Banned and Challenged Books
In Texas Public Schools
A Report of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Table of Contents
Banned Book List ...............................................................2
Executive Summary............................................................3
Profiles of Banned and Challenged Books .........................9
By Title ......................................................................73
By Author ..................................................................77
By School District ......................................................81
ACLU of Texas
PO Box 3629
Austin, TX 78764
(512) 441-0077
(512) 441-3195 Fax
Texas Library Association
3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 401
Austin, Texas 78746-6763
Phone: 512-328-1518 or 800/580-2852
512-328-8852 Fax
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 2
2002 Banned Book List
The Adventures of Blue
Norma Howe
Alice on the Outside
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Attack of the Living Mask
Robert Hirschfield
Bag of Bones
Stephen King
The Boy on a Black Horse
Nancy Springer
The Boy Who Lost His Face
Louis Sacher
Cosmos Coyote and William
the Nice
Jim Heynen
Shelley Stoehr
Curses, Inc.
Vivian Velde
The Evil Pen Pal
Laban Carrick Hill
The Facts Speak for
Brock Cole
Judy Blume
Friday Night Lights: A Town,
A Team, and a Dream
H. G. Bissinger
Harry Blackmun (Supreme
Court Justices)
Paul Deegan and Bob Italia
Stephen King
Stephen King
The Killer’s Cousin
Nancy Werlin
Love One Another: The Last
Days of Jesus
Elizabeth Wyehaco
Off to Sea
Richard Stine
Past Forgiving
Gloria D. Miklowitz
Patriot Games
Tom Clancy
Reckless Homicide
Ira Genbert
Walter Dean Myers
Silent to the Bone
E. L. Konigsberg
Smoky Night
Eve Bunting
Snow Falling on Cedars
David Guterson
Stormy Night
Michelle Lemieux
Taming the Star Runner
S. E. Hinton
Team Picture
Dean Hughes
The Teenage Guys Survival
Jeremy Daldry
Then Again, Maybe I Won’t
Judy Blume
There’s a Bat in Bunk Five
Paula Danzinger
A Time for Dancing
Davida Hurwin
The Unprotected Witness
James Stevenson
The What’s Happening to My
Body Book? for Boys
Lynda Madaras
The What’s Happening to My
Body Book? for Girls
Lynda Madaras
Page 3
Banned and Challenged Books
In Texas Public Schools
A Report of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is the hallmark of
an authoritarian regime…”
Justice Potter Stewart, dissenting
Ginsberg v. United States
(383 U. S. 463)
And when we do that, shut off the dialogue, we do violence to the First
amendment and to the children of this generation and the next generation…”
John Henry Faulk
This is the sixth consecutive annual report on censorship in Texas public schools
by the ACLU of Texas. Again this year, the Texas Library Association has
joined the ACLU in sponsoring the report. The content of the report is based on
information furnished by the over 1200 Independent School Districts and Charter
Schools in Texas. The full report, which contains indexes of books by title (with
synopses), author, and school district, can be obtained by contacting the ACLU
of Texas.
The Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling were the most often challenged books in
Texas during the 2001-2002 academic year. There were 71 challenges in 21
different districts. In most cases, the challenges were made to “all Harry Potter
books” – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The number of challenges was probably inflated by
the debut of a movie based on one of the books – several districts reported that
parents complained after seeing the movie, but admitted they had not read the
book. Overwhelmingly, districts rejected these challenges, but, although there
were no “bannings”, the books were severely restricted in some instances. In the
Hondo ISD, the Potter books were “use restricted” in all schools; officials
reported that “The books are still in our libraries and can be checked out by
anyone, but a teacher is not allowed to read aloud in his/her classroom any part
of any Harry Potter book.” In the Fort Stockton ISD Alamo Elementary School, a
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Parent called principal and requested that Harry Potter books not be read or
discussed in her children’s classrooms. Principal notified teachers.” In the
Florence ISD elementary school, officials reported that “All of the Harry Potter
books were removed by an administrator without following district procedure.
District policy was followed and a formal request for reconsideration was never
initiated. The books were replaced without restriction.” The reason given for the
challenge in virtually every case was “mysticism/paganism”.
The single most often banned booked this year was Taming the Star Runner,
by S. E. Hinton. The book was banned in school libraries in the Lamar CISD
(Rosenberg), the Ector County ISD (Odessa), and the Cherokee ISD. The book,
a story about a city kid who goes to live on a ranch and encounters a wild horse
named “Star Runner”, was challenged for “profanity/inappropriate language.”
The author, who lives in Oklahoma, was contacted but had no comment on the
The Vidor ISD banned Harry Blackmun (Supreme Court Justices) at its Pine
Forest Elementary School because a parent complained that “… discussion of
Roe vs. Wade and the abortion issue was inappropriate for elementary grade
Vidor ISD banned more books than any other district in the state – 6 in all.
Included in the list of books banned in this district was the acclaimed novel about
Japanese internment during WW II – Snow Falling on Cedars. This book was
also challenged in the Richardson ISD Lake Highlands High School where it was
used in the classroom. The report by the district stated that: “student's parent
complained; however, student read book anyway even though an alternate book
was on the list and allowed.”
Note: This book was banned 2 years ago in the Boerne ISD. It was
reinstated in the library after a public outcry, but removed from use in the
In the Fort Bend ISD (Sugar Land), 4 related books were challenged in the
George H. Bush High School library: Beyond Gay or Straight, Gay Rights,
Homophobia, A History, and Homosexuality. After due consideration by the
administration, all 4 books were retained without restriction.
In the East Central ISD in San Antonio, a mother challenged Are You There
God? - It’s me, Margaret by Judy Blume after listening to an audiotape of the
book with her 5
grade child. The district reported that “... When Playboy
magazine was mentioned student asked what it was. Mother thought child was
too young to know.” Mother wanted book and cassette removed. School officials
rejected this challenge. Books by Judy Blume are often challenged in Texas
schools. Her book Forever was banned this year in the Cranfills Gap ISD Middle
School for sexual content.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, who writes a series of books about “Alice” – a teenaged
girl coping with “growing up” problems - had several books challenged this year,
as in past years. Alice on the Outside was banned in the Culbertson County -
Allamore ISD Van Horn Junior High School, and was restricted in the Lumberton
ISD Middle School: “students must bring a note signed by parents to check out
the book.Alice in Rapture, Sort Of was restricted in the Mansfield ISD Tarver-
Rendon Elementary School: “parent must approve before student can check the
book out.”
A parent in the Booker ISD wrote 2 lengthy letters to the district Superintendent
challenging 3 textbooks used by her 9
grade child. Algebra I was deemed
offensive because the text talks about the BIG BANG and carbon 14 dating
relating to the age of the earth, and “…Your agenda of promoting global warming
is dubious. Then each chapter has a time line of important events which is
dominated by women and blacks and latinos…” The science text, Exploring
Physical Science (Texas Edition), was said to be wrongly subjecting students
to a discussion of evolution: “…you start the book by telling the student that they
are no different from pond scum, you LIE to them saying the scientific evidence
supports this position,…Thus it must be the goal of the authorities that be, to take
every opportunity to convince the student that he or she is NOTHING BUT AN
ANIMAL…” Elements of Literature (Third Course) was challenged by the
same parent because of violence in the lead story which talks about kids with
guns, and, again, a story that talks about evolution: “This is where you tell them
that their lives are hopeless, they evolved from an ape, and that they are
insignificant. You tell them this in the grand name of science, yet science clearly
supports the concept of Intelligent Design, that there is a creator of the
universe…” In his letter responding to the parent, the Superintendent strongly
rejected the challenges, but stated that: “…The teachers pull from the text what is
relevant and what they feel needs to be covered…”
Other well known challenged titles were To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William
Shakespeare, Webster’s Dictionary, The Bible, I Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings by Maya Angelou, Night by Elie Wiesel, Brave New World by Aldous
Huxley, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
Statistical Summary
In the request for information, school administrators were asked to classify the
reasons for challenges to books into one or more pre-defined categories as
follows: (Numbers in parentheses reflect the number of challenges for that
Profanity/Inappropriate language (73)
Sexual Content (60)
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Mysticism/Paganism (75)
Violence/Horror (61)
Other (32) Some explanations given in this category are “lack of literary
value”, “insubordination and disrespect of protagonist”, “religious content”,
racism”, “too mature for grade level”, “non-biblical story of creation”,
“homosexual content”, “drug references”, “gangs”, “talks about learning to
smoke”, “crime”, “teaches evolution”, and “promotes agenda for women,
blacks, and latinos.”
Statewide, 218 challenges were issued to 134 books. Results of challenges
have been categorized as follows:
Note: Banned books are those physically removed from a library.
Restricted books remain in the library but can’t be accessed by all
students. Some restrictions are so severe as to be tantamount to
Banned (38) (18%)
Restricted Use or Access (57) (27%)
Alternative Allowed in Curriculum or Reading List (22) (11%)
Final Decision Pending (16) (8%)
Retained/No Restriction on Use (85) (37%)
Discussion of Findings
This year the number of challenges because of “Mysticism/Paganism”, due to the
high number of complaints about Harry Potter books, surpassed the
“Profanity/Inappropriate language” category and led in number of challenges.
Since children’s books have always been rife with stories about magic, witches,
etc. (Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, e.g.), objection to books containing this
material seems new and unusual. However, the trend has been in place for
several years and seems to be based on religious fundamentalism, and
associated with the increased activism of these groups. It would appear that
some religious activists consider that any description of supernatural events
outside the context of their own preferred religious beliefs are sacrilegious or
blasphemous. The increasing trend to oppose books for this reason is disturbing
and could be in contradiction with constitutional values.
Many books contain language that might be offensive to some people, for
reasons of profanity or for derogatory or blasphemous content. The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn, a book widely used in high school curricula, was
challenged in 3 school districts for inappropriate language (use of the word
“nigger”). More different books are challenged for this reason than for any other,
a result corroborative of previous year’s results.
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Complaints about sexual content in books are pervasive, and include books with
fictional accounts of romantic encounters as well as educational books, such as
The What’s Happening to My Body Book? For Boys, The What’s Happening to
My Body Book? For Girls, and several books about homosexuality. Many parents
and others simply object to sex education of any kind in schools. In the Hutto
ISD, both Brave New World and A Midsummer Nights Dream were challenged
for sexual content (both were used in curricula); students involved were allowed
to choose another book to read.
Compared to previous years, challenges for reason of violent content and
mysticism are increasing, and challenges for other reasons remain relatively
How the Report was Compiled
School district numbers, names, addresses and other data were obtained from
the Texas Education Agency. Using this database, requests for information were
mailed to all Independent School Districts and Charter Schools under the
authority of the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Ch. 552
(formerly known as the Texas Open Records Act). State law requires that public
entities are to respond to such inquiries within 10 days.
Included in the mailing was a form which, when completed, enabled school
administrators to remit the requested information in a simple, straightforward
process. The form could be either faxed or mailed to the ACLU of Texas’ offices.
School officials also had the option to access the form on-line. Information from
these reports was entered into a spreadsheet and converted into the report.
ACLU volunteers wrote all book synopses.
Texas Library Association Resources
Currently, there is no statewide mandated standard for dealing with book
challenges to public schools, and individual school districts manage these
challenges in different ways. Some have adopted a written standard policy,
which requires a formal review process by an established committee, while
others leave the decision to teachers, principals and/or librarians. As an
example, one district summarized its Board of Trustee approved policy for
addressing complaints as follows:
“Talk to teacher and see if matter can be settled.
Talk to Principal if matter is not satisfied with the teacher.
Talk to Superintendent if matter is not satisfied with the principal.
Ask to be on agenda for Board of Trustees if matter is not satisfied with
the Superintendent”.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Based on this information, a procedure similar to this would appear to be vague
and subject to abuse at many levels.
The Texas Library Association offers a model policy for dealing with book
challenges, which can be found in the TLA Intellectual Freedom Manual. In
addition, library book selection criteria guidance can be found in the manual in
several sections.
The manual can also be accessed at The adoption
of a standard policy to be used by all public schools based on the TLA
procedures is strongly recommended.
In most cases, school administrators and librarians gave their willing and
sometimes enthusiastic support in supplying the information requested for this
report. Often beset by special interest appeals to ban books from libraries and
curricula, these individuals merit the thanks and appreciation of students and
citizens who oppose censorship. However, it must be stated that in a few cases
strong resentment to the survey and information request was expressed. One
superintendent said that he regarded the project as an “abuse” of the Texas
Public Information Act.
