Using Automated Fix Generation to Secure SQL Statements
Stephen Thomas and Laurie Williams
Department of Computer Science
{smthomas, lawilli3}
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Since 2002, over 10% of total cyber vulnerabilities
were SQL injection vulnerabilities. Since most
developers are not experienced software security
practitioners, a solution for correctly fixing SQL
injection vulnerabilities that does not require security
expertise is desirable. In this paper, we propose an
automated method for removing SQL injection
vulnerabilities from Java code by converting plain text
SQL statements into prepared statements. Prepared
statements restrict the way that input can affect the
execution of the statement. An automated solution
allows developers to remove SQL injection
vulnerabilities by replacing vulnerable code with
generated secure code. In a formative case study, we
tested our automated fix generation algorithm on five
toy Java programs which contained seeded SQL
injection vulnerabilities and a set of object traceability
issues. The results of our case study show that our
technique was able remove SQL injection
vulnerabilities in five different statement
1. Introduction
Since 2002, over 50% of total cyber
vulnerabilities were input validation vulnerabilities
[10]. SQL injection vulnerabilities (SQLIVs) account
for 20% of the input validation vulnerabilities and,
therefore, 10% of total cyber vulnerabilities since 2002
[10]. A SQLIV allows input to a SQL statement to
change the structure of the statement and allows
malicious users to gain unauthorized information and
abilities. As the trend of providing web-based services
continues, the prevalence of SQLIVs is likely to
increase [7].
Another concern facing the software development
industry is that the number of developers
inexperienced in software security outnumbers the
number of experienced software security practitioners
[1]. As a result, as significant portion of developers
fixing SQLIVs will not be experienced with solving
security issues. Therefore, a solution that fixes
SQLIVs without requiring expertise is desirable. An
automated fix generation solution allows both
experienced and inexperienced developers to work
proactively and reactively. As vulnerable SQL
statements are discovered and written by the
developer, an automated fix generation method will
suggest replacement code that will remove the
vulnerability while maintaining the same functionality.
A typical developer will also use an automated fix
generation method proactively, by replacing legacy
code with more secure code to remove potentially
vulnerable code.
The objective of this research is to develop an
automated fix generation method for removing SQLIVs
from plain text SQL statements. Our automated
solution gathers information about known vulnerable
SQL statement, generates a fix, and replaces the
vulnerability with the generated code. We hypothesize
that automation will allow developers to fix SQLIVs
without requiring security expertise and secure legacy
code in a standard way.
In this paper, we present the results of a formative
case study of our solution. We developed five toy Java
programs with a seeded vulnerable SQL statement in
each program to test the ability of our algorithm to
convert the vulnerable statements into secure prepared
statements. Further, we tested that the generated
statements were functionally equivalent to the
vulnerable plain text SQL statement. The results from
the tests showed that the generated statements were
functionally equivalent to the vulnerable statements
and were not exploited by the SQL injection attacks
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 contains background and related
work; Section 3 describes our proposed approach;
Section 4 discusses our formative case study findings;
and Section 5 presents our conclusions and future
2. Background and related work
In this section, we provide background on
SQLIVs, SQLIAs, prepared statements, and automated
fix generation and suggestion. We also review several
other solutions to mitigate SQLIAs.
2.1. SQLIVs and SQLIAs
In this section, we introduce a typical SQLIV and
an associated SQLIA. A SQLIV is the combination of
dynamic SQL statement compilation and a lack of
input validation, which allows input to change the
structure of a SQL query [7]. An example of this
combination commonly found in Java is shown in the
following code. The code shows us that we have a
plain text SQL statement that dynamically creates the
SQL query based upon variable input (userISBN).
In addition, the code creates the SQL query using
string concatenation and does so without any input
Statement stmt =
ResultSet rs =
stmt.executeQuery("select amount
from books where isbn = '" +
userISBN + "'");
SQLIAs are attempts to input known SQL
characters and keywords into SQL statements with the
intention to maliciously access or modify critical
information in databases [7]. In the previous code, the
SQL query can be modified by using SQL characters
and keywords to malevolently change the structure of
the query or execute queries that the program does not
allow. An example of this malicious input could be
inputting the values of 111’ OR ‘1’=’1 for
userISBN. The malicious input contains a value for
the SQL query, then exits out of that part of the query
and appends an OR ‘1’=’1 clause to the statement.
