Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 1 of 21
Management Directive
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governor’s Office
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Date: September 7, 2022
By Direction of:
Michael Newsome, Secretary of Administration
Contact Agency: Office of Administration
Office for Information Technology
Telephone 717.787.5440
This directive establishes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the
acceptable use of Information Technology (IT) resources by Authorized
To establish policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the acceptable use of
the Commonwealth’s IT Resources.
This directive applies to all Authorized Users of all departments, boards,
commissions, offices, and councils under the Governor’s jurisdiction
(hereinafter referred to as “agencies”).
To ensure that all Authorized Users who have access to IT Resources are made
aware of and comply with this policy, including the standards set forth herein
and in Enclosure 1.
Authorized User. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania employees,
contracted resources, consultants, volunteers, or any other users who
have been granted access to and are authorized by the Commonwealth
to use Commonwealth IT Resources.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 2 of 21
Commonwealth Data. Any information, records or files, regardless of
form, that are owned, managed, processed, generated or stored by the
Commonwealth or Authorized Users. Commonwealth Data includes, but
is not limited to, data that is intellectual property of the Commonwealth,
data that is protected by law, order, regulation, directive or policy and
any other sensitive or confidential data that requires security controls
and compliance standards.
Electronic Communication System. Any method of electronic
communication or information system that generates, stores, transmits,
or displays Commonwealth Data, including, but not limited to:
The Commonwealth’s Metropolitan Area Network (MAN);
Local Area Networks (LANs);
The internet;
News groups;
Bulletin board systems;
Social media;
Computer hardware;
Personal Computer Desktops;
Laptops and Docking Stations;
Software programs;
Voice mail systems;
Printers or multi-function devices;
Cellular and smartphones;
Tablet computers or personal digital assistants;
Electronic mail and messaging systems;
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 3 of 21
Instant Messaging;
Cloud storage solutions;
USB drives, thumb/flash drives, SD cards;
Video conferencing and transmissions; and
Electromagnetic, photo-electronic, and other electronic media or
IT Resources. Equipment or interconnected systems or subsystems of
equipment, networks, or services used to receive, input, store, process,
manipulate, control, manage, transmit, display and/or output
information, including, but not limited to: computers, mobile devices,
servers, telephones, fax machines, copiers, printers, Internet, Intranet,
email, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, cloud-based services,
systems, networks, platforms, plans and data, training materials and
documentation and social media websites.
Multifactor Authentication. Authentication method in which a
computer user is granted access only after successfully presenting two
or more pieces of evidence or factors to an authentication mechanism.
Video Sharing Service. An enterprise application or service where
Authorized Users can create, upload, view, publish, and share videos.
Authorized Users of IT Resources are required to understand and
abide by this directive and the Acceptable Use Standards. These
Acceptable Use Standards are designed to prevent use that may be
illegal, unlawful, abusive, contrary to policy, or which may have an
adverse impact on the Commonwealth or its IT Resources. In addition,
these standards identify for Authorized Users the permissible and
effective uses of IT Resources. Authorized Users are encouraged to
assist in the enforcement of these Acceptable Use Standards by
promptly reporting any observed violations to their supervisor, the
human resources office, agency contact or contracting officer.
Enclosure 1, Commonwealth Acceptable Use Standards for IT Resources,
sets forth additional information about the permissible scope of usage
of IT Resources.
Abuse or misuse of IT Resources and Commonwealth Data will
have consequences. The improper and/or unauthorized use of IT
Resources or Commonwealth Data by Authorized Users may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment,
termination of volunteer status, termination of engagement or other
formal action under the terms of the applicable contract or suspension
or debarment under the Contractor Responsibility Program as set forth
in Management Directive 215.09 Amended, Contractor Responsibility
Program, depending on the circumstances of the incident.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 4 of 21
When warranted, the Commonwealth or its agencies may pursue or
refer matters to other appropriate authorities for investigation regarding
potential violation of local, state, or federal laws through the misuse or
abuse of IT Resources or Commonwealth Data.
Ownership of IT Resources and Commonwealth Data. All
Commonwealth Data and IT Resources, including those pertaining to
computer use, internet use, email communication, voicemail
communication, text messages, online chat, and other electronic
communication (whether sent, received, displayed, accessed or stored),
as well as the content of such communications, are presumed to be the
sole and exclusive property of the Commonwealth. Authorized Users do
not control the access to or the use of such data or records. In addition,
Authorized Users have no property or other rights to any or all related
physical equipment, hardware, and software applications that are
provided in connection with IT Resources.
