Pennsylvania Unemployment
Compensation Handbook
A guide to unemployment benefits
Statements in this handbook are intended for informational purposes only. If there is a conflict between information in
this booklet and the provisions of the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation (UC) Law, the Law prevails.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilies.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program.
UCP-1 REV 2-23
ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK ........................................................................... 2
PURPOSE OF THE CLAIMANT HANDBOOK ..........................................................................2
CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................2
LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE....................................................................................... 2
OVERVIEW OF UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (UC) ................................................ 3
ABOUT THE UC PROGRAM...................................................................................... 3
WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU..................................................................................... 3
ELIGIBILITY FOR UC BENEFITS ......................................................................4
QUALIFYING FOR UC BENEFITS .................................................................................. 4
OPTIONS FOR RECEIVING PAYMENT .............................................................................. 5
AMOUNT OF UC BENEFITS.......................................................................... 5
WAITING WEEK .............................................................................................. 5
DEDUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 6
MAINTAINING YOUR UC ELIGIBILITY ................................................................. 8
SEARCHING FOR WORK ........................................................................................8
COMPLETING A WEEKLY CLAIM CERTIFICATION ..................................................................... 8
REPORTING EARNINGS ....................................................................................... 10
GETTING YOU BACK TO WORK ......................................................................11
MANDATORY JOB REGISTRATION................................................................................ 11
REEMPLOYMENT SERVICES .................................................................................... 11
WHEN YOU FIND A NEW JOB................................................................................... 12
UC FRAUD ....................................................................................... 12
EXAMPLES OF UC FRAUD...................................................................................... 12
PENALTIES FOR UC FRAUD..................................................................................... 12
WHAT WE DO TO STOP UC FRAUD...............................................................................13
REPORT SUSPECTED FRAUD.................................................................................... 13
APPEAL RIGHTS .................................................................................. 13
HOW TO SUBMIT AN APPEAL .................................................................................. 13
THE APPEAL PROCESS ........................................................................................ 13
REMAINING ELIGIBLE DURING YOUR APPEAL ...................................................................... 14
APPENDICES..................................................................................... 14
PASSWORD RESET.........................................................................................14
USERNAME RETRIEVAL .....................................................................................18
FORGOT USERNAME AND PASSWORD .........................................................................20
APPENDIX B – GLOSSARY ...................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX C – SAMPLE WORK SEARCH LOG .......................................................................22
APPENDIX D - LEGAL DISCLOSURES .............................................................................. 23
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 1
This handbook will answer many of your quesons and provide important informaon about Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensaon (UC)
benets. (See the Glossary in Appendix B for denions of all underlined terms.) To speed processing of your UC claim, please carefully read the
informaon in this document. If you do not understand or have quesons, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industrys (L&I)
Oce of Unemployment Compensaon for help
There are many ways to contact us:
Go to our Website
Visit: for addional informaon including answers to Frequently Asked Quesons (FAQs).
Call Us
Monday - Friday from 8 AM – 4 PM EST
Videophone Service for ASL Users
Sign language is the ONLY means of communicaon provided at this number.
Wednesdays 8 AM – noon EST and Fridays noon – 4 PM EST
NOTE: You may see Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or COPA, as the caller ID when we call you.
Text Telephone Service (TTY)
888-334-4046 - This line is only available to individuals with hearing or speech dicules calling from a TTY device.
Email Us
UC Live Chat
Visit: and select the chat icon on the right-side of your screen to register for live chat services.
Monday - Friday from 8 am - 4 pm EST.
Free services are available to assist you if you do not speak English. For assistance in a language other than English, please call 888-313-7284.
Hay servicios gratuitos disponibles para ayudarlo si no habla inglés. Para obtener asistencia en un idioma que no sea inglés, llame al 888-313-7284.
Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
We will make accommodaons to facilitate your parcipaon in all UC programs, acvies, and services. To request an accommodaon for a disability,
please contact us at 888-313-7284.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 2
UC is a program designed to provide temporary income between jobs to workers who lost their job through no fault of their own – for
example, due to a layoff, plant closure, or lack of available work. Benefits are not available to all workers. For example, workers who were
terminated from their job for misconduct cannot receive UC benefits. Other common examples of workers who cannot receive benefits are
those who are not planning to become reemployed, or those who are either physically unable to work or are not available to work because
they have other responsibilities or are away from home.
Funding for the UC Program
Pennsylvania’s UC program is funded through taxes paid by employers.
L&I is here to assist you through your time of unemployment. To make sure you are paid benefits in a timely manner, please help us by:
Providing accurate and complete information
Responding to requests for information right away
Completing all requirements to maintain UC eligibility, as outlined in this handbook
Keeping your contact information up to date
If you move or change your phone number or email address, let us know as soon as possible, even if you are not filing for benefits at
that time. Failure to notify our agency of your current contact information may result in delays or being denied UC benefits. The only way to
update your address or phone number in the UC system is by calling us at 888-313-7284. If you have a PA CareerLink® account or
Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA), update your contact information at Please be sure
to update contact information in both the UC and PA CareerLink® systems.
