Guidelines for Bulk Mail (Plus, Tips for Preparation) ............4
What is a Saturation Mailing and
Does It Work for Businesses? ................................8
Are Catalogs Still A Thing? ..................................11
Types of Direct Mail Pieces for Your Marketing Campaign ......15
Enhance Your Direct Mail with Omnichannel Marketing ........ 19
Direct Mail Marketing is where Bluegrass started.
From design to printing to mailing, we help your mail pieces and campaigns go far.
A Powerful Tool. An 18% higher return on investment when marketing campaigns use
direct mail. On average direct mail stays in the home for 17 days. Direct mail in a digital
world means eective, direct, and personalized communication. Purchase rates increase
by 250% with omnichannel marketing (direct mail combined with digital marketing).
Make It Personal. Customers respond to direct mail that is colorful and personalized up
to 500% more often! With variable data printing each mail piece can be customized to
the recipient.
Getting It Out the Door. Modern technologies such as SuperWeb high volume printing,
programmable inkjet addressing, and camera verification ensures reduced postage rates
and accurate delivery.
Bluegrass oers creative print designs, copywriting, tracking, reporting, and more.
Bulk Mail
(Plus, Tips for Preparation)
Companies that want to cut costs — that would be most businesses,
wouldn’t it? — can save a lot on postage by sending their qualified
marketing pieces at bulk mail rate instead of first-class mail.
Guidelines for Bulk Mail
(Plus, Tips for Preparation) (cont.)
Companies that want to cut costs — that
would be most businesses, wouldn’t it? —
can save a lot on postage by sending their
qualified marketing pieces at bulk mail rate
instead of first-class mail.
The USPS oers big discounts for
marketing mail. The discounts are
definitely earned because the mailer or, in
most cases, a professional mailing service
like Bluegrass, must do all the prep work
for the mailing. That pre-mailing work is
much more complicated than sticking
a stamp on an envelope and so nearly
always – it makes sense for a third-party
professionals like Bluegrass to handle this
task for clients.
Bulk mail discounts
With discounts ranging from 35 to 65
percent, those earned by using bulk mail
are huge. For example, let’s say you have
been mailing your sales letter using first-
class mail. Each letter then costs 55 cents
to mail, the cost of a Forever stamp. If you
instead sent the same letter bulk mail, it
could cost as little as 8.6 cents per letter.
Or, if you had a marketing piece that
qualified as a flat and weighed 1-ounce,
it would cost $1 to mail it first-class
compared to as little as 16 cents at the
bulk mail rate. The USPS says bulk mail
is typically 35 to 65 percent cheaper
than first-class postage for sales flyers,
promotional postcards, newsletters or
brochures. Discounts vary depending
on the destination, size, and type of
mail piece.
Paying less for postage could
allow a boost in marketing
The savings could be reinvested in
additional marketing or in other areas
where your company could use a boost
in its budget. Maybe you could aord to
send that postcard to another 100 or so
potential customers. Or, perhaps two or
three mailings, a few weeks or months
apart, instead of just one to promote your
product, using the power of repetition to
heighten visibility of your brand.
The savings on postage is why we
encourage customers to consider using
bulk mail — the USPS calls it marketing
mail these days — instead of sending
these pieces first-class mail.
Meeting the required minimum
If your mailings meet the following
requirements, you may be eligible for
discounted postage rates:
The mailing must include 200 or more
pieces or weigh 50 pounds or more.
Individual pieces can’t weigh more than
16 ounces.
Guidelines for Bulk Mail
(Plus, Tips for Preparation) (cont.)
Mail that qualifies includes letters, flyers,
circulars, advertising, newsletter, bulletins,
catalogs and small parcels.
As you can imagine, if your business
sends a lot of mail – 500 direct marketing
letters a month or a quarterly newsletter
to supporters of your charity – sending
those pieces at bulk mail rates can save a
lot of money.
Rules for preparation
A major reason most companies opt
to have a professional mailing service
handle their bulk mail is that it takes a
significant amount of time to meet all
the USPS requirements. Doing bulk mail
in-house will also require investment in
equipment, like software, as well as an
in-house “expert” to be the USPS liaison
and become knowledgeable about the
process and changes that the postal
service makes in bulk mail rates and rules.
