Dear MPA Students:
Welcome to the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at California State
University, Fresno. The following is a handbook that provides important information to
guide you on your journey through the MPA program. In particular, it walks you
through the following aspects of university and program policy:
Program mission and goals
Lifecycle of MPA students (admissions to graduation)
MPA program courses
MPA Faculty
Contacts for additional information
While the handbook contains a comprehensive treatment of the aforementioned topics,
it is not a replacement for seeking advising from the program director. Students should
meet with the program director every semester to discuss course selection and progress
in the program. In addition to regular meetings, students should make sure to meet
with the program director at important milestones in the program (e.g., classification,
advancement to candidacy, culminating experience, and graduation). In the event that
students are placed on academic probation or academically disqualified, they will need
to meet with the program director.
After reviewing the material in the handbook, you will need to sign and date the
signature page and return it to the MPA program director. This indicates you have read
and understand the contents of the handbook. This signed page will be placed in your
student file.
On behalf of me and the rest of the MPA program faculty, we wish to extend our
congratulations on your admission to the program. We will work with you to help you
achieve both your program and professionals goals.
Kurt Cline, Ph.D.
Professor, Political Science Department
MPA Program Director
Office Phone: 559.278.2865
MPA webpage:
The MPA Program at California State University, Fresno is accredited by the Network of
Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). The MPA program
builds on the belief effective administration and leadership of public and nonprofit
organizations require the development of critical thinking and analytical skills, as well
as an appreciation for ethical decision-making. It is this belief that provides the
foundation for the mission and goals of the MPA program.
The MPA program teaches competencies in public and nonprofit administration that
allow students to effectively and ethically serve the public interest.
The MPA program prepares students to lead and manage public and/or nonprofit
organizations; to educate both elected officials and the citizenry about public policy
tradeoffs; and to facilitate an understanding among diverse perspectives on a given
policy issue.
The MPA program provides educational opportunities for students to develop
analytical and critical thinking skills; to appreciate and engage in ethical decision
making; and to have the ability to communicate effectively with individuals of
diverse social backgrounds.
The MPA program seeks to develop and educate a student population that reflects a
diversity of social, academic, and professional backgrounds.
Students will be able to use knowledge of public administration and/or nonprofit
management theory, research, and practice to evaluate public policy issues.
Students will be able to think critically about issues facing public and nonprofit
administrators and policy makers.
Students will be able to use both analytical skills and ethical principles to respond to
public policy issues.
Students will be able to communicate effectively in oral and written presentation.
The MPA program will recruit, admit, enroll, retain, and graduate a student
population with a diverse social, academic, and professional background.
Applicants may qualify for admission to the program and thereby take program courses
by achieving classified or conditionally classified graduate standing. The following
material discusses the admission processes and standards:
1. An acceptable baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional
accrediting association.
2. Good standing at the last college attended.
3. Submission to the university of the following materials: on-line university application
form (; fee for on-line university application form; transcripts
of college work; and scores from the Graduate Record Examination general test (GRE).
4. Submission to the MPA program of the following materials: MPA program
application form; a written statement indicating why the applicant wishes to pursue an
MPA; and two letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation evaluate both the
motivation and intellectual ability of the applicant.
5. Recommendation for admission by the Admissions Committee of the Master of Public
Administration Program: Candidates will be recommended on the promise they show
for successfully completing the program and achieving a successful career in public or
nonprofit administration. In order to receive classified standing, applicants must meet
ALL of the following requirements. Applicants that meet some, but not all, of the listed
standards may receive conditionally classified standing. Candidates will be evaluated
using a combination of criteria:
a. Grade point average: Applicants must possess a minimum of a 2.70
cumulative grade point average to be considered for admission. Applicants need
a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average to be eligible for classified standing.
b. GRE scores: Applicants must achieve the following minimum scores on the
GRE General Test – Verbal Reasoning – 147; Quantitative Reasoning – 145; and
Analytical Writing – 3.5. These scores are based on the GRE revised General Test
(taken on or after August 1, 2011). Test scores reported from the GRE General
Test prior to August 1, 2011 will be converted to the revised scores for comparison
to the program’s required minimum scores.
