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Research Methods in Child Language
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Guides to Research Methods in Language and Linguistics
Series Editor: Li Wei, Birkbeck College, University of London
The science of language encompasses a truly interdisciplinary  eld of research, with
a wide range of focuses, approaches, and objectives. While linguistics has its own
traditional approaches, a variety of other intellectual disciplines have contributed
methodological perspectives that enrich the  eld as a whole. As a result, linguistics
now draws on state-of-the-art work from such  elds as psychology, computer
science, biology, neuroscience and cognitive science, sociology, music, philosophy,
and anthropology.
The interdisciplinary nature of the  eld presents both challenges and opportunities
to students who must understand a variety of evolving research skills and methods.
The Guides to Research Methods in Language and Linguistics address these skills in
a systematic way for advanced students and beginning researchers in language
science. The books in this series focus especially on the relationships between theory,
methods and data – the understanding of which is fundamental to the successful
completion of research projects and the advancement of knowledge.
1. The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Edited by Li Wei and Melissa G. Moyer
2. Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide
Edited by Erika Hoff
The Guide to Second Language Acquisition
Edited by Susan M. Gass and Alison Mackey
The Guide to Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Edited by Nicole Müller and Martin J. Ball
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Research Methods in Child
A Practical Guide
Edited by Erika Hoff
A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication
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This edition  rst published 2012
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Research methods in child language : a practical guide / edited by Erika Hoff.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3124-0 (alk. paper) – ISBN 978-1-4443-3125-7 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Children–Language. 2. Language awareness in children. 3. Language acquisition–Age
factors. 4. Language acquisition–Research–Methodology. I. Hoff, Erika, 1951–
P118.3.R47 2011
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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1 2012
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List of Figures vii
List of Plates viii
Notes on Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xv
Preface xvi
Part I Studying Infants and Others Using Nonverbal Methods 1
1 Habituation Procedures 3
Christopher T. Fennell
2 Intermodal Preferential Looking 17
Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
3 The Looking-While-Listening Procedure 29
Daniel Swingley
4 Neuroimaging Methods 43
Ioulia Kovelman
5 Methods for Studying Language in Infants: Back to the Future 60
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Part II Assessing Language Knowledge and Processes
in Children Who Talk 77
6 Assessing Phonological Knowledge 79
Cynthia Core
7 Assessing Vocabulary Skills 100
Barbara Alexander Pan
8 Assessing Grammatical Knowledge (with Special Reference
to the Graded Grammaticality Judgment Paradigm) 113
Ben Ambridge
9 Assessing Children’s Narratives 133
Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
10 Using Judgment Tasks to Study Language Knowledge 149
David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
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vi Contents
11 Using Priming Procedures with Children 162
Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
12 Studying Language Processing Using Eye Movements 177
John C. Trueswell
Part III Capturing Children’s Language Experience
and Language Production 191
13 Recording, Transcribing, and Coding Interaction 193
Meredith L. Rowe
14 Studying Gesture 208
Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
15 Dense Sampling 226
Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
16 Not Sampling, Getting It All 240
Letitia R. Naigles
17 Approaches to Studying Language in Preschool Classrooms 254
David K. Dickinson
18 Using the CHILDES Database 271
Roberta Corrigan
Part IV Studying Multiple Languages and Special Populations 285
19 Crosslinguistic Research 287
Aylin C. Küntay
20 Studying Children in Bilingual Environments 300
Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
21 Studying Children with Language Impairment 317
Karla K. McGregor
22 Studying the Language Development of Children
with Intellectual Disabilities 330
Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
Index 347
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List of Figures
1.1 Average looking times to key trials in an infant habituation
experiment involving a phoneme change at test (N = 16) 8
4.1 Neuroimaging methods in child language acquisition 45
4.2 N400 ERP response to best (congruous) completion
and anomalous (incongruous)  nal words of visual sentences 46
8.1 Four-year-olds’ ratings for grammatical intransitive sentences
and ungrammatical transitive sentences for a high frequency,
a low frequency, and a novel verb (disappear/vanish/blick) 126
12.1 Examples of eyetracking systems 180
12.2 Calculating gaze proportions over time 182
13.1 The relation of MLU to age for Adam, Eve, and Sarah 195
13.2 The widening gap in the vocabulary growth of children
from professional, working class, and welfare families across
their  rst three years of life 197
13.3 Number of interchange types used by children at three ages 198
14.1 Examples of gestures produced by children in the early stages
of language learning 211
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(Between pages 206 and 207)
1 Timecourse of children’s looking patterns during a shape bias task, at four
different ages (Chapter 2)
2 One-year-olds’ xation to named target pictures on hearing ordinary
pronunciations of words and mispronunciations of words (Chapter 3)
3 N400m MEG response to congruous and incongruous  nal words in visual
sentences (Chapter 4)
4 Brain activation to a rhyme task relative to rest, as measured with
hemodynamic methods (Chapter 4)
5 The “smiley-face” scale used by adults and children to rate acceptability
(Chapter 8)
List of Plates
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Notes on Contributors
Leonard Abbeduto, PhD (University of Illinois–Chicago) is the Charles J. Anderson
Professor of Education in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University
of Wisconsin–Madison. He is also Associate Director for Behavioral Sciences and
Director of the University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the
University’s Waisman Center. His research is focused on behavioral development in
atypical populations, with an emphasis on the language problems associated with
fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, and autism. E-mail: Abbeduto@waisman.
Ben Ambridge, PhD (University of Manchester) is Lecturer in Psychology at the
University of Liverpool. His research focuses on children’s acquisition of syntax and
morphology; in particular, on the retreat from overgeneralization error. Dr Ambridge
is also a co-author of Child Language Acquisition, a recent textbook summarizing
the major theoretical debates in the  eld. E-mail: [email protected]
Heike Behrens, PhD (University of Amsterdam) is Professor for Cognitive Linguistics
and Language Acquisition at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Her research
focuses on morphosyntactic development in West Germanic languages (German,
Dutch, English) and on input. She is also member and co-speaker of the Graduate
School on Frequency Effects in Language at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Erica A. Cartmill, PhD (University of St Andrews) is a postdoctoral scholar in the
Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago working with Susan Goldin-
Meadow on the role that gesture plays in language acquisition and in grounding
speech in the physical world. She also studies gestural communication and social
cognition in great apes. Her work is aimed at understanding the link between action
and communication/language and the role gesture plays in that relationship on both
evolutionary and ontogenetic timescales. E-mail: [email protected]
Cynthia Core, PhD (University of Florida) CCC SLP is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Speech and Hearing Science at the George Washington University in
Washington, DC, and a certi ed Speech–Language Pathologist. She studies the
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x Notes on Contributors
development of phonology and phonological memory and their relationships to
language development in young monolingual and bilingual children in collaboration
with Erika Hoff. She is also investigating the relationship between the development
of speech production and speech perception in young children with cochlear implants
with colleagues at The George Washington University and Gallaudet University.
Roberta Corrigan, PhD (University of Denver) is a Professor of Linguistics and
Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She is the author
of numerous articles on language and cognitive development and recently co-edited
Formulaic Language (vols 1 and 2, Benjamins, 2009, with Edith Moravcsik, Hamid
Ouali, and Kathleen Wheatley). E-mail: [email protected]
Özlem Ece Demir, PhD (University of Chicago) is a postdoctoral scholar in the
Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago working with Susan Goldin-
Meadow and Susan Levine. Her research focuses on the role of biological and
environmental factors underlying children’s language, particularly narrative and
reading development. E-mail: [email protected]
David K. Dickinson, PhD (Harvard) is a Professor at Vanderbilt University’s
Peabody School of Education. He has studied language and early literacy
development among low-income populations, focusing on the role of oral language
in literacy development. He also has authored numerous articles and co-authored
books that include two volumes of the Handbook of Early Literacy Research,
created tools for describing support for literacy and language learning in preschool
classrooms, developed and studied the effectiveness of professional development
efforts, and co-authored a preschool curriculum. E-mail: david.dickinson@
Christopher T. Fennell, PhD (University of British Columbia) is an Associate Professor
and Director of the Language Development Lab at the University of Ottawa. His
research focuses on monolingual and bilingual infants’ discrimination and use of
phonemic information in early word learning. E-mail: [email protected]
Susan Goldin-Meadow, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) is the Bearsdley Ruml
Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Comparative
Human Development at the University of Chicago. Her work on gesture in both hear-
ing and deaf children has revealed the importance of gesture in facilitating, support-
ing, and predicting language and cognitive development. E-mail: [email protected]
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PhD (Cornell University) is the H. Rodney Sharp
Professor of Education at the University of Delaware where she is also a member of
the Departments of Psychology and Linguistics. She conducts research in language
acquisition, early geometry, and playful learning. Among her awards are a
Guggenheim Fellowship and, with K. Hirsh-Pasek, the Urie Bronfenbrenner Award
for Lifetime Contribution to Developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and
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Notes on Contributors xi
Society and the Distinguished Service to Psychological Science Award. She is author
of 12 books and numerous journal articles, and is committed to the dissemination
ofdevelopmental science. Her most recent book (with K. Hirsh-Pasek, L. Berk, and
D.Singer) is A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool (Oxford). E-mail: roberta@
Ligia Gómez, MA (Boston College) is a PhD candidate in the Applied Developmental
Psychology program at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College. Her research
interests include language acquisition in monolingual and bilingual speakers, with a
particular focus on the crosslinguistic comparison of children’s lexical and syntactic
skills. E-mail: [email protected]
Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek is the Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Professor in the Department
of Psychology at Temple University, where she serves as Director of the Infant
Language Laboratory and Co-Founder of CiRCLE (The Center for Re-Imagining
Children’s Learning and Education). She received her bachelor’s degree from the
University of Pittsburgh and her PhD at University of Pennsylvania. Her research in
the areas of early language development, literacy, and infant cognition has been
funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health
and Human Development, resulting in 11 books and more than 100 publications.
With her long-time collaborator Roberta Golinkoff, she is a recipient of the APA
Bronfenbrenner Award for lifetime contribution to the science of developmental psy-
chology in the service of science and society and the APA Award for Distinguished
Service to Psychological Science. She also received Temple University’s Great Teacher
Award and Paul Eberman Research Award. She is a Fellow of the American
Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society, served as the
Associate Editor of Child Development and treasurer of the International Association
for Infant Studies. Her book, Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Children Really
Learn and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less (Rodale Books) won
the prestigious Books for Better Life Award as the best psychology book in 2003. She
is deeply invested in bridging the gap between research and practice. To that end, she
was a researcher on the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development,
co-developed the language and literacy preschool curricula for the State of California,
and has consulted with toy companies and media programs like Sesame Workshop.
Erika Hoff, PhD (University of Michigan) is a Professor of Psychology at Florida
Atlantic University. She studies early monolingual and bilingual development and
itsrelation to properties of children’s language exposure. She is the author of the
textbook Language Development (Cengage Learning). She is also co-editor of
the Blackwell Handbook of Language Development and of Childhood
Bilingualism: Research on Infancy through School Age (Multilingual Matters).
Vikram K. Jaswal, PhD (Stanford University) is Associate Professor of Psychology at
the University of Virginia. His research focuses on early cognitive and language
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xii Notes on Contributors
development, and recent work has addressed questions about the nature of trust in
young children. E-mail: [email protected]
Ioulia Kovelman, PhD (Dartmouth College) is an Assistant Professor at the
Department of Psychology, University of Michigan. She is a developmental cogni-
tive neuroscientist interested in bilingual and monolingual language and literacy
acquisition. E-mail: [email protected]
Sara T. Kover, MS (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is a doctoral student in the
Department of Educational Psychology of the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Her research interests include language development in children with fragile X
syndrome and children with autism and the evaluation of methods for assessing
language ability in children. E-mail: [email protected]
Aylin C. Küntay, PhD (University of California–Berkeley) teaches in the Psychology
Department at Koç University, Istanbul. Her research interests are early morphosyn-
tactic and pragmatic developments, and the interaction of the two. She has adopted
the crosslinguistic approach in many of her studies. E-mail: [email protected]
Elena Lieven, PhD (University of Cambridge) is a Senior Research Scientist at the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and
Director of the Max Planck Child Study Centre at the University of Manchester, UK.
Her research areas are syntactic development and crosslinguistic studies of child-
directed speech. She is a member of the Chintang/Puma language documentation
project and is studying language development in this Tibeto-Burman language.
Andrea McDuf e, PhD (Vanderbilt University) CCC is an Assistant Scientist at the
Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her research is focused
on the development of communication and language in children with autism or
fragile X syndrome, including the role of parenting in optimizing children’s
communicative development. E-mail: mcduf [email protected]
Karla K. McGregor, PhD (Purdue University) CCC SLP is a Professor in the
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and a member of the Delta
Center at the University of Iowa. She is a past editor for language for the Journal of
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. E-mail: [email protected]
David A. McKercher, PhD (Stanford University) is a Lecturer in the Department of
Linguistics at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His research
interests are in  rst language acquisition and lexical semantics and he teaches courses
on psycholinguistics, semantics, syntax, and morphology. E-mail: [email protected]
Letitia R. Naigles, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) is Professor of Psychology at the
University of Connecticut. Her research investigates the processes of language acqui-
sition in children with autism and compares language development across languages
and cultures. E-mail: [email protected]
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Notes on Contributors xiii
Barbara Alexander Pan, PhD (Boston University) studied the language and literacy
development of young monolingual and bilingual children for more than 20 years.
Her work focused particularly on factors affecting the development of children from
low-income families. She retired from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in
2009. Dr Pan passed away in February 2011.
Janina Piotroski, PhD (Miami University) is a cognitive psychologist with a
background in learning and human factors. She has spent the last two years working
with Letitia Naigles in investigating language development in children with autism
and typically developing children. E-mail: [email protected]
Elaine Reese, PhD (Emory University) is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Psychology at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. Dr Reese also
serves as the Education Domain Leader of the Growing Up in New Zealand study
at the School of Population Health at the University of Auckland. Her research
focuses on language, literacy, and memory development, with a particular emphasis
on the role of oral language in early literacy. E-mail: ereese@psy.otago.ac.nz
Meredith L. Rowe, EdD (Harvard University) is an Assistant Professor of Human
Development at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research focuses on
the role of parents and family factors in child language development and has been
supported by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development and
the Institute for Educational Studies. E-mail: [email protected]
Rosario Luz Rumiche, BS (Florida Atlantic University) is the Laboratory Manager
for the Language Development Lab at Florida Atlantic University. She is a graduate
student in the School of Social Work at Florida Atlantic University, and she is the
mother of two bilingual children. E-mail: [email protected].
Alison Sparks, PhD (Clark University) is a Research Associate in the Department of
Psychology at Amherst College. Her research focuses on language and literacy
development in culturally and linguistically diverse populations, with a particular
emphasis on the role of children’s narrative productions in developing communica-
tive competence. Dr Sparks consults with early childhood development programs on
issues related to literacy learning and fair assessment of bilingual children. E-mail:
Sebastian Suggate, PhD (University of Otago) at the time of writing this chapter was
an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Würzburg
in Germany. His research focuses on the development of reading and language dur-
ing childhood. E-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Swingley, PhD (Stanford University) is Associate Professor of Psychology at
the University of Pennsylvania, where he is Director of the Infant Language Center.
He studies word recognition, lexical representation, and lexical and phonological
categorization in infants and young children. He is a pioneer in the use of the
looking-while-listening procedure. E-mail: [email protected]
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xiv Notes on Contributors
John C. Trueswell, PhD (University of Rochester) is Professor of Psychology and
Director of the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of
Pennsylvania. Trueswell’s lab focuses on understanding how children develop the
ability to process language in real time and how this ability interacts with the acqui-
sition of language. Trueswell is known for pioneering eyetracking methods designed
for the study of spoken language processing in young children. In addition to his
research, Trueswell is actively involved in undergraduate and graduate training in
cognitive science at the University of Pennsylvania. He was the co-creator of the
Annual Undergraduate Workshop in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience,
which he continues to direct. He is also director of the NSF-IGERT graduate pro-
gram in Language and Communication Sciences. E-mail: [email protected]
Marina Vasilyeva, PhD (University of Chicago) is an Associate Professor of Applied
Developmental Psychology at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College. Her
research interests encompass cognitive development and language acquisition in
children. In the linguistic domain, she uses experimental methodology to investigate
the role of environmental input in the development of syntactic skills. E-mail:
Heidi Waterfall, PhD (University of Chicago) is a Postdoctoral Associate in
Developmental Psychology at Cornell University. Her research investigates the role
of the linguistic environment, speci cally caregiver–child interaction, in child
language development. E-mail: [email protected]
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This book re ects the ideas and efforts of many people. I would like to thank Li Wei,
editor of this series, for inviting me to organize a volume on methods of studying
child language development and for his guidance and support throughout the
process. I would also like to thank Danielle Descoteaux and Julia Kirk at Wiley-Blackwell
whose help was invaluable at many points along the way from the conception to the
completion of this book. I owe special thanks to Krystal Lago, PhD student at Florida
Atlantic University, who serenely managed the task of assembling this collection of
chapters and keeping me relatively organized. I am deeply grateful to all the chapter
authors who were a pleasure to work with and from whom I have learned a great
deal. I note with sadness that the author of Chapter 7, Barbara Pan, passed away as
this book was going to press.
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The aim of researchers who study child language is to describe children’s language
skills and language knowledge at different developmental points and to explain how
children progress from their starting state to the achievement of adult-level skills and
understandings. Language skills are hard to capture, and both the underlying
knowledge and the mechanisms that enable language acquisition are hidden from
view inside the mind of the child. Thus, researchers who study child language depend
on an array of tools to reveal the object of our study. This book is about those tools.
Its aim is to describe the techniques child language researchers use as we go about
the business of studying language development.
Some of the methods reviewed in this book are very new, for example the use of
functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to study the activity of the brain.
Others have a longer history – for example the collection, transcription, and coding
of speech samples – but have been transformed in recent years by new hardware and
software. Each chapter author is a researcher who uses and, in many cases, has
contributed to the development of the methods described. The authors were asked to
describe the research aims their methods serve, the details of the implementation of
those methods, and the type of data the methods yield. Each chapter provides some
discussion of the alternative methods available to researchers and their attendant
advantages and disadvantages. In many cases, the chapters are part personal trave-
logue, describing the researcher’s journey from research aim to research method.
The book is organized into four parts. The  rst focuses on laboratory techniques
that do not require language production from the participant. Most of these are
techniques used to study language in infants. In Chapter 1, Christopher Fennell
describes habituation procedures and their use in studying infants’ abilities to
discriminate the smallest meaningful units of sound. In Chapter 2, Janina Piotroski
and Letitia Naigles describe the preferential looking method as it is used to study
early language comprehension. In Chapter 3, Daniel Swingley describes the develop-
ment and use of the looking-while-listening procedure, which provides a window
onto the online processing engaged in by prelinguistic infants as they listen to speech.
In Chapter 4, Ioulia Kovelman reviews the brain imaging techniques that have been
used to peek into the neural activity of infants and older children as they process
language. In Chapter 5, the  nal chapter of this part, Roberta Golinkoff and Kathryn
Hirsh-Pasek provide a historical overview of the development of these and other
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Preface xvii
methods that have been used to study language in infants, moving from the
early questions of what infants on average can do to the more recently asked
question of what individual differences among infants portend for their future
language development.
The second part of the book surveys methods that have been used to assess
language knowledge in children who do produce speech. In Chapter 6, Cynthia Core
provides a short course on phonological development and a survey of methods used
to assess phonological development in young children. In Chapter 7, Barbara Pan
does likewise for vocabulary development and its assessment. In Chapter 8, Ben
Ambridge discusses methods of assessing children’s grammatical knowledge, focusing
in particular on a new technique – the graded grammaticality judgment paradigm. In
Chapter 9, Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate describe the story
retelling technique they have used to study children’s narratives. Chapters 10, 11,
and 12 are introductions to three different techniques that have been used to ask
questions about children’s underlying linguistic knowledge and online processing in
both the lexical and the syntactic domains. In Chapter 10, David McKercher and
Vikram Jaswal describe the use of judgment tasks. In Chapter 11, Marina Vasilyeva,
Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez describe priming procedures. In Chapter 12, John
Trueswell describes eye movement monitoring techniques.
The focus of the third part of the book is on the use of naturalistic methods to
capture the speech children hear and the speech they spontaneously produce. In
Chapter 13, Meredith Rowe describes methods that have been and are being used
to record, transcribe, and code samples of caregiver–child interaction and illustrates
the sort of  ndings such methods can yield. In Chapter 14, Erica Cartmill, Özlem
Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow describe the methods used to study the gestures
children produce and observe as they communicate and the role of gesture in
language development. In Chapter 15, Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens describe the
dense sampling procedure they and others have used to capture the nature of
children’s language input and spontaneous speech. In Chapter 16, Letitia Naigles
describes techniques that aim for even more than a dense sample – techniques to
capture everything a child hears and/or says. In Chapter 17, David Dickinson
describes approaches to capturing teacher–child interactions in preschool
classrooms. In Chapter 18, Roberta Corrigan provides an introduction to the
data archive and analysis tools that are the Child Language Data Exchange
The organizing topic for the fourth part is the question of what we can learn and
how we go about learning it when we study populations other than typically
developing, monolingual children acquiring English. In Chapter 19, Aylin Küntay
discusses crosslinguistic research. In Chapter 20, Rosario Rumiche and I describe the
particular challenges of research with bilingually developing children and their
families, and we describe the methods we have used in our research. In Chapter 21,
Karla McGregor discusses methodological issues that are unique to the study of
children with language impairment, and she reviews the standards of scienti c qual-
ity that pertain to research that will provide an evidence base for clinical practice. In
Chapter 22, Leonard Abbeduto, Sara Kover, and Andrea McDuf e describe their
work studying language development in children with intellectual disabilities.
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xviii Preface
One aim of this collection is to provide the reader with more background and
procedural detail about each method than can be included in a journal article.
(Another is to be a bit more readable than the necessarily dense prose of an APA-style
method section.) The hope is that the information presented in these chapters will be
of use to advanced students beginning research in the  eld of child language, to
established researchers embarking in new directions, and to readers of the scienti c
literature who would like more background on the procedures that yielded the data
they are reading about.
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Part I Studying Infants and Others
Using Nonverbal Methods
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
“Your child will get bored, and that’s ok. Many of us who use habituation to study
language development state this to the parents of our participants. In a world of
infant videos, playgroups, and exciting toys, the idea that we can glean rich knowledge
from purposefully boring an infant can seem strange. Yet, this statement essentially
encapsulates the habituation task, a procedure that has answered fundamental
questions about early language acquisition and continues to be of great use to the
field of developmental psycholinguistics.
1 Habituation Procedures
Christopher T. Fennell
In this chapter, the habituation technique will be described in detail, with a
focus on infant visual habituation tasks. This easy-to-implement procedure can
be used to measure many domains of early language development; however, it
has been primarily used to test questions of language discrimination and word
learning. In a typical experiment, an infant sits on a parent’s lap, or in an infant
seat, listening to a repeated sound or word, which can be paired with a visual
display. Once her response (e.g., sucking, heart rate, orienting behavior)
decreases to a preset criterion, a test trial is presented where the sound or word
changes. An increase in response indicates successful discrimination and
potential learning of the sound or word. Key advantages of habituation tasks
are their use of autonomic responses, broad age range from fetuses to adults,
and applicability to multiple populations, including typically and atypically
developing children.
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4 Christopher T. Fennell
Research Aim
The concept of habituation has a long history in psychology, with forefathers like
Wundt and Thorndike exploring human adaptation to a recurring stimulus. Simply
defined, habituation is the progressive reduction of an organism’s behavior in
response to a repeated stimulus. Importantly, the reduction in behavioral response is
thought to demonstrate both memory encoding of the stimulus and potential
learning. However, as Cohen (2004) and others have stated, the decrease of a response
over time may not involve true habituation. The organism may just be fatiguing in
general, which may be especially true of infants and children. Thus, habituation
procedures require the introduction of a stimulus change after the habituation phase
ends. If the organism demonstrates an increase in target behavior in response to the
change, the researcher can now state with greater confidence that participants
remembered and learned the habituation stimulus on some level. This particularly
allows for tests of discrimination by using a similar, but novel, stimulus at test.
Despite its long history, it was not until Fantz’s (1964) seminal article that infant
habituation was broadly introduced into psychological research (see also Golinkoff
and Hirsh-Pasek, Chapter 5 this volume). Over the past three and a half decades,
there has been an explosion of infant habituation studies, with such pioneers as Leslie
Cohen contributing much to our understanding of using this technique with this
population. In language development research, habituation tasks have tested such
diverse aspects of infants’ language abilities as their ability to tell one language from
another, the specificity of their phonological representations (e.g., discriminating a /b/
sound from a /d/), their ability to learn word–object associations (e.g., pairing a novel
word with a novel object), and their ability to learn grammatical rules (e.g., learning
a word order pattern where nonsense syllables follow an ABA configuration like wo
fe wo, and then noticing violations of that arrangement – an ABB pattern like li gi gi).
Why have infant habituation procedures enjoyed such broad use? First, while the
response measured could be theoretically any form of behavior, it often involves an
autonomic physiological response such as sucking, heart rate, or orienting behavior
(e.g., looking). This is critical because overt conscious behaviors are harder, and
sometimes impossible, to elicit in the prenatal through infant phases of development,
exactly when important language abilities are unfolding. Further, these autonomic
responses are valid measures across wide populations of participants, including
different species, both typically and atypically developing populations, and – most
importantly for developmental studies – a wide range of age groups, from fetuses to
adults. Using the same task across ages is optimal, as it is difficult to track develop-
ment when using a variety of different methodologies, each with its own task
demands. Another strength is the breadth of possible stimuli; any repeated stimulus
is a potential candidate, including phonemes, stress patterns, words, signs, sentences,
etc. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, habituation reflects the cognitive structure
of the infant mind. Infants’ ability to habituate and react to novel stimuli is so
fundamental that it is part of neonatal assessment (Brazleton Scale) and correlates
with later cognitive skills (Berg and Sternberg, 1985).
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Habituation Procedures 5
In my own research, I have found the habituation task to be invaluable. I examine
infants’ abilities to detect and use the smallest meaningful units of sound in a
language: phonemes. For example, /b/ and /d/ are English phonemes because they
denote meaningful differences in words, like “bad” and “dad. I and my colleagues,
chief among them Janet Werker, have used visual habituation tasks to investigate
whether infants can discriminate two phonemes in speech perception and if they can
then use that same phonological information when acquiring words in the lab. It is
a testament to the power of the task that we can use the same procedure to answer
both phonetic and lexical questions over various points of development.
It is no surprise that habituation tasks are commonly used to investigate phoneme
distinction in infants, as they are designed to be tests of discrimination. But, why
choose habituation over other available methodologies? The main advantage of
habituation over its main competitor, the conditioned head turn procedure (CHT), is
its use of autonomic responses. CHT, on the other hand, involves an initial phase
where infants, via operant conditioning, are rewarded for turning their heads when
hearing a stimulus change. This places extra demands on infants and the experimen-
tal setup, as CHT requires two experimenters and more equipment (i.e., a reward
stimulus – usually an animated toy that is triggered by the first experimenter).
Further, CHT cannot be reliably used under 6 months of age, yet a large portion of
language development, especially that concerning phoneme perception, occurs prior
to this age. However, one advantage of CHT over habituation is that one can
meaningfully interpret a single individual’s data, as there are multiple change trials.
Thus, one can see if an infant can reliably discriminate two stimuli, which is of great
importance for clinical applications. The visual habituation task, however, typically
involves only one change trial (the novel trial). It is therefore difficult to interpret an
individual’s data, as she may have had increased, decreased, or equivalent looking
times to the novel stimulus compared to a habituation stimulus for any number of
reasons (e.g., fatigue, distraction, etc.). For this reason, we can only interpret group
data in habituation studies.
Another alternative test of infant phoneme discrimination is the event related
potential (ERP) methodology, which measures electrical neural responses to stimuli
via electroencephalography (EEG) (see Kovelman, Chapter 4 this volume). There is
a standard ERP produced, called the mismatch negativity response, when we detect
a change in auditory stimulus. However, more expensive resources and longer
experimenter training are required to use ERP than to use the habituation method.
Further, there is an added level of difficulty in setup and a corresponding higher level
of attrition.
Having chosen a habituation task to test phonological discrimination, for example,
it is important to select the appropriate response behavior. Early infant habituation
researchers used heart rate and sucking behaviors as dependent variables,
demonstrating that these responses decreased as an auditory, olfactory, or visual
stimulus repeated. While these measures are less common in modern research, they
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6 Christopher T. Fennell
are both valid, especially with certain populations. For example, during the fetal
period, heart rate is one of the few possible behavioral measures. Kisilevsky et al.
(2009) demonstrated that fetuses will show a novelty response of increased heart
rate to maternal speech after being familiarized to a female stranger’s speech. In the
neonatal and early infancy period, sucking can be preferable to orienting behaviors,
such as head turning and looking, given that the very young infant has limited head
control and an underdeveloped visual system. Indeed, the first study to demonstrate
that young infants can categorically perceive phonemes used a habituation paradigm
with sucking as the dependent measure (Eimas et al., 1971). In another example, Shi,
Werker, and Morgan (1999) used this response to establish that newborns can
discriminate a spoken list of grammar words (e.g., “in, “on”) from a list of
nongrammatical, or content, words (e.g., “mommy, “chair”). However the major
drawback of using heart rate and sucking measures is that they require monitoring
equipment to be in contact with infants’ bodies: an electrocardiogram or a pacifier
outfitted with a pressure transducer. These can be expensive and subject to equipment
problems. Sucking is also limited in terms of the age range: a 20-month-old may not
easily accept a pacifier to be placed continuously in her mouth during testing.
A third measurement option for auditory language skills – a visual orientation
response to a pattern on a screen – was validated by Horowitz’s (1975) demonstra-
tion of a positive relationship between attention to an auditory stream and visual
fixation. This measure is very advantageous, as it requires nothing to be in physical
contact with infants. It can even be done without monitoring equipment (i.e., an
experimenter observing infants’ looks with her own eyes), although it is recom-
mended that a video record be obtained for coding purposes. It should be noted that
another orienting behavior could be used: head turns. Using this measure, Swain,
Zelazo, and Clifton (1993) showed that newborns could remember a habituated
word form for up to 24 hours. However, this blunt measure is used less often than
looking time, which has more informative small variations (e.g., small glances, look
aways). Even its limitation in the neonatal period (i.e., poor visual capabilities) can
be overcome through the use of closer, more contrastive visual stimuli. The ease of
measuring looking behavior and its broad age range has led to its wide application,
including in my own studies.
We can now turn to an illustration of how to test infants’ perceptual discrimination
of phonemes using habituation. Note that this same method can be used for any
language distinction. Habituation studies necessarily involve two phases, habitua-
tion and test, which comprise discrete trials wherein an audio, visual, or audiovisual
stimulus is presented. In a phoneme discrimination task, a recording of a female
producing syllables in infant-directed speech, which infants prefer to adult-directed
speech, is delivered around 65 dB. The visual stimulus is a pattern, usually a
checkerboard. Each trial is preceded by an attention-getting stimulus in order to get
infants to orient to the screen (e.g., a flashing light; a morphing, colourful shape; the
face of a baby accompanied by giggling). Once infants look to the screen, the relevant
trial commences. Trials can be of set length, or can terminate once an infant looks
away for a set time. The latter infant-controlled option can be more sensitive, as it
takes into account individual differences in attention on a trial-by-trial basis.
However, it also introduces potential observer bias, as the experimenter decides
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Habituation Procedures 7
when infants are no longer attending. Therefore, care should be taken when using
this variant, ensuring that the experimenter is blind to both the stimulus and the
experimental phases.
The physical setup of the procedure is quite straightforward – another major task
advantage. The infant and one parent sit facing a visual display, with the parent
wearing sound-masking headphones. Given that looking time is our measure, one
important requirement is that the room is dimly lit so that the visual image stands
out. Researchers achieve this by turning off any overhead lighting and placing a
shaded lamp (or lamps) to the left and/or right of the infant at a 45 degree forward
angle. This allows for a clear image of the infants’ eyes. Sometimes researchers will
surround the visual display with black cloth that stretches the width and height of
the room, which will provide a stronger contrast for the presented images. Usually,
the task takes place in a small, quiet (or even soundproof) room to aid in the acoustic
presentation. Finally, infants’ looking times are recorded using a video camera, with
this record being used for reliability coding. This camera should be hidden from
infants’ view so as to not distract them from the visual stimuli.
The software to run the procedure can be created in the lab, or one can use a
common freeware program called Habit (Cohen, Atkinson, and Chaput, 2004),
which will order stimuli presentation, compute habituation criteria, and accumulate
looking time data. Stimuli are usually played from digitized files on the computer and
are sent to the display and speaker in the testing room. The experimenter, who should
be blind to the audio stimuli being presented and to whether a trial was a habituation
or test trial, remotely monitors the infant’s looking times. A designated key is pressed
on the computer keyboard during infant looks, which this program records.
The habituation phase is, of course, of prime importance to the procedure
andwhere the researcher has many options available. For example, one could end
the habituation phase once an infant accrues a certain amount of looking time
(e.g.,2 minutes total). These studies are usually termed familiarization rather than
habituation and, while they can provide rich data, they can be prone to problems
(see Cohen, 2004), as there is no guarantee that all infants would require the same
amount of training. Due to individual differences in attention and cognitive skills,
one infant may require 2 minutes to learn the stimuli and another may require
3minutes. To ensure that all infants are on the same page, a true habituation criterion
should be used (e.g., looking time across a block of trials falls to 65% of the highest
total looking time summed across the same-sized block).
Importantly, habituation
criteria change based on infant age, decreasing as they get older (using 65% at
14months, but 50% at 20 months). Selecting the appropriate criterion is critical
because if the criterion is too strict, the attrition rate will increase; infants become
too bored with the stimuli. If it is too lax, infants will not yet be habituated and one
may obtain null results that are not indicative of their true ability. A maximum
number of trials should still be included in the design (e.g., 24 trials) so that the
experiment does not continue indefinitely. One should compare the results of infants
who achieved the true criterion (habituators) and those who reached the maximum
number of trials without habituating (nonhabituators) to investigate if there are any
performance differences. For example, Werker et al. (1998) found that nonhabituators
did not successfully learn their habituation stimuli, whereas habituators did.
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8 Christopher T. Fennell
At test, there are also options available. One possibility is to compare the novel
stimulus to the final block of habituation trials to see if they are significantly different.
However, this approach has been criticized, as the final block of habituation trials is
necessarily low, and may be artificially so (see Cohen, 2004). For example, perhaps
an infant was distracted by their loose shoe for one trial and did not attend to the
habituation stimuli. The habituation phase ends due to the low response; however,
the child was not truly habituated. For this reason, the researcher should include two
trials at test – the novel stimuli and another trial of the habituation stimulus – with
the order counterbalanced across participants (e.g., Stager and Werker, 1997; Werker
et al., 1998). A within-subjects comparison of those two test trials, usually termed
novel and familiar, will reveal if participants can detect the difference between the
habituated stimuli and something new. Alternatively, one can compare two different
groups of infants: one group that received the novel stimulus after habituation, and
one that received a familiar stimulus after habituation. Although it removes any
possible order effects at test, this last method is less frequently used since it runs into
problems of matching the two groups and requires twice the number of participants.
The statistical analysis to determine if the novel and familiar trials are significantly
different can be a t-test, either paired-sample or independent depending on the
design. However, an ANOVA that includes the test trials as one variable and gender
as the other is recommended, as some work has found female advantages in this type
of task (e.g., Fennell, Byers-Heinlein, and Werker, 2007; Werker et al., 1998).
Pre-test First
Familiar test
Novel test
Key trials
Looking time (s)
Figure 1.1 Average looking times to key trials in an infant habituation experiment
involvinga phoneme change at test (N = 16). At post-test, infants recovered to pre-test
levelsand thus were not generally fatigued. Infants habituated, having significantly less
looking to the final habituation block than to the first (block = two trials). There is no
significant difference between the last habituation block and the familiar test trial,
indicatingthat infants are stillbored with the habituation stimulus. Finally, and most
importantly, infants noticed thechange in stimulus, as the novel test trial is significantly
different from both the familiar test trial and the last habituation block.
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Habituation Procedures 9
Finally, pre- and post-test trials can be included (see Werker et al., 1998). These
two trials consist of the identical stimuli, which are maximally different from
thehabituation and test trials. The pre-test trial occurs prior to the habituation phase
and is presented for two reasons: to allow infants to become accustomed to the
presentation, and as a comparison trial for the post-test trial. The post-test trial is
presented after the test phase. It is expected that if infants are still engaged in the
experiment, looking time would recover to near pre-test level during this final trial.
Once again, pre- and post-test looking times can be compared using a t-test or an
ANOVA that includes gender as a factor.
To determine the reliability of the experimenter’s coding, there are three standard
procedures. The first requires no extra equipment, but is the least exact. A second
trained coder can score the looking times of 25% of the subjects by watching the
video records. A Pearson product-moment correlation of original and recoded scores
should be greater than 0.95 for the data to be considered reliable. A second method
is to have two coders score all the video records using a frame-by-frame analysis to
obtain the most exact measures possible. Free software is available to perform this
coding (SuperCoder: Hollich, 2005). Finally, but most expensively, a researcher can
use an eyetracker (e.g., McMurray and Aslin, 2004). This technology uses the reflec-
tion of infrared light to measure the distance between the infant’s cornea and pupil,
collecting a reading of infant’s eye gaze every 20 milliseconds. This provides a
veryprecise recording of an infant’s looking behavior (see Piotroski and Naigles,
Chapter 2 this volume; Trueswell, Chapter 12 this volume).
Using the recommended setup above, multiple studies have confirmed that after
being habituated to audio exemplars from one native-language phoneme category
(e.g., /b/), infants look significantly longer to the screen when hearing a new
native-language phoneme (e.g., /d/) at test than when hearing the habituated phoneme
(e.g., Best et al., 1995; Burns et al., 2007; Polka and Werker, 1994; Stager and Werker,
1997; Sundara, Polka, and Molnar, 2008). The ages tested have ranged from 4 to 20
months and have included both monolingual and bilingual populations.
Visual habituation tasks can therefore be used to test basic language
discriminations, including phonemes, quite effectively. When examining infants’
use of this phonemic information in early word learning, it would be efficacious to
use the same procedure to test both phoneme discrimination and word learning. In
this manner, one can directly compare the same response with the same target
stimuli. However, it is important to ensure that habituation procedures can truly
measure lexical acquisition, which is more complex and occurs developmentally
later than phonological acquisition. After all, other valid measures exist. Many
word- learning studies have used face-to-face training sessions to teach older
infants and toddlers new words and then tested them via picture selection and
pointing tasks. However, face-to-face training opens the door for experimenter
bias and lacks strict control (i.e., training differences across participants), whereas
habituation tasks present the same pre-recorded stimuli to all participants. Further,
these testing methods would be too difficult for younger infants, and perhaps even
for older infants. For these reasons, my colleagues and I turned to a visual habitu-
ation task that involves word–object associations called the “switch” procedure
(Werker et al., 1998). Theuse of this task allowed us to test infants as close to the
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10 Christopher T. Fennell
beginning of the word-learning period as possible, as it does not place undue
demands on participants this age, yet it necessitates that infants associate a word
and its referent.
In the switch procedure, the exact same physical setup as in phoneme discrimination
is used, but infants are now habituated to two word–object pairings
and tested on
their ability to detect a switch in a pairing. To assess whether infants not only have
learned about the words and objects individually, but have linked object A to word
A, or object B to word B, they are given two test trials. On the control trial (the“same”
trial), a familiar word and object are presented in a familiar combination, e.g., object
A with word A. On the test trial (the “switch” trial) a familiar word and object are
presented, but in a new combination, e.g., object A paired with word B. Ifthe infants
have learned about the words and the objects individually but have not learned the
associative link, the “same” and “switch” trials will be equally familiar, and should
attract equal looking times. However, if the infants have learned the link between the
specific words and objects, the “switch” trial, as a violation, should thus attract
greater looking time than the “same” trial. The same statistical analyses as in the
phoneme discrimination task are used for test trial comparison. Pre- and post-test
trials are included in this design (object C paired with word C, both of which are
maximally different from the habituation stimuli).
Werker et al. (1998) demonstrated that infants as young as 14 months can learn
dissimilar sounding words (e.g., “lif” vs “neem”) in the switch task. However, when
Stager and Werker (1997) tested the specificity of words by testing phonetically
similar labels (e.g., “bih” vs “dih”), they found that 14-month-olds failed to notice
the violation at test. This was unexpected as the [b]–[d] contrast is phonemic in
English and should therefore be easy for a 14-month-old English-learning infant to
discriminate, and therefore use in word learning. Thus, Stager and Werker conducted
a series of control studies, all using visual habituation tasks, to further investigate
why 14-month-olds failed. Stager and Werker confirmed that infants this age could
detect the acoustic difference between “bih” and “dih” by running the phoneme
discrimination task discussed earlier. To verify that the problem was specific to word
learning, they ran the phoneme discrimination task, but replaced the checkerboard
with an object. Infants were thus only habituated to one word–object combination
in this task and the “switch” trial entailed a switch from the habituated label (e.g.,
“bih”) to a minimally different label (e.g., “dih”). Even though infants could succeed
in discriminating the labels if they ignored the object and only attend to the audio,
the 14-month-olds once again failed.
Based on all the above findings, it would seem that infants of 14 months only have
difficulty accessing phonetic detail when they are placed in a word-learning situation.
The fact that all of these controls could involve the same task points to the versatility
and power of the design. Nevertheless, one never knows whether 14-month-olds’
continued failure to learn phonetically similar words really reveals something about
their word-learning abilities, or instead whether, for any other of an infinite number
of reasons, the task simply failed to reveal an underlying capability. Indeed, there
have been two prominent criticisms of using habituation tasks to measure word
learning: the blunt nature of the test and the ecological validity of the training. First,
let us examine the issue of measurement.
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Habituation Procedures 11
In order for infants to succeed in the switch task, they need to demonstrate
sufficient surprise at the violation of the link between object and label. In the case
where both labels are similar, they may have not learned the words with sufficient
confidence to trigger a novelty response. To examine the possibility that our testing
method masked infants’ detailed phoneme use in word learning, we maintained the
same habituation phase as before but altered the testing phase of the switch task by
applying the methodology of the “looking-while-listening” procedure (Yoshida etal.,
2009; see Swingley, Chapter 3 this volume). After being habituated to object Apaired
with “bin” and object B paired with “din, infants received target test trials where
both habituation objects appeared simultaneously as they heard one of the object
labels. We counterbalanced side of object presentation and object label. These trials
were interspersed with filler test trials that used familiar objects and labels (e.g., car,
shoe) to acquaint infants with the task. This testing method allowed for a subtler
analysis of infants’ object choice than prior switch studies. We could analyze both
proportion looking and latency to the correct object, as well as a timecourse analysis
of looking. Test trials were analyzed over 367–2000 ms after the onset of the spoken
target word. This window allows for infant reaction time at this age and accounts for
the normal duration of their attention. We found that the average proportion of
fixation to the target object (53.5%) was significantly greater than chance (50%), an
effect generated from the first block of four target test trials (56.8%) rather than the
second block (49.4%). Thus, infants of 14 months have encoded enough detail in the
word form to distinguish the “bin” object from the “din” object at test. However, as
is obvious from the data, it is a very delicate effect, which explains why the traditional
switch measure did not reveal it. Future research could use this hybrid procedure,
albeit with half the testing trials, to investigate subtle word-learning effects.
Nevertheless, this does not necessitate a complete rejection of the traditional testing
phase, which has revealed important group differences in the past and may involve
a requisite amount of confidence in word knowledge that is more applicable
to real-word applications (e.g., correlations between ability in the switch task and
phonological processing in later childhood).
To return to the other criticism of the word-learning habituation task, some have
argued that the task is too “stripped down” to allow for true word learning; there
are no linguistic (i.e., syntax) or pragmatic (e.g., naming routines) cues. Consequently,
I and Sandra Waxman took up the challenge to redesign the word-learning version
of the visual habituation task to include cues to reference that went beyond the
simple temporal contiguity of word and object, while maintaining experimental
control (Fennell and Waxman, 2010). We hypothesized that the presence of referential
cues would allow infants to learn new words in full phonetic detail. The first issue to
address was that, in all previous implementations of the switch habituation task,
novel words were presented in isolation, which has adverse consequences for learn-
ing object names. In normal conversation, when words appear in isolation, they tend
to be proper names (“Daddy!”), commands (“Stop!”), or exclamations (“Wow!”).
Importantly, infants are sensitive to this, failing to map isolated words to objects in
categorization tasks. We therefore modified the task by presenting the target words
in recorded naming phrases that clearly indicated that the to-be-learned word
referred to an object (e.g., “Look! It’s the bin!”). These naming phrases provide both
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12 Christopher T. Fennell
pragmatic cues (ritualized forms used to present words to infants) and syntactic cues
(presence of a determiner) to reference. Another method we employed to invoke
referential word learning in the task was to introduce a brief training period wherein
infants saw three familiar objects (car, shoe, cat) each paired with its familiar basic-
level object name presented in isolation (e.g., “Car!”). This highlighted that words
and objects belonged together in the task. We then gave infants a habituation phase
(e.g., a novel toy object paired with “bin”), following by the standard testing phase
of a novel and familiar pairing of the word–object combination. In both manipula-
tions, infants of 14 months mapped the novel word in all its detail to the accompanying
object and were surprised when the word changed (e.g., “bin” changing to “din”).
This demonstrates that simple changes to the auditory stimuli or design can invoke
a more ecologically valid and powerful word-learning task, while maintaining the
strict experimental controls that are so advantageous in habituation procedures.
Remaining Data Issues
Let us now turn to two final points on data analysis. The first concerns the habituation
phase, while the second relates to findings in the test phase that do not resemble the
standard novelty response.
Habituation phase data can potentially reveal important group differences. If one
group receives one stimulus (or set of stimuli) and another group receives a different
one, or if both groups receive the same stimuli but are from differing populations
(e.g., bilingual versus monolingual, or male versus female), researchers can compare
the following measures to explore any differences in adaptation or learning. One can
examine the length of habituation via the mean looking time across the entire
habituation phase, the mean number of habituation trials, or – better yet – the slope
of the habituation curve. Other relevant measures are infants’ initial interest in the
stimuli (mean looking time in the first block of habituation trials) and infants’ final
habituation level (mean looking time in the last habituation block). One may see
group effects in this last measure, wherein one group has a floor effect of habituation
and another group just makes the criterion. Differences between groups in any of
these measures could explain eventual group differences at test, and thus all of them
should be explored.
A strange effect that can possibly occur at test is discovering, contradictory to the
habituation model, a significantly greater response to a familiar stimulus over the
novel stimulus. Interestingly, this significant difference indicates that infants can
discriminate the familiar and novel stimuli, yet they continue to have active interest
in the familiar stimulus from habituation and avoid a novel stimulus. Thus, a
significant familiarity preference is still interpretable in terms of discrimination abil-
ity; however, the counterintuitive nature of the response requires a clear explanation.
In a key paper, Hunter and Ames (1988) posited that familiarity effects relate to
the ease or difficulty with which infants process the habituation stimuli. They
hypothesized that infants would prefer stimuli that are at their optimal level of
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Habituation Procedures 13
stimulation, and will actively avoid or show a lack of interest in stimuli above or
below that level. For a low to moderately complex stimulus, infants would initially
have a high response as it is at their optimal level, but as they became familiar with
the stimulus, their interest would wane – the standard habituation curve. However,
a complex stimulus may actually generate an avoidance response at first, and would
only generate interest once the infant has become familiar enough with it to start
processing its properties. Thus, if the infants in this latter case were run for the same
habituation time as infants exposed to a less complex stimulus, they may show a
greater response to a familiar stimulus, as they had not reached the end of the habit-
uation curve and are still trying to process the habituation stimuli. Importantly,
younger and older infants may have differing responses to the same stimulus, as its
complexity is dependent on the maturity of the cognitive system. Younger infants
run for the same length of habituation time with the same stimulus as older infants
may demonstrate a familiarity effect, as the stimulus would be more complex to their
system. Indeed, data from both of these manipulations (age and stimulus complexity)
have borne out the predictions of Hunter and Ames. Cohen (2004) therefore
advocates for a strict habituation criterion (e.g., 50% reduction in looking time) to
avoid possible familiarity effects.
However, it is important to note that familiarity effects can be interpreted.
Asmentioned earlier, a significant preference for a familiar over a novel stimulus still
demonstrates that infants can discriminate the two stimuli and indicates that the
habituation stimulus was overly complex for the developing system of the infants.
Hunter and Ames also point out that familiarity effects demonstrate infants’
motivation to process information. In an example of the utility of these effects, we
recently discovered a strong familiarity preference for a specific novel word in my
lab. A subsequent examination of the acoustics of the stimuli revealed that the target
phoneme in that word was much more acoustically variable than target phonemes in
our other stimuli. That variability increased the complexity of the stimuli and drove
the familiarity preference in the study. This familiarity preference therefore led to the
finding that infants are acutely sensitive to phonetic variability in stimulus sets.
In conclusion, the habituation task, with its long history and uncomplicated
application, is a key tool for developmental psychologists to uncover answers to
current and future questions about the very beginnings of language understanding in
the mind of the infant, and across the lifespan.
Key Terms
Familiarity preference An infrequent response in a true habituation task where the participant
attends more to the familiar (i.e., habituation) stimulus at test than a novel stimulus. It
usually indicates that the wrong habituation criterion was employed and/or that the
familiar stimulus was too complex for the participant.
Familiarization study A study in which all participants experience the target stimuli for the
same predetermined amount of time. This is contrasted with a study with a habituation
Familiar stimulus The stimulus presented throughout habituation.
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14 Christopher T. Fennell
Habituation The progressive reduction of an organism’s behavior in response to a repeated
Habituation criterion The set percentage to which the participant’s behavioral response
must decrease from its highest point before the test phase begins.
Infant controlled A variation of the habituation task where the length of each test trial is
fully determined by infants’ attention to the presented stimulus. The trial begins when the
infant attends to the stimulus and ends when they stop attending.
Novel stimulus A stimulus presented at test that is distinct from the familiar stimulus.
Ifparticipants have adapted to or learned the specific stimulus from habituation, they
should have an increased response to this stimulus over the familiar stimulus (see novelty
Novelty preference The classic test response in a habituation task where the participant
attends more to a novel stimulus than a familiar one post-habituation.
Switch procedure An associative word-learning variant of the habituation task where
participants receive two word–object associations throughout habituation (object A,
word A; object B, word B) and are tested on two test trials, a familiar pairing (object A,
word A) and a novel one (object A, word B). If the participants learned the associative
link, they will show a novelty response.
1 Colombo has advocated for combining measures of heart rate and looking time behaviors
to obtain a more complete picture of infant habituation (e.g., Colombo et al., 2004).
2 Different block sizes can be used, but are usually two to four trials long. To give a concrete
example of a 65% habituation criterion: if an infant looks 100 seconds across the first
three trials, the habituation phase would end once her looking time across a set of three
trials fell below 65 seconds.
3 When using visual objects paired with audio stimuli, it is important that the object moves
across the screen to ensure infant attention. However, one has to ensure that the audio
stimulus (i.e., word) does not commence at the same moment that the object changes
direction on the screen, as this provides amodal cues to the relationship between word and
object (see Werker et al., 1998; 2002).
Berg, C., and Sternberg, R. (1985) Response to novelty: continuity versus discontinuity in the
developmental course of intelligence. In H. Reese (ed.), Advances in child development
and behavior (vol. 19, pp. 1–47). New York: Academic.
Best, C.T., McRoberts, G.W., LaFluer, R., and Silver-Isenstadt, J. (1995) Divergent develop-
mental patterns in infants’ perception of two non-native consonant contrasts. Infant
Behavior & Development, 19, 339–350.
Burns, T.C., Yoshida, K.A., Hill, K., and Werker, J.F. (2007) The development of phonetic
representation in bilingual and monolingual infants. Applied Psycholinguistics, 28,
Cohen, L.B. (2004) Uses and misuses of habituation and related preference paradigms. Infant
and Child Development, 13, 349–352.
Hoff_c01.indd 14Hoff_c01.indd 14 6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM
Habituation Procedures 15
Cohen, L.B., Atkinson, D.J., and Chaput, H.H. (2004) A new program for obtaining and
organizing data in infant perception and cognition studies (version 1.0). Austin: University
of Texas.
Colombo, J., Shaddy, D.J., Richman, W.A., et al. (2004) Developmental course of visual
habituation and preschool cognitive and language outcome. Infancy, 5, 1–38.
Eimas, P.D., Siqueland, E.R., Jusczyk, P., and Vigorito, J. (1971) Speech perception in infancy.
Developmental Issues, 171, 303–306.
Fantz, R.L. (1964) Visual experiences in infants: decreased attention to familiar patterns
relative to novel ones. Science, 146, 668–670.
Fennell, C.T., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Werker, J.F. (2007) Using speech sounds to guide word
learning: the case of bilingual infants. Child Development, 78, 1510–1525.
Fennell, C.T., and Waxman, S.R. (2010) What paradox? Referential cues allow for infant use
of phonetic detail in word learning. Child Development, 81 (5), 1376–1383.
Hollich, G. (2005) Supercoder: a program for coding preferential looking (version 1.5).
Computer software. West Lafayette: Purdue University.
Horowitz, F.D. (1975) Visual attention, auditory stimulation, and language discrimination in
young infants. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 39,
pp.i–x, 1–140.
Hunter, M.A., and Ames, E.W. (1988) A multifactor model of infant preferences for novel and
familiar stimuli. In C. Rovee-Collier and L.P. Lipsitt (eds), Advances in infancy research
(vol. 5, pp. 69–95). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Kisilevsky, B.S., Hains, S.M.J., Brown, C.A., et al. (2009) Fetal sensitivity to properties of
maternal speech and language. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 59–71.
McMurray, B., and Aslin, R.N. (2004) Anticipatory eye movements reveal infants’ auditory
and visual categories. Infancy, 6 (2), 203–229.
Polka, L., and Werker, J. (1994) Developmental changes in perception of nonnative vowel
contrasts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
20(2), 421–435.
Shi, R., Werker, J.F., and Morgan, J.L. (1999) Newborn infants’ sensitivity to perceptual cues
to lexical and grammatical words. Cognition, 72 (2), B11–B21.
Stager, C.L., and Werker, J.F. (1997) Infants listen for more phonetic detail in speech percep-
tion than in word-learning tasks. Nature, 388 (6640), 381–382.
Sundara, M., Polka, L., and Molnar, M. (2008) Development of coronal stop perception:
bilingual infants keep pace with their monolingual peers. Cognition, 108, 232–242.
Swain, I.U., Zelazo, P.R., and Clifton, R.K. (1993) Newborn infants’ memory for speech
sounds retained over 24 hours. Developmental Psychology, 9 (2), 312–323.
Werker, J.F., Cohen, L.B., Lloyd, V.L., et al. (1998) Acquisition of word–object associations by
14-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 34, 1289–1309.
Werker, J.F., Fennell, C.T., Corcoran, K.M., and Stager, C.L. (2002) Developmental changes in
infants’ ability to learn similar sounding words. Infancy, 3 (1), 1–33.
Yoshida, K., Fennell, C.T., Swingley, D., and Werker, J.F. (2009) Fourteen-month-olds learn
similar-sounding words. Developmental Science, 12 (3), 412–418.
Further Reading and Resources
Cohen, L.B. (2004) Uses and misuses of habituation and related preference paradigms. Infant
and Child Development, 13, 349–352.
Hoff_c01.indd 15Hoff_c01.indd 15 6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM
16 Christopher T. Fennell
Hunter, M.A., and Ames, E.W. (1988) A multifactor model of infant preferences for novel and
familiar stimuli. In C. Rovee-Collier and L.P. Lipsitt (eds), Advances in infancy research
(vol. 5, pp. 69–95). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Werker, J.F., Shi, R., Desjardins, R., et al. (1998) Three methods for testing infant speech
perception. In A.M. Slater (ed.), Perceptual development: visual, auditory, and speech
perception in infancy (pp. 389–420). London: UCL Press.
Habit computer software for running habituation experiments:
SuperCoder software for coding visual looking:
Hoff_c01.indd 16Hoff_c01.indd 16 6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM6/6/2011 12:24:29 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aims
The intermodal preferential looking (IPL) paradigm was developed to investigate the
linguistic knowledge of young children, through assessing language comprehension
rather than production (Golinkoff et al., 1987; Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1996). In
addition, this paradigm has begun to be used to study language processing in real
time (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010; Naigles et al., 2010; see also Fernald et al.,
2008; and Swingley, Chapter 3 this volume). The IPL paradigm tests comprehension
2 Intermodal Preferential Looking
Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
The intermodal preferential looking (IPL) paradigm was developed to
investigate the linguistic knowledge of young children through assessing
language comprehension. The procedure consists of showing side-by-side
dynamic videos depicting different objects, actions, or more complex events,
paired with an audio that matches only one of the videos. If children understand
the language of the audio, they should look longer at the matching video. The
IPL paradigm can be used to study questions concerning the age of acquisition
of grammatical constructions and the processes or strategies that children use
to learn words. It is suitable for typically developing children between the ages
of 12 months and 3.5 years, and for children with speech delays such as those
diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The IPL method can also be used for
crosslinguistic comparisons because the same visual stimuli can be used while
varying the audio for the language of interest.
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18 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
by showing children side-by-side dynamic videos depicting different objects, actions,
or more complex events. These are paired with an audio that matches only one of the
videos. If children understand the language of the audio, they should look longer at
the matching video. Thus, this method uses the patterns of children’s eye movements
as the indicator of comprehension.
The IPL method can be used to study three themes that are crucial to understanding
early language acquisition. (1) Which grammatical constructions do children know,
and how early do they know them? (2) What processes and strategies do children
use to learn words, and when are these in operation? (3) What do children know
about the words, especially nouns, that they are already familiar with? (This third
theme has also been extensively studied using a similar but not identical paradigm
called “ looking while listening” [LWL]. For more information, see Swingley,
Chapter 3 this volume; also, Houston-Price, Plunkett, and Harris, 2005; Naigles
and Gelman, 1995.) Because IPL can be used with children as young as 12–15
months of age, the very beginnings of the mapping of linguistic form and linguistic
meaning can be studied.
Theme 1: Acquisition of Grammatical Forms
IPL has been used to demonstrate that children understand very early in life how the
word order of their native language illustrates “who does what to whom. For
example, children acquiring English look longer at a boy washing a girl than at a
girl washing a boy when the audio is “Look, the boy is washing the girl. This pref-
erence has also been demonstrated with novel verbs and events (i.e., ones that don’t
have conventional labels in that language: Gertner, Fisher, and Eisengart, 2006;
Dittmar etal., 2008) and in children with autism at the two-word stage of language
production (Swensen et al., 2007). Using this method, researchers have also found
that 1–2- year-olds understand wh-questions. They are first shown events where an
apple hits a flower followed by paired pictures of an apple and a flower. They look
longer at the apple for when the audio is “What hit the flower?” and longer at the
flower when the audio is “What did the apple hit?” (Seidl, Hollich, and Jusczyk,
2003; Goodwin et al., 2009). Researchers have also found that 2–3-year-olds distin-
guish specific aspectual markers (“-ing” vs “-ed”) when presenting with paired
ongoing and completed renditions of the same events. That is, 26–36-month-olds
can match past/perfective forms such as “picked” or “drew” onto completed
renditions and present/imperfective forms such as “is picking” onto ongoing rendi-
tions. Even more impressively, 30-month-olds were able to map novel verbs with
“-ing” and “-ed” onto novel ongoing and completed events, respectively (Wagner,
Swensen, and Naigles, 2009). This procedure has also been used with children
acquiring different languages, revealing that very young children have learned the
meaning carried by word order in their language. For example, understanding of
subject + verb + object (SVO) order has been found in 17–21-month-old learners of
English and Mandarin (Cheung et al., 2009; Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1996;
Gertner, Fisher, and Eisengart, 2006; Swensen et al., 2007), and understanding of
the subject + object + verb (SOV) order that is characteristic of Turkish has been
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Intermodal Preferential Looking 19
found in 27-month-old learners of Turkish (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010; see
also Dittmar et al., 2008, who tested 2-year-old German learners with both SOV
and SVO orders).
Theme 2: Strategies of Word Learning
IPL has also been used to assess children’s use of word learning biases such as the
shape bias (Tek et al., 2008), the noun bias (Swenson et al., 2007), and syntactic
bootstrapping (Naigles, 1990; 1998; Naigles et al., 2010) because it easily enables
the teaching of novel words. First, novel words are presented via audio, paired with
either two novel objects or a novel object and a novel action. Then, in the testing
phase the novel word is presented via audio and the two objects or the object and
action are presented on different screens. Whichever screen the infant prefers to look
at is taken as evidence of what the infant thinks the novel word means. Using this
methodology, typically developing toddlers have been shown to exhibit a noun bias,
preferentially mapping novel lexical items onto objects rather than actions, as young
as 15 months of age (Swensen et al., 2007; see also Maguire, Hirsh-Pasek, and
Golinkoff, 2006). Moreover, children also preferentially map the referent of a novel
noun onto the shape of an object as opposed to its color, texture, or size, starting at
age 24 months. Interestingly, while 2–3-year-olds with autism have also exhibited a
noun bias using IPL, they have not demonstrated a shape bias, even as late as 45
months of age. And a variety of labs have demonstrated that 2–3-year-olds learning
English, Spanish, or Japanese can use sentence structure (e.g., the transitive vs
intransitive frames) to focus on different types of events as the referents of novel
verbs (i.e., syntactic bootstrapping) (Hohenstein, Naigles, and Eisenberg, 2004;
Matsuo, Kita, and Naigles, 2009; Naigles, 1990; Yuan and Fisher, 2009). Three-year-
olds with autism can also map novel transitive verbs onto novel causative rather
than noncausative actions (Naigles et al., 2010).
Data from the IPL procedure also allows asking about the relation between
comprehension and production within individual children by comparing children’s
comprehension of a structure to their production of that structure. In this way,
Swensen et al. (2007) found that 75% of typically developing children, as well as
those diagnosed with autism who understood the meaning carried by word order,
nonetheless did not yet consistently produce multiword utterances. Also, the children’s
preference for the matching video during the IPL test of word order comprehension
was not significantly related to their percentage of total utterances in spontaneous
production that consisted of multiple words for either group. The same study also
found that 80% of the 28-month-old children who understood subject wh-questions
and object wh-questions did not yet show evidence of producing these same types of
questions. Very recently, we have begun investigating the extent to which variation in
maternal input predicts subsequent variation in children’s wh-question comprehension,
with encouraging preliminary results (Goodwin et al., 2009).
Finally, by increasing the number of behaviors measured IPL has also begun to be
used for investigating how language comprehension proceeds in real time. The
“standard” measure compares children’s amount of looking to the matching screen
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20 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
(percentage of total looking time or duration of longest look) during the test trials
with that during baseline control trials, yielding an overall measure of preference.
However, one can also assess children’s speed and efficiency of processing through a
latency to the match (i.e., how quickly, after the start of the trial/test audio, does it
take the child to look to the match?). Moreover, one can assess something like
children’s “certainty” of grasping the form–meaning pairing by analyzing their
switches of attention (i.e., how many times do they switch from looking at the match
to the nonmatch?). A higher number of switches would indicate a lesser certainty
than a lower number of switches. In papers under review, we have found both of
these measures to be informative. Turkish 2-year-olds listening to SOV sentences switch
attention more than their English-learning peers listening to SVO sentences, possibly
indicating more uncertainty interpreting sentences lacking the usual case markers;
both groups show highly similar percentages of looking to the matching scene,
nonetheless (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010). Moreover, children with autism
who shift quickly to the matching scene when hearing SVO sentences with familiar
verbs subsequently (8 months later) show more robust mapping of novel verbs in
transitive frames onto causative actions, suggesting that children who are able to
process SVO sentences early in development are the ones best able to use sentence
frames to learn about verb meanings (Naigles et al., 2010).
Preferential looking is best suited for young children between the ages of 12
months and 3.5 years, and ideal for those younger than 2.5 years, because young
children of this age have trouble carrying out explicit tasks and may not talk
“enough” to demonstrate the full extent of their current level of linguistic knowledge
(Snyder, 2007). That is, toddlers do not always talk or act on demand, so request for
enactments or productions of sentences can frequently result in unrelated toy or
word play. It has also been found to be a useful technique for assessing the language
of children with developmental delays, such as those with autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs); these children also have difficulty carrying out explicit requests (e.g., Cauley
et al., 1989; Swenson et al., 2007; Tek et al., 2008). Because children are only
required to sit relatively still and watch the videos, IPL provides an implicit measure
of language understanding. Another useful application involves crosslinguistic
comparisons (see Küntay, Chapter 19 this volume), because the same visual stimuli
can be used while varying the audio for the language of interest (Cheung et al., 2009;
Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010; Hohenstein, Naigles, and Eisenberg, 2004;
Maguire et al., 2010).
The implementation of the IPL method requires the creation of synchronized videos,
and the necessary equipment to present the videos to the children, record their eye
movements, and then capture, code, and analyze the data (Tobii offers another way
of getting eye movement data: see “Further reading and resources”; see also
Gredebäck, Johnson, and von Hofsten, 2010).
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Intermodal Preferential Looking 21
Video and Audio Stimuli
Creating the videos requires a video camera and either costumed or conventionally
dressed people (for enacting the familiar or novel events), or novel or familiar objects.
If the videos are to be shown to children of various cultures, it is worthwhile to use
people costumed as animals, which would then be matched for ease of labeling, so
that the race/clothing of the characters is not a confound. For conventionally cos-
tumed characters, both adult and grade-school-aged actors have been used; toddlers
find grade-school-aged children especially interesting and fun to watch.
Video layouts are usually created using commercial nonlinear editing software
(e.g., Avid, FinalCutPro). These layouts can be arranged in a number of ways,
depending on the exact questions under investigation. In general, though, as depicted
in Table 2.1, familiarization or teaching trials come first, presented either sequen-
tially on either side or in the middle, so as not to bias the children about which side
will carry the match (i.e., sequential trials presented in a left–right (L–R) pattern for
one block (i.e., a set of trials) should be presented in an R–L pattern for the next
block). Usually, control trials, when the test events are presented without a directing
audio, follow (Swensen et al., 2007; Naigles, 1990); however, sometimes control
trials are presented first (Naigles, Bavin, and Smith, 2005; Roseberry et al., 2009).
These trials provide the critical indication of screen/action/object preference,
independent of the linguistic stimulus. Test trials are last in a given block; some use
two test trials per item while others use only one, and the jury is out on whether
children become confused when asked for the same linguistic match twice in
succession (Naigles, 1990; Swensen et al., 2007; Naigles, Bavin, and Smith, 2005;
Matsuo, Kita, and Naigles, 2009). The test trials should be counterbalanced for the
side of the match both within and across participants; therefore, the side of the
match should switch across trials and across children. Because the first trial (i.e.,
familiarization or teaching) of a block alternates on an XYXY pattern, we usually
follow an XYYXXY pattern for the side of the matching screen. That way, the side
Table 2.1 Generic layout of one block of an IPL video
Left video Center Audio Right video
1 Blank Flashing light “Look here!” Blank
2 Familiarization
Blank “See this!” Blank
3 Blank Flashing light “Oh, look!” Blank
4 Blank Blank “Look now!” Familiarization video
5 Blank Flashing light “Hey, look!” Blank
6 Control video 1 Blank Nondirecting Control video 2
7 Blank Flashing light Nondirecting Blank
8 Test video 1 Blank Directing Test video 2
Bold lines depict actual trials; non-bold lines depict inter-trial intervals.
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22 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
of the first trial is also the side of the match only half the time. Half of the children
would viewthe match in an LRRLLRR pattern while the other half sees the match
in an RLLRRLL pattern.
Some kind of visual centering stimulus needs to be presented during the
interstimulus intervals (numbered 1, 3, 5, 7 in Table 2.1) to keep the children on task;
some researchers use baby faces (Maguire et al., 2010), but we have found red
flashing lights to be attention-getting for both typically developing children and
those with ASDs. Audios should be in child-directed speech and should include lots
of attention-getting exclamations such as “hey, “wow, “look here” with a tone and
a voice that are upbeat and fun. Trials 1–8 are then repeated for each block, or new
items to be tested.
These videos are designed for use with children with short attention spans;
therefore, videos are usually kept to 3–6 minutes total length (four to eight items in
total; trials are 6–8 seconds long, with interstimulus intervals of 2–3 seconds). We
have begun to present the same videos multiple times in a longitudinal design (Tek
et al., 2008), and have found better comprehension at an earlier age if a video is
presented with only two to four blocks at visit N, followed by four to eight blocks at
visit N + 1 (Naigles, 2009).
One last aspect of stimulus creation involves how to designate where the trials
begin and end, so that the appropriate eye movements can be coded. Some paradigms
lay a 1 kHz tone on a second (nonprojected) audio channel; this tone is coincident
with each trial (bold lines in Table 2.1) and is copied onto the video showing the
child’s face (via a cable stretching from the laptop to the camera). Coders can then
reference the tone signal to see when each trial starts and stops. Alternatively, if the
child views the videos in a dimmed room, the added light of every trial will be visible
on the film of the child’s face and can be used as the indicator of trial onset and offset.
IPL Setups
IPL videos can be shown on a stationary setup or a portable setup. A stationary setup
consists of a computer, two video monitors, a centrally placed speaker, a centering
light, an audio splitter, and a video camera with tripod. The room is usually darkened
to help the children focus on the videos; however, some light is needed so that the
child’s eyes are visible when filmed. The portable setup includes a portable projector
with stand, a large projection screen, a video camera with tripod, a speaker, an audio
splitter, and a laptop. Essentially, the video is shunted from the computer to the
monitors directly in the stationary setup, or from the laptop to the projector to the
screen in the portable version. The portable setup is ideally suited to studying devel-
opmentally delayed populations, and/or when longer or more naturalistic sessions
are desired, because it can be easily transported to and set up in children’s homes.
Assessment in children’s own homes is desirable for populations who become
consistently uncomfortable in unfamiliar settings.
The portable setup involves somewhat different equipment and procedure, because
it is used in families’ homes. The projection screen must be sturdy, stand on its own
and not be easily knocked over by young children, who seem to be fascinated by this
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Intermodal Preferential Looking 23
novel item and love to hit it. A size of 84 by 63 inches (214 by 160 cm) is good. When
the projection screen and camera are being set up in families’ homes, the direction of
natural light in the room should be assessed as with any filming project. Children
should sit as close to the camera as possible (within 2 feet or 60 cm) to increase the
size of their eyes on the film and obtain the greatest angle of eye movement, while
still allowing for some leeway for head/body movement of the child during video. As
when using any electronics equipment, adequate time should be allowed for warm-up,
especially when traveling in cold weather!
Children in the stationary setup are usually buckled into booster seats or held on
parents’ laps; the advantage of the former is that, with parents sitting well behind the
children, there is less chance of interference (of course, parents are instructed not to
interfere). Children held on parents’ laps may sit more calmly, but then parents are
usually required not to watch the video (and/or listen to the audio), forestalling any
cues from subtle movements parents might make. For some cultures, though, this
restriction may be too onerous, in which case the booster-seat setup could be used.
Children in the portable setup usually sit on their parents’ lap; we typically ask the
parent to wear headphones playing distracting music so s/he cannot hear the audio.
Children viewing the videos ideally should not be allowed to have toys, food, or
drinks in their hands as these often serve as distractions and can at times block the
view of their eyes (especially with sippy cups). Interestingly, though, the opposite can
hold when some children with autism view the videos: they sit and watch better
when they are holding something.