To give you a better idea of the steps
involved in preparing bulk mail, here
is a list of the various certifications,
assessments, and processes that a bulk
mailing must go through before it arrives
at the post oce:
CASS Certification
CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System)
certification reviews all of the addresses
you are mailing to and ensures they
Used for Presort
Endorsement Line
Carrier Route
Area Distribution
Center (ADC)
Mixed ADC
Origin Mixed ADC
5- or 3-Digit Scheme
• First Class
• Standard
• Periodical
• Bound Printed
• Business Reply
• Priority Mail
• Priority Mail
Flat Rate
USPS Code for
the Specific Mailing
Service Sending
the Piece
Serial Number
Specific to One
Piece of Mail Which
Makes It Possible
to Track the Exact
Location of the Item
in the Mail Stream
Zip + 4 Zip Code Plus
an Additional 2-Digit
Identifier for the
Exact Delivery Point
are accurate. It fixes street and city
misspellings, confirms carrier routes,
checks zip codes and creates an accurate
barcode for the delivery point. A third
party can do this for you, or you can buy
CASS-certified software to do the review
in-house. The USPS requires that the
address data be CASS-certified within 180
days of the mailing date.
National Change of Address checkup
Within 90 days of mailing, addresses must
be checked against the USPS’s National
Change of Address (NCOA) database. It’s
a good safeguard as so many Americans
move each year. The NCOA updates
addresses for those who have moved
recently. A third party can easily check
your mail list for you, otherwise you would
need to invest in software to do it.
Zipcode presort
Mailings must be presorted by zip code.
Software can organize lists for you, or you
can have a third-party direct mail company
handle it.
Delivery to the post oce
After the mail has gone through all the
needed checks and updates and has
been sorted into bins that the post oce
provides, the bins and required paperwork
are delivered to the post oce. The post
oce processes it. When a third-party
handles bulk mail for you, it will either
arrange to pick up the mailing or, if you
prefer, arrange for you to drop it o at
their oces.
Bulk mail might not be a DIY kind of
There’s no doubt that bulk mail is a great
way to save money, especially if you do
a lot of marketing mail. But because the
time it takes to prepare this mail isn’t time
every business has, it’s often best to have
a pro do it for you. Your business will still
enjoy a good portion of the discounted
savings, without having to spend the time
to process and prepare the bulk mailing
Give us a call to discuss bulk mail in
more detail. We can help you calculate
whether it makes sense to hire a direct mail
processing professional like Bluegrass to
handle the job for you. We can calculate
how much you would save through
discounted bulk mail rates based on past
mailings or on your plans for this years
marketing campaign.
Guidelines for Bulk Mail
(Plus, Tips for Preparation) (cont.)
Saturation Mailing
Targeted Mailing
Think of targeted mailings as butterfly nets and saturation mailings as fishing
nets. Both are useful; but your choice will depend on your use-case. Targeted
mailing can potentially save you money by decreasing the amount of mail you
send because the mail you send will be more relevant and focused to your
recipients. On the other hand, saturation mailing typically targets “current
resident,” so you send more mail to people that may not be interested. However,
depending on your message, demographic and type of business you are
marketing for, it may be more cost-eective and cheaper to use saturation
mailing if your eorts are a fit for this wide fishing net approach.
Saturation Mailing Versus
Targeted Mailing (cont.)
When Should You Use
Saturation Mailing?
Saturation mailings are a great fit for any of
our clients that have a general product or
service oering such as restaurants, lawn
service or dry cleaners. We help clients
narrow down the most advantageous
postal routes and zip codes and let a
saturation mailing do the rest.
Be the Right Fit
While I’m a proponent of saturation
mailing it has to be the right fit for your
type of business. The clients that get the
best ROI out of saturation mailing are
typically businesses that appeal to the
masses. These are places that provide
services that almost everyone in a
region needs, for example, churches, dry
cleaners, and restaurants. No, you might
not want to saturate neighborhoods with
your taxidermy services. Yet, if you’re
advertising something like pest control,
then that’s something almost everyone can
align with and respond to.
