 2022
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most dangerous diseases which lead to sudden cardiac death. According to Word
Health Organizaon, CAD is the number one killer in the developed world, with over 7.4 million deaths aributed it. Before,
CAD is not common disease in Nigeria, however, is at this moment gaining much popularity in the country following the rising
number of health issues related to CAD diseases, including higher death rate, which is mostly due to lack of proper awareness
among the common people. The diagnosis of CAD is very expensive and me consuming which made computer sciensts to
use arcial techniques such as expert system to diagnose CAD’s paents. Therefore, in this work, fuzzy based expert system
for ecient diagnosis of coronary artery disease has been developed, implemented and evaluated. Hence, the system has
archived 90.08% overall accuracy which is very excellent, thus the accuracy determines the proporon of the total number
of predicons that were correct. At the same me, the system has 91.30% accuracy to classify of normal paents correctly by
the system (specicity) and 90.24% accuracy to classify abnormal paents correctly by the system (sensivity). This showed
that, the system performed eciently and excellently to diagnose CAD.
Keywords: CAD; Arcial Intelligence; Expert System; Fuzzy Logic; dataset; diagnosis.
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 1
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the deadliest diseases
in the world. It has been esmated that nearly one half of all
middle-aged men and one third of middle-aged women in the
United States have been aected with the CAD disease [46,
50]. In the developed countries CAD is one of the number one
killers with over 7.4 million deaths aributed to [29, 48]. It has
been esmated that, CAD is one in every seven deaths in the
United States is due to heart disease. CAD is the primary cause
of death in women, taking more lives than all cancers com-
bined The proporon of deaths in the United States that are
due to CAD has been decreasing slowly but connuously over
the past half century. Nonetheless, CAD remains the single
most common cause of death in the United States, according
[16, 19, 46]. In Nigeria, CAD is at the moment gaining much
popularity following the rising number of health issues related
to the disease, including higher death rate, which is mostly
due to lack of proper awareness among the common people.
According to the latest WHO data published in May 2014
Coronary Artery Disease Deaths in Nigeria reached 53,836
or 2.82% of total deaths. The rising gures of health issues
(cases) and mortality rate related to CAD in Nigeria recently
are alarming [2, 7, 26-27]. Research outputs have suggested
a rather increasing occurrence of instances of the CAD in the
Nigerian community, which however, the populace seems not
to be well informed and/or alarmed about it, and also, given
the health emergencies response level of Nigeria, the Nigerian
health systems do not seem very readily capable to deal with
the menace of CAD in both an immediate and a connuous
strategy to lower and/or overcome its adverse eects on the
populaon [26-27]. However, the major problem in tradional
method of medical diagnosis is inadequate guarantee of pre-
cision and accuracy. There are huge data management tools
available within health care systems, but analysis tools are not
sucient to discover hidden relaonships amongst the data.
Most of medical informaon is vague, imprecise and uncer-
tain [8]. Extracng correct informaon from this data is con-
sidered an art [16, 12-13]. It can be said to be an art because
it is complicated by many factors and its soluon involves liter-
ally all of a human’s abilies including technical experse and
Citaon: Y Atomsa, LJ Muhammad, FS Ishaq, Yusuf Abdullahi. Feature Selecon Based Fuzzy Expert System for Ecient Diag-
nosis of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Med Img Case Rep. 2022; 2(2): 1103.
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 2
intuion. Hence, it becomes necessarily essenal to leverage
compung technologies that support analycal processing
of this data to extract hidden correlaons and intelligences
within the data in order to improve accuracy and precision of
medical diagnosis [15].
Expert systems have been specically applied in a variety of
life sciences support systems development, ranging from stor-
age and retrieval of medical records, diagnoscs, up to expert
knowledge/decision support systems [3-5, 9]. Expert system
dened as an intelligence system that extracted its knowledge
using appropriate technique with the percepon of human ex-
pert, to solve the problems or make decision as human being
does [10, 44]. Expert System is dened as an intelligence sys-
tem which uses extracted knowledge from past domain expert
decision making reasoning in form of rules to solve problems
that ordinarily require human experse for their soluon, and
has the capability to update its rule-base as new knowledge
is discovered. There are many applicaon areas of expert
system such as medicine, educaon, agriculture, oil and gas,
environment, law, manufacturing, telecommunicaon and
power systems etc. [11]. This research work aims to develop
a fuzzy based expert system for supporng and compleng
human experse in the diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease.