The following volunteers gave of their time and expertise (in alphabetical order):
Marilyn Anderson – Data input and synopses
Denise Brady – Synopses and legal
Deb Calderon (ACLU Administrative Asst.) - Mail and faxes
Laurel Redford – Synopses
David Smith – Web master, Data management
Report compiled and written by S. L. Leffingwell
William C. Harrell
Executive Director, ACLU of Texas
PO Box 3629
Austin, TX 78764
(512) 441-0077
(512) 441-3195 Fax
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 9
Banned and Challenged Books in Texas Schools
Adventures of Blue Avenger, The
Author: Howe, Norma
Synopsis: In order to get over the grief attending his father’s death, 16-year old
David decides to legally change his name to "Blue Avenger" and take on the
persona of a comic book hero to achieve his goal of righting the wrongs he sees
in the world.
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Welch Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language; Sexual content; Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Challenged by teacher
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The
Author: Twain, Mark
Synopsis: An exploration of morality and race relations, the story follows young
Huckleberry and a runaway slave, Jim, on their voyage down the Mississippi
School District: Carroll ISD (Southlake)
School(s) Involved: Carroll High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “The campus-level committee is scheduled to meet next week.”
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Cypress Creek
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = Racism
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: San Jacinto Elementary School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language
Result: Alternate book allowed
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Adventures of Isabel, The
Author: Nash, Ogden
Synopsis: Isabel is a rambunctious young girl whose adventures and escapades
are told of in verse form. The book is illustrated.
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Yeager Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
Algebra I (Handbook for Texas Students
Author: Boyd, Cindy J.
Synopsis: First year Algebra textbook.
School District: Booker ISD
School(s) Involved: 9th Grade
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = “…Math book has an agenda. Math, numbers, are neutral. Your
agenda promoting global warming is dubious. Each chapter has a timeline of
important events which is dominated by women and blacks and latinos…”
Alice in Rapture, Sort of
Author: Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Synopsis: This book in the Alice series covers the summer between grade
school and junior high, when Alice and her sixth-grade friend Patrick start dating.
School District: Mansfield ISD
School(s) Involved: Tarver-Rendon Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Parent challenge. “Librarian will require parent to approve checkout to
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Alice on the Outside
Author: Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Synopsis: Alice is in the eighth grade and wonders about her relationship with
her boyfriend Patrick. She also gains some insight into the nature of prejudice
from a week-long consciousness-raising exercise at school; and, she must deal
with a crush that another female student has for her. Alice’s strong sense of who
she is and what she wants continues to guide her as she develops and matures
into a young woman.
School District: Culberson County-Allamore ISD (Van Horn)
School(s) Involved: Van Horn Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: “A parent brought this book to the attention of the principal.”
School District: Lumberton ISD
School(s) Involved: Lumberton Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Students may bring a note from a parent stating the student has
permission to read the book.”
Amber Spy Glass, The
Author: Pullman, Phillip
Synopsis: The book is the last in a fantasy trilogy: “His Dark Materials”. New
characters are introduced, and the intrigue and adventures begun in the first two
books – “The Golden Compass” and “The Subtle Knife” – are brought to a heart-
stopping conclusion. (Winner of the Whitbread Book of the Year award, 2001).
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: T. H. Rogers Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = “Passages in the book are offensive to Christians. Challenged by
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Angela's Ashes
Author: McCourt, Frank
Synopsis: The author recounts his childhood in Limerick, Ireland, and New York
City. His family lives in dire poverty wherein food and clothing are lacking, and
his Mother is reduced to begging in the streets when his father spends what little
money the family has for drink. As he is introduced to both Shakespeare and the
mysteries of sex as an adolescent, he discovers the unforgiving nature and
power of the Catholic Church.
School District: Westbrook ISD
School(s) Involved: K - 12 campus
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language; Sexual Content; Violence/Horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Parent challenged for daughter. Being an accelerated reading book, we
changed reading level to high school.”
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions
of Georgia Nicolson
Author: Rennison, Louise
Synopsis: The story is presented as the humorous journal of a year in the life of
a 14-year-old British girl. She tries to reduce the size of her nose, stop her mad
cat from terrorizing the neighborhood animals, and win the love of handsome
hunk Robbie.
School District: Blue Ridge ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Unofficial challenge. Parents wrote notes to principal who sent them to
me. Did not get to paperwork stage. After two weeks, both parents allowed their
children to read books.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Are You There God It's Me Margaret
Author: Blume, Judy
Synopsis: Margaret’s life has changed. She has moved from New York City to
the suburbs and is anxious to acclimate to her new environment. She and her
new friends form a secret club to talk about what is going on in their young lives;
but, Margaret is still having trouble fitting in. Everyone in town belongs to the Y
or to the Jewish Community Center, but Margaret doesn’t have a religion, so
what is she to do? She could really use some help with the confusing things in
her life.
School District: East Central ISD (San Antonio)
School(s) Involved: Oak Crest Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Challenge is an audio cassette. Fifth grade student and her mother
listened to the tape. When Playboy magazine was mentioned student asked
what it was. Mother thought child was too young to know. Mother wanted book
and cassette removed.”
Attack of the Living Mask
Author: Hirschfield, Robert
Synopsis: This is a “choose your own nightmare” book where readers determine
different elements of the book. The action takes place at creepy and mysterious
Greystone Pond. When Jeff disappears on Halloween night, the pond is the first
place his friends go looking for him. Readers can choose to encounter different
scary creatures or go to the Halloween party instead.
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Copeland Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Banned
Back Roads
Author: O' Dell, Tawni
Synopsis: Harley Altmyer, a 19-year-old living in rural Pennsylvania, struggles to
raise his three younger sisters after his mother goes to jail for his father's murder.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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School District: North Hopkins ISD (Sulfur Springs)
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Restricted to 11th and 12th grade students.
Bag of Bones
Author: King, Stephen
Synopsis: A novelist goes on “location” in a haunted house in Maine in order to
investigates his wife’s death, and encounters “ghosts” along the way.
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Ector Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Banned
Notes: “Moved to the Professional Library and parent was satisfied.”
Beyond Gay or Straight
Author: Clausen, Jan
Synopsis: The book explores various theories regarding the origin of
homosexuality in individuals – from history to the present – and includes cultural
context and ramifications of the different theories.
School District: Fort Bend ISD (Sugarland)
School(s) Involved: George H. Bush High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
Bible, The
Synopsis: Believed by many Christians to be divinely inspired, the Bible is a
collection of parables and religious directives written by or attributed to various
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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School District: Boerne ISD
School(s) Involved: Boerne High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror; Mysticism/Paganism; Other
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Seven local citizens see the use of a course on the Bible as
literature/history as dangerous, claiming it is false teaching and advocating one
Author: Roybal, Laura
Synopsis: Sixteen year old Billy’s easygoing life is disrupted when he is arrested
for brawling, and a routine fingerprint check reveals that he is a missing child -
kidnapped at age ten by his father. Convinced that his family didn’t want him, or
they would have tracked him down, Billy is furious when his stepfather takes him
back to Iowa without letting him say goodbye to his father, friends, and girlfriend.
School District: Coppell ISD
School(s) Involved: Coppell Middle School-East
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Committee deliberated regarding the merits of the arguments. A
unanimous decision by committee members was to retain the book in collection.”
Blood and Chocolate
Author: Klause, Annette Curtis
Synopsis: When half of Vivian's werewolf pack is destroyed in a fire following
the forbidden killing of a human, the remaining "loups-garoux" are forced to
move to a new town, where the 16-year-old longs for companions her own age.
School District: La Porte ISD
School(s) Involved: Lomax Jr. High School; La Porte High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content;
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Book placed on library reading reserved list. Student use by parent
permission only.” Challenge issued by a parent.
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Bluest Eye, The
Author: Morrison, Toni
Synopsis: An 11-year-old black girl, Pecola Breedlove, prays for blue eyes
because she sees an America whose greatest love is given to blond, blue-eyed
children. She believes that she will be beautiful, and that her world will be
different - if only she can have blue eyes. (This was Toni Morrison’s first novel).
School District: Anahuac ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual content; Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Other = “Lack of literary value. Book taken off pre-AP reading list”
Boy on a Black Horse, The
Author: Springer, Nancy
Synopsis: Two years after the death of her parents and brother, middle school
girl Gray meets a boy her age named Chay. Chay is an intense, horse-loving
Gypsy, and he and his siblings have run away from his brutal father - who has
killed their mother.
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Pine Forest Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Banned
Notes: “Teacher brought it to the librarian's attention”
Boy Who Lost His Face, The
Author: Sacher, Louis
Synopsis: In order to fit in with his middle school friends, David Ballinger helps
some classmates attack an elderly woman and steal her cane. When odd things
begin to happen to him, he believes the woman to be a witch who has cursed
him, and his genuine remorse causes him to punish himself. By not standing up
for what is right and responsible, he loses face.
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Briargrove
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: Challenged by parent
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
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Brave New World
Author: Huxley, Aldous
Synopsis: This novel describes a utopian state in which everyone consumes
daily doses of “soma”, babies are born in laboratories, and the most popular
form of entertainment is “Feelie”, a movie that stimulates the senses of sight,
hearing, and touch. There is no violence and every need is provided for, but
Bernard feels that something is missing. He senses that his relationship with a
young woman has potential beyond the confines of their normal existence.
School District: Hutto ISD
School(s) Involved: Hutto High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Alternate book allowed
Breaking Boxes
Author: Jenkins, A.M.
Synopsis: Charlie is a teenage loner. His parents are gone, and except for his
older brother, he doesn't need anyone, especially friends. But when Charlie
meets Brandon, things begin to change. Even though Brandon hangs with the
rich kids, Charlie discovers a real person underneath the phony exterior. He and
Brandon shoot hoops, check out girls, and have serious discussions about life.
But just as they begin to open up to each other, Brandon learns something about
Charlie's family - something that makes them both question what they believe in
and what friendship really means.
School District: Burleson ISD
School(s) Involved: Pauline G. Hughes Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Challenge was dropped when challenger was required to read entire
book in order to pursue challenge.”
Brimstone Journals, The
Author: Koertge, Ronald
Synopsis: In a series of short interconnected poems, a diverse group of high
school students reveal their hopes, struggles, and dreams - as well as the
violence existing and growing in their lives.
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School District: Poolville ISD
School(s) Involved: Poolville Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Our library is a K-12 library. It is set up similar to a public library. The
student was a third grade student and picked up a book in the "Non-Fiction"
section rather than the "Juvenile Non-Fiction" section. It was not caught a time of
check-out. The parent complained to the elementary school principal. It was
then brought to my attention. I met with the parent and principal. I explained the
school board approved challenge procedures and gave the parent the
appropriate paperwork to file a formal complaint. The parent never completed
the paperwork and has not contacted the school further.”
Bud, Not Buddy
Author: Curtis, Christopher Paul
Synopsis: An orphan 10-year-old runaway, Bud “not Buddy” Caldwell copes with
the adult world with his numbered “Rules and Things”. He has a battered
suitcase with his worldly treasures from his former life with “momma”. One
treasure is a flyer from a musical group, advertising Herman E. Calloway, a bass
player with the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. Bud is convinced Calloway
is his father. This is the story of a small boy’s search for a father he’s never seen
and a life that has to be better than what he’s known.
School District: Port Neches-Groves ISD (Port Neches)
School(s) Involved: K-3 Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language; Violence/horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “p. 33 - character imagines community murder with shotgun”
Author: Howe, James
Synopsis: Harold the dog’s human family, the Monroes, go to see the movie
Dracula. Young Toby accidentally sits on a baby rabbit wrapped in a bundle on
his seat and the family takes the rabbit home and names it Bunnicula. Chester,
the observant family cat, soon decides there is something weird about this rabbit.
He seems to be turning into vampire bunny. Chester tries to warn the family, but
he is misunderstood and the results are very funny.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 19
School District: Livingston ISD
School(s) Involved: Pine Ridge Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror; Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “Book retained without restriction in library.”
Chocolate War, The
Author: Cormier, Robert
Synopsis: Stunned by his mother's recent death and appalled by the way his
father sleepwalks through life, Jerry Renault, a New England high school student,
ponders the poster in his locker - "Do I dare disturb the universe"? Jerry defies
the school bully, Archie, and is at first a hero then a victim. (Citations include
“ALA Best Book for Young Adults”).
School District: Beaumont ISD
School(s) Involved: Odom Academy
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = “Insubordination, disrespect of protagonist”
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: San Jacinto Elementary School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Stevenson Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent did not proceed with the challenge.”
School District: Pasadena ISD
School(s) Involved: Bondy Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 20
Christmas in Heaven
Author: Williams, Carol Lynch
Synopsis: A young girl, Honey DeLoach, lives in a small Florida town called
Heaven. Fighting off pressure from her “born-again” preacher grandfather to be
“called up” in front of the town, she soon becomes friends with the two daughters
(Easter and Christmas) of a rich, flashy movie star who moves to town. Through
her relationship with Christmas, Honey learns lessons about security, friendship
and the meaning of life and salvation.
