Energy Storage
Draft Emergency Response Plan
Updated June 10, 2022
This Draft Emergency Response Plan for energy storage facilities, presented by the American
Clean Power Association (ACP), is the result of a collaborative member effort initially
undertaken by the Energy Storage Association (ESA) in 2019 and continued following ESA’s
merger with ACP at the beginning of 2022. This document is intended to be adapted by users
as needed to be appropriate to the conditions, environment, staffing, structure, technologies,
and setup of a given site.
Legal disclaimer
This Draft Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is provided for information and guidance purposes
only and establishes a suggested format to be considered in the preparation of an Emergency
Response Plan. Sections of this draft ERP may not be applicable to every site, and the
guidance offered should be modified to reflect specific conditions at your site. The American
Clean Power Association assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of this draft. Site
owners and operators are advised to consult with safety consultants and legal and insurance
advisors concerning liability and other issues associated with the adoption and implementation
of an Emergency Response Plan.
It is important to note that an ERP is a document that requires regular updates. Additionally, it
should be flexible and easily understood, while supplying sufficient detail to enable personnel to
implement necessary emergency procedures without question or delay in order to ensure
continuity of operations.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Record of Revisions
Change #
Date of Change
Substance of Change
Entered By
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Facility Description ................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Plan Review and Revision ........................................................................................ 5
2. Emergency Response Management............................................................................. 5
2.1 Overall Organization ................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 5
2.3 Preparation and Planning for Emergencies .............................................................. 6
2.4 Communications ....................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Operator Safety & Equipment ................................................................................... 8
2.6 Safety Training ......................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Warning Systems and Alarms .................................................................................. 9
3. Emergency Response ..................................................................................................10
3.1 Analyze, Plan, Implement, Evaluate ........................................................................10
3.2 Evacuation Procedures ...........................................................................................12
3.3 Post Emergency Reporting Procedures ...................................................................13
4. Fire Incidents ................................................................................................................13
4.1 Conditions Associated with Energy Storage Systems ..............................................14
4.2 Response to a Fire Incident .....................................................................................15
4.3 Site Maintenance and Housekeeping ......................................................................18
5. Chemical Release .........................................................................................................18
5.1 Hazardous Materials ...............................................................................................18
5.2 Spill Response Procedures .....................................................................................18
5.3 Reporting Major Spills .............................................................................................19
6. Medical Emergency ......................................................................................................20
6.1 Medical Emergency Response Procedures .............................................................20
6.2 Non-Emergency Safety Incident ..............................................................................21
7. Security Incidents ........................................................................................................22
7.1 Bomb Threat ...........................................................................................................22
7.2 Chemical/Biological Agent Threat ............................................................................23
7.3 Sabotage or Vandalism ...........................................................................................23
7.4 Active Shooter .........................................................................................................23
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
8. Environmental Hazards ................................................................................................24
8.1 Flooding and Flash Flood ........................................................................................24
8.2 Tornado ...................................................................................................................24
8.3 Lightning Storm .......................................................................................................25
8.4 Winter Storm ...........................................................................................................25
8.5 Seismic Event .........................................................................................................25
9. Cybersecurity ...............................................................................................................26
Acronyms .............................................................................................................................27
Appendices ..........................................................................................................................28
Appendix 1: Map of Site .....................................................................................................28
Appendix 2: Evacuation Map..............................................................................................29
Appendix 3: Referenced Titles and Roles ..........................................................................30
Appendix 4: Emergency Contacts ......................................................................................32
Appendix 5: Incident Report Form ......................................................................................34
Appendix 6: Bomb Threat Report .......................................................................................37
Appendix 7: Bomb Threat Checklist ...................................................................................39
Appendix 8: Chemical/Biological Agent Threat Report .......................................................40
Appendix 9: Chemical/Biological Agent Threat Checklist ...................................................42
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The following emergency response procedures are provided so that all [Site Name]
personnel understand the practices that are to be followed to be prepared for and to
provide immediate and effective response to emergencies that might arise at the facility.
Because the safety of employees is of primary concern, the [Site Name] Emergency
Response Coordinator and each member of the [Site Name] staff are committed to
providing a safe, healthy work environment and are responsible for ensuring
implementation of these procedures.
Life safety of personnel shall be the highest priority during any event.
1.2 Limitations
This plan does not imply, nor should readers infer, that its implementation will guarantee
that a perfect response will be practical or possible. No plan can shield individuals from
all events.
Responders will attempt to coordinate the plan and response according to all applicable
laws and standards.
Response to emergencies, events or disasters shall only be undertaken to the level of
the responders training, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and resources available.
There may be little to no warning during specific events to implement operational
The success or failure of all emergency plans depends upon effective training, continual
(e.g., annual) review of this response plan, and execution of the response.
Sites and operators shall comply with applicable codes, standards, and other
requirements as apply in their locality, even if those codes, standards, and requirements
contradict this plan.
Successful implementation of this plan depends on timely identification of capabilities,
available resources at the time of the incident and a thorough information exchange
between responding organizations and the facility or transporter.
1.3 Facility Description
[Site Name] is located in [City/County] at [Address]. The site is comprised of [type of
storage system] in [number] of enclosures across [energy system site size] within a
[overall site size]. The primary entrance is located at [location] with a secondary
entrance at [location].
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 1 provides a map of the facility. Notification information for plant and external
support organizations (police, fire department, medical facilities, etc.) that may be called
to respond to emergency situations at [Site Name] is included in Appendix 4. Support
personnel are available on the site from [start time] to [end time]. The Site Manager or
their delegated substitute is available via cellular phone in case of an emergency.
1.4 Plan Review and Revision
A review of this emergency response plan shall be conducted and documented at
minimum on an annual basis. The plan shall also be reviewed and amended whenever
there is a change in facility design, construction, operation, or maintenance that affects
emergency response planning. When outside resources are changed or modified the
plan shall be reviewed and updated to reflect the changes that may affect this plan.
2. Emergency Response Management
2.1 Overall Organization
Overall responsibility for the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) lies with the [Site Name]
Emergency Response Coordinator. The Emergency Response Coordinator or their
designee is responsible for program implementation, including designating evacuation
routes and employee assembly points, coordinating severe weather activities,
communicating emergency response procedures to site personnel, contracting with
emergency response organizations, and contractor coordination.
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
Specific management personnel will assume leadership roles for emergency responses.
The Emergency Response Coordinator, Site Manager, and/or Lead Technicians will
assist in the implementation of this plan by knowing and communicating evacuation
routes to workers during emergency evacuation and reporting the status of the
evacuation to the Fire Department. The Emergency Response Coordinator is
responsible for seeing that this plan is implemented and will appoint an adequate
number of personnel to enforce the plan, assure everyone is familiar with this plan and
act as a liaison with the local Fire Department(s).
All facility personnel have a responsibility to immediately report emergency situations to
the Lead Technician on duty or local emergency responder personnel when appropriate.
There shall be no delay to report emergency events that require the local emergency
responders. The Lead Technician will then notify the Emergency Response Coordinator
and other key personnel of the situation using the [Site Name] Emergency Notification
Telephone List (refer to Appendix 4). Where a Lead Technician is not assigned, facility
personnel will refer to the Emergency Notification Telephone list to inform key personnel.