The focus is leveraging compung technology systems for the
ecient, precise and re-accessible diagnosis procedure for the
Coronary Artery Disease.
Related Work
In this study research arcles and conference papers pub-
lished by reputable pub¬lishers that employed expert system
for diagnosis of coronary artery disease were searched and
reviewed in this secon. In work [47] an expert system for
the diagnosis of the level of coronary heart disease by tak-
ing into account the problem of data imbalance developed.
In the study of [14], a fuzzy so sets expert system to predict
paents suer coronary artery disease was developed. The re-
search was a pioneering approach in applying fuzzy so sets to
a medical diagnosis problem in the form of predicng paents
who may be suering from coronary artery disease. In study
of [39], a web based Fuzzy Logic-based Expert System for the
diagnosis of heart failure disease was developed. An evolu-
onary fuzzy expert system is proposed for the diagnosis of
the Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) based on Cleveland clinic
foundaon datasets for heart diseases in the study of [49]. In
the study of [1], paents with coronary artery disease were
idened and classied through the neuro-fuzzy network with
the capacity of automacally extracng fuzzy rules. Fuzzy ex-
pert system was implemented using facilies and funcons of
MATLAB soware (7.12.0 version). A fuzzy expert system for
diagnosis of coronary artery disease by a non-invasive pro-
cedure was implemented in the study of [33]. The adapve
neuro fuzzy inference system and Advanced fuzzy resoluon
mechanism has been proposed in the study of [17] to diag-
nose the heart disease. The work of [38] has developed a com-
puter intelligent based approach for the diagnosis of heart dis-
eases. A fuzzy rule-based system which concentrated only on
accuracy and interpretability of the system was proposed by
Ref [36] and system that provided a heart disease paent with
background for suitable diagnosis and treatment. Ref. [42]
developed a weighted fuzzy rule-based Clinical Decision Sup-
port System (CDSS) for computer-aided diagnosis of the heart
disease. The dierent data mining techniques such as neural
networks, decision trees and naive bayes has been proposed
in the work of [45] for the study of heart disease predicon
system. A coronary artery disease fuzzy expert system for mi-
croarray data classicaon using a novel Genec Swarm Al-
gorithm, has been proposed in the study of [18] for obtaining
near rule set and membership funcon tuning. In the study of
[43] screening system has been developed for the early detec-
on of Coronary Artery Disease. In the study of [33], a fuzzy
rule-based system was designed to serve as a decision support
system for diagnosis Coronary heart disease. In the work [6]
a Fuzzy Expert System for heart disease diagnosis using V.A.
Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic Foundaon
database was designed and system is being designed with in
Matlab soware and it is viewed as an alternave for exisng
methods to disnguish of heart disease presence.
SN Feature Units Range
1 Age Years 1 – 150
2 Sex Male (1), Female (0) 0,1
3 Family History Yes (1), No (0) 0,1
4 Smoking Yes (1), No (0) 0,1
5 Diabetes Yes (1), No (0) 0,1
6 Hypertension Yes (1), No (0) 0,1
7 Hyperlipimedia Yes (1), No (0) 0,1
8 Blood Pressure mmHg 90 – 190
9 Glucose mg/dL 37 – 295
10 Cholesterol mg/dL 128 – 575
11 Triglyceride mg/dL 40 – 690
12 HDL mg/dL 10.6 – 73
13 LDL mg/dL 10 – 220
14 Creanine mg/dL 0.6 – 3.3
15 Body mass index kg/m
20.28 – 40.25
16 Heart rate Bpm 42 – 124
17 Chest pain
Typical Angina (4),
Atypical Angina(3),
Non- Anginal pain(2),
Asymptomac (1)
1 – 4
18 Diagnosis of CAD
Posive (1), Nega-
ve (2)
NB: mmHg stands for millimeters of mercury, mg/dL stands for milligrams
per deciliter, kg/m
stands for Kilogram-Meter Squared and Bpm stands
for beats per minute
Methods and Materials
The medical expert diagnosc dataset for coronary artery
disease obtained at the Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe
State, Nigeria were prepared in the appropriate format with
the helped of medical experts in the hospitals and only data
instances of the dataset without missing values were consid-
ered and collected. Therefore, there are only one thousand
two hundred and one data instances of the dataset without
missing value. The dataset is labeled one with eighteen fea-
tures including demographic, history and clinical features of
the paent’s CAD. The feature of the dataset are age, sex, CAD
family history, smoking, type of the chest pain, diabetes, glu-
cose, hypertension, blood pressure, cholesterol, Hyperlipid-
emia, high density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglyceride, low density
lipoprotein (LDL), Creanine, BodyMass, HeartRate and Diag-
nosis (Table 1) shows the descripon of the dataset features.