The OR ‘1’=’1 clause will always evaluate to true,
turning the entire where clause into a true clause, and
resulting in the query executing as if there was not a
where clause. The resulting dynamically-created SQL
statement is, "select amount from books
where isbn = 111' OR ‘1’=’1’", which is
equivalent to the statement, "select amount
from books". These statements are equivalent
since ‘1’=’1’ is always true, which opens up the
statement to return all results without distinguishing
between which results are supposed to be returned.
2.2. Prepared statements
Prepared statements are SQL statements that have
been pre-compiled with the SQL query. A SQL
statement is the object that will be run by the database
while a SQL query is the plain text representation of
the statement written by the developer. The SQL
query for a prepared statement can have bind variables
that allow for input to be put into the query at a later
time. The bind variable is the question mark (?) in the
query, "select amount from books where
isbn = ?", which is noted as a place for input into
the query at a later time. In Java, the input for bind
variables is set by input set methods that are specific to
the input type, such as a ‘setString(index,
input)’ call for a String type input variable. Set
methods provide the added security of validating each
input variable with respect to its declared type.
Prepared statements are used primarily for security and
efficiency reasons. Prepared statements were
originally created to allow for the execution of the
same statement multiple times while only compiling
the statement once, a feature that plain text SQL
statements do not have [2].
In Java, SQL statements are managed through the
Statement and PreparedStatement interfaces,
the former containing the majority of SQLIVs.
PreparedStatements were introduced in Java 1.1
to improve the security and efficiency of SQL
statements. Prepared statements implement the same
functionality as plain text SQL statements, but have a
more structured way of using input. The structured
handling of the SQL query prevents input from
manipulating the structure of the pre-compiled query,
thus preventing SQLIVs.
A prepared statement can only be created if the
structure of the statement is known before the creation
of the statement. Therefore, statements that are
dynamically created or rely on input for a part of the
structure are not able to be prepared statements. We
define the structure of the SQL query to be the clauses,
such as select, from, and where, the identifiers, such as
what to select, table name, and attribute name, and the
comparators, such as equals, like, and, and or. We
define the literals that the attribute identifiers are
compared to as not part of the structure of the
statement and therefore can be missing and not affect
whether the statement can be a prepared statement. In
Java, once a prepared statement is created by the
Connection object, the prepared statement is pre-
compiled. Once all of the input is set into the
statement and the statement is executed, the statement
is sent to the database to be executed and the result set
or return code is sent back from the database.
2.3. Automated fix generation and suggestion
Automated fix generation and suggestion is used
in several development applications. The Eclipse IDE
has included a “Quick Fix” feature that suggests
replacement code for common development bugs [3].
FindBugs™ has also extended this “Quick Fix”
Eclipse IDE feature with “Quick Fixes” for several of
the FindBugs™ bug types.
The benefit of automated code generation has
been shown to be positive in the related field of
automated test generation [6]. Automated test
generation is a method that has been used to
significantly reduce the cost of software testing [6]
which can account for 50% or more of total project
costs [11]. Therefore, we surmise that automated fix
generation has similar potential to reduce the cost of
software fixing.
2.4. Related solutions
Current work on mitigating SQLIAs involve
wrapping the vulnerable SQL statement with
validation code or putting constraints on the runtime
environment to prevent invalid SQL statements from
running [2, 7, 12]. Proposed solutions to solving the
vulnerability, based on a mixture of these two
approaches, have been successful in stopping modern
attacks. However, these approaches are designed to
fortify against SQLIAs while our solution is designed
to remove the SQLIVs. In addition, each proposed
solution to this vulnerability adds developer and
computational overhead [2, 7]. In comparison, our
proposed method requires minimal developer overhead
and will potentially make the code more efficient. The
potential increase in efficiency is because
PreparedStatement-based SQL statements are
pre-compiled and can be executed multiple times
without any extra statement compilation costs [4].
