SAP Data Services
Document Version: 4.2 Support Package 7 Patch 1 ( – 2017-01-24
Sizing Guide
1 About this guide...............................................................3
2 About SAP Data Services........................................................ 4
2.1 SAP Data Integrator..............................................................4
2.2 SAP Text Data Procesing..........................................................4
2.3 SAP Data Quality................................................................5
3 SAP Data Services architecture................................................... 6
4 Factors that influence performance of SAP Data Services................................7
4.1 Performance of data integration.....................................................7
4.2 Performance of data quality ........................................................8
4.3 Performance of text data processing .................................................8
5 Server hardware and system landscape............................................. 9
6 Batch sizing guidelines......................................................... 10
6.1 Scenario 1: Loading customer data from Oracle to SAP HANA............................... 11
6.2 Scenario 2: Loading customer data from a flat file to SAP HANA..............................12
6.3 Scenario 3: loading customer dimension with validation operations........................... 13
6.4 Scenario 4: loading customer dimension with table comparison operations......................14
6.5 Scenario 5: Joining tables to load a fact table ...........................................14
7 Real-time sizing guidelines...................................................... 16
7.1 Simple scenario: cleansing US addresses..............................................18
7.2 Moderate scenario: cleansing world-wide addresses......................................18
7.3 Complex scenario: identifying duplicates..............................................19
Sizing Guide
1 About this guide
This guide explains how to perform sizing for SAP Data Services.
This document demonstrates how someone might perform sizing of an SAP Data Services system. The
methodology and sample walkthroughs offered here are examples of the tasks and thinking involved. The
performance and functioning of an actual system may vary for many reasons. The examples offered here should
not be considered a guarantee of success of a particular deployment.
You should work with your SAP account representative to ensure you get the advice of a sizing expert when
making final decisions about your Data Services deployment.
Sizing Guide
About this guide
P U B L I C 3
2 About SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services delivers a single enterprise-class solution for data integration, data quality, data profiling and
text data processing.
SAP Data Services delivers a single enterprise-class solution for data integration, data quality, data profiling and
text data processing that allows you to integrate, transform, improve and deliver trusted data to critical business
processes. It provides one development UI, metadata repository, data connectivity layer, run-time environment
and management console – enabling IT organizations to lower total cost of ownership and accelerate time to
value. With SAP Data Services, IT organizations can maximize operational efficiency with a single solution to
improve data quality and gain access to heterogeneous sources and applications.
2.1 SAP Data Integrator
SAP Data Integrator allows you to integrate data form multiple differing sources.
Easy-to-configure transforms for typically complex tasks like slow changing dimensions, hierarchy flattening,
Everything you need to build large jobs including error handling, dependency handling, and restart-ability
Extensive operational statistics
Rich connectivity to many sources and targets - most using the vendor’s native format for maximum
Easy-to-use parallelization and performance optimization options
Functionalities to simplify daily operations and project hand-over like web based management console, auto-
documentation features and impact lineage information
2.2 SAP Text Data Procesing
SAP Text Data Procesing enables you to analyze text in detail.
Analyzes text and automatically identifies and extracts entities including people, dates, places, organizations
and so on, in multiple languages
Looks for patterns, activities, events, and relationships among entities and enables their extraction
Goes beyond conventional character matching tools for information retrieval, which can only seek exact
matches for specific strings; understands the semantics of words
Supports extraction in 31 different languages
Supports not only text, HTML, and XML but binary document formats such as PDF and Microsoft Word
Allows you to specify your own list of entities in a custom dictionary, which enables you to store entities and
manage name variations; known entity names can be standardized using a dictionary
Write rules to customize extraction output, although pre-defined rules are provided to support sentiment
analysis, enterprises, and the public sector
Sizing Guide
About SAP Data Services
Broad, heterogeneous application and system support for both SAP and non-SAP sources and targets
High performance and scalability with software that can meet high volume needs through parallel processing,
grid computing, and bulk data loading support
2.3 SAP Data Quality
SAP Data Quality enables you to correct, standardize, and eliminate duplicates from your data.