School District: Hico ISD
School(s) Involved: Hico High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Reason for challenge not further identified.
Comanche Moon
Author: McMurtry, Larry
Synopsis: Texas Rangers Augustus McCrae and Woodrow F. Call are in their
middle years as their story continues the 20-year time line between “Dead Man's
Walk” and “Lonesome Dove”. Gus, Call and their comrades-in-arms - Deets,
Jake Spoon, and Pea Eye Parker – wage a bitter struggle to protect an
advancing western frontier against the defiant Comanches, who are
courageously determined to defend their territory and their way of life.
School District: Westbrook ISD
School(s) Involved: K - 12 campus
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Student challenged. “Moved to high school level.”
Cosmos Coyote and William the Nice
Author: Heynen, Jim
Synopsis: When Cosmos DeHaag leaves Seattle after a brush with the law, he
goes to live with his conservative Christian relatives in Iowa. In order to get
along, he develops an alter ego - William the Nice. When he falls in love with
Cherilyn, who is a charismatic Christian, he begins to have trouble distinguishing
truth from falsehood as his two personalities come into conflict.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 21
School District: Roscoe ISD
School(s) Involved: Roscoe High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: “Challenge issued by parent. Recommended book on TASHAS list.”
Crazy Lady
Author: Conly, Jane Leslie
Synopsis: Junior high isn’t as easy as Vernon Dibbs expected. Since his
mother died a couple of years ago, his life seems a little lost. To make some
money and stay out of trouble, he begins tutoring the son of his alcoholic
neighbor, Maxine. Vernon develops a bond with Maxine’s son and helps her
learn that giving him up will give him greater opportunities.
School District: Marlin ISD
School(s) Involved: Marlin Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Decision pending
Cross Your Fingers Spit in Your Hat
Author: Schwartz, Alvin
Synopsis: The book is a collection of folklore and superstitions.
School District: Grand Prairie ISD
School(s) Involved: Dickinson
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Author: Stoehr, Shelley
Synopsis: Nancy doesn't have a best friend until she meets Katie in the
bathroom at school. She and Katie have something in common: they both cut
themselves. At first, it's just fun - like the drugs and alcohol and shoplifting - and
Nancy and Katie don't talk about why they do it. But soon Nancy realizes that she
and Katie need cutting to get through the day. Nancy can cover the scars on her
arms and legs. It's the others, the ones inside, that are becoming hard to hide.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 22
School District: Killeen ISD
School(s) Involved: Smith Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Violence/horror
Result: Banned
Notes: “This book was a young adult title that was purchased as a part of a start-
up collection for a campus library that lost its collection in a fire. The entire
young adult series was deemed to be inappropriate for the middle school
students and were removed.”
Crossing, The
Author: McCarthy, Cormac
Synopsis: The adventures of two young men coming of age in the Southwest
United States and Mexico are chronicled in this, the second book in a trilogy.
School District: East Central ISD (San Antonio)
School(s) Involved: Oak Crest Intermediate School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Used by sixth grade social studies teacher Fifth grade social studies
teacher previewed it for possible use and found factual errors so she wrote a
letter to the principal asking for it to be discarded. The teacher was given the
procedure to follow but has not used them.”
Curses, Inc.
Author: Velde, Vivian
Synopsis: This book is a collection of ten stories, ranging from a modern-day
story featuring an Internet spell service to more traditional tales set in the
timeless world of folklore. The ten stories offer a diverse picture of the nature of
witches and their craft.
School District: Beaumont ISD
School(s) Involved: Caldwood Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Banned
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 23
Danger Zone
Author: Klass, David
Synopsis: When he joins a predominantly black "Teen Dream Team" that will be
representing the United States in an international basketball tournament in
Rome, high school student Jimmy Doyle makes some unexpected discoveries
about prejudice, racism, and politics.
School District: Cherokee ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools in district
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Book restricted to 7th grade students and above
Daughters of Eve
Author: Duncan, Lois
Synopsis: A teacher forms a club of high school girls, and attempts to
manipulate their lives under the guise of feminist philosophy. All of the teens
have boy problems, and their leader convinces them to seek revenge.
School District: Calhoun County ISD (Port Lavaca)
School(s) Involved: Travis Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Violence/horror
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: La Porte ISD
School(s) Involved: La Porte Jr. High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content;
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Book placed on library reading reserved list. Student use by parent
permission only.” Challenge issued by a parent.
Dog Heaven
Author: Rylant, Cynthia
Synopsis: The book provides one person’s interpretation of a Dog Heaven,
where dogs run as far as they like, play with angel children, sleep on clouds, eat
cat-shaped or squirrel-shaped biscuits, and return to earth for visits.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 24
School District: Humble ISD
School(s) Involved: Deerwood Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Other= Religious content. “Dogs dying and going to heaven confused 5-
year-old. Parent was advised that she could instruct library staff to restrict book
from her own child but no other children.”
Draw Me a Star
Author: Carle, Eric
Synopsis: The artist tells a young child to draw a star, then the star tells him to
draw a Sun, then a man and a woman and so on until a "universe" is created.
The story is based on the author's memory of stories told to him as a child by his
School District: East Central ISD (San Antonio)
School(s) Involved: Harmony Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent complained of nude art work, tissue paper forms of man and
School District: Plano ISD
School(s) Involved: Weatherford Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “The book was challenged on the basis of an impressionistic drawing of a
nude man and woman. Several parents felt the illustration was inappropriate for
this age group (kindergarten) or even for 3rd -5th grade. Too early to introduce
private parts outside of guided health instruction.”
Drop Dead
Author: Cole, Babette
Synopsis: Children often ask their grandparents “Why are you so old and
wrinkled?” This book chronicles an elderly couple’s life, from babyhood to death
and beyond.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 25
School District: Keller ISD
School(s) Involved: North Riverside Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other= Inappropriate for grad level. “Committee decision to leave book in
regular collection; no changes.”
Educating Esme
Author: Codell, Esme Raji
Synopsis: The novel is the actual diary of a young, hip, first-year teacher in an
inner-city Chicago elementary school.
School District: Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
School(s) Involved: Nixon-Smiley High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Teacher and student turned in book.”
Elements of Literature (3rd Course)
Synopsis: 9
grade literature textbook
School District: Booker ISD
School(s) Involved: 9th Grade
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Violence/horror; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other= teaches evolution. “…You tell the students the big lie, that they
are but animals…”
Evil Pen Pal, The
Author: Hill, Laban Carrick
Synopsis: This book is a “choose your own nightmare” book where readers
determine different elements of the book. You have been corresponding with
Billy, a boy who lives in Florida, for two years. So you are very excited when Billy
writes that he is coming to visit you this summer! But the night before he is
scheduled to arrive at your house, you get a strange letter warning you that Billy
is someone you should be afraid of.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 26
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Copeland Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Banned
Author: Brown, Sandra
Synopsis: A second-stringer with first-class talent, Barrie Travis is stuck at a
low-budget independent television station struggling to survive among the giant
networks. Then, suddenly, she receives an invitation from First Lady Vanessa
Merritt for an off-the-record conversation. Barrie's reporter instincts are instantly
aroused. Blind to everything but getting her exclusive, Barrie is determined to
investigate the death of the President's child. But she soon realizes that getting
her story will test her ethics and her patriotism.
School District: Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
School(s) Involved: Nixon-Smiley High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Teacher turned in book.”
Experiment, The
Author: Darnton, John
Synopsis: A tiny island off the coast of Georgia is the home to a colony of clones
raised to provide organs for the rich and famous; however, one clone escapes to
New York City and meets up with his twin. They investigate this bizarre
occurrence despite scientists and politicians who want to keep the whole thing
School District: Victoria ISD
School(s) Involved: Memorial High School
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Individual teacher use. Challenge issued by a parent. “The decision was
made by the high school principal to restrict use as per policy.”
Exploring Physical Science (Texas Edition)
Author: Maton, Anthea, et al
Synopsis: 9
grade science textbook
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 27
School District: Booker ISD
School(s) Involved: 9th Grade
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other= teaches evolution. “…Again you start the book by telling the
student they are no better than pond scum, you lie to them…”
Facts Speak for Themselves, The
Author: Cole, Brock
Synopsis: The book opens with a murder whose witness is 12-year-old Linda.
It quickly becomes clear in her interrogation that she was sexually involved with
the murdered man. The story is structured around the interrogation and her
matter-of-fact narration of her tragic life story – from her Mother’s failed marriage
to being forced to care for her two brothers.
School District: Beaumont ISD
School(s) Involved: Caldwood Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Banned
Notes: Inappropriate content for age level
Family Honor
Author: Parker, Robert B.
Synopsis: A female private investigator, who happens to be a former police
officer, and her sidekick work together on a case in Boston. Their assignment –
finding a 15-year-old girl who has run away from her wealthy parents. The
investigation leads them to uncover a criminal conspiracy that reaches to the top
of the state government.
School District: Westbrook ISD
School(s) Involved: K - 12 campus
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Student challenged. Moved to high school level.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 28
Fighting Ground, The
Author: Avi
Synopsis: On April 3, 1778, America is caught up in the Revolutionary War. On
this warm spring morning in New Jersey, a 13-year-old boy –Jonathan - and his
father are quietly tilling the sod on their farm. Unexpectedly, the quiet is
interrupted by the sound of an alarm ringing from the nearby tavern. Jonathan is
sent to find out what the trouble is. What he finds in the next 24 hours - when he
does fight in the War and is taken prisoner by three Hessian soldiers - changes
his understanding of war and life forever. The real war, he discovers, is being
fought within himself.
School District: Longview ISD
School(s) Involved: Ware Elementary School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: Challenged by faculty member
Flyy Girl
Author: Tyree, Omar
Synopsis: Tracy Ellison lives in Germantown, Pa., a predominantly Black,
middle-class neighborhood of Philadelphia. Tracy’s teenage problems stem
mainly from boys, courting, kissing, and sex. The book chronicles her coming of
age with a variety of men. Her life is turned around when she sees what
happens to the older sister of her neighbor, Rhaheema, who has become a crack
whore. The moral of the book is that virtue is rewarded; vice punished.
School District: Longview ISD
School(s) Involved: Longview High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Challenged by parent
Author: Blume, Judy
Synopsis: This story of first love between teens involves sexual activity,
separation and loyalty, parental relationships, and other young adult issues
surrounding romantic relationships.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 29
School District: Cranfills Gap ISD
School(s) Involved: none specified
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: Challenge by administrators
School District: Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD (Bedford)
School(s) Involved: Harwood Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: The book was found to be appropriate at the high school level, grades
Free Fall
Author: Sweeny, Joyce
Synopsis: The story takes place in the danger zone where high crimes and
extreme sports clash. It is a non-stop adventure that moves from the frozen
mountaintops of Wyoming to the cavernous archives of the FBI, and from the
siren-haunted Los Angeles streets to the jungles of Thailand.
School District: Angleton ISD
School(s) Involved: Elementary Schools (5th grade)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “This book is part of the recommended accelerated reading book
program. It's restricted to intermediate campus with written parental concent.”
Friday Night Lights – A Town, A Team, and a Dream
Author: Bissinger, H. G.
Synopsis: Focused on the mania for high school football in a small Texas town –
Odessa – the story examines the town’s social values, racism and other
prejudices, and the subordination of education to the all consuming priority of
victory on the gridiron.
School District: Kemp ISD
School(s) Involved: Kemp Intermediate School; Kemp Jr. High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 30
Froggy's Halloween
Author: London, Jonathon
Synopsis: Froggy can’t decide what to be for Halloween. He finally decides on
being the Frog Prince, but he has no idea what problems this costume will cause
for him.
School District: Goose Creek CSD (Baytown)
School(s) Involved: All schools in district
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Sexual harrassment; teaches reader a nasty rhyme; imagery of exposing
another person's genitalia. Decision pending legal investigation of violation of
district's zero tolerance policy for sexual harrassment.”
Gay Rights
Author: Roleff, Lamara L.
Synopsis: This book examines both sides of the debate on gay rights, from
homosexual marriage to gays in the military to child custody to equal protection
under the law. The arguments pro and con are presented thoughtfully so that the
young reader can consider both sides and prepare a well-reasoned assignment.
School District: Fort Bend ISD (Sugar Land)
School(s) Involved: George H. Bush High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent complained about book. School formed a reconsideraton
committee. Decided to keep the book on the shelf. Parent did not return for
further discussion.”
