SAP Data Services
Document Version: 4.3 (–2024-03-25
Administrator Guide
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Naming conventions and variables...............................................7
2 Architecture overview........................................................12
2.1 Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio............................................. 13
2.2 Standard components.........................................................14
Job Server...............................................................16
Access Server ............................................................17
Management Console.......................................................17
Adapter SDK.............................................................18
2.3 Management tools........................................................... 19
Manage license keys........................................................19
Repository Manager........................................................20
Server Manager...........................................................20
2.4 Operating systems........................................................... 21
2.5 Distributed architecture........................................................21
Host names and port numbers................................................23
2.6 SAP applications integration....................................................23
3 Security..................................................................25
3.1 Data protection and privacy.....................................................26
3.2 Firewall for secure administrative functions..........................................27
3.3 External DTD in XML documents.................................................28
3.4 Message client library.........................................................29
3.5 Temporary cache les.........................................................29
Encrypting temporary cache les...............................................31
3.6 SSL or TLS for Data Services components...........................................31
Protected communication paths...............................................32
Default certicates........................................................ 34
Copying certicates in a distributed environment...................................35
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths............................... 36
Using custom certicates....................................................39
Generating keys and signing certicates......................................... 40
3.7 Congure SSL for the CMS connection.............................................41
3.8 SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services....................................42
Conguring SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services........................ 43
Administrator Guide
Creating keystore le and certicates for default ...................................44
3.9 Password encryption......................................................... 45
Encryption key storage locations...............................................46
Encrypt passwords manually................................................. 47
3.10 Repository password required...................................................47
Accessing Data Services applications without repository credentials .....................48
3.11 Blocking localhost IP addresses..................................................50
3.12 Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management
console web application....................................................... 50
4 User and rights management..................................................53
4.1 User management...........................................................53
4.2 Group management..........................................................54
Detailed application rights................................................... 55
Viewing application rights assigned to a group.....................................58
Managing application rights for a group..........................................58
5 Repository management..................................................... 60
5.1 Conguring a Data Services repository.............................................61
5.2 Registering a repository in the CMC...............................................63
5.3 Accessing repository user security in the CMC .......................................65
Viewing rights for a user or group on a repository...................................66
Assigning users and groups to an access control list for a repository......................66
Detailed repository rights....................................................67
5.4 IBM DB2 SSL/TLS protocol for repositories......................................... 68
Conguring SSL/TLS for IBM DB2 repository......................................69
Registering IBM DB2 repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC.............................71
5.5 Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for repositories.................................73
Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server.................................74
Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server repository.............................75
Registering Microsoft SQL Server repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC....................76
5.6 MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories...........................................79
Conguring SSL/TLS for MySQL repository.......................................80
Registering MySQL repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC..............................83
5.7 Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories..............................................86
Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository................................87
Oracle TCPS conguration options with SSL/TLS...................................90
Registering Oracle repository with TCPS in the CMC.................................92
5.8 SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for repositories........................................94
Conguring SSL/TLS for SAP HANA repository....................................95
Registering SSL/TLS in the CMC for SAP HANA....................................96
5.9 Editing the le .....................................................98
Administrator Guide
6 Server Management........................................................100
6.1 DSN-less and TNS-less connections..............................................101
6.2 Setting UNIX environment variables..............................................102
6.3 Start services automatically for Windows and Unix....................................104
6.4 History retention and Job Server log retention.......................................105
USPS-required log les and reports............................................106
Setting the History Retention Period............................................107
Job Server Log Retention...................................................108
Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period......................................109
6.5 Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux...................................110
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux........................................111
Using the Connection Manager............................................... 112
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections...........................113
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections.......................... 119
Conguring DataDirect ODBC................................................128
6.6 Using the ODBC Drivers Selector for Windows.......................................137
6.7 Using the License Manager.................................................... 138
6.8 Use the Server Manager on Windows............................................. 138
Conguring Job Servers....................................................139
Conguring runtime resources for Job Server operations.............................143
Conguring Access Servers..................................................144
Conguring SSL paths..................................................... 145
Verifying that Job and Access servers are running..................................146
6.9 Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems........................................ 146
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX..............................................148
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager............................. 151
Conguring Access Servers..................................................153
Conguring SSL paths.....................................................154
Starting or stopping the service...............................................155
Congure SMTP email..................................................... 156
6.10 Conguring Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service ...........................156
Metadata Browsing Service conguration parameters...............................157
View Data Services conguration parameters.....................................159
6.11 Data Services CMC application settings........................................... 160
7 Monitoring jobs............................................................163
7.1 Viewing overall status of executed jobs............................................163
7.2 Statistics.................................................................165
Viewing job statistics......................................................166
Data ow statistics........................................................167
7.3 Ignoring error status.........................................................168
7.4 Deleting batch job history data..................................................168
Administrator Guide
7.5 Stopping a running job........................................................169
7.6 Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job..................................169
8 Lifecycle migration......................................................... 171
8.1 Development phases.........................................................171
The design phase.........................................................173
The test phase...........................................................173
The production phase......................................................174
8.2 Migration tools............................................................. 175
Naming conventions for migration.............................................176
Datastore and system congurations...........................................179
8.3 Migration mechanisms....................................................... 183
Export and import migration.................................................184
Multi-user development migration.............................................185
The best mechanism...................................................... 186
8.4 Migrate with export and import..................................................187
The export editor.........................................................188
Exporting objects to another repository.........................................189
Exporting objects to a le...................................................190
Exporting a repository to a le................................................192
Importing objects or a repository from a le......................................193
8.5 Back up repositories.........................................................195
8.6 Mismatched locales and job performance..........................................196
9 The Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+)...............................198
10 Object promotion management...............................................200
10.1 Requirements for object promotion..............................................200
Shared directory user rights.................................................202
Sequential import of multiple objects.......................................... 202
10.2 User rights for promotion management ...........................................203
10.3 Export and import conguration requirements...................................... 204
Creating an export conguration..............................................206
Creating an import conguration..............................................207
Edit or delete congurations.................................................208
10.4 Before you export and import objects.............................................209
10.5 Object promotion options.....................................................209
10.6 Exporting objects...........................................................210
10.7 Importing objects...........................................................212
10.8 Export and import trace and error log.............................................214
11 Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager.................................. 216
11.1 SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD)...........................................216
Administrator Guide
11.2 Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent.........................................217
11.3 SLD integration requirements...................................................217
12 Data Services registration in the SLD...........................................219
13 Performance and availability monitoring........................................220
13.1 Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview......................................220
13.2 SMD Agent guidelines........................................................222
13.3 Congure your system for SMD.................................................222
13.4 The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library.................................. 223
Enabling NCS library on Windows.............................................224
Enabling NCS library on Unix or Linux.......................................... 225
13.5 Heartbeat monitoring........................................................226
13.6 Alert monitoring............................................................226
14 Command line administration................................................ 228
14.1 Command line reference: License Manager.........................................229
Starting License Manager in Unix............................................. 230
14.2 Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix).............................. 231
14.3 Command line: Repository Manager (Windows)......................................232
14.4 Command line: Repository Manager (Unix).........................................236
14.5 Command line: Server Manager (Unix)............................................239
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Unix or Linux).............................241
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux)................................ 242
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Unix or Linux)............................246
14.6 Command line: Server Manager (Windows).........................................247
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Windows)................................248
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows)...................................248
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Windows)...............................252
14.7 Command line: Password encryption.............................................253
14.8 al_engine.................................................................255
al_engine Export and Import options...........................................257
Administrator Guide
1 Naming conventions and variables
This documentation uses specic terminology, location variables, and environment variables that describe
various features, processes, and locations in SAP Data Services.
SAP Data Services documentation uses the following terminology:
The terms Data Services system and SAP Data Services mean the same thing.
The term BI platform refers to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
The term IPS refers to SAP BusinessObjects Information platform services.
Data Services requires BI platform components. However, when you don't use other SAP applications,
IPS, a scaled back version of BI, also provides these components for Data Services.
CMC refers to the Central Management Console provided by the BI or IPS platform.
CMS refers to the Central Management Server provided by the BI or IPS platform.
The following table describes the location variables and environment variables that are necessary when you
install and congure Data Services and required components.
Administrator Guide
Naming conventions and variables
Variables Description
The installation directory for SAP applications such as Data
Default location:
For Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP
For UNIX: $HOME/sap businessobjects
INSTALL_DIR isn't an environment variable. The in-
stallation location of SAP software can be dierent than
what we list for INSTALL_DIR based on the location
that your administrator sets during installation.
The directory for the BI or IPS platform.
Default location:
For Windows: <INSTALL_DIR>\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0
C:\Program Files
(x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0
For UNIX: <INSTALL_DIR>/enterprise_xi40
These paths are the same for both BI and IPS.
BIP_INSTALL_DIR isn't an environment variable.
The installation location of SAP software can be dierent
than what we list for BIP_INSTALL_DIR based on the
location that your administrator sets during installation.
Administrator Guide
Naming conventions and variables
Variables Description
An environment variable for the root directory of the Data
Services system.
Default location:
All platforms
<INSTALL_DIR>\Data Services
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP
BusinessObjects\Data Services
Administrator Guide
Naming conventions and variables
Variables Description
An environment variable for the common conguration di-
rectory for the Data Services system.
Default location:
If your system is on Windows (Vista and newer):
BusinessObjects\Data Services
The default value of <AllUsersProfile> environ-
ment variable for Windows Vista and newer is
BusinessObjects\Data Services
If your system is on Windows (Older versions such as
Data\SAP BusinessObjects\Data
The default value of <AllUsersProfile> en-
vironment variable for Windows older versions
is C:\Documents and Settings\All
C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\SAP
BusinessObjects\Data Services
UNIX systems (for compatibility)
The installer automatically creates this system environment
variable during installation.
Starting with Data Services 4.2 SP6, users
can designate a dierent default location for
Administrator Guide
Naming conventions and variables
Variables Description
<DS_COMMON_DIR> during installation. If you can't nd
the <DS_COMMON_DIR> in the listed default location, ask
your System Administrator to nd out where your de-
fault location is for <DS_COMMON_DIR>.
The environment variable for the user-specic conguration
directory for the Data Services system.
Default location:
If you're on Windows (Vista and newer):
BusinessObjects\Data Services
The default value of <UserProfile> environment
variable for Windows Vista and newer versions is
If you're on Windows (Older versions such as XP):
Settings\Application Data\SAP
BusinessObjects\Data Services
The default value of <UserProfile> en-
vironment variable for Windows older ver-
sions is C:\Documents and Settings\
The system uses <DS_USER_DIR> only for Data
Services client applications on Windows. UNIX plat-
forms don't use <DS_USER_DIR>.
The installer automatically creates this system environment
variable during installation.
Administrator Guide
Naming conventions and variables
2 Architecture overview
Use information about SAP Data Services architecture, system components, and service components to
understand system essentials and to form a plan for system deployment, management, and maintenance.
Data Services and its architecture enables high performance across a broad spectrum of user and deployment
Integrate Data Services into other technology systems in your organization by using the following tools:
Web services
Use specialized tools and application to access, create, edit, and interact with Data Services projects and
reports. Use the following applications for data and system management tools:
Data Services Management Console
SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console (CMC)
Data Services Server Manager
Data Services Repository Manager
To provide exibility, reliability, and scalability, install Data Services components on one or across many
machines using vertical or horizontal scaling:
Vertical scaling: One computer runs several, or all, server-side processes. Use vertical scaling to reduce
cost or to improve performance by distributing server processes between two or more networked
Horizontal scaling: Run multiple, redundant versions of the same server process on more than one
machine, so that processing continues if the primary process encounters a problem.
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) Suite delivers insight through specialized end-user
tools on a single, trusted, SAP BusinessObjects BI platform.
Standard components [page 14]
SAP Data Services works with standard components in the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
(BI) suite.
Management tools [page 19]
SAP Data Services provides utilities to help you manage your repositories and servers.
Operating systems [page 21]
SAP Data Services supports many types of operating systems and versions.
Distributed architecture [page 21]
SAP Data Services oers exibility to design your system using a distributed architecture.
SAP applications integration [page 23]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
SAP Data Services integrates with SAP applications and infrastructures with specic tools, such as the
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) for lifecycle management of your SAP systems.
2.1 Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio
The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) Suite delivers insight through specialized end-user tools
on a single, trusted, SAP BusinessObjects BI platform.
SAP Data Services supports the entire SAP BusinessObjects BI platform. On top of Data Services, the SAP
BusinessObjects BI Suite layers the most reliable, scalable, exible, and manageable platform. The platform
supports integrated end-user interfaces for the following features:
Performance management dashboards
Performance management scorecards
Performance management applications
SAP has created a data integration product that uses relational datastores and built-in intelligence for real time
and batch data access. Data is from ERP systems and other sources. With these capabilities, leverage your ERP
and enterprise application infrastructure for multiple uses.
With batch and real-time data integration, you can take advantage of analytic and supply-chain management
applications. With data integration solutions, you can maintain a real-time, on-line dialogue with customers,
suppliers, employees, and partners. Your company can provide customers, suppliers, employees, and partners
with information for transactions and business analysis.
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Standard components [page 14]
Management tools [page 19]
Operating systems [page 21]
Distributed architecture [page 21]
SAP applications integration [page 23]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
2.2 Standard components
SAP Data Services works with standard components in the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI)
The following diagram shows how Data Services works with other user interfaces, platforms, repositories, and
components in the BI suite.
The basic components required by Data Services are also provided by SAP Information platform services
as a scaled back version of the BI platform.
For a detailed list of supported environments and hardware requirements, see the Product Availability Matrix
(PAM) on the SAP Support Portal.
Designer [page 15]
Designer is the graphical user interface for SAP Data Services that enables you to dene data
management applications that consist of data mappings, transformations, and control logic.
Repository [page 16]
An SAP Data Services repository contains data, such as user-created and predened system objects,
source and target metadata, and transformation rules.
Job Server [page 16]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
The SAP Data Services Job Server starts the data movement engine that integrates data from multiple
heterogeneous sources.
Access Server [page 17]
The Access Server collects message requests, routes them to a real-time service, and delivers message
replies within a user-specied time frame.
Management Console [page 17]
The Management Console contains a collection of Web-based applications for administering multiple
SAP Data Services features and objects.
Adapter SDK [page 18]
The SAP Data Services Adapter SDK provides a Java platform for rapid development of adapters to
other applications and middleware products such as EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) systems.
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
Management tools [page 19]
Operating systems [page 21]
Distributed architecture [page 21]
SAP applications integration [page 23]
Designer is the graphical user interface for SAP Data Services that enables you to dene data management
applications that consist of data mappings, transformations, and control logic.
Use the Designer to create applications such as the following:
Work ows: Job execution denitions.
Data ows: Data transformation denitions.
To create jobs in designer, drag and drop objects into work ows and data ows. Congure the objects using
various icons in ow diagrams, table layouts, and nested workspace pages. The objects represent metadata,
which is stored in either a local or central repository.
In our SAP Data Services documentation, when we refer to “Data Services” without specically including
the word “Designer”, we're referring to SAP Data Services Designer unless otherwise stated.
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
An SAP Data Services repository contains data, such as user-created and predened system objects, source
and target metadata, and transformation rules.
Set up repositories on an open client—server platform to facilitate sharing data with other enterprise tools.
Create each repository on an approved RDBMS and register each repository in the Central Management
Console (CMC).
Associate your repository with one or more Job Servers, which run the jobs that you create. The following are
the repository types in Data Services:
Local repository: Required. Used by an application designer to store denitions of objects, like projects,
jobs, work ows, and data ows. Also stores source and target metadata.
Central repository: Optional. Used in a multiuser environment for version control. Stores a copy of all
objects in a project, and preserves all versions so reversion is possible.
Multiuser development includes other advanced features such as labeling and ltering to provide you with
more exibility and control in managing application objects.
For more information about local and central repositories, see the Designer Guide.
Proler repository: Optional. Stores information generated by the Data Proler, which helps you
determine the quality of your data.
2.2.3Job Server
The SAP Data Services Job Server starts the data movement engine that integrates data from multiple
heterogeneous sources.
The Job Server performs complex data transformations, and manages extractions and transactions from ERP
systems and other sources in batch and real-time modes. The Job Server delivers high data throughput and
scalability through the following techniques:
Distributed query optimization
Multi threaded processes
In memory caching
In memory data transformations
Parallel processes
When you initiate a job in Designer, the Job Server runs the job as follows:
Retrieves the job information from the repository.
Starts the applicable engine to process the job.
In your production environment, the Job Server runs jobs triggered by a scheduler or by a real-time service
managed by the Access Server.
In production environments, balance job loads by creating a Job Server group. Job Server groups consist of
multiple Job Servers that run jobs according to overall system load.
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
Engine processes
When you run Data Services jobs, the Job Server starts engine processes to perform data extraction,
transformation, and movement. The engine uses parallel processing and in-memory data transformations to
deliver high data throughput and scalability.
The Data Services service starts Job Servers and Access Servers when you restart your system. The installer
installs the service when it installs the Job and Access Servers. The service name on Windows is SAP Data
Services. The UNIX equivalent is a daemon named AL_JobService.
2.2.4Access Server
The Access Server collects message requests, routes them to a real-time service, and delivers message replies
within a user-specied time frame.
The Access Server queues messages and sends them to the next available real-time service across any number
of computing resources. This approach provides automatic scalability because the Access Server initiates
additional real-time services on additional computing resources when trac for a given real-time service is
high. You can congure multiple Access Servers.
For more information about the Access Server, see the Post Installation section of the Installation Guide and
see the Administrator section of the Management Console Guide.
2.2.5Management Console
The Management Console contains a collection of Web-based applications for administering multiple SAP Data
Services features and objects.
The Management Console administers the following Data Services processes:
Executes jobs and services
Analyzes object relationships
Evaluates job execution performance
Conrms data validity
Generates data quality reports
Management Console includes several applications as described in the following table.
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
Application Description
Administrator Manage your production environment, which includes, for
Batch job execution
Real-time services
Web services
Adapter instances
Server groups
Central repositories
Proler repositories
Impact and Lineage Analysis
Analyze the end-to-end impact and lineage for source and
target objects used within the Data Services local repository.
Operational Dashboard View dashboards that provide statistics for job execution, job
status, and job performance for one or more repositories
over a given time period.
Data Validation Dashboard Evaluate the reliability of your target data based on the vali-
dation rules that you created in your batch jobs. Quickly re-
view, assess, and identify potential inconsistencies or errors
in source data.
Auto Documentation
View, analyze, and print graphical representations of all ob-
jects as depicted in the Designer including their relation-
ships, properties, and more.
Data Quality Reports View and export reports for batch and real-time jobs, such as
job summaries and data quality transform reports.
For details about the applications, and for more information about how to use the Management Console, see
the Management Console Guide.
2.2.6Adapter SDK
The SAP Data Services Adapter SDK provides a Java platform for rapid development of adapters to other
applications and middleware products such as EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) systems.
Adapters use industry-standard XML and Java technology to ease the learning curve. Adapters provide all
necessary styles of interaction including the following:
Reading, writing, and request-reply from SAP Data Services to other systems.
Request-reply from other systems to SAP Data Services.
For detailed information about the Adapter SDK, see the Adapter SDK User Guide.
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
2.3 Management tools
SAP Data Services provides utilities to help you manage your repositories and servers.
Manage license keys [page 19]
Use the License Manager in command line mode to manage your product activation keycodes.
Repository Manager [page 20]
Use the Repository Manager to create repositories, upgrade repositories, and check the versions of
Server Manager [page 20]
Use the Server Manager to add, delete, and edit the properties of Job Servers and Access Servers and
to dene links between Job Servers and repositories.
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
Standard components [page 14]
Operating systems [page 21]
Distributed architecture [page 21]
SAP applications integration [page 23]
2.3.1Manage license keys
Use the License Manager in command line mode to manage your product activation keycodes.
Activation keycodes are alphanumeric codes that the system refers to each time you run certain applications,
such as SAP Data Services Designer. You can't open or run Data Services without current license keys. For
more information about the License Manager, see Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Parent topic: Management tools [page 19]
Related Information
Repository Manager [page 20]
Server Manager [page 20]
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
2.3.2Repository Manager
Use the Repository Manager to create repositories, upgrade repositories, and check the versions of
The Repository Manager is a utility for creating and managing repositories. When you create a local repository
during installation, you don't have to use the Repository Manager. However, to create additional repositories,
edit existing repositories, or update existing repositories, you use the Repository Manager.
Parent topic: Management tools [page 19]
Related Information
Manage license keys [page 19]
Server Manager [page 20]
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
2.3.3Server Manager
Use the Server Manager to add, delete, and edit the properties of Job Servers and Access Servers and to dene
links between Job Servers and repositories.
Use the server manager to perform the following tasks:
Link multiple Job Servers on dierent machines to a single repository for load balancing.
Link one Job Server to multiple repositories to support individual repositories, for example, to separate a
test repository from a production repository.
Specify SMTP server settings for the smtp_to email function.
Add or edit System Landscape Directory (SLD) registration information for Data Services.
Parent topic: Management tools [page 19]
Related Information
Manage license keys [page 19]
Repository Manager [page 20]
Use the Server Manager on Windows [page 138]
Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
2.4 Operating systems
SAP Data Services supports many types of operating systems and versions.
Ensure that the operating system on which you install SAP Data Services is tested and approved by SAP. For a
complete list of operating systems approved by SAP for SAP Data Services, see the Product Availability Matrix
(PAM) on the SAP Support Portal.
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
Standard components [page 14]
Management tools [page 19]
Distributed architecture [page 21]
SAP applications integration [page 23]
2.5 Distributed architecture
SAP Data Services oers exibility to design your system using a distributed architecture.
The architecture includes an Access Server, which can serve multiple Job Servers and repositories. The
multi-user licensed extension allows multiple Designers to work from a central repository.
Distribute components across a number of computers to best support the trac and connectivity
requirements of your network. Design a system that is distributed minimally for developing and testing. Or,
design a system distributed so that it scales with the demands of a production environment.
Adhere to the following rules when you distribute software components across multiple computers:
Engine processes must run on the same computer as the Job Server that spawns them.
Adapters require a local Job Server.
The following diagram shows an example of Data Services Designer in a distributed architecture.
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
Host names and port numbers [page 23]
Communication between your SAP Data Services systems occurs through TCP/IP connections that
you specify by IP addresses (host names) and port numbers.
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
Standard components [page 14]
Management tools [page 19]
Operating systems [page 21]
SAP applications integration [page 23]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
2.5.1Host names and port numbers
Communication between your SAP Data Services systems occurs through TCP/IP connections that you
specify by IP addresses (host names) and port numbers.
Communication in the Data Services system occurs between Web applications, the Access Server, the Job
Server, and real-time services. If your network doesn't use static IP addresses, use the name of the computer
as the host name. If your network uses static IP addresses, use the static IP number as the host name for
Access Server and Job Server congurations.
To create a system that is scalable, ensure that each component maintains its own list of connections. Dene
the connections through the following components:
Data Services Server Manager
Management Console Administrator
Data Services Repository Manager
Message Client library calls from the Web client
For a list of the default port numbers used by Data Services, see the Installation Guide.
Parent topic: Distributed architecture [page 21]
2.6 SAP applications integration
SAP Data Services integrates with SAP applications and infrastructures with specic tools, such as the SAP
System Landscape Directory (SLD) for lifecycle management of your SAP systems.
The following table provides brief descriptions for each integration tool for your SAP environment.
Data Services integration tools
SAP tool
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) Central source for system landscape information for lifecycle
management. Provides a directory with information about all
installable software available from SAP.
Automatically updates data about installed systems in your
landscape. Provides a foundation for tool support to plan
software lifecycle tasks in your system landscape.
SAP Solution Manager Organizes SAP and non SAP solutions by implementing, sup-
porting, operating, and monitoring the following:
Integrated content
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
SAP tool Description
Change and Transport System (CTS+) Transports ABAP and non-ABAP objects, including Data
Services objects, from source systems to target systems for
lifecycle management.
Monitoring with CA Wily Introscope Web application management product that enables moni-
toring and diagnosing performance problems that occur in
Java-based SAP modules in production.
Provides visibility into custom Java applications and connec-
tions to back-end systems.
Isolates performance bottlenecks in Netweaver modules,
such as the following:
Individual Servlets
Parent topic: Architecture overview [page 12]
Related Information
Data Services and the SAP BI portfolio [page 13]
Standard components [page 14]
Management tools [page 19]
Operating systems [page 21]
Distributed architecture [page 21]
The Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) [page 198]
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) [page 216]
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent [page 217]
Administrator Guide
Architecture overview
3 Security
SAP Data Services addresses enterprise security concerns and provides administrators and system architects
with answers to security questions.
Data Services relies on the Central Management Server (CMS) for authentication and security features.
For complete information about the security features provided by the CMS, see the SAP BusinessObjects BI
Platform Administrator Guide or the SAP BusinessObjects Information Platform Services Administrator Guide.
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
SAP provides specic features and functions to support compliance with relevant legal requirements,
including data protection and privacy.
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
Use a rewall to prevent unintended remote access to SAP Data Services and administrative functions.
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
An external DTD (Data Type Denition) in an XML document that you send to the SDK can increase
security vulnerabilities.
Message client library [page 29]
Some message client libraries with real-time services lack an authorization requirement.
Temporary cache les [page 29]
Temporary cache les are not encrypted and cause a security risk when they contain condential or
other sensitive data.
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and its newer version, Transport Layer Security (TLS), are cryptographic
protocols that provide security and data integrity for network communications.
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
Use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for all network communications between SAP Data
Services clients and the SAP Central Management Server (CMS)
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for all network communications between SAP Data Services,
back-end engines, and EIM Adaptive Processing Server services.
Password encryption [page 45]
In the SAP Data Services system, all passwords are encrypted using the AES algorithm with 128-bit
Repository password required [page 47]
By default, the SAP Data Services system requires that you enter the repository user name and
password when you log into applications that use the repository.
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Blocking localhost IP addresses is not eective for limiting the use of localhost in a web application.
This prevention should be done at the rewall or system level by only allowing trusted IP addresses and
DNS names.
Administrator Guide
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console
web application [page 50]
To ensure a secure login and prevent server-side request forgery, you can provide a list of allowed CMS
names or IP addresses, along with the port numbers, by utilizing SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise's
(BOE) CMC le.
3.1 Data protection and privacy
SAP provides specic features and functions to support compliance with relevant legal requirements, including
data protection and privacy.
Data protection is associated with numerous legal requirements and privacy concerns. In addition to
compliance with applicable data privacy regulations, SAP considers compliance with industry-specic
legislation in dierent countries. SAP doesn't give advice on whether the provided features and functions
are the best method to support company, industry, regional, or country-specic requirements. Also, SAP-
provided information doesn't give advice or make recommendations for additional features that are required in
particular IT environments. Make your protection and privacy decisions on a case-by-case basis. Consider your
system landscape and the legal requirements of your company, industry, region, or country.
In the majority of cases, compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws is not covered by an
SAP product feature. SAP software supports data protection compliance by providing security features and
specic data protection-relevant functions, such as simplied blocking and deletion of personal data. SAP
doesn't provide legal advice in any form. SAP uses denitions and other terms in this document that aren’t
from any given legal source.
SAP software places the data that you provide into trace logs, sample reports, repositories, and so on, as side-
eect data. In other words, your data nds its way into places other than output les. It's your responsibility to
delete this data.
In addition, Data Services doesn't run any virus scan applications on persisted data. To protect persisted data,
we strongly recommend running your own virus scan software on any system that runs Data Services.
The following list contains a few examples of where Data Services uses customer data:
Log les: When you enable the Trace all option, Data Services prints data in some log les.
Bulkload directory: If a job using bulk-load functionality fails, Data Services saves data les that contain
customer data in the bulkload directory so you can review and analyze the data. The default bulkload
directory location is %DS_COMMON_DIR%/log/BulkLoader.
Data Services repository: The smtp_to and mailer functions use mail ID numbers as input parameters,
which Data Services saves in the repository.
Data Services repository: Data Services places a sampling of customer data in the Data Services
repository when the “full” option is enabled during side-eect data generation for Global Address Cleanse
and Universal Data Cleanse.
Sample Report: The Global Address Cleanse transform places a sample of user address data into the
sample report.
Administrator Guide
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.2 Firewall for secure administrative functions
Use a rewall to prevent unintended remote access to SAP Data Services and administrative functions.
In a distributed installation, congure your rewall so that the Data Services components are able to
communicate with each other as needed.
For information about conguring ports on your rewall, see your operating system rewall documentation. For
information about port assignments, see the Installation Guide.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Administrator Guide
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
Host names and port numbers [page 23]
3.3 External DTD in XML documents
An external DTD (Data Type Denition) in an XML document that you send to the SDK can increase security
A DTD contains information that denes a document type, such as an XML document. When it's dened
separately (external) from an XML document, it can cause a security risk. Therefore, don't use external DTDs
(data type denitions) in XML documents that you send to the SDK.
The following code example shows an XML document with a reference to an external DTD. The DTD le
note.dtd is dened in a le in the system that is external to the XML document.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM "note.dtd">
<message>Stack Overflow is awesome</message>
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
Administrator Guide
3.4 Message client library
Some message client libraries with real-time services lack an authorization requirement.
The message client libraries, such as Java and C++ for real-time services don't require authorization to
connect. Keep this security risk in mind when you use these libraries.
For more information about using the Message Client library, see the SAP Data Services Integrator Guide.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.5 Temporary cache les
Temporary cache les are not encrypted and cause a security risk when they contain condential or other
sensitive data.
SAP Data Services generates temporary cache les for functions and operations, such as proling, joins, and
table comparisons. When you process condential or other sensitive data, that data can end up in temporary
cache les. Both pageable and persistent caches create data les that aren't encrypted.
Temporary le location
Secure your temporary les using the appropriate permissions at the operating system level.
Data Services stores temporary les, including cache les, in
Administrator Guide
Pageable cache
The pageable cache option in a data ow enables the system to remove the les automatically after a data ow
nishes running.
Persistent cache
When you use metadata from a persistent cache type of datastore, the data isn't encrypted. It is your
responsibility to secure the data using operating system le and directory permissions.
long data
When you process long data types, such as BLOB or CLOB, in databases that are large, Data Services stores
the data in temporary cache les. When long data is cached, such as for a join, sort, or table comparison
process, Data Services deletes the cache when it nishes executing the job.
Data Services also deletes a long data cache le when the data is out of scope. For example, the data is out of
scope under the following circumstances:
The data ow loads the data to a target.
A query transform lters the data out.
Data Services converts a long datatype to a varchar.
Encrypting temporary cache les [page 31]
Set SAP Data Services to encrypt specic temporary cache les to protect personal information.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
Administrator Guide
3.5.1Encrypting temporary cache les
Set SAP Data Services to encrypt specic temporary cache les to protect personal information.
Data Services can encrypt the following temporary cache les:
Persistent cache datastore les
Pageable cache data ow les
Cache les from functions such as lookup, search_replace, distinct, and group_by.
Cache les from transforms such as Data Quality transforms and Table Comparison
Data Services deletes the les immediately after the data ow nishes executing.
Encrypting temporary cache les can slow job performance signicantly.
Encrypting the cache les is optional.
To encrypt the specic temporary cache les, perform the following steps:
1. Open the DSConfig.txt le, located in <DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf.
2. Add the following parameter to the String section: pageable_cache_encrypt_data =.
3. Enter the value yes.
pageable_cache_encrypt_data = yes
4. Save and close the dsconfig.txt le.
Task overview: Temporary cache les [page 29]
3.6 SSL or TLS for Data Services components
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and its newer version, Transport Layer Security (TLS), are cryptographic
protocols that provide security and data integrity for network communications.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the standard specication published by the IETF that is based on earlier SSL
specications. Use TLS for Windows version 10 and higher.
When you see the term “SSL” or “SSL/TLS” in this document, understand that you can use TLS when it is
supported by your database system, and when you use Widows 10 and higher versions.
The SSL/TLS protocol allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way designed
to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. SSL/TLS provides endpoint authentication and
communications condentially over the network using cryptography.
Administrator Guide
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Within the SAP Data Services platform, SSL/TLS is supported for all communication paths between
components that communicate over a network.
Default certicates [page 34]
By default, the SAP Data Services installer creates a set of SSL certicates for secure communication
between Data Services components.
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Manually copy trusted certicates to all machines in a distributed environment.
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
SAP Data Services uses multiple communication paths, therefore, there are many methods to enable
or disable SSL for any given path.
Using custom certicates [page 39]
SAP Data Services includes a set of SSL certicates by default, however, you can use your own
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
To use custom certicates for SSL security in SAP Data Services, generate the certicates and have
them signed by a trusted certicate authority (CA), such as VeriSign.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.6.1Protected communication paths
Within the SAP Data Services platform, SSL/TLS is supported for all communication paths between
components that communicate over a network.
The following diagram illustrates the communication channels within the Data Services architecture that
support SSL/TLS.
Administrator Guide
All TCP/IP communication paths support SSL/TLS.
Depending on the communication for your web application server, you can switch your clients that use
HTTP to the HTTPS protocol.
For information about conguring HTTPS with Data Services Management Console, see SAP Note
When you use a server group with a distribution level of “Sub data ow”, SSL/TLS also protects the TCP/IP
communication path between sub data ows that are on dierent job servers within the server group. The
following diagram illustrates the communication path.
Administrator Guide
Parent topic: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Default certicates [page 34]
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
Using custom certicates [page 39]
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
3.6.2Default certicates
By default, the SAP Data Services installer creates a set of SSL certicates for secure communication between
Data Services components.
The default certicates use 2048-bit RSA keys and are valid for 30 years.
To use your own custom certicates, congure the certicates after installation.
Parent topic: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
Using custom certicates [page 39]
Administrator Guide
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
3.6.3Copying certicates in a distributed environment
Manually copy trusted certicates to all machines in a distributed environment.
When you install SAP Data Services components on multiple machines, and each installation has its own root
and intermediate certicate authority (CA) conguration, you must manually copy the trusted certicate les
from one machine to all other machines.
Trusted certicate les are root and intermediate CA certicate les. Trusted certicate les have a .crt
extension, and are located in the <LINK_DIR>\ssl\trusted_certs folder.
When you copy trusted certicates from one host machine to another, always copy the les to and from the
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\trusted_certs folder on each respective machine.
Each step represents a dierent scenario. Find the step that represents your situation and perform the
1. If the Job Server and Access Server are installed on dierent machines, congure the hosts with the new
certicates by performing the following substeps.
a. Copy the trusted certicates from the Access Server to the Job Server host.
b. Run the following batch le on the Job Server host machine to refresh the
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\trusted_certs\jssecacerts keystore le:
On Windows: <LINK_DIR>\bin\SetupJavaKeystore.bat
After you run the batch les, adapters that communicate with the Access Server use the new
c. Copy the trusted certicates from the Job Server to the Access Server host.
d. Restart the job service on both the Job Server and Access Server host machines.