Titles and roles are summarized in Appendix 3.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
The Emergency Response Coordinator (or designee) shall be responsible for initiating a
‘phone tree’ for informing relevant operations and administrative contacts in [Site Owner
/ Operator], including the Regional Manager to initiate corporate awareness and public
communications activities in accordance with company structure and policies.
A subject matter expert (SME) shall be contactable at all times by telephone. This
person and a designated secondary SME contact should be readily available to first
responders in the case of emergency situations. The SME shall be versed in the
battery’s failure modes and hazards. A working knowledge of incident command
systems will allow the SME to integrate into the emergency response operations when
needed. If this is not practical, a toll-free phone number should be available such that
first responders may call at any time, and be given operational data on the system,
including its current state of health, system alarm notifications, and advice on how to
proceed during an emergency event.
2.3 Preparation and Planning for Emergencies
2.3.1 Pre-planning for emergencies is a crucial element of this plan. The following
steps have been taken in planning for emergency situations at the site:
Fire department and other first responders have received a copy of this
plan and have participated in an on-site familiarization meeting.
All emergency responder access points to the facility shall be identified.
An emergency response information notice board shall be maintained at
[location readily visible and accessible to all personnel, identified in
Appendix 1] and contain key contacts for emergencies, a list of personnel
certified in First Aid/CPR, and other notices as outlined in this document
or as deemed appropriate by the Emergency Response Coordinator.
Provision shall be made for non-English speaking workers on site.
All road exits are established and posted on the emergency information
notice board.
Evacuation route diagrams have been documented and posted on the
emergency information notice board.
Logs of on-site personnel for tracking headcounts during emergencies
shall be maintained.
All buildings and property surrounded by fencing will be marked by
signage that identifies specific hazards (such as the NFPA diamond, and
all applicable Danger, Caution, Warning signal words).
Site personnel receive instruction to keep exits from the site or O&M
Building clear and to maintain ready access to fire extinguishers by not
blocking them with furniture, or any other means.
Safe approach distances are established for equipment’s different failure
modes, personnel are trained in these distances, and such information is
communicated in writing to first responders during drills and other
emergency response informational meetings.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provided by manufacturers shall, where
relevant, be provided to first responders. In some cases, manufacturers
or suppliers will provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) instead of
SDS where relevant.
2.3.2 Emergency Routes
A [Site Name] evacuation sheet shall be posted and orally communicated to site
personnel. These procedures shall be discussed at periodic safety meetings in
addition to being covered during new employee orientation. Personnel are to
know at least two exits whenever possible and be familiar with the evacuation
routes posted in the location indicated on the site map (Appendix 1).
Depending upon the degree of emergency, weather and/or site conditions,
roadways as designated on the site map (Appendix 1) will be used for routes of
evacuation. In the event of an evacuation, all personnel will meet at the
designated muster point for further information. If the primary muster point is
inaccessible or hazardous, personnel shall gather at the secondary muster point
and inform the emergency coordinator (if not present) by radio or telephone. The
emergency response coordinator shall inform personnel of a diversion to the
secondary muster point by such mean as are available, to include radio or loud
hailer. If personnel are unable to make it to the designated muster points, they
should seek shelter wherever possible and contact their supervisor for further
instructions. Accountability of personnel shall be of the upmost importance and
be conducted in a timely manner. Responder access points shall be kept
unobstructed at all times so first responders will not be hindered in their
operations when responding to emergencies within the site.
2.4 Communications
Timely and efficient communications are essential to deal with an emergency response
situation. The Emergency Response Coordinator is the central point of contact for all
involved in an emergency response, including for first responders and Subject Matter
Experts (SMEs). The following processes shall be observed during emergency
Employees using radios/phones shall yield to individuals who are the most
directly involved in an emergency response activity, i.e. emergency response
takes priority over all other communication on company network.
Emergency transmissions should be clearly announced using signal words such
as ‘urgent’ or ‘mayday.’ These signal words give priority to the radio transmitter to
proceed with their message.
If emergency radio/phone communications are interrupted or unclear, employees
shall proceed to the muster point located at [location] and identified in Appendix
All hand-held radios/phones should be recharged daily with back-up batteries
ready for use.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Radios shall be inspected daily for functionality and a radio check shall be
transmitted to confirm that both the transmission and receiving functions work. If
a radio is not working properly then the employee shall notify the lead technician
and make arrangements for some other form of communication while working.
Radios that are not working properly shall be placed out of service and labeled
appropriately so they will not be used by another employee.
Provision shall be made for non-English speaking workers on site.
2.5 Operator Safety & Equipment
2.5.1 General recommendations for operator safety
Inspect equipment daily for unsafe conditions.
Keep hands away from exposed electrical connections.
Keep hands away from hot surfaces.
Observe all high voltage warnings.
Any outstanding observations shall be reported to their supervisor
immediately and documented.
2.5.2 Personal Protective Equipment
The operation or maintenance of specific equipment may have different safety
requirements. There are different levels of PPE that must be checked and
maintained. All personnel who wear levels of protection above and beyond their
normal everyday attire must be trained in that PPE. All training of PPE shall be
conducted by a competent person and documented. Some PPE have a SCAM
(selection, care and maintenance) document that will instruct the end user on the
limitations of the PPE and the proper maintenance of the PPE. Always be aware
of individual equipment operational requirements and hazards as well as out of
service dates. For example,
Safety glasses with side shields (no dark glasses are permitted except
those approved for welding or cutting)
Face shields for cutting & grinding
Approved safety toe shoes
Approved hearing protection
Approved hardhat
Approved gloves
Long sleeve shirt
Long pants
All PPE is required to be worn at all times for the working being conducted. Any
PPE that is compromised or no longer considered viable for protection shall be
discarded and replaced. Any PPE that comes in contact with hazardous material
shall be properly decontaminated and inspected for functionality before being
returned to service.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
2.6 Safety Training
2.6.1 General training requirements
Initial training for all site personnel with respect to the contents of this ERP shall
be undertaken upon the start of employment or substantial changes in duties.
Refresher training of the ERP to site personnel shall be conducted at least
annually. Documentation of ERP training is to be maintained in site files.
A variety of emergency response drills (such as fire, tornado, bomb threat, etc.
as relevant to the site) are to be held by [site owner/operator] at minimum on a
quarterly basis and shall be documented. At least on an annual basis, the
[locality] Fire Department and other emergency response personnel shall be
requested to participate and assist with critique of evacuation drills. Table-top
exercises are encouraged to familiarize relevant response personnel with
procedures for different types of emergencies that could be encountered at the
The site Emergency Response Coordinator and Lead Technicians are trained in
their specific duties upon being assigned these roles or beginning their
employment. All building occupants have been instructed in actions to take in
case of an emergency through their copies of procedures and training, as
Operator personnel should receive supplier / manufacturer approved training on
the specific characteristics of the energy storage system. Applicable common
standards (e.g. on electrical safety) should be taken into account.
All personnel who wear levels of protection above and beyond their normal
everyday attire must be trained in that PPE. All training of PPE shall be
conducted by a competent person and documented.
