Change 2, 3/29/2023
Department of Defense
NUMBER 1300.18
January 8, 2008
Incorporating Change 2, Effective March 29, 2023
SUBJECT: DoD Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies, and Procedures
References: (a) DoD Instruction 1300.18, “Military Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies, and
Procedures,” December 18, 2000 (hereby canceled)
(b) DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness (USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
(c) Section 546 of Public Law 108-136, “National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2004,” November 24, 2003
(d) Section 562 of Public Law 109-163, “National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2006,” January 6, 2006
(e) through (ad), see Enclosure 1
This Instruction:
1.1. Reissues Reference (a), under a new title, under the authority of Reference (b), to assign
responsibilities and establish uniform personnel policies and procedures for reporting, recording,
notifying, and assisting the next of kin (NOK) whenever DoD casualties are sustained.
1.2. Establishes the DoD Casualty Advisory Board (CAB).
1.3. Establishes a central DoD repository for casualty information.
1.4. Provides uniform official casualty terms and definitions.
1.5. Establishes uniform guidelines for obtaining and maintaining emergency notification
1.6. Implements References (c); (d); section 566 of Public Law 109-364, the John Warner
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Reference (e)); and section 1072 of
Public Law 102-484, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993
(Reference (f)).
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1.7. Incorporates and cancels Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Directive-Type Memorandum 07-017 (Reference (y)).
1.8. Implements Public Law 114-230 (Reference (z)) and incorporates and cancels
Directive-Type Memorandum 21-006 (Reference (aa)).
1.9. Implements section 580B of Public Law 116-92, the National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Reference (ab)).
1.10. Implements section 633 of Public Law 113-66, the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2014 (Reference (ac)).
This Instruction:
2.1. Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Office
of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter
collectively referred to as the “DoD Components”). The terms Military Services,” “military
personnel,” “Service members,” and “military members,” as used herein, refer to the Army,
Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and the Coast Guard when operating as a Service
within the Department of the Navy.
2.2. Encompasses reporting, notification, and assistance procedures to the NOK of deceased,
duty status - whereabouts unknown (DUSTWUN), excused absence whereabouts unknown
(EAWUN), missing, ill, or injured personnel.
2.3. Establishes uniform procedures for reporting, recording, notifying, and assisting the
NOK of DoD civilian personnel, eligible contractors, and other designated or covered personnel.
(Enclosure 6.)
2.4. Establishes Record of Emergency Data (RED) or DD Form 93 preparation,
maintenance, and minimum audit requirements. (Enclosure 7.)
2.5. Specific information on casualties incurred by personnel supporting classified
assignments may be exempt from this policy and will not be immediately reported in the Defense
Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS). In this event, information will be declassified
as rapidly as possible and reported in DCIPS to ensure accurate reporting and accounting of all
personnel without putting sensitive operations at risk.
3. DEFINITIONS. Terms used in this Instruction are defined in Enclosure 2 or the DoD
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Reference (g)).
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It is DoD policy that:
4.1. Casualty procedures will be uniform across the Military Departments except to the
extent necessary to reflect the traditional practices or customs of a particular Military
4.2. When a casualty occurs, the Component concerned will promptly notify the primary
NOK (PNOK) in a dignified, professional, and understanding manner. Additionally, in those
cases in which the individual is declared deceased, DUSTWUN, EAWUN, or missing, the
appropriate DoD Component will appoint a casualty assistance officer to advise and assist the
PNOK. Assistance officers will also be assigned to the parents of married Service members,
who are considered the secondary NOK, of deceased, DUSTWUN, or missing military personnel
when applicable. Each Military Service has its own title for casualty assistance officers: Army
Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO); Marine Corps and Navy Casualty Assistance Calls
Officer, and Air Force Casualty Assistance Representative, Family Assistance Representative,
and Mortuary Officer. For purposes of this Instruction, the term casualty assistance officer will
be used.
4.2.1. In the case of serious illness or injury of a Service member or civilian employee in
a combat zone, consistent with the expressed desires of the member, the NOK will be notified as
expeditiously as possible regarding the illness or injury, including information on the condition
and location at which the member is receiving treatment.
4.2.2. The NOK will be provided regular updates on the member’s or civilian
employee’s location and condition until considered no longer necessary.
4.3. DoD Components will record and report, to the extent possible, a full and accurate
accounting of deceased or missing personnel and all reportable ill or injured personnel.
4.4. No casualty information on deceased military or DoD civilian employee may be
released to the media or the general public until 24 hours after notifying the NOK regarding the
casualty status of the member consistent with Reference (c). The 24-hour clock will start over
each time the NOK are notified of a change in casualty status. Casualty information on ill or
injured Service members or DoD civilian employees may not be released without the consent of
the individual, unless section 552a of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.), “The Privacy Act of
1974” (Reference (h)), otherwise authorizes release. EXCEPTION: PNOK approval of media
coverage of the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base waives the DoD policy on the 24-hour
delay in release of casualty information to the media and/or general public for that specific case.
4.4.1. In the event of a multiple loss incident, the start time for the 24-hour period will
commence upon the notification of the last family member. Coordination between the Services
is required for single incident, multi-Service losses.
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4.4.2. In cases of Service members or DoD civilian employees who have been
unaccounted for from past conflicts, public release will not occur until 24 hours after the family
has been notified of the identification of their deceased member or employee.
4.4.3. In cases where Service members or DoD civilian employees have been reported
DUSTWUN, EAWUN, or missing under potentially hostile situations, casualty information will
not be released to the media or the general public until 72 hours after the NOK has been notified
or the combatant commander clears the information for release. NOK will be requested not to
make the status of their loved one public until notified by their assistance officer. This delay is
requested to allow the combatant commander the opportunity to ensure that operational security
will not be compromised because of a premature release of the casualty information that could
negatively influence the chances of a successful recovery.
4.4.4. Casualty information on DoD civilian employees will only be released to the
media or the general public after notification of the NOK. Casualty information on DoD
contractor employees will only be released to the media or the general public by the NOK or by
their employer.
4.5. The PNOK, or the adult parent or guardian when the PNOK is a minor, and the parents
of the deceased Service member, who are considered secondary NOK, will be kept informed on
matters relating to DoD death investigations. At a minimum, they will be provided general
information about the death investigation(s) to be conducted that is sufficient to assist them in
understanding the comprehensive nature of the investigation(s), and the likely period of time that
may be necessary to complete the investigation(s). Additionally, they will be informed whether
or not all or part of the completed investigation(s) will be releasable, if such releasability can be
ascertained. Once the death investigation(s) are complete, the PNOK, or the adult parent or
guardian, and the parents will be informed of releasable investigative results prior to any public
release. Upon request, the Service concerned will provide a fully qualified representative to
answer any questions about the investigation report(s) from the PNOK, or the adult parent or
guardian of minor PNOK, and the parents of the Service member as appropriate, either in person
or through telephonic communication. This policy also applies to the PNOK, or adult parent or
guardian when the PNOK is a minor, of DoD civilian employee casualties.
5.1. The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) pursuant to
Reference (ab), will meet periodically with representative groups of survivors of deceased
Service members to discuss DoD policies regarding the casualty and mortuary affairs programs
in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act in the Appendix of Reference (h), as
5.2. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASD(M&RA)),
under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, will:
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5.2.1. Be the focal point for interfacing and coordinating casualty matters among the
Military Services, other Federal Agencies (e.g., Department of Veterans Affairs, Social Security
Administration), non-profit organizations, and family support groups.
5.2.2. Appoint a chairperson to the DoD CAB. (See paragraph 6.4.)
5.2.3. Provide policy guidance to the Military Services and other agencies on casualty
reporting, recording, notification, and assistance to the NOK, and legislation affecting casualty
5.2.4. Develop, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, casualty
reporting and assistance policies with respect to the Coast Guard.
5.2.5. Develop core standards for the assignment, training, and duties of casualty
assistance officers.
5.2.6. Develop a common feedback mechanism for casualty assistance officers and the
5.2.7. Develop and maintain a standard DoD Survivor’s Guide that will be provided to
the PNOK.
5.2.8. Respond to special requests for information from other agencies and the general
public regarding DoD policy on casualty notifications, casualty assistance to the NOK, and
individual casualty recording and reporting.
5.2.9. Develop a long-term plan to obtain the preference of individual Service members
regarding media access to dignified transfers should they become a casualty while on active
5.3. The Director, DoD Human Resources Activity (DoDHRA), under the authority,
direction, and control of the USD(P&R), will:
5.3.1. Operate and maintain the official DoD repository of the names of all active duty
deaths and other reportable casualties as deemed necessary.
5.3.2. Provide technical guidance to the DoD Components concerning recording and
reporting of casualty information.
5.3.3. Notify the Military Services of changes in casualty reporting requirements.
5.3.4. Prescribe corrective action to the DoD Components to ensure consistency of
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5.3.5. Prepare reports of names and aggregated casualty statistics for use by the
Department of Defense, and, as required, for use by the President, Congress, other Federal
agencies, and the general public. This responsibility includes performing DoD special studies
and providing casualty information in support of military memorials.
5.3.6. During times of war or contingency operations, reconcile casualty reporting with
the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (OATSD(PA)), the
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other organizations collecting data on
5.3.7. Provide representation to the CAB.
5.3.8. Provide recommendations to the DoD CAB for adding names, referred by the
Military Services, to the Wall of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. (See paragraph 6.5.)
5.3.9. Provide recommendations to the DoD CAB for adding names, referred by the
Military Services, to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall. (See paragraph 6.6.)
5.4. The Director, Defense Health Agency, under the authority, direction, and control of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, will:
5.4.1. Develop procedures in conjunction with the Military Departments to ensure
appropriate CAO identification and verification so that CAOs requesting information from
medical treatment facilities on casualty condition and location can obtain and relay such
information, if families so desire.
5.4.2. Provide the Secretaries of the Military Departments, or their designated points of
contact, with condition and location information on Service members who are seriously ill or
injured. Such information is considered essential and "need to know." (See also section 724 of
Reference (j).)
5.5. The Armed Forces Medical Examiner (AFME), pursuant to section 1471 of Reference
(l) and under the authority, direction, and control of the Director, Defense Health Agency, will,
for deaths not due to a documented medical illness, determine if the Armed Forces Medical
Examiner System (AFMES) conducts the forensic pathology investigation or if it will be
performed by local or host nation authorities.
5.6. The Heads of the DoD Components will:
5.6.1. Ensure the AFMES is notified of all reportable deaths not obviously caused by a
documented medical illness.
5.6.2. Participate in casualty notification and assistance when requested to do so by the
Military Services. The requesting Military Service will provide funds for travel and
transportation expenses required for executing notification and assistance visits.
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5.6.3. Provide for casualty notification and assistance to those assigned or attached DoD
civilian employees that do not fall under the authority of a Secretary of a Military Department.
5.6.4. Liaison with the designated Military Service reflected in paragraph E6.1.2.1. of
Enclosure 6 to process DoD civilian employee casualty reports when required.
5.6.5. Complete the casualty report contained in Enclosure 6 and submit the report to the
Designated Military Service Casualty Headquarters for further reporting into DCIPS within 24
hours of learning of the casualty.
5.6.6. Coordinate any necessary mortuary affairs services with the designated Military
Service mortuary affairs office. (See Enclosure 6.)