Data quality dashboards that show the impact of data quality problems on all downstream systems or
Ability to apply data quality transformations to all types of data, regardless of industry or data domain – such
as structured to unstructured data as well as customer, product, supplier, and material information
Intuitive business user interfaces and data quality blueprints to guide you through the process of
standardizing, correcting, and matching data to reduce duplicates and identify relationships
Comprehensive global data quality coverage with support for over 230 countries
Comprehensive reference data
Broad, heterogeneous application and system support for both SAP and non-SAP sources and targets
Prepackaged native integration of data quality best practices for SAP environments
Optimized developer productivity and application maintenance through intuitive transformations, a
centralized business rule repository, and object reuse
High performance and scalability with software that can meet high volume needs through parallel processing,
grid computing, and bulk data loading support
Flexible technology deployment options, from an enterprise platform to intuitive APIs that allow developers
quick data quality deployment and functionality
Sizing Guide
About SAP Data Services
P U B L I C 5
3 SAP Data Services architecture
This topic shows the SAP Data Services architecture.
This diagram illustrates how SAP Data Services components fit in with other software in the SAP portfolio.
More details about the architecture of SAP Data Quality Management and SAP Data Services can be found in the
SAP Data Services Administrator’s Guide.
Sizing Guide
SAP Data Services architecture
4 Factors that influence performance of SAP
Data Services
Many common factors can influence the performance of SAP Data Services.
Access to source and targets The bandwidth to the source and target can affect how fast data can be passed
through the dataflow
Availability of additional RAM If caching is needed, allocating enough free RAM within the system will speed
up the dataflow, not only to cache lookup data but also reference data for Data Quality transforms
Configuration and system landscape This sizing guide was created with SAP Data Services installed on the
target database system. Source RDBMS was located on a separate machine. Competing applications –
running multiple resource intensive applications may cause competition for the resources and reduce the
throughput for an individual job
Degree of Parallelization (DOP) The DOP setting can greatly influence performance when the appropriate
hardware is utilized; increasing this setting will generally increase throughput
Grid computing Using grid computing on multiple servers can process different elements of the same job in
parallel; a server group can be created to group several job servers, and Data Service’s load balancing
algorithm will make sure the server with the lowest workload will execute the processes that are spawned by
the job
Parallel file reader The “Parallel Process Threads” option allows you to specify the number of parallel threads
that will be used to convert the text string read from the flat file to data organized in columns based on the
schema defined in the file format
4.1 Performance of data integration
These factors can incluence the performance of data integfration.
Loader method Each loading method has pros and cons, depending on how the database vendor
implemented it. Depending on the databases (and versions), different loader options can have dramatic
differences in performance, regular load, Bulkloading, AutocorrectLoad.
Transactional loaders Loading data in one transaction means the dataflow cannot use parallel sessions to
speed up the loading
Lookup and join settings The amount of data to be processed versus the size of the lookup table. SAP Data
Services lets you choose the best lookup strategy; choose carefully.
Heterogeneous sources or all in one database If all data is in one database or a database link exists between
the databases, the SAP Data Services optimizer has more options so it can decide to delegate parts or all
processing to the database.
Sizing Guide
Factors that influence performance of SAP Data Services
P U B L I C 7
4.2 Performance of data quality
These factors can incluence the performance of data quality.
Complexity of processing A data quality transform can do varying degrees of simple or complex processing
based on the options set for the transform; generally, the more complex the processing, the more hardware
resources needed
Location of reference data Several of the cleansing transforms use reference data located on the file system
and can be I/O or network dependent; the speed of this access will affect the performance of these
4.3 Performance of text data processing
Your document's characteristics--including the format, length, and density--can impact the performance of text
data processing.
Format XML and HTML require de-tagging before processing the text which has more overhead than
processing text directly. Additionally, converting a binary document into a textual representation during
processing has overhead
Length Longer input documents require more processing time
Density More density and fact-rich input documents require more processing time
In addition to the above factors, using one or more rules to customize extraction may require more
processing time.
Sizing Guide
Factors that influence performance of SAP Data Services
5 Server hardware and system landscape
Your server hardware and system landscape have a direct effect on system performance.
Your server hardware and system landscape have a direct effect on system performance.We used the system
landscape outlined in the tables below to generate the results shown in this guide. Note also that SAP Data
Services, source, and target RDBMS were installed on the same server to simulate a 10G network environment.
Table 1:
Mode: Z820 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz
OS: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
Table 2:
Data Services 4.2 SP4
BOE 4.1 SP4
Table 3:
SAP HANA 1.0 Rev 90
Oracle 11G
SAP Data Services, source, and target RDBMS are installed on the same server to simulate a 10G network
Sizing Guide
Server hardware and system landscape
P U B L I C 9
6 Batch sizing guidelines
This topic provides an overview of batch sizing guidelines.