All hazardous materials incident emergency responders and workers at
hazardous materials facilities, transport companies, waste treatment facilities,
storage facilities and disposal facilities will be provided training which meets
federal and state standards. Such training will be commensurate with their
employer’s or organization’s plan and policies.
Initial and refresher training regarding warning systems and alarms shall be
conducted at least annually. Documentation of training is to be maintained in site
2.7 Warning Systems and Alarms
Audible and visual (e.g., flashing lights) alarm systems should be established that reflect
specific on-site hazard analyses. Personnel should be trained on the significance of
different alarms and the corresponding actions as outlined elsewhere in this Plan.
Descriptions of each alarm and corresponding actions should be clearly posted on an
emergency information notice board (location marked on map in Appendix 1).
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Warning systems and alarms should be tested at least every six months or more
frequently per manufacturer specifications or code requirements. Tests shall be
documented. All site personnel, as well as those offsite who are likely to hear or see an
alarm, should be made aware of tests so as not to cause undue concern.
3. Emergency Response
3.1 Analyze, Plan, Implement, Evaluate
The phases of emergency response may be categorized under the ‘APIE’ scheme for
handling an emergency: Analyze, Plan, Implement, Evaluate.
Analyze: Analyzing the response is the phase in which the notification takes
place to emergency responders.
Plan: Planning the response is the phase in which the proper resources and
equipment are called to the emergency scene and a plan is developed to mitigate
the emergency.
Implement: Once a plan is developed and the proper resources and equipment
are there, then the Emergency Response Coordinator will make the
determination to implement the plan.
Evaluate: Once the plan is implemented, it shall be evaluated for safety and
effectiveness. If the plan is not safe or effective, then the process should start
over again with Analyze, Plan, Implement, and Evaluate.
Only personnel who are properly trained in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.120(q)(6)
may respond to hazardous chemical releases.
No employee is required or permitted to place himself or herself in harm’s way in order
to facilitate extinguishment, evacuation, or rescue. All rescue operations will be
performed by trained professionals upon their arrival. Rescue operations will only be
conducted after a risk-reward analysis is done and proper PPE is used to protect against
any adverse hazards that may be encountered.
Incidents where local fire department personnel are involved will be managed under a
system established by the fire department, called ‘Incident Command System.’ This
establishes a primary incident commander and a liaison to or for the Emergency
Response Coordinator.
3.1.1 Analyze
Without entering an immediate hazard area, the employee who first discovers an
emergency should identify the following:
Is there a fire, spill, explosion, or other incident happening?
Does medical assistance appear to be needed?
Who/what is at risk: people, the environment, or property?
What are the weather and terrain conditions and risks?
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
The employee will also isolate the area to keep people away from the scene until
trained responders arrive, as long as it is safe to do so. An employee who has
not received training in emergency response should take no actions beyond
notification, isolation of the area, and personal safety precautions. Any efforts
made to rescue persons, protect property, or protect the environment must be
weighed against the possibility of becoming part of the problem. Attempts to
rescue others shall only be attempted with proper PPE, proper training, and in a
manner that does not create significant risk to rescuer or others. Persons at the
scene must not contact spilled material or inhale fumes, smoke, or vapors.
3.1.2 Plan
After all life hazards are no longer a threat, a plan of operation shall be devised
for remediation of the event. The plan shall be communicated to all responders
and safety of all responders shall be paramount. A staging area, if needed, shall
be identified for extra personnel and equipment that may be needed to
accomplish the plans objectives. All responders that will enter the hot zone
(affected area) must be made aware of any decontaminated area upon their exit
of the hot zone. Trained responders will be called to the scene by the O&M
Manager and/or Lead Technicians to begin the process of hazard assessment
and to establish objectives and priorities. The hot zone shall be identified, and all
non-essential personnel shall not be permitted to enter this area without proper
training and permission of the Emergency Response Coordinator.
3.1.3 Implement
The initial response phase starts with notification, which activates the emergency
response system. Anyone who observes or receives information regarding an
emergency at [Site Name] should immediately notify available personnel using
the [Site Name] radio network or their issued cell phones. The Emergency
Response Coordinator and/or Lead Technician will then ensure 911 is notified. At
[Site Name], employees are notified of emergencies by cell phone/radio and
word of mouth from the Emergency Response Coordinator and/or Lead
Technicians. Appendix 4 provides a list of emergency notification information for
[Site Name] personnel.
If an event has the potential to impact the local community, [Site Name] will
contact local fire/police to make community notifications. The contact list in
Appendix 2 also provides notification information for the Company Public Affairs
team who will provide guidance for instances involving media. The Emergency
Response Coordinator and/or Lead Technicians will coordinate any media efforts
through the [Site Name] Asset Manager and Company Legal Department.
The incident command post will be set up in a location free of contaminants and
located upwind uphill and upstream. The Emergency Response Coordinator or
designee shall remain at the incident command post to serve as a liaison to the
Incident Commander designated by emergency responders. Trained responders
may enter a ‘hot zone’ only when wearing appropriate protective equipment.
Personnel entering the hot zone shall be briefed on the plan before entering. All
communication devices shall be tested prior to entry into the hot zone. A
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
decontamination corridor shall be established prior to entry into the hot zone.
There shall be accountability taken of all personnel entering and leaving the hot
zone. A back up team that has the same PPE shall be at the ready in the event
of the entry team needs quick assistance. A decontamination team shall be ready
to for after exiting the location (warm zone). There shall be a doffing station that
is set up immediately at the end of the decontamination section that will allow the
responders a safe place to remove their PPE. Only trained responders are
authorized to risk exposure to chemicals for purposes of containing or stopping
the material release.
The Emergency Response Coordinator or a designee will be responsible for
notifying the appropriate regulatory agencies and, if necessary, the Emergency
Response Contractor or mutual aid groups. Appendix 2 includes a list of
emergency contacts and agencies that may be notified in the event of an
emergency. The incident will be documented and kept on file.
3.1.4 Evaluate
During the implementation phase of the emergency, response, action and
progress shall be analyzed by the Emergency Response Coordinator constantly.
If the plan seems to be ineffective or unsafe the responders shall be removed
from the hot zone and the plan shall be revised. The new plan shall be
implemented, and that revised plan shall be analyzed for safety effectiveness
3.2 Evacuation Procedures
When notified to evacuate, site personnel shall do so in a calm and orderly fashion,
keeping the following instructions in mind:
Walk, don’t run. Help others who need assistance as long as doing so does not put
you at greater risk.
Stay upwind, upstream, and uphill whenever possible.
Watch for other traffic and equipment on access roads and roadways.
Be aware of ice/snow and loose gravel conditions.
Drive safely.
Site personnel shall go to the primary designated muster area as identified in Appendix
1. If employees are unable to make it to the muster area, they should divert to the
secondary muster area and immediately contact their supervisor for further instructions.