Weigh the Consequences of Cost-
Because the USPS will be delivering your
mail piece to every household on the
postal route(s) you no longer go through
the process of sorting your direct mail
by the USPS (remember; no names are
on the mail) that means you’re saving a
considerable cost. I see most postage
rates ranging from $0.168-0.191 (yes, USPS
loves to go down to three decimals).
That’s almost 1.5 times less than those of a
targeted mailing.
It’s still important to factor in the
impersonal address on saturation mailings.
Some people may not respond well to
“Current Resident of” instead of seeing
their actual names. However, the volume of
mail sent will often make up for it.
How Can You Get Started with
Saturation Mailing?
Saturation mailing is easy to implement if
you know how to navigate the standard
process of a USPS mailing campaign. We
break the steps into a simple, high-level
process for our clients. We don’t want to
overwhelm them with the details but it is
almost as simple as it looks.
Define a Location
We work with clients to focus and develop
a geographical strategy that includes
postal routes as well as zip codes. It’s
great to start with zip codes that the client
recognizes and feels receptive to. From
there, we find the USPS routes and develop
a saturation mailing campaign that will hit
those areas.
Run a List Count
Once we know our locations it’s important
to know how many residences are on each
postal route. That will ultimately inform
the cost of postage as well as the cost of
printing the mailers.
Quote the Campaign & Get Started
Once it’s time to quote, we have an
incredibly accurate figure to give the client.
If they give us the thumbs up, then we start
the campaign.
Saturation Mailing is
Wide & Narrow Marketing
Saturation mailing isn’t just about bulk
mail. We tell clients that we start with
everything we can possibly know about
their demographic as well as their
geographic location. From there, we
develop personal and engaging direct mail
that will drive engagement. We think of
saturation mailing as “wide and narrow.
Yes, it’s deployed at a large scale but with
enough research, it should be arriving in
the mailboxes that really matter.
At Bluegrass, that’s our commitment.
Saturation Mailing Versus
Targeted Mailing (cont.)
Are Catalogs
Still A Thing?
Imagine a lazy Sunday afternoon, lying on your couch, flipping through
your favorite store catalog. Whether you’re searching the IKEA catalog for
a new coee table or the L.L. Bean catalog for hiking boots, it’s a relaxing,
stress-free way to shop – or browse.
Are Catalogs Still
A Thing? (cont.)
Why Catalogs?
That 4-inch-thick catalog Sears published
every Christmas has gone the way of the
Sony Walkman, but guess what? Just as
portable music players have stuck around
and evolved, so has the catalog. Catalogs
are a powerful marketing tool that can
help businesses to reach a wide range of
consumers. By featuring products in an
eye-catching and easily accessible format,
catalogs can generate interest and drive
sales. In addition, catalogs oer businesses
the opportunity to present a large amount
of information in a concise and organized
manner. This makes catalogs an ideal
way to highlight new products, special
promotions, and company news. With
their broad appeal and ability to generate
results, catalogs are still widely used by
businesses of all sizes.
Catalogs Create a Connection
Catalogs are filled with vibrant colors, and
curated images, and give readers the sense
that if they had these products they could
be a part of the story. Take the Pottery
Barn catalog, for example. The images
of rooms that are perfectly designed,
showcasing all Pottery Barn furniture and
décor are quite convincing. Of course,
you will want to relax by the fireplace on
a soft Pottery Barn chair, wrapped in a fur
blanket – who wouldn’t?
The Amazon toy catalog that is released
during the holiday season is another
popular catalog. It often has actual
children’s stories written inside, as well as
activities and games. The 2019 version’s
opening page says, “Once you turn this
page, you’ll enter a world where holiday
dreams are made.” I don’t know about you,
but when I was a kid, that’s a marketing
hook that would’ve reeled me in. The
longer kids are entertained by the catalog,
the more time they will spend checking out
all of the toys that fill the pages. Toys that
will inevitably end up on their wish list.