Eye movements are coded offline, frame by frame, at 30 frames per second. This
level of detail is needed because toddlers move around a lot while viewing, and
because the children’s eye movement patterns throughout the trial can be revealing
about their level of processing. We use custom programs that tabulate the length
and direction of each look for each trial, and then organize these looks according to
each dependent measure. A free-use program (SuperCoder) is also available (see
“Further reading and resources”). It is important that coders be “deaf” to or
unaware of the specific stimuli that the child is experiencing on a given trial, so that
they don’t know which side is the matching one. If coders are very experienced in
coding eye movements and the same coders are used to code all of the children’s
videos, then an interrater reliability calculation based on the complete data from
10% of participants is sufficient (reliability is usually around 0.98). However, with
less experienced coders or if there is high turnover in the coders used across the
participants of the study, we would recommend having every video coded by at least
two people and requiring that their codes (usually duration to match) be within
0.3seconds of each other for each trial. If they are not, then a third, fourth, or
fifth person should code the video and hopefully they will be reliable with one
ofthe previous coders.
Given that our participants are toddlers and/or children with developmental
delays, it is inevitable that they will not look at either screen for some proportion of
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24 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
each trial, and for some trials, never. We have generally applied the following
conventions for these lapses of attention:
1 Children need to look to at least one screen for a minimum of 0.3 seconds for
that trial to be counted. Otherwise, it is a missing trial.
2 For a given video, children need to provide data for more than half of the test
trials in order to be included in the final dataset.
3 Missing trials are replaced with the mean across children in that age group and
condition for that item.
Data Analysis
Eye movement coding gives a variety of information about the children’s visual
fixations during the test trials (see also Trueswell, Chapter 12 this volume; Swingley,
Chapter 3 this volume). The most typical measure compares the proportion of time
that the child looked to the test video matching the directing audio, i.e., (looking to
match)/(looking to match + looking to nonmatch) (so not counting looks to the
center or away), compared with the same preference during the control/salience trial
video in which there was no directing audio. This measure captures whether the
directing audio altered the children’s original video/side preference: children should
look significantly longer at the matching scene during the test trials than they had
during the control trials, as calculated by t-tests or ANOVAs. Variations of this measure
can compare the children’s looking during the control trial with their looking during
the early or later segments of the test trial, thus revealing additional information
about the child’s ease of processing. For example, children who find the matching
screen early in the trial may be demonstrating mastery of the mapping between the
linguistic form and its depicted meaning, whereas those who only find it later may
require additional processing to accomplish this mapping. It is not yet clear whether
children who find the matching scene early, but then look away from it, understand
the form–meaning mapping differently (better or worse) from children who find the
matching scene early and then continue looking at it; below we will present some
preliminary data suggesting the different patterns of looking do indicate different
levels of understanding.
It is also possible to compare the children’s latency of looking to the match
versus the nonmatch during the test trial, with this latency during the control trial.
The assumption is that children who understand the form–meaning mapping better
will look to the match more quickly during the test trial (Fernald et al., 2008);
however, children’s latency of looking at the match during the test trial should be
slower than that during the control trial because the test trial requires the additional
processing of the directing audio which has to be matched to the correct video. A
third measure that can provide information about the children’s understanding and
the certainty of that understanding is the number of times that the child switches
where s/he is looking during a given trial. The expectation is that children would
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Intermodal Preferential Looking 25
switch attention more during the control trials (when there is no directing audio)
than during the test trials (when there is a directing audio) if they understood the
mapping between form and meaning that the trial is testing. Furthermore, children
should display fewer switches of attention as their certainty about which side is the
correct match increases.
As mentioned above, researchers have begun to use these latter measures to
provide more detailed information about young children’s early language compre-
hension processes. For example, differences have been seen across languages in how
quickly children shift to the matching scene during the test trials: English learners
tend to find the match early in the trial (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010; Gertner,
Fisher, and Eisengart, 2006) whereas German and Turkish learners tend to find it
later in the trial (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010; Dittmar et al., 2008). Because
both German and Turkish are languages that primarily use case markers rather than
word order to indicate argument structure, these findings could be interpreted as
indicating that even 2-year-old children are aware of the relative strength of the
word order cue in their respective languages. The finding that Turkish 1–3-year-olds
consistently switched attention during the test trials more than their English-learning
peers did may also indicate their relative uncertainty about which scene was the
matching one (Candan, Küntay, and Naigles, 2010).
Another new way to assess children’s level of language comprehension using IPL
involves examining their pattern of looking across the entire trial; i.e., their timecourse.
Tek et al. (2009) have illustrated how this timecourse changes with age for a novel
noun-learning task. In a longitudinal investigation of the shape bias, 16 children were
shown five sets of novel target objects followed by two simultaneously presented test
objects, one of which had the same shape and one the same color as the target object.
During the first block of trials, the five target objects were unlabeled and the test
audio simply asked, “Which one looks the same?” (the no-name condition). During
the second block of trials in the same video, the five targets were each given a novel
label and the test audio asked, “Where is the (novel name)?” (the name condition).
With the entire-trial proportion-looking-to-match measure, typically developing
toddlers at 20 months of age showed no preference for the shape match during the
name condition relative to the no-name condition; however, beginning at 24 months
of age, these significant effects were found (Tek et al., 2008). Timecourse analyses of
the children’s looking patterns illustrate how their development proceeded.
Plate 1 shows the children’s average timecourse of looking in each direction, at
each age (4 months apart, i.e., at 20, 24, 28, and 32 months). The red and pink lines
show the children’s looking away and looking to the center, respectively. The blue
line shows their looking to the shape match, and the green line shows their looking
to the color match. Their proportion of looking in each direction is plotted on the
y-axis; thus, at any given time, the four lines should add up to 1.0. The relevant
trials of the video are plotted on the x-axis, as follows, starting at the far left. The
first set of lines in each panel (to the left of the first green vertical bar) shows the
children’s looking during the ISI (blank) before the no-name test trial. Here, the red
centering light is on, and the children are predominantly looking to the center or
away (i.e., red and pink lines are the highest). The next set of lines in each panel
(between the vertical green bar and the vertical red bar) shows the children’s looking
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26 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
during the no-name test trial itself. Here, the children are asked, “Which one looks
the same?” and they look equally at the shape and color matches as well as away;
their looks to the center have diminished to zero. The next set of lines in each panel
(between the vertical red bar and the next vertical green bar) shows the children’s
looking during the ISI before the name test trial. Again, the red centering light is on
and the children are predominantly looking to the center or away (for the 20-month-
olds, mostly away!).
The final set of lines in each panel in Plate 1 shows the children’s looking during the
name test trial itself, and here is where we can see effects of age. The top left panel
shows the children’s looking patterns at 20 months of age. During the name test trials,
they showed a slight and late preference for the shape match over the color match, but
clearly looked away longer than at either scene. The top right panel shows their pat-
terns at 24 months of age. During the name test trials, they show an earlier and more
stable preference for the shape match over all other directions; however, they do not
look at the shape match for more than half of the time. The bottom left panel shows
their patterns at 28 months of age. During the name test trials, their preference for the
shape match does reach over 0.5, but only towards the very end of the trial. Finally,
the bottom right panel shows their patterns at 32 months, the last time they were
tested. During the name test trials, their dominant preference for the shape match is
evident much earlier in the trial. What we seem to be seeing, then, is that a shape bias
that grows stronger with age – which has already been demonstrated in cross-sectional
studies (e.g., Samuelson and Smith, 2000) – is manifested longitudinally by a
progressively earlier preference for the shape match during preferential looking.
In sum, IPL is a method that taps children’s earliest mappings of linguistic forms
(i.e., words and sentences) onto referential (i.e., objects and actions) or propositional
(i.e., relations and events) meanings. It can be used to assess the processes by which
children of different ages learn new words, as well as the ages at which they under-
stand different types of grammatical forms. By requiring only eye movements as overt
indicators of understanding (or not), IPL can be used with toddlers whose behavioral
compliance is generally low, as well as with some special populations. Newer ways of
analyzing these eye movements are revealing interesting and important effects of
learning different types of languages, and of learning words at different ages.
Key Terms
Control trials When the test events are presented on both sides of the screen (a match and a
nonmatch) without a directing audio.
Familiarization or teaching trial Video on either the right or the left side in which the child
is first introduced to an action or a novel word.
Latency to match How long it takes, after the start of the trial/test audio, for the child to
look to the match.
Switches of attention The number of times the child switches from looking at the match to
the nonmatch.
Test trials When the test events are presented on both sides of the screen with an audio
directing them to only one side of the screen (the match).
Visual fixation Where the child is looking during the trials.
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Intermodal Preferential Looking 27
Candan, A., Küntay, A., and Naigles, L. (2010) Crosslinguistic variation in sensitivity to word
order in sentence comprehension. Poster presented at the conference Let The Children
Speak: Learning of Critical Language Skills across 25 Languages, COST (European
Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action A33, January, London.
Cauley, K., Golinkoff, R., Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Gordon, L. (1989) Revealing hidden compe-
tencies: a new method for studying language in the motorically handicapped. American
Journal of Mental Retardation, 94 (1), 53–63.
Cheung, H., Küntay, A.C., Wagner, L., et al. (2009) Cross-linguistic variation and consistency
in 2- and 3-year-olds’ sensitivity to word order. Poster presented at the Society for
Research in Child Development, April, Denver, CO.
Dittmar, M., Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2008) German children’s
comprehension of word order and case marking in causative sentences. Child
Development, 79 (4), 1152–1167.
Fernald, A., Zangl, R., Portillo, A., and Marchman, V. (2008) Looking while listening: using
eye movements to monitor spoken language comprehension by infants and young
children. In I. Sekerina, E. Fernandez, and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental
psycholinguistics: on-line methods in children’s language processing (pp. 97–135).
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Gertner, Y., Fisher, C., and Eisengart, J. (2006) Learning words and rules: abstract knowl-
edge of word order in early sentence comprehension. Psychological Science, 17,
Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Cauley, K.M., and Gordon, L. (1987) The eyes have it:
lexical and syntactic comprehension in a new paradigm. Journal of Child Language,
Goodwin, A., Jaffery, G., Fein, D., and Naigles, L.R. (2009) Wh-questions in toddlerhood:
comprehension precedes production and input predicts comprehension. Poster presented
at the Society for Research in Child Development, April, Denver, CO.
Gredebäck, G., Johnson, S., and von Hofsten, C. (2010) Eye tracking in infancy research.
Developmental Neuropsychology, 35 (1), 1–19.
Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Golinkoff, R.M. (eds) (1996) The origins of grammar: evidence from
early language comprehension. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Hohenstein, J., Naigles, L., and Eisenberg, A. (2004) Keeping verb acquisition in motion: a
comparison of English and Spanish. In G. Hall and S. Waxman (eds), Weaving a lexicon
(pp. 569–602). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Houston-Price, C., Plunkett, K., and Harris, P.L. (2005) Word learning “wizardry” at 1:6.
Journal of Child Language, 32, 175–189.
Maguire, M.J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Golinkoff, R.M. (2006) A unified theory of verb learning:
putting verbs in context. In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R.M. Golinkoff (eds), Action meets word:
how children learn verbs (pp. 364–391). New York: Oxford University Press.
Maguire, M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R., et al. (2010) A developmental shift from similar
to language specific strategies in verb acquisition: a comparison of English, Spanish and
Japanese. Cognition, 114, 299–319.
Matsuo, A., Kita, S., and Naigles, L. (2009) Morphosyntactic bootstrapping in Japanese verb
learning. Paper presented at the conference Generative Approaches to Language
Acquisition (GALA), September, Lisbon.
Naigles, L. (1990) Children use syntax to learn verb meanings. Journal of Child Language, 17,
Hoff_c02.indd 27Hoff_c02.indd 27 6/6/2011 12:26:20 PM6/6/2011 12:26:20 PM
28 Janina Piotroski and Letitia R. Naigles
Naigles, L. (1998) Developmental changes in the use of structure in verb learning. In
C. Rovee-Collier, L. Lipsitt, and H. Haynes (eds), Advances in infancy research (vol. 12,
pp. 298–318). London: Ablex.
Naigles, L.R. (2009) Grammatical understanding in young children with ASD: resilient
knowledge and fragmentary deficits. Invited symposium, International Conference on
Innovative Research in Autism, April, Tours, France.
Naigles, L., Bavin, E., and Smith, M. (2005) Toddlers recognize verbs in novel situations and
sentences. Developmental Science, 8, 424–431.
Naigles, L.R., and Gelman, S.A. (1995) Overextensions in comprehension and production
revisited: preferential-looking in a study of dog, cat and cow. Journal of Child Language,
22, 19–46.
Naigles, L., Kelty, E., Jaffery, R., and Fein, D. (2010) Abstractness and continuity in the
syntactic development of young children with autism. Unpublished manuscript, University
of Connecticut.
Roseberry, S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Parish-Morris, J., and Golinkoff, R.M. (2009) Live action: can
young children learn verbs from video? Child Development, 80, 1360–1375.
Samuelson, L.K., and Smith, L.B. (2000) Grounding development in cognitive processes. Child
Development, 71, 98–106.
Seidl, A., Hollich, G., and Jusczyk, P.W. (2003) Early understanding of subject and object
wh-questions. Infancy, 4, 423–436.
Snyder, W. (2007) Child language: the parametric approach. Oxford University Press.
Swensen, L., Kelley, E., Fein, D., and Naigles, L. (2007) Children with autism display typical
language learning characteristics: evidence from preferential looking. Child Development,
78, 542–557.
Tek, S., Jaffery, G., Fein, D., and Naigles, L.R. (2008) Do children with autism show a shape
bias in word learning? Autism Research, 1, 202–215.
Tek, S., Jaffrey, G., Piotroski, J., et al. (2009) The shape bias: investigations of word learning
with children with autism. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism
Research, May, Chicago.
Wagner, L., Swenson, L.D., and Naigles, L.R. (2009) Children’s early productivity with verbal
morphology. Cognitive Development, 24, 223–239.
Yuan, S., and Fisher, C. (2009) “Really? She blicked the baby?” Two-year-olds learn combina-
torial facts about verbs by listening. Psychological Science, 20 (5), 619–626.
Further Reading and Resources
Naigles, L. (1990) Children use syntax to learn verb meanings. Journal of Child Language, 17,
Swensen, L., Kelley, E., Fein, D., and Naigles, L. (2007) Children with autism display typical
language learning characteristics: evidence from preferential looking. Child Development,
78, 542–557.
Tek, S., Jaffery, G., Fein, D., and Naigles, L.R. (2008) Do children with autism show a shape
bias in word learning? Autism Research, 1, 202–215.
SuperCoder: http://www1.psych.purdue.edu/~ghollich/Splitscreen/home.html.
Tobii: http://www.diigo.com/list/tobiieyetracking/scientific.
Hoff_c02.indd 28Hoff_c02.indd 28 6/6/2011 12:26:20 PM6/6/2011 12:26:20 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Measuring Performance in Language Acquisition
Linguists and developmental psychologists often focus on the logical problems of
language acquisition: the discovery of grammar from apparently insufficient
evidence, the learning of word meaning despite infinite possible false starts. But for
parents observing their children’s development, much of the fascination of language
acquisition lies in the startling leaps children make from one day to the next as they
reveal their thoughts: the words and expressions and sentences that suddenly rush
onstage in all their glory. We sense the developing mind struggling to share its
thoughts with us, and we ask, “Where on earth did that come from?” And for the
most part, we don’t know, or we don’t know in any detail, because most of what we can
determine of any child’s linguistic knowledge is revealed by his or her speech – the
behavior that surprised us in the first place.
3 The Looking-While-Listening
Daniel Swingley
The “looking-while-listening” or “language-guided-looking” procedure is
used to closely examine children’s interpretation of spoken language. The
timecourse of children’s eye movements toward pictures or scenes is evaluated
while children hear sentences describing one of them. The procedure can be
used in virtually any population, and works consistently in children from 14
months onward, with little modification necessary for testing older children or
adults. Researchers have examined word recognition and sentence under-
standing to address a range of questions concerning language representation
and performance.
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30 Daniel Swingley
Comprehension precedes production: young children who can understand
multiword sentences may struggle to produce a two-word utterance. Children’s
corrections of their own attempts are usually improvements rather than random
walks, and children can be creative as they strain to give voice to their ideas. For
example, children making the transition from one-word utterances to two-word
utterances often begin by using one word and one gesture to communicate two
separate components of their intended meaning (Iverson and Goldin-Meadow,
2005). These observations show that when young children speak, the semantic target
that they are aiming for may be clear in their minds even when the child’s utterance
is not understandable to others, or when the child fails to produce an utterance at all.
It is commonly said that language development is effortless for children, but it’s not
true: children’s difficulties are just different from ours. One stumbling block appears
to be the inability to successfully assemble sentences out of components that children
seem to interpret correctly, according to their language’s grammar.
Precisely because comprehension precedes production, mapping out the develop-
mental course of language acquisition requires evaluation of children’s receptive
knowledge of language. Researchers have risen to the task: we have ways to assess
discrimination and categorization of speech sounds and sequences of sounds from
birth, using habituation measures like high-amplitude sucking (Fennell, Chapter 1
this volume). We can test infants’ recognition of speech sequences using contingent
listening tasks like the head turn preference procedure or response training tasks like
conditioned head turn. And we can measure correlates of stimulus-driven brain
activity using one of a few brain imaging techniques (Kovelman, Chapter 4 this
volume). These procedures work with infants, but for the most part they do not
depend on (or directly reveal) children’s meaningful interpretation of language.
Experimental tests of language comprehension have been available for a long
time. There are act-out tasks in which children manipulate toys or other objects
under instruction to enact the statements of a researcher (or puppet). There is the
truth-value judgment task, which asks children whether a puppet is right or wrong
about some statement. These procedures certainly depend on children’s interpretation
of language. But they are extremely difficult to use in children younger than 2 to
2½years old.
Eye movement tasks were developed to help fill the gap left by these other
procedures. The first “preferential looking” studies examining infant language
comprehension showed that children’s gaze toward images or films was affected in
sensible ways by simultaneously presented spoken language: if the child heard “Look
at the doggie!” he or she tended to look at a picture of a dog more than a picture of
some other familiar object (e.g., Golinkoff et al., 1987; Reznick, 1990; Thomas et al.,
1981). This response allows researchers to draw inferences about children’s
knowledge: if children increase their looking to a named image or film upon hearing
it labeled, they show evidence of understanding the word. Likewise, syntactic
interpretation may be probed: if children gaze at a scene that exemplifies a spoken
sentence better than another scene (which might exemplify a syntactically different
sentence with the same participants, for example), children provide evidence of
knowing something about that syntactic structure.
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 31
This procedure has been tremendously influential in tracing the earliest
development of children’s knowledge of words and syntactic structures, as out-
lined by Piotroski (see Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume) and by
Hirsh-Pasek (see Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, Chapter 5 this volume). Over the
past decade and a half, preferential looking procedures have been adapted for
studying not only children’s knowledge of language, but also the details of chil-
dren’s performance in interpreting language online. It is this work that is the focus
of the present chapter.
The notion of “performance” is often raised in the literature on language
acquisition, traditionally as part of an effort to explain why a child didn’t succeed in
a task, or botched a grammatical structure, in spite of the researcher’s belief that the
child had already acquired the relevant grammatical knowledge. The distinction
between the child’s capabilities and the child’s behavior is a necessary one if, like
most cognitive scientists, one wishes to maintain a distinction between representation
(taken to be relatively static knowledge) and process (taken to be the implementation
of this knowledge in cognition under particular circumstances). But in language
acquisition, performance has not been the focus of sustained empirical attention to
the extent that representation (“competence”) has. This state of affairs emerged in
part due to a vicious circle: the more “performance” is (often justifiably) derided as
an unmotivated “fudge factor, the less it has appeared a compelling research area to
work on, and one consequence is performance-based descriptions of behavior
without adequate content.
This has begun to change, partly as a result of research using “looking-while-
listening, “language-guided-looking, or “eyetracking” methods with infants and
young children. In developmental psycholinguistics, these terms all mean the same
thing. Where they diverge from the traditional preferential looking methods is the
use of characteristic features of eye movement responses to address questions about
psychological processes. In particular, looking-while-listening experiments focus on
the timing of children’s responses. Response times have been an essential component
of cognitive psychology from the beginning, starting with Donders and Cattell in the
late nineteenth century and carrying on to this day, but they have had a relatively
limited impact on developmental psychology simply because of the difficulty of
persuading children to make an overt manual response quickly and accurately.
However, very young children make rapid eye movements as they seek information,
and, it turns out, they do so in response to language.
The Development of Looking While Listening
This part of the story begins around 1990 in Anne Fernald’s lab at Stanford. She
wanted to know if the infant-directed prosodic register would make words easier for
young children to understand. On each of a series of 12 trials, children at 12, 15, and
18 months of age were presented with pairs of pictures, one on each of two screens.
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32 Daniel Swingley
A few seconds later, a pre-recorded speech stimulus was played, in either the
infant-directed or the adult-directed register, naming one of the two objects. A film
of the child’s face was recorded on videotape. The whole apparatus was decidedly
low-tech by today’s standards: the pictures were beamed onto rear-projection screens
by yoked slide projectors, and the speech was presented using a reel-to-reel tape
player triggered by a research assistant listening to a recording of a metronome.
What distinguished Fernald’s implementation, though, was her insistence on
frame-by-frame, offline coding of children’s eye movements.
At the time, most labs using preferential looking methods recorded looking
behavior online, using a button box. This is a speedy way to go – you have the child’s
results before you say goodbye to the mom – but it inevitably introduces error
because of delays and variability in responding to the child. Offline coding removes
the response latency component to scoring and allows researchers to draw up precise
standards for what counts as a fixation, when a fixation should be considered to
begin and end, what to do when the child blinks, and other details that were hashed
out in long late-night discussions in the Stanford lab. Originally, the decision to code
offline was not based on the anticipation of measuring response latencies; it was
simply a matter of getting the best possible record of behavior.
Fernald, McRoberts, and Herrera (in Fernald, McRoberts, and Swingley, 2001)
found that young children indeed recognized words more reliably when spoken in
the infant-directed register. They also found that target fixation was not uniform
over the 6 s test period (starting from the offset of the sentence): among 18-month-olds,
performance was better at 0–2 s after sentence offset than at 2–4 s, and worst of all
at 4–6 s. As these results were emerging, John Pinto and I joined Anne Fernald’s lab.
Pinto developed software that could take the lab’s detailed records of eye movements
and produce a matrix of gaze locations over time, showing for each trial, and at each
moment in time, whether the child was fixating the target, the distracter, or neither.
We began exploring other possible windows of analysis: 2 s windows, 1 s windows,
windows starting mid-word, and so on. At some point in this exploration process
Idecided to compute every possible 1 s window, starting from the beginning of the
trial and going to the end. A plot of the means of each overlapping window revealed
a smooth curve starting at 50% and rapidly rising to about 80% before falling off.
Iwas quite proud of this until I showed it to Pinto, who asked why I was taking a
moving average rather than simply plotting the raw averages for each time slice.
Skipping the 1 s smoothing operation led to the first of our plots of the timecourse of
word recognition in children.
Broadly speaking, timecourse analyses of young children’s word recognition have
yielded two main lines of research, one examining the cognitive processes involved
in parsing sentences, and another examining individual differences among children.
I will illustrate these research programs using selected results.
Both lines emerged from an early study using language guided looking (Fernald
et al., 1998). On each of eight trials, children heard sentences like “Where’s the
ball?” while viewing a ball on one computer screen and a shoe on the other. Children’s
eye movements were coded from videotape. Results were reported in three ways, in
keeping with much subsequent work. First, children’s proportion of fixation to the
target during a 2 s window, from target-word onset, was computed. On each trial,
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 33
the total number of 100 ms intervals (from 0 ms to 2000 ms) on which children were
coded as fixating the target was divided by the count of target- and distracter-fixated
intervals. Among 15-, 18-, and 24-month-olds, the mean proportions were consistently
greater than the 50% that would be expected if children did not respond to the
words (each picture served as target and distracter equally often in yoked pairs, so
picture preferences could not lead to overall performance above 50%). Mean target
fixation increased substantially with age.
Second, children’s response latencies were computed, defined as the amount of
time, from the onset of the target word, it took for children to initiate a refixation
away from the distracter picture to the target, for all trials on which children had
been fixating the distracter picture when the target word began. Mean response
latencies declined substantially as children grew older – from a mean of 995 ms at
15months to 679 ms at 24 months.
Third, children’s proportion of target fixation over time was displayed graphically
in onset-contingent timecourse plots (e.g., Plate 2). In such graphs, time is given on
the x-axis. Trials are grouped according to whether the child happened to be fixating
the target, or the distracter, when the target word began. This is useful because
children are in different states in each case. A child looking at the target is hearing it
named as the sentence unfolds; the sentence confirms that the child’s focus of
attention matches the utterance. Recognition is inferred when children continue
fixating the target. A child looking at the distracter hears the spoken target word,
and the meaning that the word evokes is inconsistent with the child’s focus of
attention, which is expected to provoke a refixation (Swingley and Fernald, 2002).
Rather than plotting target fixation on the y-axis, we plot, for each unit of time, the
proportion of trials on which children are, at that moment, fixating a different
picture than the one they were looking at when the target word began. Thus, good
performance is shown by “target-initial” trials remaining flat near 0, and “distracter-
initial” trials rapidly departing from 0 toward 1. The advantage of plotting this way,
rather than showing percentage-to-target for each type of trial, is that one can see
clearly when the child begins to show evidence of understanding, namely when the
lines diverge. The divergence in the lines happens when defections from the target are
outnumbered by rejections of the distracter picture.
For example, Plate 2 plots data from Experiment 2 in Swingley (2009), in which
14–22-month-olds responded to correctly pronounced words (black lines on the
plot) and mispronounced words (red lines). When hearing correct pronunciations,
such as book, children’s refixations from the distracter (shown with a solid line)
began to exceed refixations from the target (dashed line) at around 750 ms. The
separation between the distracter-initial and target-initial lines is smaller than, and
begins later than, what we would expect from older children or adults, but it is clear
that children’s responses are, on the whole, responsive to the match between the
word and the fixated picture. When children heard mispronunciations, such as dook,
they shifted away from the target and distracter pictures equally often until about
1450 ms, and the relatively small separation between target-initial and distracter-initial
means reveals children’s difficulty in understanding the mispronounced word.
The Fernald et al. (1998) paper led directly to a series of studies examining detailed
aspects of the timecourse of word recognition. In several cases, these studies compared
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34 Daniel Swingley
children and adults directly, and found qualitatively (and often quantitatively)
similar patterns. For example, Swingley, Pinto, and Fernald (1999) compared how
24-month-olds and adults responded when, for example, hearing doggie and looking
at a doll versus hearing doggie and looking at a tree. At both ages, participants
rejected the distracter faster when its initial sounds did not match the spoken word
(e.g., the /tr/ of “tree”) than when they did (e.g., the /d
/ of “doll”). The temporal delay
in rejecting the onset-overlapping “doggie” and “doll” distracters was, at both ages,
comparable to the amount of time the two spoken words overlapped, as assessed
using adults’ explicit judgments of fragments of the words. These results showed that
children, like adults, interpret speech incrementally, updating their understanding as
the words unfolded. Support for the same idea in younger children was shown by
Fernald, Swingley, and Pinto (2001) and by Swingley (2009). In the latter study, chil-
dren from 14 to 22 months of age responded to stimuli that were “mispronounced”
at onset (e.g., cup as “gup”) or offset (e.g., cup as “cub”). Relative to the onset of the
target words, children’s target fixation was disrupted immediately when onsets were
altered, and disrupted a few hundred milliseconds later when offsets were altered, in
keeping with the acoustic timing of the deviations themselves.
The principle of incremental interpretation holds for other areas of sentence
parsing as well, although it is clear that children’s proficiency in using linguistic
information depends on mastery of the words and constructions they are hearing. By
about 36 months, native Spanish learners use grammatical gender encoded in articles
to help identify the following noun (Lew-Williams and Fernald, 2007); French
learners have been shown to do the same at 25 months (van Heugten and Shi, 2009).
On the other hand, at 30 months, English learners do not consistently use prenominal
adjectives to constrain reference (Fernald, Thorpe, and Marchman, 2010). For
example, confronted with a blue car and a red house, 30-month-olds had only mixed
success in using the adjective in sentences like “Which one’s the blue car?” to guide
their attention away from the red distracter picture. Given that all the children tested
were capable of using blue and red appropriately in their own speech, this result
points to the fact that expert language understanding is a skill in itself, over and
above knowledge of word meanings and acquisition of grammatical rules.
This notion of language processing as a skill fits well with another major line of
research using the looking-while-listening procedure, where quantitative details of
children’s responses are used to establish individual differences in speech processing.
The Fernald et al. (1998) paper mentioned earlier explored differences in mean
response latency among children of different ages; more recent work has tested
whether measurements of speed and accuracy in word recognition are correlated
with other cognitive assessments both contemporaneously and predictively. For
example, Marchman and Fernald (2008) measured 25-month-olds’ response latency
to the nouns in sentences like “Where’s the doggie?” or “Where’s the nice cow?”
Response latency made significant unique contributions to prediction of working
memory scores on a standarized test given at 8 years; response latency and vocabulary
size together predicted high scores on expressive language. More recent studies by
the same authors reveal connections between maternal child-directed speech and
children’s speed of word recognition using the looking-while-listening task (Hurtado,
Marchman, and Fernald, 2008). In a low-SES sample of Spanish-speaking families in
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 35
California, children of more talkative mothers (assessed at 18 months) recognized
words more quickly at 24 months than children whose mothers talked to them less;
further, response latency at 24 months was significantly correlated with growth in
vocabulary over the prior 6 months.
Both the individual difference studies and the incremental-processing studies take
advantage of unique properties of the language-guided-looking procedure by
evaluating not only children’s overall performance in linking words to referents, but
also the details of the timing with which these connections are made. The procedure
is also used frequently in answering questions about static representational
knowledge, and in these cases the temporal dynamics of children’s responses provide
an additional dependent measure but are not the focus of the research. For example,
following Swingley and Aslin (2000), several studies have evaluated children’s
looking patterns upon hearing canonical pronunciations of words and phonologically
deviant pronunciations. Children typically look to target pictures more rapidly when
the words are correctly pronounced than mispronounced, just as adults do; whereas
phonetic changes that are not phonologically distinctive in the language do not
hinder recognition (e.g., Quam and Swingley, 2010). In these studies, the response
latency measures are usually redundant with other measures of target looking (such
as proportion of target fixation over a short analysis window).
The procedure is not technically demanding to implement. Considering the apparatus,
the most common setup is built around a “booth, a three-sided enclosure about
1.5 m on a side. In essence, the booth is a display surrounded by visually featureless
space: there is nothing to see but what’s on the screen. The display itself is usually a
very large video monitor – 42 inch (107 cm) diagonal is common – or a projection
system fed by a computer. Projectors allow for larger pictures and a greater amount
of space between pictures. Using large, widely spaced pictures was initially motivated
by the desire to maximize coding accuracy on grainy, dimly lit videotape, and also by
the reasonable supposition that larger images would capture infants’ attention better.
However, it is not certain that this is necessary. We have been successful in testing
children ranging from <12 months to 30 months using a single 20 inch (51 cm)
computer monitor. If the child is only 50–60 cm from the screen, the visual angle
separating pictures placed near the screen’s left and right edges is adequate for judging
left and right fixations, particularly using modern cameras that do a good job recording
in dim light. Whether giant screens impress infants enough to lower attrition rates is
an open question.
Stimulus presentation can be controlled by software designed for experiments
(such as Psyscope: http://psy.ck.sissa.it/psy cmu edu/index.html), animations
(such asDirector: http://www.adobe.com/products/director), or movies (such as
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36 Daniel Swingley
QuickTime: http://www.apple.com/quicktime). Software programs vary in their
temporal accuracy. One cannot assume that if the program is told to play sound x at
2000 ms after displaying picture y, this actually happens consistently. In any case,
even with a consistently presented stimulus, one still needs a way to line up the
experimental events (like the onset of the spoken target word on each trial) and
infant events (like an eye movement shift). Different labs have handled this in differ-
ent ways. One option is to use picture-in-picture video technology to place a record-
ing of the visual display in the corner of the recording of the child’s face, so that
coders can link the eye movement time stream with the trial onset times. (In this case
coders are not blind to the target picture’s side of presentation, however.) Another
option, which we use, is to play one audio channel of the stereo stimulus signal to
the child, and embed target-word-aligned tones in the other channel. A custom-built
device detects these tones, and embeds a distinctive visual signal in the video record-
ing of the infant. Other tones (and other visual signals) indicate other trial events.
Coders can then note the timing of all infant and stimulus events in the same way,
by looking at the recorded video signal.
We audio record each session in two ways at once: one channel records the
sequence of timing beeps, and another channel records input from a microphone
that captures sound in the booth. The latter permits analysis of children’s vocalizations
(and parents’ too, if they speak), and allows confirmation that the auditory stimuli
were presented as intended.
Visual and Auditory Stimuli
Naturally, testing language understanding using eye movements to referents of
sentences requires that the sentences have picturable referents. The two main
concerns are the recognizability of the images, and their relative salience. We generally
use photographs rather than drawings. Some objects are quite difficult to use as
referents because their forms vary across instances in children’s experience. For
example, we have never used “phone” (toy phone? cell phone?) or “hat” (baseball?
cowboy? wool with pom-pom?). Another vexing issue is children’s tendency to find
certain objects much more attractive to look at than others, particularly in children
under 24 months of age. Animate objects are more captivating than inanimates, so
even if one searches out the most drab, mangy dog, many children will gaze longingly
at it. We often try to pair animates together to offset such effects. For both of these
issues, pilot testing is the only way to be sure.
Auditory stimuli should be recorded and selected with care, particularly for studies
in which phonetic properties are central. Not all talkers are up to the task, and
practice is usually necessary even for a speaker with excellent vocal control. When
recording stimuli for an experiment 1, it can be useful to have the speaker read
materials for potential experiments 2 and 3 as well, because acoustic characteristics
of different recording sessions vary (and our speakers have a tendency to graduate
and move away). If similar stimuli are to be compared directly (e.g., a word and a
deviant pronunciation of that word), these stimuli should be listed next to one
another in the recording script, to mitigate the effects of drift on the part of the
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 37
speaker. Multiple tokens should be recorded and the best and best-matching instances
selected. This process is tedious and time consuming, but a study can only be as good
as its materials.
Once parent and child and any assorted siblings arrive in the lab, it is up to the
researcher to determine when it is time to stop playing and start moving into
theroom with the booth. As a rule, siblings should not be in the testing room with
the toddler during the procedure. Toddlers clinging to lab toys should be separated
from them if possible, because toys may distract the child, and because children have
an uncanny knack for using toys to obscure their eyes from the camera’s view. In
most cases the child can sit on the parent’s lap, though if toddlers insist on sitting in
the chair alone, with the mother crouching nearby, this works too, or at least works
better than a tantrum.
Parents need to be prevented from biasing their children’s looking. We tell parents
to look downward (we can see the parent’s face clearly on camera and, if necessary,
pause the study between trials if we detect any peeking). A visor or opaque sunglasses
may also be used. We ask parents not to speak or point to the screen, but allow that
if the child becomes restless, it is okay to say, between stimulus sentences, neutral
reassurances like “I’m right here” or “Look up at the pictures. If children begin
struggling or crying, we pause the procedure; sometimes a session can be rescued
with a brief hiatus, or a short play period. The experimental session itself only takes
about 5 minutes.
Stimulus Orders
The two main concerns in setting up trial orders are maximizing the amount of
looking data each child is likely to provide, and preventing nuisance effects from
interfering with interpretation of the results. Speaking very generally, most
14–20-month-olds can participate through 30 or so trials, and older children can
stay on task for 40 or perhaps even more. Increasing variety in the sentences and the
pictures increases the number of trials children make it through and reduces attrition.
Many researchers include filler trials to provide this variety when the experimental
questions require repetitive test trials; another option is to have occasional filler clips
that are not trials per se, showing interesting pictures or animations.
Once the numbers of trials and stimulus items have been sorted out, the positioning
of the pictures (left, right) and the sequential orders need to be determined. Rather
than randomizing trial orders, most researchers carefully construct four or eight
orders and assign children to them randomly. If pictures are repeated at all (as in most
studies) they are usually yoked: for example, a dog and baby might be paired, and on
two trials the dog is the named picture and on two trials the baby is. This way a
simple preference, e.g., for the dog over the baby, cannot lead to above-chance
performance on dog/baby trials taken together. Other properties that are usually
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38 Daniel Swingley
maintained if possible include balancing target side (left, right); restricting sequences
of target side to a maximum of two or three; placing each item equally often in the
first and second half of the experiment; and avoiding adjacent-trial repetition of
pictures or words, among others. Putting together the first order of a study is like
solving a Sudoku puzzle. But other orders can be constructed from the first order, e.g.,
by inverting whichever factor is most theoretically important, and by rotating through
the items (replacing dog/baby with duck/car, duck/car with shoe/ball, and so on).
Most of the time, it is easy to tell when a child is looking to the left or to the right.
What makes coding difficult is the need to establish precisely when a left or right
fixation begins and ends. Research assistants thrown into the coding task without
adequate apprenticeship will produce results that correlate fairly well but that do
not agree on the details. A lab using the procedure must develop consistent,
verbalizable, and complete standards for what counts as fixating a picture and what
does not in a given video frame. In general, these standards do not depend on
perfecting the ability to determine the horizontal angle of a child’s fixation; rather,
they depend on learning the dynamics of eye movements over time. Children looking
at an object picture typically keep their eyes in a single position for several video
frames. A shift to the other picture usually begins as two to three frames in which the
eyes move with increasing angular change (acceleration) away from this single
position. On the first frame of a shift, the eyes are usually still oriented to the picture,
in terms of what light is hitting the fovea, but the dynamics of the movement reveal
that a shift is under way. Two well-trained coders can agree on the frame at which a
look begins and ends to within zero or one video frame for most looks.
Data Analysis
As described above, the first study using looking while listening with toddlers
reported results in terms of proportions of target fixation, response latencies (reaction
time, RT), and timecourse plots. Since that time, refinements of the proportional and
RT analyses have emerged, as well as other measures.
In most studies the real statistical workhorse is the proportion-to-target analysis.
Timecourse is implicated in these analyses in the selection of the window of analysis
over which the proportion is computed. In our initial studies a 2 s window, starting
from the onset of the target word, was used. Most studies now exclude a few hundred
milliseconds from the beginning of this window on the grounds that there are neuro-
physiological and cognitive limits on how quickly an eye movement could possibly
be generated in response to the speech signal; even among children who perform
very well, the first one-third of a second or so shows little contingency between
stimulus and response. It is important to recognize, though, that the commonplace
367–2000 ms window is not an “optimal” window for revealing target recognition.
It extends too early. Children initially fixating the distracter take, on average, several
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 39
hundred milliseconds to decide to shift. For children between 14 and 24 months, an
optimal window would extend from approximately 1200–2200 ms, depending on
the materials. Why use the earlier window, then? Because it is in the early decision
making that much of the variability in eye movement responses can be detected.
Choosing an “optimal” window for the average 18-month-old, say, could obscure
the difference between toddlers who respond quickly and accurately and those who
are accurate in their asymptotic interpretation but need more time. Likewise, children
tend to respond faster to correct pronunciations of words than mispronunciations,
but performance later in the trial can be similar between conditions.
When responses to particular items are of interest, and not just overall performance
on a yoked pair of items, counterbalancing alone is not sufficient protection against
biases due to picture preference. For example, a child might be presented with a car
and a ball and hear “car” and “ball” on separate trials. Now 75% car-looking upon
hearing “car, and 50% ball-looking upon hearing “ball, might not mean that the
child understands only the word “car. The child could simply prefer to look at cars.
In principle, 50% ball-looking might reveal understanding of “ball, if hearing the
word pulled the child away from his favorite picture.
This problem is usually managed by comparing looking after hearing the word
against looking before hearing the word. If children enjoy looking at cars, this may
be revealed to some degree by the initial portion of the trial. Subtracting target-looking
proportions before the test window from proportions during the test window is a
way to adjust for these picture preferences. This can be done either trial by trial, or
pair by pair (i.e., by computing a “preference score” for each picture based on all of
the trials in which that picture appears with its yoked partner). This procedure is not
without hazard, however. Imagine an adult who likes looking at cars but otherwise
fixates where he is instructed. Given 100% car fixation before word onset and 100%
fixation afterward (and thus a difference score of zero), one might conclude that he
shows no evidence of “car” recognition. The problem is that in good performers
whose test-window looking is not affected by picture preferences, subtracting pre-test
looking amounts to adding a random number. These considerations suggest that the
value of doing this sort of correction depends upon the degree to which looking
before and after the word are correlated.
Response latency is a standard measure of cognitive performance, as mentioned
above. In the looking-while-listening task, reaction times (RTs) are typically
computed only for trials on which children are fixating the distracter when the target
word begins (e.g., Fernald, Swingley, and Pinto, 2001). And of course, a child only
produces a reaction time when she reacts. A necessary consequence is that analyses
of RT are based on fewer trials than analyses of fixation proportion. This problem
can be mitigated to some degree by maximizing the number of trials in the session,
but it is not unexpected when subtle effects are found in analyses of fixation proportion
but not RT.
Other response measures have been developed, sometimes to evaluate specific
details of performance. Swingley (2009) computed the likelihood of shifts in fixation
from target to distracter and distracter to target, not only for first shifts, but for all
refixations throughout the test window. This analysis is one way to distinguish cases
in which children shift a great deal, but just as often to the distracter as to the target,
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40 Daniel Swingley
from cases in which children shift very little – a distinction that cannot be made from
the usual proportional analyses. Plunkett (e.g., Mani and Plunkett, 2007) has
examined “longest look duration, which, given a relatively long window of analysis,
abstracts away from the response latency component of the fixation task. A child’s
longest fixation might occur early or late in the analysis window, and will count the
same either way. In principle, this might provide a way to equalize differences among
younger and older children who tend to respond more quickly.
Future Directions
The literature on word recognition and sentence processing in adults is largely
composed of chronometric studies evaluating listeners’ interpretation of language
over time (e.g., Dahan, 2010; Tanenhaus, 2007). Many of these studies in the past
15 years have been done using eyetracking techniques that are, in all important
respects, the same as the looking-while-listening procedure. Although most studies
of adults, and increasingly also studies of children, make use of automatic eyetrack-
ing systems, the logic of the experiments and the nature of the listener’s response are
the same whether a machine or a human is coding gaze patterns. The fact that the
language-guided-looking task can be used effectively from the second year into
adulthood reflects the naturalness and automaticity of the response, and points to
the method’s potential in measuring and explaining language comprehension
performance over the full span of development.
Thanks are due to Anne Fernald, Gerry McRoberts, and John Pinto, the team Ijoined
at Stanford in the early 1990s when looking methods were already in development.
The present chapter was supported by NIH grant R01-HD049681.
Key Terms
Eyetracking, language guided looking, looking while listening These terms all refer to procedures
in which children are shown scenes or images, and hear language referring to one of the
scenes or images. The details of children’s fixations to the images, and in particular the
timing of children’s responses, are evaluated as measures of language understanding.
“Eyetracking” is sometimes used to refer specifically to the use of such measures with an
automated eyetracking computer.
Onset-contingent timecourse plot A graph with time on the x-axis, usually starting from the
onset of the linguistic stimulus of interest, and a summary measure of children’s fixations
on the y-axis. Test trials are divided into those on which children initially gazed at the
target image or the distracter image. For distracter-initial trials the y-axis reflects moment-
by-moment target fixation. For target-initial trials the y-axis reflects moment-by-moment
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Looking-While-Listening Procedure 41
distracter fixation. Thus the vertical separation of these lines, where the distracter-initial
line rises above the target-initial line, shows the moment when children begin showing
evidence of word recognition.
Dahan, D. (2010) The time course of interpretation in speech comprehension. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 121–126.
Fernald, A., McRoberts, G.W., and Swingley, D. (2001) Infants’ developing competence in
recognizing and understanding words in fluent speech. In J. Weissenborn and B. Hoehle
(eds), Approaches to bootstrapping: phonological, lexical, syntactic, and neurophysi-
ological aspects of early language acquisition (vol. I, pp. 97–123). Amsterdam:
Fernald, A., Pinto, J.P., Swingley, D., et al. (1998) Rapid gains in speed of verbal processing by
infants in the second year. Psychological Science, 9, 228–231.
Fernald, A., Swingley, D., and Pinto, J.P. (2001) When half a word is enough: infants can
recognize spoken words using partial acoustic-phonetic information. Child Development,
72, 1003–1015.
Fernald, A., Thorpe, K., and Marchman, V.A. (2010) Blue car, red car: developing efficiency in
online interpretation of adjective-noun phrases. Cognitive Psychology, 60, 190–217.
Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Cauley, K.M., and Gordon, L. (1987) The eyes have it:
lexical and syntactic comprehension in a new paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 14,
Hurtado, N., Marchman, V.A., and Fernald, A. (2008) Does input influence uptake? Links
between maternal talk, processing speed and vocabulary size in Spanish-learning children.
Developmental Science, 11, F31–F39.
Iverson, J.M., and Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005) Gesture paves the way for language
development.Psychological Science, 16, 367–371.
Lew-Williams, C., and Fernald, A. (2007) Young children learning Spanish make rapid use
ofgrammatical gender information in spoken word recognition. Psychological Science,
18, 193–198.
Mani, N., and Plunkett, K. (2007) Phonological specificity of consonants and vowels in early
lexical representations. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 252–272.
Marchman, V.A., and Fernald, A. (2008) Speed of word recognition and vocabulary knowledge
in infancy predict cognitive and language outcomes in later childhood. Developmental
Science, 11, F9–F16.
Quam, C., and Swingley, D. (2010) Phonological knowledge guides two-year-olds’ and adults’
interpretation of salient pitch contours in word learning. Journal of Memory and
Language, 52, 135–150.
Reznick, J.S. (1990) Visual preference as a test of infant word comprehension. Applied
Psycholinguistics, 11, 145–166.
Swingley, D. (2009) Onsets and codas in 1.5-year-olds’ word recognition. Journal of Memory
and Language, 60, 252–269.
Swingley, D., and Aslin, R.N. (2000) Spoken word recognition and lexical representation in
very young children. Cognition, 76, 147–166.
Swingley, D., and Fernald, A. (2002) Recognition of words referring to present and absent
objects by 24-month-olds. Journal of Memory and Language, 46, 39–56.
Swingley, D., Pinto, J.P., and Fernald, A. (1999) Continuous processing in word recognition at
24 months. Cognition, 71, 73–108.
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42 Daniel Swingley
Tanenhaus, M.K. (2007) Spoken language comprehension: insights from eye movements. In
G. Gaskell (ed.), Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics (pp. 309–326). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Thomas, D.G., Campos, J.J., Shucard, D.W., et al. (1981) Semantic comprehension in infancy:
a signal detection analysis. Child Development, 52, 798–803.
Van Heugten, M., and Shi, R. (2009) French-learning toddlers use gender information on
determiners during word recognition. Developmental Science, 12, 419–425.
Further Reading and Resources
The best detailed introduction to the “nuts and bolts” of the looking-while-listening procedure
is Fernald et al. (2008). Discussion of the mental processes that are revealed in the task,
and defense of the argument that listeners’ interpretations are not artificially constrained
by the response set, are provided in Dahan and Tanenhaus (2005) and Swingley and
Fernald (2002). Overviews of research using the task include Swingley (2008) on infant
development and phonology, and Trueswell (2008) on syntactic development.
Dahan, D., and Tanenhaus, M.K. (2005) Looking at the rope when looking for the snake:
conceptually mediated eye movements during spoken-word recognition. Psychonomic
Bulletin & Review, 12, 453–459.
Fernald, A., Zangl, R., Portillo, A., and Marchman, V. (2008) Looking while listening: using
eye movements to monitor spoken language comprehension by infants and young
children. In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernández, and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental
psycholinguistics: on-line methods in children’s language processing (pp. 97–135).
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Swingley, D. (2008) The roots of the early vocabulary in infants’ learning from speech. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 308–312.
Swingley, D., and Fernald, A. (2002) Recognition of words referring to present and absent
objects by 24-month-olds. Journal of Memory and Language, 46, 39–56.
Trueswell, J.C. (2008) Using eye movements as a developmental measure within psycholinguistics.
In I. Sekerina, E.M. Fernández, and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental psycholinguistics:
on-line methods in children’s language processing (pp. 73–96). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Information about software mentioned in the chapter can be found online:
Psyscope: http://psy.ck.sissa.it/psy_cmu_edu/index.html.
Adobe Director: http://www.adobe.com/products/director.
QuickTime: http://www.apple.com/quicktime.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aim
Evolutionary processes have endowed humans with the neural tissue and the learning
abilities to allow children to develop language. Children require only exposure to
their parents’ spoken or sign languages in order to acquire them. How does the
brain of a child accomplish such a feat? Children can also learn to understand
written language. Although reading acquisition frequently depends on explicit
instruction, learning, and years of practice, it also depends on structures in the brain
and the learning functions that those brain structures support. Modern noninvasive
neuroimaging methods have allowed us to address the question of how the brain
does what it does when children learn to talk (or sign) and when they learn to read.
4 Neuroimaging Methods
Ioulia Kovelman
One of the most pervasive questions in the field of language acquisition is,
“How does the human brain acquire language?” Noninvasive neuroimaging
technologies and the emerging field of developmental cognitive neuroscience
now offer both the technology and the growing expertise to examine the neural
correlates of language acquisition. In this chapter we review the basic principles
of electric (ERP, MEG) and hemodynamic (fMRI, fNIRS) neuroimaging
technologies and how they can be used to study children. We also discuss how
these neuroimaging methods have now been successfully applied to the study
of language acquisition in typically developing children as well as in children
with language learning impairments and dyslexia.
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44 Ioulia Kovelman
This exploration of the neurological bases of language and reading is part of a larger
enterprise. The beginning of the twenty-first century has seen a dramatic shift in the
way researchers attempt to unravel the mysteries of human development. Until only
very recently, the study of the human brain was distinct from the study of child
development; but merging aspects of behavioral child development with aspects
ofneuroscience has led to the science of the developing human mind, brain, and
behavior, or developmental cognitive neuroscience (Johnson, 2005). This field is one
of the newest and most rapidly growing fields of science. This new approach to
human development creates an inclusive picture of how babies develop into mature
adults. This revolutionary shift was facilitated by rapid improvements in noninvasive
and child-friendly brain imaging technologies, which now allow systematic investi-
gations of infants and children during the critical ages of early language and literacy
The past decade in particular has witnessed a sharp rise in neuroimaging studies
in language and reading acquisition and new insight into the relationship between
the brain and behavior in those domains. For example, recent infant studies have
shown that newborns already have a hemispheric preference for language and that
some characteristics of brain activation in infants and preliterate children may
indicate future risk of language and reading difficulties. In addition, early learning
experiences (e.g., bilingualism) may have a profound effect on how language is
organized in the brain (cf. Petitto, 2005). Thus, neuroimaging studies of language
both advance the science of language acquisition and also inform clinical and
educational practices.
Functional Noninvasive Brain Imaging: Methods,
Technology and Application
Functional neuroimaging methods allow researchers to investigate changes in brain
activity that occur as the child or adult engages in specific language tasks. There are
two major functional neuroimaging methods: methods that measure changes in the
brain’s electrical activity, and methods that measure changes in the brain’s blood
flow or hemodynamic response. As neuronal electrical activity is rapid and transient,
methods that measure the electrical activity of neurons, such as event-related
potential (ERP) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), are fast responding, result-
ing in excellent temporal resolution (on the order of milliseconds); however,
these methods provide relatively poor anatomical localization (Luck, 2005). Active
neurons expressing electrical activity deplete their energy stores, thereby inducing
local changes in blood flow (a hemodynamic change). The hemodynamic response is
thus a derivative of neural activity and can be measured with functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), or functional near
infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) (Friston, 2009). Change in blood flow is slow and
sustained, thus allowing for good spatial yet poor temporal resolution (2–5 seconds)
with hemodynamic techniques (Friston, 2009).
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Neuroimaging Methods 45
Event-Related Potential (ERP)
Electroencephalogram (EEG) measures the electrical activity occurring in the brain
using a set of electrodes positioned on a person’s head, which record the brain’s
spontaneous electrical activity below the scalp. Electrical activity in response to a
particular event (internal or external) is referred to as an event-related potential
(Luck, 2005) (see also a web-based video publication by Slotnick, 2010). There are
several critical advantages of using ERP to study language acquisition. Because ERP
has excellent temporal resolution (milliseconds), it is well suited for the study of
rapidly changing and temporally ordered verbal information. Another critical
advantage of ERP is that it is quiet, is relatively motion tolerant, and can be used
with awake infants and children.
New infant-friendly systems may take less than 5 minutes to set up and can
yield meaningful data even if the participants are not actively attending to the
stimuli and/or are too young to give a behavioral response (Figure 4.1; see
Johnson et al., 2001 for a detailed description of infant-friendly ERP setup and
data analyses). ERP data yield components, or waveforms with a particular
polarity (whether it is a positive- or a negative-going wave), latency (the time
following the stimulus onset), and scalp distribution (the location of each of these
peaks). For instance, Figure 4.2 shows an N400 ERP response to semantically
anomalous sentences (e.g., “I like my coffee with cream and sock”): N400 is
anegative-going wave, peaking at 400 ms after stimulus onset (Holcomb, Coffey,
and Neville, 1992). These ERP components are thought to be associated with
various aspects of mental processes (language, memory, attention), and they are
thought to change over time as a result of cognitive as well as physiological brain
maturation. Each event (e.g., seeing a printed word) may incur several compo-
nents; early components (before 200 ms) are likely associated with sensory
processes (e.g., visual detection), while later components are likely to reflect
higher cognition (e.g., sentence comprehension). Many of these ERP components
and the language processes associated with them have now been extensively
explored in both child and adult populations (cf. Friederici, 2005; Kuhl and
Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008).
Several ERP components appear associated with key aspects of language competence,
as follows.
Figure 4.1 Neuroimaging methods in child language acquisition.
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46 Ioulia Kovelman
Visual final words
Wernicke’s left
7–8 Age (years)
9–10 Age (years)
11–12 Age (years)
13–14 Age (years)
15–16 Age (years)
17–18 Age (years)
19–20 Age (years)
21–22 Age (years)
23–26 Age (years)
400 800 1200
Best completions
Anomalous completions
Wernicke’s right
Figure 4.2 N400 ERP response to best (congruous) completion and anomalous
(incongruous) final words of visual sentences (best completion, “I like my coffee with cream
and sugar”; anomalous completion, “I like my coffee with cream and sock”), averaged
across subjects in each age group (ages 7–26), from left and right parietal (Wernicke) sites.
Source: Reprinted from Holcomb, Coffey, and Neville (1992).
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Neuroimaging Methods 47
Studies of phonological processing discovered that a mismatch negativity response
(MMN; negativity at approximately 200 ms) is typically detected when participants
can identify a difference between categorically distinct phonological units (e.g., a
difference between /ba/ and /da/ phonemes; see review in Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola,
2008). The MMN response appears to emerge and mature quite early in human
development, as researchers have reported adult-like amplitude but delayed latency
of the response in 3-month-old infants (Cheour et al., 1998).
Studies of semantic processing discovered that an N400 response (centro-parietal
negativity at approximately 400 ms, Figure 4.2) is typically observed when
participants hear a word that does not fit well semantically within the context of a
phrase such as, “We bake cookies at the zoo” (Holcomb, Coffey, and Neville, 1992).
Children as young as 7 years start showing an adult-like N400 response (Figure 4.2),
with both latency and amplitude decreasing with age, which the authors believe
reflects both cognitive and physiological changes in the brain (Holcomb, Coffey, and
Neville, 1992). Researchers have now studied N400 in children as young as 1 year
of age, and have shown that 1-year-olds show an N400 effect when they hear words
that do not match the pictures they see (cf. Friederici, 2005).
Studies of grammatical processing discovered that adults typically show E/LAN and
P600 responses when presented with ungrammatical sentences (e.g., “My uncle
watched about a movie my family”; Friederici, 2005). E/LAN (early/left anterior
negativity at approximately 150–350 ms) response is typically associated with
automatic and online grammar processing, whereas P600 (centro-parietal positivity
at approximately 600 ms) response is typically associated with structure revision and
reanalyses (Friederici, 2005). Researchers report that children as young as 2 years
show a P600 response when presented with ungrammatical sentences (cf. Friederici,
2005; Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008). Similarly to N400, children’s P600 frequently
also has greater amplitude, delayed latency, and broader scalp distribution. Behavioral
research suggests that infants and children show rapidly emerging competence in
their ability to process language sounds, meaning, and structure. Neuroimaging ERP
research suggests that some of the brain mechanisms for language processing,
typically observed in adults, may emerge early in development, and that ERP can be
useful in helping us understand early language acquisition (Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola,
2008; Friederici, 2005).
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48 Ioulia Kovelman
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Magnetoencephalography detects the magnetic field associated with the brain’s
electric neural activity. To detect and amplify the brain’s magnetic signal,
superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) are built into the MEG
helmet that surrounds the participant’s head. MEG shares many of the advantages of
ERP for studying child language development – namely its excellent temporal
resolution, safety, low noise level, and suitability for use with infants and children of
all ages. The critical advantage of MEG over ERP is better spatial localization. Both
ERP and MEG detect dipoles, or active neurons that have differences in polarity
between the cell body and the dendrites (Luck, 2005). The neuron’s polarity (dipole)
generates an electric as well as a magnetic field. ERP detects the electric field, and
MEG detects the magnetic field. The skull is an impediment to the dipole’s electric
signal, forcing it to disperse and shift locations before reaching the surface of the
head where ERP sensors can detect the signal (Luck, 2005). The skull is a lesser
impediment for the magnetic signal, thus allowing for better localization of the
source of the signal with MEG. MEG’s SQUID sensors detect the magnetic field as it
enters and leaves the head, and therefore small child-sized MEGs with sensors close
to the child’s head are highly recommended for developmental research (see video
publication by Tesan et al., 2010 for details on child-sized MEG technology and its
use in language experiments with children). Greater spatial localization for the
individual participants can be achieved with magnetic source imaging (MSI), in
which a person’s functional MEG data are overlaid onto their MRI anatomical
image (otherwise, the MEG data can be overlaid onto a generic anatomical template).
However, there are drawbacks to MEG. MEG requires a rather large device, and
since the magnetic field generated by the brain is relatively small (approximately
10million times smaller than the Earth’s magnetic field) the brain’s signals cannot
bedetected against the background magnetic field unless the equipment is used in
amagnetically shielded room. This makes MEG not portable, and it is also more
expensive to purchase and use than ERP.
Similar to ERP, MEG data allow measures of response amplitude and latency.
However, unlike both ERP and fMRI, MEG data analyses rely on complex source
modeling methods which allow for a dynamic localization of brain activity as it
transitions from earliest sensory responses (approximately first 200 ms) to later,
higher-order cognitive responses (e.g., Halgren et al., 2002). In language, MEG has
now been used to investigate various aspects of language processes, including those
that have been extensively studied in ERP. Similarly to ERP, MEG systems detect an
N400 m effect that occurs approximately 400 ms past stimulus onset and is greater
in amplitude with incongruous relative to congruous sentence completion (Plate 3;
Halgren et al., 2002). Different source modeling methods in MEG may yield different
localization results: the use of the equivalent current dipole (ECD) model localizes
N400 m to the left superior temporal sulcus (Plate 3A; Halgren et al., 2002), while
the use of the distributed source model technique suggests that differential activation
to incongruous words begins in the left temporal lobe (including Wernicke’s area) at
250 ms after word onset and that by 370 ms this activation spreads to other areas,
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Neuroimaging Methods 49
including the frontal lobe (including Broca’s area, Plate 3B; see Halgren et al., 2002
for greater detail on MEG computational models). Thus, the critical advantage of
MEG is the ability to make full use of both temporal and spatial information.
Technological and analytical complexities notwithstanding, the use of MEG systems
is rapidly growing in studies of early language and literacy development, in typically
developing children as well as in children with language impairments, dyslexia, and
autism (Salmelin, 2007).
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
Functional magnetic resonance systems detect changes in blood oxygenation (Friston,
2009). During the measurement the child is placed into the narrow tube of the MRI
machine with the child’s head confined within a head-coil (Figure 4.1). The system is
loud, so well-fitting headphones are necessary for auditory experiments. As a brain
region becomes more active during a particular task, neurons in this region expend
energy, requiring an increase in the supply of nutrients. As a result, slight increases in
blood flow occur, bringing vital glucose and oxygen to the activated region. This
change in blood flow, directly correlated with neuronal activity, is known as the
hemodynamic response. The bloodstream delivers oxygen to neurons via hemoglobin
molecules: oxy-hemoglobin carries oxygen whereas deoxy-hemoglobin does not. As
brain regions become active, the ratio of oxy- to deoxy-hemoglobin concentration
changes. By combining two magnetic fields, one static and one transient, fMRI
detects changes in the oxy- to deoxy-hemoglobin concentration ratio by relying
predominantly on the magnetic properties of deoxy-hemoglobin, as measured in
blood-oxygen-level dependence (BOLD) units (cf. Huettel, Song, and McCarthy,
2008). For instance, when children and adults engage in a rhyming task (i.e., decide
if a pair of words, “cat–hat, rhymes), they typically show activation in left inferior
frontal, superior temporal, and parietal regions. fMRI measures this hemodynamic
change as a BOLD response (Plate 4A), and fNIRS measures this hemodynamic
change as an increase in oxy- and a decrease in deoxy-hemoglobin (Plate 4D, E).
The hemodynamic response lags behind the onset of the neural events by about
5seconds; yet it offers excellent spatial resolution (in millimeters). This great spatial
resolution is the critical advantage of fMRI, which allows researchers to test
hypotheses about the development and function of specific brain regions. The
drawbacks of fMRI are that it requires confinement to a narrow tube within a large
machine, it is rather noisy (problem for auditory language experiments), and it
requires soundproof facilities and costly maintenance. Nevertheless, significant
advances in fMRI application and technology are being made, which are rapidly
advancing its use in the study of language acquisition (cf. Freund, 2008; Kuhl and
Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008).
In order to take full advantage of the excellent spatial resolution afforded by the
fMRI, researchers must take into account that children’s brain sizes and structures
may change throughout development, which complicates data analyses and
interpretation. To compensate for this, technical and analytical methods have been
put forth to improve anatomical localization of pediatric data. Child-appropriate
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50 Ioulia Kovelman
data acquisition methods now include the use of child-sized head-coils that improve
spatial resolution and minimize head movement. Superior data analysis methods
include the use of child-specific and age-appropriate anatomical templates (for
details see Freund, 2008) as well as advanced anatomical coregistration methods (for
details see Ghosh et al., 2010).
As with any other imaging system, ensuring the cooperation of young participants
in fMRI experiments is an art. fMRI studies of children younger than 3 years of age
typically include sedated or naturally sleeping participants (for methodological
details see Freund, 2008). Fun and engaging experimental paradigms as well as
practice with mock scanners are frequently used with older children (for details see
video publication by Raschle et al., 2009). Mock scanners are typically made to look
and sound like real scanners, allowing children to become comfortable with the
fMRI environment and to practice staying still (see video demo in Raschle et al.,
2009). Motion artifacts are frequent and can be somewhat corrected during
acquisition as well as during analyses (we recommend using Artifact Detection
Toolbox developed by Susan Witfield-Gabrieli). Finally, auditory language
experiments can take advantage of “silent” fMRI designs, during which the scanner
noise is either suspended during the presentation of auditory stimuli, or is reduced
overall with the use of “quieter” fMRI sequences (cf. Freund, 2008). Thus, even
though at first glance fMRI technology may appear daunting for child research, and
its noise level may appear prohibitive for language studies, there are rapidly growing
advances in fMRI technology and analyses that allow successful application of the
method for the study of language acquisition.
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Similar to fMRI, functional near infrared spectroscopy noninvasively measures
changes in blood oxygenation, a correlate of brain activity. And similar to ERP,
fNIRS systems are small and portable, with a simple headset that is placed on the
participant to stabilize the location of optodes (Plate 4B). fNIRS optodes are small
emitters and detectors that emit and detect near infrared light at the scalp, and the
signal is detected within the region between the emitter and the detector (“banana”;
Plate 4C). This “banana” shaped region between the emitter and the detector is
created by the intersection of light emitted by the emitter and light detected by the
detector; the depth of this “banana” penetration is typically up to 3 cm (Plate 4C).
Proper positioning of the optodes on participants’ heads is crucial, and there are a
variety of methods that have been employed to achieve that positioning (see video
publication by Shalinsky et al., 2009 for details on the use of fNIRS technology).
During fNIRS imaging, infants can be comfortably seated on their mother’s lap,
while younger children and adults can be seated separately. In order to minimize
physiological noise (e.g., Mayer waves), a footrest and a reclining position are highly
recommended (Shalinsky et al., 2009).
The optodes emit two different wavelengths, which allow the system to yield
separate measurements of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin (e.g., the Hitachi ETG-4000
fNIRS system uses 690 nm and 830 nm wavelengths). Near infrared light noninvasively
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Neuroimaging Methods 51
penetrates the surface of the skull and in most commonly used systems can penetrate
up to 2–3 cm into the cortex (Plate 4C). fNIRS is therefore perfectly suited for the
study of perception and higher cognition in the human cortex, with temporal
resolution of 10 samples per second or higher (compared to fMRI of approximately
1 sample per 2 s) and spatial resolution of 2–3 cm (not as high as fMRI but with
greater precision than ERP). See Plate 4D, E for sample fNIRS data, collected as
children were deciding if two words rhyme or not. During the task there is an increase
in oxy-hemoglobin concentration and a decrease in deoxy-hemoglogin concentration
in comparison with resting baseline (looking at a fixation cross). The use of light as
opposed to magnetism makes fNIRS completely silent, as well as much smaller than
fMRI. Small size and portability mean that fNIRS systems can be taken out of the
lab into participants’ homes, hospitals’ neonatal units, and school systems. Due to
the combination of these factors, the system has a critical advantage for the study of
early language acquisition as it allows for the use of naturalistic auditory language
paradigms with awake infants, children, and adults (Huppert et al., 2009; Petitto
etal., in press; Shalinsky et al., 2009). For example, in our own language acquisition
research we comfortably use an fNIRS system with awake infants listening to
phonemes (Petitto, 2005; Petitto et al., in press; Shalinsky et al., 2009), children
reading aloud at school, talking adults, and adult signers who are freely using both
hands within the natural signing space (Kovelman et al., 2009).
Akin to fMRI, and when used properly, fNIRS can provide accurate informa-
tion about the anatomical locus of brain activation. We recommend the use of
10–20 ERP sensor-placement conventions and the use of 3D tracking devices,
as well as fMRI coregistration with vitamin E capsules to ensure proper probe
placement (for more detail see Kovelman et al., 2009; and Shalinsky et al., 2009).
Prior to data acquisition, participants should be trained to keep their head as still as
possible during the tasks, and data imaging should be screened for motion artifacts
(Huppert et al., 2009; Kovelman et al., 2009). Simultaneous acquisition of imaging
data and video data can help better identify body motion artifacts, as well as par-
ticipants’ behavioral performances during imaging tasks (see Shalinsky et al., 2009).
Multimodal and Anatomical Imaging
This chapter has focused on individual methods of functional brain imaging, but
nevertheless readers should be made aware of multimodal imaging or “fusion”
techniques. Multimodal imaging refers to the concept of acquiring complementary
brain data that can answer both “where” and “when” (cf. Friston, 2009). These
methods, although more technically difficult to set up than unimodal methods, are
becoming increasingly attractive in cognitive neuroscience. One example is the
simultaneous use of fMRI and EEG recordings (Friston, 2009). There is also
anatomical brain imaging: MRI systems can be used to provide information about
the volume and thickness of brain structures, as well as information about the
organization of white matter, as afforded by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Each of
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52 Ioulia Kovelman
these methods and technologies is being actively used to address the field’s questions
about the complex nature of language and reading acquisition (cf. Kovelman,
Christodoulou, and Gabrieli, in press; Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008).
The two arguably most child-friendly and language-friendly technologies (fNIRS
and ERP) can be effectively combined within a single imaging session. This allows
researchers to investigate the full range of language acquisition phenomena by
examining both timing and location of the underlying brain activity (Friston, 2009).
One of the challenges in using combined fNIRS and ERP systems is being able to
analyze the data such that they are meaningful with respect to both types of imaging
systems. This task is complicated by the fact that while the field has many options
for standardized and validated methods of ERP and fMRI data analyses, the best
analytical options for fNIRS remain under active investigation (cf. Huppert et al.,
2009). The good news is that there have been rapid advancements in fNIRS imaging
method and analyses, and publicly available fNIRS analyses software now include
HomER (Huppert et al., 2009) and Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM: Ye et al.,
2009). We hope that the near future will bring further improvements in both
technology and analytical approaches, allowing us to take full advantage of the
simultaneous use of multiple brain imaging methods and modalities.
Neuroimaging Studies of Early Language Acquisition
Words are made up of individual sounds, or phonetic units, which represent the
building blocks of language competence (e.g., knowing sounds /b/ and /d/ in English).
Among the most fascinating and hotly debated questions in the field is how infants
discover this finite set of phonetic units of their native language. It is widely accepted
that both environmental and biological factors play a role in children’s ability to
discover the sounds of their language. Systematic in-person language experience is
essential: children exposed to spoken languages discover the phonetic units of their
native spoken language (e.g., Werker and Tees, 1992), sign-exposed infants discover
phonetic units in their native sign languages (e.g., Petitto, 2005), and children who
hear a particular language only from TV may never learn the sounds of this language
(cf. Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008). It is also assumed that the ability to discover
the sounds of language is closely tied to infant brain development, as there is a
maturational change in a child’s ability to perceive these phonetic units from different
languages. Children before the age of 8 months appear to be “universal” learners,
able to perceive phonetic boundaries across all word languages (sign and spoken;
Petitto, 2005), and this “universal” categorical perception ability diminishes after the
age of 8 months (Werker and Tees, 1992). What are these neural mechanisms that
allow a child to discover language, and how do they interact with variation in the
language-learning environment?
In our quest to understand the brain mechanisms that drive infants’ discovery of
language, fNIRS technology has been used to investigate phoneme perception in
monolingual and bilingual infants (Petitto et al., in press). Using an oddball paradigm
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Neuroimaging Methods 53
that can be effectively employed with any of the aforementioned imaging methods,
a “standard” stimulus appears approximately 80% of the time, and a deviant or
“oddball” stimulus appears approximately 20% of time (e.g., /ba/ is heard 80% of
the time and /da/ is heard 20% of the time). The difference in the electric or
hemodynamic brain response to “oddball” versus standard stimulus is then analyzed.