2. If the Access Server and Management Console are installed on dierent machines, congure the
Management Console host with the new certicates by performing the following substeps:
a. Copy the trusted certicates from the Access Server to the Management Console host.
b. Run the following batch le on the Management Console host machine to refresh the
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\trusted_certs\jssecacerts keystore le:
On Windows: <LINK_DIR>\bin\SetupJavaKeystore.bat
c. Restart the web application server that hosts the Management Console.
3. If the Access Server and message client are installed on dierent machines, congure the message client
host with the new certicates by performing the following substeps:
a. Copy the trusted certicates from the Access Server to the message client host.
b. If the message client host uses Java, import the trusted certicates into the keystore used by the
message client application.
Administrator Guide
For information about creating keystores, see the JDK help for the keytool command.
4. If the Job Server and job launcher or external scheduler are installed on dierent machines, copy the
trusted certicates from the Job Server to the job launcher or external scheduler host.
If the scheduled job connects to multiple Job Servers through a server group, copy the trusted
certicates from all Job Servers within the group.
Task overview: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Default certicates [page 34]
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
Using custom certicates [page 39]
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
3.6.4Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths
SAP Data Services uses multiple communication paths, therefore, there are many methods to enable or disable
SSL for any given path.
Choose to enable or disable SSL on select communication paths based on your security and performance
requirements. The following table describes the types of communication paths.
Communication path Considerations
Adapter management Enable SSL on your Job Servers to protect the communica-
tion path between your Job Servers and adapters and mes-
sage broker clients.
To congure SSL on a Job Server, use the Data Services
Server Manager.
Administrator Guide
Communication path Considerations
Real-time messaging Enable SSL on your Access Servers to protect the communi-
cation path between your Access Servers and their real-time
By default, SSL is enabled for real-time messaging. If
you disable it on an Access Server, be sure to disable it
on any message clients or adapters that communicate
with that Access Server.
You can enable or disable SSL on a per-server basis. You
don't have to congure SSL the same way for all Access
To congure SSL on an Access Server, use the Data Services
Server Manager.
Peer-to-peer communication Enable SSL by conguring SSL for run-time resources to
protect the communication path between sub data ows
running on dierent Job Servers.
If you run multiple Job Servers within a server group,
congure SSL the same way on each Job Server.
To congure SSL for run-time resources, use the Data
Services Server Manager.
Administrator Guide
Communication path Considerations
Other communication paths SSL is required for other communication paths in the Data
Services architecture, and is already enabled.
For example, SSL is always enabled on the communication
paths between a Job Server and the following clients:
The Administrator application in the Management
SAP Data Services Designer
The job launcher
Access Servers
The job execution engine
Other Job Servers within a server group
The job service used for monitoring
Ensure that each client has the correct certicates for these
other communication paths. however, there are no addi-
tional conguration steps to perform.
You must copy the certicates from the Job Server to
the Access Server, Management Console, and external
job launcher hosts. In all other cases, the certicates are
exchanged automatically.
Parent topic: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Default certicates [page 34]
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Using custom certicates [page 39]
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
Use the Server Manager on Windows [page 138]
Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Administrator Guide
3.6.5Using custom certicates
SAP Data Services includes a set of SSL certicates by default, however, you can use your own certicates.
Before you perform the following task, generate custom certicates and have them signed by a trusted
certicate authority (CA). For instructions, see Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40].
To use custom certicates instead of the certicates provided by Data Services, perform the following steps:
The following steps are based on dierent Data Services deployments. Perform the steps that apply to your
specic deployment.
1. Copy all required custom certicates to the Data Services client machine or machines.
When the system validates the certicates for the Data Services server, it requires that each Data
Services client has the certicates for all CAs in the certicate chain. The certicates within a
certicate chain are called “trusted certicates”. Trusted certicates must be present on the local
machine. In most cases, the certicate chain is the same for all clients, and therefore the same
certicates must be present on all client machines.
2. If you use Java-based clients, generate a keystore that contains the trusted certicates using the JDK
keytool utility.
3. Congure server certicate and keyle paths with the SAP Data Services Server Manager.
4. Congure certicates for SAP Data Services Designer.
a. Choose
Tools Options in Designer.
b. Expand the Designer node and select the SSL node.
c. Specify the locations for the following options:
Server certicate le
Server private key le
Trusted certicates folder
If you change any SSL options other than Use SSL protocol for proler, you must restart both the Designer
and any Data Services servers.
Task overview: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Default certicates [page 34]
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
Generating keys and signing certicates [page 40]
Administrator Guide
Conguring SSL paths [page 145]
3.6.6Generating keys and signing certicates
To use custom certicates for SSL security in SAP Data Services, generate the certicates and have them
signed by a trusted certicate authority (CA), such as VeriSign.
To generate custom SSL certicates and have them signed, perform the following steps:
1. Open a command prompt and use the Open SSL toolkit with a command like the following:
openssl req -config <DS_COMMON_DIR>\ssl\conf\openssl.conf -new -newkey
rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout <mykey.pem> -out <myreq.pem>
<mykey.pem> is the name of the key le to generate.
<myreq.pem> is the name of the certicate le to generate.
By default, OpenSSL is installed to <DS_COMMON_DIR>\bin. For more information about available
options and commands, see the OpenSSL documentation at
2. Send the RSA private key and certicate les to your external CA.
3. After you receive the signed certicate from your CA, use the SAP Data Services Server Manager to specify
the path to the new certicate and private key le.
Trusted certicates from an external CA must be in PEM format.
4. Copy the signed certicates to the <DS_COMMON_DIR>\ssl\trusted_certs directory.
Task overview: SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Related Information
Protected communication paths [page 32]
Default certicates [page 34]
Copying certicates in a distributed environment [page 35]
Enable or disable SSL on select communication paths [page 36]
Using custom certicates [page 39]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Administrator Guide
3.7 Congure SSL for the CMS connection
Use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for all network communications between SAP Data Services
clients and the SAP Central Management Server (CMS)
To set up SSL for all CMS communication, you need to perform the following tasks:
Deploy the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform or Information Platform Services with SSL enabled.
Create key and certicate les for each machine in your deployment.
Congure the location of the key and certicate les in the Central Conguration Manager (CCM) and your
web application server.
For Data Services, use the sslconfig utility to congure all components that log into the CMS for SSL,
including the following components:
SAP Data Services Designer
Job Servers
External schedulers and the job launcher
SAP Data Services Management Console (if deployed to a dierent web application server than the SAP
BusinessObjects BI platform or Information platform services web tier)
For J2EE web application servers, congure SSL by modifying the startup script.
By default, the sslconfig utility is installed in the following location:
For Windows:
<INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\sslconfig.exe
Where <platform> matches your UNIX platform.
For more information about sslconfig.exe and conguring the SSL protocol for CMS and its clients, see
the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform Administrator Guide or the SAP BusinessObjects Information Platform
Services Administrator Guide.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Administrator Guide
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.8 SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for all network communications between SAP Data Services, back-
end engines, and EIM Adaptive Processing Server services.
The following EIM Adaptive Processing Server services use SSL:
Metadata Browsing Service
View Data Service
Data Services provides the EIM Adaptive Processing Server services, but they're used by other SAP software
products, such as the Data Insight module of SAP Information Steward.
Data Services provides the keystore le and the trusted certicates le by default. The following table describes
each le.
Java Server keystore
Contains a single key and all the certicates that are part of
the certicate chain involved in signing the key on the server
side. Password les for the Java Server keystore le and the
key are also required.
Data Services places the default keystore le and password
les in <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds.
Trusted certicate
Certicates in a certicate chain, used for signing the key
that is stored in the Java keystore on the server side. The
client side, the Data Services back-end engine, uses the
trusted certicates to communicate with the server.
Data Services places the trusted certicates in
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds\trusted_certs .
Conguring SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 43]
The Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service are EIM Adaptive Processing Server services
that use SSL.
Creating keystore le and certicates for default [page 44]
Use custom keystore le and SSL certicate instead of using the default les provided for the Metadata
Browsing Service and View Data Service services.
Administrator Guide
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.8.1Conguring SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data
The Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service are EIM Adaptive Processing Server services that use
To enable and congure SSL communications for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services, perform the
following steps:
1. Log into the Central Management Console (CMC) as a user with administrative rights to SAP Data
2. Open the Applications management page of the CMC.
3. Right-click Data Services Application and choose Settings.
4. Choose Yes from the Enable SSL communication for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services list.
5. To use the default keystore and certicates that Data Services provides, perform the following substeps:
a. Choose Yes from the Use Default SSL Settings list.
b. Select Save.
6. To use custom certicates, perform the following substeps:
Your keystore must be a Java keystore le that contains a single key with all the certicates that are part
of the certicate chain involved in signing the key. Provide a password for the key and a password for the
keystore le.
Your keystore le must be in the <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds directory. The corresponding certicate les must
be in the <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds\trusted_certs directory.
Administrator Guide
a. For multiple instances of Metadata Browsing Service or View Data Service associated with the same
CMS server, copy the keystore and certicate les to all the machines where these instances are
b. Choose No from the Use Default SSL Settings list.
c. Enter the name of the KeyStore le in KeyStore File.
d. Enter the applicable password in KeyStore Password.
e. Enter the applicable password in Key Password.
f. Select Save.
7. Restart the EIM Adaptive Processing Server by performing the following substeps:
a. Open the Servers management area.
b. Expand the Service Categories node and select the Enterprise Information Management Services node.
c. Select the EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer from the Server Name column in the right pane.
d. Select Action Restart Server .
The State column lists “Stopping”, then “Starting”, and nally “Running”.
Selecting the Refresh icon helps to update the status in the State column.
Task overview: SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Related Information
Creating keystore le and certicates for default [page 44]
3.8.2Creating keystore le and certicates for default
Use custom keystore le and SSL certicate instead of using the default les provided for the Metadata
Browsing Service and View Data Service services.
Before performing the following steps, congure SSL for the Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service
services following the instructions in Conguring SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page
43]. Ensure that you select Yes for Use Default SSL Settings when you congure SSL for the services.
To create a keystore le and SSL certicates for the default SSL settings, perform the following steps:
1. Run the MDSSetupJavaKeyStore.bat tool.
The MDSSetupJavaKeyStore.bat le is in <LINK_DIR>\bin by default.
The MDSSetupJavaKeyStore batch le creates the les described in the following table:
Administrator Guide
File name Location Description
DSJavaKeyStore.keystore <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds Keystore le that contains a single key
and all the certicates that are part
of the certicate chain for signing the
sslks.key <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds Key password.
sslstore.key <LINK_DIR>\ssl\mds Keystore password.
2. Restart the EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer in the Central Management Console.
The restart picks up the new keystore and certicate les as the default les.
Task overview: SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Related Information
Conguring SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 43]
3.9 Password encryption
In the SAP Data Services system, all passwords are encrypted using the AES algorithm with 128-bit keys.
Encryption key storage locations [page 46]
The SAP Data Services system stores passwords for les and applications, and it stores individual keys
associated with each password in specic locations.
Encrypt passwords manually [page 47]
Manually encrypt passwords when encryption isn't handled automatically by the SAP Data Services
applications and utilities.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Administrator Guide
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.9.1Encryption key storage locations
The SAP Data Services system stores passwords for les and applications, and it stores individual keys
associated with each password in specic locations.
The following table lists each le or application that has a password, and the associated password key location.
Password for
Associated key location
Local repository
REPOKEY column in the AL_VERSION table
Central repository
REPOKEY column in the AL_VERSION table
Management Console
admin.key located in the same directory as admin.xml
Access Server
AS.key located in the same directory as AS.xml
Adapter SDK
DSConfig.txt <DS_COMMON_DIR>/conf/DSConfig.key
Data Services-managed schedules If the schedule uses a password le, the password is stored
in the password le.
If the schedule doesn't use a password le, the password is
located in the job command line.
External scheduler command lines
If the schedule uses a password le, the password is stored
in the password le.
If the schedule doesn't use a password le, the password is
located in the job command line.
For encryption keys that are stored in les, Data Services protects the security of the key le with strong
OS permissions. For example, the software sets owner-only read and write access to the le (chmod 600
on UNIX systems). You should also protect the key le by restricting user access to the server host machine
when possible.
Parent topic: Password encryption [page 45]
Administrator Guide
Related Information
Encrypt passwords manually [page 47]
3.9.2Encrypt passwords manually
Manually encrypt passwords when encryption isn't handled automatically by the SAP Data Services
applications and utilities.
When password encryption for some tasks isn't handled automatically by the Data Services application or
utility, manually encrypt the password.
You quickly generate a data ow to use with the object creation XML toolkit. The data ow contains a
datastore that requires a password. Therefore, the password must be encrypted before you can import and
run the data ow successfully.
To manually encrypt a password, use the al_encrypt command-line utility installed with the software. For
more information about using al_encrypt for password encryption, see Command line: Password encryption
[page 253]
Parent topic: Password encryption [page 45]
Related Information
Encryption key storage locations [page 46]
3.10 Repository password required
By default, the SAP Data Services system requires that you enter the repository user name and password when
you log into applications that use the repository.
For example, your repository user name and password are required when you log into SAP Data Services
Designer or when you open a Data Quality report in SAP Data Services Management Console.
You, as an administrator, can disable the requirement of the repository user name and password through
permissions in the Central Management Console. After you disable the default behavior, the system sends the
repository credentials from the Central Management Server to the client, such as Data Services, without you
entering the repository user name and password.
Administrator Guide
Although this password is encrypted, and you can secure the communication channel through SSL,
sending passwords can pose a risk, such as malicious users obtaining access to the password.
You can selectively grant the permissions for repositories. For example, you can grant the right for
development repositories but not for production repositories.
Accessing Data Services applications without repository credentials [page 48]
Grant permission for certain users, or certain repositories, to open SAP Data Services applications that
use the repository without entering user name and password credentials.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.10.1Accessing Data Services applications without
repository credentials
Grant permission for certain users, or certain repositories, to open SAP Data Services applications that use the
repository without entering user name and password credentials.
Before peforming the following steps, understand the application rights by viewing the table in Detailed
application rights [page 55].
Although the repository password is encrypted, and you can secure the communication channel through
SSL, sending passwords can pose a risk, such as malicious users obtaining access to the password.
You can selectively grant the permissions for repositories. For example, you can grant the right for
development repositories but not for production repositories.
Administrator Guide
To set repository permissions in the Central Management Console (CMC), perform the following steps:
1. Open the Data Services page from CMC Home.
2. Select the Repositories node at left.
To assign rights to a user group for all repositories, skip the next step where you select a specic
3. Select the applicable repository at right.
Select the repository to restrict access rights to a specic repository. For example, remove the requirement
for repository credentials for the test repository only. To assign rights to a user group for all repositories,
don't select a specic repository.
4. Choose Manage Security User Security .
The User Security page opens. Check that you selected the correct repository by looking at the repository
name in the page banner.
5. Select the applicable user group under Name.
Before you select the user group, consider the application from which you want to remove the repository
credential requirement.
To remove the credential requirement from Data Services Designer, select Data Services Designer
To remove the credential requirement from Data Quality reports in the Management Console,
select Data Services Monitor Users.
6. Select Assign Security.
The Assign Security page opens. Check that you have the correct user group by looking at the Principal
value in the upper right corner of the page.
7. Open the Advanced tab.
8. Select Add/Remove Rights.
The Add/Remove Rights page opens.
9. Expand the Application node at left and select the applicable repository name.
10. Under Specic Rights for Data Services Repository, select Granted for either or both of the following
Allow user to retrieve repository password
Allow user to retrieve repository password that user owns
11. Select OK.
All users in the selected user group now have rights for accessing an application that uses the selected
repository without entering the repository credentials.
Task overview: Repository password required [page 47]
Administrator Guide
3.11 Blocking localhost IP addresses
Blocking localhost IP addresses is not eective for limiting the use of localhost in a web application. This
prevention should be done at the rewall or system level by only allowing trusted IP addresses and DNS names.
Blocking a static list of IP addresses is not an eective way to limit the use of localhost. Because the host name
is used throughout the whole web application, blocking localhost related IP addresses cannot be accomplished
with a simple blocking option within the application.
This type of prevention needs to be at the rewall or system level. You need to only allow trusted IP addresses
and DNS names for your web application. It is your responsibility to prevent non-trusted localhost IP addresses
from being used in your network.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server system from Data Services management console web
application [page 50]
3.12 Block invalid domains and IP addresses to CMS server
system from Data Services management console web
To ensure a secure login and prevent server-side request forgery, you can provide a list of allowed CMS names
or IP addresses, along with the port numbers, by utilizing SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise's (BOE) CMC le.
The le contains a property named allowed.cms where you include the
allowed CMS names or IP addresses, with port numbers. For more information, see SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform on SAP Help Portal at
Administrator Guide
Business Intelligence Administrator Guide.
In the SAP Data Services deployment, the and are located in the
following locations:
<BOE WARFILES folder>\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\default
<Tomcat folder>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\default
You need to add the CMS entry information into these les.
The following is an example using Tomcat as the web application server, but other web application servers
require similar steps.
1. Go to <Tomcat folder>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\custom
2. Edit the le in notepad.
If this le is not present, make a copy of
from <Tomcat folder>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\default to <Tomcat
3. Congure the mandatory parameter allowed.cms=<server:port> for a single CMS environment.
Where there are multiple CMS, you can use a comma separated list in the parameter like
Note that @clustername can also be congured in the allowed.cms parameter in addition to the server
and port but CMS host names and their ports are required for reliable operation.
Your addition to the le might look as follows:
4. Edit the le in both locations with the following parameters:
Set cms.default=<CMSHost:CMSPort>
Set cms.visible=false
5. Save the le and restart Tomcat.
Parent topic: Security [page 25]
Related Information
Data protection and privacy [page 26]
Firewall for secure administrative functions [page 27]
External DTD in XML documents [page 28]
Message client library [page 29]
Temporary cache les [page 29]
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Congure SSL for the CMS connection [page 41]
SSL for Metadata Browsing and View Data Services [page 42]
Administrator Guide
Password encryption [page 45]
Repository password required [page 47]
Blocking localhost IP addresses [page 50]
Administrator Guide
4 User and rights management
SAP Data Services uses the Central Management Server (CMS) for user accounts and rights management.
To set user accounts and rights management for administrating procedures for applications other than
Data Services, see the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform Administrator Guide or the SAP BusinessObjects
Information Platform Services Administrator Guide.
User management [page 53]
When you create users and groups in the Central Management Console (CMC), you also grant the user
or group access rights to the repository with which they work.
Group management [page 54]
Groups are collections of users who share the same account privileges, such as users in the same
department, role, or location.
4.1 User management
When you create users and groups in the Central Management Console (CMC), you also grant the user or
group access rights to the repository with which they work.
By default, the SAP Data Services installation program doesn't create any user accounts. Use the CMC to
create new user accounts, or assign existing user accounts to the default group accounts.
For information about creating user accounts for applications other than Data Services, see the SAP
BusinessObjects BI Platform Administrator Guide or the SAP BusinessObjects Information Platform Services
Administrator Guide.
Parent topic: User and rights management [page 53]
Related Information
Group management [page 54]
Accessing repository user security in the CMC [page 65]
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
4.2 Group management
Groups are collections of users who share the same account privileges, such as users in the same department,
role, or location.
Manage groups in the Users and Groups area of the Central Management Console.
Groups enable administrators to change the rights and permissions for multiple users in one place instead of
modifying the rights and permissions for each user account individually. Also, administrators can assign object
rights to a group or groups.
In addition to the basic SAP BusinessObjects BI platform or Information Platform Services group accounts,
Data Services includes several default group accounts as described in the following table.
Account name
Data Services Administrator Members have access to all Data Services administrative
Data Services Designer Users Members have access to Designer.
Application rights and repository security rights are two
separate sets of rights. For more information about
repository rights, see Detailed repository rights [page
Data Services Monitor Users
Members have access limited to options available from the
Status tabs.
A Monitor User can cancel batch jobs but can't run
or schedule them.
A Monitor User can restart, cancel, or shut down an
Access Server, service, adapter instance, or client
interface but can't add or remove them.
Data Services MU (Multi-user) Administrator
Members are limited to managing secure central reposito-
ries. This role is a subset of the Data Services Administrator
role. Multi-user administrators have the rights to perform
the following tasks:
Add and remove secure central repositories.
Manage users and groups.
View secure central repository reports.
Data Services Operator Users
Members have all Administrator privileges except they can't
modify repository, access, or CMS servers nor update data-
store settings.
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
Account name Description
Data Services Proler Administrator Users Members are limited to managing proler repositories. This
role is a subset of the Administrator role. Proler administra-
tors can do the following:
Manage proler tasks in any proler repository.
Manage the Proler conguration.
Data Services Proler Users
Members of this group are limited to managing proler tasks
in the proler repository that is congured for the user.
Detailed application rights [page 55]
Each SAP Data Services user group has default rights to the application.
Viewing application rights assigned to a group [page 58]
Administrators can view application rights assigned to each SAP Data Services group in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
Managing application rights for a group [page 58]
Administrators can manage application rights assigned to each SAP Data Services group in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
Parent topic: User and rights management [page 53]
Related Information
User management [page 53]
4.2.1Detailed application rights
Each SAP Data Services user group has default rights to the application.
The following table lists all default application rights granted to each type of user group. In the Central
Management Console (CMC), each Data Services group name is prefaced with “Data Services”. For example,
Data Services Designer Users. However, because of limited space, we don't include “Data Services” in the table
for Data Services user groups.
The Data Services Administrator group has access to all of the available Data Services application rights.
Therefore, the Administrator group isn't included in the table.
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
Application rights
Data Services user groups
(MU) Adminis-
Proler Ad-
Management Console Administra-
Management Console Auto Docu-
Management Console Data Quality
Data Services Designer X
Management Console Impact and
Management Console Operational
Management Console Validation
Management Console Administra-
tor overview
Execute batch job X X
Manage access server congura-
Manage adapter congurations X
Manage batch job history X X
Manage central repository groups X
Manage certication log congura-
Manage datastore and substitution
param congurations
Manage Object Promotion Congu-
Manage Object Promotion Import
Manage proler congurations X
Manage real-time client interface
Manage real-time logs X
Manage real-time service status X
Manage real-time status X
Manage RFC client and server con-
Manage server group congura-
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
Application rights
Data Services user groups
(MU) Adminis-
Proler Ad-
Manage status interval congura-
Manage webservices congurations X
View adapter status X X
View batch job history X X X
View Data Quality sample data X X X X X X
View proler status X X
View internal information in log X X
View real-time client interface sta-
View real-time logs X X
View real-time service status X X
View real-time status X X
View RFC client status X X
View server group information X X X
View Validation sample data X X X X X X
View webservices status X X
Application rights and repository security rights have separate rights. When a repository is registered, the
owner is granted full access to the repository. By default, other Designer users have no access to the
Parent topic: Group management [page 54]
Related Information
Viewing application rights assigned to a group [page 58]
Managing application rights for a group [page 58]
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
4.2.2Viewing application rights assigned to a group
Administrators can view application rights assigned to each SAP Data Services group in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
To perform the following steps, you must have Administrator rights or be a member of the Data Services
Administrator Users group.
To view the assigned application rights for a group, perform the following steps in the CMC:
1. In CMC Home, select Applications in the Manage column.
2. Double-click Data Services Application in the Application Name column.
3. Select User Security.
The user groups display at right.
4. Select the applicable user group to view and select View Security.
The Permissions Explorer opens and displays all of the current application rights that are assigned to your
selected user group.
Task overview: Group management [page 54]
Related Information
Detailed application rights [page 55]
Managing application rights for a group [page 58]
4.2.3Managing application rights for a group
Administrators can manage application rights assigned to each SAP Data Services group in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
To perform the following steps, you must have Administrator rights or be a member of the Data Services
Administrator Users group.
For complete information about the windows and options mentioned in this topic, see the Business Intelligence
Platform Administrator Guide.
To manage the assigned application rights for a group, perform the following steps in the CMC:
1. In CMC Home, select Applications in the Manage column.
2. Double-click Data Services Application in the Application Name column.
3. Select User Security.
The user groups display at right.
4. Select the applicable user group and select Assign Security.
The Assign Security window opens.
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
5. Select the Advanced tab.
6. Select Add/Remove rights located below the tab labels.
The Add/Remove Rights window opens. Each right is in a row with options to grant or deny the right.
7. Find the row for the applicable right under Specic Rights for Data Services Application.
8. Select the applicable option:
Select the radio dial under the Granted icon in the row for the applicable right to grant the right.
Select the radio dial under the Deny icon in the row for the applicable right to deny access to the right.
9. Select Apply to save your changes and then select OK.
Task overview: Group management [page 54]
Related Information
Detailed application rights [page 55]
Viewing application rights assigned to a group [page 58]
Administrator Guide
User and rights management
5 Repository management
Before you can access an SAP Data Services repository in other components such as the Designer and Data
Services Management Console, congure the repository correctly.
Create and congure a repository by performing the tasks in the following workow:
1. Create the repository database in an approved database management system.
2. Create the repository connection using the Data Services Repository Manager.
3. Associate the repository server with the Job Server in the Data Services Server Manager.
4. Register the repository in the Central Management Console (CMC).
5. Manage user security settings for the repository in the CMC.
For descriptions of the repository types that you can create in Data Services, see Repository [page 16].
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
To create a local, central, or proler repository, enter the repository connection information in the Data
Services Repository Manager.
Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63]
Register a repository in the Data Services Central Management Console (CMC) by entering connection
information including server name, port number, and password.
Accessing repository user security in the CMC [page 65]
User security settings include granting access to the repository for users and groups, and other user
and group privileges to the repository.
IBM DB2 SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 68]
Protect your IBM DB2 repository with the SSL/TLS secure authentication and data encryption for
server-based (DSN-less) connections.
Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 73]
Choose the SSL/TLS protocol when you congure your Microsoft SQL Server repository for server-
based (DSN-less) connections.
MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 79]
Connect to your MySQL repository with the SSL/TLS protocol when the repository uses a server-based
(DSN-less) connection.
Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories [page 86]
Choose TCPS (Transmission Control Protocol Secures) for an Oracle repository to perform credential
authentication between server and client, and encrypt/decrypt all data.
SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 94]
Choose the SSL/TLS protocol for an SAP HANA repository for either DSN or server-based (DSN-less)
Editing the le [page 98]
Edit the le based on the TrustStore type that you select when you use either SAP
HANA, Oracle, IBM DB2, or SQL Server for your repository.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.1 Conguring a Data Services repository
To create a local, central, or proler repository, enter the repository connection information in the Data
Services Repository Manager.
Before you congure a new repository, you must perform the following tasks:
Create a database for the repository using an approved database management system.
For approved databases and versions for the Data Services repository, see the Product Availability Matrix.
For server-based (DSN-less) connections, gather the following information: Server information, database
name, user name, and password.
For data source name (DSN) connections, create the DSN following instructions in your database
documentation before you congure the repository. Then use one of the following utilities to connect
with the applicable driver and create the DSN:
Windows: ODBC Data Source Administrator
Linux and Unix: Data Services Connection Manager
If you're creating additional repositories, don't use the tools in your DBMS to replicate the additional
repositories. Instead, use the Data Services Repository Manager to create and seed multiple repositories to
avoid potential issues related to the conguration of repository objects.
To create a repository in the Data Services Repository Manager, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Repository Manager:
Windows: Select the Start icon and then select
SAP Data Services <version> Data Services
Repository Manager.
Unix or Linux: Open a command prompt and open the Repository Manager in <$LINK_DIR>/bin/
2. Choose the repository type from the Repository Type list.
For example, choose Local to congure a local repository.
3. Select a database from the Database Type list.
The remaining options appear based on the database type that you select.
4. Select Use data source name (DSN) or Use TNS name (Oracle).
Don't select this option if your connection is based on the server name.
If your database doesn't support connecting with DSN or TNS, the option isn't available.
5. Select a version from the Database version list when applicable.
6. The following table contains a list of all remaining options.
Options appear based on the type of database you selected and whether you selected to create a DSN
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Repository Manager Option Descriptions
Option Description
Additional connection parameters To enable multi-subnet failover and column encryption,
enter additional parameters
n=Enabled;. Applicable for Microsoft SQL Server,
Azure Paas, and Azure VM.
Authentication Method
The authentication method you are using to connect to
the Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Server Authentication (default)
Windows Authentication
Active Directory – Password
Data Source Name
Species the DSN connection name that you created for
this repository. Not applicable for server-based (DSN-less)
Database Name Enter the name of the database that you created for the
repository. Applicable for DSN-less connections.
Database Server Name Enter the server name for the repository database. Appli-
cable for DSN-less connections.
Database Version Select the version for the repository database manage-
ment system. Not applicable for all database types.
Encryption parameters Opens the Encryption parameters dialog box where you
set SSL/TLS options.
Available when you select Use SSL encryption.
Not applicable for all database types. See information
about conguring SSL/TLS for the applicable data-
base type in a separate topic.
Enter the hostname of the Oracle database.
Applicable for Oracle TNS-less connections.
Password Enter the password associated with the stated user name.
Applicable for DSN-less connections.
Port Enter the server port number. Applicable for DSN-less
SID Enter the Oracle system ID that uniquely identies the
database to access.
Applicable for Oracle TNS-less connections.
TNS name Species the connection string created by your database
administrator for the TNS. Not applicable for server-based
(TNS-less) connections.
Applicable for Oracle databases only.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
Use SSL encryption Select to enable SSL/TLS encryption to secure your con-
If you select this option, also select Encryption parameters
to set SSL/TLS options. Options vary based on database
SSL/TLS is available only for certain database types.
User Name
Enter the user name associated with the specied reposi-
tory database. Applicable for DSN-less connections.
7. After you complete all applicable options, select Create.
8. When the repository is created successfully, select Close.
Before you can use the new repository, perform the following tasks:
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63]
Related Information
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
5.2 Registering a repository in the CMC
Register a repository in the Data Services Central Management Console (CMC) by entering connection
information including server name, port number, and password.
Before you perform the following steps, make sure that you perform the following tasks:
Create the repository in the Data Services Repository Manager: Conguring a Data Services repository
[page 61].
Associate the repository to a Job Server: Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141].
1. Log into the Central Management Console (CMC) as a user with administrative rights to the SAP Data
Services application.
2. Open the Data Services page.
3. Select Manage Congure Repository .
The Add Data Services Repository dialog box opens.
4. Specify a name and optionally a description for the repository.
After you complete the registration, the repository name and description show in the Designer and Data
Services Management Console applications.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5. Select a type from the Database Type list.
6. Enter the connection information for the repository database. Options vary based on the database type
you select.
The following table contains descriptions for common connection options. For descriptions of options
specic to the database type, see that database type topic for registering a repository in the CMC.
Common CMC Repository Registration options
Database Server Name The service or server name used to connect to the reposi-
For Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase ASE, don't
use localhost for the server name. If you use
localhost, other machines are unable to connect
to the repository.
Enter the port number of the database server.
Database Name Enter the name of the database for the repository.
Authentication Method The authentication method you are using to connect to a
Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Server Authentication (default)
Windows Authentication
Active Directory – Password
Additional Connection Parameters
To enable multi-subnet failover and column encryption,
enter additional parameters
n=Enabled;. Applicable for Microsoft SQL Server,
Azure Paas, and Azure VM.
User Name
Enter the user name for accessing the repository
Password Enter the password for accessing the repository.
Is Proler Repository Select one of the following values:
Yes: This repository is for the Data Services Proler.
If you select Yes, also complete Proler Server Host
Name and Proler Server Port options.
No: This repository is for the local or central reposito-
Proler Server Host Name
Enter the host name of the web application server hosting
the proler.
Applicable when you select Yes for Is Proler Repository.
Proler Server Port
Enter the port number used by the web application server
hosting the proler.
Applicable when you select Yes for Is Proler Repository.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
Data Source Name (DSN) Enter the data source name that you created for this repo-
sitory. Leave blank for a server-based (DSN-less) connec-
DSN-less is the default connection type for DB2,
MySQL, or SAP HANA databases.
If you use DSN connections in a distributed installa-
tion, congure the database connection to the reposi-
tory the same on each machine as in the CMC. For
example, if you congured a repository with the DSN
my_dsn in the CMC, you must also congure the
DSN of my_dsn for the Designer and Job Server ma-
7. Select Test Connection.
Data Services attempts to verify the connection details without adding the repository to the CMC. If the
connection isn't successful, review the error message and correct the repository connection information.
8. When the connection test is successful, select Save.
The new repository appears in the list of registered repositories in the Data Services application page.
5.3 Accessing repository user security in the CMC
User security settings include granting access to the repository for users and groups, and other user and group
privileges to the repository.
Manage security settings for repositories that are registered in the Data Services Central Management Console
(CMC) using the security options in the Manage menu.
To perform the following steps, you must have administrative rights to SAP Data Services.
To set user and group privileges to a repository, perform the following steps in the CMC:
1. Open the Data Services page.
2. Highlight the Repositories node in the navigation tree at left.
A list of all repositories appears at right.
3. Select Manage Security User Security.
The User Security page for the selected repository opens.
Viewing rights for a user or group on a repository [page 66]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
View user and group rights to a repository when you open the user security page in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
Assigning users and groups to an access control list for a repository [page 66]
Assign a user or group to an access control list, which species the users or groups that are granted or
denied rights to a repository.
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
Each access right comes with specic repository rights for the user or group.
5.3.1Viewing rights for a user or group on a repository
View user and group rights to a repository when you open the user security page in the Central Management
Console (CMC).
To view user and group rights to a repository, perform the following steps:
1. Log into the CMC and open the Data Services page.
2. Select the Repositories node at left.
3. Select the repository for which you want to view security settings from the list at right.
4. Select
Manage Security User Security.
The User Security page for the selected repository opens. The page displays a list of users and groups that
have access to the repository, and their access type.
5. Highlight a user or group from the list, and select View Security.
The Permissions Explorer page opens. The page displays a list of rights for the user or group to the
6. Select OK to close the Permissions Explorer.
Task overview: Accessing repository user security in the CMC [page 65]
Related Information
Assigning users and groups to an access control list for a repository [page 66]
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
5.3.2Assigning users and groups to an access control list for
a repository
Assign a user or group to an access control list, which species the users or groups that are granted or denied
rights to a repository.