During evacuation, the Emergency Response Coordinator and/or Lead Technicians
should ensure that every person on his/her crew has been notified and that evacuation
routes are clear. Any person with a disability (mobility, hearing, sight, etc.) who requires
assistance to evacuate is responsible for pre-arranging with someone in their immediate
work area to assist them in the event of an emergency. Anyone knowing of a person with
a disability or injury who was not able to evacuate will report this fact immediately to their
supervisor. This information shall be communicated to emergency responders
immediately upon their arrival if the disabled person has not been evacuated.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Once an evacuation is complete, the Emergency Response Coordinator or Lead
Technician should account for all personnel. This accountability information shall be
communicated to the emergency responders immediately upon their arrival. When a
person is unaccounted for, the following information shall be communicated to the
emergency responders:
Name of the individual
Disabled or not disabled
Work location
Last known location
3.3 Post Emergency Reporting Procedures
Following any emergency described in this plan, and in compliance with facility permits
and other County and/or State requirements, an incident report will be prepared by the
Emergency Response Coordinator and transmitted to the appropriate individuals and
agencies after review by the Company Regional Manager.
The Emergency Response Coordinator shall compile all documentation and perform a
post-emergency investigation. Immediate performance of this activity will aid in
determining the exact circumstances and cause of the incident. Issues to be determined
Causes of the incident.
Effectiveness of the emergency response plan.
Need for amendments to the response plan.
Need for additional training programs.
The fire department will make the final determination regarding when the scene is safe
to release the site to staff. In some circumstances the scene may need to be
safeguarded for investigators to examine the event failures. If the event was caused by a
criminal act, the O&M manager shall be guided by law enforcement for direction.
If the facility is not able to reopen due to the event, the O&M Manager will make a
determination regarding continuity of operations for the facility in consultation with the
Company Regional Manager.
4. Fire Incidents
All personnel working at [Site Name] are to be trained and should know how to prevent
and respond to a fire emergency. All on-site personnel shall:
Complete an on-site training program identifying the fire risks at [Site Name].
Understand the protocol and follow emergency procedures should an event
Review and report potential fire hazards to the Emergency Response
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
No employee is required or permitted to place himself or herself in harm’s way in order
to facilitate extinguishment, evacuation, or rescue. All rescue operations will be
performed by trained professionals upon their arrival.
4.1 Conditions Associated with Energy Storage Systems
4.1.1 Unique Challenges
Energy storage systems present a unique challenge for fire fighters. Unlike a
typical electrical or gas utility, an energy storage system does not have a single
point of disconnect. Whereas there are disconnects that will de-energize select
parts of the system, batteries will remain energized.
The following hazards may be encountered when fighting fires in energy storage
Shock or arcing hazard due to the presence of water during suppression
Related electrical enclosures may not resist water intrusion from the high-
pressure stream of a fire hose.
Batteries damaged in the fire may not resist water intrusion.
Damaged conductors may not resist water intrusion.
Shock hazard due to direct contact with energized components.
No means of complete electrical disconnect.
Chemical spills.
Toxic gases.
Thermal runaway and explosions.
4.1.2 Fire and Water
Due to the hazards described above, care and consideration should be applied
when considering fire suppression by means of water inundation within energy
storage systems. But because water as an extinguishing agent is commonplace,
the appropriate use of water should be assessed, i.e. whether water reacts with
the chemistries present or whether it is not an appropriate extinguisher class.
The local fire department should be informed of appropriate fire suppression
methods for the energy storage system type as identified by the equipment
If unconventional fire extinguishers are required, local first responders should be
alerted and trained on their use, including a familiarization drill. The appropriate
and most suitable extinguisher should be recommended based on the specific
needs of the site in accordance with guidance from the manufacture. This may
include water in some cases, and in all scenarios its use should not be
All fire extinguishing equipment, whether automatic or manual, shall be regularly
inspected for functionality as per manufacturers’ guidance.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
4.2 Response to a Fire Incident
In the event of an incipient stage (beginning, small) fire, employees should notify
adjacent individuals of this situation and exit the area. Only employees trained in the use
of fire extinguishers or other manual fire suppression systems should attempt to use an
extinguisher or system. Employees are not expected or authorized to respond to fires
beyond the incipient stage (i.e., fires that are beyond the beginning stage and which
cannot be extinguished using a hand-held, portable fire extinguisher). The fire
department should be immediately notified by dialing 911 when any type of unintended
fire has taken place. Site management shall also be immediately notified of any
4.2.1 Fire External to Battery Container or Enclosure
Call 911 and report the following:
o Site name: [Site Name]
o The address of the main entrance: [Address] or nearest site access
o Injuries, if any, and need for ambulance
Make sure the immediate area of the fire is clear of personnel.
Account for all employees, contractors, and visitors who were working in the
immediate area of the fire. If any personnel are unaccounted for from the
immediate fire area, a communication shall be made through out the facility
in attempt to locate the person(s) missing. If the person(s) is equipped with
a facility radio then an emergency transmission shall be communicated in
attempt to locate the person(s).
Contact the O&M Manager (if present) and Emergency Response
Coordinator (if not the O&M Manager) immediately.
Remove any obstructions (vehicles, material, etc.) that might impede
response to the scene.
Station available personnel at road intersections to stop traffic flow into the
fire scene.
Evacuate the energy storage system area immediately if the fire warning
alarm sounds or fire warning lights illuminate.
Proceed to the designated muster point for head count.
o If onsite, the designated Emergency Response Coordinator will do a
head count and relay any information/instructions.
If you encounter heavy smoke, stay low and breathe through a handkerchief
or other fabric; move away from the area.
Assist anyone having trouble leaving the area so long as doing so does not
put the assistor at additional risk.
Attempt to extinguish the fire ONLY if you have had the appropriate training
and proper firefighting agent for the type of fire. Refer to the specific safety
data sheet.
Do not leave the designated muster point until advised to do so. If risk (e.g.
smoke) requires evacuation of the muster point, the secondary muster point
(designated on the map in Appendix 1) will be used and that fact announced
via radio and alarms as available.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
The Emergency Response Coordinator will issue anall clear only when the
fire department informs them that it is safe to do so.
The energy storage system is not to be accessed until the O&M Manager or
designated Emergency Response Coordinator gives authorization.
4.2.2 Fire Internal to Battery Container
Call 911 and report the following:
o Site name: [Site Name]
o The address of the main entrance: [Address] or nearest site access
o Injuries, if any, and need for ambulance
Make sure the immediate area of the fire is clear of personnel.
Account for all employees, contractors, and visitors who were working in the
area of the fire. If any personnel are unaccounted for from the immediate
fire area, a communication shall be made through out the facility in attempt
to locate the person(s) missing. If the person(s) is equipped with a facility
radio then an emergency transmission shall be communicated in attempt to
locate the person(s).
Contact the O&M Manager (if present) and Emergency Response
Coordinator (if not the O&M Manager) immediately.
Contact the Operations Center and Manager (if present).
Evacuate the area immediately if the fire warning alarm sounds or fire
warning lights illuminate.
Remove any obstructions (vehicles, material, etc.) that might impede
response to the scene.
Proceed to the designated muster point for head count.
If onsite, the designated Emergency Response Coordinator will do a head
count and relay any information/instructions.
If you encounter heavy smoke, stay low and breathe through a handkerchief
or other fabric.
If there is a second means of egress that is clear of smoke, that egress path
will be used and a radio transmission or other type of communication shall
be made stating that the clear egress point for other personnel to use for
escape is the second means of egress.
Assist anyone having trouble leaving the area so long as doing so does not
put the assistor at additional risk.