5.6.7. Provide casualty assistance as required. (See Enclosure 6.)
5.6.8. Update all issuances, at all levels of command, pertaining to the initiation or
conduct of an investigation involving a fatality of a Service member, or of a DoD civilian
employee who becomes a fatality while accompanying military personnel in the field or as a
result of military-related actions, to contain the language in Enclosure 10. Investigating
organizations will provide an update to the appropriate Military Service casualty headquarters
office at a 30-day frequency until all investigative activity is completed or the investigation is
closed. The contact information for providing the Military Service casualty headquarters with
the required information concerning death investigations is:
Army –888-276-9472 or 888-ArmyHRC
Marine Corps – (800) 847-1597
E-mail: usmc-investiga[email protected]
Navy – (800) 368-3202
E-mail: MILL_SBP[email protected]
Air Force – 800-525-0102 option 1
5.7. The Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, under the authority, direction,
and control of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer,
Department of Defense, will:
5.7.1. Identify a single payroll office point of contact in support of each respective
Service level casualty office.
5.7.2. Provide a document to each recipient of funds which explains the purpose and
amounts of all monies being paid to them as beneficiaries of a casualty.
5.8. The Secretaries of the Military Departments, in addition to performing the
responsibilities in paragraph 5.5, will:
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5.8.1. Maintain a casualty office for each Military Service as the focal point on all
casualty matters.
5.8.2. Maintain an organizational capability to provide for casualty reporting, recording,
notification, and assistance. (See also Enclosure 6 for DoD Component civilian casualty
5.8.3. Require all installation, base, station, or post Commanders to have a mass disaster
or mass casualty response plan.
5.8.4. Establish internal controls as specified in DoD Instruction 5010.40 (Reference (k))
to ensure the accuracy of casualty information.
5.8.5. Require Service regulations pertaining to performance evaluations be revised to
require evaluation or reporting officials to comment on a member’s assignment as a casualty
assistance officer.
5.8.6. Certify the accuracy and validity of casualty information.
5.8.7. Submit electronic casualty information to the Defense Manpower Data Center
5.8.8. Ensure requests for casualty information are responded to in a timely and
appropriate manner.
5.8.9. Subject to the availability of legal staff resources, consistent with section 1044 of
title 10, U.S.C. (Reference (l)), provide legal assistance, including tax assistance, on an
expedited, prioritized basis to the executor, personal representative, administrator, or legally
recognized estate representative for matters relating to the settlement of estates of Service
members who die on active duty or as a result of an injury or disability that resulted in retirement
from active duty. When uncertainty exists about the status of those listed in this paragraph, or
when otherwise appropriate, legal assistance will be provided to the PNOK to the same degree as
noted in this paragraph.
5.8.10. Provide representation to the CAB from each Military Service.
5.8.11. Require each Military Service to publish implementing instructions that include,
at a minimum: Instructions on the preparation, retention, and internal controls to satisfy
minimum audit requirements for the RED (Enclosure 7). Instructions on the reporting of joint Service casualties. Instructions on reporting and accounting for hostile missing personnel
according to DoD Instruction 2310.05 (Reference (m)). See paragraph 6.2. for reporting and
accounting for non-hostile missing personnel.
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9 The establishment of centralized short-term and long-term case-
management procedures for casualty assistance, including rapid access by eligible beneficiaries
and casualty assistance officers to expert case managers and counselors. The information reflected in paragraph 4.5. and as required by Reference
(f), within a reasonable period of time after family members of the Service member are notified
of the member’s death, but not more than 30 days after the date of notification, the Military
Service concerned will: Ensure in any case in which the cause or circumstances surrounding
the death are under investigation, family members are informed of that fact, of the names of the
DoD agencies conducting the investigation, and the existence of any reports by such agencies
that have been or will be issued as a result of the investigations. Ensure that family members, if they so desire, are provided a copy of
any completed investigative report and any other completed fatality reports that are available at
the time family members are provided the information to the extent such reports may be
furnished consistent with sections 552 and 552a of Reference (h). That when the remains of a deceased Service member or DoD civilian
employee are being returned home by air transport, that casualty assistance officers keep family
members informed on date, time, and location of their arrival. Casualty assistance officers will
accompany the family members who elect to travel to the airport at their own expense to observe
the arrival and transfer of remains as appropriate. That prior to assignment as a casualty assistance officer, personnel will
receive appropriate training that includes at a minimum the training described in paragraph and that the accomplishment of such training has been documented. Core standards of assignment, training, reporting, and duties for personnel
assigned casualty assistance responsibilities: Assignment: Only personnel in the grades of E6 or GS-7 or above may be
assigned. The following cannot be assigned as a casualty assistance
officer: a relative or a close personal friend of the deceased; or anyone scheduled for
deployment, reassignment, retirement, or release from active duty within the next 6 months. Assignment as a casualty assistance officer or representative is
considered their primary duty.
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10 The process, including notification to survivors and NOK, for
turning over casualty assistance responsibilities when the current casualty assistance officer
departs and assistance is still required or ongoing. Training for casualty assistance officers that includes: An overview on benefits and forms preparation. Casualty
assistance officers are not benefits experts. They should be provided sufficient knowledge to
know who at the Service headquarters level or appropriate Federal Agency to contact to obtain
factual guidance and answers on benefits-related questions. Grief and trauma awareness. Privacy Act. Public affairs as it pertains to compliance with established
policy on the release of casualty information to the media or the general public, referral of
inquiries to trained Public Affairs officials, and how to obtain public affairs support for family
members upon request. Points of contact for support from Service, Military
Departments, the Department of Defense, other Federal Agency, or non-profit organizations. Training from the Joint Forces Command and its Joint Personnel
Recovery Agency, Fort Belvoir, VA, for casualty assistance personnel assigned to family
members of Service members in a known captive status. These personnel should receive
additional training on the psychological aspects of captivity, captivity support, the recovery
process, debriefing, decompression, and reintegration. Reporting. The timely completion of the Casualty Assistance Officer
Feedback Report. Duties of the casualty assistance officer: Deliver the DoD Survivor’s Guide. Provide a business card with 24/7 contact numbers. Assist eligible family members in obtaining new identification
cards. Provide the PNOK and parents with current information on
ongoing investigations (if applicable) and the process for obtaining a copy of such investigations;
the process for obtaining a copy of any autopsies (if conducted); the current status on the return
of personal effects; and facilitate obtaining additional copies of the Report of Casualty (DD Form
1300), if requested.
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11 Provide eligible family members information on legal assistance
provided by military attorneys. Provide eligible family members and/or beneficiaries with
information on the availability of financial counseling with respect to disposition of death
gratuity and insurance proceeds. Assist the PNOK until all benefits have been applied for and
received and until all requests for fatality reports or investigations have been obtained as required
by Reference (f), or until the PNOK has determined that assistance is no longer needed. When
assistance is no longer needed, the PNOK will be provided a contact number and mailing address
that they can call or write anytime in the future for additional assistance or to provide comments
on the quality of the assistance provided. If the Service member’s funeral is within the local area, attend
the funeral service if allowed by the family. If the funeral service is not within the local area,
coordinate for an assistance officer near the funeral location to provide assistance as necessary
and notify the family accordingly.
5.8.12. Provide funds for travel and incidental expenses related to casualty notification
and assistance visits.
5.8.13. Exercise discretion and provide funds for travel and transportation expenses for
casualty assistance officers or family liaison officers to accompany or escort the PNOK, when
requested, to the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base.
5.8.14. Require the Military Service casualty office to liaison with the designated DoD
Component reflected in Enclosure 6 to process civilian casualty reports when required.
5.8.15. Participate in casualty notification and assistance when requested to do so by the
DoD Components. The requesting Component will provide funds for travel and transportation
expenses required for executing notification and assistance visits.
5.8.16. Pursuant to Reference (ab), meet periodically with representative groups of
survivors of deceased Service members to receive feedback regarding issues affecting survivor
programs in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act in the Appendix of Reference
(h), as applicable.
5.8.17. Pursuant to Reference (ac) appoint a Gold Star and Surviving Family
Representative to assist spouses and other dependents of members who die on active duty.
5.9. The Inspectors General of the Military Departments will:
5.9.1. Conduct triennial inspections of the casualty assistance programs to ensure
compliance with the policies, procedures, and standards of this Instruction.
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5.9.2. Upon completion of such inspections, forward a copy of the casualty assistance
program inspection report to the USD(P&R) (DASD(MC&FP), Attn: Casualty Affairs)
5.10. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will:
5.10.1. Be the focal point for all joint operational procedures and develop procedures on
casualty reporting during hostile situations.
5.10.2. Develop implementation and planning guidance for the Military Services and the
Combatant Commands to ensure uniform handling of personnel casualty operations.
5.10.3. Coordinate any unclassified release of aggregated casualty statistics with the
5.10.4. Ensure the Military Services and Combatant Commanders implement procedures
on theater entry requirements in accordance with paragraphs E7.2.1.3. and E7.2.1.4. of this
5.10.5. Provide DoDHRA information on deactivation of combat designated areas.
5.10.6. Provide representation to the CAB.
5.11. The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), will:
5.11.1. In accordance with the provisions of Reference (m) and sections 1501-1503 of
Reference (l), exercise centralized management of prisoner of war/missing in action (POW/MIA)
affairs for any member of the Armed Forces on active duty or Reserve component performing
official duties, a U.S. citizen civilian or employee of the Department of Defense, and any other
person determined to be a covered person by the USD(P) who becomes involuntarily absent as a
result of a hostile action, or under circumstances suggesting that the involuntary absence is a
result of a hostile action, and whose status is undetermined or who is unaccounted for.
5.11.2. Coordinate with the DoD Components on all matters that concern missing
5.11.3. Forward all correspondence and new case related information through the
appropriate Service casualty office for notification of the PNOK, other members of the
immediate family according to Reference (m), or any other previously designated person
identified by the Service member according to section 655 of Reference (l).
5.11.4. In accordance with the provisions of DoD Directive 5111.01 (Reference (n)),
serve as the primary DoD representative and point of contact with other Federal Departments and
agencies, foreign governments, and non-governmental organizations on all matters related to
personnel recovery and past conflict personnel accounting pursuant to sections 1501 through
1513 of Reference (l).
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5.12. The Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (ATSD(PA)) will:
5.12.1. Coordinate any unclassified release of aggregated casualty statistics with the
DoDHRA or defer reporting to DoDHRA.
5.12.2. During times of war or contingency operations, ensure that guidance given to
Public Affairs offices is consistent with definitions and procedures in this Instruction and with
guidance to the Services provided by DoDHRA.
5.12.3.. During times of war or contingency operations, reconcile press releases of names
with official casualty names maintained by DoDHRA.
6.1. Casualty Reporting, Recording, Notification, and Assistance
6.1.1. Casualty Reporting Casualty reports will be submitted electronically and without delay to the
Service Headquarters Casualty Office within 12 hours of a command, detachment, or unit
learning of the casualty. Service regulations will identify applicable reporting units and casualty
report format. Casualty reports will be unclassified to the maximum extent possible.
In the event a casualty report must be classified or contains classified information, the
information must be reported via secure means and to properly cleared personnel. Initial casualty reports will be transmitted with an IMMEDIATE
precedence and are exempt from MINIMIZE. DCIPS. DCIPS is the Department's functional information system for
casualty and mortuary affairs business information processes and is the system of record for the
"Report of Casualty" DD Form 1300 and other documents and reports. The DCIPS
Configuration Control Board (CCB) governs changes within this system. In addition to any reporting requirements that may be unique to each Military
Service concerned, standard casualty reports are submitted electronically to DoDHRA’s DMDC
via DCIPS. Casualty reports, and the preparation of the DD Form 1300, are required for: All deceased or missing military personnel in an active or inactive duty
training status.