Both “young” (3–4-month-old) and “old” (10–12-month-old) infants, bilingual and
monolingual, showed equally robust bilateral activation in the superior temporal
region in response to native and nonnative phonetic contrasts. The only region to
show a change in activation in response to the sounds of native language as a function
of maturation was the posterior aspect of the left inferior frontal region. Both
“young” and “old” infants showed greater left IFG activation when hearing a sound
that crossed the phonetic boundary (the “oddball”); however the strength of this
activation increased in older monolingual infants and decreased in older bilingual
Equally robust was the left STG activation, across ages (3–4 and 10–12 months)
and language learning environments (bilingual and monolingual). These findings
suggest this brain tissue, known to be important for processing phonological
information in adults (Blumstein, 2009), supports early sensitivity to the relevant
linguistic information in infants. It has been further hypothesized that the STG is the
biologically endowed brain tissue, which is preferentially sensitive to rhythmic
modulations of about 1.5 Hz (Petitto, 2005). Research leading to this hypothesis has
been extensively exploring the first milestone in infant language production,
babbling, which is when babies start producing meaningless, rhythmically alternating
syllabi units (e.g., “ba-ba-ba”). Researchers have discovered that hearing babies
exposed to speech babble vocally, while hearing and deaf babies exposed to sign
language babble with their hands – producing meaningless alternating phonetic
units with their hands at a frequency of about 1.5 Hz – leading to the hypothesis that
the infant brain is endowed with brain tissue, likely the left STG, which is preferentially
sensitive to the slow-rhythmic linguistic stream, be it visual or auditory (cf. Petitto,
At the age of about 12 months infants transition from “universal” to “native”
learners, and begin to lose their ability to discriminate nonnative categories (Werker
and Tees, 1992). All infants showed a maturational change in posterior left IFG
activation, brain tissue known to be critical for phonologically driven semantic analyses
in adults (e.g., in adults, hearing the word “fruit” facilitates hearing ambiguous
“bear/pear” as “pear”: cf. Blumstein, 2009). This change in left IFG activation at the
age of 12 months is thus critical, as at this age first words emerge and stable
sound-to-meaning associations become critical. As a monolingual infant’s brain
becomes dedicated to one language, it shows an increase in activation to changes in
native phonological contrasts, while bilingual infants show an opposite pattern and
a decrease in left IFG activation (Petitto et al., in press). Researchers have suggested
that bilingual children build at least some of their phonetic boundaries differently
and on a different timetable compared to their monolingual peers (Ramon-Casas
etal., 2009). The decrease in left IFG activation in response to native contrasts may
reflect the brain’s attempt to “suppress” the closure of the heightened sensitivity
period. How long does the bilingual phonological perceptual system remain open,
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54 Ioulia Kovelman
and is this extended phonological sensitivity a “disadvantage”? Bilinguals are
frequently observed to have lifelong advantages in language-related learning abilities
(e.g., during reading acquisition: Kovelman, Baker, and Petitto, 2008). It is thought
this advantage may be afforded by an extended period of heightened sensitivity to
language patterns.
Neuroimaging methods thus allow us to investigate the neural tissue that underlies
early language acquisition. Behavioral research has shown that children’s ability to
discriminate nonnative sounds declines and their ability to perceive native sounds
improves at around 12 months of age, about the same time as a child starts producing
his or her first words. Neuroimaging research now shows that infants’ developmental
change in the sensitivity to phonetic categories can be linked to maturation changes
in the left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area), a brain region critical for adjudicating
the associations between word sound and word meaning.
Neuroimaging Studies of Reading Acquisition
Just as a critical step towards successful language acquisition is being able to discern the
sounds of language, so the ability to manipulate these language sounds, or phonological
awareness, is a crucial step toward successful reading acquisition (Wolf, 2007). An
example of phonological awareness is knowing that the words “cat” and “hat” rhyme,
or that the word “ti-cket” can be broken into syllables “ti” and “cket. Children’s
phonological awareness precedes and predicts successful transition from language to
literacy and is one of the strongest predictors of reading acquisition in early grades and
across languages (Wolf, 2007). It is typically thought that children’s sensitivity to the
sounds of their language ultimately helps them to learn the associations between words
sounds and individual letters. A deficit in phonological awareness is thought to be the
most common etiology of dyslexia, a lifelong difficulty in learning to read (cf. Kovelman,
Christodoulou, and Gabrieli, in press; Wolf, 2007). What might be the mechanism that
supports the brain’s transition from spoken to printed language, the brain bases of
phonological awareness and the ultimate attainment of literacy skills?
It has been hypothesized that children’s phonological awareness competence relies
on their sensitivity to the slow rhythmic modulations in the speech stream which
allow us to perceive syllabic and rime boundaries (“ti-cket, “c-at”: Thomson and
Goswami, 2008). Researchers have now shown that children with dyslexia are
impaired in their ability to discern low-frequency amplitude modulations as well as
rhythmic beats of about 1.5–2 Hz (Thomson and Goswami, 2008). This reading
acquisition hypothesis and the findings are consistent with language acquisition
literature and the babbling milestone, suggesting that infants start language acquisition
with a peaked sensitivity to rhythmically alternating language units of about 1.5 Hz
(Petitto, 2005). The language acquisition hypothesis is supported by the findings from
the very first universal language production milestone: babbling. At approximately
5months of age all infants start producing rhythmically alternating syllabic units.
Hearing infants exposed to speech babble vocally, and sign-exposed infants babble
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Neuroimaging Methods 55
with their hands at a slow rhythmic pace of about 1.5 Hz (cf. Petitto, 2005). Pilot
results (Kovelman et al., 2010) now show that typically developing children show
greater activation in the left STG region when listening to the “language” frequency
of 1.5 Hz, as opposed to slower (0.5 Hz) or faster (3 Hz) “nonlanguage” frequencies,
converging on the idea that left STG tissue supports early language acquisition (Kuhl
and Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008; Petitto et al., in press) as well as typical reading development
(children with dyslexia frequently show under-recruitment of left STG region; cf.
Kovelman, Christodoulou, and Gabrieli, in press). Thus, both behavioral and
neuroimaging approaches to language and literacy acquisition provide converging
evidence that infants are born with neural tissue, the left STG, which is sensitive to
slow rhythmic modulations and is present across sign and spoken languages (Kovelman
et al., 2010; Petitto, 2005). This sensitivity likely allows the child to identify the
language stream itself (sign and spoken), parse it into smaller units, and extract the
necessary syllabic, phonetic, and other types of critical linguistic information (Petitto,
2005). In typical development, left STG functioning and slow rhythmic sensitivity can
facilitate language acquisition as well as the transition from intuitive to active awareness
of the language units. In dyslexia, atypical STG functioning and impaired slow rhythmic
sensitivity may impair the child’s phonological learning and reading acquisition.
Until almost the beginning of the 1990s, research on the neural bases of language
was heavily dominated by clinical and aphasiology research, in which theories of
how language is represented in the brain were formed and tested against populations
with neurological disorders. The emergence of safe, noninvasive and child-friendly
hemodynamic brain imaging methods that do not involve brain surgery or radiation
has opened the doors to the anatomical and the functional study of the brain in
neurologically intact infants, children, and adults. These neuroimaging methods,
including ERP, MEG, fMRI, and fNIRS, are now being actively used to investigate
brain regions that support various aspects of early language acquisition across
typically developing populations and children with language learning difficulties (cf.
Friederici, 2005; Kovelman, Christodoulou, and Gabrieli, in press; Kuhl and
Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008).
Neuroimaging tools and the emerging field of developmental cognitive neuroscience
can contribute new information, allowing for testing of different hypotheses about the
nature of human language acquisition. Neuroimaging tools are rapidly improving
with respect to their “child friendliness” and “interpretability” of data – allowing us to
test ever younger populations across a wide variety of language paradigms. The field
is becoming increasingly “multimethod” and “multimodal, combining behavioral
data, functional hemodynamic and electric brain data, and genetic information. This
rich study approach allows us to explore the interaction between our biological
endowment for language ability (and disability), maturing brain tissue, and maturing
learning skills, as well as the learning environments (e.g., bilingualism). In addition to
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56 Ioulia Kovelman
advancing the science of language acquisition, such a systematic and multimethod
research approach may also offer new insights into the methods of early identification
and targeted treatment for children with language and reading impairments.
We thank Dr Mark Shalinsky for technical editorial help and Alyssa Mastic and Kira
Mascho for their help with manuscript preparation. A special thank you goes to
Patricia O’Loughlin, Dr Stephen Crain, Dr Phillip Holcomb, Dr Eric Halgren, and
Melanie Reid for contributing images and figures. We sincerely thank the editor,
Dr Erika Hoff, for all her amazing editorial contribution. Finally, we thank the
University of Michigan for support.
Key Terms
Blood-oxygen-level dependence (BOLD) Signal that is dependent on the oxygen concentration
in the blood. Changes in BOLD are well correlated with changes in blood flow; however,
the relationship with neuronal signals is still being investigated.
Deoxyhemoglobin When no oxygen is bound to hemoglobin.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) A related use of MRI to measure anatomical connectivity
between areas.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Noninvasive brain imaging technology that measures the
brain’s electrical activity.
Event-related potential (ERP) Electrical brain events as measured by EEG.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) An MRI contrast of the BOLD signal.
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) Measure of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin
changes through absorption of near infrared light.
Hemodynamic response Blood flow or circulation.
Hemoglobin The iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) A noninvasive imaging technology that uses a powerful
magnetic field to align the nuclear magnetization of (usually) hydrogen atoms in water in
the body.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Noninvasive brain imaging technology that measures the
brain’s magnetic field.
Motion artifacts Noise in recording due to voluntary or involuntary physical movement.
Multimodal imaging Simultaneous use of two or more noninvasive imaging modalities in
neurovascular coupling.
Oxy-hemoglobin Oxygen bound to hemoglobin.
Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) Used in MEG brain imaging to
enhance the brain’s magnetic field.
Blumstein, S.E. (2009) Auditory word recognition: evidence from aphasia and functional
neuroimaging. Language and Linguistic Compass, 3 (4), 824–838.
Cheour, M., Ceponiene, R., Lehtokoski, A., et al. (1998) Development of language-specific
phoneme representations in the infant brain. Nature Neuroscience, 1 (5), 351–353.
Hoff_c04.indd 56Hoff_c04.indd 56 6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM
Neuroimaging Methods 57
Freund, L. (2008) Neuroimaging tools for language study. In M. Rice (ed.), Infant pathways
to language: methods, models, and research directions (pp. 287–297). New York:
Psychology Press.
Friederici, A.D. (2005) Neurophysiological markers of early language acquisition: from
syllables to sentences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9 (10), 481–488.
Friston, K.J. (2009) Modalities, modes, and models in functional neuroimaging. Science,
326(5951), 399–403.
Ghosh, S.S., Kakunoori, S., Augustinack, J., et al. (2010) Evaluating the validity of volume-
based and surface-based brain image registration for developmental cognitive neuroscience
studies in children 4 to 11 years of age. NeuroImage, 53 (1), 85–93.
Halgren, E., Dhond, R.P., Christensen, N., et al. (2002) N400-like magnetoencephalography
responses modulated by semantic context, word frequency, and lexical class in sentences.
NeuroImage, 17 (3), 1101–1116.
Holcomb, P., Coffey, S., and Neville, H. (1992) Visual and auditory sentence processing: a
developmental analysis using event-related potentials. Developmental Neuropsychology,
8 (2–3), 203–241.
Huettel, S.A., Song, A.W., and McCarthy, G. (2008) Functional magnetic resonance imaging
(2nd edn). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.
Huppert, T.J., Diamond, S.G., Franceschini, M.A., and Boas, D.A. (2009) HomER: a review
of time-series analysis methods for near-infrared spectroscopy of the brain. Applied
Optics, 48 (10), D280–298.
Johnson, M.H. (2005) Developmental cognitive neuroscience. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Johnson, M.H., de Haan, M., Oliver, A., et al. (2001) Recording and analyzing high-density
event-related potentials with infants: using the Geodesic sensor net. Developmental
Neuropsychology, 19 (3), 295–323.
Kovelman, I., Baker, S.A., and Petitto, L.A. (2008) Age of first bilingual language exposure
asa new window into bilingual reading development. Bilingualism (Cambridge, UK),
11(2), 203–223.
Kovelman, I., Christodoulou, C.A., and Gabrieli, J.D.E. (in press) Dyslexia: the brain bases of
reading impairments. In M. Faust (ed.), Handbook of the neurophysiology of language.
Kovelman, I., Mascho, K., Mastic, A., et al. (2010) Neural bases of language frequency
perception in children and adults. Accepted peer-reviewed conference presentation, 41st
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Kovelman, I., Shalinsky, M.H., White, K.S., et al. (2009) Dual language use in sign–speech
bimodalbilinguals: fNIRS brain-imaging evidence. Brain and Language, 109 (2–3), 112–123.
Kuhl, P., and Rivera-Gaxiola, M. (2008) Neural substrates of language acquisition. Annual
Review of Neuroscience, 31, 511–534.
Luck, S.J. (2005) An introduction to event-related potentials and their neural origins. In An
introduction to the event-related potential technique. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Pettito, L.A. (2005) How the brain begets language: on the neural tissue underlying human
language acquisition. In J. McGilvray (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Chomsky
(pp.84–101). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Petitto, L.A., Berens, M.S., Kovelman, I., et al. (in press) The “perceptual wedge” hypothesis
as the basis for bilingual babies’ phonetic processing advantage: new insights from fNIRS
brain imaging. Brain and Language.
Ramon-Casas, M., Swingley, D., Sebastian-Galles, N., and Bosch, L. (2009) Vowel categorization
during word recognition in bilingual toddlers. Cognitive Psychology, 59 (1), 96–121.
Raschle, N.M., Lee, M., Buechler, R., et al
. (2009) Making MR imaging child’s play: pediatric
neuroimaging protocol,
guidelines and procedure. Journal of Visualized Experiments 29.
Hoff_c04.indd 57Hoff_c04.indd 57 6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM
58 Ioulia Kovelman
Salmelin, R. (2007) Clinical neurophysiology of language: the MEG approach. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 118 (2), 237–254.
Shalinsky, M.H., Kovelman, I., Berens, M.S., and Petitto, L.A. (2009) Exploring cognitive
functions in babies, children and adults with near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of
Visualized Experiments 29.
Slotnick, S.D. (2010) High density event-related potential data acquisition in cognitive
neuroscience. Journal of Visualized Experiments 38.
Tesan, G., Johnson, B.W., Reid, M., et al. (2010) Measurement of neuromagnetic
brain function in pre-school children with custom sized MEG. Journal of Visualized
Experiments 36.
Thomson, J.M., and Goswami, U. (2008) Rhythmic processing in children with developmental
dyslexia: auditory and motor rhythms link to reading and spelling. Journal of Physiology,
Paris, 102 (1–3), 120–129.
Werker, J.F., and Tees, R.C. (1992) The organization and reorganization of human speech
perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 15, 377–402.
Wolf, M. (2007) Proust and the squid: the story and science of the reading brain. New York:
Harper Collins.
Ye, J.C., Tak, S., Jang, K.E., et al. (2009) NIRS-SPM: statistical parametric mapping for
near-infrared spectroscopy. NeuroImage, 44 (2), 428–447.
Recommended Technical Reading
Print: Luck, S.J. (2005) An introduction to event-related potentials and their neural origins. In
An introduction to the event-related potential technique. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Video: Slotnick, S.D. (2010) High density event-related potential data acquisition in cognitive
neuroscience. Journal of Visualized Experiments 38.
Print: Salmelin, R. (2007) Clinical neurophysiology of language: the MEG approach. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 118 (2), 237–254.
Video: Tesan, G., Johnson, B.W., Reid, M., et al. (2010) Measurement of neuromagnetic
brain function in pre-school children with custom sized MEG. Journal of Visualized
Experiments 36.
Print: Huettel, S.A., Song, A.W., and McCarthy, G. (2008) Functional magnetic resonance
imaging (2nd edn). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.
Video: Raschle, N.M., Lee, M., Buechler, R., et al. (2009) Making MR imaging child’s play:
pediatric neuroimaging protocol, guidelines and procedure. Journal of Visualized
Experiments 29.
Hoff_c04.indd 58Hoff_c04.indd 58 6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM
Neuroimaging Methods 59
Print: Gervain, J., Mehler, J., Werker, J.F., et al. (2010) Near-infrared spectroscopy: a report
from the McDonnell infant methodology consortium. Developmental Cognitive
Neuroscience, 1 (1), 22–46.
Video: Shalinsky, M.H., Kovelman, I., Berens, M.S., and Petitto, L.A. (2009) Exploring
cognitive functions in babies, children and adults with near infrared spectroscopy. Journal
of Visualized Experiments 29.
Hoff_c04.indd 59Hoff_c04.indd 59 6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM6/6/2011 12:28:31 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
These one-word speakers appear to be five- or six- word listeners … by
17months of age … infants in the beginning stages of language learning can
attend to syntactic cues [word order] and use these cues to distinguish between
two relatively similar scenes in their environment.
(Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1996, p. 122)
[T]his study indicates that long before infants are producing wh-questions,
they understand them in ways that few would have suspected … Infants
responded appropriately to subject questions by 15 months of age and to both
subject- and object-questions by 20 months.
(Seidl, Hollich, and Jusczyk, 2003, pp. 423, 434)
5 Methods for Studying Language
in Infants: Back to the Future
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Here we discuss the origins and history of methods of infant research which
have allowed researchers to begin to probe questions in language acquisition
even before babies can say a single word. Methods involving the use of visual
fixation, sucking, auditory preference, and heart rate are treated from a
historical standpoint, calling attention to how they have expanded our knowl-
edge base. These methods can be used with a wide range of ages – some starting
with neonates – and extending across the first two years of life, in the domains
of phonology, semantics, and syntax. Issues arising in data interpretation using
these traditional methods are emerging with the use of newer neurophysiological
measures as well. Longitudinal assessments of language acquisition are now
beginning to inform the field about the meaning and significance of infants’
earlier responses in laboratory tasks tapping language origins.
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Studying Language in Infants 61
This prospective longitudinal study … shows that individual differences in the
efficiency of spoken language comprehension at the age of two years predict
children’s success in cognitive and language tasks in later childhood.
(Fernald etal., 2008, p. 131)
Researchers who study language acquisition wish to understand the very origins of
the process, beginning from the earliest stages. To achieve this goal, organisms that
cannot speak or even follow commands must be “tricked” into revealing what they
know. This is the challenge our field has faced and, to some extent, conquered. Before
the advent of methodologies to probe young children’s linguistic capabilities, the
aforementioned findings would have been inconceivable.
In this chapter, we reflect on the recent history of methodological innovation and
ponder how these methods and newer ones might shape the future of our field. The
last 40 years took us well beyond counting and cataloguing children’s language
productions as researchers began to probe children’s knowledge of the elements and
structures of language, and how this knowledge is used to bootstrap language
competence – even before a single word is produced. We can only be selective in our
brief review of the field’s methodological innovations, highlighting some of the key
paradigms and their significance.
In the Beginning
An intervention conducted in ancient Egypt may be the first study of language
acquisition. Two infants were reared in silence to see which language would emerge
first. While this methodology would now fail to pass human subjects scrutiny, reports
of children raised without language input have contributed to our understanding of
language development (e.g., Curtiss, 1977; Goldin-Meadow and Mylander, 1984).
Baby biographies (e.g., Stern and Stern, 1907) gave way to more sophisticated diary
studies (e.g., Naigles, Hoff, and Vear, 2009) enabling us to paint a rich portrait of the
growing language system. Studies by Bloom (1973) and Nelson (1973) among others
on children’s first words and word combinations were landmarks for the field and
the CHILDES data exchange system (MacWhinney, 1991), available on the web,
continues to illustrate the value of detailed production data.
Methods Moving beyond Production
Two developments enabled researchers to move beyond observations of what
children could produce. One was work by Fantz on infants’ visual acuity; the other
was work on the “orienting response” by Russian psychologists (Sokolov, 1963)
which led to the creation of the habituation method.
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62 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Fantz’s Work
At a time when pediatricians believed that infants were incapable of much vision,
Fantz (1961) proved them wrong. Fantz showed that when presented with two
cards, one containing broad and one narrow stripes, infants preferred to look at the
cards with more narrow stripes. As Fantz and Nevis wrote, “it is now proven that
even in the early weeks the young infant can resolve and discriminate patterns”
(1967, p. 78). These data suggested that infants’ acuity exceeded what was commonly
believed and that infants were selective. Indeed, Fantz and Nevis argued that this
selectivity “is particularly revealing of early perceptual-cognitive development”
(p.78). Fantz and Nevis saw the potential of the paired comparisons method for
predicting infants’ later capabilities, ending their article with “a bit of crystal-ball
gazing” when they wrote, “Could it be that the infant’s future prospects, as well as
his past experiences and present interests, are reflected in his eyes?”
The Orienting Response
Russian psychologists studied what Pavlov referred to as the “what-is-it-reflex,
having noticed that his lab dogs turned in the direction of a new stimulus. In what
was also called the “orienting reflex” (Sokolov, 1963), both humans and dogs would
literally and figuratively “sit up and take notice” at the first presentation of a novel
stimulus. The orienting reflex, consisting of a variety of physiological and behavioral
responses such as heart rate change, turning toward the new stimulus, eye movements,
etc. (Cohen, 1976), is the basis of habituation and familiarization methods. Sokolov
grounded habituation in neurological functioning by claiming that it reflected not
just moment-to-moment processing but comparison with existing memory traces
and the build-up of new ones.
Methods Multiply
Once researchers realized that they could capitalize on infants’ attentional responses,
additional methods appeared. There is no question that we would not be able to ask the
sophisticated questions we do today were it not for the advent of these methods. Just
as in chemistry and other sciences, new discoveries follow on the heels of the emergence
of new methods. Space does not permit us to treat each and every method and its
variations in this chapter. Instead, the chapter favors the most frequently used methods.
The Sucking Response
The orienting response figured in work by Eimas etal. (1971). Eimas etal. shocked
the field by showing that infants but a few weeks of age could discriminate between
phonemes and demonstrate categorical perception for speech sounds. After infants’
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Studying Language in Infants 63
sucking habituated to hearing the same sound in isolation repeatedly, a new sound
(either in the same phonemic category or from a new category) was played. Infants
then showed an orienting response to the out-of-category sound, recovering their
sucking response, and revealing that they could discriminate between phonemes
(see Fennell, Chapter 1 this volume). This important research told the field that
infants begin language learning with some categories in place. However, as sucking
wanes in its utility after about 4 months of age, other methods were needed by
researchers to continue to explore infant language discrimination and categorization.
Heart Rate Deceleration
Kagan and Lewis (1965) published the first longitudinal study that used a variety of
responses (visual fixation, vocalizations, arm movements, and heart rate) to assess
infants’ processing of both visual and auditory stimuli. Cardiac deceleration was
touted as a way to distinguish between “the empty stare” and “active assimilation”
(1965, p. 96) and a way to assess attention to auditory stimuli.
In one fascinating early experiment, Kagan and Lewis (1965) crossed meaningful-
ness with “inflection” to present 13-month-olds with four kinds of paragraphs: high
meaning, high inflection (three complete sentences containing highly frequent words
such as baby, mommy, daddy; read with normal intonation); high meaning, low
inflection (one word per second; flat intonation); low meaning, high inflection
(nonsense words; normal intonation): and low meaning, low inflection (nonsense
words; read one word at a time). Girls showed the greatest deceleration to high
meaning, high inflection and to low meaning, high inflection paragraphs, suggesting
that girls were motivated to find the meaning and were perhaps attracted to infant-
directed speech. Boys, on the other hand, showed the greatest deceleration to the high
meaning, low inflection paragraph, as if needing to hear the word-by-word presenta-
tion to find meaning. More provocative are the longitudinal links between attention
to auditory stimuli (music and tones) at 6 months and attention to the paragraphs at
13 months. Boys showed low attention stability. For girls, high cardiac deceleration
at 6 months predicted greater attention to the novel paragraphs (both intonation
types) with low meaning. These data suggest that sensitivity to nonlinguistic auditory
stimuli at 6 months relates to infant language processing at 13 months.
Visual Fixation
In 1974, Horowitz edited a monograph that asked whether visual fixation might be
used as a window into language development. Visual fixation was so new as a
dependent variable for this purpose that an appendix was devoted to procedures for
establishing an infant laboratory. Papers in that volume reported the discovery that
for 10–12-week-olds, introducing auditory stimuli after habituation increased visual
fixation time and afforded assessment of infants’ discrimination between auditory
stimuli. Horowitz suggested that “visual response decrement and recovery may be a
very useful procedure for studying infant receptive language abilities” (1974, p. 111).
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64 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Infant language capabilities are about more than the auditory signal itself. Learning
language entails forming the concepts that languages encode in their semantic
structures, such as who does what to whom. Many theorists believed semantic roles
were the first way that infants understood sentences (e.g., Golinkoff, 1981; Pinker,
1984). Golinkoff (1975) presented infants with silent, filmed, dynamic events using
familiarization and recovery of the visual fixation response or a combination of
visual fixation and heart rate deceleration (Golinkoff and Kerr, 1978). Since these
studies preceded videotape, human actors were filmed in super 8 mm film. Both
studies pitted a change in the roles of agent and patient against a change in the
event’s direction across the screen. Fourteen-month-olds watched action role changes
more than direction changes, indicating that they could tell agents from patients
(Schöppner, Sodian, and Pauen, 2006).
The link between dynamic events and auditory stimuli appeared in Spelke (1976).
She showed infants two simultaneous visual displays (a donkey jumping up and
down versus a person clapping her hands) accompanied by a single auditory stimulus
matching only one of the displays in the paired comparisons method (Fantz, 1961).
When 4-month-olds watched the target – the matching event – more than the
nontarget, it became clear that this method had great promise for testing language
comprehension. Golinkoff etal. (1987) capitalized on that promise by developing
the “intermodal preferential looking paradigm” (IPLP) for studying language
comprehension (see Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1996; Piotroski and Naigles,
Chapter 2 this volume). That first paper validated the IPLP by testing 17-month-olds
on the comprehension of nouns and verbs and 28-month-olds – already using
multiword utterances – on the use of word order in sentence comprehension
(e.g.,“Big Bird is tickling Cookie Monster”).
Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff (1996) then showed that infants as young as 13 months
of age recognized that words come in “packages, specifying unique events in the
world. When shown a video of a woman kissing a set of keys and holding a ball in
the foreground versus the same woman kissing the ball and dangling the keys in the
foreground, babies looked more at the matching event when they heard, “She’s
kissing the keys!” This result could only have emerged if infants were doing more
than processing individual words, as both videos contained a “she, the action of
“kissing, and the target item (keys). By 17 months, infants with as few as two words
in their productive vocabularies could use word order as a guide to watch specific
events that matched the linguistic stimuli (Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1996) – if
they knew the names of the Sesame Street characters. Thus, infants not yet speaking
were capable of comprehending not only action role relations in language but
probably the grammatical categories of subject and object of the sentence.
Hollich, Hirsh-Pasek, and Golinkoff (2000) introduced a three-dimensional
version of the IPLP – the interactive intermodal preferential looking paradigm.
Itpresented real objects to infants (10 to 24 months) and allowed for the manipulation
of social cues in an online word learning task. Pruden etal. (2006) and Hollich,
Hirsh-Pasek, and Golinkoff (2000) reported that the cues infants used for word
learning changed over time, moving from perceptual salience, or the attractiveness of
the object, to the use of social cues such as eye gaze. Nurmsoo and Bloom (2008),
using another paradigm, showed that, by preschool, children do not blindly follow
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Studying Language in Infants 65
eye gaze but switch to using linguistic cues when these are put into conflict, as the
emergent coalition model (Hollich etal., 2000) predicts.
Yet another use of the IPLP is a nonlinguistic version (Pruden etal., 2006) that
presents single and paired dynamic events to see which ones infants prefer to look at
after a familiarization and/or training period. It is designed to assess which relations
infants can discern that they will later express linguistically (Göksun, Hirsh-Pasek,
and Golinkoff, 2010; Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, 2008). Infants appear to form a
range of nonlinguistic categories that sometimes change as they learn the particular
perceptual distinctions their language encodes. Concepts such as containment and
support, path and manner, figure and ground, source and goal have been explored
with the nonlinguistic IPLP or single stimulus habituation studies (e.g., Pulverman
etal., 2008; Lakusta etal., 2007; Hespos and Spelke, 2004; Casasola, Cohen, and
Chiarello, 2003). Thus, methods relying on visual fixation are probing infants’
perception of the event components that languages encode and, in some cases,
showing language heightening or dampening these distinctions (e.g., Göksun,
Hirsh-Pasek, and Golinkoff, 2010).
Conditioned Head Turn and the Head Turn
Preference Procedure
Colombo and Bundy (1981) offered a procedure to assess infant auditory selectivity,
which was a forerunner of the head turn preference procedure (Fernald, 1985; Hirsh-
Pasek et al., 1987; Kemler Nelson et al., 1995). Two- and 4.5-month-olds, in an
auditory analogue to Fantz’s (1961) paired comparisons method, were offered the
opportunity to look at one of two red light rings composed of light diodes placed
approximately 1.3 feet (40 cm) apart. A look at one of the rings played a female
voice; a look at the other ring yielded silence or white noise. Thus, this was an
“infant-controlled” method, as children could make the stimulus begin. Two-month-
olds did not look selectively, but 4.5-month-olds preferred the voice over either
silence or white noise. Columbo and Bundy wrote, “The finding that, by 4 months,
infants show preference for the female voice over both silence and white noise is not
an intuitively surprising one, but the demonstration of a valid auditory selectivity
paradigm is of more interest” (1981, p. 222).
Werker, Polka, and Pegg (1997) suggested that the conditioned head turn procedure
was inspired by research that tested auditory perception in preschoolers. Researchers
adapted the procedure to test infants’ perception of sounds by conditioning infants
to turn their heads to see a reinforcer (e.g., a bear playing cymbals) when they
detected a change in the auditory stimulus. For example, babies were able to override
changes in voices, gender of the speaker, and age of the speaker to turn to the
reinforcer only when a vowel sound changed from /i/ to /a/ (Kuhl, 1983).
Fernald (1985) used a head turn procedure with loudspeakers placed to the left
and right behind infants, training them to activate an auditory stimulus by turning
their heads. Four-month-old infants turned their heads more to hear passages
spoken in infant-directed versus adult-directed speech. Prior to this time, studies
had examined infants’ sensitivity to phonological aspects of language, taking a
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66 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
bottom-up approach. Fernald’s (1985) study suggested that infants might be sensitive
to larger stretches of text than just individual phonemes or syllables.
The head turn preference procedure further increased in utility and sensitivity in
a study designed to evaluate whether 7–10-month-old infants might be sensitive to
the temporal and intonational properties of passages (Hirsh-Pasek etal., 1987).
Hirsh-Pasek etal. used a passage of infant-directed speech in which 1 second pauses
were inserted either at random points or at clausal boundaries where they are
usually found. Their methodological innovation was to code not only the side to
which infants turned to hear a language sample, but also how long infants attended
to a side after turning to it. They found that even when the number of head turns
to a side did not differ significantly, the duration of infants’ looks revealed a clear
preference for the natural passage. Using this method, a developmental sequence
emerged: infants preferred to hear appropriately segmented clauses before they
preferred to hear appropriately segmented phrases (Jusczyk etal., 1992) and before
they noticed the difference between compound and noncompound words (e.g.,
“night rate” vs “nitrate”: Myers etal., 1996). The head turn preference procedure
offered a way to test whether infants conduct top-down analyses as well as bottom-
up segmental analyses.
The head turn preference procedure has been used in studies addressing a wide
range of questions. For example, Mandel, Jusczyk, and Pisoni (1995) discovered that
babies recognize the sound patterns of their own name at 4.5 months. Bortfeld etal.
(2005) found that if a word in a passage occurred after the baby’s own name versus
someone else’s name, 6-month-old babies recognized the word when played in
isolation. The procedure has also been used to test for grammatical sensitivity.
Santelman and Jusczyk (1998) found that 18-month-olds preferred to hear an
auxiliary and a verb that pattern together (… is baking) over an auxiliary and a verb
that are ungrammatical (… can baking).
The Switch Design
For studying rapid associations between syllables and objects, Werker etal. (1998)
invented the “switch design. Here, infants are first given the opportunity through
repeated pairings to form an association between two novel objects on video and
their respective syllables (e.g., object A was accompanied by lif and object B by
neem)(see Fennell, Chapter 1 this volume). Then the pairings were switched. The
dependent variable was whether infants recovered their visual fixation time,
suggesting that they must have formed the syllable–object associations. This
methodillustrated how 14-month-olds give preference to forming object + syllable
associations over action + syllable association – an interesting point for research on
verb learning – as the researchers tested whether the syllable was paired with the
object or the movement in which it engaged. They also showed that only 14-month-
olds, and not 8- or 12-month-olds, could form rapid associations between syllables
and objects.
Stager and Werker (1997) used this method to uncover infants’ sensitivity to
phonemic distinctions during word learning. They found that 14-month-olds could
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Studying Language in Infants 67
not perform the task when the syllables used were minimal pairs (i.e., buh vs duh);
they only succeeded when they were phonologically very different (i.e., lif and neem),
as in Werker etal. (1998). Werker etal. (2002) pursued this finding in an attempt to
uncover the reason for the laxity in phonological discrimination during a syllable–
object association task. Their research suggested that by 20 months infants were able
to map minimal pairs to objects. At 17 months, when Werker etal. found a correla-
tion between infants’ vocabulary level and their ability to map similar sounding
syllables to objects, they concluded that attending to fine phonetic distinctions may
contribute to amassing a larger vocabulary more rapidly. Fennell, Byers-Heinlein,
and Werker (2007) compared bilingually reared babies’ performance on this task.
When they found that bilingual infants could not succeed until 20 months, they
argued that this pattern reflected an advantage for bilingual babies who must stay
“open” longer to the phonological differences that matter for meaning in the
languages they are acquiring.
In sum, a variety of methods exists using visual fixation, conditioned head turn,
and head turn preference as the dependent variables. These methods have offered
researchers a window into infants’ language processing.
While progress was surely made, researchers rarely brought infants back to the lab
or even tested them concurrently to examine the relationship between performance
on the laboratory task and other measures of language knowledge. We attribute this
to two factors. First, measures of young children’s language knowledge are often
difficult to administer and taxing for infants if given concurrent with other assess-
ments. Second, there were few measures for young children. However, a significant
methodological tool appeared with the introduction of the MacArthur–Bates
Communicative Development Inventory (MCDI), a maternal report questionnaire
(Fenson et al., 1994; see Pan, Chapter 7 this volume). Researchers finally had a
language instrument that could be given when the child was still less than 3 years of
age, and might correlate with contemporaneous performance in the laboratory. The
MCDI represented a huge boon to the study of language development: an individual
who presumably was the best observer of her own “subject” – the mother – could
offer a quick and easy language assessment.
Language achievement, however, as assessed on the MCDI did not always
correlate with how children performed in laboratory tasks (e.g., Hirsh-Pasek and
Golinkoff, 1996), probably because maternal report and experimental tasks may
be measuring different things. The MCDI measures the product of what children
have already learned about words and grammar, while tests in the laboratory
often measure the processes by which they learn. This is not to suggest, however,
that parent reports or the MCDI are not useful. They have been validated
(e.g.,Dale, 1991) on numerous populations (e.g., children with cochlear implants:
Thal, DesJardins, and Eisenberg, 2007). Mills, Coffey-Corina, and Neville (1993)
conducted a study that was not designed to validate parental report per se but did
do so. Using ERPs with 20-month-olds, Mills, Coffey-Corina, and Neville assessed
how learning words changed the words’ instantiation in the brain. They found
that parental reports of what words their children knew receptively and could
say predicted differential brain responses in comparison to unknown and to
backward words.
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68 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Why Look for Continuity in Precursors
of Language Functioning?
Early on, the field of infant language development focused almost exclusively on
average sensitivity to aspects of language like sounds, words, and grammatical
constructs. Despite calls from researchers, individual differences were largely ignored
(but see Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein, and Baumwell, 2001). So too were questions
about whether any of the infant sensitivities that were filling the journal pages
predicted future language performance.
Bates, Bretherton, and Snyder (1988) were among the first to draw attention to the
issue of individual differences in language development. Using data from the
MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventory (Fenson et al., 1994),
Bates, Dale, and Thal (1995), for example, reported enormous but stable variation
over time and a dissociation between comprehension and production in some typical
as well as atypical populations. They concluded hauntingly:
The Average Child is a fiction, a descriptive convenience … Theories of language
development can no longer rely on this mythical being. Any theory worth the name will
have to account for the variations that are reliably observed in early language learning.
(1995, p. 42)
In the field of developmental psychology writ large, it was Kagan (1970) who
challenged us to go beyond the mythical average child and to look at behaviors with
a wide-angle lens. His reasons, which are paraphrased below, are still valid today.
First, looking at individual variation over time enables us to investigate whether and
how early behaviors predict later development. And uncovering these connections
can provide signposts for developmental problems. Second, a long range view helps
us validate our theories by asking how earlier behaviors unfold and even morph
across time. Kagan pointed out that behaviors that look the same may or may
notbegoverned by the same mechanisms at later ages. Despite compelling reasons
to look beyond the average child, language development only recently embraced
longitudinal research with an eye towards individual variation.
With respect to the predictive value of early behavior, several studies have now
emerged. For example, Molfese and colleagues (e.g., Molfese, Molfese, and Espy,
1999) used cortical evoked potential responses to speech and nonspeech auditory
stimuli with infants to predict language levels at 5 and reading at 8 years. Benasich
et al. (2002) argued that difficulties with rapid auditory processing of the cues
associated with different speech sounds link to language at 36 months. Studies like
these formed the basis for early screening techniques.
Newman et al. (2006) also examined the predictive power of early speech
processing when they conducted a retrospective analysis of data collected on speech
segmentation tasks when infants were between 7.5 and 12 months of age. These data
predicted vocabulary at age 2 and to both semantic and syntactic development at 4
and 6 years of age. Importantly, the outcome measures were independent of IQ,
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Studying Language in Infants 69
suggesting the specificity of Newman etal.s findings to the language domain. Had
this study included children who would subsequently have language issues, or who
had a familial pattern of language impairment, the relationship between early
segmentation skills and later language development might have been even more
striking, as Benasich and Tallal (2002) suggest.
Work by Kuhl and her colleagues also suggests that longitudinal research clarifies
the significance of early language responses. Kuhl (2009) conducted a prospective
study of infants’ ability to discriminate between native and nonnative phonemes and
later language development. The logic is that if infants discover their native language
phonemic distinctions and dampen their sensitivity to nonnative language phonemes,
they have achieved a degree of “neural commitment” that represents a more mature
brain response. Remaining “open” to nonnative distinctions was predicted to
correlate negatively with language skill. Using ERPs, Kuhl reported that children
who zeroed in on their native phonemes had more words than children who were
slower to do so. The converse was also borne out: children who remained “open”
to nonnative phonemic distinctions had lower vocabularies than children who
homed in on native phonemes sooner. Input may well influence when infants “go
native. Thus early laboratory-assessed speech perception is not just an interesting
demonstration of infant capabilities.
Finally, work by Fernald, Perfors, and Marchman (2006), Marchman and Fernald
(2008), and Hurtado, Marchman, and Fernald (2008), using a version of the IPLP
called the “looking while listening paradigm” (see Swingley, Chapter 3 this volume),
is providing important data about the continuity between early processing speed and
later language level. The looking while listening procedure also presents paired visual
stimuli and a single auditory stimulus. Where it differs is in the calculation of the
dependent variable. Using milliseconds, researchers track how long it takes for
children to land on the visual match. Fernald etal. (2008) and Hurtado, Marchman,
and Fernald (2008), testing both English- and Spanish-reared children, found strong
relationships between speed of processing and vocabulary at 18 and 25 months.
Although the direction of causation is unclear, concurrent relationships between
real-time language skills and speed of processing are an important new finding.
Marchman and Fernald (2008) carried this research further by asking if the
processing speed to linguistic stimuli had predictive validity. They reported strong
correlations between speed of processing at 25 months and measures of expressive
language, IQ, and working memory at 8 years of age! These are exciting findings –
especially as they also correlate with the amount of input children receive. Thus,
these new findings demonstrate that the individual variation in the average ages of
early perceptual processing is not merely statistical noise. Rather, this variability
might be rich with predictive power as early perception skills lead to later language,
offering tremendous potential for early diagnosis and intervention.
As Kagan (1970) predicted, looking at continuities over time also helps us better
understand theory. For example, if, as Goldin-Meadow and her colleagues have long
argued, gesture plays a key role in early language acquisition, the frequency of
parental gesture and children’s language learning over time should be correlated
(see Cartmill, Demir, and Goldin-Meadow, Chapter 14 this volume). Rowe and
Goldin-Meadow (2009) reported a strong link between the number of gestures (such
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70 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
as pointing) children produced at 14 months and the number of vocabulary items
they had at 54 months. The number of gestures parents produced mediated this
relationship, even controlling for amount of parental and child language – suggesting
that parents who use gestures have children who, in turn, produce more gestures.
Child gestures apparently become a tool for further language learning, suggesting
that they play a facilitative role.
Continuity studies, in Kagan’s parlance, might “facilitate the understanding of the
meaning of responses at particular ages” (1970, p. 105). Two examples of this
phenomenon in the language arena are the work of Stager and Werker (1997) and
Song et al. (under review). In the former, infants at 8 months were able to form
syllable–object associations with minimal pairs but 14-month-olds were not. As the
older group, but not the younger group, apparently invoked their word learning
processes, the two groups of infants were actually engaged in different tasks with the
exact same stimuli. In the Song etal. work, 10–12-month-olds could form nonlin-
guistic categories of dynamic action (jumping versus marching) from videotaped
events while 19–21-month-olds could not. Again, the older group, already learning
verbs, appeared to need the assistance of a verb label to form the category. Both sets
of studies suggest that the same laboratory task given to children of different ages
might be driven by very different mechanisms.
In 2008, Kagan renewed his call for the study of individual difference in cognitive
development. Now commonplace in the area of social development, however, the
first edited volume dedicated to the study of individual differences and longitudinal
prediction in language acquisition was not published until that same year (Columbo,
McCardle, and Freund, 2009). As Rice wrote in its foreword, “researchers … have
become increasingly concerned with individual differences, identification of indi-
viduals at risk, and prediction of mature function” (2009, p. ix). This emphasis on
individual differences and prediction comes at the same time that federal funding
agencies are emphasizing “translational science. We predict that such studies will
continue to emerge.
Back to the Future
The invention of methods that allow us to probe what happens behind infants’
eyes– and ears – has literally transformed our understanding of language develop-
ment. The next generation of methods slowly coming onto the scene will probe the
neurological correlates of language functioning (see Kovelman, Chapter 4 this
volume). These neurological methods will prove critical to our understanding when
viewed alongside more traditional methods. They offer, however, no panacea. As
Columbo, McCardle, and Freund argued:
Both the extant measures and current paradigms do not easily allow for the study of
developmental change over time, and mapping such trajectories is essential to our
understanding of brain–behavior relationship as it evolves over time … Infants, children,
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Studying Language in Infants 71
and adults may show the same behavioral outcome but through different underlying
mechanisms [or] … may rely on a constant underlying mechanism yet show different
behavioral outcomes. (2009, p. 3)
Kagan’s (2008) recommendation is thus to use multiple, converging methods such as
heart rate deceleration, skin conductance, and emotional responses such as smiling
and vocalizing. A trend in this direction is emerging with online brain measures using
ERP, MEG, fNIRS, and fMRI (Kuhl and Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008; Kovelman, Chapter
4 this volume). In 2009, Columbo, McCardle, and Freund echoed Kagan’s assertions
when they wrote, “it will be essential to create paradigms that rely on convergence
from multiple assessments of multiple task components using multiple methods …
to truly understand developing brain-behavior relations over time” (p. 3).
Using history as our guide, and data generated from multiple methods, the field is
now ripe for theories that incorporate individual differences as they play out over
the course of development and that look for interrelationships between various
aspects of language through the lens of multiple methods. This perspective will no
doubt increase the complexity of our designs. As Urie Bronfenbrenner taught us
inthe area of social systems theory and social development, the understanding of
complex behaviors will require additional methodological complexity.
We thank Cora-Lee Picone and Sujeet Ranganathan for assistance with the bibli-
ography of this chapter, and Kelly Fisher and Erika Hoff for their helpful com-
ments. This research was funded by joint grants to the authors: from NSF,
SBR9615391 and from NIH, RO1HD050199.
Key Terms
Conditioned head turn Infants can be trained to turn their heads to look at a rewarding
stimulus (such as a bear clapping cymbals together) when they hear a new stimulus. The
measure is often used to study infants’ discriminations between sounds.
Habituation Used to tell if infants can tell the difference between new and old stimuli.
Researchers show (or play) something repeatedly until infants meet a predetermined
criterion for boredom. Then the stimulus is changed in systematic ways to see if the
orienting response “recovers” or if “dishabituation” occurs. It will recover if infants can
tell the difference between the new and old stimuli.
Head turn preference procedure This is used to gauge what infants think about auditory
stimuli. Seated in a three-sided booth, infants see a light blink ahead of them and then a
light blinks on one of the two sides of the enclosure at 90 degrees. Researchers measure
how long infants look to each side after they turn to it as each side plays a different
auditory stimulus.
Intermodal preferential looking paradigm Infants are shown two side-by-side visual displays
(e.g., a boat and a shoe) while they hear a linguistic stimulus (such as a word) that
matches only one of the displays (e.g., “boat”). The dependent variable is whether the
infant looks more to the side that matches what they hear than to the side that does not
match what they hear. This method is used to study language comprehension.
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72 Roberta Michnick Golinkoff and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
Orienting response What infants do in the presence of a new stimulus. The threshold of their
sensory receptors lowers, they turn in the direction of the new stimulus, and they look or
listen to it until they get bored. Visual fixation time (how long infants look at a stimulus)
is often used as an index of infants’ attention and interest in the stimulus.
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MacWhinney, B. (1991) The CHILDES database. Dublin, OH: Discovery Systems.
Mandel, D.R., Jusczyk, P.W., and Pisoni, D.B. (1995) Infants’ recognition of the sound patterns
of their own names. Psychological Science, 6, 314–317.
Marchman, V.A., and Fernald, A. (2008) Speed of word recognition and vocabulary knowledge
in infancy predict cognitive and language outcomes in later childhood. Developmental
Science, 11, F9–F16.
Mills, D.L., Coffey-Corina, S.A., and Neville, H.J. (1993) Language acquisition and cerebral
specialization in 20-month-old infants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 317–334.
Molfese, D.L., Molfese, V.J., and Espy, K.A. (1999) The predictive use of event-related poten-
tials in language development and the treatment of language disorders. Developmental
Neuropsychology, 16, 373–377.
Myers, J., Jusczyk, P., Kemler Nelson, D., etal. (1996) Infants’ sensitivity to word boundaries
in fluent speech. Journal of Child Language, 43, 1–30.
Naigles, L., Hoff, E., and Vear, D. (2009) Flexibility in early verb use: evidence from a
multiple-n diary study. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,
74 (2, serial no. 293).
Nelson, K. (1973) Structure and strategy in learning to talk. Monographs of the Society for
Research in Child Development, 38 (1–2, serial no. 149).
Newman, R.S., Bernstein Ratner, N., Jusczyk, A., etal. (2006) Infants’ early ability to segment
the conversational speech signal predicts later language development: a retrospective
analysis. Developmental Psychology, 42, 643–655.
Nurmsoo, E., and Bloom, P. (2008) Preschoolers’ perspective-taking in word learning: do they
blindly follow eye gaze? Psychological Science, 19, 211–215.
Pinker, S. (1984) Language learnability and language development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Pruden, S.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R., and Hennon, E.A. (2006) The birth of words: ten-
month-olds learn words through perceptual salience. Child Development, 77, 266–280.
Pulverman, R., Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Sootsman Buresh, J. (2008) Manners
matter: infants’ attention to manner and path in non-linguistic dynamic events. Cognition,
108, 825–830.
Rice, M.L. (2009) Foreword. In J. Colombo, P. McCardle, and L. Freund (eds), Infant pathways
to language (p. ix). New York: Psychology Press.
Rowe, M.L., and Goldin-Meadow, S. (2009) Differences in early gesture explain SES dispari-
ties in child vocabulary size at school entry. Science, 323, 951–953.
Santelmann, L., and Jusczyk, P. (1998) Sensitivity to discontinuous dependencies in language
learners: evidence for processing limitations. Cognition, 69, 105–134.
Schöppner, B., Sodian, B., and Pauen, S. (2006) Encoding action roles in meaningful social
interaction in the first year of life. Infancy, 9, 289–311.
Seidl, A., Hollich, G., and Jusczyk, P. (2003) Early understanding of subject and object
wh-questions. Infancy, 4, 423–436.
Sokolov, E. (1963) Higher nervous functions: the orienting reflex. Annual Review of
Physiology, 25, 545–580.
Hoff_c05.indd 74Hoff_c05.indd 74 6/6/2011 12:31:00 PM6/6/2011 12:31:00 PM
Studying Language in Infants 75
Song, L., Golinkoff, R.M., Stahl, A., etal. (under review). Labeling facilitates 19–21-month-
olds’ categorization of intransitive human actions.
Spelke, E.S. (1976) Infants’ intermodal perception of events. Cognitive Psychology, 8,
Stager, C.L., and Werker, J.F. (1997) Infants listen for more phonetic detail in speech perception
than in word-learning tasks. Nature, 388, 381–382.
Stern, C., and Stern, W. (1907) Die kindersprache. Leipzig: Barth.
Tamis-LeMonda, C., Bornstein, M., and Baumwell, L. (2001) Maternal responsiveness and
children’s achievement of language milestones. Child Development, 72, 748–767.
Thal, D., DesJardins, J.L., and Eisenberg, L.S. (2007) Validity of the MacArthur–Bates
Communicative Development Inventories for measuring language abilities in children
with cochlear implants. American Journal of Speech–Language Pathology, 16, 54–64.
Werker, J.F., Cohen, L.B., Lloyd, V., etal. (1998) Acquisition of word–object associations by
14-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 34, 1289–1309.
Werker, J.F., Fennell, C.T., Corcoran, K., and Stager, C.L. (2002) Infants’ ability to learn
phonetically similar words: effects of age and vocabulary size. Infancy, 3, 1–30.
Werker, J.F., Polka, L., and Pegg, J.E. (1997) The conditioned head turn procedure as a method
for testing infant speech perception. Early Development and Parenting, 6, 171–178.
Further Reading and Resources
Clark, E. (2009) First language acquisition (2nd edn). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Golinkoff, R.M., and Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2000) How babies talk: the magic and mystery of
language in the first three years. New York: Dutton/Penguin.
Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Golinkoff, R.M. (eds) (2006) Action meets word: how children learn
verbs. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hoff, E. (2009) Language development (4th edn). CA: Wadsworth.
Jusczyk, P. (2000) The discovery of spoken language. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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Part II Assessing Language
Knowledge and Processes
in Children Who Talk
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Why Study Phonology?
Researchers in a variety of disciplines are interested in the phonological development
of young children. Phonological development is of interest in the study of typical
language development and the study of speech and language disorders, and
phonological development is related to the development of reading, spelling, and
related skills, such as phonological sensitivity and phoneme awareness. Analysis of
phonological development has been used as a way to test linguistic theories of
language development and phonology, such as prosodic phonology (e.g., Spencer,
1986; Fikkert, 1994; Goad and Rose, 2004) and optimality theory (e.g., Pater, 1997;
Gnanadesikan, 2004), and in investigations of statistical learning in language
development (Pierrehumbert, 2003; Saffran, Aslin, and Newport, 1996).
6 Assessing Phonological Knowledge
Cynthia Core
This chapter reviews phonology and methods for conducting phonological
research in language development and describes several techniques used to
assess phonological properties of children’s speech productions, focusing on
the age range from 18 months to 5 years. The chapter provides a brief overview
of the ways that phonological information is relevant to language research and
the importance of considering phonological properties of words and phrases in
language research. Phonological development and terminology related to
phonology are defined. Methodological considerations for data collection for
both naturalistic and elicited speech productions and analysis are discussed.
Definitions of related constructs are provided.
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80 Cynthia Core
Children’s earliest sound productions are linked to their earliest word
productions, forming a natural relationship between the investigations of word
learning and sound learning (Stoel-Gammon, 2010a). Before a child begins to pro-
duce the words or grammar of his language, he begins with sound production in
vocal play and babbling. Children’s first words tend to match the phonological
properties of their babbling productions (Vihman etal., 1985; Elbers and Ton,
1985). Sound learning and word learning are inextricably related and progress
together. In order for children to learn words, they must master both content and
form, and the form consists of the phonological properties of the words.
Phonological properties of words, such as lexical stress patterns and word shape,
can influence the ways in which children produce early words, and the phonologi-
cal makeup of words may even influence which words children attempt to say
(Schwartz and Leonard, 1982).
Basic Concepts and Terminology
Phonology refers to a child’s system of speech sound production and the child’s
mental representations of the sounds of his language. Individual sounds are referred
to as segments or phones, and the sounds of a language are called phonemes.
Phonemes are described in terms of combinations of phonological features that
uniquely define each sound. Features include information on voicing, place, and
manner of articulation. Achild’s phonological knowledge consists of the perception
and production of the phonemes of his language and knowledge of the organization
of the sounds within a language, or the phonotactics of the language, such as which
sounds are possible as word-initial sequences. Phonology also consists of the prosodic
or suprasegmental aspects of a language, such as speech rhythm, intonation, word-
and phrase-level stress patterns, and phrase boundary cues, such as pitch fall and
final lengthening.
Articulation refers to the way (or accuracy with which) a child produces individual
speech sounds, e.g., how a child produces the sounds of his or her language, such as
whether an /s/ is produced with distortion. Phonology goes beyond the surface or
phonetic details of speech production to the way a child uses the sounds to change
meaning in words, and is often used as an umbrella term to refer to all of the factors
of child speech production and phonological knowledge.
The phonological units typically measured and reported on in studies of
phonological development include individual speech sounds or phonemes.
Researchers typically focus on consonant production rather than vowel production
because there is little research available on vowel development, and also because
there is more variability in production of vowels across dialects of English. Other
phonological units of interest include the syllable and its parts, and words. A syllable
is the primary unit of phonology that may be composed of a vowel alone, or a vowel
in combination with one or more consonants preceding or following the vowel. The
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 81
syllable is made up of an onset and a rhyme, and the rhyme is made up of the nucleus
and the coda. The consonants preceding a vowel in the same syllable are referred to
as the onset, and consonants following a vowel in the same syllable are referred to as
the coda. The general pattern or frame of a word in terms of the types and sequences
of sounds that make up the word is called the word shape (or phonotactic pattern)
and is expressed in terms of the CV (consonant + vowel) structure of the phonemes
of the word.
Speech sounds are represented in written form using the International Phonetic
Alphabet (IPA), which is a set of symbols designed to represent the sounds of the
world’s languages with a one-to-one correspondence. The process of transcribing
speech using the IPA symbols is called phonetic transcription. Table 6.1 contains a
list of IPA symbols commonly used to transcribe standard English speech.
Table 6.1 International Phonetic Alphabet symbols for
American English phonemes
Symbol Key word Symbol Key word
Vowels Consonants
be /p/ pig
// pin /b/ boy
/e/ ate /t/ tea
/ε/ rent /d/ doll
/æ/ hat /k/ key
/u/ spoon /g/ girl
/ would /m/ map
/o/ phone /n/ nose
/ jaw /v/ van
/ɑ/ father /ŋ/ thing
/ ahead /f/ fall
// oven /θ/ think
/ finger /ð/ this
/з˞/ bird /s/ soup
/z/ zipper
Diphthongs /ʃ/ shoe
/ cow /Ʒ/ treasure
/a/ fly /h/ house
/ toy /tʃ/ chin
/e/ tray /dƷ/ judge
/ toes /w/ win
/j/ yellow
/r/ ramp
/l/ lift
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82 Cynthia Core
Overview of Phonological Development
At the onset of meaningful speech, children tend to use a limited set of early-acquired
consonants (nasals, stops, and glides) and simple syllable structures, relying heavily
on CV (consonant + vowel) and CVCV productions. The period from 1 year to 2
years is a period of growth from using primarily single words that represent early
phonological forms to using word combinations. At the point of word combinations,
children expand their phonological system quite quickly, acquiring more consonants,
gaining greater accuracy of consonants used, and producing a broader range of word
shapes. From around the ages of 2 to 5, children acquire a large vocabulary and their
sound system matures to nearly adult-like productions. By the age of 5 years, most
children have acquired most consonants in all word positions. Table 6.2 shows
proposed ages of acquisition for English organized by early, middle, and late sounds.
Some of the factors that influence how accurately a child produces sounds have to
do with the auditory, motoric, and memory abilities of the child, while other factors
have to do with the phonological properties of the words and phrases the child
attempts to produce (Sosa and Stoel-Gammon, 2007). Frequency of occurrence of a
sound in a language, or of a word in the input, seem to facilitate production (e.g.,
Pye, Ingram, and List, 1987; Zamuner, Gerken, and Hammond, 2004). There are
also positional effects such that sounds are produced more accurately in syllable
positions that are more acoustically salient, e.g., word-initial position, stressed
syllables. These positional effects interact with properties of phrasal stress to affect a
child’s accuracy of an individual sound in complex ways, typically facilitating pro-
duction of the sound due to the prosodically strong environment, though this is not
always the case (e.g., Inkelas and Rose, 2008; Kent, 1982; Kirk and Demuth, 2006).
Two lexical properties that can affect phonological accuracy are neighborhood
density and phonotactic probability. Neighborhood density refers to how phono-
logically similar two words are by counting the number of phonological neighbors a
word has. Phonological neighbors are words that differ from one another by only
one phoneme (Luce and Pisoni, 1998), e.g., sit has phonological neighbors that
include hit, sat, and sip. Phonotactic probability is the likelihood that a sound will
occur in a given word position, or that a sound sequence may occur in a word
(Jusczyk, Luce, and Charles-Luce, 1994). Sound sequences with high phonotactic
probability are produced more accurately than sound sequences with low phonotac-
tic probability in both real words and nonwords (Edwards, Beckman, and Munson,
2004; Zamuner, Gerken, and Hammond, 2004).
What To Study
Phonological investigations may be either qualitative or quantitative in nature.
Researchers may be more interested in describing the nature or patterns of a child’s
productions, or in examining the accuracy of a child’s productions. Researchers may
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 83
Table 6.2 Proposed ages of acquisition for English organized by early, middle,
andlate sounds
Age of acquisition
GFTA-2 standardized
sample ages
Early developing sounds
/p/ 3:0 2:0–3:0
/b/ 3:0 2:0–3:0
/d/ 3:0–3:6 2:0–3:0
/m/ 3:0 2:0
/n/ 3:0–3:6 2:0–3:0
/j/ 4:0–5:0 5:0
/w/ 3:0 3:0
/h/ 3:0 2:0
Middle developing sounds
/t/ 3:6–4:0 3:0
/k/ 3:6 3:0
/g/ 3:6–4:0 3:0
/f/ 3:6–5:6 3:0–4:0
/v/ 5:6 5:0–6:0
/tʃ/ 6:0–7:0 5:0
/dƷ/ 6:0–7:0 5:0
/ŋ/ 2:0–6:0
Late developing sounds
/θ/ 6:0–8:0 7:0–8:0
/ð/ 4:6–7:0 7:0
/s/ 7:0–9:0 5:0
/z/ 7:0–9:0 5:0–7:0
/ʃ/ 6:0–7:0 5:0
/Ʒ/ 6:0–8:0
/l/ 5:0–7:0 5:0
/r/ 8:0 5:0–6:0
Order of acquisition: Shriberg (1993).
Age of acquisition: Smit etal. (1990).
Age at which 85% of Goldman–Fristoe Test of Articulation–2
standardization sample correctly produced the consonant and consonant
cluster sounds (Goldman and Fristoe, 2000).
Sander (1972).
want to know about a child’s ability to produce individual sounds, or about the
nature of errors in children’s productions, or they may want to know about the
breadth of the child’s phonological system, including such things as the sounds
and sound classes and the syllable and word patterns produced by the child
(Stoel-Gammon, 2010b).
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84 Cynthia Core
Quantitative analyses typically rely on a single outcome measure to quantify
children’s productions. These kinds of measures have been used to report the number
of different consonants or syllable shapes used by children, regardless of the accuracy
of the child’s productions (Paul and Jennings, 1992; Rescorla and Ratner, 1996;
Carson etal., 2003). Some researchers have suggested that both elicited tasks and
spontaneous speech tasks are needed to assess the phonological abilities of a child
(Miccio, 2002; Tyler et al., 2002). Elicited tasks ensure that all the phonemes of
interest are sampled, and spontaneous speech tasks provide information on prosody
and the relationships between speech production and language.
Spontaneous Speech
Methods of phonological assessment can be divided into those that are applied to
children’s spontaneous speech and those that elicit speech. Spontaneous speech
samples are the most ecologically valid in that they provide the examiner with a
picture of the child’s typical performance, and they show how a child uses sounds in
connected speech, which is often different from the way that words are produced in
isolation. They represent the child’s typical abilities rather than the optimal or
maximal abilities.
One difficulty with using spontaneous speech samples as the basis for phonologi-
cal assessment is that in naturalistic conditions there is considerably more variability
than in elicited tasks. Children may say one word several times, and productions of
the same word may vary within a session and across sessions. As a result, there are
decisions to be made about how to score the multiple productions of the same target
word. Children may avoid saying words that contain sounds they cannot produce,
or may select words which they are able to produce most accurately. Some children
may not speak much or at all, and some young children limit their speech to simply
labeling their toys, or repeating a phrase, such as “Look, a ball … Look, a dog. This
limits the variety of linguistic contexts in which a word is produced. Spontaneous
sampling may also be problematic for analyzing the speech of young children with
limited vocabularies or unintelligible speech.
One way to provide some structure in elicited tasks is to have a standard set of
toys for children to play with (e.g., Williams and Elbert, 2003). The toys should
contain items that contain a variety of different sounds and provide opportunities
for mono- and multisyllabic productions. Spontaneous samples can be collected
during any child–caregiver interaction, but toy play and book reading are particularly
conducive to eliciting language in young children (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume).
One of the biggest threats to recorded child speech data is the interference of
background noise, so it is critical to anticipate this problem and plan to prevent it to
the degree possible during data collection. Unwanted noise can come from toys,
people in the data collection session, or environmental noise, such the child’s micro-
phone rubbing against his or her clothing. To help decrease the noise created by toys,
we use a soft surface for children to play on, such as a foam mat or a blanket. Many
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 85
young children are difficult to understand, particularly from a video or audio
recording. If the examiner feels that the child’s productions are unclear or ambigu-
ous, one strategy to aid in later analysis is to repeat the child’s utterance. So, if a child
points to a boat and says “da bo” for “That’s a boat, the examiner would repeat
after the child, “That’s a boat.
Other concerns involve the validity of comparing child productions across separate
samples. Morris (2009) found that the number of different words produced by ten
18–22-month-old children across two 20 minute sampling sessions was not
correlated. The number of different words produced in a single session ranged from
44 to 219 for subjects in this study. Based on her results, Morris determined that a
20 minute conversational session was not necessarily sufficient to get enough
different words to provide stable measures of word shape or number of consonants
in a child’s phonetic inventory. This points to the lack of information we have on
measurement in phonology. Researchers have recommended sample sizes for
spontaneous speech based on the number of utterances produced during a session
(Robb and Bleile, 1994) and the length of session (Carson etal., 2003; Rescorla and
Ratner, 1996; Stoel-Gammon, 1987). To date, there are no studies that establish how
long a single sampling session should be to obtain reliable data for individual
children, nor is there clear guidance on how to handle data from multiple sampling
sessions when the number and quality of children’s productions vary from session to
session. Since children’s abilities can change quickly over time during the early stages
of development, sessions should be scheduled at frequent intervals, such as weekly or
monthly. Dense sampling may help reveal the developmental patterns in more detail
(see Lieven and Behrens, Chapter 15 this volume).
Elicited Productions
When speech is elicited, it is often done so to provide a basis for standardized,
norm-referenced assessments of articulation and phonology or to provide a basis for
researchers to investigate a set of phonological or lexical constructs of interest.
Standardized Tests
Standardized tests of articulation generally measure production of individual speech
sounds and provide norm-referenced data to determine how a child’s sound
production abilities relate to those of his peers in the form of a standard score. For a
review of standardized tests of articulation and phonology, see Eisenberg and
Hitchcock (2010). The elicitation method for real words is usually a picture-naming
task that is designed to sample a variety of consonant sounds. The examiner shows
the child a picture of a familiar object and asks the child to name it. If the child does
not spontaneously produce the target, then the examiner may ask the child to repeat
or imitate the examiner saying the target word. Standardized tests generally yield
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86 Cynthia Core
standard scores that are based on the number of target sounds a child produces in
error. Thus, standardized tests do not generally yield information on which sounds a
child produces correctly or incorrectly, but are designed to determine whether a child
produces the same number of sounds accurately as other children his or her age. In
order to tell whether an individual sound is acquired at the expected age, one could
consult published normative data (e.g., Smit etal., 1990; Sander, 1972), or consult
the norms published in the manual of an articulation test. As a caveat, there is little
consensus among the published norms on when sounds are acquired. Differences
among studies exist due to the investigator’s definition of “acquired” and the
methodologies for eliciting productions across studies. Edwards and colleagues
(Edwards and Beckman, 2008a) have found that accurate production of sounds
develops gradually, so there may be a period in which a child is producing a sound,
though less accurately than the adult form, and this period may continue for quite a
long time. Age norms for production do not address this phenomenon.
Researcher-Generated Elicitation Tasks
In researcher-developed elicitation tasks, children may name objects or pictures of
real words, or they may repeat words or nonword stimuli presented by the researcher.
At times, researchers want to control the properties that influence sound production
accuracy, such as neighborhood density, frequency of a sound or sound sequence
(phonotactic probability), or phonetic complexity of a word. In other cases, research-
ers may be interested in production of a particular sound or a sound class. In these
cases, researchers will want to create their own elicitation tasks. (For examples of
researcher-generated tasks, see Munson, Edwards, and Beckman, 2005a; McLeod
etal., 1994; Preston and Edwards, 2007; Wolk, Edwards, and Conture, 1993; Yavas
and Core, 2006). Real-word repetition has been used in studies of crosslinguistic
consonant acquisition (Edwards and Beckman, 2008a), and as a predictor of
grammatical development (Dispaldro etal., 2009).
Nonword Repetition
Nonword repetition has become a widely used technique to study phonological
short-term memory or phonological working memory (Gathercole and Baddeley,
1989; 1990) and to examine the lexical effects on phonological development (see
Stoel-Gammon, 2010a). Phonological working memory skills are associated with
word learning in young children (Gathercole and Baddeley, 1989) and adolescents
(Gathercole et al., 1997; 1999). Nonword repetition is a measure that seems to
differentiate children with and without language impairment (Bishop, North, and
Donlan, 1996; Dollaghan and Campbell, 1998; Gathercole and Baddeley, 1990).
Nonword repetition measures have been used recently with children as young as
20months (Hoff, Core, and Bridges, 2008), and also with bilingual children (Ebert
et al., 2008; Gutiérrez-Clellen and Simon-Cereijido, 2010; Girbau and Schwartz,
2008; Parra, Hoff, and Core, 2011). In nonword repetition tasks, the examiner
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 87
produces (or plays a pre-recorded presentation of) a nonword and the child repeats
the nonword. For older children, stimuli are recorded to ensure consistency of
presentation (e.g., Girbau and Schwartz, 2008; Gathercole and Baddeley, 1989). For
very young children (18 to 22 months old) we found that we needed to modify the
way we presented stimuli, so we used a toy-naming game in which children were
asked to repeat the name of a toy presented by the examiner. Additionally, in order
to parse the general articulation abilities of the children from their ability to repeat
nonword sound sequences, we administered a real-word repetition task and a
phonologically matched nonword repetition task. We found that even controlling for
accuracy of real-word repetition, children’s nonword repetition abilities predicted
their vocabulary size (Hoff, Core, and Bridges, 2008).
The current state of digital media recording and storage has brought about a
revolution in speech data collection. The state of the art for recording child speech is
high quality digital video with high quality digital audio. The video allows the
examiner to view the child’s face and observe the greater context of the utterance.
This enhances the ability to determine which of phonetically similar sounds a child
says by watching the child’s mouth. High quality digital audio allows the examiner
to visually examine the sound wave or spectrogram of an utterance while listening
to it, and this also helps improve accuracy of phonetic transcription.
There are three parts of the equipment system to consider in collection of speech
data. The first is the microphone that picks up the speech signal from the child; the
second is the device that takes the signal from the microphone and records it to a
digital file (recorder); and the third is the set of equipment that allows a listener to
assess the speech – typically headphones. Investigators should check the specifica-
tions for the equipment to make sure that all three parts of the system have the
appropriate qualities to capture the physical properties of speech in a way that makes
possible both perceptual judgments of speech accuracy and acoustic analysis of
speech using speech analysis software. Equipment should be sufficient to transmit or
receive an auditory signal ranging from about 50 Hz to 15,000 Hz in order to pick
up all of the sound frequencies of speech.
A variety of microphones types are available. As long as a digital video camera has
an external microphone jack, the examiner can use a separate microphone to ensure
the quality of the audio recording. Boundary microphones, which rest on a flat
surface and pick up sound signals from multiple directions, are useful when a child
is stationary and the examiner wants to hear the adult and child speech. Wireless
microphones worn by the child allow the child freedom of movement, while
maintaining a constant distance between the child’s mouth and the microphone,
improving the quality of the speech signal in the recording.
Data collection procedures should always begin with a check of the sound system.
This can be done with an audio output connected to the video recorder. Using
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88 Cynthia Core
headphones or an earbud, the examiner is able to listen to the sound as it is being
recorded. This prevents mishaps from battery failure or poor connections. Some
researchers choose to collect a separate audio back-up using a digital audio recorder
with a good quality external microphone to ensure audio quality.
Data Analysis: Transcription
Once the speech samples have been recorded, they must be phonetically transcribed.
The transcriber writes a gloss for the target word, which is the target word as produced
by an adult speaker in regular orthography, and typically also in IPA. Then the child’s
production is transcribed using either broad or narrow transcription. Broad
transcription is phonemic and does not include information about fine phonetic details
such as aspiration or degree of voicing. Use of additional diacritics can increase the
level of detail in the transcription, but more detailed transcriptions usually make it
more difficult to achieve good intertranscriber agreement. Broad transcription is gen-
erally used to represent a child’s phonemic ability, while narrow transcription includes
phonetic detail and represents the phonetic accuracy of a child’s sound production.
There are several limitations to consider with phonetic transcription, the first
being that it is extraordinarily time consuming and requires trained listeners who are
knowledgeable about speech science (the properties of individual sounds) and
thephonological and phonetic characteristics of the sounds of the language they are
transcribing. Phonetic transcriptions are influenced by a transcriber’s experience
with child speech, experience with phonetic transcription, and knowledge of phonet-
ics and the sounds of the language they are transcribing, and by the transcriber’s
native language (Edwards and Beckman, 2008b). In studies making crosslinguistic
comparisons or studies of bilingual children, it is important to have a native speaker
of each language provide the transcriptions in order to prevent the perceptual biases
of a nonnative listener (Munson etal., 2010).
Because phonetic transcription relies on the subjective judgments of individual
transcribers, researchers usually report on transcription agreement or reliability.
Reliability is expressed as a percentage of agreement between the transcriptions
produced by two transcribers. This method of validating the transcriptions used in
analysis is problematic because interrater agreement can be related to many factors,
including the type of speech being transcribed and the training of the transcribers.
The degree of transcriber agreement contributes to the power of a study. In a study
in which there is low agreement between transcribers, the validity of all analyses
based on the transcription is called into question. Transcribers may agree on a
majority of sounds a child produces and use the same IPA symbol to transcribe the
sounds. But for intermediate productions and distorted sounds, the transcribers are
more likely to disagree. It is precisely these points of disagreement that may provide
the most information about a child’s abilities; so without transcriber agreement on
these less accurate productions, a considerable amount of information about the
child’s abilities is lost (Pye, Wilcox, and Siren, 1988).
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 89
Another method of establishing the validity of a phonetic transcription is to use a
consensus method, such as the ones described by Morris (2009) or Shriberg,
Kwiatkowski and Hoffman (1984). In this method of validation, transcribers work
independently to transcribe data, then transcriptions are compared, and discrepancies
are listened to again by a third party until transcribers reach agreement on all sounds
produced by the child. In cases where two transcribers disagree on a production, a
third party listens to the data and contributes his or her perception to the discussion
until consensus among transcribers is obtained. Phon, a phonological analysis
program within CHILDES (see Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume), contains a
blindtranscription mode and allows two independent transcribers to listen to a
production and phonetically transcribe what they hear. Once both transcriptions are
prepared, a validation mode allows transcribers to see any discrepancies between the
transcribers, and to access the sound files for those productions to referee or validate
the production. The validated transcription is the one used in final analyses.