c. Statement of Purpose: Applicants must address the issue of why they have
chosen to pursue the MPA degree. As part of this statement of purpose,
applicants may list their professional experience and goals. They may also list
relevant personal experiences. The statement of purpose should be limited to
500 words.
d. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit TWO letters of
recommendation. These letters should speak to the applicant’s motivations to
pursue and abilities (both intellectually and professionally) to complete the MPA
degree. These letters may be submitted by those in a position to evaluate the
applicant’s motivations and abilities. This includes, but is not limited to the
following: current or former course instructors, work supervisors, co-workers
who have extensive work experience with the applicant.
e. Applicants whose native language is not English must also achieve a minimum
of 80 iBT on the TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the IELTS.
Academic Standing
Conditionally Classified: The applicant granted conditionally classified graduate
standing has been admitted to the university, but has not yet satisfied all program
admission requirements. The Admissions Committee of the MPA program grants
conditionally classified standing if applicants have met some, but not all of the
program’s admission standards. Additional conditions of admission are assigned to the
applicant if they wish to accept admission to the MPA program.
Conditionally classified students must satisfy the additional conditions to continue in
the MPA program. If the conditions are satisfied, the MPA program director will file a
“classified graduate standing request” form.
Classified: The applicant who has been granted classified graduate standing has been
admitted to the university and fulfilled all program admission requirements.
Administrative Academic Probation
(AAP) & Disqualification
Graduate students are automatically placed on AAP by the university system when their
cumulative GPA falls below the minimum GPA of 3.0 required by
Title 5, California
State Education Code.
Upon review, a graduate evaluator will determine if the AAP
notation can be removed for students who are advanced to candidacy based on
coursework listed on the Petition of Advancement to Candidacy.
Students enrolled
in graduate programs are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 post
baccalaureate cumulative grade point average (GPA) prior to advancement to candidacy.
Once students have advanced to candidacy, they must maintain a minimum 3.0
program GPA, which includes only coursework listed on the Petition for Advancement
to Candidacy. Students who do not meet the above criteria will be placed on
Administrative Academic Probation (AAP).
Graduate students are automatically disqualified by the university system when their
post baccalaureate GPA falls below 2.00. Graduate students who are placed on AAP
(Administrative Academic Probation) for any two semesters will be disqualified from the
university. Unlike undergraduates, graduate students who are academically disqualified
after the posting of semester grades will not be given automatic readmission to the
university for the following semester.
Advancement to Candidacy
Advancement to Candidacy is a procedure that provides the student with a program of
study that has been officially reviewed and approved by both the student’s program
faculty and by the graduate dean. Students who have been advanced to candidacy have
official permission to proceed toward qualifying for the degree.
Eligibility Criteria: The student must have accomplished the following:
achieved Classified Standing,
completed at least 9 units at Fresno State toward the proposed program,
attained a minimum program grade point average of 3.0 in coursework listed
on the advancement petition,
fulfilled the graduate writing skills requirement.
Deadlines: The sixth week of the semester prior to the term in which a student registers
for the culminating experience, and/or applies for the graduate degree to be granted.
Consult the Class Schedule or the “Dates & Deadlines” section of the DRGS Web site for
exact deadlines.
Procedure: The student should:
schedule an appointment to meet with his or her graduate adviser and
complete of the “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy”;
obtain the signature of the graduate program adviser and/or coordinator/
director, and if required, that of the department chair, and college/school dean;
return the advancement petition to the Division of Research and Graduate
Studies Office for final approval.
Acceptable program of study:
Courses used to fulfill General Education curriculum, undergraduate writing “W”
courses, 300-series courses, and lower division courses may not be listed on the
advancement petitions.
A maximum of 6 program units listed on the advancement petition may be
independent study units.
A minimum of 75% of a student’s program must consist of 200-series courses.
A maximum of 6 units of CR-graded coursework may apply toward the MPA
A maximum of 9 transfer units may apply toward the MPA degree
The Culminating Experience
The MPA program utilizes two different options for students’ culminating experience.