For Fastest Service, Go Online
You can check the status of your claim, review information, and more through our safe and secure website. Visit
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Please visit Appendix A for detailed instrucons on how to set up an online account. Visit this step-by-step video detailing How to File for UC Benets
Online and save me.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 3
Our agency will review your claim to determine if you qualify for benets. We will not be able to tell anyone in advance if they will be eligible for a
claim. We look at these three criteria aer you open your claim:
1. How much did you work in the 18 months before ling a claim?
You must be nancially eligible and have earned enough wages and have enough weeks of work in your employment history
prior to ling a claim. If you did not earn enough wages and work enough weeks, you will not be eligible for benets.
2. Why are you no longer working for your past employer?
The reason you are no longer employed or working reduced hours helps determine whether you can receive UC benets. Below
are some examples of separaon reasons that may qualify or disqualify you from receiving benets.
You may receive benefits if you: You may not receive benefits if you:
Were laid o or your hours were reduced because your X Le your job for personal reasons unrelated to work
employer did not have enough work for you X Were terminated for misconduct
ü Le your last job and can show it was for good cause X Are not legally authorized to work in the United States
related to the job (such as unsafe working condions) X Are self-employed
ü You were discharged from your job for reasons that are
not considered willful misconduct
ü Register for reemployment services with PA CareerLink®
online at within 30 days of
ling your claim for UC benets
A department representave may contact you and/or your employer to discuss the reason for your separaon from work.
If you or your employer disagree on the reason for your unemployment you will be given a chance to explain your side of the
story via a phone call. If benets are denied, you will receive a wrien determinaon, which you can appeal.
3. Are you able and available to work?
To qualify for UC benets you must be:
Acvely looking for work
Mentally and physically able to work
Legally authorized to work in the United States
Available to accept work (for example, you do not have personal responsibilies that would prevent you from working)
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 4
If you are eligible for UC benets, you may receive your payment:
Through direct deposit – This opon puts money directly into your checking account.
o If you received UC benets by direct deposit within 12 months of ling your current claim/applicaon, and your bank account is sll acve,
direct deposit will carry over to your current UC claim.
o If the bank account you previously used was closed or you need to make changes, you should request to stop direct deposit. If you stop
direct deposit, you will be switched to a debit card, unless you provide new bank informaon.
On a debit card – This opon provides you with a debit card from the commonwealth’s chosen debit card provider. You can make purchases,
get cash, and pay bills everywhere debit is accepted.
o If you do not have a direct deposit account on le, you will automacally be issued a debit card. You may switch to direct deposit if that
is your preferred payment method.
Debit cards are inially mailed to you so that you are ready when benets are paid. There will be no money on the debit card unl you have been
determined eligible for benets, le your weekly claims, and the benets are paid to you.
Please visit Direct Deposit of UC Benets at or Payment Opons at to access online forms,
nd instrucons and learn more. If you have any quesons about your payment method, please call the Pennsylvania Treasury, at 877-869-1956.
Aer you le a claim for UC benets, you will receive a Monetary Determinaon, or Noce of Financial Determinaon (Form UC-44F), in the mail.
The Noce of Financial Determinaon explains:
The amount of benets you are eligible to receive, if you become approved, and how that amount was calculated
The number of full weeks you will be eligible for benets. If you report earnings and collect paral benets, the number of weeks will be
extended -- not to exceed 52 weeks.
Informaon about how to le an appeal or request a monetary reconsideraon if you disagree with the determinaon
Please review the UC Benets Financial Charts ( for the maximum amount of benets you can receive per week in Pennsylvania.
The rst week of your claim is considered a waing week. You must le a payment
request, or weekly cercaon and meet all eligibility requirements during this week,
but you will not be paid. Your payments will start the following week, assuming you
are sll eligible for benets and fulll all requirements.
For example, consider a situaon where John lost his job on the rst Monday of the
month and led an inial claim for UC benets on the same day. Even though John
submits a cercaon for the rst week of benets, he will not be paid for this
waing week.
The next week, if John fullls all eligibility requirements, he will be eligible to receive
payment. See the Maintaining Your UC Eligibility secon for more details on the
connuing eligibility requirements.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 5
Your benets may be reduced under the following circumstances:
Benet Reducon
UC Law requires a benet reducon when the balance in the Pennsylvania UC Trust fund is low. This money is taken from the weekly benets of all claimants
to repay the trust fund. This amount is a percentage of your total benets which changes year to year. Your Noce of Financial Determinaon will show
you the percentage.
UC Law requires you report all work and earnings, including ps and commissions each week, Sunday through Saturday. You must report all gross earnings,
even if you have not yet received payment from your employer. If you are working part-me, you may sll be eligible for paral UC benets. Be sure to report
any earnings from part-me work. See the Reporng Earnings secon below for more informaon.