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts
Author: Sherman, Josepha
Synopsis: The book is a study of the songs, insults, jokes, and offensive rhymes
invented or passed around by children in North America, but paralleled by
children all over the world. In three sections--"Getting Down to Basics," "Dealing
with Authority," and "The Commercial World" --the authors combine humor and
serious commentary on subjects such as bodily functions, death, pregnancy, and
school to parents, friends, and "The Life and Deaths of Barney."
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 31
School District: Killeen ISD
School(s) Involved: Fairway Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content;
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Other=Homosexual content, religious content, drug references. “This
was a parent complaint who was given the district paperwork to fill out and never
did follow through. The librarian now keeps the book as reference.”
Author: Gardner, John
Synopsis: This classic from John Gardner re-tells the story of Beowulf from the
monster's point of view.
School District: Ranger ISD
School(s) Involved: Pearce High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Objection made after book was read. No action taken.” Objection from
parent and student.
Harry Blackmun (Supreme Court Justices)
Author: Deegan, Paul and Italia, Bob
Synopsis: Book for readers ages 9-12 about U. S. Supreme Court Justice Harry
Blackmun, author of the Roe v. Wade decision.
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Pine Forest Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Challenged by parent. “Parent thought discussion of Roe vs. Wade and
the abortion issue was inappropriate for elementary grade level.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 32
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Author: Rowling, J. K.
Synopsis: In one of the most hotly anticipated sequels in memory, J.K. Rowling
takes up where she left off with Harry's second year at the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. Old friends and new torments abound, including a spirit
named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girl’s bathroom, an outrageously
conceited professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, and a mysterious force that turns
Hogwart students to stone.
School District: Blue Ridge ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Unofficial challenge. Parents wrote notes to principal who sent them to
me. Did not get to paperwork stage. After two weeks, both parents allowed their
children to read books.”
School District: Carrollton-Farmers ISD (Carrollton)
School(s) Involved: Farmers Branch Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other=Religious content. “Situation arose in early November. Parent
went to see the movie when it came out and never pursued the challenge
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Hays Elementary, Alamo Elementary, Burleson Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Fayetteville ISD
School(s) Involved: none specified
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 33
School District: Florence ISD
School(s) Involved: Florence Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “All of the Harry Potter books were removed by an administrator without
following district procedure. District policy was followed and a formal request for
reconsideration was never initiated. The books were replaced without
School District: Forney ISD
School(s) Involved: Clayborn Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Friendswood ISD
School(s) Involved: Cline Elementary, Westwood Elementary, Bales
Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Ft. Stockton ISD
School(s) Involved: Alamo Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Parent called principal and requested that Harry Potter books not be
read or discussed in her childrens' classrooms. Principal notified teachers.”
School District: Garrison ISD
School(s) Involved: Garrison Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was considered an informal challenge by a high school teacher.”
School District: Hempstead ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 34
School District: Hondo ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “The books are still in our libraries and can be checked out by anyone,
but a teacher is not allowed to read aloud in his/her classroom any part of any
Harry Potter book.”
School District: Huntsville ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School (grades 7-8)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Use for one student was restricted
School District: Morton ISD
School(s) Involved: Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Copy of book given to minister that I purchased. The Librarian had a
reading group for alternative while teacher read it to students. No further
School District: Pampa ISD
School(s) Involved: Pampa Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenge is at Level I campus appeal as of 3-26-02.”
School District: Princeton ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
School District: Ranger ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Motion was made to remove the books from the library but died for lack
of a second. 1/17/02 board meeting.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 35
School District: Seguin ISD
School(s) Involved: Vogel Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “The student was not exposed to the book in the classroom or library.”
Book title reported as "Harry Potter". Librarian was unable to determine which
specific title is in question.
School District: Sharyland ISD
School(s) Involved: Martinez Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Author: Rowling, J. K.
Synopsis: Harry is in his fourth year at Hogwarts, when he attends the Quidditch
World Cup with Ron and Hermione during the summer. Back at school,
someone mysteriously enters Harry's name to compete in the dangerous "Tri-
Wizard Tournament."
School District: Blue Ridge ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Unofficial challenge. Parents wrote notes to principal who sent them to
me. Did not get to paperwork stage. After two weeks, both parents allowed their
children to read books.”
School District: Carrollton-Farmers ISD (Carrollton)
School(s) Involved: Farmers Branch Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other=Religious content. “Situation arose in early November. Parent
went to see the movie when it came out and never pursued the challenge
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 36
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Hays Elementary, Alamo Elementary, Burleson Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Florence ISD
School(s) Involved: Florence Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “All of the Harry Potter books were removed by an administrator without
following district procedure. District policy was followed and a formal request for
reconsideration was never initiated. The books were replaced without
School District: Forney ISD
School(s) Involved: Clayborn Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Friendswood ISD
School(s) Involved: Cline Elementary, Westwood Elementary, Bales
Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Ft. Stockton ISD
School(s) Involved: Alamo Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Parent called principal and requested that Harry Potter books not be
read or discussed in her childrens' classrooms. Principal notified teachers.”
School District: Garrison ISD
School(s) Involved: Garrison Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was considered an informal challenge by a high school teacher.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 37
School District: Hempstead ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Hondo ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “The books are still in our libraries and can be checked out by anyone,
but a teacher is not allowed to read aloud in his/her classroom any part of any
Harry Potter book.”
School District: Huntsville ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School (grades 7-8)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Use for one student was restricted.”
School District: Morton ISD
School(s) Involved: Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Copy of book given to minister that I purchased. The Librarian had a
reading group for alternative while teacher read it to students. No further
School District: Pampa ISD
School(s) Involved: Pampa Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenge is at Level I campus appeal as of 3-26-02.”
School District: Princeton ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 38
School District: Ranger ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Motion was made to remove the books from the library but died for lack
of a second. 1/17/02 board meeting.”
School District: Sharyland ISD
School(s) Involved: Martinez Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Author: Rowling, J. K.
Synopsis: Harry Potter’s is in his third year at Hogwarts. For twelve long years,
the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black.
Convicted of killing 13 people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir
apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Now he has escaped, leaving only two
clues as to where he might be headed. Harry Potter's defeat of “You-Know-Who”
was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in
his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts - he's at Hogwarts." Harry Potter isn't safe, not even
within the walls of his magical school and surrounded by his friends, because on
top of it all, there may well be a traitor in their midst.
School District: Blue Ridge ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Unofficial challenge. Parents wrote notes to principal who sent them to
me. Did not get to paperwork stage. After two weeks, both parents allowed their
children to read books.”
School District: Carrollton-Farmers ISD (Carrollton)
School(s) Involved: Farmers Branch Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other=Religious content. “Situation arose in early November. Parent
went to see the movie when it came out and never pursued the challenge
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 39
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Hays Elementary, Alamo Elementary, Burleson Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Hempstead ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Huntsville ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School (grades 7-8)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Use for one student was restricted.”
School District: Florence ISD
School(s) Involved: Florence Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “All of the Harry Potter books were removed by an administrator without
following district procedure. District policy was followed and a formal request for
reconsideration was never initiated. The books were replaced without
School District: Forney ISD
School(s) Involved: Clayborn Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Friendswood ISD
School(s) Involved: Cline Elementary, Westwood Elementary, Bales
Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 40
School District: Ft. Stockton ISD
School(s) Involved: Alamo Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Parent called principal and requested that Harry Potter books not be
read or discussed in her childrens' classrooms. Principal notified teachers.”
School District: Garrison ISD
School(s) Involved: Garrison Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was considered an informal challenge by a high school teacher.”
School District: Hondo ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “The books are still in our libraries and can be checked out by anyone,
but a teacher is not allowed to read aloud in his/her classroom any part of any
Harry Potter book.”
School District: Morton ISD
School(s) Involved: Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Copy of book given to minister that I purchased. The Librarian had a
reading group for alternative while teacher read it to students. No further
School District: Pampa ISD
School(s) Involved: Pampa Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenge is at Level I campus appeal as of 3-26-02.”
School District: Princeton ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 41
School District: Ranger ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Motion was made to remove the books from the library but died for lack
of a second. 1/17/02 board meeting.”
School District: Sharyland ISD
School(s) Involved: Martinez Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Author: Rowling, J. K.
Synopsis: Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's
being raised by his miserable muggle aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will
learn that he's a wizard, just as his parents were. But everything changes when
Harry is summoned to attend an infamous school for wizards and he begins to
discover some clues about his illustrious birthright. From the surprising way he is
greeted by a lovable giant, to the unique curriculum and colorful faculty at his
unusual school, Harry finds himself drawn deep inside a mystical world he never
knew existed and closer to his own noble destiny.
School District: Blue Ridge ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Unofficial challenge. Parents wrote notes to principal who sent them to
me. Did not get to paperwork stage. After two weeks, both parents allowed their
children to read books.”
School District: Carrollton-Farmers ISD (Carrollton)
School(s) Involved: Farmers Branch Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other=Religious content. “Situation arose in early November. Parent
went to see the movie when it came out and never pursued the challenge
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 42
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Hays Elementary, Alamo Elementary, Burleson Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Florence ISD
School(s) Involved: Florence Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “All of the Harry Potter books were removed by an administrator without
following district procedure. District policy was followed and a formal request for
reconsideration was never initiated. The books were replaced without
School District: Forney ISD
School(s) Involved: Clayborn Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Friendswood ISD
School(s) Involved: Cline Elementary, Westwood Elementary, Bales
Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Ft. Stockton ISD
School(s) Involved: Alamo Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Parent called principal and requested that Harry Potter books not be
read or discussed in her childrens' classrooms. Principal notified teachers.”
School District: Garrison ISD
School(s) Involved: Garrison Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was considered an informal challenge by a high school teacher.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 43
School District: Gatesville ISD
School(s) Involved: Gatesville Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Student and parent selected an alternate book to their satisfaction.
Parent was a district employee.”
School District: Gregory-Portland ISD (Gregory)
School(s) Involved: W. C. Andrews Elementary School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Hempstead ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
School District: Hondo ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “The books are still in our libraries and can be checked out by anyone,
but a teacher is not allowed to read aloud in his/her classroom any part of any
Harry Potter book.”
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Garcia
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “Alternate book allowed for one student only; challenged by parent.”
School District: Huntsville ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School (grades 7-8)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Use for one student was restricted
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 44
School District: Lewisville ISD
School(s) Involved: Indian Creek Elementary
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Morton ISD
School(s) Involved: Elementary School
Setting: Library,Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Copy of book given to minister that I purchased. The Librarian had a
reading group for alternative while teacher read it to students. No further
School District: Pampa ISD
School(s) Involved: Pampa Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenge is at Level I campus appeal as of 3-26-02.”
School District: Princeton ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Use restricted
School District: Ranger ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Motion was made to remove the books from the library but died for lack
of a second. 1/17/02 board meeting”
School District: Sharyland ISD
School(s) Involved: Martinez Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 45
School District: Willis ISD
School(s) Involved: Lynn Lucas Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent complained on the last day of instruction using the book.”
Hawk O' Toole's Hostage
Author: Brown, Sandra
Synopsis: Hawk O’ Toole kidnaps Miranda Price, the ex-wife of a government
official, and her son as they travel on a train out West. Miranda will do anything
to save her child despite feelings she has for the man who holds her hostage. . .
even if it means facing up to a shocking revelation that will make her question her
past, her choices, and the woman she's become.
School District: Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
School(s) Involved: Nixon-Smiley High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Teacher turned in book.”
Heaven in a Wildflower
Author: Hagan, Patricia
Synopsis: The novel is Civil War era historical fiction about a feisty plantation
owner’s daughter, Anjele Sinclair. Anjele leaves home to attend school in
England, and returns to find that her illicit lover Gator is fighting for the enemy in
the war.
School District: Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
School(s) Involved: Nixon-Smiley High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 46
Hobbit, The
Author: Tolkien, J.R.R.
Synopsis: This essential prelude to J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterwork "The Lord
of the Rings," answers the essential question: how did Bilbo Baggins get the One
Ring? Whisked away from his comfortable life in his hobbit-hole by Gandalf the
wizard and a company of dwarfs, Bilbo Baggins finds himself caught up in a plot
to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent - a large and very dangerous
School District: Willis ISD
School(s) Involved: Lynn Lucas Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Mysticism/paganism
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “Only one family challenged the book out of 60 students. After the
alternate assignment was made, the matter was dropped.”
Holding Me Here
Author: Conrad, Pam
Synopsis: A mysterious boarder named Mary Walker moves into the house of
14-year-old Robin. Robin sneaks into Mary’s room and reads her journal only to
find she has a family in another town. Robin decides to try and reunite Mary with
her family, not knowing that doing so will put her life in jeopardy.