In this type of transcription validation, productions for which consensus is not
possible can be eliminated from the analysis, providing for greater reliability of the
phonological data.
Phonetic transcription may be supported by acoustic analysis to determine finer
details of sound production, such as voicing or aspiration of a consonant. While
acoustic analysis may support and aid transcription in many cases, many phonetic
properties, such as voice onset time, are subject to influence from speaker variables,
such as speech rate and stress patterns of the word or phrase, and acoustic analysis
cannot be used to resolve all ambiguities in phonetic transcription (Rose, in press).
There are two primary types of phonological analysis for spontaneous speech. The
first is an independent analysis, which is typically used to report on the speech pro-
duction abilities of very young children at the early stages of language development,
from the onset of speech to about 24 months. The second is a relational analysis,
which reflects how closely a child’s production matches a target, and is used for
children who are in later stages of phonological development, producing a variety of
word shapes and sound combinations.
Independent Analyses
A phonetic inventory is the primary form of independent analysis. This measure is
purely descriptive and reflects the sounds the child produces, usually organized by
word position. The examiner listens to spontaneous speech produced by the child
(usually during a toy play activity with a parent) and tallies the sounds the child
produces in word-initial, -medial, and -final position. There is no decision on the
part of the examiner as to whether the child’s production is “correct” or accurate.
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90 Cynthia Core
It is simply a report of the sounds heard. Typically, a sound must occur in two
different words in order to be considered a part of the child’s phonetic inventory.
Phonetic inventories are typically reported in the number of phones a child produces
(Dyson, 1988; Stoel-Gammon, 1985; Roberts et al., 1998; Rescorla and Ratner,
1996). The number may be organized by word position (initial, medial, or final), or
it may simply be a table containing all of the sounds a child uses by word position.
Phonetic inventories generally report on consonants produced, but other inventories
are possible as independent analyses as well – e.g., vowel inventories (the vowels
produced by a child) or word shape inventories (the variety of phonotactic syllable
and word shapes produced by a child). See Velleman (1998) for examples of inventory
worksheets to aid in organization of the data.
Relational Analyses
A relational analysis relates a child’s production to an intended target, usually an
acceptable adult form of a word, and the goal is to measure accuracy and examine
error patterns. Outcome measures can focus on individual sounds, such as percentage
consonants correct (including consonant variants), percentage vowels correct, and
percentage phonemes correct. They can also focus on word shape accuracy, like
word shape match, or even whether whole words match the possible and accepted
adult forms in measures like proximity of whole word production or percentage
words correct. Investigators may also wish to report on a child’s use of specific
phonological patterns or phonological processes, particularly for clinical use, such as
fronting or stopping. These are measured in percentage occurrence with respect to
the opportunity for a process to occur (e.g., Williams and Elbert, 2003).
One problem researchers face in elicited tasks is whether utterances produced
spontaneously or in imitation of an adult model should be analyzed as the same type
of response. Researchers who have investigated differences between spontaneous
and imitated productions found that children perform similarly under the two
conditions and that the conditions are highly related and reflect roughly the same
abilities in children, though for some children the imitated condition is more accu-
rate than the spontaneous condition, and vice versa (Goldstein, Fabiano, and Iglesias,
2004; Wertzner etal., 2006). There is little research addressing this question, so some
researchers have chosen to use exclusively repetition tasks to avoid the possibility of
having spontaneous and repeated productions, which may be produced differently
by children (Edwards and Beckman, 2008b).
In imitation tasks, particularly in nonword repetition tasks that may be prone to
more variability in production by adult speakers, a standard format for presentation
may be helpful to make sure all children hear the same stimuli produced in the same
way. Gathercole and Baddeley (1989) used pre-recorded stimuli presented at 3 second
intervals in their study of nonword repetition. In our experience, younger children
do not respond well to pre-recorded stimuli. In response to difficulty getting our data
collection team to pronounce the nonword stimuli the same way each time, we tried
to use a furry dog with a speaker in its hindquarter, and that made the children cry
(see Ambridge, Chapter 8 this volume, for a similar experience). Instead, we had the
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 91
examiner present the stimuli live, but in that case errors and inconsistency in
presentation are inevitable, and thus both the examiner’s presentation and the child’s
repetition need to be considered in the accuracy measure. In an imitation task, the
child’s production should be scored relative to the adult model that was presented.
In our data, we found some dialectal variability in the children’s productions, so
when a child presented an acceptable variation of a consonant according to his/her
dialect, it was scored as being correct. A good example of this was production of the
palatal glide (the sound corresponding to the “ll”) in “caballo” in Spanish. If a child
produced the glide as a fricative because that is the sound that is standard in his
dialect, we accepted it as a correct sound production.
Commonly used accuracy measures for individual sounds include percentage
consonants correct, percentage vowels correct, and percentage phonemes correct.
Percentage consonants correct (PCC) is widely used and has several variants (Shriberg
and Kwiatkowski, 1982; Shriberg etal., 1997). The basic metric is calculated by
awarding a point value for each consonant a child produces correctly relative to the
adult target, divided by the total number of consonants in a word.
A few researchers have proposed whole word measures to measure accuracy. The
most widely reported whole word measure is Ingram’s phonological mean length of
utterance (PMLU), and the relational measure is proportion of whole word proxim-
ity (Ingram and Ingram, 2001; Ingram, 2002). PMLU is calculated as an independent
measure of a child’s word-level accuracy. Each word produced by the child receives
a point value based on the number of sounds produced by the child and the number
of consonants in the word produced accurately with reference to the adult target
form. This measure is used to track the growth in a child’s phonological ability over
time, but there is little information available on the psychometric properties of this
measure. The proportion of whole word proximity (PWP) is a ratio of the child’s
PMLU divided by the PMLU of the adult form of the target word.
Stoel-Gammon (2010b) reported on a word complexity measure and a propor-
tional word complexity measure. Each word in a sample is awarded a complexity
“score” based on word patterns, syllable structures, and sound classes. Complexity
as a concept in phonological development is not well agreed upon, though in this
case it relates to patterns of early productions by young children and normative data
on sound acquisition. In general, developmental patterns observed in children with
early-acquired sounds and patterns are described as less complex, and those with
later-acquired sounds and patterns are described as more complex. The word
complexity measure can be used as an independent analysis considering only the
child’s productions, or as a relational analysis by calculating a ratio of the complex-
ity of a child’s utterances to the corresponding adult forms of the same target words.
Stoel-Gammon’s measure is similar to the index of phonetic complexity, developed
by Jakielski, Maytasse, and Doyle (2006) and described in Morris (2009).
For elicited tasks, one problem that arises is that a child might not produce a
target word, even when prompted by the examiner, or in repetition. In order for an
elicited task, such as a standardized test, to be scored the same way for all children,
each child must produce all of the test items. Missing data in a closed dataset result
in a dilemma for scoring. In the case of our real-word and nonword imitation tasks,
we have scored nonresponses as 0, and this has been problematic because inaccurate
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92 Cynthia Core
responses may also be scored as 0 in some cases, yet nonresponsiveness is very
different from poor accuracy in response. We have calculated PCC of items produced
versus PCC of all items administered, including nonresponses. In analyses from our
large database, the two measures were highly correlated, and the difference in mean
values did not affect our analyses. But this is a good example of a case in which a
weighted measure or a more complex accuracy measure, such as one of the complex-
ity measures mentioned earlier, might be more robust, particularly for individual
children or smaller groups of children.
Automated Analysis Programs
There are a few software programs that provide automated or semi-automated
analysis of phonetically transcribed speech. The Logical International Phonetics
Program (LIPP), developed by Kim Oller and colleagues, is a commercial software
program for phonological analysis. It runs on Windows operating systems, and data
are stored in a proprietary format. LIPP allows for a weighted accuracy measure,
developed by Oller and colleagues (Oller and Ramsdell, 2006), as well as PCC.
Phon is an open-serve program designed for phonological research (Rose etal.,
2006). It is part of the CHILDES system and supports multimedia, and it allows for
automated searches of large databases of phonological data. Phon has some unique
attributes, such as the ability to link multimedia video and audio files directly to
transcriptions. Phon’s search feature allows users to design their own complex
phonological queries based on sounds or features and to consider syllable or word
position and stress patterns in data analysis. It allows users to track a child’s produc-
tions over time for longitudinal studies, and it allows for group comparisons for
cross-sectional studies, e.g., by age groups or populations. Data may be exported
(asUnicode IPA symbols) in a spreadsheet and analyzed separately for accuracy.
Related Constructs
There are some psycholinguistic measures related to phonology which are also worth
mentioning, given the frequency with which they are described in the literature on
reading development and language disabilities. Phonological processing, phonologi-
cal awareness, phonological sensitivity, and phonological memory are terms that
refer to the psychological processing of speech sounds rather than to the production
or direct knowledge of speech sounds. These measures of phonological knowledge
are highly associated with literacy outcomes in young school-age children.
Phonological processing refers to a trio of skills that are related to literacy
development. The three skills are phonological awareness, phonological memory,
and rapid automatic naming. Phonological awareness refers to a set of metacognitive
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 93
skills involving the manipulation of sounds and sound sequences in words. The term
may refer to a number of different skills that address larger or smaller units of
phonology, such as the word or the syllable, or individual phonemes. Most typically,
phonological awareness refers to tasks that tap awareness of syllables, subsyllabic
units (onsets and rimes), and individual phonemes. Syllable-level tasks are generally
reported to be easier than onset/rime- or phoneme-level tasks, and phoneme-level
tasks are the most difficult. Phoneme awareness refers to the ability to manipulate
individual phonemes within a word and is usually measured by having a child delete
word-initial or word-final phonemes from a word and say the remaining part of the
word, or by identifying or naming sounds at the beginnings and ends of words. As
with other measures of phonological knowledge, task type influences performance.
For example, identifying matching rhymes is easier than producing or generating
rhymes. The word position of a sound and the features of speech sounds can also
affect performance. For example, it is easier to identify sounds in word-initial
position than in word-final position (de Graaff etal., 2008), and it is easier to delete
a final obstruent than sonorant (Yavas and Core, 2006). There are several standard-
ized measures of phonological awareness and phoneme awareness available.
Phonological sensitivity is a term proposed by Stanovich (1992) to encompass the
set of related skills that are associated with phonological awareness at different
levels of difficulty. In the reading research literature, phonological awareness is often
referred to as phonological sensitivity, particularly when different phonological
awareness tasks are used as a composite measure.
Phonological memory is also called verbal working memory, and it is generally
assessed through nonword repetition. It has been proposed as the memory for speech
sounds, though nonword repetition measures tap into other constructs as well, such
as speech perception and the motoric aspects of speech planning and production.
The most widely used nonword sets are from the CNRep (Gathercole and Baddeley,
1996), NRT (Dollaghan and Campbell, 1998), and Munson, Edwards, and Beckman
(2005b). For a review of nonword repetition tasks, see Archibald and Gathercole
(2006). There are also recently published nonword repetition tasks for Spanish (see
Gutiérrez-Clellen and Simon-Cereijido, 2010; Girbau and Schwartz, 2008; Ebert
etal., 2008; Summers etal., 2010).
This chapter reviewed assessment of phonology in young children and described
ways that phonology is studied in language development. Phonology and phonol-
ogy-based constructs such as frequency of sounds and sound combinations affect
word learning, and the phonological properties of words may influence which words
children say and how accurately they are able to produce them, and may influence
which words children attempt to produce. Phonological information may be gathered
through spontaneous language samples or elicited tasks, such as a standardized test
of articulation. Both independent (qualitative) and relational (quantitative) measures
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94 Cynthia Core
can be used to analyze phonological data. Nonword repetition tasks are useful for
investigating the lexical/phonological interface and phonological memory abilities in
young children. There are several factors that can affect reliability of phonological
(child speech) data, including elicitation methods, recording quality, and reliability
of phonetic transcription. Recently, automated methods for data organization and
analysis have become available, and these tools should enhance the productivity
of research in phonological development and the role of phonology in language
Key Terms
Neighborhood density The number of words that differ from a target word by a single
Phoneme The smallest unit of sound of a language that can be used to contrast meaning in
that language.
Phonetics The study of the production and perception of speech sounds, including acoustic
and physiological descriptions of sounds.
Phonological awareness The ability to identify and manipulate the sounds of a language in
auditory tasks.
Phonological memory Short-term working memory for speech sounds.
Phonological processing A set of skills related to phonological coding, including phonologi-
cal awareness, phonological memory, and rapid automatic naming.
Phonological sensitivity Ability to analyze speech sounds at a variety of levels, including
phonological and phonemic awareness skills.
Phonology The study of sounds and sound patterns of a language, including the way sounds
are put together to form words and change meaning. Phonology can include the study of
syllables, stress patterns, prosody, and intonation.
Phonotactic probability A measure of the likelihood of the occurrence of a sound sequence
in a language.
Phonotactics The possible sequences of sounds and syllable structures in the words of a
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Rose, Y., MacWhinney, B., Byrne, R., etal. (2006) Introducing Phon: a software solution for
the study of phonological acquisition. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development (pp. 489–500).
Saffran, J.R., Aslin, R.N., and Newport, E.L. (1996) Statistical learning by 8-month-old
infants. Science, 274, 1926–1928.
Sander, E. (1972) When are speech sounds learned? Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,
37, 55–63.
Schwartz, R.G., and Leonard, L.B. (1982) Do children pick and choose? An examination of
phonological selection and avoidance in early lexical acquisition. Journal of Child
Language, 9, 319–336.
Shriberg, L.D. (1993) Four new speech and prosody-voice measures for genetics research and
other studies in developmental phonological disorders. Journal of Speech and Hearing
Research, 36, 105–140.
Shriberg, L.D., Austin, D., Lewis, B.A., etal. (1997) The percentage of consonants correct
(PCC) metric: extensions and reliability data. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 40, 708–722.
Shriberg, L.D., and Kwiatkowski, J. (1982) Phonological disorders III: a procedure for
assessing severity of involvement. The Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 47,
Shriberg, L.D., Kwiatkowski, J., and Hoffmann, K. (1984) A procedure for phonetic transcrip-
tion by consensus. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 27, 456–465.
Smit, A.B., Hand, L., Freilinger, J.J., etal. (1990) The Iowa articulation norms project and its
Nebraska replication. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 779–798.
Spencer, A. (1986) Towards a theory of phonological development. Lingua, 68, 3–38.
Stanovich, K.E. (1992) Speculations on the causes and consequences of individual differences
in early reading acquisition. In P.B. Gough, L.C. Ehri, and R. Treiman (eds), Reading
acquisition (pp. 307–342). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Stoel-Gammon, C. (1985) Phonetic inventories, 15–24 months: a longitudinal study. Journal
of Speech and Hearing Research, 28, 505–512.
Stoel-Gammon, C. (1987) Phonological skills of 2-year-olds. Language, Speech, and Hearing
Services in Schools, 18, 323–329.
Hoff_c06.indd 97Hoff_c06.indd 97 6/6/2011 12:34:33 PM6/6/2011 12:34:33 PM
98 Cynthia Core
Stoel-Gammon, C. (2010a) Relationships between lexical and phonological development
in young children. Journal of Child Language. Available on CJO 18 October 2010.
Stoel-Gammon, C. (2010b) The word complexity measure: description and application to
developmental phonology and disorders. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 24 (4–5),
Stoel-Gammon, C., and Sosa, A.V. (2007) Phonological development. In E. Hoff and M.Schatz
(eds), Handbook of child language (pp. 238–256). Oxford: Blackwell.
Summers, C., Bohman, T.M., Gillam, R.B., etal. (2010) Bilingual performance on nonword
repetition in Spanish and English. International Journal of Language and Communication
Disorders, 45, 480–493.
Tyler, A.A., Tolbert, L.C., Miccio, A.W., etal. (2002) Five views of the elephant: perspectives
on the assessment of articulation and phonology in preschoolers. American Journal of
Speech–Language Pathology, 11, 213.
Velleman, S. (1998) Making phonology functional: what do I do first? Boston: Butterworth-
Vihman, M.M., Macken, M.A., Miller, R., etal. (1985) From babbling to speech: a reassess-
ment of the continuity issue. Language and Speech, 61, 395–443.
Wertzner, H.F., Papp, A.C., Camargo S., and Galea, D.E. (2006) Provas de nomeação e
imitação como instrumentos de diagnóstico do transtorno fonológico. Pró-Fono Revista
De Atualização Científica, 18, 303–312.
Williams, A.L., and Elbert, M. (2003) A prospective longitudinal study of phonological devel-
opment in late talkers. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 34, 138–153.
Wolk, L., Edwards, M.L., and Conture, E.G. (1993) Coexistence of stuttering and disordered
phonology in young children. Journal of Speech & Hearing Research, 36, 906–917.
Yavas, M., and Core, C. (2006) Acquisition of #sC clusters in English speaking children.
Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 4, 169–181.
Zamuner, T., Gerken, L., and Hammond, M. (2004) Phonotactic probabilities in young
children’s speech production. Journal of Child Language, 31, 515–536.
Recommended Reading
Johnson, W., and Reimers, P. (2010) Patterns in child phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
Smith, N. (2010) Acquiring phonology: a cross-generational case-study. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Vihman, M.M. (1996) Phonological development: the origins of language in the child.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Vitevitch, M.S., and Luce, P.A. (2004) A web-based interface to calculate phonotactic proba-
bility for words and nonwords in English. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and
Computers, 36, 481–487.
Yavas, M. (2011) Applied English phonology. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ladefoged, P., and Johnson, K. (2010) A course in phonetics. Cengage-Heinle.
Small, L. (2004) Fundamentals of phonetics: a practical guide for students. Allyn & Bacon.
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Assessing Phonological Knowledge 99
Additional Resources
Phonotactic probability calculator: http://www.people.ku.edu/mvitevit/PhonoProbHome.
Neighborhood density calculator (and phonotactic probability calculator): http://www.
Logical International Phonetics Program: http://www.ihsys.com/site/LIPP.asp?tab=4.
The PhonBank Project and Phon: http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/phon/.
Praat Acoustic Analysis Software: http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/.
IPA fonts: Charis SIL font package, http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Why Study Vocabulary?
One of the milestones of early development is children’s production of their first
words. Indeed, the Latin origin of the word “infant” means “incapable of speech.
Thus, the onset of intelligible speech marks the end of infancy and the emerging
potential for more complex communication than is possible through typical
nonverbal means. Although first words are initially often inconsistently produced
and constitute only rough approximations of the adult form, they are typically
accorded generous attention and interpretation by parents and other caregivers.
Vocabulary knowledge is also of keen interest to researchers. Words constitute the
building blocks for language production and serve to index children’s cognitive skills
7 Assessing Vocabulary Skills
Barbara Alexander Pan
This chapter begins by discussing why researchers, clinicians, or teachers might
be interested in assessing children’s vocabulary and considers the basic
questions of what to measure and when. After briefly considering examples of
commercially available standardized tests, the remainder of the chapter
examines three other approaches to assessing children’s vocabulary skills:
parent report, analysis of spontaneous speech samples, and researcher-designed
assessment. For each, we consider examples of the types of research questions
the approach might be used to address, the ages and populations for which
it is appropriate, as well as its relative advantages and limitations, both
methodological and logistical. Studies from the research literature illustrating
each approach are presented.
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 101
and understanding of the world. Vocabulary knowledge represents the nexus between
children’s language and cognitive development, and thus informs our theories of
how children see and conceive the world. It is no surprise, then, that researchers in
cognition and language alike look to vocabulary understanding and production as
key developmental indices.
Assessing children’s vocabulary development is also of interest to educational
researchers who want to understand variability across children in rate of language
development and how such variability relates to later academic achievement. Of the
several domains of language, vocabulary is arguably the most sensitive to input and
children’s experiences (Hoff, 2005). Children learn words and meanings for concepts
and referents to which they are exposed and which are of interest to them. In the
absence of exposure, there is no vocabulary learning. Thus, to the extent that
children’s experiences and exposure to language in the world differ, their vocabulary
can also be expected to vary. In contrast, variability in rate of phonological or
syntactic development among typically developing children is relatively small.
Perhaps in part because of the greater range of variability in vocabulary size and
growth, associations between vocabulary size, reading comprehension, and academic
achievement are robust and have been well documented in the literature (Snow,
Burns, and Griffin, 1998). The assessment of vocabulary skills, then, is a mainstay of
educational intervention and other applied developmental research, as well as basic
developmental psycholinguistics.
What To Measure and When
One of the first questions that researchers must consider in assessing vocabulary is
whether to measure receptive vocabulary, expressive (productive) vocabulary, or
both. This decision is influenced not only by the tools available, but also by the age
of the child, two factors that are themselves closely related. Of necessity, assessment
before the age of 12–14 months is generally only undertaken for receptive vocabulary,
for the obvious reason that most children are just beginning to produce their first
words (Fenson et al., 1994). Methodological advances such as the preferential
looking paradigm (see Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume) have made it
possible to assess very young children’s understanding/learning of specific words in
laboratory settings, but such methods are usually not practical for assessing the
sizeor composition of children’s overall vocabulary, particularly for large samples
In toddlerhood (between ages 1 and 3 years), measuring children’s productive
vocabulary becomes more feasible and more meaningful, as differences in vocabu-
lary size and growth rate across children begin to emerge. At the same time, however,
the challenges of direct assessment of very young children remain a methodological
consideration. Children’s familiarity with the assessor, their behavioral states,
andtheir interpretation of the task can all compromise the feasibility and validity
of direct assessment, thus warranting researchers’ consideration of some of the
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102 Barbara Alexander Pan
alternative approaches to be described below. As children enter the preschool years
(after about 3 years of age), the range of available assessment tools and approaches
changes yet again, with some earlier tools (e.g., parental report) losing their value,
and others, such as direct assessment, becoming more useful and reliable.
In addition to child age, other considerations arise that influence the choice of
assessment focus (expressive or productive vocabulary) and approach. For example,
researchers who value ecological validity, and who are interested in children’s actual
use of vocabulary and how it varies by context, may prefer observation-based data
collection and analysis (also to be considered below). Researchers of the social
interactionist persuasion see children as active agents in influencing the input they
receive, experience that in turn feeds children’s further vocabulary acquisition. For
those holding this theoretical view, it is important to document and measure the
words children produce in interaction with others in various real-world (or simulated
real-world) contexts.
For children exposed to more than one language, assessment becomes much more
complex. Ideally, children’s vocabulary in each language should be assessed in
parallel fashion, so that total vocabulary knowledge is neither over- nor underesti-
mated (Mancilla-Martinez, Pan, and Vagh, in press). Unfortunately, in practice,
thorough assessment is often not possible, due primarily to the lack of appropriate
measurement tools (see Hoff and Rumiche, Chapter 20 this volume). In the US,
thislack is particularly acute for children acquiring English and a language other
than Spanish.
A final consideration has to do with the researcher’s interest in tracking or
modeling vocabulary development over time. As is the case for other domains of
child development, discontinuity in assessment tools over the infancy to preschool
period is driven largely by the enormous qualitative changes in children’s skills
during this developmental period. The result is that repeated assessment over time
using the same tool is often impossible, posing challenges for individual growth
modeling and similar analytic approaches.
The remainder of this chapter describes an array of vocabulary assessment
approaches, beginning with examples of standardized tests, but then moving on to
describe in more detail methods that may be less familiar to the reader. For each, we
will consider the age range over which it is applicable, its applicability to children
acquiring more than one language, and the extent to which it lends itself to repeated
use over time, as well as logistical considerations and constraints.
Standardized Tests of Vocabulary
Many researchers choose to rely on or to include in their study a widely used
standardized measure of receptive or productive vocabulary such as the Peabody
Picture Vocabulary Test (Dunn and Dunn, 2007) or the Expressive One Word Picture
Vocabulary Test (Brownell, 2000). There are many such commercially available
instruments and they are frequently updated periodically, so any review here would
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 103
of necessity be selective, cursory, and potentially quickly outdated. Thus, we will
focus here on some general issues researchers may want to consider in deciding to
use such an instrument. For more detailed information on currently available
standardized assessments, the researcher may wish to consult test compendia and
reviews available in the reference department of most university libraries.
Commercially available standardized assessments have the advantage of a public
track record. They have been normed on a population whose characteristics (age,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.) are carefully documented, thereby providing
some basis for deciding whether they are appropriate for one’s own population of
interest. There is publically available information about their reliability and validity.
They often include alternate forms, to facilitate retesting, and there are usually
copious instructions for those administering the test. A child’s scores can be com-
pared to those of peers in the norming sample to help determine whether the child is
“on pace” relative to others of his/her age and gender. Because such instruments tend
to be widely used, the resulting scores are easily interpretable by other researchers
and lend themselves to cross-study comparison.
Some of the limitations of such instruments are the cost and the level of expertise
required of assessors to properly administer and score them. Because such tests are
generally updated every few years, materials can become outdated and comparison
with earlier studies using previous versions may be compromised. On the other hand,
some tests fail to be updated and renormed on more current populations. This can
be particularly problematic for populations that may change over time as a result of
immigration patterns, or when there are changes in diagnostic categories for certain
atypical populations. Furthermore, more recently developed tests may come into
favor in the research or policy arenas, again presenting difficulties for longitudinal
research and/or comparability across studies. For very young children, standardized
assessment frequently requires behavioral maturity that the child may not yet have
attained (e.g., the ability to interact with an unfamiliar adult, to attend to test
materials, to respond appropriately). Finally, of course, standardized assessments are
often simply not available for the population one intends to study, because of the
child’s age, language, or disability status. In such cases, one must turn to other
approaches such as those described below.
Parent Report
Parent report of young children’s vocabulary knowledge and use builds on the
tradition of clinicians’ reliance on parents to report the onset of children’s receptive
and productive language, the emergence of multiword utterances, and other language
and developmental milestones. Parents are typically children’s closest and most con-
sistent observers. Although parent report of children’s past performance is sometimes
suspect, they are generally considered accurate reporters of children’s current behavior
and accomplishments. As will be noted below, the accuracy of parental report of
young children’s vocabulary is borne out by laboratory studies (e.g., Dale etal., 1989).
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104 Barbara Alexander Pan
Potential research questions for which parental report might be the approach of
choice include: what is the size and composition of a child’s earliest receptive or
productive vocabulary? How does it compare to that of other children of similar
age? How does children’s vocabulary grow over a period of weeks or months? How
do the vocabularies of children acquiring both Spanish and English compare: do
they know the same words in both languages, different words in each, or is there
some overlap? Do bilingual children grow their vocabularies primarily by “filling in”
labels in their second language for concepts they already know in the other? Are
children with particular developmental delays slower in acquiring emotion words or
other abstract terms? Do mothers and other caregivers report similarly about
children’s vocabulary?
For answering these and other similar questions, parent report may indeed be the
tool of choice. In reporting about words infants and toddlers understand and/or
produce, parents are drawing on a broad database of everyday interaction with the
child. They thus enjoy considerable advantage over either an unfamiliar assessor or
a transcriber/analyst of a speech sample when it comes to assessing vocabulary items
that children may produce infrequently. Furthermore, parents tend to be familiar
with their child’s articulation patterns, and thus are likely to report words deemed
unintelligible by unfamiliar assessors or transcribers. Reliance on parental report
also avoids potential problems related to children’s attentional/behavioral states,
their unfamiliarity with the assessor or assessment context/procedure, the distraction
of video cameras, and the effects of topic and interlocutor behavior. Depending on
child age, parents can be queried about children’s receptive as well as productive
vocabulary. Parental reports in the form of checklists are efficient to administer and
score, requiring minimal orientation to the instrument for parent reporters (parents
need not, for example, establish basal or ceiling levels as is required by many
standardized measures). The checklists are meant to be completed with paper and
pencil by the parent, but can be administered orally when there is a concern about
low literacy. Cost of the materials is generally modest.
Before discussing some of the limitations of parent report, we provide a description
of the most widely used parent report instrument for assessing infant and toddler
vocabulary, the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories
(CDI:http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/cdi/; Fenson etal., 2007). The suite of checklist forms
comprising the CDI is laid out in Table 7.1.
The concurrent and predictive validity and reliability of CDI parent reports have
been well documented (Fenson etal., 1994; Pan etal., 2004) for both English and
Spanish (Jackson-Maldonado et al., 2003). A few studies have, however, noted
questions about the accuracy of reports by less educated and low-income parents,
especially for 1-year-olds (Feldman et al., 2000), or have raised concerns about
appropriateness for some minority populations (e.g., Roberts, Burchinal,
and Durham, 1999). Researchers may want to annotate the standard list with
dialect-specific alternative terms likely to be used by the particular population
theyare studying.
Authors of the CDI note that the checklists can be used for older children with
developmental delays. Recent work has also demonstrated their utility for monolingual
and bilingual children from low-income families at least through age 36 months
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 105
(Mancilla-Martinez, Pan, and Vagh, in press; Vagh, Pan, and Mancilla-Martinez, 2009).
Lexical norms are available online for monolingual children acquiring English or Spanish.
As noted above, for children acquiring two languages simultaneously, it is
advisable to assess vocabulary in each of the child’s languages. Based on parental
report from the English and Spanish forms of the CDI, Pearson and colleagues have
proposed a method for examining the extent of overlap and unique contributions of
words known in each language to the child’s total vocabulary (see, for example,
Pearson and Fernández, 1994). Pearson, Fernández, and Oller (1995) found
approximately 30% overlap in the words bilingual children from middle-class
families know in each language, suggesting that much of their vocabulary is known
in only one language. In studying toddlers from low-income families, Mancilla-
Martinez, Pan, and Vagh (in press) found the percentage of words known in both
languages to be slightly lower (26%).
As to the accuracy of parental report for bilingual children, Marchman and
Martinez-Sussmann (2002) found middle-class parents of 2-year-old Spanish–
English bilingual children to be accurate reporters of their children’s productive
Table 7.1 The MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories for children
acquiring English or Spanish
Form Language
Aspect of
CDI: Words and Gestures English 396 8–16 months Expressive
and receptive
CDI: Words and Gestures
(short form)
English 89 8–16 months Expressive
and receptive
CDI: Words and Sentences English 680 16–30 months Expressive
CDI: Words and Sentences
(short form)
English 100 16–30 months Expressive
IDHC: Palabras y Gestos Spanish 428 8–16 months Receptive
and expressive
IDHC: Palabras y Gestos
(version breve)
Spanish 105 8–16 months Receptive
and expressive
IDHC: Palabras y
Spanish 680 16–30 months Expressive
IDHC: Palabras y
Enunciados (version breve)
Spanish 100 16–30 months Expressive
CDI refers to the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories; IDHC
refers to the Spanish Inventario del Desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicativas. Some
forms include a small number of questions regarding topics such as gesture use and
word combinations, in addition to the vocabulary checklists.
Source: http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/cdi/.
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106 Barbara Alexander Pan
vocabulary in both languages, as did Mancilla-Martinez, Pan, and Vagh (in press)
studying bilingual children from low-income families. It seems, then, that parent
report using the CDI/IDHC toddler forms is appropriate for assessing the vocabu-
lary development of young bilingual children from a range of socioeconomic
backgrounds who are acquiring Spanish and English. The lack of bilingual norms
remains a limitation, however.
Spontaneous Speech Samples
Suppose one’s research questions are of the following nature: do children use some
types of words more frequently than others? How varied is their early vocabulary
use (that is, do they rely heavily on a small collection of words, or use each of a wide
variety of words only occasionally)? How is their vocabulary production related to
the talk parents or other caregivers address to them? Does the amount and/or
diversity of vocabulary parents use with children affect children’s rate of increase in
vocabulary production? Does the vocabulary used by children and their parents
differ by context, and if so, how (for example, is the vocabulary used in parent–child
book reading richer than in toy play)? Do children who produce more varied
vocabulary also use more complex sentences? How do words children use orally
relate to their earlier or current use of gestures? How is children’s early vocabulary
use related to their phonological development (for example, do they favor certain
sounds or sound patterns in their earliest production)? Are socioeconomic differences
in children’s vocabulary use apparent from very early ages, and do such gaps grow,
diminish, or stay the same over time?
For researchers interested in pursuing these kinds of questions, the collection and
analysis of spontaneous speech may be the most appropriate approach. Spontaneous
speech samples are typically generated from video or audio recordings made in the
child’s home or in a semi-structured laboratory context (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this
volume, for details of logistics involved). Such data collection may constitute
longitudinal case studies, as in the classic study by Roger Brown (1973), or may
involve larger groups of children, as in Hart and Risley’s (1995) intensive study of 42
children and their families at home, or Pan and colleagues’ (2005) study of 108
children from low-income families over the ages 14 to 36 months. The transcriptions
generated from recorded spontaneous speech can provide a wealth of information
about parents’ verbal interaction with children, as well as the children’s own talk
and gestures. Hart and Risley, for example, found that children in the six welfare-
eligible families they studied heard about a third as many words from their parents
as children whose parents were professionals. Children who heard less talk themselves
showed much slower growth in vocabulary use through age three, when the original
study ended.
Spontaneous speech sampling offers a number of advantages over parental
checklists or direct child assessments. Children’s production can be observed in
relatively natural, ecologically valid contexts, such as parent–child interaction at
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 107
home or in a laboratory playroom. There are few to no “practice effects” or
otherlimits on the frequency or spacing of data collection. The resulting transcripts
can be analyzed not only for children’s lexical use but for their phonological,
syntactic, and pragmatic production, thus offering the possibility of examining
congruence or divergence across domains of language development. As noted above,
children’s use can also be examined in relation to that of their conversational
partner, so as to investigate, for example, the relationship of quantity and diversity
of parental vocabulary use to children’s concurrent or later vocabulary production
and comprehension. Hoffs work (e.g., Hoff, 2003) has shown that socioeconomic
differences in children’s vocabularies are related to differences in maternal input.
Similarly, Pan and colleagues have shown that although both quantity and quality of
maternal talk contribute to differences among children from low-income families,
the diversity of mothers’ vocabulary use has a stronger effect than sheer quantity
oftalk (Pan etal., 2005).
Sampling of spontaneous speech is less restricted in child age range than are
parental reports. Although most of the existing data tend to focus on infants, toddlers,
and preschoolers, there is in principle no reason why it could not be applied to older
children in developmentally appropriate contexts. Likewise, most extant datasets
involve dyadic interaction, but can also be used for multiparty conversation, such as
dinner table or classroom talk. Work by Rowe and her colleagues (e.g., Rowe and
Goldin-Meadow, 2009) demonstrates that analysis of videotaped interaction
between mothers and very young children can reveal relationships between children’s
early use of gestures and their later oral vocabulary development. Their results
showed that children who used gestures to express more different meanings (for
example, pointing to more different objects) at 14 months had larger receptive
vocabularies at age 54 months, even when their earlier oral vocabulary was taken
into account. This work is important theoretically because it helps elucidate the
connections between preverbal and verbal communication, but it is also of applied
significance as it confirms the clinical utility of measuring children’s use of gesture as
an early indicator of later vocabulary development (see also Cartmill, Demir, and
Goldin-Meadow, Chapter 14 this volume). Thus, “speech” sampling, perhaps
something of a misnomer, offers the possibility of examining children’s preverbal
communicative development, as well as their oral vocabulary production.
Spontaneous speech sampling, however, has its share of drawbacks. In contrast to
parental report or direct child assessment, speech sampling and analysis are highly
time and labor intensive. They require good equipment, trained transcribers and
coders, and familiarity with a software analysis system such as CHILDES or SALT
(http://childes.psy.cmu.edu; http://www.languageanalysislab.com; see also Corrigan,
Chapter 18 this volume; Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume). Audio- or videotaping in
home or classroom settings is often plagued by ambient noise, unpredictable lighting
conditions, the presence of unintended participants such as siblings of the target
child, and other unanticipated interruptions. Furthermore, with infants and young
toddlers, extended taping may be required to secure a large enough sample of child
language. Transcribing 1 hour of taped interaction requires approximately 8–10
hours (or more, depending on the level of detail included in the transcript). Children’s
production in spontaneous speech is of course influenced by interlocutor, context,
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108 Barbara Alexander Pan
and topic – characteristics that are both speech sampling’s greatest advantage and its
potentially most serious disadvantage, depending on the researcher’s goals and the
level of analysis undertaken.
Over the last two decades, much of the cost of analyzing spontaneous speech
samples has been ameliorated by the establishment of the Child Language Data
Exchange System (CHILDES: MacWhinney, 2000). Researchers can access and
download transcripts donated by other researchers, as well as a suite of automated
analysis programs, both free of charge (http://childes.psy.cmu.edu). Proper citation
of the data source in any resulting manuscript or presentation is of course expected.
The database now includes transcripts of children acquiring English and many
languages other than English, of children acquiring more than one language
simultaneously, and of clinical populations. It is incumbent on the researcher wishing
to utilize the data to become familiar with the characteristics of the population
represented, the context in which taping was done, and project-specific decisions
about level of transcription and coding detail undertaken by the donating research
team (see Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume, for a fuller discussion of the use of the
CHILDES database). Several of the automated analysis programs available (e.g.,
CLAN) lend themselves to the study of vocabulary use, for example, by generating
lists of word types produced by a particular speaker and with what frequency, or by
automatically extracting for further examination and analysis the contexts of use for
researcher-specified words. Longitudinal datasets in the database allow researchers
to track children’s increasing vocabulary production over time. Researchers mayalso
collect their own data, transcribe them according to the CHILDES guidelines, and
then utilize the CLAN analysis programs to address vocabulary questions of interest.
Researcher-Designed Vocabulary Assessment
Sometimes researchers are interested not so much in children’s overall vocabulary
use and growth as in their acquisition of particular vocabulary items introduced in
the course of an intervention program. Does introducing new vocabulary in the
context of classroom book reading to children by preschool teachers increase the
likelihood that children will learn the target words? How does book reading expo-
sure compare in efficacy to other types of interaction or activities involving use of
the target words? How many exposures over what period of time are needed to
insure that most children will learn the target words? Is more exposure needed for
younger children or those with smaller vocabularies than those who already know
more words? Is children’s acquisition facilitated by already knowing words related
to the target words?
For research questions of this nature, specially designed assessments are generally
required. One cannot, for example, assume that children will spontaneously produce
particular words, even if they have partially or fully learned them. Thus, spontaneous
speech sampling is of little utility. Similarly, one cannot count on adult reporters to
accurately judge children’s knowledge, even with extensive exposure to or interaction
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 109
with the child. Instead, researchers must design their own vocabulary assessments so
as to evaluate children’s learning of the target words.
There are several key considerations in designing such assessments, many of which
have to do with study design. Children’s knowledge of the target words must be
assessed both before and after the intervention. Furthermore, it is highly desirable to
have a control group of children who receive unrelated enrichment activities.
Measuring any change in the target-word knowledge of children in the control group
insures that whatever learning is observed by children receiving the intervention
would not have occurred anyway in the natural course of things.
Researcher-designed assessments can take one of several forms, but the most
frequently used are patterned on a standardized assessment of receptive vocabulary
(such as the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–IV: Dunn and Dunn, 2007) or of
expressive vocabulary (e.g., the Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test:
Brownell, 2000). The former presents the target word and three other choices and
asks the child to point to the word the assessor says. The latter requires the child to
name or label the picture of an object or a concept. An alternative to these assess-
ments, which aims to measure the depth of children’s knowledge of the target word,
asks children to define a word or tell everything they know about its word meaning.
One example of research designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a vocabulary
intervention is a series of studies by Wasik and colleagues (e.g., Wasik and Bond,
2001). Head Start classroom teachers were trained to expose children to the target
words through read-alouds and other activities. Teachers were encouraged to use
props provided by the researchers and to supplement book reading with strategies
such as defining the target words, and to provide rich verbal interaction in general.
Post-intervention assessment showed that children in the intervention classrooms
scored higher on standardized assessment of receptive and expressive vocabulary
(i.e., PPVT–R and Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test–III) and learned
more of the target words than children whose teachers read the same books but did
not provide extensive explanation and exposure to the target words.
Researcher-designed vocabulary assessments are of course also useful for older
children and those acquiring more than one language. For example, Carlo and
colleagues (2004) designed an intervention to improve the academic vocabulary of
fifth grade monolingual English and bilingual English–Spanish students. The
meanings of targeted vocabulary words deemed important in the academic setting
were taught directly and through repeated exposure in a variety of contexts. Native
Spanish-speaking students were also given access to the words’ meanings in Spanish,
and all students were taught word-learning strategies to use on their own. At the end
of the program, students in the intervention group showed greater increases in the
depth of their knowledge of the targeted word (measured by asking students to
provide multiple meanings of words such as ring or check), as well as growth in
reading comprehension. Students who were English-language learners and received
the intervention showed growth similar to that of their English-only peers, even
though the level of their skills remained lower than their peers’.
One obvious limitation of researcher-designed assessments is that they do not
index the size or makeup of children’s overall vocabulary. Thus, they cannot show
whether participation in a particular intervention has more generalized effects on
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110 Barbara Alexander Pan
vocabulary growth. Vocabulary words are by their very nature variable in complexity
and occur with different frequencies in ordinary conversation or text. Given that
researcher-designed vocabulary assessments are composed of particular items, such
assessments do not lend themselves to use in other studies. Thus it is difficult toknow
whether children showing growth in knowledge about the set of items tested in a
particular study would acquire other words at similar rates, given similar exposure.
Use of Multiple Measures
Whatever the vocabulary assessment method chosen by a researcher (parent report,
speech sample analysis, researcher-designed tests), s/he often chooses to use more
than one method so as to assess the validity of the vocabulary assessment. When
scores from one measure are highly positively correlated with another, we have some
indication that the two instruments are measuring the same thing (referred to
as “concurrent validity”). Such a comparison is particularly useful if the second
measure is one that has been rigorously evaluated earlier and has demonstrated solid
psychometric properties (e.g., validity and reliability).
Key Terms
Expressive (productive) vocabulary Words a child uses appropriately.
Parent report An assessment method, often in the form of a checklist, that asks parents to
identify words their child understands or says.
Receptive vocabulary Words whose meaning or referent a child understands.
Speech sampling The recording and transcribing of a sample of speech spontaneously
produced by a child, usually in interaction with a parent or clinician/researcher, either at
home or in the laboratory.
Vocabulary depth How much a child understands about words s/he knows (e.g., their
definitions, multiple meanings, contexts of appropriate use).
Brown, R. (1973) A first language: the early stages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Brownell, R. (2000) The Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test. Academic
Communications Associates, Inc.
Carlo, M.S., August, D., McLaughlin, B., etal. (2004) Closing the gap: addressing the vocabu-
lary needs of English-language learners in bilingual and mainstream classrooms. Reading
Research Quarterly, 39 (2), 188–215.
Dale, P.S., Bates, E., Reznick, J.S., and Morisset, C. (1989) The validity of a parent report
instrument of child language at twenty months. Journal of Child Language, 16, 239–251.
Dunn, L.M., and Dunn, L.M. (2007) Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition.
Minneapolis: Pearson Assessments.
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Assessing Vocabulary Skills 111
Feldman, H.M., Dollaghan, C.A., Campbell, T.F., etal. (2000) Measurement properties of the
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories at ages one and two years. Child
Development, 71 (2), 310–322.
Fenson, L., Dale, P., Reznick, J., etal. (1994) Variability in early communicative development.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 59 (5, serial no. 242).
Fenson, L., Marchman, V.A., Thal, D.J., et al. (2007) MacArthur–Bates Communicative
Development Inventories: user’s guide and technical manual (2nd edn). Baltimore:
Hart, B., and Risley, T.R. (1995) Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young
American children. Baltimore: Brookes.
Hoff, E. (2003) The specificity of environmental influence: socioeconomic status affects early
vocabulary development via maternal speech. Child Development, 74, 1368–1378.
Hoff, E. (2005) How social contexts support and shape language development. Developmental
Review, 26, 55–88.
Jackson-Maldonado, D., Thal, D., Marchman, V., etal. (2003) MacArthur Inventarios del
Desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicativas: user’s guide and technical manual. Baltimore:
MacWhinney, B. (2000) The CHILDES Project: tools for analyzing talk. Mahwah, NJ:
Mancilla-Martinez, J., Pan, B.A., and Vagh, S.B. (in press) Assessing the productive
vocabulary of Spanish–English bilingual toddlers from low-income families. Applied
Marchman, V.A., and Martinez-Sussmann, C. (2002) Concurrent validity of caregiver/parent
report measures of language for children who are learning both English and Spanish.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 45 (5), 983–997.
Pan, B.A., Rowe, M.L., Singer, J.D., and Snow, C.E. (2005) Maternal correlates of growth
intoddler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Development, 76 (4),
Pan, B.A., Rowe, M.L., Spier, E., and LeMonda, C. (2004) Measuring productive vocabulary
of toddlers in low-income families: concurrent and predictive validity of three sources of
data. Journal of Child Language, 31, 587–608.
Pearson, B.Z., and Fernández, S.C. (1994) Patterns of interaction in the lexical growth in two
languages of bilingual infants and toddlers. Language Learning, 44, 617–653.
Pearson, B.Z., Fernández, S.C., and Oller, D.K. (1995) Cross-language synonyms in the
lexicons of bilingual infants: one language or two? Journal of Child Language, 22,
Roberts, J.E., Burchinal, M., and Durham, M. (1999) Parents’ report of vocabulary and
grammatical development of African American preschoolers: child and environmental
associations. Child Development, 70, 92–106.
Rowe, M.L., and Goldin-Meadow, S. (2009) Differences in early gesture explain SES disparities
in child vocabulary size at school entry. Science, 323, 951–953.
Snow, C.E., Burns, S., and Griffin, P. (1998) Preventing reading difficulties in young children.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Vagh, S.B., Pan, B.A., and Mancilla-Martinez, J. (2009) Measuring growth in bilingual and
monolingual children’s English productive vocabulary development: the utility of
combining parent and teacher report. Child Development, 80, 1545–1563.
Wasik, B.A., and Bond, M.A. (2001) Beyond the pages of a book: interactive book
readingandlanguage development in preschool. Journal of Educational Psychology,
93(2), 243.
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112 Barbara Alexander Pan
Further Reading and Resources
Bornstein, M., and Cote, L. (2004) Cross-linguistic analysis of vocabulary in young children:
Spanish, Dutch, French, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, and American English. Child
Development, 75 (4), 1115–1140.
Fenson, L., Dale, P., Reznick, J., etal. (1994) Variability in early communicative development.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 59 (5, serial no. 242).
Hart, B., and Risley, T.R. (1995) Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young
American children. Baltimore: Brookes.
Hoff, E. (2003) The specificity of environmental influence: socioeconomic status affects early
vocabulary development via maternal speech. Child Development, 74, 1368–1378.
Huttenlocher, J., Haight, W., Bryk, A., et al. (1991) Early vocabulary growth: relation to
language input and gender. Developmental Psychology, 27, 236–248.
Pan, B.A., Rowe, M.L., Singer, J.D., and Snow, C.E. (2005) Maternal correlates of growth
intoddler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Development, 76 (4),
Pearson, P.D., and Hiebert, E.H. (2007) Vocabulary assessment: what we know and what we
need to know. Reading Research Quarterly, 42 (2), 282–296.
Rowe, M.L., Özçalıskan, S., and Goldin-Meadow, S. (2008) Learning words by hand: gesture’s
role in predicting vocabulary development. First Language, 28, 182–199.
Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES): http://childes.psy.cmu.edu.
MacArthur–Bates Communicative Inventories: http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/cdi.
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT 2010): http://www.languageanalysislab.com.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
8 Assessing Grammatical Knowledge
(with Special Reference to the Graded
Grammaticality Judgment Paradigm)
Ben Ambridge
This chapter briefly summarizes some of the most widely used experimental
paradigms in the domain of grammatical development (elicited production,
repetition, weird word order, priming, act-out, and preferential looking and
pointing tasks) before focusing in more detail on a relatively new grammaticality
judgment paradigm. This new paradigm allows children to provide graded
acceptability judgments for sentences (e.g., *The magician disappeared the
rabbit) and individual lexical forms of both familiar (e.g., unlock, *unsqueeze)
and novel verbs (e.g., rifed and rofe as the past-tense form of rife). The paradigm
is suitable for use with young children (M = 4:6 for the youngest group tested
so far) and also with older children and adults (where it can be used to assess
the relative unacceptability of errors that these speakers would not usually
produce). The paradigm yields unambiguous numerical data that do not require
scoring, recoding, or reliability checking, and that are suitable for most
commonly used statistical analyses (e.g., ANOVA, regression). It is well suited
to research questions for which competing theoretical accounts make
quantitative predictions regarding the relative (un)acceptability of particular
forms (including, for example, the retreat from argument structure
overgeneralization and the English past-tense debate).
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114 Ben Ambridge
Many different experimental paradigms have been used to assess children’s
knowledge of grammar (see especially McKercher and Jaswal, Chapter 10 this
volume; Vasilyeva, Waterfall, and Gómez, Chapter 11 this volume). This chapter has
two aims. The first is to briefly outline the most commonly used paradigms, along
with their advantages and disadvantages, directing interested researchers to relevant
articles (or other chapters in this volume). The second is to discuss in more detail
grammaticality judgment paradigms that are suitable for use with children and, in
particular, a new paradigm that my colleagues and I developed to obtained graded
(as opposed to binary) judgments (Ambridge et al., 2008).
Production and Comprehension Paradigms
Experimental paradigms for assessing children’s knowledge of grammar can be
broadly divided into three types: production, comprehension, and judgment.
Judgment paradigms are discussed extensively later in this chapter, and we will say
no more about them here. Production paradigms use various techniques to “persuade”
children to attempt to produce particular sentence types (or individual word forms),
often in the hope of eliciting a particular error that is of theoretical interest. In
comprehension paradigms, children are not required to produce language. Instead,
children demonstrate their comprehension of a sentence that is verbally presented to
them by choosing a matching picture from a selection (either explicitly by pointing
or implicitly by looking).
Elicited Production
Probably the most commonly used paradigm is elicited production, whereby the
experimenter aims to elicit an attempt at a particular structure by placing the child
in a discourse scenario in which the target response is particularly appropriate. There
are three contexts (not mutually exclusive) in which elicited production studies of
this type are particularly useful.
The first is where a researcher wishes to investigate whether children have abstract
knowledge of a particular structure. For example, there is a debate in the syntax
acquisition literature as to whether young children are in possession of an abstract
SUBJECT VERB OBJECT construction that can be used with any verb, or a set of
verb-specific templates (e.g., KICKER kick THING-KICKED; see Tomasello, 2000,
for a review). Akhtar and Tomasello (1997) investigated this issue by teaching
children a novel verb (“This is called chamming”) to describe a particular novel
action (e.g., one character bouncing another on a rope). At test, the experimenter
used toys to enact a scenario such as Ernie chamming Big Bird and asked the child,
“What’s happening (with Ernie/Big Bird)?” Since the verb is novel, a response such
as Ernie’s chamming him (produced by 80% of 3-year-olds, but only 20% of
2-year-olds) constitutes evidence that the child has some type of verb-general
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 115
knowledge. In addition to “live action” scenarios, children can also be asked to
describe videos, animations, or still pictures (see Tomasello, 2000, and Ambridge and
Lieven, 2011, for a summary of elicited production studies of this type).
A second scenario in which elicited production paradigms are particularly useful
is when a researcher wishes to investigate children’s acquisition of a structure that
they rarely produce spontaneously, such as a complex question (e.g., Is the boy who
is smoking crazy?) or the past-tense form of a low frequency verb (e.g., rang). One
useful technique can be to engage children in a dialogue with a puppet or talking toy
(who produces responses by means of a loudspeaker connected to a computer or
mp3 player with pre-recorded responses). For example, Ambridge, Rowland, and
Pine (2008) elicited attempts at complex questions (e.g., Is the boy who is smoking
crazy?) by having children put questions to a talking dog toy who could “see” a
picture illustrating the answer (hidden from view of the child). In some cases a “fill
in the blank” technique is used. For example, in many past-tense studies (e.g.,
Marchman, 1997) children are presented with prompts such as, “Every day John
likes to sing. Today he is singing. Yesterday he. …” As these examples illustrate, the
elicited production paradigm is really a family of related techniques that may differ
in detail, but are united in their aim to persuade children to attempt to produce a
particular utterance.
Finally, elicited production paradigms are useful for investigating the effect of one
particular variable, whilst holding other factors constant. For example, one study of
question acquisition (Ambridge et al., 2006) used the talking dog procedure outlined
above to investigate whether children produce fewer errors for questions with higher
frequency auxiliaries (e.g., can) than lower frequency auxiliaries (e.g., should), whilst
holding other aspects of the question constant (e.g., What can/should Mickey eat?).
The main advantage of elicited production studies is that the experimenter can
exert a reasonable degree of control over what children are likely to say (though, of
course, some children will not produce the intended utterances), and hence manipulate
the variable(s) of interest. The main disadvantage is that elicited production tasks are
probably the most difficult for children to complete. Hence children may fail not
because they lack the required knowledge, but because they do not understand the
nature of the task, or because one or more of the various task components (e.g.,
interpreting the scenario to be described, choosing the right words, planning the
utterance) interferes with their ability to produce the correct form.
Repetition or Elicited Imitation
Repetition or elicited imitation tasks are useful when it is difficult to conceive of a
discourse scenario that would restrict children to the particular structure of interest,
or when this structure is sufficiently infrequent or complex that children will rarely
produce it spontaneously in an elicited production task. For example, Kidd, Lieven,
and Tomasello (2006) used a repetition task to assess children’s ability to produce
sentential complement clause constructions (e.g., I hope she is making a chocolate
cake). The procedure is simply that the experimenter (or a puppet or cartoon
character) produces an utterance, which the child is then asked to repeat. It may
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116 Ben Ambridge
seem that this task is trivially easy, and that even young children would make few
errors. In fact, errors (such as substituting think for hope in the study of Kidd, Lieven,
and Tomasello, 2006) are relatively common (Ambridge and Pine, 2006, identified a
number of children who consistently repeated such simple sentences as She is playing
football as *Her is playing football). It seems that such errors occur because, rather
than storing the incoming sentence verbatim, children encode the “message” of the
sentence and then construct a “new” sentence using their own grammar (Lust, Flynn,
and Foley, 1996). Even when children do not make errors, the time taken to repeat a
sentence can be used as a measure of the relative familiarity of particular strings
(e.g., Bannard and Matthews, 2008). The main advantage of the paradigm is the
high degree of control that it affords over the precise form and wording of the target
utterance. The main disadvantage is that it cannot be used with older children, who –
at some stage – will be able to repeat a sentence verbatim using a pure “parroting”
strategy, whether or not they could produce it spontaneously.
Weird Word Order and Syntactic Priming
Somewhere in between the elicited production and imitation paradigms lies the
weird word order paradigm (Akhtar, 1999). The experimenter and child take turns
describing video clips (or live actions performed by puppets), often using novel verbs
that describe novel actions. For some verbs, the experimenter uses conventional
word order (e.g., Fox meeked Bear). For others, she uses a weird word order not
found in the language (e.g., Fox Bear tammed). The aim (as in elicited production
studies such as that of Akhtar and Tomasello, 1997) is to investigate whether children
have verb-general knowledge of word order. If so, when asked to describe a new
video using the novel verb presented in a weird word order, they should correct to
the word order that is conventional for their language (e.g., Duck tammed Snake).
If, on the other hand, children learn individual constructions for each verb
(e.g.,TAMMER THING-TAMMED tam) they will use this construction to produce
a weird word order sentence such as Duck snake tammed (in fact, the 2-year-old
children studied by Akhtar, 1999, produced both types of response at similar rates,
suggesting some verb-general and some verb-specific knowledge). This paradigm has
also been used to investigate verb frequency effects (Matthews et al., 2004) and the
intransitive construction (Abbot-Smith, Lieven, and Tomasello, 2001), and to
compare word order acquisition crosslinguistically (Matthews et al., 2007). The
weird word order paradigm shares with the elicited production/imitation paradigms
to which it is related the advantage of a high degree of control over the target
structure. A disadvantage is that children (particularly older children) may mimic
word orders that they know to be incorrect, either “for fun” or because they assume
that this is what is required of them (though it is usually possible to control out this
confound by using real verbs to estimate rates of deliberate weird word order
responses). Like all other production paradigms, it is suitable for use only with
children old enough to be able to produce the relevant sentence types (see below).
As the syntactic priming paradigm is discussed in detail in Vasilyeva, Waterfall, and
Gómez (Chapter 11 this volume), I mention it here simply to point out that the
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 117
findings of weird word order studies make the interpretation of syntactic priming
studies less straightforward than is generally assumed. Syntactic priming refers to the
phenomenon whereby hearing a particular construction (e.g., The digger pushed
the bricks) increases the likelihood that the child will use the same construction
(e.g.,The hammer broke the vase) than a possible alternative (e.g., The vase was broken
by thehammer) to describe a subsequently presented scene. Such findings are generally
taken as evidence for prior knowledge of the construction (for this example, the
SUBJECT VERB OBJECT transitive construction). The caveat from weird word order
studies is that identical priming effects (though they are not usually described as such)
are sometimes observed for constructions of which children cannot possibly have had
prior knowledge (i.e., weird word order constructions). Thus care must be taken when
interpreting syntactic priming as evidence for prior knowledge of a construction.
Comprehension Paradigms: Act-Out Tasks
and Preferential Looking/Pointing
A problem shared by all production paradigms is that children may in principle have
knowledge of a particular structure that is not sufficient to support production
(which may be interrupted by the demands involved in utterance planning and
formulation), but that is sufficient for comprehension. Comprehension tasks are
used to investigate this possibility.
Act-out studies are primarily used to investigate children’s knowledge of word
order. As in the elicited production studies outlined above (e.g., Akhtar and Tomasello,
1997) children are taught a novel verb (e.g., chamming) to describe a novel action.
Instead of describing an enactment performed by an experimenter, however, children
are given a sentence and asked to enact it themselves (e.g., show me Ernie chamming
Big Bird). As with the elicited production equivalent, the rationale is that if children
can correctly enact the sentence (i.e., with Ernie as SUBJECT and Big Bird as OBJECT
as opposed to vice versa), they must be in possession of some knowledge of word
order that is verb general (SUBJECT VERB OBJECT). Act-out studies can also be
used to investigate children’s sensitivity to the different cues to SUBJECT (or AGENT)
found crosslinguistically such as case marking (e.g., MacWhinney and Bates, 1989).
In principle, the advantage of act-out studies is that they can be used with younger
children than equivalent production studies (e.g., children who are not yet capable
of producing three-word utterances with a novel verb). In practice, however, act-out
tasks appear to be surprisingly demanding for young children: the study of Akhtar
and Tomasello (1997) also included an act-out task, for which most children aged
2:10 showed at-chance performance.
Preferential looking/pointing paradigms (e.g., Naigles, 1990; Gertner, Fisher, and
Eisengart, 2006) reduce task demands further (and hence generally show verb-general
knowledge in younger children than act-out or production tasks). Children again
hear a sentence such as Ernie is chamming Big Bird but, instead of enacting the
sentence with toys, must “choose” from two video displays: one showing the scenario
described, one with the roles reversed (e.g., Big Bird chamming Ernie). When a
pointing task is used, children are taught to explicitly select the matching scene.
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118 Ben Ambridge
Preferential looking tasks make use of the fact that children generally spontaneously
look for longer to the matching than the nonmatching image to infer comprehension.
The main advantage of the preferential looking paradigm (discussed in detail in
Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume; and see also Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek,
Chapter 5 this volume) is that it can be used with very young children (i.e., children
who are too young to make any explicit response). Indeed, studies using the paradigm
have demonstrated apparent verb-general knowledge in children aged as young as 1:9
(Gertner, Fisher, and Eisengart, 2006). The disadvantage is that, since children’s
looking behavior is not an unambiguous measure of their comprehension, the most
appropriate interpretation of any given set of findings is not always clear, and is often
controversial (see Ambridge and Lieven, 2011, Chapter 3; Chan et al., 2010; Dittmar
et al., 2008). The pointing version of the paradigm produces unambiguous data, but
presumably is suitable for use only with slightly older children (the youngest group
studied so far had a mean age of 2:3; Noble, Rowland, and Pine, in press).
Grammaticality Judgment Paradigms
As we have already seen, there are many areas of investigation for which production
and comprehension measures can be used to assess children’s grammatical knowledge
(indeed, for many research questions, these paradigms are more suitable than a judgment
task). As we will see, however, the main advantage of the grammaticality judgment
paradigm is that it allows the researcher to answer questions that cannot be directly
addressed using production or comprehension measures, by investigating children’s
knowledge of grammar (both syntax and morphology) in a relatively explicit manner.
The graded grammaticality judgment paradigm to be introduced here provides
unambiguous, numerical data that do not require scoring, recoding, or checking for
interrater reliability, and that are suitable for most commonly used statistical analyses
(e.g., ANOVA, regression). As for many of the paradigms discussed above and elsewhere
in this volume, novel items (usually verbs) can be created for use in the study, in order
to test children’s general syntactic or morphological knowledge independent of their
knowledge of particular lexical items. The paradigm is relatively demanding, and hence
is most suitable for use with relatively old children (we have not yet attempted to test
children younger than 4). Generally speaking, grammaticality judgment tasks are also
suitable for children with specific language impairment (e.g., Rice, Wexler, and Redmond,
1999; and see McGregor, Chapter 21 this volume) and second language learners (e.g.,
Mandell, 1999), though, of course, this may raise the minimum age further.
Research Aim
My own interest in developing a graded grammaticality judgment paradigm for use
with children stems from my research on a topic that has become known as Baker’s
paradox (or the “no negative evidence” problem). Suppose that a child hears a
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 119
particular verb (e.g., break) in both an intransitive sentence (e.g., The stick broke)
and a transitive causative sentence (e.g., The man broke the stick). Through repeated
encounters with other pairs that fit this pattern (e.g., for roll and open), the child will
set up some kind of generalization or “rule” that (informally speaking) generates
transitive causative sentences for verbs that have appeared only in the intransitive:
Intransitive sentence Transitive causative sentence
[The stick] [broke] [The man] [broke] [the stick]
[The ball] [rolled] [John] [rolled] [the ball]
[The door] [opened] [Louise] [opened] [the door]
Rule: [NP1] [VERB] [NP2] [VERB] [NP1]
Suppose, for example, that the child hears The cup smashed. The child can use this
rule to generate a sentence such as Mummy smashed the cup, even if no sentence of
this type has been encountered in the input.
How do we know that children are forming generalizations of this type? One
answer is simply that they must be, otherwise language would consist of nothing
more than a set of rote-learned sentences, which is clearly not the case (Chomsky,
1959). A better answer is that many experimental studies (see Tomasello, 2000, for
a review) have shown that, when taught a novel verb in intransitive sentences only
(e.g., The ball is tamming), most children aged 3:0 and older are able to use this verb
in a transitive causative sentence (e.g., The mouse is tamming the ball). Another
source of evidence comes from children’s overgeneralization errors. Many researchers
(most notably Bowerman, 1988) have found that children produce utterances such
as *The magician disappeared the rabbit. Such utterances cannot have been learned
by rote from the input (as adults do not produce them), and hence must have come
from the application of a generalization process of the type outlined above. Errors of
this type are termed argument structure overgeneralization errors, because a verb
(disappear) has been used in an argument structure construction (sentence frame) in
which it is not permitted in the adult grammar (here the transitive causative), through
the over-application of a general rule.
Explaining how children learn not to make these errors turns out to be a very
difficult problem. It cannot be simply that children avoid using verbs in sentence
constructions in which they have not appeared in the input, or they would never
make such errors in the first place (or be able to produce novel utterances such as
The mouse is tamming the ball). Whilst implicit or explicit correction by parents and
caregivers is no doubt useful (e.g., Chouinard and Clark, 2003), this cannot be the
whole story, as adult speakers are able to reject as ungrammatical errors that they are
extremely unlikely to have produced – and subsequently had corrected – during
childhood (e.g., *The clown chuckled the man).
The goal of the research program for which my colleagues and I developed the
graded grammaticality judgment paradigm was to test various proposals for how,
having begun to produce overgeneralization errors such as *The magician
disappeared the rabbit, children “retreat” from these errors. For example, one
proposal, Braine and Brooks’s (1995) entrenchment hypothesis, states that repeated
presentation of a verb in particular constructions (e.g., The rabbit disappeared)
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120 Ben Ambridge
gradually causes the child to probabilistically infer that the verb cannot be used in
nonattested constructions (e.g., *The magician disappeared the rabbit). Intuitively,
the idea is that the child (not consciously of course) forms an “inference from
absence” along the lines of “if disappear could be used in this way, surely I would
have encountered it by now. The prediction from this account is that overgenerali-
zation errors should be deemed more unacceptable for high frequency verbs than for
semantically matched lower frequency verbs (e.g., *The magician disappeared/van-
ished the rabbit), as this inference from absence is stronger for the former.
Choosing a Suitable Paradigm
In order to test this prediction, we need to obtain from children a measure of the
relative (un)acceptability of different overgeneralization errors (and, as a control,
correctly formed utterances). In fact, experimental tasks other than the grammaticality
judgment paradigm do not provide a direct measure of the relative unacceptability
of particular utterances.
An act-out, preferential looking / pointing comprehension task would provide
information about the relative interpretability of a number of utterances, but there
does not necessarily exist any correlation between interpretability and grammatical
acceptability. Intuitively, it would seem that had we asked children to enact, for
example, *The magician disappeared the rabbit and *The magician vanished the
rabbit, they would have had little difficulty with either.
An elicited production task, in which the experimenter attempts to elicit each
sentence from children, is more suitable (such a study was conducted by Brooks
and Tomasello, 1999). Again, however, the paradigm does not provide a direct
measure of grammatical acceptability. A child might produce an utterance that she
considers to be ungrammatical (e.g., *He disappeared the rabbit) if placed in a
discourse scenario where such a response seems to be expected (e.g., What did the
magician do?), particularly if she has not yet learned a suitable alternative
formulation (e.g., He made the rabbit disappear). Conversely, the child’s failure to
produce a particular utterance does not constitute strong evidence that she considers
it to be ungrammatical.
Consequently, any attempt to infer the relative unacceptability of two or more
erroneous utterances from the relative rates at which they are produced is
problematic. Suppose, for example, that a particular child produces five
overgeneralization errors with vanish (e.g., *He vanished the rabbit) and only two
with disappear (e.g., *He disappeared the rabbit). Is the correct conclusion (1) that
the child deems the latter to be less acceptable or (2) that, having produced both
utterances, the child considers both to be acceptable? After all, the normal assumption
(assuming an idealized scenario with no pure “production errors”) is that speakers’
utterances reflect their grammars: if a speaker produces an utterance, she considers
it to be grammatical.
It is also difficult to see how an elicited production task could be used to ask
which of two alternative sentence constructions with the same verb children deem to
be more grammatical. For example, if one wishes to test whether children know that
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 121
The rabbit disappeared is more acceptable than *The magician disappeared the
rabbit, one cannot simply compare the rates at which children produce each sentence
in an elicited production task, as the sentences are not matched for difficulty. The
second is longer and includes more participants (placing a higher load on memory)
and is hence presumably more difficult for a child to produce, even if she considers
it to be perfectly grammatically acceptable.
The best way to obtain a measure of the relative (un)acceptability of particular
utterances is, of course, to ask children directly, using a grammaticality judgment
task (though, in fairness, some of the children studied by Brooks and Tomasello,
1999, were probably too young for this to be feasible). We are by no means the first
researchers to come to this conclusion. For example, Theakston (2004) investigated
the entrenchment hypothesis using a binary grammaticality judgment task. Under
this paradigm (discussed in more detail in McKercher and Jaswal, Chapter 10 this
volume), children are asked simply to indicate whether or not each sentence is
acceptable, as opposed to providing a graded judgment of the degree of (un)accept-
ability of a particular sentence. In this study, sentences containing overgeneralization
errors (e.g., *I’m gonna disappear it) were read aloud by an experimenter. The child’s
task was to help a toy animal decide whether each sentence was “OK” or “a bit silly”
by moving the animal to a card showing a red cross or a green tick.
The advantage of a binary judgment task is that it can be performed by young
children (Theakston’s youngest group had a mean age of 5:9, though the task has
been used with children as young as 4:1, e.g., Rice, Wexler, and Redmond, 1999).
The disadvantage is that, for each child and each sentence, the task produces only a
binary outcome measure (grammatical or ungrammatical). This means that to
compare the judged grammaticality of two sentences (e.g., *I’m gonna disappear/
vanish it) it is possible to compare only the number of children who judged each
sentence to be ungrammatical. One consequence of this is that it is impossible to
analyze the data using parametric statistical tests (e.g., ANOVA) which can be used
to look for interactions between variables, and which can be run within subjects,
hence increasing the power of the analysis (maximizing the likelihood of finding any
effect that is present). A more serious problem is that, beyond a certain age, it will no
longer be possible to compare the relative ungrammaticality of two ungrammatical
sentences (e.g., *I’m gonna disappear/vanish it), as both will be classified as
ungrammatical by close to 100% of children.
It is for this reason that Theakston (2004) used a graded grammaticality judgment
task with her adult participants. In a graded grammaticality judgment task,
participants are asked to judge the relative (un)acceptability of utterances using a
graded scale – in this case a seven-point Likert-type scale – ranging (for example)
from “completely unacceptable” to “completely acceptable” (the precise wording
varies between studies). Grammaticality judgment studies with adults often use more
sophisticated measurements such as a visual analog scale, which is not divided into
discrete ratings (participants indicate their judgment by making a mark on a
continuous line), or magnitude estimation, in which participants’ ratings are not
confined to a particular scale (e.g., Bard, Robertson, and Sorace, 1996). Our goal,
however, was to develop a graded grammaticality judgment paradigm that could be
used in exactly the same format with adults and children.
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Smiley-Face Scale
Under the graded grammaticality judgment paradigm (Ambridge et al., 2008),
participants indicate their judgments using the five-point “smiley-face” scale shown
in Plate 5 (reproduced with permission from Ambridge et al., 2008, p. 105).
The scale consists of five cartoon faces and has a midpoint denoted by a neutral
face, two “more acceptable” levels denoted by smiling green faces, and two “less
acceptable” levels denoted by frowning red faces (the neutral face is split into red
and green halves). The child has two counters – one red and one green – and
indicates her judgment, first, by choosing either the red or the green counter (to
indicate unacceptable/acceptable) and, second, by placing her chosen counter on
one of the faces to indicate the degree of (un)acceptability (either counter can be
placed on the middle face). We have never encountered a child who placed a red
counter on a green face or vice versa. The goal of this “two-step” procedure is to
ensure that any children who are unable to provide a graded judgment (by using the
faces scale) still provide a binary judgment (by choosing the red or green counter).
However, we have not yet found an age at which children are able to use the counters
but not the scale (though we have only tested children aged 4 years and older).
Testing can be conducted using either (1) a booklet with one scale for each test item
(in which case the experimenter ticks or circles the relevant face after the child has
made her selection) or (2) a single scale which is reused for each trial (in which case
the experimenter notes down each judgment on a separate sheet). Note, however,
that older children and adults generally prefer to mark their choice directly on the
scale, necessitating option 1.
Training (Warm-Up) Procedure
Children are introduced to the use of the scale through a carefully constructed
training procedure. First the experimenter explains the nature of the game: the
“talking dog” (a soft toy containing a loudspeaker connected to a laptop computer
or mp3 player) is “learning to speak English but, because he’s only a dog, sometimes
gets it wrong and says things a bit silly. The child’s task is to help him by letting him
know whether he “said it right” or “a bit silly. The use of a talking toy is designed
to overcome any reluctance a child may have with regard to “correcting” an adult,
and also to make the task more enjoyable for children. (Although most enjoy hearing
the dog speak, very occasionally we encounter children who are too frightened to
continue; and according to Core, Chapter 6 this volume, the talking dog is frightening
to most 2-year-olds).
The experimenter then provides (via the dog) an example of a maximally acceptable
sentence (e.g., The cat drank the milk) and places the green counter on the happiest
face, explaining “when he gets it right, we’re going to choose the green counter and
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 123
put it here. Next, the experimenter provides an example of a maximally unacceptable
sentence (e.g., *The dog the ball played with) and places the red counter on the
saddest face, explaining “when he says it wrong, we’re going to choose the red
counter and put it here. Don’t worry about these other faces [indicates the middle
three faces] for now. The child then completes two practice trials designed to provide
further examples of maximally acceptable and unacceptable sentences (e.g., The frog
caught the fly; *His teeth man the brushed).