To assign the same access right to select users and groups for a specic repository, perform the following
Administrator Guide
Repository management
1. Log into the CMC and open the Data Services page.
2. Select the Repositories node at left.
3. Select the applicable repository from the list at right.
4. Select Manage Security User Security .
The User Security page opens. The Access column lists the access type for each listed user or group in the
Name column.
5. Select Add Principals.
The Add Principals page opens.
6. Select the User List node or the Group List node from the Available Users or Groups list at left.
The applicable users or groups appear in the center pane.
7. Select one or more user or group from the center pane list as applicable.
8. Select the right-pointing arrow.
To select both users and groups, rst select the User List node, select the user or users, and select
the right-pointing arrow. Then select the Group List node, select the group or groups, and select the
right-pointing arrow.
The system adds the selected users or groups to the Selected Users or Groups list at right.
9. Select Add and Assign Security at the bottom of the page.
The Assign Security page opens.
10. Select the access level to grant to the user or group and select the right-pointing arrow to add the users or
groups to the Assigned Access Level list.
11. Select OK.
The Assign Security page closes and the User Security page reopens. Notice that the access type in the
Access list changes to the new access level for the applicable user or group.
Task overview: Accessing repository user security in the CMC [page 65]
Related Information
Viewing rights for a user or group on a repository [page 66]
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
5.3.3Detailed repository rights
Each access right comes with specic repository rights for the user or group.
The following table lists some of the common repository rights that are available to the Full Control and the
View access rights.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Repository right Full control View
Add objects to the folder X
Copy objects to another folder X
Delete objects X
Edit objects X
Modify the rights users have to objects X
Replicate content X
Securely modify right inheritance settings X
Securely modify right users have to objects X
Translate objects X
Use access level for security assignment X
View objects X X
To view all repository rights related to Full Control and View access rights, select the user or group that has
Full Control in the User Security page and select View Security. The rights are listed in the Permissions Explorer
Application rights and repository security rights are two separate sets of rights. When a repository is
registered, the owner is granted full access to the repository. By default, other Designer users have no
access to the repository.
Parent topic: Accessing repository user security in the CMC [page 65]
Related Information
Viewing rights for a user or group on a repository [page 66]
Assigning users and groups to an access control list for a repository [page 66]
Detailed application rights [page 55]
5.4 IBM DB2 SSL/TLS protocol for repositories
Protect your IBM DB2 repository with the SSL/TLS secure authentication and data encryption for server-based
(DSN-less) connections.
Apply the SSL/TLS protocol for your local, proler, and central repositories on both Windows and Linux.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
SSL/TLS protocol support for your DB2 repository is applicable only for DB2 UDB server version 11.1 and
Before you congure your IBM DB2 repository with SSL/TLS protocol, ensure that you congure the applicable
ODBC driver. Also ensure that you have the keystore and key stash les in the applicable local locations. For
information about the key stash le, see your IBM DB2 documentation.
Conguring SSL/TLS for IBM DB2 repository [page 69]
During repository conguration in the SAP Data Services Repository Manager, complete SSL/TLS
settings to secure the repository connection to your DB2 database.
Registering IBM DB2 repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 71]
Complete your IBM DB2 repository conguration with SSL/TLS by registering the repository in the
Central Management Console (CMC).
5.4.1Conguring SSL/TLS for IBM DB2 repository
During repository conguration in the SAP Data Services Repository Manager, complete SSL/TLS settings to
secure the repository connection to your DB2 database.
Before you congure SSL/TLS for your DB2 repository, obtain the following information:
The location and le name of your key store database (.kdb).
The location and le name of your key stash le (.sth).
Perform the following steps twice; once for when you congure the repository in the Repository Manager, and
again when you associate a Job Server to your IBM repository using the Server Manager.
Perform the basic steps in the Repository Manager and the Server Manager using the instructions in the
following topics:
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
As you perform the basic steps in the Repository Manager and the Server Manager, perform the following
additional steps:
1. Select the Use SSL encryption checkbox.
2. Click Encryption parameters.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Complete the options in the Encryption Parameters dialog box as described in the following table.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
Key Store Database Specify the name of the key store database using either
a relative or an absolute path. The key store database
contains the SSL/TLS server certicate.
The key store database has the le extension KDB, for
example, mydbclient.kdb.
Key Store Database is applicable when you select Yes for
Use SSL Encryption.
Key Stash
Specify the name of the key stash le using either a rela-
tive or an absolute path. The key stash le contains an
encrypted password to the key store database.
The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) uses the key stash
le to obtain the password to the key store database.
The key stash le has the extension STH, for example,
Key Stash is applicable when you select Yes for Use SSL
For the Key Store Database and Key Stash settings, the Repository Manager searches for the le in the
le location keyword “DB2_KeyStore”, which is specied in %DS_COMMON_DIR%/conf/DSConfig.txt
le. If you leave the options blank, or the keyword “DB2_KeyStore” isn't specied in the conguration
le, the Repository Manager defaults the setting to %LINK_DIR%/ssl/DB2_KeyStore.
4. Select OK.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box closes.
Continue completing the general steps in the Repository Manager or the Server Manager.
After you've successfully congure the repository, SAP Data Services updates the DSConfig.txt le with the
SSL/TLS options for the specic Job Server section.
EncryptionParameters=" KeyStash=<relative or absolute path to .sth>;<relative
or absolute path to .kdb>"
For command line information in the Repository Manager, see Command line: Repository Manager
(Windows) [page 232] or Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
For command line information in the Server Manager, see Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows)
[page 248] or Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux) [page 242].
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Task overview: IBM DB2 SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 68]
Related Information
Registering IBM DB2 repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 71]
5.4.2Registering IBM DB2 repository with SSL/TLS in the
Complete your IBM DB2 repository conguration with SSL/TLS by registering the repository in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
Before you register the repository in the CMC, you must rst congure SSL/TLS settings in both the
Repository Manager and the Server Manager. For instructions, see Conguring SSL/TLS for IBM DB2
repository [page 69].
There's a conict between the required version for TLS for Java and IBM DB2. Java requires a TLS version of
1.2, and DB2 requires a version of 1.1. To ensure that there isn't a mismatch between the server and client TLS
versions, perform the following steps:
1. Open the le that is installed with JRE:
1. The le is located in <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
2. Search for the line that contains the option jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=.
3. Type a hash (#) at the beginning of the line to comment out the line.
4. Save and close the le.
5. Restart the Web server, such as Tomcat, and the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) in the Central
Conguration Manager.
Perform the general steps in Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63]. As you perform the general steps,
complete the following additional steps to enable SSL/TLS for your IBM DB2 repository. Perform the following
steps in the Add Data Services Repository dialog box:
1. Choose Yes from the Enable SSL list.
2. Complete the remaining SSL/TLS options based on the descriptions in the following table.
SSL TrustStore Enter the path and le name for your SSL/TLS TrustStore.
The SSL/TLS TrustStore is the repository for trusted cer-
ticates. Required by the JDBC driver.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL TrustStore Type Choose the le format type for your SSL/TLS TrustStore
from the list:
JKS: Java KeyStore, which is format-specic for Java
PCKS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
Required by the JDBC driver.
SSL TrustStore Password
Enter the password for your SSL/TLS TrustStore.
Required by the JDBC driver.
Key Store Database Specify the name of the key store database using either
a relative or an absolute path. The key store database
contains the SSL/TLS server certicate.
The key store database contains server certicates,
and has the le extension KDB, for example,
For the Key Store Database, the Repository Man-
ager searches for the le in the le location
keyword “DB2_KeyStore”, which is specied in
%DS_COMMON_DIR%/conf/DSConfig.txt le.
If you leave the option blank, or the keyword
“DB2_KeyStore” isn't specied in the conguration
le, the Repository Manager defaults the setting to
Required by the ODBC driver.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
Key Stash Specify the name of the key stash le using either a rela-
tive or an absolute path. The key stash le contains an
encrypted password to the key store database.
The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) uses the key stash
le to obtain the password to the key store database.
The key stash le has the extension STH, for example,
For the Key Stash option, the Repository Man-
ager searches for the le in the le location
keyword “DB2_KeyStore”, which is specied in
%DS_COMMON_DIR%/conf/DSConfig.txt le.
If you leave the option blank, or the keyword
“DB2_KeyStore” isn't specied in the conguration
le, the Repository Manager defaults the setting to
Required by the ODBC driver.
3. Test the connection.
4. After the repository connection test is successful, select Save.
The CMC adds the new repository to the repository node in the Data Services page.
Task overview: IBM DB2 SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 68]
Related Information
Conguring SSL/TLS for IBM DB2 repository [page 69]
5.5 Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for
Choose the SSL/TLS protocol when you congure your Microsoft SQL Server repository for server-based
(DSN-less) connections.
SSL/TLS for SQL Server repository is supported on Windows only.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Before you congure SSL/TLS for your SQL Server repository, ensure that you have the applicable ODBC and
JDBC drivers installed.
ODBC driver: Download and install the ODBC driver for Windows. Check the Product Availability Matrix
(PAM) on the SAP Support Portal to determine the correct version for SQL Server.
JDBC driver: Data Services bundles the JDBC driver with your installation. Check the PAM for the correct
version for SQL Server.
If you congure SSL/TLS to validate the server certicate, import the trusted certicate les to your certicate
store using the Microsoft Management Console. Importing certicate les is not applicable when you choose to
not validate the server certicate.
Congure repository
Congure your Microsoft SQL Server repository, and set SSL/TLS options, in each of the following
Data Services Repository Manager
Data Services Server Manager
Central Management Console (CMC)
Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server [page 74]
If you congure SQL Server in SAP Data Services to validate the SSL/TLS certicate, you must import
the certicate les to your certicate store using the Microsoft Management Console.
Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server repository [page 75]
To protect your Microsoft SQL Server repository with the SSL/TLS protocol, congure SSL/TLS in both
the Data Services Repository Manager and the Data Services Server Manager.
Registering Microsoft SQL Server repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 76]
Register your Microsoft SQL Server repository and include SSL/TLS settings in the Central
Management Console (CMC).
5.5.1Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server
If you congure SQL Server in SAP Data Services to validate the SSL/TLS certicate, you must import the
certicate les to your certicate store using the Microsoft Management Console.
Before you perform the following steps, consult the following documentation for more information:
For information about SSL/TLS in Data Services and generating keys, see SSL or TLS for Data Services
components and subtopics in the Administrator Guide.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
For more information about SSL/TLS in SQL Server, see Enable encrypted connections to the Database
Engine in your Microsoft documentation.
For information about the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), see Step-by-Step Guide to the
Microsoft Management Console in your Microsoft documentation.
1. Generate a private key le and get a server certicate for Microsoft SQL Server from a trusted authority.
2. Open the MMC and import the SQL Server database certicate le to your local Trusted Root Certication
Authority folder.
The import places the SSL/TLS certicate in your local TrustStore.
Task overview: Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 73]
Related Information
Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server repository [page 75]
Registering Microsoft SQL Server repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 76]
5.5.2Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server
To protect your Microsoft SQL Server repository with the SSL/TLS protocol, congure SSL/TLS in both the
Data Services Repository Manager and the Data Services Server Manager.
If you plan to have SAP Data Services validate certicates, import the trusted certicate les to your local
certicate store as described in Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server [page 74].
Follow the basic instructions for using the Repository Manager and the Server Manager to congure the
repository in the following topics:
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
As you perform the basic steps, perform the following additional steps in both the Repository Manager and the
Server Manager:
1. Select Use SSL encryption.
For Microsoft Azure PaaS, Use SSL encryption is enabled.
2. Click the Encryption Parameters button.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Optional: Select the Validate Certicate option.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
The Validate Certicate option is selected by default. When you deselect the option, SSL/TLS
encryption is still enabled, but SAP Data Services doesn't validate the certicate.
If you select to validate certicates, you must import the certicates as mentioned in Prerequisites.
4. Select OK.
Task overview: Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 73]
Related Information
Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server [page 74]
Registering Microsoft SQL Server repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 76]
5.5.3Registering Microsoft SQL Server repository with
SSL/TLS in the CMC
Register your Microsoft SQL Server repository and include SSL/TLS settings in the Central Management
Console (CMC).
Before performing the following task, follow the steps in Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server
repository [page 75].
You must perform the steps twice: Once in the Repository Manager and once in the Server Manager.
Open the CMC and perform the general steps in Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63]. As you perform
the general steps, complete the following additional steps to enable SSL/TLS for your SQL Server repository:
1. Choose Yes from the Enable SSL list.
For Microsoft Azure PaaS, Enable SSL is set to Yes.
2. Choose Yes or No from the Verify Server Certicate list.
Yes: SAP Data Services veries the SSL/TLS server certicate based on the information you enter in
the additional SSL/TLS options.
No: Data Services uses the SSL/TLS protocol, but doesn't verify the SSL/TLS server certicate.
When you select No, the remaining SSL/TLS options are disabled. However, nish the registration by
following the general instructions.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
3. Complete the remaining SSL/TLS options based on the descriptions in the following table.
The following options are disabled if you chose No for Verify Server Certicate.
Option Description
Host Name in Certicate Enter the host name that is listed on your SSL/TLS certif-
icate. Data Services uses this host name to validate the
SQL Server SSL/TLS certicate.
SSL KeyStore Enter the path and le name for the Java SSL/TLS Key-
Store le.
The Java SSL/TLS KeyStore stores the private keys
and the column master key used with Always En-
crypted data.
SSL KeyStore Password
Enter the password for the Java SSL/TLS KeyStore.
SSL KeyStore Type Choose the le format type for the Java SSL/TLS Key-
Store from the list:
JKS: Java KeyStore, which is format-specic for Java
PCKS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
SSL TrustStore
Enter the path and le name for your SSL/TLS TrustStore.
The SSL/TLS TrustStore is the repository for trusted
SSL TrustStore Type
Choose the le format type for your SSL/TLS TrustStore
from the list:
JKS: Java KeyStore, which is format-specic for Java
PCKS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
SSL TrustStore Password
Enter the password for your SSL/TLS TrustStore.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
Unix SSL TrustStore The SSL truststore le to use for establishing a secure
connection from a Unix client to a repository database.
This option works together with
SQLServer_UnixTrustStore in the DSConfig.txt le to
determine the full path of the SSL truststore le on the
Unix machine.
The SQLServer_UnixTrustStore value denes the direc-
tory that contains the SSL truststore le and Unix SSL
Truststore denes the SSL truststore le name.
For example,
if SQLServer_UnixTrustStore=/.../
SQLServer_UnixTrustStore_Dir is dened
in the DSconfig.txt le and Unix SSL
Truststore is set to truststore.p12, then
SAP Data Services uses the SSL truststore
le /.../SQLServer_UnixTrustStore_Dir/
truststore.p12 to connect to the SQL Server reposi-
tory when SSL is enabled for the repository.
If the value of SQLServer_UnixTrustStore is not dened in
DSConfig.txt, then $LINK_DIR/bin is used as the
default directory.
Unix SSL TrustStore Password
Enter the password to access the certicate from the
UNIX truststore le.
4. Test the connection.
5. After the repository connection test is successful, select Save.
The CMC adds the new repository to the repository node in the Data Services page.
Task overview: Microsoft SQL Server SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 73]
Related Information
Importing SSL certicate from Microsoft SQL Server [page 74]
Conguring SSL/TLS for Microsoft SQL Server repository [page 75]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.6 MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories
Connect to your MySQL repository with the SSL/TLS protocol when the repository uses a server-based
(DSN-less) connection.
When you use a MySQL repository with a DSN connection, congure SSL/TLS when you congure the
Before you congure SSL/TLS for your MySQL repository, ensure that you download and install the applicable
ODBC driver following instructions in the MySQL Connector/ODBC Developer Guide .
Congure the ODBC driver following instructions based on your platform. For instructions to congure the
ODBC driver on Windows, and for information about unixODBC Driver manager, see the following topics in the
Designer Guide:
Conguring ODBC driver on Windows”.
MySQL dependency on unixODBC Driver Manager”.
Also before you congure SSL/TLS for your MySQL repository, follow specic directions in Using Encrypted
Connections in the MySQL Reference Manual to generate the SSL certicate and key les, and to enable
SSL/TLS on your MySQL server.
Support for SSL/TLS for server-based (DSN-less) connections to your local repository begins with Data
Services version for Windows and Linux. Supported MySQL versions for SSL/TLS are:
MySQL Server 5.7 and later
MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.x and later
MySQL Connector/J 8.0.26
See the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
on the SAP Support Portal for details about supported
versions and platforms. Select the icon under Essential Information.
Conguring SSL/TLS for MySQL repository [page 80]
Congure SSL/TLS protocol for your MySQL repository in the Data Services Repository Manager and
the Data Services Server Manager.
Registering MySQL repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 83]
To complete the conguration of your MySQL repository for SSL/TLS protocol, complete the
applicable settings in the Central Management Console (CMC) when you register the repository.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.6.1Conguring SSL/TLS for MySQL repository
Congure SSL/TLS protocol for your MySQL repository in the Data Services Repository Manager and the Data
Services Server Manager.
Before you congure SSL/TLS in the following task, complete the prerequisite tasks in MySQL SSL/TLS
protocol for repositories [page 79], which includes:
Download and congure the supported ODBC driver.
Obtain the following SSL/TLS information based on the type of SSL/TLS mode you select:
SSL Key File name
SSL Certicate File name
SSL CA Certicate File name
SSL Cipher Type
RSA Public Key File name
The following steps are applicable when the repository uses a server-based (DSN-less) connection. When you
use a MySQL repository with a DSN connection, congure SSL/TLS when you congure the DSN.
Perform the basic steps in the Repository Manager and the Server Manager using the instructions in the
following topics:
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
To congure SSL/TLS, perform the following additional steps in both the Repository Manager and the Server
manager as you perform the basic steps:
1. Select the Use SSL encryption checkbox.
2. Select Encryption parameters.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Complete the options in the Encryption Parameters dialog box as described in the following table.
The options are listed alphabetically.
RSA Public Key Enter the le name for the RSA public key le. Applicable
only when you include RSA for the SSL Cipher option.
The Repository Manager searches for
the le in the le location keyword
MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied in
<DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank in
MySQL_SecureCertStore, the Repository Manager
looks in <LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by de-
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL CA File Enter the le name for the Certicate Authority certicate
The Repository Manager searches for
the le in the le location keyword
MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied in
<DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank in
MySQL_SecureCertStore, the Repository Manager
looks in <LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by de-
SSL Certicate
Enter the le name of the public key certicate le.
The Repository Manager searches for
the le in the le location keyword
MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied in
<DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank in
MySQL_SecureCertStore, the Repository Manager
looks in <LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by de-
SSL Cipher
Enter the list of permitted ciphers for the connection en-
cryption. You designate the ciphers in the MySQL server
If not applicable, leave blank.
Enter the le name of the server private key le.
The Repository Manager searches for
the le in the le location keyword
MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied in
<DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank in
MySQL_SecureCertStore, the Repository Manager
looks in <LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by de-
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL Mode Enter the type of SSL/TLS mode Data Services uses to
connect to the MySQL server.
Preferred: Permits, but doesn't require, encrypted
connections. If client can't connect using encryption,
it uses an unencrypted connection. Preferred is the
default setting.
Required: Requires encrypted connections. Connec-
tion fails if client can't connect using an encrypted
Verify_CA: Requires an encrypted connection and
also performs verication against the server CA cer-
ticate. Connection fails if client can't connect us-
ing an encrypted connection and-or the verication
against the server CA certicate fails.
Verify_Identity: Requires an encrypted connection
and also performs verication against the server host
name in the CA certicate. Connection fails if client
can't connect using an encrypted connection and-or
the verication against the server host name in the
CA certicate fails.
4. Select OK.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box closes.
Continue completing the general steps in the Repository Manager and the Server Manager.
After you've successfully congured the repository, SAP Data Services updates the DSConfig.txt le with
the SSL/TLS options for the specic Job Server section.
Before you can use your MySQL local repository, register the repository in the Central Management Console
Task overview: MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 79]
Related Information
Registering MySQL repository with SSL/TLS in the CMC [page 83]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.6.2Registering MySQL repository with SSL/TLS in the
To complete the conguration of your MySQL repository for SSL/TLS protocol, complete the applicable
settings in the Central Management Console (CMC) when you register the repository.
Before you register the repository in the CMC, perform the following tasks:
1. Complete the prerequisite tasks in MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 79].
2. Perform the steps in Conguring SSL/TLS for MySQL repository [page 80]
Perform the general steps in Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63]. Include the following additional
steps in the Data Services Repository Properties dialog box in the CMC:
1. Choose Yes from the Enable SSL list.
The SSL/TLS options appear.
2. Complete the SSL/TLS options as described in the following table.
The options are listed alphabetically.
RSA Public Key Enter the le name for the RSA public key le. Applicable
only when you include RSA for SSL Cipher.
The CMC searches for the le in the le location
keyword MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied
in <DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank
in MySQL_SecureCertStore, the CMC looks in
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by default.
Enter the le name for the Certicate Authority certicate
The CMC searches for the le in the le location
keyword MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied
in <DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank
in MySQL_SecureCertStore, the CMC looks in
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by default.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL Certicate Enter the le name of the public key certicate le.
The CMC searches for the le in the le location
keyword MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied
in <DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank
in MySQL_SecureCertStore, the CMC looks in
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by default.
SSL Cipher
Enter the list of permitted ciphers for the connection en-
cryption. You designate the ciphers in the MySQL server
Enter the suite name. If there are multiple suite names,
separate each name by a comma.
If not applicable, leave blank.
Enter the le name of the server private key le.
The CMC searches for the le in the le location
keyword MySQL_SecureCertStore, which is specied
in <DS_COMMON_DIR>\conf\DSConfig.txt. If
the le location isn't specied or is left blank
in MySQL_SecureCertStore, the CMC looks in
<LINK_DIR>\ssl\MySQL_Certs by default.
SSL KeyStore
Enter the path and le name for the Java KeyStore.
The KeyStore stores the private keys and the column
master key.
SSL KeyStore Password
Enter the Java SSL KeyStore password.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL KeyStore Type Select the le format of the Java KeyStore to use:
JKS: Java KeyStore, which is format-specic for Java
PCKS12: Public-key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
SSL Mode
Select the type of SSL/TLS mode Data Services uses to
connect to the MySQL server.
Preferred: Permits but doesn't require encrypted con-
nections. If client can't connect using encryption, it
uses an unencrypted connection. Preferred is the de-
fault setting.
Required: Requires encrypted connections. Connec-
tion fails if client can't connect using an encrypted
Verify_CA: Requires an encrypted connection and
also performs verication against the server CA cer-
ticate. Connection fails if client can't connect us-
ing an encrypted connection and-or the verication
against the server CA certicate fails.
Verify_Identity: Requires an encrypted connection
and also performs verication against the server host
name in the CA certicate. Connection fails if client
can't connect using an encrypted connection and-or
the verication against the server host name in the
CA certicate fails.
SSL TrustStore
Enter the path and le name for the Java SSL TrustStore.
The SSL TrustStore is the repository for trusted certif-
SSL TrustStore Password
Enter the Java SSL TrustStore password.
SSL TrustStore Type Select the le format of the Java TrustStore to use:
JKS: Java TrustStore, which is format-specic for
Java only.
PCKS12: Public-key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
3. Complete the remaining applicable options.
4. Select Test Connection.
5. After the repository connection test is successful, select Save.
The CMC adds the new repository to the repository node in the CMC Data Services page.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Task overview: MySQL SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 79]
Related Information
Conguring SSL/TLS for MySQL repository [page 80]
5.7 Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories
Choose TCPS (Transmission Control Protocol Secures) for an Oracle repository to perform credential
authentication between server and client, and encrypt/decrypt all data.
TCPS is an optional feature for connecting to an Oracle repository with the SSL/TLS protocol. TCPS oers
various levels of security, including the following:
Secure with data encryption only.
Secure with data encryption and server authentication.
Secure with data encryption, server authentication, and client authentication.
TNS or TNS-less connections
Implement TCPS for your repository when you connect using TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) or TNS-
less (server-based) connections. The method of conguring TCPS varies based on your connection type:
TNS connection: Copy the TNS connection string that your Oracle database administrator entered into the
tnsnames.ora le.
TNS-less connection: Enable SSL in SAP Data Services Repository Manager and set encryption options in
the Encryption Parameters dialog box.
Oracle references
For information about Oracle TCPS protocol, and the prerequisite steps, see the following documentation:
To learn about how to prepare for SSL/TLS conguration in your Oracle database, see Enabling Secure
Sockets Layer
in the Oracle Database Security Guide.
For additional information about your connection and using wallets for TrustStores, see SSL with Oracle
JDBC Thin Driver, an Oracle white paper. To access the whitepaper, copy and paste the following URL in
your browser:
For information about the Oracle Security requirements, see your Oracle Database Documentation
Select your version from the list, then select Security under Topics.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87]
Before you congure an Oracle database for your repository with TCPS, congure settings in both
Oracle and SAP Data Services.
Oracle TCPS conguration options with SSL/TLS [page 90]
Create and congure an Oracle repository that uses TCPS protocol in the Data Services Repository
Manager and in the Data Services Server Manager.
Registering Oracle repository with TCPS in the CMC [page 92]
Secure your Oracle repository using TCPS protocol and SSL/TLS when you register the repository in
the Central Management Console (CMC).
5.7.1Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository
Before you congure an Oracle database for your repository with TCPS, congure settings in both Oracle and
SAP Data Services.
Ensure that you complete the following prerequisite tasks:
Install the Oracle Advanced Security les.
The Advanced Security les contain the necessary les to congure TCPS for an Oracle repository in SAP
Data Services.
Install the required JDBC driver le ojdbc<x>.jar.
To determine the correct version (<x>), see the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
on the SAP Support
Portal. Select Open in New Window in the Essential Information pane.
For instructions to congure JDBC driver les for Oracle, see the Data Services Installation Guide.
To connect using TNS (Transparent Network Substrate), ensure that your database administrator creates
the TNS.
Obtain the following information after you install the Oracle Advanced Security les:
For a TNS connection, the TNS connection string from the tnsnames.ora le.
For a server-based connection, server connection information.
For the TLS-SSL network protocol, Cipher Suite names to use.
SSL TrustStore location, type, and password, as applicable.
KeyStore location, type, and password, as applicable.
Conguring JCE Cipher Suites with stronger encryption [page 88]
JCE Cipher Suites provide stronger cryptography encryption than the Cypher Suites provided with the
Oracle Advanced Security les.
Add information to the Java Security le [page 89]
When you enable the TCPS protocol for your Oracle repository, congure the Cipher Suite information
by editing the Java Security le based on the security selections that you make.
Parent topic: Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories [page 86]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Related Information
Oracle TCPS conguration options with SSL/TLS [page 90]
Registering Oracle repository with TCPS in the CMC [page 92] Conguring JCE Cipher Suites with stronger
JCE Cipher Suites provide stronger cryptography encryption than the Cypher Suites provided with the Oracle
Advanced Security les.
Cipher Suites with key lengths of 128 bits are included in the Oracle Advanced Security les along with the
necessary JAR les. Cipher Suites with key lengths of more than 128 bits, such as 256 bits, provide stronger
encryption. To use Cipher Suites with stronger encryption, you must perform extra steps.
Before you perform the following steps, obtain the JAR les for the stronger Cipher Suites from the JCE
(Java Cryptography Encryption) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. For more information about the
JCE les, and to access the JCE Cipher Suites download page, see “Enabling Cipher Suites for Stronger
Encryption” on the Open Source Elastic Stack Web page at
ciphers.html .
To implement the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files Cipher Suites, perform the following steps:
1. Download and unzip the JCE zip le and extract the following 2 les to
<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\<win64_x64 or
2. Restart the EIM Adaptive Processing Server in the Central Management Console (CMC).
a. Log into the CMC.
b. Open the Servers page
c. Expand Service Categories and select Enterprise Information Management Services.
d. Highlight the EIM Adaptive Processing server and select Actions Restart Server.
The status in the State column switches to Stopping, Starting, and nally Running.
Select the Refresh icon several times to update the State column.
3. Obtain the ocial Cipher Suite names. SAP Data Services requires the names when you congure the
Oracle repository for TCPS protocol. To obtain the ocial JCE Cipher Suite names, perform the following
a. Go to the Oracle documentation “Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name
Documentation for JDK 16” at
standard-names.html .
The link takes you to Java SE 16 documentation. Make sure to look at the list relative to your version of
Java SE.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
b. To open the list, scroll down the list of names in the Standard Names list and click the “JSSE Cipher
Suite names” link.
c. Find the name of the Cipher Suite you downloaded in the Standard Name column.
d. When you congure the repository connection in the CMC in a later process, enter the Cipher Suite
name or names in the SSL Cypher Suite option as they're listed in the JSSE Cipher Suite names list.
Task overview: Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87]
Related Information
Add information to the Java Security le [page 89] Add information to the Java Security le
When you enable the TCPS protocol for your Oracle repository, congure the Cipher Suite information by
editing the Java Security le based on the security selections that you make.
When you congure the Oracle repository using TCPS, you need the following information to congure the
The type of Cipher Suites that you use, if applicable.
Use the Cipher Suite that doesn't use the Die-Hellman anonymous authentication.
TCPS information.
The following special requirements apply based on your TCPS selections:
If you choose to use PKCS12 wallet for the SSL TrustStore Type option, edit the le for the
Oracle PKI provider. For instructions, see Editing the le [page 98].
If you choose to use Cipher Suites, modify the le to comment out a specic row. For
instructions, see Editing the le [page 98].
If you choose to use Cipher Suites that have stronger encryption (key lengths greater than 128 bits), obtain
and add additional JAR les to the security folder. For instructions, see Conguring JCE Cipher Suites with
stronger encryption [page 88].
Parent topic: Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87]
Related Information
Conguring JCE Cipher Suites with stronger encryption [page 88]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.7.2Oracle TCPS conguration options with SSL/TLS
Create and congure an Oracle repository that uses TCPS protocol in the Data Services Repository Manager
and in the Data Services Server Manager.
Complete the prerequisite tasks in Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87].
Follow the basic instructions for using the Repository Manager and the Server Manager in the following topics:
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
If you created an Oracle repository during installation, congure the repository for TCPS and SSL/TLS after
The following table contains descriptions for the TCPS and SSL/TLS options in the Repository Manager and
Server manager.
Oracle TCPS and SSL/TLS options
Use TNS name Species whether to connect to your Oracle database using
a TNS (Transparent Network Substrate).
Yes: Connects using the connection string from
tnsnames.ora le.
Your administrator must congure the TNS in Ora-
cle and enter the applicable connection string in
tnsnames.ora le.
No: Connects using a server-based connection.
TNS name
Enter the connection string from the tnsnames.ora le.
To enable SSL/TLS, your administrator must have in-
cluded the SSL/TLS information in the connection
Applicable when you select Use TNS name.
Options for server-based (TNS-less) connection:
Hostname Enter the Oracle database host computer name.
SID or Service Name Enter the database identier for the Oracle database that
you use for the repository.
Port Enter the port number for the Oracle listener port for TCPS.
The default port number is 2484.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
User name Enter the user name to access the repository database in
Password Enter the password to access the repository database in
Use SSL encryption Select to enable SSL/TLS encryption to secure your connec-
tion with the Oracle database.
When you select Use SSL encryption, the system enables the
Encryption parameters button.
Encryption parameters
Select to open the Encryption Parameters dialog box.
To enable the Encryption parameters button, select Use SSL
The following option appears in the Encryption Parameters dialog box:
Distinguished name Enter the distinguished name (DN) or leave blank.
Enter the DN to access the applicable Oracle database. The
DN contains the location of the SSL certicates and identify-
ing information, such as the following:
Qualied domain name
Your organization name
Organization location
Leave Distinguished name blank when the Oracle server cer-
ticate doesn't dene the identifying information or doesn't
force distinguished name match in your Oracle congura-
Parent topic: Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories [page 86]
Related Information
Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87]
Registering Oracle repository with TCPS in the CMC [page 92]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
5.7.3Registering Oracle repository with TCPS in the CMC
Secure your Oracle repository using TCPS protocol and SSL/TLS when you register the repository in the
Central Management Console (CMC).
Ensure that you perform the prerequisites in Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87].
For details about conguring the JDBC driver for Oracle, see the topic Congurinng JDBC drivers for SAP
HANA, Oracle, and My SQL” in the Installation Guide.
Perform the general steps in the CMC by following the steps in Registering a repository in the CMC [page 63].
To congure your Oracle repository with TCPS protocol, perform the following additional steps:
1. Choose Oracle from the Database Type list.
2. Choose Yes or No for Use Oracle RAC.
Consult your Oracle documentation about using Oracle RAC. These instructions don't include steps for
Oracle RAC.
If you set Use Oracle RAC to Yes, you must complete the option TNS Name as described in the following
TCPS option descriptions table.
3. Choose Yes for Use Oracle TCPS.
4. Enter information for Oracle TCPS based on the option descriptions in the following table.
If an option isn't applicable, leave it blank.
TCPS option descriptions
Option Description
TNS Name Enter the TNS connection string from the
tnsnames.ora le.
Applicable only when you select Yes for Use Oracle RAC.
Database Server Name
Enter the Oracle host computer name for the repository
Port Enter the Oracle listener port number for the repository
database. The default port number is 2484.
SID or Service Name Enter the database identier for the Oracle database that
you use for the repository.
Distinguished Name Enter the server certicate distinguished name (DN) or
leave blank:
Enter the DN when the server certicate contains
identifying information.
Leave the option blank when your Oracle server certif-
icate doesn't dene the identifying information.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL Cipher Suites Enter the ocial Cipher Suite name or names, or leave
blank when not applicable.
To enable a subset of Cipher Suites based on your server-
client setup, enter the ocial Cipher Suite name or names
in parentheses.
When you enter more than one name, separate each Ci-
pher Suite name by a comma.
Line breaks added for readability.
SSL TrustStore Enter the path and le name for the SSL TrustStore.
The SSL TrustStore is the repository for trusted cer-
ticates. Use the SSL TrustStore for authenticating
server certicates for two-way SSL.
SSL TrustStore Type Enter the TrustStore type:
JKS (Java KeyStore): For Java 8 and earlier. Format-
specic for Java.
PCKS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards. For
Java 9 and later. Standardized and language-neutral.
If you use Oracle PKCS12, remember to update the le with the Oracle PKI provider.
SSL TrustStore Password Enter the TrustStore password.
SSL KeyStore Enter the path and le name for the SSL KeyStore.
The keystore contains the client certicate and a set
of private and public key pairs for encryption.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Description
SSL KeyStore Type Specify the type of KeyStore you use:
JKS (Java KeyStore): For Java 8 and earlier. Format-
specic for Java.