One of these is the comprehensive examination and the other is the thesis. Along with
the completion of coursework with at least a 3.0 grade point average, students must also
successfully complete a culminating experience in order to receive their MPA degree.
(1) The Comprehensive Examination: A comprehensive examination is an assessment
of the student’s ability to integrate the knowledge of the area, show critical and
independent thinking, and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter. The results of the
examination evidence independent thinking, appropriate organization, critical analysis,
and accuracy of documentation. A record of the examination questions and responses
shall be maintained in accordance with the records retention policy of the California
State University.
Composition of the MPA Comprehensive Examination: The MPA program has six core
courses that all students are required to take and successfully complete. Students are
required to answer ONE question in each of the six core courses. These courses are as
For Students with catalog year prior to AY
For Students with catalog year starting
AY 2013-2014
MPA 120g MPA 200
MPA 200 MPA 201
MPA 210 MPA 210
MPA 230 MPA 230
MPA 245 MPA 245
MPA 260 MPA 260
Overview of the Comprehensive Examination Process: In order to successfully complete
their comprehensive examination for the MPA program, students must receive a passing
grade on all six core course questions.
Initial Submission and Two Revisions: If students pass all six core course
questions on their initial submission, they will have successfully completed their
comprehensive examination. If students fail any of the six core course questions
on their initial submission, they will be allowed a first revision of their answer(s).
Revisions will be guided by input from the reader for a failed answer(s). Once
students receive guidance, they will have one calendar week to complete the
needed revisions. If students receive a passing grade on their revised answer(s),
they will have successfully completed the comprehensive examination. If students
are still not able to receive a passing grade on their first revised answer(s), they
will receive a second opportunity to revise their answer(s). The second revision
process is the same as the first.
Frequency: MPA students may take their comprehensive examinations in either the Fall
or Spring semesters as long as they meet the eligibility criteria listed below. The
comprehensive examination is administered at a time during the semester that is
determined by the MPA program director.
Eligibility for taking the MPA Comprehensive Exam: Students must have filed a
“Petition of Advancement to Candidacy” form, having met all accompanying criteria,
with the Division of Research and Graduate Studies. Students must also complete a
sign-up sheet and return it to the program director prior to taking the examination.
MPA students are eligible to sign-up for the comprehensive examination if they
have met the following conditions:
(1) Completed at least 24 units in their program of study; AND
(2) Completed a minimum of FOUR courses and be concurrently enrolled in the
remaining TWO the semester wish to take their comprehensive examination.
(2) The Thesis: A thesis is the written product of the systematic study of a significant
problem. It clearly identifies the problem, states the major assumptions, explains the
significance of the undertaking, sets forth the sources for and methods of gathering
information, analyzes the data, and offers a conclusion or recommendation. The
finished product must evidence originality, critical and independent thinking,
appropriate organization and format, clarity of purpose, and accurate and thorough
documentation. Normally, an oral defense of the thesis will be required.
Critical and independent thinking should characterize every thesis. Mere description,
cataloging, compilation, and other superficial procedures are not adequate.
Content Summary:
The thesis is a highly structured document resulting from original student
The thesis investigates specific, well-defined questions or issues, frequently
forming hypotheses to be tested.
The thesis relates to an existing body of theoretical or empirical knowledge in the
Eligibility Criteria: An approved “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy” form must be
on file with the Division of Research and Graduate Studies one semester prior to signing
up for thesis units in the department.
“Thesis (299) Committee Assignment” form (available at the DRGS office and
online via the “Forms” link on the DRGS Web site). This form should be filed
with the Division of Research and Graduate Studies before or at the time of the
student’s first registration for thesis units in the department.
Signatures of all committee members, the graduate coordinator or department
chair, and the college dean (if indicated) are required. See the “Thesis Committee
Policy and Procedures” in the “Thesis” section of the DRGS Web site.
For a third, off-campus committee member, a curriculum vita or resume must be
submitted with the TCA form to the Division of Research and Graduate Studies.
For changes in committee chair, second, or third committee members, or in the
thesis topic, a “Change in Thesis (299) Committee and/or Topic” form (available
at the DGS office and online via the “Forms” link on the DRGS Web site) must be
on file in the Division of Research and Graduate Studies.
