This page reviews what to expect after your CVS. Please refer to this sheet if you have any questions, keeping in mind
that you may wish to discuss any concerns with your physician or contact our office during business hours to speak with
one of our doctors. The great majority of women do not have any complications after a procedure. The following briefly
describes “normal” symptoms after CVS and symptoms that should prompt special attention.
On the day of your procedure:
- you can eat and drink normally
- you can shower
- you should go home and rest for the remainder of the day
- no exercise or heavy lifting, no long walks, no sexual intercourse
- drink a large glass (8 oz each) of water or juice at least every 1-2 hours
- if you had abdominal CVS, it’s normal to have a little pain or burning in the skin where the needle went in
Most women do very well after CVS and may return to their usual activities within 24 hours. Approximately ¼ of patients
who have had trans-cervical (vaginal route) CVS will have some spotting or vaginal bleeding after the procedure.
Bleeding after trans-abdominal CVS occurs somewhat less often. “Bleeding” may consist of spotting for a few days to
two weeks, a light flow necessitating use of one or two sanitary pads for 24 to 48 hours, or passage of small clots within
several days of the procedure. Bleeding may occur a few days after the procedure, even if no bleeding occurs
immediately. THIS IS NORMAL. Mild uterine or abdominal cramping may occur, lasting 12 to 24 hours. Tylenol
(acetaminophen) may be taken if desired to relieve discomfort. Do not take aspirin. With trans-abdominal CVS
procedures, tenderness or bruising at the site of needle insertion may occur.
For 3 days (72 hours) after your procedure:
- No vigorous activities (i.e., exercise)
- No tampons. If spotting occurs, use pads only
- No sexual intercourse
- No lifting anything great than 20 pounds
- No tub baths or swimming
Do not plan long distance travel for 5-7 days after the procedure
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please call your physician/midwife immediately:
- Heavy leakage of fluid (gushing)
- Heavy bleeding (more than a period)
- Chills or fever greater than 100.4 F
- Severe cramping
- Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
Once the procedure has been safely completed, the anxiety of waiting for results can prove to be the worse part of the
process. Results of testing will be provided to you as follows:
- The physician with call you with the results of the Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) test if this
has been requested between 3 to 7 pm of the next business day
- A genetic counselor will call you in 7-10 days with the final karyotype analysis. If specialized testing is
requested, timing of results may vary.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your care. We also welcome any comments/suggestions that you may have
that will improve the services we provide.
-The Physicians at Carnegie Imaging for Women
Rev 11.09