Our goal is to provide data integration performance numbers for real-life scenarios, rather than focusing on
record-breaking performance numbers in an isolated and unrealistic test environment. This approach will enable
you to compare different approaches and results with your environment, and use the numbers in this document
to estimate the time needed to meet your specific data loading requirements, which can be the foundation for a
sizing study.
Data sets
For the source data we used the TPC-DS data model ( ) which represents a real life enterprise
resource planning-like (ERP) source system; representative data is generated automatically for all tables.
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
Test concept overview
For the test scenarios we’ve chosen the example of loading a data warehouse from a transactional system.
However, most examples can be applied to other data migration scenarios as well.
Data migration use cases
One of the primary use cases for Data Services is to move data from one application to another. Migration
projects are relevant for all types of companies, including those with SAP applications, non-SAP applications, and
upgrading: any company who needs to migrate data from one application to another.
6.1 Scenario 1: Loading customer data from Oracle to SAP
Loading customer data from Oracle to SAP HANA.
The table below shows the results of loading a customer table from an Oracle database to an SAP HANA database
using 8 loaders and 8 partitions.
Table 4:
# of rows Size of data Throughput (GB/
CPUs Memory
2 Million 0.25 GB 149.49 GB 8 cores 4 GB
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
P U B L I C 11
# of rows Size of data Throughput (GB/
CPUs Memory
10 Million ~1.38GB 187.67 GB 8 cores 4 GB
50 Million ~6.92GB 188.45 GB 8 cores 4 GB
100 Million ~ 13.68GB 160.19 GB 8 cores 4 GB
500 Million ~ 68.3 GB 148.91 GB 8 cores 4 GB
Because the database is the bottleneck, the CPU is not used 100% on the Data Services server. Tuning Data
Services will not bring a lot of performance improvement; throughput from the database side needs to be
enhanced first (for example, by adding more disks for faster I/O). In general, increasing the number of parallel file
threads and loaders will improve the overall performance throughputs. In general, using parallel execution by
increasing the number of parallel file threads and loaders will improve the overall performance throughputs.
6.2 Scenario 2: Loading customer data from a flat file to SAP
Loading customer data from a flat file to SAP HANA.
The table shows the results of loading data from a flat file to an SAP HANA database using 8 loaders.
Table 5:
# of rows Size of data Throughput (GB/
CPUs Memory
2 Million 0.25 GB 154.64 GB 8 cores 4 GB
10 Million ~1.38GB 276.86 GB 16 cores 4 GB
50 Million ~6.92GB 296.25 GB 16 cores 4 GB
100 Million ~ 13.68GB 278.58 GB 16 cores 4 GB
500 Million ~ 68.3 GB 282.09 GB 16 cores 4 GB
In general, increasing the number of parallel file threads and loaders will improve the overall performance
throughputs. The table below illustrates the improvements for SAP Data Services engine performance using
different configurations. For example, if we increase the number of parallel threads from 4 to 16, you can see SAP
Data Services improves performance to 315.86 GB per hour in comparison to 171.19 GB per hour. Keep in mind
that the more loaders that are used, the more memory SAP Data Services will require.
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
Table 6:
# of File
# of Loaders # of rows Size of data Throughput
CPUs Memory
4 4 100 Million 12.4GB 171.19 GB 8 cores 4 GB
8 8 100 Million 12.4GB 278.58 GB 16 cores 8 GB
16 16 100 Million 12.4GB 315.86 GB 20 cores 12 GB
4 4 500 Million 62.3 GB 162.39 GB 8 cores 4 GB
8 8 500 Million 62.3 GB 282.09 GB 16 cores 8 GB
16 16 500 Million 62.3 GB 355.97 GB 28 cores 12 GB
6.3 Scenario 3: loading customer dimension with validation
In this scenario, we load the customer table from Oracle to SAP HANA, where the validation transforms need to be
In our example, we defined three business rules stating customer first and last name cannot be NULL and the
email address that is made up of a local part, an @ symbol, then a domain such as [email protected].
Table 7:
Operations Execution time (sec) Throughput (GB/
CPUs Memory
No validation during
22 156 GB 2 cores 4GB
Validation during load
32 108 GB 2 cores 4GB
To get an idea about the validation transform's performance, we executed two tests. For the first test, we loaded
the customer table directly from the source database (Oracle) to the target database (SAP HANA). In the second
test, we used the same customer table, but added a validation transform in the dataflow to validate the business
rules before loading the data into the target. As the result shows, SAP Data Services can still perform 108GB per
hour and did not introduce significant bottleneck for a more complex data load.