School District: Keller ISD
School(s) Involved: Indian Springs Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Parent did not turn in the form until the last day of school; thus the
committee has not had a chance to convene to review the book.”
Homophobia: A History
Author: Fore, Byrne
Synopsis: The book is a literary chronicle of the history of homophobia.
School District: Fort Bend ISD (Sugarland)
School(s) Involved: George H. Bush High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 47
Author: Dunbar, Robert E.
Synopsis: The book is a history of the gay rights movement for young readers.
Chapter topics include "Society and Homosexual Orientation," "What Science
Can Tell Us," "The Gay Revolution," "Religious Views," "The Charlie Howard
Murder" (an accounting of a 1984 hate crime), "Homosexuality and the Law," and
"Weighing Both Sides."
School District: Fort Bend ISD (Sugar Land)
School(s) Involved: George H. Bush High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Retained without restriction
I Had Seen Castles
Author: Rylant, Cynthia
Synopsis: Despite the urging of his girlfriend Ginny to become a conscientious
objector, John Dante eagerly joins the service during World War II. The graphic
descriptions of battle and casualties are horrifying, and, although John survives
his war experience, his ability to lead a normal life has been permanently
damaged. His post-war thoughts as a retired professor in Canada, on war and
life, end the story with an affecting air of acceptance and resignation.
School District: Killeen ISD
School(s) Involved: Fairway Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was a parent complaint who was given the district paperwork to fill
out and never did follow through. There was one word "breast" in the book that
the parent did not like. The librarian now keeps the book as reference.”
I Hadn't Meant to Tell You
Author: Woodson, Jacqueline
Synopsis: Two 12-year-old girls - one white, one black - have recently lost their
mothers, and both must learn to deal with race and family issues. A friendship
develops between the girls, and in exploring their differences, both of their lives
are transformed.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 48
School District: Socorro ISD
School(s) Involved: Jane A. Hambric School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content; Violence/horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “District's request for reconsideration of educational materials form was
filed by a parent. The parent suggested that the book be restricted to higher
grade level students. The review committee agreed and the book is restricted to
grades 6 and up.”
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Author: Angelou, Maya
Synopsis: The story is the autobiography of Maya Angelou. A distinguished
African American poet recounts the anguish of her Arkansas childhood, and her
adolescence in northern slums. In one incident, she becomes pregnant against
her will.
School District: Bandera ISD
School(s) Involved: Bandera High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Alternate book allowed
School District: Boys Ranch ISD
School(s) Involved: Boys Ranch High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content; Violence/horror
Result: Alternate book allowed
If It Doesn't Kill You
Author: Bechard, Margaret
Synopsis: High school freshman Ben should be enjoying playing football,
meeting girls, and going to parties, but he's too busy trying to cope with his
father's moving out to live with another man. In this look at the emotional life of a
suburban jock, Bechard gives readers a likable protagonist with a lot going on
under the surface. Ben struggles to balance his own conflicted feelings about his
Dad with the messages he gets from the testosterone-infused world of male high
school athletes.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 49
School District: Lamar CISD (Rosenberg)
School(s) Involved: Navarro Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “The campus committee voted to retain the book. The parent challenging
the book has appealed the decision. It is still in the process of appeal.”
Author: King, Stephen
Synopsis: Ralph Roberts has been having hallucinations since his wife died;
but, can they be hallucinations when his neighbor shares them? Ralph lives in
Derry, Maine, where awesome and terrifying forces are at work. Ralph is now
caught up in the weird and unnatural happenings along with his friends.
School District: McAllen ISD
School(s) Involved: Travis Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: “Book removed only from the middle school. Parent challenged this.”
Author: King, Stephen
Synopsis: It (Derry) is a small town that is haunted by a mysterious evil force.
Several people stumble upon the horror as teenagers, then leave town to seek
success in the world. As adults, they are drawn back to Derry mysteriously to
once again face the nightmare.
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Vidor High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Banned
Notes: “Student brought it to a teacher's attention, and teacher showed the
It's Not the End of the World
Author: Blume, Judy
Synopsis: When her parents divorce, Karen, a sixth grader struggles to
understand that sometimes people are unable to live together.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 50
School District: Texline ISD
School(s) Involved: Texline Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Keeping the Moon
Author: Dessen, Sarah
Synopsis: Former fat girl Colie Sparks arrives in her aunt's small town of Colby,
North Carolina, physically fit but still haunted by memories of years of humiliation.
Colie finds friendship with two waitresses, Morgan and Isabel, from the Last
Chance Café and with a shy, artistic young man named Norman. Wacky yet
wise, Morgan and Isabel help Colie see herself in a new way and realize the
potential that has been there all along.
School District: Clear Creek ISD (League City)
School(s) Involved: League City Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenged by a parent. The reconsideration process is currently under
way. A decision has not yet been made on the campus level.”
Killer's Cousin, The
Author: Werlin, Nancy
Synopsis: After being acquitted of the murder of his girlfriend, David, a 17-year-
old, goes to live with his aunt and uncle in another city for his senior year in high
school in order to escape media attention and the skepticism of his friends and
neighbors. His cousin Lily, aged 11, resents the intrusion, especially since he is
staying in the room of her dead sister – a room she feels should be hers. David
sees Lily’s hostility as a reflection of her upbringing in a dysfunctional family, and
her repeated taunts cause him to believe that she is an evil person capable of
violent acts.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 51
School District: Plano ISD
School(s) Involved: Haggard Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content;
Result: Banned
Notes: “Parent objected to storyline which dealt with teenagers killing. Parents
cited inappropriate language and references to sexual relations of parents.
Parent felt the book inappropriate to the middle school level in light of news
reports on teenagers killing relatives and other young people. The school
committe voted to retain the book; however the parent filed an appeal at the
district level. The district committee recommended that the book be removed
from the middle school libraries and retained at the 9-12 grade levels.”
Killing Mr. Griffin
Author: Duncan, Lois
Synopsis: A group of students kidnap their teacher, Mr. Griffin, to teach him a
“lesson”. Their plans go awry and Mr. Griffin dies, leaving the students in a
morass of lies and guilt.
School District: Anahuac ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Use restricted
School District: Garland ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Decision pending
Love One Another - the Last Days of Jesus
Author: Wyehaco, Elizabeth
Synopsis: The story of Jesus' last days on earth - for young readers, including
Jesus' interaction with the downtrodden, the outcasts, and his disciples, and his
crucifixion and resurrection.
School District: Seguin ISD
School(s) Involved: Even Start
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Reason = Specific religious focus
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 52
Mick Harte Was Here
Author: Park, Barbara
Synopsis: Phoebe Harte, age 13, describes the death of her brother Mick in a
bicycle accident. Her grief runs the gamut of emotions – shock, rage,
disassociation, and angry rantings against God. Phoebe believes that if only
Mick had worn a helmet, he would have survived the accident.
School District: Hallsville ISD
School(s) Involved: Hallsville Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “The book was challenged on the way it treated death and grief through
the eyes of a 13 year old girl. The book was retained and another book on grief,
which the parent liked, was added to our library also.”
Midsummer Night's Dream, A
Author: Shakespeare, William
Synopsis: Shakespeare’s most popular work for children is a comedy involving a
magical love potion, two sets of lovers, an amateur theatrical group, and the King
and Queen of the fairies on a midsummer night in an enchanted forest.
School District: Hutto ISD
School(s) Involved: Hutto Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Alternate book allowed
Moon Mother
Author: Young, Ed
Synopsis: The story is a creation tale incorporating the mythology of North
American Native Americans.
School District: Goose Creek CSD (Baytown)
School(s) Involved: Stephen F. Austin
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content; Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Other = Non-Biblical story of creation
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 53
Nathan's Run
Author: Gilstrap, John
Synopsis: Twelve-year-old Nathan Bailey is orphaned, alone, and accused of
murdering a police officer. He becomes the target of a nationwide manhunt, is
targeted by a hit man, and must plead his case to a rapt nation via an interested
talk radio show host.
School District: McKinney ISD
School(s) Involved: McKinney North High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Violence/horror
Result: Retained without restriction
New Grolier Encyclopedia of World War II, Vol. 8
Author: Grolier
Synopsis: An overview of World War II with references.
School District: Grand Prairie ISD
School(s) Involved: Dickinson
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content; Violence/horror
Result: Retained without restriction
Author: Wiesel, Elie
Synopsis: Elie Wiesel recants the true story of his experiences in Nazi
concentration camps during World War Two.
School District: Lake Travis ISD (Austin)
School(s) Involved: Lake Travis Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language; Violence/horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Use restricted to select 7th grade students who receive teacher
guidance in interpreting the book.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 54
Nothing But the Truth
Author: Avi
Synopsis: Freshman Philip Malloy is a good student but his English grade is
keeping him off the track team. Another problem Philip has is his treatment of
the national anthem during homeroom: he hums along instead of abiding by the
school rule of “respectful, silent attention”. His confrontation with his
homeroom/English teacher ends in a two-day suspension; but the media
attention this problem receives erroneously labels the problem as a denial of his
patriotic rights. The author shows how well meaning people can generate
misinformation by not listening and misinterpreting the facts.
School District: Community ISD (Nevada)
School(s) Involved: Community Intermediate School, Community Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “This was a verbal challenge from a parent.”
Off to Sea
Author: Stine, Richard
Synopsis: A book about contemporary romance that covers the topics of
infatuation, separation, and reconciliation.
School District: Seguin ISD
School(s) Involved: Even Start
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Banned
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Author: Kesey, Ken
Synopsis: In this eloquent statement of human individuality, a sane but
rebellious man is placed in an insane asylum where he turns the very notion of
insanity upside down. Boisterous and ribald, this is the unforgettable story of a
mental ward and its inhabitants, including the tyrannical Big Nurse Ratchet and
Randle Patrick McMurphy - the brawling, fun-loving new inmate who resolves to
oppose her.
School District: Anahuac ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 55
Past Forgiving
Author: Miklowitz, Gloria D.
Synopsis: Alex, age 15, thinks she is so lucky to have a boyfriend like Cliff -
gorgeous, polite, popular, talented. She wants to please him so much that she
excuses his controlling behavior, his angry outbursts and his jealousy. She finally
draws the line when he expects to be forgiven for raping her on a date. The story
is an excellent example of abusive relationships.
School District: McKinney ISD
School(s) Involved: Walker Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Other = Age inappropriate. “The campus review committee at Walker
discussed this book in committee following an official challenge by a parent. The
committee decided that the book would better serve students at a middle or high
school level so the book was sent to a middle school collection and removed
from Walker.”
Patriot Games
Author: Clancy, Tom
Synopsis: An ultra-left-wing faction of the IRA has targeted a CIA analyst for
stifling an assassination attempt on the life of Prince Charles salvation in an
assassination attempt. And now he must pay with his life.
School District: White Oak ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School (grades 6-8)
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Rainforest, The
Synopsis: The videotape depicts conditions and lifestyles in the Amazon River
basin. Human inhabitants, flora, and fauna are visually described in native
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 56
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Jackson Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Challenged item is a video. “Video shows nudity in Amazon Indians. The
video is labeled to preview first so part containing nudity can be skipped.
Challenged by teacher. This was not a challenge but a teacher did bring this to
my attention to let me know.”
Reckless Homicide
Author: Genbert, Ira
Synopsis: Two brothers, one (Michael) a high-powered corporate attorney, the
other (Charlie) a prescription drug abuser grieving his daughter’s death become
involved in legal difficulties. After helping Charlie falsify a drug test so he can
return to being a pilot, Michael is forced to defend himself from a claim of
reckless homicide when Charlie crashes the plane. Family issues and romantic
liaisons complicate the plot.
School District: Seguin ISD
School(s) Involved: Saegert Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Road to Nowhere
Author: Pike, Christopher
Synopsis: Teresa Chafey is running away from home when she picks up two
mysterious hitchhikers, Poppy Corn and Freedom Jack. As they ride along the
California coast they tell stories: Teresa of her devastating relationship with her
boyfriend, Poppy of a sad young woman she once knew, and Freedom of a
talented young man with a violent temper. Yet as they talk, a darker story
unfolds around them.
School District: Spring Branch ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Memorial Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content; Violence/horror; Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = crime, violence,and drug addiction
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 57
Robots Are Coming, and Other Problems, The
Author: Rash, Andy
Synopsis: The book is a witty, bizarre collection of poems about monsters,
robots, abominable snowmen, werewolves, etc. The author’s off-beat humor is
punctuated by his creative gouache and ink illustrations.
School District: Keller ISD
School(s) Involved: North Riverside Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other= Inappropriate material for grade level. “Committee decision to
leave book in collection; no changes.”
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Author: Taylor, Mildred D.