Catalogs Are Tangible
Studies show that most people enjoy
physical mail - especially millennials. A
generation raised on the Internet actually
likes to get ink on their fingers. This could
be because it is such a dierent tactile
experience for them. Also, the average
piece of direct mail stays in the home for
around 17 days. This means customers
can access catalogs easily, multiple times
- folding down the corners of the pages
they want to come back to or even circling
the items they are considering purchasing.
Clipping through a catalog is a leisurely
activity that consumers seem to enjoy.
Physical advertisements also create
stronger brand recognition which in turn
Are Catalogs Still
A Thing? (cont.)
creates a long-lasting impact that will
influence future purchasing decisions.
Catalogs Provide
Measurable Results
Return on investment is important when
launching a new marketing campaign.
Especially when it involves catalogs, as
they can become quite costly to mail. In
fact, postage makes up nearly 50% of
the expenses associated with catalogs.
This means catalogs incorporated into
an omnichannel marketing campaign will
have the highest ROI. According to the
United State Postal Service, 60% of catalog
recipients will visit the company’s website.
Most purchases are made after the eighth
touch, so exposing customers to your
products and your message multiple times
in various ways will increase the likelihood
of a purchase being made.
In order to track the responses from your
catalog, you could include a QR code
that will direct readers to a landing page
or even add a response code that the
customer will enter when they make a
purchase. A lot of customers will prefer
reaching your business by phone, so
be sure you are using a specific phone
number to track and ideally, record the
phone calls. And the most popular method
of measuring the results from your catalog
is by including a special oer or coupon
that is only found in the catalog.
Catalogs Live On,
But They Are Dierent.
Catalogs aren’t dead, but the days of
packing everything you sell into one
catalog are. Today’s catalogs are more than
that. They are:
Teasers – Visually driven, paper appetizers
designed to pique buyers’ interests.
Often designed to entertain and engage
consumers, while showcasing products.
Targeted – They aim for niche audiences.
For example, an outdoor outfitter might
send individuals who have bought
camping gear in the past a catalog
Are Catalogs Still
A Thing? (cont.)
showcasing tents and sleeping bags in
the spring, before they head o to the
woods for summer campouts.
Provide Brand Reinforcement – Similar
to a website, a catalog can and should
reinforce a company’s brand, delivering
the same messages in ways that are
quickly recognized.
Catalogs Can Be Scaled for
Large or Small Businesses
In the past, large retail businesses (cue
Sears) have mailed out thick books
containing most, or all, of their products.
Today, fewer businesses do this for a
variety of reasons. One of which is the
internet, where a business’ website can
act as a digital catalog. The other lies
in the cost factor, as mentioned before.
Many of these retailers are turning to
magazine production instead to promote
their products as well as entertain their
As for small businesses, a limited catalog
sent to a carefully selected audience can
help capture new customers. You can
create a small catalog that showcases your
best sellers and send it to a list of potential
customers by purchasing a mailing list
based on specific demographics or
geographic areas.
Catalogs Are Here to Stay
I can’t think of anything that engages
customers quite like a print catalog. That is
partly because people choose to pick up a
catalog and flip through it whereas digital
ads are thrown in front of you whether
you wanted to see them or not. Catalogs
can be a key part of building customer
loyalty because when customers latch
on, (and they do) their love for this type
of shopping experience becomes strong.
Something about the glossy pages and
physical beauty inspires buyers in ways
email or online media doesn’t live up to.
Want to talk about creating a catalog, or
about how to better target an audience
for yours? Give us a call. We would love to
chat with you.
Types of
Direct Mail Pieces
for Your Marketing
Every piece of direct mail has its own list of benefits. Your choice
(and our guidance) in selecting what type of direct mail to send out
depends on your audience, your goals, and your budget. Together,
these factors will drive your direct mailing campaign, regardless of
the economic situation.
Types of Direct Mail
Pieces for Your Marketing
Campaign (cont.)
Don’t worry – we provide plenty of
guidance to our customers when it comes
to choosing their direct mail pieces. We
may choose only one or we may use a few
types of direct mail pieces in your direct
marketing eorts. However, the choices
may make your head spin if you’re not
prepared. Let’s look at each of the types of
direct mail to get an idea of what it looks
like and how to best use it in your direct
mailing campaign.
