e card back consists of
your NextHome franchise
logo by itself. (Choice of
horizontal or vertical.)
Custom NextHome Individual Business Cards
My custom business card layouts allow you to flex your personal style
while leveraging the strength of the NextHome brand. You can add
your photo, a personal/team logo, and even Luke!
I’ll give you a few layout options to choose from. You’ll pick the one
you like and request any necessary corrections. Once you approve the
final artwork, I’ll send it to NextHome to give to the printer.
Ordering Instructions & Tips
Your Info. Complete, sign, and return the order
form on the following pages. Please include all
the info you would like on your business card. Be
sure to select which franchise logo (H or V) you
want on the back of the card, which card type,
and finish. This info is given to the printer.
TIP: NextHome requires your office address.
Your real estate license number is only required
if it’s required by your state.
Your Photo. If you’re ordering a card with
your photo on it, please send a large, high
resolution image.
TIP: To have enough resolution for good
printing quality, photo file size should be a
minimum of 200k. The more pixels the better!
TIP: To remove the photo background and
isolate you naturally on the white card
background, both shoulders and arms should
be in frame. Tightly cropped photos result in
arms cut off with no context and an unnatural,
chopped look.
Often with a professional headshot, the
photographer will have an uncropped version
of the same photo. This allows more flexibility
in the layout.
Your Logo. If you want to include your personal
or team logo, please make sure it consists
of NextHomes primary or secondary colors.
(Approval of the logo by NextHome is required.)
Colby Design can convert your logo for you,
ensuring it meets NextHome branding guidelines.
TIP: Please send the logo in Adobe Illustrator
(vector) format. The file name will have a .ai, .eps,
or .pdf file extension. This ensures clean, crisp
quality when scaled to any size.
Orangevale, CA • 916.955.8486 • colbydesign.com • rick@colbydesign.com
NextHome Custom Business Card Layout Order Form • Individual Member
Please fill out the form below to order a custom business card layout that falls outside of the standard business cards available from within the
NextHome Branding Center. This order form is for custom design services only and DOES NOT INCLUDE PRINTING OR SHIPPING. To complete your
business card order, you will need to visit the NextHome Branding Center on the NextHome intranet. Layout includes 2 rounds of revisions.
AGENT INFORMATION — Please list all information you want included on the card
Name: Oce Name:
Business Address: City: State: Zip:
Title: Designations:
Phone Number (Oce): Phone Number (Mobile):
Fax Number: R.E. License Number:
Email: Website:
This information is forwarded to NextHome Member
Services to get your print order started. You’ll need
to place the print order separately through the
Branding Center.
Back of Card: Franchise Logo Choice
Horizontal Logo
Vertical Logo
Front of Card: Photo Choice
Black & White Silhouee Photo
Color Silhouee Photo
Color Square Photo
No Photo
Card Type
Finish Type
So Touch
Yes, please add Luke!
2 3
Photos must be good quality and high resolution — 300 ppi or beer. A low-res photo
from a website is not acceptable. Additional Photoshopping is available. Extra charges
may apply.
Please remove background from my photo ($35)
Submied photo already has background removed (no extra charge)
Leave background in (no extra charge)
Team/Personal Logos
Please convert my team/personal logo to NextHome corporate colors
File must be vector artwork (Adobe Illustrator). Extra charges for non-vector
artwork may apply.
Special Graphics
Please add graphic described below (Approval from NextHome Corporate
required. File submied must be vector or high resolution.)
Special instructions
Please list any special instructions regarding the layout of your business card.
Client agrees to terms and pricing herein)
Client Signature
Card layout, includes 2 rounds of revisions .....................................................$55
Remove background from photo ........................................................................$35
Convert agent logo to NextHome colors, vector artwork ..........................$30
Convert agent logo to NextHome colors, non-vector ................Call for price
Add special graphic (award, badge, etc.) ........................................Call for price
Full payment is required at the time the order is placed and before
work begins. The fee for card layout is payable to Rick Colby and
is separate from the cost of purchasing printing services from the
NextHome Branding Center. Upon receipt of your order Rick will
contact you to confirm the price and arrange for payment. The following
forms of payment are accepted:
VENMO. Please give Rick your Venmo handle and he will send
you a payment request.
PAYPAL. If you wish to pay using your PayPal account, Rick will
email you a payment request.
CREDIT CARD. Credit card payments may be made securely by
phone and are processed by Square, which issues a receipt via
email. Please call Rick: 916-955-8486.
Please email completed and signed order form to Rick Colby:
rick@colbydesign.com. If ordering a photo layout, please email hi-res
digital image, 300 ppi or beer. If ordering a layout with an agent logo
or other special graphic, please email those as well. If you have any
questions please contact Rick.
Orangevale, CA • 916.955.8486 • colbydesign.com • rick@colbydesign.com
Timing: Upon receipt of your order and full payment, Rick Colby
(“Designer”) will complete layout work and email a proof to client
within 2 business days. All subsequent revisions will be completed
within 2 business days of receipt and a revised proof emailed. Aer
final proof is approved by client, press-ready artwork will be sent to
NextHome corporate oce for printing.
Deliverables: When full payment is made and order is complete, client
will receive modified photo and converted logo, if applicable.
Proofs: Client is responsible for checking all proofs for accuracy
of information and approval of layout. Designer is not ultimately
responsible for proofreading Clients copy.
Liability: (1) Disclaimer of Express Warranties. e Client understands
that all proofs, comps, and preparatory work shown to the Client are
intended only to illustrate the general type and quality of the work.
ey are not intended to represent the actual output of the artwork
by third-parties, including printers. (2) Disclaimer of Implied Warran-
ties. e Designer warrants only that the work will conform to the
description contained in the order. e Designer’s maximum liability,
whether by negligence, contract, or otherwise, will not exceed the
return of the amount invoiced for the work in the dispute. Under no
circumstances will the Designer be liable for specific, individual, or
consequential damages.
Indemnification: e Client warrants that the subject maer to be
used in the artwork is not copyrighted by a third party. e Client
also recognizes that because subject maer does not have to bear a
copyright notice to be protected by copyright law, absence of such
notice does not necessarily assure a right to reproduce. e Client
further warrants that no copyright notice has been removed from
any material used in preparing the subject maer for reproduction. To
support these warranties, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold the
Designer harmless for all liability, damages, and aorney fees that may
be incurred in any legal action connected with copyright infringement
involving the work produced or provided.
REV. 04/22/24