Appendix 1: Example Cover Letter for Parents-Caregivers
Your name
Your address
City, State Zip code
Telephone number
Dear parent-caregiver:
We have learned that some children attending the _______________________ (name of
child care center) have developed chickenpox. Although chickenpox is usually not a serious
illness, it is a common disease and often causes parents to miss work when they stay home to
care for their children. In some children, chickenpox may cause more serious illness and may
require hospitalization.
A vaccine which can prevent chickenpox has been made and the vaccine is safe for
children who are older than 12 months of age. This vaccine is recommended for children who
have never had chickenpox or have never had the chickenpox vaccine before. We would like to
recommend that you contact your child’s regular pediatrician or family physician as soon as
possible to see if the chickenpox vaccine is available for your child.
At the health department, we are trying to learn more about why children develop
chickenpox and how we can best prevent this disease. In the attached questionnaire, we ask a
few questions about your child and whether or not they have had chickenpox or the chickenpox
vaccine. If your child has had chickenpox in the past three months, we have asked you a few
questions regarding your child’s illness.
All information that you provide is strictly confidential and cannot be shared with other
persons within the health department who are not involved with this study, with other physicians,
parents or insurance carriers. In addition, your name and the name of your child will not be
recorded in our database and it will not appear on the questionnaire.
We thank you for your help in completing the attached questionnaire and please do not
hesitate to contact us at any time if you should have any questions.
_______________________ (Study Coordinator) Telephone number: ___________________
Appendix 2: Varicella in Child Care Centers Questionnaire for Parent/Caregiver
Questionnaire Number: ________(health department use only)
Date: ____/____/____
1. Age of child: ______ (circle one: years months)
2. Race (circle one): 1. white 2. black 3. Asian/pacific islander 4. Other
3a. Has your child ever received the chickenpox vaccine? Yes No DK
3b. If yes, please write date _______________
4a. Has your child had chickenpox? Yes No DK
4b. If yes, please write date: ____________ (Month and Year, if possible)
4c. Please write the name of your child’s usual clinic and doctor (if applicable):
Clinic or office name: _____________________________________
Doctor: _____________________ Telephone: (____)__________________
If child has never had chickenpox, please stop here.
If child had chickenpox in the last three months, please answer the following questions:
5. Please write date that you first noticed your child’s rash: ____/____/____(MM/DD/YY)
6. How many days did rash last (until all scabs crusted)? _____ (days)
7. At the most severe stage of the illness, how many lesions were present? (Please select one of
the following):
a. All pock marks could be counted them in 30 seconds or less (< 50 pock marks).
b. An average number of pock marks were found (50-500).
c. Many pock marks present and in some areas, you could not see normal skin between
areas where pock marks were found (>500 pock marks).
8a. Did child have fever at least once during illness?
Yes No Don’t know
8b. If known, please write the highest temperature that you measured:___ ( F, C)
8c. Did fever spike occur more than one time? Yes No DK
9a. Did your child visit a physician because of chickenpox or a complication of chickenpox?
Yes No DK
9b. If Yes, please write date of office visit: ____/____/____
10. Did your child have any skin infection during his episode of chickenpox? Yes No DK
11a. Was your child hospitalized because of chickenpox or one of its complications?
Yes No DK
11b. If your child was hospitalized, how long was the hospital stay: ____ (days)
12a. Did your child have other complications of chickenpox that did not require hospitalization?
Yes No DK
12b. If Yes, please name the complication, if possible:________________________________
14a. Did child receive any medication during the chickenpox illness:
Yes No DK
14b. If Yes, please mark any of the following medications that apply:
Antibiotics on skin lesions? Y N DK
Oral or injectable antibiotics? Y N DK
Zovirax (Acyclovir)? Y N DK
Benadryl? Y N DK
Medication(s) for fever?
Tylenol: Y N DK
Advil: Y N DK
Ibuprofen Y N DK
15. Did your child receive any other medications for chickenpox? (Please specify name)
16a. Does this child have any chronic health problems that began before he/she developed
chickenpox? Y N DK
16b. If Yes, please check any of the following conditions that apply:
Bronchitis:____ Asthma: ____ Cystic fibrosis: ____
Other lung problems: ___________________________________
Diabetes:____ Chronic ear infections: _____
Allergies:____ Epilepsy or seizures: _____
Heart disease: _____
Other (please specify): _____
17a. Is child taking any regular medications for any condition under the care of a physician?
Yes No DK
17b. If Yes, please name these regular medications:
General comments from parent-caregiver:
Appendix 3: Health Care Provider Survey
1. Provider ID# P-______________ 2. City: ________ 3. County: _______
4. Practice volume: ____________ ( Please record average number of patients seen each day)
5. Proportion of children ages 12 months to 12 years in your practice?______%
6. Do you offer childhood immunizations in your clinic? Yes No
7a. Do you offer varicella vaccine to patients in your office? Yes No
7b. If Yes, to whom do you recommend use of the vaccine? (Circle all that apply)
1. All children under the age of 13 years
2. Children aged 12 to 18 months of age
3. Person greater than or equal to age 13 years
4. Health care workers
5. Family of immunocompromised persons
6. Child care employees
7. Residents or staff of institutional settings.
8. College students
9. Non pregnant women of childbearing age
7c. If No, please mark reasons why vaccine is not offered (mark all that apply):
1. Unable to meet freezer temperature requirements: ______
2. Vaccine not necessary for patients: ________
3. Cannot afford to purchase vaccine for patients: ________
4. Patients cannot afford to purchase vaccine: _______
5. Other reasons:________________________________________
8. Where do you store varicella vaccine in your office?
1. Refrigerator 2. Freezer 3. Other: _______
9a. Do you have a thermometer which records accurate temperature in your vaccine storage unit
(.e.g. freezer)? Yes No DK
9b. If Yes, what is the current temperature of cold storage area (e.g. freezer) where you store
varicella vaccine? ______ ( F, C)
10a. Have you been required to discard varicella vaccine due to any storage or handling
problems?: Yes No DK
10b. If yes, please state problems: ___________________________________
11a. Have you returned any doses of varicella vaccine to manufacturer due to any storage or
handling problems? Yes No DK
11b. If yes, please state problems: __________________________________
12. Approximately how many doses of vaccine do you administer each week (average #):
13. On average, how many cases of varicella do you see each month in your practice? ________
14. Has the number of varicella cases that you have seen in your office in the past one month
1. about normal
2. slightly above normal
3. greatly above normal
4. below normal
Appendix 4: Environmental Survey of Child Care Facility
1. Total number of child care attendees: _____
2. Total number of full-time staff: _____
3. Total number of part-time staff: _____
4. Total number of class rooms used everyday: _____
5. Number of classrooms used for part of day only: _____
6. List classrooms (record name of room which indicates activity) used for group activities
a. _________________________ b. _________________________
c. _________________________ d. _________________________
e. _________________________ f. _________________________
g. _________________________ h. _________________________
7. Please list class levels in child care center and age ranges of children in each level:
a. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
b. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
c. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
d. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
e. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
f. Level ___. Age range______ # of children ____ Classroom number: ____
Appendix 4: Environmental Survey of Child Care Facility (continued)
Graphical representation of child care center floor plan and room dimensions (record linear
dimensions of rooms when available):
Child care facility name:_________________________ Date recorded _____/_____/_____
Appendix 6: Line listing of Clients in Child Care Center Affected by Varicella Outbreak (For follow-up of clients only; names will not
be recorded in database)
Telephone Age of
Class Staff in
of class
Ill/Well Start date
of illness
Last day
of illness
Date of