An unemployment benet that you previously received, but it was later discovered you should not have received, is referred to as an overpayment.
Overpayments remain on your record for a period of several years, depending on the situaon. If you did not fully repay the department and you collect
unemployment benets in the future, your weekly payments will be reduced to help repay this debt.
Potenal Earnings
Each week, you must report if you were absent from work when work was available. You must indicate the amount of potenal earnings, the wages you
could have earned had you not been absent from work when work was available. For example, if you were scheduled to work but called o or did not show
up, you must report those wages to us as earned. It does not maer that you did not earn any money for those hours and will not be paid by your employer.
Child Support
Some or all your unemployment benets may be reduced if you:
Owe court-ordered child support
o Quesons about the amount being deducted from your benets should be directed to the Domesc Relaons Secon of the Court of
Common Pleas that issued the order.
o Addional informaon on withholding support from UC benets is provided in Support Withholding from Unemployment Compensaon (UCP-24),
or at
Holiday Pay and Vacaon Pay
UC Law requires you report all holiday and vacaon pay earnings each week. Holiday pay and vacaon pay amounts that equal more than your paral
benet credit will be deducted from your benets for the week in which the holiday or vacaon occurs. However, vacaon pay is not deducted
if you do not have a recall date from your employer.
Rerement Income
Rerement income, such as pension payments or survivor benets, may aect your weekly benet amount (WBA).
When you apply for UC, you must tell us if you receive or applied to receive payment from your rerement plan.
Receiving a pension can aect the amount of UC benets for which you are eligible. A pension may reduce your benets if an employer in your
base year contributed to or maintained the pension plan, and your work during the base year increased the amount or aected your eligibility for
the pension.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 6
If your employer was the only one who contributed to the pension, 100% of the prorated, weekly pension amount is deducble. If you contributed in
any amount to the pension, 50% of the prorated, weekly pension amount is deducble. The following payments are NOT deducble, however:
Social Security and Railroad Rerement pensions.
A lump-sum pension payment, if you did not have the opon of receiving monthly or periodic payments.
A lump-sum pension payment that is deposited or rolled over into an approved rerement plan, such as an IRA, within 60 days aer
you received the payment.
Separaon Pay
A severance package, pay in lieu of noce (which is payment made to you because the employer furloughed you without required noce by law),
or a connuaon of pay with full benets from an employer even aer you are no longer working for them may aect UC benets. Severance pay
that exceeds 40% of Pennsylvania’s average annual wage is deducted from your benets.
Be sure to report any separaon payments when you apply for UC benets. You may be contacted by the agency for addional details to help de-
termine if your separaon pay is deducble.
You are not eligible for UC if you are self-employed. However, there is an excepon for “sideline” acvity. Earnings from self-employment that is
determined to meet the sideline business criteria can be automacally deducted from your weekly UC payments. A determinaon will be issued
accordingly. For more informaon on sideline employment, please visit
Your UC benets are taxable by the federal government. You may choose if you want to have federal income tax withheld from your benets
(at the rate of 10%) or not. If you elect not to have taxes withheld, you will be responsible for the full taxable amount at the end of the year.
You can make the choice to have taxes withheld when you le your applicaon for benets. To change your withholding selecon, log on to
the Pennsylvania UC System (www.bene and access your dashboard. Taxes withheld can be refunded to you only by the IRS.
Quesons about taxes on UC payments should be directed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ( or your tax professional.
By the end of January each year, L&I will provide you with a Statement for Recipients of Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensaon (Form UC-1099G).
This form shows the amount of benets you were paid during the previous year and the amount of income tax withheld if you selected that opon.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 7
Every week that you claim benets, you need to complete three tasks to remain eligible:
1. Search for work (starting with the third calendar week from when you filed your initial claim)
2. Complete a weekly claim certification
3. Report earnings (any money you earned during the claim week)
Failure to complete any of these acons can disqualify you from benets for that week.
You are required to acvely search for work every week you receive UC benets. If you are able to check one box in each column, you have sased your
UC work search requirements for the week.
1st Job Applicaon 2nd Job Applicaon Work Search Acvity
Applied for a job that ts my skills and
Applied for a job that ts my skills and
Parcipated in a work search acvity
Parcipated in a work search acvity
because I am liming my job applicaons.
Parcipated in a work search acvity
because I am liming my job applicaons.
Applied for a 3rd job
Interviewed for a job Interviewed for a job Interviewed for a job
Worked part-me during the week and earned more than my paral benet credit
(alBenets). Note: A second job applicaon and a work search acvity
are not required.
All work search acvies must be documented. See Appendix C for a sample work search log.
Work Search Exempons
You are exempt from the weekly work search requirements if you sasfy one of the exempons below:
You acvely parcipated in a department approved work search acvity or program.
You receive work through a union hiring hall and are in good standing at the me you are ling for UC benets.