Authorized Users shall have no expectation of privacy when
using IT Resources. Authorized Users shall have no expectation of
privacy in any IT Resource or in any electronic files, Commonwealth
Data, or records stored on or accessed through IT Resources nor should
an Authorized User have any expectation of privacy in any
communications sent or received via, or stored within, IT Resources.
Agency heads may determine who may access IT Resources and
Commonwealth Data. At their discretion, executive level or human
resources staff or their authorized designees may access IT Resources
in any way, including to retrieve, search, trace, audit, monitor and
review at any time any files, data, or records whether sent, received,
displayed, accessed or stored through IT Resources, as well as, data or
records related to IT Resource usage, including internet records, email
communications, voicemail communication, text messages, online chat,
and other electronic communication, for business purposes, or in order
to determine compliance with the provisions of this directive or any
other directive, personnel policy or applicable local, state, or federal law.
IT Resources are subject to monitoring or other access. All IT
Resources and Commonwealth Data, or records, whether sent, received,
displayed, accessed or stored on or accessed through IT Resources, may
be accessed in any way (including but not limited to being traced,
audited, monitored, reviewed, logged, blocked, searched, or retrieved)
with or without notice to the Authorized User.
Use of an IT Resource by an Authorized User is deemed to be
consent to monitoring. The use of an IT Resource by an Authorized
User constitutes consent to monitoring. By using an IT Resource,
Authorized Users consent that all activity on that IT Resource is subject
to monitoring, tracing, logging, blocking, censoring, auditing, or
searching, with or without notice, to examine or retrieve the Authorized
User’s historical or real-time activity.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 5 of 21
Authorized Users may not access unauthorized Commonwealth
Data and shall take measures to protect the security of
Commonwealth Data. Authorized Users may not access
Commonwealth Data or IT Resources that they have not been granted
access to and shall take measures to protect the security of
Commonwealth Data. Authorized Users must use acceptable
cybersecurity measures in a manner that is consistent with
Commonwealth policy. Use of acceptable cyber security measures does
not, however, guarantee the confidentiality of any electronic
communication or of any file, Commonwealth Data, or record stored or
accessed through IT Resources. Authorized Users must keep confidential
any credentials used for authentication and not share them with others.
Credentials may include, but are not limited to, passwords, certificates,
tokens, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), knowledge-based
questions/answers, time-based one-time passcodes (TOTP), and other
IT Resources are intended for business use and shall be used
primarily for that purpose. IT Resources are tools that the
Commonwealth has made available for Commonwealth business
purposes. Where personal use of IT Resources does not interfere with
the efficiency of operations and is not otherwise in conflict with the
interests of the Commonwealth, reasonable use for personal purposes
will be permitted in accordance with standards established for business
use. Such personal use shall be limited, occasional, and incidental. Any
personal use that is inconsistent with Commonwealth policy is
IT Resources must never be used in a manner that violates other
Commonwealth directives and policies. All use of IT Resources
must conform to all Commonwealth policies, including but not limited to
Executive Order 1980-18, Code of Conduct,
Management Directive 505.07 Amended, Personnel Rules, and
Commonwealth policies on nondiscrimination and prohibition of sexual
harassment. Violations of the Commonwealth’s policies through the use
of IT Resources will be treated in the same manner as other violations.
Authorized Users are to be aware of the dangers associated with
driving while using wireless communication devices. Driving
while using wireless communication devices can distract a driver’s
attention from the primary job of responsible driving. Authorized Users
are required to obey all local, state, and federal laws related to the use
of wireless communication devices while driving.
All Authorized Users must be provided with this directive. All
current Authorized Users must be provided an electronic or hard copy
of this policy on an annual basis. All new Authorized Users must review
this policy prior to their use of and access to IT Resources.
All Authorized Users must sign an Acknowledgement of Receipt
Form. On an annual basis, agencies must obtain signed user
agreements from Authorized Users prior to granting access to IT
Resources. Employees or volunteers shall sign Enclosure 2 to this
directive, Commonwealth IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy User
Agreement - Commonwealth Employee or Volunteer Form. Contractors
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 6 of 21
and consultants shall sign Enclosure 3 to this directive, Commonwealth
IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy User Agreement - Commonwealth
Contractor or Consultant Form.
Each agency must maintain copies of the agreement signed by
each Authorized User in that agency. Completed user agreements
shall be maintained as part of the employee’s Electronic Official
Personnel Folder (E-OPF). Agencies will store these agreements in the
electronic format consistent with Management Directive 210.12
Amended, Electronic Commerce Initiatives and Security, and ITP-
SEC006, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Electronic Signature Policy.