Short and sweet; that’s how I’d describe a
postcard. To me, they evoke a certain sense
of eccentricity. You can take advantage of
that twinge of nostalgia from the good old
days when you would receive a postcard
from a friend or family member on
vacation. Your direct mail postcard might
look dierent than those, but it will still feel
familiar to the recipient.
Postcards have one of the highest
engagement rates of any of the types
of direct mail pieces. As a direct mailing
piece, they allow the most visibility at first
glance, with all your marketing material
in view. A 5” X 9” postcard will give
you plenty of flexibility when it comes
to design and messaging. They’re also
inexpensive and versatile. We go deeper
into postcards and how to take advantage
of them in our postcard marketing guide.
Self-mailers, in my eyes, are somewhere
between a catalog and a postcard in the
direct mailing world. They’re meant to be
colorful, and beautiful, and to highlight
your business. When you think of self-
mailers, think of a brochure or a pamphlet.
They can be modest and professional or
bright and whimsical. They are largely
informational and meant to captivate your
audience. I often recommend self-mailers
to feature new products or services and
bridge the gap between a postcard and a
full-fledged catalog.
Take a look at our guide to choosing the
ideal self-mailer for your needs and learn a
bit more about the sizing guidelines.
Are you looking to impress a sophisticated
client base, while adding a sense of
formality and privacy to your direct mailing
outreach? Letters are the way to go.
Calling them “letters” may be a bit vague.
Letters, for lack of a better word, describe
any direct mail that arrives at a person’s
door in an envelope. For marketing and
direct mailing, we often refer to these
letters as “lead letters”, since they’re
meant to generate engagement, find leads
(potential customers), and drive revenue.
Letters can be colorful, highly styled, and
contain several pieces within one envelope.
Letters are a great way to drive donations
for nonprofits, connect with current, valued
customers, or explain in detail a complex
problem your product or service will solve.
Sincerity and personalization will always
win with letters.
We all remember the Sears catalog,
right? Many of our childhood holidays
revolved around the crumpled pages of
the toy section within that catalog. While
we may not see catalogs quite as often
these days, they are still an important
part of many businesses marketing
strategies. Assuming you’re sending them
to the right people, catalogs still create
excitement for the reader. When designed
to include targeted content for your
audience, catalogs can be the premier
Types of Direct Mail
Pieces for Your Marketing
Campaign (cont.)
choice for your direct mail piece.
Catalogs are big, colorful, and
unfortunately, expensive to print. However,
when used in conjunction with a solid
product lineup, they are still what drives
sales, especially in industries that are
always on the lookout for new technology.
Let me put it this way; if you’re an
electrician, then you’re still getting excited
by the latest Fluke catalog when it shows
up at your door. That’s not to mention
the resurgence of business-to-consumer
retail catalogs in direct marketing. There’s
a lot we can still say about the surprising
eectiveness of the modern catalog; read
about it here.
Direct Mail: All Pieces to the
Same Puzzle
Your direct mail strategy should be flowing
and flexible. I always tell clients that to
really communicate with their audience
they need to evolve the way they use
direct mail. Dierent types of direct mail
pieces – Postcards, self-mailers, letters,
and catalogs are all pieces of a larger
direct mailing puzzle. Knowing how they
fit into your brand is the challenging
part and it’s what we help you with at
Bluegrass. It’s time to rethink your direct
marketing strategy; we’ll work with what’s
eective, find new ways to engage your
audience, and use the power of direct mail
to its fullest.
If you are new to direct marketing and
curious about how this all works behind the
scenes, we have laid out some guidelines
for preparation and timing.
As your partner in all things direct
marketing, we have both your direct
mailing creative and direct mailing services
covered when it comes to selecting your
types of direct mail pieces.
Types of Direct Mail
Pieces for Your Marketing
Campaign (cont.)
Marketing by
Increase conversions with maximum exposure! In addition to sending out your
direct mail campaign, Amplify utilizes cutting-edge technology to create an
omnichannel experience for your customer. This connectivity increases your
return on investment by serving your target audience the same message, on
multiple channels, simultaneously.
Omnichannel Marketing
by Amplify (cont.)