You are parcipang in the Shared-Work program.
You are in training approved by the department or under the Trade Adjustment Act.
You are required to parcipate in the Pennsylvania Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) at a PA CareerLink®.
You are laid o due to a lack of work and have a wrien recall date from your employer.
Note: This exempon expires if the recall date is rescinded or has passed. You are required to keep a copy of the recall noce and nofy the
UC Service Center of your return-to-work date.
For addional details on weekly work search exempons, visit
To connue receiving benet payments, you will need to le a weekly claim cercaon for each week you are totally or parally unemployed.
This tells Pennsylvania UC sta that you are sll jobless and are seeking payment for that week. Opening an unemployment claim does not result
in any payments; weekly claims must be led for you to receive payment.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 8
The claim cercaon includes a series of quesons that help determine if you are eligible to connue receiving UC benets. For example, for each
week you will be asked if you:
Were able and available to accept work
Looked for work
Refused any jobs or oers of work
Completed any work, and if so, how much money you earned for that work
Were absent from work when work was available, and if so, how much you could have earned for days missed.
Under penalty of law, you are required to truthfully answer the quesons for each week you claim UC benets.
When to File Your Weekly Claim
Filing weekly claims is me sensive. If you are already approved for benets, are not yet sure if
you will be approved, or you have been denied but you appealed the denial, you must connue
ling a weekly claim for each week you are unemployed and seeking payment. If you are eligible
for benets, you will ulmately receive payments only for weekly claims you led.
Your weekly claim must be led during the week (Sunday through Saturday) immediately following
the week you were unemployed. Weekly claims must be completed by 11:59 PM on Saturday of
each week you are claiming benets. If you remain totally or parally unemployed, you will
connue to le weekly claims every week unl you exhaust your benets.
For example, if you lost your job on Monday, the 3rd of the month, you could le an inial claim for UC benets on the same day or on any other day that week.
Then you could submit a weekly claim for your rst week of benets starng on Sunday the 9th. Remember this rst week is an unpaid waing week.
Failure to submit the weekly claim before 11:59 PM, Saturday the 15th may result in delayed benet payment or a denial of benets for that week.
If You Forget to File
If you fail to le your weekly claim at the proper me, your UC claim will become “inacve.The next me you go to le a weekly claim, you will be
prompted to reopen your claim. You can reopen your claim online at www.bene, but the weeks you failed to le for will not be available.
Your reopened claim will be eecve Sunday during the week you complete the reopen. The following Sunday you can resume ling weekly claims.
You must call us at 888-313-7284 if you want the department to consider your eligibility for weeks you missed. The missed weeks will be led through
our sta and a determinaon regarding those weeks may be necessary. You may be denied for late ling if the reason does not fall within the allowable
provisions of UC law and regulaons.
How to File Your Weekly Claim
For fastest service, visit: www.bene
By Phone
You may le by phone by using the PA Teleclaims (PAT) system: 888-255-4728 - Call Sunday through Saturday 24 hours a day.
Please be advised that ling online is the fastest and easiest way to le. Using PAT may cause your payments to be delayed.
You will need the following when calling PAT to le a biweekly claim for benets:
Access to a touch-tone telephone, a push-buon telephone, or a cell phone with a tone-pulse switch;
Your Social Security number;
A pen and paper to note important informaon; and
Your personal idencaon number (PIN), which you must obtain by calling the UC Service Center at 888-313-7284.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 9
By Mail
This is permied only in specic circumstances. This method is rarely used since postal mail and manual processing naturally delay
payments when compared to using PAT or the Internet. Please contact 888-313-7284, Monday - Friday from 8 AM – 4 PM EST.
TTY users only, contact 888-334-4046, for informaon on ling claims by mail. This phone line is only available to individuals with
hearing or speech dicules calling from a TTY device.
If you are working while claiming UC benets, you must report how much money you made. You must report your gross earnings, not your net earnings.
Earnings include vacaon pay, holiday pay, and potenal earnings. For addional details on how to properly report earnings, please visit
Please enter the number of hours you worked for the week using the Gross Earnings Calculator shown below, which can be accessed when you le your
weekly cercaon online. If you were paid for vacaon or holiday pay, include those wages in their respecve secons. Do NOT use the Gross Earnings
Calculator to calculate potenal, vacaon, or holiday earnings.
Earnings Verification
Please indicate your gross earnings from this job during the week beginning Sunday. [Month 00, 20XX] and ending Saturday. [Month 00, 20XX]
Always report your Gross Earnings which are your total earnings before any deducons.
Regular Earnings: $ 96.00 Calulate Gross Earnings and Hours
*Potenal Earnings (If work $ 0.00
was available to you and
you did not go to work you
must report the money you
would have earned):
*Vacaon Pay: $ 0.00
*Holiday Pay: $ 0.00
*Gross Amount Earned: $ 96.00
Please enter your Hourly Rate.
$ 96.00
Please enter the number of hours you have worked for the Week Ending [date].