The fire suppression system is designed to work in a contained
environment. DO NOT open the doors until it has been determined that the
agent has been fully released and a pre-determined amount of time has
passed to ensure no hazards are present, and with approval of emergency
personnel and Subject Matter Expert.
DO NOT put anyone in harm’s way to save the battery equipment in the
Once the Fire Department arrives, provide them with the following -
o All applicable SDS documents
o Assistance isolating equipment electrically
o This emergency response plan
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
o A liaison to remain with the fire department Incident Commander as
Do not leave the designated muster point until advised to do so. If risk (e.g.
smoke) requires evacuation of the muster point, the secondary muster point
(designated on the map in Appendix 1) will be used and that fact announced
via radio and alarms as available.
The O&M manager and/or Emergency Response Coordinator (if not the
O&M manager) will issue an ‘all clear’ only when the fire department informs
them that it is safe to do so and the site (or portions of it) can be reoccupied
or normal working conditions can be resumed again.
The energy storage system is not to be accessed until the O&M Manager or
designated Emergency Response Coordinator and the emergency
responders give authorization.
In the event of a fire incident, the designated operations personnel responsible
for the safe shutdown of the plant will open switchgear to ensure the grid side of
the plant is de-energized and isolate the batteries as best able to (i.e. verify the
AC and DC breakers are open in the inverter). The Fire Department needs to
understand that some of the equipment (batteries) will remain energized no
matter what actions are taken, and the recommended option is containment.
Batteries remain energized even if all the contactors, breakers, and switches
have been opened.
4.2.3 After a Fire
Hazards after a fire should be identified at the time of installation such that
recommendations for personal protective equipment (PPE) are available for
clean-up crews and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) teams. This may include
respirators to protect personnel from toxic gas that continues to be generated
from hot cells. Firewater retention and cleanup measures may be required by
local regulations. Once first responders have turned the site back to [The
Company], the Subject Matter Expert, in coordination with the Emergency
Response Coordinator, shall direct on-site personnel on procedures for securing
the site for safety and pending any investigation.
In addition to the gas generation risk, cells that remain hot also pose a delayed
ignition risk, whereby heat in the cell may transfer to undamaged adjacent cells
or remaining active material and reignite the fire. As such, fire-damaged
equipment must remain monitored for [a period identified in consultation with
equipment manufacturer and SME].
Care should be taken to ensure that damaged batteries containing energy have
been safety de-energized in accordance with disposal procedures, if possible,
before handling and disposal. If unable to completely de-energize batteries
involved in a fire, care should be taken with handling or dismantling battery
systems involved in fires as they may still contain hazardous energy levels.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
4.3 Site Maintenance and Housekeeping
Fire extinguishers shall be inspected monthly as per NFPA 10.
Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed and should be in conspicuous locations
with appropriate signage as per NFPA 10.
Combustible material shall not be stored in mechanical rooms, electrical equipment
rooms, or energy storage system enclosures.
Outside dumpsters shall be kept at least five (5) feet away from combustible
materials and the lids should be kept closed.
Materials or equipment storage is not allowed in electrical equipment rooms, or near
electrical panels.
Electrical panel openings must be covered.
Power strips must be plugged directly into an outlet and not daisy-chained and
should be for temporary use only.
Extension cords and flexible cords should not be substituted for permanent ones.
5. Chemical Release
5.1 Hazardous Materials
An inventory of hazardous materials shall be maintained in the [onsite location] and
provided in advance to first responders, including fire and ambulance services. Materials
typically on site include:
[List of hazardous materials]
In the event of a breach of energy storage system containment, hazardous materials that
may be released include:
[List of hazardous materials]
Only personnel who are properly trained in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910.120(q)(6)
may respond to hazardous chemical releases.
5.2 Spill Response Procedures
An emergency spill kit is maintained in the [location], identified on the map in Appendix
1. This kit includes, at a minimum:
Absorbent socks, pads, or pillows
Disposal bags and ties
Safety glasses
Rubber gloves
Appropriate neutralization medium for liquid present
Hazardous labels
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Bag of Life-Dri absorbent or equivalent
A formal notification process shall be initiated when a hazardous material spill or
potential spill is first observed. Immediate actions are necessary. The first individual who
discovers a spill (spill observer) will be responsible for initiating notification and response
procedures. Only employees that are properly trained in accordance with 29 CFR Part
1910.120(q)(6) may respond to hazardous chemical releases. [Site Owner] is
responsible for providing spill recognition and response training for personnel. At least
one trained employee shall be on duty at all times.
The first person to witness the spill shall follow these procedures:
1. Make an assessment of the incident as observed.
2. If the incident can be safely controlled, take steps to do so (e.g., turn off source
of spill).
3. Notify the Emergency Response Coordinator and provide as much information as
The Emergency Response Coordinator shall follow these procedures in the event of a
1. Notify Supervisors.
2. Make sure all personnel are removed from the spill area.
3. Take immediate actions to minimize any threat to public safety (verify the spill
area has been cordoned off).
4. Secure the source of the spill, if safely possible to do so.
5. Maintain close observation of the spill.
Cleanup may range from very simple removal of minor spills, to installation of skimmers
around large spills or between sensitive areas and spills for longer, prolonged cleanups.
Cleanups shall be conducted as per OSHA regulations (part 1910). Cleanups can be on
pavement or on soil surfaces. On-site personnel shall be trained in the proper use of the
cleanup materials. The Emergency Response Contractor or other contracted and
appropriately certified waste management company may provide cleanup and
remediation services. It is strongly recommended that all contractors determine a
disposal site in advance of a spill incident.
5.3 Reporting Major Spills
After initial spill response has begun, notification and reporting to agency personnel shall
occur. [state-specific response requirements go here, referencing relevant document(s)
which may be included in an appendix] The following procedures should be followed
when reporting major spills:
Never include information that has not been verified.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Never speculate as to the cause of the incident or make any acknowledgment of
Do not delay reporting because of incomplete information.
Notify persons/agencies and document notification and the content of the message.
For spills of federal reportable quantities, in conformance with the requirements in
40 CFR parts 110,119, and 302, the Emergency Response Coordinator shall notify
the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802.
Other agencies which may need to be consulted include, but are not limited to, the
[County/City] fire department, [County/City] Public Works Department, state police,
[Locality] Police Department, State Department of Toxic Substances, OSHA, [State
Environmental Quality Authority], and (if relevant) [State Water Authority].
6. Medical Emergency
6.1 Medical Emergency Response Procedures
If an employee is injured, or an accident has occurred on site and first aid is not enough
treatment for the emergency, 911 must be called. The call to 911 can be made by phone
by any available site personnel. The caller must state to the dispatch that they are at the
[Company, Site Name].” A second notification will be made to the O&M Building, to
inform others of the situation.
[Site Name] employees certified in first aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may
administer aid if they have completed training. Regularly-present employees with first
aid/CPR training are identified on the emergency information notice board and
employees shall be aware of who on staff is so certified. At all times when the site is
staffed, at least one first aid certified member of staff shall be present. The location of
first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs), if present, shall be identified by
appropriate signage and indicated on the map in Appendix 1.
All employees shall designate a personal emergency contact, which shall be kept on file.
