SAP Data Services
Document Version: 4.3 (–2024-03-08
Supplement for Siebel
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Overview of the SAP Data Services Siebel interface..................................3
2 System requirements.........................................................4
2.1 Security....................................................................4
3 Datastores.................................................................5
3.1 Dening a Siebel datastore......................................................5
3.2 Browsing and importing metadata.................................................5
Table - by type.............................................................6
3.3 Extracting data from Siebel applications.............................................7
Supplement for Siebel
1 Overview of the SAP Data Services Siebel
The Data Services Siebel interface allows you to create Siebel datastores and import tables for use as sources
in Data Services jobs. With this interface, you can use the Designer to:
Browse and import Siebel tables grouped by type, business component, and Siebel repository
Browse to tables in a Siebel repository using the following path through higher level data:
screens views business objects business components tables .
Import function metadata
Related Information
Browsing and importing metadata [page 5]
Supplement for Siebel
Overview of the SAP Data Services Siebel interface
2 System requirements
The Siebel interface allows you to connect SAP Data Services with a third-party database under the Siebel
application layer. You can import tables (including table and column descriptions) and function metadata. Data
Services also displays information from both the logical business objects and user interface layers of Siebel
applications. This makes it easier to nd and import tables.
Siebel Architecture
Install the drivers you need to connect your database with Data Services on the same computers on which you
install the Designer and Job Server components.
The Siebel interface supports Siebel version 7.5.2 and higher compatible versions. It can be installed using the
Data Services installer.
2.1 Security
Because SAP Data Services connects to Siebel applications through a database connection, Data Services can
see all Siebel application objects that a database user can access without requiring the application's user login
security information.
Supplement for Siebel
System requirements
3 Datastores
SAP Data Services uses datastore connections to link with other applications or databases.
In a design environment, use a datastore to browse or import metadata that represents external tables and
other database objects.
In a production environment, Data Services uses datastore information to move data between source and
target databases and applications.
After dening a Siebel datastore in Data Services, you can browse tables by type, or drill down on business
components or Siebel repositories to nd the tables you want to import. You can also import tables, functions,
and business components by name.
3.1 Dening a Siebel datastore
With a Siebel datastore connection, you can browse Siebel application metadata.
1. In the object library of the Designer, go to the Datastores tab
2. Right-click inside the object library window and select New.
3. In the Datastore Editor window, enter a name for this datastore (DS_SiebelApps, for example).
4. In the Datastore type list, select Siebel.
5. Enter the connection information.
6. Click OK.
The Siebel datastore appears in the object library.
3.2 Browsing and importing metadata
After you create a Siebel datastore, you can browse and import the metadata from the connected application.
While you cannot browse functions, you can import them by name.
1. Right-click the Siebel datastore name and select Open, or double-click the datastore name.
The workspace displays a list of folders.
2. To nd the tables you want to import, expand the Table by type, Business Component, or Repository folder.
See the remainder of this section for a description of these folders.
3. To import table data, right-click one or more tables or business components and select Import.
Supplement for Siebel
When you import a table into SAP Data Services via the Siebel interface, the software does not
preserve the source folder (table hierarchy). All tables display at the same level. For example, import
all the tables in a Business Component, then add select statements, joins, and mappings using the
Designer to create the same associations used in your Siebel application.
You can also import Siebel metadata by right-clicking a Siebel datastore in the object library and selecting
Import by name.
Once tables are imported, you can view column names, data types, and business names for use in creating
3.2.1Table - by type
Siebel applications use many table types. You can browse tables by looking at tables grouped by type. Business component
Business components are sets of tables used to create a logical Siebel application object called a business
object. Business components are grouped in alphabetical folders.
You can select and import one or more business components or tables. Repository
Siebel repositories hold a variety of Siebel application objects. You can drill through them to nd the tables you
want to import.
These associations apply:
Seibel Repository: Repository
Seibel Dynamic Commerce: Application
Auctions: Screen
Auction Items: View
Auction Services: Business Object
Auction Item Detail: Business Component
Supplement for Siebel
3.3 Extracting data from Siebel applications
When extracting data from Siebel applications, SAP Data Services processes and converts data types
Supplement for Siebel
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Supplement for Siebel
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
Supplement for Siebel
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