USAREC Regulation 25-30
Information Management
Business Cards
United States Army Recruiting Command
1307 3rd Avenue
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121-2725
24 June 2019
USAREC Reg 25-30
USAREC Business Cards
This Major revision, dated 24 June 2019
Updated the Multi-Selection Business Card Ordering Process
Added instructions for personal (non-Government funded) purchase of Business Cards
Added paragraph 1-5 Records management requirements paragraph
United States Army Recruiting
Command 1307 3rd Avenue
Fort Knox, Kentucky 41021-2725
Date: 24 June 2019
Business Cards
Chief of Staff
Ronnie L. Creech
Assistant Chief of Staff, CIO/G6
History. This publishes a
revised USAREC Reg 25-30,
which is effective 24 June 2019,
and supersedes the last version
dated 29 June 2016.
Summary. This regulation
establishes policies and procedures
for the Publications process, the
procurement of business cards for
the United States Army Recruiting
USAREC Business Cards
Applicability. This regulation is
applicable to all elements of the
United States Army Recruiting
Proponent and exception
authority. The proponent of this
regulation is the Assistant Chief of
Staff, G6. The proponent has the
authority to approve exceptions to
this regulation that are consistent
with controlling law and
regulations. The proponent may
delegate this approval authority, in
writing, to a division chief, within
the proponent agency in the grade
of Lieutenant Colonel or the
civilian equivalency.
Army Management control
process. This regulation contains
control management provisions in
accordance with AR 11-2, but does
not identify key management
controls that must be evaluated.
Supplementation of this regulation
is prohibited.
Relation to USAREC Reg
10-1. This publication establishes
policies and procedures regarding
Business Cards according to UR
10-1 para 3-16a.
Suggested improvements.
Users are invited to send
comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028
(Recommended Change to
Publications and Blank Forms)
directly to HQ USAREC,
ATTN: RCIO-OPP, 1307 3rd
Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121-2725
Distribution. Distribution of this
regulation is available in electronic
media only.
*This regulation supersedes USAREC Regulation 25-30, dated 29 June 2016.
Information Management
*USAREC Regulation 25-30
Effective 24 June 2019
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page)
Chapter 1. ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1-1. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1-2. References ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms ................................................................................................................. 1
1-4. The Business Card Process:.................................................................................................................................... 1
1-5. Records Management requirements ....................................................................................................................... 2
1-6. Business Card Program Responsibilities. .............................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2. ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Ordering Process ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2-1. Business Card Ordering Process. ........................................................................................................................... 2
2-2. Proofing Review .................................................................................................................................................. 10
2-3. Shopping Cart ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
2-4. Submit Order ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
2-5. Thank You Confirmation ..................................................................................................................................... 14
2-6. USAREC Form 25-30.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3. ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Independently Purchased Business Cards ............................................................................................ 17
3-1. Independently Purchased Business Cards ............................................................................................................ 17
3-2. UPS Freight Options. ........................................................................................................................................... 17
3-3. Order Receipt-Emails .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................ 18
References ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2-1 USAREC SharePoint Business Cards Ordering ........................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-2 Registration and Log In ............................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2-3 Choose a Front Style .................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-4 Card close up view ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-5 Select a Card Back ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2-6 Card Back Graphic Enlargement ................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2-7. Enter Detail Page ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 2-8. Title Exceptions ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2-9. Proofing Review ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-10. Check Approval and Add to Cart ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 2-11. Shopping Cart ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-12 Submit Order ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 2-13. Order Confirmation Page ........................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2-14. Successful Submission Verification ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2-15 Sample USAREC Form 25-30.1 ............................................................................................................ 16
A. References, page 13
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Chapter 1.
1-1. Purpose
This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the procurement of business cards for the United States Army
Recruiting Command (USAREC).
1-2. References
For required publications and referenced forms see appendix A.