Signed agreements are accessible to employees and supervisors as well
as HR staff with specific roles, who are authorized to view these
Requests for electronic records shall be treated in the same
manner as hard records. Requests for records pertaining to IT
Resources shall be addressed consistent with all laws, directives, or
policies that would apply to the same records if maintained in a hard
format. All such requests shall be referred to agency legal counsel
and/or the Agency Open Records Officer, as appropriate.
This amended directive supersedes prior or inconsistent policies.
This policy supersedes any existing HR, IT, internet and/or email use
policy issued by agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction that is
inconsistent with this directive, unless specific exemptions are granted
by the Secretary of Administration or designee. Approved collective
bargaining agreements, side letters or current practices shall be applied
in a manner to effectuate both this policy and any such agreement, side
letter or current practice. In cases where a provision of an approved
collective bargaining agreement, side letter or current practice cannot
be reconciled with this policy, the former shall control. Agencies may
develop supplemental HR, IT, internet and/or email use policies only
with the approval of the Secretary of Administration or designee.
Agency shall:
Provide either a hard copy or electronic copy of this directive to
Authorized Users.
Ensure that Authorized Users have signed the user agreement.
Maintain a copy of the signed user agreement for each
Authorized User.
Authorized Users shall:
Understand the permissible scope of usage of IT Resources and
Commonwealth Data and comply with this management directive
and the applicable enclosure.
Sign the user agreement.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 7 of 21
Enterprise Information Security Office shall:
Conduct system audits and compliance reviews of adherence to
this directive.
Prevent and respond to cybersecurity incidents.
Assist human resources staff in conducting investigations
involving the alleged misuse of IT Resources and/or
Commonwealth Data.
Assist in Commonwealth Data retrieval and analysis for any
records requests.
Provide annual security awareness training in compliance with
Management Directive 535.09 Physical and Information
Security Awareness Training.
Technical standards and guidance relating to IT Resources and Commonwealth
Data usage published by the Office of Administration, Information Technology
(OA/OIT), via Information Technology Policies (ITPs) must be followed and are
available on the OA/OIT website.
This directive replaces in its entirety, Management Directive 205.34
Amended, dated February 18, 2021.
Enclosure 1 Commonwealth Acceptable Use Standards for Information
Technology (IT) Resources
Enclosure 2 Commonwealth IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy User
Agreement - Commonwealth Employee or Volunteer Form
Enclosure 3 Commonwealth IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy User
Agreement - Commonwealth Contractor or Consultant Form
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 8 of 21
Each Authorized User must comply with Management Directive 205.34 Amended,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and the
following Acceptable Use Standards when using IT Resources:
All IT Resources and files, Commonwealth Data, or records, whether sent,
received, displayed, accessed, or stored on or accessed through IT Resources,
may be accessed in any way (including but not limited to being traced, audited,
monitored, reviewed, logged, blocked, searched, retrieved, or recorded) with
or without notice to the Authorized User.
All activity may be monitored. Authorized Users should have no expectation of
privacy in any files, Commonwealth Data, or records whether sent, received,
displayed, accessed, or stored through IT Resources, nor should they have any
expectation of privacy in any electronic communication sent or received via, or
stored within, IT Resources. By using IT Resources, the user authorizes access
to or auditing and/or monitoring of IT Resources by the Commonwealth.
Authorized Users are encouraged to assist in the enforcement of these
Acceptable Use Standards by promptly reporting any observed violations to
their supervisor, the human resources office, agency contact, contracting
officer or the Pennsylvania Office of State Inspector General (OSIG).
The improper use of IT Resources or Commonwealth Data by employees or
volunteers may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
employment or volunteer status, depending on the circumstances of the
incident. The improper use of IT Resources or Commonwealth Data by
contractors or consultants may result in termination of engagement, other
action under the terms of the applicable contract, or suspension or debarment
under the Contractor Responsibility Program. When warranted, the
Commonwealth or its agencies may pursue or refer matters to other
appropriate authorities for investigation regarding potential violation of local,
state, or federal laws through the misuse of IT Resources.
As part of the privilege of being an Authorized User, Authorized Users
may not attempt to access any Commonwealth Data or programs
contained on Commonwealth systems for which they do not have
authorization or explicit consent.
Authorized Users are strictly responsible for maintaining the
confidentiality of their Commonwealth or agency account(s), passwords,
Personal Identification Numbers (PIN), Security Tokens, or similar
information or devices used for identification and authorization purposes
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 9 of 21
(such as multi-factor authentication methods).
Authorized Users may not make unauthorized copies of software.