6.1.1 Serious Injury
The following procedures apply for serious medical injuries such as loss of
consciousness, heart attack, bone fractures, neck trauma, or severe burns.
1. If life threatening, call 911.
2. Notify Operations and/or Safety Managers.
3. Provide name, exact location, number of injured persons, and brief
description of incident.
4. On-site personnel shall meet EMS responders at site entrance and direct
them to location of incident.
5. Do not leave or move the injured unless directed to by Safety Managers
or EMS responders.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
6. Administer first aid if necessary.
7. The site manager shall inform the employee’s personal emergency
8. Document incident and keep on file.
6.1.2 Attending an Incident
When attending an incident, the following procedures apply:
1. Clear a path to the injured person for Operations and/or Safety Managers
and assign personnel to assist with signaling EMS responders to the
location of the incident.
2. Identify location of Project Site entrance nearest to the incident and notify
EMS responders.
3. Operations and/or Safety Managers shall meet EMS responders at site
4. Direct and accompany EMS responders to location of incident.
5. Follow all directions of EMS responders.
6. Contact management personnel and/or subcontractors.
7. Document incident and keep on file.
6.1.3 Medical Facilities
The nearest medical facility to the project site is:
[Hospital Address]
Directions from site entrance:
[Turn-by-turn directions, and link to online map directions]
6.2 Non-Emergency Safety Incident
6.2.1 Notification of Minor Incidents
In the event a safety incident occurs where emergency response is not required
(first aid treatment, near miss, etc.) work is to be stopped immediately and
reported to the Emergency Response Coordinator and/or Lead Technician. Risk
will be reassessed, adequate controls implemented, and the situation made safe
before resuming the task. The event will be documented and kept on file.
6.2.2 Heat Illness
When the temperature exceeds 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius), or
is expected to be so during the course of a shift or work project, the O&M
Manger will hold short staff meetings to review the weather report; reinforce heat
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
illness prevention with all workers; and provide reminders to drink water
frequently, to be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of heat illness, and
inform them that shade can be made available upon request.
Employees shall have free access to potable drinking water provided and located
as close as practicable to the areas where employees are working. Where
drinking water is not plumbed or otherwise continuously supplied, it shall be
provided in sufficient quantity at the beginning of the work shift to provide one
quart per employee per hour for drinking for the entire shift. Employers may
begin the shift with smaller quantities of water if they have effective procedures
for replenishment during the shift as needed to allow employees to drink one
quart or more per hour. The frequent drinking of water shall be encouraged.
7. Security Incidents
7.1 Bomb Threat
7.1.1 The purpose of this plan is to give direction to all site personnel in the event [Site
Name] is a target of an actual or threatened bomb assault/attack.
Anyone receiving a bomb threat shall:
Treat the caller with courtesy and respect. Complete the Bomb Threat
Report (Appendix 6). Use this sheet as a reference while talking with the
caller making the threat.
Attempt to obtain as much information as possible. See theBomb Threat
Checklist (Appendix 7).
Immediately notify the [Site Name] Emergency Coordinator by phone. Stop
all radio transmissions from this point on until cleared by the Emergency
Coordinator or other competent authority. Radio transmissions can activate
electronic detonating or timing devices.
The Emergency Response Coordinator will immediately notify 911. The
Emergency Response Coordinator shall:
Evaluate the threat and determine the appropriate course of action to take.
Notify law enforcement and/or ambulance.
Evacuate the facility as necessary.
Coordinate evacuation of any part of the surrounding community with local
authorities as needed.
Coordinate search of the site with proper authorities.
7.1.2 If any suspicious item(s) are found, they are not to be touched. Barrier tape will
be used to mark the area where the suspicious item(s) are by extending a
continuous line of tape beginning immediately in front of the suspicious item(s)
and extending to just outside the room exit. This will help guide local authorities
to the suspicious item.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
The Emergency Response Coordinator will ensure that the “All Clear” message
is communicated once the threat has passed or is no longer present.
7.2 Chemical/Biological Agent Threat
The procedures described previously for a bomb threat should be used for a chemical or
biological agent threat. Refer to Appendix 8 for a copy of the phone report when
receiving such a threat and Appendix 9 for a checklist.
Any person that is exhibiting signs and symptoms from a chemical or biological agent
should be isolated from other workers and be prepared for transport by EMS.
7.3 Sabotage or Vandalism
Anyone detecting any act or threat of any act of sabotage or vandalism will immediately
notify the Emergency Response Coordinator. The Emergency Response Coordinator will
evaluate the situation and decide what actions to take. The following options should be
considered and/or implemented:
Notification of 911.
Corrective action as required, providing that no person will risk injury.
Evacuation of the facility.
7.4 Active Shooter
In an active shooter situation, employees should:
1. Quickly determine what actions to take to protect life: options include run, hide, and
fight (described in the site). Use best judgment based on the
specific circumstances of the incident. Getting away from the shooter(s) is the top
priority. Call 911 when in a safe location and warn/prevent individuals from entering
an area where an active shooter may be if possible.
2. When encountering responding police, remain calm and follow any and all
instructions from the officers. Officers may shout commands and push individuals to
the ground for his/her safety as well as their own. When law enforcement personnel
arrive at the scene, personnel should be aware of the following:
Follow all official instructions from police;
Remain calm, think, and resist the urge to panic;
Immediately raise hands and spread fingers;
Keep hands visible at all times;
Put down any items;
Avoid making sudden or quick movements toward officers;
Do not point, scream, or yell;
Do not ask for help from the officers when evacuating;
Proceed in the direction as advised by the officers; and
Provide all relevant information to police.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
8. Environmental Hazards
8.1 Flooding and Flash Flood
Flash flooding is a result of heavy localized rainfall such as that from slow moving,
intense thunderstorms. Flash floods often result from small creeks and streams
overflowing during heavy rainfall. These floods often become raging torrents of water
which rip through riverbeds or canyons, sweeping everything with them. Flash flooding
can occur within 30-minutes to six hours of a heavy rain event. In hilly terrain, flash
floods can strike with little or no advance warning. Distant rain may be channeled into
gullies and ravines causing flash flooding in minutes. In the event of a flash flood, the
following procedures shall apply:
During periods of thunderstorms, always remain alert to heavy rains in your
immediate area or upstream from your location. It does not have to be raining at
your location for flash flooding to occur.
Do not drive through flooded areas. Even if it looks shallow enough to cross.
Do not cross flowing streams on foot where water is above your ankles.
Be especially cautious at night. It is harder to recognize water danger then.
Do not attempt to outrace a flood on foot. If you see or hear it coming, move to
higher ground immediately.
Be familiar with the land features where you work. It may be in a low area, near a
drainage ditch, or small stream.
Stay tuned to weather forecasts and updates for the latest statements, watches,
and warnings concerning heavy rain and flash flooding in the Project Area.
Waiting 15 to 30 minutes, or until high water recedes, is a simple safety measure.
8.2 Tornado
Upon the issuance of a tornado warning, O&M personnel will evacuate the site and
report to the pre-designated shelter area, to be determined prior to O&M personnel
arrival. In the event O&M personnel are outside and unable to evacuate to the shelter,
the following procedures will be followed:
Lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression, covering the head with the hands. Be aware
of the potential for flooding.