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
0 0 8 0 0 0
Gross Earnings this week:
$ 96.00
Number of hours worked this week: 8
Calculate Gross Earnings and Hours
When to Report Earnings
Earnings, including ps and commissions, must be reported each week when cerfying for UC benets. You must report what
you earned for the previous Sunday through Saturday period, even if you have not yet been paid. This must always be based on
your earnings from Sunday through Saturday; do not use your employer’s pay period if it is not the same as Sunday through
What Earnings to Report
Any money earned for work done must be reported. Common income sources include full- or part-me employment,
temporary or odd jobs, and ps.
How to Calculate Gross Earnings
Number of Hours Worked during Week x Rate of Pay = Gross Earnings
For instance, if you worked 30 hours in a week (Sunday through Saturday) at $20 per hour, you would report $600 in gross
earnings for the week.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 10
The PA CareerLink® offices ( offer a variety of no-cost programs and services including job leads and career resources – to
help you get back to work faster.
To receive UC benets, you must register within 30 days of ling your claim for UC benets.
If your labor market is outside of Pennsylvania, you must register with the state employment service that serves your local labor market.
If your local labor market is within Pennsylvania (either you live in Pennsylvania, or you commute to Pennsylvania for work) you must register
for employment search services through PA CareerLink®.
For your registration to be complete, you are required to obtain a Keystone ID and upload/create a resume in the PA CareerLink® system. For additional
details on job registration, visit
Job Registration Exemptions
You are exempt from the job registration requirements if you satisfy one of the exemptions below:
You are parcipang in the Shared-Work program.
You are in training approved by the department or under the Trade Adjustment Act.
You are required to parcipate in the Pennsylvania Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) at a PA CareerLink®.
You are laid o due to a lack of work and have a wrien recall date from your employer. Note: This exempon expires if the recall date is rescinded
or has passed. You are required to keep a copy of the recall noce and nofy the UC Service Center of your return-to-work date.
How to Register for Reemployment Services
You may register for reemployment services by vising your local PA CareerLink Oce® in person or online.
Follow the steps below to complete a new registraon for employment-search services.
Go to PA CareerLink® ( and click “Register Now.
Under user type, select “Unemployment Compensaon (UC) Claimant” and complete the registraon.
NOTE: It is very important that both your name and mailing address are the same in both the UC and PA CareerLink® systems.
Once you have completed the registraon process, you will receive a “Registraon Conrmaon” page. The conrmaon page is for
your records and should not be sent to the UC Service Center or PA CareerLink® oce.
The Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) Program is designed to idenfy claimants that may need the most help nding a new job.
If you are selected for RESEA you must parcipate unless you are excused for good reason. Benets can be denied for weeks if you fail to parcipate.
In addion to mandatory RESEA services, anyone can visit a PA CareerLink® oce for free assistance with resume wring, interviewing skills, labor market
informaon, online job skills training for Pennsylvania residents, and more.
Addional Services to Assist You
RESEA Program – If selected to parcipate in RESEA you MUST aend unless you have good reason not to parcipate. RESEA services are
designed to help those most in need nd reemployment. Benets can be denied for weeks if you fail to parcipate.
Training Programs - You may be eligible for training or educaon programs to help you upgrade your skills or complete a degree program.
To learn more about whether you might qualify, visit:
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 11
Full-me Work
You do not need to nofy our oce when you start a full-me job with either your former employer or a new employer. Simply stop subming the weekly
claim cercaon to request UC benet payments when you start your new job (even if you will not receive your rst paycheck anyme soon).
Part-me Work
If you nd part-me work, you may sll be eligible for paral UC benet payments. Be sure to report any earnings from part-me work. See the
Reporng Earnings secon for more informaon.
Reopening an Exisng Claim
If you opened an unemployment compensaon (UC) claim within the
past year, stopped ling for those benets because you found a new job,
but now need to le for benets again, you will simply reopen your
exisng claim.
It doesn’t maer if you’re ling with the same employer
or a new one, if you’re ling for UC benets within the
12 months that you opened your inial claim, you will
reopen it to le for benets.
Fraud is a serious crime. Detecng and prevenng unemployment compensaon fraud is a priority for our agency. Claims are audited regularly to ensure
benets were paid according to state and federal law.
Some examples of fraud include:
Failing to report money earned while collecng benets.
Being dishonest about why you are no longer working for a previous employer.
Saying you are able and available when you are ill, traveling, or otherwise unable or unavailable to work.
Reporng that you looked for work when you did not make valid work search eorts.
Allowing another person to collect benets for you.
Stealing someone’s identy to le for unemployment benets in their name.
To Avoid Comming Fraud
The most important thing is to be honest. If you intenonally make false statements or hide informaon to gain or maintain UC benets, you are
comming fraud. If you are confused about what you are supposed to do or report, call 888-313-7284 for claricaon. We are here to help!