Mail Tracking
Be prepared for new calls and online
leads by knowing exactly when your
mailing campaign is hitting mailboxes.
Informed Delivery
With Informed Delivery® integration,
your mailing piece will be accompanied
by a full color, clickable ad within the
grayscale email preview sent by the
USPS. You will also be able to track
where Informed Delivery® emails have
been opened (geographically)!
Call & Text Tracking
Get access to live updates and
recordings of every call you’ve
received as a result of your direct mail
campaign. Capture demographics like
the name, address, phone number,
gender, and more information to use
for your next campaign. You can also
engage with prospects and drive
conversions by delivering coupons
and URLs by text from the same call
tracking number.
Online Follow-Up
If a prospect leaves your website
without taking action, your ads will show
up throughout the Google® Network
directing them back to your website.
Works with EDDM too!
Social Media Follow-Up
Keep your follow-up ads in front of your
prospects even when they’re scrolling
through their newsfeed on Facebook®
and Instagram®. Works with EDDM too!
Match your mailing list with your
Facebook® and Instagram® user accounts.
Your target market will not only receive
the mailing, but will be delivered the
SAME message on their social feeds,
even before they visit your website
online. Works with EDDM too!
Omnichannel Marketing
by Amplify (cont.)
Receive a list of who came to your
website from the mailing list and what
actions they took. With LeadMatch, you
can mail to unique visitors who visited
your website, even if they weren’t on the
mailing list! Finally, true attribution for a
direct mail campaign!
YouTube Ads *Amplify Plus
Capture attention with dynamic in-
stream video ads to engage your
Discovery Ads *Amplify Plus
Use the power of discovery by displaying
you ads across the entire Google
network. You ads will be shown based on
interests, history, and device information
while targeting users who are primed to
take action.
Google Geotargeting
*Amplify Plus
Locations are selected and ads are
shown to qualified prospects in that area.
Social Media Geotargeting
*Amplify Plus
Expand your reach by serving your oer
to qualified prospects via Facebook and
Addressable Geo
*Amplify Plus
Reach potential customers within a
certain geographic radius with hyper-
targeted, location-based marketing.
Geofence the residential or business
address of mail recipients to serve
ads through the display network to all
devices at the address. Track website
visitors with our pixel technology or
track in-person visitors by pinging their
Omnichannel Marketing
by Amplify (cont.)
QR Code *Amplify Plus
Boost engagement with static or
dynamic QR Codes. Track responses
through our custom reporting dashboard
to see various types of information
including who scanned it.
A Complete Omnichannel
Marketing Campaign
How Does It Work?
After your direct mail marketing piece
has been sent, your campaign message
and graphics are shown to your target
audience across a variety of digital
platforms. From your custom campaign
dashboard, you can then view all of the
tracked data from your campaign. Having
this information provides invaluable
insight for your next Amplify campaign!
Social ads are delivered to your target
audience before your mailing piece is
delivered, priming your audience for
Informed Delivery full-color campaign
graphic displays in the recipient’s
USPS daily email, providing a digital
touchpoint for recipients.
Upon Delivery:
Mail tracking begins recording exactly
when your piece hits mailboxes.
Social ads continue to run as follow-
up ads, reminding recipients of your
Call tracking provides real-time
updates, linking your campaign
to results, verified leads and even
recordings of calls.
Digital ads begin to deliver through
Google Display Network to prospects
who have visited your site, prompting
them to revisit.
Leads are matched, tracked, and
recorded. Website visitors interested
in your campaign – whether they
are visitors from your mailing list to
organic visitors – are available for
remarketing campaigns. digitally and
in future mailing campaigns.
Lets Work Together.
Direct Marketing Experts
With nearly 50 years of experience, our
team understands your goals and unique
business needs, and applies our knowledge
in messaging, digital printing techniques
and data mining to design and implement
an eective strategy with a high ROI for
your business. Together, we can achieve
and exceed your goals.
Our Commitment
As the needs of businesses have evolved,
Bluegrass has adopted new technologies
and solutions. We continue to meet our
clients’ growing needs by adding crucial
services, from the physical processing of
mail to highly interactive campaigns.