PTAX-203-NR (R-6/05) Page 1 of 2
Illinois Real Estate Transfer Tax Payment
Document (non recorded transfers)
Affix Revenue stamps here
Property information
Street address of property (or 911 address, if available)
City or village ZIP Township
Parcel identifying number __________________________________________________________________________________________
Legal description___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of transferring document: ____ ____ / ____ ____ ____ ____
Month Year
Type of transferring document: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Seller, Buyer, Agent, or Preparer Date
Preparer Information (Please print.)
Preparer’s and company’s name Preparer’s file number (if applicable)
Street address City State ZIP
_________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Preparer’s signature Preparer’s daytime phone
Preparer’s e-mail address (if available)
Transfer Tax
Net consideration subject to transfer tax $
Illinois Tax $
County Tax $
Total amount of transfer tax due $
If stamps are not affixed, please state the exemption provision under 35 ILCS 200/31-45 (see Page 2). _______________________________
Do not write in this area.
This space is reserved for the County Recorder’s Office use.
Doc. No.:
Received by:
This form is authorized in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/31-1
et seq.
Disclosure of this information
is REQUIRED. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center. IL-492-4443
This document is recorded for the purpose of affixing Real Estate
Transfer Tax stamps that were purchased for the following transferring
document under provisions of Public Act 93-1099.
Page 2 of 2 PTAX-203-NR (R-6/05)
The following transactions are exempt from the transfer tax under 35 ILCS 200/31-45.
(a) Deeds representing real estate transfers made before January 1, 1968, but recorded after that date and trust documents executed before
January 1, 1986, but recorded after that date.
(b) Deeds to or trust documents relating to (1) property acquired by any governmental body or from any governmental body, (2) property or
interests transferred between governmental bodies, or (3) property acquired by or from any corporation, society, association, foundation
or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes. However, deeds or trust documents,
other than those in which the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs of the United States is the grantee pursuant to a foreclosure proceeding,
shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.
(c) Deeds or trust documents that secure debt or other obligation.
(d) Deeds or trust documents that, without additional consideration, confirm, correct, modify, or supplement a deed or trust document
previously recorded.
(e) Deeds or trust documents where the actual consideration is less than $100.
(f) Tax deeds.
(g) Deeds or trust documents that release property that is security for a debt or other obligation.
(h) Deeds of partition.
(i) Deeds or trust documents made pursuant to mergers, consolidations or transfers or sales of substantially all of the assets of corporations
under plans of reorganization under the Federal Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 368) or Title 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act.
(j) Deeds or trust documents made by a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no consideration other than the cancellation or
surrender of the subsidiary’s stock.
(k) Deeds when there is an actual exchange of real estate and trust documents when there is an actual exchange of beneficial interests,
except that that money difference or money’s worth paid from one to the other is not exempt from the tax. These deeds or trust docu-
ments, however, shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.
(l) Deeds issued to a holder of a mortgage, as defined in Section 15-103 (now Section 15-1207) of the Code of Civil Procedure, pursuant to
a mortgage foreclosure proceeding or pursuant to a transfer in lieu of foreclosure.
(m)A deed or trust document related to the purchase of a principal residence by a participant in the program authorized by the Home
Ownership Made Easy Act, except that those deeds and trust documents shall not be exempt from filing the declaration.