Penales for fraud can include:
Repayment of all UC benets that you were not eligible to receive.
A 15% penalty on top of the benets you should not have received.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 12
Disqualicaon from receiving future benets for up to the number of weeks that fraud was commied.
Repayment of UC benets that you fraudulently received from federal tax refunds.
Being convicted of a crime in state and/or federal court.
These are just some of the ways we idenfy
people who are comming fraud:
Comparing earnings reported by workers and their employers
Auding claims
Checking state and naonal databases of recently hired
individuals to make sure people are not collecng
UC benets aer they start working again
Verifying job search contacts
You can report fraud:
Online at
Through our toll-free Fraud Hotline at 1-800-692-7469
Tips about possible fraud are pursued by our team of invesgators.
If you or your former employer disagree with a decision regarding your UC claim, you each have the right to appeal. Appeals must be submied
within 21 days from the date the determinaon leer was mailed.
A Peon for Appeal provides an opportunity for you to describe the reasons you disagree with the decision. You may appeal:
Visit www.bene and sign into your UC account
By Mail
Mail Processing Unit – Claimant Appeals
651 Boas St, 5th Fl
Harrisburg PA 17121
By Fax
Fax your appeal to 855-728-2329
Aer your appeal is received, the UC Service Center will process it to a referee oce, and you will receive an Acknowledgement of UC Appeal
indicang the referee oce assigned to handle the appeal. You will also be sent a Noce of Hearing in the mail or through some other customary
method of contacng you. It will inform you of the date and me of your appeal hearing. It is recommended that you parcipate in your hearing
to protect your benet rights. An imparal hearing ocer is responsible for the appeal hearing.
The hearing ocer will issue a wrien decision that is mailed (or emailed if that is the customary method of contacng you) aer the hearing to
you and any other interested pares, such as your former employer. If you disagree with a hearing ocers decision, you may appeal that decision.
For more informaon about where and how to le appeals, visit UC Benet Appeals (
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 13
To maintain your UC eligibility, continue to search for work, complete weekly claim certifications, and report any money you earned during
the claim weeks while your appeal is pending. If the appeal is decided in your favor, you will only be paid for the weeks for which you met the
eligibility requirements.
The username and password process are similar to the login process we recognize from most password-protected applicaons, such as online banking apps.
Before you log into your UC account, use this table to idenfy your situaon:
Active User Inactive User New User
If you are an acve user, you will see no
Use your login credenals like normal. If you
forget your username or password, please
use the “Forgot Username/Password?” link
to retrieve your credenals.
If you've previously logged in and get the
warning message below telling you to try
again, you will need to reset your
If you login successfully, no further action
is necessary.
You are considered a new user if you have
recently applied for UC via phone, but have
never logged in. During the applicaon process
a username and password were created on
your behalf.
If you recall this informaon, simply login.
If you forget your login informaon, or it
was not provided to you, please use the
instrucons in this guide to retrieve your
username and/or reset your password.
The screens below illustrate the steps you should take if you forget your password or are inacve due to not logging in within the past month or longer.
Click on “Forgot Username/Password?”
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 14
OR from the login screen, click “Retrieve User Name or Password”:
If you have forgoen your user
name and/or password, please click
Retrieve User Name or Password
Select the opon that applies to your situaon.
• Opon 1 - Forgot Password
If you have forgoen your password, please click “retrieve password.” You will be prompted for informaon about your account. When matched,
you will establish a new password and then have access to your account.
• Opon 2 - Forgot User Name
If you have forgoen your User Name, please click retrieve User Name.You will be prompted for informaon about your account. When matched,
you will establish a new password and then have access to your account.
• Opon 3 - Forgot User Name and Password
If you have forgoen your User Name and password, please click “retrieve both. You will be prompted for informaon about your account.
When matched, you will establish a new password and then have access to your account.
Opon 1 - Forgot Password
If you have forgoen your password, please click retrieve password. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have access to your
Option 2 - Forgot User Name
If you have forgotten your user name, please click retrieve User Name. You will be prompted for information about your account and when matched, you will establish a new password then have
access to your account.
Option 3 - Forgot User Name and Password
If you have forgoen your user name and password, please click retrieve both. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have access
to your account.
If you selected, “Opon 1 – Forgot Password,” enter your username on the following screen. Choose “Individual” and click “
Complete the required fields and then click the next button to begin the retrieval process.
*Indicates required fields.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 15
Enter your Social Security number (SSN) and email address associated with your UC claim. The email address must match what we have on record.
To ensure the highest level of security, please enter the needed informaon into the form, so that we can verify this informaon against what is in our database.
If you can’t provide the needed informaon, you may contact sta by clicking the Contact Sta link
*Indicates required fields.
If the correct informaon is entered, you will receive this message.
The email will look like the example below. Click the reset link.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 16
You will be required to verify your identy using Click the green “Verify with” buon within the email.
Sign in and verify.
If the informaon does not match the informaon in the UC system, you will receive the following alert message.