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14 All deceased or missing DoD civilian employees and DoD contractors,
outside the continental United States (OCONUS), who are casualties as a result of hostile or non-
hostile action or while accompanying Armed Forces in the field and for all continental United
States (CONUS) casualties as a result of hostile action. All deceased 120-day disability retired members. All deceased or missing personnel identified as Designated or Covered
Persons by USD(P) according to Reference (m). All deceased personnel who were attending a Military Service
Academy. Pursuant to Reference (ab), all graduates of a reserve officers
training corps who receive a commission and die before receiving a first duty assignment, will be
designated as a military decedent for the purposes of casualty notification and casualty
assistance. Casualty reports are required for all active duty military personnel whose
status is listed as seriously ill or injured (SI) or very seriously ill or injured (VSI). The
preparation of the DD Form 1300 is not required. Casualty reports are required for all DoD civilian employees or DoD
contractors, OCONUS, who are listed as SI or VSI as a result of hostile or non-hostile action or
while accompanying armed forces in the field. The preparation of the DD Form 1300 is not
required. Casualty reports are required for all military personnel listed as DUSTWUN
and all DoD civilian employees and DoD contractor personnel listed as EAWUN. The
preparation of the DD Form 1300 is not required. Casualty reports are required for all personnel, including military and DoD
civilian employees and DoD contractors, who are wounded in action. The preparation of the DD
Form 1300 is not required. At the Services' or DoD Component’s discretion, casualty reports and the
preparation of DD Form 1300s are optional for: All DoD civilian employees and contractors in a travel status. All military, civilian, and contractor dependents. All retired personnel or dependents of retired personnel who die while
properly admitted under chapter 55 of Reference (l) to a medical facility of the armed forces
located in the United States.
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15 All personnel on the Delayed Entry Program. All personnel going through Reserve Officer Training Corps. All 120-day discharge or Release from Active Duty personnel. All Reserve or National Guard personnel who die while in an inactive
status. Special Reporting. DoDHRA’s DMDC maintains aggregate information on
selected military operations and incidences. When aggregation is required, DoDHRA’s DMDC
will notify the Services and assign a special code for the Services to include on the electronic
records made available to DoDHRA’s DMDC. When a special code has been assigned,
DoDHRA’s DMDC may also require information on those injured in combat or in terrorist acts,
non-hostile injuries occurring in a combat-designated area, and accidents for incidences where
there are multiple casualties. This reporting may be non-DCIPS and may be done electronically
or verbally and consists of aggregate counts or abbreviated records by name as specified by
6.1.2. Casualty Recording DCIPS is an electronic system used in the collection and management of
casualty data and produces the DD Form 1300 and other documents and reports. The DD Form 1300 (Enclosure 3) is prepared to officially record the death,
or missing status, of personnel listed in paragraph 6.1.1. Government agencies use the
completed DD Form 1300 as the basis for paying benefits, collecting casualty data, and closing
out personnel files. A copy of this form may be provided to persons, organizations, or agencies
not connected with the Government for settling claims that require proof of death. Information
on a completed DD Form 1300 for a deceased person that pertains to living persons, and those
completed DD Form 1300s for missing persons, are protected pursuant to section 552(a) of
Reference (h). Instructions for completing the DD Form 1300 are found at Enclosure 4.
Examples of completed DD Form 1300s are at Enclosure 5. Each Military Service or DoD Component, at its option, may use the DD
Form 1300 to record the deaths or missing status of other military members, DoD civilian
employees, military dependents, defense contractors, and dependents of DoD civilian employees
under its purview. Department of Defense Worldwide Casualty System (DCAS). DoDHRA’s
DMDC maintains the DCAS containing personal and casualty specific data on all active duty
military deaths for the Korean War, Vietnam Conflict, and worldwide casualties since fiscal year
1980. The system is used to meet the responsibilities defined in paragraph 5.2.5. Input to the
DCAS system is made available through DCIPS, which provides key information on each
casualty. File input formats and code specification requirements will be maintained by
DoDHRA’s DMDC and changes will periodically be presented to the DCIPS CCB for approval
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and incorporation within DCIPS. The baseline standards for DCAS will come from either
approved data entities in the Defense Data Dictionary System, data entities from an approved
DoD-wide system, or from other coding specifically unique to casualty processing. Standards
will be tailored to meet specific requirements of DCAS. For example, the inclusion of countries
no longer in existence with start/stop dates is required in DCAS for historical purposes but is not
part of a DoD standard. Post-Conflict Documentation Requirements and Processing Summary. After
consultation with the Joint Staff, the Military Services, and others as applicable, DoDHRA will
provide Service casualty offices: Pertinent details of new war/conflict or operation/incident reporting
procedures upon startup; Stop date indicating when a war/conflict or operation/incident ends; Date after which only case-by-case exceptions will be made to war/
conflict or operation/incident casualty reports; Any military operation/incident that involves combat must account for
personnel falling within the following categories: Died/wounded in a defined combat zone (e.g., contingency area); Died from wounds sustained in a defined combat zone; Died/wounded while on a combat/combat support mission
to/from a defined combat zone; Died from physical injuries, other than wounds, occurring in a
defined combat zone, provided that death occurred within 120 days of the incident; Died from a diagnosed illness while in a defined combat zone or
outside the combat zone provided that death occurred within 120 days of the diagnosis; Died/wounded in the aftermath of a combat/combat support
mission incident. For Vietnam Conflict reporting purposes only, any death/wounding in
South Vietnam between November 1, 1955, and December 31, 1960, will be reported as though
a combat zone had been designated for that period; If a Military Service becomes aware of a case that might qualify after
exception processing begins, it will review the case against the established criteria. If the
Service determines that the case does not meet the criteria, the Service will inform the requestor
of their decision with an appropriate explanation. If the Service determines a criterion was met,
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it will process the action in the normal manner. In addition, the Service will prepare supporting
documentation for DoDHRA as described in paragraphs through
DoDHRA will perform, and/or facilitate, a second-level DoD review, ensuring that the
documentation supports an update to the DCAS, the primary source for DoD reporting of
Military Service casualties incurred during military operations. DoDHRA will notify the Service
that the action has been accepted for processing or is deficient in some manner. Any deficiency
will be explained to the Service. The Service will not notify the requestor of any action until the
DoD review has been completed. The Service concerned will provide DoDHRA the following
documentation when the Service determination is to process a case: Letter signed by the Service Casualty Advisory Board
representative explaining the rationale for its determination; Supporting documentation leading to the explanation; Death certificate; and DD Form 1300; If wounding, injury, or illness was the basis for consideration, the
Service will provide a signed opinion letter from a medical authority establishing the relationship
between the initial event in a defined combat zone and the cause of death. Additionally, a signed
endorsement letter of the opinion from the Office of the Surgeon General for the Service is
required. DoDHRA will provide information about changes to its database to
appropriate sources such as the Department of the Interior and groups responsible for memorials.
6.1.3. Casualty Notification Initial Notification. During the initial notification, or as soon as practicable
thereafter, the PNOK will be provided all known circumstances surrounding the casualty
incident and, when applicable, information regarding media access for the dignified transfer of
remains at Dover Air Force Base. Military Decedent. At a minimum, the spouse, children not residing
with the spouse, parents, the person authorized to direct disposition of human remains (PADD),
or other beneficiaries receiving survivor benefits or entitlements will be notified unless
paragraph applies. DoD Civilian Employee Decedent (includes Departments of the Army,
Navy, and Air Force). When a reportable DoD civilian casualty occurs, the respective Military
Service or DoD Component will make personal notification to the emergency point of contact
reflected on the DD Form 93 or the electronic civil service equivalent of the DD Form 93 unless
paragraph applies. Thereafter, the Military Service or DoD Component will facilitate
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the follow-on assistance with the appropriate civilian personnel or human resources office for
survivor benefits or entitlements. DoD Contractor Decedents. When a reportable DoD contractor
casualty occurs, the respective Military Service or DoD Component will notify the appropriate
contracting agency who will be responsible for notifying the contractor’s NOK. Notification Team. Notification(s) will be conducted by a minimum of
a two-person uniformed detail and, when possible, one member will be a chaplain. Chaplain
assistance from another branch of Military Service is allowed. Care-team members, Family
Readiness Group members, or other support group members will not be part of the initial
notification visit. Such members are considered part of the general public and will not be
provided access to casualty information according to paragraph 4.4. Following the initial
notification, upon request from the person who receives the initial notification, a friend, relative
or a person from a Family Readiness Group or Care Team or other support group may be called
by the notification team to provide immediate support services. Times of Notification. Personal notifications will be accomplished
within 12 hours of the Military Service headquarters receipt of the casualty report unless
circumstances beyond the Service’s control prevent such notifications. Hours of notification are
local times 0500 – 2400, except under unusual circumstances as authorized in applicable Service
regulations. The intent is to notify the NOK at a time and location that is most considerate of the
family environment (e.g., while at home, not while on the job) while considering the necessity
for timely notification. Desires of the Member. The desires of the member, expressed in the
RED or expressed by the member at the time of the casualty, concerning whom not to notify will
be honored unless, in the judgment of the member's commander or Service Component for
civilian personnel, official notification by the Military Service should be made. DUSTWUN, EAWUN, Missing, and Deceased Cases. Within the
guidance of subparagraph, initial notification(s) will be made in person to the PNOK
and to the parents, who are the secondary NOK, unless unusual circumstances prevent such
procedures, as expeditiously as possible. Notification to secondary NOK is not applicable to
civilian personnel. All facts and circumstances on the casualty incident, known at the time of the
initial notification, will be provided to the PNOK. Whenever someone other than the member's
commander or designated Service representative makes initial notification, an official
notification confirmation to the PNOK and secondary NOK will be made. For deceased
casualties, the casualty representative should advise the PNOK to defer making any decisions
until briefed on entitlements and benefits. The purpose of this contact is to establish a time to
meet with the PNOK that considers the needs of the family and honors the family's period of
mourning. Illness or Injury Cases. Within the guidance of paragraph, in
cases involving SI or VSI casualties, initial notification(s) to the PNOK by a representative of the
DoD Component concerned will be conducted by telephone. If telephonic notification is not
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possible, initial notifications will be in person. Whenever a casualty occurs as the result of a
hostile action or terrorist activity and the casualty is classified as "not seriously injured" (NSI),
official notification to the PNOK by the DoD Component concerned will be made upon the
member’s request. The member will be encouraged to notify their PNOK. Follow-on Notification DUSTWUN, EAWUN, or Missing Cases. In all cases involving
DUSTWUN, EAWUN, or missing casualties, the PNOK will be kept informed until actual status
or fate is determined. Illness or Injury Cases. For SI or VSI casualties, the DoD Component
concerned will keep the PNOK informed of the member's or DoD civilian employee’s (if being
treated at a military medical treatment facility) medical progress within the guidance of
paragraph in accordance with Reference (i). Other Concerned Individuals Beneficiaries. All persons reflected in the Service member’s records as
a beneficiary or recipient of death benefits or Federal program insurance proceeds will be
notified in accordance with individual Service directives. Non-family Members. There may be interested persons other than the
primary or secondary NOK who may be affected or show considerable interest in a casualty
(e.g., other members of the unit, close personal friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and fiancés).
While it is not possible, because of the Privacy Act of 1974 (Reference (h)), to provide these
individuals with the complete details of the loss or allow access to personal effects, common
sense and sensitivity should be used with regard for their feelings and concerns.
6.1.4. Casualty Assistance DUSTWUN, EAWUN, Missing, or Deceased Cases. In all cases involving
DUSTWUN, EAWUN, missing, or deceased casualties, the DoD Component concerned will
appoint a casualty assistance officer who will initiate contact with the PNOK within 24 hours
following initial notification. Within the guidelines established by each DoD Component, the
casualty assistance officer may be the notification officer. The casualty assistance officer, to the
extent the PNOK desires, will provide guidance and assistance for such matters as pay,
allowances and benefits, veteran benefits, social security benefits, and income tax refunds or
exclusions whenever section 692 of title 26, U.S.C. (Reference (o)) applies to the particular case.