Su and Wassermann [12] propose a solution to
prevent SQLIAs by analyzing the parse tree of the
statement, generating custom validation code, and
wrapping the vulnerable statement in the validation
code. They conducted a study using five real world
web applications and applied their SQLCHECK
wrapper to each application. They found that their
wrapper stopped all of the SQLIAs in their attack set
without generating any false positives. While their
wrapper was effective in preventing SQLIAs with
modern attack structures, we hope to shift the focus
from the structure of the attacks and onto removing the
Haliford and Orso [7, 8] secure vulnerable
statements by combining static analysis with statement
generation and runtime monitoring. Their AMNESIA
solution analyzes the vulnerable SQL statement,
generates a general acceptable SQL statement model,
and allows or denies each statement based on how it
compares to the model at runtime. They conducted a
study using five real world web applications and two
student-created web applications and applied their
AMNESIA solution to each application. They found
that their solution stopped all of the SQLIAs in their
attack set without generating any false positives. Their
solution throws an exception for each SQLIA, which
the developer handles and builds in attack recovery
logic. While their solution stopped current attacks, we
recognize that determining whether a statement is valid
or not is a difficult problem since new attacks are
created frequently. We propose that the problem of
determining statement validity can be avoided by
removing the vulnerability that the attacks exploit.
Further, their solution uses exceptions to indicate
potential attacks, which is a developer overhead we
would like to avoid by rendering the attacks harmless
and allowing the system to run oblivious to attacks.
Buehrer et al. [2] secure vulnerable SQL
statements by comparing the parse tree of a SQL
statement before and after input and only allowing a
SQL statements to execute if the parse trees match.
They conducted a study using one real world web
application and applied their SQLGUARD solution to
each application. They found that their solution
stopped all of the SQLIAs in their test set without
generating any false positives. While it stopped all of
the SQLIAs, their solution required the developer to
rewrite all of their SQL code to use their custom
libraries, which is an overhead we are trying to
eliminate with code generation. We are also trying to
avoid the computational overhead of dynamic
statement validation by removing the vulnerability and
allowing all input.
3. Proposed solution
Our proposed solution generates a
PreparedStatement-based fix to a vulnerable
SQL statement and suggests the fix to the developer.
We assume all plain text SQL statements can be
considered vulnerable since plain text SQL statements
are dynamically created after input has been included,
which allows input to potentially alter the statement
structure. Nevertheless, if a better granularity of which
SQL statements are most likely to be vulnerable is
desired by the developer, code analyzers, such as
FindBugs™ [9], a static code analyzer, can achieve
this granularity. We have developed an algorithm for
generating the PreparedStatement-based
solution for Java programs and are currently working
on implementing the algorithm in an Eclipse IDE plug-
in. The following sections discuss the assumptions,
three main parts, and limitations of our solution
generating algorithm.
3.1. Assumptions
We make several assumptions about the runtime
environment that our automated code will run in. We
assume that the language, database connector, and
database all support prepared statements. Further, we
assume that the vulnerable code has the equivalent data
types for input as the corresponding database column
types. If the data types do not match, we assume that
the runtime environment can handle type conversions.
In addition, we assume that the database connector and
database support prepared statement pre-compilation.
Our solution will still work if pre-compilation is not
supported, but the security of dynamically-compiled
prepared statements is weaker since it is based on input
formatting, which stops SQLIAs instead of removing
3.1. Information gathering
Initially, our algorithm collects three types of
information: (1) the plain text SQL statement, (2) the
SQL query, and (3) the execution call. We use this
information later in our algorithm, and we if we do not
have all three parts we cannot generate the
PreparedStatement-based solution and we will
exit the algorithm. In addition, we determine if the
statement is a batch job, since we cannot handle batch
queries as discussed in Section 3.4.
Below is a sample SQL statement found in one of
the five toy vulnerable Java programs we used for
forming our algorithm
Statement stmt =
ResultSet rs =
stmt.executeQuery("select amount
from books where isbn = '" +
userISBN +
The example statement contains all three parts:
stmt is the plain text SQL statement
"select amount from books where
isbn = '" + userISBN + "'" is the
SQL query
executeQuery is the execution call
We can proceed to the “fix generation” step with
the information gathered. Further, since the execution
call is not an executeBatch call, we know that the
Statement is not a batch job and can be converted.
We have designed our algorithm to use the Java AST
provided by the Eclipse IDE for our initial data
collection. We will analyze the Java AST to find
statement, query, and execution call and we will use
the AST to determine if there are any scope or method
signature conflicts that we will have replacing the
vulnerable code with our generated code.
3.2. Fix generation
In this stage, we initially analyze the plain text
SQL query to determine the structure of the query in
the form of a parse tree. We find any input variables
and determine the structure of the query without input.
We then create a prepared statement and a
functionally-equivalent query with the same structure
and use bind variables in the place of input. However,
if we cannot find any input variables, then we cannot
determine the structure of the query without input and
thus we cannot create the PreparedStatement-
based solution.
