An applicant who does not qualify for admission under the University Admission Criteriaprovisions listed below, may request
consideration for special admission. Special admission may be granted only if, on the basis of acceptable evidence, the applicant is
judged by the appropriate campus authority to possess sufficient academic, professional, and other potential pertinent to the applicant's
educational objectives. Only applicants who have applied and been denied admission to the university may request consideration for
special admission. Denied postbaccalaureate applicants who seek information on the special admission process to programs other than
a graduate degree or certificate of advanced study, should contact the Graduate Admissions office, Frank W. Thomas Building, Room
130, 559.278.4073.
University Admission Criteria:
1. Hold an acceptable baccalaureate degree earned at an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association.
2. Have satisfied any one of the following two lettered conditions: (A) Attained a minimum 2.50 GPA in an acceptable earned
baccalaureate degree, or (B) Attained a minimum 2.50 GPA in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted.
Applicants who fail to meet the university admission criteria standards above may formally request consideration for special
admission, if the following conditions are met:
1. Have attained a minimum 2.0 GPA in an acceptable earned baccalaureate degree, or in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units
attempted. Special Admission to the university may not be considered for students who have less than a 2.00 GPA in an
acceptable baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution, or in their last 60 semester (90 quarter) units.
2. Have submitted official standardized admission test scores, if required by the graduate program.
3. Meet with the graduate program coordinator/director to obtain their recommendation for special admission. Admission to the
university for graduate study will only be considered for students who are recommended by the graduate program
Instructions for Filing a Request for Special Admission:
1. Prepare and submit a special admission request that includes the following:
a. A one-page, typed and signed appeal explaining the circumstances of your denial, your potential to meet expectations for
academic success, and a rationale for obtaining special admission. You may cite professional preparation and other
experiences/plans pertinent to your potential to accomplish your educational objectives. Include your name, student ID
number, and date.
b. A copy of the university denial letter.
c. A copy of your transcripts.
d. If required by the graduate program (graduate degree or certificate of advanced study), submission of official scores for
the standardized admission test (GRE, MAT, or GMAT).
e. If required, submission of official scores demonstrating English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, or ITEP).
f. One to three letters of recommendation in support of your appeal, from faculty members and others who know of your
academic potential.
2. Meet with the graduate program coordinator/director from your intended area of study (graduate degree or certificate of
advanced study) with your request and supporting documents (including all items listed in #1 above).
3. Request that the graduate program coordinator/director complete and sign the “Assessment for Special Admission form.
4. Return your request for special admission with the program coordinator’s/director’s recommendation (Assessment for
Special Admission) to the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, Frank W. Thomas Building, Room 130.
Notification of official action taken on your request will be provided within two-three weeks. Incomplete applications will not be
(for a Graduate Degree or Certificate of Advanced Study program)
Name: Semester:
Student ID: Address:
Phone: Email:
Intended Graduate Program: Option (if applicable):
Baccalaureate degree GPA or last 60-unit GPA: Admission Test/s (if required):
Graduate Program Coordinator/Director:
The applicant noted above was denied postbaccalaureate admission to the university due to graduate university admission criteria not
met, and is requesting consideration for special admission. Please review the attached application materials, including the applicant’s
appeal and supporting documents, and make your recommendation below. A rationale for your recommendation is required by the
____ Admit to university and to a graduate degree program with conditionally classified standing.
Appropriate graduate admission test scores have been received. Student may enroll in undergraduate or graduate courses, but
will not be fully admitted (classified) until the following conditions have been met:
Complete units with a minimum grade point average of
Complete the following prerequisite courses with a grade of or better:
___Submit the following:
____ Admit to university and to a certificate of advanced study with conditionally classified standing.
Appropriate graduate admission test scores have been received. Student may enroll in undergraduate or graduate courses, but
will not be fully admitted (classified) until the following conditions have been met:
Complete units with a minimum grade point average of
Other conditions:
____ CANNOT recommend special admission.
Required rationale for the above recommendation:
Graduate Program Coordinator’s/Director’s Signature Date
Approved Denied (see attached denial letter for specifics)
Dean, Division of Research and Graduate Studies Date