PKCS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards. For
Java 9 and later. Standardized and language-neutral.
If you use Oracle PKCS12, remember to update the le with the Oracle PKI provider.
SSL KeyStore Password
Enter the SSL KeyStore Password.
User Name Enter the user name to access the repository database.
Password Enter the password to access the repository database.
Is Proler Repository Indicates that the repository is for proling purposes.
Select No if you are conguring a local or central re-
Select Yes if you are conguring a proler repository.
5. Select Save.
Task overview: Oracle TCPS protocol for repositories [page 86]
Related Information
Prerequisites for using TCPS for an Oracle repository [page 87]
Oracle TCPS conguration options with SSL/TLS [page 90]
5.8 SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for repositories
Choose the SSL/TLS protocol for an SAP HANA repository for either DSN or server-based (DSN-less)
SSL/TLS protocol is an optional feature that adds additional security for repositories that use the SAP HANA
The following SAP Data Services versions are required for implementing SSL/TLS protocol for an SAP
HANA repository:
DSN connection: Version 4.2.11 ( or later versions.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
DSN-less connection: Version 4.3.00 ( or later versions.
Prerequisites for DSN and server-based (DSN-less) connections
Edit the Java security le by performing the steps in Editing the le [page 98].
Download and install the SAP Common Crypto Library to a local directory, and create the system variable
named SECUDIR. The Common Crypto Library encrypts communication between the Data Services client and
the SAP HANA server. For complete instructions, see Obtaining the SAP CommonCryptoLib le in Windows
and Unix in Data Services Supplement for Big Data. Then gather the following information:
Java SSL TrustStore type, location, password
Java SSL KeyStore type, location, password
The locations of the Java SSL TrustStore and Java SSL KeyStore must be local so the Central Management
Console can access them.
The JDBC driver is bundled with SAP HANA.
Download and install the ODBC driver. Consult the Product Availability Matrix (PAM) on the SAP Support
Portal for the correct version.
Conguring SSL/TLS for SAP HANA repository [page 95]
To add SSL/TLS protocol for your SAP HANA repository, enable SSL/TLS in the Data Services
Repository Manager and the Data Services Server Manager.
Registering SSL/TLS in the CMC for SAP HANA [page 96]
Register your SAP HANA repository and included SSL/TLS settings in the Central Management
Console (CMC).
5.8.1Conguring SSL/TLS for SAP HANA repository
To add SSL/TLS protocol for your SAP HANA repository, enable SSL/TLS in the Data Services Repository
Manager and the Data Services Server Manager.
Before you perform the following steps, complete the prerequisite tasks in SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for
repositories [page 94].
Follow the basic instructions for using the Repository Manager and the Server Manager to congure the
repository in the following topics:
Conguring a Data Services repository [page 61]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
As you perform the basic steps, perform the following additional steps in both the Repository Manager and the
Server Manager:
Administrator Guide
Repository management
1. Select the Use SSL encryption checkbox.
2. Select the Encryption Parameters button.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Complete the options as described in the following table.
Encryption parameters
Validate Certicate Select to validate the SSL/TLS certicate during connec-
When this option isn't selected, the remaining options
aren't available to complete.
Key Store
Enter the location and name of the local key store le.
Applicable only when you select Validate Certicate.
Certicate Host Enter the server host name as it appears in the certicate.
Enter an asterisk (*) or leave blank to skip the verication
of the server host name.
Applicable only when you select Validate Certicate.
4. Select OK.
The Encryption Parameters dialog box closes.
5. Continue completing the general steps in the Repository Manager and the Server Manager.
Before you can use your SAP HANA local repository, register the repository in the Central Management
Console (CMC).
Task overview: SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 94]
Related Information
Registering SSL/TLS in the CMC for SAP HANA [page 96]
5.8.2Registering SSL/TLS in the CMC for SAP HANA
Register your SAP HANA repository and included SSL/TLS settings in the Central Management Console
Before you perform the following steps, perform the prerequisite tasks in SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for
repositories [page 94]
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Perform the general steps to register the repository in the CMC in Registering a repository in the CMC [page
As you perform the general steps, complete the following additional steps to enable SSL/TLS:
1. Choose Yes from the Enable SSL list.
2. Choose Yes or No from the Verify Server Certicate list.
No: SAP Data Services doesn't validate the server certicate but still uses SSL/TLS protocol.
When you select No, continue by completing the remaining general steps for registering the repository.
Yes: Data Services validates the SSL server certicate based on your settings in the remaining
SSL/TLS options.
3. Set SSL/TLS options based on the descriptions in the following table.
SSL/TLS option descriptions
Host Name in Certicate Enter the host name that is listed on your SSL/TLS certif-
icate. SAP Data Services uses this host name to validate
the SAP HANA SSL/TLS certicate.
SSL KeyStore Enter the path and le name for your Java KeyStore.
Make sure that the CMC can access the KeyStore:
Windows: Locate the KeyStore in a local drive.
Unix/Linux: Location doesn't matter as long as
the CMC can access the folder.
SSL KeyStore Type
Choose the le format type for your Java KeyStore from
the list:
JKS: Java KeyStore is format-specic for Java only.
PKCS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
SSL KeyStore Password
Enter the password to access the private key from the
specied Java KeyStore le, if applicable.
SSL TrustStore Enter the location of the Java SSL TrustStore.
SSL TrustStore Type Choose the le format type for your Java SSL TrustStore
from the list:
JKS: Java KeyStore is format-specic for Java only.
PKCS12: Public-Key Cryptography Standards for Java
and other languages. Standardized and language-
Regardless of your selection for this option, you must edit
the le as instructed in Editing the le [page 98].
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Option Value
SSL TrustStore Password Enter the password to access the private key from the
specied Java SSL TrustStore, if applicable.
Common Crypto SSL KeyStore Enter the name of the PSE le that you congured in
4. Test the connection. After the repository connection test is successful, select Save.
The CMC adds the new repository to the repository node in the CMC Data Services page.
Task overview: SAP HANA SSL/TLS protocol for repositories [page 94]
Related Information
Conguring SSL/TLS for SAP HANA repository [page 95]
5.9 Editing the le
Edit the le based on the TrustStore type that you select when you use either SAP HANA,
Oracle, IBM DB2, or SQL Server for your repository.
Edit the le under the following circumstances:
Oracle: When you select to use an Oracle PKCS12 as your TrustStore type or you choose to use Cipher
Suites with either PKCS12 or JKS.
SAP HANA: When you select to use PKCS12 or JKS as your TrustStore type.
SQL Server and IBM DB2: When you select to use JKS as your TrustStore type.
The following steps apply to either Oracle, SAP HANA, or SQL Server databases as your repository.
1. Open the le that is installed with JRE.
The le is located in <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
2. Copy and paste the provider information as instructed for your database type:
a. Oracle: If you select to use Oracle PKCS12 as the SSL TrustStore type, copy the Oracle provider
information from Oracle and paste the information to the specied location in the provider list in the le.
The provider information and instructions for specic placement are located in the Oracle white paper,
SSL with Oracle JDBC Thin Driver. To access the whitepaper, copy and paste the following URL in your
browser: https:/
b. SAP HANA: If you select to use PKCS12 or JKS as the SSL TrustStore type, copy the SAP HANA
provider information from SAP HANA and paste the information to the specied location in the
provider list in the le.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
Search the Java security le for the following sentence: List of providers and their
perference order. Enter the provider information in the format specied in the Java security le.
3. Oracle only: If you use Cipher Suites for TCPS protocol with either PKCS12 or JKS, perform the following
a. In the le, search for the line that contains the option
b. Type a “#” to comment out the line.
If you don't comment out this line, the connection that you create using the Cipher Suites fails.
4. SQL Server and IBM DB2: If the JKS keystore type loads keystore les only in the JKS format, perform the
following substeps:
a. Open the le.
b. Search for the line that contains the option keystore.type.compat=.
c. Set to false: keystore.type.compat=false.
For SQL Server and IBM DB2, the JKS keystore type supports loading keystore les in either JKS or
PKCS12 format.
5. Save and close the le.
6. Restart the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA).
7. If the change doesn't take eect, delete the EIM Adaptive Processing Server cache by performing the
following substeps:
a. Find the EIMAPS cache at <BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
b. Delete the entire folder.
Your system could have a dierent prex than <WIN2K8R2X64>.
c. Restart The SIA again.
Administrator Guide
Repository management
6 Server Management
Manage the Job Server and database servers using server management tools, and congure ODBC drivers,
data source name (DSN), and server name (DSN-less) connections.
DSN-less and TNS-less connections [page 101]
DSN-less and TNS-less (Oracle) connections are also known as server name connections.
Setting UNIX environment variables [page 102]
Set up UNIX or Linux environment variables by running a script with the applicable syntax for your
Start services automatically for Windows and Unix [page 104]
To run properly, SAP Data Services requires the Job Service and related services, and the packaged
Tomcat service.
History retention and Job Server log retention [page 105]
The job execution history les and the Job Server logs contain data to produce internal statistics,
regulatory reports, or other nonregulatory reports.
Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Each time you add an ODBC database type for SAP Data Services processing, congure a supported
driver in the SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager to establish a connection to the database.
Using the ODBC Drivers Selector for Windows [page 137]
To congure an ODBC driver on the Windows platform, use the SAP Data Services ODBC Drivers
Selector utility.
Using the License Manager [page 138]
The License Manager allows you to add and delete licenses that you receive from SAP, such as when
you buy the software or when your current license expires.
Use the Server Manager on Windows [page 138]
Use the Data Services Server Manager for many tasks, such as to create, edit, or delete Job Servers
and Access Servers after installation.
Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Use the Server Manager to create, edit, or delete Job Servers and Access Servers after installation on
your UNIX platform.
Conguring Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service [page 156]
SAP Information Steward uses the Metadata Browsing Service and the View Data Service to connect to
and view data in proling sources.
Data Services CMC application settings [page 160]
You can change the following settings for the Data Services Application on the Central Management
Console (CMC).
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6.1 DSN-less and TNS-less connections
DSN-less and TNS-less (Oracle) connections are also known as server name connections.
If you congure a repository during installation, SAP Data Services creates a DSN-less or TNS-less (Oracle)
connection to the repository database by default.
Server name connections eliminate the need to congure the same DSN (Data Source Name) or TNS ( Oracle
Transparent Network Substrate) entries on every machine in a distributed environment.
To congure the repository using a DSN or TNS connection, skip the repository creation during installation
and create the repository after installation.
The following table lists all eligible database types for the Data Services repository, and the supported
connection types.
Repository database types and supported connection types
Database DSN DSN-less
DB2 Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server No Yes
My SQL Yes Yes
Oracle Yes: TNS Yes: TNS-less
SQL Anywhere Yes Yes
Sybase ASE No Yes
For databases that you use as sources and targets in Data Services, the database type determines the type of
connection you can create. Some databases support both types of connections while other support one or the
The following table lists all eligible source and target databases and the connection types they support.
Source and target databases and supported connections
Database DSN DSN-less
Amazon Redshift Yes Yes
Attunity Connector No Yes
Data Federator No Yes
DB2 (Linux, UNIX, Windows) Yes Yes
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database DSN DSN-less
Yes Yes
HP Vertica Yes No
Informix Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server No Yes
My SQL Yes Yes
Netezza Yes Yes
Oracle Yes: TNS Yes: TNS-less
Yes Yes
Snowake Yes Yes
SQL Anywhere Yes Yes
Sybase ASE No Yes
SAP IQ (Sybase IQ) Yes Yes
Teradata Yes Yes
The information in the database tables is subject to change and may not reect the most up-to-date
information. For current lists of supported databases and versions for repository or sources and targets, see
the Product Availability Matrix (PAM) on the SAP Support Portal.
6.2 Setting UNIX environment variables
Set up UNIX or Linux environment variables by running a script with the applicable syntax for your
When you install SAP Data Services on UNIX or Linux platforms, the SAP Data Services Job Server requires
that you set environment variables. To set these variables, run the script le
To run the le, use the syntax required by your environment.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
Administrator Guide
Server Management
You can also add a command to your login script so that the environment variable is always congured. For
example, add the following line to .profile:
. $LINK_DIR/bin/
If the script fails to run, the system does not issue an error. Therefore, to check that you properly set the
variable values, check one or more of the environment variables described in the following table:
Points to the default Data Services installation directory, set
by the installer.
$DS_COMMON_DIR Includes the $LINK_DIR path for compatibility.
For 64-bit Oracle clients, make sure that you list
$LINK_DIR/bin before any 64-bit Oracle shared library
For Linux, make sure that the variable includes
$LINK_DIR/bin and the location of the database libra-
To use a 64-bit Oracle client, make sure that you list
$LINK_DIR/bin before any 64-bit Oracle shared library
Make sure that the variable includes $LINK_DIR/bin and
the location of the database libraries.
To use a 64-bit Oracle client, make sure that you list
$LINK_DIR/bin before any 64-bit Oracle shared library
Required for an Oracle source, target, or repository.
Required for an Oracle source, target, or repository.
To use a 64-bit Oracle client, make sure this variable points
to the 64-bit Oracle installation.
Required for a DB2 source, target, or repository.
Required for a DB2 source, target, or repository.
Required for an SAP ASE source, target, or repository.
Required for an SAP ASE source, target, or repository.
Required for ODBC sources or targets. Contains the data
source name (DSN) information for all existing DSNs. For
MySQL, the variable is $ODBCSYSINI.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Variable Details
Required for ODBC sources or targets. Contains the ODBC
driver information for installed drivers.
For the MySQL ODBC driver, set the driver location
in the $ODBCSYSINI environment variable instead of
the $ODBCINST environment variable. Make sure that
the odbcinst.ini le exists. If you do not set the
location in $ODBCSYSINI, Data Services uses /etc/
odbcinst.ini by default for the instance le.
$PATH Make sure that the variable includes $LINK_DIR/bin and
Use the echo command to verify environment variable settings.
If you don't properly congure the variable settings and you start any Data Services utility, the software issues
error messages that indicate there are missing database server les.
If you see errors about missing database server les, verify that contains commands to set the
appropriate database home locations. Run for the account used by the Job Server, or start the Job
Server using an account that has all necessary environment variables dened in its .profile.
To use the RFC Server Interface in the Management Console on a 64-bit UNIX platform, see the
Management Console Guide for additional environment conguration information.
6.3 Start services automatically for Windows and Unix
To run properly, SAP Data Services requires the Job Service and related services, and the packaged Tomcat
Some congurations for Data Services require that you stop services. The services also stop when you close
Data Services. In some cases, you restart the services manually. Otherwise, Data Services restarts the services
On Windows
The Data Services service and packaged Tomcat service start automatically when you start or restart your
computer. The Data Services service starts Job Servers and Access Servers on the restarted computer.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
If applicable, you can change service startup to Manual in the Windows services window.
To manually log in Web applications, refer to “Conguring tracing for web applications” section in the
Information platform services Administration Guide.
To start Job and Access Servers automatically when the server restarts, install the actaservices script with
root privileges. Data Services stores the script le in $LINK_DIR/bin.
Call the script using the syntax supported by your environment.
# cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
6.4 History retention and Job Server log retention
The job execution history les and the Job Server logs contain data to produce internal statistics, regulatory
reports, or other nonregulatory reports.
Set a time period for data retention in the history les and Job Server logs. After the set time period, SAP Data
Services deletes retained data automatically and permanently. Therefore, know what these logs contain before
setting the retention period.
To create reports based on specic jobs, transforms, time periods, and job statistics, back up the job
execution les and the Job Server log les before the retention period expires.
It's important to delete les periodically to maintain ecient system processing. If you don't delete les
periodically, the history les and Job Server logs can get large, which slows job performance. The les get large
because Data Services appends information to les for each job that you run. Therefore, we recommend that
you establish a maintenance management procedure.
You can select to delete Job Server and history les for a specic batch job in the Data Services
Management Console. Data Services deletes the selected job, history, and log les, and ignores the set
retention periods in the Central Management Console (CMC).
For more information about deleting jobs, history, and log les for the selected job in the Data Services
Management Console, see the Management Console Guide.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
USPS-required log les and reports [page 106]
Set the log retention period so that you don't lose data before the creation and submission of USPS-
required logs and reports.
Setting the History Retention Period [page 107]
Change the default setting of 30 days for history log le retention to increase or decrease the number
of days that SAP Data Services retains the les before deleting them.
Job Server Log Retention [page 108]
Deleting log les regularly alleviates security concerns and reduces the possibility of performance
Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period [page 109]
The Job Server Log Retention Period provides a set schedule for automatically deleting Job Server log
les, such as server_event*.logs.
Related Information
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Monitoring jobs [page 163]
6.4.1USPS-required log les and reports
Set the log retention period so that you don't lose data before the creation and submission of USPS-required
logs and reports.
Set the number of days in History Retention Period in the Central Management Console (CMC). If you have
postal certication requirements such as CASS certication, the USPS requires that you submit log les to the
postal authorities on a periodic basis.
For CASS certied mailings, the USPS requires that you submit certication log les each month. The
default setting for the History Retention Period option is 30 days. Thirty days don't provide enough time for
you to export and send the log les to the USPS by the monthly due date. And 30 days don't account for
months that include 31 days. Therefore, set the history retention to longer, such as 50 days, to ensure that
you submit complete monthly logs to the USPS.
In addition to sending monthly data to the USPS, you must have report data available for the USPS to examine
for several years after the job is processed. To ensure that you retain all required reports and logs before the
data is deleted from the repository, consider exporting the required reports and logs from the repository to
a local folder on a monthly basis. Exporting reports and logs to a local folder also prevents the repository
contents from becoming so large that the export process times out because of the volume of statistics
View stored job execution history les in the Administrator application of the SAP Data Services Management
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Many history les contain job statistics and other information required for statistics and regulatory reports.
Make sure that you understand what your job history les are used for before you set a number of days
to delete them. Also be aware of current USPS rules for data retention by viewing your USPS licensing
For information about regulatory statistics and log les, see the Designer Guide. For information about trace
and error logs, data quality reports, and troubleshooting, see the Management Console Guide.
Parent topic: History retention and Job Server log retention [page 105]
Related Information
Setting the History Retention Period [page 107]
Job Server Log Retention [page 108]
Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period [page 109]
6.4.2Setting the History Retention Period
Change the default setting of 30 days for history log le retention to increase or decrease the number of days
that SAP Data Services retains the les before deleting them.
To change the History Retention Period setting, perform the following steps:
1. Log into the Central Management Console and open the Applications page.
2. Right-click Data Services Application from the Application Name column and select Settings.
The Data Services Application Settings dialog box opens.
3. Type an integer in the History Retention Period text box.
The following table describes results for specic settings.
Value Results
30 Data Services retains job history les for 30 days before
0 Data Services doesn't retain any of the job history les.
Negative number Data Services retains job history les indenitely.
4. Select Save.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
If Data Services is performing background processes, it can take up to an hour before the new setting goes
into eect.
Task overview: History retention and Job Server log retention [page 105]
Related Information
USPS-required log les and reports [page 106]
Job Server Log Retention [page 108]
Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period [page 109]
6.4.3Job Server Log Retention
Deleting log les regularly alleviates security concerns and reduces the possibility of performance degradation.
By default, Data Services deletes Job Server log les every 30 days. However, you can change the default
number of days for log le deletion in the Central Management Console. After you set the number of days for
retention, Data Services deletes the log les, including the following:
In <DS_Common_Dir>\log\:
In <Link_Dir>\logging\:
BIClient (RFC logs)
Before you set the Job Server Log Retention Period, consider any legal requirements for retaining information,
such as for postal regulations. To retain some information for longer periods of time, move the applicable log
le to a secure location before the deletion time.
For information about your data security responsibilities, see Data protection and privacy [page 26].
Data Services doesn't delete bulk loading les with the history and Job Server log les. Instead, Data
Services deletes the bulk loading les based on the setting for Clean up bulk loader directory after load
option in the target editor of the data ow.
View stored log les in the Data Services Management Console. For information about how to view the stored
log les, see the Management Console Guide.
Parent topic: History retention and Job Server log retention [page 105]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Related Information
USPS-required log les and reports [page 106]
Setting the History Retention Period [page 107]
Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period [page 109]
6.4.4Setting the Job Server Log Retention Period
The Job Server Log Retention Period provides a set schedule for automatically deleting Job Server log les,
such as server_event*.logs.
The default setting for the Job Server Log Retention Period is 30 days. To change the setting, perform the
following steps:
1. Log into the Central Management Console (CMC) and select Applications.
2. Right-click Data Services Application from the Application Name column and select Settings.
The Data Services Application Settings dialog box opens.
3. Type an integer in the Job Server Log Retention Period text box.
The value sets the number of days that SAP Data Services retains the Job Server log les.
The following table describes results for specic settings.
Value Results
30 Default setting. Software retains Job Server logs for 30
0 Software doesn't retain Job Server logs.
Negative number Software retains Job Server logs indenitely.
4. Select Save.
If Data Services is performing background processes, it can take up to an hour before the new setting goes
into eect.
To view stored Job Server log les, open the Administrator application in the Data Services Management
Task overview: History retention and Job Server log retention [page 105]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Related Information
USPS-required log les and reports [page 106]
Setting the History Retention Period [page 107]
Job Server Log Retention [page 108]
6.5 Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux
Each time you add an ODBC database type for SAP Data Services processing, congure a supported driver in
the SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager to establish a connection to the database.
Although the required information is similar, the processes for conguring an ODBC driver on UNIX and Linux
operating systems are dierent than for Windows operating systems. For example, to congure installed ODBC
drivers in UNIX and Linux, you use the SAP Data Services Connection Manager. For Windows, you use either
the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator for data source name (DSN) connections or the ODBC Drivers
Selector for server name (DSN-less) connections.
Congure a DSN connection at the same time you congure the driver. For a DSN connection, you need
information about the data source, including server information, user name, and password. When applicable,
congure SSL/TLS for secure data transfer.
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 111]
To congure database connectivity on UNIX or Linux platforms, use the SAP Data Services (DS)
Connection Manager.
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
The SAP Data Services Connection Manager is a command-line utility that adds the ODBC driver
information to SAP Data Services driver library les.
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
On UNIX and Linux platforms, SAP Data Services requires the ODBC driver information be included in
the ODBC driver library when you congure the driver for a DSN-less connection.
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
On Linux and Unix platforms, SAP Data Services requires the ODBC driver information with a data
source name (DSN) connection be included in the ODBC driver manager library and the ODBC driver
Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128]
The DataDirect driver is included with your SAP Data Services installation to use with applicable
databases such as Microsoft SQL Server or DB2 on zSeries or iSeries.
Related Information
SSL or TLS for Data Services components [page 31]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6.5.1Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux
To congure database connectivity on UNIX or Linux platforms, use the SAP Data Services (DS) Connection
Use the DS Connection Manager to congure ODBC drivers and to create DSN connections. The DS
Connection Manager adds the driver information to the odbcinst.ini le, and the DSN information to the
ds_odbc.ini le. The ds_odbc.ini le lists the DSN with the name of the ODBC driver.
Installer sets DSN-less connections
When you install Data Services on UNIX or Linux, you can select to have the SAP Data Services installation
setup program congure the repository. To have the installer congure the repository, you enter the database
type for the repository. By default, the installer automatically performs the following repository database tasks:
Establishes database connectivity for the specied database type.
Creates a server name (DSN-less) connection.
If you want to use a DSN or TNS (for Oracle) connection for your repository, skip repository creation during
Congure repository database connection after install
Use the DS Connection Manager after installation to congure the repository database and establish a DSN or
TNS (Oracle) connection. Additionally, use the DS Connection Manager to add additional databases and DSN
connections to Data Services.
Perform the following tasks in the Connection Manager:
Add information about the ODBC driver including driver manager location and driver name.
Add information about a DSN connection, including a name for the data source, server information, and
applicable user names and passwords.
Data Services includes the DS Connection Manager in the installation and places it in the following location by
default: $LINK_DIR//bin/
See the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
on the SAP Support Portal for a list of supported databases
and versions that you can use for your repository. The PAM also includes the non-repository databases and
versions supported in Data Services plus the applicable ODBC drivers.
Parent topic: Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Related Information
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128]
6.5.2Using the Connection Manager
The SAP Data Services Connection Manager is a command-line utility that adds the ODBC driver information
to SAP Data Services driver library les.
Before you run the Connection Manager to congure the ODBC driver for a database, perform the following
Check the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
on the SAP Support Portal to determine the ODBC driver
and version for the applicable database type.
Download and install the supported ODBC driver, and read all information about the driver in the vendor
documentation to make sure you congure the driver correctly.
Optional. To use a graphical user interface for the Connection Manager, install the GTK+2 library. The
GTK+2 is a free multi-platform toolkit that creates user interfaces. For more information about obtaining
and installing GTK+2, see
Connection Manager sets the ODBC driver and DSN information in the SAP Data Services driver manager les
as follows:
Connection Manager adds the driver information to the odbcinst.ini le including the name and
location of the vendor client driver le. The vendor location must be readable and writable.
The default location for DataDirect drivers is $LINK_DIR/DataDirect/odbc/. Therefore, set the
following location when the Connection Manager asks for the information:
Specify the Driver:
Connection Manager adds the DSN information to the ds_odbc.ini le.
The following instructions assume that you have the user interface for Connection Manager.
1. Open the Connection Manager with the following command, replacing $LINK_DIR with the path to the
Data Services installation directory:
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
The Connection Manager opens.
2. For both DSN connections and server name (DSN-less) connections, open the Drivers tab to congure the
ODBC driver for the database.
The options in the Drivers tab may dier based on the driver type.
3. For DSN connections, open the Data Sources tab and congure the data source name connection.
The options in the Data Sources tab dier based on the database type.
4. Click Restart Services to restart the EIM Adaptive Process Service and the Data Services Job Service.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Task overview: Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Related Information
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 111]
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128]
6.5.3Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less)
On UNIX and Linux platforms, SAP Data Services requires the ODBC driver information be included in the
ODBC driver library when you congure the driver for a DSN-less connection.
The UNIX ODBC driver conguration le contains driver names that reference ODBC driver libraries. The UNIX
ODBC driver conguration is an instance le referenced by the $ODBCINST variable.
When you congure the ODBC driver for natively-supported databases in the SAP Data Services (DS)
Connection Manager, the DS Connection Manager automatically updates the ODBC driver library les in
Conguring native ODBC drivers for UNIX and Linux [page 114]
Congure ODBC drivers for UNIX and Linux that have a server name (DSN-less) connection using the
SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager.
Properties for server name connections [page 115]
The SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager congures the applicable environment variables for
native ODBC drivers based on the property values that you enter.
Parent topic: Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Related Information
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 111]
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128]
Setting UNIX environment variables [page 102]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
PUBLIC 113 Conguring native ODBC drivers for UNIX and Linux
Congure ODBC drivers for UNIX and Linux that have a server name (DSN-less) connection using the SAP Data
Services (DS) Connection Manager.
Ensure that you perform the following prerequisite tasks before you congure the ODBC native driver:
Congure the ODBC driver library and the associated environment variables for the database client. For
instructions, see Setting UNIX environment variables [page 102].
Ensure that the database is eligible for server name connection. For a current list of databases and
supported connections, see the Product Availability Matrix (PAM)
on the SAP Support Portal.
Optional. To work in the GUI for the DS Connection Manager, install the GTK+2 library. For download
instructions, see Using the Connection Manager [page 112].
The following steps are for the GUI version of the DS Connection Manager.
1. Open the Connection Manager using the following command:
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/DSConnectionManager
2. Open the Data Sources tab and click Add.
3. Select the database type from the Select Database Type dialog box and click OK.
The Conguration for... dialog box opens with the value lled in for the option ODBC Inst File.
4. Enter information about the driver and the database server.
Provide values for the following server properties:
Server name
Port (if relevant)
Database (if relevant)
User name
The Connection Manager does not save the values that you enter for future use.
5. Test the connection by clicking Test Connection.
6. When the connection test is successful, click Restart Services.
Connection Manager restarts the EIM Adaptive Process Service and-or the Data Services Job Service under
the following circumstances:
If you installed Data Services on the same machine and in the same folder as the Information Platform
Services (IPS) or BI platform, DS Connection Manager restarts both the EIM Adaptive Process Service
and the Data Services Job Service.
Enter the Central Management Server (CMS) password when prompted.
If you installed Data Services on a dierent computer than IPS or BI platform, Connection Manager
restarts the Data Services Job Service.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Task overview: Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Related Information
Properties for server name connections [page 115] Properties for server name connections
The SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager congures the applicable environment variables for native
ODBC drivers based on the property values that you enter.
Environment variables for ODBC data sources include $ODBCINST or $ODBCSYSINI.
The following table contains a list of native database types and the information required in the DS Connection
Manager to congure the ODBC driver.
We add support for additional database types on a regular basis. Therefore, the following table may not be
Database Type
Properties on Drivers tab
DB2 Client Path
Driver Version
Server Name
User Name
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Drivers tab
Google BigQuery ODBC
Driver Name (Must use Simba ODBC driver for Google
Driver location
Google BigQuery Oauth Mechanism and options based
on the type chosen:
BigQuery Refresh Token
BigQuery e-mail
BigQuery Private Key
Google BigQuery catalog
Optional. Proxy server information:
Google BigQuery Trusted Certicates
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Informix Home Path
Server Name
User Name
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Driver Name
Server Name
User Name
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Drivers tab
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Server Name
User Name
Oracle Home Path
Driver Version
Server Name
User Name
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Server Name
User Name
SAP Sybase IQ
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Server Name (This is also known as the host name. For
example, a host name may be vanpgc13b9.)
Engine Name (This is also known as the server name.
For example, a server name may be vanpgc13b9_iq-
User Name
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Drivers tab
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Server Name
Unix ODBC Lib Path
User Name
Authentication Method
SSL mode
SQL Anywhere
Driver Version
Driver Name
User Name
Password (no echo)
Retype Password (no echo)
Driver (path and le name)
ODBC Inst File
Driver Version
Driver Name
Server Name
User Name
Parent topic: Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Related Information
Conguring native ODBC drivers for UNIX and Linux [page 114]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6.5.4Congure drivers with data source name (DSN)
On Linux and Unix platforms, SAP Data Services requires the ODBC driver information with a data source name
(DSN) connection be included in the ODBC driver manager library and the ODBC driver library.
Some ODBC driver vendors include ODBC driver manager and ODBC driver capabilities in one library,
while others separate them into two libraries. To accommodate all ODBC vendors, Data Services requires
congurations in two libraries for DSN connections:
UNIX ODBC driver conguration le, referenced by $ODBCINST environment variable: Contains
DSN instances that reference ODBC driver manager libraries. The default location is $LINK_DIR/bin/
For ODBC databases that Data Services supports natively, do not congure the ds_odbc.ini le
manually. Instead, congure the driver using the SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager to
automatically add the information to the Unix ODBC driver manager library.
Vendor ODBC conguration les, referenced by the $ODBCINI environment variable: Contains data
source name (DSN) instances that reference the ODBC driver libraries and the database server connection
One ODBC conguration le can contain multiple DSN instances. For example, a le referenced by
$ODBCINI may contain DSNs for MySQL, Netezza, and Teradata.
Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
SAP Data Services supports several ODBC data sources natively with DSN connections.
Non-Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
For non-native ODBC data sources, you need to manually congure the driver and data source.
Conguring ODBC data sources [page 121]
To congure ODBC data sources in Linux or UNIX, use the SAP Data Services Connection Manager.
Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN connections [page 122]
The Connection Manager congures the $ODBCINI le based on the property values that you enter on
the Data Sources tab.
Troubleshooting [page 127]
Conguring drivers can be troublesome for a variety of reasons.
Parent topic: Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Related Information
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 111]
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128] Native ODBC data sources
SAP Data Services supports several ODBC data sources natively with DSN connections.
For native ODBC data sources, congure the driver and the data source using the SAP Data Services
Connection Manager. Set the Data Services ODBC conguration and associated environment variables. Non
native ODBC data sources require additional manual conguration.
For the most current list of database types that the Connection Manager supports, see the Product
Availability Matrix (PAM) on the SAP Support Portal.
Enter values in the Connection Manager to set the $ODBCINI to a le that contains the DSN connection. Before
you run Connection Manager, ensure that the le is readable and writable by using the following command:
export ODBCINI=<dir-path>/ds_odbc.ini
touch $ODBCINI
Parent topic: Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Related Information
Non-Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Conguring ODBC data sources [page 121]
Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN connections [page 122]
Troubleshooting [page 127] Non-Native ODBC data sources
For non-native ODBC data sources, you need to manually congure the driver and data source.
To congure a data source name manually on Linux:
1. Set an environment variable ODBCINI in the Bash shell.
export ODBCINI=<path to the odbc.ini file>
2. Open $ODBCINI and add the following lines for your new data source (we use Amazon Athena in this
AuthenticationType=IAM Credentials
Administrator Guide
Server Management
UID=<user ID>
For more information about the attributes, see the Magnitude Simba Amazon Athena ODBC Data
Connector Installation and Conguration Guide on the Amazon AWS website.
3. Move to $LINK_DIR/bin/, open ds_odbc.ini, and add the following lines for your data source:
Driver=<unixODBC so file>
Parent topic: Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Related Information
Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Conguring ODBC data sources [page 121]
Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN connections [page 122]
Troubleshooting [page 127] Conguring ODBC data sources
To congure ODBC data sources in Linux or UNIX, use the SAP Data Services Connection Manager.
Data Services supports several ODBC data sources natively with DSN connections. Ensure that Data Services
supports your ODBC data source.
Ensure that you have the correct privileges to change the conguration les mentioned in these steps.
Install the GTK+2 library to make a graphical user interface for Connection Manager. The GTK+2 is a free
multi-platform toolkit that creates user interfaces. The installation is at .
1. To open the DSConnectionManager, enter the following command:
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ ./
The DSConnectionManager GUI opens.
2. Click the Data Sources tab, and click Add to display the list of database types.
3. Select the database type in the Select Database Type dialog box, and click OK.
The Conguration for... dialog box opens. The Connection Manager automatically completes the following
The absolute location of the odbc.ini le in which the DSN is dened
Driver, if relevant for database type
Driver Version, if relevant for database type
4. Provide values for additional connection properties, such as Server Name, Instance, or Port, for the specic
database type.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
For a list of relevant properties for each database type, see Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN
connections [page 122].
5. Provide the following properties:
User name
The Connection Manager does not save this information for further use.
6. To test the connection, click Test Connection.
7. When the connection test is successful, click Restart Services to restart the following services:
EIM Adaptive Process Service and Data Services Job Service: When Data Services is installed at the
same location (machine and folder) as Information Platform Services (IPS) or BI platform. A prompt
appears for the Central Management Server (CMS) password.