We have designed our method to use a SQL parse
tree analysis technique to determine the structure of the
SQL query as well as the input variables [2]. We will
use a SQL parser, such as the freely-available Java
SQL parser Zql [5], to build the SQL parse tree.
Buehrer et al. use parse trees in a dynamic way to
make runtime comparisons to determine whether two
queries are functionally equivalent. We plan on
building upon their research and using parse trees in a
static way to determine the structure and input
variables. Parse trees make this determination easy
since all input variables are clearly marked as leaves
off of ‘literal’ nodes.
Once we have a functionally-equivalent SQL
query with bind variables for input, we create the set
calls for each bind variable and put input into the
proper bind variable locations. These set calls are
based on the data type of each input variable. For
instance, we would match up an input variable of type
String with a ‘setString(index, input)
call. Finally, we generate the
PreparedStatement-based execute call that is
functionally equivalent to the vulnerable statement
execute call. The PreparedStatement-based
execute call will both execute in the same manner as
the vulnerable statement execute call and return the
same data type.
When we ran our algorithm on one of the same
toy Java programs we used for feasibility testing in
Section 3.1, we generated the following functionally
equivalent code:
String PSsql = "select amount from
books where isbn = ?";
PreparedStatement preparedStmt =
ResultSet rs =
The example code illustrates the creation of the
PreparedStatement-based SQL statement, modification
of the SQL query to include a bind variable in the form
of a question mark (?), and creation of the set call.
Finally, this code shows that the result of the secured
SQL statement is the same data type as the result of the
vulnerable statement.
3.3. Vulnerability replacement
In this final stage of our algorithm, we either
replace the entire vulnerable statement or append the
secured statement to the vulnerable statement. We
append the secured statement to the vulnerable
statement when the database Connection object is
not in the scope of the execute call or when the
vulnerable statement is in a method signature as will be
explained in Section 3.4. In addition, if the vulnerable
statement is in any detectable method signature then
we will not attempt to replace the statement since that
would change the API. The vulnerable statement can
be secured without modifying the statement creation
code, but a full replacement of the plain text SQL
statement is preferred to remove redundant objects.
In either of these two cases, we will replace the
execute call for the Statement with a
PreparedStatement preparedStmt
tement(psSQL);’ prepared statement creation call.
Statement is the actual Statement object in the
code and PSsql is the generated SQL query with
bind variables, followed by the rest of the
PreparedStatement-based solution. The creation
call code bypasses the Statement and uses it to
refer to the proper Connection variable and
generate the secure PreparedStatement-based
SQL statement. Nevertheless, if the Connection is
in scope of the plain text execute call and the
Statement is not in any detectible method
signature, then the Statement-based code is
replaced with the PreparedStatement-based
code. Finally, after both cases, we finish and can use
the algorithm on other vulnerable SQL statements.
When we ran the algorithm on a sample
vulnerable program that had the database
Connection in scope of the execution call and had
the vulnerable statement not within any method
signature, we replaced the vulnerable code with the
secured code. In the toy vulnerable Java program we
used as an example in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, we
replaced the code in Section 3.1 with the code
generated in Section 3.2. Nevertheless, when we ran
the algorithm on a small vulnerable Java program that
did not have the Connection object in scope of the
execute call and had the vulnerable statement in a
method signature, we replaced the execution call with
the following code:
String psSQL = "select amount from
books where isbn = ?";
PreparedStatement preparedStmt =
ResultSet rs =
The example code illustrates the same
functionally-equivalent code generated in stage 2 as
well as the use of the vulnerable statement to reference
the Connection variable to create the secured
3.4. Limitations
While we can convert a significant amount of
vulnerable SQL statements with our conversion
algorithm, we cannot convert batch SQL statements.
Batch jobs cannot be handled since the JDBC
PreparedStatement interface does not currently
allow for multiple independent queries in the same
batch PreparedStatement. In addition, when we
cannot trace the input from the execution call to the
variables, we cannot change those variables into bind
variables. One instance of this traceability issue is
when the developer uses a custom method to put the
input into the SQL query and executes the new
combined string.
Additionally, if the Connection is not in scope
of the execute method, then the vulnerable statement is
generated by some code outside the scope of the
algorithm, which we will not attempt to modify. We
will not attempt to find or modify the out of scope
code since that code may not always be accessible.