Warning: The information you’ve
provided does not match whats
been verified with Please
try again. If you believe you
entered information accurately
please call 888-313-7284 for
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 17
If the informaon matches you will be permied to change your password. Enter and conrm your new password and click “Submit.Once successfully
updated you will receive an onscreen conrmaon message.
Reset Password From Email Link
*Indicates required elds For help click the informaon icon.
Reset Password
Your information has been verified. We recommend you reset your password to complete the retrieval process.
Enter you new password below and then click Save.
*Enter New
Enter Password (8 - 18 characters, and must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter,
one number and one special character. Allowable characters are # @ $ ^ . * _ +)
*Confirm New
Your Password has been reset.
Click here to return to the Home page
If an incorrect email or SSN is entered, you will be redirected to the Contact Us page. This means the informaon you entered is not what we have on le
and you will be required to call the UC Service Center to update your account informaon.
The screens below illustrate the steps you would take if you forgot your user name using “Opon 2 – Forgot User Name.
Select an opon to retrieve your User Name and/or Password
Opon 1 - Forgot Password
If you have forgoen your password, please click retrieve password. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have access to your
Option 2 - Forgot User Name
If you have forgotten your User Name, please click retrieve User Name. You will be prompted for information about your account and when matched, you will establish a new password then have
access to your account.
Option 3 - Forgot User Name and Password
If you have forgoen your user name and password, please click retrieve both. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have access
to your account.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 18
Select “Individual” and click “Next.
Complete the required elds and then click the next buon to begin the retrieval process.
Indicates required elds
*Did you register as
Enter your SSN and email and click “Submit.
*Indicates required elds
Your Informaon
*Social Security
If you can’t provide the needed informaon, you may contact sta by clicking the Contact Us page. This means the informaon you entered is not what
we have on le and you will be required to call the UC Service Center to update your account informaon.
If the correct informaon is entered, an email will be sent to you. Your username will be provided in this email.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 19
If an incorrect email or SSN is entered, you will be redirected to the Contact Us page. This means the informaon you entered is not what we have on
le and you will be required to call the UC Service Center to update your account informaon.
You may also choose Opon 3 – Forgot User Name and Password” to reset your password and retrieve your username simultaneously. This process will
follow the same steps shown in Opons 1 and 2.
Select an opon to retrieve your User Name and/or Password
Opon 1 - Forgot Password
If you have forgoen your password, please click retrieve password. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have access to your
Option 2 - Forgot User Name
If you have forgotten your User Name, please click retrieve User Name. You will be prompted for information about your account and when matched, you will establish a new password then have
access to your account.
Option 3 - Forgot User Name and Password
If you have forgoen your user name and password, please click retrieve both. You will be prompted for informaon about your account, and when matched, you will establish a new password then have
access to your account.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 20
This secon denes commonly used terms and acronyms.
Appeal – A process for requesng a formal review of a prior UC
Appeal Hearing – A meeng to consider an Unemployment
Compensaon benet appeal. Each party (you and the employer, in
most cases) can tell an imparal hearing ocer what they believe
the relevant facts are related to the issue on appeal. You may have
witnesses tesfy. You may ask quesons of the other party. All
tesmony is given under oath.
Base Period – The window of me used to determine UC benet
eligibility. At the me an inial claim for benets is led, wages from
the rst four of the last ve completed calendar quarters are reviewed
to determine UC benet eligibility. Your Weekly Benet Amount (WBA)
is also based on how much money you were paid for working during
this me.
Benet Week – A seven-day period during which you have an acve
claim. The benet week begins on Sunday at midnight and ends at
11:59 p.m. the following Saturday.
Benet Year – Also referred to as a Claim Year, this is the 52 weeks
from the Claim Eecve Date to the Claim End Date.
Benets – The money given to eligible individuals.
Claim – An applicaon for UC benets.
Claim Eecve Date – The Sunday of the week in which your inial
claim for benets is led.
Claim End Date – Also referred to as a Benet Year End (BYE), this is
the last Saturday of a Benet Year. This falls 52 weeks aer the Claim
Eecve Date.
Fraud – Knowingly claiming or accepng UC benets illegally. Fraud
may be considered a crime.
Financial Eligibility – Having enough wages and weeks of work in your
employment history to qualify for UC benets.
Full-me Work – Working the normal full-me hours for your usual
work week.
Gross Earnings – The amount of money you get for work before taxes
and deducons are taken out.
Net Earnings – Your take-home pay, aer taxes and deducons are
taken out.
Maximum Benet Amount (MBA) – The maximum amount of
benets you may receive during a benet year. This amount is based
on the wages earned in the Base Period of a claim mulplied by the
number of benet weeks you are eligible for within the Claim Year.
This amount is listed in your Monetary Determinaon noce.
Misconduct – Careless or deliberate behavior that results in being
red or suspended from your job. Examples include dishonesty
related to employment, unexcused absences, or violaon of a
company policy.