Assistance to civilian personnel will be coordinated through the designated civilian personnel
office or civilian benefits center. The casualty assistance officer will provide points of contact or
information regarding autopsy reports, all known reports of inquiry or investigations, as
applicable, and other governmental or non-DoD agencies that may be involved in a particular
case. The casualty assistance officer will maintain contact with the PNOK to keep them
informed until all matters relating to the case have been answered and all entitlements and
benefits are received. The member’s commander should provide an appropriate letter of
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sympathy or condolence to the PNOK, spouse or parents as appropriate, not later than 5 days
after the initial notification, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. If the PNOK is a minor, the
letter should be addressed to the minor in care of the guardian or legal representative. Illness or Injury Cases. In those military VSI or SI cases in which a
competent medical authority requests the presence of NOK at bedside, the casualty office of the
Military Service concerned will be the final approval authority and will assist in arranging
appropriate Government-funded invitational travel in accordance with paragraph 030501 of The
Joint Federal Travel Regulations (Reference (p)). In those civilian cases when an employee on
temporary duty travel becomes ill or injured, transportation expenses, but not per diem, are
allowed for an attendant or escort provided the attending physician certifies that it is medically
necessary for the employee to be accompanied by an attendant or escort in accordance with
paragraph 033002 of The Joint Travel Regulations (Reference (p)). When the Service issues Invitational Travel Authorizations, more
commonly known as Invitational Travel Orders, for family members to travel to be at the bedside
of an ill or injured Service member, the appropriate Service will offer the family arrival
assistance. Upon request from the family, the Service will ensure that the family is
met at their point of arrival (e.g., airport, train, or bus station) in the geographical area where the
member is hospitalized, and escorted or provided directions to the hospital or military treatment
facility. Additional assistance may be provided in securing lodging at or near the hospital or
military treatment facility. Release of Information to the PNOK and Parents. In all casualty cases, the
PNOK and parents will be provided information on the circumstances surrounding the incident
as best known to the DoD Component concerned. In the event a casualty occurs during a
classified operation, all information of an unclassified nature will be provided. Every effort will
be made to declassify information. If the PNOK is a minor, all information will be provided to
the guardian or legal representative.
6.2. DUSTWUN or EAWUN Designation
6.2.1. In those circumstances when the reason for a member’s absence is uncertain and it
is possible that the member is a casualty whose absence is involuntary, but there is not sufficient
evidence to determine immediately that the member is missing or deceased, the member should
be designated DUSTWUN or EAWUN. This procedure is particularly useful when hostilities
prevent the immediate determination of a member’s actual status, or when search and rescue
efforts are ongoing.
6.2.2. The commander’s preliminary assessment of a member’s actual status, required by
Reference (m) should, whenever practicable, be made within 10 days. That is usually sufficient
time to conduct an investigation, or conduct search and rescue efforts, to ascertain a member’s
actual status. The recovery of remains is not a prerequisite to determining or declaring a
casualty deceased.
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21 If it is determined that a member is not absent involuntarily, but rather is
absent voluntarily, the commander should designate the member as having been absent-without-
leave/unauthorized absence (AWOL/UA) during the time period in which the Service member
was previously listed as DUSTWUN or EAWUN. If it is determined that a member has died, the commander should designate
or recommend the member as having been in a missing status during the DUSTWUN or
EAWUN period according to individual Service regulations, ending on the date the commander
received evidence of the member’s death or made a presumptive finding of death based on
information obtained during the preliminary investigation. If it is determined that a member has
died while voluntarily absent, however, the commander should designate the member as having
been AWOL/UA, ending on the date of the member’s death. If it is determined that a member is involuntarily absent not as a result of
hostile action, the commander should designate or recommend the member as having been in a
missing status during the DUSTWUN or EAWUN period according to individual Service
regulations. If it is determined that a member is absent as a result of hostile action, and
that Reference (m) applies, the commander may only recommend a missing status and the
Secretary concerned or their designee must make the determination of actual status.
6.2.3. A member’s pay and allowances entitlements during a DUSTWUN designation
period are determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of title 37, U.S.C. (Reference
(q)) and are dependent upon the member’s actual status during that period.
6.2.4. A civilian member’s pay and allowances entitlements during an EAWUN
designation period are determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of Reference (h)
and are dependent upon the member’s actual status during that period.
6.3. Application of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Policy Guidance
Concerning Release of Information
6.3.1. FOIA Requests. Under the provisions of the FOIA (section 552 of Reference (h)),
any person may request records by writing to the FOIA Office of the DoD Component owning
the records. FOIA requests for casualty records should be submitted to the FOIA Office of the
respective Military Service or DoD Component. While a FOIA request from the PNOK is not
necessary, other requesters, to include immediate family members, must submit a request.
Information requested must be released unless it is exempt under one or more of the nine
exemptions of the Act. The two exemptions that apply most often to casualty information are the
national security exemption and the personal privacy exemption (sections 552(b)(1) and
552(b)(6) of Reference (h)). The DoD FOIA Program, DoD Manual 5400.07 (Reference (r))
provides guidance on the application of the exemptions. The use of the personal privacy
exemption may be merited to protect the privacy of living persons in the record or the PNOK
and/or family members of the deceased. Use Reference (r) for guidance.
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6.3.2. Releasable Information in DUSTWUN, EAWUN or Missing Cases. The amount
of information releasable to the general public on these members is limited to basic biographical
information such as name, date of loss, country of loss, and current status. Exceptions include a
legal guardian appointed by a court who has given written consent for release of information to a
third party and FOIA requests where disclosure of the records concerned does not constitute a
clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
6.3.3. Releasable Information in Deceased Cases. Death of a member does not mean
that there are no privacy interests to be considered in deciding whether to release information.
Although deceased persons no longer have privacy interests to be protected, some casualty
information may be withheld if a determination is made that release of the information would
invade the privacy of a living person. This includes personal information on the PNOK or
others. It also includes information pertaining to the deceased if disclosure would result in an
invasion of the family’s privacy. Examples of items of a personal nature about family members
or others that should be protected include residential addresses and telephone numbers, social
security numbers, age and date of birth. Examples of items about a deceased person that should
be protected are autopsy reports containing detailed descriptions of the procedures and vivid
descriptions, photographs, or videotapes of human remains. The PNOK and/or family members
may obtain their deceased Service member's records. Requests for records of deceased civilian
employees will be submitted to the appropriate civilian personnel office for appropriate action.
However, all requests will be processed in accordance with References (h) and (r) to protect the
privacy of other living person(s).
6.4. DoD CAB
6.4.1. This Instruction establishes the DoD CAB as a permanent board. The CAB is
responsible for developing and recommending broad policy guidance, for proposing goals for the
Military Services to ensure uniform policy regarding the care of military members and their
families, and to ensure accurate reporting and accounting for the status of military members and
applicable civilian personnel. The Board will recommend policy during joint operations to
ensure uniform and equitable treatment of all military members and their families and to ensure
uniform procedures are used. Mortuary affairs issues are under the purview of the Central Joint
Mortuary Affairs Board covered in DoD Directive 1300.22 (Reference (s)).
6.4.2. The CAB will be composed of two members representing each of the Military
Services as appointed by the Assistant Secretary, or their designee, of the Military Department
responsible for military personnel policy. A copy of the member appointment letters will be
forwarded to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family
Policy DASD(MC&FP) Attn: Casualty Affairs. Depending on individual Service organization,
members would include, at a minimum, those who are responsible for casualty reporting, family
notification, casualty assistance, and mortuary assistance. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff will also designate a member. A member of the DoDHRA, DMDC, will serve as a
technical advisor to the board. A member of the ATSD(PA) and the ASD(M&RA) will serve as
advisors to the Board. The USD(P&R) will designate a member from that OSD component as
the Chairperson of the CAB. The DASD (MC&FP), or that official’s designee, will be a
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6.4.3. The Board will perform the following functions regarding casualty matters: Recommend policy changes to be coordinated within the Military Services
and approved by the USD(P&R). Recommend uniform operational procedures to be coordinated within the
Military Services and approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Recommend basic roles and responsibilities to be considered and approved
by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for joint operations. Recommend and review policies regarding the release of casualty
information and statistics to the media and the general public. Review major disaster and contingency responses to casualty incidents to
ensure adequacy of existing policies and procedures. Be the focal point with other Federal Agencies, Veterans Service
Organizations, and non-profits to improve the support and assistance to surviving family
members. Review requests for inclusion of a Service member’s name on the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial or the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance to determine
their eligibility and provide recommendations to the Director, DoDHRA.
6.4.4. The Chairperson of the CAB will: Notify the CAB membership no later than 60-days prior to a scheduled
meeting. Designate the Service who hosts the CAB meeting to provide a recorder and
prepare CAB minutes in specified format. Prepare CAB minutes within 30 working-days following a meeting and
forward a copy such minutes to the Assistant Secretaries of the Military Departments and their
designees, the Director of the Joint Staff, ATSD(PA), ASD(M&RA), and other leadership as
appropriate. Coordinate any policy change recommendations. Coordinate with the Military Services on all invited guests to the CAB who
have expertise or services that may provide additional support to Service members and their
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6.4.5. CAB meetings will be held tri-annually or as directed by the Chairperson. The
respective Military Services will fund travel and per diem expenses associated with board
meetings. A quorum exists only if each Military Service has a representative present.
6.5. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Applications
6.5.1. All requests to add names to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall will be
forwarded to the Director, DoDHRA for recommendation. The Director, DoDHRA will provide
recommendations to the DoD CAB, which will provide recommendations to the USD(P&R) for
final decision on whether the Service member met the DoD criteria for inclusion on the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial Wall. Family members or other interested parties will be advised that the
request has been forwarded for decision and an update will be provided when a decision has been
6.5.2. Each request will be endorsed with a Service recommendation (a) to add the
member’s name on the Wall or (b) that the name not be added because the deceased veteran does
not meet the established criteria. In order for a Service member to have their name added to the
Wall, one of the following criteria must be satisfied: A Service member must have: Died in Vietnam between November 1, 1955, and December 31, 1960; or Died in the defined combat zone on or after January 1, 1961; or Died as a result of wounds (combat or hostile related) sustained in the
combat zone; or Died while participating in, or providing direct support to, a combat mission
immediately en route to or returning from a target within the defined combat zone; or Died from physical injuries, other than wounds, occurring in a defined
combat zone, provided that death occurred within 120 days from departing the defined combat
zone and that death occurred within 120 days of the incident; or Died from a diagnosed illness while in a defined combat zone or outside the
combat zone provided that death occurred within 120 days from departing the defined combat
zone and that death occurred within 120 days of the diagnosis.
6.5.3. For clarification purposes on the above criteria, there is no requirement that the
Service member was killed in action or that the cause of death was combat related.
6.6. Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance
6.6.1. For the Korean War reporting purposes only, any death or wounding in the Korean
War combat zone between July 28, 1953 to July 27, 1954, will be reported. All casualties that
have already been declared as official casualties of the Korean War are eligible for inclusion on
the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance.
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6.6.2. All requests to add names to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of
Remembrance will be forwarded to the Director, DoDHRA for recommendation. The Director,
DoDHRA will provide recommendations to the DoD Casualty Advisory Board, which will
provide recommendations to the USD(P&R). USD (P&R) will provide to the Secretary of the
Interior a final list of names of members of the U.S. Armed Forces who died in the Korean War
as determined by Secretary of Defense, for inclusion on the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Wall of Remembrance. Family members or other interested parties will be advised that the
request has been forwarded for decision and an update will be provided when a decision has been
6.6.3. Each request will be endorsed with a Service recommendation to add the
member’s name on the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance or that the name
not be added because the deceased veteran does not meet the established criteria. In order for a
Service member to have their name added to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of
Remembrance, one of the following criteria must be satisfied. A Service member must have: Died within the territorial limits of Korea, in the waters immediately
adjacent thereto or in aerial flight over Korea, participating in actual combat operations or in
support of combat operations. Geographical boundaries thus include in addition to the Korean
peninsula, the Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan, Korean Straight, and the Korean Bay between June 25,
1950 to July 27, 1953; or Died in the defined combat zone on or after July 28, 1953 to July 27,
1954; or Died as a result of wounds (combat or hostile related) sustained in the
combat zone; or Died while participating in, or providing direct support to, a combat
mission immediately en route to or returning from a target within the defined combat zone; or Killed or died from wounds resulting from combat or hostile related
action by an enemy of the United States within the territorial limits of Korea before June 25,
1950 or after July 27, 1954; or Died from physical injuries, other than wounds, occurring in a defined
combat zone, provided that death occurred within 120 days of the incident; or Died from a diagnosed illness while in a defined combat zone or outside
the combat zone provided that death occurred within 120 days from departing the defined
combat zone and that death occurred within 120 days of the diagnosis.