Feature Selecon with Correlaon Analysis
Correlaon coecient analysis was carried out on the de-
pendent and independent features of the CAD Dataset [20].
Correlaon coecient is used to determine the strength rela-
onship that exists between the dependent and independent
features which can either be posive or negave. The r value
is a set of innite number between -1 to +1 which show the
exisng relaonship either posive or negave between the
dependent and independent features [22-24]. The feature can
be evaluated by the equaon (1) below:-
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 3
Where the Importance is the correlaon coecient between
dependent feature set and independent feature and is the
ranking criteria for evaluang the set of feature, (avg(corrfc))
is the average of the correlaon between the dependent fea-
ture and the independent feature, avg(corr) is the average
of the correlaon between feature set, and k is the number
of features. Correlaon coecient analysis was carried out on
the dependent features of the CAD dataset which include Age,
Sex, Family History, Smoking, Chest Pain, Diabetes, Glucose,
Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Hyperlipidemia
HDL, Triglyceride, LDL, Creanine, Body Mass and Heart Rate
and Diagnosis feature which is an independent features of the
CAD Dataset. (Table 2) and shows the r value of dependent
feature against the independent feature of the dataset while
(Figure 1) shows enre the correlaon coecient analysis ma-
trix of the dataset features.
SN Dependent Feature Independent feature r value correlaon coecient relaonship
1 Age Medical Diagnosc Result 0.42 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
2 Sex Medical Diagnosc Result 0.50 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
3 FamilyHistory Medical Diagnosc Result 0.48 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
4 Smoking Medical Diagnosc Result 0.24 Weak uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
5 ChestPain Medical Diagnosc Result 0.58 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
6 Diabetes Medical Diagnosc Result 0.61 Strong uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
7 Glucose Medical Diagnosc Result 0.55 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
8 Hypertension Medical Diagnosc Result 0.65 Strong uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
9 BLoodPressure Medical Diagnosc Result 0.53 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
Medical Diagnosc Result 0.44 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
11 Hyperlipidemia Medical Diagnosc Result -0.50 Moderate uphill negave correlaon coecient relaonship
12 HDL Medical Diagnosc Result -0.20 weak uphill negave correlaon coecient relaonship
13 Triglyceride Medical Diagnosc Result 0.28 Weak uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
14 LDL Medical Diagnosc Result 0.35 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
15 Creanine Medical Diagnosc Result 0.40 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
16 BodyMass Medical Diagnosc Result 0.50 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
17 HeartRate Medical Diagnosc Result 0.53 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
We remove the all independent aributes that have less than
0.50 posive correlaon coecient relaonships with depen-
dent aributes of the dataset as shown in (Table 3).
Mining Dataset with selected features
Interpreng mined paerns: in this phase, the visualizaon
the extracted hidden paerns or knowledge using C4.5 algo-
rithm was generated and it is called decision tree. However,
only independent aributes with more with 0.50 posive cor-
relaons and above were used to build the decision tree with
C4.5 algorithm. Figure 2 has shown the visualizaon decision
tree of the algorithm. C4.5 is one of the data mining classica-
on algorithms and it is an extension of Quinlan’s earlier ID3
algorithm. C4.5 algorithm was proposed by Ross Quinlan in
1993 to overcome some of the limitaons of ID3 algorithm
[25, 28, 51]. One the limitaon of ID3 algorithm overcomes
by C4.5 is ID3 sensivity to features with number of values
[30, 41].
The decision tree generated with C4.5 algorithm was con-
verted or transformed into or crisp rules. Below are the cor-
responding crisp rules of generated from the decision tree in
(Figure 2).
IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP <152.5 mg/dl and Hyperten-
sion =No and Diabates < 0.15 and Sex < 47 ) THEN Negave
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension= Yes and Diabates < 0.15 and Sex > 47 ) THEN Posive
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension = Yesand Diabates <2.85 ) THEN Negave
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension = No and Diabates =>1.52 and Chest pain= non_angi-
nal ) THEN Negave
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension =No and Diabates =>2.2 and Chest pain= asymt and
BMI >=19) THEN Negave
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension =Yes and Diabates = Yes and Chest pain= asymt and
BMI >=19 and Sex < 65) THEN Posive
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension >=152.2 and Diabates = Yes and Chest pain= atyp_an-
gina and Glucose < 69.5) THEN Posive
• IF (HeartRate <99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension >=152.2 and Diabates = Yes1 and Chest pain= atyp_an-
gina and Glucose >= 69.5) THEN Posive
IF (HeartRate <=99.5 mg/dl and BP < 152.5 mg/dl and Hyper-
tension >=152.2 and Diabates = No and Chest pain= atyp_an-
gina and Glucose >= 69.5) THEN Negave
SN Dependent Feature Independent feature r value Correlaon coecient relaonship
1 Sex Medical Diagnosc Result 0.50 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
2 ChestPain Medical Diagnosc Result 0.58 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
3 Diabetes Medical Diagnosc Result 0.61 Strong uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
4 Glucose Medical Diagnosc Result 0.55 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
5 Hypertension Medical Diagnosc Result 0.65 Strong uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
6 BLoodPressure Medical Diagnosc Result 0.53 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
7 BodyMass Medical Diagnosc Result 0.50 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
8 HeartRate Medical Diagnosc Result 0.53 Moderate uphill posive correlaon coecient relaonship
a) Sex: This input has two instances; either the paent is male
or female. Male = 1 and Female = 0 Hence, there is no fuzzi-
ness or overlap for this input. The membership funcons of
the linguisc variables of the sex input is shown is (Figure 3).
Autoimmune abnormalies are a known complicaon of im-
munotherapy drugs, which can be used to treat a wide range
of malignancies including lung and breast cancer and mela-
noma, to name a few [2]. Specically, autoimmune endocrine
adverse eects resulng from cancer immunotherapy drugs
include hypophysis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and
adrenal insuciency. There are several immune checkpoint
inhibitor drugs already on the market for cancer immunother-
apy, such as the an-CTLA-4 (ipilimumab and tremelimumab)
and an-PD1 anbodies (pembrolizumab, nivolumab and pi-
dilizumab), all of which have been shown to have autoimmune
side eects. Ipilimumab, pembrolizumab and nivolumab,
however, are the most commonly used and studied for their
Input (Variable) Range Linguisc Term
Chest Pain
Typical angina
Atypical angina
<108 mg/dL
100–126 mg/dL
>120 mg/dL
Low (Normal)
Normal (Prediabetes)
High (Diabetes)
Blood Pressure (BP)
< 134 mmHg
128 - 154
> 147 mmHg
Low (Hypotension)
Normal (Nomotension)
High (Hypertension)
Body Mass Index
< 10 kg/m
8- 25 kg/m
> 22 kg/m
Heart Rate
< 50 bpm
45 - 75 bpm
> 70 bpm
Diagnosis Result
< 4
2 - 6
4- 8
> 6
a) Sex: This input has two instances; either the paent is male
or female. Male = 1 and Female = 0 Hence, there is no fuzzi-
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 4
Moreover, aer determining the linguisc variable of each at-
tribute, converng crisp value into fuzzy values, the crisp set
rules generated earlier were converted into fuzzy set of rules.
Fuzzicaon is the process of transforming crisp values into
grades of membership for linguisc terms of fuzzy sets. The
membership funcon is used to associate a grade to each lin-
guisc term. Below are some of the fuzzy rules.