4. Formative case study
To develop our approach, we performed a case
study in which we evolved our solution generation
algorithm. Our case study setup consisted of five
vulnerable toy Java programs constructed by the first
author with seeded SQLIVs and the required
information for the algorithm. Each toy Java program
was less than 50 lines of code and was seeded with
exactly one vulnerable SQL statement. These toy Java
programs are available online
We determined that our algorithm can be tested
with six equivalence classes. Three of the classes
tested the ability of the algorithm to automate the
secure code and three of the classes tested the ability of
the algorithm to secure different types of statements.
The three automation equivalence classes were:
a Connection out of scope;
Statement in method signature; and
all objects localized with no method signatures
The three security equivalence classes were:
a select statement with a vulnerable where
a delete statement with a vulnerable where
clause; and
an insert statement with a vulnerable values
Each automation equivalence class was tested with
an individual toy program with one seeded select
statement with a vulnerable where clause. Each
security equivalence class was tested with an
individual toy program with all objects localized with
no method signature issues with one seeded statement.
We determined that since update and delete statements
were both manipulating data inside the database and
were vulnerable to the same attacks, we could group
those statements into one equivalence class. We used
a delete statement for our test of that class. However,
we grouped select statements in a separate class since
they did not manipulate the database and insert
statements in a separate class since they were
vulnerable to attacks that input data into the database.
We should note that no equivalence classes were
created for testing the algorithm when the required
objects, SQL query structure, and input variable
traceability is not available, since the algorithm exits in
those situations.
We tested each program before and after the
conversion with a valid input test as well as a SQLIA
and collected the results. The valid input test
contained data without any SQL characters or
keywords and made the program correctly perform the
desired tasks. The SQLIA test contained a custom-
made SQLIA for each type of statement. The SQLIA
for select and delete SQL queries contained
SQL characters and keywords to make the where
clause of the query always return true, such as, asfd'
or '1'='1. The SQLIA for insert queries
contained SQL characters and keywords to make the
values clause contain un-validated data, such as
We found that the programs had the same results
for the valid input test before and after the conversion.
However, we found that the programs returned
sensitive information or inserted un-validated data for
the SQLIA test before the conversion while all
programs returned non-sensitive results or inserted
validated data after the conversion. These results
cannot prove that the generated solutions are secure
and the prepared statements do not contain SQLIVs,
but they do show five instances of the algorithm
stopping a sample attack.
For an example of our test setup and results, our
security equivalence class toy program contained the
vulnerable insert statement:
insert into books
VALUES ('" + userISBN +
This insert statement was intended to insert a the string
for userISBN and then insert the default values
'asdf','asdf',5. When the SQLIA,
test6','f','f',5)#, was run on the program,
the resulting insert statement was:
insert into books
This new statement inserted the values
'f','f',5 instead of the default values and made
the default values a comment with the comment
character #. We ran this SQLIA on the same program
after the conversion, with the insert statement
"insert into books
(isbn,name,publisher,amount) VALUES
(?,'asdf','asdf',5)". The resulting statement
used test6','f','f',5)# as the isbn and the
default values were inserted for the other attributes.
This result is positive since the attack was unsuccessful
in preventing our program from inserting the default
5. Conclusion and future work
In this paper, we presented an automated fix
generation solution for replacing vulnerable
Statement-based SQL statements with secured
PreparedStatement-based SQL statements. We
use a conversion algorithm where we secure a
statement without knowledge of the context while
maintaining the logic of the statement. The intuition
behind this solution is that automated fix generation
can be a means for securing vulnerable SQL
statements without requiring expertise in software
security. In addition, since our solution replaces the
vulnerable statement with a secured prepared
statement, then our solution removes the SQLIVs and
is not prone new types of SQLIAs. Further, our
solution is not disadvantaged by the same
computational overhead that dynamic statement
analysis solutions generate since our solution pre-
compiles the SQL statement.
In our future work, we will develop our solution
into an Eclipse IDE plug-in that we will use to conduct
further tests of our solution. In addition, we are going
to refine our conversion algorithm to reduce the cases
of vulnerable SQL statements that it cannot handle to a
minimal set. We are looking for corporate partners
that we could work with to test our solution.
We would also like to note that while this work is
initially for Java, the concept and general algorithm
could be applied to other languages that meet the
environment assumptions as well. We surmise that for
any positive results that are gained through this
solution in Java, similar results could be gained in
other languages.
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