O&M personnel are safest in a low, flat location and will be instructed to not get
under an overpass or bridge.
O&M personnel will be instructed to never try to outrun a tornado in congested
areas in a vehicle. It is safest to leave the vehicle for safe shelter.
O&M Personnel are instructed to beware of flying debris.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Following tornado or high wind events, the site facility will be evaluated by O&M
personnel for damage. All repairs will be performed under standard operational
8.3 Lightning Storm
In the event a lightning storm is within 10 30 miles and approaching the Site, the
following procedures shall apply.
Notify Operations and/or Safety Manager, and all on-site employees.
Stop work safely and head to staging and laydown yards in vehicles.
Remain at staging and laydown yards, get update on weather conditions.
If storm/lighting is still approaching the Project Site, get in and stay in company or
personal vehicles that have rubber tires only.
If safe enough to do so, take cover in on-site designated shelters.
Once storm passes, remain in cars/trucks for at least 30 minutes depending on
passing storm severity, and wait for an “OK” from the O&M Manager or
Emergency Response Coordinator in charge of monitoring the storm.
8.4 Winter Storm
Before winter approaches, the facility will ensure adequate supplies, including:
Rock salt or similar products to melt ice on walkways.
Sand to improve traction.
Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.
As needed, service agreement(s) with snow removal vendors.
When winter weather threats exist, the facility will monitor local news channels for critical
information from the National Weather Service (NWS). Be alert to changing weather
conditions. Winter storm watches, warnings, and advisories are issued by local National
Weather Service Forecast offices.
Depending on the severity of the winter storm, the Facility Manager (or designee) will
give direction to personnel regarding site staffing/closure.
8.5 Seismic Event
Earthquakes may strike with little to no advance warning. As such, when an earthquake
does occur, it is important to stay as safe as possible. Be aware that some earthquakes
are actually fore-shocks and a larger earthquake may subsequently occur. Also, be
aware that many earthquakes are accompanied by aftershocks after the main event has
occurred. If an earthquake occurs minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby
safe place and if you are indoors stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are
sure exiting is safe.
The following actions should be followed for personnel indoors:
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Drop to the ground and take cover by getting under a sturdy piece of furniture and
hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a desk or sturdy piece of furniture near
you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could
fall such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a
strongly supported load-bearing doorway.
Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
The following actions should be followed for personnel outdoors:
If you are already outdoors stay there.
Move away from buildings, structures, light poles, and utility wires.
Once in the open stay there until the shaking stops to prevent being hit by falling debris.
Following seismic events, the site facility will be evaluated by O&M personnel for
damage. All repairs will be performed under standard operational procedures.
9. Cybersecurity
Cyber security testing should be an integral part of the energy storage system lifecycle;
systems should be secure by design. Once in operation, ensure continuous secure
operation by monitoring, risk assessment and patching.
A process should be created and put in place to ensure continuous hardening of the
energy storage system. The principle of hardening is making sure that the attack surface
to site and equipment is limited by:
Only necessary network service ports should be open, others should be closed.
Only necessary software should be installed on the device, other software should
be removed.
Development environments and source code should not be installed on production
Remote access protocols that use plain text communication should not be used.
Software that stores passwords unencrypted should not be used.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
AC Alternating Current
AED Automated External Defibrillator
CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
CHEMTREC Chemical Shipping Regulation & Incident Support
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
DC Direct Current
DHS Department of Homeland Security
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ERP Emergency Response Plan
FDC Fire Department Connection
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
ICS Incident Command System
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
NESC National Electric Safety Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NRC National Response Center (U.S. EPA)
NWS National Weather Service
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
SDS Safety Data Sheets
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
SME Subject Matter Expert
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 1: Map of Site
[To include site boundaries, primary and secondary (etc.) entrances, emergency information
notice board, emergency stop switch, first aid kit location(s), AED location(s), fire department
connections, emergency spill kit location, etc.]
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 2: Evacuation Map
[To include primary and alternate evacuation routes, exits, primary muster point, and secondary
muster point]
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 3: Referenced Titles and Roles
Note that some of these responsibilities may be combined within the duties of single individuals.
Company Regional Manager: A Company Regional Manager is an individual not directly
responsible for the day to day operation of the site, nor for the immediate response during or
immediately after an emergency, but who does bear responsibility for post-event assessment
and broader planning, recovery, and learning from experience. The Regional Manager would
typically bear the responsibility for ensuring incident records are maintained. Such a manager
should also ensure a safety-based culture pervades across sites and ensure that O&M
Managers are ensuring that training for safety is at the core of operations.
Emergency Response Contractor: An Emergency Response Contractor is an outside
organization or individual who is contracted to undertake certain aspects of emergency
response (e.g. spill management) but is not otherwise responsible for the strategic coordination
of a response, nor is part of typical operation of a site. Care should be taken to ensure such
contractors understand the broader picture of site safety and are aware of broader emergency
response protocols (such as, but not limited to, the breadth of topics covered in this Plan).
Emergency Response Coordinator: The Emergency Response Coordinator takes control of
the emergency and any resources necessary until the emergency has been eliminated and the
necessary cleanup and/or restoration are complete. This person shall lead the incident
reporting. The emergency response coordinator is typically the O&M Manager; in her/his
absence, the Lead Technician or other designated person shall assume this role. All personnel
on site shall know who the Emergency Response Coordinator on duty is during their time on
site. Remote operators shall likewise know who the Emergency Response Coordinator is for
any given shift.
The Emergency Coordinator or a designee will be responsible for notifying the appropriate
regulatory agencies and, if necessary, the Emergency Response Contractor or mutual aid
groups. Appendix 2 includes a list of emergency contacts and agencies that may be notified in
the event of an emergency. The incident will be documented and kept on file.
The Emergency Response Coordinator will direct the following activities during an emergency:
Ensure the safety of all personnel.
Evaluate if operations in the affected area should be shut down.
Take precautions to prevent or limit the spread of fire or explosions.
Isolate affected area and provide direction for radio announcements.
Determine the source/cause of the emergency and evaluate the primary and secondary
hazards to allow a full-scale, safe response.
Ensure that appropriate internal and external notifications are made.
Coordinate outside assistance from public or private organizations.
Implement other appropriate response provisions as necessary.
The Emergency Response Coordinator should be accredited in accordance with NFPA 70/70E
and the National Electric Safety Code (NESC). If s/he is not, someone who is (e.g. the O&M
Manager) must be present in emergencies to interface with electrical equipment above 50 volts.
Incident Commander: The on-scene ranking officer, representing the agency with incident
jurisdiction. The Incident Commander authorizes incident objectives and strategies that
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
collectively delineate a course of action.
The Fire Department designates an Incident
Commander as the primary incident manager; it should not be used by civilian organizations
that are operating at an incident with emergency responders.
O&M Manager: The Operations and Maintenance Manager is the individual responsible for the
normal operation and upkeep of the energy storage system on a day to day basis. This includes
standard operating conditions and routine scheduled or responsive maintenance activities.
Lead Technician: A Lead Technician is an on- or off-site individual responsible for the
operation of a site from a performance and technical perspective. Such responsibilities may lie
with the O&M Manger or with a remote operator.
