Terms and Condions – Scratch and Win
1. Oer Duraon:
a. The "Onam Scatch & Win Oer: Buy a Bosch Mixer grinder, Scratch and win assured cash
vouchers and a chance to visit Dubai” oer (“Oer”) is valid from 15th July 2024 to 15th
September 2024.
b. The oer period may be subject to change at the discreon of BSH Household Appliances
Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. ("Bosch”).
2. Eligibility:
a. This Oer is applicable only on the purchase of Bosch Mixer Grinder models with a power rang
of 600W and above.
b. The Oer is valid at all authorized outlets of Bosch (including Bosch brand stores and mul
brand outlets) in the state of Kerala only.
c. Employees of Bosch and their immediate family members are not eligible to parcipate in this
d. The Oer is open to cizens of India, who are 18 years of age or older at the me of
3. Cash Voucher:
a. The Bosch authorised outlets shall provide the consumers with one scratch card upon purchase
of eligible models of Bosch Mixer Grinders.
b. The scratch card shall contain the value of cash voucher that the customer will be entled to
receive. The scratch card will have an assured value ranging from Rs.100 to Rs.5000.
c. The cash voucher will be available for instant redempon for the purchase of eligible Bosch
Mixer Grinders. Consumer will have to present the cash voucher to the Bosch authorized
outlets (where they are buying the eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder).
d. Upon presenng the cash voucher the invoice value of the eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder shall
be deducted to the extent of the amount in the cash voucher. If the voucher value is higher
than the invoice value of the eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder purchased by the consumer, the
maximum cash benet passed on to the consumer shall be the amount equivalent to the
invoice value and the excess cash voucher value shall be deemed to be forfeited.
e. The Oer cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred to another person.
f. The Oer can only be redeemed at the me of purchase of eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder and
cannot be used for purchase of any other product.
4. Lucky Draw for Trip to Dubai:
a. Upon purchase of eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder during the Oer Period, consumers shall be
entled to submit their names for a lucky draw, where one person can win a Trip to Dubai.
b. Only one name can be submied for purchase of one product.
c. Consumer can submit their name for the lucky draw to the point of sale at the authorized Bosch
outlet where the eligible Bosch Mixer Grinder is purchased from.
d. The lucky draw will be conducted at a locaon in the Bosch Branch oce in Cochin, Kerala, in
the 1st week of October 2024. The exact date and me of the lucky draw will be made available
on Promotions | Bosch Home Appliances India (bosch-home.in).
e. One lucky winner will be selected through a random draw.
f. The winner will win a 3 nights and 4 days package to Dubai for 2 persons (“holiday voucher”)
as per terms and condions menoned here.
g. In the event that the winner is unable to claim the prize within the specied me period or fails
to provide the required documents, an alternate winner may be selected through a subsequent
5. Holiday Voucher:
a. The holiday voucher can be availed only in the following period: 1
March 2025 to 31
2025 (subject to booking availabilies) and cannot be extended or modied.
b. Consumer must conrm the dates to Bosch at least 4 months in advance.
c. The holiday voucher will cover round-trip airfare from Cochin internaonal airport,
accommodaon in a 4-star hotel, and local sightseeing for visit to Burj Khalifa, Desert Safari,
Dubai Shopping Mall.
d. The winner must provide valid idencaon documents and complete any necessary
paperwork for the person who will travel to Dubai to claim the prize.
e. The holiday voucher is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other
products or services.
f. The winner must make all travel arrangements through the designated travel agency specied
by Bosch. The holiday voucher only covers the cost of the travel through the specied travel
agency and Bosch takes no responsibility for the communicaon and transacons between
the customer and the travel agency.
g. Any addional expenses incurred during the trip, such as meals, transportaon, and personal
expenses, will be the responsibility of the winner.
h. The winner must comply with the terms and condions of the travel agency and any
applicable laws and regulaons during the trip.
6. No Responsibility of Bosch for Customer Dissasfacon:
a. Bosch and its authorized representaves shall not be held responsible for any dissasfacon
or issues related to the Dubai trip, including but not limited to ight delays, hotel
accommodaons, or any other services provided by third-party vendors.
b. Customers understand and agree that Bosch shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, special, or consequenal damages arising out of or in connecon with the lucky
draw or the Dubai trip.
c. Bosch reserves the right to disqualify any parcipant who violates the terms and condions
or engages in fraudulent acvies.
General Terms & Condions
1. The Oer is organized by BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. (“Company”/”
2. Informaon as available on the ocial web page is the only authenc and valid informaon about
the Oer. BSHG shall not be responsible for any incorrect/misleading informaon relang to the
Oer, presented/ displayed on any other source other than the informaon available on the ocial
website. BSHG shall not be liable for any loss suered by any Parcipant based on the
representaon, terms, condions, informaon presented / displayed on any other source other
than the ocial website.
3. BSHG has endeavored to make all reasonably praccable arrangements to minimize
communicaon system dicules but can make no guarantee therefore and shall not be liable for
any failures in the same.
4. There is no entry fee or parcipaon fee payable by the Parcipant/s for parcipang in this Oer.
BSHG will not accept any form of entry payment from any of the Parcipant/s interested in
parcipang in the Oer.
5. The Personal Data collected for the purpose of this Oer may be used for successful operaons of
the Oer terms, adversing and/or markeng purposes. The Personal Data may be collected by a
third party agency who works on behalf of BSHG. You can at any me withdraw your consent for
use of your Personal Data. If you do not wish to be contacted by BSHG or its representave for
adversing or markeng purposes, or if you wish to withdraw your consent you can, at any point
of me shall write to us at service.in@bosch-home.com.
6. BSHG reserves the right to modify, add or delete any of the terms and condions or parcipaon
mechanics of the Oer at any point of me at its sole discreon without serving any prior
inmaon to the Parcipants. Inmaon of any change, modicaon, addion, deleon in the
terms and condion of the Oer will be communicated to the Parcipants by posng the revised
terms and condion of the Oer on BSHG social plaorms.
7. BSHG is not responsible for Parcipant not being able understand the Oer or for the Parcipants
misinterpretaon of the same.
8. Any disputes with respect to the Oer shall be subject to the sole jurisdicon of courts in Mumbai,
9. BSHG shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligaons caused by COVID-
19/Pandemic condions, weather condions, re, ood, strike, hurricane, industrial dispute, war,
hoslies, terrorist aack, polical unrest, riots, civil commoon, inevitable accidents, acts of God
or any other circumstances amounng to Force Majeure.
10. BSHG shall not be responsible for any loss or damage if it must disconnue or cancel the Oer in
compliance with any law, ruling, order, regulaon, requirement or instrucon of any Central/State
Government or for any other unavoidable reason beyond its control. The Parcipant shall be
informed of such disconnuance/cancellaon as soon as possible.