California State University, Fresno
Masters in Speech-Language Pathology
1. I am interested in your Speech Language Pathology graduate program. However, I do not
have an undergraduate degree in SLP or CD. I have a B.A. in ____________. What are my
2. How many applications do you receive a year?
It varies each semester, but we receive anywhere from 40 to 200 applicants, depending on the
3. How many admission offers are given out?
We generally admit approximately 20 students per semester (Fall and Spring)
4. What do you consider when reviewing applicants?
We look at your GPA (see #5, below), GRE scores (see #6, below), 3 letters of recommendation, and
your letter of intent. We want to feel confident that students who are accepted will be able to handle
the academic demands of graduate level coursework and writing requirements. We also look for any
volunteer or work experiences that might show leadership, good people skills, insight into working
with individuals that have special needs, an ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds,
or clinical potential.
5. What is the range of GPAs that you take in?
This varies. In order to apply, a minimum 3.0 GPA is required for your overall GPA, last 60 units,
and your major classes. The student’s GPAs for their last 60 units and for their major classes are
calculated and used for admission consideration. Over the past few years, students who were
admitted usually had GPAs in the 3.6 to 4.0 range.
6. Is there any minimum GRE score or average scores?
We do not have a minimum GRE score requirement. Most students who get in have an average
(Verbal and Quantitative combined) around 300, and we do prefer a 3 or higher for the writing
7. How long is the program?
It is a two year program which includes 4 semesters of coursework and 5 semesters of clinical
practicum (one semester of practicum is done over the summer).
8. Can I attend the program part time?
The program is designed so that you move through as a member of a cohort. You are expected to
take 3 courses (3 units each), plus your clinical practicum each semester. During your final two
semesters, you will be completing your student teaching or medical externship, essentially working
at those sites 4 or 5 days a week, then taking you classes three afternoons or evenings a week. We do
not offer any kind of part time alternative to this schedule.
9. Which classes can count toward ASHA’s physics or chemistry requirement?
The ASHA standard reads "Applicants must have knowledge in physical sciences, which must be
acquired through coursework in physics or chemistry."
The intent is clearly related to gaining knowledge in the physical sciences. The class does not have
to have a lab associated with it, but it does have to be in the area of physical sciences. It can be taken
as a CR/NC class. I am hearing rumors about students wanting to count Chem classes aimed at
scientific writing, or chemistry in marketing, or a physics class related to art and design, or other
such classes. These clearly do not meet the intent of this standard. Please use good judgement and do
not risk ASHA not accepting your course down the road.
10. Can I use classes I took for my SLPA Certification as prerequisite courses?
Generally, courses taken for an SLPA program CANNOT be counted as prerequisite courses. There
may be a single course - some kind of introduction or overview of Communicative Disorders that
will count for up to 3 units of prerequisite credit, but other than that, the rigor and depth of content in
SLPA courses does not compare to those taken as part of a BA program in SLP, and cannot be used
for prerequisite credit.
Department web site:
On line Course Catalog:
Division of Graduate Studies:
Thank you for your interest in our program. Generally, a bachelor's degree in speech pathology is
required to apply to our graduate program. For students with a bachelor's degree outside of speech
pathology, a variety of universities have prerequisite "bridge" programs so you can take the
undergraduate prerequisites. Currently, Fresno State does not have a formal "bridge"
program. However, there are a variety of online prerequisite programs, with new ones appearing.
The list below is not a complete list of these programs and is not an endorsement of them.
However, their graduate program, like ours, is accredited by the American Speech-Language-
Hearing Association. Therefore, they would be worth considering.
California State University Northridge
California State University, San Diego “SLP Essentials”
Utah State University
Idaho State University
LaSalle University
Longwood University
Sacred Heart University
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Florida
University of Nebraska, Kearney
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
University of Southern Mississippi
Western Kentucky University
Eastern New Mexico University
It is strongly recommended that applicants have a minimum of 30 units of prerequisite courses for
consideration for full classified admission. The prerequisite program should include courses that
cover the following topics:
1. Normal development and processes: speech and language development, anatomy and
physiology of speech and hearing, neurology of speech and hearing, phonetics, speech and
hearing sciences
2. Disordered processes and development: speech sound disorders, language disorders, voice
and fluency disorders
3. Assessment procedures / Diagnostics
4. Treatment methods
5. Audiology
6. In addition, ASHA requires a course in Physics or Chemistry, and 25 hours of
documented clinical observation. These hours can be a combination of audiology and
speech-language pathology, and must be signed off by an SLP or Audiologist who is
ASHA Certified. See the attached observation hours log form.
7. Finally, the University requires that all students pass a statistics class.
Department web site:
Division of Graduate Studies:
There is also helpful information from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association at
For each of the prerequisite areas listed below, please list any course(s) taken. Although a course in every area is not
required, it is strongly recommended that applicants have a minimum of 30 units of prerequisite courses for
consideration for full classified admission.
Generally, courses taken for an SLPA program CANNOT be counted as prerequisite courses. There may be a single
course - some kind of introduction or overview of Communicative Disorders that will count for up to 3 units of
prerequisite credit, but other than that, the rigor and depth of content in SLPA courses does not compare to those taken
as part of a BA program in SLP, and cannot be used for prerequisite credit.
An introduction to Statistics course is required by our University.
A course in Physics or Chemistry is now required by ASHA. The ASHA standard reads "Applicants must have
knowledge in physical sciences, which must be acquired through coursework in physics or chemistry." The intent is
clearly related to gaining knowledge in the physical sciences. The class does not have to have a lab associated with it,
but it does have to be in the area of physical sciences.
If your undergraduate degree is outside of speech pathology, please complete this form and turn it in with your
departmental application. Thank you.
NAME: ______________________________________________
Prerequisite Area
Statistics (any course with
“statistics” in the title is acceptable)
Physics or Chemistry course
Anatomy & Physiology of Speech
& Hearing
Neurology of Speech & Hearing
Normal Speech & Language
Speech & Hearing Science
Speech Disorders
Language Disorders
Audiology / Aural Rehabilitation /
Audiology Lab
Assessment / Diagnostic
Treatment Procedures
Other: Voice, Fluency, Organic
Disorders, Observation, etc.
Total Units
Speech Pathology and Audiology
The American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) requires 25 hours of
documented clinical observation. These hours can be a combination of audiology and speech-
language pathology, and must be supervised and signed off by an SLP or Audiologist who is
ASHA Certified. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain these observation hours as part of their
Bachelor’s or prerequisite program. If you have completed your Observation Hours, submit this
form with your departmental packet. If you have not completed them at the time you submit your
application, you will be required to do so before starting classes in our program.
Name: ________________________________________________
Total Hours
Total Number of Different Observation Sites
Total Number of Different Supervisors
ACTIVITY CODE: Check either (SP) for Speech Pathology or (A) for Audiology for each
Identify the specific type of Observation using one of the following:
(A) Articulation (HA) Hearing Aid
(L) Language (AR) Aural Rehabilitation
(AP) Aphasia (ENG) Electronystagmography
(V) Voice (BSER) Brainstem Evoked Response
(F) Fluency (CAT) Central Auditory Testing
(D) Diagnostic (SL) Site of Lesion Testing
(S) Screening (S) Screening
(O) Otolaryngological
(IV) Initial Evaluation