Synopsis: Cassie, a young black girl, and her family struggle to hold on to their
land in the rural South during the depression. Her father works away from home,
leaving her mother to run the farm and resist fear and panic as they face a year
of night riders and burnings.
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Travis Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Conference with parent to explain remarks; parent was satisfied.”
School District: Pflugerville ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Alternate book allowed
Rose Madder
Author: King, Stephen
Synopsis: Rose Daniels flees her nightmare marriage to seek refuge in a
strange city, far from her brutal husband. Her husband Norman is a police officer
whose relentless savagery and mad obsessions cause him to follow her to her
sanctuary and drive her to transform herself to survive.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 58
School District: Westbrook ISD
School(s) Involved: K - 12 campus
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content;
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Student challenged. “Being and accelerated reading book, we changed
reading level to high school.”
Rosie and Michael
Author: Viorst, Judith
Synopsis: Rosie and Michael are best friends. Writing in the first person,
Michael and Rosie each describe their friendship, which includes fun - but also
teasing, practical jokes, forgiveness, and acceptance.
School District: Pasadena ISD
School(s) Involved: Young Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent felt that the delivery of the message in the book was out of touch
with today's issues. Illustrations were inappropriate.”
Author: Myers, Walter Dean
Synopsis: After his older brother is jailed for murder, 13-year-old Jamal takes
over as leader of the “Scorpion” gang. Jamal tries to get money to bail his
brother out of jail.
School District: Rockdale ISD
School(s) Involved: Rockdale Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Other = Gangs. “A second grade girl chose to check out a book that was
not on her reading level and interest level. The book is on the Accelerated
Reading Program. The author is well known.”
Seventeen Magazine
Synopsis: Monthly magazine targeting teenage girls including fashion, makeup,
fiction, and dating advice.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 59
School District: Friendswood ISD
School(s) Involved: Friendswood High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Retained without restriction
Shadow Boxer
Author: Lynch, Chris
Synopsis: In the five years since their father's death from accumulated boxing
injuries, 14-year-old George has earnestly taught his younger brother Monty how
to fight--but not how to stop fighting. Now, to his dismay, and his mother's, Monty
is growing up in his dad's image, with ``the heart of a lion and the head of a
starfish,'' sneaking away to their Uncle Archie's gym to train, going off on his own,
coming home with the marks of street fights. The shadow of the father is finally
dispelled by his friend and trainer, Uncle Archie, but is only laid to rest by the final
conflict between the sons. The final round of the novel produces two champions,
as the brothers put the past in perspective.
School District: Anahuac ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Silent to the Bone
Author: Konigsburg, E. L.
Synopsis: After calling 911 to report that his baby sister has stopped breathing,
young teen Branwell Zamborska stops speaking, is suspected of causing his
sister’s injury, and is put in a juvenile center. Told through the eyes of his best
friend, the quest to solve the mystery of what really happened involves the
attractive English “au pair” who lived with the family.
School District: Kress ISD
School(s) Involved: Kress Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Banned
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 60
Author: Mazer, Norma Fox
Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Sarabeth Silver dreads going to a snobby school
where all the girls are rich and pretty. But she soon learns that looks aren't
everything when her clique of friends confides its problems. (ALA Best Book for
Young Adults).
School District: Pleasant Grove ISD
School(s) Involved: Pleasant Grove Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Reason = age inappropriate
Smoky Night
Author: Bunting, Eve
Synopsis: This Caldecott Medal book is an attempt by the author to try and
understand how the Los Angeles riots affected children who lived through them.
It is a story about cats -- and people -- who couldn't get along until a smoky and
fearful night brings them together.
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Pine Forest Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/horror
Result: Banned
Notes: “Teacher brought it to the librarian's attention.”
Snow Falling on Cedars
Author: Guterson, David
Synopsis: Centered around the post World War II murder trial of a Japanese-
American man accused of murdering his colleague, a fisherman, the plot also
traces the personal histories of the main characters. The story deals with
Japanese internment during the war and race relations in a small, mixed race
community. It is also an intriguing mystery with an interesting twist at the end of
the trial.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 61
School District: Richardson ISD
School(s) Involved: Lake Highlands High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “Student's parent complained; however, student read book anyway even
though an alternate book was on the list and allowed.”
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Vidor Junior High
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: Parent challenge
Song of Solomon
Author: Morrison, Toni
Synopsis: Macon Dead is an upper-class Northern black businessman trying to
insulate his family from the danger and despair of the common blacks with whom
he shares the neighborhood. The book follows Milkman Dead, Macon’s son, as
he struggles to understand his family history and the ways in which that history
has both been damaged by and transcended the horror of slavery.
School District: Little Elm ISD
School(s) Involved: Little Elm High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Committee is still meeting; believe students will be given a choice - read
it or another.”
Author: Peck, Robert Newton
Synopsis: Soup’s real name was Luther, but he preferred “Soup”, and became
incensed when anyone called him Luther. Soup busts his pal’s lip for calling him
Luther, but the two become best friends and engage in several acts of childish
vandalism together - breaking windows, for example. The story describes their
childhood adventures together.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 62
School District: Seguin ISD
School(s) Involved: W.B. Ball Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Language; Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Reason = Talks about learning to smoke. “Per parent request the book is
restricted from his student.”
Squeeze Play
Author: Freeman, Mark
Synopsis: Three baseball players from Rosemont High School take the minor
leagues by storm, but worry over getting into spring training with the majors.
School District: Santa Fe ISD
School(s) Involved: Santa Fe Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “The Reconsideration Committee unnanimously agreed to leave the book
in the library.”
Stories from Africa
Author: Dolch, Marguerite P.
Synopsis: The book is a collection of folk tales from Africa, from the “Folklore of
the World” series.
School District: Kerrville ISD
School(s) Involved: Starkey Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: “Parent objected to creation myth told folklore in book because it
conflicted with personal belief.”
Stormy Night
Author: Lemieux, Michele
Synopsis: The author’s exquisite, inventive drawings imaginatively illustrate the
Big Questions racing through a girl's mind as she lies in bed on a stormy night.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 63
School District: Vidor ISD
School(s) Involved: Pine Forest Elementary
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: “Teacher brought it to the librarian's attention.”
Taming the Star Runner
Author: Hinton, S. E.
Synopsis: Travis, a cool city kid, is sent to stay with his uncle on his ranch in the
country, finds that his schoolmates don’t appreciate his city ways. He does find
friendship with Casey who runs the riding school at the ranch. She's the bravest
person Travis has ever met and crazy enough to try to tame the Star Runner, her
beautiful, dangerous horse who's always on edge, about to explode. It's clear to
Travis that he and the Star Runner are two of a kind - creatures not meant to be
School District: Cherokee ISD
School(s) Involved: All schools in district
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Ireland Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: Book transferred to Nimitz Jr. High
School District: Lamar CISD (Rosenberg)
School(s) Involved: Austin Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: “The book was challenged by a parent. It was determined by the
committee that the book was more appropriate for the junior high schools.”
Team Picture
Author: Hughes, Dean
Synopsis: Story of the relationship between a young runaway and the alcoholic
hotel bellman who becomes his foster parent. A subplot involves the young
man’s baseball team and complicated romantic relationships.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 64
School District: Canadian ISD
School(s) Involved: Baker Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: The challenge was issued by a parent.
Teenage Guys Survival Guide, The
Author: Daldry, Jeremy
Synopsis: The book is a humorous guide for boys ages 10 - 14, offering advice
on dating, sex, body changes, and social life. There is advice on everything -
asking a girl out on a date, selecting clothes, managing the changes in your
body, and coping with the rigors of the social scene.
School District: Culberson County-Allamore ISD (Van Horn)
School(s) Involved: Van Horn Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: “A teacher noticed that several boys were huddled around a book. She
noticed what the sexual content of the book was. She brought it to the principal.”
Then Again, Maybe I Won't
Author: Blume, Judy
Synopsis: Tony Miglione’s life changed forever when his father became rich
from an invention. His family moved to a rich neighborhood on Long Island. He
has a new friend named Joel who shoplifts. Joel has a 16-year-old sister who
undresses in front of her window. And then there’s Grandma who won’t come
down from her bedroom. Besides his new life, Tony has questions about
growing up.
School District: Celina ISD
School(s) Involved: Celina Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content
Result: Banned
Notes: Challenged by parent
There's a Bat in Bunk Five
Author: Danzinger, Paula
Synopsis: Fourteen-year old Marcy, a junior counselor at a creative arts camp,
is involved in a series of madcap adventures.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 65
School District: Marble Falls ISD
School(s) Involved: Marble Falls Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content
Result: Banned
Notes: “Felt that this book was not appropriate for this age group.”
Third Eye, The
Author: Duncan, Lois
Synopsis: High school senior Karen worries that her psychic powers will make
her seem different from other people. She is frightened at first when a young
policeman asks her to use her gift to help the police locate missing children.
School District: Ector County ISD (Odessa)
School(s) Involved: Ireland Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Decision pending
Notes: Paperwork is pending on the reason for objection.
Tiger Eyes
Author: Blume, Judy
Synopsis: After Davey's father is killed in a hold-up, she and her mother and
younger brother visit relatives in New Mexico. Here Davey is befriended by a
young man who helps her find the strength to carry on and conquer her fears.
(Citations include “ALA Best Book for Young Adults” and “New York Times
Outstanding Children's Books of the Year”).
School District: Prairieland ISD
School(s) Involved: Deport Elementary/Junior High
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Time for Dancing, A
Author: Hurwin, Davida
Synopsis: Samantha and Juliana are dancers and best friends. They are
planning their future together in college - until Julie is diagnosed with lymphoma.
The disease proves to be a barrier to Samantha and Julie's once-close
relationship. The level of honesty between them is changed and challenged by
the illness, and while Sam tries to be a good friend, her fears and Julie's trials
move them ever farther apart until Julie seems entirely alone.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 66
School District: Graham ISD
School(s) Involved: Graham Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Notes: “Moved up to high school library.”
Time to Kill, A
Author: Grisham, John
Synopsis: After the brutal rape of his young daughter, a black man in Mississippi
takes the law into his own hands and murders one of the perpetrators. A white
attorney chooses to defend the man and faces threats from some in the
community for doing so.
School District: Gonzales ISD
School(s) Involved: Gonzales Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual Content; Violence/horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “A parent complained about the graphic rape of a child at the beginning of
the book. The book was removed from open shelving to a parental permission
check out.”
Author: Crichton, Michael
Synopsis: This story of high-tech time-travel adventure involves a visit to the
Middle Ages via a "quantum foam wormhole”. The time travelers encounter
castles, dungeons, giants, knights, and a guillotine.
School District: Judson ISD
School(s) Involved: Judson High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual content; Other
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: Homosexual content
To Be a Killer
Author: Bennett, Jay
Synopsis: Paul, a popular, very bright athlete, plots to murder his high school
science teacher who he feels caused his coach's death and who stands in the
way of a glorious future.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 67
School District: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
School(s) Involved: Bleyl Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Use restricted
Notes: Other = Too mature for 6th graders
To Kill a Mockingbird
Author: Lee, Harper
Synopsis: Attorney Atticus Finch defends a black man accused of murder in a
small town in the deep south during the ‘30’s. With unswerving honesty, the
story probes the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in that time
and place. Finch, with his quiet stamina and heroism, awakens the conscience of
a town steeped in prejudice, violence, and hypocrisy – but only to a point. (A
Pulitzer Prize winning novel).
School District: Van Vleck ISD
School(s) Involved: Van Vleck High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Other = Racial content
School District: Whitehouse ISD
School(s) Involved: Whitehouse High School
Setting: Curriculum
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Alternate book allowed
Notes: “In our district if a student is offended by material referenced in a book,
the student can select an alternate book and will be tested over that book. This
is what happened with this challenged book. The student was allowed to read
another book.”
Author: King, Stephen
Synopsis: A writer in a small New England village uncovers an ancient artifact,
and strange and terrifying events begin to happen in the town.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 68
School District: Waco ISD
School(s) Involved: A. J. Moore Academy
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Student will not check out other books by this author as requested by
Unprotected Witness, The
Author: Stevenson, James
Synopsis: Pete's father became part of the federal witness protection program.
Unfortunately, the program is fallible, and Pete's father has been murdered.
School District: Beaumont ISD
School(s) Involved: Caldwood Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Banned
Upstairs Room, The
Author: Reiss, Johanna
Synopsis: The novel is an autobiography about two young Dutch-Jewish sisters
during World War II who were separated from their family and forced to hide for
more than two years. They lived in the upstairs room of a remote farmhouse of a
peasant Gentile family. [Honors include1973 Newberry Honor Book, Notable
Children's Books of 1971–1975 (ALA), Best Books of 1972 (SLJ), Outstanding
Children's Books of 1972 (NYT), 1973 Jane Addams Award Honor Book,
Children's Books of 1972 (Library of Congress), The Buxtehude Bulla Prize 1976
(German Award for Outstanding Children's Book Promoting Peace), 1972 Jewish
Book Council Children's Book Award].