Data Services Job Service: When Data Services is installed without IPS or BI platform.
Task overview: Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Related Information
Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Non-Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN connections [page 122]
Troubleshooting [page 127] Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN
The Connection Manager congures the $ODBCINI le based on the property values that you enter on the Data
Sources tab.
The following table lists the properties that are relevant for each database type.
We add support for additional database types on a regular basis. Therefore, the following table may not be
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Data Sources tab
Amazon Redshift
DSN Name
User Name
Database password
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Driver Version
Host Name
Redshift SSL Certicate Mode [require|allow|disa-
Apache Cassandra
User Name
Database password
Host Name
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Cassandra SSL Certicate Mode[0:disabled|1:one-way|
Depending on the value you choose for the Certicate Mode,
you may be asked to dene some or all of the following
Cassandra SSL Server Certicate File
Cassandra SSL Client Certicate File
Cassandra SSL Client Key File
Cassandra SSL Client Key Password
Cassandra SSL Validate Server Hostname?[0:disa-
Apache Impala
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
User Name
Database password
Host Name
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Impala Auth Mech[0:noauth|1:kerberos|2:user|3:user-
Kerberos Host FQDN
Kerberos Realm
Impala SSL Mode[0:disabled|1:enabled]
Impala SSL Server Certicate File
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Data Sources tab
Attunity Driver Path
DB2 on iSeries or zSeries
ODBC ini File
DSN Name
Server Name
Package Collection
User Name
Google BigQuery ODBC
ODBC ini le
DSN Name
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Specify the Driver (Must use Simba ODBC driver for
Google BigQuery)
Google BigQuery Oauth Mechanism and options based
on the type chosen:
BigQuery Refresh Token
BigQuery e-mail
BigQuery Private Key
Google BigQuery catalog
Optional. Proxy server information:
Google BigQuery Trusted Certicates
Hive Server
Host Name
Service Discovery Mode
Hive Server Type
Auth Mech
Thrift Target
Kerberos Host FQDN
Kerberos Realm
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Data Sources tab
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Server Name
User Name
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Unix ODBC Lib Path
Driver Version
Server Name
User Name
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Driver Version
Server Name
User Name
Database name
User name
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Server Name
User Name
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Data Sources tab
SAP Vora
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
User Name
Host Name
For information about these connection options, see the
Snowake User Guide.
SQL Server
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Server Name
User Name
Sybase ASE
Sybase Home Path
Server Name
User Name
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Properties on Data Sources tab
Sybase IQ
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Server Name (This is also known as the host name. For
example, a host name may be vanpgc13b9.)
Engine Name (This is also known as the server name.
For example, a server name may be vanpgc13b9_iq-
User Name
ODBC Ini File
DSN Name
Teradata Install Path
Teradata Version
Server Name
User Name
Parent topic: Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Related Information
Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Non-Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Conguring ODBC data sources [page 121]
Troubleshooting [page 127] Troubleshooting
Conguring drivers can be troublesome for a variety of reasons.
The following are some of the more common issues to troubleshoot when you congure drivers with DSN
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Trouble with libraries
To determine whether all dependent libraries are set properly in the environment variables, use the ldd
command on the ODBC driver manager library and the ODBC driver library.
If you see that any dependent libraries are missing, ensure that you've added the environment settings to the
session running the job service, or consult your ODBC driver vendor's documentation.
Trouble with Connection Manager
If an error occurs when using the Connection Manager, invoke it from the command line by using the -c option,
and use the -d option to show details in the log.
$LINK_DIR/bin/ -c -d
The log le path is $LINK_DIR/log/DSConnectionManager.log.
Possible errors include the following:
The Connection Manager can't connect to database.
The Data Services Job Server can't connect to database.
Parent topic: Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119]
Related Information
Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Non-Native ODBC data sources [page 120]
Conguring ODBC data sources [page 121]
Properties for ODBC data sources using DSN connections [page 122]
6.5.5Conguring DataDirect ODBC
The DataDirect driver is included with your SAP Data Services installation to use with applicable databases
such as Microsoft SQL Server or DB2 on zSeries or iSeries.
Before you manually congure the ODBC DataDirect driver for your database, ensure the following:
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Ensure that you have the proper permission to edit the odbc.ini and the odbcinst.ini les.
Determine the applicable DataDirect version and database version by looking in the latest Product
Availability Matrix (PAM) on the SAP Support Portal.
Consider using the SAP Data Services (DS) Connection Manager to automatically add driver and data
source information to the .ini les in $ODBCINI and $ODBCINST.
To manually congure the DataDirect ODBC driver for the applicable database type on a Linux or Unix platform,
perform the following steps:
1. Open the ds_odbc.ini le with a text editor.
The le is located in $LINK_DIR/bin/ds_odbc.ini.
2. Add the data source name in between square brackets.
For Microsoft SQL Server::
For DB2 on zSeries or iSeries:
3. Add the install location for the Driver key.
For Microsoft SQL Server:
Driver = <install_location>/lib/[DA][DD]sqls<xx>.so
where <install_location> is the location of the DataDirect ODBC driver.
For DB2 on zSeries or iSeries:
Driver = <install_location>/lib/[DA][DD]db2<xx>.so
where <install_location> is the location of the DataDirect ODBC driver.
4. Add a value for RebrandedLib =.
A Rebranded Library value is required when you use the SAP rebranded DataDirect driver.
For Microsoft SQL Server:
Driver = <install_location>/lib/[DA][DD]sqls<xx>.so
RebrandedLib = TRUE
For DB2 on zSeries or iSeries:
Driver = <install_location>/lib/[DA][DD]db2<xx>.so
RebrandedLib = TRUE
5. Add the data source to the ODBC vendor conguration le referenced by the Unix variable $ODBCINI.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
The version number and driver lenames are subject to change with each release. Access
$LINK_DIR/DataDirect/odbc/odbc.ini to view the current version information.
EnableQuotedIdentifiers = 1 is required for Microsoft SQL server
For Microsoft SQL Server, the prompts are bolded for illustration:
Description=DataDirect <current version number> SQL Server Wire Protocol
<install_location> is the location of the DataDirect ODBC driver.
For DB2 on zSeries or iSeries:
Description=DataDirect <current version number> DB2 Wire Protocol
#Collection applies to z/OS and iSeries only
#Database applies to DB2 UDB only
#Location applies to z/OS and iSeries only
Administrator Guide
Server Management
TcpPort=<port number>
<install_location> is the location of the DataDirect ODBC driver.
6. Run the $LINK_DIR/DataDirect/odbc/ script to add the environment settings to the session
running the job service.
Example of a driver manager conguration le for DSN connection [page 131]
Each ODBC driver you use has information in the driver library les, which are editable only by
authorized users.
Task overview: Congure database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 110]
Related Information
Database connectivity for UNIX and Linux [page 111]
Using the Connection Manager [page 112]
Congure drivers with server name (DSN-less) connections [page 113]
Congure drivers with data source name (DSN) connections [page 119] Example of a driver manager conguration le for
DSN connection
Each ODBC driver you use has information in the driver library les, which are editable only by authorized
When you add a data source name, enclose the names in square brackets ([]). Enter data source properties on
subsequent lines in the following format: PropertyName = PropertyValue.
Driver = /path/to/driver
OdbcConformanceLevel =
LazyLoading =
ODBC64SqlHandleSize =
ODBC64SqlLenSize =
DriverUnicodeType =
The data source in this example is [test_source], which can be loaded using the specied driver library le.
SAP Data Services uses default values when you leave optional properties blank.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Follow these guidelines when you edit the Data Services ODBC le named <LINK_DIR>/bin/ds_odbc.ini
Dene at least one driver property for each data source name. A driver property allows the driver manager
to load the driver when it connects to the database.
Begin any comment line with a pound sign (#) as the rst character to denote a comment.
Data Services ignores all leading blanks and trailing blanks in data source names and properties.
The following table contains the data source conguration parameters (Keys) in the ds_odbc.ini, whether is
required, valid value description, and an example.
Data source conguration le key descriptions
Required Valid value Example
The full path and library
name for the ODBC driver li-
brary. The directory that con-
tains the dependent libraries
must be in the shared library
path. For example, for Linux,
Check the applicable vendor
documentation for the appli-
cable shared library path.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Key Required Valid value Example
A decimal value that speci-
es the ODBC conformance
level of the driver.
The default value is 0. With
a setting of 0, the driver de-
tects the conformance level
by loading API functions for
conformance level 2.x, fol-
lowed by loading API func-
tions for conformance level
If there is a value equal to or
greater than 4.0, the driver
manager prints a runtime er-
An ODBC driver can be
compliant to either 2.x or
3.x or both. The UNIX
ODBC driver manager
detects if the driver is 2.x
or 3.x compliant and
loads the respective
compatible ODBC API
functions. If the driver is
both 2.x and 3.x compli-
ant, then the driver man-
ager only loads the 2.x
ODBC API. You can over-
ride this behavior by
specifying, for example,
evel = 3.0. As a re-
sult, the ODBC driver
manager only loads 3.x
ODBC API functions.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Key Required Valid value Example
Species whether the ODBC
driver manager loads the
ODBC driver and instructs
the operating system to load
all of the driver dependent li-
Specify TRUE for Yes, or
FALSE for No. The default
value is FALSE.
The LazyLoading ag is use-
ful when certain dependent
libraries of the ODBC driver
are not required, and the
ODBC vendor recommends
to load the library in lazy
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Key Required Valid value Example
Yes, for 64-bit platforms only.
Species the size of the
ODBC handle.
Enter 32 or 64.
If you leave this option blank,
or you set it to a value other
than 32 or 64, Data Services
uses the default value of 64.
The standard denition of the
SQLHANDLE data type in 64-
bit ODBC is 64-bit integer.
However, some ODBC driv-
ers do not conform to this
standard. Therefore, use the
key to specify the actual size
For DataDirect 64-bit ODBC
drivers, ignothe key or set to
64 because Data Direct 64-
bit conforms to the standard.
For other 64-bit ODBC driv-
ers, contact your vendor to
determine the actual size of
This option is required
only for 64-bit platforms.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Key Required Valid value Example
Yes, for 64-bit platforms only
Species the SQL length size
of the ODBC driver.
Enter 32 or 64.
If you leave this key blank or
enter a value other than 32 or
64, SAP Data Services uses
the default value of 64.
The standard denition of
the SQLLEN data type in 64-
bit ODBC is 64-bit integer.
However, some ODBC driv-
ers do not conform to this
standard. Therefore, use the
ODBC64SqlLenSize key
to specify the actual size of
DataDirect 64-bit ODBC driv-
ers conform to the standard,
so ignore the setting or set
the key to 64 for DataDirect.
For other 64-bit ODBC driv-
ers, contact your vendor to
determine the actual size of
This option is required
only for 64-bit platforms.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Key Required Valid value Example
Yes, for ODBC drivers that
only support W functions
Species the ODBC driver
Unicode type.
Enter one of the following in-
1: For UTF16
2: For UTF8
If you leave this key blank, or
set a value other than 1 or 2,
or not detectable, Data Serv-
ices uses the default value of
DataDirect SQL Server ODBC
driver only supports W func-
tions; for this driver, specify
This option is required
only for ODBC drivers
that only support W
Parent topic: Conguring DataDirect ODBC [page 128]
6.6 Using the ODBC Drivers Selector for Windows
To congure an ODBC driver on the Windows platform, use the SAP Data Services ODBC Drivers Selector
Download and install the applicable ODBC driver.
1. Open the ODBC Driver Selector: <LINK_DIR>\bin\ODBCDriversSelector.exe.
The Drivers Selector dialog box contains three columns:
Database versions: Contains a row for each database type and version supported in Data Services. Not
ODBC Driver: Contains the ODBC driver name or is blank. Has a dropdown arrow that displays all
available ODBC drivers.
State: Contains “installed”, “not installed”, or blank.
2. Find your database type and version under the Database version column.
3. Click the corresponding cell under the ODBC Drivers column and select the correct driver from the
dropdown list.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
4. If the status doesn't appear in the State column, click in the empty column and the applicable state
appears. The state should be “Installed”.
The list of drivers in the ODBC Driver Selector is the same as the list of drivers in the ODBC Data Source
Administsrator for data sources using DSN connections.
5. Click OK.
Open the DSConf.txt le and verify that the data source and driver are present in the [DBClientDrivers]
section. The format is <DATASOURCE_VERSION>=<ODBC_DRIVER>.
6.7 Using the License Manager
The License Manager allows you to add and delete licenses that you receive from SAP, such as when you buy
the software or when your current license expires.
The License Manager is a command-based utility. For a list of commands and location of the License Manager,
see Command line reference: License Manager [page 229].
6.8 Use the Server Manager on Windows
Use the Data Services Server Manager for many tasks, such as to create, edit, or delete Job Servers and
Access Servers after installation.
The Server Manager user interface consists of several tabs in which to view, add, and edit your environment
related to SAP Data Services. The following table describes the tabs in the Server Manager.
Job Server Associate an existing repository to a Job Server. Also add,
edit, or delete Job Servers.
Access Server Add, edit, or delete access servers.
SSL Congure SSL paths.
Run-Time Congure runtime resources.
NCS Enable the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library
and set the tracing level threshold, execution interval, and
execution time oset.
SLD Enable SLD (System Landscape Directory) support by reg-
istering the SAPHOSTAGENT, installing the SMD (Solution
Manager Diagnostics) agent, and conguring the CA Intro-
scope Enterprise Manager.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Tab Description
Miscellaneous Specify the SMTP server settings and Windows cluster set-
6.8.1Conguring Job Servers
Use the Data Services Server Manager to create and edit all types of Job Servers.
To use the Server Manager for Job Servers, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Windows Start menu, expand SAP Data Services <version>.
2. Right-click Data Services Server Manager and select More Run as administrator.
The Data Services Server Manager opens.
3. In the Job Server tab, select Conguration Editor.
From the Job Server Conguration Editor you can perform the following tasks:
Add a new job server and associate it with an existing repository.
Edit an existing Job Server.
Delete an existing Job Server.
Resync an existing Job Server with the associated repository.
4. Decide which conguration task to perform:
To add a new Job Server, click Add.
Continue to the remaining conguration steps.
To edit an existing Job Server, select the Job Server and click Edit.
Continue to the remaining conguration steps.
To remove an existing Job Server, select the Job Server and click Delete.
No additional conguration steps are required.
If the Job Server has associated repositories, you must rst delete those and then click OK before
you can delete the Job Server.
5. In the Job Server Properties window, enter conguration information for the Job Server.
6. In the Associated Repositories section, congure any local or proler repositories that you want to
associate with the Job Server. Each Job Server must be associated with at least one local repository.
a. If you want to use a server name connection (for DB2, MySQL, SQL Anywhere, or SAP HANA database
types), clear the Use data source name (DSN) checkbox.
b. If you want to use a server name connection for an Oracle database type, clear the Use TNS name
c. When you have nished conguring associated repositories, including one default, click OK.
7. Click OK to return to the Server Manager window.
8. Click Restart to restart the services with any updated congurations.
Job Server properties [page 140]
When you open a Job Server, the Server Manager displays information about the Job Server.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
A repository must have a Job Server for moving data into and out of SAP Data Services.
Resynchronizing associated repositories [page 142]
There are times when you must resynchronize a Job Server with the local repository, such as after a
reinstallation. Job Server properties
When you open a Job Server, the Server Manager displays information about the Job Server.
The following table describes the Job Server Properties listed in the Server Manager.
Job Server name Species a name that uniquely identies the Job Server.
Job Server port Species the TCP/IP port that the Job Server uses to receive
commands from the Designer and the Access Server. If a
computer hosts multiple Job Servers, each Job Server must
have a unique port number. Additionally, the post number
must not be used by another process on the computer.
If you are unsure of which port number to use, use the de-
fault port number and increment it for each additional Job
Server that you congure.
Support adapter and message broker communication
Enables communication between the Job Server and adapt-
ers. Each computer that hosts adapters must have exactly
one Job Server designated to manage them.
Use SSL protocol for adapter, message broke and communi-
Enables SSL security on the communication paths between
the Job Server and any adapters or message brokers.
Communication port Species the TCP/IP port number that the Job Server uses
for communicating with adapters. The default port is 4001.
Parent topic: Conguring Job Servers [page 139]
Related Information
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
Resynchronizing associated repositories [page 142]
Administrator Guide
Server Management Associating a Job Server to a repository
A repository must have a Job Server for moving data into and out of SAP Data Services.
For more information about Job Servers, and other standard components, see Architecture overview [page 12].
In addition to a repository association, each Job Server can be associated with other local and proler
To associate a repository to a Job Server, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Data Services Server Manager from the Windows Start menu selecting to run as an
2. Select Conguration Editor.
The Job Server Conguration Editor opens.
3. Select Add.
The Job Server Properties opens.
4. Select Add.
The Repository Information pane at right becomes enabled.
5. Enter the required connection information for your repository database. The details required vary
depending on the database and connection type. You can enter Additional connection parameters like
MultiSubnetFailover=Yes; Column Encryption=Enabled;
6. Enter the user name and password for the repository database.
7. Check Default repository if this repository is the default repository for the Job Server.
You can specify only 1 default repository per Job Server.
Don't check Default repository if you're adding a proler repository.
8. Select Apply to save your entries and associate the repository with the Job Server.
The associated repository entry updates with the Job Server's computer name and port number.
9. To change the default repository setting, perform the following substeps beginning in the Job Server
Conguration Editor dialog box:
a. Select the Job Server with which the repository is associated and select Edit.
b. Select the repository under Associated Repositories and select Edit.
c. Under Repository Information, enter the password.
d. Check or uncheck Default repository, indicating whether this repository is the default repository for the
Job Server.
e. Select Apply.
You can change only whether an associated repository is the default for the Job Server. To change
other congurations, delete the existing associated repository and add a new one with the updated
conguration information.
10. To delete an associated repository, perform the following substeps:
Administrator Guide
Server Management
a. Select the Job Server with which the repository is associated and select Edit.
b. Select the repository under Associated Repositories and select Delete.
c. Under Repository Information, enter the password.
d. Select Apply to remove the associated repository from the Job Server conguration.
Task overview: Conguring Job Servers [page 139]
Related Information
Job Server properties [page 140]
Resynchronizing associated repositories [page 142] Resynchronizing associated repositories
There are times when you must resynchronize a Job Server with the local repository, such as after a
The following lists situations when you must resynchronize the Job Server and the local repository:
The Job Server information isn't available or not correct in the local repository.
You've uninstalled SAP Data Services and reinstalled the same version, without creating a new local
You create a new local repository using the Repository Manager after creating a repository and Job Server
when you installed Data Services.
To resynchronize Job Servers, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Data Services Server Manager from the Windows Start menu, and select to run as an
2. Select Conguration Editor.
The Job Server Conguration Editor opens.
3. Select the name of your Job Server.
4. Select Resync with Repository.
5. In the Job Server Properties window, select an associated local repository.
6. Select Resync.
7. Select OK when asked whether to update this associated repository with this local machine information.
8. Enter the local repository password under Repository Information.
9. Select Apply.
10. Select OK on the Job Server Properties window.
Task overview: Conguring Job Servers [page 139]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Related Information
Job Server properties [page 140]
Associating a Job Server to a repository [page 141]
6.8.2Conguring runtime resources for Job Server
Congure runtime resources to control Job Server operations, such as pageable cache or parallel processes.
1. In the Server Manager window, click the Run-time resources tab.
2. For the Specify a directory with enough disk space for pageable cache option, accept the default directory
(<DS_COMMON_DIR>\Log\PCache) or click the ellipses button to browse to a dierent directory.
For memory-intensive operations such as Group By, Order By, and Detailed proling, specify a
pageable cache directory that fullls the following criteria:
The directory contains enough disk space for your data. To estimate the amount of space required for
pageable cache, consider factors such as:
Number of concurrently running jobs or data ows.
Amount of pageable cache required for each concurrent data ow.
The directory exists on a separate disk or le system from the SAP Data Services system and
operating system (such as the C: drive on Windows, or the root le system on UNIX systems).
The directory limits the disk space that data ows consume. The pageable cache uses all available disk
space on the le system that contains the pageable cache directory. So, to limit the disk space that
data ows consume, create a le system (or partition on Windows) with a limited size. Use the new le
system (partition on Windows) as the pageable cache directory.
The software uses this directory in the following situations:
For pageable caching, which is the default cache type for data ows.
When selecting a le transfer type and Automatic is specied in the Data_Transfer transform.
3. In the Peer-to-peer options area, change the values for Start port and End port to restrict the number
of ports used by the software. The default values for Start port and End port are 1025 and 32767,
The software uses these ports for peer-to-peer communications when sending data between data ows or
sub data ows.
If you want to enable SSL security on the communication paths between data ows and sub data ows,
select Use SSL protocol.
4. Click Apply to save any conguration changes.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Related Information
Performance Optimization Guide: Caching data
Reference Guide: Data_Transfer
Performance Optimization Guide: Using grid computing to distribute data ows execution
6.8.3Conguring Access Servers
When you congure the location for an Access Server installation, SAP Data Services creates space for the
Access Server log les.
1. Open the Server Manager, click the Access Server tab and click Edit.
2. Decide which conguration task to perform:
To add a new Access Server, click Add.
Continue to the remaining conguration steps.
To edit an existing Access Server, select the Access Server and click Edit.
Continue to the remaining conguration steps.
To remove an existing Access Server, select the Access Server and click Delete.
No additional conguration steps are required.
3. In the Access Server Properties window, enter the Access Server conguration information and click OK.
Property Description
Directory Species the location of the log les for this instance of the Access Server. Click
the ellipses button to browse to the Log directory under the directory where
you installed the software.
Do not change this value after the initial conguration.
Communication Port Species the port on this computer that the Access Server uses to listen for
incoming messages from clients.
Make sure that this port number is unused and is unique for each Access
Parameters Specify any additional Access Server parameters.
Additional Access Server parameters can be viewed by typing
AL_AccessServer at the command line. For more information, see
“Real Time Performance” in the Management Console Guide.
Use SSL protocol Enables SSL security for real-time messaging on this Access Server.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Property Description
Enable Access Server Controls whether the Access Server is automatically started when the Data
Services service starts.
4. Click OK to return to the Server Manager window.
5. Click Restart to restart the services with the updated conguration.
Related Information
Management Console Guide: Conguring an Access Server
6.8.4Conguring SSL paths
Use the Server Manager to congure the paths to SSL certicates and keyles.
By default, the paths for the SSL certicate and keyles are automatically congured during installation.
You do not need to change them unless you want to use your own certicates.
If you change the SSL certicate conguration, you must resync all repositories associated with the Job
Server before you can run jobs successfully.
1. Open the Server Manager and click the SSL tab.
2. Specify the locations of the server certicate le, the server private key le, and the trusted certicates
The server certicate must be in PEM format. Valid extensions for certicates in the trusted certicates
folder include .pem, .crt, and .cer. Regardless of the le extension, all certicate le contents must
be in PEM format.
3. If you want to specify a private key password le, select Use server private key password le and specify the
location of the password le.
4. Click Close and Restart to close the Server Manager and restart any Data Services servers on the machine
with the updated certicate information.
The certicate information specied in the Server Manager applies to all Data Services servers running on
that physical machine. For example, any Job Servers, Access Servers, and so on.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6.8.5Verifying that Job and Access servers are running
To verify that Job Servers are running:
1. Check in the Windows Task Manager Processes tab for:
al_jobservice.exe (represents the SAP Data Services service)
al_jobserver.exe (one per Job Server)
AL_AccessServer.exe (one per Access Server)
2. If you do not see all the processes expected, check for error messages in the Job Server event log in
<LINK_DIR>/log/<JobServer name>/server_eventlog.txt.
Access Server logs are in <AccessServerPathName>/error_mm_dd_yyyy.log
6.9 Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems
Use the Server Manager to create, edit, or delete Job Servers and Access Servers after installation on your
UNIX platform.
The following tables describe the options that the Server Manager displays.
Job Server information
Server name This name uniquely identies the Job Server. The Job Server
name cannot be changed.
TCP/IP port number The port number is a TCP/IP port that the Job Server uses to
receive commands from the Designer and an Access Server.
If a computer hosts multiple Job Servers, each Job Server
must have a unique port number. Choose a port number that
is not used by another process on the computer. It's recom-
mended that you use 3500. If you are unsure of which port
number to use, use the default port number and increment it
for each additional Job Server you congure.
Supports adapter communication on port
If this computer hosts adapters, you must designate one
(and only one) Job Server to support them. Once a Job
Server is set to support adapters (a port is entered and
saved), it is marked on the Job Server Conguration screen
with this label.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Run-time resource information
Option Description
Pageable cache directory This directory contains the pageable cache that the software
uses for memory-intensive operations and for le transfer
types when Automatic is specied in the Data_Transfer
Start port
The software uses this starting port number for peer-to-peer
communication between data ows or sub data ows that
are running on dierent Job Servers. The default is 1025.
Access Server information
Server number This sequence number uniquely identies the Access Server
on this machine. The Access Server number cannot be
Directory The directory containing Access Server information.
Communication port This port number is used to communicate between the Ac-
cess Server and the Administrator. The default is 4000.
Parameters Additional parameters used by the Access server.
View Access Server parameters by typing
AL_AccessServer at the command line. For more in-
formation about parameters, see "Conguring an Access
Server" in the Management Console Guide.
Enter Y to activate the Access Server.
Job service information
Service executable path
The directory containing AL_JobService information.
Status Status of the Data Services service:
Not running
Administrator Guide
Server Management
SMTP Server information
Option Description
Server The name or IP address of the SMTP server (for example,
Sender The email address that will appear in the From eld of the
For information about conguring an Access Server, see the Management Console Guide.
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Use the Server Manager executable to congure the Job Server and to congure a repository Job
Server for your Unix or Linux platform.
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
Use the Server Manager to specify SMTP server settings for the smtp_to email function.
6.9.1Conguring Job Servers on UNIX
Use the Server Manager executable to congure the Job Server and to congure a repository Job Server for
your Unix or Linux platform.
Before you perform the following steps, ensure that you set all required environment variables.
The following steps provide an overview of the process, and don't include all of the details specic for each
database type.
1. Start the Server Manager by opening a command prompt and typing the following commands:
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
$ ./svrcfg
The Server Manager main screen opens.
2. Enter the number associated with the Job Server.
The Job Server information screen opens. The repository information for each congured Job Server is
displayed in a specic format.
The following table contains the formats for a data source name (DSN) connection, or for Oracle, a
Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) connection:
Database Type
Format of Repository String
Oracle <username>@<TNSname_user>
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Type Format of Repository String
SAP HANA <username> @<DSNname_user>
SQL Anywhere
The following table contains the formats for a server name connection (also known as DSN-less or
TNS-less connection):
Database Type
Format of Repository String
Oracle <username>@<server_SID_user>
SAP HANA <username> @<server_port_user>
MySQL <username> @<server_database_user>
SAP Sybase
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server - Azure VM
Microsoft SQL Server - Azure PaaS
3. Enter the command for the applicable conguration task as described in the following table.
Conguration task
Add a new Job Server.
Edit an existing Job Server.
Delete an existing Job Server.
Add a repository connection to a Job Server.
Update a repository connection on a Job Server.
Remove a repository connection from a Job Server.
Set the default repository connection for a Job Server.
Resynchronize a Job Server conguration with a repository.
You must resynchronize your Job Server and repository when:
You have uninstalled Data Services and are reinstalling the same version without creating a new
You have created a new repository using the Repository Manager after installing the software.
If you resynchronize your Job Server conguration with a repository, you must re-add a connection for this
repository to the Administrator. For more information, see the Management Console Guide.
4. To add or edit a Job Server, perform the following steps as applicable:
a. Enter the name for the Job Server.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
b. Specify the TCP/IP port that the Job Server uses to receive commands from the Designer and the
Access Server.
If a computer hosts multiple Job Servers, enter a unique port number for each Job Server.
Additionally, the port number must not be used by another process on the computer.
If you are unsure of which port number to use, use the default port number and increment it for
each additional Job Server that you congure.
c. Enter Y or N for Do you want to manage adapters for the Job Server as applicable.
If you enter
, specify the TCP/IP port number to use.
d. Enter Y or N to enable SSL on the adapter management communication paths used by the Job Server.
5. When you add or edit a repository connection, specify the following database connection information:
a. For a DSN-less connection, enter N when the Server Manager asks you if you want to use an ODBC
data source.
b. For a TNS-less connection for an Oracle database, enter N when the Server Manager asks you if you
want to use a TNS name.
c. To use a DSN or TNS connection, you must specify the following additional database connection
Required information
Oracle The TNSNAME specied in tnsnames.ora
MySQL The DSN entry specied in odbc.ini
SAP HANA The DSN entry specied in odbc.ini
DB2 The DB2 instance name
SQL Anywhere The DSN entry specied in odbc.ini
d. If your database type is SAP Sybase, specify the Sybase server name specied in the Interfaces le.
e. To congure SSL/TLS, enter Y for Do you want to use SSL/TLS 'Y|N'? [Y].
Specify the following additional information based on your database type.
Oracle Enter the distinguished name:
SAP HANA Do you want to validate certificate
'Y|N'? [Y]:
Enter the SSL Key file:
Enter the SSL Host Name in
Certificate [*]:
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Database Prompt
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server – Azure VM
Microsoft SQL Server – Azure PaaS
Enter authentication method (1,2) for
the associated repository.
1: SQL Server Authentication. Valid for Microsoft
SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server - Azure VM, and
Microsoft SQL Server – Azure PaaS databases.
2: Azure Active Directory - Password. Use for the
Microsoft SQL Server – Azure PaaS database.
Do you want to validate certificate
'Y|N'? [Y]:
f. Enter the user name and password for the repository.
The Server Manager for UNIX systems does not prompt for the repository password except
when creating a Job Server or adding a repository. To update the repository password in the
<DS_COMMON_DIR>/conf/DSConfig.txt le, enter u. All options use the updated password
from DSConfig.txt le.
The Server Manager displays the entered server information.
6. When you are satised with your conguration settings, enter Y to conrm the information is correct.
7. Enter q to quit and then x to exit the Server Manager.
Task overview: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Related Information
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
6.9.2Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server
1. Ensure required environment variables are set, and run the Server Manager.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
$ ./svrcfg
Administrator Guide
Server Management
The Server Manager main screen appears.
2. Enter 4 to congure runtime resources.
The runtime resource information screen appears.
3. Enter e to edit the runtime resource conguration.
4. Accept the default Pageable Cache Directory, or specify a dierent location.
The Pageable Cache Directory path cannot exceed 70 characters.
For memory-intensive operations such as Group By, Order By, and Detailed proling, specify a
pageable cache directory that fullls the following criteria:
The directory contains enough disk space for your data. To estimate the amount of space required,
consider factors such as the number of concurrently running jobs or data ows and the amount of
pageable cache required by each concurrent data ow.
The directory exists on a separate disk or le system from the Data Services system and operating
The directory limits the disk space that data ows consume. The pageable cache uses all available
disk space on the le system that contains the pageable cache directory. To limit the disk space
that data ows consume, create a le system with a limited size. Use the new le system as the
pageable cache directory.
The software uses this directory in the following situations:
For pageable caching, the default cache type for data ows. For more information, see the
Performance Optimization Guide.
When the software selects a le transfer type and Automatic is specied in the Data_Transfer
5. Change the values for Start port and End port to restrict the number of ports used by the software for
peer-to-peer communications. The default values are 1025 and 32767, respectively.
The software uses these ports for peer-to-peer communications when sending data between data ows or
sub data ows that are running on dierent Job Servers.
6. Specify whether you want to use the SSL security protocol on the communication paths between data
ows and sub data ows.
7. Enter q and then x to exit the Server Manager.
Task overview: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Related Information
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
Performance Optimization Guide: Using grid computing to distribute data ow execution
6.9.3Conguring Access Servers
When you congure the location for an Access Server installation, SAP Data Services creates space for the
Access Server log les.
1. Ensure required environment variables are set, and run the Server Manager.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
$ ./svrcfg
The Server Manager main screen appears.
2. Enter 4 to congure an Access Server.
The Access Server information screen appears.
3. Enter the command for the conguration task you want to perform:
Conguration task
Create a new Access Server.
Edit an existing Access Server.
Delete an existing Access Server.
4. When you create or edit an Access Server, specify additional conguration details:
a. If you are editing an existing Access Server, enter the number of the Access Server shown in the
Access Server conguration information screen.
b. Specify the directory for the Access Server.
c. Specify the TCP/IP port that the Access Server should use for communication.
You can congure more than one Access Server on the same computer, but each must have
separate ports. If you enter a port number already in use, an error message appears.
d. Specify any additional parameters for the Access Server.
Additional Access Server parameters can be viewed by typing AL_AccessServer at the command
line. For more information, see “Real Time Performance” in the Management Console Guide.
e. Specify whether you want to use the SSL security for real-time messaging on this Access Server.
f. Specify whether you want to enable the Access Server.
5. When you delete an Access Server, specify the number of the Access Server to delete.
When you delete an Access Server, all Access Servers are stopped. When you exit the Server Manager,
any remaining Access Servers restart.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6. When you are satised with your conguration changes, enter q and then x to exit the Server Manager.
Task overview: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Related Information
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
Management Console Guide: Conguring an Access Server
6.9.4Conguring SSL paths
Use the Server Manager to congure the paths to SSL certicates and keyles.
By default, the paths for the SSL certicate and keyles are automatically congured during installation.
You do not need to change them unless you want to use your own certicates.
1. Ensure required environment variables are set, and run the Server Manager.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
$ ./svrcfg
The Server Manager main screen appears.
2. Enter 7 to congure SSL paths.
The SSL conguration information screen appears.
3. Enter e to edit the SSL conguration.
4. Specify the SSL conguration information when prompted:
a. The path to the server certicate le
b. The path to the server private key le
c. Whether you want to use a private key password le and the path to that le
d. The directory where your trusted certicates are stored
The server certicate must be in PEM format. Valid extensions for certicates in the trusted certicates
folder include .pem, .crt, and .cer. Regardless of the le extension, all certicate le contents must
be in PEM format.
5. When you are satised with your conguration changes, enter q and then x to exit the Server Manager.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
The certicate information specied in the Server Manager applies to all Data Services servers running on that
physical machine (for example, any Job Servers, Access Servers, and so on.)
Task overview: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Related Information
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
6.9.5Starting or stopping the service
The SAP Data Services service (AL_JobService) is a daemon associated with $LINK_DIR that starts locally-
congured Job Servers and Access Servers and then monitors them and attempts to restart them if they are
not running.
After you exit the Server Manager, AL_JobService automatically retrieves any changes made to Job Servers
or Access Servers. You do not need to restart AL_JobService.