Authorized Users may not use non-standard open-source software,
shareware, or freeware software (i.e., unauthorized resources) without
OA/OIT prior approval generated through established policy exception
processes. Authorized Users may not use unauthorized resources on IT
Resources to conduct official business.
Authorized Users may not purposely engage in activity that may:
harass, threaten, or abuse others; degrade the performance of IT
Resources; deprive an Authorized User of access to an IT Resource;
obtain extra IT Resources beyond those allocated; or circumvent IT
security controls.
Authorized Users may not use IT Resources to engage in personal, for-
profit transactions or business, or to conduct any not-for-profit or
fundraising activity not specifically sponsored, endorsed, or approved by
the Commonwealth.
Authorized Users may not engage in illegal activity in connection with
their use of IT Resources, including, but not limited to, downloading,
installing, and/or running security programs or utilities that reveal or
exploit weaknesses in the security of a system. For example, Authorized
Users may not run password cracking programs, packet sniffers, port
scanners, or any other non-approved programs on IT Resources, unless
they are authorized to do so by human resources or law enforcement,
in conjunction with the Enterprise Information Security Office (EISO).
Authorized Users may not use IT Resources or any unauthorized
assets/devices to leverage IT Resources to access, create, store,
transmit, post, or view material that is generally considered to be
inappropriate or personally offensive or which may be construed as
discriminatory or harassing, including sexually suggestive,
pornographic, or obscene material.
Authorized Users are personally responsible for the security of
authorized portable and mobile IT Resources. This includes securing
mobile devices when traveling nationally or internationally. Care must
be exercised to ensure these devices are secured and not lost, stolen,
or otherwise accessed in an unauthorized manner. Authorized users
must report lost or stolen IT Resources to their immediate supervisor
upon discovery of lost or stolen IT Resources.
Authorized Users may not store non-public information on IT Resources,
if those IT Resources may be removed from Commonwealth facilities,
without prior approval from the agency Secretary or designee.
Authorized Users shall use Commonwealth-approved Electronic
Communication Systems primarily for Commonwealth business.
Authorized Users shall use only Commonwealth-approved encryption
methods to encrypt Commonwealth Data, as appropriate.
Authorized Users shall use only Commonwealth-approved storage
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 10 of 21
Authorized Users shall only store or transmit Commonwealth content,
files, Commonwealth Data or any other type of information on or
through an IT Resource that is Commonwealth-provided or
Authorized Users shall not use IT Resources, or personal devices, to
record telephone calls or other conversations unless all parties to the
conversation consent prior to the recording. Recording an oral
conversation without consent from anyone and/or consent from only
one party during the conversation is prohibited. Examples of
conversations include, but are not limited to, oral discussions, group
meetings, online web collaboration meetings, phone calls, conference
calls, or group discussions. Someone who violates Pennsylvania law that
requires “two-party” consent may also be subject to civil liability and
may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of
employment. It is further a violation of the Wiretap Act for a person to
disclose or to use the contents of any illegally recorded conversation.
All security policies of the Commonwealth and its agencies must be strictly
adhered to by Authorized Users.
In connection with Authorized Users’ use of and access to IT Resources:
All software used to access IT Resources must be part of the agency’s
standard software suite or approved by the agency IT department and
agreed to by the Commonwealth. The terms and conditions for the
software must be approved by the Commonwealth. The software must
incorporate all vendor-provided security patches.
All files downloaded from the internet must be scanned for viruses using
the approved Commonwealth standard scanning solution.
All software used to access the internet shall be configured to use an
instance of the Commonwealth’s standard internet Access Control and
Content Filtering solution.
Agencies shall authorize access to the internet using IT Resources through the
utilization of an Identity and Access Management system. Authorized Users shall
be responsible for the protection of their passwords, and IT Resources used for
multi-factor authentication. Authorized Users are responsible for activity and
communications, including, but not limited to, email, voicemail, text messages,
data, and any other electronic communications transmitted under their
a. IT Resources are communication tools that the Commonwealth has
made available for Commonwealth business purposes. Where personal
use of these resources does not interfere with the efficiency of
operations and is not otherwise in conflict with the interests of the
Commonwealth, reasonable use for personal purposes may be permitted
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 11 of 21
in accordance with standards established for business use. Such
personal use shall be limited, occasional, and incidental. IT Resources
may not be used for supplemental employment or to engage in non-
Commonwealth personal business ventures.
b. Access to IT Resources that are off-Commonwealth network, such as
accessing the internet from an agency owned, home-based computer,
must adhere to all the same policies that apply to use from within
agency facilities.
c. Authorized Users may not allow family members, other acquaintances,
other persons or non-employees to access Commonwealth-provided IT
Resources or internet access through IT Resources.
d. Incidental use must not result in direct costs to the Commonwealth.
e. Incidental use must not interfere with the normal performance of an
Authorized User’s work duties.
f. Incidental use may not risk legal liability for, or embarrassment to, the
g. All files and documents located on IT Resources, including personal files
and documents, may be accessed, and retrieved in accordance with this
policy. In addition, it shall be understood that such documents may be
subject to disclosure under the Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67.101
67.3104, and other laws.