6.6.4. For clarification purposes on the above criteria, there is no requirement that the
Service member was killed in action or that the cause of death was combat related.
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7.1. The reporting requirements described in paragraph 6.1.2. have been assigned Report
Control Symbol DD-P&R(AR) 1664 in accordance with DoD Manual 8910.01 (Reference (t)).
7.2. The Record of Emergency Data Form (DD Form 93) (RED) will be prepared for all
personnel enlisted or commissioned in the Armed Forces, Enclosure 7. Detailed preparation
instructions are contained in Enclosure 8. Examples are provided in Enclosure 9.
7.3. Additional information requirements, unless exempt, will be developed, approved, and
licensed, consistent with Reference (t) and DoD Instruction 8320.02 (Reference (u)).
8. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This Instruction is available on the DoD
Issuances Website at
9.1. The changes to this issuance are a result of References (z), (aa), (ab), and (ac).
9.2. Responsibilities of the Director, DoDHRA have been amended to include serving as the
DoD review and recommending authority for adding names to the Korean War Veterans
Memorial Wall of Remembrance. Processes in paragraph 6.6. have been added to provide for
the eligibility criteria for the inclusion of names on the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of
9.3. Processes in paragraph 6.6. have been added to provide for the eligibility criteria for the
inclusion of names on the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance.
9.4. Responsibilities of the USD(P&R) have been amended to include meeting periodically
with representative groups of survivors of deceased Service members to discuss DoD policies
regarding the casualty and mortuary affairs programs.
9.5. Responsibilities of the Secretaries of the Military Departments have been amended to
include meeting periodically with representative groups of survivors of deceased Service
members to receive feedback regarding issues affecting survivors and to appoint a Gold Star and
Surviving Family Representative.
9.6. Administrative changes were also made to this issuance to update organizational titles,
references, acronyms, and definitions for accuracy.
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10. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective January 8, 2008.
Enclosures - 10
E1. References, continued
E2. Definitions
E3. Sample Report of Casualty (DD Form 1300)
E4. Instructions for Completing the Report of Casualty (DD Form 1300)
E5. Examples of Completed DD Form 1300
E6. Civilian Casualty Reporting, Recording, Notification and Assistance by DoD Components
E7. General Instructions for the Use and Preparation of the Record of Emergency Data (DD
Form 93)
E8. Detailed Instructions for Completing the Record of Emergency Data (DD Form 93)
E9. Example of Completed Record of Emergency Data (DD Form 93)
E10. Procedures for Notifying the Military Service Casualty Offices of Death Investigations
DoDI 1300.18, January 8, 2008
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REFERENCES, continued
(e) Section 566 of Public Law 109-364, “John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2007,” October 17, 2006
(f) Section 1072 of Public Law 102-484, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
1993,” October 23, 1992
(g) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "DoD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms," current edition
(h) Sections 552, 552a, and Appendix, of title 5, United States Code
(i) DoD Instruction 6025.18, “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Privacy Rule Compliance in DoD Health Care Programs,” March 13, 2019
(j) Section 724 of Public Law 108-375, “Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2005,” October 28, 2004
(k) DoD Instruction 5010.40, “Managers’ Internal Control Program Procedures,” May 30,
2013, as amended
(l) Sections 101(d), 655, 1044, 1471, 1501-1513 and chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code
(m) DoD Instruction 2310.05 “Accounting for Missing Persons – Boards of Inquiry,” January
31, 2000, as amended
(n) DoD Directive 5111.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)),” June 23, 2020
(o) Section 692 of title 26, United States Code
(p) The Joint Travel Regulations, Uniformed Service Members and DoD Civilian Employees
September 1, 2022
(q) Sections 551-559 of title 37, United States Code
(r) DoD Manual 5400.07, “DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program,” January 25,
(s) DoD Directive 1300.22, “Mortuary Affairs Policy,” October 30, 2015, as amended
(t) DoD Manual 8910.01, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures for DoD
Internal Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
(u) DoD Instruction 8320.02, “Sharing Data, Information, and Information Technology (IT)
Services in the Department of Defense,” August 5, 2013, as amended
(v) Sections 316, 502-505 of title 32, United States Code
(w) Section 1302(d) of Title 38, United States Code
(x) DoD Directive 5100.03 “Support of the Headquarters of Combatant and Subordinate
Unified Commands,” February 9, 2011, as amended
(y) Directive-Type Memorandum 07-017, “Service Casualty Office Notification of Death
Investigations,” March 21, 2008 (hereby canceled)
(z) Public Law 114-230, “Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Act,”
October 7, 2016
(aa) Directive-Type Memorandum 21-006, “Eligibility Criteria for Official Korean War
Casualties Classification for Inclusion on the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall,
August 13, 2021 (hereby canceled)
(ab) Sections 580B and 625 of Public Law 116-92, “National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2020,” December 20, 2019
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(ac) Section 633 of Public Law 113-66, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2014,” December 26, 2013
(ad) DoD Instruction 1300.29, “Mortuary Affairs Program,” June 28, 2021
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The definitions used herein apply solely to this Instruction and may vary from definitions
established in Reference (g).
E2.1. Active Duty (AD). Full-time duty in the active Military Service of the United States. This
includes members of the Reserve Components serving on active duty for full-time training duty,
but does not include full-time National Guard duty.
E2.2. Active Service. Service on active duty or full-time National Guard duty.
E2.3. Active Duty for Training (ADT). A tour of AD which is used for training members of the
Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed
Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as national security requires.
The member is under orders that provide for return to non-active status when the period of active
duty for training is completed. This includes annual training, special tours of ADT, school tours,
and initial duty for training performed by nonprior service enlistees.
E2.4. Armed Conflict. Conflict between nations or other contestants entailing the physical
destruction of, or injury to, one another's Armed Forces. Armed conflict exists when the lives or
safety of members of the armed services of a nation, belligerent power, coalition, or faction are
endangered as a direct result of the use of physical force.
E2.5. Body Recovered. The remains of a deceased person recovered by and/or returned to U.S.
E2.6. Casualty. Any person who is determined to be deceased; DUSTWUN; EAWUN; missing;
or ill or injured and classified as VSI, SI, or NSI in accordance with this instruction.
E2.7. Casualty Assistance. A commitment to provide authorized and necessary assistance to
eligible family members of deceased, DUSTWUN, EAWUN, missing, ill, or injured personnel.
Assistance may include, but is not limited to: transportation assistance; applying for and
receiving benefits and entitlements; obtaining copies of records, reports and investigations; legal
assistance; receipt of personal effects; mortuary and funeral honors assistance; relocation
assistance, including shipment of household goods; liaison with other Federal agencies;
information and referral, including emotional and spiritual support, and other assistance as
E2.8. Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) or Casualty Assistance Representative (CAR). The
title of the person assigned by the Service or DoD Component concerned to provide assistance to
the families of ill, injured, DUSTWUN, EAWUN, missing, or deceased members.
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E2.9. Casualty Category. A term used to specifically classify a casualty for reporting purposes
based upon the casualty type and the casualty status.
E2.10. Casualty Report. The initial report to the Service headquarters of a member casualty.
This report contains background information on the casualty incident and is used for casualty
notification to the PNOK. The report forms the basis for the preparation of the “Report of
Casualty” or DD Form 1300.
E2.11. Casualty Status
E2.11.1. A term used to classify a casualty for reporting purposes. There are six casualty
statuses: (1) deceased; (2) DUSTWUN for military, or EAWUN for civilians; (3) missing; (4)
VSI; (5) SI; and (6) NSI.
E2.11.2. At the DoD Component’s discretion, an additional casualty status of Special Patient
(SPECPAT) or Special Category (SPECAT) may be used. This status is for those members
whose illness or injury is not otherwise reportable such as SI or VSI but involves: personnel
diagnosed with a psychotic condition requiring hospitalization; attempted suicide and suicide
gestures verified by a medical authority, or other medical conditions that may require extensive
medical treatment or hospitalization.
E2.12. Casualty Type. A term used to identify a casualty for reporting purposes as either a
hostile casualty or a non-hostile casualty.
E2.13. Circumstance of Casualty. An occurrence that causes a casualty or directly sets off a
series of actions leading to a casualty.
E2.14. Civilian. A person who is not a member of the armed forces, including a member of the
general public, U.S. and non-U.S., a defense contractor, a DoD civilian employee, non-DoD
Federal employees, or military dependents.
E2.15. Classification of Casualty
E2.15.1. Air Casualty. A casualty resulting from the intent for flight of an aircraft; i.e.,
manned vehicles that are supported in flight by buoyancy or dynamic action. The intent for
flight begins when an aircraft engine is started for commencing flight and continues until the
aircraft comes to rest with the engine(s), propeller(s), or rotors stopped and brakes set or wheel
chocks in place. The aircraft's engine is considered started when the intentional attempt is made
to set the engine in motion. For amphibian aircraft landing on water, intent for flight continues
until all normal flight operations have ended. It ceases when the engine(s) have been stopped
and the aircraft has been either moored or taken in tow. For non-engine powered aircraft (e.g.,
balloons, non-powered gliders), intent for flight begins with any intentional operations for
commencing flight and ends when said operations cease and the aircraft is properly moored,
chocked, or the like.
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E2.15.2. Sea Casualty. A casualty occurring in water areas in conjunction with the operation
of seagoing vessels. The term includes casualties aboard seagoing vessels while underway,
casualties aboard seagoing vessels while in port that result in death aboard ship, and ground crew
aboard ship that are killed in an aircraft crash.
E2.15.3. Ground Casualty. A casualty other than an air or sea casualty.
E2.16. Contractor. An individual or employee of a private business who contracts to furnish
supplies or perform work at a certain price or rate.
E2.17. Covered Person. Refers to those persons for whom a determination of status must be
made under the provisions of Reference (m).
E2.18. Date of Casualty Incident. The date the Service member enters a casualty status. For
members declared DUSTWUN or persons declared missing, the date of casualty is the date
declared DUSTWUN or missing. For members declared missing who were initially declared
DUSTWUN, the date of casualty is the date declared DUSTWUN unless there is evidence to
indicate a more current date. For persons reported VSI, SI, or NSI, the date of casualty is the
date the illness or injury occurred, if known, or the date the person is so classified as ill or
injured by competent medical authority.
E2.19. Date of Death. The date a person died based upon actual knowledge of when the death
occurred, receipt of conclusive evidence, or a presumptive finding of death. For persons that
suffer irreversible brain death, the law differs among States and countries concerning when a
person is legally considered deceased. The date of death in these cases is the date determined by
competent medical authority based upon either declaring the person brain dead or removal from
life support systems, whichever the local law dictates. For persons declared missing and
subsequently deceased, the date of death is dependent upon either receipt of conclusive evidence
of death or a presumptive finding of death. The date of death based upon receipt of conclusive
evidence is the date determined by competent medical authority or by the Military Department
Secretary or their appointed designee. The date of death based upon a presumptive finding of
death is the date the Military Department Secretary or their appointed designee signs the change
in casualty status from missing to deceased.