Taking the green counter, the experimenter then explains that “Sometimes he
[indicates dog] says it right but it’s not perfect. If it’s good but not perfect, you can
put the counter here [indicates second happiest face]. If it’s a little bit right and a
little bit wrong, or somewhere in between, you can put it here [indicates middle
face]. Taking the red counter, the experimenter continues, “Sometimes he says it
wrong but it’s not really terrible. If it’s wrong but not terrible, you can put the
counter here [indicates second saddest face]. If it’s a little bit wrong and a little bit
right, or somewhere in between, you can put it here [indicates middle face]. The
child then completes three further training trials designed to illustrate intermediate
degrees of (un)grammaticality.
The sentences for these training trials need to be carefully chosen for the relevant
study to ensure – on the one hand – that they exemplify the general type of error that
will be judged in the main part of the study (e.g., argument structure overgeneralization
errors as opposed to past-tense -ed overgeneralization errors) and – on the other –
that they are not of exactly the same specific type (e.g., transitive causative
overgeneralizations of intransitive verbs), to avoid providing hints that could affect
responses in the main part of the study. For our study of transitive causative
overgeneralization errors, the three intermediate training items involved
overgeneralizations of prepositional-dative-only verbs into the double-object dative
construction: *The woman said the man a funny story (intended rating 2/5), *The
girl telephoned her friend the news (3/5 or 4/5) and *The man whispered his friend
the joke (4/5). By way of comparison, a study of the acceptability of various past-
tense forms (Ambridge, 2010) used incorrect regular and irregular noun plurals as
training items. Children’s ratings are generally broadly in line with these target
ratings but, if not, the experimenter can re-explain the procedure and give feedback.
The child then moves on to the main part of the study, which proceeds in the same
way (though with trials presented in random order).
For all training and test trials, a cartoon animation depicting the event being
described by the dog is shown on a laptop screen, which both the child and the dog
are “watching. This ensures that the truth value of the dog’s description is never in
doubt, and that the child is judging the sentence purely on the basis of grammatical
acceptability. This also guards against misinterpretation of the sentences (for
example, some of Theakston’s, 2004, adult participants seemed to interpret the
sentences *Don’t laugh/giggle me as Don’t laugh/giggle at me rather than, as intended
Don’t make me laugh/giggle).
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124 Ben Ambridge
Control Sentences
Another important feature of the design is that, for every ungrammatical sentence
(e.g., *The magician disappeared the rabbit), a grammatical control sentence (e.g.,
The rabbit disappeared or The magician made the rabbit disappear) is included. This
allows the researcher to control statistically for any general (dis)preferences that may
exist for particular items by calculating preference-for-grammatical-use (or difference)
scores (discussed in more detail below).
It is also prudent to avoid a scenario where every utterance of a particular type
(e.g., transitive causative) is ungrammatical, whilst every utterance of another type
(e.g., intransitive) is ungrammatical, to guard against the possibility of children
developing a task-dependent strategy such as rating all transitive causative sentences
as ungrammatical. Whilst this precaution was not followed in the study of Ambridge
et al. (2008), subsequent studies that have included this control have yielded a similar
pattern of findings (Ambridge et al., submitted a; submitted b; Ambridge, 2010).
Because the task is relatively demanding and time consuming (young children are
reluctant to complete more than about 40 trials, even if this is split over several
sessions) we do not generally include any “filler” trials (i.e., trials where children rate
unrelated sentence types). However, if particular study designs have trials “to spare,
the inclusion of filler trials can only be beneficial.
Another difficult issue relates to the number of items per “cell” of the design. If a
complex design with several variables is used, it may be difficult to include more
than one or two trials per cell, whilst keeping the overall number of trials manageably
low. For example, Ambridge et al. (2008) included only one transitive causative
sentence with each verb (e.g., *The magician disappeared the rabbit), whereas ideally
one would take an average rating across several (e.g., *The witch disappeared the
frog, *The conjurer disappeared the card, etc.). An approach followed in subsequent
studies (e.g., Ambridge, 2010) is to have two (or more) versions of “the same”
experiment with different items (e.g., half of the children would rate *The magician
disappeared the rabbit and half *The witch disappeared the frog). This allows the
number of items per cell to be doubled (or trebled, quadrupled, etc.) without
increasing the time taken for an individual child to complete the study.
As previously mentioned, an advantage of the graded grammaticality judgment
paradigm is that it yields numerical data that can be analyzed using techniques such
as ANOVA or regression: specifically a rating between 1 and 5 for each item (e.g.,
sentence) from each participant (where 5 represents the happiest face, i.e., the most
acceptable). Technically, one might object that the data are not true interval-scale
data (a requirement of parametric tests such as ANOVA) as we have no way of
knowing whether an increase from (say) 2/5 to 3/5 on the scale represents the same
increase in perceived grammaticality as (say) an increase from 4/5 to 5/5. However,
the treatment of rating-scale data as interval data is so commonplace in psychology
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 125
that, in practice, one will rarely encounter such an objection outside statistics
textbooks (and, in many cases, a alternative nonparametric test is available). It is
important to bear in mind, however, that the absolute values are almost certainly not
particularly meaningful. Participants tend to rate the acceptability of one item with
reference to another, meaning that the same sentence could receive very different
absolute mean ratings in two studies with different items. The more meaningful
comparison is between different items in the same study.
As an example of the type of data that the graded grammaticality judgment
paradigm yields, Table 8.1 shows the mean scores for *The magician disappeared/
vanished/blicked Bart (where blick denotes a novel type of disappearing action) and the
control sentences Bart disappeared/vanished/blicked (for novel verbs, the claim is that
children should be able to use the semantics of these verbs to determine the constructions
in which they can and cannot appear; see Pinker, 1989). Note that this table shows
both the raw scores and, for each grammatical/ungrammatical pair, the difference
(preference-for-grammatical-use) score, calculated by subtracting the rating for the
ungrammatical sentence from the rating for the grammatical sentence (on a pair-by-pair
and child-by-child basis). Data for the three older groups are taken from Ambridge
Table 8.1 Some examples of children’s judgments of grammatical and ungrammatical
sentences on the five-point smiley-face scale (5 = happiest face = most acceptable)
4–5 (N = 20) 5–6 (N = 27) 6–7 (N = 24)
(N = 42)
Intransitive: Bart
3.15 0.39 4.63 0.14 4.92 0.06 5.00 0.00
Transitive: *The
magician disappeared
2.25 0.31 3.26 0.26 2.92 0.23 2.60 0.14
Difference (intransitive
minus transitive)
0.90 0.55 1.37 0.26 2.00 0.24 2.41 0.14
Intransitive: Bart
4.25 0.23 4.70 0.12 4.92 0.06 4.95 0.03
Transitive: *The
magician vanished Bart
3.45 0.30 4.19 0.24 3.78 0.23 3.10 0.15
Difference (intransitive
minus transitive)
0.80 0.34 0.52 0.25 1.13 0.26 1.86 0.15
Intransitive: Bart
4.05 0.23 3.48 0.27 4.75 0.11 4.31 0.21
Transitive: *The
magician blicked Bart
3.70 0.34 3.48 0.30 4.00 0.22 3.67 0.18
Difference (intransitive
minus transitive)
0.32 0.00 0.33 0.75 0.25 0.64 0.22
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126 Ben Ambridge
etal. (2008), and those for the younger group from a recent pilot study with 20 children
aged 4:1–5:0 (M=4:6). As an example of how data collected using this paradigm can
be presented graphically, the scores for the youngest group only are also shown in
Figure 8.1.
The data from the three older groups are analyzed in Ambridge et al. (2008), and
hence will not be discussed in detail here. It will suffice to note that children aged
5–6 are clearly capable of completing the task, and give a pattern of judgments very
similar to that shown by older children and adults.
For the younger children, there are two points to note. First, for the English verbs
vanish and (marginally) disappear, 4–5-year-olds rated grammatical intransitive uses
as significantly more acceptable than ungrammatical transitive causative uses
(vanish, t
= 2.37, p = 0.014; disappear, t
= 1.63, p = 0.058, one-tailed test; for
means see Table 8.1 and Figure 8.1). This finding is important, as it demonstrates,
for the first time, that children aged 4–5 are able to use the scale to rate sentences
appropriately (though the high standard error scores reflect considerable variation
in this ability). Like the 5–6-year-olds, the youngest group do not appear to be able
to use the semantics of the novel disappearing verb (or a novel laughing or falling
verb, data for which are not shown) to determine the constructions in which it may
and may not appear (though 5–6-year-olds can do so for a novel laughing verb).
High (disappear) Low (vanish) Novel (blick)
Intransitive (grammatical)
Transitive (ungrammatical)
Figure 8.1 Four-year-olds’ ratings for grammatical intransitive sentences (light bars) and
ungrammatical transitive sentences (dark bars) for (from left to right) a high frequency,
alowfrequency, and a novel verb (disappear/vanish/blick). Error bars show standard error.
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 127
Whether this is because the youngest children have yet to acquire the relevant
semantics–syntax links or because the introduction of novel verbs makes the
judgment task too difficult is unclear at this stage.
The second point relates to the importance of analyzing difference (preference-for-
grammatical-use) scores in addition to raw scores. The entrenchment hypothesis
predicts that ungrammatical transitive sentences should be rated as more acceptable
for the low frequency verb (e.g., vanish) than for the high frequency verb (e.g.,
disappear). Looking again at the youngest group, if one compares the raw ratings for
*The magician vanished Bart (M = 3.45, SE = 0.30) and *The magician disappeared
Bart (M = 2.25, SE = 0.31), this prediction appears to be supported (t
= 2.60,
p = 0.018). However, this is misleading, because this difference is presumably a
consequence – at least in part – of the fact that (for whatever reason) these children
give higher ratings to sentences containing vanish than disappear, even when they
are grammatical (Bart vanished, M = 4.25, SE = 0.23; vs Bart disappeared, M = 3.15,
SE = 0.39). When one controls for this baseline preference by comparing difference
scores, as opposed to raw scores, the preference for grammatical over ungrammatical
uses (i.e., the dispreference for ungrammatical uses) is no longer significantly smaller
for vanish (M = 0.80, SE = 0.34) than disappear (M = 0.90, SE = 0.55; t
= 0.15,
p= 0.88, n.s.).
Further Applications
Although the graded grammaticality judgment paradigm was initially developed to
obtain ratings of verb argument structure overgeneralization errors (Ambridge et al.,
2008; 2009b; submitted a; submitted b), in subsequent work we have obtained
judgments of past-tense forms of novel verbs (e.g., rife rifed; rife rofe; see
Ambridge, 2010) and of grammatical and ungrammatical un- prefixed forms (e.g.,
unlock, unwrap; *unsqueeze, *unfill; see Ambridge et al., 2009a; Ambridge,
submitted). Beyond grammaticality, the smiley-face scale could also potentially be
used to obtain judgments of familiarity (e.g., Ibbotson et al., submitted), truth value,
semantic plausibility, and so forth.
We end by summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the graded
grammaticality judgment paradigm introduced in this chapter. The primary
advantage is that the paradigm can be used to address questions on which
comprehension and production data bear only indirectly. For any domain in
which the predictions of the competing theoretical accounts relate to the relative
(un)acceptability of particular forms, a judgment task is – all other things being
equal – more appropriate than a comprehension or production task. A related
advantage is that the paradigm can be used with older speakers and adults to
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128 Ben Ambridge
obtain ratings of the relative unacceptability of errors that these speakers would
not produce themselves. For example, whilst adult speakers rate *The magician
disappeared Bart as less acceptable than *The magician vanished Bart, it would
presumably be impossible to tap into the knowledge that underlies these judgments
using a production task, as adults would likely produce neither. Another advantage
of this paradigm over many comprehension and production measures is that it
produces an unambiguous response that does not require interpretation, coding,
or reliability checking. The paradigm yields numerical data that can be analyzed
directly using common statistical techniques such as ANOVA and regression. An
advantage that the paradigm shares with most of the comprehension and
production techniques discussed in this volume is that novel verbs (or nouns, etc.)
can be used in order to test whether children are in possession of item-general
knowledge (as opposed to lexically specific knowledge). Finally, the paradigm can
be used to obtain acceptability judgments both for whole sentences and for
individual lexical items, and the “smiley-face” procedure can potentially be
extended into domains where graded judgments of factors other than grammatical
acceptability are required.
One disadvantage of the paradigm is that it is presumably unsuitable for use
on children much younger than 4. Although we have not attempted to test
children younger than 4:6 (mean age), the considerable variation in performance
observed at this age (which would be considered relatively old for many domains
of acquisition) means that the paradigm is unlikely to work well for younger
children. That said, it may well be that younger children are able to complete a
binary version of the task. Clearly this is a question that requires future research.
Another concern is that, compared to many comprehension or production tasks
(and particularly naturalistic data collection), the paradigm is relatively artificial,
in that children are being asked to do something that is far removed from their
everyday experience and use of language. There is little that can be done to
address this concern, except to seek to corroborate findings from judgment tasks
using comprehension, production, and naturalistic data studies, where this would
be appropriate.
Finally, it is important to note that there are many research questions for which a
judgment task would be either altogether inappropriate, or considerably less
appropriate than a comprehension or production task. For example, when the
question relates to the age at which children have abstract item-general knowledge
of a particular structure (e.g., the active SVO transitive), an elicited production (e.g.,
Akhtar and Tomasello, 1997), repetition (e.g., Kidd, Lieven, and Tomasello, 2006),
weird word order (e.g., Akhtar, 1999), priming (e.g., Savage et al., 2003), act-out
(e.g., Akhtar and Tomasello, 1997), preferential looking (e.g., Gertner, Fisher, and
Eisengart, 2006), or pointing (e.g., Rowland and Noble, 2011) task is more
appropriate. Indeed, many of our own studies use an elicited production (e.g.,
Ambridge et al., 2006; Ambridge, Rowland, and Pine, 2008; Ambridge and Rowland,
2009) or repetition paradigm (e.g., Ambridge and Pine, 2006) for precisely this
reason (though always with the “talking dog, as an additional incentive for children
to respond). However, for questions where the competing theories make predictions
regarding the relative unacceptability of particular forms (as opposed to error rates,
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Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 129
rates of correct production, etc.), some kind of judgment paradigm is clearly the
most appropriate. We hope that the paradigm outlined here will therefore inspire
future research into such questions.
Thanks are due to Julian Pine and Caroline Rowland for their help both with this
chapter and with the development of the judgment paradigm described herein.
Thanks to Glen Goodliffe-Davies for collecting the pilot study data used in Table8.1.
This research was supported by grants RES-062-23-0931, RES-000-22-1540 from
the Economic and Social Research Council.
Key Terms
Binary grammaticality judgment paradigm A grammaticality/acceptability judgment
paradigm in which participants are asked to indicate simply whether a particular form is
acceptable or unacceptable (see McKercher and Jaswal, Chapter 10 this volume).
Comprehension paradigm Any paradigm in which children are required not to produce
language, but to demonstrate their comprehension (understanding) of a utterance
produced by another speaker. Children can demonstrate comprehension via the ability to
enact a sentence using toys (act-out task), or to “choose” a picture that matches the
sentence, either implicitly by looking for longer at the target than a distracter (preferential
looking) or explicitly by pointing.
Difference score A score calculated by subtracting the acceptability rating for one form (e.g.,
*The magician disappeared Bart) from the acceptability rating for a related form (e.g., Bart
disappeared), in order to control for any baseline preference that may exist, regardless of
grammaticality (for this example, the extent to which participants “like” sentences that
contain the noun Bart and the verb form disappeared). If the difference score is calculated
by subtracting the rating for an ungrammatical form from the rating for a grammatical
form (as in the above example), it may also be referred to as a preference-for-grammatical-use
score. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to calculate the difference score by
consistently subtracting the rating for one particular sentence type (e.g., irregular past-tense
form) from the rating for another sentence type (e.g., regular past-tense form), regardless of
which form is predicted to be more acceptable (e.g., rating for rifed minus rating for rofe).
Graded grammaticality judgment paradigm A grammaticality/acceptability judgment
paradigm in which participants are asked to indicate the extent to which a particular
form is acceptable or unacceptable, using some kind of linear (graded) scale (e.g., Likert
scale, visual analog scale, or, as in the studies discussed here, smiley-face scale).
Grammaticality judgment, acceptability judgment A rating (either binary or graded) of the
acceptability of a particular form. Although the terms have, on the whole, been used
interchangeably here, the second, more general term is probably more appropriate when
an individual word form (e.g., *Unsqueeze, rifed, rofe) as opposed to a sentence (e.g.,
*The magician disappeared Bart) is being judged. This is because, for individual word
forms, it is debatable whether it is grammatical acceptability (as opposed to morphological
or phonological acceptability) that is being rated. Whatever the domain, our written
instructions to adult participants usually do not mention “grammaticality, in order to
avoid participants basing their ratings on prescriptive rules.
Hoff_c08.indd 129Hoff_c08.indd 129 6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM
130 Ben Ambridge
Judgment paradigm Any paradigm in which children rate the acceptability of a sentence or
an individual word form (a grammaticality/acceptability judgment task), the truth value
of an utterance (a truth value or yes/no judgment task), their confidence that a form has
been previously encountered, etc.
Production paradigm Any paradigm in which children are required to produce language.
Commonly used production paradigms include elicited production (where the child
describes or asks questions about a scene, often to a puppet or toy), repetition (where the
child repeats an utterance produced by an experimenter, puppet, or toy), and priming
(where the child and experimenter take turns to describe scenes, with the experimenter
sometimes using a weird word order for some verbs).
Smiley-face scale A five-point pictorial scale that can be used by children to give graded
judgments of grammatical acceptability (or sentence familiarity, etc.) (see Figure 8.1).
Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2001) What preschool children do and do
not do with ungrammatical word orders. Cognitive Development, 16 (2), 679–692.
Akhtar, N. (1999) Acquiring basic word order: evidence for data-driven learning of syntactic
structure. Journal of Child Language, 26, 339–356.
Akhtar, N., and Tomasello, M. (1997) Young children’s productivity with word order and verb
morphology. Developmental Psychology, 33 (6), 952–965.
Ambridge, B. (2010) Children’s judgments of regular and irregular novel past tense forms:
new data on dual- versus single-route debate. Developmental Psychology, 46 (6),
Ambridge, B. (submitted) Testing a probabilistic semantic account of the formation and
restriction of linguistic generalizations: a grammaticality judgment study.
Ambridge, B., Freudenthal, D., Pine, J.M., et al. (2009a) Un-learning un-prefixation errors.
Paper presented at the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling 2009,
Manchester, UK.
Ambridge, B., and Lieven, E.V.M. (2011) Child language acquisition: contrasting theoretical
approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ambridge, B., and Pine, J.M. (2006) Testing the agreement/tense omission model using an
elicited imitation paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 33 (4), 879–898.
Ambridge, B., Pine, J.M., Rowland, C.F., and Clark, V. (submitted a) The retreat from
argument-structure overgeneralization errors: verb semantics, entrenchment or both?
Cognitive Linguistics.
Ambridge, B., Pine, J.M., Rowland, C.F., and Clark, V. (submitted b) Restricting dative
argument-structure overgeneralizations: a grammaticality-judgment study with adults
and children. Language.
Ambridge, B., Pine, J.M., Rowland, C.F., and Young, C.R. (2008) The effect of verb semantic
class and verb frequency (entrenchment) on children’s and adults’ graded judgements of
argument-structure overgeneralization errors. Cognition, 106 (1), 87–129.
Ambridge, B., Pine, J.M., Rowland, C.F., et al. (2009b) A semantics-based approach to the “no
negative evidence” problem. Cognitive Science, 33 (7), 1301–1316.
Ambridge, B., and Rowland, C.F. (2009) Predicting children’s errors with negative questions:
testing a schema-combination account. Cognitive Linguistics, 20 (2), 225–266.
Ambridge, B., Rowland, C.F., and Pine, J.M. (2008) Is structure dependence an innate
constraint? New experimental evidence from children’s complex question production.
Cognitive Science, 32 (1): 222–255.
Hoff_c08.indd 130Hoff_c08.indd 130 6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM
Assessing Grammatical Knowledge 131
Ambridge, B., Rowland, C.F., Theakston, A.L., and Tomasello, M. (2006) Comparing different
accounts of inversion errors in children’s non-subject wh-questions: “What experimental
data can tell us?” Journal of Child Language, 33 (3), 519–557.
Bannard, C., and Matthews, D. (2008) Stored word sequences in language learning: the effect
of familiarity on children’s repetition of four-word combinations. Psychological Science,
19 (3), 241–248.
Bard, E.G., Robertson, D., and Sorace, A. (1996) Magnitude estimation of linguistic
acceptability. Language, 72 (1), 32–68.
Bowerman, M. (1988) The “no negative evidence” problem: how do children avoid
constructing an overly general grammar? In J.A. Hawkins (ed.), Explaining language
universals (pp. 73–101). Oxford: Blackwell.
Braine, M.D.S., and Brooks, P.J. (1995) Verb argument structure and the problem of avoiding
an overgeneral grammar. In M. Tomasello and W.E. Merriman (eds), Beyond names for
things: young children’s acquisition of verbs (pp. 352–376). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Brooks, P.J., and Tomasello, M. (1999) How children constrain their argument structure
constructions. Language, 75 (4), 720–738.
Chan, A., Meints, K., Lieven, E.V.M., and Tomasello, M. (2010) Young children’s
comprehension of English word order in act-out and intermodal preferential looking
tasks. Cognitive Development, 25, 30–45.
Chomsky, N. (1959) A review of B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Language, 35 (1), 26–58.
Chouinard, M.M., and Clark, E.V. (2003) Adult reformulations of child errors as negative
evidence. Journal of Child Language, 30 (3), 637–669.
Dittmar, M., Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2008) Young German children’s
early syntactic competence: a preferential looking study. Developmental Science, 11 (4),
Gertner, Y., Fisher, C., and Eisengart, J. (2006) Learning words and rules: abstract knowledge
of word order in early sentence comprehension. Psychological Science, 17 (8), 684–691.
Ibbotson, P., Theakston, A., Lieven, E.V.M, and Tomasello, M. (submitted) Prototypical
semantics of the transitive construction: developmental comparisons.
Kidd, E., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2006) Examining the role of lexical frequency in the acqui-
sition and processing of sentential complements. Cognitive Development, 21 (2), 93–107.
Lust, B., Flynn, S., and Foley, C. (1996) What children know about what they say: elicited
imitation as a research method for assessing children’s syntax. In D. McDaniel, C. McKee,
and H. Cairns (eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
MacWhinney, B., and Bates, E. (eds) (1989) The cross-linguistic study of sentence processing.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Mandell, P.B. (1999) On the reliability of grammaticality judgement tests in second language
acquisition research. Second Language Research, 15 (1), 73–99.
Marchman, V.A. (1997) Children’s productivity in the English past tense: the role of frequency,
phonology and neighborhood structure. Cognitive Science, 21 (3), 283–304.
Matthews, D., Lieven, E., Theakston, A.L., and Tomasello, M. (2004) The role of frequency in
the acquisition of English word order. Cognitive Development, 20, 121–136.
Matthews, D., Lieven, E., Theakston, A., and Tomasello, M. (2007) French children’s use and
correction of weird word orders: a constructivist account. Journal of Child Language,
34(2), 381–409.
McDaniel, D., and Cairns, H. (1996) Eliciting judgments of grammaticality and reference. In
D. McDaniel, C. McKee, and H. Cairns (eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Naigles, L. (1990) Children use syntax to learn verb meanings. Journal of Child Language,
17(2), 357–374.
Hoff_c08.indd 131Hoff_c08.indd 131 6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM6/6/2011 12:38:32 PM
132 Ben Ambridge
Noble, C.H., Rowland, C.F., and Pine, J.M. (in press) Comprehension of argument structure
and semantic roles: evidence from infants and the forced-choice pointing paradigm.
Cognitive Science.
Pinker, S. (1989) Learnability and cognition: the acquisition of argument structure. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Rice, M.L., Wexler, K., and Redmond, S.M. (1999) Grammaticality judgments of an extended
optional infinitive grammar: evidence from English-speaking children with specific
language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 42, 943–961.
Rowland, C.F., and Noble, C.H. (2011) The role of syntactic structure in children’s sentence
comprehension: evidence from the dative. Language Learning and Development, 7 (1),
Savage, C., Lieven, E., Theakston, A., and Tomasello, M. (2003) Testing the abstractness of
children’s linguistic representations: lexical and structural priming of syntactic
constructions in young children. Developmental Science, 6 (5), 557–567.
Theakston, A.L. (2004) The role of entrenchment in children’s and adults’ performance on
grammaticality judgement tasks. Cognitive Development, 19 (1), 15–34.
Tomasello, M. (2000) Do young children have adult syntactic competence? Cognition, 74 (3),
Further Reading and Resources
Because so little research has been conducted using this new paradigm, there is very little
further reading to recommend. The paper that sets out the paradigm in detail (Ambridge et al.,
2008) is available from my website (http://pcwww.liv.ac.uk/~ambridge/). Theakston (2004) is
a good example of a study that uses a binary judgment paradigm, whilst McDaniel and Cairns
(1996) provide an interesting discussion of methodological considerations in child judgment
studies. A comprehensive discussion of studies that have investigated children’s grammatical
knowledge using elicited production, repetition, weird word order, priming, act-out, and
preferential looking and pointing tasks can be found in Ambridge and Lieven (in press,
Chapters 5–7).
The smiley-face scale is reproduced here as Plate 5. We have reproduced the scale and cut-out
counters in color, with the intention that readers can photocopy the scale for use in their own
For the studies discussed here, animations were produced using either Adobe Flash Professional
(http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/flash/), an educational version of which is available at a
large discount, or (in most cases) Anime Studio (http://anime.smithmicro.com/). Sound files
were recorded using the freeware Audacity program (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/).
Animations created using these programs (with or without embedded sound files) can be
played in most internet browsers and media software including VLC (http://www.videolan.
org/vlc/), QuickTime (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/), and (for Flash animations)
SwfMax (http://www.swfmax.com/).
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Children’s oral narratives offer a window into several domains of their learning and
development. From a child’s narratives, the researcher can acquire information about
higher-order language use, such as mastery of story structure, the ability to connect
events through cause and effect, and the child’s grasp of character motivations and
reactions. At the same time, the researcher can also access basic linguistic knowledge
including expressive vocabulary, morphology, and sentence-level semantic-syntactic
skills. Moreover, at a cognitive level, narratives based on previously experienced
material can reveal important information about children’s memory capabilities.
Narratives are viewed as a pragmatic skill because they are always told to someone
for a reason (e.g., Berman, 1995). In other words, narrative is an authentic mode of
communication and as such children are inherently motivated to participate.
9 Assessing Children’s Narratives
Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks,
and Sebastian Suggate
We profile a story retell method of assessing young children’s narratives that
has been used with 3–8-year-old English-speaking children from a diverse
range of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. In this method, a researcher
reads a storybook to the child and then asks the child to retell the story back
to the researcher or to a puppet. The stories children tell using this method are
transcribed and can then be coded along a number of cognitive and linguistic
dimensions. Our focus in this chapter is on children’s memory for the story and
on the structure and quality of their stories. These aspects of narrative
development are linked to children’s story understanding and to their later
reading skill. Their narratives also contain information at the lexical and
syntactic level that could be captured. The strengths of the method are its
flexibility, its diverse applications, and its palatability to children.
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134 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
Narratives vary on a continuum of contextualization, from a highly contextualized
narrative that is inserted into the flow of conversation, to a highly decontextualized
narrative that is told in a school setting upon request; in short, narratives cannot
exist without a context for telling. Narratives are a rich source for observing semantic
skills, because they draw upon a child’s lexical knowledge and knowledge of story
structure. Narratives also reveal syntactic skills because they are built out of
sentence-level constructions. Narratives thus provide a natural setting for observing
multiple levels of linguistic, cognitive, and social-cognitive development, rendering
them a useful tool for research and for diagnosing communication disorders (Bliss
and McCabe, 2010; de Villiers and de Villiers, 2010).
A second advantage of narratives as a research and diagnostic tool is that most
children readily engage in storytelling, given the slightest provocation, from as young as
2 or 3 years. Stories are, simply put, more fun for a child than participating in a stand-
ardized language assessment. A third advantage of narrative as a tool for understanding
children’s language and development is that storytelling appears to be a universal
behavior. Children from all cultures studied thus far tell narratives of some sort (Miller
etal., 1990). Labov and Waletzky (1967/1997) defined a narrative as a minimum of
two clauses joined by a temporal juncture. Using this definition, even 2-year-olds are
capable of producing a story. Children’s stories are, of course, shaped increasingly by
the canonical story form offered in their culture (see Reese, in press, for a review).
The beauty of children’s narratives as a research tool thus lies in their richness and
their universal appeal. As usual, however, a tool’s strengths also provide a clue to that
tool’s weaknesses. A rich source of data to one researcher is utter messiness and a
lack of standardization to another. Can we have it both ways? Can we retain the
richness of children’s narratives while constraining the error variance that seems to
be a natural result of asking a child to tell a story? Our quest has been to devise a
method of eliciting children’s narratives that reliably reveals aspects of their linguistic
and cognitive development that cannot be gained from more constrained methods,
but at the same time to limit the less informative sources of variability on children’s
narratives. In our research, we are especially interested in how children’s narratives
reveal their mastery of the story structure and story elements of their culture. How
does narrative production reveal a child’s comprehension of a story: of the main
evaluative point of a story, of cause and effect, of characters’ motivations and
reactions, and of the sequence of story events? Our main focus has been on the
implications of narrative for young children’s literacy acquisition, although narratives
can also be used to observe many other aspects of children’s development, including
the social-emotional domain (Hirsh-Pasek etal., 2005; cf. Reese etal., in press).
History of a Method
Our story begins in the early 1990s when I, the first author, was completing my PhD
under the supervision of Dr Robyn Fivush. I was trained primarily as a researcher of
children’s memory, but the main way to access children’s memory for everyday events
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 135
is through their recounts of those events. Memory, language, and narrative are
intertwined from nearly the beginning of speech (Sachs, 1983; Reese, 1999). My
dissertation topic was the role of oral language in young children’s literacy
development. I had access to a rich longitudinal dataset on preschool children’s
personal narratives, or their stories about personally experienced events, which are a
vital source of information for children’s autobiographical memory development.
Iwished to supplement the existing dataset with narratives of children’s fictional
storytelling, both for stories they had heard and stories they produced from scratch.
Understanding and reproducing fictional narratives is of hypothesized importance
for children’s reading development.
At this juncture in the field, a rich literature already existed on children’s narrative
development as revealed through their stories about wordless picture books (The
Frog Stories, e.g., Bamberg and Damrad-Frye, 1991; later compiled in Berman
and Slobin, 1994) and their stories of personal experience (e.g., Fivush, Gray,
andFromhoff, 1987; Peterson and McCabe, 1983), but neither of these research
literatures had yet been linked to children’s literacy development.
Drawing from the Home–School Study of Language and Literacy Development
(Dickinson and Tabors, 2001; Snow etal., 1995; see Dickinson, Chapter 17 this
volume) and other sources (e.g., Morrow, 1989; Renfrew, 1969), Idevised two
newmethods of storytelling for the children at the age 5 datapoint alongside the
usual elicitation of their personal narratives (see Reese, 1995, for detailed infor-
mation). The first was a method of story retelling in which a researcher read the
child apicture book, then put the book away and asked the child to retell the
story toher(Tell me everything you remember about that story, from beginning to
end). The second was a method of story production in which the researcher
showed thechild a stimulus picture and then asked the child to make up a story
about the picture.
All three methods produced usable data, but, somewhat like the story of
Goldilocks, the personal narrative method produced data that erred a bit on the
side of being too rich, the story production method erred a bit on the side of
beingtoo lean, and the story retelling method seemed to produce data that were
just right. For instance, because all children have different experiences upon which
to base their personal narratives, those narratives are by their nature more varia-
ble and less constrained. Personal narratives are the first stories that children tell,
and they are essential for understanding autobiographical memory development
(Reese etal., in press). When we are trying to understand a child’s mastery of story
structure, however, personal narratives are in large part shaped by the event being
narrated. If the event chosen for discussion is a positive one, such as going to the
zoo, there may be no real problem to be solved and no high point or resolution –
simply a series of fun and interesting actions and reactions. A child who is narrat-
ing a negative event such as a personal injury, however, has more opportunity to
showcase his or her understanding of story structure (see Peterson and McCabe,
1983). Elicitation of personal narratives has the advantage of almost always
producing some data from every child, but the problem is that the resulting
variability in narrative structure is sometimes due to factors other than the child’s
mastery of story structure.
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136 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
In contrast, story production from scratch, or even from stimulus pictures, is
a difficult and demanding task for most 5-year-old children (Westerveld, Gillon,
and Miller, 2004); thus, this method sometimes does not produce enough data,
and thus underestimates a child’s understanding of story structure. With story
retelling, a child has the support of being provided with a story, but there is still
plenty of scope for individual variability to emerge in the length and quality of the
narrative that is retold.
This first attempt at devising a method of eliciting a story retell needed
refinement. For some children, retelling a story that they had heard only once was
too demanding. They needed more support. Also, some children balked at telling
the story back to the researcher when they knew the researcher had just heard it
too. So in our next longitudinal study with 5-year-old children in New Zealand,
we made several modifications (see Trionfi and Reese, 2009). After reading the
story, we let children look at the book during the retelling, with the researcher
controlling the page turns and prompting the child to tell more of the story by
asking “Now what’s happening?” at each set of pages. To give the child a reason
for retelling the story, thus rendering the storytelling more ecologically valid, the
researcher pulled a Winnie-the-Pooh puppet out of her bag after the reading and
told the child, “Pooh was inside my bag while I was reading that story and he
didn’t hear what happened. Could you please tell Pooh the story of that book from
beginning to end?” The researcher then held Pooh so that he was “looking” at the
book with the child, and delivered the prompts in Pooh’s voice, along with general
encouragement: “You’re telling me a great story! What’s happening here?” Even
the shyer children could be engaged in the storytelling using this method.
Coincidentally, Daniela O’Neill and colleagues (O’Neill, Pearce, and Pick, 2004)
profiled a similar method of narrative elicitation, but we arrived upon this
technique independently, having collected our data in 2000 before hearing of
O’Neill and colleagues’ technique.
Beginning in 2003, we used this modified technique successfully with 3- and
4-year-old children from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds attending Head
Start (see Reese etal., 2010a). This study was an intervention that contrasted parent
training in dialogic book reading with elaborative conversation techniques. We post-
tested the children on a range of language measures, including their expressive
vocabulary and phonological awareness, but the effects of the parent intervention
were observed only on the story retelling measure. Children whose mothers had been
trained in elaborative conversation demonstrated greater gains in the quality of their
narratives than children whose mothers had been trained in dialogic reading
techniques. Thus, the story retelling technique is sensitive enough to detect changes
in children’s narratives as a function of intervention. Table 9.1 contains a sample of
the children’s narratives at the end of the Head Start year, and shows the contrast
between attenuated and elaborated narratives using the technique with children of
similar age and schooling experience.
Back in New Zealand, the next step of our research program was to demonstrate
that children’s narratives using the story retelling method were predictive of their
reading development, and in particular of their reading comprehension. Our goal
here was to show the added value of a narrative assessment over and above simply
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 137
Table 9.1 Story retelling narratives for Hemi’s Pet
(a) Elaborated narrative, highest narrative quality (NQ) score
Memory score 19, NQ score 14
Age 3 years 10 months, ethnicity Latino
She was looking in, in the door, and that’s her brother.
And the teacher said, They’re going to have a pet show.
And Rata said, What’s a pet show? What’s a pet?
And the brother said, A pet is what you look after and you play with it.
He helped her put on her clothes and he dressed her hair.
Her mother said, Why are you dressed up?
And the father said, Why you all dressed up? Where are you going?
The brother said, She’s going to school.
They’re laughing. They’re laughing.
Cause they don’t like the pet.
Then she doesn’t have feet just like a
And then that bird doesn’t have feathers to make a bird.
And neither does the cat.
The cat doesn’t have a tail just like the fish.
And neither does the fish.
And then they gave her some chips.
And then the brother put the ribbon on her head.
And then the brother said, You can keep it forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
Memory score 14, NQ score 15
Age 4 years 1 month, ethnicity African American
When he brings his sister to school, his teacher make her play for a little while.
When he was sad he didn’t have a pet.
When he got home from school, he put on a, her brother put on the favorite
clothes she like to wear.
And he mother said, She’s going.
She’s going to the thing.
When he said, There’s a pet sister, the kids was laughing.
Woah, the bird has no four legs like the dog or fur.
And the cat didn’t have fur too.
Cause the fish didn’t have real fur or whiskers or nothing.
And the hamster didn’t have fur.
And the mother gave her a red scarf and a piece of, a bag of potato chips.
And they went outside and her brother said she could keep it forever.
Memory score 13, NQ score 10
Age 4 years 2 months, ethnicity African American
Once there was a girl who went to school.
And her name was Hemi.
I remember she is three years old.
There is going to be a pet contest.
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138 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
Table 9.1 (cont’d)
The next morning he was washing her hands and he put on her favorite dress.
The mother said, Who’s looking pretty?
He said, This is my pet sister.
But they were all laughing.
What? A pet sister? No!
It got hair! She don’t have fur.
It doesn’t look like a bird with wings.
Then they are the rest of the chips.
(b) Attenuated narrative, lowest narrative quality (NQ) score
Memory score 6, NQ score 0
Age 3 years 10 months, ethnicity African American
She goes to school.
And she brushed her hair.
And she goes to school to bring a pet.
Everybody laughed at her.
And she bring it to show and tell.
He has a snack and he eats snack.
Memory score 4, NQ score 0
Age 3 years 10 months, ethnicity Caucasian
They were washing themselves.
The girl’s wearing a dress.
They were laughing.
And then she won a bag of potato chips.
Memory score 3, NQ score 1
Age 4 years 3 months, ethnicity Latino
He’s brushing her hair.
Where are you going?
She won the prize.
Memory score 4, NQ score 2
Age 4 years 6 months, ethnicity Latino
Once upon a time there was a little girl.
And she said, Wanna be my puppet?
And then he does her hair.
Then she got a bag.
measuring oral language in terms of children’s vocabulary development (see
Dickinson et al., 2003 for an extended version of this argument). After all,
understanding and retelling a story require the narrator to formulate a narrative
structure that delineates context and characters and conveys the characters’
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 139
motivations, all of which cannot be captured by a measure of lexical knowledge.
InNew Zealand, children begin formal reading instruction on the day that they turn
5years old. By about age 5½ or 6 years they are reading connected text, and by age
7 or 8 they are fluent readers. Our study focused on two age cohorts: those children
who had been reading for one year on average (M = 6 years) and those who had been
reading for two years on average (M = 7 years). With these school-age children, we
collected their story retellings in a school setting as part of a larger battery of early
literacy assessments (see Reese etal., 2010b).
Children of this age in a school setting were capable of retelling the story
without the additional supports of seeing the pictures, and without the aid of the
puppet. One specific advantage of using the method without the support of a book
is that the resulting stories are easier to transcribe and code, because the coder
does not have to differentiate pictured information from nonpictured information
in the retelling. As we detail later in the chapter, our coding for story memory is
focused only on the text of the story, not on information that is only contained in
the pictures and not also in the text. And, although the children’s stories without
these supports were shorter and less rich in terms of narrative elements, they still
contained enough variability to detect many of the links we had predicted.
Narrative performance predicted oral reading fluency, but for the 6-year-old
cohort this was not above and beyond nonsense word reading (a purer measure of
decoding). For the 7-year-old cohort, however, narrative quality predicted reading
in the second and third years of school (ages 6 to 8) above and beyond both
decoding and receptive vocabulary (Reese et al., 2010b). With data recently
collected, we have been able to demonstrate that bothstory memory and narrative
quality uniquely predict 9-year-olds’ reading comprehension, above and beyond
decoding and receptive vocabulary at age 6 (Suggate, Schaughency, and Reese,
2011). Thesefindings are consistent with a view of reading that sees a role for
complex, higher-order language, such as narrative skill, as particularly important
in reading comprehension.
Procedural Details
Given the findings to date, we recommend the story retelling elicitation method for
researchers interested in assessing 3–8-year-olds’ mastery of story structure and
specific story elements such as references to context (time and place), cause and
effect, characters’ motivations and reactions, as well as their basic memory for a
story. The technique can be modified depending on the age and developmental level
of the child, and depending on the information that the researcher hopes to gain
from the method. For younger children and those who are more difficult to engage,
retelling the story to a puppet with the aid of a book provides the most supportive
method for eliciting the story retelling. For older children, additional supports may
not be necessary and may add unnecessary length to the data collection and to the
transcription and coding process.
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140 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
Choosing a Story to Retell
A common element to all of the variations in the story retelling elicitation method is
that they are based on an existing story. The story can be one in a commercially
available picture book, although it is best to choose one that is out of print or not
readily available to control for children’s previous experience with the story. We have
used a range of commercially available books in the US and in New Zealand, such
as A Perfect Father’s Day (Bunting, 1991, in Reese, 1995; Trionfi and Reese, 2009);
Peter’s Chair (Keats, 1967, in Reese etal., 2010a); Hemi’s Pet (de Hamel, 1985, in
Reese etal., 2010a); and Hemi and the Shortie Pyjamas (de Hamel, 1996, in Reese
etal., 2010b). In our research in the US we often use books from New Zealand
because children will not be familiar with them, and in New Zealand we often use
US books that are not readily available to avoid the confound of previous experience
with that book. The main requirement is that the book should contain a narrative
line that reflects the canonical story structure of the culture. In Western cultures, for
instance, the classic storyline is one in which characters are introduced and the
listener is oriented to the time and place of the narrative. Shortly a problem presents
itself to the main character, who then engages in a series of actions to solve the
problem. Finally the problem is solved and the story ends with some sort of resolu-
tion, with the high point marked by an evaluation of the event and of the character
(Labov and Waletzky, 1967/1997). Whether the stories are elicited with the help of
the book, with a puppet, or simply at the request of the researcher, the resulting
narratives must be transcribed verbatim and then coded for various elements. The
basic instruction in all cases after reading the book is simply, “Wow, I’ll bet you
remember a lot about that story. Tell me (or a puppet) everything you remember
about that story from beginning to end.
We have found that it is useful to rate the children’s narratives along two dimensions:
first for their memory of the story (adapted from Bishop and Edmundson, 1987;
Mandler and Johnson, 1977), and second for the quality of their story (drawing
upon Labov and Waletzky, 1967/1997; Peterson and McCabe, 1983). To code
children’s story memory, first the original text of the storybook is divided into
propositions marked by a subject and a unique verb. Then the children’s retellings
are compared, utterance by utterance, against the actual story. This method guards
against a child getting credit for simply describing pictures rather than narrating the
story (cf. DeTemple, 2001). If a child recalls the exact words or the gist of a story
proposition, he or she gets credit for recalling a unit of information about the story.
We wished to create a system of coding that would be appropriate for children from
linguistically diverse backgrounds, so in identifying propositions we concentrated on
the content and we did not penalize for errors typically made by English language
learners or dialect speakers, such as mistakes in the gender of pronouns or the
absence of morphological endings on nouns and verbs (Sparks and Reese, 2011).
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 141
Inthis sense, the story memory coding is less concerned with children’s acquisition
of basic linguistic skills, and more focused on examining higher-order cognitive-
linguistic knowledge. For each unit of information recalled, that unit is then evalu-
ated along a dimension of quality. Quality is a measure of their skill at storytelling
and also reflects their understanding of story structure. The two main categories of
story quality are orientations (to time, place, person, and cause and effect) and eval-
uations (internal states of the characters or external judgments of the story or the
characters). Retelling the story in the form of direct or indirect character dialogue is
another aspect of story quality that we have sometimes included as an evaluative
device, because it makes the storytelling more engaging to the listener and can
highlight key plot developments (Trionfi and Reese, 2009).
Thus, the first pass of coding entails reviewing the transcript to identify all of the
memory units, or propositions, from the text of the story. The second pass is to
evaluate each memory unit for an instance of narrative quality. To avoid overestimating
narrative quality, we allow the child to get credit for only one instance of each type
of quality per proposition: orientations to time and to place; causal conjunctions;
and descriptions and evaluations of story characters or events (see Trionfi and Reese,
2009, for more details). Character introduction is limited to a single point given for
specific reference to each one of the story characters. Character introduction could
easily be limited to a total of two points: one for mentioning the name of the main
character and one for mentioning any supporting character by name or relationship.
To calculate reliability, two independent coders rate the same subset of transcripts,
typically 25% of the sample. Reliability is then calculated separately via Cohen’s
kappas between the two coders on the number of memory units and on the number
and type of narrative quality units. If desired, a composite score of total narrative
quality as a function of the total number of memory units can be calculated for a
measure of the rate of narrative quality per memory unit (see Trionfi and Reese,
2009). For younger children, however, the most robust measure of their narrative
may simply be the total number of memory units, because their scores on narrative
quality dimensions are still quite low (Sparks and Reese, 2011), so it is best to keep
the memory and quality measures separate. Note that this “story memory” score is
not simply a measure of narrative length, because all utterances that were mere
picture descriptions are not a part of story memory. The main criterion for story
memory is that the information is included in the text, based on the premise that the
text of a story is privileged information in our literate society.
Narrative quality is also of great interest with respect to children’s literacy, because
it is via the quality variable that we gain access to children’s understanding of story
structure and their marking of important aspects of the story. Narrative quality is
essentially a child’s highlighting of the critical elements of the story for understand-
ing: the time, place, and people, and the main point of the story, which is marked by
evaluations. Griffin etal. (2004) identified narrative quality, especially in the form of
evaluations, during children’s fantasy narratives at age 5 as one of the main predictors
of their reading comprehension 3 years later (cf. Westerveld, Gillon, and Miller,
2004, for another measure of narrative quality). Narrative quality can be subdivided
into orientations and evaluations (with dialogue and description typically counted as
evaluations; see Reese etal., 2010b) or into the various subtypes of orientations and
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142 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
evaluations (Trionfi and Reese, 2009). For school-age children, the type of narrative
quality may be of interest, depending on the precision of the research questions. For
instance, if a researcher were particularly interested in the child’s provision of
characters’ internal states, then because the reliability process has been conducted at
the level of specific types of evaluations and orientations, this subcategory could be
pulled out and analyzed separately. The only unacceptable measure of story retelling
using our method would be a composite score of the memory units and the narrative
quality units, because narrative quality is dependent upon the memory unit score: a
child cannot receive credit for narrative quality unless he or she has first received
credit for a memory unit.
Potential Pitfalls
We recommend that the researchers conduct pilot work to determine the right
combination of support for the story retelling process with the target sample. The
use of the puppet and the storybook during retelling can mean the difference between
having a rich dataset versus no variation at all because children are not engaged in
the storytelling process. However, if a researcher can get reasonable variation in the
children’s stories without the use of the puppet and the storybook during retelling,
then we advise this more constrained option, because it will mean an easier time in
transcribing, coding, and interpreting the data. For instance, in our study of children’s
storytelling as a function of whether or not they had imaginary companions (Trionfi
and Reese, 2009), we used the puppet procedure to elicit children’s story retellings.
We found that children with imaginary companions created richer story retellings
than children who did not have imaginary companions. If we had collected children’s
narratives only in this one context, we would have encountered the interpretive
problem that children with imaginary companions are simply more comfortable in a
storytelling situation that simulated pretend play with the use of a puppet. However,
we also collected children’s factual personal narratives without the puppet procedure
and found the same pattern of effects, with children with imaginary companions
telling richer personal narratives, so we were able to avoid this potential confound.
From time to time, children claim to already know the story that they are about to
hear or be read. Before discontinuing the task because of the potential confound of
the child’s prior knowledge, we suggest a few probing questions. It usually turns out
to be highly unlikely that the child has ever seen the story before, falling short at
questions such as “Okay, so what is the story about?”, “Where did you hear the story
before?”, or (after handing the child another book) “Do you know this one as well?”
Because of the obvious advantage that prior knowledge of the story would give, we
reiterate that the story be carefully chosen to eliminate this possibility.
Some children have trouble staying still during narrative tasks, be it during the
listening or the retelling phase. Part of the beauty of this task is that, although
remaining still may be ideal, it is not as necessary as it is in many standardized
language and literacy tests. One of us (the third author) can remember reading a
story to a child who was active the whole time, climbing under the table, over the
chair, and constantly fidgeting. As I recall, his retell was still pretty good – at least
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 143
about what would be expected, or perhaps slightly better, given his performance on
language and other reading tasks. With younger and more active children, the puppet
seems to have a calming and focusing effect. When children become restless, the
puppet becomes the center of attention and a conversation ensues, which can be
easily redirected by the researcher back to the story narration: the researcher, in the
voice of the puppet, asks the child to keep telling the story. It is the authenticity of
the communicative situation, a chat with a puppet, that helps the child to focus on
the task. If the researcher simply directed attention back to the storybook, there
would be less motivation for continuing the retell. The puppet thus provides a natural
context for communication which fosters engagement.
Related to problems with excessive fidgetiness, some children interrupt the story
reading with a stream of questions. In the interest of ensuring standard administra-
tion of the task, we suggest deflecting the questions as gently as possible, without
discouraging the child from reflecting on the story (e.g., child asks, “Why did Hemi
go to the hospital?”, and researcher replies, “Well, if we read a little more, we might
find out the answer”).
New Directions in Narrative Assessment
One possibility for standardizing the story administration that we are trialing is
delivering the story via headphones, and then the researcher pretends to be confused
as to which story was played and asks the child to retell it (Struthers, Schaughency,
and Reese, 2011; see Westerveld and Gillon, 2010, for a related procedure). The idea
behind this adaptation is to reduce the likelihood that children will inhibit their story
retell because they are aware that the researcher has heard it just as recently as has
the child. We have also often wondered whether some children’s performance is
inhibited by shyness. Together, we think that it is important to find the optimal
method for each age-group of children to ensure that children provide their best
possible narratives.
We are also continuing to investigate how the kind of narrative procedure outlined
in this chapter relates to other story retell procedures. One example of this is
comparing story memory and narrative quality as predictors of reading fluency and
comprehension in comparison to the story retell from the Dynamic Indicators of
Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS: Kaminski etal., 2008). The DIBELS retell is a
score of the number of words recalled in 1 minute from a passage previously read
aloud by the student. DIBELS retell has the advantage of being quick and easy to
score and administer but the disadvantages of not measuring narrative quality and
of being dependent on children’s reading ability.
In addition, we will be directly comparing the predictive validity of personal
narratives versus story retellings for children’s reading comprehension. As well, we
will be comparing the narrative quality of children’s narrations of wordless picture
books (the Frog stories by Mercer Meyer) with their story retelling and personal
narratives (see Westerveld and Gillon, 2010, for similar cross-context comparisons
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144 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
on lingustic measures). Given theoretical links between higher-order aspects of
language and reading (Dickinson etal., 2003), we think it is vital to also investigate
relations between narratives and long-term reading achievement. Are children’s early
narratives as good or better at predicting later reading and language as their early
vocabulary development (Cunningham and Stanovich, 1997)?
Buoyed by the findings of Reese etal. (2010a), in which narratives were sensitive
to changes in maternal conversations whereas other child language measures were
not, we have begun to use narratives to investigate curricular effects on language
development. Specifically, we are interested in whether 5-year-old children in play-
oriented kindergartens in Germany, or in Waldorf schools in New Zealand, develop
different language profiles from children of the same age experiencing formal reading
instruction in school (e.g., Suggate, Schaughency, and Reese, in press). We also note
that a story retell called Tell Me, adapted in part from the story retelling in Reese
(1995), is being used as part of the standardized school entry assessment in New
Zealand (Ministry of Education, 1997). Teachers score the Tell Me for a range of
linguistic features as children retell the story.
We are also continuing to explore and compare children’s story retellings across
cultures. For instance, we are recording narratives from 5–7-year-old children in
Germany and New Zealand and will examine task performance both longitudinally
and in relation to other measures of reading and language. One difficulty of this
research is ensuring that the translation of the same story is similar across languages,
such that each memory unit (the segments of the story for which children are awarded
points when the gist thereof is correctly retold) in one language corresponds well to
that in the other language, in terms of length and complexity of vocabulary and
grammar, and pragmatic function.
Practical and Clinical Implications
The focus of the present chapter is primarily on methodological issues for researchers,
but because this task has clinical relevance for assessing children with language
delays, we briefly address these issues here. The second author, who is a speech–
language pathologist as well as a researcher, has used the story retelling procedure in
her clinical practice. The story retelling task can be a useful supplement to formal
screening and evaluation tools designed to assess language competence and to
identify children with language delay or disorder, especially in my work with
3–5-year-old children from linguistically diverse, low-income families attending
preschool in urban schools.
Most norm-referenced batteries of language include molar measures of children’s
lexical knowledge and their semantic-syntactic skills using item formats such as
identifying and naming pictures, imitation tasks, and cloze exercises in which the
child must fill in the blank. These kinds of tasks are often less familiar to children
from culturally diverse backgrounds whose families may not engage in the kinds of
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Assessing Children’s Narratives 145
conversational routines that are typically observed in talk between teachers and
students beginning in the preschool classroom (Michaels, 1981; Heath, 1983). Our
story retelling, which is administered in a short period of time, can be used to
supplement the information obtained by traditional testing and to provide a point of
comparison when the clinician suspects that a child’s language skills may have been
under- or overestimated by formal testing. Because the task is situated in a natural
communicative context, it may yield more valid information from children who are
unfamiliar with a mainstream test-taking format.
The story retelling text can be used as an additional source of information about
the range of a child’s vocabulary knowledge, the diversity of verbs, and the use of
morpho-syntactic markers. For clinicians who are trained in the practice and
interpretation of discourse analysis, the story memory and narrative quality coding
provides important information on children’s complex, higher-order language
processes. The retelling text can also be shared with the parent and/or teacher to see
whether it accurately reflects the child’s language at home or in the classroom.
Data Analysis
In preparing to conduct analyses on narrative data it is particularly important to
view the distributions for narrative memory and quality. With young children in
particular, it is possible that a significant proportion will be able to retell only a small
portion of the story. As a result, there may be floor effects for memory and quality
scores. In such circumstances we recommend using nonparametric analyses, such as
logistic or Poisson regression (Aitkins and Gallop, 2007).
The good news is that there are strong theoretical reasons to believe that narrative
memory and quality are conceptually unconstrained skills. Constrained skills are
those that develop in short bursts and are quickly mastered, making only a limited
contribution to development (e.g., naming of the letters of the alphabet, learning to
count to 10 as quickly as possible). Thus, constrained skills can present problems of
conceptual and measurement ceiling effects (see Paris, 2005, for a review). For
instance, what would 9-year olds’ letter naming skill tell you about their reading
skill? However, the detail and richness with which it is possible to provide an oral
narrative range from the first words of a toddler to the works of Shakespeare.
Accordingly, we suggest that narratives are not one of the constrained skills that may
plague research designs because the richness of language has a high ceiling at any
point in development, as long as the narrative task is appropriate (e.g., ceiling effects
would result if the story were developmentally too short or simple).
A third factor to consider is that a child has to first retell a story to be able to
imbue the retelling with quality. Practically speaking, the narrative memory and nar-
rative quality scores are not independent of each other because quality is derived
from that which is retold. As a result, these two variables should be treated as being
statistically dependent in analyses.
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146 Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks, and Sebastian Suggate
We offer our story retelling method as one way of capturing the richness and
complexity of young children’s higher-order language acquisition. We believe it will
be especially useful for researchers who would like to measure semantic and
pragmatic aspects of language development that go above and beyond children’s
lexical and conversational skills, and for clinicians wishing to supplement their use
of standardized tests. We hope that researchers will test our story retelling method
against their own preferred methods of assessing higher-order language so that
we can gain a deeper understanding of its strengths and limitations with diverse
populations of children.
Key Terms
Evaluation Narrative clauses that elaborate upon events or highlight the meaning of the
narrated events for the story characters or for the listener. These devices can include
descriptive words (adverbs, adjectives), internal states (cognitive and/or emotional),
character speech (direct or indirect), repetition of words for emphasis, and evaluations of
story events or characters.
Narrative Labov and Waletzky (1967/1997) defined a narrative as any two clauses joined by
a temporal marker.
Narrative quality Children’s elaboration upon the basic story events through their use of
orientation and evaluation elements.
Orientation Narrative clauses that orient the listener to the time, place, and people in the
narrative. Some researchers include causal conjunctions as an orienting device because
they help clarify the order of events within a narrative for the listener.
Story memory Children’s memory for the text of the story.
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Further Reading and Resources
Berman, R.A., and Slobin, D.I. (1994) Relating events in narrative: a crosslinguistic
developmental study. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Guo, J., Lieven, E., Budwig, N., etal. (eds) (2009) Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology
of language: research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin. New York: Psychology Press.
Nelson, K.E., Aksu-Koc, A., and Johnson, C.E. (eds) (2001) Children’s language: developing
narrative and discourse competence (vol. 10, pp. 1–30). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
New Zealand’s School Entry Assessment, story retell procedure (Tell Me): http://toolselector.
Stromqvist, S., and Verhoeven, L. (eds) (2004) Relating events in narrative. Volume 2:
Typological and contextual perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Two Types of Judgment Task
In this chapter, we discuss the usefulness of two types of judgment task that can be
used to assess multiple aspects of children’s language knowledge: the truth-value
judgment (TVJ) task and the grammaticality judgment (GJ) task. In a TVJ task, lis-
teners compare a sentence (or a pair of sentences) with a situation and decide whether
it is true (or which one of the two is true). In a GJ task, listeners are asked to judge
whether an utterance is “good” or “silly, or to decide which of two utterances is the
“right” way to say it. The utterance may be paired with a situation or presented in
isolation. An important difference between the tasks is that the TVJ task only uses
10 Using Judgment Tasks to Study
Language Knowledge
David A. McKercher
and Vikram K. Jaswal
In this chapter, we discuss the truth-value judgment and grammaticality
judgment tasks and how they are employed to study various aspects of
children’s knowledge of their language. In particular, we look at uses of these
tasks for studying children’s understanding of passive voice, imperative mood,
scope of negation relative to quantifiers, the count/mass distinction in noun
phrases, word meaning, category boundaries, verb transitivity, and plural and
past tense morphology. The examples we review serve to illustrate how
children’s judgments of acceptability, whether based on accuracy relative to a
given situation or conformity to grammatical rules, are informative and
enlightening. In addition, the examples illustrate how truth-value judgments
differ from grammaticality judgments.
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150 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
grammatical utterances – some true and some false relative to the scenario – while
the GJ task uses both grammatical and ungrammatical utterances. This means that
in the GJ task, judgment of no, false, or wrong can be due to an utterance that
violates some rule or convention of the language and not because it is untrue as a
proposition. As Peter Gordon pointed out in his review of the TVJ task,
“In grammaticality judgment tasks and other metalinguistic tasks, there is an implicit
assumption that the child understands the notion of a sentence being ‘good’/‘right’
or ‘silly’/‘wrong’ as relating to intuitions about grammaticality. The TVJ task, on the
other hand, makes no such assumptions” (1996, p. 212; see also McDaniel and
Cairns, 1996, on the GJ task).
As an illustration of the difference, consider the following. A picture of a girl
eating an apple is shown to an English speaker, child or adult. Two utterances are
provided, either by the experimenter or by a pair of puppets:
(1) A girl is eating an apple.
(2) A girl is eating an orange.
The decision of which one is the correct description requires an understanding of the
sentence: the meanings of each of the words and the contribution to the meaning
from the particular order of the words, i.e., a girl is before the verb in subject position
and an apple/orange follows the verb as a direct object. The hearer must parse the
sentence, access word meanings, and decide whether it matches the scenario. If,
however, utterance (1) were contrasted with utterance (3), the task would have an
additional demand:
(3) A girl is eating an apples.
This time, the decision of which one is right requires the same meaning extraction as
in the TVJ task but also requires the speaker to assess each utterance with respect to
the rules of grammar. In this example, determiner–noun agreement needs to be
considered, and specifically that the indefinite article must occur with a singular
form of a countable noun. In general, GJ tasks require participants to access
metalinguistic knowledge, or knowledge about one’s native language, in addition to
what the utterance means.
There is certainly room for debate on whether a given task is a TVJ or a GJ task.
Carrying on with our example from above, consider pitting the following two
utterances against each other, for the same situation of a girl eating an apple:
(4) A girl is eating an apple.
(5) An apple is eating a girl.
Is the utterance in (5) wrong because it is false for the situation, or because it violates
the subject–verb–object word order of English? It could be judged as wrong
(specifically, false) because the apple is not doing the eating, or it could be judged as
wrong (specifically, ungrammatical) because the undergoer of the eating action is not
expressed as the direct object and the agent as the subject.
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Using Judgment Tasks 151
The contrast between sentence (4) and sentence (6) illustrates a different problem:
(6) A girl is eating apple.
The utterance in (6) is true, though use of the mass noun as opposed to the count
noun makes it ungrammatical relative to the situation of a girl eating a discrete
apple. It is not ungrammatical in general, since it would be well formed and true if
the girl were eating a bowl of mashed apple. In spite of these complications, most
tasks are relatively easily classified as requiring judgments of truth, or judgments of
grammaticality in addition to truth.
Uses of the Truth-Value Judgment Task
An early forerunner of the truth-value judgment task was the use of yes/no
questions containing passive and cleft sentences with 3–5-year-old children
(Abrams etal., 1978). Before this study, children’s understanding of reversible
passive constructions in which either participant is a plausible agent, such as The
girl was pushed by the boy, was mainly studied by an act-out method. The act-out
method requires children to perform an action with dolls to demonstrate their
comprehension of a given sentence (see Ambridge, Chapter 8 this volume). For
example, de Villiers and de Villiers (1973) had 19–38-month-olds follow instruc-
tions of the sort Make the horse kiss the cow and Make the cow be kissed by the
horse. For the 19–23-month-old group, about 30% of the responses involved the
children themselves performing the action, such as the child kissing the cow, the
horse, or both. Up to 15% of the responses by children in this group were
refusals. In spite of these sorts of responses, the findings were informative:
children’s performance on active sentences was superior compared to performance
on passives.
Abrams et al. (1978) pointed out a number of problems with the act-out
method including these two: the observer must decide from the performance
which doll has been assigned which role; and the requirement of an “extroverted
performance that a doll action requires” (p. 339) may be too much to ask of some
children, and may not lend itself easily to other cultures. To this end, Abrams
etal. introduced a method in which 3–5-year-old children were asked to answer
yes or no to questions about actions they had just seen performed by hand-
puppets. For example, a boy puppet would push a girl puppet, and then the
experimenter would give the instruction “Tellme ‘yes’ or no.Was the boy pushed
by the girl?” The yes/no questions included actives (e.g., “Did the boy push
thegirl?”), passives (as above), active subject clefts (e.g., “Was it the boy that
pushed the girl?”), and passive object clefts (e.g., “Was it the girl that was pushed
by the boy?”).
The results showed that children were more accurate on active voice and active
subject cleft questions, where the agent precedes the affected object, than on passive
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152 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
voice and passive object cleft sentences, where the affected object appeared before
the agent in the sentence. In addition, performance on the affected object before
agent sentences improved from the 3:0–3:3 group to the 5:0–5:3 group. Abrams
etal.s interpretation of the results was that children initially relied on a “first noun
equals agent” strategy for interpreting the questions, and less so with increasing age.
Another interesting finding of their study was that the differences in the comprehen-
sion of actives and passives were greater and the results clearer in the TVJ-like task
than in the act-out task, which they also included for comparison.
Note that the Abrams etal. (1978) study used a TVJ-like task and found that the
syntactic order of the noun phrases influenced children’s understanding of the sen-
tence in such a way that the agent was expected to come before the affected object.
A similar finding in the domain of semantics is found in Lidz and Musolino’s (2002)
study of ambiguous sentences such as in (7):
(7) The boy didn’t pet two animals.
The sentence has two readings, paraphrased in (8) and (9). The reading in (8) can be
called isomorphic in that the order of NOT and TWO in the interpretation follows
the order in the sentence. The reading in (9) is nonisomorphic in that the numeral
TWO has wide scope relative to NOT, unlike the order in the sentence.
(8) It is not the case that the boy pet two animals. [NOT > TWO]
(9) There are two animals that the boy didn’t pet. [TWO > NOT]
Lidz and Musolino (2002) constructed stories with small toys and props so that a
sentence such as (7) would be true on one reading and false on the other. One
experimenter acted out the story while a second experimenter manipulated a puppet
and had it say a sentence that was either true or false for the story. Children between
3:11 and 4:11 were given the task of rewarding the puppet for being right or punish-
ing it for being wrong, and were also asked to say why the puppet was right or wrong.
Reminiscent of the better performance on actives than on passives in the Abrams
etal. (1978) study discussed above, Lidz and Musolino (2002) found that children’s
performance was more adult-like on the isomorphic (NOT > TWO) interpretations
than on nonisomorphic (TWO > NOT) interpretations. Adults were able to assign
either scope interpretation, as required by the situation in the story, scoring 97% in
isomorphic and 93% in nonisomorphic conditions. Children scored 81% in the
isomorphic condition but only 33% in the nonisomorphic condition, rejecting the
puppet’s true statements two-thirds of the time. They justified their judgments with
explanations such as “He did find two guys!” or “You’re wrong, he did! He found
two guys!” (Lidz and Musolino, 2002, p. 134).
Musolino and Gualmini (2004) extended this line of research, again using the TVJ
task, with sentences of the form in (10) and (11):
(10) Minnie didn’t buy two of the rings. (partitive construction)
(11) Minnie bought all the balloons but she didn’t buy two rings. (nonpartitive
construction with a preceding affirmative statement)
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Using Judgment Tasks 153
English-speaking adults and children aged 3:9 to 4:11 participated in a task in which
short stories were acted out, each followed by a puppet saying a sentence of the sort
in (10) and (11). The story that was acted out was true on the wide-scope reading of
the numeral (the nonisomorphic interpretation) and false on the NOT > TWO
interpretation. While adults almost always accepted the statements in both the
partitive and the nonpartitive/preceding-context conditions, children rejected three-
quarters of the nonpartitive statements, indicating a preference for the isomorphic
interpretation. The partitive sentences, on the other hand, were accepted 75% of the
time, possibly because the partitive X of the Y construction forces a wide-scope
reading of the numeral. In short, the results of this study are important in that they
demonstrate that the partitive construction helps children arrive at a nonisomorphic
interpretation and also that a preceding affirmative context does not.
So far, we have seen use of the TVJ task for assessing comprehension of passives
and scope of negation. A different use of the TVJ task is in the domain of word
meanings. McKercher (2009) tested children’s comprehension of the preposition
with and whether or not the “together with, i.e., “accompaniment, sense of with
was sufficient to license its occurrence, even when potential instruments that are
unused are present. The question was whether children would accept a sentence such
as “She’s eating cake with a fork” for a situation in which a fork is present in the
scene but is not used because the female participant instead uses her fingers to pick
up and eat the cake. The design of the experiment was such that a given participant
saw a photograph of a woman either using a fork to eat cake, or eating cake without
use of a fork that was present in the scene. The critical test was the pairing of a
situation in which the fork was not used but was simply present, and the statement
“She’s eating cake with a fork. If accompaniment is sufficient to license the use of
with, then participants will judge the utterance as true for the situation. If use of the
instrument is necessary, then participants will judge the utterance as false.
The materials included 10 different situations (e.g., drawing a circle in the sand
with/without a stick, peeling an orange with/without a knife, wiping a table with/
without a sponge) and the participants included 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds and adults.
The surprising result was that 3-year-olds often judged statements of the form X is
VERBING Y with Z as true even when the instrument Z was not being used. Out
of a possible 40 judgments of this sort, 3-year-olds judged 18 (45%) as true, 4-year-
olds judged 8 (20%) as true, and adults never did. It is quite possible that if 2-year-
olds had been tested, an acceptance rate higher than 45% would have been found.
In any event, the TVJ task as used here demonstrated a developmental trend
inrestricting the meaning of with in these situations from merely accompaniment
As noted, by asking children to judge the truth or falsity of utterances, we can
make inferences about their underlying knowledge. Although the responses most
frequently associated with the TVJ task are yes/no answers by the child or reward/
punishment of a puppet by the child, its basic structure can be extended to other
responses as well. For example, building on a procedure by Gelman and Markman
(1986), Jaswal (2004) presented 3- and 4-year-olds with pictures of animals that
looked like members of one category, but which the experimenter claimed were
members of a different category. For example, he referred to a cat-like animal as a
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154 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
“dog. The question was whether children would believe the adult, or whether they
would discount what he said in favor of their own perceptually based hypothesis
about what the animal was.
Rather than asking children whether the speaker was correct or using a puppet
that could be rewarded or punished, Jaswal (2004) asked children to make an
inference: in the case of the cat-like animal, to decide whether it chewed on bones
(a property consistent with the label the adult used) or drank milk (a property
consistent with the animal’s appearance). This allowed children to judge the truth or
falsity of the labeling event without having to explicitly contradict the experimenter.
Three-year-olds tended to go along with the unexpected label the adult used. But
4-year-olds often rejected the label, sometimes making comments like “That doesn’t
look like a dog” and pointing out reasons why the experimenter was wrong.
Subsequent studies using the same basic procedure have addressed questions about
the circumstances under which even 3-year-olds would be skeptical (e.g., if the
speaker prefaced his assertion with “I think”: Jaswal and Malone, 2007), and the
circumstances under which even 4-year-olds would be credulous (e.g., if the speaker
claimed to have some special knowledge about the labeled item: Jaswal, 2006).
The inference version of the TVJ can be useful, but it has its limits. Specifically, in
the work just described, children could participate in only a few trials – between four
and eight – because it took a fair amount of time to explain to children on each trial
what the possible inferences were. Additionally, there was concern that 3-year-olds
were merely complying with the labels the adult used – that they did not really
believe that the cat-like animal was a “dog, for example. However, subsequent work
suggested that they did indeed believe the unexpected labels in so far as they tended
to use them when describing the objects to a different experimenter (Jaswal, Lima,
and Small, 2009).
Uses of the Grammaticality Judgment Task
We turn now to the use of a task that adds the dimension of metalinguistic knowledge,
i.e., an understanding of the rules of one’s native language. In the GJ task, participants
must access word meanings, parse the sentence into constituents, and construct a
meaning, just as in the TVJ task. In addition, they must also consider whether or not
the utterance conforms to the grammar of their language. In the realm of first
language acquisition, the GJ task has been successfully used to study children’s
understanding of word order in imperative sentences, the count/mass distinction on
nouns, verb transitivity, and irregular plural and past tense forms. We summarize
each of these studies below to illustrate the utility of the method.
An early study in which judgments of acceptability were elicited from children is
de Villiers and de Villiers’ (1972) test of 2- and 3-year-olds’ knowledge of correct
word order and selectional restrictions in imperative sentences. This study was
inspired by the earlier work of Gleitman, Gleitman, and Shipley (1972) in which
three 2-year-old girls judged imperative utterances as “good” or “silly. Some of the
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Using Judgment Tasks 155
utterances were well formed (e.g., “Bring me the ball”), some were reversed order
(e.g., “Ball me the bring”), some were telegraphic (e.g., “Bring ball”), and some were
telegraphic and reversed order (e.g., “Ball bring”). On average, the three girls judged
the well-formed sentences, both full and telegraphic, as “good” 82% of the time, and
the reversed order utterances, full and telegraphic, as “good” 60% of the time. De
Villiers and de Villiers modified Gleitman, Gleitman, and Shipley’s procedure and
tested eight children aged 2:4 to 3:9 on the acceptability of imperative utterances.