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
P U B L I C 13
6.4 Scenario 4: loading customer dimension with table
comparison operations
This scenario loads a customer dimension with table comparison operations.
For delta loads, SAP Data Services can tightly integrate with CDC techniques provided by your database (such as
Oracle CDC) or SAP Replication Server for optimal performance. In case this is not available on your source
system, SAP Data Services’ built-in Table Comparison transform can be used to detect changes by comparing the
source with the target table. In our 2,000,000 record customer table, we achieve a throughput of 14 GB/hour for
the delta load while comparing each source record with the target and keeping history for changed records.
Table 8:
Tuning parame
Execution time
Throughput (GB/
CPUs Memory
Initial load 22 156 GB 2 cores 4GB
Delta load row-by-row, DOP =
248 14 GB 2 cores 4GB
Delta load row-by-row, DOP =
118 30GB 2 cores 4GB
Delta load Cache, DOP = 4 40 86 GB 2 cores 4GB
Delta load Sorted input, DOP
= 2 or 4
25 137GB 2 cores 4GB
The above table compares the results used row-by-row select and cached comparison table. As the result shows,
the row-by-row selects each row from the source, and calls a query on the target to verify if it's a new, an existing
or a changed row. This is usually the slowest method. In contrast, the cached comparison table technique
compares columns from the target table that are read into memory first and the comparison is done in memory
time. This technique is usually performed very fast for smaller tables, but might be slower for larger tables (>
2GB) as paging may occur. If the memory-consuming operations in your data flow exceed the available memory,
use pageable cache to complete the operation. To tune performance for the Table Comparison transform, you
may consider sorting the input data in both source and target. This will be the fastest approach as you can see in
above table.
6.5 Scenario 5: Joining tables to load a fact table
This scenario shows joining tables to load a fact table.
In a typical data warehouse project, a retailer may wish to pull a sales report for a particular store during a specific
period of time. The retailer can do this by retrieving information from the fact table that relates to those
transactions meeting the specific criteria. For example, you may join the store sales, date and customer
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
dimension tables, and generate a data warehouse key for each new record before loading the fact table into the
target database.
Table 9:
Source Table Store_Sales Date Customer
# of rows 287,997,204 73,049 2,000,000
Total Table Size (GB) 37.88 0.009 0.249
The join can be performed on the database or in the SAP Data Services engine. The common trend is to try to
push down as much as possible to the database for performance optimization. In the first scenario, all tables are
stored in the same database. Therefore, SAP Data Services can leverage the power of the database server and do
a full push-down to the source database.
Table 10:
# of rows Size of data Job Completion CPUs Memory
5,244,914 313.65 GB 90 seconds 2 cores 4GB
However, we cannot assume all tables will always be stored in the same database. In case the tables reside on
different databases, joining in the SAP Data Services engine will be the only option.
Table 11:
# of rows Size of data Job Completion CPUs Memory
5,244,914 313.65 GB 30 minutes 2 cores 4GB
Sizing Guide
Batch sizing guidelines
P U B L I C 15
7 Real-time sizing guidelines
This topic provides an overview of real-time sizing guidelines.
SAP Data Services provides Web Services, JMS and SDK library (C++ and Java API’s) to programmatically pass
data to SAP Data Services for real-time data movement, transformation, and retrieval. Real-time processing has
slightly more overhead than batch processing because of the work required for processing client requests and
distributing them to the job servers via the access servers.
Sizing calculation
When sizing for transactional processing, it's important to consider response time requirements, estimated peak
transactional throughput needs, and the number of potential concurrent client requests that needs to be
In addition, you may consider increasing the number of corresponding service providers as the number of
concurrent messages increased for performance optimization. This is because SAP Data Services uses the round-
robin scheduling algorithm to split the incoming messages to each process engine in equal portions and in circular
order. The figure below illustrates message queuing time in SAP Data Services has increased when the incoming
message continuous to grow.
Sizing Guide
Real-time sizing guidelines
As a general guideline, sizing for transactional processing can be calculated as follows:
1. Identify the engine processing time. Send a single message to SAP Data Services and check the maximum
processing time. The queuing time should be zero.
2. Identify the number of required engines. As the concurrent messages continues to grow, it is best to configure
SAP Data Services with additional engines to optimize the message processing time. Observe the average
processing time to see if it meets the desired average performance time.