School District: Rockwall ISD
School(s) Involved: Virginia Reinhardt Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: A parent challenged the book. “A districtwide committee, comprised of
teachers, parents, community members and school administrators, determined
that the language challenged was appropriate for the character in the novel and
that the novel was appropriate as well as of value for upper elementary level
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 69
We All Fall Down
Author: Cormier, Robert
Synopsis: Jane Jerome and her family return home to find their home
vandalized, and 14-year-old Karen at the bottom of the stairs in a coma. The
“Avenger” has seen it all, and vows to track down the 4 teens responsible. In the
ensuing story, 3 disparate character’s lives converge in violent confrontations.
Important issues raised in this essentially moral novel include the dissolution of
family, societal violence, personal responsibility, and guilt.
School District: Anahuac ISD
School(s) Involved: Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Webster's Dictionary
Synopsis: Reference book.
School District: Godley ISD
School(s) Involved: High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: inclusion of the word "nigger"
What's Happening to My Body? Book for Boys, The
Author: Madaras, Lynda
Synopsis: The author and her daughter write a sensitive, detailed guide for boys
on the verge of adolescence.
School District: Motley County ISD (Matador)
School(s) Involved: none specified
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Content
What's Happening to My Body? Book for Girls, The
Author: Madaras, Lynda
Synopsis: The author and her daughter write a sensitive, detailed guide for girls
on the verge of adolescence.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 70
School District: Motley County ISD (Matador)
School(s) Involved: none specified
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Other
Result: Banned
Notes: Content
When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
Author: Holt, Kimberly Willis
Synopsis: A 13-year-old boy living in a small Texas town in 1971 is dealing with
abandonment by his mother who has run off to Nashville to become a singer, the
death of his best friend’s brother in Vietnam, and an unrequited crush on the
town beauty. When a 600-plus pound boy comes to town as part of a traveling
sideshow, the teen makes a friend that teaches him many important life lessons.
School District: Judson ISD
School(s) Involved: Olympia Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Sexual content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Only this child is restricted.”
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale
Author: Glenn, Mel
Synopsis: Told entirely in free-form poetry, a dual mystery and exploration into
contemporary high school life follows the investigation into the murder of an
English teacher and reveals the secret lives of several students.
School District: McKinney ISD
School(s) Involved: McKinney North High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Decision pending
School District: Perryton ISD
School(s) Involved: Perryton Junior High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Violence/horror
Result: Decision pending
Notes: “Challenge was received 4/2/02, and this report was due prior to a
committee meeting addressing the challenge.”
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 71
Author: Dahl, Roald
Synopsis: The 7-year-old hero of this story has been orphaned in an automobile
accident and lives with his aged, cigar-smoking grandmother, a retired
‘witchophile’. Even though she tells him everything he needs to know to identify
witches, he inadvertently finds himself in the midst of the annual convention of all
the witches of England and discovers The Grand High Witch's plot to destroy
every child in England. Before he can escape, he is turned (permanently) into a
mouse. With the help of his grandmother, he turns the tables on the coven and
the witches suffer the same fate.
School District: Celina ISD
School(s) Involved: Celina Intermediate School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Mysticism/Paganism
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Challenged by parent
Witness, The
Author: Brown, Sandra
Synopsis: Kendall Deaton is a public defender in the small town of Prosper,
South Carolina. She marries handsome hunk Matt Burnwood, expecting to live a
fairy tale life; but her life then changes. She is witness to a hideous event and is
running for her life.
School District: Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
School(s) Involved: Nixon-Smiley High School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language; Sexual Content
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Teacher turned in book.”
Wolf Rider
Author: Avi
Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Andy Zadinski risks his own safety to protect a young
woman while tracking down a stranger named Zeke, who he has been led to
believe has killed the woman.
2002 Banned and Challenged Books
Page 72
School District: Troup ISD
School(s) Involved: Troup Elementary School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Violence/Horror
Result: Use restricted
Yolanda's Genius
Author: Fenner, Carol
Synopsis: Yolanda is smart, tough, and big for her age. Her younger brother,
Andrew, doesn't talk very much and has trouble learning to read, but is able to
create beautiful music with the old harmonica left to him by their father. When
bullies destroy Andrew's cherished harmonica, it falls to Yolanda to replace the
instrument and reveal her brother's musical genius to the world. (1996 Newberry
Honor Book. 1996 ALA Notable Children's Book).
School District: Longview ISD
School(s) Involved: Hudson PEP School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Retained without restriction
Notes: Challenged by grandparent (guardian)
You Hear Me?
Author: Franco, Betsy, ed.
Synopsis: The poems and occasional brief essays in this book are all written by
boys aged twelve to twenty. The writings are concerned with issues of identity,
relationships with parents, friends, and girlfriends; and emotional maturation.
School District: Houston ISD
School(s) Involved: Jackson Middle School
Setting: Library
Reason Cited: Profanity/Inappropriate language
Result: Use restricted
Notes: “Use restricted to teachers. This was not a challenge but a teacher did
bring this to my attention to let me know.”
Title Index
Page 73
Adventures of Blue Avenger, The ... 9
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The
.................................................... 9
Adventures of Isabel, The ............. 10
Algebra I (Handbook for Texas
Students)................................... 10
Alice in Rapture, Sort of ................ 10
Alice on the Outside...................... 11
Amber Spy Glass, The.................. 11
Angela's Ashes ............................. 12
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal
Snogging: Confessions of Georgia
Nicolson .................................... 12
Are You There God It's Me Margaret
.................................................. 13
Attack of the Living Mask .............. 13
Back Roads .................................. 13
Bag of Bones ................................ 14
Beyond Gay or Straight................. 14
Bible, The...................................... 14
Billy ............................................... 15
Blood and Chocolate..................... 15
Bluest Eye, The............................. 16
Boy on a Black Horse, The ........... 16
Boy Who Lost His Face, The ........ 16
Brave New World.......................... 17
Breaking Boxes............................. 17
Brimstone Journals, The ............... 17
Bud, Not Buddy............................. 18
Bunnicula ...................................... 18
Chocolate War, The ...................... 19
Christmas in Heaven..................... 20
Comanche Moon........................... 20
Cosmos Coyote and William the
Nice ........................................... 20
Crazy Lady ....................................21
Cross Your Fingers Spit in Your Hat
Crosses .........................................21
Crossing, The................................22
Curses, Inc. ...................................22
Danger Zone .................................23
Daughters of Eve ..........................23
Dog Heaven ..................................23
Draw Me a Star .............................24
Drop Dead.....................................24
Educating Esme ............................25
Elements of Literature (3rd Course)
Evil Pen Pal, The...........................25
Exclusive .......................................26
Experiment, The............................26
Exploring Physical Science (Texas
Edition) ......................................26
Facts Speak for Themselves, The.27
Family Honor.................................27
Fighting Ground, The ....................28
Flyy Girl .........................................28
Free Fall ........................................29
Friday Night Lights – A Town, A
Team, and a Dream...................29
Froggy's Halloween.......................30
Gay Rights ....................................30
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts...........30
Grendel .........................................31
Title Index
Page 74
Harry Blackmun (Supreme Court
Justices) .................................... 31
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets ...................................... 32
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire35
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban .................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone......................................... 41
Hawk O' Toole's Hostage.............. 45
Heaven in a Wildflower ................. 45
Hobbit, The ................................... 46
Holding Me Here........................... 46
Homophobia: A History ................. 46
Homosexuality .............................. 47
I Had Seen Castles ....................... 47
I Hadn't Meant to Tell You............. 47
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 48
If It Doesn't Kill You....................... 48
Insomnia ....................................... 49
It .................................................. 49
It's Not the End of the World ......... 49
Keeping the Moon......................... 50
Killer's Cousin, The ....................... 50
Killing Mr. Griffin............................ 51
Love One Another - the Last Days of
Jesus......................................... 51
Mick Harte Was Here.................... 52
Midsummer Night's Dream, A ....... 52
Moon Mother................................. 52
Nathan's Run.................................53
New Grolier Encyclopedia of World
War II, Vol. 8..............................53
Nothing But the Truth ....................54
Off to Sea ......................................54
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 54
Past Forgiving ...............................55
Patriot Games ...............................55
Rainforest, The..............................55
Reckless Homicide........................56
Road to Nowhere ..........................56
Robots Are Coming, and Other
Problems, The ...........................57
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry........57
Rose Madder.................................57
Rosie and Michael.........................58
Scorpions ......................................58
Seventeen Magazine.....................58
Shadow Boxer...............................59
Silent to the Bone..........................59
Silver .............................................60
Smoky Night..................................60
Snow Falling on Cedars ................60
Song of Solomon...........................61
Squeeze Play ................................62
Stories from Africa.........................62
Stormy Night .................................62
Taming the Star Runner ................63
Title Index
Page 75
Team Picture ................................ 63
Teenage Guys Survival Guide, The
.................................................. 64
Then Again, Maybe I Won't........... 64
There's a Bat in Bunk Five ............ 64
Third Eye, The .............................. 65
Tiger Eyes..................................... 65
Time for Dancing, A ...................... 65
Time to Kill, A................................ 66
Timeline ........................................ 66
To Be a Killer ................................ 66
To Kill a Mockingbird..................... 67
Tommyknockers............................ 67
Unprotected Witness, The ............ 68
Upstairs Room, The ...................... 68
We All Fall Down........................... 69
Webster's Dictionary ..................... 69
What's Happening to My Body?
Book for Boys, The.................... 69
What's Happening to My Body?
Book for Girls, The .................... 69
When Zachary Beaver Came To
Town ......................................... 70
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale ......... 70
Witches ......................................... 71
Witness, The................................. 71
Wolf Rider ..................................... 71
Yolanda's Genius.......................... 72
You Hear Me?............................... 72
Title Index
Page 76
Author Index
Page 77
Angelou, Maya
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
..................................................... 48
Fighting Ground, The................... 28
Nothing But the Truth .................. 54
Wolf Rider...................................... 71
Bechard, Margaret
If It Doesn't Kill You...................... 48
Bennett, Jay
To Be a Killer ................................ 66
Bissinger, H. G.
Friday Night Lights ....................... 29
Blume, Judy
Are You There God It's Me
Margaret..................................... 13
Forever........................................... 28
It's Not the End of the World....... 49
Then Again, Maybe I Won't ........ 64
Tiger Eyes ..................................... 65
Boyd, Cindy J
Algebra I Handbook for Texas
Students..................................... 10
Brown, Sandra
Exclusive........................................ 26
Hawk O'Toole's Hostage............. 45
Witness, The ................................. 71
Bunting, Eve
Smoky Night.................................. 60
Carle, Eric
Draw Me A Star ............................ 24
Clancy, Tom
Patriot Games............................... 55
Clausen, Jan
Beyond Gay or Straight............... 14
Codell, Esme Raji
Educating Esme ........................... 25
Cole, Babette
Drop Dead ..................................... 24
Cole, Brock
Facts Speak for Themselves, The
..................................................... 27
Conly, Jane Leslie
Crazy Lady .................................... 21
Conrad, Pam
Holding Me Here .......................... 46
Cormier, Robert
Chocolate War, The..................... 19
We All Fall Down .......................... 69
Crichton, Michael
Timeline ......................................... 66
Curtis, Christopher Paul
Bud, Not Buddy ............................ 18
Dahl, Roald
Witches .......................................... 71
Daldry, Jeremy
Teenage Guys Survival Guide,
The.............................................. 64
Danzinger, Paula
There's a Bat in Bunk Five.......... 64
Darnton, John
Experiment, The ........................... 26
Deegan, Paul and Italia, Bob
Harry Blackmun ............................ 31
Dessen, Sarah
Keeping the Moon ........................ 50
Dolch, Marguerite P.
Stories from Africa........................ 62
Dunbar, Robert E
Homosexuality .............................. 47
Duncan, Lois
Daughers of Eve........................... 23
Killing Mr. Griffin ........................... 51
Third Eye, The .............................. 65
Author Index
Page 78
Fenner, Carol
Yolanda's Genius ......................... 72
Fore, Byrne
A History .................................... 46
Franco, Betsy, ed.