Monetary Determinaon – A form mailed to you aer you le an
inial claim for UC benets. It explains if you are eligible for UC
benets, how much your payment will be each week, the Maximum
Benet Amount (MBA), and other details for that Claim Year. This
form lists all employers you worked for during the Base Period and the
wages each employer reported each quarter. Be sure to check it for
accuracy and nofy UCSC of any errors at 1-888-313-7284.
Overpayment – UC benets you received, but were not entled to
receive, under state law.
Paral UC Benets – The amount of UC benets you may receive
while working reduced hours (less than your typical full me work
Potenal Earnings – The amount of wages you could have earned had
you not been absent from work when work was available.
Separaon – When you or your employer end the working
relaonship. This can be due to a quit, discharge, leave of absence,
suspension, or layo.
UC – Unemployment Compensaon, which is the benet program for
workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own.
Union Aached – An acve union member who gets work through
a union hiring hall. If you are on the out-of-work list, as veried by
your union, you may be eligible for UC benets by remaining
available for work through your union.
Waing Week – The rst week of the Benet Year that you are
unemployed and found eligible for benets. You will not be paid UC
benets for this week.
Weekly Benet Amount (WBA) – The maximum amount of money you
may be eligible to receive for one week. This amount is listed in your
Monetary Determinaon noce.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 21
Use a log such as the one shown below, which you can nd at, to keep track of the work search
acvies you complete each week. Be sure to document the details of each acon (what, when, where, and with whom). If possible, save a screenshot,
email conrmaon, or other evidence of your work search acon.
To be eligible for UC benefits, complete the work search record below. Refer to your Pennsylvania UC Handbook (Form UCP-1) or go to
for complete instructions or to print additional
copies of this form. If you are working part-time, and earning more than your Partial Benefit Credit, initial here .
Date of Application or Date of Interview
Employer Contact Name
Employer Phone/Email
How did you apply for the job
Date of Activity
Type of Activity
Location of Activity
Contact Name
Contact Phone/Email
Date of Application or Date of Interview
Employer Contact Name
Employer Phone/Email
How did you apply for the job
Date of Activity
Type of Activity
Location of Activity
Contact Name
Contact Phone/Email
Date of Application or Date of Interview
Employer Contact Name
Employer Phone/Email
How did you apply for the job
Date of Activity
Type of Activity
Location of Activity
Contact Name
Contact Phone/Email
Name of Employer, Union Hiring Hall or Training Program Contact Name and Phone Number
Wrien Date of Recall (aach copy)
Union Hiring Hall
Reemployment Services & Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) parcipants
Shared Work program parcipants
Trade Reducon Act parcipants
I certify that all information I have provided in this document is correct and complete. I acknowledge that false statements in this document are punishable pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. §4904, relating to
unsworn falsification to authorities.
Social Security Number XXX-XX- __ __ __ __ (last 4 digits)
First Name M.I. Last Name
e Da
A person who knowingly makes a false statement or knowingly withholds information to obtain UC benefits commits a criminal offense under Section 801 of the UC Law, 43 P.S. §871, and may be
subject to a fine, imprisonment, restitution and loss of future benefits.
UC-304 REV 09-22 (Page 1)
Tip for documenng work search acvies: Store your documentaon in a single locaon, such as one folder in your house or on your computer.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 22
Equal Opportunity Informaon
It is against the law for this agency to discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, naonal origin, age, disability, or polical
aliaon or belief, or against any beneciary of, applicant to, or parcipant in programs nancially assisted under Title I of the Workforce Innovaon and
Opportunity Act (WIOA), on the basis of the individual’s cizenship status or parcipaon in any WIOA Title I–nancially assisted program or acvity.
What to Do if You Believe You Have Experienced Discriminaon
If you think that you have been subjected to discriminaon under a WIOA Title I–nancially assisted program or acvity, you may le a complaint within
180 days from the date of the alleged violaon.
To File a Complaint Online
To File a Complaint by Mail
Send informaon about your complaint to:
The Director - Civil Rights Center
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constuon Avenue, NW, Room N-4123
Washington, DC 20210
Your Privacy Maers to Us
To File a Complaint by Mail or for Equal Opportunity Informaon
Send informaon about your complaint to:
Department of Labor & Industry Oce of Equal Opportunity
651 Boas Street, Room 1402
Harrisburg PA 17121
717-787-1182 or 800-622-5422
We follow all state and federal laws that protect your private informaon. To help connect you with programs designed to get you back to work, we share
some of your informaon with our partners, such as the PA CareerLink®, and they are not allowed to share it with anyone else. We give them your:
Contact informaon
Employment and job search history
Demographics (such as age or gender)
Your previous employers and other state or local government agencies may release to our agency any informaon, including your Social Security number,
required for the proper administraon of your claim. We also use your Social Security number to report the amount of UC benets you receive to the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as taxable income.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook 23