Their materials included reversed order imperatives such as “Teeth your brush” and
semantically anomalous combinations such as “Throw the sky.
In the word order game, children whose mean length of utterance (MLU) scores
were above 4.0 morphemes per utterance judged reversed order utterances as wrong
80% of the time and correct order as wrong 21% of the time. The four children with
MLU scores below 4.0 were less successful and judged reversed order imperatives as
wrong 29% of the time – not too different from the correct order imperatives, judged
as wrong almost 20% of the time. Interestingly, this group was much better at the
semantic game, judging semantically anomalous utterances as “wrong” 58% of the
time. The more linguistically advanced group (MLU above 4.0) judged semantically
odd sentences as wrong 89% of the time, a better performance than on the reversed
word order materials. This finding is interesting in that judgments of semantic anomaly,
such as “Drink the chair, need not draw on any grammatical rules; they could simply
be truth-value judgments of something that would never be true. The word order
materials such as “Cake the eat, on the other hand, require the more complex task of
considering rules of grammar, and in fact children often judged these as fine.
Gordon (1981) used the GJ task to assess children’s acquisition of the count/mass
distinction on nouns, with a more elaborate design to elicit grammaticality
Unlike the imperatives studies, where judgments were of utterances in isolation,
Gordon used a doll-house and miniature props to present a scenario and then had
each of two puppets say something. The children’s task was to reward the puppet who
said it “okay. The linguistic materials involved count and mass nouns and the quanti-
fiers that appear with them. Count nouns, such as dog and chair, have plural forms
that mean “more than one X and can occur with quantifiers such as few, many, and
several (as plurals) and with each, every, and either (as singulars). Mass nouns, such
as gold and information, generally do not have plural forms unless theplural form
signifies “type of X (e.g., golds for “types of gold” or “shades of thecolor gold,
among others). Mass nouns also occur with quantifiers such as littleand much.
Gordon pointed out that errors in the domain of quantifier + noun constructions
could be “selection failures” (e.g., several water, much chairs, each information) or
“overpluralizations” (e.g., every cars, either chairs). Selection failures result from
the incorrect co-occurrence of quantifier and noun. A quantifier such as more can
occur with plural count nouns (e.g., more books) or singular mass nouns (e.g.,
more water). Other quantifiers only occur with plural count nouns (e.g., several
books), with singular mass nouns (e.g., much rice), or with singular count nouns
(e.g., each book). Overpluralizations only involve the quantifiers each, every, and
either and occur when a plural count noun is used: though such a situation is
semantically plural because it entails more than one instance of X, a singular form
for X is the convention.
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156 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
Children aged 3:3 to 5:10 were asked for their judgments on sentence pairs in a
forced-choice task. For example, given a situation in which two chairs are at a table
in a doll-house and the child is told that four people are coming for dinner, children
were asked to reward one of two puppets with a gold star for saying a sentence
“okay, one puppet saying “That’s not enough chairs for four people, and the
other saying the ungrammatical “That’s not enough chair for four people. Other
referents included cans, kettles, soup, corn, coffee, and sugar. Gordon (1981)
reported percentage errors, and these correspond to choosing the ungrammatical
utterance as the right way to say it. Error rates approached 40% for overpluraliza-
tions (e.g., every chairs) and selection failures (e.g., much chairs) combined
when the nouns were count nouns. Error rates were lower with mass nouns.
Overpluralization errors were also more likely to be endorsed than selection
failureerrors. In short, Gordon (1981) used the GJ task to study a complex set of
distinctions in the domain of count and mass nouns and the appropriate quantifiers
with which they occur.
Hochberg (1986) used the pair of puppets version in testing children’s knowledge
of a different aspect of syntax. She elicited judgments of transitive sentences with
intransitive verbs, such as “I’m gonna jump the frog” and “I’m gonna fall the rock.
Children were asked to judge three types of sentence pairs, each member of the pair
said by one of the puppets: periphrastic causatives vs intransitives used as causatives
(“innovative transitives”), as in (12); suppletive transitives vs innovative transitives,
as in (13); and transitives vs innovative intransitives, as in (14).
(12) (a) I’m gonna make the donkey dance.
(b) I’m gonna dance the donkey.
(13) (a) I’m gonna take my toys to school.
(b) I’m gonna go my toys to school.
(14) (a) Sally is drinking a cup of juice.
(b) A cup of juice is drinking.
Hochberg found an asymmetry in children’s judgments: they were more likely to
judge incorrect transitives as “okay” than they were for incorrect intransitives. In
fact, no child over 3:8 chose the type of sentence illustrated in (14b) as the correct
member of the pair. Overall, children favoured innovative transitives, more so when
the choice was against periphrastic causatives, as in (12). Hochberg’s findings are
particularly important because analyses of diary data on the direction of errors
wereequivocal. Results from the GJ task showed a bias to form transitives from
intransitives that was not apparent in diary data.
Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght (2008) used a version of the GJ task to ask
whether a speaker’s history of accuracy played a role in children’s willingness to
entertain the possibility that the plural or past tense of a noun or verb is irregular.
Most English nouns and verbs follow the regular paradigm (i.e., add -s for plural
and-ed for past tense), and if you ask a 4-year-old to form the plural of a novel word
like wug she will invariably say wugs (Berko, 1958). But of course, there are some
exceptions to the regular paradigm: the plural of mouse is mice (not mouses), for
example, and the past tense of go is went (not goed).
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Using Judgment Tasks 157
Given children’s massive exposure to the regular paradigm and early developing
expectations that nouns and verbs are regular, Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght
(2008) wondered how they deal with input that suggests a given noun or verb is
irregular. Clearly, they do not dismiss it outright (because they end up learning
some irregular words), but they also can be resistant to information that con-
flicts with their expectations (Naigles, Gleitman, and Gleitman, 1993). Jaswal,
McKercher, and VanderBorght asked whether children may be willing to believe
that a word is irregular if it comes from a speaker who they have reason to believe
is a credible source.
Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght used a credibility induction procedure in
order to demonstrate to 3–5-year-olds that one speaker knew the names of familiar
objects and a second speaker did not (e.g., one speaker referred to a shoe as a “shoe,
and the other called it a “telephone”). Subsequently, and as in Koenig, Clément, and
Harris (2004), children preferred the labels for novel objects from the speaker who
had been correct in the past rather than the one who had been incorrect.
In the new part of the procedure, Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght adapted
Berko’s (1958) “wug test” for use as a GJ task. On four novel plural trials, the
experimenter showed children a picture of a novel animal, and explained, “This is a
cra. Can you say cra? Now there are two. This friend [pointing to the formerly
unreliable informant] says there are two cras, and this friend [pointing to the
formerly reliable informant] says there are two cray. Which one of my friends is
saying the right thing?” On four novel past tense trials, the experimenter showed
children a picture of a person performing a novel action (e.g., swinging a ball on a
rope), and explained, “This is a man who knows how to pim. Can you say pim? He
pims every day. This friend [pointing to the formerly unreliable informant] says that
yesterday, this man pimmed. This friend [pointing to the formerly reliable informant]
says that yesterday, this man pame. Which one of my friends is saying the right
thing?” Half of the children at each age had the plural trials first and half had the
past tense trials first. Crucially, the formerly unreliable informant used the regular
plural or past tense form – the one that matched the child’s own expectation; the
formerly reliable informant used the irregular form.
Results were unambiguous. Children at all ages tended to endorse the regular
plural or past tense form of the novel word – even though that form was produced
by a speaker who had been wrong in the past about the names of simple, familiar
objects! This pattern of results was obtained when the data were analyzed in two
different ways: first, by looking at the average number of selections of the form
provided by the formerly accurate informant in plural and past tense trials, and
second, by looking at results from the very first plural or past tense trial (whichever
came earlier). The reason for looking at the very first trial is that children’s responses
on later trials can be influenced by feedback they receive or think they are receiving
during the task (e.g., Diesendruck and Markson, 2001; Evey and Merriman, 1998).
The very first trial may represent the purest response because it occurs before this
kind of contamination could happen.
One concern about this procedure is that it pits two speakers against each other,
and asks children to pick which one is correct. This, of course, forces children to
make a selection – even if they may think that both (or neither) are correct.
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158 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
Additionally, it is not a particularly ecologically valid procedure; it does not
happenvery often that children are presented with competing possibilities in quick
succession. More likely, children may encounter one form and later, in a different
context, another.
Finally, the particular procedure used by Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght
(2008) is what might be called a “hearsay” procedure: it adds an additional step
above and beyond the normal TVJ or GJ procedure in that children heard the
experimenter claim that each informant said X, but did not actually hear the
informants themselves make these utterances. Part of the reason for this methodo-
logical choice was that it allowed the experimenters to quickly and easily conduct
the study. It was not necessary to have multiple experimenters on hand every time
a child came to participate or to videotape several clips with several actors; a single
experimenter could simply present pictures of the two informants and attribute
statements to them. Fortunately, the hearsay procedure replicated the finding that
is often obtained with live or videotaped actors in the labeling phase (e.g., Koenig,
Clément, and Harris, 2004): that is, children preferred novel labels from the
informant who had been correct in the past rather than the one who had been
incorrect. For this reason, Jaswal, McKercher, and VanderBorght were confident
that the hearsay procedure was a valid one to address the question in which they
were interested.
Data Analysis
One of the advantages of judgment tasks is that the data are straightforward,
especially when compared with production data, where coding categories and
criteria are required in the analysis of utterances. Data can simply be coded as accept-
ance and rejection of true or false statements (for TVJ tasks), or of grammatical or
ungrammatical statements (for GJ tasks). Children’s rewarding of a puppet counts as
acceptance and punishment counts as rejection. A point can be awarded if children
accept a true or grammatical statement or if they reject a false or ungrammatical one.
The average number of points awarded in two or more conditions or at two or more
ages can be compared using parametric statistics (e.g., analyses of variance, t-tests),
and comparisons to chance can also be made using one-sample t-tests. Additionally,
as noted earlier, it is often useful to consider responses on the first trial only. If, for
example, children’s average performance is higher in condition X than in condition
Y, one might also expect that more children would respond correctly on the very first
trial in condition X than in condition Y.
The main complications for purposes of data analysis on the TVJ or GJ tasks are
when participants do not answer, when they accept and then reject a statement, or
the reverse. For the case where they switch responses on a given trial, the researcher
must decide whether to exclude these trials, count them according to the final answer,
or count them as less than full accept/reject responses (e.g., assign 0.5 credit).
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Using Judgment Tasks 159
We conclude by noting that a number of important questions in language
development can be addressed only by using technologically sophisticated procedures
(see Kovelman, Chapter 4 this volume; and Trueswell, Chapter 12 this volume). But
for other questions, low-tech procedures, including the TVJ and GJ tasks, can do the
trick. We have seen how useful these tasks are for studying children’s linguistic
knowledge in domains of syntax (passives, word order, verb transitivity, and the
count/mass distinction), semantics (scope of negation, word meaning, and category
boundaries), and morphology (irregular plural and past tense forms). The most
important thing is to not let the technology drive your questions; think about what
your question is, and then consider which existing procedure (or new one) would be
most effective and cost-efficient to answer it.
Key Terms
Grammaticality judgment (GJ) task An experimental task in which participants indicate by
various means whether or not a given statement is grammatically correct. The statement
can be paired with a situation but need not be.
Imperative mood Mood is part of the grammatical system of a language in which such things
as possibility, probability, certainty, and wishes are expressed. Imperative clauses are
typically used to express commands, as in Clean up your room. The unexpressed subject
is understood as second person you, singular or plural.
Metalinguistic knowledge An understanding that language can be treated as an object of
analysis and that regularities and rules can be found. This sort of awareness is required
for identifying an incorrect form in a language (e.g., an ungrammatical sentence), for
correcting it, and for explaining why it is incorrect.
Passive voice Voice is part of the grammatical system of a language in which the participants
in an event are foregrounded or backgrounded in the description of it. In passive voice
constructions, the undergoer of an action is expressed as the subject of the sentence and
the agent of the action is optionally expressed. In English, the passive voice form of a
sentence such as The cat chased the mouse would be The mouse was chased by the cat,
or even The mouse was chased.
Truth-value judgment (TVJ) task An experimental task in which participants indicate by
various means whether or not they accept a statement as true for a given situation.
Abrams, K.H., Chiarello, C., Cress, K., etal. (1978) The relation between mother to child
speech and word order comprehension strategies in children. In R.N. Campbell and
P.T.Smith (eds), Recent advances in the psychology of language: language development
and mother–child interaction (pp. 337–347). New York: Plenum.
Berko, J. (1958) The child’s learning of English morphology. Word, 14, 150–177.
Hoff_c10.indd 159Hoff_c10.indd 159 6/6/2011 12:42:28 PM6/6/2011 12:42:28 PM
160 David A. McKercher and Vikram K. Jaswal
De Villiers, J.G., and de Villiers, P.A. (1973) Development of the use of word order in
comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2, 331–341.
De Villiers, P.A., and de Villiers, J.G. (1972) Early judgments of semantic and syntactic
acceptability by children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1, 299–310.
Diesendruck, G., and Markson, L. (2001) Children’s avoidance of lexical overlap: a pragmatic
account. Developmental Psychology, 37, 630–641.
Evey, J.E., and Merriman, W.E. (1998) The prevalence and the weaknesses of an early name
mapping preference. Journal of Child Language, 25, 121–147.
Gelman, S.A., and Markman, E.M. (1986) Categories and induction in young children.
Cognition, 23, 183–208.
Gleitman, L.R., Gleitman, H., and Shipley, E.F. (1972) The emergence of the child as
grammarian. Cognition, 1, 137–164.
Gordon, P. (1981) Syntactic acquisition of the count /mass distinction. Papers and Reports on
Child Language Development, 20, 70–77.
Gordon, P. (1996) The truth-value judgment task. In D. McDaniel, C. McKee, and H.S. Cairns
(eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax (pp. 211–231). Cambridge, MA: MIT
Hochberg, J.G. (1986) Children’s judgments of transitivity errors. Journal of Child Language,
13, 317–334.
Jaswal, V.K. (2004) Don’t believe everything you hear: preschoolers’ sensitivity to speaker
intent in category induction. Child Development, 75, 1871–1885.
Jaswal, V.K. (2006) Preschoolers favor the creator’s label when reasoning about an artifact’s
function. Cognition, 99, B83–B92.
Jaswal, V.K., Lima, O.K., and Small, J.E. (2009) Compliance, conversion, and category induc-
tion. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 102, 182–195.
Jaswal, V.K., and Malone, L.S. (2007) Turning believers into skeptics: 3-year-olds’ sensitivity
to cues to speaker credibility. Journal of Cognition and Development, 8, 263–283.
Jaswal, V.K., McKercher, D.A., and VanderBorght, M. (2008) Limitations on reliability:
regularity rules in the English plural and past tense. Child Development, 79, 750–760.
Koenig, M., Clément, F., and Harris, P.L. (2004) Trust in testimony: children’s use of true and
false statements. Psychological Science, 15, 694–698.
Lidz, J., and Musolino, J. (2002) Children’s command of quantification. Cognition, 84,
McDaniel, D., and Cairns, H.S. (1996) Eliciting judgments of grammaticality and reference. In
D. McDaniel, C. McKee, and H.S. Cairns (eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax
(pp. 233–254). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
McKercher, D. (2009) The polysemy of “with” in first language acquisition: psycholinguistic
studies of children’s understanding and use of a multi-functional preposition. Saarbrücken,
Germany: VDM Müller.
Musolino, J., and Gualmini, A. (2004) The role of partitivity in child language. Language
Acquisition, 12, 97–107.
Naigles, L., Gleitman, H., and Gleitman, L.R. (1993) Children acquire word meaning
components from syntactic evidence. In E. Dromi (ed.), Language and cognition: a
developmental perspective (pp. 104–140). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Further Reading and Resources
Crain, S., and Thornton, R. (1998) Investigations in universal grammar: a guide to experiments
on the acquisition of syntax and semantics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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Using Judgment Tasks 161
Gordon, P. (1996) The truth-value judgment task. In D. McDaniel, C. McKee, and H.S. Cairns
(eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax (pp. 211–231). Cambridge, MA: MIT
Lust, B. (2006) Child language: acquisition and growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University
McDaniel, D., and Cairns, H.S. (1996) Eliciting judgments of grammaticality and reference. In
D. McDaniel, C. McKee, and H.S. Cairns (eds), Methods for assessing children’s syntax
(pp. 233–254). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Video of the truth-value judgment task:
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Among the different techniques that have been used in the study of child language,
syntactic priming methodology is relatively new. It was adopted by developmental
psychologists less than a decade ago (Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004;
Savage et al., 2003), yet it has already produced a wealth of empirical data concerning
the nature of linguistic knowledge in children. In particular, priming methodology
has been used to examine how children represent and process syntactic information.
This line of inquiry is critical for understanding the mechanisms underlying children’s
production and comprehension of syntactic structures. In the present chapter, we
11 Using Priming Procedures
with Children
Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall,
and Ligia Gómez
The present chapter discusses the use of the syntactic priming paradigm in
developmental research. This relatively new methodology has been used
increasingly to explore questions fundamental to both psychology and linguistics.
The key theoretical issues investigated within syntactic priming research with
children include the nature of early syntactic knowledge, the relation between
comprehension and production, and the mechanisms of language learning. The
priming methodology has been applied in work with monolingual and bilingual
children starting at 3 years of age, including typically and atypically developing
populations. The chapter traces this technique from its origins in research with
adults up to its current extensions, which explore children’s syntactic represen-
tations over the course of development. Using examples from the literature, the
chapter examines methodological issues arising in the context of syntactic
priming studies. It concludes with a discussion of future directions for using
this technique to explore new research questions.
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Using Priming Procedures 163
discuss various procedures that involve syntactic priming and examine both empirical
and theoretical contributions of this work.
Syntactic Priming: Basic Concepts
The term “priming” has been used to refer to a wide range of phenomena, in which
exposure to a certain type of material increases people’s ability to mentally access
that material in their subsequent behavior. The increased access can manifest itself as
a higher rate of production or as better comprehension of the primed material. In the
linguistic domain, priming has been documented for different aspects of language
processing, including phonological, lexical, syntactic, and pragmatic levels (e.g.,
Betjemann and Keenan, 2008; Brooks and MacWhinney, 2000; Savage et al., 2003).
The present chapter focuses specifically on syntactic priming (also known as
structural priming), an area of significant interest to linguists and psychologists in
recent decades (Pickering and Ferreira, 2008).
Syntactic priming in production refers to a tendency in speakers to repeat sentence
structures that have been encountered earlier. The notion of syntactic priming in
comprehension has been used in two different contexts. In the first context, it refers
to an increased ability to understand sentences following exposure to other sentences
with the same structure (Bencini and Valian, 2008). In the second context, syntactic
priming in comprehension refers to a tendency to interpret an ambiguous utterance
as having the same structure as the previously encountered sentence (Thothathiri
and Snedeker, 2008). The majority of currently available studies that utilized the
syntactic priming paradigm with children have examined priming effects in language
production; only two studies so far have examined syntactic priming in children
during comprehension (Bencini and Valian, 2008; Thothathiri and Snedeker, 2008).
The focus of this chapter is on the analysis of methodological issues related to
syntactic priming in production. For a discussion of syntactic priming during
language comprehension, see Snedeker and Thothathiri (2008).
Syntactic Priming Research: from Adult
to Developmental Studies
A systematic examination of syntactic priming in language production began with
the work of Bock and colleagues carried out with adult speakers of English (Bock,
1986; Bock and Loebell, 1990). The goal of these investigations was to examine the
nature of syntactic representation in mature speakers. The key research question was
whether the speakers represented syntactic form independently of specific lexical
items. To address this question, the investigators developed an experimental paradigm
which examined the possibility of inducing syntactic priming. On each trial, the
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164 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
experimenter described a picture using a prime sentence of a particular form.
Following the presentation of the prime, the participants were asked to describe
another picture that involved different characters and actions. The results showed
that adults were more likely to use a certain syntactic form if it had been just used
by the experimenter. Since the experimenter’s and participant’s sentences involved
different words, the observed effect indicated that adult speakers represented a
syntactic structure in an abstract, lexically independent form; they were able to
extract the structure of the prime and reproduce it with a new set of words.
Following the initial investigations by Bock and colleagues, syntactic priming has
been used in numerous studies exploring the mental representation of syntax in
adults (see Pickering and Ferreira, 2008, for review). At the same time, it has
attracted the attention of developmental psychologists as a potentially effective
tool for exploring the nature of children’s syntactic representations at various
points in development. The methodology originally used with adults has been
adapted to work with children starting at preschool age; as of now, the youngest
participants have been 3-year-olds (Bencini and Valian, 2008; Shimpi et al., 2007).
This methodology has been applied in developmental work with both monolin-
gual and bilingual speakers as well as with atypically developing populations,
allowing researchers to address a variety of questions concerning the nature of
earlysyntax (Gámez et al., 2009; Miller and Deevy, 2006; Van Beijsterveldt and
Van Hell,2009; Vasilyeva et al., 2010).
Research Questions Addressed in Priming
Work with Children
The Representation of Syntactic Structures
One of the key questions debated in the field of language development is how children
represent the syntactic structure of sentences. Some investigators have suggested that
early syntactic representations may be lexically based (Tomasello, 2000). According
to this view, at the initial stages of syntactic development, children acquire the
patterning of particular lexical items. After accumulating this lexically specific infor-
mation, children start forming generalizations across different lexical items about
common sentence structures. Thus, syntactic representations gradually become more
abstract and independent of lexical content. Alternatively, it has been argued that
even very young children possess abstract representations of syntactic structures
(Fisher, 2002).
As indicated earlier, the priming technique has proven to be useful for investigating
the lexical independence of syntactic representations in adults. Therefore, it is not
surprising that the main use of this technique in developmental research has been to
address the debate on the extent of lexical independence of children’s syntax. By
exploring whether children can reproduce the syntactic structure of the prime with
a new set of lexical items, priming research yields information directly relevant to
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Using Priming Procedures 165
this debate. Indeed, the evidence of syntactic priming in children’s performance
would point to the existence of abstract syntactic representations. Such representations
would enable children to extract a syntactic structure, independent of specific words,
from the prime sentence and reuse this structure with different lexical items. In
contrast, the lack of syntactic priming in children’s performance would be indicative
of lexically specific representations; such representations would not support gener-
alizations across different lexical items, preventing children from reusing the structure
of the prime sentence with new words.
Thus, by testing children of different ages, it is possible to determine how early
lexically independent syntactic representations emerge. Furthermore, by presenting
children with different types of prime sentences, it is possible to examine their
sensitivity to specific syntactic forms at any given age. Certain sentence structures
may be easier to generalize and therefore their abstract representations may emerge
earlier than the representations of other structures. In this case, one would observe
priming effects for some syntactic structures but not for others. Finally, researchers
can also investigate whether syntactic priming is facilitated by nonsyntactic factors.
For example, even if children’s syntactic representations are lexically independent,
the likelihood of syntactic priming may still vary depending on the extent of thematic
similarity between the prime and the participant’s own sentence. Thus, priming
methodology can be used to explore a potential interaction between syntax and
other aspects of language.
The Relation between Comprehension and Production
Another set of questions that can be addressed using the syntactic priming paradigm
concerns the relation between processes involved in language comprehension and
production. In particular, investigators have explored whether a person’s use of a
syntactic structure can be affected only by his or her earlier use of that structure
(production-to-production priming) or also by mere exposure to that structure
(comprehension-to-production priming). The possibility of comprehension-to-
production priming would lend support to the view that a common representational
system underlies both comprehension and production of syntactic forms.
In the original priming work with adults, it was assumed that syntactic priming
depended on accessing processes uniquely associated with language production
(Bock, 1986). Based on this assumption, participants were asked to repeat the
experimenter’s prime before producing their own response; this way, researchers
could examine whether the participants’ own use of a particular sentence form
would prime their subsequent use of that form. Later studies established that repeating
the prime was not necessary for obtaining a priming effect in adults; hearing the
experimenter’s sentence increased the likelihood of subsequent production of another
sentence with the same structure (Branigan, Pickering, and Cleland, 2000). These
findings indicate that processes involved in sentence comprehension influence
sentence production in adults.
In the context of developmental research, the evidence points both to the links
between comprehension and production and to the dissociations between them,
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166 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
especially at the early stages of language use (Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, 1991;
Huttenlocher et al., 2002). Syntactic priming methodology offers a new tool for inves-
tigating the extent to which comprehension of a syntactic structure can affect the
production of that structure in children. By examining the strength of comprehension-
to-production priming and comparing it to the strength of production-to-production
priming at different ages, one can identify potential developmental changes in the
relation between comprehension and production of syntax.
Priming and Learning of Syntactic Structures
In addition to exploring the nature of syntactic representations underlying language
production and comprehension, investigators use priming to examine the mechanisms
of learning syntax. After the phenomenon of syntactic priming has been discovered
in adults, questions have been raised as to whether it merely reflects a transient
activation of the primed form or is part of the implicit language learning system
(Bock and Griffin, 2000). The learning account would suggest that priming effects
may accumulate over time or reflect longer-term changes within the utterance building
system resulting from the learner processing the input. This learning mechanism may
be particularly important for young children whose mastery of many syntactic forms,
such as passives, is limited.
The role of input in children’s development of syntactic skills has been the subject
of considerable debate among linguists and psychologists. Much of the empirical
evidence has been based on examining spontaneous interactions between children
and their caregivers (see Hoff, 2006, for review). While these studies provide
important insight into the relation between children’s skills and language exposure,
priming methodology complements other available methods by exploring the role of
input in the experimental context, which allows for a systematic manipulation of
language exposure. To address the issues of learning, researchers examine the relation
between experimentally controlled input and children’s use of syntactic forms across
different time lags (Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004; Savage et al., 2006;
Vasilyeva, Huttenlocher and Waterfall, 2006). This type of investigation may allow
us to better understand the timecourse and the conditions facilitating the learning of
various syntactic structures.
Procedures Used in Syntactic Priming Research
The research questions presented above have been addressed in several studies
investigating syntactic priming in children during language production (e.g., Gámez
et al., 2009; Hupp and Jungers, 2009; Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004;
Savage et al., 2003; 2006; Vasilyeva et al., 2010). The details of the method vary
across studies, depending on the particular set of questions addressed. However,
thebasic characteristics of the priming procedure are similar. Generally, researchers
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Using Priming Procedures 167
present children with a task in which the experimenter and the child take turns
describing pictures. The type of descriptions produced by the experimenter is
carefully controlled: each experimenter’s sentence has a predetermined syntactic
structure. The child’s utterances are recorded and later examined to determine
whether they have the same structure as the previously encountered experimenter’s
sentence or an alternative structure. Below we provide an example of this approach,
followed by an in-depth discussion of methodological issues that arise in syntactic
priming research with children.
A series of studies conducted by Huttenlocher and colleagues (2004) illustrates the
use of syntactic priming in developmental work. In one of these studies, the research-
ers examined whether the experimenter’s use of passive voice affects the production
of passives in 4–5-year-old children. Twenty pictures were designed to depict situa-
tions that could be described with either the passive or the active voice; 10 were used
for the experimenter’s sentences and the other 10 served as test pictures for children.
On each trial, the experimenter described a picture; then the child was presented
with a new picture and asked to describe it. Children were randomly assigned to
either the active or the passive priming condition; the experimenter used only active
or passive voice in each condition, respectively. Responses were coded to determine
the proportion of utterances containing a passive relative to the total number of
utterances produced by the child. Analysis of variance was conducted to examine
whether children’s production of passives was affected by the priming condition.
Later in the chapter, we will summarize the findings of this and other priming
research with children. Before discussing the findings, we address the key methodo-
logical issues that must be considered in designing a syntactic priming study.
Choosing the Target Syntactic Structure
One of the first issues to be addressed is the type of syntactic structure that the
investigators are attempting to prime. The main requirement for the choice of a
particular structure is that it can be expressed in one of two alternative forms. An
example of such a structure is provided by the transitive construction, which can be
expressed in either active or passive voice. Any scene depicting a transitive event can
be potentially described with an active sentence (e.g., “The lightning struck the
house”) or a passive sentence (e.g., “The house was struck by lightning”). Another
example of a syntactic structure that allows for alternative forms is the dative, which
can be expressed with either a double-object sentence (e.g., “The teacher gave the
boy the pencil”) or a prepositional-object sentence (e.g., “The teacher gave the pencil
to the boy”). In syntactic priming work conducted with children so far, investigators
have tested the priming of transitive structures (e.g., Savage et al., 2003), dative
structures (e.g., Thothathiri and Snedeker, 2008), or both (e.g., Huttenlocher,
Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004). The availability of alternative forms enables investiga-
tors to manipulate the linguistic input provided by the experimenter (e.g., using
passive voice on some trials and active voice on other trials). It also provides the
participants with the freedom to choose one of the available syntactic alternatives in
their own picture descriptions.
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168 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
It should be noted that, in work with adults, investigators have tested a possibility
of priming a wider variety of sentence forms. While many adult studies have used
stimuli involving transitive and dative constructions, they also used other syntactic
structures that allow for alternations of word order, including complex noun phrases
and multi-clause sentences (Cleland and Pickering, 2003; Ferreira, 2003). This
difference between adult and child priming research has to do with potential restrictions
imposed by the child’s developmental level. Investigators assume that it may be
difficult for children to process more complex sentences and that processing
limitations may influence their performance in the context of the priming paradigm.
It would be important to test this assumption in future research and examine whether
it is possible to induce in children the priming of a wider range of syntactic structures.
This type of investigation may allow us to compare children’s sensitivity to different
sentence forms.
Designing Pictorial Stimuli
Once the investigators determine which syntactic structure will be primed, they have
to create pictorial stimuli that may elicit this type of structure. For example, to elicit
the active or passive form of the transitive, the stimuli must depict a transitive event,
involving an agent and a patient, such as a car hitting a fence or a ball breaking a
window. As shown in the Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi (2004) example, one
set of pictures is designated as the experimenter’s set (to be described with a prime
sentence); the other set of pictures is for the child to describe. In designing the
pictures, several methodological considerations must be taken into account. First,
the characters and actions involved in the pictures must be easily identifiable by
children. It is useful to pilot the stimuli prior to testing to ensure that all the objects
and actions depicted can be recognized by children of the target age (Savage et al.,
2003). In addition, or as an alternative to piloting, investigators may include a lexical
warm-up at the beginning of the priming study, in which children are asked to name
each object in the picture (e.g., Bencini and Valian, 2008).
Second, in designing the pictures for the experimenter’s and the child’s sets,
researchers have to ensure that the two sets do not vary in the likelihood of eliciting
a particular syntactic form. For example, some depictions of transitive actions may
be more likely to elicit a passive rather than an active sentence. In particular, the
animacy of the characters involved in the action has been shown to influence the
choice of syntactic form: actions involving animate patients and inanimate agents
are more likely to be described in passive voice than actions in which the characters’
animacy is reversed (Lempert, 1989). Thus, controlling the animacy of the characters
is one of the ways to increase the comparability of the two sets in terms of the likeli-
hood of eliciting a certain type of sentence. In some studies, this is done by ensuring
that all the pictures in both sets contain characters of the same animacy (e.g., all
inanimate characters, as in Bencini and Valian, 2008, and Savage et al., 2003). In
other studies, researchers create a pool of pictures containing a mix of animate and
inanimate characters and randomly divide them into the experimenter’s and the
child’s set (e.g., Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004).
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Using Priming Procedures 169
In addition to animacy, researchers should pay attention to other features of the
pictorial stimuli that may increase the likelihood of producing one of the alternative
forms over the other. Potentially relevant factors include the size of the objects
depicted and their relative positioning in the picture. For example, children may be
more likely to start their description by mentioning the most prominent (largest)
object in the picture. Thus, if the patient of the transitive action is much larger than
the agent, children may be tempted to start the sentence by naming the patient, which
will result in the passive structure. Balancing the experimenter’s and the child’s sets
with respect to such factors as animacy, size, and relative positioning of objects should
ensure that any observed variability in children’s utterances reflects the variability in
the input provided by the experimenter (i.e., the form of the prime sentence) rather
than the particular characteristics of the picture that the child is describing.
Whereas the structural similarity of the pictures in the experimenter’s and the
child’s sets should be maximized, the similarity of individual objects depicted in the
two sets is generally minimized. In other words, to reduce the likelihood that children
may describe their pictures with the same words that were used by the experimenter,
the characters and actions depicted in the child’s pictures should be different from
those in the experimenter’s pictures. This is critical if the investigator’s goal is to
determine whether children can reuse the syntactic structure of the experimenter’s
sentence with a new set of words (i.e., whether children have lexically independent
syntactic representations). To further reduce reliance on nonsyntactic cues, the
pictures in the two sets not only should differ in terms of individual objects depicted
but, more generally, should be thematically unrelated.
It must be noted, however, that particular research questions may require the
designing of two sets of pictures that are not completely unrelated. For example, in
one of the studies, investigators hypothesized that syntactic priming may be influenced
by semantic factors (Goldwater et al., 2011). To address this question, they designed
pictorial stimuli so that in one condition the experimenter’s pictures were semantically
related to the child’s pictures (e.g., both sets depicted sports scenes), whereas in the
other condition they were unrelated (e.g., the experimenter’s pictures showed sports
scenes and the child’s pictures showed food scenes). The researchers compared prim-
ing effects across conditions to determine whether syntactic priming was facilitated by
semantic similarity. Thus, the ultimate decision on whether the pictures included in the
experimenter’s and the child’s sets should display unrelated or related events and
characters depends on the specific research question addressed in the study.
Manipulating Verbal Input Provided by the Experimenter
When children are presented with the experimenter’s picture, they simultaneously
receive verbal input – the description of that picture. As noted above, the key
manipulation in syntactic priming studies concerns the sentence form used in the
experimenter’s description. Given the availability of two alternative forms (e.g.,
active versus passive), the experimenter uses one of these forms in each priming
condition. An important issue arising in the design of the priming study is whether
the priming condition should be tested within or between subjects. In contrast to the
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170 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
priming research with adults, most studies with children utilize a between-subject
design, in which participants are randomly divided into two groups and each group
receives only one type of prime sentence (Bencini and Valian, 2008; Goldwater et al.,
2011; Hupp and Jungers, 2009; Huttenlocher et al., 2002; Shimpi et al., 2007;
Thothathiri and Snedeker, 2008). In one study using a within-subject design, where
all participants received both active and passive primes, the trials were blocked by
the priming condition, and each condition (active versus passive priming) was tested
on separate days (Savage et al., 2003). This manipulation, as well as the general
trend to use a between-subject design, reflects the investigators’ attempts to reduce a
potential interference of different types of primes across trials.
In addition to varying the experimenter’s sentences according to the priming condition,
researchers can manipulate input along other dimensions. For example, Savage and
colleagues (2003) varied the degree of lexical overlap between the experimenter’s
sentence and the child’s potential response. In the “low lexical overlap” condition, the
experimenter described transitive actions using nouns when referring to the agent and
patient of the action (e.g., active prime, “The digger pushed the bricks”; passive prime,
“The bricks got pushed by the digger”). The nouns used by the experimenter had a low
probability of being repeated by the child because the child’s and experimenter’s pictures
involved different objects. In the “high lexical overlap” condition, the experimenter
described the same actions using pronouns (e.g., active prime, “It pushed it”; passive
prime, “It got pushed by it”). The pronouns used by the experimenter could potentially
be repeated by the child when describing a different picture. The manipulation of lexical
overlap is directly relevant to the issue of lexical independence of syntactic representa-
tions. Indeed, an interaction between the priming and the lexical overlap conditions
would indicate that lexical factors affect syntactic priming. In particular, if children
reuse sentence forms previously used by the experimenter in the high lexical overlap
condition but not in the low overlap condition, this would support the view that early
syntactic representations are influenced by lexical factors.
In sum, when conducting a syntactic priming study, investigators always manipulate
the syntactic structure of priming sentences provided to participants. In work with
children, the priming condition is usually varied between subjects. Further, investigators
may cross the priming condition with other experimental conditions in which the input
provided to the child is systematically manipulated. This is done to identify factors that
may facilitate or inhibit syntactic priming. Savage and colleagues (2003) have manipulated
only the experimenter’s sentences while using the same pictures in the high and low
lexical overlap conditions. Other researchers, as discussed earlier (Goldwater et al.,
2011), have also manipulated pictures presented across conditions (high versus low
semantic similarity) to determine whether nonsyntactic cues affect syntactic priming.
Eliciting Children’s Responses
Once the child receives a picture description from the experimenter, the child’s
taskis to describe his or her own picture. The participant’s responses are usually
prompted by a simple instruction (e.g., “Tell me about this picture”). To draw the
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Using Priming Procedures 171
child’s attention to the depicted action, the experimenter may formulate the
instruction as, “Tell me what happened/what’s happening in this picture, which
increases the likelihood that the child will produce a sentence containing a verb.
Most children tested so far (with the youngest participants at 3 years of age) find
this task relatively easy and produce very few nonresponses. However, even with
the instructions focusing the child’s attention on the action, it cannot be assured
that the child’s response will be a full sentence. Some children, especially younger
participants (3- and 4-year-olds), may describe the picture simply by naming one or
two characters involved in the action. To convey the idea that the picture descrip-
tions should be sentence-like and to familiarize children with the turn-taking
procedure, most priming studies involve practice trials. During the practice, if the
child responds in a single word, the experimenter can provide an additional prompt
(e.g., “Tell me more”).
There are two additional methodological factors that must be considered with
respect to eliciting children’s responses. The first consideration is whether or not
the child is required to repeat the experimenter’s sentence before providing his or
her own picture description. As indicated earlier, it has been established in adult
research that repeating a prime is not necessary to induce priming. Yet, in work
with children, asking participants to repeat the experimenter’s sentence may serve
to ensure that the child is paying attention to the verbal input. Thus, in many
priming studies with children, participants are required to repeat the prime (e.g.,
Bencini and Valian, 2008; Savage et al., 2003). Other researchers have tested
children with and without repetition to examine whether repetition facilitates
syntactic priming (Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi, 2004; Shimpi et al., 2007).
By exploring the possibility of comprehension-to-production priming (i.e., eliciting
priming effects in production through exposure to experimenter’s sentences),
investigators address questions concerning the relation between comprehension
and production at different ages.
Another methodological consideration concerns the way in which the turn-taking
procedure is organized. In most priming studies, the child’s response is elicited on
each trial. That is, the child is prompted to describe a picture after receiving a single
picture description from the experimenter. In several studies, investigators have
blocked the priming sentences together so that, rather than taking turns on each
trial, children first hear all the sentences provided by the experimenter and then
proceed to describe all of their own pictures (Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi,
2004; Shimpi et al., 2007). This variation in the design has been introduced to
determine whether the effect of the experimenter’s input would last over the entire
set of test trials in which children do not receive any further exposure to the primed
form. To examine how long the primed syntactic structure is retained by the child,
the researchers compare the strength of the priming effect in the first half versus the
second half of the test trials. One potential problem with this approach is that
children’s own responses may prime their subsequent responses. To address the pos-
sibility of self-priming, researchers may determine, during data analysis, whether
children are more likely to produce a primed form given that they had produced it
on the previous trial.
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172 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
Data Analysis
The data provided by the syntactic priming technique consist of children’s utterances
that they produce when describing pictures. Each utterance is recorded (usually
through audiotaping) and later transcribed and coded. The coding involves catego-
rizing each utterance according to its syntactic structure. Generally, all of the child’s
utterances get divided into three categories; the first two categories correspond to
the alternative forms of the primed syntactic construction, and the third category
(“other”) includes all remaining responses. For example, when children describe pic-
tures of transitive actions, their utterances are coded as passive or active. The “other”
category is reserved for incomplete sentences (e.g., the naming of one of the objects),
and for complete sentences whose syntactic structure is different from either of the
two alternative forms primed (e.g., intransitive sentences). It should be noted that
there are differences in how strict the coding of syntactic structure across studies is.
In some studies, investigators apply the same coding scheme that is used in adult
research. For example, Savage and colleagues (2003) coded as “passive” only the
utterances containing a full passive, which explicitly included the by-phrase (e.g.,
“The flower was eaten by the bunny”). In contrast, Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and
Shimpi (2004) included in the “passive” category both full passives and truncated
passives, in which the by-phrase was omitted (e.g., “The flower was eaten”).
Based on the coding of the child’s picture descriptions, investigators compute the
dependent variable, capturing the frequency with which the child produced a particular
syntactic form. As in the case of syntactic coding, there are different ways in which
researchers can go about determining this frequency. One way is to compute the
proportion of utterances containing one of the alternative forms (e.g., passive) over
the total number of utterances produced by the child (passive + active + other). Another
way is to eliminate all the “other” utterances from the analysis and focus on the utter-
ances containing one of the alternative forms. For example, to determine the frequency
of using passives, one can divide the number of child’s utterances with passives by the
number of all transitive utterances (passive + active). Thus, the values of the dependent
variable may differ quite significantly depending on how they are calculated. This is
especially true of child research because young children tend to produce a particularly
large number of “other” utterances. Such variability in the analytical approach, as well
as in experimental methodology, must be taken into account in examining the findings
across studies that utilize somewhat different versions of the priming paradigm.
Key Findings and Future Directions
The findings of priming research provide a complex picture of the developing
syntactic representations in children. The key question concerns the level of
abstractness, or lexical independence, with which children of different ages represent
syntactic structures. The evidence obtained with the youngest participants tested
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Using Priming Procedures 173
(3- and 4-year-olds) is somewhat mixed. Savage and colleagues (2003) found that
3- and 4-year-old children show priming effects only when the prime sentences have
high lexical overlap with children’s own sentences, whereas 6-year-olds demonstrate
priming even with a low lexical overlap between primes and targets. These findings
suggest that early syntactic representations may be lexically based. However, several
subsequent studies demonstrated syntactic priming in children younger than 6. For
example, Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, and Shimpi (2004) showed that 4.5-year-olds
increased the use of the primed structure in their own picture descriptions, which
involved different lexical items than the prime sentences.
Recent studies have demonstrated syntactic priming in production in 3-year-olds
(Bencini and Valian, 2008; Shimpi et al., 2007). It should be noted though that such
young children show priming effects only under restricted conditions. In particular,
repeating a prime serves as a prerequisite for their ability to reuse the primed structure
with a new set of lexical items, whereas older children demonstrate comparable
priming with and without repeating the experimenter’s sentence. Combined with
theevidence from priming studies in comprehension (e.g., Thothathiri and Snedeker,
2008), it appears that children as young as 3 years old have the ability to form
abstract representations of syntactic structures (even though they may require
favorable circumstances, such as repeating the prime, to access these structures). In
the course of development, syntactic representations become sufficiently robust to
produce consistent evidence of priming by the age of 5 or 6 years.
In sum, the priming methodology provides a valuable research tool allowing
researchers to explore the developing nature of syntactic representations in
experimental settings. At present, several significant research directions have been
identified in priming work with children, providing guidance for further investiga-
tions. One of these directions involves the study of possible interactions between
syntactic and nonsyntactic information in sentence production. For example, recent
studies have shown that syntactic priming can be enhanced by the similarity of
semantic roles across sentences (Goldwater et al., 2011) and that pragmatic cues
may play a role in explaining some of the observed priming effects (Gámez et al.,
2009). More work is needed to understand how these nonsyntactic factors affect
children’s production of particular sentence forms. Another research direction
focuses on the issues related to the learning of syntactic structures. Several studies
have documented longer-term priming effects in children, but only one study so far
(Savage et al., 2006) has used the priming paradigm to examine conditions facilitating
the learning of syntactic forms – the issue that needs to be systematically addressed
in future investigations.
Finally, a potentially productive research direction has been identified in several
studies examining priming phenomena in non-English-speaking children (Gámez et al.,
2009; Vasilyeva et al., 2010). Work with monolingual children from different language
backgrounds allows researchers to examine how specific aspects of the child’s language
(e.g., the availability of multiple alternative forms of the passive) affect sentence
production in the context of priming. At the same time, work with bilingual children
allows researchers to explore the relation between syntactic representations across
languages. Thus, the priming paradigm enables psychologists to pursue a wide range
of questions concerning language development in diverse populations.
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174 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
Key Terms
Abstract syntactic structure A sentence form that is represented independently of lexical
items (words).
Active voice A type of sentence structure in which an agent of a transitive action is the
syntactic subject of the sentence (e.g., The lightning broke the tree).
Animacy A semantic property of nouns based on whether their referent objects are living/
sentient being (e.g., animate nouns, girl, cat, engineer; inanimate nouns, hat, chair, road).
Passive voice A type of sentence structure in which a patient (or recipient) of a transitive
action is the syntactic subject of the sentence (e.g., The tree was broken by the lightning).
Syntactic priming in production A tendency to repeat a syntactic structure that has been
encountered earlier.
Syntax Aspect of language that governs the arrangement of words in sentences.
Bencini, G.M.L., and Valian, V. (2008) Abstract sentence representation in 3-year-olds:
evidence from comprehension and production. Journal of Memory and Language, 59,
Betjemann, R.S., and Keenan, J.M. (2008) Phonological and semantic priming in children
with reading disabilities. Child Development, 79, 1086–1102.
Bock, K. (1986) Syntactic persistence in language production. Cognitive Psychology, 18,
Bock, K., and Griffin, Z.M. (2000) The persistence of structural priming: transient activation
or implicit learning? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 177–192.
Bock, K., and Loebell, H. (1990) Framing sentences. Cognition, 35, 1–39.
Branigan, H., Pickering, M., and Cleland, A. (2000) Syntactic coordination in dialogue.
Cognition, 75, 13–25.
Brooks, P., and MacWhinney, B. (2000) Phonological priming in children’s picture naming.
Journal of Child Language, 27, 335–366.
Cleland, A.A., and Pickering, M.J. (2003) The use of lexical and syntactic information in
language production: evidence from the priming of noun-phrase structure. Journal of
Memory and Language, 49, 213–230.
Ferreira, V.S. (2003) The persistence of optional complementizer production: why saying
“that” is not saying “that” at all. Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 379–398.
Fisher, C. (2002) The role of abstract syntactic knowledge in language acquisition: a reply to
Tomasello (2000). Cognition, 82, 259–278.
Gámez, P.B., Shimpi, P.M., Waterfall, H., and Huttenlocher, J. (2009) Priming a perspective in
Spanish monolingual children: the use of syntactic alternatives. Journal of Child Language,
36, 269–290.
Goldwater, M.B., Tomlinson, M.T., Echols, C.H., and Love, B.C. (2011) Structural priming as
structure-mapping: children use analogies from previous utterances to guide sentence
production. Cognitive Science, 35 (1), 156–170.
Hirsh-Pasek, K., and Golinkoff, R. (1991) Language comprehension: a new look at some old
themes. In N. Krasnegor, D. Rumbaugh, R. Schiefelbusch, et al. (eds), Biological and
behavioral determinants of language development (pp. 301–320). Hove: Psychology
Hoff_c11.indd 174Hoff_c11.indd 174 6/6/2011 12:43:01 PM6/6/2011 12:43:01 PM
Using Priming Procedures 175
Hoff, E. (2006) How social contexts support and shape language development. Developmental
Review, 26, 55–88.
Hupp, J.M., and Jungers, M.K. (2009) Speech priming: an examination of rate and syntactic
persistence in preschoolers. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 495–504.
Huttenlocher, J., Vasilyeva, M., Cymerman, E., and Levine, S. (2002) Language input and
child syntax. Cognitive Psychology, 45, 337–374.
Huttenlocher, J., Vasilyeva, M., and Shimpi, P. (2004) Syntactic priming in young children.
Journal of Memory and Language, 50, 182–195.
Lempert, H. (1989) Animacy constraints on preschool children’s acquisition of syntax. Child
Development, 60, 237–245.
Miller, C.A., and Deevy, P. (2006) Structural priming in children with and without specific
language impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 20, 387–399.
Pickering, M.J., and Ferreira, V.S. (2008) Structural priming: a critical review. Psychological
Bulletin, 134, 427–459.
Savage, C., Lieven, E., Theakston, A., and Tomasello, M. (2003) Testing the abstractness of
children’s linguistic representations: lexical and structural priming of syntactic constructions
in young children. Developmental Science, 6, 557–567.
Savage, C., Lieven, E., Theakston, A., and Tomasello, M. (2006) Structural priming as implicit
learning in language acquisition: the persistence of lexical and structural priming in
4-year-olds. Language Learning and Development, 2, 27–49.
Shimpi, P.M., Gámez, P.B., Huttenlocher, J., and Vasilyeva, M. (2007) Syntactic priming in
3- and 4-year-old children: evidence for abstract representations of transitive and dative
forms. Developmental Psychology, 43, 1334–1346.
Snedeker, J., and Thothathiri, M. (2008) What lurks beneath: syntactic priming during
language comprehension in preschoolers (and adults). In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernandez,
and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental psycholinguistics: on-line methods in children’s
language processing (pp. 137–167). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Thothathiri, M., and Snedeker, J. (2008) Syntactic priming during language comprehension in
three- and four-year-old children. Journal of Memory and Language, 58, 188–213.
Tomasello, M. (2000) Do young children have adult syntactic competence? Cognition, 74,
Van Beijsterveldt, L.M., and Van Hell, J.G. (2009) Structural priming of adjective-noun struc-
tures in hearing and deaf children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104,
Vasilyeva, M., Huttenlocher, J., and Waterfall, H. (2006) Effects of language intervention on
syntactic skill levels in preschoolers. Developmental Psychology, 42, 164–174.
Vasilyeva, M., Waterfall, H., Gámez, P., et al. (2010) Cross-linguistic syntactic priming in
bilingual children. Journal of Child Language, 37, 1047–1064.
Further Reading and Resources
Hartsuiker, R.J., Pickering, M.J., and Veltkamp, E. (2004) Is syntax separate or shared between
languages? Cross-linguistic syntactic priming in Spanish–English bilinguals. Psychological
Science, 15, 409–414.
Pickering, M.J., and Ferreira, V.S. (2008) Structural priming: a critical review. Psychological
Bulletin, 134, 427–459.
Snedeker, J., and Thothathiri, M. (2008) What lurks beneath: syntactic priming during
language comprehension in preschoolers (and adults). In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernandez,
Hoff_c11.indd 175Hoff_c11.indd 175 6/6/2011 12:43:01 PM6/6/2011 12:43:01 PM
176 Marina Vasilyeva, Heidi Waterfall, and Ligia Gómez
and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental psycholinguistics: on-line methods in children’s
language processing (pp. 137–167). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Whitehurst, G., Ironsmith, M., and Goldfein, M. (1974) Selective imitation of the passive
construction through modeling. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 17, 288–302.
The study by Whitehurst, Ironsmith, and Goldfein (1974) provides an early example
of using an experimental technique that was later adopted by syntactic priming
researchers in work with children. The chapter by Snedeker and Thothathiri (2008)
can be viewed as complementary to the present chapter, in that it addresses syntactic
priming methodology, focusing on comprehension rather than production measures.
The article by Hartsuiker, Pickering, and Veltkamp (2004) has introduced a new
direction in syntactic priming research by applying the priming methodology cross-
linguistically to investigate the relation between syntactic representations across
languages in bilingual speakers. Pickering and Ferreira (2008) present a comprehensive
review of syntactic priming, discussing both conceptual and methodological issues
arising in work with diverse populations, including monolingual and bilingual
speakers, children and adults, and typically and atypically developing individuals.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aim
Over the past decade, there has been a renewed interest in understanding how
children process speech in real time and how they dynamically construct an
utterance despite their linguistic and cognitive limitations. Recent interest in this
topic stems in part from concurrent methodological advancements; it is now
possible for instance to record children’s eye movements as they carry out
relatively natural tasks involving language, such as following spoken instructions,
inspecting images that are being described, and even engaging in a spoken
conversation with interlocutors. The resulting eye movements, when linked with
linguistic events, provide researchers with a record of each child’s moment-by-moment
12 Studying Language Processing
Using Eye Movements
John C. Trueswell
This chapter evaluates the use of child eyetracking methods to study spoken
language production and comprehension. A summary of the available methods
and data analyses is provided. An emphasis is placed on understanding the
chain of inferences, or linking assumptions, researchers commonly make when
going from measurements of eye position to conclusions about attention,
reference, and sentence parsing. It is concluded that to a large extent these
assumptions are valid, though care is needed when disentangling developmental
changes in visual attention from developmental changes in language processing
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178 John C. Trueswell
consideration of possible referents in the world, and thus tell us in some detail
about the process the child is going through when deriving meaning from
linguistic forms.
Here I provide an evaluation of this “visual world” method (Tanenhaus et al.,
1995) and focus especially on how it has been applied to sentence processing research
with toddlers and children.
My emphasis will be on understanding the linking
assumptions necessary to use eye movements to study language development. I will
explore the chain of inferences researchers usually make when going from
measurements of “darting eyes” to conclusions about attention, reference, and even
sentence parsing. The plan is to step through these linking assumptions and explore
the extent to which each is valid and how each might interact with known
developmental changes in attention.
I hope to convince you that the conclusions drawn from developmental research
using the visual world paradigm require careful consideration of how certain
attentional skills develop, in particular, the ability to engage in the control of
information collection from the world (attentional control) and information
recharacterization (a component of cognitive control). I will discuss how these two
kinds of attentional abilities change over development, and how these changes
might bear upon the interpretation of eye movement research in psycholinguistics.
With respect to information collection, it is well known that the eye movements
generated during the visual interrogation of the world are driven by both exogenous
and endogenous factors (i.e., by both bottom-up visual factors and experience-related
goals set by the individual). With respect to information recharacterization, it is
well known that humans routinely characterize perceptual input along several
different dimensions at several levels of abstraction. Language is perhaps the parade
example of this: we characterize linguistic input acoustically, phonologically,
syntactically, semantically, and referentially, with each characterization having its
own representational dimensions. Adult listeners must be able to control the content
of these characterizations in real time and override certain characterizations
whenconflicting evidence arises within and across these levels. Indeed, the skill of
dealing with conflict turns out to be important in the development of sentence
comprehension abilities.
With this broader understanding of how attentional and cognitive control abilities
develop, researchers are likely to make, and are already making, significant advances
in understanding how the dynamics of language comprehension and production
emerge in the young child. It is my hope that touring these facts here will allow
others to take advantage of the visual world method, and that it will facilitate
theoretical advancements in understanding language acquisition as the development
of a dynamic information processing skill.
As should become apparent below, this method is well suited for a large number
of typical and atypical populations because overt responses are not necessarily
required. Indeed, the method is currently being applied to children with language
impairments and patients with brain damage, and it can even be used with infants
who are only a few months old. In this latter case, the method is often described as
“looking while listening” (see Swingley, Chapter 3 this volume).
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Using Eye Movements 179
Procedure: the Visual World Paradigm
for Psycholinguistics
Cooper (1974) was the first to use eye movements as a real-time measure of adults’
spoken language processing abilities. In a series of eyetracking experiments, it was
observed that adult listeners rapidly fixate pictures depicting the referents of heard
speech, often mid-word, prior to the completion of the utterance. This work received
fairly limited discussion in the psycholinguistic community until the reintroduction of
this method by Tanenhaus and colleagues, who explored the eye gaze of listeners in
the natural setting of following spoken instructions to move about objects in the
world (Tanenhaus et al., 1995). Tanenhaus et al. demonstrated that when adult
participants follow spoken instructions to manipulate objects in a task-relevant visual
context, fixations to these objects are also closely time-locked to the elements present
in the unfolding utterance that signal abstract representational units. It was therefore
possible from this work to infer a great deal about the lexical (e.g., Allopenna et al.,
1998) and syntactic (e.g., Spivey et al., 2002) hypotheses that adults consider as the
speech is perceived. Since publication of this seminal work, a growing body of research
has demonstrated that eye movements can be used to trace the timecourse of adult
language comprehension, production, and even dynamic conversation (see the edited
volumes of Henderson and Ferreira, 2004, and Trueswell and Tanenhaus, 2005).
Eyetracking Techniques for Use with Children and Toddlers
The development of accurate head-mounted and remote eyetracking systems has
made it possible to conduct similar visual world studies with young children,
toddlers, and even infants. Head-mounted systems (Figure 12.1A) use highly
miniaturized cameras and optics mounted on a visor (two cameras, one trained on
the eye and the other on the surrounding visual world). In these systems, the video
output from the eye camera is analyzed in real time to calculate the current location
of the pupil (i.e., the central position of all the darkest pixels) and the center of the
corneal reflection (i.e., the central position of the brightest pixels). During an initial
calibration procedure, these coordinates are mapped onto coordinates in the scene
video. This is typically done by asking the participant to look at locations in the
world that correspond to particular pixel coordinates in the scene video. For each
location, the pupil and corneal reflection coordinates in the eye camera are sampled
and paired with a coordinate position in the scene camera. Informally, the computer
is being told that the participant’s eyeball looks like this when the participant is
looking here and it looks like this when the participant is looking over here, etc. The
resulting matrix of coordinates (triplets of pupil, corneal reflection, and position
coordinates) is then analyzed. This analysis creates a multi-dimensional linear or
nonlinear regression equation that reflects the best fit between the eye calibration
coordinates and the scene calibration coordinates. This equation can then be applied
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180 John C. Trueswell
in real time throughout the experiment, such that for any pupil and corneal
coordinates, the corresponding scene coordinate is generated and plotted on top of
the scene video, usually as a moving dot or crosshair.
This calibration procedure can be difficult to use with children because it requires
the child to hold his/her head still while fixating a target location in the world.
However, some calibration procedures eliminate this problem. For instance, in the
point-of-light calibration procedure, the experimenter holds a small light (such as a
small LED) while the participant follows the light around with his/her eyes. The
eyetracking calibration software then samples the position of this bright light in the
scene video and pairs it with the pupil and corneal coordinates from the eye video,
thereby creating a calibration matrix. This procedure does not require the child to hold
still, and substantially decreases calibration time and increases calibration accuracy.
Remote eyetracking systems (Figure 12.1B) work like head-mounted systems except
the optics are housed off the head, requiring no visor. These systems require tracking of
the head as well, either via video-based methods (e.g., the Tobii 1750 and the Eyelink
1000 remote) or by magnetic head tracking (e.g., the ASL and ISCAN systems). Remote
systems are becoming increasingly popular because they can be easier to use with toddlers
and even infants (e.g., Aslin and McMurray, 2004; Johnson, Slemmer, and Amso, 2004).
Most remote systems map direction of gaze directly onto the coordinates of a computer
Tobii remote
Head mounted
Poor man’s eyetracker
Figure 12.1 Examples of eyetracking systems.
Source: J.C. Trueswell (2008). Using eye movements as a developmental measure within
psycholinguistics. In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernández, and H. Clahsen (eds.), Language Processing in
Children. Copyright © 2008, John Benjamins.
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Using Eye Movements 181
video display, rather than a scene camera, allowing for simple automatic coding of eye
position. It is also possible to use such systems to generate a three-dimensional vector of
the participant’s gaze in the physical world rather than a virtual world.
Finally, several labs, including my own, sometimes use a system that we affectionately
call the “poor man’s” eyetracker (Figure 12.1C). In a modified preferential looking
procedure, a video camera is located in the center of a platform that has been placed
in front of the child. This camera is trained on the child’s face and eyes. Objects are
placed on the platform, usually in four different quadrants around the camera.
Direction of gaze toward each quadrant can be coded from the video of the child’s
face; a trained coder can use a digital video editing system to step through the video
frame by frame, recording shifts in gaze. Hand coding of this sort is quite time
consuming; it takes approximately an hour to code 10 to 15 experimental trials
when each trial consists of one or two utterances. However, no calibration procedure
or expensive eyetracking equipment is required. This hand coding procedure also
tolerates considerable head movements without substantial loss in coding accuracy.
We have found that intercoder reliability is usually 90–95% on a frame-by-frame
basis (Snedeker and Trueswell, 2004). Similar hand coding procedures are used in
looking-while-listening tasks (e.g., Swingley, Pinto, and Fernald, 1999; Swingley,
Chapter 3 this volume).
Data Analysis
Regardless of the data collection technique used by the experimenter, similar analyses
can be performed on the resulting gaze record. For each trial of interest, the child’s
direction of gaze is linked to the onset of critical speech events (e.g., the onset of
words in a sentence) and then averaged across trials and participants. For example,
Trueswell et al. (1999) evaluated the timecourse with which 5-year-old children
visually inspect a set of four possible referents, relative to critical word onsets in a
sentence. The children were instructed to look at a centrally located “smiley-face”
sticker and then to follow instructions to move some of the objects. For purposes of
illustration, consider a hypothetical trial in which participants heard: Look at the
smiley face. Now put the frog that’s on the napkin into the box.
A photograph of a sample scene for this item is presented in Figure 12.2. Objects
include the target (a frog on a napkin), the competitor (a frog on a plate), a correct
goal (an empty box), and an incorrect goal (an empty napkin). The upper right
panel of Figure 12.2 shows the eye gaze records from five hypothetical trials. The
zero time point (where the x and y axes meet) indicates the onset of the spoken
word put. In addition, the onsets of the nouns are marked (frog, napkin and box).
On trial 1, the hypothetical participant initiated a look to the target about 400 ms
after the onset of the word frog and then launched a look to the correct goal later
in the sentence. On trial 2, the fixation on the target begins a bit later. On trial 3,
the first fixation is onthe competitor, followed by a fixation on the target and then
the correct goal. On trial 4, the fixation sequence is target, incorrect goal, and
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182 John C. Trueswell
correct goal. Trial 5 shows another trial where the initial fixation is on the
competitor. The lower right panel of Figure 12.2 provides a plot of the proportion
of looks over time for the four regions, averaged across trials for this hypothetical
participant. These fixation proportions are obtained by determining the proportion
of looks to the alternative objects at each time slice (as derived from the trial
samples) and show how the pattern of looks to objects changes as the sentence
unfolds. The probabilities do not sum to 1.0 because most participants were
initially fixating on the smiley face, which is not plotted here. If it were plotted,
looks to the smiley face would steadily drop over time while children begin to
inspect the task-relevant objects.
Researchers often define a time window of interest. For example, one might want
to focus on the looks to the target and competitor in a time region starting 200 ms
after the onset of the word frog and ending 200 ms after the onset of the word
napkin. This 200 ms offset is designed to take into account that it takes about 200ms
for a participant to program an eye movement to a target (e.g., Matin, Shao, and
Boff, 1993; though see below). The proportion of looks to objects, the time spent
looking at the alternative objects (essentially the area under the curve, which is a
simple transformation of proportion of looks), and the number and/or proportion of
looks generated to objects in this time region can then be analyzed. These different
measures are all highly correlated but in principle offer slightly different pictures of
what is happening in the eye movement record.
Incorrect goal
Proportion of trials
Competitor Correct goal
Correct goal
that’s on the
into the
Figure 12.2 Calculating gaze proportions over time.
Source: Modified from Tanenhaus and Trueswell (2005).
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Using Eye Movements 183
The hypothetical data in Figure 12.2 (lower right) are quite similar to what was
actually observed by Trueswell et al. (1999). Focusing only on the looks to the
target and the competitor, one can see that these looks are fairly well time-locked
with the onset of words; first, looks to both the target and the competitor (the two
frogs) rise sharply upon hearing the first noun, frog, and remain equally distributed
between these two objects until napkin, at which time participants begin to look
more at the target (the frog on the napkin). Similarly, looks to the correct goal rise
upon hearing box.
It is not the case that the eyes simply dart to objects that best match the nouns
mentioned in the input. For instance, at the onset of the noun napkin, gaze proportion
does not split between the two napkins in the scene like it did for the two frogs when
hearing frog. Rather, looks to the target (that has the napkin under it) prevail over
looks to the incorrect goal (the empty napkin). Why would this be? The most
plausible explanation is that this is due to the syntactic position of the noun napkin
in the sentence; this noun is part of a relative clause that unambiguously modifies the
NP the frog (i.e., the frog that’s on the napkin) and, as such, the NP the napkin must
refer to the napkin under the frog, not the empty napkin. Similar timecourse data
have been reported for adults (e.g., Spivey et al., 2002; Tanenhaus et al., 1995;
Trueswell et al., 1999) and replicated in other children (Hurewitz et al., 2001;
Snedeker and Trueswell, 2004), all of which suggests that gaze direction is tightly
related to the linguistic events in complex sentences and that reference is being
computed by the child and adult listener in real time.
Evaluation of Data and Linking Assumptions
It is crucial to consider the linking assumptions, or chain of inferences, that we just
rapidly ran through when evaluating data like those in Figure 12.2. How can we
confidently go from eye gaze patterns to the conclusion that child listeners compute
referential hypotheses in real time? In order to answer this question, there are at least
three crucial linking assumptions worth evaluating further:
1 Eye position indicates the child’s current attentional state, and attention is driven
by properties of the world and by the goals of the child.
2 In tasks requiring the linking of speech to a visual referent world, visual attention
can be used as an indication of referential decisions.
3 Referential decisions can in turn be used by the researcher to infer the child’s
parsing decisions, in so far as these parsing decisions were necessary to determine
the referent.
Here I unpack each of these linking assumptions and examine the current
experimental literature for validation.
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184 John C. Trueswell
Assumption 1: Eye Position Is a Real-Time Measure of Spatial
Attention in Infants, Children and Adults
Adults rapidly shift their eyes from location to location approximately one to five
times per second. During these rapid eye movements, or saccades, the eye is in motion
for 20 to 100 ms, and can reach speeds up to 700 degrees per second (see Land and
Tatler, 2009). Saccades allow for the repositioning of visual input onto the fovea, a
small central region of the retina that, because of its higher density of cone
photoreceptors, has considerably better image resolution than peripheral retinal
regions. Each saccade is followed by a fixation, during which the eye holds essentially
still for 150 ms or more depending on the task. For the normally developing newborn,
most of these anatomical properties of the retina are in place at birth or develop rapidly
during the first months of life. Basic fundamental oculomotor abilities are also in place
quite early; saccades, fixations, and even the ability to smoothly pursue a slowly
moving object all emerge quickly during the first 6 months of life and are known to be
well in place by the child’s first birthday (for a review, see Colombo, 2001).
It is important to know however that developmental changes in eye movement
abilities do occur well after the first birthday. For instance, several studies have
demonstrated that the latency to launch a saccade to a visual target decreases
systematically well into the age ranges studied by most psycholinguists (e.g., Yang,
Bucci, and Kapoula, 2002). However, these developmental differences become quite
small when there is some warning given to the child that a target is about to be
presented (e.g., Cohen and Ross, 1978). This latter finding may be particularly
relevant to the psycholinguistic visual world method because ample response
“warning” is given in this task, via linguistic input (Look at the smiley face. Now
put). Children (5-year-olds) in visual world tasks appear to show only modest
delays in their latency to find a target (Snedeker and Trueswell, 2004). And toddlers
(18 months) show a 150 ms benefit in targeting a visual referent when the referential
expression is preceded by a linguistic carrier phrase (Fernald and Hurtado, 2006).
It is also the case that there are well documented developmental changes in the
attentional procedures involved in how a viewer selects an object for fixation. For
instance, children up to the age of 3 years continue to have some trouble overriding
exogenous contributions to attention (e.g., flashing lights, moving objects) in favor
of task-relevant endogenous factors (Scerif et al., 2005). It is not the case that
3-year-olds are completely unable to override exogenous factors; rather they are
slightly delayed and slightly less accurate at doing this as compared to older children
and adults.
It is difficult to draw straightforward connections between the developmental attention
literature and the developmental psycholinguistic literature because most psycholinguistic
experiments use very different experimental settings. However, if the relative influence of
exogenous and endogenous factors changes over developmental time, it becomes quite
important for psycholinguistic researchers to control for visual factors known to capture
attention (e.g., motion, sudden onsets). Otherwise, developmental changes that are
simply due to general attentional development might instead be misinterpreted as
developmental changes related to spoken language understanding.
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Using Eye Movements 185
Assumptions 2 and 3: Eye Movements Can Be Used to Infer
Children’s Referential and Syntactic Decisions
I asserted above that if a task requires linking speech to a visual referent world, the
eye movements of a child performing this task can be used to uncover the child’s
ongoing referential decisions and, by inference, his/her ongoing syntactic parsing
decisions. Note that this does not mean that, at all times, where the child is looking
is what the child is considering as the referent. Eye movements in visual selection
tasks reflect goal-directed behavior and, as such, studies in which reference is
necessary to achieve some goal (such as acting on spoken instructions) permit a
researcher to infer referential and syntactic decisions.
Is there evidence supporting this linking assumption? Let us return for a moment
to the eye movement record illustrated in Figure 12.2, which involved the utterance
Put the frog that’s on the napkin into the box. Recall that upon hearing frog, gaze
probability was split equally between the two frogs in the scene. In contrast, upon
hearing napkin, looks did not split between the two napkins but instead converged
only on the target (the frog and the napkin underneath it). It was suggested that this
eye pattern for the napkin reflected a particular syntactic parse that children were
pursuing for the phrase that’s on the napkin: it was parsed as a relative clause
modifier of the NP the frog, and hence required the NP the napkin to refer to
the napkin under the frog.
One could however argue that this eye movement pattern is not reflecting structural
and referential decisions. For instance, it could simply be a reflection of a simple
conjunction heuristic: the child has heard frog and napkin and hence he/she looks to
the only quadrant that contains both a frog and a napkin. There are however several
ways to design a study that would rule out this possibility and lend further support
to the assumption that eye patterns are reflecting the referential implications of
parsing choices. For instance, the Trueswell et al. (1999) study also contained target
utterances like the following:
(1) Put the frog on the napkin into the box.
The absence of the that’s in this sentence makes on the napkin temporarily ambiguous
between being a modifier of the NP the frog (i.e., a property of a frog) or a goal of
the verb put (i.e., where to put a frog). Essentially all theories of human sentence
processing predict that listeners should initially parse this ambiguous prepositional
phrase (PP) on the napkin as a goal rather than a modifier (only to have to revise this
parse upon hearing into the box). Some theories predict this preference based on
lexical facts: the verb put tends to take a goal, usually in the form of a PP. If the child
knows this fact, he/she will parse the PP on the napkin as a goal. Other theories
predict this goal preference on the grounds of structural simplicity: linking a PP to a
verb is claimed to be computationally simpler than linking it to an NP. For either of
these parsing reasons, our linking assumptions lead us to predict that children (if they
parse in one of these manners) should under these conditions start considering the
empty napkin (the incorrect goal) as a possible referent of the napkin. This is because
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186 John C. Trueswell
the most plausible goal for putting a frog in this case is the empty napkin (not the
napkin that already has a frog on it). If a simple conjunction heuristic were at work,
the result should be similar to the unambiguous sentence (i.e., we should again see
increased looks to target – the only quadrant that has both a frog and a napkin).
Consistent with the parsing/reference linking assumptions, Trueswell et al. (1999)
found that looks to the incorrect goal do in fact increase soon after hearing napkin
in this condition, a pattern that is reliably different from that in Figure 12.2 when
the phrase was unambiguously a modifier. It was also found that as a consequence
of interpreting on the napkin as a goal rather than a modifier phrase, children had
considerable trouble distinguishing between the two frogs; they looked equally often
at both the target and the competitor frogs for a much more extended period of time
well after the end of the sentence. This additional pattern is also expected under the
parsing and reference assumptions; if on the napkin isn’t parsed as a modifier (but
rather as a goal), then this phrase is no longer informative for distinguishing between
the two frogs.
Since the publication of Trueswell et al. (1999) numerous other studies have been
conducted that also use children’s eye movement patterns during spoken language
comprehension to infer ongoing syntactic and referential decisions. A complete
review of this literature is beyond the current chapter (see instead, e.g., Trueswell and
Gleitman, 2007).