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
1-4. The Business Card Process:
a. Headquarters, United States Army Recruiting Command (HQ, USAREC), CIO/G-6 Publications will oversee
the program for business cards. The following restrictions apply in obtaining these cards:
cards or four batches per FY.
b. Command personnel are not allowed to procure business cards at their own expense, unless they conform to
the requirements in (2) above.
c. Personnel not on the authorized title list in 1-4 e. below, may submit a request for an exception by
completing USAREC Form 25-30.1 (UF 25-30.1) and submitting the form providing justification in block 14. UF
25-30.1 can also be downloaded from the USAREC Sharepoint publication site at:
https://span.usarec.army.mil/sites/HQ/Publications-Library/SitePages/Home.aspx. and submit to:
usarmy.knox.usarec.mbx.hq-g6[email protected]. USAREC G-6 will notify the individual of the disapproved
title exception and approved requests will automatically be ordered.
d. Other personnel, not on the authorized title list or where an exception has been denied, may procure business
cards at their own expense from the vendor at the established government rate. Orders can be submitted by using
the link on the USAREC SharePoint business card registration page. Orders will be billed at the address provided in
the UF 25-30.1, see Chapter 3 for specific ordering instructions.
e. Pursuant to AR 25-30 (3 June 2015,) paragraph 5-7, (the deciding official) has determined that the following
personnel are authorized business cards at government expense in order to perform official duties and to facilitate
mission-related business communications. Business cards will be procured at Government expense only for the
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
(1) Commander
(2) Command Sergeant Major
(3) Commanding General
(4) Deputy Commanding General -Operations
(5) Deputy Commanding General -Support
(6) Dean, Chief Academic Officer
(7) Education Services Specialists
(8) First Sergeants
(9) Station Commanders
(10) U.S. Army Band Recruiting Liaisons
(11) U.S. Army Reserve Recruiters
(12) U.S. Army Chaplain Recruiters
(13) U.S. Army Health Care Recruiters
(14) U.S. Army Health Care Recruiters/OIC
(15) U.S. Army IRR 09L Interpreters
(16) U.S. Army Recruiters
(17) U.S. Army Recruiting Liaisons
(18) U.S. Army Special Operations Recruiters
(19) U.S. Army Special Operations Recruiters/OIC
(20) U.S. Army Warrant Officer Recruiters
(1) The cards must be obtained through the contract vendor on a term contract administered by DLA/GPO.
(2) The cards must contain information that clearly identifies persons as one of the titles listed below in 1-4.e (1)-(20).
(3) Cards are available in batches of 500 count per quarter. One order per quarter is authorized for a total of 2000
f. Personnel, or titles identified in 1-4 (e) above are authorized an annual allotment of two thousand business
cards per FY, in increments of 500. Additional orders may be placed if there has been a change of name,
rank, position, address and telephone number.
1-5. Records Management requirements
As decreed by AR 25-400-2, the records management (recordkeeping) requirements for all record numbers,
associated forms, and reports are included in the Army’s Records Retention Schedule-Army (RRS-A). Detailed
information for all related record numbers, forms, and reports associated with AR 25-30 are located in RRS-A at
1-6. Business Card Program Responsibilities.
a. The USAREC G-6 is responsible for the procurement (funding) of all USAREC business cards, with print
responsibility outsourced to an approved DLA/GPO vendor. The vendor will monitor submissions for duplicate,
incorrect, or unprofessional data. USAREC G-6 Publications Branch will oversee this program.
b. Personnel authorized business cards are responsible for:
(1) Requesting their allotment of business cards.
(2) Accuracy or validation of information that is on the business card proof provided on the site, prior to
submitting the order.
(3) Programming use of USAREC business card allotment to ensure 12-month usage.
Chapter 2.
Ordering Process
2-1. Business Card Ordering Process.
a. To request USAREC Business Cards, personnel must access the USAREC Business Card Request Center
link located on the quick launch of each Brigade Sharepoint pages or the G6 page
https://span.usarec.army.mil/sites/HQ/G6/SitePages/G6_main.aspx. see Figure 2-1 Selecting the, Business Card
Request, link will take the user to the contract provider vendors Registration and Login page.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-1. USAREC SharePoint Business Cards Ordering
Figure 2-1 USAREC SharePoint Business Cards Ordering
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
b. Users are directed to the Registration / Login page where first time users register and create a Password and
ID, complete the Registration Details and select the Register link at the bottom of the page. Return users go directly
to the Login. Unauthorized users select Pay By Credit Card Link.