IF (HR is Normal and BP is Normal and Glucose is Low
and Diabetes is Yes and Sex is Female ) THEN Healthy
IF (HR is Normal and BP is Low and Glucose = Normal
is High and Diabetes = Yes and Sex is Male ) THEN Mild
IF (HR is Low and BP is Normal and Glucose is Norma
and Diabetes is Yes and Sex is Male ) THEN Moderate
IF (HR is Low and BP is Low and Glucose is Low and
Diabetes is No and Sex is Female) THEN Severe
IF (HR is Normal and BP is Normal and Glucose is High
and Diabete ) THEN Healthy
IF (HR is Low and BP is Low and Glucose is High and
Diabetes is Yes) THEN Mild
IF (HR is Normal and BP is Normal and Glucose is
High and Diabetes is No and Chest pain is non_anginal) THEN
IF (HR is Low and BP is Low and Glucose is High and
Diabetes is Yes and Chest pain is non_anginal ) THEN Mild
IF (HR is Low and BP is Normal and Glucose is High
and Diabetes is No and Chest pain is asymt and and BMI is
Normal) THEN Healthy
IF (HR is Normal and BP is Low and Glucose is High
and Diabetes is No and Chest pain is asymt and and BMI is
High)THEN Mild
IF (HR is Low and BP is Normal and Glucose is High
and Diabetes is No and Chest pain is asymt and and BMI is
Normal and Sex is Female ) THEN Moderate
Knowledge inference or Knowledge reasoning
Knowledge inference or Knowledge reasoning: this involves
applicaon of logical rules to the knowledge to deduce new
informaon. The inference engine draws conclusions from the
replicated human experse in the knowledge base of the ex-
pert system, which is the hallmark of the expert system [37,
40]. Mamdani inference technique is used to smulate rea-
soning of expert physicians in eld of diagnosis of coronary
artery disease in this work.. The usage of Mamdani technique
ness or overlap for this input. The membership funcons of
the linguisc variables of the sex input is shown is (Figure 3).
a. Chest pain: This input has four Chest Pain types: Typical
Angina, Atypical Angina, NonAngina, and Asymptomac. One
Paent can have only one type of Chest Pain at a me. To rep-
resent Chest Pain, 1 = Typical Angina, 2 = Atypical Angina, 3 =
Non-Angina and 4 = Asymptomac. Hence, there is no fuzzi-
ness or overlap for this input, thus there are crisp set of values
because the paent paent has just one chest pain at a me
and the membership funcons of the linguisc variables of
the chest pain input is shown is (Figure 4).
a. Diabetes: This input has two instances; either the paent
is posive or negave. Posive = 1 and Negave = 0 Hence,
there is fuzziness or overlap for this input. The membership
funcons of the linguisc variables of the diabetes input is
shown is (Figure 5).
b. Result of Diagnosis (Output): The output consists of four
fuzzy sets and their linguisc variables are Healthy, Mild, Mod-
erate and Severe. Each Linguisc variable has membership
funcon associated with it. The membership funcons of the
linguisc variables of Diagnosis output is shown is (Figure 6).
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 5
is shown in (Figure 7).
Defuzzicaon is the process of converng the output of infer-
ence engine (fuzzy values) into crisp values. As the name im-
plies, defuzzicaon is the opposite operaon of fuzzicaon.
Since in the rst procedure the crisp values of input variables
are fuzzied into degree of membership with respect to fuzzy
sets, the last procedure extracts a precise quanty out of the
range of fuzzy set to the output variable [34-35]. The Defuzzi-
er technique employed in this work is Centroid. Centroid de-
fuzzicaon returns the center of area under the curve [31].
Centroid Method (also called center of area or center of grav-
ity) which is the most prevalent and physically appealing of all
the defuzzicaon methods. It is adopted in this study. It is
given by the algebraic expression below:-
Where z is the output variable, and (z) is the membership
funcon of the aggregated fuzzy set A with respect to z. the .
Fuzzy Based Expert System for Ecient Diagnosis of Coronary
Artery Disease
Like any other Fuzzy Inference System, 4.6. Fuzzy Based Expert
System for Ecient Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Diseasehas
been implemented in MATLAB and it has ve primary graphi-
cal user interfaces (GUIs) can all interact and exchange in-
formaon to each other as shown in (Figure 14). Any of the
interfaces can read and write both to the workspace and to
the disk, (the read-only viewers can sll exchange plots with
the workspace and/or the disk). Like any fuzzy inference sys-
tem, any or all of these ve GUIs can be opened. (Figure 8)
shown GUI of the expert system and other GUIs of the system
include Membership Editor Viewer, Rule Editor Viewer, Rule
Viewer and Surface Viewer. GUI of Membership Editor Viewer
is shown in (Figure 9), GUI of Rule Editor Viewer is shown in
(Figure 10), GUI of Rule Viewer is shown in (Figure 11 and Fig-
ure 12) has shown the GUI of Surface Viewer.