Before closing this discussion of using eye movements to infer parsing and
referential decisions, it is important to explore for a moment the possibility that facts
about general cognitive development might also interact with our visual world
measures. For instance, the adult ability to dynamically and flexibly reconsider
possible interpretations of a sentence “on the fly” over the course of the sentence no
doubt requires some skill to execute in a timely manner. What general cognitive
skills, if any, might be needed to achieve this? And do children have these prerequisite
cognitive abilities, or do they show a protracted developmental profile? It is well
known, for instance, that for nonlinguistic tasks, children 12 years of age and
younger show difficulties overriding a rule that they have recently learned for
characterizing a stimulus, as in the Wisconsin Card Sorting task, where children
continue to sort based on the original rule while normal adults can switch rules with
relative ease. (For discussion of these and related experimental findings see Davidson
et al., 2006, and references therein.)
Put another way, children are “cognitively impulsive. Automatic and/or highly
learned responses to stimuli are often difficult for a child to rescind and revise. This
behavioral pattern over development follows nicely from what is known about the
development of frontal lobe brain systems that support “cognitive control” of this
sort. Interestingly, this cognitive impulsivity was also observed for the 5-year-olds in
the Trueswell et al. (1999) “put” study. Consider the temporary ambiguity in (1).
Children never consistently converged on the intended target frog (looking just as
often at the competitor), suggesting that they never realized that on the napkin could
be a modifier of the NP the frog. In fact, children’s ultimate actions suggested they
had not fully recovered from their garden path: children were at chance selecting
between the two frogs, and frequently (60% of the time) moved the selected frog to
the incorrect goal – placing the frog on the empty napkin, or placing the frog on the
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Using Eye Movements 187
empty napkin and then into the box. This difficulty was clearly related to ambiguity,
since these same children made essentially no errors in response to unambiguous
versions (that’s on the …).
Researchers who are not predisposed to thinking of child language use as an emerging
dynamic process might interpret such child failures as indicating an age range at which
children lack some knowledge; perhaps they have not yet acquired the restrictive (NP
modifying) PP structure. However, similar parsing failures in comprehension have
recently been seen in a special population of adults – specifically, an individual with a
focal lesion to frontal lobe regions known to be responsible for cognitive control
(Novick, Trueswell, and Thompson-Schill, 2005). This surprising association between
specific frontal lobe deficits and garden path recovery bodes well for dynamic processing
accounts of child language development. Given that frontal lobe neural systems are
some of the last regions of the brain to fully mature anatomically, it is completely
plausible that children’s dynamic processing systems are hindered by delayed
development of systems responsible for engaging cognitive control, specifically the
ability to recharacterize otherwise supported interpretations of linguistic input.
This chapter has reviewed the so called “visual world” studies of child language
processing, in which the eye movements of young children are recorded as they hear
or produce spoken linguistic material. An evaluation of the linking assumptions
necessary to interpret findings from this methodology suggests that these assumptions
are valid, making this a promising way to study the dynamics of child language
processing. However, caution and care are necessary when performing such research
because developmental changes in attentional control and cognitive control can in
principle interact with observations from this method. It is important to note that
this concern is true of any experimental method when applied to the study of
development; the onus falls on the developmental researcher to understand and even
seek out these interactions in their experimental findings. Otherwise, developmental
observations can be easily misattributed to the researcher’s theoretical topic of
interest. In particular, the present evaluation of the visual world methodology suggests
that care must be taken in understanding how general attentional control and
cognitive control change with age. Developmental shifts were identified in the relative
contribution of exogenous and endogenous factors when it comes to the direction of
spatial attention, particularly in younger children (3 years of age and younger). In
addition, developmental shifts exist in general cognitive control abilities well into a
child’s 10th year of life. Children show a domain-general difficulty overriding initial
characterizations of stimuli. This same difficulty is also manifested in language
processing: children sometimes have difficulty overriding their initial characterization
of a sentence and hence sometimes fail to recover from garden paths.
There is no doubt that as we increase our understanding of the development of
visual attention and cognitive control, significant advances will simultaneously occur
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188 John C. Trueswell
in our understanding of language learning and language processing, particularly in
the relatively natural setting of discussing visually co-present referents. The visual
world method serves as an important new way of evaluating the dynamics of
language use in the young child.
Key Terms
Attentional control The ability of an observer to engage in the control of information
collection from the world. Typically this refers to the rapid and dynamic ability to select
visual information that is task relevant just in time to carry out actions or to satisfy
Cognitive control The ability to flexibly control thoughts, be they characterizations of the
world or plans of action. Relevant components of cognitive control are believed to
include inhibition and/or excitation in the service of biasing abstract representations of
the world.
Endogenous factors Internal (mental) factors that contribute to attentional control. These
include immediate and longer-term plans and the general goals of the observer.
Exogenous factors External (environmental/sensory) factors that contribute to attentional
control. These include the sudden appearance and motion of objects.
Fixation The brief halting of the eye to allow for the visual processing of a region of space.
Fixations last on the order of 100 to 1000 milliseconds, and can be used to infer
recognition time in some experimental settings.
Fovea A small region of the retina that has an unusually high density of cone photoreceptors,
leading to high visual acuity in this region. The fovea processes the central 2–3 degrees of
a visual scene. Visual acuity falls off rapidly “para-foveally” and into the periphery.
Saccade The sudden jerking of the eye to a new position to allow for a repositioning of
visual input on the fovea. Saccades usually last on the order of 20 to 80 milliseconds and
can reach speeds up to 700 degrees per second.
1 Portions of this chapter also appeared in: Trueswell, J.C. (2008) Using eye movements as
a developmental measure within psycholinguistics. In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernández, and
H. Clahsen (eds), Language processing in children. Copyright 2008 John Benjamins
2 Eyetracking companies (see “Further Reading and Resources”) usually provide software for
calibration and stimulus presentation. Several third-party software packages are also available,
particularly for stimulus presentation. For example, freeware from the Aslin lab (Smart-T)
and commercial software from E-Prime are currently the most popular options, and are
especially useful for complex experimental designs.
Allopenna, P.D., Magnuson, J.S., and Tanenhaus, M.K. (1998) Tracking the time course of
spoken word recognition: evidence for continuous mapping models. Journal of Memory
and Language, 38, 419–439.
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Using Eye Movements 189
Aslin, R.N., and McMurray, B. (2004) Automated corneal-reflection eye-tracking in infancy:
methodological developments and applications to cognition. Infancy, 6, 155–163.
Cohen, M.E., and Ross, L.E. (1978) Latency and accuracy characteristics of saccades and
corrective saccades in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 26,
Colombo, J. (2001) The development of visual attention in infancy. Annual Review of
Psychology, 52, 337–367.
Cooper, R.M. (1974) The control of eye fixation by the meaning of spoken language. Cognitive
Psychology, 6, 84–107.
Davidson, M.C., Amso, D., Anderson, L.C., and Diamond, A. (2006) Development of
cognitive control and executive functions from 4–13 years: evidence from manipulations
of memory, inhibition, and task switching. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2037–2078.
Fernald, A., and Hurtado, N. (2006) Names in frames: infants interpret words in sentence
frames faster than words in isolation. Developmental Science, 9, F33.
Henderson, J.M., and Ferreira, F. (eds) (2004) The interface of language, vision, and action:
eye movements and the visual world. New York: Psychology Press.
Hurewitz, F., Brown-Schmidt, S., Thorpe, K., et al. (2001) One frog, two frog, red frog, blue
frog: factors affecting children’s syntactic choices in production and comprehension.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29, 597–626.
Johnson, S.P., Slemmer, J.A., and Amso, D. (2004) Where infants look determines how they see:
eye movements and object perception performance in 3-month-olds. Infancy, 6, 185–201.
Land, M.F., and Tatler, B.W. (2009) Looking and acting: vision and eye movements in natural
behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Matin, E., Shao, K.C., and Boff, K.R. (1993) Saccadic overhead: information processing time
with and without saccades. Perception and Psychophysics, 53, 372–380.
Novick, J.M., Trueswell, J.C., and Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2005) Cognitive control and
parsing: re-examining the role of Broca’s area in sentence comprehension. Journal of
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, 263–281.
Scerif, G., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Campos, R., et al. (2005) To look or not to look? Typical and
atypical development of oculomotor control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17,
Snedeker, J., and Trueswell, J.C. (2004) The developing constraints on parsing decisions: the
role of lexical-biases and referential scenes in child and adult sentence processing.
Cognitive Psychology, 49, 238–299.
Spivey, M.J., Tanenhaus, M.K., Eberhard, K.M., and Sedivy, J.C. (2002) Eye movements and
spoken language comprehension: effects of visual context on syntactic ambiguity
resolution. Cognitive Psychology, 45, 447–481.
Swingley, D., Pinto, J.P., and Fernald, A. (1999) Continuous processing in word recognition at
24 months. Cognition, 71, 73–108.
Tanenhaus, M.K., Spivey-Knowlton, M.J., Eberhard, K.M., and Sedivy, J.C. (1995) Integration
of visual and linguistic information in spoken language comprehension. Science, 268,
Tanenhaus, M.K., and Trueswell, J.C. (2005) Eye movements as tool for bridging the
language-as-product and language-as-action traditions. In J.C. Trueswell and M.K.
Tanenhaus (eds), Approaches to studying world-situated language use: bridging the
language-as-product and language-as-action traditions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Trueswell, J.C., and Gleitman, L.R. (2007) Learning to parse and its implications for language
acquisition. In G. Gaskell (ed.), Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hoff_c12.indd 189Hoff_c12.indd 189 6/6/2011 12:46:56 PM6/6/2011 12:46:56 PM
190 John C. Trueswell
Trueswell, J.C., Sekerina, I., Hill, N.M., and Logrip, M.L. (1999) The kindergarten-path effect:
studying on-line sentence processing in young children. Cognition, 73, 89–134.
Trueswell, J.C., and Tanenhaus, M.K. (eds) (2005) Approaches to studying world-situated
language use: bridging the language-as-product and language-as-action traditions.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Yang, Q., Bucci, M.P., and Kapoula, Z. (2002) The latency of saccades, vergence, and combined
eye movements in children and adults. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science,
43, 2939–2949.
Further Reading and Resources
Recommended reading for understanding eye movements in natural tasks generally:
Land, M.F., and Tatler, B.W. (2009) Looking and acting: vision and eye movements in natural
behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Recommended reading for the development of child language processing abilities:
Sekerina, I.A., Fernández, E.M., and Clahsen, H. (eds) (2008) Language processing in children.
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Trueswell, J.C., and Gleitman, L.R. (2007) Learning to parse and its implications for language
acquisition. In G. Gaskell (ed.), Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Recommended reading for the visual world paradigm in adults:
Henderson, J.M., and Ferreira, F. (eds) (2004) The interface of language, vision, and action:
eye movements and the visual world. New York: Psychology Press.
Trueswell, J.C., and Tanenhaus, M.K. (eds) (2005) Approaches to studying world-situated
language use: bridging the language-as-product and language-as-action traditions.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Information about MatLab-based Smart-T software for Tobii Eyetracking can be found at:
Some popular manufacturers of eyetrackers:
Applied Scientific Laboratories (ASL): http://asleyetracking.com/site/.
ISCAN: http://www.iscaninc.com/.
SR Research (Eyelink): http://www.sr-research.com/.
Tobii: http://www.tobii.com/scientific_research.aspx.
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Part III Capturing Children’s
Language Experience
and Language Production
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aim
Observations of children’s language production offer a window into children’s
language abilities and a glimpse of their typical language experiences. Documenting
child language production originated with parents’ diaries of their children’s language
use. One of the first notable diaries of this kind was that kept by Charles Darwin of
his son’s first words and utterances (Darwin, 1877). In time, researchers adopted this
approach to collect data on groups of children. Over the years, and with the
introduction of audio and video recorders, the methods employed to record,
13 Recording, Transcribing,
and Coding Interaction
Meredith L. Rowe
This chapter discusses the process involved in collecting child language data by
recording children’s language use during interactions with others, transcribing
those interactions, and coding the transcripts for specific measures of child
language production. This approach is useful for obtaining production measures
in a variety of domains including, but not limited to, gesture, phonology,
pragmatics, vocabulary, and syntax. However, both the domain studied and the
particular research questions of interest affect the specifics of the method as
described in more detail below. In general, the approach presented here can be
used with children from a wide range of populations, including typically and
atypically developing children, children learning more than one language,
children from diverse cultures and backgrounds, and children of all ages
interacting with a range of interlocutors.
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194 Meredith L. Rowe
transcribe, and code spontaneous speech have become more streamlined and
widespread. The approach is considered ecologically valid because the child is
observed in a naturalistic situation, and it can be used with children of all ages and
populations, and in various settings.
Capturing observations of children’s language can address a wide variety of questions
about children’s language production, including developmental questions about the
range of verbal and nonverbal communicative abilities that children exhibit at different
ages. Depending on sampling choices made by the researcher, these abilities can be
examined across individuals from similar or different backgrounds, or across groups
that differ in various ways (gender, minority status, impaired development, language
spoken, and interlocutor). The approach also allows for examining the language
production of others as a potential correlate of child language skill. That is, researchers
adopt this approach if they are interested in examining the quantity or quality of
language that parents or teachers (or others) address to young children in relation to
child language development. To better illustrate the types of questions that can be
addressed with this approach, I provide a summary of three studies which used
recording, transcribing, and coding interaction to examine children’s morphological,
lexical, and pragmatic development, respectively.
Example 1: Studying Morphological Development
One of the first (nondiary) studies to record samples of spontaneous speech was
conducted by Roger Brown and his research team at Harvard University in the
1960s (Brown, 1973).This project focused primarily on the morphological
development of three children known as Adam, Eve, and Sarah. The researchers
visited these three children in their homes and audiorecorded approximately
2hours a month of the child’s interaction with his/her parent (usually mother).
Observations occurred repeatedly over a 10 month to 4 year timespan, depending
on the child. The process required two researchers: one audiotaped children’s and
parents’ speech, while the other took notes about the setting and context of the
interaction. For two of the children (Adam and Eve), the microphone was set in a
fixed location and effort was made to keep the child in the general area near the
microphone for the duration of the visit. For the third child (Sarah), the micro-
phone was sewn into a garment which she wore during the interactions. This was
done to get a higher fidelity recording which could subsequently be used for
phonological analyses.
The same researchers who were at the home visit transcribed the audio recordings.
Having a memory of the scene and the events that took place aided the researchers
with their transcription. The transcriptions were done by hand on mimeograph paper
so copies could be shared (a sign of the technology at the time). The transcripts were
then hand coded to study the children’s morphological development. For example,
the mean length of utterance (MLU), measured in morphemes, was calculated for
each child at each session following the researchers’ very specific rules regarding what
counts as a morpheme and as a usable utterance. The specific morphemes produced
(e.g., plural –s) at each session were also coded. This detailed morphological coding
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 195
of the transcription allowed Brown and his colleagues to calculate and report analyses
of the children’s MLU growth over time and the order of morpheme acquisition for
these three children. The MLU growth for Adam, Eve and Sarah is displayed in
Figure13.1. After further analyzing these data, Brown proposed five specific stages of
morphological development and a mapping of the general order in which morphemes
are learned by children learning English as a first language (Brown, 1973).
Example 2: Studying Lexical Development
About two decades after Brown’s seminal study, the methodological approach of
recording, transcribing, and coding children’s language production had become
more widespread. One noteworthy study that adopted this approach to look at
16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Age (months)
Mean length of utterance (morphemes)
32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Figure 13.1 The relation of MLU to age for Adam, Eve, and Sarah.
Source: Reprinted and adapted by permission of the publishers from R. Brown, A first language: the
early stages, p. 55. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Copyright © 1973 by the President and
Fellows of Harvard College.
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196 Meredith L. Rowe
children’s lexical development was a longitudinal study conducted in the 1980s by
Betty Hart and Todd Risley (1995). Hart and Risley were interested in the everyday
language experiences of American children from families that differed in
socioeconomic status. They followed 42 children longitudinally from approximately
10 months to 3 years of age. The children were selected to represent three general
social class groups: children from families on welfare (n = 6), children from working
class families (n = 23), and children from professional families (n = 13). Like Brown
and colleagues, Hart and Risley audiotaped children’s interactions in the home and
supplemented audiotapes with trained observers taking copious notes. They observed
each child once a month for an hour, and typical sessions involved the child’s interactions
with parents and other family members. Effort was made to keep observers consistent
with families to help put families more at ease, thus resulting in more naturalistic
interactions on tape. Since families differed in ethnicity in addition to social class, the
observer’s race was matched to the race of the family when possible. The observers
followed the children around for the 1 hour period, not limiting them to any
particular room or task, and doing their best to point the microphone in the direction
of the child and minimize background noise.
As in the Brown studies, the observers transcribed their own tapes, relying on
their notes and memory to help decipher what was captured on audiotape. The
study resulted in 1318 hours of observation, which were all transcribed, spell-
checked, and coded for parts of speech, syntax, and discourse function. I direct the
reader to Hart and Risley’s (1995; 1999) books for a detailed account of their
findings and will only mention the primary findings here. From the analysis of their
transcripts, Hart and Risley found extreme average social class differences in the
amount (and types) of talk that parents directed to their children: professional
parents produced the most talk (487 utterances an hour, on average) and parents on
welfare the least (178 utterances an hour, on average). Furthermore, these differences
in quantity of parent input were related to differences in the children’s vocabulary
growth across the period studied. Thus, the children of the professional families
produced more vocabulary words themselves than the children from the working
class and welfare families, on average. The average vocabulary growth trajectories
for the three groups of children are displayed in Figure 13.2. This was one of the first
studies to emphasize the importance of socioeconomic status in parent–child
interaction and child language development, and it could not have been accomplished
without adopting this methodological approach of recording, transcribing, and
coding children’s spontaneous language production.
Example 3: Studying Pragmatic Development
Using video to record child language production allows for measurement of even
more fine-grained aspects of children’s language abilities such as gesture and
pragmatics. The final example presented here comes from a study examining
children’s development of the expression of communicative intents (e.g., Snow et al.,
1996). In this longitudinal study, parent–child dyads were observed in a laboratory
setting interacting with a set of toys at child ages 14, 20, and 32 months (for more
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 197
on the sample, see Snow, 1989; Dale et al., 1989). The researcher brought the parent
and child into the playroom, gave them some time alone to become accustomed to
the setting, and then instructed the parent to play with the child using, in sequence,
the contents of four boxes (each containing a different toy: Snow et al., 1996). The
duration of the videotaped sessions varied, as they were terminated only when the
parent had tried to engage the child with all four toys.
These videos were then transcribed following the CHAT conventions of the Child
Language Data Exchange System (MacWhinney, 2000; see Corrigan, Chapter 18
this volume, for more detail on CHILDES; this is the New England sample in the
CHILDES database). Transcripts were then coded for communicative intent using a
coding system the authors called the Inventory of Communicative Acts–Abridged
(INCA–A), which was a modified version of a previous speech-act coding system
(Ninio and Wheeler, 1984). This modified coding system involved coding each
communicative attempt by parent or child in the transcripts at two levels: the level
of the verbal interchange and the level of the utterance. Some examples of verbal
interchange codes include: directing the hearer’s attention (DHA), negotiating the
immediate activity (NIA), and discussing a joint focus (DJF). Some examples of
speech-act types at the utterance level include: state or make a declarative statement
(ST), repeat/imitate other’s utterance (RT), and ask yes/no question (YQ). It was
often necessary for coders to rely on children’s nonverbal acts to determine coding at
the interchange level, thus requiring the use of videotapes to accurately apply this
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Age of child (months)
Cumulative vocabulary words
6 welfare
23 middle / lower-
SES children
(working class)
13 higher
SES children
10 18161412
Figure 13.2 The widening gap in the vocabulary growth of children from professional,
working class, and welfare families across their first three years of life.
Source: Reprinted by permission from B. Hart and T. Risley, Meaningful differences in the everyday
experience of young American children, p. 47. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Inc.
Copyright© 1975.
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198 Meredith L. Rowe
coding system. Importantly, coders became reliable on the coding scheme, and codes
were integrated into the CHAT transcripts for automated analyses using the CLAN
program (see Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume). The study resulted in a very detailed
developmental account of the number and types of social interchanges and
communicative intents that children produce between 14 and 32 months (Snow etal.,
1996). For example, Figure 13.3 displays the number of different interchange types
used by children at the three different ages.
Should You Use This Method?
As the above examples illustrate, there are many types of questions that can be
answered by recording, transcribing, and coding children’s language production.
However, there are also some questions for which this approach is not ideal. The first
are questions about comprehension, as we cannot be sure what one understands by
observing what is said. In addition, some questions about language production are
also hard to examine using this approach. If you are interested in the morphological
errors children make (e.g., producing “breaked” instead of “broke”) or other aspects
of language that occur very infrequently, the approach might not be best because it
would require recording many hours of child language production to get enough
data to examine the phenomenon. In those cases, the researcher needs to consider the
sampling plan carefully (e.g., Rowland, Fletcher, and Freudenthal, 2008; Tomasello
and Stahl, 2004) or choose a different approach. In general, recording, transcribing,
and coding children’s language production is a time-consuming method, yet the
amount of data generated can be great.
3 4
Interchange types
7 8
11 12
Number of children
32 months
14 months
20 months
Figure 13.3 Number of interchange types used by children at three ages.
Source: Snow et al. (1996).
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 199
If you have decided that recording, transcribing, and coding language production
data is the appropriate way to address your research question, how do you go about
doing this? The answer is that there is not one best approach, but rather a range of
issues to consider and choices to make along the way. Below, I outline some important
things to take into consideration when using this method of data collection and
analysis. A summary of these issues is presented in Table 13.1.
Recording Interactions
Before collecting or recording data, you need to decide on your sample population
and size. This approach can be used to conduct very detailed qualitative analyses or
case studies with few individuals, or it can also generate large amounts of data for
sophisticated statistical analyses. If the latter is your aim, think carefully about how
many children you need in your sample to find the effects you are looking for. As
with all research, having enough statistical power to detect effects is very relevant
here. It would be a shame to spend a year (or more) recording, transcribing, and
coding 20 videotaped parent–child interactions, only to realize you do not have
enough variation in your data to see your desired results!
In addition to determining sample size, you need to establish the setting and length
of your recorded sessions. Will children be playing at home with a parent? Will they
be coming into the lab and interacting with a researcher? Will they be on the
playground with their friends? Once the setting and participants are decided, you’ll
need to determine whether you want them to play with particular toys or engage in
specific activities. Many studies have used the approach of having several different
toys in bags or boxes so that the dyad uses one at a time and so that you can compare
across participants more evenly because they all use the same toys (e.g., Vandell,
1979; Snow et al., 1996; Pan et al., 2005). This approach can be used in the home as
well. Alternatively, you can be more liberal and allow the participants to interact as
they normally would. This is an important decision because some aspects of language
(e.g., pragmatics) are found to differ based on activities (Yont, Snow, and
Vernon-Feagans, 2003) and thus you may want to control for this depending on
your research questions. Similarly, you need to decide if you will restrict the
participants to a specific location (e.g., a blanket with a fixed camera as in the Snow
et al., 1996 example above) or if you will let them roam around (e.g., follow them
around with a hand-held camera, as in Hart and Risley, 1995). In general, studies
which bring specific toys or activities often restrict the use of those toys to a single
room or location, while studies that allow participants to do what they wish often
allow more freedom to roam. The advantage of allowing children to roam is that you
get a good idea of what they typically do with their time. One disadvantage is that it
is often hard to keep the child and the interlocutor on video at the same time, and
the researcher needs to make online decisions about what to film.
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Table 13.1 Things to consider when recording, transcribing, and coding interactions
Recording Transcribing Coding
Determine sample size and number of
sessions (cross-sectional or longitudinal)
Who will participate (child and parent,
sibling, researcher, teacher, friend)?
Determine session length to record
Determine session location (home,
school,lab, etc.)
Is mobility allowed or will child be
restricted to area?
Will the activity be structured? If so, how
(bring toys, or allow free play)?
Audio or video?
What equipment?
Who will record data?
Make copies of recordings!
Choose an existing transcription program
Who will transcribe (native speaker of
language, person who did recording, etc.)?
Decide what you care about capturing and
make sure all relevant information gets
Make clear rules about transcription
Make sure transcribers are reliable in the
things that matter to your research
Recheck reliability to watch for decay
Often helpful to have one person transcribe
and then a separate person verify
Be patient, transcribing is time consuming.
Back up work!
Will you use an existing coding scheme or
create your own?
What level will you be coding at (word,
utterance, conversational topic, etc.)?
If developing your own coding scheme,
review transcripts and devise codes that
capture what you are interested in
Will you need just transcripts to code, or
transcripts and video?
Good idea to incorporate the codes into
the transcript, rather than coding on a
separate sheet
Teach someone else the coding scheme and
check reliability (agreement and kappa)
Analyze codes!
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 201
Further, how much time will you record? Will you need 30 minutes or several
hours of interaction? The answer depends on your research questions and the
measures of communication you wish to study. Generally speaking, the minimum
time for recording in the field seems to be about 10 minutes, with the maximum up
to several hours (although see Naigles, Chapter 16 this volume, on getting it all).
Using the available transcripts from the CHILDES online database (see Corrigan,
Chapter 18 this volume) can give you a good estimate about how much data you
might want to collect. The database contains transcripts of different durations; one
can download and analyze them for various aspects of language production and get
an idea for what duration might be necessary to capture different types of data.
Finally, what equipment will you use? Most studies now use video recordings.
However, if you are gathering discourse data from a child (e.g., narratives) that do
not require contextual information, audio recordings should suffice. Or, if video is
not necessary for your research questions and you think it might be threatening to a
teacher and/or parent, then you might choose audio recordings. The quality of
equipment changes so rapidly that instead of recommending specific equipment,
Idirect you to the Talk Bank website (currently http://talkbank.org/) within CHILDES
which has an information section containing the most up-to-date recommendations
for video and microphone equipment.
Think carefully about who will do the recording as well. If you plan on observing
in the child’s home, you want a person who will make the parent and child feel as
comfortable as possible. Studies often try and match the ethnicity of the person
recording to the ethnicity of the parent or child. If conducting multiple visits it, helps
to keep the same researcher assigned to a family; this consistency gives the family a
sense of stability, resulting in more naturalistic interactions and potentially less attri-
tion. As noted earlier, it is preferable to have the person who recorded the interaction
also transcribe the interaction, and it is preferable to have the transcriber be a native
speaker of the language(s) spoken by the child and parent.
There are some potential pitfalls you will want to avoid. First, be sure to try out
and become familiar with your equipment beforehand, and watch your recordings
soon after you collect them to make sure your microphone is working and your video
angle is capturing everything you need. You may need to make decisions about who
to get on video if mother and child are in different rooms, or you may need to move
your camera angle to be sure to capture gesture if there are toys in the way. Make
sure you have the clock or time counter visible on the video for coding. Make copies
of recordings as backup. Technical difficulties are always possible; therefore, you are
better off overestimating your sample size a bit just in case you run into trouble.
Transcribing Interactions
It is a good idea to transcribe your data as they are collected so that details of the
interaction are not forgotten. I highly recommend choosing an existing transcription
program rather than developing your own. There are many to choose from, including
SALT (Miller, 2010), ELAN (Max Planck Institute, 2010), and the CHAT transcription
conventions in the CHILDES system (MacWhinney, 2000; see Corrigan, Chapter 18
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202 Meredith L. Rowe
this volume). Each system has its own rules for how to transcribe what you see and hear
on your recording. At first it may seem like a daunting task to learn all the transcription
rules, but, as noted by MacWhinney (2010), we also find that those new to transcription
can successfully learn the CHAT conventions in about 30–40 hours. The program has
a built-in check procedure to find errors, which helps in the learning process.
Transcription programs have conventions for how to go about transcribing all aspects
of child language production you might encounter. However, this does not mean you
need to incorporate everything into your transcript. The rules you choose to apply to
your transcripts should follow from your research questions. For example, if you are
studying phonological development in infants, there are rules for how to accurately
transcribe the babbling children produce. However, if you are interested in lexical
development in 2-year-olds, you will place more emphasis on accurately capturing the
words that are spoken and you might decide not to phonetically transcribe the bab-
bling. Thus, before you begin transcribing, think about your research questions and
envision all the information you want your completed transcripts to contain. Some
questions to ask yourself include: Will you transcribe all adult talk or just child-directed
speech? How will you decide what counts as a word (does the child need to produce the
entire word correctly or just attempt to produce the word)? Will you transcribe gestures
and nonverbal actions? Will you include contextual information in your transcripts?
While you do not need to incorporate every single aspect of the interaction into
your transcript, getting it transcribed in as detailed a way as possible will be helpful
in the long run. Transcribing is a very time-consuming process: MacWhinney (2010)
estimates a ratio of 15:1 for speech transcription, and thus a 10 minute tape would
take an estimated 2.5 hours to transcribe. In my lab we estimate about 23:1 to
transcribe both speech and gesture in an interaction that is easy to see and hear. If
only transcribing speech, using audio chunking systems (e.g., Blitzscribe) is found to
decrease transcription time slightly (Roy and Roy, 2009). Once recordings are
transcribed, they are valuable data sources that can be tapped for additional coding
and future analyses. In sum, choose wisely what information you want to incorporate
in your transcripts. You do not want too much extra information that you will never
examine, nor do you want too little to gather the data you need.
Reliability is important in transcription and should be tailored to the level of
analysis. If you plan lexical and syntactic analyses, you need to be sure transcribers
are reliable at both the word and the utterance levels. The first step is to develop clear
rules for what counts as a word and for how to determine utterance boundaries.
In regard to what counts as a word, some questions to consider include: will you
transcribe fillers such as “um”? Will you transcribe animal sounds such as “moo”
and “baa”? If the child repeats the adult’s utterance verbatim, will you count that as
productive and transcribe it? If you don’t understand what the child says, but the
parent does and repeats it, will you give the child credit for that word? There are no
right answers to these questions. You need to decide based on your theoretical stance
and your research questions as to what should count as productive language, and
once you make some rules you should document them and stick to them.
If you plan to use mean length of utterance (MLU) as a measure of child language
production, or if you are going to code your transcripts further at the utterance level,
it is important to ensure that all transcribers are consistent in how they determine
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 203
utterance boundaries. Pauses, acoustic markers, interruptions, and speaker and topic
changes are some cues used to determine utterance termination. Nonetheless, there
remain situations where you create your own rules and apply them consistently. For
example, if a child repeats the same word several times as in “milk” “milk” “milk”
(e.g., MacWhinney, 2000), will you count that as one utterance or three? Your choice
will not make a difference for lexical analyses, but for MLU and other coding at the
utterance level the difference can be great.
We establish transcription reliability by having an experienced transcriber and a
novice transcriber compare their transcripts of the same recording. We calculate
agreement on utterance boundaries with a goal of having 95% of the utterances
match. The process usually involves (1) comparing transcripts, (2) discussing the
utterances that do not match, and (3) having the novice transcribe another tape until
his/her level of agreement on utterance boundaries is acceptable. From that point
forward we still always have one person transcribe a tape and then a second person
“verify” the transcript to double-check for utterance boundaries and any portions of
speech or gesture that might have been missed. Often utterances don’t match because
two different individuals hear different words in the recording. When that happens
we always have both individuals (and sometimes a third) relisten to try and come to
an agreement about what was said. At the word level, we do not calculate reliability
per se, but we use other methods to check the transcript. In addition to having the
verifier watch the video and read over the transcript to be sure nothing is missing, we
also run a frequency analysis (FREQ in CLAN) to get a list of the words spoken in
the transcript. We then spell-check this list and also scan it for words that we did not
want to be transcribed. Thus, a transcript is considered ready for further analysis
and coding once (1) a reliable transcriber has transcribed it, (2) the CHECK program
has been run successfully, (3) the FREQ program has been run and typos have been
fixed, and (4) the verifier has gone over it as a second pair of eyes, and any discrepancies
have been discussed and ratified between verifier and transcriber.
If you pay attention to all of the above-mentioned issues in transcribing, there are
few potential pitfalls. One thing I’ve learned is that it is important to include the time
in your transcript along the way so that you notice if some recordings are shorter or
longer than planned. Perhaps the child got sick, or the interaction was so cute that
the research assistant just kept recording. If the recordings are long you can always
stop at a certain time, but if they are short you should consider pro-rating the data
to try and make the sessions equivalent. If the sessions vary widely in length, you can
opt to use proportions (in minutes or in utterances depending on unit of analysis)
rather than counts in your analysis. In addition, always back up your transcripts,
and keep your backups in a different location from the originals.
Coding Interactions and Generating Data
Are you interested in coding your transcripts further to glean more information? To
answer this question, you need to ask yourself what type of data you need to
accomplish your research objectives. Many types of data can be generated from
transcripts, and they fall into three main categories. The first are data that can be
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204 Meredith L. Rowe
automatically generated as a function of the transcription analysis program, including
word tokens (total number of words spoken), word types (number of different words
spoken), and mean length of utterance (MLU). The second category of data are those
that can be automatically generated from the transcripts but need some additional
coding. For example, a recent study looked at parents’ use of number talk with their
children in relation to children’s later mathematical skill (Levine, Suriyakham, Rowe,
et al., 2010). To examine number talk, we automatically extracted all uses of the
numbers 1–10 produced by parents during parent–child interactions in the home.
This can be done in different ways depending on the program; in CLAN, you can use
an “include file” to search for the words of interest. We then had to do some extra
checking of the number words to be sure they were used numerically: for example,
the word “one” can be used in various ways (“which one” versus “one more”). But
after that level of checking was complete, we were able to accurately quantify parent
number talk. You can imagine how this type of approach can be applied to other
types of words as well (emotion words, color words, mental state verbs, etc.).
The third category of data generated by coding is with the use of a coding scheme.
This scheme may already exist, or it may be developed by you. The coding system
gets incorporated into the transcript and is often applied to the entire transcript (or
to one speaker). The use of this method requires that the coding scheme is one that
can be learned and that coders are reliable in their application of the coding scheme.
The Snow and colleagues (1996) speech-act coding scheme (INCA–A) presented
earlier in this chapter is an example of this type of coding. If there is no existing
coding scheme that captures what you are looking for, you can create your own.
Iwill explain this process by walking you through an example of a coding scheme
we developed to compare features of maternal and paternal talk to toddlers. I will
not describe the entire rationale of the study or all the results here, but will focus on
the development and application of the coding scheme (for more information please
see Rowe, Coker and Pan, 2004).
Our interest was in understanding similarities and differences in how low-income
mothers and fathers communicate with their 2-year-old children. Based on our review of
the previous literature in this area, we were interested in generating data which wouldfall
into all three of the above-mentioned data categories. First, we automatically analyzed
the transcripts for parent and child word tokens, word types, and MLU so that we could
compare the quantity, diversity, and linguistic complexity of maternal and paternal talk.
Second, we were interested in the questions that parents posed to their children, and we
were able to automatically pull out questions by searching for all parent utterances that
ended in a question mark. This type of analysis highlights how crucial it is to accurately
transcribe the data. The questions were then further coded as to whether or not they
were wh- questions or yes/no questions. Finally, in addition to questions, we were
interested in other pragmatic aspects of parents’ speech. Thus, we developed a coding
scheme to capture directives, prohibitions, and requests for clarification.
We chose to code at the utterance level. If your transcript is based at the utterance
level (as most transcripts are these days) your coding will often be at that level as well.
Of course you can code data at the word level (as noted above in the number talk
example) or you can chunk your data based on some other unit (i.e., clauses) and code
accordingly. Nonetheless, the first decision is to determine the unit or level of coding.
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Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 205
We started with three codes and, after reading through a few transcripts, realized
that the directives and prohibitions could be broken down further into “direct” or
“indirect” categories. Thus, we ended up with five mutually exclusive final coding
categories, presented here in Table 13.2. For this coding, we found that we had to
watch the videos and read the transcripts as we coded to reliably code the data. As
we watched videos and read every parent utterance in the transcript, we incorporated
our codes into the transcripts on additional coding lines when the parent produced
utterances that fell into one of our five categories in the coding scheme.
For coding reliability, we had two independent raters code 15% of the transcripts
(half mother–child and half father–child). We calculated percentage agreement and
Cohen’s kappa. Percentage agreement is the percentage of all utterances that the
coders agreed on (gave the same code or noncode to) in their coding. Cohen’s kappa
is a more stringent reliability measure that corrects for the possibility of coding the
same by chance. Cohen’s kappa can be calculated by hand, by using an online kappa
calculator, or by using the crosstabs function in the SPSS program (SPSS, 2001). When
calculating reliability of observational coding schemes it is often useful to present
both reliability measures (see Bakeman and Gottman, 1997, for more information).
Automated analyses of the codes we inserted into the transcripts resulted in counts for
each code that we incorporated into our dataset and analysis. Our results did not show
any differences between mothers and fathers in the quantity, diversity, or complexity of
Table 13.2 Pragmatic speech coding system for maternal and paternal talk to toddlers
Type of speech act Definition Example
Request for information Wh-questions framed
with who, what, when,
where, why, or how
“What are you doing?”,
“Where does the cat go?”
Request for clarification Explicit request for child
to repeat/revise utterance
“What?”, “Say that again,
Direct prohibition Prohibition expressed in
the imperative
“No, “Stop, “Don’t,
“Wait a minute, “Be
Indirect prohibition Prohibition expressed
“You’re not going
Direct directive Command expressed
through the imperative
“Give me the ball, “Look”
(unless it is clear the child
is already looking)
Indirect directive Command expressed
indirectly as a question or
“Would you give me the
ball?”, “What are you
Source: reprinted with permission from M.L. Rowe, D. Coker, and B.A. Pan (2004)
Acomparison of fathers’ and mothers’ talk to toddlers in low-income families.
Social Development, 13 (2), 278–291.
Hoff_c13.indd 205Hoff_c13.indd 205 6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM
206 Meredith L. Rowe
talk to children (word tokens, word types, and MLU). However, fathers produced more
wh-questions and explicit clarification requests than mothers, leading us to conclude
that the fathers were more challenging communicative partners for their children
because these specific pragmatic functions require a verbal response from the child.
The Data
This procedure provides both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitatively, you can
generate counts such as the number of child word types per 10 minute interaction or
the proportion of parental utterances that are directives, and these counts can be merged
with other background data on the participating families (e.g., child age, gender, SES).
Sample sizes using this approach are never very large because recording, transcribing,
and coding is time consuming. However, the amount of data you obtain in terms of
words and utterances can be enormous and the variation wide. For example, Hart and
Risley (1995) had enough variation with 42 families to find group (SES) differences,
and significant relations between parents and children. Qualitatively, incorporating
codes into transcripts allows you to identify and pull out chunks of transcript (e.g.,
examples of clarification requests) to use as evidence when making a claim.
In sum, the disadvantages to this methodological approach include the amount of
time and manpower it takes to record, transcribe, and code data. The advantages
include the ability to document and analyze naturalistic child language production,
and the wealth of data that can be generated.
Key Terms
Coding The process of categorizing transcribed speech or gestures/actions for analysis. The type
of coding system used depends upon the intended goal of the analysis.
Ecologically valid The methods, materials and setting of the research study closely approximate
the real-life situation that is under investigation.
Language production The use of spoken words to communicate.
Naturalistic interactions Naturalistic interactions are meant to capture language that a child
uses in an everyday situation, such as during dinner or while playing with his/her own toys.
They usually occur at a child’s home or school, and are less structured than experiments.
Parent–child interaction Occurs when parent and child cooperate to accomplish a task, or
when each understands what the other is communicating, and they take turns responding
to one another. This can be verbal (e.g., a conversation) or nonverbal.
Transcription The process of writing down words spoken (and, optionally, nonverbal
gestures and actions that occur) during a set period of time.
Bakeman, R., and Gottman, J.M. (1997) Observing interaction: an introduction to sequential
analysis (2nd edn). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brown, R. (1973) A first language: the early stages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hoff_c13.indd 206Hoff_c13.indd 206 6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM
Plate 1 (Chapter 2) Timecourse of children’s looking patterns during a shape bias task,
atfour different ages, showing total conglomerate graph.
Graph for shape bias
Time (s)
Blank BlankControl Test
Average look time
20 months
Time (s)
Blank Test
Average look time
Graph for shape bias
28 months
Blank BlankControl
Control Test
32 months
Time (s)
Average look time
Graph for shape bias
24 months
Time (s)
Blank Blank
Average look time
Graph for shape bias
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Looking to new location
Time from word onset (ms)
Initial mispron.
Correct pron.
Plate 2 (Chapter 3) One-year-olds’ fixation to named target pictures on hearing ordinary
pronunciations of words and mispronunciations of words. Time from the acoustic onset
ofthe target word is plotted on the x-axis. The y-axis reveals the proportion of children
(n = 60) who, at each moment, were no longer fixating the image they had been fixating
when the target word began. Solid lines indicate trials on which children happened to be
fixating the distracter when the target word began; dashed lines indicate trials on which
children were already fixating the target. Black lines show responses on correct
pronunciation trials, red lines mispronunciation trials. Vertical bars show standard errors
ofthe mean computed over children.
Hoff_bins.indd 1Hoff_bins.indd 1 6/6/2011 1:00:21 PM6/6/2011 1:00:21 PM
0 440ms
250–265 270–295 300–320 325–365 ms
Plate 3 (Chapter 4) N400m MEG response to congruous and incongruous final words in
visual sentences. (A) Left to right: equivalent current dipole modeling (ECD) localization,
MEG field maps, and timecourses to incongruous minus congruous words. ECDs on sagittal
MR images are consistently localized in or near the superior temporal sulcus in all subjects
in the study. Inthe next column, MEG fields at the peak response latency of 400 ms are
illustrated as contour maps, with the step between lines set at 20 fT, and current entering
thebrain as blue. The green arrow indicates the direction of the current generating the
magnetic field (within the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells). Dipolar field patterns are
most apparent over the left hemisphere and are consistent across individual subjects. In this
participant, the MEG signal in sensor 44 shows greater response amplitude to incongruous
versus congruous words at about 440 ms. (B)Distributed source modeling method results:
averaged cortical activity patterns to sentence-terminal incongruous minus congruous words
in four latency windows prior to 400 ms. Activation is exclusively left hemisphere. It is
estimated to begin in Wernicke’s area at 250 ms; itspreads to anterior temporal sites at
approximately 270 ms and to the prefrontal cortex by 300 ms, and becomes increasingly
widespread by approximately 325 ms. Activation is averaged across subjects and shown
assignificance levels on the average inflated cortical surface.
Source: Reprinted from Halgren et al. (2002).
Hoff_bins.indd 2Hoff_bins.indd 2 6/6/2011 1:00:22 PM6/6/2011 1:00:22 PM
Max Depth
Task duration (s)
Left IFG
% signal change
16 20 24
Left STG
Task duration (s)
16 20 24
Plate 4 (Chapter 4) Brain activation to a rhyme task relative to rest, as measured with
hemodynamic methods. (A) fMRI method: children (n = 12, ages 6–13) show significant
increase in BOLD response in left inferior frontal and superior temporal gyri (p < 0.005,
extent threshold > 15). (B–E) fNIRS method showing data for one representative
participant:(B) 3 × 5 probe placement on a child, using probe set which overlays left
hemisphere IFG and STG/parietal regions; (C) brain tissue in which hemodynamic
responseis being measured, or the “banana” curve, which lies on the intersection of near
infrared light emitted by the laser emitter and light absorbed by the detector; increase in
oxy-hemoglobin and decrease in deoxy-hemoglobin during the task in (D) left IFG and
(E)left STG brain regions of interest.
Hoff_bins.indd 3Hoff_bins.indd 3 6/6/2011 1:00:23 PM6/6/2011 1:00:23 PM
Plate 5 (Chapter 8) The “smiley-face” scale used by adults and children to rate acceptability.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Ambridge et al. (2008), p. 105.
Hoff_bins.indd 4Hoff_bins.indd 4 6/6/2011 1:00:25 PM6/6/2011 1:00:25 PM
Recording, Transcribing, and Coding 207
Dale, P., Bates, E., Reznick, S., and Morisset, C. (1989) The validity of a parent report
instrument. Journal of Child Language, 16, 239–249.
Darwin, C. (1877) A biographical sketch of an infant. Mind, 2 (7), 285–294.
Hart, B., and Risley, T. (1995) Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young
American children. Baltimore: Brookes.
Hart, B., and Risley, T. (1999) The social world of children learning to talk. Baltimore:
Levine, S.C., Suriyakham, L.W., Rowe, M.L., et al. (2010) What counts in the development of
young children’s number knowledge? Developmental Psychology, 46 (5), 1309–1319.
MacWhinney, B. (2000) The CHILDES project: tools for analyzing talk (3rd edn). Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum.
MacWhinney, B. (2010) Introduction to CHILDES and TalkBank. Powerpoint presentation
on website: http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/intro/.
Max Planck Institute (2010) EUDICO Linguistic Annotator (Version 3.9.0). Computer
software. Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Miller, J.F. (2010) Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (Version 9). Computer
software. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Ninio, A., and Wheeler, P. (1984) A manual for classifying verbal communicative acts in
mother–infant interaction. Working Papers in Developmental Psychology, no. 1.
Jerusalem: Hebrew University. Reprinted as Transcript Analysis, 1986, 3, 1–82.
Pan, B.A., Rowe, M.L., Singer, J.D., and Snow, C.E. (2005) Maternal correlates of growth in tod-
dler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Development, 76 (4), 763–782.
Rowe, M.L., Coker, D., and Pan, B.A. (2004) A comparison of fathers’ and mothers’ talk to
toddlers in low-income families. Social Development, 13 (2), 278–291.
Rowland, C.F., Fletcher, S.L., and Freudenthal, D. (2008) How big is enough? Assessing the
reliability of data from naturalistic samples. In H. Behrens (ed.), Corpora in language
acquisition research (pp. 1–24). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Roy, B.C., and Roy, D. (2009) Fast transcription of unstructured audio recordings. In
Proceedings of Interspeech, Brighton, UK.
Snow, C.E. (1989). Imitativeness: trait or skill? In G. Speidel and K.E. Nelson (eds), The many
faces of imitation in language learning. New York: Springer.
Snow, C.E., Pan, B.A., Imbens-Bailey, A., and Herman, J. (1996) Learning how to say what
one means: a longitudinal study of children’s speech act use. Social Development, 5,
SPSS (2001) SPSS for Windows, Release 11.0.1. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
Tomasello, M., and Stahl, D. (2004) Sampling children’s spontaneous speech: how much is
enough? Journal of Child Language, 31, 101–121.
Vandell, D.L. (1979) Microanalysis of toddlers’ social interaction with mothers and fathers.
Journal of Genetic Psychology, 134 (2), 299–312.
Yont, K.M., Snow, C.E., and Vernon-Feagans, L. (2003) The role of context in mother–child
interactions: an analysis of communicative intents expressed during toy play and book
reading with 12-month-olds. Journal of Pragmatics, 35 (3), 435–454.
Further Reading and Resources
The CHILDES website: http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/.
The Talk Bank Website: http://talkbank.org/.
Information on SALT: http://www.saltsoftware.com/.
Information on ELAN: http://www.lat-mpi.eu/tools/elan/.
Hoff_c13.indd 207Hoff_c13.indd 207 6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM6/6/2011 12:48:35 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The spontaneous gestures that speakers produce when they talk constitute a rich and
multifaceted phenomenon, one that has generated a field of research dedicated solely
to its study (e.g., McNeill, 1992). The term “gesture” has been used to describe a vari-
ety of body and facial movements, both rehearsed and spontaneous. Studies of gesture
are wide-ranging and focus on, for example, gesture’s role in language production and
comprehension (Alibali, Kita, and Young, 2000; Goldin-Meadow, 1999), including its
neural correlates (Kelly, Kravitz, and Hopkins, 2004) and how it varies across
languages (Kita and Özyürek, 2003); gesture’s role in teaching and learning
(Goldin-Meadow and Wagner, 2005); and gesture when it takes over as the primary
mode of communication in children who do not have a conventional language
14 Studying Gesture
Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir,
and Susan Goldin-Meadow
To gain a full understanding of the steps children follow in acquiring language,
researchers must pay attention to their hands as well as their mouths – that is, to
gesture. We first define our methodology for studying gesture. We then describe
different types of gestures and their typical uses, and the methods by which
meaning can be attributed to gesture. We stress the importance of characterizing
the relationship between gesture and speech, and illustrate how that relationship
changes over time as children’s spoken language develops. Importantly, the
methods for coding and analyzing gesture in relation to speech also change over
time, and we provide examples of these changes. We end by discussing gesture’s
role in language learning and later stages of cognitive development.
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Studying Gesture 209
( Goldin-Meadow, 2003; 2009) and in adults who do (Goldin-Meadow et al., 2008).
We focus here on the spontaneous gestures that children produce when communicat-
ing with others. Recent work suggests that this type of gesture plays a role in language
development, and that important insights can be gained about language learning by
examining not only what children say with their words, but also what they say with
their gestures. This chapter outlines a general framework for studying gesture in
relation to language learning. We first provide guidelines for identifying and categoriz-
ing gestures at different stages of language development. We then give a brief descrip-
tion of insights already gained from including gesture in the study of language
development. We conclude with a picture of where the field may take us in the future.
Gesture is an integral part of children’s communicative repertoires. Before they are
able to produce any words at all, children use gesture to communicate (Bates, 1976).
Gesture thus provides a window onto the meanings and concepts that children at the
earliest stages of language learning are not yet able to convey in speech. Moreover, chil-
dren eventually grow not only into adult speakers but also into adult gesturers, and the
period between children’s first gestures and their acquisition of a fully fluent language
presents a rich and changing landscape of communicative development. It is in this
landscape that gesture plays its most significant role by supplementing, predicting, and
perhaps even facilitating the development of spoken language. Using gesture as a vari-
able in studies of language learning, researchers are able to ask more targeted questions
about predictors of vocabulary, syntax, and narrative development. We suggest that it is
only by examining speech and gesture together that language acquisition researchers
can gain a full understanding of a child’s communicative intentions and abilities.
Gesture can be studied in children of all backgrounds, all ages, and all abilities.
Comparing gestures used during language acquisition across speakers of different
languages not only reveals similarities in the way gesture accompanies and adds to
speech across languages, but can also reveal which aspects of gesture are shaped by the
language-specific constraints of the accompanying speech (So, Demir, and Goldin-
Meadow, 2010). Comparing gestures across age groups is useful in revealing the chang-
ing roles of speech and gesture during the acquisition of spoken language. Comparing
gestures across children whose language trajectory is likely to be atypical (e.g., children
with autism, Down syndrome, or early brain injury) is useful in understanding the
nature of the child’s delay. Moreover, gesture has been shown to be an early indicator
of language delay (Iverson, Longobardi, and Caselli, 2003; Sauer, Levine, and Goldin-
Meadow, 2010; Thal and Tobias, 1992), raising the possibility that gesture can be used
for early diagnosis and intervention when language learning goes awry (LeBarton and
Goldin-Meadow, under review).
The first step in including gesture in a study of language acquisition is to isolate gesture
from the ongoing stream of motor behavior. We define gesture as a movement that is
part of an intentional communicative act but is not a functional act in the real world
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210 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
(Goldin-Meadow and Mylander, 1984). For example, actively trying to twist the lid of
a jar while looking at mother, although part of a communicative act, is a direct
manipulation of an object and therefore not a gesture. In contrast, producing a twist-like
movement removed from the jar while eyeing mother would constitute a gesture. Once
isolated, gestures must be characterized in terms of their form and meaning.
Gesture Form
Gestures can be described in terms of the three parameters typically used to code
conventional sign languages: (1) the shape of the hand, (2) the movement of the
hand, and (3) the location of the hand in space. In principle, several gestures can
beconcatenated into a single string; if the hands do not relax and there is no pause
between the gestures, the gestures constitute a string. However, in reality, typically
developing hearing children rarely concatenate gestures into strings (Goldin-Meadow
and Mylander, 1984).
Gestures are often classified on the basis of their form and function into one of
thefollowing four categories (McNeill, 1992). All of these gesture types convey some
aspect of meaning and, in this sense, are distinct from manual movements that serve
as self-adaptors (e.g., scratching or adjusting clothing: Ekman and Friesen, 1969) or
that are associated with speech failures (Butterworth and Hadar, 1989).
1 Deictic gestures direct attention toward a particular object, person, or location in
the surrounding environment (Figure 14.1A). Deictics are typically produced
with an index finger point, but any part of the body may be used and, indeed,
some cultures point predominantly with the whole hand or by inclining the head
(Wilkins, 2003).
2 Conventional gestures have an agreed meaning and form within a given commu-
nity and are therefore culturally shared symbols. They can be arbitrary in form
(e.g., the OKAY or THUMBS-UP gestures) or ritualized from a frequent action
(e.g., infants’ PICK-ME-UP arm raise) (Figure 14.1B).
3 Representational (iconic and metaphoric) gestures reference objects, actions, or
relations by recreating an aspect of their referent’s shape or movement. Iconic
gestures represent physical objects or events (Figure 14.1C). Metaphoric gestures
represent abstract ideas or concepts (e.g., moving the hands forward when talk-
ing about the future).
4 Beat gestures are movements (typically of the hands or head) that correspond to
and highlight the prosody of the accompanying speech. Beats do not have an eas-
ily discernible semantic meaning, but typically reflect the speaker’s understanding
of narrative or discourse structure (Figure 14.1D).
It is important to note that a single gesture may have deictic, representational, and
discourse-marking beat elements. Take, for example, a gesture produced while
saying, “You need to put them in order. The speaker extends her open, flat hand
towards a messy bookshelf, with the palm turned sideways (in the orientation of a
book), and makes three chopping downward motions while moving her hand to the
Hoff_c14.indd 210Hoff_c14.indd 210 6/6/2011 12:49:12 PM6/6/2011 12:49:12 PM
Studying Gesture 211
side; each chop is produced with a different word (“put, “them, “in order”). The
gesture indicates the books (the deictic element), represents how the books should be
arranged (the iconic representational element), and highlights the prosody of speech
by accenting the words with which it occurs (the beat element). Given that it is often
difficult to classify a gesture according to type (i.e., as solely deictic, conventional,
representational, or beat), it is often more revealing to know the gesture’s meaning
in relation to the speech it accompanies than to merely know its type.
Gesture Meaning
The meaning assigned to a gesture is derived not only from its form, but also from the
physical environment and linguistic context within which it is produced. However, the
relative importance of form, environment, and context in determining a gesture’s
meaning differs across gesture types. The meaning of a deictic gesture is determined by
the object, person, or place toward which it is directed (e.g., a pointat a dog is taken
Figure 14.1 Examples of gestures produced by children in the early stages of language
learning. (A) Point gesture: an 18-month-old child points at a marker without talking.
(B)Conventional gesture: a 46-month-old child produces a conventional STOP gesture
whilesaying “stop. (C) Iconic gesture: a 46-month-old child moves his hand across the
table wiggling his fingers while saying “he crawled over. (D) Beat gesture: a 46-month-old
child says “milk and brown sugar” and beats his hand downwards on “brown” and “sugar.
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212 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
to mean dog) and is thus heavily dependent on its physical environment. The meaning
of a conventional gesture is determined by the culture within which it is used (e.g., the
THUMBS-UP gesture means things are good in American culture). The meaning of a
representational gesture is determined by its form in relation to its linguistic and
discourse context (e.g., a hand rotating in the air might mean twirl when describing a
ballerina dancing, or twist open when requesting mom to open a bubble jar).
Importantly, the role that gesture plays in relation to speech changes over the
course of language acquisition. In adult speakers, gesture is produced in the context
of speech more than 90% of the time (McNeill, 1992). At the earliest stages of
language learning, infants use gesture on its own, although even these early gestures
are usually accompanied by meaningless vocalizations (Iverson and Thelen, 1999).
Interestingly, at the same time that children begin to produce meaningful words
along with their gestures, they also begin to synchronize their vocalizations (both
meaningful and meaningless) with those gestures (Butcher and Goldin-Meadow,
2000), thus integrating gesture with speech semantically and temporally.
Once gesture begins to be routinely produced with speech, communicative acts
can be examined from the perspective of both gesture and speech. A communicative
act is defined as a string of words or gestures that is preceded and followed by a
pause, a change in conversational turn, or a change in intonational pattern.
Communicative acts can be classified into three categories. (1) Gesture-only acts are
gestures produced without speech, either singly (e.g., point at cookie) or, much less
frequently, in combination (e.g., point at cookie + point at mother). (2) Speech-only
acts are words produced without gesture, either singly (e.g., “cookie”) or in combi-
nation (“mommy cookie, “baby drink juice”). (3) Gesture–speech combinations are
acts containing both gesture and speech (e.g., “nice doggie” + point at dog; “mommy” +
point at cookie).
For gesture–speech combinations, the meaning gesture conveys must be interpreted
in relation to the meaning conveyed in the accompanying speech. Gesture often
conveys information that is, for the most part, redundant with speech (“ball” + point
at ball). But gesture can also convey information that is different from the information
conveyed in the accompanying speech (“ball” + point at the location where the ball
belongs, used to mean ball goes there). One of the best ways to determine whether a
gesture is conveying information that goes beyond the information found in the
accompanying speech is to turn off the video component of the tape and listen to
thespeech without gesture. In this case, all we would hear is “ball, suggesting that
the sentence-like ball goes there meaning comes from integrating information
fromthe two modalities.
Gesture’s Changing Role over Language Development
Gesture is sensitive to a child’s developmental stage. The types of meanings conveyed
in gesture, and the information gesture adds to speech, change over development as
the child’s speech skills develop. We therefore need to take the child’s level of language
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Studying Gesture 213
development into account when analyzing gesture. Here we outline the early periods
in language development. For each period, we discuss how gesture’s role changes as
speech becomes more adult-like, and how the approach to gesture analysis must also
change as a result. We also describe the information gesture typically adds to speech,
and the changes gesture signals with respect to future language development.
Pre-linguistic Period (Approximately 6–10 Months)
This stage is characterized by a dominance of gesture over speech. Infants have few,
if any, words during this period and communicate primarily through gesture –
typically pointing gestures, hold-up gestures in which an object is held up and dis-
played to another, or palm extended GIVE gestures (Bates, 1976). Although not
accompanied by words, gestures at this stage often co-occur with meaningless vocal-
izations (Iverson and Thelen, 1999). At this age, infants in the US are often taught to
communicate using “baby signs” (Acredolo, Goodwyn, and Abrams, 2002); if pos-
sible, when transcribing a child’s gestures, it is a good idea to distinguish learned
baby signs from naturally occurring gestures.
Coding and analyses
During this early period, the most interesting aspect of gesture is the nature and
diversity of the meanings it conveys. Assigning meaning to gesture during the
pre-linguistic period involves paying attention to the physical environment in which
the gesture is produced, the ongoing social interaction, and the linguistic discourse
context provided by parents and other communication partners. The number of
different meanings children convey in gesture at this stage of language development
(e.g., the number of different types of objcts a child points to) has been found to
predict the size of the child’s vocabulary later in development (Rowe and Goldin-
Meadow, 2009a). The number of meanings conveyed in gesture can also be used to
distinguish children with brain injury who are likely to continue to be delayed with
respect to word learning from those who are able to acquire words at a typical rate
(Sauer, Levine, and Goldin-Meadow, 2010). In studies of this sort, the number of
gesture meanings early in development is correlated with the number of different
words the child produces (as measured by word types in spontaneous specch) or
understands (as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT: Dunn and
Dunn, 1997) at a later time point.
When assigning meaning to deictic gestures, the tendency is to assume that the
infant is referring to a physically present object. However, Liszkowski and colleagues
(2009) have shown that even very young children can point to the place where an
object was in order to refer to the now-absent object (see also Butcher, Mylander,
and Goldin-Meadow, 1991). Thus, it is important for researchers to allow for
the possibility that early communication refers to objects and people outside the
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214 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
immediate environment. Overall, pre-linguistic gesture provides a unique opportunity
to assess communicative development before the onset of spoken language and to
predict upcoming changes in speech.
One-Word Period (Approximately 10–24 Months)
In this period, children begin to build a spoken vocabulary and to communicate
using one-word utterances. However, those words are often accompanied by gesture.
Coding and analyses
Once gestures are routinely accompanied by a spoken word, it is important to code
the relation between the information conveyed in gesture and the information
conveyed in the accompanying speech. Gesture can be used to reinforce the informa-
tion conveyed in speech (e.g., a point to a book accompanied by the word “book”;
a side-to-side head shake accompanied by “no”). Gesture can also be used to disam-
biguate the information conveyed in speech; these gestures typically co-occur with
nonspecific demonstrative or pronominal forms (e.g., a point to a particular location
accompanied by “there”; a point to a toy accompanied by “it”). Finally, gesture can
add information to the information conveyed in speech (e.g., a point to ball accom-
panied by “want”; a palm extended in a conventional GIVE gesture accompanied by
“cookie”). Keeping track of gestures that add information to speech not only
provides a more complete picture of a child’s communicative skills, it also gives us a
way to predict the onset of two-word speech. The age at which a child first produces
combinations in which gesture and speech together convey sentence-like information
(e.g., point at box + “open”) reliably predicts the age at which the child will produce
her first two-word utterance (“open box”) (Goldin-Meadow and Butcher, 2003;
Iverson and Goldin-Meadow, 2005).
Gestures that add information to speech can be further categorized according to
the type of information they contribute. For example, gesture may add noun-like
information to a spoken adjective (e.g., point to flower + “pretty”). In these gesture–
speech combinations, gesture adds information about an object and, in this sense,
the process is like building a noun phrase. In other gesture–speech combinations,
gesture adds subject or object information to a spoken verb (e.g., point to mother +
“dance”; point to bottle + “give”) or action information to a spoken noun (e.g., an
iconic OPEN gesture + “box”). In these cases, the process is like building predicate
structure. Identifying and classifying sentence-like gesture–speech combinations is
important because their prevalence early in development can be used to predict
overall syntactic complexity at later stages of language learning (Rowe and
Goldin-Meadow, 2009b). More specifically, multiple regression analyses show that
the number of gesture–speech combinations children produce at 18 months predicts
grammatical complexity (as measured by the Index of Productive Syntax, IPSyn:
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Studying Gesture 215
Scarborough, 1990), although not vocabulary size, at 42 months. Interestingly, the
number of gesture meanings produced at 18 months shows the reverse pattern: it
predicts vocabulary size, but not grammatical complexity, at 42 months, demon-
strating that gesture selectively predicts language learning.
Moreover, the particular constructions expressed in these gesture–speech
combinations can be used to predict the emergence of the same constructions in
speech later in development (Özçalışkan and Goldin-Meadow, 2005). Chi-square
analyses can be used to compare the number of children who express a particular
construction first in speech + gesture to those who express the construction first in
speech alone. Interestingly, although children seem to rely on gesture to produce the
first instance of a construction (e.g., a predicate plus one argument: “give” + point at
cookie), once the construction is established in their repertoire, children are no more
likely to use gesture to flesh out the construction than they are to use speech. For
example, they are just as likely to produce a predicate plus three arguments entirely
in speech (“you see my butterfly on my wall”) as they are to use a combination of
gesture and speech (“Daddy clean all the bird poopie” + point at table) (Özçalışkan
and Goldin-Meadow, 2009). Gesture thus acts as a harbinger of linguistic steps only
when those steps involve new constructions, not when the steps merely flesh out
existing constructions.
Later Language Development and Early Discourse
(Starting at Approximately 24 Months)
During this period, children acquire many different linguistic features: they speak in
multi-word utterances; acquire prepositions, determiners, demonstratives; conjugate
verbs; and begin to use multi-clausal utterances. Children also increase their use of
iconic gestures (Özçalışkan and Goldin-Meadow, in press) and begin to produce
discourse-marking gestures such as beats (McNeill, 1992).
Coding and analyses
As children’s speech increases in complexity, and as they produce more iconic
representational gestures, the relationship between gesture and speech becomes more
complex. Representational gestures can convey many different aspects of an object,
event, or idea simultaneously, and thus can have multiple relationships to the sur-
rounding speech. For example, a child might accompany the utterance “put it on top”
with a gesture in which a curved hand is lowered onto an imaginary surface as if set-
ting down a glass. In this case, the action and path of movement are reinforced by the
gesture, but the characteristics of the moved object are conveyed only in gesture and
are thus added by gesture. Coding the particular information that is either reinforced
or added by gesture becomes particularly important as iconic gestures become more
frequent in a child’s repertoire and metaphoric gestures begin to emerge.
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216 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
As in earlier periods of language development, gesture is used to express more
complex structures than children express in speech alone. The range of information
gesture adds to speech increases with children’s communicative complexity. For
example, where gesture would add an argument or a predicate to a single-word
utterance in the one-word stage, it can now add a new predicate to a single clause
utterance, thus creating a multi-clausal utterance. For example, the child says, “I like
it, while producing an iconic EAT gesture, in effect conveying two predicates. Or
the child says, “me try it, while producing a conventional GIVE gesture.
Thus, the information conveyed in gesture needs to be coded for the semantic
relation it holds to the information conveyed in the accompanying speech. These
gesture–speech relationships grow more complex and subtle as speech becomes more
proficient. For example, when children begin to express causal relationships in
speech (e.g., “he broke the window”), they use gesture to convey information about
agents, patients, or instruments. Three-year-olds use gesture primarily to reinforce
the goal of an action, but 5-year-olds use gesture to add information about the
instrument or direction – information that is often not found in the accompanying
speech (e.g., producing an iconic THROW gesture that adds information about the
instrument to the utterance “he broke the window”: Göksun, Hirsh-Pasek, and
Golinkoff, 2010). As another example, when children begin to describe motion
events in speech (e.g., “it went under there”), gesture is often used to reinforce or add
information about manner, path, source, and endpoint. The type of information
children choose to convey in gesture reflects not only their understanding of the
event, but also the linguistic framing of the language they are learning (Özyürek
etal., 2005; Özyürek and Özçalışkan, 2000). Crosslinguistic studies of gesture’s rela-
tion to speech can thus provide insight into how children come to describe events in
the manner typical of their language.
In addition, as children begin to engage in extended discourse with others, the
relationship between children’s gestures and the ongoing social context can become
a window onto their understanding of shared reference. When children introduce
into the conversation a referent not previously known to their conversation partner,
they often produce a gesture along with their speech, thus marking the referent as
new. For example, children are more likely to point at a toy if the toy has not been
mentioned earlier in the conversation than if it has been mentioned (So, Demir, and
Goldin-Meadow, 2010).
Narrative Development (Starting at Approximately 4 Years)
As children become more comfortable with the basic aspects of language such as
vocabulary and syntax, they start to engage in larger stretches of discourse. When
producing extended discourse structures, children are required for the first time to
pay attention to the macro-level structure of these larger units. The way in which
gesture relates to speech changes during these later stages as gesture begins to add
metalinguistic information (e.g., gestures highlight events that form the plotline of a
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Studying Gesture 217
narrative). With the emergence of discourse skills, children’s gestures begin to
structure the accompanying speech, mirroring the gesture–speech relation observed
in adults.
Coding and analyses
During this period, gesture can be studied in relation to how it helps construct or
support narrative structure. For example, children’s iconic gestures reveal informa-
tion about the perspective they take vis-à-vis the event they are describing. Iconic
gestures can be produced from two different perspectives: character viewpoint and
observer viewpoint. In character viewpoint gestures, the gesture portrays an event
from the character’s point of view (e.g., pumping the arms as though running to
describe a character who is moving quickly; moving a closed hand away from the
torso to describe a character giving something away). In observer viewpoint gestures,
the gesture portrays the event from the observer’s point of view (e.g., moving the two
fingers of an upside-down V-hand back and forth, representing the moving legs of a
character in a running event; or moving an index finger up to represent the ascent of
the character in a climbing event).
The viewpoint of a child’s gestures reveals if and when the child is able to take the
perspective of different characters in a story. At initial stages of narrative develop-
ment, being able to produce character viewpoint gestures is associated with better
developed narrative skills in speech at that moment and in the future (Demir, 2009).
Multiple regression analyses reveal that producing character viewpoint gestures
when retelling a cartoon story at age 5 predicts narrative complexity (as measured
by number of plotline events mentioned, and overall story structure) at age 6. How
children use character vs observer viewpoint gestures also reveals their understand-
ing of the central events in a narrative. Character viewpoint gestures tend to accom-
pany events that are central to narrative structure (e.g., the main goal of the
protagonist); observer viewpoint gestures tend to accompany events that are more
peripheral to the main plotline (McNeill, 1992). Being able to use character viewpoint
gestures for important events emerges around 6 years of age, and is associated with
narratives that are better structured (i.e., children who use character viewpoint
gestures to highlight important events produce stories with significantly higher
complexity scores than children who do not use these gestures: Demir, 2009).
As a second example of how gesture can be used to structure discourse, recurring
gestural features (hand configuration, location, and orientation) can be used to refer
back to a character and, in this way, enhance the cohesion of a narrative (McNeill,
1992). As their narrative skills develop, children begin to use the shape and placement
of the hand to keep track of characters. For example, in describing a cartoon, a child
consistently uses a gesture shaped like a beak produced in front of his torso to refer
to a bird. This gesture is used exclusively for the bird throughout the narrative and
thus serves to mark the bird as a recurring character in the story. Narrative cohesion
can also be enhanced by the use of space. In telling a narrative, adults produce a
gesture for a character in a particular location and then gesture toward this location
whenever they refer back to the character (So, Demir, and Goldin-Meadow, 2005).
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218 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
Children do not appear to use gesture space systematically to refer back to previously
introduced characters in their early narratives, and we do not yet know when
children first begin to use this gestural device to enhance the cohesion of their
narratives. Beat gestures also play an important role in adult narrative production.
Adults use beats when they suspend talking about the narrative plotline to make a
metanarrative comment or repair lexical items (McNeill, 1992). Beats thus serve to
mark events as on or off the narrative line. Children occasionally use beats for
emphasis around age 5, but the age at which beats take on a functional metalinguistic
role in narrative is currently unknown.
Summary of Gesture’s Changing Role over Language
When adding gesture to a language learning study, researchers must carefully
consider the child’s stage of language development, simply because gesture starts to
take on new roles as speech becomes the preferred modality of communication. In
pre-linguistic children, gesture assumes the primary burden of communication, but,
as children pass through the one-word stage, gesture is combined with speech and,
as such, often forms sentence-like utterances. During this period, gesture can be used
to elaborate noun phrases or to construct single- or multi-clausal utterances. When
children begin to use narrative, gesture helps to structure language on the macro
level, and researchers must then consider the role that gesture is playing in relation
to the overall discourse structure. Table 14.1 illustrates how gesture can play differ-
ent roles at different points in development, and what types of questions researchers
can ask about gesture at each of these points.
Gesture as a Potential Mechanism of Language
Thus far, we have been discussing how gesture can be studied in relation to children’s
speech as a way to gain insight into the cognitive and communicative processes that
underlie language learning. However, the fact that child gesture correlates with, and
predicts, subsequent language learning suggests that gesturing may be playing a role
in facilitating language development, not just reflecting it. To explore this possibility,
we must move beyond naturalistic data and experimentally manipulate gesture, as
has been done in older children learning mathematical concepts (e.g., Broaders et al.,
2007; Goldin-Meadow, Cook, and Mitchell, 2009). In these cases, gesturing brings
about learning by altering the child’s cognition.
Child gesture can also play a role in language learning by altering the child’s
communicative situation; in particular, by eliciting from communication partners a
linguistic input that is targeted to the child’s needs at the moment. For example, a
child points at an unknown object and her mother provides the label for the object,
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Studying Gesture 219
“that’s a giraffe”; the child is hearing the label at a moment when her attention is
focused on the object and may therefore be particularly ready to learn the label. Or
a child may say “nap” while pointing at a sleeping bird, and mother responds with
the sentence, “yes, the bird is napping, thus providing a way to translate the child’s
gesture–speech combination into an English sentence (Goldin-Meadow et al., 2007).
The responses children receive to their own gestures may thus help them acquire
linguistic constructions.
In addition, adult gesture, and specifically, the gestural input that children receive
from either their parents or their teachers, may also play a role in language learning.
