Computer Science, Minor
BS in Computer Science, B.S.
MS in Computer Science, M.S.
MN in Computer Science, Minor
Computer Science Minor Requirements
The Computer Science Minor requires 20 units of computer science courses consisting of CSCI 40, CSCI 41, and 12 units
from CSCI 1, 60, or upper-division courses. At least 6 of the 20 units must be upper division. No CR/NC courses will be
accepted toward the Minor in Computer Science.
Suggested minor sequences (after completion of CSCI 40, 41):
Artificial Intelligence: CSCI 60, 112, 117, 164, 166
Computer Architecture: CSCI 112, 113, 176, 177
Computer Graphics: CSCI 112, 172, 173
Computer Languages: CSCI 60, 112, 115, 117, 134
Database Emphasis: CSCI 60, 115, 124, 126, 144
Scientific Computation: CSCI 60, 112, 154*, 172*
Secondary Teaching: CSCI 60, 112, 113, 115, 117
Software Engineering: CSCI 60, 112, 115, 150, 152
System Software: CSCI 112, 113, 144, (146 or 148)
Theory of Computation: CSCI 60, 119, 174, 186, 188
* CSCI 154 and 172 have a mathematics prerequisite. Note that these are only suggested combinations. While attention must
be given to prerequisites, many combinations are available to interested students.
The faculty comes from a variety of areas including computer systems and architecture, theoretical computer science,
programming languages, software engineering, computer graphics, distributed systems and parallel processing, neural
networks, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, wireless communication and mobile computing, robot
swarm communication, evolutionary computation, domain-specific languages, and real-time and embedded systems. They
have in common a desire to provide a program that will give the student a broad range of experience in computer science as
well as the depth of education that will be needed in the student's later career, whether professional or academic.
For faculty phone numbers and e-mail, see the campus directory.
For more on the faculty, see the faculty pages.
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