“Human/Animal Subjects Clearance” form, as applicable. To be submitted to the
student’s departmental Human/Animal Subjects Clearance committee.
Research involving human subjects should not begin until written approval has
been received from the departmental human subjects committee and, where
review demands, the university Committee on the Protection of Human Subjects
(CPHS). Guidelines and forms for protocols can be obtained from the
departmental office or online at <>.
Research involving live animals on campus must receive approval from the
Animal Care and Use Committee. Forms may be obtained from the departmental
or college dean’s office.
“Graduate Degree Clearance” form, with required signatures, must be submitted
to the Division of Research and Graduate Studies by the posted deadline. The
grade for thesis units is recorded on this form by the thesis chair, on behalf of the
committee, and given to the graduate coordinator/director for final processing
(see “Graduation” [Section L of this handbook] for complete discussion).
Final thesis submission: Approximately seven weeks before last day of classes.
(Consult the Class Schedule, University Catalog, or the “Dates & Deadlines”
section of the DRGS Web site for exact dates.)
Publication copy: Date assigned by thesis consultant, after review of final
Thesis format must follow the university Guidelines for Thesis Preparation
(available from the Kennel Bookstore, lower level, or electronically from the
“Thesis” section of the DRGS Web site ).
Theses are submitted to the Dissertation/Thesis Office in two stages: initial
review by the thesis consultant (final submission) and clearance review of the
corrected final copy for binding (publication copy). In approving both
submissions, the committee signifies that the form and content of the thesis meet
Title 5 regulations (see Catalog definition, above) as well as program standards.
Thesis committees are formed according to guidelines established by the
Graduate Committee of the Academic Senate. The committee consists of three
members; the chair and at least one other committee member must be appointed
members of the department’s Graduate Faculty Group of the student’s degree
program. With requisite expertise, an individual who is not a member of the
department faculty in the student’s program may serve as a member, with
approval of the department chair. (See the “Thesis” section of the DRGS Web site
for “Thesis Committee Policy and Procedures.”)
When approved for quality, format, and style, the graduate dean signs off on the
Publication Copy approval page.
In order for the thesis consultant to grant final thesis clearance, students are
required to have submitted the following:
o Thesis fees form with the imprint from the University Cashier showing
payment of fees for thesis microfilming, binding, and UMI (ProQuest)
processing; and the optional copyrighting and mailing.
o Three copies of the laser-printed thesis: one for the department, one for
the library, and one for microfilming. Note: The Kennel Print and Copy
Center and the Thesis Office will handle copying and processing, after fee
o “Permission to Publish Copyrighted Material” form(s), as applicable
(available from the “Thesis” section of the DRGS Web site).
In order for the graduate evaluator to register final thesis clearance or the degree,
the final grade for the thesis must have been recorded on the “Graduate Degree
Clearance” form.
Required Student Paperwork:
“Graduate Degree Application” form (available at the DRGS office and online via
the “Forms” link on the DRGS Web site a couple of weeks prior to the
semester/term application period).
$35.00 non-refundable application fee.
“Graduate Degree Clearance” form (available at the DRGS office and online via
the “Forms” link on the DRGS Web site).
Eligibility Criteria:
A previously approved “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy” on file in the
Division of Research and Graduate Studies.
A minimum program grade point average of 3.0.
Permission from the graduate coordinator/director to apply for graduation.
For the “Graduate Degree Application” form, the first two weeks of the fall and
spring semesters, or the first three weeks of the summer semester; consult the
Class Schedule or the “Dates & Deadlines” section of the DRGS Web site for exact
For the “Graduate Degree Clearance” form, the last day of the semester or final
summer term.
Students must file the graduation application and pay an application fee. Your
signature as coordinator/director is required.
Coordinators/directors should schedule a meeting with graduating students to
determine how final requirements (e.g., culminating experience, clearance of
incomplete coursework, appropriate paperwork) are to be met.
“Graduate Degree Clearance” forms must be submitted to the Division of
Graduate Studies. Your signature as coordinator/director is required.