E2.20. Deceased. A casualty status applicable to a person who is either known to have died,
determined to have died on the basis of conclusive evidence, or declared to be dead on the basis
of a presumptive finding of death. The recovery of remains is not a prerequisite to determining
or declaring a person deceased.
E2.21. Defense Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS). DCIPS is the Department’s
functional information system for casualty and mortuary business information processes. DCIPS
is a single standard system supporting uniform procedures, accounting and accurate reporting of
casualties, ensuring support of family members, benefits tracking, coordinating mortuary affairs,
and the return of personal effects and human remains. DCIPS functional requirements are
approved by the DCIPS CCB.
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E2.22. Department of Defense Casualty. Any person reflected in the personnel categories under
paragraph 6.1.1. or meeting the definition of casualty.
E2.23. Designated Person or Previously Designated Person. A person or persons, if any, other
than that person’s PNOK or immediate family, to whom information on the whereabouts and
status of the member will be provided if such whereabouts are investigated under chapter 76,
sections 1501-1513 of Reference (l). See also section 655 of Reference (l).
E2.24. Died of Wounds Received in Action. A casualty category applicable to a hostile
casualty, other than the victim of a terrorist activity, who dies of wounds or other injuries
received in action after having reached damage control surgical capability.
E2.25. Dignified Transfer. Defined in DoD Instruction 1300.29 (Reference (ad)).
E2.26. Documented Medical Illness. An ongoing illness being treated in a medical treatment
facility or hospice recorded in medical records.
E2.27. Duty Status. A status in which the military member was serving under section 101(d) of
Reference (l), or sections 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505 of title 32, U.S.C. (Reference (v)) at the
time the member becomes a casualty. Duty status is used as a basis for determining eligibility
for survivor benefits and entitlements.
E2.28. Duty Status - Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN). A transitory casualty status,
applicable only to military personnel, that is used when the responsible commander suspects the
member may be a casualty, whose absence is involuntary, but does not feel sufficient evidence
currently exists to make a determination of missing or deceased.
E2.29. Excused Absence – Whereabouts Unknown (EAWUN). An administrative status,
applicable only to civilian personnel, that is used when the responsible commander suspects the
employee may be a casualty, whose absence is involuntary, but does not feel sufficient evidence
currently exists to make a determination of missing or deceased.
E2.30. Friendly Fire. In casualty reporting, a casualty circumstance applicable to persons killed
in action or wounded in action mistakenly or accidentally by friendly forces actively engaged
with the enemy, who are directing fire at a hostile force or what is thought to be a hostile force.
E2.31. Full-time National Guard Duty. Training or other duty, other than inactive duty,
performed by a member of the Army National Guard of the United States or Air National Guard
of the United States in the member's status as a member of the National Guard of a State or
Territory, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia under sections 316,
502, 503, 504, or 505 of Reference (v), for which a member is entitled to pay from the United
States or for which a member has waived pay from the United States.
E2.32. Home of Record. A term unique to the military used to determine a member's pay,
allowances, and other entitlements under various Federal statutes. In general, it is synonymous
with the concept of "domicile" at the time when it is initially recorded, and yet unlike "domicile,"
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it does not have the flexibility of change during the continuation of an uninterrupted tour of
military service. The place recorded as the home of the individual when commissioned,
reinstated, appointed, reappointed, enlisted, reenlisted, inducted, or ordered into the relevant tour
of duty.
E2.33. Hostile Casualty. A person who is the victim of a terrorist activity or who becomes a
casualty "in action." "In action" characterizes the casualty as having been the direct result of
hostile action, sustained in combat or relating thereto, or sustained going to or returning from a
combat mission provided that the occurrence was directly related to hostile action. Included are
persons killed or wounded mistakenly or accidentally by friendly fire directed at a hostile force
or what is thought to be a hostile force. However, not to be considered as sustained in action and
not to be interpreted as hostile casualties are injuries or death due to the elements, self-inflicted
wounds, combat fatigue, and except in unusual cases, wounds or death inflicted by a friendly
force while the individual is in an AWOL, deserter, or dropped-from-rolls status or is voluntarily
absent without authority from a place of duty.
E2.34. Inactive Duty Training (IDT). Authorized training performed by a member of a Reserve
Component not on AD or ADT and consisting of regularly scheduled training period, additional
training periods, periods of appropriate duty or equivalent training, and any special additional
duties authorized for Reserve Component personnel by the Secretary concerned, and performed
by them in connection with the prescribed activities of the organization in which they are
assigned with or without pay. Does not include work or study associated with correspondence
E2.35. Invitational Travel Authorization. Invitational travel is the term applied to authorize
travel of individuals. The more commonly referred to name is Invitational Travel Orders. Refer
also to the current version of Reference (p).
E2.36. Killed in Action (KIA). A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other than
the victim of a terrorist activity, who is killed outright or who dies as a result of wounds or other
injuries before reaching damage control surgical capability.
E2.37. Mass Casualty. Any large number of casualties produced in a relatively short period of
time, usually as the result of a single incident such as a military aircraft accident, hurricane,
flood, earthquake, or armed attack that exceeds local logistical support capabilities.
E2.38. Missing. A casualty status for which the United States Code provides statutory guidance
concerning missing members of the Military Services. Excluded are personnel who are in an
AWOL, deserter, or dropped-from-rolls status. A person declared missing is categorized as
E2.38.1. Beleaguered. The casualty is a member of an organized element that has been
surrounded by a hostile force to prevent escape of its members.
E2.38.2. Besieged. The casualty is a member of an organized element that has been
surrounded by a hostile force, compelling it to surrender.
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E2.38.3. Captured. The casualty has been seized as the result of action of an unfriendly
military or paramilitary force in a foreign country. See also Prisoner of War (POW).
E2.38.4. Detained. The casualty is prevented from proceeding or is restrained in custody for
alleged violation of international law or other reason claimed by the government or group under
which the person is being held.
E2.38.5. Interned. The casualty is definitely known to have been taken into custody of a
nonbelligerent foreign power as the result of and for reasons arising out of any armed conflict in
which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged.
E2.38.6. Missing. The casualty is not present at their duty location due to apparent
involuntary reasons and whose location is unknown.
E2.38.7. Missing in Action (MIA). The casualty is a hostile casualty, other than the victim
of a terrorist activity, who is not present at their duty location due to apparent involuntary
reasons and whose location is unknown.
E2.39. Non-hostile Casualty. A person who becomes a casualty due to circumstances not
directly attributable to hostile action or terrorist activity. Casualties due to the elements, self-
inflicted wounds, and combat fatigue are non-hostile casualties.
E2.40. Not Seriously Ill or Injured (NSI). The casualty status of a person whose injury or illness
requires medical attention, may or may not require hospitalization, and competent medical
authority classifies as less severe than SI.
E2.41. Official Combat Area or Zone. A combat area or zone that has been officially designated
by Presidential or Congressional authority.
E2.42. Person Authorized to Direct Disposition of Human Remains (PADD). Defined in
Reference (ad). Service members will identify a PADD on their DD Form 93. (See instructions
at Enclosure 7.)
E2.43. Posthumous Promotion. Promotion to a higher grade following a casualty's death;
however, this promotion is not for pay purposes.
E2.44. Presumptive Finding of Death. A declaration by the Military Department Secretary or
designee of the Military Service concerned, based upon a recommendation by a board or other
official body that a person who was placed in a missing casualty status is dead.
E2.45. Primary Next of Kin (PNOK). The person most closely related to the casualty is
considered PNOK for casualty notification and assistance purposes. The unremarried surviving
spouse is PNOK. The term “surviving spouse” does not include one who obtained a divorce
from the decedent (at any time). See also paragraph E2.43. Other NOK and interested parties
are recognized in the following order:
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E2.45.1. Natural and adopted children in order of seniority (age). The age of majority is 18
years. Their surviving parent or legal guardian will exercise the rights of minor children.
E2.45.2. Parents in order of seniority (age), unless legal exclusive (sole) custody was granted
to a person by reason of a court decree or statutory provision.
E2.45.3. Blood or adoptive relative who was granted legal custody of the person by a court
decree or statutory provision.
E2.45.4. Brothers or sisters of legal age in order of seniority (age).
E2.45.5. Grandparents in order of seniority (age).
E2.45.6. Other relatives of legal age in order of relationship to the individual according to
civil laws. Seniority (age) controls when persons are of equal degree of relationship.
E2.45.7. Persons standing in loco parentis to the decedent. Seniority in age will control
when the persons are of equal relationship.
E2.45.8. The remarried surviving spouse. The term remarried surviving spouse does not
include one who obtained a divorce from the decedent (at any time) or who remarried before a
finding of death pursuant to Reference (q).
E2.46. Prisoner of War (POW). POW is not a casualty status for reporting purposes. For
reporting purposes, the casualty status and category would be missing-captured. POW is the
international legal status of military and certain other personnel captured during an armed
conflict between two countries and that status entitles those captured to humanitarian treatment
under the Third Geneva Convention, “Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners
of War.” The international status of POW is automatic when personnel “have fallen into the
power of the enemy.” There is no action required by any country in the conflict to have that
status applied to their personnel and for their personnel to be entitled to the humanitarian
protections of the Geneva Convention.
E2.47. Record of Emergency Data (RED) (DD Form 93). A form used to designate
beneficiaries for certain benefits and designate the PADD in the event of the Service member’s
death. It is a guide for the disposition of that member’s pay and allowances if captured, missing,
or interred. It also shows names and addresses of the person(s) the Service member desires to be
notified in case of emergency or death.
E2.48. Report of Casualty. The DD Form 1300. (See paragraph
E2.49. Representative groups of survivors of deceased Service members. Groups that may
consist of non-government organizations or individual survivors representing survivors of
Service members who died while in an active status and are considered to be a reportable
casualty. See paragraphs 5.1.9. and 5.7.16.
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E2.50. Returned to Military Control (RMC). The status of a person whose casualty status of
DUSTWUN or missing has been changed due to the person's return or recovery by U.S. military
E2.51. Seriously Ill or Injured (SI). The casualty status of a person whose injury(s) or illness
requires medical attention, and competent medical authority declares that death is possible but
not likely to occur within 72 hours.
E2.52. Service Occupation Codes. The identification by Military Services of occupation
specialty codes for officers and enlisted personnel.
E2.53. Terrorism. The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to
inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals
that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
E2.54. Unaccounted For. An inclusive term (not a casualty status) applicable to personnel
whose person or remains are not recovered or otherwise accounted for following hostile action.
Commonly used when referring to personnel who are killed in action and whose bodies are not
recovered (KIA/BNR).
E2.55. Very Seriously Ill or Injured (VSI). The casualty status of a person whose injury(s) or
illness is such that competent medical authority declares it more likely than not that death will
occur within 72 hours.
E2.56. Wounded in Action (WIA). A casualty category applicable to a hostile casualty, other
than the victim of a terrorist activity, who has incurred an injury due to an external agent or
cause. The term encompasses all kinds of wounds and other injuries incurred in action, whether
there is a piercing of the body, as in a penetration or perforated wound, or none, as in the
contused wound. These include fractures, burns, blast concussions, all effects of biological and
chemical warfare agents, and the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation or any other
destructive weapon or agent. The hostile casualty’s status may be categorized as SI, VSI, or
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Complete all applicable items. For uniformity, the instructions should be correlated with the
definitions contained in this Instruction.
Item Instructions
1 REPORT TYPE Enter Initial, Interim, Final, Corrected Final, or
2 DATE PREPARED Enter as day, month, and year. EXAMPLE: 12 Jan 2003
3a NAME Enter last name, first and middle names, and suffix, if
EXAMPLE: Smith, Joseph Doe, Jr.