Acceptable use of the internet for Authorized Users on IT Resources includes,
but is not limited to, the following:
a. Access, research, exchange, or posting of information that relates to the
assigned job duties of an Authorized User for carrying out
Commonwealth business.
b. Promotion of public awareness in regard to Commonwealth law, agency
services, and public policies.
c. Posting of agency information that has been authorized by appropriate
a. Authorized Users may use IM software only to communicate internally
across the Commonwealth MAN in a manner directly related to an
Authorized User’s job responsibilities.
b. IM software that is utilized by Authorized Users must be part of the
determined enterprise standard software solution.
c. IM software shall only be used to conduct Commonwealth business that
produces records that have little or no documentary or evidentiary value
and that need not be set aside for future use. These records are subject
to the provisions of Management Directive 210.05 Amended, The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Records Management Program
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 12 of 21
and Manual 210.09 Amended, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, specifically items
G001.021, Transitory Records and G001.025, Transitory Files
a. Social Media platforms may include, but are not limited to, blogs,
individual/group chat, discussion boards, wikis, and video/photo sharing
sites and professional networking sites. Only authorized Social Media
platforms are to be connected to IT Resources and associated with
Commonwealth email accounts. Authorized Social Media platforms are
to be approved by the Office of Administration prior to access and use.
b. Only Authorized Users who have been granted agency-level approval to
do so may utilize authorized external Social Media platforms, and only
if the use is directly related to an Authorized User’s job responsibilities
in accordance with Management Directive 205.42, Social Media.
c. Social Media may be used only to conduct Commonwealth business that
produces records that have little or no documentary or evidentiary value
and that need not be retained for future use. These records are subject
to the provisions of Management Directive 210.05 Amended, The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Records Management Program and
Manual 210.09 Amended, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania General
Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, specifically items
G001.021, Transitory Records and G001.025, Transitory Files
Authorized Users shall ensure that:
a. Video Sharing Service applications are only used to conduct
Commonwealth business.
b. Approval is received for the use of Video Sharing Services by the
appropriate Agency Head.
c. Only authorized Video Sharing Services are connected to IT Resources
and associated with Commonwealth user accounts.
d. Authorized Video Sharing Services are to be approved by the appropriate
Agency Heads prior to access and use.
e. Proper access controls and processes are put in place to govern the
sharing of videos. If required, encrypt video content so that
unauthorized users cannot access or manipulate content.
f. Consultation with Legal Counsel and/or Privacy Officer in obtaining the
owner’s permission and approval before transmitting, using, or soliciting
any proprietary material such as copyrighted software, publications,
audio or video files, as well as trademarks or service marks.
g. Any content produced, shared and published must not leak intellectual
property, sensitive communications, or information/data with the
designation of “C” classification as outlined in ITP-SEC019, Policy and
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 13 of 21
Procedures for Protecting Commonwealth Electronic Data.
h. Creation of content using a Video Sharing Service that includes
Commonwealth content and information that is intended for distribution
to the public shall be reviewed and authorized by the appropriate agency
personnel and shall comply with Management Directive 205.34
Amended, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Information Technology
Acceptable Use Policy and Management Directive 220.1 Amended,
Commonwealth Media Services, prior to distribution.
i. All individuals and parties participating in the creation of video
streaming content must obtain consent for any and all facilitators who
may opt to speak orally or be video recorded during the presentation.
Authorized Users or third-party presenters shall do the following when
meetings, presentations or webinars are being recorded:
a. Prior to the Start of the Recording/Webinar:
Globally mute all participants
b. After the Start of the Recording/Webinar:
Indicate that “This session is being recorded. By participating in
this session, you are consenting to the recording, retention and
use of this session.”
c. Prior to the Start of any Question-and-Answer Session:
Remind the participants that the session is being recorded and
by asking a question verbally, they are consenting to the
recording, retention and use of their statements as part of the
d. A Conspicuous Notice shall be Included and Posted during the meeting
in a manner that makes it obvious that the meeting, presentation, or
webinar is being recorded.
Authorized Users should consult with their Agency legal office with any
questions regarding recording or consent to record.
