Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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The U.S. Department of Education offers low interest loans for students and parents of undergraduate
students. To be eligible to receive these loans (Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans to students, Direct
Parent PLUS Loans for parents of undergraduate students, or Direct Graduate PLUS Loans for
graduate/professional students), individuals must complete a FAFSA (at, a Master
Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling (for Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans and in
some cases, Parent PLUS Loans).
Who must complete a Grad Plus Loan MPN?
Graduate Students who wish to borrow a Grad Plus Loan from the U.S. Department of Education must
complete a MPN the first time they borrow loans for each type of loan borrowed (i.e. Direct
Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan, Direct Parent PLUS Loan, and/or Direct Graduate PLUS Loan). If a
Direct Grad PLUS Loan has been approved in a prior year with an endorser, a new MPN must be
What information is necessary to complete a MPN for the Grad Plus Loan?
Your Federal Student Aid ID (FAFSA ID) and Password
Your Driver’s License (if applicable)
Names, addresses, and contact information for two (2) individuals to be used as references.
References should be individuals who you have known for at least three years and who live
separately from each other.
How do I complete a MPN for the Grad Plus Loan?
1. The student must go to
and “Log In” using their FSA ID and Password.
Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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2. Move your mouse to the top of the page and hover over the “Loans and Grants” dropdown. Click
on the “Master Promissory Note (MPN)” link when it appears.
3. Click the “Select MPN Type” button.
4. Click the “Start” button to begin the MPN process
4. Click the “Start” button to begin the MPN process.
Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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5. You may be required to enter or update your Contact Information, Driver’s License information,
and Permanent Address. Once you have entered the information click “Continue” at the bottom.
6. You may be required to enter Employer
information. Once you have entered the
information click “Continue” at the bottom.
Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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7. Complete the school information section, select Northern Illinois University as your school and
then click “Continue”.
8. Provide information for two (2) references.
Please note, your references must not be people whom you live with.
Once you have entered the information click “Continue” at the bottom. The system will let you
know if there are any fields you neglected to complete.
Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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9. Read information in the MPN Agreement. There are 5 sections: Borrower Request, MPN Terms
and Conditions, Important Notices, Rights and Responsibilities, and How you will receive your
loan money. Click “Continue” at the bottom to move to the next section.
Completing a Master Promissory Note for the Grad Plus Loan
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10. Review the data and edit any
information that is incorrect then click
“Continue.” Check the box in the “Promises”
area to confirm your signature.
11. Type your name in the designated areas and
click “Submit” to complete the MPN.
12. NIU will receive confirmation from the
U.S. Department of Education in a few days.