DHS Silver Cord FAQs for students
How do I know what volunteer opportunities exist?
Very important question! Please check (and follow if possible) the Twitter feed and our Facebook
page. More information for each opportunity will usually be found on the Facebook page. Links
are on the home page of the website. Check often and get notifications if possible. You will also
a list of pre-approved organizations on our website.
(www.decorah.k12.ia.us/high school page/activities/Silver Cord).
What if I want to volunteer for something that is not on Twitter and Facebook nor on the pre-approved
There is a pre-approval form you can download from the website and send to the office. Please
try to do so a week before the volunteer work if possible. You can also talk to Mrs. Fox (room
C111 in the English hallway) if more convenient.
When can I start counting volunteer hours?
May 28th, 2014
What is the cut off date for counting hours?
May 1 of every year
When can I enroll?
Students can turn in their enrollment forms to Mr. Waskow in the office whenever they are ready
to commit to volunteer work.
When do I turn in my list of hours?
At the end of your service, please turn in the completed form to Mr. Waskow. He will keep track
of your hours. At the end of each semester, you will give your completed Documentation of
Hours form, including a short reflection of your volunteer work, to Mrs. Fox.
DHS Silver Cord FAQs for the community
How do I get a volunteer opportunity onto the Twitter and Facebook account?
Email Liz Fox (liz.fox@decorah.k12.ia.us) with the volunteer work needed, the time and place,
and the contact information (email and/or phone).
How do I get my organization on the pre-approved list?
Email Liz Fox (liz.fox@decorah.k12.ia.us) with the information.
“Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which
there is no pay but the priviledge of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in a world all of your own.”
- Albert Schweitzer