Authorized Users shall ensure that information on mobile devices is not
compromised by:
a. Securing mobile devices from access by unauthorized persons, through
the use of locking devices, passwords, or other appropriate protection;
b. Ensuring that unauthorized persons do not view information on the
display screen;
c. Refraining from checking devices into airline luggage systems, with
hotel porters, or from using other unsupervised handling or storage
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 14 of 21
d. Securing or maintaining possession of mobile devices at all times; and
e. Immediately reporting a lost or stolen mobile device to their supervisor.
a. Cloud-based solutions enable convenient, on-demand network access to
a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as digital
processing or storage that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Cloud-
based solutions are intended for business use and shall be used only for
that purpose.
b. Cloud-based solutions contracted by the Commonwealth are considered
IT Resources in scope of this Management Directive and must never be
used in a manner that does not comply with other Commonwealth
issuances and policies, and violations thereof will be treated in the same
manner as other violations of policy.
c. All Commonwealth Data located in cloud-based solutions is owned by
the Commonwealth and may be accessed and retrieved like any other
Commonwealth Data in accordance with this directive. In addition, it
shall be understood that such Commonwealth Data may be subject to
requests for disclosure under the Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S.§§
67.10167.3104, and other similar laws.
d. Authorized Users will only access those cloud-based solutions which
have been authorized for their use.
e. Authorized Users who obtain a password and ID for a cloud storage
solution shall keep that password confidential. Commonwealth policy
prohibits the sharing of user IDs, passwords, and other authentication
methods obtained for access to network and cloud storage resources.
f. Authorized Users are responsible for the use of their individual cloud-
based solution accounts and shall take all reasonable precautions to
prevent others from being able to use their account, including, but not
limited to, coworkers, friends, or family.
g. Commonwealth policy or procedure shall not be violated via use of a
cloud storage solution unless that policy or procedure is itself explicitly
waived by OA/OIT.
h. Cloud-based solutions that contain or hold Commonwealth Data are
considered IT Resources in scope of this directive and must never be
used in a manner that does not comply with other Commonwealth
issuances and policies, and violations thereof will be treated in the same
manner as other violations of policy.
i. Cloud-based solutions that contain or hold Commonwealth Data may be
accessed and retrieved like any other Commonwealth Data in
accordance with this directive. In addition, it shall be understood that
such Commonwealth Data may be subject to requests for disclosure
under the Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67.10167.3104, and other
similar laws.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 15 of 21
a. Usage
i. When sensitive material is sent electronically via email, it is
important to verify that all recipients are authorized to receive
such information and to understand that email is not fully secure
and/or private, except where appropriate security applications
are used (e.g., data encryption).
ii. Authorized Users shall understand that messages can be quickly
and easily copied and may be forwarded inappropriately.
iii. Where it is necessary to transmit Commonwealth proprietary,
confidential, sensitive, protected, privileged or pre-requisite
required information beyond the Commonwealth email network,
the messages shall be protected by encryption. Authorized Users
shall contact their agency Information Security Officer (ISO) for
assistance if encryption is needed.
iv. Email messages, to be transmitted outside of the United States,
shall comply with local laws governing international transmission
of data as well as United States export control regulations. For
assistance, Authorized Users shall contact their ISO who may
receive technical assistance from the Office of Administration,
Office for Information Technology (OA/OIT).
v. The data owner shall determine the data classification regarding
business information which is determined to be too confidential
or sensitive to be transmitted via email.
vi. The agency head or designee shall determine if data can be
shared, and the means by which it can be shared (e.g., based on
the classification of data or regulation associated with it).
vii. Agencies shall not share data owned by a third party without
express written consent from the data owner following their
requirements (e.g., IRS Publication 1075, CJIS policy, HIPAA
privacy rules). Business area staff and OA/OIT shall review all
requests for the release of data.
viii. OA/OIT shall coordinate with business area staff, agency
management, and OA Legal to determine data sharing
requirements. OA/OIT shall assist business area staff in making
information sharing/collaboration decisions and document the
sharing of data.
ix. Authorized Users shall use email addresses assigned to them
primarily for work-related purposes. Authorized Users may not
use their Commonwealth e-mail address to register for or
subscribe to any product or service that is not work-related.
x. Authorized Users shall not forward work-related emails, calendar
items or documents to their personal or other non-
Commonwealth email addresses. In the event that a provision of
an approved collective bargaining agreement, side letter or
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 16 of 21
current practice cannot be reconciled with this policy, the former
will control.
b. Access Control and Authorization
i. Only Authorized Users may use IT Resources to send or view
email or access the Commonwealth’s email systems.
ii. Only after agreement to abide by all applicable rules of the
system, including this directive and its related Acceptable Use
Standards, shall access to Commonwealth email be granted to
Commonwealth employees, contractors, consultants, and
volunteers, in their capacity as Authorized Users.
iii. An Authorized User may not access the email or account of
another Authorized User. This restriction does not apply to
system administrators and management staff in the Authorized
User’s chain of command, authorized to access email for
legitimate business purposes, to effectuate this directive.
iv. In accordance with agency policy, Authorized Users shall use
appropriate cyber security measures in accordance with
Commonwealth policy to limit access to Commonwealth Data.