Graduation in the summer is optional, based on the availability of the student’s
The graduate evaluator reviews applicants’ files to determine completion of all
requirements and clears all degrees. Transcripts showing degree granted are
available after this point only. (See “Proof of Degree Granted” below.)
Proof of Degree Granted
Coordinators/directors may receive requests from students needing verification that
their degree has been posted. Proof of degree granted is available as follows:
Transcripts: Transcripts with the graduate degree posted are available upon
clearance of the degree by the evaluator. However, transcripts showing the degree
are not automatically sent to the student upon graduation. Transcript requests
can only be done in person or by mail. Coordinators/directors should refer
students to the Public Contact Window in Joyal Administration Building or the
transcripts Web site <> to print the transcript
request form. A fee of $4.00 for the first copy, $2.00 for each additional copy
through ten.
Diplomas: The Evaluations Office mails the diploma to the student
approximately three months after the degree is posted. Students will receive an
email prior to the mailing of their diplomas.
Certification Letters: Students who have completed all requirements with grades
posted in all courses, and need written confirmation of their degrees prior to the
official degree granting date (i.e., the final day of the semester) may request a
Letter of Certification from the Division of Research and Graduate Studies. A
small fee is required.
The curriculum of the program follows the guidelines established by the National
Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) and was
designed following consultation with senior public administrators in the Fresno area.
The curriculum consists of 36 units of coursework. Classes are offered in the evenings
starting at 6:00pm, 6:30pm, or 7:00pm. Weekend courses are also offered on Friday
evenings and all day on Saturdays.
Students must also complete a culminating experience as part of their degree. Students
may choose between either the comprehensive examination or thesis options. The
following is a basic outline of the MPA degree requirements:
……………….............................. 18
(MPA 200, 201, 210, 230, 245, 260)
Additional Core
……………………. 3
(MPA 215, 240, 250, 280T)
Approved Electives………………... 3-15
Practitioner’s Seminars……………. 0-6
(MPA 289T)
Internship…………………………… 0-3
(MPA 287)
Comprehensive Examination…….. 0
………………………………... 0-3
(MPA 299)
TOTAL………………………………. 36
Core and Additional Core: All students will b
e required to take 21 core units; 18 of these
core units are prescribed for students. The remaining 3 core units must be selected from
the courses listed under the “Additional Core” heading. Students may take more than
one course listed under the “Additional Core” heading. If they do, these courses will
count towards meeting their “Approved Electives” requirement.
These courses are designed to provide an understanding of important principles in and
foundations of public administration; develop both analytical and critical thinking skills;
and precepts of ethical decision making.
Approved Electives: Approved elective courses may be used to build on the foundation
of the program’s core course offerings. The courses to be used as electives in the MPA
program are to be chosen in consultation with the student’s adviser and must be
approved by the MPA director. The students’ selection of electives should be guided by
their interest in a particular course/topic and its relationship to the practice of public
There are two types of electives that MPA students may take to fulfill this requirement.
The first type is program electives. These courses currently include the following: MPA
215, MPA 240, MPA 250, MPA 280T, MPA 287, MPA 289T, and MPA 290. MPA
elective courses are automatically approved as part of a student’s coursework. The other
type of elective is a non-program elective. MPA students may choose to incorporate
coursework from other graduate programs or academic departments. These courses
must be related to public policy or public administration. These courses MUST also be
approved by the program director prior to student enrollment.
Pre-service or in-service students with less than six months of experience in the public
or non-profit sector will be advised to take MPA 287. This will provide them with both a
valuable learning and working experience.
Approved elective courses may be used in order to create program emphases. These
provide a measure of structure for students looking to build a focus or specialization
within the broader framework of the MPA program’s core courses. These emphases will
be at least 9 units in length. The MPA program has three such emphases available to
students. They are as follows:
State & Local Public Management: MPA 215, MPA 240, MPA 250, or other
related courses.
Nonprofit Management & Leadership: MPA 280T – Nonprofit Management &
Leadership, MPA 280T – Program Evaluation, SOC 183 - Philanthropy and Grant
Making or SOC 184 – Grant Writing and Evaluation. (Other related courses may
be substituted with permission of program director.)