Figure 2-2. Registration and Login
Figure 2-2 Registration and Login
c. Multiple graphic options are available for both the front and back selection. Any front graphic can be
combined with any back graphic. Users select one graphic for each side. When re-ordering cards users can select
new front and back graphics irrespective of previous orders.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-3 Choose a Front Style
Figure 2-3 Choose a Front Style
d. Selecting any one of the front card designs in this view will enlarge the graphic to assist in the selection.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-4. Card close up view
Figure 2-4 Card close up view
e. Selecting a card back graphic. Using the drop down menu the card back graphic is selected. Back graphics
are differentiated and selected by assigned capital letters. The Ship to Attn: cell and the Brigade drop-down menu
are filled out and selected.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-5. Select a Back Page
Figure 2-5 Select a Card Back
f. An enlargement of the back graphics are available by selecting the top graphic allowing the user to better see
the different text and graphics options.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-6 Card back graphic enlargement.
Figure 2-6 Card Back Graphic Enlargement
g. Enter details. Where provided drop-down menus are to be used. All write in entries are automatically
reviewed for exception to policy by USAREC G-6.
(1) The cards represent the Army to our target audience so names of individual station/company/battalion/or
brigade will be not be used. Example Kalamazoo Army Recruiting Station is not a valid entry and should be U.S.
Army Recruiting Station.
(2) All entries annotated with an (*) are required.
(3) Personal comments, unit names, personal nicknames, reference to March to Success, Hablo Español,
directions and office hours are not allowed. (Refer to AR 25-30, paragraph 5-8, for additional information on
business cards.) The template for the card is in lowercase text formatting and will not be mixed with all capital
letter entries. Social media will be official Army sites only and should be open to the public and not private.
(4) To view a mock-up card select “Click to Update Proof”.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-6. Enter Detail Page
Figure 2-7. Enter Detail Page
h. Exceptions.
(1) Title Exceptions. Only titles included in the dropdown menu are authorized business cards at government
(3) All exceptions must be approved prior to submitting the card order.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
expense. A title that is not included in the dropdown menu is not authorized business cards at government expense. In the
case where a new position is created within the command but not reflected in the menu the user can select the “Click Here”
link at the top of the page to download a UF 25-30.1 completing block 14 justification and submit it to:
[email protected] G6 for evaluation.
(2) Expedited Delivery and all other exceptions. There is a substantial additional cost for business cards to receive an
expedited delivery. To submit a request for exception the same procedure is followed in (1) above.
Figure 2-8. Exceptions
Figure 2-8. Title Exceptions
2-2. Proofing Review
a. Proofing. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a complete quality control review (validation) before
ordering cards. A visual representation sample or mock-up of the proposed business card is provided by selecting
Click to Update Proof. Entered text will not be in all capital letters, phone numbers must be formatted, and
Social Media sites should be official and not contain controversial or unprofessional names or tag-lines.
b. Approval of Card. After all changes, if any, have been made and a final quality control has been completed
“Next” is selected.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-9. Proofing Review
Figure 2-9. Proofing Review
c. For a larger view or to save the card in PDF select the image in this view. Card data can be changed in this
view by selecting “Edit Artwork Details above the graphics.
d. The “Checking Approval box to print as shown” must be selected before “Add to Cart” selection is made.