3b SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Self-explanatory. EXAMPLE: 221-26-6657.
3c RANK Enter the abbreviation for the military rank.
EXAMPLES: COL, SGT, CW2. If a member is
posthumously promoted, enter a comment in item 7 with
the remark, “Item 3c: posthumously promoted to Staff
Sergeant, Chief Warrant Officer-3, Captain” followed by
appropriate posthumous promotion authority information.
3d PAY GRADE Self-explanatory. If section 1302(d) of Reference (w)
applies, enter the pay grade at the time of the casualty.
Enter a comment in item 7 with the remark, Item 3d
continued: Section 1302(d) of title 38 U.S.C. (Reference
(w) applies, followed by the higher pay grade. Pursuant
to section 1302(d) of Reference (w), dependency and
indemnity compensation is based on the highest grade
held satisfactorily for 6 or more months.
3e OCCUPATION CODE/RATING Enter Service Occupation Code or Rating. (See
definition in Enclosure 2.)
3f COMPONENT Enter either Regular, Reserve, Guard, or Temporary. The
term Temporary applies to members of the Uniformed
Services, other than the Military Services, when operating
with elements of the Department of Defense.
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3g BRANCH Enter the abbreviation for the branch of Military Service
as one of the following:
a. USAF - United States Air Force
b. USA - United States Army
c. USN - United States Navy
d. USMC - United States Marine Corps
e. USCG - United States Coast Guard
3h ORGANIZATION Enter unit of assignment and location.
EXAMPLE: 644th Tactical Fighter Squadron,
Cannon AFB, NM.
Use the chart below when completing blocks 4a (TYPE), 4b (STATUS), and 4c (CATEGORY).
Only these combinations are authorized. Definitions are contained in Enclosure 2. The word
Pending can only be used on Initial or Interim reports.
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4d DATE OF CASUALTY Enter as day, month, and year. EXAMPLE: 15 Feb
For cases under AFME jurisdiction, in those cases where
remains are found, the date of death will be determined
by the AFME. For cases not under AFME jurisdiction,
the determination by the local coroner or medical
examiner should be followed.
4e PLACE OF CASUALTY The place of casualty approximates where the casualty
was either pronounced dead on arrival, dead at the scene,
or declared missing based on the casualty's last known
location. Enter the name of city or town followed by the
State, District of Columbia, or Territory, if the United
States, or the country, if not the United States. For
casualties that occur over, on, or beneath a body of water,
enter the name of the body of water. Include with the
name of the body of water the geographic coordinates or
the approximate location relative to the nearest landmass.
If the place of casualty is classified, enter "Classified
4f CIRCUMSTANCES Provide information about what the person was doing at
the time of death and what occurred that caused the death.
For example, "While driving his automobile, he was
struck by an oncoming vehicle." Layman terms are
generally used.
The words "Determination Pending" may be used on an
initial or interim report where insufficient information is
known to be able to provide circumstance information. It
may also be prefaced with what circumstances are not in
dispute such as "Gunshot wound to the head" or
“Remains found at the bottom of a 70 foot cliff after
hiking." Any speculation should be avoided.
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If a death certificate is issued, the exact wording from it
may be used in circumstances followed by "(PDC)"
which means per death certificate. However, if the death
certificate does not provide details of the circumstances,
these must be included as well. For example, if DD 2064
states "blast injuries" more information such as "IED
exploded when HMMWV ran over it" is required.
4g DUTY STATUS Enter either Active Duty, Active Duty for Training, or
Inactive Duty Training. For members whose duty status
is Active Duty for Training or Inactive Duty Training,
indicate approval authority and inclusive dates of duty. If
the member was in an AWOL or desertion status, include
with the duty status and indicate the local date the AWOL
or desertion began. EXAMPLE: Active Duty for
Training/AWOL - 19 Jan 1998. At the Military Services'
option, include with the duty status whether the member
was on-duty, off-duty, on-leave, in-patient, and so forth.
EXAMPLE: Active Duty/On-Duty. If the DD Form
1300 (Enclosure 3) is used to record the death of
separated, discharged, or retired members, enter the
effective date of separation, discharge, or retirement. For
retired members, the effective date is either the date
retired for disability reasons or the date retired for years
of military service. EXAMPLES: Retired effective
5 Jan 1990 with a physical disability; Retired effective
1 Jan 1990 for years of military service.
4h BODY RECOVERED For deceased casualties, enter Yes or No, as applicable.
5a DATE OF BIRTH Enter as day, month, and year. EXAMPLE: 26 May
5b PLACE OF BIRTH Enter the name of the city or town, if known, followed by
the State, District of Columbia, or Territory, if the United
States, or country, if not the United States.
5c COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP Self-explanatory.
5d RACE Enter (one or more, as more than one race can be
selected) American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian,
Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other
Pacific Islander, White, or Decline to Respond as
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5e ETHNICITY Enter the appropriate ethnic group (Hispanic or Latino,
Not Hispanic or Latino, Decline to Respond, etc.), as
5f SEX Enter either Male or Female.
5g RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE Self-explanatory. If no preference recorded, enter "No
6a PLACE OF ENTRY Optional entry at Military Services' discretion. Enter the
name of the city or town, if known, followed by the State,
District of Columbia, or Territory, if the United States, or
the country, if not the United States. The Place of Entry
corresponds to the location where the member was
accepted into the military service in their current status.
As such, it remains constant throughout the member's
career unless a member separates and has a definite break
in military service greater than one day.
6b DATE OF ENTRY Optional entry at Military Services' discretion. Enter as
day, month, and year, the date associated with when the
Place of Entry (item 6a) occurred. EXAMPLE: 6 Jun
6c HOME OF RECORD Enter the name of the city or town followed by the State,
District of Columbia, or Territory, if the United States, or
the country, if not the United States. (See definition in
Enclosure 2.)
7 INTERESTED PERSONS/ Self-explanatory. Identify entries with footnotes, if
REMARKS applicable. Do not use footnotes 2 or 3, if the member is
reported as missing. If there is a change to any
information, enter the remark, "Item (indicate number)
changed." Enter appropriate remarks as necessary to
include the following:
a. If an item is changed or corrected, enter "Item(s)
(indicate item number) changed" followed by any
appropriate additional information.
b. If an item is continued due to space limitations, enter
"Item (indicate item number) continued:" followed by the
additional information.
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c. On copies for the Office of Servicemember's Group
Life Insurance and the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA), ensure the member's elections, method of payment,
and beneficiary designations are entered.
d. If the circumstances surrounding the death or missing
status of a member meet the conditions listed in Section
692 of 26 U.S.C. (Reference (o)), enter "Internal Revenue
Code, title 26, United States Code, Chapter 1, Section
692 applies."
e. If there are indications of foul play by a beneficiary in
the circumstances of the insured's death, so state and
identify which beneficiary.
f. If a member is posthumously promoted, enter "Item 3c
changed" followed by the posthumous promotion
authority information.
g. If the status of a missing member is changed to
deceased based upon receipt of conclusive evidence or a
presumptive finding of death, enter "Items 4b and 4c
changed" followed by appropriate approval authority
h. For cases under AFME jurisdiction, in those cases
where remains are found, the date of death will be
determined by the AFME. For cases not under AFME
jurisdiction, the determination by the local coroner or
medical examiner should be followed.
i. If a missing member has been RET MIL CONTROL,
enter "Items 4b and 4c continued: RET MIL
CONTROL" followed by the local date of return.
8a COMMAND AGENCY Enter unit designation and location of the command
agency reporting the casualty to the Military Service
preparing the DD Form 1300 (Enclosure 3). EXAMPLE:
410 CSG/DPMAP, Travis AFB, CA.
8b DATE RECEIVED Enter as day, month, and year, the date the report was
received by the Military Service preparing the DD Form
1300 (Enclosure 3). EXAMPLE: 18 Jan 1989.
9 DISTRIBUTION Optional entry at Military Services' discretion.
10 SIGNATURE ELEMENT Enter signature element of a certifying official.
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Example of a Hostile Casualty, Killed in Action, with Posthumous
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Example of a Hostile Casualty Initially Reported as Missing-Detained and Subsequently
Reported as Returned to Military Control
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E6.1.1. Background. Policies and procedures associated with casualty reporting and
assistance requirements for civilian personnel, eligible contractors, and other designated or
covered personnel that fall under the authority of a Secretary of a Military Department are well
documented throughout this Instruction and individual Service regulations. This Enclosure will
provide further guidance on the reporting, recording, and assistance requirements for those
civilian personnel that are assigned to DoD Components other than the Military Departments
including the Combatant Commands, Defense Agencies and Defense Field Activities. Casualty
reporting and assistance requirements for civilian personnel will mirror the requirements for
military personnel as closely as possible.
E6.1.2. Coordination
E6.1.2.1. DoD Components, other than the Military Departments, generally do not have
a formalized casualty reporting system because of the low numbers of civilian personnel. To
ensure that each Component is provided the necessary assistance so that all DoD reportable
casualties are recorded, the following table reflects the DoD Component and the Military Service
that will provide the administrative assistance to record the casualty in the Departments DCIPS
program. Administrative support for Combatant and subordinate Joint Commands is as directed
in DoD Directive 5100.03 (Reference (x)). The DoD Component will be responsible for making
the notification to the proper family member and providing the necessary follow-on casualty
DoD Component
Designated Military Service
Defense Policy Board
Advisory Committee Office of Net Assessment
Office of Inspector General
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
United States European Command (USEUCOM)
United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)
United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM)
United States Joint Special Operations Command
United States Forces, Korea
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Legal Services Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Security Service
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
United States Army
Army Human Resources Command
200 Stoval Street
Alexandria, VA 22332
Casualty Reporting and Assistance
(800) 626-3317
Mortuary Affairs Support
(703) 325-5305
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DoD Component
Designated Military Service
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Affairs
Department of Defense Education Activity
Department of Defense Dependents Schools
Washington Headquarters Services
United States Army
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
American Forces Information Service
Office of Economic Adjustment
United States Marine Corps
Headquarters, United States Marine
Attn: MRPC
3280 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134
Casualty Reporting and Assistance
(703) 784-9512 or 800-847-1597
Mortuary Affairs Support
(888) 647-6676
United States Naval Observatory
United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
United States Indo-Pacific Command
(USINDOPACOM) except -
United States Forces, Korea
National Reconnaissance Office
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Tricare Management Activity
United States Navy
Navy Casualty Assistance
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-6200
Casualty Reporting and Assistance
(800) 368-3202
Mortuary Affairs Support
(866) 787-0081
United States Central Command (USCENTCOM)
United States Special Operations Command
(USSOCOM) except
Joint Special Operations Command
United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)
United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
United States Transportation Command
U.S. Element, North American Aerospace Defense
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Missile Defense Agency
National Security Agency
DoD Human Resources Activity
National Communications System
United States Air Force
HQ Air Force Personnel Center
550 C Street West
Suite 14
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4716
Casualty Reporting and Assistance
(800) 433-0048
Mortuary Affairs Support
(800) 531-5803
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E6.1.2.2. DoD Components and the designated Military Service will liaison in advance
to ensure a smooth flow of information and assistance when required.
E6.2.1. Casualty Reporting
E6.2.1.1. Casualty reports will be submitted without delay to the appropriate Military
Service Headquarters Casualty Office within 24 hours of a Component learning of the casualty.
Immediately report the information by telephone to the appropriate Military Service Casualty
Headquarters and then submit the casualty report.
E6.2.1.2. Components will complete the casualty report contained in this Enclosure and
submit the report electronically or by facsimile and confirm receipt. The designated Military
Service will review the report and then input the necessary information into DCIPS.
