24 Buckingham Terrace
Glasgow, G12 8ED
Tel 0141 7373 289
This letter is to certify that the patient named below had a Real Time (RT) COVID-19 PCR Swab performed by GP Matters
to detect SARS CoV-2.
Patient name: xxxxxx
Certificate Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Swab sample taken: xx/xx/xxxx at 12:00 pm
Date of birth: xx/xx/xxxx
Passport N: xxxxxxxx
SARS CoV-2 (Covid-19) Test Result: NOT DETECTED
This result was produced using a Real Time/Reverse Transcription (RT) PCR assay from an oropharyngeal and
nasopharyngeal swab analysed at The Doctors Laboratory. This lab process is accredited by UKAS and is ISO 17025
compliant. GP Matters is a government approved healthcare institution as per the registration with Healthcare Improvement
Scotland (number 00702), the independent regulator of health and social care in Scotland.
Yours sincerely,
Doctors signature
Doctors Name
GMC Reg number: xxxxxxx
GP Matters, 24 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, G12 8ED, T: 0141 7373 289, E: [email protected], W: www.gpmatters.com
Registered in Scotland as GP Matters Limited – Company number SC424457
Fit to Fly symptom verification
Upon systemic enquiry, the patient:
1- has not had any recent symptoms typically associated with COVID-19, including high fever, cough,
shortness of breath, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or disturbance in sense of smell/taste.
2 - is not aware of coming into contact with a case of COVID-19.
Based on this report, the patient did not have any evidence of an active COVID-19 infection on the test date.
I can therefore confirm that based on the above information, this patient did not have any evidence of an active
COVID-19 infection and is FIT TO FLY.