Site Manager: A Site Manager supervises the personnel for a site. The Site Manager is
ultimately responsible for implementation of the company’s written procedures and practices.
Subject Matter Expert (SME): An individual and designated secondary contact with detailed
working knowledge of the energy storage system and incident command systems. The SME
should have ready access to information on state of the system, status and meaning of alarms,
etc. The SME’s contact information must be available to the Emergency Response Coordinator
and first responders, as well as others via information on the emergency information notice
Federal Highway Administration. Glossary.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 4: Emergency Contacts
O&M Manager / Emergency
Subject Matter Expert
Secondary SME Contact
Manufacturer Safety
Lead Technician
Alternate Emergency Contact
Company Regional Manager
Company Asset Manager
Company Control Center
Operator On Duty
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Services & Contactors
Telephone Number
State Police
Hospital: ([Hospital name])
[Hospital address]
[Contractor Company]
NRC (24-hour) (Report Oil Spills)
State Department of Public Health and
Police Department (non-emergency)
State Poison and Drug Center
U.S. Pipeline & Hazardous Material Safety
Administration help line
[Equipment manufacturer point of contact]
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 5: Incident Report Form
1. Date/Time of Notification: Report received by:
2. Reported by (name & phone number or radio call signs):
3. Company/agency and position (if applicable):
4. Incident address/descriptive location:
5. Agencies at the scene:
6. Known damage/casualties (do not provide names over unsecured communications):
7. Nature of emergency: (check all that apply)
___ Leak ___ Explosion ___ Spill ___ Fire ___ Derailment ___ Other
8. Name of material(s) released/placard number(s):
9. Release of materials:
Has ended Is continuing. Estimated release rate & duration:
10. Estimated amount of material which has been released:
11. Estimated amount of material which may be released:
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
12. Media into which the release occurred: ________ air ________ ground ________
13. Plume characteristics:
a. Direction (Compass direction of plume): c. Color:
b. Height of plume: d. Odor:
14. Characteristics of material (color, smell, liquid, gaseous, solid, etc)
15. Present status of material (solid, liquid, and gas):
16. Apparently responsible party or parties:
AN INCIDENT TO THE SERC. Go to to obtain a reporting form for businesses to submit to the SERC.
This form can be used at an incident, if applicable.
17. Current weather conditions at incident site:
Wind From: Wind Speed (mph): Temperature (F): ______
Humidity (%): ______ Precipitation: Visibility: __________
18. Forecast:
19. Terrain conditions:
(From ERP, MSDS, CHEMTREC, or facility)
20. Potential hazards:
21. Potential health effects:
22. Safety recommendations:
23. Recommended evacuation distance:
24. Estimated areas/ populations at risk:
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
25. Special facilities at risk:
26. Other facilities with HAZMAT in area of incident:
27. Tools used for formulating protective actions
________ a. Recommendations by facility operator/responsible party
________ b. Emergency Response Plan
________ c. Material Safety Data Sheet
________ d. Recommendations by CHEMTREC
________ e. Results of incident modeling (CAMEO or similar software)
________ f. Other:
28. Protective action recommendations:
____ Evacuation ____Shelter-In-Place ____Combination ____No Action
____ Other
Time Actions Implemented
29. Evacuation Routes Recommended:
30. Notification made to:
National Response Center (Federal Spill Reporting) 1-800-424-8802
CHEMTREC (Hazardous Materials Information) 1-800-424-9300
State Emergency Response Commission
SERC written follow-up forms
31. Other Information:
Source: Washington State Emergency Response Commission. Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Hazardous Materials
Emergency Response Plan TEMPLATE. September 2011.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 6: Bomb Threat Report
Exact words of caller:
Questions to ask the caller:
1. When is the bomb going to explode?
2. Where is the bomb right now?
3. What kind of bomb is it?
4. What does the bomb look like?
5. Why did you set the bomb?
6. Where are you calling from?
7. What is your name?
Try to determine the following
IDENTITY: male female adult juvenile (age? )
VOICE: loud high-pitched deep raspy pleasant
disguised broken Other:
ACCENT: local not local foreign regional
RACE: Caucasian Black Hispanic Asian
SPEECH: educated average illiterate obscene
MANNER: calm angry rational irrational coherent
incoherent deliberate self-righteous laughing intoxicated
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
office machines factory machines bedlam trains quiet
voices mixed sounds airplanes music traffic
party Other:
If the voice is familiar to you, who did it sound like?
Additional Information:
Date / / Time: : a.m./p.m. Received by:
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 7: Bomb Threat Checklist
Mail Threat:
1. Handle documents as little as possible to preserve fingerprints.
2. Hand deliver immediately to O&M Manager.
Phone Threat:
1. Complete Bomb Threat Form.
2. Deliver completed form to O&M Manager.
3. Notify Supervisor immediately.
O&M Manager:
1. Gather all information regarding threat.
2. Decide upon course of action.
3. Coordinate searches with proper authorities.
Suspicious Objects:
2. Notify Police911.
1. Announce over public address system, give location where to assemble. Do not use the
2. Enlist volunteers to remain and shut down site.
1. Determined based on:
a. “All-clear” given by bomb disposal unit.
b. O&M Manager’s judgment that danger is passed.
2. Full report prepared.
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 8: Chemical/Biological Agent Threat Report
Exact words of caller:
Questions to ask the caller:
1. What chemical or biological agent is it?
2. When is the agent going to be released?
(date) (time)
3. Where is it right now?
(Building) (Floor) (Room)
4. Who put it there?
5. What does it look like?
6. What will cause it to spread?
7. What will trigger it?
8. Where did you get the agent?
9. Why are you doing this?
10. What is your name?
11. What is your telephone number and address?
Try to determine the following
IDENTITY: male female adult juvenile (age? )
VOICE: loud high-pitched deep raspy pleasant
disguised broken Other:
ACCENT: local not local foreign regional:
RACE: Caucasian Black Hispanic Asian
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
SPEECH: educated average illiterate obscene
MANNER: calm angry rational irrational coherent
incoherent deliberate self-righteous laughing intoxicated
office machines factory machines bedlam trains quiet
voices mixed sounds airplanes music traffic
party Other:
If the voice is familiar to you, who did it sound like?
Additional Information:
Date / / Time: : a.m./p.m. Received by:
Energy Storage Draft Emergency Response Plan
Appendix 9: Chemical/Biological Agent Threat Checklist
Mail Threat:
_____ 1. Handle documents as little as possible to preserve fingerprints.
_____ 2. Hand-deliver immediately to O&M Manager.
Telephone Threat:
_____ 1. Complete the Chemical/Biological Threat Report form.
_____ 2. Deliver completed form to O&M Manager immediately.
O&M Manager:
_____ 1. Gather all information regarding threat.
_____ 2. Decide upon course of action.
_____ 1. ComprehensiveTo be conducted by trained law enforcement personnel only.
Suspicious Objects:
_____ 1. Do not touch or attempt to move.
_____ 2. Notify police.
_____ 1. Make a site-wide announcement and give location where to assemble.
_____ 2. Enlist volunteers to remain and shut down site.
_____ 1. Determined based on:
_____ a. “All-Clear” given by competent authority.
_____ b. O&M Manager’s judgment that danger has passed.
_____ 2. Full report prepared.