Cognate Courses: This emphasis allows students to bring together courses on a
related topic (e.g., analytical methodologies, planning, criminology, public health,
counseling, education, business administration, environmental studies, etc.).
Courses must be approved by program director.
Culminating Experience: In order to complete their MPA degree requirements,
students must choose either the comprehensive exam or thesis. The comprehensive
exam does not count for any units towards the degree, but does satisfy the requirement
that students be provided with a culminating experience to their program. The thesis
(MPA 299) is worth 3 units toward the degree and also satisfies the culminating
experience requirement.
Student Learning Outcomes: After completing the MPA program, students will be able
to do the following:
Examine the impact of different social, economic, and political phenomena on
public policy issues using statistical analysis.
Evaluate the quality of public policy and the behavior of public servants using
various ethical principles and frameworks.
Appraise the activities of organizations and individual behavior in those
organizations using various theories of complex organizations and organizational
Evaluate both current budgetary and human resource practices in public and/or
nonprofit organizations in terms of impact on organizational performance.
Evaluate alternative approaches to how policies are defined, designed,
implemented, and evaluated.
Design effective organizational arrangements and incentives for individual
behavior within public and nonprofit organizations.
Design budgeting processes and strategies that will lead to more effective use of
budgetary resources.
Formulate human resource systems that are more effective in terms of both
protecting individual employees and enhancing organizational performance.
Formulate alternative regimes for ethical behavior and decision making in public
and nonprofit organizations.
Formulate alternatives to existing policy based on the combination of theoretical
frameworks and original policy research.
Construct effective arguments or discussions concerning the basic principles of
public administration.
Evaluate the merits of competing perspectives on a given policy and alternative
approaches to its design and implementation.
Demonstrate an understanding of basic public administration/nonprofit
principles, theories, and research.
Create original responses to competing perspectives on a given policy and
alternative approaches to its design and implementation.
MPA 200. Administration and Society (3)
How administration acts and is acted upon by institutional forces and values; role of
history, cultural, ethical, political, social, and economic values and institutions; an
emphasis on: bureaucracy, economy and democracy, centralization vs. decentralization,
professionalism and society; alternatives to bureaucracy. (Formerly GPA 200)
MPA 201. Quantitative Applications for Public Administration (3)
Exploring different methods of data analysis for understanding how public decisions are
made and public policies are evaluated. Data collection, measurement, sampling, and
data analysis — including regression — are explored with practical applications.
(Formerly MPA120g; GPA 120G)
MPA 210. Organizational Theory in Public Administration (3)
A study of the key issues involved in the management of public organizations. This
examination of organizational behavior and theories of complex organizations includes
the following: leadership styles, communication, organizational change, hierarchy and
organizational structure, and organizational culture. (Formerly GPA 210)
MPA 215. State and Local Government (3)
Helps students understand state and local government history and how these
governmental units interact with the federal government. Legislatures, executives,
courts and city, and county councils are studied, particularly in terms of their emphasis
on public policy. (Formerly GPA 280T, GPA215)
MPA 230. Public Budgeting (3)
Examines the budget process, the use of economic analysis in evaluating taxation
and expenditure issues, and the development and analysis of budget proposals.
Also includes discussion of burdens and effectiveness of different taxes and considers
potential reforms to the budgeting process. (Formerly GPA 230)
MPA 240. Seminar in Public Management (3)
An inquiry into contemporary issues facing public managers. Topics that can be covered
include accountability, performance management, development of information
technology, e-government, public management reforms, implications of
privatization/contracting out, and public governance. (Formerly GPA 240)
MPA 245. Human Resources Management (3)
Explores the development of the merit system in government, hiring and termination,
career development, human resource planning, management-labor relations, equal
opportunity, affirmative action, workplace diversity, and the legal dimension of the
public personnel system.