E6.2.1.3. Casualty reports will be unclassified to the maximum extent possible. In the
event a casualty report must be classified or contains classified information, the information must
be reported via secure means and to properly cleared personnel. A secure e-mail address may be
obtained from the designated Military Service.
E6.2.1.4. Preparation of the DD Form 1300 when required or when requested as an
option, will be prepared by the designated Military Service and provided to the DoD Component
for signature and delivery to the PNOK.
E6.2.1.5. Casualty reports are required for:
E6. All deceased or missing DoD civilian personnel, including DoD
contractors, OCONUS, who are casualties as a result of hostile or non-hostile action or while
accompanying Armed Forces in the field and for all CONUS casualties as a result of hostile
E6. All deceased or missing personnel identified as Designated or Covered
Persons by USD(P) according to Reference (m).
E6. All DoD civilian personnel, including DoD contractors, OCONUS, who
are listed as SI or VSI as a result of hostile or non-hostile action or while accompanying armed
forces in the field.
E6. All DoD civilian and DoD contractor personnel listed as EAWUN.
E6. All DoD civilians and DoD contractors who are wounded in action.
E6. At the Components’ discretion, casualty reports are optional for:
E6. All DoD civilians and contractors in a travel status.
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E6. All civilian and contractor dependents.
E6.2.2. Casualty Recording. Refer to paragraph 6.1.2.
E6.2.3. Casualty Notification
E6.2.3.1. Initial Notification. During the initial notification, or as soon as practicable
thereafter, the PNOK will be provided all releasable information concerning the circumstances
surrounding the casualty incident and, when applicable, information regarding media access for
the dignified transfer of remains at Dover Air Force Base.
E6. At a minimum, the Component concerned will notify the PNOK, spouse,
or other designated emergency point of contact (POC) (hereafter collectively referred to as
“designated POC”) identified in the employees personnel file or emergency contact record.
E6. Times of Notification. Personal notifications will be accomplished
within 12 hours of the Component headquarters notification of the casualty unless circumstances
beyond the Component’s control prevent such notifications. Hours of notification are local times
0500 – 2400, except under unusual circumstances as authorized in applicable Component
regulations. The intent is to notify the proper individual while at home, not while on the job.
E6. Desires of the Member. The desires of the member, expressed in the
RED, Civilian Personnel Management System (CPMS) or other personnel files, or expressed by
the member at the time of the casualty concerning whom not to notify, will be honored unless, in
the judgment of the Component commander, official notification should be made.
E6. EAWUN, Missing, and Deceased Cases. Within the guidance of
subparagraph E6., initial notification(s) will be made in person to the designated POC
unless unusual circumstances prevent such procedures, as expeditiously as possible. Notification
to secondary NOK is not applicable to civilian personnel. Notification(s) will be conducted by a
minimum of a two-person detail and, when possible, one member will be a chaplain. All facts
and circumstances on the casualty incident, known at the time of the initial notification, will be
provided. Whenever someone other than the member's commander or designated Component
representative makes initial notification, an official notification confirmation will be made. For
deceased casualties, the casualty representative should advise the designated POC to defer
making any decisions until briefed on entitlements and benefits. The purpose of this contact is to
establish a time to meet with the designated POC that considers the needs of the family and
honors the family's period of mourning.
E6. Illness or Injury Cases. Within the guidance of paragraph, in
cases involving SI or VSI casualties, initial notification(s) to the designated POC by a
representative of the DoD Component concerned will be conducted by telephone. If telephonic
notification is not possible, initial notifications will be in person. Whenever a casualty occurs as
the result of a hostile action or terrorist activity and the casualty is classified as "not seriously
injured" (NSI), official notification to the designated POC by the DoD Component concerned
will be made upon the member’s request. The member will be encouraged to notify their PNOK.
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E6. Follow-on Notification
E6. EAWUN or Missing Cases. In all cases involving EAWUN or missing
casualties, the designated POC will be kept informed until actual status or fate is determined.
E6. Illness or Injury Cases. For SI or VSI casualties, the DoD Component
concerned will keep the designated POC informed of the member's medical progress within the
guidance of paragraph
E6. Other Concerned Individuals
E6. Beneficiaries. All persons reflected in the member’s records as a
beneficiary or recipient of death benefits or Federal program insurance proceeds will be notified
in accordance with individual Component directives or appropriate civilian personnel policies.
E6. Non-family Members. There may be interested persons other than the
primary or secondary NOK or designated POC who may be affected or show considerable
interest in a casualty (e.g., other members of the Component, close personal friends, boyfriends,
girlfriends, and fiancés). While it is not possible, because of the Privacy Act of 1974, Reference
(h), to provide these individuals with the complete details of the loss, common sense and
sensitivity should be used with regard for their feelings and concerns.
E6.2.3.2. Military Service Support. When requested by a DoD Component, the
Military Services will participate in casualty notification and assistance. The requesting
Component will provide funds for travel and transportation expenses required for executing
notification and assistance visits.
E6.2.4. Casualty Assistance
E6.2.4.1. EAWUN, Missing, or Deceased Cases. In all cases involving EAWUN,
missing, or deceased casualties, the DoD Component concerned will appoint a casualty
assistance officer who will initiate contact with the designated POC within 24 hours following
initial notification. Within the guidelines established by each DoD Component, the casualty
assistance officer may be the notification officer. Assistance to civilian personnel will be
coordinated through the designated civilian personnel office or civilian benefits center. The
casualty assistance officer will provide points of contact or information regarding autopsy
reports, all known reports of inquiry or investigations, as applicable, and other governmental or
non-DoD agencies that may be involved in a particular case. The casualty assistance officer will
maintain contact with the PNOK to keep them informed until all matters relating to the case have
been answered and all entitlements and benefits are received. The member’s Component
commander should provide an appropriate letter of sympathy or condolence to the designated
POC, spouse or parents as appropriate, not later than 5 days after the initial notification, unless
circumstances dictate otherwise. If the PNOK is a minor, the letter should be addressed to the
minor in care of the guardian or legal representative.
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E6.2.4.2. Release of Information to the PNOK or Designated POC. In all casualty cases,
the PNOK or designated POC will be provided information on the circumstances surrounding the
incident as best known to the DoD Component concerned. In the event a casualty occurs during
a classified operation, all information of an unclassified nature will be provided. Every effort
will be made to declassify information. If the PNOK is a minor, all information will be provided
to the guardian or legal representative.
DoD Component Civilian Casualty Report
FROM: (DoD Component)
TO: (Designated Military Service Casualty Office)
See Enclosure 4, item 4a
See Enclosure 4, item 4b
See Enclosure 4, item 4c
4. SSN
See Enclosure 4, item 3b
See Enclosure 4, item 3a
See Table under paragraph E6.1.2.2.
2:30 p.m. local, 15 Jan 2007
Kansas City, MO or
Bagdad, Iraq
Research Medical Center
Kansas City, MO
See Enclosure 4, item 4d
See Enclosure 4, item 4e
See Enclosure 4, item 4f
See Enclosure 4, item 7
Ms. Wanda Brown, Coml: (703) 454-7756,
DSN 445-7756, Fax: (703) 454-6784, e-mail:
DoDI 1300.18, January 8, 2008
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E7.1. General. The DD Form 93, when completed, for military personnel is an official record of
the beneficiaries designated to receive death gratuity and pay allowances. For civilian personnel,
the purpose of the form is emergency notification only in the event the member becomes a
casualty. For both military and civilian personnel, it contains the name and address of the
person(s) to be notified in the event of sickness, emergency, or death.
E7.2. Use
E7.2.1. Mandatory:
E7.2.1.1. For all applicants, officer and enlisted, accessing in the Armed Forces.
E7.2.1.2. For all Active, National Guard, and Reserve Component personnel.
E7.2.1.3. For all DoD civilians prior to admission to a possible theater of operations or
deployment with the Armed Forces.
E7.2.1.4. For all civilian contractors prior to admission to a possible theater of operations
or deployment with the Armed Forces.
E7.2.1.5. For all OCONUS-based DoD civilian employees.
E7.2.1.6. For all other civilians accompanying military units in the field or on
deployment (e.g., embedded media).
E7.2.1.7. For all CONUS-based or non-deploying DoD civilian employees.
E7.3. Procedures
E7.3.1. The DD Form 93 will be electronically produced and may be electronically signed.
If electronically signed, a witness signature (block 16) is not required. If conditions preclude the
use of electronic systems, the form may be typewritten or handwritten in ballpoint pen with black
or blue-black ink as a temporary measure.
E7.3.2. When not electronically signed, all signatures will be in black or blue-black ink.
E7.3.3. At the first duty assignment following basic training, to include Service schools, the
Military Service concerned will enter the DD Form 93 data into the Service electronic personnel
system database and have the member verify its accuracy.
E7.4. Preparation
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E7.4.1. Detailed instructions on the preparation of the paper version of the DD Form 93 are
contained on the reverse of the form and will be used at all accession locations. (See Enclosure
E7.4.2. Appropriate Service Directives will be promulgated to provide supplemental
instructions for the completion of the electronic version of the DD Form 93. Electronic versions
will, at a minimum, contain the information required on the paper version.
E7.4.3. The Continuation/Remarks block of the DD Form 93 offers the greatest amount of
flexibility for the member to record other important information not otherwise requested but
considered extremely useful in the casualty notification and assistance process. Besides
continuing information from other blocks on the form, the member may desire to include
additional information such as: NOK language barriers, location or existence of a Will or other
family member contact numbers. If a paper version of the DD Form 93 is used and there is
insufficient space to record information, attach a supplemental page on standard bond paper with
the additional information.
E7.4.4. The Military component concerned will develop procedures for the preparation and
recording of the DD Form 93 for personnel listed in paragraph E7.2.
E7.4.5. The Military Service considered most appropriate will ensure the preparation of the
DD Form 93 for all non-Departmental civilians, employees, or contractors. Examples:
Embedded media serving with the Army – Army responsibility; DoD employee on temporary
duty with the Navy – Navy responsibility.
E7.5. Validation Requirements
E7.5.1. Those individuals identified in paragraph E7.2.1. are solely responsible for the
accuracy of the information recorded on the DD Form 93.
E7.5.2. The Military Services will ensure that each Service member, civilian employee, or
contractor as appropriate, verifies the accuracy of the data on the DD Form 93, at a minimum, on
the following occasions:
E7.5.2.1. During the initial enlistment or employment review.
E7.5.2.2. Upon reporting to a new duty station.
E7.5.2.3. When ordered to periods of temporary duty in excess of 30 days.
E7.5.2.4. Prior to all deployments, regardless of length.
E7.5.2.5. Prior to departure on permanent change of station orders.
E7.5.2.6. Annually.
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When a medical-legal, criminal, safety, aviation safety, command-directed, or line of duty
investigation into the cause or circumstances surrounding the death of a military member or DoD
civilian employee who becomes a fatality while accompanying military personnel in the field or
as a result of military-related actions is initiated, the appropriate Military Service Casualty
Headquarters Office will be notified immediately. At a minimum, the Casualty Office will be
provided written confirmation containing:
a. The name of the DoD organization conducting the investigation.
b. The type of investigation being conducted.
c. The existence of any reports by the investigating organization that have been or will be
issued as a result of the investigation.
d. A point of contact within the investigating organization that can provide information on
the status of the completion of any investigative reports.
e. The procedures for family members to obtain a copy of the completed report(s), to the
extent such reports may be furnished consistent with sections 552 and 552a of Reference (h), and
to obtain assistance in obtaining a copy of the completed report(s).
f. The procedures for family members to obtain answers to their questions on the completed
investigation from a fully qualified representative.
g. Ensure the AFMES has been notified of the death and the following disposition of the
forensic pathology investigation is provided: “AFMES will conduct forensic pathology
investigation (list where exam to occur per AFMES)” or “Per AFMES, investigation to be
performed by local authorities.”