1. Run the Server Manager.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
$ . ./
$ ./svrcfg
The second command sets required environment variables before ./svrcfg starts the Server
The Server Manager main screen appears.
2. Enter 1 to control the service (Job service).
3. Start or stop the Job service.
Enter s to start the Job service.
Enter o to stop the Job service.
4. Enter q and then x to exit the Server Manager.
Task overview: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Related Information
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Congure SMTP email [page 156]
6.9.6Congure SMTP email
Use the Server Manager to specify SMTP server settings for the smtp_to email function.
For more information, see “Dening and enabling the smtp_to function” in the Reference Guide.
Parent topic: Using the Server Manager on UNIX systems [page 146]
Related Information
Conguring Job Servers on UNIX [page 148]
Conguring runtime resources for UNIX server manager [page 151]
Conguring Access Servers [page 153]
Conguring SSL paths [page 154]
Starting or stopping the service [page 155]
6.10 Conguring Metadata Browsing Service and View Data
SAP Information Steward uses the Metadata Browsing Service and the View Data Service to connect to and
view data in proling sources.
When you install SAP Data Services, the installation congures the two services with default settings, and
lists them under the server EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer. You can change the conguration settings to more
eectively integrate Information Steward with your hardware, software, and network congurations.
To change the conguration settings for Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service, perform the
following steps in the Central Management Console (CMC):
1. Open the Servers management area of the CMC.
2. Expand Service Categories node the tree panel and select Enterprise Information Management Services.
3. Double-click <computername.> EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer in the list in the right pane.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
The Properties page opens.
4. Double-click the service to change.
5. Change the conguration as applicable and select Save or Save & Close.
Not all changes occur immediately. If a setting can't change immediately, the Properties page displays
both the current setting (in red text) and the updated setting. When you return to the Servers
management area, the server is labeled as Stale. When you restart the server, it uses the updated
settings from the Properties page and removes the Stale ag from the server.
Metadata Browsing Service conguration parameters [page 157]
You can change the following properties of the Metadata Browsing Service.
View Data Services conguration parameters [page 159]
You can change the following properties of the View Data Service.
6.10.1Metadata Browsing Service conguration parameters
You can change the following properties of the Metadata Browsing Service.
Conguration Parameter Description Possible Values
Service Name Name of the service conguration. Alphanumeric string with a maximum
length of 64. The Service Name cannot
contain any spaces.
Default value: MetadataBrowsingSer-
Maximum Data Source Connections
Maximum number of data source con-
nections that can be opened at any
time under a service instance.
Default value: 200
Retry attempts to launch Service Pro-
Maximum number of attempts to
launch a new service provider when
there is contention to access a shared
service provider.
Default value: 1
Stateful Connection Timeout (seconds) Maximum duration in which a state-
ful connection is open. Stateful connec-
tions include SAP Applications and SAP
BW Source.
Default value: 1200
Stateless Connection Timeout (sec-
Maximum duration in which a state-
less connection is open. Stateless con-
nections include all relational database
Default value: 1200
Recycle Threshold Maximum number of requests that
the service processes before the Data
Services back end engine is recycled
to free memory that was allocated for
metadata browsing.
Default value: 50000
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Server Conguration Parameter Description Possible Values
Log Level Level of logging of trace messages to
the log le.
If there is more than one instance
of Metadata Browsing Service con-
gured in the CMS, the same level
of information is collected from all
instances. The log level dened for
the rst running service is the level
Information Steward logs:
None: Logging disabled.
Info: Logging disabled. (same as
Finer: All traces, requests, and re-
Data Services logs:
None: Logging disabled.
Info: All traces.
Finer: All traces, requests, and re-
Default level is Info.
Collect Connection Statistics
Enable or disable the collection of sta-
tistic information for each open con-
Default is enabled.
Listener Port Port number used to communicate with
the Data Services back end engine.
If you change the port number, you
must restart the EIMAdaptiveProces-
singServer for the change to take eect.
Four-digit port number that is not cur-
rently in use.
Default value: 4010
JMX Connector Port Port number used for the JMX Connec-
If you change the port number, you
must restart the EIMAdaptiveProces-
singServer for the change to take eect.
Four-digit port number that is not cur-
rently in use.
Default value: 4011
Parent topic: Conguring Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service [page 156]
Related Information
View Data Services conguration parameters [page 159]
Administrator Guide
Server Management
6.10.2View Data Services conguration parameters
You can change the following properties of the View Data Service.
Server Conguration Pa-
Description Possible Values
Service Name Name of the service conguration. Alphanumeric string with a max-
imum length of 64. The Service
Name cannot contain any spaces.
Default value: ViewData
Listener Port
Port number used to communicate with the Data
Services backend engine.
If you change the port number, you must restart the
EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer for the change to take
Four-digit integer.
Default value: 4012
JMX Connector Port Port number used for the JMX Connector.
If you change the port number, you must restart the
EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer for the change to take
Four-digit integer.
Default value: 4013
Batch Size (kilobytes) Size of the data to be stored in a view data response.
Minimum value: 1000
Maximum value: 5000
Default value: 1000
Minimum Shared Service
Minimum number of shared Data Services backend en-
gines that need to be launched at the startup time of
the service.
Default value: 1
Maximum Shared Service
Maximum number of shared Data Services backend en-
gines that can be launched during the time to service
the view data requests.
Default value: 5
Maximum Dedicated Service
Maximum number of dedicated Data Services backend
engines that can be launched at any instant of time.
Default value: 10
Recycle Threshold Maximum number of requests that will be processed by
a service before the Data Services backend engine is
recycled to free memory that was allocated for viewing
Any integer.
Default value: 200
Number of attempts to
launch service provider
Number of attempts to be made to try launching the
Data Services backend engine instance.
Default value: 1
Maximum idle time for
shared service provider (mi-
Maximum number of minutes that a Data Services
backend engine can remain without processing any re-
quests. After this time is exceeded, the Data Services
backend engine is shut down.
Default value: 120
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Server Conguration Pa-
rameter Description Possible Values
Log Level Level of logging of trace messages to the log le.
If there is more than one instance of View Data
Service congured in the CMS, the same level of
information is collected from all instances. The log
level dened for the rst running service is the level
Information Steward logs:
None: Logging disabled.
Info: Logging disabled. (same
as None)
Finer: All traces, requests,
and responses.
Data Services logs:
None: Logging disabled.
Info: All traces.
Finer: All traces, requests,
and responses.
Default level is Info.
Parent topic: Conguring Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service [page 156]
Related Information
Metadata Browsing Service conguration parameters [page 157]
6.11 Data Services CMC application settings
You can change the following settings for the Data Services Application on the Central Management Console
History Retention Period Number of days to retain the job execution history.
Default value: 30
If you enter 0, then the software does not retain job history.
If you enter a negative number, then the software retains job history inde-
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Setting Description
Job Server Log Retention Period Number of days to retain the Job Server logs.
Default value: 30
If you enter 0, then the software does not retain Job Server logs.
If you enter a negative number, then the software retains Job Server logs
Job History Cleanup Period Number of seconds from the job start time that the Data Services
Management Console cleans up the bad or crashed job history.
With this setting, you can nd jobs that are either running longer than the
normal time, or jobs that have crashed abnormally.
A job that crashes for an abnormal reason fails to update the job history
metadata tables or the local repository, and the software doesn't register an
end time. Therefore, even though the job crashed, the Management Console
may show it as still running.
The default setting is 0.
If you keep the default of 0, or set to a negative number, then the software
does not clean up the bad or crashed job history.
If you set to 1 or higher, then the software cleans up the bad or crashed job
history in the set number of seconds from the job start time.
When you enter a positive number in this setting, enter a number that provides
enough time for your longest running jobs to complete. After the time elapses,
any jobs that do not have an end timestamp will be marked as failed. For these
jobs, you can check the log les to discover if the job ended abnormally.
For example, if your longest-running job takes 30 minutes, set this option to
3600 seconds, so that, after an hour from the job start time, the status in the
batch status page in the Management Console shows the job is no longer proc-
essing. That way, you can see a list of jobs that potentially crashed abnormally,
without having to wait a long period of time.
Enable SSL communication for Metadata
Browsing and View Data Services
Species whether or not to use SSL communications for Metadata Browsing
Service and View Data Service of the EIM Adaptive Processing Server.
Other SAP software products, such as SAP Information Steward, use the Met-
adata Browsing Service and View Data Service service to browse and import
metadata and to view the data in connections.
Use Default SSL Settings
Species whether or not to use the default SSL keystore and certicates.
Default value: No
If you specify No, then you must enter values in KeyStore File, KeyStore
Password, and Key Password.
KeyStore File File name of the keystore that contains the key and all the certicates that are
part of the certicate chain involved in signing the key.
Default value: DSJavaKeyStore.keystore
Administrator Guide
Server Management
Setting Description
KeyStore Password Password to the keystore le.
Key Password Password to the key inside the keystore le.
Encryption passphrase Passphrase to use for encrypting passwords that are sent as part of requests
to the Metadata Browsing Service and View Data Service.
Other SAP software products, such as SAP HANA, use this Encryption
passphrase to encrypt passwords when sending an open connection request.
The backend engine will use this passphrase to decrypt the password and
process the open connection request.
Administrator Guide
Server Management
7 Monitoring jobs
To view the overall status of a batch job and job statistics, SAP Data Services provides job monitoring tools in
the Management Console Administrator.
Monitor the job execution information of any batch job in a connected repository. Monitor jobs that you run
from the Administrator or from the Designer.
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
To view the overall status of each batch job execution and to access more detailed statistics and
log les, use the list in the Batch Job Status tab of the SAP Data Services Management Console
Statistics [page 165]
The SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator contains statistics for each job that you
Ignoring error status [page 168]
When you view the job status logs for jobs with warnings or errors, use the Ignore Error Status button to
change the status indicator to green to indicate that you've reviewed the job logs.
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
The Batch Job Status page in the SAP Data Services Management Console includes an option to delete
information about how a job ran.
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Stop a running batch job in the SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator while you
monitor job status.
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
View and delete trace, monitor, and error logs for job instances in the SAP Data Services Management
7.1 Viewing overall status of executed jobs
To view the overall status of each batch job execution and to access more detailed statistics and log les, use
the list in the Batch Job Status tab of the SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator.
Before you perform the following steps, execute the batch job, log in to the Management Console, and open the
To view the overall status of an executed job, perform the following steps:
1. Expand the Batch node on the left of the Administrator window and select the repository name.
The Batch Job Status tab opens at right. The tab shows lter options and a list of each job execution
instance for the selected repository.
2. Optional: Filter the list of batch jobs displayed by performing the following substeps:
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
a. Choose a job name from the Job name list.
b. Select Search.
3. Optional: Further lter the list of batch jobs displayed using one of the following Display options:
To display the instance of the last execution for the job or jobs: Choose Last execution of job and select
To display the instances of the job or jobs executed in the specied number of days: Choose Last,
choose the number of days from the Days list, and select Search.
To display the instances of the job or jobs executed within the specied date range: Choose All
executions, enter a From and To date, and select Search.
4. Optional: Sort a specic column by selecting a column heading and choosing Ascending or Descending in
the Batch jobs history section.
5. View the status indicator in the Status column.
Status indicators
A green icon indicates that the batch job ran without error.
A yellow icon indicates that the batch job has one or more
A red icon indicates that the batch job experienced an
6. Optional: View the End Time column to see when the job completed.
If a job is running longer than usual, and there's no end time listed, there's an issue with the job, or
the job completed abnormally. When a job completes abnormally, it doesn't update the job history
metadata or the local repository, so there's no end time. You can set a limit for how long jobs display as
running in the Central Management Console. For more information, see Data Services CMC application
settings [page 160].
7. Optional: To view job processing information, select one of the following links under the Job information
Trace: View information in the Job Trace Log tab.
Monitor: View information in the Job Monitor Log tab.
Error: View information in the Job Error Log tab.
8. Optional: View additional information in the Batch Job Status tab, such as server information.
Congure jobs to execute by a specic Job Server, or by a server group. If you choose to execute a job
using a server group, use the Batch Job Status tab to see which Job Server actually executed the job.
When the job includes a server group icon in the Job Server column, a server group executed the job.
To view the name of the server group, roll your cursor over the Server Group icon. The Job Server
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
listed is the Job Server in the server group that executed the job. If you explicitly select a Job Server to
execute a job, the Server Group icon doesn't appear for the job, even when the Job Server is a part of a
server group.
Task overview: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Related Information
Statistics [page 165]
Ignoring error status [page 168]
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
Setting the status interval
7.2 Statistics
The SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator contains statistics for each job that you run.
Statistics quantify the activities of the components of the job. View the following types of statistics in the
Job statistics, such as time spent in a given component of a job and the number of data rows that
streamed through the component.
Data ow object statistics, such as the cache size used by a transform within a data ow.
Viewing job statistics [page 166]
Use job statistics to help tune job performance.
Data ow statistics [page 167]
Use statistics from a data ow to help tune job performance.
Parent topic: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Related Information
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
Ignoring error status [page 168]
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
7.2.1Viewing job statistics
Use job statistics to help tune job performance.
Before you perform the following steps, run a job for which you want to improve job performance.
To view job statistics in SAP Data Services Management Console, perform the following steps:
1. Expand the Batch node on the left of the Administrator window and select the repository name.
The Batch Job Status tab opens at right.
2. Find the applicable job instance using the page subtitle.
The page subtitle provides the name of the repository in which SAP Data Services stores the job. Further,
use the column headings described in the following table.
Column name
Status Contains an icon that indicates the overall job status:
Green icon indicates that the job ran without error.
Yellow icon indicates that the job ran, but has one or
more warnings.
Red icon indicates that the job didn't complete be-
cause of one or more errors.
Job Name
Name of the job that you ran in Designer.
System Conguration Name of the set of datastore congurations that the job
used to connect to source and target databases when you
ran the job.
Each value in this column is a link that opens to the set of
datastore congurations in the system conguration.
Job Server
Name of the Job Server on which the job ran.
Start Time The date and time that the job started.
End Time The date and time that the job stopped.
Duration The number of seconds that the job took to complete.
Run # The number of times that the job instance ran before it
3. Select Monitor under Job Information for a job instance.
The Administrator opens the Job Server Monitor Log Viewer page, which shows statistics about this job
instance, starting with the name of the Monitor log le.
After the Monitor log le name, each line in the log provides the information described in the following
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
Column name Description
Path Name Indicates which object (step in a data ow) is running.
State Indicates the run-time order of the processes in the trans-
form object and the states of each process.
The states in this column aren't error status states. How-
ever, an error is indicated when a process state lists
Proceed, and it never changes to Stop.
Indicates that the job is initializing.
Optimizing Indicates that the job is optimizing.
Proceed Indicates that the process is executing.
Stop Indicates that the process ended without error.
Row Count Indicates the number of rows processed through this ob-
ject. This value updates based on the Monitor sample rate
(# of seconds) set as an execution option on the Execute
Batch Job page.
Elapsed Time
Indicates the number of seconds since the object received
its rst row of data.
Absolute Time Indicates the number of seconds since the running of this
entire data ow, including all of the transforms, began.
Task overview: Statistics [page 165]
Related Information
Data ow statistics [page 167]
7.2.2Data ow statistics
Use statistics from a data ow to help tune job performance.
Parent topic: Statistics [page 165]
Related Information
Viewing job statistics [page 166]
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
7.3 Ignoring error status
When you view the job status logs for jobs with warnings or errors, use the Ignore Error Status button to change
the status indicator to green to indicate that you've reviewed the job logs.
When you initially look at the Batch Job Status page in SAP Data Services Management Console, the Status
column shows icons whose color indicates whether the job ran successfully (green), has warnings (yellow), or
has errors (red). After you've reviewed a job that has warnings or errors, use the Ignore Error Status button to
change the icon to green, and move on to review the next job with warnings or errors.
To use the Ignore Error Status feature, perform the following steps in the Batch Job Status page:
1. Choose the job and examine the logs to discover why the job has warnings or wasn't successful.
2. Select the Ignore Error Status button.
The page refreshes, and the row that you've selected now display a green icon in the Status column.
3. Continue in this manner until you've reviewed all jobs that had warnings or errors.
Task overview: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Related Information
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
Statistics [page 165]
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
7.4 Deleting batch job history data
The Batch Job Status page in the SAP Data Services Management Console includes an option to delete
information about how a job ran.
Delete selected rows from the Batch Job Status page. To delete entire log les on a periodic basis, set the Job
Server Log Retention Period or the History Retention Period options in the Central Management Console. For
more information about the log retention settings in the Central Management Console, see History retention
and Job Server log retention [page 105]. See the Management Console Guide for more information about the
Batch Job Status page.
Parent topic: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
Related Information
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
Statistics [page 165]
Ignoring error status [page 168]
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
7.5 Stopping a running job
Stop a running batch job in the SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator while you monitor job
The Batch Job Status page includes an option to stop batch jobs while they are running. If a batch job is running
and you need to stop it, select the check box next to the job name and select Abort.
Parent topic: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Related Information
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
Statistics [page 165]
Ignoring error status [page 168]
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job [page 169]
7.6 Deleting trace, monitor, and error logs for a batch job
View and delete trace, monitor, and error logs for job instances in the SAP Data Services Management Console.
Delete a set of batch log history les from a Job Server computer and its corresponding repository. The
corresponding Job Server must be up and running to view or delete these logs.
The trace, monitor, and error log les can contain important les that the system needs to create
regulatory or certied reports as well as statistical tables. Therefore, make sure that the log les you
delete aren't required for reporting purposes. If you're not sure, make backup copies of any les that you
need before you delete the batch job history.
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
1. Expand the Batch node on the left of the Administrator window and select the repository name.
The Batch Job Status tab opens at right.
2. Select the job or jobs with the logs to delete.
Alternately, you can select Select All.
3. Select Delete.
The software deletes the batch log history les from the Job Server computer and the corresponding
Task overview: Monitoring jobs [page 163]
Related Information
Viewing overall status of executed jobs [page 163]
Statistics [page 165]
Ignoring error status [page 168]
Deleting batch job history data [page 168]
Stopping a running job [page 169]
Administrator Guide
Monitoring jobs
8 Lifecycle migration
Lifecycle migration is the process of moving SAP Data Services applications through multiple development
phases to production.
Data Services supports simple and complex migration through all phases into production.
Development phases [page 171]
SAP Data Services supports multiple phases to conform to your development requirements.
Migration tools [page 175]
Migration tools help you create a foundation for your development phases and migration structure.
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Decide which migration mechanism to use to migrate aplications from one development phase to the
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Use the exibility of the export and import features in SAP Data Services to migrate projects with single
and multiple developers in dierent development environments.
Back up repositories [page 195]
To avoid data loss by accidentally deleting or overwriting data, adopt the best practice of backing up
your repositories on a regular schedule, and especially before migration.
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
After you migrate to a new environment, performance is aected by factors such as dierent locales
between source and target data sources.
8.1 Development phases
SAP Data Services supports multiple phases to conform to your development requirements.
The ETL application development process typically involves the following distinct phases:
Design: Requires only limited sample data and low security.
Test: Requires larger sample data with increased security.
Development: Requires actual data with the highest security.
The following diagram shows the three development phases.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Data Services supports separate repositories for each development phase to control environment dierences.
Your environment can have as many phases as you require. Further, you can create each phase on a dierent
computer in a dierent environment with dierent security settings. Data Services provides migration tools and
mechanisms for moving objects from phase to phase in an ordered manner.
The design phase [page 173]
In the design phase, dene applications that instruct SAP Data Services in your data movement
The test phase [page 173]
In the test phase, test applications for errors and trace the ow of data without exposing actual data to
security risks.
The production phase [page 174]
In the production phase, use actual data, set a schedule to run applications, monitor application
performance, and evaluate results.
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Migration tools [page 175]
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Back up repositories [page 195]
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
8.1.1The design phase
In the design phase, dene applications that instruct SAP Data Services in your data movement requirements.
The design phase has its own local repository. Data Services stores objects and applications in the local
repository for reuse or modication as your system evolves.
Design your project with migration in mind. Consider the following basic guidelines as you design your
Construct steps as independent, testable modules.
Use meaningful names for each step you construct.
Make independent modules that you can use repeatedly for common operations.
Use test data that reects all the variations of your production data.
Parent topic: Development phases [page 171]
Related Information
The test phase [page 173]
The production phase [page 174]
8.1.2The test phase
In the test phase, test applications for errors and trace the ow of data without exposing actual data to security
If you discover data movement problems or other errors during this phase, return to the design phase to
correct the application. Then move the corrected application to the test phase for further testing.
Testing has two parts:
The rst part includes designing the data movement through the application using your local repository.
The second part includes fully emulating your production environment, including increasing the data
Use SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator to view feedback through trace, error, and monitor
logs during both parts of the test phase. For more information about the Management Console trace and error
monitoring, read about batch jobs in the Management Console Guide.
In the second part of the test phase, emulate the production repository environment as closely as possible. For
example, schedule jobs through the Central Management Console rather than starting jobs manually.
Parent topic: Development phases [page 171]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Related Information
The design phase [page 173]
The production phase [page 174]
8.1.3The production phase
In the production phase, use actual data, set a schedule to run applications, monitor application performance,
and evaluate results.
After moving objects from test to production, continue to use the SAP Data Services Management Console
Administrator to monitor performance and results. Most issues are caught during testing. However, if the
performance or results still aren't what you expect, return to the test phase to optimize performance and rene
your target requirements.
Monitor Performance during the production phase:
View trace and monitoring logs in the Management Console Administrator for information about each job,
and the work ows and data ows contained within the job.
Customize log details in jobs to provide the information that is most helpfulWhen you adjust log
details to provide more information, the job takes longer to complete. Balance job run time against the
information necessary to analyze job performance.
For more information about the Management Console trace and error monitoring, read about batch jobs in
the Management Console Guide.
Check the accuracy of your data by reviewing output and reports.
If you determine that adjustments are necessary, enhance, or correct your applications.
You notice that an application produces unexpected results. You perform the following tasks:
1. Export the application to the design environment, nd issues, and update the application.
2. Export the adjusted application to the test environment.
3. Test the application.
4. When you are satised with the results, export changed application to the production environment.
Parent topic: Development phases [page 171]
Related Information
The design phase [page 173]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
The test phase [page 173]
8.2 Migration tools
Migration tools help you create a foundation for your development phases and migration structure.
Prepare for migration using one or both tools based on your development environment. The following table
describes the migration tools.
Naming conventions
Use when migrating applications in a multi-user environ-
Implement standardized naming conventions in datastores
for connectivity between computer systems.
Multiple conguration datastore and system congurations
Use if your source data comes from multiple, homogeneous
Create datastores with multiple congurations. Each con-
guration reects the environment of each development
Group datastores into system congurations to use when
running jobs.
Naming conventions for migration [page 176]
Use common naming conventions to ensure fast and seamless migration across all systems and
phases of your development environments.
Datastore and system congurations [page 179]
Use multi-conguration datastores and system congurations as tools for reducing the tasks required
to execute the same logic against dierent datastore environments.
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Development phases [page 171]
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Back up repositories [page 195]
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
8.2.1Naming conventions for migration
Use common naming conventions to ensure fast and seamless migration across all systems and phases of your
development environments.
Just as we recommend that you standardize object prexes, suxes, and path name identiers to simplify your
projects internally, we also recommend that you use naming conventions externally for migration purposes.
When you consider using naming conventions for migration, look at your data. Even though the actual data that
you extract, transform, and load is dierent based on database type, the essential structure of the data should
be the same.
The goal is to make migration for applications between users and development phases as quick and easy
as possible. Using common naming conventions translates to signicantly reducing or eliminating time spent
reconguring your jobs to work in each specic environment.
Use common naming conventions for the following objects:
Connections to external databases
Directory locations
Schema structures and owners
Connections to external data sources [page 176]
Consider how the migration impacts connection congurations associated with your jobs.
Directory names [page 178]
Use logical directory names, such as x:\, or point to common local drives to standardize directory
Schema structures and owners [page 178]
Provide the same owner name for all database instances with the same schema structure from which
you read and to which you load data.
Parent topic: Migration tools [page 175]
Related Information
Datastore and system congurations [page 179] Connections to external data sources
Consider how the migration impacts connection congurations associated with your jobs.
When you create multi-conguration datastores for a data source, use generic names for the connections to
reduce the time to reconguring them in other development phases.
If you use this naming structure, use the multi-conguration datastore migration mechanism.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
When you use this generic, cross-phase naming method, you can't access both design and test from the
same computer because the connection string maps only to one instance. If you require access to both
instances, use the multiple datastore conguration mechanism.
Make connection names meaningful based on the development phase and specic computer system name.
You create a multi-conguration datastore for your data warehouse source. You use the following
connection names for design and test phases, incorporating the phase name and the source type:
Design phase
Test phase
User name: Des_DW User name: Test_DW
Password: Des_DW Password: Test_DW
Host String: Des_DW Host String: Test_DW
When you run a job that uses the data warehouse datastore, select to use the Des_DW for the design phase
and the Test_DW for the test phase.
Alternatively, drop the “Des” and “Test” prexes and name the connection “DW”. Then, regardless of the
phase, the datastore conguration works without having to create multiple congurations.
Design phase
Test phase
Database A Datastore connection Database B Datastore connection
User name: DW User name: DW User name: DW User name: DW
Password: DW Password: DW Password: DW Password: DW
Host string: DW Host string: DW Host string: DW Host string: DW
Parent topic: Naming conventions for migration [page 176]
Related Information
Directory names [page 178]
Schema structures and owners [page 178]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
PUBLIC 177 Directory names
Use logical directory names, such as x:\, or point to common local drives to standardize directory locations.
Since every computer has a C:\ drive, pointing to the directory location, C:\TEMP is a reproducible
Parent topic: Naming conventions for migration [page 176]
Related Information
Connections to external data sources [page 176]
Schema structures and owners [page 178] Schema structures and owners
Provide the same owner name for all database instances with the same schema structure from which you read
and to which you load data.
Regardless of the name, the owner of each schema structure can vary, and SAP Data Services reconciles them.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Parent topic: Naming conventions for migration [page 176]
Related Information
Connections to external data sources [page 176]
Directory names [page 178]
8.2.2Datastore and system congurations
Use multi-conguration datastores and system congurations as tools for reducing the tasks required to
execute the same logic against dierent datastore environments.
With datastore and system congurations, migration between development phases becomes faster and more
For more information about multiple conguration datastores and system congurations, see the Designer
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Multiple congurations in multi-user environments [page 180]
An ecient way to streamline migration of datastore congurations in a multi-user environment is to
use multiple congurations in one datastore.
Datastores, system congurations, and migration [page 181]
Use datastores with multiple congurations for faster migration, and then, create system
congurations to facilitate migration in a multi-user environment.
Parent topic: Migration tools [page 175]
Related Information
Naming conventions for migration [page 176] Multiple congurations in multi-user environments
An ecient way to streamline migration of datastore congurations in a multi-user environment is to use
multiple congurations in one datastore.
In a multi-user development environment, a team can work on an application during the design, testing, and
production phases. Further, dierent teams can work on the phases simultaneously.
A team uses a central repository to store, check in, and check out objects that belong to the primary
application. Individual team members work on objects checked out from the central repository in their local
repository, then check in the changed object to the central repository as a version. The central repository
preserves all versions of an application's objects, allowing you to revert to a previous version if needed.
The easiest way to set up your environment to work with multiple users is by establishing the same
environment naming standards for each user. In each developer's environment, the conguration is dierent.
For example, a database connection string points to their local database.
However, if implementing these naming standards isn't possible, you can still save time and streamline your
multi-user environment by using multiple-conguration datastores.
If developers on a team use databases with the same metadata structure but dierent database instances
and owners, dene a datastore conguration for each developer on the team. Map dierent owners to a
common set of aliases used by all. This way, the owners can share and contribute to the same projects
without having to set up their datastore connection information each time they check out a project from
the central repository.
Parent topic: Datastore and system congurations [page 179]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Related Information
Datastores, system congurations, and migration [page 181] Datastores, system congurations, and migration
Use datastores with multiple congurations for faster migration, and then, create system congurations to
facilitate migration in a multi-user environment.
Datastore with multiple congurations
Without multiple conguration datastores, each time you export and import from one repository to another,
you need to recongure the datastore connection to work with the new repository. With multiple congurations
in a datastore, migrating to a new environment involves opening the datastore and selecting the conguration
for the new environment.
The following diagram shows the migration of a job. The multiple conguration datastore has three
congurations. For each new repository, the conguration changes based on the repository.
All objects that you include in a multiple conguration datastore must share the same owner.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
System congurations
A system conguration contains a group of selected datastore congurations. With system congurations,
you can associate substitution parameter congurations with the system conguration. SAP Data Services
maintains system congurations separate from jobs. You can't check in or check out system congurations
from a central repository.
You must create datastore congurations for the datastore in your repository before you can create system
The following diagram illustrates multiple datastore congurations in a single system conguration.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Parent topic: Datastore and system congurations [page 179]
Related Information
Multiple congurations in multi-user environments [page 180]
8.3 Migration mechanisms
Decide which migration mechanism to use to migrate aplications from one development phase to the next.
Choose a migration mechanism based on several criteria, such as project size, team size, and types of objects
to migrate. SAP Data Services provides two migration mechanisms:
Export and import
Export and import migration [page 184]
Export and import migration in SAP Data Services involves exporting applications from the local
repository in one phase, to the local repository in another phase.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Multi-user development migration [page 185]
Multi-user development migration in SAP Data Services includes advanced features, like labeling and
ltering, to provide exibility and control in managing application objects.
The best mechanism [page 186]
To determine the best mechanism to use, examine factors, such as the size of your development team,
the size of your projects, and the complexity of your projects.
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Development phases [page 171]
Migration tools [page 175]
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Back up repositories [page 195]
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
8.3.1Export and import migration
Export and import migration in SAP Data Services involves exporting applications from the local repository in
one phase, to the local repository in another phase.
Alternately, instead of importing to another local repository, use an intermediate le and then import the jobs
into another local repository.
Consider using the export and import mechanism for the following environment:
Projects are small to medium size.
Team includes a small number of developers.
Team members use independent Data Services applications through all phases of development.
The following diagram shows the movements between three repositories: Design, Test, and Production. The red
lines show an indirect route using a temporary le between the export and import. The blue lines show a direct
route from one repository to the next repository.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
If your test system issues application errors during testing:
1. Open the application in the Design Repository.
2. Correct the application errors.
3. Export from the Design Repository directly or indirectly to the Test Repository.
4. Retest the application.
Parent topic: Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Related Information
Multi-user development migration [page 185]
The best mechanism [page 186]
8.3.2Multi-user development migration
Multi-user development migration in SAP Data Services includes advanced features, like labeling and ltering,
to provide exibility and control in managing application objects.
Instead of exporting and importing applications like you would for simpler environments, multi-user
development provides a more secure check-in, check-out, and get mechanism. Multi-user migration uses a
central repository to store the primary copies of your application elements.
Consider the multi-user migration mechanism for the following environment:
Projects are large.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Team includes multiple developers or multiple teams of developers.
Teams work use interdependent parts of Data Services applications through all phases of development.
For more information about migrating multi-user jobs, see the Designer Guide.
Parent topic: Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Related Information
Export and import migration [page 184]
The best mechanism [page 186]
8.3.3The best mechanism
To determine the best mechanism to use, examine factors, such as the size of your development team, the size
of your projects, and the complexity of your projects.
Not all situations comply exactly with our guidelines for determining the mechanisms and tools to use for
SAP Data Services supports a multi-user environment, however, a multi-user environment isn't required on
all projects. If your project is small to medium and consists only of one or two developers, then a Central
Repository isn't a solution for integrating the work of the developers.
Two consultants worked on an HR data mart application. Instead of using a central repository, the
consultants worked in the following manner:
Consultant 1 managed the local repository.
Consultant 2 worked on a new section of development in a copy of the local repository.
Consultant 2 used the export utility to export the completed new section from the copy of the local
repository into the original local repository. Then consultant 2 created a copy of the local repository. The
copy wrote over the previous copy.
Use the following matrix to help determine which mechanism and tools work best in your environment.
X = Optimal solution
O = Compatible solution
blank = Not applicable
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Migration Mechanism Migration Tool
Export/Import Multiuser Naming Conventions
Datastore & System
Project: Small to me-
Team: Multiple X X O
Data: Multiple, homo-
geneous systems
Databases: Dierent
source and target da-
tabases between the
Requirement: A “fast
and easy” migration
Parent topic: Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Related Information
Export and import migration [page 184]
Multi-user development migration [page 185]
8.4 Migrate with export and import
Use the exibility of the export and import features in SAP Data Services to migrate projects with single and
multiple developers in dierent development environments.
When you export a job from a test repository to a production repository, change the properties of objects being
exported to match your production environment, for example:
Datastore denitions
Application locations
Database locations
Login information
Choose to export objects directly to another repository or indirectly to a at le (ATL or XML) and then to
another repository. You must be able to connect to and have write permission for target repositories, and the
current and new repository versions must match.
You can't export read-only transform congurations.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
The export editor [page 188]
The SAP Data Services Designer Export editor enables you to select individual objects, object trees,
and all objects within the tree for exporting.
Exporting objects to another repository [page 189]
When you export objects directly to another repository, you change environment-specic information
dened in datastores and le formats to match the new environment.
Exporting objects to a le [page 190]
When you export objects to an ATL or XML le, the process doesn't provide options to change
environment-specic information.
Exporting a repository to a le [page 192]
When you export an entire repository to a le, SAP Data Services also exports all jobs and their job
execution schedules.
Importing objects or a repository from a le [page 193]
After you export objects to an ATL or XML le, import the objects to a repository in the target
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Development phases [page 171]
Migration tools [page 175]
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Back up repositories [page 195]
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
8.4.1The export editor
The SAP Data Services Designer Export editor enables you to select individual objects, object trees, and all
objects within the tree for exporting.
Add the objects to export using drag and drop from the object library into the Export editor. When you select
objects, such as work ows, Data Services adds all associated objects to the Export editor. Select objects in the
Export editor to exclude from the export, if applicable.
Export a work ow and all tables contained in the work ow, but exclude the associated data ow.
After you've specied all objects to export, select the le or repository as the target object for the export.
When you export objects to a le, enter a passphrase so that Data Services encrypts all passwords associated
with the exported objects. Later, you must enter the passphrase when you import the objects to the target
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Parent topic: Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Related Information
Exporting objects to another repository [page 189]
Exporting objects to a le [page 190]
Exporting a repository to a le [page 192]
Importing objects or a repository from a le [page 193]
8.4.2Exporting objects to another repository
When you export objects directly to another repository, you change environment-specic information dened
in datastores and le formats to match the new environment.