Authorized Users shall safeguard their emails through cyber
security measures so that unauthorized users do not have access
to their email. Authorized Users are responsible for all messages
transmitted and originating under their account.
c. Message Retention
All messages, including email, text messages, IMs and voicemail
messages, are subject to the appropriate records retention and
disposition schedules and the provisions of Management Directive
210.05 Amended, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Records
Management Program.
d. Email Security
Email and attachments to email are sources of computer security issues.
All Authorized Users shall act in accordance with the latest IT Policies and
other OA/OIT guidance regarding containment methods for computer
viruses and any security alert emails from agency HR or IT.
e. Maintaining Professionalism
Every Authorized User who uses IT Resources is responsible for ensuring
posted messages and other electronic communications are professional
and businesslike. As a way to impose personal restraint and
professionalism, all Authorized Users shall assume that whatever they
write may at some time be made public. Authorized Users shall follow
the following guidelines:
i. Be courteous and remember that you are representing the
Commonwealth with each email message sent.
ii. Review each email message before it is sent and make certain
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 17 of 21
that addresses are correct and appropriate. Use spell check
before sending.
iii. Consider that each email message sent, received, deleted, or
stored has the potential to be retrieved, seen, and reviewed by
audiences, including the general public, who were not the
intended recipients of the message.
iv. Ensure that content is appropriate and consistent with business
communication; avoid sarcasm, exaggeration, and speculation
which could be misconstrued.
v. Be as clear and concise as possible; be sure to clearly fill in the
subject field so that recipients of email can easily identify
different email messages.
The following are examples of unacceptable uses of IT Resources. This list is by
way of example and is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Authorized
Users are prohibited from:
a. Accessing, creating, storing, transmitting, posting, or viewing material
in any medium that is generally considered to be inappropriate or
personally offensive or which may be construed as harassing or
threatening activities, including, but not limited to, the distribution or
solicitation of defamatory, fraudulent, intimidating, abusive, offensive
material, sexually suggestive, pornographic, or obscene material.
b. Accessing, creating, storing, transmitting, posting, or viewing material
that expresses or promotes discriminatory attitudes toward race,
gender, age, nationality, religion, or other groups including, but not
limited to, protected groups identified in Executive Order 2016-04, Equal
Employment Opportunity.
c. Engaging in personal, for-profit transactions or business, supplemental
employment activities or conducting any fundraising activity not
specifically sponsored, endorsed, or approved by the Commonwealth.
d. Participating in internet activities that inhibit an employee’s job
performance or present a negative image to the public, such as auctions,
games, or any other activity that is prohibited by directive, policy, or
e. Attempting to test or bypass the security of IT Resources or to alter
internal or external IT Resource systems or Commonwealth Data.
f. Participating in or promoting the bypass of security through the
intentional introduction of computer viruses, worms, malware,
ransomware, or other forms of malicious software or malicious code.
g. Promoting, soliciting, or participating in any activities that are prohibited
by local, state, or federal law or Commonwealth policy.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 18 of 21
h. Violating or infringing the rights of any other person.
i. Using any other Authorized User’s account and/or equipment to conduct
unacceptable activities on IT Resources.
j. Transmitting, using, or soliciting any proprietary material, such as
copyrighted software, publications, audio, or video files, as well as
trademarks or service marks, without the owner’s permission.
k. Promoting or participating in any unethical behavior or activities that
would bring discredit to the Commonwealth or its agencies.
l. Downloading, distributing, and/or installing any unapproved software.
m. Transmitting or posting any messages that intentionally misrepresent
the identity of the sender, hide the identity of the sender, or alter a
sender’s message.
n. Sending or forwarding Commonwealth Data or records to non-
Commonwealth IT resources or through non-Commonwealth email
o. Sending, forwarding, or storing Commonwealth Data or records utilizing
non-Commonwealth IT resources or non-Commonwealth accredited
mobile devices.
p. Participating in any other internet or email use that is deemed
inappropriate by the Commonwealth and/or its agencies and is
communicated as such to Authorized Users.
q. Using or disclosing Commonwealth Data without proper authorization.
r. Authorized Users shall receive authorization from their supervisors
before Enterprise-wide-scale “broadcasting” an email bulletin to groups
of employees.
s. The use of “reply to all” shall be avoided unless it is appropriate to
respond to all addressees. Senders shall utilize “blind carbon copy “BCC”
email feature for large audiences to avoid accidental reply to all
t. Authorized Users wishing to send email bulletins to all Commonwealth
or agency employees must first obtain authorization from the agency
communication director or designee.