3. Identify the minimum system resource requirement. System resource requirement needs to consider other
processes including job server, web server, engine processes recycling, and BOE/IPS CMS process.
Therefore, you must allocate enough system resources for your SAP Data Services installation when
performing your sizing exercise. For minimum hardware requirements to run SAP Data Services products in
one or multiple landscapes, see the Product Availablility Matrix (PAM) available at: https:// . By default, the size of an empty IS/DS repository is
insignificant. However, the size of the repository will expand based on the increase of the number of objects
within the repository. Each job and datastore that are added, plus the runtime statistics captured within
al_statistics, al_history, etc. all increase the size of the repository. The number of objects stored, and the
longer that runtime statistics are retained, the bigger the size of the repositories. Here is a snapshot of the
minimum disk space to install Data Services with miniBOE (IPS) with an empty repository.
Table 12: Disk space in empty DS/IS repository
Component Disk space
SAP BusinessObjects folder: includes: IPS, Tomcat, DS,
Sqlanywhere, etc
Default installation with all languages ~23GB
Empty DS Repository ~25MB
Empty IS Repository ~65MB
4. Plan for more system resources when an additional engine is configured. To calculate the total memory and
CPU consumption, multiply the memory and CPU per engine with the number of engines configured. For
example, if m = number of engines, Total RAM consumption = m*memory consumption per engine, and Total
CPU consumption = m*CPU utilization per engine.
Test concept overview
Sizing Guide
Real-time sizing guidelines
P U B L I C 17
Typical real-time messages include information required to implement a particular business operation and to
produce an appropriate response. For example, an address-entry system is integrated with SAP Data Services via
Web Services or API’s in a call center, where cleansing is necessary at the point of entry for customer data.
7.1 Simple scenario: cleansing US addresses
This scenario parses, standardizes, and corrects US address data.
Suppose a message contains information required to create a new customer account. The message content
might be as simple as the customer name along with the contact information. The first step is to send the
message to SAP Data Services to cleanse customer data by performing data parsing, standardization and
correction, and receive the corrected results back from SAP Data Services to the client application.
Table 13:
Number of con
current client re
Number of en
Average engine
processing time
# of messages
processed (in sec
Memory con
sumption for DS
1 1 < 10 ms 103.55 1 GB 2
5 1 < 20 ms 383.05 1 GB 4
5 5 < 10 ms 607.90 5 GB 6
10 1 < 20 ms 741.93 1 GB 6
10 5 < 10 ms 1856.98 5 GB 10
50 5 < 30 ms 2176.17 5 GB 14
50 10 <20 ms 3188.93 10 GB 16
As a general rule of thumb, it is necessary to add more engines as the concurrent clients increased to minimize
the queuing time for better performance.
7.2 Moderate scenario: cleansing world-wide addresses
This scenario parses, standardizes, and corrects world-wide address data.
The table below shows the results of parsing, standardizing, and correcting world-wide address data.
Sizing Guide
Real-time sizing guidelines
Table 14:
Number of con
current client re
Number of en
Avg processing
# of messages
processed (in sec
Memory con
sumption for DS
1 1 < 10 ms 88.53 1 GB 2
5 1 < 20 ms 191.73 1 GB 4
5 5 < 10 ms 572.40 5 GB 6
10 1 < 40 ms 201.20 1 GB 6
10 5 < 10 ms 936.27 5 GB 10
50 5 < 30 ms 1148.93 5 GB 14
50 10 < 20 ms 1521.73 10 GB 16
7.3 Complex scenario: identifying duplicates
This scenario identifies duplicates based on customer data.
The table below shows the results of identifying duplicates based on customer data.
Table 15:
Number of con
current client re
Number of en
Avg processing
# of messages
processed (in sec
Memory con
sumption for DS
1 1 < 10 ms 75.60 1 GB 2
5 1 < 20 ms 201.45 1 GB 4
5 5 < 10 ms 544.05 5 GB 6
10 1 < 40 ms 194.55 1 GB 6
10 5 < 10 ms 1074.45 5 GB 10
50 5 < 30 ms 970.35 10 GB 16
50 10 < 20 ms 1340.25 10 GB 16
Based on the numbers above, we can conclude that the processing overhead for handling requests in SAP Data
Services outweighs the variances in performance of our SAP Data Quality transforms, so whether you’re doing
cleansing, geocoding, matching, etc. the overall sizing requirements are similar.
Sizing Guide
Real-time sizing guidelines
P U B L I C 19
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
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Sizing Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
Sizing Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
P U B L I C 21
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