Before you export objects from one repository to another repository, ensure that the repositories are created
and that they're the same versions.
To export objects from one repository to another repository, perform the following steps, starting in SAP Data
Services Designer:
1. Right-click an object to export from the object library and select Export.
The Export editor opens in the workspace.
2. Drag and drop additional objects to export from the object library to the Objects to export list.
3. Optional: To exclude objects from export:
a. Right-click the applicable object or tree in the Export editor.
b. Select Exclude.
A red “X” appears on the icon that represents the excluded objects. If you change your mind, you can
add back any object with a red “X”.
4. Right-click an empty area of the Export editor and choose Export to repository.
The login dialog box opens for the Central Management Console (CMC)
5. Enter your user credentials for the CMC and select Log on.
After a successful login, the CMC displays a list of repositories available to your user name.
6. Select the applicable repository for the export target and select Next.
The Export Conrmation dialog box opens.
7. Verify the listed export components.
The following table shows the applicable values in the Destination status column. The values reect the
status of the component in the target database and the proposed action.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Destination Status Action
Does not exist Create or Exclude
Exists Replace or Exclude
8. To edit an action, perform the following substeps:
a. Select one or more objects.
b. Select either Create, Exclude, or Replace from the Target Status list.
9. Select Next.
The Datastore Export Options dialog box opens.
10. Select the applicable datastore, change the owner of a table, or change the connection properties of the
datastore as necessary and select Advanced.
11. Change the database connection information as required by the target repository database and select
The File Format Mapping dialog box opens.
12. Select a le and change the Destination Root Path, if necessary.
Change the Destination Root Path for any le format to match the new destination.
13. Select Finish.
Data Services copies objects in the Export editor to the target destination. When copying is complete, the
objects display in the Output window. The Output window shows the number of objects exported as well as a
list of any errors.
Task overview: Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Related Information
The export editor [page 188]
Exporting objects to a le [page 190]
Exporting a repository to a le [page 192]
Importing objects or a repository from a le [page 193]
8.4.3Exporting objects to a le
When you export objects to an ATL or XML le, the process doesn't provide options to change environment-
specic information.
To export objects to a le, perform the following steps in SAP Data Services Designer:
1. Right-click an object in the object library, and select Export.
The Export editor opens in the workspace.
2. Drag and drop additional objects to export from the object library to the Objects to export list.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
3. Optional: To exclude objects from export:
a. Right-click the applicable object from the specic area of the Export editor.
b. Select Exclude.
A red “X” appears on the icon that represents the excluded object. If you change your mind, you can
add back any object with a red “X”.
4. Right-click an empty area of the Export editor and choose Export to ATL le or Export to XML le, based on
the type of le format for the export.
Even though ATL is the Data Services' proprietary format, XML is easier to read the repository content.
You can also use XML with the object creation XML toolkit.
By default, Data Services doesn't include non-executable elements in an export to an XML le for improved
The order of transforms in a data ow isn't included in the export, but Data Services automatically
arranges the transforms when you import the data ow into the next phase of Data Services.
5. To include the non-executable elements, perform the following substeps:
a. Select Tools Options.
b. Expand Designer and select General.
c. Uncheck Exclude non-executable elements from exported XML document.
6. Specify the location for the le.
7. Enter the case-sensitive passphrase to encrypt any passwords that are stored in the objects to be exported
and select OK.
The passphrase is required when you import the le so that the passwords are also imported. If you use
an incorrect passphrase, or don't enter a passphrase on import, Data Services imports the objects but
removes the stored passwords.
If you select the option Export to XML le, your SAP Data Quality Management SDK developer can congure
Data Quality transforms within Data Services Designer, and export the settings to an XML le to use with the
Data Quality Management SDK.
However, if you employ Data Services as a conguration tool for the Data Quality Management SDK, Data
Services doesn't create a change log for changes to the conguration.
You can use the Data Services central repository concept to manage changes to the Data Quality transforms,
but no change log is created.
Task overview: Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Related Information
The export editor [page 188]
Exporting objects to another repository [page 189]
Exporting a repository to a le [page 192]
Importing objects or a repository from a le [page 193]
8.4.4Exporting a repository to a le
When you export an entire repository to a le, SAP Data Services also exports all jobs and their job execution
Keep the following information in mind about exporting a repository to a le:
You can't export and import schedules without including the associated job and the job's repository.
Data Services doesn't provide options to change environment-specic information.
1. In Data Services Designer, right-click in the Local Object Library and choose Repository Export To
2. Browse the directory to change the location, set the le type (XML or ATL), and enter a name for the le.
3. Select Save.
4. Enter a case-sensitive passphrase to encrypt all passwords that are stored in the repository and select
The passphrase is required when you import the le so that the passwords are also imported. If you use
an incorrect passphrase, or don't enter a passphrase on import, Data Services imports the objects but
removes the stored passwords.
Task overview: Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Related Information
The export editor [page 188]
Exporting objects to another repository [page 189]
Exporting objects to a le [page 190]
Importing objects or a repository from a le [page 193]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
8.4.5Importing objects or a repository from a le
After you export objects to an ATL or XML le, import the objects to a repository in the target environment.
Before you perform the following steps, export objects from an instance of Data Services to an ATL or XML le.
Ensure that the target repository has the same version as the source repository.
Importing objects or an entire repository from a le overwrites existing objects with the same names in the
destination repository.
To import objects or a repository from an ATL or XML le, perform the following steps in Data Services
1. Right-click in the object library and choose Repository Import from File .
The Open Import File dialog box opens.
2. Select the le type of the import le from the list.
Import an individual le or an entire repository by selecting ATL, XML, DMT, or FMT from the list.
3. Select a le to import and select Open.
A Data Services warning appears, if applicable, telling you that the imported le overwrites existing objects.
Select Yes to continue.
For ATL and XML le types, the Import Plan dialog box opens.
4. Select objects to import in one of the following ways:
Select Import to import all objects listed in the Import Plan dialog box.
Highlight objects and use the buttons at the bottom of the window to include or exclude the objects
during import and select Import.
The following table describes the buttons at the bottom of the Import Plan dialog box.
Exclude Select to exclude the selected objects from the list
of objects to be imported. A red “X” appears on the
object to be excluded.
All occurrences of the object are excluded.
When you import, objects called by the excluded ob-
ject aren't removed from the list of objects to be im-
ported, unless you've marked them for exclusion.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
Option Description
Exclude Tree Select to exclude the selected object tree from the list
of objects to be imported.
Select a project parent object and select Exclude
Tree. The project object and all jobs in the project
appear with a red “X” for exclusion from the im-
When you import the list, the excluded objects aren't
Select to include an object marked for exclusion with
a red “X”.
If you select a project tree and select Exclude
Tree, but you decide to import one or two of the
jobs in the project, select the job or jobs within
the project and select Include.
Data Services removes the red “X” on the icon to
indicate that all occurrences of the object are now
included in the import.
Include Tree
Select to include the selected parent object and all
child objects in the import. If you've previously ex-
cluded the tree, the red X on all icons disappears.
When you import the tree, the parent and all children
objects are copied to the destination.
Select All
Select to include all objects. The red “X” disappears
from any objects that had a red “X”, and all other
listed objects are included in the import.
After you select Import, the Passphrase dialog box opens.
5. Enter the passphrase to decrypt the passwords and include them in the import.
6. Select Import.
If the passphrase is incorrect, or if you select Import without entering a passphrase, Data Services
continues with the import, but doesn't import the passwords. When Data Services doesn't import the
passwords, you must set the passwords manually.
7. Perform any additional steps based on the le type you import. The following table describes additional
steps based on le type.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
File type Information
ATL le from an earlier version of Data Services Displays a warning that the version of the ATL le is older
than the repository version, and that the ATL le you're
about to import can contain objects that don't make opti-
mal use of your upgraded repository.
New features and options in the current version of
Data Services may not be available in the imported
ATL le.
Workaround: Before you import the ATL le into the newer
version of Data Services, import it into a repository with
the same version as the ATL, then upgrade the repository.
Cancel the import by selecting No to the warning.
Continue the import by selecting Yes to the warning.
ATL le saved from a repository that is newer than your
current version
Displays an error that the version of the ATL le is newer
than the repository version, and that the le can't be im-
Cancel the import by selecting OK.
Task overview: Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Related Information
The export editor [page 188]
Exporting objects to another repository [page 189]
Exporting objects to a le [page 190]
Exporting a repository to a le [page 192]
8.5 Back up repositories
To avoid data loss by accidentally deleting or overwriting data, adopt the best practice of backing up your
repositories on a regular schedule, and especially before migration.
During the migration process, accidents can happen. Therefore, before you migrate from one development
phase to the next, back up your repositories. If the import process overwrites any data, use the backup copy to
restore your lost objects.
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
To back up repositories, follow instructions from the database management system that supports the
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Development phases [page 171]
Migration tools [page 175]
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Mismatched locales and job performance [page 196]
8.6 Mismatched locales and job performance
After you migrate to a new environment, performance is aected by factors such as dierent locales between
source and target data sources.
The cause
Data Services allows you to use dierent codepages for your source and target databases without causing
errors. Data Services attempts to treat equivalent settings without any transcoding. However, mismatched
locales can result in performance degradation from the transcoding process during job execution.
Your design environment is on Windows, and has the following congurations:
Data Services, the local repository, and the Job Server are on the same computer.
There's one datastore with two congurations: The source database and the target database.
The test environment has the following congurations:
The local repository is on the same computer as the design environment.
Data Services and the Job Server are on a dierent computer.
Data Services has a database client installed for each database required to run jobs in the test
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
If you notice a signicant dierence between the speed of design and test environments after migration, check
the locale settings of the data sources in the test environment.
Ensure that your default locales are the same.
Check that codepages for the datastores and the targets datastores match client codepages on the Job
Server computer.
For more information about locales, see Locales and multi-byte functionality in the Reference Guide.
Parent topic: Lifecycle migration [page 171]
Related Information
Development phases [page 171]
Migration tools [page 175]
Migration mechanisms [page 183]
Migrate with export and import [page 187]
Back up repositories [page 195]
Administrator Guide
Lifecycle migration
9 The Enhanced Change and Transport
System (CTS+)
CTS+ transports ABAP and non-ABAP objects between systems for lifecycle management.
Use CTS+ to transport ABAP and non-ABAP objects to a new system, such as upgrading to a new service pack.
To migrate from one environment to another environment, such as design to test, use one of the migration
mechanisms described in Migration mechanisms [page 183].
CTS and CTS+ are part of SAP Solution Manager and SAP NetWeaver. CTS+ is a newer version of CTS, which
supported transporting only ABAP objects.
For simplicity, we use the term CTS to mean one of two things:
The system where the transport landscapes are congured.
The system that transports ABAP and non-ABAP objects.
If you don't need a transport management system like CTS, use Object Promotion in the SAP Data Services
Management Console Administrator to transport objects over secure FTP. For more information about Object
Promotion, see Object promotion management [page 200].
Required versions and CTS+ plug-in
To use CTS in your environment, ensure that you use the following:
SAP Data Services 4.2 Support Pack 6 patch 1 and later versions
SAP Solution Manager or SAP NetWeaver that supports a separate CTS+ plug-in, or a version that has the
CTS+ plug-in included in the installation.
Transport objects with CTS
Transport the following Data Services objects, and their dependents, using CTS:
Administrator Guide
The Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+)
File formats
Datastores (as top-level object only)
For complete information about CTS+, see the Conguration Guide for CTS+ for version requirements.
Administrator Guide
The Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+)
10 Object promotion management
The object promotion tool in SAP Data Services Management Console Administrator enables you to move one
or more objects from one environment to another environment using FTP or shared directories.
To maintain security in both source and target environments, congure the environments so that there is no
direct access between them. Also, actions such as exporting and importing objects, and creating export and
import congurations, require specic user types and application or repository rights.
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
Understand the special requirements for object promotion, such as user types, application rights, and
shared directory requirements.
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
The tasks for conguring and performing object promotion in SAP Data Services Management Console
require the correct user type, user group, application rights, or repository rights.
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you create export and import congurations for object promotion, familiarize yourself with
some rules and tips for a successful conguration.
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Ensure that you and your systems are ready for export and import.
Object promotion options [page 209]
The Object Promotion page in SAP Data Services Management Console oers export and import
Exporting objects [page 210]
Use object promotion in SAP Data Services Management Console to export objects from a Data
Services environment.
Importing objects [page 212]
Import objects into a new environment that is dierent than the export environment.
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
The SAP Data Services Management Console generates trace and error information, which you can
access from the Conrmation page after an export or import completes.
10.1 Requirements for object promotion
Understand the special requirements for object promotion, such as user types, application rights, and shared
directory requirements.
The following table is an overview of the special requirements for conguring and using the promotion
management feature.
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Considerations Description
User rights and permissions To congure promotion management, and to export and im-
port objects, the Management Console requires that users
have specic rights and permissions.
Repositories The repository in the source and target environments must
be running the same Data Services version.
If you have a design, test, and production environment,
repositories in each environment must have the same
Data Services version.
Datastore promotion Promote datastores separately from other promoted ob-
Datastore reconguration You must recongure datastores after import for the follow-
ing reasons:
Your design, test, and production data sources are dif-
ferent, therefore, the data source connection informa-
tion in each environment is dierent.
For security, Management Console doesn't promote
passwords when it promotes datastores. Therefore, en-
ter the data source password when you recongure pro-
moted datastores.
Sequential import Management Console imports each top-level object sequen-
tially. With sequential import, if one object fails to import,
Management Console reverts the object back to its previous
state, then continues importing with the next top-level ob-
Shared directory user rights [page 202]
The user who starts the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) server for the shared directories must at least
be a SAP Data Services user with full read and write access to the shared directories.
Sequential import of multiple objects [page 202]
If you export the same objects multiple times, and them import the objects, SAP Data Services
Management Console imports the objects sequentially by export date.
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
User and rights management [page 53]
Detailed application rights [page 55]
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
10.1.1Shared directory user rights
The user who starts the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) server for the shared directories must at least be a SAP
Data Services user with full read and write access to the shared directories.
If you use shared directories for object promotion, and the Data Services user who starts the SIA server for the
shared directory doesn't have full read and write access to the directory, the export and import congurations
fail validation.
Reset the congurations
Before you can complete an export or import using the shared directories, you must reset the failed
Data Services user must have the application right: Manage Object Promotion Congurations.
Open the export and/or import conguration that failed.
Select Test, or select Save.
After resetting the failed conguration, ensure that a user with full read and write access to the shared
directories restarts the SIA server.
Parent topic: Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
Related Information
Sequential import of multiple objects [page 202]
10.1.2Sequential import of multiple objects
If you export the same objects multiple times, and them import the objects, SAP Data Services Management
Console imports the objects sequentially by export date.
If you import objects that you've already imported, the Management Console doesn't overwrite the objects
in the target system. It displays all imported objects in the Import Conguration page. Objects that you've
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
imported multiple times appear in a group, with the objects in the group listed sequentially based on export
Parent topic: Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
Related Information
Shared directory user rights [page 202]
10.2 User rights for promotion management
The tasks for conguring and performing object promotion in SAP Data Services Management Console require
the correct user type, user group, application rights, or repository rights.
The following list contains the various user permissions and rights required for tasks in object promotion:
User types:
Data Services Administrator
Data Services user
User group: Data Services Administrator group
Application rights:
Manage Object Promotion Congurations
Manage Object Promotion Import
Repository rights:
View access
Full control
The following table summarizes the minimum user requirements for the processes in object promotion.
User requirements
Create export and import
Export objects from source
Import objects to target re-
User type: Data Services Ad-
User group type: Data Serv-
ices Administrator Users
User type: Regular Data
Services user
Application right: Man-
age Object Promotion
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
User requirements
Create export and import
Export objects from source
Import objects to target re-
User type: Data Serv-
ices user
Repository right: View
User type: Regular Data
Services user
Application right: Man-
age Object Promotion
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
User and rights management [page 53]
Detailed application rights [page 55]
Detailed repository rights [page 67]
10.3 Export and import conguration requirements
Before you create export and import congurations for object promotion, familiarize yourself with some rules
and tips for a successful conguration.
Requirements for both export and import congurations
Ensure that you obtain the required user rights to create and edit export and import congurations. For
more information, see User rights for promotion management [page 203].
For security reasons, only a system administrator can create a shared directory for export and import.
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
To clear space on a shared directory, delete the exported ATL and Manifest les after you've imported
If you create a separate export conguration for each release, it's easier to identify the groups of les
you can safely archive or delete.
Requirements for export congurations
You can associate the same repository with multiple export congurations.
If a shared directory hasn't yet been created but you've been granted permission to congure exports and
imports, the only available transport option for your conguration is FTP.
If you set an export conguration to use FTP to promote objects to a UNIX system, congure the FTP
server to have full read and write access to the shared directory for exported objects.
Requirements for import congurations
You can associate only one repository with an import conguration.
An object and all of its dependent objects must have already been exported before you run the import
A target repository must be congured to a shared directory to which you've already exported ATL les.
Creating an export conguration [page 206]
Create an export conguration to export objects and dependencies over secure FTP or to a shared
Creating an import conguration [page 207]
Create an import conguration to import objects and dependencies from an export shared directory.
Edit or delete congurations [page 208]
Users with the correct permission and access can edit or delete export and import congurations.
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
10.3.1Creating an export conguration
Create an export conguration to export objects and dependencies over secure FTP or to a shared directory.
Before you perform the following steps, ensure that you comply with the requirements listed in Export and
import conguration requirements [page 204] and Requirements for object promotion [page 200].
To create an export conguration, perform the following steps:
1. Log into SAP Data Services Management Console and open the Administrator.
Start Management Console from your Windows Start menu or by selecting the link in the Start Page of
Data Services Designer.
2. Expand the Object Promotion node from the Administrator tree.
3. Select the Export Conguration node.
The Export Conguration page opens to the right of the Administrator tree.
4. Open either the FTP tab or the Shared Directory tab.
FTP: Select to create an export conguration to transport objects using FTP.
Shared Directory: Select to create an export conguration to transport objects to an existing shared
5. To transport objects over FTP, open the FTP tab and perform the following substeps:
a. Select Add.
The FTP Conguration tab opens.
b. Enter applicable information in each of the required elds, which are designated with an asterisk.
c. Optional: Choose Secure FTP.
If you don't select Secure FTP, the system exports information in clear text format instead of encrypted
d. Select one or more repositories listed in the Available Repositories list and select the right-pointing
arrow to add the repositories to the Associated Repositories list.
You can export objects only from the repositories that you include in the Associated Repositories list.
e. Select Test.
Testing ensures that the conguration can access the associated repositories and the directory that
you indicated in the Target Directory option.
f. Select Save.
6. To transport objects directly to an existing shared directory, open the Shared Directory tab and perform the
following steps:
a. Select Add.
The Share Directory Conguration tab opens.
b. Enter a name for the conguration
c. Enter the path of the shared directory in Target Directory.
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
The target directory is the shared directory for exported objects.
d. Select one or more repositories listed in the Available Repositories list and select the right-pointing
arrow to add the repositories to the Associated Repositories list.
You can export objects only from the repositories that you added to the Associated Repositories list.
e. Select Save.
When you test the FTP conguration, or save the shared directory conguration, the Object Promotion
Management tool validates whether the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) can read and write content to the
shared directory. If the conguration can access the repositories with which it has been associated and the SIA
validates access to the shared directory, the Management Console saves the conguration with the name that
you specied.
The Management Console displays the export conguration name in the following locations:
As a choice in the Export Conguration page.
As a choice in the Object Name list when you choose the following options from the Select an object list in
the Object Promotion page:
Export Objects
Export System Conguration
Export Substitution Parameters
Task overview: Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Related Information
Creating an import conguration [page 207]
Edit or delete congurations [page 208]
10.3.2Creating an import conguration
Create an import conguration to import objects and dependencies from an export shared directory.
Before you perform the following steps, ensure that you comply with the requirements listed in Export and
import conguration requirements [page 204] and Requirements for object promotion [page 200].
To create an import conguration, perform the following steps:
1. Log into SAP Data Services Management Console and open the Administrator.
Start Management Console from your Windows Start menu or by selecting the link in the Start Page of
Data Services Designer.
2. Expand the Object Promotion node from the Administrator tree at left.
3. Select Import Conguration.
The Import Conguration page opens.
4. Select Add.
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
5. Select a repository from the Repository list.
The repository is where the imported objects are placed.
6. Enter the path to the shared directory that contains the exported ATL les in Source Directory.
After you save the conguration, you can't congure the repository with a dierent path because the
repository won't appear in the list.
7. Select Save.
The Management Console checks that it can access the specied shared directory.
If the import conguration can access the shared directory to where the objects are exported, Management
Console saves the conguration. The conguration now appears in the following locations:
As a choice on the Import Conguration page.
As a choice in the Object Name list when you choose the Import option from the Select an object list.
Task overview: Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Related Information
Creating an export conguration [page 206]
Edit or delete congurations [page 208]
10.3.3Edit or delete congurations
Users with the correct permission and access can edit or delete export and import congurations.
A regular SAP Data Services user who is granted the Manage Object Promotion Congurations rights can edit
or remove congurations.
Parent topic: Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Related Information
Creating an export conguration [page 206]
Creating an import conguration [page 207]
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
10.4 Before you export and import objects
Ensure that you and your systems are ready for export and import.
Check that you comply with the following items before you export and import objects using the object
promotion feature:
You've read and complied with the information in Requirements for object promotion [page 200].
You've met the user rights requirements stated in User rights for promotion management [page 203].
The repository from which you're exporting objects is associated with an export conguration.
The repository to which you're importing objects is associated with an import conguration.
The source and target repositories are running the same version of SAP Data Services.
You import to a local repository.
The export repository can be a local or a central repository.
Export datastores separately from their parent objects.
Import datastores separately from their parent objects.
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
10.5 Object promotion options
The Object Promotion page in SAP Data Services Management Console oers export and import options.
Access the Object Promotion page by selecting the Object Promotion node in Management Console. Select an
action from the Select an object list in the Object Promotion page. The following table describes each action.
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Action Description
Export Objects
Select to export objects from the specied repository.
Export Substitution Parameters Select to export existing substitution parameters in the se-
lected repository.
Export System Congurations Select to export existing system conguration in a selected
Import Select to import objects into a selected target repository.
Enables you to lter and search for specic objects or object
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
10.6 Exporting objects
Use object promotion in SAP Data Services Management Console to export objects from a Data Services
Before you perform the following steps, ensure that you comply with the requirements listed Before you export
and import objects [page 209].
Also create an export conguration.
To export objects using object promotion, perform the following steps:
1. Log into SAP Data Services Management Console and open the Administrator.
Start Management Console from your Windows Start menu or by selecting the link in the Start Page of
Data Services Designer.
2. Select the Object Promotion node from the Administrator tree at left.
The Object Promotion page opens at right.
3. To export objects:
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
a. Select Export objects from the Objects list and select Next.
b. Select the repository from the Select Repository list.
The repository can be local or central.
c. Choose an object type from the Type list and select Next.
Remember that you must export all datastores separately from any parent object.
The Export page opens with a list of the latest versions for all of the objects that match the selected
object type. Only the objects that are available in your chosen repository appear in the list.
Management Console lists up to 23 entries on each page. Use the page navigation icons to move to
additional pages, if applicable.
d. Optional: Set search criteria to narrow the list of objects and select Search.
Search suggestions:
Enter specic text in the Object Name search eld.
Combine search terms with an asterisk as a wildcard to nd objects that partially match or are a
part of a common naming schema.
If you select a central repository for exporting, use the additional lter options.
If the selected Object Type is Project, select a dierent version in the Get list (the default is
Latest Version).
When you submit the query, it matches the parent object's label with the associated version. If
the label for a child of an object does not match with the specied label, when a parent object
is exported, the latest version of the child object will be exported.
4. To export system congurations or substitution parameters:
a. Select Export system congurations or Export substitution parameters and select Next.
b. Select a repository and select Next.
The Export page opens, with a list of the latest versions for all of the objects that match the selected
object type. Only the objects that are available in your chosen repository appear in the list.
Management Console lists up to 23 entries on each page. Use the page navigation icons to move to
additional pages, if applicable.
c. Choose up to 23 Object Name entries displayed on the current page, or choose Select All on Current
Page to import all 23 objects on the currently displayed page.
d. Optional: Use the Search eld to narrow the list to only objects that you want to export.
The Search eld supports wildcards.
5. Choose the export method from the Export over list.
The method is either shared directory or FTP.
6. Select Export.
For each object, Management Console writes export data to an ATL le and a manifest le, and sends the les
to the target directory that is specied in the export conguration.
The Conrmation page displays progress for the export. The Management Console refreshes the Status
automatically every ve seconds. When the export is completed, the automatic refresh ends, and the nal
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
status is Completed. The Conrmation page lists each item exported with an export completed date and time,
and a status of success or failure.
For more information about the trace and error logs, and the conrmation ID, see Export and import trace and
error log [page 214].
Task overview: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Importing objects [page 212]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
10.7 Importing objects
Import objects into a new environment that is dierent than the export environment.
Before you import objects, ensure that you've created an import conguration. Also, you must rst export the
objects so that they are available to import. Ensure that you comply with the requirements in Before you export
and import objects [page 209].
To import objects, perform the following steps:
1. Log into SAP Data Services Management Console and open the Administrator.
Start Management Console from your Windows Start menu or by selecting the link in the Start Page of
Data Services Designer.
2. Select the Object Promotion node from the Administrator tree at left.
The Object Promotion page opens at right.
3. Select Import from the Select an object list and select Next.
The Target Repository page opens.
4. Choose a repository from the Select Repository list and select Next.
The Import page opens with a list of exported objects that are available in the source repository. The list
contains the following information about each exported object:
Object name
Label (version)
Source Repository
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Source Repository version
Date exported (includes the time)
Whether the object has been imported
Exported by
There are 23 entries listed on each page.
5. Optional: To narrow the list of objects to import, perform the following substeps:
a. Select a Filter option:
Objects exported the last <number> Days
From <date range>
b. Use the Search by options to build an expression:
Select All object types, or an object type from the rst list.
Select not imported, imported, older export, or All from the next list.
Enter a word or words in the object name in the last text box. Combine with an asterisk wild card, if
c. Select Search.
6. Select objects to import per page, or check Select All to select all objects on the page.
Use the page navigation icons to move to the next page and repeat selecting objects on the page.
7. Select Import.
The Conrmation page opens. The Status column reects the import progress. Management Console updates
the status automatically every ve seconds.
When the import is completed, the automatic refresh ends, the ending status information is success or failure.
For more information about the logs and the unique conformation ID, see Export and import trace and error log
[page 214].
Recongure all datastores that you imported:
Update the connection information.
Enter the applicable password.
To recongure datastores in the SAP Data Servics Management Console, expand the following nodes:
Administration Management Datastore.
Update the paths for any imported substitution parameters.
Required permissions and rights for updating datastores and substitution parameters include one of the
Data Services Administrator user
Data Services Administrator Users group
Regular Data Services user with the application right, Manage datastore and substitution param
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
Task overview: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Export and import trace and error log [page 214]
10.8 Export and import trace and error log
The SAP Data Services Management Console generates trace and error information, which you can access
from the Conrmation page after an export or import completes.
Export or import log
View the log information after export or import completes, but while you still have the Conrmation page open.
Select view log under the Status column for a specic object.
A dialog box opens showing the unique export or import Conrmation ID in the banner. There's a Trace and an
Error tab:
Trace: Contains details about the export or import.
Error: If there were export or import errors, lists error messages. Otherwise blank.
Further, the Management Console stores log information under the repository table AL_EXPORT_HISTORY.
Export Conrmation ID
The Management Console assigns a unique Conrmation ID to each export or import attempt and displays it in
the Conrmation page and the Trace and Error dialog box. The Conrmation ID is a unique ID stored under the
AL_EXPORT_HISTORY table. The Management Console uses the Conrmation ID to pass information to the
target environment when you import the objects. The Conrmation ID consists of the following information:
<Timestamp-in-milliseconds>-<six-digit random number>-<number of export attempts>
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
The breakdown of the Conrmation ID 162447709772-518654-2 is:
162447709772 = Timestamp in milliseconds
518654 = Six-digit random number
2 = Number of export attempts
You can't return to the Conrmation page after you dismiss it. If you want to refer to the trace and error
information later, copy the unique conrmation ID, and any information from the Trace and/or Error tab, and
save it to a text le.
Alternately, the Management Console saves a copy of the log to the repository under the
AL_EXPORT_HISTORY table. Therefore, to nd log information after you close the Conrmation page, query
Parent topic: Object promotion management [page 200]
Related Information
Requirements for object promotion [page 200]
User rights for promotion management [page 203]
Export and import conguration requirements [page 204]
Before you export and import objects [page 209]
Object promotion options [page 209]
Exporting objects [page 210]
Importing objects [page 212]
Administrator Guide
Object promotion management
11 Integration with SAP and SAP Solution
Integrate SAP Data Services with the SAP System Landscape Directory and the SAP Solution Manager
diagnostics features to manage, monitor, and maintain your SAP Data Services deployment.
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) [page 216]
The System Landscape Directory (SLD) is a central repository for your system landscape information,
which helps SAP Solution Manager manage SAP software lifecycles.
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent [page 217]
The SMD component of SAP Solution Manager provides all functionality to centrally analyze and
monitor a complete system landscape.
SLD integration requirements [page 217]
SAP Data Services and SAP Solution Manager require specic components to enable System
Landscape Directory (SLD) support.
11.1 SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD)
The System Landscape Directory (SLD) is a central repository for your system landscape information, which
helps SAP Solution Manager manage SAP software lifecycles.
The SLD contains a description of the systems and software components that are currently installed. The
SLD uses all gathered system information to provide a foundation for tool support so that you can better plan
software lifecycle tasks in your system landscape. The SLD also provides a directory that contains information
about all installable software available from SAP. Additionally, SLD automatically updates existing data about
systems that are already installed in your landscape.
The SAP Data Services installation program registers all associated vendors, product names, and versions
with the SLD. The installation program also registers server and front-end component names, versions, and
Parent topic: Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager [page 216]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent [page 217]
SLD integration requirements [page 217]
Administrator Guide
Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager
11.2 Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent
The SMD component of SAP Solution Manager provides all functionality to centrally analyze and monitor a
complete system landscape.
If an SMD Agent is installed, the SMD server monitors SAP Data Services and Data Services systems. The SMD
Agent reports information to Solution Manager for analysis, which uses the information for root cause analysis.
SAP Data Services supports performance monitoring through CA (Wily) Introscope, which works with Solution
Manager Diagnostics through an integration with the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library. The Data
Services installer installs the NCS library automatically.
Parent topic: Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager [page 216]
Related Information
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) [page 216]
SLD integration requirements [page 217]
11.3 SLD integration requirements
SAP Data Services and SAP Solution Manager require specic components to enable System Landscape
Directory (SLD) support.
The following table summarizes the components that are required to enable SLD support.
Support for...
Required for Data Services
SLD registration Requires the following application and les:
SAPHOSTAGENT: Enables registration of Data Services
If you install SAPHOSTAGENT before Data Services,
the Data Services installer registers servers auto-
Create the slddest.cfg.key and slddest.cfg
les for the SLDReg data supplier that reports on the
back-end servers.
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent integration
Download and install SMD Agent (DIAGNOSTICS.AGENT) on
all Data Services server hosts.
Administrator Guide
Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager
Support for... Required for Data Services
Performance instrumentation Congure the Introscope Agent to connect to the CA Intro-
scope Enterprise Manager with Data Services Server Man-
ager. For Unix, use the ServerCong utility.
Parent topic: Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager [page 216]
Related Information
SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) [page 216]
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent [page 217]
Administrator Guide
Integration with SAP and SAP Solution Manager
12 Data Services registration in the SLD
The SLDReg (System Landscape Directory data suppliers) registers the landscape systems, including SAP
Data Services, on the SLD server and keeps the information updated.
Management and business applications access the information stored in the SLD to perform tasks in a
collaborative computing environment.
SLDReg is installed when you install the SAPHOSTAGENT. After SLDReg is installed, you must create the
slddest.cfg and slddest.cfg.key les to enable SLDReg to connect to the SLD server.
The Data Services installer supplies the SLDReg for every installation of Data Services. SLDReg reports on the
following components:
Server components, such as Job Server and Access Server.
Services deployed on the SAP Business Intelligence Platform, such as the RFC (Remote Function Call)
Server, View Data Service, Metadata Browsing Service, and the Administrator Service.
Web applications deployed on an application server, such as the Data Services Management Console
SAP NetWeaver has a built-in SLD-DS supplier that registers the NetWeaver application server as well as
hosted web applications and services. This SLD-DS is relevant for Data Services deployments that are
integrated in an SAP NetWeaver environment.
The Data Services installer stores the information required for registering Data Services in a conguration le.
This le contains information used by the SLDReg to connect to the Data Services database.
For information about how to congure the specic data supplier for WebSphere, see the SAP Web Application
Deployment Guide for Unix or SAP Web Application Deployment Guide for Windows.
Administrator Guide
Data Services registration in the SLD
13 Performance and availability monitoring
Monitor your job performance and system availability using tools in the SAP Solution Manager such as Solution
Manager Diagnostics Agent and alert monitoring.
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
SMD analyzes and monitors problematic components from incidents in your system landscape to help
you keep your systems running.
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
The Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent (DIAGNOSTICS.AGENT) on your local system collects and
sends information to the SMD server.
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
For the Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) to work properly, enable SMD by conguring the
applicable les and setting the correct options.
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
SAP Data Services supports performance monitoring through CA Introscope, which needs the NCS
library integration with Solution Manager Diagnostics.
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Heartbeat monitoring, also known as availability monitoring, uses the SAP Solution Manager to monitor
whether a component, such as a Job Server or Access Server, is running.
Alert monitoring [page 226]
SAP Solution Manager provides alerts that enable you to view critical errors.
13.1 Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview
SMD analyzes and monitors problematic components from incidents in your system landscape to help you
keep your systems running.
The SMD Agent sends local information to the SMD, including back-end server congurations and the location
of server log les. The SMD uses this information in its analysis of the complete system.
SMD requires SAP Solution Manager version 7.01 SP 26 or later.
The following table describes the components of SMD.
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
Component Information
SMD Agent
Named DIAGNOSTICS.AGENT, collects and sends local
diagnositcs information to the SMD through the SMD server.
Download and install the SMD Agent on each Job Server
You must install the SMD Agent on each Job Server
machine manually.