The following is a list of teleworking requirements that Authorized Users shall
a. Wi-Fi and Public Networks: Secure your home network with a strong
password and use passwords for all devices on your network.
b. Data Storage: Keep Commonwealth Data on work devices only.
c. Physical Security: Use a strong password or passphrase and lock when
your device is unattended. Make sure the device is accounted for when
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 19 of 21
transporting it. Maintain awareness on who has a line of sight to your
device while working.
d. Data: Follow all record keeping policies. Backup your data to OneDrive
or a Commonwealth network shared drive.
e. Social Media: Follow all Agency and Commonwealth guidelines on
social media. Be aware of misinformation.
f. Reporting: Report suspicious activities to OA-RA
. Report phishing emails by using the Cofense
Reporter button in your Outlook ribbon or within additional email options
on your Commonwealth issued mobile device.
The following practices are prohibited during teleworking.
a. Wi-Fi and Public Networks: Using public or unsecured networks.
Allowing unknown devices to access your network.
b. Incidental Use: Using IT Resources for personal use where such use
interferes with the efficiency of operations or is in conflict with the
interests of the Commonwealth. Reasonable use for personal purposes
will be permitted in accordance with standards established for business
use. Such personal use shall be limited, occasional, and incidental.
Allowing non-employees to use work devices (even for simple tasks) is
c. Physical Security: Having passwords written down, even in your
home. Care must be exercised to ensure devices are secured and not
lost, stolen, or otherwise accessed in an unauthorized manner.
d. Data: Leaving hard records unsecured and unattended. Using a thumb
drive or personal storage devices to store Commonwealth data.
e. Social Media: Presenting personal information such as birthdays,
addresses or phone numbers. Sharing personal information can lead to
account compromise.
f. Reporting: Opening potential spam or phishing emails. Do not assume
someone else has reported a phishing email.
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 20 of 21
This User Agreement does not prohibit employees or volunteers from performing
authorized job duties.
I have read the attached Management Directive 205.34 Amended, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy, and Enclosure 1,
Commonwealth Acceptable Use Standards for Information Technology (IT) Resources,
and in consideration of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania making its IT Resources
available to me, I agree to abide by the requirements set forth therein. I understand
that disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may be taken if I fail to abide
by any of the requirements of this agreement.
I further understand that my Commonwealth IT Resource usage, including electronic
communications such as email, voicemail, text messages, and other Commonwealth
Data and records, may be accessed and monitored at any time, with or without
advance notice to me. By signing this agreement, I specifically acknowledge and
consent to such access and monitoring.
I further understand that if I have any questions regarding this directive, I am required
to ask for clarification from my supervisor or my agency human resource
Printed Name:
Employee Number: ___
Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: __
Agency: ____________________________________________________________
Bureau/Facility: ______________________________________________________
Division/Section: _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________
Work Phone:
Optional Agency Approval: ______________________________________________
Date: _
Management Directive 205.34 Amended Page 21 of 21
This User Agreement does not prohibit contractors or consultants from performing
services required by their contract with the Commonwealth.
I have read the attached Management Directive 205.34 Amended, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy, and Enclosure 1,
Commonwealth Acceptable Use Standards for Information Technology (IT) Resources,
and in consideration of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania making its IT Resources
available to me, I agree to abide by the requirements set forth therein. I understand
that the Commonwealth may take appropriate action, including any action specified in
my contract with the Commonwealth, as well as under the Commonwealth’s Contractor
Responsibility Program, if I fail to abide by any of the requirements of this agreement.
I further understand that my Commonwealth IT Resource usage, including electronic
communications such as email, voicemail, text messages, and other Commonwealth
Data and records, may be accessed and monitored at any time, with or without
advance notice to me. By signing this agreement, I specifically acknowledge and
consent to such access and monitoring.
Printed Name: ________________________________________________________
Contractor/Consultant: _________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
Contracting Agency: ___________________________________________________
Bureau/Facility: ______________________________________________________
Division/Section: ______________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________
Work Phone:
Optional Agency Approval: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
Federal ID #:
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________
Email address: ________________________________________________________
Work Phone: _________________________________________________________