You Hear Me?............................... 72
Freeman, Mark
Squeeze Play................................ 62
Gardner, John
Grendel .......................................... 31
Genbert, Ira
Reckless Homicide....................... 56
Gilstrap, John
Nathan's Run ................................ 53
Glenn, Mel
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale....... 70
Grisham, John
Time to Kill, A................................ 66
Guterson, David
Snow Falling on Cedars .............. 60
Hagan, Patricia
Heaven in a Wildflower................ 45
Heynen, Jim
Cosmos Coyote and William the
Nice............................................. 20
Hill, Laban Carrick
Evil Pen Pal, The.......................... 25
Hinton, S. E
Taming the Star Runner.............. 63
Hirschfield, Robert
Attack of the Living Mask ............ 13
Holt, Kimberly Willis
When Zachary Beaver Came To
Town........................................... 70
Howe, James
Bunnicula....................................... 18
Howe, Norma
Adventures of Blue Avenger, The 9
Hughes, Dean
Team Picture................................. 63
Hurwin, Davida
Time for Dancing, A ..................... 65
Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World ......................... 17
Jenkins, A.M
Breaking Boxes............................. 17
Kesey, Ken
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
..................................................... 54
King, Stephen
Bag of Bones ................................ 14
Insomnia ........................................ 49
It ..................................................... 49
Rose Madder ................................ 57
Tommyknockers ........................... 67
Klass, David
Danger Zone ................................. 23
Klause, Annette Curtis
Blood and Chocolate ................... 15
Koertge, Ronald
Brimstone Journals, The ............. 17
Konigsburg, E. L.
Silent to the Bone......................... 59
Lee, Harper
To Kill a Mockingbird ................... 67
Lemieux, Michele
Stormy Night ................................. 62
London, Jonathon
Froggy's Halloween...................... 30
Lynch, Chris
Shadow Boxer .............................. 59
Madaras, Lynda
Author Index
Page 79
What's Happening to My Body?
Book for Boys, The .................. 69
What's Happening to My Body?
Book for Girls, The ................... 69
Maton, Anthea, et al
Exploring Physical Science ........ 26
Mazer, Norma Fox
Silver............................................... 60
McCarthy, Cormac
Crossing, The................................ 22
McCourt, Frank
Angela's Ashes ............................. 12
McMurtry, Larry
Comanche Moon .......................... 20
Miklowitz, Gloria D.
Past Forgiving............................... 55
Morrison, Toni
Bluest Eye, The ............................ 16
Song of Solomon.......................... 61
Myers, Walter Dean
Scorpions....................................... 58
Nash, Ogden
Adventures of Isabel, The........... 10
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Alice in Rapture, Sort of .............. 10
Alice on the Outside..................... 11
O' Dell, Tawni
Back Roads................................... 13
Park, Barbara
Mick Harte Was Here................... 52
Parker, Robert B.
Family Honor................................. 27
Peck, Robert Newton
Soup ............................................... 61
Pike, Christopher
Road to Nowhere ......................... 56
Pullman, Phillip
Amber Spy Glass ......................... 11
Rash, Andy
Robots Are Coming, and Other
Problems, The .......................... 57
Reiss, Johanna
Upstairs Room, The..................... 68
Rennison, Louise
Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal
Snogging.................................... 12
Roleff, Lamara L.
Gay Rights..................................... 30
Rowling, J. K.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 32
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 35
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 41
Roybal, Laura
Billy ................................................. 15
Rylant, Cynthia
Dog Heaven .................................. 23
I Had Seen Castles ...................... 47
Sacher, Louis
Boy Who Lost His Face, The...... 16
Schwartz, Alvin
Cross Your Fingers Spit in Your
Hat .............................................. 21
Shakespeare, William
Midsummer Night's Dream, A .... 52
Sherman, Josepha
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts........ 30
Springer, Nancy
Boy on a Black Horse, The......... 16
Stevenson, James
Unprotected Witness, The .......... 68
Stine, Richard
Off to Sea....................................... 54
Stoehr, Shelley
Crosses.......................................... 21
Author Index
Page 80
Sweeny, Joyce
Free Fall......................................... 29
Taylor, Mildred D.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry..... 57
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Hobbit, The.................................... 46
Twain, Mark
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
The................................................ 9
Tyree, Omar
Flyy Girl.......................................... 28
Velde, Vivian
Curses, Inc. ................................... 22
Viorst, Judith
Rosie and Michael........................ 58
Werlin, Nancy
Killer's Cousin, The ...................... 50
Wiesel, Elie
Night ............................................... 53
Williams, Carol Lynch
Christmas in Heaven ................... 20
Woodson, Jacqueline
I Hadn't Meant to Tell You .......... 47
Wyehaco, Elizabeth
Love One Another
the Last Days of Jesus ............ 51
Young, Ed
Moon Mother................................. 52
School District Index
Page 81
Anahuac ISD
Bluest Eye, The ............................ 16
Killing Mr. Griffin ........................... 51
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
..................................................... 54
Shadow Boxer .............................. 59
We All Fall Down .......................... 69
Angleton ISD
Free Fall......................................... 29
Bandera ISD
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
..................................................... 48
Beaumont ISD
Chocolate War, The..................... 19
Curses, Inc. ................................... 22
Facts Speak for Themselves, The
..................................................... 27
Unprotected Witness, The .......... 68
Blue Ridge ISD
Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal
Snogging.................................... 12
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 32
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 35
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 41
Boerne ISD
Bible, The....................................... 15
Booker ISD
Algebra I Handbook for Texas
Students..................................... 10
Elements of Literature ................. 25
Exploring Physical Science ........ 27
Boys Ranch ISD
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
..................................................... 48
Burleson ISD
Breaking Boxes............................. 17
Calhoun County ISD (Port Lavaca)
Daughters of Eve.......................... 23
Canadian ISD
Team Picture................................. 64
Carroll ISD (Southlake)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
The................................................ 9
Carrollton-Farmers ISD (Carrollton)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 32
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 35
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 41
Celina ISD
Then Again, Maybe I Won't ........ 64
Witches .......................................... 71
Cherokee ISD
Danger Zone ................................. 23
Taming the Star Runner.............. 63
Clear Creek ISD (League City)
Keeping the Moon ........................ 50
Community ISD (Nevada)
Nothing But the Truth .................. 54
Coppell ISD
Billy ................................................. 15
Cranfills Gap ISD
Forever........................................... 29
Culberson County-Allamore ISD
(Van Horn)
Alice on the Outside..................... 11
Teenage Guys Survival Guide,
The.............................................. 64
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Houston)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
The................................................ 9
Adventures of Isabel, The........... 10
Attack of the Living Mask ............ 13
School District Index
Page 82
Evil Pen Pal, The.......................... 26
To Be a Killer ................................ 67
East Central ISD (San Antonio)
Are You There God It's Me
Margaret..................................... 13
Crossing, The................................ 22
Draw Me A Star ............................ 24
Ector County ISD (Odessa)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
The................................................ 9
Bag of Bones ................................ 14
Chocolate War, The..................... 19
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 32
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 42
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry..... 57
Taming the Star Runner.............. 63
Third Eye, The .............................. 65
Fayetteville ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 32
Florence ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 42
Forney ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 42
Fort Bend ISD (Sugar Land)
Beyond Gay or Straight............... 14
Gay Rights..................................... 30
A History .................................... 46
Homosexuality .............................. 47
Friendswood ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azakaban................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 42
Seventeen Magazine................... 59
Ft. Stockton ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 42
Garland ISD
Killing Mr. Griffin ........................... 51
Garrison ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 36
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone .......................................... 42
Gatesville ISD
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
School District Index
Page 83
Godley ISD
Webster's Dictionary.................... 69
Gonzales ISD
Time to Kill, A................................ 66
Goose Creek CSD (Baytown)
Froggy's Halloween...................... 30
Moon Mother................................. 52
Graham ISD
Time for Dancing, A ..................... 66
Grand Prairie ISD
Cross Your Fingers Spit in Your
Hat .............................................. 21
New Grolier Encyclopedia of
World War II, Vol. 8.................. 53
Gregory-Portland ISD (Gregory)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
Hallsville ISD
Mick Harte Was Here................... 52
Hempstead ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 33
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
Hico ISD
Christmas in Heaven ................... 20
Hondo ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
Houston ISD
Adventures of Blue Avenger, The 9
Amber Spy Glass, The ................ 11
Boy Who Lost His Face, The...... 16
Chocolate War, The..................... 19
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
Rainforest, The ............................. 56
You Hear Me?............................... 72
Humble ISD
Dog Heaven .................................. 24
Huntsville ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 39
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 43
Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD (Bedford)
Forever........................................... 29
Hutto ISD
Brave New World ......................... 17
Midsummer Night's Dream, A .... 52
Judson ISD
Timeline ......................................... 66
When Zachary Beaver Came To
Town........................................... 70
Keller ISD
Drop Dead ..................................... 25
Holding Me Here .......................... 46
Robots Are Coming, and Other
Problems, The .......................... 57
Kemp ISD
Friday Night Lights ....................... 29
Kerrville ISD
Stories from Africa........................ 62
Killeen ISD
Crosses.......................................... 22
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts........ 31
I Had Seen Castles ...................... 47
Kress ISD
Silent to the Bone......................... 59
School District Index
Page 84
La Porte ISD
Blood and Chocolate ................... 15
Daughters of Eve.......................... 23
Lake Travis ISD (Austin)
Night ............................................... 53
Lamar CISD (Rosenberg)
If It Doesn't Kill You...................... 49
Taming the Star Runner.............. 63
Lewisville ISD
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Little Elm ISD
Song of Solomon.......................... 61
Livingston ISD
Bunnicula....................................... 19
Longview ISD
Fighting Ground, The................... 28
Flyy Girl.......................................... 28
Yolanda's Genius ......................... 72
Lumberton ISD
Alice on the Outside..................... 11
Mansfield ISD
Alice in Rapture, Sort of .............. 10
Marble Falls ISD
There's a Bat in Bunk Five.......... 65
Marlin ISD
Crazy Lady .................................... 21
McAllen ISD
Insomnia ........................................ 49
McKinney ISD
Nathan's Run ................................ 53
Past Forgiving............................... 55
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale....... 70
Morton ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Motley County ISD (Matador)
What's Happening to My Body?
Book for Boys, The .................. 69
What's Happening to my Body?
Book for Girls, The ................... 70
Nixon-Smiley CISD (Nixon)
Educating Esme ........................... 25
Exclusive........................................ 26
Hawk O'Toole's Hostage............. 45
Heaven in a Wildflower................ 45
Witness, The ................................. 71
North Hopkins ISD (Sulfur Springs)
Back Roads................................... 14
Pampa ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Pasadena ISD
Rosie and Michael........................ 58
Perryton ISD
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale....... 70
Pflugerville ISD
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry..... 57
Plano ISD
Draw Me A Star ............................ 24
Killer's Cousin, The ...................... 51
Pleasant Grove ISD
Silver............................................... 60
Poolville ISD
Brimstone Journals, The ............. 18
Port Neches-Groves ISD (Port
Bud, Not Buddy ............................ 18
School District Index
Page 85
Prairieland ISD
Tiger Eyes ..................................... 65
Princeton ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 37
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 40
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Ranger ISD
Grendel .......................................... 31
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 34
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 41
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Richardson ISD
Snow Falling on Cedars .............. 61
Rockdale ISD
Scorpions....................................... 58
Rockwall ISD
Upstairs Room, The..................... 68
Roscoe ISD
Cosmos Coyote and William the
Nice............................................. 21
Santa Fe ISD
Squeeze Play................................ 62
Seguin ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 35
Love One Another
the Last Days of Jesus ............ 51
Off to Sea....................................... 54
Reckless Homicide....................... 56
Soup ............................................... 62
Sharyland ISD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets....................................... 35
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
..................................................... 38
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban..................................... 41
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .......................................... 44
Socorro ISD
I Hadn't Meant to Tell You .......... 48
Spring Branch ISD (Houston)
Road to Nowhere ......................... 56
Texline ISD
It's Not the End of the World....... 50
Troup ISD
Wolf Rider...................................... 72
Van Vleck ISD
To Kill a Mockingbird ................... 67
Victoria ISD
Experiment, The ........................... 26
Vidor ISD
Boy on a Black Horse, The......... 16
Harry Blackmun ............................ 31
It ..................................................... 49
Smoky Night.................................. 60
Snow Falling on Cedars .............. 61
Stormy Night ................................. 63
Waco ISD
Tommyknockers ........................... 68
Westbrook ISD
Angela's Ashes ............................. 12
Comanche Moon .......................... 20
Family Honor................................. 27
Ross Madder................................. 58
White Oak ISD
Patriot Games............................... 55
School District Index
Page 86
Whitehouse ISD
To Kill A Mockingbird................... 67
Willis ISD
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone .........................................45
Hobbit, The.................................... 46