Checking this box should only be done once verification of all data on the card has been made. Cards are authorized
quarterly and an exception with a detailed justification is required to reprint any cards after this step.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-10. Check Approval and Add to Cart
Figure 2-10. Check Approval and Add to Cart
2-3. Shopping Cart
a. All items currently in the shopping cart will show in this view. Another card can be added in this view.
b. To order cards “Checkout is selected”.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-11. Shopping Cart
Figure 2-11. Shopping Cart
2-4. Submit Order
a. This view provides shipping information and timelines.
b. Once “Submit Order” is selected the order is placed into production. There is little time to fix mistakes after
“submit order” is selected. At this point the card cannot be revised and counts as the current quarters order. An
exception must be approved for any reorder due to submitter mistake within the same quarter.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-12 Submit Order
Figure 2-12 Submit Order
2-5. Thank You Confirmation
Successful transactions will receive a thank you view containing an order number, Cart number and Item number
that can be used to assist in tracking delayed or lost orders.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Figure 2-13. Order Confirmation Page
Figure 2-13. Order Confirmation Page
a. Successful submissions will prompt an immediate email verification to be sent. A second email is generated
when the order ships, including tracking information, and a third email will be sent confirming delivery.
b. Printed business cards will be shipped directly to the requester from the vendor. Business cards should arrive
from the vendor within 15 working days from the date of submission of the request. If, after 15 working days, cards
are not received contact the local post office using the tracking information provided.
c. In the case of vendor misprinted cards (missing data, overprint, or image distortion) a photo of the
unservicable card should be provided to the vendor using the customer service link on the ordering site. This will
initiate a re-print that will not count against the quarter/ FY ordering quota and prevent the government from paying
for unusable card orders.
d. Data incorrectly put in the UF 25-30.1 by the user is not the responsibility of the government or vendor and
will count against the users four quarter/FY order of 2000 count.
Figure 2-14. Successful Submission Verification
Figure 2-14. Successful Submission Verification
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
2-6. USAREC Form 25-30.1
USAREC Form 25-30.1 is available for requesting USAREC Business Cards and can be found on the USAREC G-6
SharePoint page at: https://span.usarec.army.mil/sites/HQ/G6/SitePages/G6_main.aspx. This form is also on the
ordering site and can be accessed by submitting for an exception to policy.
Figure 2-15. Sample USAREC Form 25-30.1
Figure 2-15 Sample USAREC Form 25-30.1
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
Chapter 3.
Independently Purchased Business Cards
3-2. UPS Freight Options.
a. Freight costs are provided on the checkout page.
b. Various shipping options and associated cost are available including ground, 2 day air, and Next day.
4-3. Order Receipt-Emails
a. An email receipt from AutoReceipt ([email protected]) CC statement will show Personalized
Printing as the seller.
b. Additional emails will be sent as the order processes and is shipped including tracking numbers.
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
separate and unique user name is required if previously registered in the primary site. A green checkmark will appear to
the right of the box if the user name is not duplicated and a red X appears if the username is already used.
(2) Shopping Cart. The user enters the address for delivery this is a required entry to determine the freight cost.
The address on this page will be saved to the user account for future orders.
(3) Checkout. Once the user selects the shipping method a total order cost is provided. The user is required to
click submit for the Summary and Billing Details.
(4) Card Limit: Individually purchased cards are not tracked and the one order per quarter, 2000 card per FY
limit does not apply.
3-1. Pay by Credit Card
Individuals in the command can order business cards if they are not authorized cards at government expense by
coordinating and paying for them directly with the vendor. Although the command will entertain exceptions to the
authorized title list with a detailed justification, denied requests may still purchase cards at their own expense. Using
the business card registration page select the Pay By Credit Card link or https://soc.stationeryorders.com/b2b/ccusarec/
login.asp the user is directed to the nearly identical ordering site with the exception of the credit card payment option.
(1) Registration. The Username box will not allow the same user username as used on the primary site. A
Appendix A
Section I
Required Publications
AR 25-30
The Army Publishing Program
DA Pam 25-40
Army Publishing: Action Officers Guide
Section II
Related Publications
DA Pam 25-30
Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms
DA Pam 25-31
Forms Management, analysis, and design
Section III
Prescribed Forms
UF 25-30.1
Request for Business Cards
Session IV
Referenced Forms
This section contains no entries
Section I
United States Army Recruiting Command, Headquarters
Defense Logistics Agency
Government Printing Office
Section II.
This section contains no entries
USAREC Reg 25-30 24 June 2019
DATE: 24 JUNE 2019