JCSHESA Sample Cover Letter
[Your Name]
[Your Organization/Institutional Affiliation]
[Editor’s name if known]
[Journal Name]
[Journal Address]
[Date of Submission]
Dear [Editor name],
I/We wish to submit an original research article entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by
The Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs. The manuscript is
[number of] pages long and includes [number of] tables and [number of] figures [if applicable].
I/We wish to submit this manuscript for [closed or open] review [please choose which review
process you (and co-authors) would prefer].
In this paper, I/we show that _______. This is significant because __________. [Briefly describe
what was done, the main findings, and why this research is important or significant. Do not
simply insert your abstract into your cover letter.]
We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by JCSHESA because it…
[Include specific reference to the journal’s Aims & Scope. Here you can also indicate who the
target audience is and/or why readers of the journal would be interested in the work].
I/We confirm that this work is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not
under consideration by another journal or book (print or electronic). I/we will also not submit the
material to another journal until the completion of the editorial decision process at JCSHESA.
I/we have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address].
Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.
[Your name]
[Your title]
[Your email address]
[Names and titles of co-authors, if applicable]
Key Information to Include in Your Journal Submission Cover Letter
Include journal information and editor’s name (you can
usually find this on our journal’s Editorial Board and
Advisory Council webpage).
Include your name and appropriate organization/institution
contact information.
Include your manuscript’s title and name of journal you
are submitting to. Also include total number of pages and
how many tables and figures your manuscript has, if
applicable. Here you should also indicate whether you
would like your paper to go through open or closed
review (you can learn more about these two options by
visiting our Review Process webpage).
Briefly describe what was done, the main findings, and why
this research is important or significant. Do not simply
insert your abstract into your cover letter.
Include statement that your manuscript has not been
previously published and is not currently under consideration
by another journal/book. Also confirm that you have no
competing interests to disclose.
Include your contact information and that of any co-authors.