          
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 6
Performance Evaluaon of the Fuzzy Based Expert System
There are four classes of linguiscs variable of the system out-
put which include Healthy, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. Both
Healthy, Mild paents are considered as normal paents and
both Moderate and Severe are considered as abnormal (CAD)
paents while evaluang the performance of the fuzzy expert
system model. For the performance evaluaon of the system
were considered based on the following techniques:-
i. True posive (TP): It denotes the number of abnor-
mal paents correctly classied by the framework.
ii. True negave (TN): It denotes the number of normal
paents correctly classied by the framework.
iii. False posive (FP): It denotes the number of normal
paents wrongly classied as abnormal paents by the frame-
iv. False negave (FN): It denotes the nu+mber of ab-
normal paents wrongly classied as normal paents by the
v. Specicity: It is denes as percentage of normal pa-
ents classied correctly by the framework. It is determined
i. Sensivity: It is dened as the percentage of abnormal pa-
ents classied correctly by the model. It is determined as
ii. Accuracy: It denotes the percentage of correctly classied
paents. In the present work (4-class problem) it is deter-
mined as:-
Where h is the number of correctly classied rules as healthy,
i the number of correctly classied rules as mild, j the number
of correctly classied rules as moderate, j the number of cor-
rectly classied rules severe and N is the total number of rules
in the system knowledge base.
Total num-
ber of rules
No. of rules Correctly
No. of rules wrong-
ly classied
Healthy 44 38 4
Mild 48 46 2
Moderate 42 36 6
Severe 40 38 2
Grand total 174 158 14
Class (Normal
Total number
of rules
No. of rules Correctly
No. of rules
wrongly classied
Healthy 44 38 4
Mild 48 46 2
Grand total 92 84 6
Class (Abnormal
Total number
of rules
No. of rules Cor-
rectly classied
No. of rules wrongly
Moderate 42 36 6
Severe 40 38 2
Grand total 82 74 8
The knowledge base of the Fuzzy System has 174 rules with
four classes as shown in (Table 8). These rules were validated
against the human expert driven data collected Federal Teach-
ing Hospital, Gombe State. (Table 5) has shown the general
classes of paents. There were forty four rules classied as
healthy and forty eight rules classied as mild which were
considered for normal or healthy paents. So total number
of rules classied for healthy paent is ninety two as shown
in (Table 6). while for abnormal paents, forty two rules were
classied as moderate and forty rules as severe. So total num-
ber of rules classied for abnormal paents are forty-one as
shown in (Table 7).
Out of forty four rules classied as healthy, thirty eight rules
were correctly in conformity with the expert system, so only
four rules were not in conformity with the data. While Out
of forty eight rules classied as mild, forty six rules were cor-
rectly in conformity with the expert system, so only two rules
were not in conformity with the data. Therefore, the system
correctly classied ninety two normal rules and however only
six rules were wrongly classied as normal. While Out of the
forty two rules classied as moderate, thirty six rules were
correctly in conformity with data of the expert system, so only
six rules were not in conformity with the data. While Out of
forty rules classied as severe, thirty eight rules were correctly
in conformity with data of the expert system, so only two rules
were not in conformity with the data. Therefore, the system
correctly classied seventy four abnormal rules and however
eight rules were wrongly classied as abnormal. The valida-
on result of the expert system is as follows:-
True posive (TP) = 37
True negave (TN) = 84
False posive (FP) = 4
False negave (FN) = 6
Specicity =84/92 = 91.30%
Sensivity =37/41 = 90.24%
Accuracy =158/174 = 90.08%
Therefore, the system has achieved 90.08% overall accuracy
which is very excellent, thus the accuracy determines the pro-
poron of the total number of predicons that were correct.
At the same me, the system has 91.30%accuracy to classify
of normal paents correctly by adopng the proposed frame-
work (specicity) and 90.24% accuracy to classify abnormal
paents correctly by adopng the proposed framework (sen-
sivity). This showed that, the system performed ecient and
excellently to diagnose CAD.
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the deadliest diseases
in the world and in Nigeria, the CAD is at the moment gaining
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2022 7
much popularity following the rising number of health issues
related to the disease, including higher death rate, which is
mostly due to lack of proper awareness among the common
people. Expert systems have been specically applied in a va-
riety of life sciences support systems development, ranging
from storage and retrieval of medical records, diagnoscs, up
to expert knowledge/decision support systems. In this work,
a fuzzy based expert system for supporng and compleng
human experse in the diagnosis of CAD has been developed
and evaluated. The system archived 90.08% accuracy, 91.30%
specicity and 90.24% sensivity respecvely, which showed
that, the system performed eciently and excellently to di-
agnose CAD and it can deployed and used in the hospitals in
This work was supported by the Terary Educaon Trust Fund,
Nigeria (TETFUND), as an Instuon Based Research Fund
(IBR) for Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria.
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