For information about the diagnostics Agent installation, see
SAP Note 1833501
CA Introscope An application performance management framework. Intro-
scope Enterprise Server is part of SAP Solution Manager. CA
Introscope doesn't require a separate installation.
For complete information about the application opera-
tions of CA Introscope and the integration with SAP
Solution Manager, see the following SAP Commun-
ity WIKI page:
NCS (Native Component Supportability) library
Integrated in SMD to enable CA Introscope. The Data Serv-
ices installer automatically installs the NCS library on your
SAP Operating System Collector (SAPOSCOL) The SAPOSCOL provides operating system data to SMD and
CA Introscope.
For more information about any of the SMD components, see the SAP Solution Manager documentation page
Download any of the components from the SAP Service Marketplace at .
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Alert monitoring [page 226]
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
13.2 SMD Agent guidelines
The Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent (DIAGNOSTICS.AGENT) on your local system collects and sends
information to the SMD server.
The following are a few guidelines for using the SMD Agent:
Install the SMD Agent before or after installing and deploying SAP Data Services. The installation order of
the monitored system and agent isn't critical.
If the servers are deployed on a distributed system, install an SMD Agent on every machine hosting a
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Alert monitoring [page 226]
13.3 Congure your system for SMD
For the Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) to work properly, enable SMD by conguring the applicable les
and setting the correct options.
The following list contains the basic steps to enable SMD:
1. Enable the feature in the Data Services Server Manager for each Job Server from which you want
performance metrics.
2. If you see unexpected information in the metrics, edit the Native Component Supportability (NCS) Library
(ncs.conf) le, which controls the information sent to the SMD Agent.
The ncs.conf library le is located in <LINK_DIR>\bin. The ncs.conf library le contains
descriptions of the options.
3. Congure the following SMD Agent les to provide information to the SAP Solution Manager server.
The SMD Agent les are located in your SMD Agent installation location.
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Alert monitoring [page 226]
13.4 The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library
SAP Data Services supports performance monitoring through CA Introscope, which needs the NCS library
integration with Solution Manager Diagnostics.
The Data Services installer automatically installs the NCS library. However, before Data Services can monitor
Job Server performance, you need to enable NCS in the Job Server.
Enabling NCS library on Windows [page 224]
Enable the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library on the Windows platform.
Enabling NCS library on Unix or Linux [page 225]
Enable the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library on the Unix or Linux platforms.
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Alert monitoring [page 226]
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
13.4.1Enabling NCS library on Windows
Enable the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library on the Windows platform.
To enable NCS on the Job Server for Windows, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Data Services Server Manager from the Windows Start menu as an Administrator.
2. Open the NCS tab.
3. Select Enable instrumentation in NCS (Native Component Supportability) library.
4. Complete the remaining options.
For most situations, leave the options set to the default settings. The following table describes all of the
options in the NCS tab.
Option Description
Tracing level threshold Indicates the tracing level:
0: Uses the value from the ncs.conf conguration
le. 0 is the default setting.
1–5: No tracing (NONE).
6–10: Tracing major points (MAJOR).
11–15: Tracing minor points (MINOR).
16–20: Tracing ne details (FINE).
>20: Max details (FINEST).
Execution interval The time in seconds, between which the system sends the
CPU usage/process memory metrics to the CA Interscope
Enterprise Manager.
The default setting of 0 causes the system to use the NCS
library scheduler.
Execution time oset The execution time oset in seconds related to the set
Execution interval.
If you set the execution settings as follows, the system
sends the CPU usage/process memory metrics to the
SMD agent at 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, and so on:
Execution interval = 3600 (every 1 hour)
Execution time oset = 1800 (every half hour)
If you set the Execution interval to less time than the de-
fault NCS library scheduler interval, the system bypasses
your setting in Execution time oset. The default NCS li-
brary scheduler interval is set in the datasending_interval
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
Option Description
Tracing level Currently not used.
Application passport Currently not used.
5. Select Apply and then select Close.
The system enables the performance monitoring for the jobs run on this computer by the Data Services
Job Server.
Task overview: The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Related Information
Enabling NCS library on Unix or Linux [page 225]
13.4.2Enabling NCS library on Unix or Linux
Enable the NCS (Native Component Supportability) library on the Unix or Linux platforms.
To enable NCS on the Job Server for Unix or Linux, perform the following steps:
1. Open the DSConfig.txt le.
DSConfig.txt is located in <DS_COMMON_DIR>/conf.
2. Set the Wily_instrumentation parameter to True.
Leave all of the other parameters in the Engine section set to the default values as follows:
Task overview: The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Related Information
Enabling NCS library on Windows [page 224]
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
13.5 Heartbeat monitoring
Heartbeat monitoring, also known as availability monitoring, uses the SAP Solution Manager to monitor
whether a component, such as a Job Server or Access Server, is running.
With hearbeat monitoring, you can also view information about real-time services for Access Servers.
View each monitored Job Server or Access Server status from CA Introscope under the Status node. The
following are example values for heartbeat monitoring:
1 = The server is running.
0 = The server isn't running
In addition, view the real-time service status for Access Servers. The following table describes each status
not running
1 starting
2 started
3 shutting down
4 warning
5 error
9 disabled
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Alert monitoring [page 226]
13.6 Alert monitoring
SAP Solution Manager provides alerts that enable you to view critical errors.
The SAP Data Services Job Servers send alerts when a job fails.
In CA Introscope Enterprise Manager, view the status for each monitored Job Server under the Status node. A
value of 1 indicates a job that ran in a specic Job Server repository has failed.
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
Parent topic: Performance and availability monitoring [page 220]
Related Information
Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) overview [page 220]
SMD Agent guidelines [page 222]
Congure your system for SMD [page 222]
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
Heartbeat monitoring [page 226]
Administrator Guide
Performance and availability monitoring
14 Command line administration
SAP Data Services provides utilities that run from a command line on both Windows and Unix platforms.
Each utility has a special set of command-line options that control the behavior of the specic Data Services
Data Services components also use internal options, however the internal options aren't published because
they can't be modied.
In all command line topics, values shown in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Use License Manager to view, add, and remove SAP Data Services product activation keycodes for SAP
solution portfolio software that require them.
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Use the Connection Manager after you install SAP Data Services on Unix, to congure ODBC databases
and ODBC drivers for repositories, sources, and targets.
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Use the command-line version of the Data Services Repository Manager to create or update
repositories on Windows platforms.
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Use the Repository Manager executable le, repoman, to create or update repositories from the
command line on Unix platforms.
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Use the console-based SAP Data Services Server Manager, svrcfg, on Unix or Linux to create, edit, or
delete Job Servers and Access Servers after installation.
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Use the SAP Data Services Server Manager executable, AWServerConfig.exe, on Windows to create,
edit, or delete Job Servers and Access Servers after installation
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
Use AL_Encrypt to encrypt a password with an encryption key or a passphrase, and also to return the
base64 encoding of any text.
al_engine [page 255]
al_engine is a core Data Services process that is responsible for executing jobs, importing repository
objects, exporting repository objects, and so on.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
14.1 Command line reference: License Manager
Use License Manager to view, add, and remove SAP Data Services product activation keycodes for SAP
solution portfolio software that require them.
Use License Manager only in command-line mode. For more information about managing stored license
keys in the CMC, see the Business Intelligence Platform Administrator Guide at
License Manager enables you to manage your product activation keycodes—the alphanumeric codes that are
referred to each time that you run certain software.
License Manager accesses keycodes on the local system only; you can't access the keycodes from a
remote system. When updating keycodes, change the codes on all SAP Data Services computers by
launching License Manager on each computer, including Designer and Job Server computers.
If you use a Windows operating system, you can't add or remove license keycodes unless you have
Administrator privileges. If you have nonadministrator privileges, only the -v and --view parameters are
available for use.
LicenseManager [-v | -a <keycode> | -r <keycode> [-l <location>]]
Values shown in square brackets [ ] are optional.
-v or --view
Displays the stored product activation keycodes. For example:
Keycode: 00000-0000000-0000000-0000
Trial Option: Yes
Expired: No
Days Remaining: 54
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
-a or --add <keycode>
Adds the specied license keycode, and displays the stored keycodes. Returns status
messages for the following conditions:
An internal error occurred.
Successfully added the keycode.
Successfully added the keycode and replaced a trial version.
Keycode not added because it’s invalid.
Keycode not added because it’s a duplicate.
-r or --remove
<keycode> [-l
Removes the specied product activation keycode, and displays the stored keycodes.
If <location> is specied, the removal is restricted to that node. Returns status mes-
sages for the following conditions:
An internal error occurred.
Removed one keycode.
Removed multiple keycodes.
Keycode not removed because it’s invalid.
Keycode not removed because it wasn’t found.
Starting License Manager in Unix [page 230]
Start License Manager from a terminal, and use commands to set your license keys.
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
14.1.1Starting License Manager in Unix
Start License Manager from a terminal, and use commands to set your license keys.
Before you use License Manager on UNIX platforms, set the environment variable BOE_REGISTRYHOME.
If you've already congured the SAP Data Services environment by running the script, the
BOE_REGISTRYHOME variable is already set. However, if it isn't set, manually add BOE_REGISTRYHOME to
your .profile, .login, or .cshrc le:
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
If you use Bourne shell, add product entries to your .profile or .login le:
If you use C shell (Berkeley), add product entries to your .cshrc le:
To start License Manager in Unix, perform the following steps:
1. Open a terminal.
2. Open License Manager by entering a command such as the following:
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin
$ ./LicenseManager
3. Use the commands and syntax in Command line reference: License Manager [page 229] to set your license
Task overview: Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
14.2 Command line: Data Services Connection Manager
Use the Connection Manager after you install SAP Data Services on Unix, to congure ODBC databases and
ODBC drivers for repositories, sources, and targets.
The Connection Manager is a command-line utility. However, a graphical user interface (GUI) is available.
To use the graphical user interface for Connection Manager, you must install the GTK+2 library. The GTK+2
is a free multi-platform toolkit that creates user interfaces. For more information about obtaining and
installing GTK+2, see .
To use from the command line, use the -c parameter which must be the rst
If an error occurs when using the Connection Manager, use the -d option to show details in the log
For example:
$LINK_DIR/bin/ -c -d
For Windows installations, use the ODBC Administrator (Driver Selector) to congure ODBC databases and
drivers for repositories, sources, and targets.
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
Using the ODBC Drivers Selector for Windows [page 137]
14.3 Command line: Repository Manager (Windows)
Use the command-line version of the Data Services Repository Manager to create or update repositories on
Windows platforms.
The Repository Manager default location is <LINK_DIR>/bin/RepoManBatch.exe.
The following table contains an alphabetical list of descriptions for all of the commands in the Repository
Central Repository security.
Operation mode: Creates repository.
Operation mode: Shows details.
Enter additional SSL/TLS variables based on the database
type, listed in key-value pairs.
Separate each key-value pair with semicolons, and surround
the string in quotations.
Required when you include -use_ssl_encryption.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Option Description
The following table lists all valid key-value pairs and the applicable database type for -encryption_parameters.
Key Value Database type
Distinguished name or host name in
KeyStash Key stash le name (.sth) and rela-
tive or absolute path.
Path and server root certicate le. SAP HANA
KeyStoreDatabase Key database le name (.kdb) and
relative or absolute path.
Name of PEM le that contains the
RSA public key.
SSL certicate authority name. MySQL
SSL certicate le name. MySQL
List of permitted ciphers for SSL. MySQL
SSL key name. MySQL
SSL mode. MySQL
Microsoft SQL Server
Repository uses Windows Authentication (Microsoft SQL
Server only).
Enter additional connection parameters to connect to the
SQL Server.
Repository database type.
Replace <DatabaseType> with a valid value. For example:
This parameter is required.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Option Description
Use to distinguish the SQL Server repository connection on-
premise or on Azure. Values include:
Overwrites existing repository.
Repository login password.
Required for all database types.
Repository server port number.
This parameter is required if you specied -s for a server
name connection.
Repository database.
This parameter is required only for SAP ASE (Sybase).
Specify to use a server name-based connection (also known
as DSN-less or TNS-less) to the repository.
If you include -s, you must specify the -p and -V parame-
Use to indicate the server connection information:
If you don't include -s, enter the DSN (TNS for Oracle)
name for <Server>.
If you include -s (to indicate server-based connection),
enter the database server hostname or IP address for
Indicates the authentication method for the Microsoft SQL
Server connection. Values include:
SQLServer (default)
Repository type:
Repository login user.
Required for all database types.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Option Description
Enables SSL/TLS encryption.
When you include -use_ssl_encryption, also include
Operation mode: Upgrades repository.
Operation mode: Gets repository version.
Repository database server version.
This parameter is required if you specied -s for a server
name connection.
RepoManBatch -Usa -Psa -NMicroSoft_SQL_Server -SServer -QJake -c -tcentral -d
RepoManBatch -UJake -PJake -NOracle -Sdbsvr -v
RepoManBatch -Uuser -Ppassword -NMySQL -V"MySQL 8.x" -s -SServer -QDB -c -d
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
14.4 Command line: Repository Manager (Unix)
Use the Repository Manager executable le, repoman, to create or update repositories from the command line
on Unix platforms.
By default, repoman is installed to the <LINK_DIR>/bin directory.
Specify parameters using a command prompt. ./repoman must be the rst command.
The following table contains an alphabetical list of descriptions for each code in the Repository Manager.
Central repository security.
Indicates the authentication method for the Microsoft SQL
Server connection. Values include:
SQLServer: Use SQL Server authentication to con-
nect. This is the default.
Windows: Use Windows authentication to connect.
Azure_AD_Password: Use Microsoft Azure Active
Directory with password authentication to connect.
Operation mode: Creates repository.
Operation mode: Shows details.
Use to distinguish the SQL Server repository connection on-
premise or on Azure. Values include:
Enter additional SSL/TLS variables based on the database
type, listed in key-value pairs.
Separate each key-value pair with semicolons, and surround
the string in quotations.
Required when you include -use_ssl_encryption.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Code Description
The following table lists all valid key-value pairs and the applicable database type for -encryption_parameters.
Key Value Database type
Distinguished name or host name in
Microsoft SQL Server
KeyStash Key stash le name (.sth) and rela-
tive or absolute path.
SSL keystore le.
KeyStoreDatabase Key database le name (.kdb) and
relative or absolute path.
SSL truststore le. Microsoft SQL Server
The SSL truststore password. Microsoft SQL Server
Name of PEM le that contains the
RSA public key.
SSL certicate authority name. MySQL
SSL certicate le name. MySQL
List of permitted ciphers for SSL. MySQL
SSL key name. MySQL
SSL mode. MySQL
Microsoft SQL Server
Enter additional connection parameters to connect to the
SQL Server.
Repository database type:
Sybase (SAP ASE)
Required for all database types.
Overwrite existing repository.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Code Description
Repository login password.
Required for all database types.
Repository database port number.
Required if you specied -s for a server name connection.
Repository database name.
Required for SAP ASE (Sybase).
Specify to use a server name-based connection (also known
as DSN-less or TNS-less) to the repository.
If you include -s, you must specify the -p and -V parame-
Use to indicate the server connection information:
If you don't include -s, enter the DSN (TNS for Oracle)
name for <Server>.
If you include -s (to indicate server name connection),
enter the database server hostname or IP address for
Repository type:
Operation mode: Upgrades repository.
Repository login user.
Required for all database types.
Enable SSL/TLS encryption.
When you include -use_ssl_encryption, also include
Repository database version.
Required if you specied -s for a server name connection.
Operation mode: Gets repository version.
Line breaks added for readability.
./repoman -Usa -Psa
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
-NDB2 -s -Srepo_server
-Qrepo_central -c
-tcentral -d
Description Value
-U User name sa
-P Password sa
-N Repository database type DB2
-s Indicates server name (DSN-less)
-S Repository server host name repo_server
-Q Repository database name repo_central
-c Create repository
-t Repository type Central repository
-d Show details
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
14.5 Command line: Server Manager (Unix)
Use the console-based SAP Data Services Server Manager, svrcfg, on Unix or Linux to create, edit, or delete
Job Servers and Access Servers after installation.
svrcfg supports command-line parameters for the following tasks:
Adding a Job Server
Adding an Access Server
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Adding run-time resources
Starting Data Services services
Stopping Data Services services
Find the svrcfg le in $LINK_DIR/bin.
Common parameters
svrcfg supports one common parameter, -T, in combination with task characters for all operations. The
following table lists the characters to use in combination with -T for each task.
Add a Job Server.
Add an Access Server.
Add a runtime resource.
Start SAP Data Services services.
Stop SAP Data Services services.
-TSTART and -TSTOP don't require additional parameters.
To start Data Services services: svrcfg -TSTART
To stop Data Services services: svrcfg -TSTOP
When you use svrcfg to perform tasks from the command line, the Server Manager directs output to the
stdout console. The last line of the output indicates whether the task execution succeeded or failed. Possible
statuses include the following:
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Unix or Linux) [page 241]
Add an Access Server in Unix or Linux using the -TAS parameter, along with other special parameters,
in svrcfg.
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux) [page 242]
Add a Job Server in Unix or Linux using the -TJS parameter, along with other special parameters, in
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Unix or Linux) [page 246]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Add runtime resources in Unix or Linux using the -TR parameter along with other special parameters,
in svrcfg.
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
14.5.1Command line: Adding an Access Server (Unix or
Add an Access Server in Unix or Linux using the -TAS parameter, along with other special parameters, in
The following table describes the additional Access Server-specic parameters to use with -TAS.
Ensure that -TAS is the rst argument in the string.
Species the path for the access server.
Replace <path> with the desired path.
Species the port assigned to the Access Server.
Replace <port> with the desired port number. Use a value
from 1024 through 49151 for the port number. The number
must be unique and not already in use.
Species a parameter for the Access Server.
Replace <param> with the desired parameter.
Indicates that the Access Server is created and enabled.
If -E isn't specied, the Access Server is created but not
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
The following string creates and enables an Access Server on port 4000: svrcfg -TAS -A/home/bods/
AStest -O4000 -E
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Related Information
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux) [page 242]
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Unix or Linux) [page 246]
14.5.2Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux)
Add a Job Server in Unix or Linux using the -TJS parameter, along with other special parameters, in svrcfg.
The following table contains an alphabetical list of additional Job Server-specic parameters to use with -TJS.
Ensure that -TJS is the rst argument in the string.
Indicates that the Job Server will manage an adapter. If not
specied, the new Job Server won't manage adapters.
Indicates the authentication method for the Microsoft SQL
Server connection. Values include:
SQLServer: Use SQL Server authentication to con-
nect. This is the default.
Windows: Use Windows authentication to connect.
Azure_AD_Password: Use Microsoft Azure Active
Directory with password authentication to connect.
Species the adapter manager port.
Replace <broker_port> with the desired port number. The
port number can have a value between 1024 and 49151, and
must be unique and not in use.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species the connection string to use to connect to the re-
Replace <connect_string> with appropriate information
for the database type:
For DB2, the database instance name.
For MySQL, the data source name as specied in ven-
dor conguration le referenced by $ODBCINI.
For Oracle, the service name as specied in
For SAP HANA, the data source name as specied in
vendor conguration le referenced by $ODBCINI
For SAP SQL Anywhere, the database server name.
For SAP IQ, the database server name.
Species the database name for the repository.
Replace <database> with the name of the repository data-
This parameter is required only for repositories on Syb-
Species the type of database used for the repository.
Replace <db_type> with a valid value. For example:
Use to distinguish the SQL Server repository connection on-
premise or on Azure. Values include:
Indicates that SNMP is enabled for the Job Server. If not
specied, SNMP is disabled.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Enter additional SSL/TLS variables based on the database
type, listed in key-value pairs.
Separate each key-value pair with semicolons, and surround
the string in quotations.
Required when you include -use_ssl_encryption.
The following table lists all valid key-value pairs and the applicable database type for -encryption_parameters.
Key Value Database type
Distinguished name or host name in
KeyStash Key stash le name (.sth) and rela-
tive or absolute path.
Path and server root certicate le. SAP HANA
KeyStoreDatabase Key database le name (.kdb) and
relative or absolue path.
Name of PEM le that contains the
RSA public key.
SSL certicate authority name.
SSL certicate le name. MySQL
List of permitted ciphers for SSL. MySQL
SSL key name. MySQL
SSL mode.
Microsoft SQL Server
Species the name of the Job Server.
Replace <server_name> with the desired name for the Job
Server. The specied name must not contain @@ and must
be unique.
Enter additional connection parameters to connect to the
SQL Server.
Species the password used to connect to the repository.
Replace <password> with the repository password.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species the listening port for the Job Server.
Replace <port_number> with the desired port number. The
port number can have a value between 1024 and 49151, and
must be unique and not in use.
Enable SSL/TLS encryption.
When you include -use_ssl_encryption, also include
Enables X.509 authentication. Applicable only for SAP
Species the username used to connect to the repository.
Replace <username> with the repository username.
Species the path and le name for the x509.pse key store
le, which contains the X.509 certicate and the SSL certi-
Applicable when you include
The following string adds a Job Server with an Oracle repository:
svrcfg -TJS -JJobServer_1 -p3500 -DOracle -CORCL -Uuser -Ppassword
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Related Information
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Unix or Linux) [page 241]
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Unix or Linux) [page 246]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
14.5.3Command line: Adding runtime resources (Unix or
Add runtime resources in Unix or Linux using the -TR parameter along with other special parameters, in
The following table describes the additional runtime resource-specic parameters to use with the -TR
Ensure that -TR is the rst argument in the string.
Species the directory for the pageable cache.
Replace <cache_dir> with the desired directory.
Species the ending port number.
Replace <port> with the desired port number. The port
number may have a value between 1026 and 32767, and
must be unique and not in use. The ending port value must
be greater than the starting port value.
Species the starting port number.
Replace <port> with the desired port number. The port
number may have a value between 1025 and 32766, and
must be unique and not in use.
The following string adds a pageable cache resource on ports 2000-3000
svrcfg -TR -i$LINK_DIR\Log\Cache2 -t2000 -n3000
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Related Information
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Unix or Linux) [page 241]
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Unix or Linux) [page 242]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
14.6 Command line: Server Manager (Windows)
Use the SAP Data Services Server Manager executable, AWServerConfig.exe, on Windows to create, edit, or
delete Job Servers and Access Servers after installation
In addition, AWServerConfig.exe also supports command-line parameters for the following tasks:
Adding a Job Server
Adding an Access Server
Adding run-time resources
Conguring SSL
Enabling and setting NCS (Native Component Supportability) library
Adding and editing SLD registration information for Data Services
Find the AWServerConfig.exe le in <LINK_DIR>\bin.
Data Services installs AWServerConfig.exe as a Windows service. Therefore, you can't start or stop the
Data Services services using AWServerConfig.exe. Instead, use the standard net command to start and
stop the Data Services services.
To start the Data Services services: net start "SAP Data Services"
To stop the Data Services services: net stop "SAP Data Services"
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Windows) [page 248]
Add an Access Server in Windows using the -n parameter and other special parameters.
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows) [page 248]
Add a Job Server in Windows using the -n parameter along with other special parameters.
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Windows) [page 252]
Add runtime resources in Windows using the -n parameter along with other special parameters.
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
al_engine [page 255]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
The Native Component Supportability (NCS) library [page 223]
14.6.1Command line: Adding an Access Server (Windows)
Add an Access Server in Windows using the -n parameter and other special parameters.
The following table describes the special Access Server-specic parameters to use with -n.
Ensure that -n is the rst argument in the string.
Species the directory path for the Access Server.
Replace <access_server_dir> with the Access Server directory path.
Species the port assigned to the Access Server.
Replace <port> with the desired port number. The port number may have a
value between 1024 and 49151, and must be unique and not in use.
Indicates that the Access Server should be enabled. If not specied, the Access
Server is created but not enabled.
Species a parameter for the Access Server.
Replace <param> with the desired parameter.
The following string creates and enables an Access Server on port : AWServerConfig.exe -n
-RC:\DataServices\AccessServer -A4000 -E
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Related Information
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows) [page 248]
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Windows) [page 252]
14.6.2Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows)
Add a Job Server in Windows using the -n parameter along with other special parameters.
The following table describes the other Job Server-specic parameters to use with -n.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Ensure that -n is the rst argument in the string.
Parameter Description
Indicates that the Job Server manages an adapter. If not
specied, the new Job Server won't manage adapters.
Indicates the authentication method for the Microsoft SQL
Server connection. Values include:
SQLServer: Use SQL Server authentication to con-
nect. This is the default.
Windows: Use Windows authentication to connect.
Azure_AD_Password: Use Microsoft Azure Active
Directory with password authentication to connect.
Species the adapter manager port.
Replace <broker_port> with the desired port number. The
port number can have a value between 1024 and 49151, and
must be unique and not in use.
Indicates that this repository is the default for the Job
Enter additional SSL/TLS variables based on the database
type, listed in key-value pairs.
Separate each key-value pair with semicolons, and surround
the string in quotations.
Required when you include -use_ssl_encryption.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
The following table lists all valid key-value pairs and the applicable database type for -encryption_parameters.
Key Value Database type
Distinguished name or host name in
KeyStash Key stash le name (.sth) and rela-
tive or absolute path.
Path and server root certicate le. SAP HANA
KeyStoreDatabase Key database le name (.kdb) and
relative or absolue path.
Name of PEM le that contains the
RSA public key.
SSL certicate authority name.
SSL certicate le name. MySQL
List of permitted ciphers for SSL. MySQL
SSL key name. MySQL
SSL mode.
Microsoft SQL Server
Indicates that Windows authentication will be used for the
connection to the repository.
This parameter is applicable only for repositories on Mi-
crosoft SQL Server.
Species the name of the Job Server.
Replace <server_name> with the desired name for the Job
Server. The specied name may not contain @@ and must be
Enter additional connection parameters to connect to the
SQL Server.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species the type of database used for the repository.
Replace <db_type> with a valid value. For example:
Use -dbSubType<DatabaseSubType> to specify
an Azure database. Values include:
Species the listening port for the Job Server.
Replace <port_number> with the desired port number. The
port number can have a value between 1024 and 49151, and
must be unique and not in use.
Species the database name for the repository.
Replace <database_name> with the name of the repository
This parameter is required only for repositories on Syb-
ase and Microsoft SQL Server.
Indicates that SNMP is enabled for the Job Server. If not
specied, SNMP is disabled.
Species the database service name or server name used to
connect to the repository.
Replace <server_name> with the appropriate information
for the database type:
For Oracle, the database service name as specied in
For DB2, the database instance name.
For Microsoft SQL Server, the database server name.
For Sybase (SAP ASE), the database server name.
For MySQL, the database source name as specied in
the system DSN.
For SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, the database server
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Enables SSL/TLS encryption.
When you include -use_ssl_encryption, also include
Species the username used to connect to the repository.
Replace <username> with the repository username.
Species the password used to connect to the repository.
Replace <> with the repository password.
The following string adds a Job Server with an Oracle repository: AWServerConfig.exe -n
-JNewJobServer -P3500 -Uuser -Wpass -NOracle -SORCLPROD
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Related Information
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Windows) [page 248]
Command line: Adding runtime resources (Windows) [page 252]
14.6.3Command line: Adding runtime resources (Windows)
Add runtime resources in Windows using the -n parameter along with other special parameters.
The following table describes the other runtime resource-specic parameters to use with -n.
Ensure that -n is the rst argument in the string.
Species the directory for the pageable cache.
Replace <cache_dir> with the desired directory.
Species the starting port number.
Replace <from_port> with the desired port number. The port number may have
a value between 1025 and 32766, and must be unique and not in use.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species the ending port number.
Replace <to_port> with the desired port number. The port number may have a
value between 1026 and 32767, and must be unique and not in use. The ending
port value must be greater than the starting port value.
The following string adds a pageable cache resource on ports 2000-2550: AWServerConfig.exe -n
-C"%LINK_DIR%\log\Pcache" -PF2000 -PT2550
Parent topic: Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Related Information
Command line: Adding an Access Server (Windows) [page 248]
Command line: Adding a Job Server (Windows) [page 248]
14.7 Command line: Password encryption
Use AL_Encrypt to encrypt a password with an encryption key or a passphrase, and also to return the base64
encoding of any text.
Returning the base64 encoding can be useful to modify a command line that contains global variable or
substitution variable data, which must be encoded in base64 form.
By default, the installer locates AL_Encrypt in the <LINK_DIR>/bin directory.
AL_Encrypt -e <plain_password> [-k <key string> | -p <passphrase>]
AL_Encrypt "<text to encode>"
Values shown in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
-e <password>
Species the plain-text password to encrypt.
-k <key string>
Species the encryption key for encrypting the password.
-p <passphrase>
Species the passphrase for encrypting the password.
<text to encode>
Returns the base64 encoding of any following text when you
run AL_Encrypt with no parameters. The text can be in
quotation marks or not.
Example: Encrypt a password using a passphrase
AL_Encrypt -e mypassword -p thepassphrase >
Example: Encode text using base64 encoding
AL_Encrypt "encode this as base64" > ZW5jb2RlIHRoaXMgYXMgYmFzZTY0
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
al_engine [page 255]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
14.8 al_engine
al_engine is a core Data Services process that is responsible for executing jobs, importing repository objects,
exporting repository objects, and so on.
Common options
al_engine supports options that are common to many dierent operations.
The following example shows an Oracle repository with a server-based connection and SSL/TLS protocol:
-U<repo user name> -P<repo password> -NOracle -S<database server
name> -Q<database> -Kserver -Kport<port number> -use_ssl_encryption
The following table contains an alphabetical list of descriptions of all codes for the al_engine.
Species the authentication method you are using to con-
nect to the Microsoft SQL Server.
Acceptable values include:
Windows: Use Windows authentication to connect to
the repository.
SQLServer: Use SQL Server authentication to con-
nect to the repository. This is the default.
Azure_AD_Password: Use Microsoft Azure Active
Directory with password authentication to connect to
the repository.
Use to distinguish the SQL Server repository connection on-
premise or on Azure. Values include:
Species additional SSL/TLS variables based on the data-
base type, listed in key-value pairs.
Valid only when you include -use_ssl_encryption.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species Windows Authentication as the repository connec-
tion type. This parameter is valid only for repositories on
Microsoft SQL Server.
Repository port number for server name connection. This
parameter is required if you specied -Kserver for a
server name connection.
Species to use a server name (also known as DSN-less or
TNS-less) connection to the repository.
If you specify this parameter, you must specify the -Kport
and -Kversion parameters.
Species the server version for the repository database.
Applicable for server-based connections. Required if you
specied -Kserver for a server name connection.
-Kversion"MySQL 5.1"
Species the repository database type.
Acceptable values include:
Species the password used to log into the repository.
Species the repository database name or SID (for Oracle).
Specify the database name for a DSN-less connection to a
DB2, SAP Sybase, or SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere repository.
Species the repository server name.
Use ODBC connection name for a DSN connection to a DB2,
SAP HANA, SAP Sybase, or SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere re-
Enables SSL/TLS encryption.
Also include -encryption_parameters.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Enables X.509 authentication. Applicable only for SAP
Species the username used to log into the repository.
Returns the version number of the Data Services engine.
Species the path and le name for the x509.pse key store
le, which contains the X.509 certicate and the SSL certi-
Applicable when you include
al_engine Export and Import options [page 257]
al_engine imports and exports repository information in the internal scripting languages of SAP Data
Services: XML and ATL.
Parent topic: Command line administration [page 228]
Related Information
Command line reference: License Manager [page 229]
Command line: Data Services Connection Manager (Unix) [page 231]
Command line: Repository Manager (Windows) [page 232]
Command line: Repository Manager (Unix) [page 236]
Command line: Server Manager (Unix) [page 239]
Command line: Server Manager (Windows) [page 247]
Command line: Password encryption [page 253]
14.8.1al_engine Export and Import options
al_engine imports and exports repository information in the internal scripting languages of SAP Data
Services: XML and ATL.
The following table describes the export and import options that al_engine supports.
The options are only for export and import operations.
Values shown in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Species a base64-encoded passphrase to use for the fol-
lowing purposes:
Encrypt any passwords when exporting objects.
Decrypt any passwords when importing objects.
You can use -epassphrase<passphrase> for a pass-
phrase that contains special characters.
You must transcode the passphrase to the UTF8 charac-
ter set before encoding it into base64.
Imports information from the ATL le specied in
<filename.atl> to the repository.
Species a plain-text passphrase to use for the following
Encrypt any passwords when exporting objects.
Decrypt any passwords when importing objects.
Exports the entire repository in ATL format to
Imports information from the XML le specied in
<filename.xml> to the repository.
Exports repository port number for server name connection.
You must use this parameter with the -XKserver parame-
Exports repository server name connection. Applicable for
MySQL, SAP HANA, ORACLE, and DB2 database types.
Exports repository database server version for server
name connection. You must use this parameter with the
-XKserver parameter.
-XKversion“MySQL 5.1”
Exports all repository objects of the specied type to the
specied le in ATL format.
Exports the specied repository object and its dependents
to the specied le in ATL format, excluding datastore infor-
Exports the specied repository object and its dependents
to the specied le in ATL format, including datastore infor-
Exports the specied repository object to the specied le in
ATL format.
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Parameter Description
Exports the entire repository in XML format to
Exports all repository objects of the specied type to the
specied le in XML format.
Exports the specied repository object and its dependents
to the specied le in XML format, excluding datastore infor-
Exports the specied repository object and its dependents
to the specied le in XML format, including datastore infor-
Exports the specied repository object to the specied le in
XML format.
When you export objects, you must specify a passphrase with either the -passphrase parameter or
the -epassphrase parameter. When you import objects, the passphrase is optional. However, if you
don’t specify a passphrase, or the specied passphrase is incorrect, the software removes any encrypted
passwords in the imported objects.
Lean XML format [L]
Specify the lean XML format using [L] when you use any of the -XX parameters.
The lean XML format excludes all non-executable elements from the exported XML to improve readability.
The exact arrangement of transforms in a data ow in the Designer workspace area isn't maintained on
export when you use [L] with an -XX parameter. However, when imported back into the software, Data
Services arranges the data ows automatically.
To export all data ows in lean XML format, use the following string:
al_engine -Uuser -Ppassword -Slocalhost -NMySQL -QTheRepository
-XXL@D@exported_dataflows.xml -passphraseMypassphrase
Available object type codes
The following table lists the possible values for the object type (<ObjectType>) codes and the related object
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
Code Object type
COBOL Copybooks
Custom functions
data ows
Excel workbooks
User-dened le formats
SDK-type transform congurations
System proles
Substitution parameter congurations
work ows
XML and DTD message formats
Parent topic: al_engine [page 255]
Administrator Guide
Command line administration
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Administrator Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
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