MPA 250. Ethics and Public Administration (3)
(Same as AETH 202.) Prerequisite: MPA 210. The moral dimensions of public
administrative decision-making. The nature of public and private morality;
psychological and ethical egoism; relativism; utilitarianism and deontological theories;
rights and goods in the public service context; sensitive applications of rules in public
agencies. (Formerly GPA 250)
MPA 260. Public Policy Administration (3)
Prerequisites: MPA 200, 201, 210, 240. A study of policy initiation, formulation, and
implementation and a public manager’s role in them; management processes and
functions in the policy process; policy justification and advocacy, policy analysis, and
implementation evaluation. (Formerly GPA 260)
MPA 280T. Topics in Public Administration (3; max total 6 if no topic
Selected topics meeting student needs and interests that are not met in other university
courses. (Formerly GPA 280T)
MPA 287. Internship in Public Administration (3)
Supervised work experience for a realistic exposure to an organizational-bureaucratic
environment for students in the M.P.A. program who lack significant work experience in
a public or nonprofit organization. CR/NC grading only. (Formerly GPA 287)
MPA 289T. Practitioner’s Seminar (1-3; max total 6 if no topic repeated)
Prerequisite: Some seminars may have course prerequisites. Selected topics in the
administration of public programs and agencies examined from the prospective and
experience of practitioners. (Formerly GPA 289T)
MPA 290. Independent Study (1-4; max total 6)
See Academic Placement — Independent Study. Approved for RP grading. (Formerly
GPA 290)
MPA 299. Thesis (3)
Prerequisite: See Criteria for Thesis and Project. Preparation, completion, and
submission of an acceptable thesis for the master’s degree. Approved for RP grading.
(Formerly GPA 299)
Lisa Bryant, Ph.D. (Associate Professor – Political Science)
Kurt Cline, Ph.D. (Full Professor – Political Science; MPA program director)
Kathryn Forbes, Ph.D. (Full Professor – Women’s, Gender and Sexuality
Kenneth Hansen, Ph.D. (Full Professor – Political Science)
Thomas Holyoke, Ph.D. (Full Professor – Political Science)
Henry Fierro, MPA
Karen Gillian, MPA
Dan Griffin, Ed.D.
Brian Haddix, MS, JD
Sandra Hammond, MPA
John Quinto, Ed.D., MPA
To apply for admission to the MPA program:
Go to the University’s main webpage: (click on
the Admissions bar
at the top of the page, then click on Apply Online). You may also go directly (Cal State Apply).
General information on graduate programs, forms and deadlines:
Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Thomas Administration Bldg., Rm. 132
California State University, Fresno
5241 North Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559)
278-2448; Fax: (559) 278-4658
Graduate Admissions
Joyal Administration Bldg., Rm. 121
California State University, Fresno
5150 North Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-4073; Fax:
(559) 278-8181
Assisting graduate students:
Career Development Center
Thomas Administration Bldg., Rm. 103
California State University, Fresno
5241 North Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278.2381
Graduate Net
Thomas Administration Bldg., Rm. 121
California State University, Fresno
5150 North Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-1622
Information on financial aid:
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Joyal Administrations Bldg., Rm. 296
5150 North Maple Avenue
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-2182; Fax: (559) 278-4833
Information on registration for testing:
Professional Examination Services (Testing)
Family & Food Sciences, Rm. 110
5300 North Campus Drive
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-2457; Fax: (559) 278-3583
Information for off-campus students:
Division of Continuing and Global Education
Kremen Education Bldg., Rm. 130
5005 North Maple Avenue
State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-0333; Fax: (559) 278-0395
Information on the MPA program:
Dr. Kurt D. Cline, MPA Program Director
McKee Fisk Bldg., Rm. 210
2225 E. San Ramon Avenue,
M/S – MF 19
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-2865; Fax: (559) 278-5230
E-mail address: [email protected]
OR Contact :
Department of Political Science
McKee Fisk Bldg., Rm. 244
2225 E. San Ramon Avenue
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740; Phone: (559) 278-2988; Fax: (559) 278-5230
Confirmation of Receipt of Handbook Form
I confirm that I have received a copy of the Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Program Handbook and that I have read this and understood the contents.
I also confirm that I have sought clarification from the MPA program director on any
issues outlined in the Handbook which I am not clear about.
Signature of Student
Printed Name of Student
Please return this form duly completed and signed to the MPA program director.