Others’ gestures might draw a child’s attention to particular objects, making the
child more likely to learn the labels for those objects. Or the gestures others produce
might help the child acquire vague or abstract language by relating abstract speech
to the physical environment. Past work has found that parents who use gesture to
communicate a greater range of meanings have children who subsequently develop
larger vocabularies (Rowe and Goldin-Meadow, 2009b). In addition, the gestures
that others produce along with specific types of language have been found to facilitate
a child’s acquisition of that language. For example, parent gesture that is produced
along with spatial language predicts children’s subsequent spatial language develop-
ment (Cartmill et al., 2010).
Gesture thus has the potential to play a role in a child’s language development
when it is produced or observed by the child, and when it is produced or observed
by a parent or other communication partner.
Gesture’s Changing Role in Cognition
An important question for future work is whether gesture’s role in communication
and cognition changes over time and, if so, when the change occurs. Proficient
language users, like beginning language learners, convey information in gesture that
is different from the information conveyed in speech and often do so when describing
tasks that they are on the verge of learning (Goldin-Meadow, 2003). As we have
described here, the learning task facing the young child is language itself. When
gesture is used in these early stages, it is used as an assist into the linguistic system,
substituting for words that the child has not yet acquired. But once the basics of
language have been mastered, children are free to use gesture for other purposes – in
particular, to help them grapple with new ideas in other cognitive domains, ideas
that are often not easily translated into a single lexical item.
As a result, although gesture conveys ideas that do not fit into speech throughout
development, we might expect to see a transition in the kinds of ideas that gesture
conveys once children have become proficient language users. Initially, as seen in
many of the examples described here, children often use gesture as a substitute for
the words they cannot yet express. Later, once they have mastered language and
other learning tasks present themselves, they begin to use gesture in more adult ways,
expressing in their gestures ideas that do not fit neatly into word-like units. From a
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Table 14.1 Examples of gesture coding at different stages of language development
Period Utterance Gesture
relationship to
Interpretation of gesture
meaning Possible research question
Pre-linguistic “Da!” Point to bear No meaningful
Bear Does the range of objects
indicated by deictic
gesture relate to future
vocabulary acquisition?
“Pretty” Point to flower Adds argument Gesture adds an argument
to speech thus building a
noun phrase (pretty flower)
Do children convey noun
phrases in speech plus
gesture before conveying
them in speech alone?
“You” Iconic HIT gesture
(open hand sweeps
downwards quickly)
Adds predicate Gesture adds a predicate to
speech thus building a
simple sentence (you hit)
Do children convey
sentential relations in
speech plus gesture before
conveying them in speech
Later language
“It went under
Point to chair Disambiguates
Gesture disambiguates the
referent of the deictic
Does gesture precede and
predict talk about spatial
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“You gotta see
gesture (spread both
hands apart over
surface of table)
Adds predicate Gesture adds a predicate to
speech, creating a multi-
clausal sentence (you gotta
spread them out so you can
see them)
Do children use gestures
to create multi-clausal
“She talked to
One point to the
right side of the
gesture space and
another point to the
left side of the
gesture space
Gesture refers to a location
previously associated with a
referent and thus
disambiguates it
Do children use gesture to
disambiguate referents in
speech and to provide
cohesion to their
“The mouse
gave a cracker
to the bird”
Iconic GIVE gesture
(move closed hand
away from the
Adds perspective
Gesture depicts act of giving
from the character’s
Do individual differences in
the perspective of children’s
gestures relate to narrative
outcomes in their speech?
Note: Each example is accompanied by a hypothetical research question. The underlining in the utterance column reflects the fact that
the gesture was produced simultaneously with the speech, and indicates where in the speech stream the gesture occurred.
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222 Erica A. Cartmill, Özlem Ece Demir, and Susan Goldin-Meadow
methodological point of view, the important point is that coding systems for each
new task need to be designed with that task in mind. Although the guidelines we
have provided for describing gesture form can be usefully applied to any task, when
the goal is to assign meaning to gesture we need to construct categories that are
appropriate to the task at hand. For example, coding the meaning of gestures in a
mathematical equivalence task is done in terms of problem-solving strategies
(Broaders et al., 2007; Goldin-Meadow, Cook, and Mitchell, 2009) rather than the
word-like and sentence-like units we have described here for language learning.
Gesture can provide insight into many different types of information (communicative
intent, semantic structure, discourse, etc.), but the interpretation of the gesture depends
on the developmental stage of the children studied and, to some extent, on the research
question asked. This flexibility means that each study will require a coding system that
is tailored to the particular question and population under study. Thus, the first step
in any study involving gesture is to devise a coding system that captures information
relevant to the question. In addition, because coding relies on human judgment and
observation, it is important to establish inter-observer reliability between coders. The
final step is, of course, to code the data, which is typically done from videotapes
because gesture coding is usually too detailed to be performed in real time.
Gesture coding is a time-consuming process. Each step of the process – developing
a coding system, training coders to use the system, establishing reliability between
coders, and finally coding the data – takes time. The result, however, is a look into
the mind of the language learning child that is often importantly different from the
view provided by speech alone.
All authors contributed equally to this work. The studies and methodologies
described in this chapter were supported by grant numbers P01HD40605,
R01DC00491, and R01 HD47450 to Goldin-Meadow.
Key Terms
Beat gesture Movement (typically of the hands or head) that corresponds to and highlights
the prosody of the accompanying speech.
Conventional gesture Culturally shared symbol with a stable form and meaning used within
a community.
Deictic gesture Used to direct attention toward a particular object, person, or location in the
surrounding environment; typically produced with an index finger point, but may involve
any part of the body or holding up an object.
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Studying Gesture 223
Gesture–speech relationship The relationship between a gesture’s meaning and the meaning
of the speech it accompanies; gesture can reinforce, disambiguate, or add information to
the meaning conveyed in speech.
Iconic representational gesture Represents a physical object or event by recreating an aspect
of the referent’s shape or movement.
Linguistic context The spoken context in which a gesture is produced, and may include the
word, utterance, or discourse.
Metaphoric representational gesture Represents an abstract idea or concept by adding an
iconic element to abstract ideas conveyed in speech.
Narrative cohesion The linguistic, local, micro-level relations that tie the span of idea units
in the narrative together and create a text; cohesive devices include inter-clausal conjunc-
tion and pronominal reference.
Perspective The perspective from which iconic gestures are produced: first-person or character
viewpoint” gestures are made from the perspective of the gesturer; third-person or “observer
viewpoint” gestures are made as if the gesturer is describing a scene from the outside.
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steps in: sensitivity to discourse-pragmatic principles in early childhood. Applied
Psycholinguistics, 31, 209–224.
Thal, D.J., and Tobias, S. (1992) Communicative gestures in children with delayed onset of
oral expressive vocabulary. Journal of Speech and Hearing Science, 35 (6), 1281–1289.
Wilkins, D. (2003) Why pointing with the index finger is not a universal (in sociocultural and
semiotic terms). In Kita S. (ed.), Pointing: where language, culture, and cognition meet
(pp. 171–215). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Further Reading
Goldin-Meadow, S. (2003) The resilience of language: what gesture creation in deaf children
can tell us about how all children learn language. New York: Psychology Press.
Hostetter, A.B., and Alibali, M.W. (2008) Visible embodiment: gestures as simulated action.
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 15, 495–514.
Kendon, A. (2004) Gesture: visible action as utterance. New York: Cambridge University
McNeill, D. (2005) Gesture and thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aim
Naturalistic recordings of children’s speech are an essential part of the study of child
language development. Experiments, of their very nature, control what it is the child
has to either understand or produce, and diary studies can only focus rather
narrowly either in time and/or on a particular construction or phenomenon.
Therefore periodic longitudinal recordings of children talking have always had a
central place in the study of language acquisition, especially since they provide
15 Dense Sampling
Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
This chapter describes the methods used to develop much denser samples of
children’s naturalistic speech than have previously been available. Most
longitudinal corpora capture an estimated 1–2% of children’s speech.
Depending on the exact sampling regime, the new dense corpora capture an
estimated 7–15%. Dense sampling is important in assessing the productivity of
children’s grammars and in the collection of rarer structures. It also allows
much more reliable quantitative comparisons between the input and the child’s
developing system as well as the use of computational and modeling methods
that cannot be used with corpora of smaller sizes. The collection and transcrip-
tion of these denser corpora is complete or under way for English, German,
Polish, Japanese, Estonian, and Finnish. The limitations of the method are the
extensive resources that are required and, given this, the fact that corpora can
only be collected from a very small number of children.
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Dense Sampling 227
information not only about the children’s own language production (arguably an
insufficient cue for the assessment of their competence) but also about the input the
child receives as the basis for the generalization over language, and the interactional
processes that may help the child to identify the relevant information in adult speech.
Thus a corpus, once transcribed, can serve as the resource for addressing many
different research questions, including the interaction between different strands of
development, whereas an experiment needs to reduce the number of variables
involved. The main constraint in setting up a corpus is the time involved in
transcription, especially when the children are young and their speech is not very
clear. This has meant that almost all longitudinal corpora can only capture a very
small proportion of a child’s waking life, typically 1–2 hours every 2–3 weeks at
best. Dense databases (DDBs) aim to achieve a much higher sampling level (of
between 5% and 20%).
Although DDBs also collect only a proportion of the child’s active and passive
linguistic experience, they can fulfill an important role in dealing with the problem
of thin sampling. Thin sampling presents two major problems. First, there is the
possibility that the absence of a structure in the child’s transcribed speech is due to
its rarity rather than to the fact that the child has not yet acquired that structure.
Clearly researchers could radically underestimate the child’s developmental level in
these circumstances. A second problem acts in the opposite direction: the rare
appearance of a complex utterance in the child’s corpus could be taken as evidence
of acquisition when in fact it is partially or wholly rote learned, but there are not
enough data from either child or interlocutors to check this possibility (Rowland
and Fletcher, 2006; Rowland, Fletcher, and Freudenthal, 2008; Tomasello and Stahl,
2004). Of course the ideal would be to collect everything that a child says, but this
is an even more resource intensive undertaking which only the Human Speechome
Project has realized (Roy, 2009; see Naigles, Chapter 16 this volume).
For What Population Is It Suited?
Dense databases can be collected for all populations and types of language acquisition.
For practical reasons (see below), dense sampling is easier and timewise better if
children spend more time at home rather than full-time nursery or school. It could
be particularly suited to the longitudinal study of children who talk and communi-
cate little: they will familiarize to the recording situation, and dense sampling will
yield a better picture of their communicative and linguistic profile than thin sampling.
Another application is the recording of children growing up multilingually, if the
sampling was well distributed over the various linguistic environments. However,
collecting DDBs, especially continuous ones, requires a deep commitment by the
families involved. Thus when recruiting families, attention has to be paid to the
stability of life circumstances. The requirements of such a study self-select families
who take an intense interest in the development of their children and are willing to
arrange their lives according to the requirements of the study.
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228 Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
What Can Be Learned from the Application
of This Technique?
DDBs make possible a number of analyses that cannot be obtained with experiments
or thinner samples. Obviously, DDBs are extremely useful for tracing the acquisition
of infrequent structures such as relative clauses or complement clauses (e.g., Brandt,
Diessel, and Tomasello, 2008; Brandt, Lieven, and Tomasello, 2010). They provide
the data necessary for good descriptive accounts and fine-grained analyses of
developmental processes.
DDBs also allow one to check the conclusions of previous studies based on much
thinner sampling. Apart from just providing more extensive data, DDBs are needed
to assess hypotheses derived from linguistic and developmental theory. A long-
standing debate in acquisition theory concerns the interpretation of first and single
occurrences. While researchers from a nativist perspective argued that a limited
number of instances were sufficient evidence of the child’s competence to produce
the underlying structure, developmental psychologists and usage-based linguists
claimed that more evidence is needed to support such far-reaching conclusions: in
terms of development, it was observed that children generalize to new structures
only very carefully such that early instances do not automatically provide evidence
for a full-fledged adult-like representation. Here, the distributional analyses possible
with DDBs allow for a fine-grained assessment of productivity, because we can not
only identify first usages of a particular linguistic structure, but also assess whether
a structure develops in a lexically specific fashion or in a more general fashion. Of
particular interest are the changing representations within individual children (not
just averages over different groups): only dense data allow us to analyze whether a
particular development takes place across the board or where it starts. Regular
corpora soon become surprisingly thin once the level of analysis reaches a certain
fine-grainedness (e.g., correlation of morphology and lexicon) and this makes it
difficult to produce reliable quantitative assessments of the relative frequency of
different forms.
Results showing the lexical specificity of child language are in line with findings
from usage-based and corpus linguistics in which actual language use is studied
based on “real-world” texts (e.g., newspapers, internet, conversations). First, usage-
based theories of language claim that language structure is shaped by language use
(e.g., Bybee, 2010). This implies that the input data available to the child should
provide the necessary positive and indirect negative evidence for the structures of the
target language. Second, findings from corpus linguistics show that, for many
linguistic structures, we find a skewed distribution of lexical items, and it has been
argued that this is important for the process by which children develop a particular
structure. For instance, the verb get allows multiple syntactic frames, so-called
alternations of argument structure, and Goldberg, Casenheiser, and Sethuraman
(2005) found that get predominantly occurs as verb–object–locative construction
when the meaning is “caused motion” (Bob got the ball over the fence), but as verb–
object–object construction when the meaning is “transfer” (Bob got him a cake).
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Dense Sampling 229
Such statistical skewings may facilitate learning and, indeed, studies show that
children’s early production relies on such frequency information. Training studies
support the conclusion that children learn constructions best when trained with
skewed input (Goldberg, 2006). The interrelationship between the lexicon and the
form–meaning correspondences of syntactic constructions and their effect on
children’s acquisition of such constructions cannot be revealed with thin samples.
Dense databases will give a much more accurate assessment of the relationship
between types and tokens in the child’s speech. An example is the issue of “blocking”
in the debate on morphological overgeneralization in English. Do children stop
over-generalizing irregular verbs in the past tense (e.g., goed for went) as soon as they
have learned the correct form – an essential part of the “dual route” model (Marcus,
1995) – or do instances of the over-regularization slowly reduce, which is more com-
patible with the “single route” model (Marchman, Plunkett, and Goodman, 1997)?
On the basis of estimates from “thin” longitudinal corpora on CHILDES, Maratsos
(2000) calculated that the latter was more likely to be the case. Using the Thomas-
Brian DDB, Maslen et al. (2004) were able to show that Maratsos’s hypothetical
calculations were correct. Also relevant to this debate is the issue of whether German
has a single “default” plural (governed by a rule in the “dual route” model). Using the
Leo DDB, Behrens (2002) showed that the child’s error patterns as well as their
frequency changed over time, reflecting gradual abstraction over the phonotactic
factors that determine the choice of the plural allomorphs rather than the acquisition
of a “once and for all” rule or rules. This provided detailed support for previous
studies with less dense data such as that of Köpcke (1998) and Szagun (2001).
Denser data also allow us to investigate the relationship between different strands
of development and between the child’s speech and the input. This makes an interest-
ing comparison with the “getting it all” topical diary approach (Naigles, Chapter 16
this volume). Topical diaries are exhaustive for the items that parents are asked to
record and this may allow for the assessment of productivity across that particular
group of items. However they are probably of limited use for identifying the
mechanisms of development in terms of the mutual influence of lexical items and
constructions on one another, let alone any influences of the input which, of course,
is not recorded. A good example is the use of growth curves in determining the
relationship between the learning of constructions. Ruhland and van Geert (1998)
point out that densely sampled data are essential for this. Abbot-Smith and Behrens
(2006) used the Leo corpus to investigate the question of how learning one construc-
tion may support or hinder the learning of another – the construction conspiracy
hypothesis (Morris, Cottrell, and Elman, 2000). Abbot-Smith and Behrens investi-
gated Leo’s development of German passive and future constructions containing a
lexical verb and the auxiliaries with sein (to be) or werden (to become). Because Leo
had acquired sein in the copula construction months earlier than he started using
thepassive, the authors predicted that the sein-passive would develop earlier and
faster than the werden-passive, and this was found to be the case. Leo became
(morphologically) productive with the sein-passive earlier than werden-passives,
according to the criteria of higher cumulative type frequency, type/token ratios, and
active– passive alternation, and his rate of assimilation of new verb types into the
former was twice that of the latter. When investigating patterns of development, the
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230 Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
authors predicted that the form of a “nonsupported” construction should be
exponential (with a slow start and the child showing an increasing ability to use the
construction the more it has been previously used). By contrast, a supported
construction should demonstrate sudden acquisition and a subsequently linear
function, similar to that of adult baseline in which cumulative frequency grows
linearly to a point where it tails off when the mother has said most of the verb types
most frequent in the particular construction. Again this is what was found.
A major issue in child language is the extent to which children are innovative and
productive with language. How much of what they say is simple repetition of what
they have heard others say, how much of it is novel, and what is the basis of this
novelty? With dense sampling the researcher has a much better chance of discovering
whether there are prior instances of an utterance and, therefore, assessing the child’s
level of productivity. Lieven and colleagues examined this issue in a number of
studies using the English DDBs with a method they called “traceback” (Da¸ browska
and Lieven, 2005; Lieven, Salomo, and Tomasello, 2009). Each 6 week DDB was
divided into a “test corpus” of the last 2 hours of recording in the 6 weeks and a
“main corpus” consisting of the previous 28 hours. All multiword utterance types
were collected from the test corpus and their relationship to utterances in the main
corpus was then examined. This involved identifying possible “component units”
from the main corpus that could have been used to construct the utterances in the
test corpus. Two types of component units were defined: “fixed strings” and “schemas
with slots. Fixed strings were fully lexically specific, while schemas contained slots
as well as fixed lexical material (e.g., There’s an X, I’m X-ing it). Slots could be
identified in schemas only if they were semantically coherent, and the single or
multiword strings that filled the slots also had to match the semantics of the slot. All
possible matches were identified using a computer program. The program output
was then used to identify semantically coherent strings and slots and to derive the
potential tracebacks. Lieven, Salomo, and Tomasello (2009) were able to trace back
a very large proportion (58–92%) of the four 2-year-olds’ utterances in the test
corpus either to exact repetitions in the main corpus or to schemas that required
only one substitution into a slot. The vast majority of these substitutions were of
single nouns into “referent” slots. With developing mean length of utterance (MLU),
the range of other semantic slots developed, as did the variety of strings. Some of
these schemas seemed highly productive, but the schemas themselves were fairly
simple and the scope of that productivity was, at first, limited both semantically and
In a related study Bannard, Lieven, and Tomasello (2009) used a computational
method to generate grammars from the main corpora for two of the same children at
2:0 and 3:0 (Thomas-Brian and Annie). The grammars consisted of lexically specific
constructions, with or without slots, and contained no fully abstract rules. They were
extracted by aligning all strings that overlapped in their lexical content. This resulted
in potential slots in the alignments and the process was repeated until no further align-
ments were possible. The result was a large set of alternative candidate analyses which
were probabilistically sampled and used to parse all the unique multiword utterances
in the test corpora. At 2:0, the mean performance of these sampled grammars showed
wide coverage and good predictive fit as compared with fully abstract grammars, with
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Dense Sampling 231
the children showing radically limited productivity. The researchers also added more
abstract categories such as “noun” and “verb” to the grammars. At 2:0 only the
addition of the category of noun improved coverage. At 3:0, the children’s productiv-
ity had sharply increased and the addition of abstract linguistic information over
verbs as well as nouns markedly improved performance. Another important finding
came from parsing the different corpora with the different grammars. Not surprisingly
the 2:0 grammars show poor coverage and fit when parsing the 3:0 grammars. In
addition, when one child’s grammar was used to parse the other child’s corpora, much
better results were found for the 3:0 data than for the 2:0 data, suggesting that initially
the children’s grammars were very idiosyncratic but that by 3:0 they were starting to
converge on the adult system. The important point to note is that the larger the
corpora over which this procedure operates, the more reliable the results.
The DDBs were collected and transcribed by staff of the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and associated scientists. Families were
recruited through advertisement and/or informal contacts. The sampling regimes
vary in terms of both the periods covered and the number of hours of recording,
though in all cases the aim was to record for at least 5 hours per week over the
period of the study. We have done this for a number of English-speaking children as
well as for children learning German, Estonian, Polish, Japanese, and Finnish. In the
case of the last four of these languages, we collaborated with researchers working on
language development in these languages (for details, see Table 15.1). The most
extensive in terms of time and age range cover 5 hours per week of one German and
one English boy from ages 2:0 to 3:0. Table 15.1 shows all the DDBs that have been
collected and their current status in terms of hours and ages covered and transcrip-
tion. The aim, eventually, is to deposit them all with the open-source CHILDES
database (see Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume).
DDBs can be combined with other means of assessment. For example, tests of the
children’s language development can be made (this was done at the onset of the
English studies, but not for the other languages as standardized tests were not
available). For the Thomas-Brian, Annie, and Leo corpora, the parents also kept a
daily diary with the most precocious utterances of the day. Thus the emergence of new
structures on the tape-recorded sequences can be checked against the parental notes.
In order to avoid intervention in regular family life, dense recording regimes work
best when parents can carry out the recordings themselves. The families participating
in the Max Planck DDBs were equipped with a recording device and two high-quality
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Table 15.1 The Max Planck dense databases
Child Language Age No of hours Status of data Principal investigators
Annie English 2:0–2:1:14 5 per week Transcribed Lieven/Goh
3:0–3:1:14 5 per week
English 2:00:12–3:00:12 5 per week CHILDES
3:03:02–4:11:20 5 in 1 week/month
Eleanor English 2:0–2:01:08 10 per week Transcribed
2:2:01–2:11:09 10 in 1 week/month
3:0–3:01:15 10 per week
Fraser English 2:0–2:01:10 10 per week Transcribed
2:2:01–2:11:06 10 in 1 week/month
3:0–3:01:11 10 per week
Cathy English 3:0–3:1:14 5 per week In progress
3:01:15–3:11:29 5 in 1 week/month In progress
4:0–4:1:14 5 per week In progress
4:01:15–4:11:29 5 in 1 week/month In progress
5:0–5:1:14 5 per week In progress
Hannah English 3:0–3:1:14 5 per week In progress
3:01:15–3:11:29 5 in 1 week/month In progress
4:0–4:1:14 5 per week In progress
4:01:15–4:05 5 in 1 week/month In progress
Leo German 2:0–2:11:29 5 per week CHILDES Behrens
3:1:14–5:0 5 in 1 week/month
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Marysia Polish 2:0–2:1:14 5 per week Transcribed and glossed Da¸ browska
3:0–3:1:14 5 per week Transcribed, glossing
in progress
Julia Polish 2:0–2:1:14 5 per week Transcribed, glossing
in progress
3:0–3:1:14 5 per week Transcribed, glossing
in progress
Andreas Estonian 2:0–2:1:12 5 per week CHILDES Vihman/Vija
2:3:26–2:8:13 ≈ 1 per month
3:0–3:1:13 5 per week
Child J Japanese 2:0–2:01:14 5 per week In progress Matsui
2:01:15–2:11:29 1 per week In progress
3:0–3:01:14 5 per week In progress
Piia Finnish 1:07:21–4:00:13 3 per week In progress Kirjavainen
“Brian” is this child’s pseudonym, but just before the corpus was deposited with CHILDES, the family gave permission
for the use of the child’s real name, “Thomas, and for the deposition of sound files as well as transcriptions.
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234 Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
wireless microphones that could be situated wherever the activity took place. This
mobility makes a flexible schedule possible, as the recordings can be interrupted
when the child is no longer willing to engage in the situation or wishes to change
location. For the English and German DDBs, one recording in each week was
videotaped. Experience showed that 1 hour recordings are very exhausting for
2-year-olds, and parents often sampled half an hour in the morning and half an hour
in the afternoon. To guarantee privacy, parents were given the right to withhold
recordings of family situations they did not feel comfortable with making publicly
available. Families were paid the equivalent of 50% of a clerical salary.
In addition to sampling density, a choice about the time frame has to be made.
Continuous dense recordings constitute the most labor intensive sampling regime,
but provide a clear developmental picture as the development can be traced over
time. Continuous recording is especially valuable if it covers a time frame of several
years in order to be able to analyze later stages of development as well. The pitfall of
case studies – lack of inter-individual reliability checking – can be overcome if the
language development of the child in question is compared to the development of
other children’s data.
Dense databases can also be implemented with temporal gaps. For a number of
the DDBs, 6 week periods of dense (5 h/week) or double dense (10 h/week) recordings
were followed by intervals without recordings. Short periods of dense data can
beanalyzed for purposes of testing the productivity and distribution of particular
The quality of the settings is also very important. For practical reasons, the families
participating in the DDBs were asked to refrain from noisy activities, to avoid
background noise, and to keep the television, radio, and other “noisy” appliances off
during recording. This means that we mainly covered dyadic, sometimes triadic play
situations within the families or with a few, usually well-known visitors.
Are There Any Likely Pitfalls?
The biggest pitfall is that the original scheme for transcribing and coding the data is
too ambitious given the amount of time and personnel available. Thus careful choices
have to be made regarding the degree of detail of the transcription (phonetic or
orthographic) and the amount and detail of coding. Recent technological advances
provide (partial) solutions for all these issues: if the transcripts are linked to the
digitized sound file or video, a standardized orthographic transcription can always
be amended with a more detailed transcription when needed. Regarding the coding
of data, for English the morphosyntactic annotation program has been completed. It
provides part-of-speech tagging and lemmatization (providing the “base form” of
the word to facilitate lexical searches, e.g., “walk” for “walked, “walking, and
“walks”: MacWhinney, 2008). For other languages or other areas of linguistic
interest, the situation is less good, though we are well advanced with glossing the
Polish data and are starting on the Finnish and Japanese data. Standardized
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Dense Sampling 235
orthographic transcription seems to be the only choice for dense databases, as the
size of the database makes searches by reading through the transcripts impossible
(Behrens, 2008).
Developments in speech and speaker recognition technology will probably help in
the future to identify those segments in the recordings where speech occurs, and it
may even be possible to identify the speaker. This would speed up and facilitate the
transcription process (see Roy, 2009, for the implementation of such ideas). Currently,
such technology is most advanced when only a limited number of speakers is present.
The future will probably lie in a smart mix of automated speech recognition and
perhaps partial automatic transcription and coding, combined with additional
manual detailed transcription and annotation of the relevant sequences for the
research question at stake.
Because of the high investment in recording and transcribing the data, the collec-
tion, transcription, and glossing of DDBs impose unique requirements in terms of
sources of support, and often only more permanent institutions like the Max Planck
Institutes can back such a long term investment. However, support might be more
readily available from funding programs for the collection of DDBs from children
who are in one way or another atypical, or for languages other than English.
It could be argued that the demands on the family of DDB recording limit the
types of social and family backgrounds represented in DDBs. Despite the fact families
were paid the equivalent of a 50% clerical position, there are bound to be sociologi-
cal factors involved in the self-selection of parents for such a project. While this is
true, it is also not obvious how it can be remedied. Again, it is always possible to
check the data obtained from DDBs against corpora from other children to identify
possible biases and test these experimentally.
Finally, recordings usually took place inside the house during play, book reading,
or snack time. As a consequence we know little about how the child performs in
unknown situations or with unknown interlocutors. Eisenbeiss (2009) argues that
recording the same situations may emphasize the impression that children’s linguistic
performance is largely stereotypical and formulaic, and suggests that researchers
bring in new stimulus material (interesting new and complex objects, new games) to
stimulate talk about unfamiliar objects or situations.
Interrater Reliability
Transcribing dense databases requires a team of transcribers who must be trained
and supervised throughout, as the child’s language development may lead to new
transcription problems. For the DDBs we opted for orthographic, not phonetic
transcription and linked the utterances to the sound wave. Linking is an option
inthe Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES: see Corrigan, Chapter 18
this volume). The main problems remaining were establishing standards for domains
without standardized orthography (interjections, discourse markers, but also multi-
word units like compounds and proper or brand names: see MacWhinney, 2008).
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236 Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
Before the databases were published in the CHILDES archive (again see Corrigan,
Chapter 18 this volume), word lists were created to check for spelling variants.
Adomain that proved to be notoriously difficult to gain agreement on is the demar-
cation of utterance boundaries because spoken language tends to be continuous, and
the speech stream does not always signal clause or sentence boundaries. Contrary to
the CHILDES recommendation to transcribe in clauses (defined by the presence of a
finite verb), we decided to represent the flow of the discourse and transcribed in
turns rather than in clauses.
If one wants to indicate imitations and self-repetitions in order to exclude them
from further analyses, criteria for what counts as repeated – just whole utterances or
partial utterances (chunks), within a range of how many utterances – have to be
developed, implemented, and checked thoroughly.
In case of the Leipzig–Manchester databases, the principal investigator or an
experienced lab coordinator supervised the project over the whole period and made
sure that standards did not change implicitly. As they were also familiar with the
families and the typical topics of conversation, they helped resolved ambiguities
thetranscribers might have.
Future Directions for the Use of DDBs
As can be seen from Table 15.1, there is still a long way to go in the transcription and
glossing of many of the DDBs. Thus the research reported here gives only an initial
idea of the ways in which they can be used. In comparing adult and child it is often
important to control the adult data down to the level of the child, for instance in
terms of the types used and the number of tokens, otherwise one is inevitably likely
to end up with the child looking less productive than the adult. DDBs allow us to do
this without reducing the amount of data to almost nonexistence (Aguado-Orea,
2004; Krajewski, Lieven, and Theakston, submitted). Similarly, large corpora can be
used to derive frequency and distributional information when designing stimuli for
experiments, with the frequency counts much more closely matched to the ages of
the children in the proposed experiment. Computational linguists are also starting to
make use of the DDBs to build and test probabilistic and algorithmic models of
various aspects of language learning (Bannard, Lieven, and Tomasello, 2009; Chang,
Lieven, and Tomasello, 2008).
Since dense databases cover not only the child’s productions but also large portions
of the input in a naturalistic setting, we can study the effect of input and interaction
on the emerging child language directly. A particular child’s development can be
studied against the backdrop of the input s/he received up to that point in time,
and we can also study the effect of interaction on acquisition. For example, the
role of variation sets (small adaptations of the utterances that highlight and
contrastthe formal properties of a particular structure: Küntay and Slobin 2002)
could be explored and the size of the database would allow for more control
andquantitative testing.
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Dense Sampling 237
Another potentially important direction is that of children’s semantic and
pragmatic development, where thinner data may only record the most frequent
usage of a word or structure. Thus Cameron-Faulkner, Lieven, and Theakston (2007)
were able to analyze Thomas-Brian’s uses of multiword negation in great detail and
compare it to his mother’s use of negation, even though some form–function
mappings were quite rare. Another example is Steinkrauss’s (2009) study of Leo’s
development of wh-questions. While his analysis by and large confirmed previous
findings that the emergence of wh-word–auxiliary pairings is item based and reflects
the distribution in the input, he also found that some high-frequency question types
were not picked up by the child because, from the child’s point of view, they were
pragmatically irrelevant (e.g., rhetorical questions using mock-surprise tone).
In sum, DDBs take corpus-based studies on language acquisition to a new level
because they provide the richness of data necessary to assess current hypotheses on
learning processes in light of new insights from developmental and linguistic theories.
Key Terms
Corpus linguistics In corpus linguistics, samples of spoken and/or written naturalistic
language use are analyzed to characterize properties of the language system and aspects
of language change. This is by contrast with the method of introspection, where competent
speakers judge whether linguistic structures are acceptable or not.
Crosslinguistic studies In crosslinguistic studies, a linguistic phenomenon is compared across
languages to assess aspects like cognitive complexity and processability and their effect
on language development.
Linguistic productivity Productive structures can generate more types of the same underlying
structure. For example, in English morphology, the affix -ly can be used to make adjectives
into adverbs. In child language, productivity measures are used to assess whether the
child reproduces forms from memory or is able to create new forms based on knowledge
about the underlying structure. Productivity is typically assessed by contrast within
themorphological paradigm, by percentage of correct utterances in obligatory context,
or by experimental studies that test children’s productivity with nonce words, i.e., words
they have not heard before and cannot have memorized.
Longitudinal corpora Data samples that track the development of individuals or groups
over time. The sampling rate can vary from daily recordings to recordings every couple
of weeks or months.
Usage-based theory Usage-based theories assume that language structure is shaped by
communicative processes in so far as all linguistic units are considered to be symbolic,
i.e., form–function pairings of varying degrees of abstraction. In acquisition, usage-based
theories assume that language is acquired from the language use the child is exposed to.
Abbot-Smith, K., and Behrens, H. (2006) How known constructions influence the acquisition
of other constructions: the German passive and future constructions. Cognitive Science,
30, 995–1026.
Aguado-Orea, J. (2004) The acquisition of morpho-syntax in Spanish: implications for current
theories of development. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Nottingham.
Hoff_c15.indd 237Hoff_c15.indd 237 6/6/2011 12:49:38 PM6/6/2011 12:49:38 PM
238 Elena Lieven and Heike Behrens
Bannard, C., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2009) Modeling children’s early grammatical
knowledge. PNAS, 106, 17, 284–17, 289.
Behrens, H. (2002) Learning multiple regularities: evidence from overgeneralization errors in
the German plural. In A.H.J. Do, L. Domínguez, and A. Johansen (eds), Proceedings of
the 26th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 72–83).
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
Behrens, H. (2008) Corpora in language acquisition research: history, methods, perspectives.
In H. Behrens (ed.), Corpora in language acquisition research: finding structure in data
(pp. xi–xxx). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Brandt, S., Diessel, H., and Tomasello M. (2008) The acquisition of German relative clauses:
a case study. Journal of Child Language, 35 (2), 325–348.
Brandt, S., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2010) Development of word order in German
complement-clause constructions: effects of input frequencies, lexical items, and discourse
function. Language, 86, (3), 583–610.
Bybee, J. (2010) Language, usage, and cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cameron-Faulkner, T., Lieven, E., and Theakston, A. (2007) What part of no do children not
understand? A usage-based account of multiword negation. Journal of Child Language,
34, 251–282.
Chang, F., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2008) Automatic evaluation of syntactic learners in
typologically-different languages. Cognitive Systems Research, 9, 198–213.
Da¸ browska, E., and Lieven, E. (2005) Towards a lexically specific grammar of children’s
question constructions. Cognitive Linguistics, 16, 437–474.
Eisenbeiss, S. (2009) Contrast is the name of the game: contrast-based semi-structured elicita-
tion techniques for studies on children’s language acquisition. Essex Research Reports in
Linguistics 57. http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/publications/errl/errl57-7.pdf.
Goldberg, A.E. (2006) Constructions at work: the nature of generalization in language.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Goldberg, A.E., Casenhiser, D., and Sethuraman, N. (2005) The role of prediction in construc-
tion learning. Journal of Child Language, 32, 407–426.
Köpcke, K.-M. (1998) The acquisition of plural marking in English and German revisited:
schemata vs. rules. Journal of Child Language, 25, 293–319.
Krajewski, G., Lieven, E., and Theakston, A. (submitted) Productivity of a Polish child’s inflec-
tional noun morphology: a naturalistic study. Morphology.
Küntay, A.C., and Slobin, D.I. (2002) Putting interaction back into child language: examples
from Turkish. Psychology of Language and Communication, 6, 5–14.
Lieven, E., Salomo, D., and Tomasello, M. (2009) Two-year-old children’s production of
multiword utterances: a usage-based analysis. Cognitive Linguistics, 20, 481–508.
MacWhinney, B. (2008) Enriching CHILDES for morphosyntactic analysis. In H. Behrens
(ed.), Corpora in language acquisition research: finding structure in data (pp. 165–197).
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Maratsos, M. (2000) More overgeneralizations after all: new data and discussion on Marcus,
Pinker, Ullman, Hollander, Rosen and Xu. Journal of Child Language, 27, 183–212.
Marchman, V., Plunkett, K., and Goodman, J. (1997) Overregularization in English plural and
past tense inflectional morphology: a response to Marcus (1995). Journal of Child
Language, 24 (3), 767–779.
Marcus, G.F. (1995) Children’s overregularization of English plurals: a quantitative analysis.
Journal of Child Language, 22, 447–459.
Maslen, R., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2004) A dense corpus study of past
tense and plural overregularization in English. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing
Research, 47, 1319–1333.
Hoff_c15.indd 238Hoff_c15.indd 238 6/6/2011 12:49:38 PM6/6/2011 12:49:38 PM
Dense Sampling 239
Morris, W.C., Cottrell, G.W., and Elman, J.L. (2000) A connectionist simulation of the
empirical acquisition of grammatical relations. In S. Wermter and R. Sun (eds), Hybrid
neural symbolic integration (pp. 175–193). Berlin: Springer.
Rowland, C., and Fletcher, S. (2006) The effect of sampling on estimates of lexical specificity
and error rates. Journal of Child Language, 33, 859–877.
Rowland, C., Fletcher, S., and Freudenthal, D. (2008) How big is enough? Assessing the
reliability of data from naturalistic samples. In H. Behrens (ed.) Corpora in language
acquisition research: finding structure in data (pp. 1–24). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Roy, D. (2009) New horizons in the study of child language acquisition. Proceedings of
Interspeech 2009. Brighton, UK.
Ruhland, R., and van Geert, P. (1998) Jumping into syntax: transitions in the development of
closed class words. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16 (part 1), 65–95.
Steinkrauss, R. (2009) Frequency and function in wh-question acquisition. Doctoral disserta-
tion, University of Groningen (GRODIL 75).
Szagun, G. (2001) Learning different regularities: the acquisition of noun plurals by German-
speaking children. First Language, 21, 109–141.
Tomasello, M., and Stahl, D. (2004) Sampling children’s spontaneous speech: how much is
enough? Journal of Child Language, 31, 101–121.
Further Reading and Resources
The read.me files for the DDBs already deposited in the CHILDES database (see Table 15.1)
are a useful source of information.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aim
Language development is a process whose outcomes change with the age of the child.
Every text on language development notes that children produce their first word
around 12 months of age, add words one at a time over the next 6 months or so,
combine words into two- and then three-word phrases over the next 6 months, add
grammatical items either concurrently with their multi-word utterances or shortly
16 Not Sampling, Getting It All
Letitia R. Naigles
Diary methods allow researchers to record all of the utterances that a given
child produces. Such methods allow researchers to make assessments of that
child’s state of linguistic knowledge that are more accurate than those relying
on sampled speech; if the diary is collected over a span of time, it can also
reveal the shape and nature of the child’s changes in knowledge of language.
Three types of diary methodologies are reviewed, including a “pen-and-paper”
diary that targets only specific lexical or grammatical items but tracks children’s
usage in micro scale; the LENA system, which collects day-long audio
recordings of children’s vocalizations and their language environments; and the
Speechome Recorder, which collects continuous audio and video recordings of
children and their home environments on a daily basis for months. These
methods are particularly suitable for assessing the speech of children at the
beginnings of their language acquisition, including typically developing
children and children with speech or language delays, as well as children
learning one or multiple languages.
Hoff_c16.indd 240Hoff_c16.indd 240 6/6/2011 12:49:58 PM6/6/2011 12:49:58 PM
Not Sampling, Getting It All 241
thereafter (depending on which language is being learned), and generally begin
producing full and complete grammatical sentences around 2.5 years of age (e.g., Hoff,
2009). Some of the outcome changes undoubtedly occur because language develop-
ment relies on linguistic input and older children have experienced more of this input
than younger children. Some outcome changes also likely occur because older children
make different uses of their input than younger children. The existence of changes with
age in children’s linguistic productions is not disputed; however, what is not obvious is
what the changes indicate about the child’s linguistic knowledge state, and the extent to
which the changes are discrete and qualitative changes as opposed to more continuous.
Because numerous theories of children’s language acquisition depend on characteristics
of the nature and trajectory of the child’s linguistic knowledge state (e.g., Ambridge and
Lieven, in press; Chomsky, 1972; Fisher, 2002; Gleitman, 1984; Tomasello, 2000), it is
critical to have at hand accurate and precise descriptions of these changes.
Studies of children’s language production have investigated questions about
children’s changing language already, of course, but almost all have employed some
kind of sampling methodology (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume; Lieven and
Behrens, Chapter 15 this volume) in which the children are recorded in conversation
with their caregivers – and/or siblings and experimenters – while engaged in specific
activities for specific amounts of time at specific intervals. These studies have yielded
a wealth of valuable data, but are less informative concerning the questions of discrete
vs continuous change in general, and “What does Johnny know about language
now?” in particular. This is because the very act of sampling will always yield findings
of more or less discrete change: a specific word or grammatical construction was not
observed at visit 1, but was observed at visit 2, so therefore a change occurred between
visits such that that word or construction was (at least beginning to be) acquired. But
what if the word or construction began to be learned and/or used on the day after
visit 1? Moreover, the very act of sampling will always miss some child utterances: a
specific word or construction may not have been used because the context wasn’t
appropriate, or the child’s desired addressee wasn’t present, or the relevant objects
weren’t the topics of the conversation. In a different developmental domain, Adolph
and her colleagues (2008) have demonstrated that changes in children’s locomotor
activity during the first 2 years of life seem discrete and qualitative if the data are
considered on a monthly basis; however, data capturing children’s daily activities
reveal gradual and incremental changes. Likewise with language development, ideally,
we want to capture everything that the child says, so as to get a better idea of what
s/he knows about language at any given time, as well as to capture the real patterns
of change in language production with age. We call this, “getting it all.
There exists a venerable methodology for capturing everything that a child says:
keep a diary. That is, enlist a parent or caregiver in the task of recording every child
utterance and noting the relevant aspects of its context. Parents or caregivers are
needed to do this, because they are in the child’s presence whenever s/he is awake
and talking. And in fact, the earliest studies of child language were all diaries,
including those of Darwin (1877/1974) and the Sterns (1907); more modern
examples include Dromi (1987) and Tomasello (1992). These latter diaries, especially,
were Herculean efforts, yielding extremely rich datasets which are still being analyzed
today (e.g., Dromi, 2009; Naigles, Hoff, and Vear, 2009). But I am not necessarily
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242 Letitia R. Naigles
advocating here the use of this “complete” diary method because it is extremely
labor intensive, because a given adult can keep a language diary for only one child at
a time, and because the task of recording exactly what the child says and discerning
exactly what s/he means, in real time, becomes increasingly challenging as the child
develops. For example, with just a few hours of training, caregivers who are easily
literate are certainly able to write down children’s isolated words, and even their
two/three-word utterances that only include content words, if noted immediately
after production. However, children’s earliest multi-word utterances are usually
grammatically fragmentary (e.g., want juice, play in pool, no want bath), and if they are
not recorded immediately, caregivers may remember such utterances in more
grammatical forms (e.g., I want juice, playing in the pool, don’t want a bath). But
researchers need to know if the child actually produced a subject or not, if s/he
actually produced the “-ing” suffix and the “a” determiner, and if the negated form
was “no” or “don’t. So as the child’s grammar develops, caregivers without specific
training in linguistics may not record utterances as accurately as needed.
The art of meaning discernment should not be minimized, either, as it is not always
clear exactly what a child means when s/he says something. For example, when a
child looks at a ball and says “ball, or looks at a cracker and says “eat it, is she
making a request or a comment? (Gestures certainly help make this call – see
Cartmill, Demir, and Goldin-Meadow, Chapter 14 this volume – but add yet another
form for the caregivers to record.) Does she use “ball” to refer to all balls, or just one
special one? Does she use “eat it” with all types of eaters and eatables, or just one or
two? Unless specifically instructed, caregivers may not report which ball was the
referent – which would be important to know for questions about children’s ability
to extend words to new objects– or what were the intended agents and patients of
the utterance “eat it, which would be important to know for questions about how
lexically specific vs grammatically abstract are children’s early sentences. Ideally,
children’s utterances would be recorded in such a way that their manifestations and
contexts could be reviewed and coded by the researchers themselves. The final
clincher is that as children talk more, parents and caregivers become more interested
in the purpose of the interaction and less interested in recording its exact content and
form. This pretty much precludes the follow-your-child-around-and-write-down-
everything-s/he-says diary for anything but the earliest words.
What I am going to describe here are three newer ways to implement the diary
method, two of which are reliant on state-of-the-art technology: (1) the targeted diary,
(2) day-long audio recordings using the LENA system (Xu etal., 2008), and (3) months-
long audio/video recordings using the Speechome Recorder (Roy etal., 2006).
The Targeted Diary
The targeted diary still involves recruiting the parent or caregiver as data recorder,
but it restricts the child utterances to be recorded to a smaller but well-defined,
theoretically motivated, and well-specified set. For example, in our recent “verb
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Not Sampling, Getting It All 243
diary” study (Naigles, Hoff, and Vear, 2009), my colleagues and I asked eight mothers
to record the first 10 times their child used each of 34 specified verbs. By specifying
the verbs, the mothers only needed to listen for specific utterances rather than write
down all. By asking for only the first 10 instances of each verb, mothers were freed
from actively listening for each verb once the 10-instance mark had been reached.
Thus, requiring the caregiver to record only a targeted subset of utterances made the
task more tractable, as did specifying when the recording could cease. Yet the most
important aspects of the diary method were preserved: mothers recorded their
children’s utterances wherever and whenever these occurred, so that we obtained
data on the children’s flexibility vs conservatism of verb use – pragmatic, semantic,
and syntactic – from its very beginnings.
Two primary findings were most notable. First, early flexibility rather than
conservatism was the norm. That is, the eight children in our study used 38% of
their verbs with reference to appropriately diverse actions (e.g., come used for both
going downstairs and going outside; open used for both opening bags and opening
jars) and 50% of their verbs while describing actions by different actors (e.g., eat
used for both dog and father eaters). And contrary to previous reports in the literature
(e.g., Huttenlocher, Smiley, and Charney, 1983), they did not primarily use their first
instances of their first verb self-referentially: about 50% of their very first verb uses
were about the actions of others. Finally, they used 89% of their verbs while describ-
ing actions on different affected objects (e.g., wash used for washing dishes and
washing clothes). In sum, by using records of children’s talk all day, in all contexts,
and with all available co-conversationalists, we can see that 1-year-olds very quickly
extend their verbs in myriad ways. Because the diary records included time outside,
at the mall, and/or in the car, children had the opportunity (seldom enabled by just
recording mother–child play sessions with toys) to talk to and about their pets
(frequent actors and addressees), to talk about actions seldom carried out at home
(e.g., going on an escalator), and to talk about actions with a variety of affected
objects (e.g., flowers, swings, egg rolls). All of these types of flexibility were observed,
on average, by the child’s sixth production of a given verb. Thus, as documented by
Adolph etal. (2008) for infant locomotion, the onset of “new” aspects of verb use is
early – and gradual – rather than late and sudden.
Our second major finding was that there was considerable variability among the
children – and the verbs – in the flexibility they evidenced. For example, while early
grammatical flexibility was also the norm across all eight children (i.e., children used
their verbs in different (but appropriate) syntactic frames), three of the children
(Carrie, Heather, Elaine) produced their verbs in multi-word utterances with multiple
frames within the first 6 weeks of verb use, whereas two others (Carl and Mae) did
not demonstrate this level of grammatical flexibility until about 10 months after
they began to produce verbs at all (showing flexibility around 28 and 25 months of
age, respectively). Moreover, whereas most of the children demonstrated most of
their early grammatical flexibility via their use of subject and object NPs rather than
verbal morphology (e.g., saying “drop, “I drop, “I drop something” rather than
“dropped” or “dropping”), Sam demonstrated grammatical flexibility in his use of
verb particles, producing five of his verbs with at least two particles each (e.g., “push
in, “push down”) and two particles with at least two different verbs. Verb variability
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244 Letitia R. Naigles
could be seen in that six of the children produced their first SVO frames with want,
whereas look elicited the first V + locative frames (“look at me, “look my shoe,
“look here”) with three children. Moreover, children who began producing verbs
earlier showed more semantic flexibility, whereas verbs whose onsets of use were
later showed more grammatical flexibility.
The targeted diary method thus can reveal much more flexibility in the child’s
spontaneous speech than would be evident from speech sampled in specific contexts
at specific intervals. By obtaining records of speech whenever and wherever it is
produced, researchers can demonstrate that children use their very first verbs – and
possibly other words as well – with reference to a variety of actions, actors, and
affected objects, and in a variety of sentence frames. The targeted nature of the diary
(specific lexical items to listen for, specific numbers of instances to record) makes
record keeping tractable for the caregiver. However, the targeted diary, by definition,
omits a lot of the child’s speech: we do not know, for example, whether these children
learned and extended nouns in the same way as verbs. Furthermore, it does not
provide much, if any, information about two additional critical components of
children’s earliest speech experiences: namely, the language used by others in their
environment (i.e., linguistic input), and details about the visual-spatial and social
situations in which the child speaks.
The visual-spatial and social situations in which a child produces language tell
researchers, for example, how narrow vs general are his/her mappings between words
and meanings, how much the caregiver and child engage in joint attention, and how
context specific are his/her uses of different grammatical forms. Our verb diarists
were able to track some aspects of context because these were specifically built into
the diary; however, other aspects, including joint attention between speaker and
addressee, use of gesture, and exact form of the actions the verbs referred to, were not
captured. No diary keeper can note every aspect of the context; those aspects that
seem irrelevant to the focus of the study will be ignored. Thus, what would be ideal
would be to have a video and audio record of the child’s speech, including the context,
which could be coded for any number of situational aspects, afterwards.
The child’s linguistic environment also tells researchers about the child’s degree of
generalizability. Has s/he produced something that she has never heard before? Did
she use “ball” for a completely new and so-far-unlabelled ball? Did she use “open”
with completely new actor, affected object, and/or overt direct object? If her first
words and/or sentences are identical to those already in her linguistic environment
(i.e., produced by adults or older children in her hearing), how slowly, steadily, or
suddenly do they manifest the creativity that is such an important characteristic of
human language (Chomsky, 1959)? There is an abundance of evidence that the
sentence frames of preschoolers, older children, and adults can be primed by
previously heard forms (e.g., Fisher, 2002; Shimpi etal., 2007); to what extent are
the constructions used by beginning speakers similarly primed by their linguistic
environment? Even the best-kept conventional diary cannot record all of the speech
a child hears; the targeted diary method sketched above does not even try because
the skills of recording adult speech in real time are beyond those of nonspecialist
caregivers. Below, I discuss two new ways to collect and analyze ecologically valid
corpora of children’s speech and home environment.
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Not Sampling, Getting It All 245
Language Environment Analysis (LENA)
The LENA system is a commercial product that allows researchers to audio record a
given child’s speech and language environment for one entire day at a time.
Therecorder is a small, battery-operated device that fits into a pocket of the child’s
clothing and can record for 16 hours straight. A LENA recorder, then, can capture a
child’s speech in all of her varied daily activities; moreover, it can also capture the
speech of others in the vicinity – her input. Automated analyses of LENA recordings
can provide separate vocalization tallies for the target child and ancillary children,
separate word token tallies for male and female adults, a tally of the conversational
turns in which each participated, and even the duration of electronic media
(e.g.,television) playing in the vicinity. These tallies can be organized by time of day
and/or across the entire day. Concordance of LENA automated tallies and human
transcriber tallies has been reported to be 70% (Christakis etal., 2009).
The LENA system is currently being used to record the speech and language
environments of children who are typically developing and children with specificlan-
guage impairment, autism, and other language disorders (http://www. lenafoundation.
org). Published studies include the following. Zimmerman et al. (2009) used the
LENA system to record children (2–4 years of age) for 12 hours/day, one day a
month, for either 6 or 18 consecutive months. The children were administered a
standardized language assessment during the first 6 months and (where applicable)
at the end of the 18 month period. Concurrent analyses of the first 6 month phase
revealed that the adult word count from the recording and the child test scores were
significantly and positively correlated; moreover, children whose recordings included
longer spans of television had lower test scores and participated in fewer conversa-
tional turns (see also Christakis etal., 2009). Longitudinal analyses revealed that
adult word counts and number of conversational turns during the first 6 months
were both significant and positive predictors of child test scores after the 18 month
phase. These positive concurrent and longitudinal correlations between amount of
adult input and child language are not new findings (e.g., see Hoff, 2006), but these
new studies extend the findings to hundreds of children engaged in a wider range of
activities than had ever been accessible before.
Warren and colleagues (2010a; 2010b) replicated this finding with 29 preschool-
aged children with autism, based on eight day-long recordings from each child across
7 weeks. Warren etal. also found that, whereas the recordings of ASD children did
not differ from developmental-age-matched controls on adult word count, child
vocalizations, or conversational turns, the children with ASD did produce more
vocalizations in monologues (i.e., which were not responded to by adults) than the
Finally, Oller (2010) compared a trilingual child’s input and output in her three
languages (German, Spanish, English) during her second year of life. The child
produced more words in the two languages which were usually addressed to her
(i.e., German and Spanish, from her mother and nanny) than in the language
(English) which she usually experienced as overheard adult-directed speech between
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246 Letitia R. Naigles
her parents (Oller, 2010), although she also produced more words in Spanish than
would be predicted based solely on relative input frequency. Oller categorized the
language of each word manually, as the LENA system does not include ways to
distinguish languages. The LENA system also does not provide complete transcripts
of the recordings; these must be carried out by human transcribers much as with
conventional recordings (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume). But it seems clear that
transcripts of such densely collected linguistic input and output – from large numbers
of children – have the potential to address many of the questions raised above.
Human Speechome Project
What the LENA system lacks, though, is a way to capture the child’s social and
visual/spatial environments while she and others are talking. That is, there is no
camera that could film what the child is looking at, the child him/herself, the
surroundings, etc. A device for making a comprehensive audio/video record of a
given child’s speech and home environment is under development by Deb Roy and
his colleagues at the MIT Media Lab (Roy etal., 2006). The original implementation
set up camera lenses and microphones throughout a house, connected to continu-
ously operating recorders and vast amounts of storage. This was carried out in Roy’s
own house, recording the speech and home environment of his son; however, the
amount of renovation needed to install and then remove the hardware made this
system ungeneralizable to other households. Roy and his colleagues have since
developed a single device, which can be installed in one corner of a room in any
residence, and which has the capability of video and audio recording all of the
activities in that room for a period of 3 months. This Speechome Recorder has the
potential to prove very useful to child language researchers.
Physically, the Speechome Recorder resembles an arching floor lamp with a friction-
fit ceiling brace for stability; it plugs into an electrical outlet. It includes a high-quality
camera (fish-eye lens) and microphone (boundary layer) hardware built into its
overhead mast, plus a second camera is incorporated into the base of the unit, which
is horizontally oriented to capture more detailed facial and gestural observations. The
Speechome Recorder contains sufficient computational power and disk storage to
record, compress, and store approximately 3 months of data. A touch display is used
to turn recording on and off. Privacy measures include a one-button controller to start
and stop recording and a second button to delete recorded data retroactively.
Published findings using this method thus far come from the case study of Roy’s
son, based on 72 days of 9 hours/day recordings when the boy was 9–24 months of
age (an additional 372 days were recorded and are currently being transcribed).
Transcribing such a corpus necessitated the development of a specialized system
called Blitzscribe, in which
automatic audio processing algorithms are used to robustly detect speech in the audio
and split speech into short, easy to transcribe segments. Sequences of speech segments
are loaded into a specially designed transcription interface that enables a human
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Not Sampling, Getting It All 247
transcriber to simply listen and type, obviating the need for manually finding and
segmenting speech or explicitly controlling audio playback. As a result, playback stays
synchronized to the transcriber’s speed of transcription … Transcribers using this
system can obtain average transcription times of less than twice the audio duration.
(Roy, Frank, and Roy, 2009, p. 2)
Roy and his colleagues have tracked the child’s word births – the first time this
word, spoken by the child, appeared in the transcripts – per week and found a
smooth and highly accelerating increase up to about 20 months of age (there were
100 word births in that month alone). They categorized those words by form class,
finding that across the second year, the modal or majority category of word births
was common and proper nouns. Moreover, the frequency with which the child’s
three caregivers used a given word was negatively related to the age of acquisition
or word birth of that word; this effect was particularly strong for nouns. That is,
words used more frequently by caregivers had earlier onsets/births by the child (Roy,
Frank, and Roy, 2009). Previous studies (e.g., Goodman, Dale, and Li, 2008) had
reported similar findings based on checklist data; their use of frequency across
children as a proxy for age of acquisition is now corroborated by this more reliable
word birth data.
Vosoughi et al. (2010) have further analyzed the caregiver speech for its
prosodic emphasis, measured by the duration, relative fundamental frequency, and
relative intensity of each word. They report similar effects for all three prosodic
measures, in that words spoken with more prosodic emphasis by adults have
earlier word births by the child. This finding corroborates long-standing theories
that the prosody of speech assists the child in the task of speech segmentation
(e.g.,Gleitman and Wanner, 1982). Incorporation of analyses of the visual/spatial
and social contexts is still in progress (DeCamp and Roy, 2009; Roy, 2009); such
analyses could reveal, for example, the relative importance of different kinds of
activity contexts that co-occur with linguistic exposure in predicting a given
word’s birth.
In sum, diary methods can reveal everything – with some qualifications – that a
child and/or his/her caregivers say and do. Such a comprehensive record of child
speech, adult speech, and context can address foundational questions about just
what a child knows about language at a given point in time, and how this knowledge
changes over time. The targeted diary method is most feasible when a child is not
producing speech all the time; the task of diary keeping is tractable for a caregiver
when there isn’t that much speech to record. The task of transcribing all of the
speech recorded via innovative technologies (LENA, Speechome Recorder) may only
become tractable for researchers by using additional innovative technology
(e.g., Roy and Roy, 2009). Diary methods are also suitable if researchers are
interested in children’s use of multiple languages; however, the researchers and diary
keeper(s) would need to be fluent and easily literate in all of the languages their child
used. Diary methods could also be both relevant and informative for researchers
interested in early language impairments, as diary keepers, LENA devices, and/or
Speechome Recorders are likely to record language uses that are not evident in
clinical or research settings.
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248 Letitia R. Naigles
Targeted Diary
To carry out a targeted diary study, researchers need to (1) select the words, (2) select
the child participants, and (3) train the caregiver/mother participants. Possible words
can be gleaned from published lists of children’s early word use (e.g., Dromi, 1987;
Goldin-Meadow, Seligman, and Gelman, 1976; Tomasello, 1992); a newer resource
comes from the norming study performed with the MacArthur Communicative
Development Inventories (MCDI), whose results for English learners are presented
at http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/lexical/ (Dale and Fenson, 1996). The number of words
to include might range from 20 to 50: Naigles, Hoff, and Vear’s (2009) verb diary
included 34 verbs, and most mothers were able to keep the diary long enough to
complete entries for 30 of these. Two mothers attempted to track the first 10 uses of
all of their child’s first verbs, delivering completed diary sheets to us for an additional
10–20 verbs. The number of words to include should also be motivated by the range
of words and word meanings of interest. That is, if the study concerns learning
names for animals, fewer words might need to be targeted than if the study concerns
learning nouns or verbs in general.
Creating a hard-copy version of the diary for the mothers to fill in made the task
easier for them; spaces for all 10 instances for each word fit on a single page, and the
pages were alphabetized by word. Obviously, each instance should be written down
verbatim, and its date of utterance noted. Contextual features to be recorded will
vary depending on the specific purposes of the study. Because we were interested in
children’s first verbs, we wanted to know the actor/agent of each action the child was
describing by a target verb, as well as the patient or affected object when relevant.
To select our child participants, we first sent out a recruitment letter to parents of
children who were 15–19 months of age; such children are unlikely to have produced
verbs yet, if learning English. When we followed up with a phone call, we asked all
interested mothers if their children had produced any verbs yet, and went through
the list of action words on the CDI to see if any of the verbs had been produced.
Additional criteria for selection included (1) mothers acting as primary caregiver at
home with the target child, (2) mothers willing to contribute the time and persistence
to carry out the study for at least several months, and (3) mothers comfortably
literate such that transferring their child’s speech to the written word would not pose
any challenges. Any mothers who are uncertain about their willingness to participate
should not be recruited.
Once mothers agree to participate, we set up a “home visit” to train them and
verify the verbless/wordless status of the children. A completely accurate verification
is not possible (unless a LENA device or Speechome Recorder had been in use since
birth!), of course; however, a 20 minute mother–child play session and another
discussion of the (action) words on the CDI should elicit most if not all of the words/
verbs the child has already produced, if she has produced any. Training involves
showing the diary pages to the caregiver and describing multiple possibilities of how
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Not Sampling, Getting It All 249
to fill them out. We gave at least five examples of ways to fill out each contextual
category. Moreover, a point of consistent emphasis must be that the mother is to
include every single utterance, unless it is a direct repeat of an adult’s or older child’s
utterance. Child self-repetitions must be included, though (else, how can one deter-
mine the onset of flexible use?) and some of the how-to-fill-out-the-diary examples
should include children’s repetitions of their own earlier words. Training also
included the request/mandate that the mothers carry the diary wherever they go with
the target child, so that his/her speech could be recorded as soon as it is produced.
After training, each mother was contacted by telephone every two weeks, and
asked about whether the child had begun to produce verbs. Such frequent calls are
needed to keep the diary study fresh in the mothers’ minds, so that they begin
recording utterances as soon as these are produced. Once the first utterances of the
first target verbs are produced, mothers are called on a weekly basis for the duration
of the study, reminding them to keep the diary, how to enter the utterances, and how
to code the context. These reminders are absolutely critical to enable the mothers to
maintain the diary accurately. After 1–2 months, some mothers may ask to withdraw
because the demands of keeping the diary were more than they realized; usually this
occurred with children who were already fluent talkers, and who were thus produc-
ing recordable utterances at high rates. Another set of mothers may ask to withdraw
after 3–6 months during which their child has not produced any verbs at all; this
may be indicative of a child with a language delay and the child may need to be
referred to developmental services.
The LENA and Speechome Recorders
Implementing a diary study using the LENA or Speechome recorders involves, of
course, first procuring these devices. Information on purchasing LENA Pro systems
can be found at http://www.lenafoundation.org/; the Speechome Recorder is not yet
commercially available (but see http://web.media.mit.edu/dkroy/index.html for
more information). Another crucial step, though, is to secure project approval from
your institution’s internal review board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects.
This is because the very act of recording children – and their caregivers – all the time
frequently leads to recording during what may be conventionally or culturally
private situations – bathtime, bedtime, conflicts, therapy time, homework time, etc.
Moreover, the act of recording a child during all of his/her activities in a given day,
week, or month frequently leads to recording other people who are not the child’s
primary caregiver(s), and who may not realize they are being recorded. Both of
these raise key issues of consent and confidentiality which must be addressed for
the responsible conduct of research (see http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/
guidance/belmont.htm and http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/
45cfr46.html). Useful inclusions in the IRB protocol are (1) explicit descriptions of
how the caregivers can turn the recorders off and on, and how they will be trained
to do so; (2) explicit descriptions of how the caregivers can delete or withhold selec-
tions from the recording, and how they will be trained to do so; and (3) forms for
securing consent from the caregivers for recordings of themselves, the target child,
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250 Letitia R. Naigles
and/or any relevant siblings, forms for securing assent from siblings who are old
enough to require this (usually above the ages of 8–10 years), and forms for securing
consent from adults who are regular visitors to and/or interactors with the target
child, such as other family members or family friends. I recommend, in addition, that
researchers planning to use these recorders meet with the relevant members of their
institution’s IRB before submitting a protocol for approval, to discover what their
unique concerns might be. As with the targeted diary method, it is important for
researchers to keep in close contact with the families who are using the LENA or
Speechome recorders, to make sure they continue to use the recorders to address any
questions or issues that may arise.
Targeted Diary
The targeted diary method yields data about children’s age of onset of whichever
lexical or grammatical category is under investigation, plus the age of onset of each
individual lexeme. Thus, some indication can be provided about which lexical items
are easier or harder to learn – and the extent to which these vary across samples and
across populations. For example, Naigles and Hoff (2006) reported considerable
variation in verb acquisition, based on sampled speech, which depended on the
contexts recorded, how the mothers chose to play with the toys provided, and
theindividual children as well. Our verb diary (Naigles, Hoff, and Vear, 2009) was
able to shed light on these findings because the context specificity was no longer an
issue. What we found was that, across eight children, there was a core set of verbs
that seven or eight of the children acquired within the span of the study (bite, come,
cry, cut, eat, go, jump, look, open, run, sit, walk, want, wash), as well as another set
of verbs that were acquired by only two or three of the children within the span of
the study (clap, bring, move, wave). Thus, both generality and idiosyncrasy are
attested in early verb acquisition.
The diary also reveals the timing of the onset of flexibility of use; that is, the
number of (identical) instances produced before the first different usage occurs. This
measure can be captured by number of instances, or by the number of days since the
first use. Other measures are dependent on the way(s) the utterances are coded by
the diary keeper: the more information that the diary keeper can record, the more
measures can be analyzed by the researcher. For example, we coded the children’s
utterances after the fact for their grammatical form (verb alone, verb + subject,
verb+ object, SVO, verb + inflection, verb + particle), but asked the caregivers to
record the verb referent’s actor and affected object; all of these became dependent
measures in our analyses. We also included a variety of verbs (transitive and intransi-
tive, heavy and light), so these became independent variables whose differences in
verb onset and various types of flexibility were tested via t-tests, carried out both by
items andby participants. Correlations between lexical and grammatical measures,
for example, are also of interest.
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Not Sampling, Getting It All 251
The LENA and Speechome Recorders
The LENA Pro system provides tallies of the adult words (separated by gender of
adult if desired), conversational turns, and child vocalizations (separated by target
vsancillary child) in the recordings, on an hourly to daily basis. Parent data collectors
can send their recorders to the researcher for data analysis, or can view the analyses
themselves if they have obtained the custom software. The recordings themselves can
also be reviewed for more detailed transcription as well as for acoustic analysis.
These transcriptions can then be analyzed for the same sorts of measures as used in
other assessments of spontaneous speech.
The Speechome Recorder holds up to 3 months of speech (audio) and situation
(visual) data, the sheer volume of which has prompted numerous innovations for
transcription and video analysis (e.g., DeCamp and Roy, 2009; Roy and Roy, 2009).
Once transcribed, the speech can likewise be subjected to any of the myriad sorts of
analyses available to assessments of spontaneous speech; the video record enables
additional analyses concerning the situational and social context.
It is important to point out, though, that the comprehensive nature of these
recordings opens up additional types of analyses, including variability analyses (how
the child’s use of specific words with respect to referents, or referents with respect to
words, varies or becomes consistent over time: e.g., Adolph etal., 2008), microgenetic
analyses (what tracking the changes in usage over time of specific lexical or
grammatical items reveals about bigger patterns of developmental change: e.g.,
Siegler, 2006), and growth curve analyses (what pattern of use over time of a given
lexical category, grammatical category, or combination thereof is revealed: e.g.,
Singer and Willett, 2003).
We don’t know, in the field of child language acquisition, the extent to which the
processes of learning language are best captured by macro or micro changes in
children’s knowledge of language, their ability to produce speech, and/or their ability
to understand and interact with their physical and social worlds. These diary methods
provide some ways to find out.
Key Terms
LENA Language Environment Analysis, an audio recording system that captures an entire
day of a child’s speech and language environment in a variety of contexts.
Speechome Speech-at-home, an audiovisual recording system that captures several months’
worth of a child’s speech and language environment in the home.
Targeted diary A daily record of a child’s usage of specific words in a variety of contexts.
Adolph, K.E., Robinson, S.R., Young, J.W., and Gill-Alvarez, F. (2008) What is the shape of
developmental change? Psychological Review, 115, 527–543.
Ambridge, B., and Lieven, E. (in press) Child language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hoff_c16.indd 251Hoff_c16.indd 251 6/6/2011 12:49:59 PM6/6/2011 12:49:59 PM
252 Letitia R. Naigles
Chomsky, N. (1959) Review of Skinner’s Verbal behavior. Language, 35, 26–58.
Chomsky, N. (1972) Language and mind. New York: Harcourt Brace.
Christakis, D., Gilkerson, J., Richards, M., etal. (2009) Audible television and decreased adult
words, infant vocalizations, and conversational turns. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine, 163, 554–558.
Dale, P.S., and Fenson, L. (1996) Lexical development norms for young children. Behavioral
Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 28, 125–127.
Darwin, C.R. (1974) A biographical sketch of an infant. In H.E. Gruber and P.H. Barrett,
Darwin on man (pp. 464–474). New York: Dutton. Reprinted from Mind: A Quarterly
Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 2, 285–294, 1877.
DeCamp, P., and Roy, D. (2009) A human–machine collaborative approach to tracking human
movement in multi-camera video. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference
on Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval, Santorini, Greece.
Dromi, E. (1987) Early lexical development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dromi, E. (2009) Old data – new eyes: theories of word meaning acquisition. In V. Gathercole-
Muller (ed.), Routes to language: in honor of Melissa Bowerman (pp. 39–59). Hillsdale,
NJ: Psychology Press.
Fisher, C. (2002) The role of abstract syntactic knowledge in language acquisition: a reply to
Tomasello (2000). Cognition, 82, 259–278.
Gleitman, L. (1984) Biological predispositions to learn language. In P. Marler and H. Terrace
(eds), The biology of learning (pp. 553–584). New York: Springer.
Gleitman, L., and Wanner, E. (1982) The state of the state of the art. In L. Gleitman and
E. Wanner (eds), Language acquisition: the state of the art (pp. 3–48). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Goldin-Meadow, S., Seligman, M.E., and Gelman, R. (1976) Language in the two-year old:
receptive and productive stages. Cognition, 4, 189–202.
Goodman, J., Dale, P., and Li, P. (2008) Does frequency count? Parental input and the
acquisition of vocabulary. Journal of Child Language, 35, 515–531.
Hoff, E. (2006) How social contexts support and shape language development. Developmental
Review, 26, 55–88.
Hoff, E. (2009) Language Development (4th edn). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Huttenlocher, J., Smiley, P., and Charney, R. (1983) The emergence of action categories in
thechild: evidence from verb meaning. Psychological Review, 90, 72–93.
Naigles, L.R., and Hoff, E. (2006) Verb learning at the very beginning: parallels between
comprehension and input. In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff (eds), Early verb learning:
action meets words (pp. 336–363). New York: Oxford University Press.
Naigles, L.R., Hoff, E., and Vear, D. (2009) Flexibility in early verb use: evidence from a
multiple-n diary study. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,
74 (2).
Oller, D.K. (2010) All-day recordings to investigate vocabulary development: a case study of
a trilingual toddler. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31 (4), 213–222.
Roy, D. (2009) New horizons in the study of child language acquisition. In Proceedings of
Interspeech 2009, Brighton, UK.
Roy, D., Patel, P., DeCamp, P., etal. (2006) The Human Speechome Project. Presented at
Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
Roy, B., Frank, M., and Roy, D. (2009) Exploring word learning in a high-density longitudinal
corpus. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society,
Roy, B., and Roy, D. (2009) Fast transcription of unstructured audio recordings. In
of Inter
speech 2009, Brighton, UK.
Hoff_c16.indd 252Hoff_c16.indd 252 6/6/2011 12:50:00 PM6/6/2011 12:50:00 PM
Not Sampling, Getting It All 253
Shimpi, P.M., Gamez, P., Huttenlocher, J., and Vasilyeva, M. (2007) Syntactic priming in
3- and 4-year-old children: evidence for abstract representations of transitive and dative
forms. Developmental Psychology, 43, 1334–1346.
Siegler, R.S. (2006) Microgenetic analysis of learning. In D. Kuhn and R.S. Siegler (eds),
Handbook of child psychology. Vol. 2: Cognition, Perception, and Language (6th edn,
pp.464–510). New York: Wiley.
Singer, J.D., and Willett, J.B. (2003) Applied longitudinal data analysis: modeling change and
event occurrence. New York: Oxford University Press.
Stern, C., and Stern, W. (1907) Die Kindersprache: Eine psychologische und sprachtheoetrische
Untersuchung. Liepzig: Barth.
Tomasello, M. (1992) First verbs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tomasello, M. (2000) Do young children have adult syntactic competence? Cognition, 74,
Vosoughi, S., Roy, B., Frank, M., and Roy, D. (2010) Effects of caregiver prosody on child
language acquisition. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Speech
Prosody, Chicago.
Warren, S., Gilkerson, J., Richards, J., etal. (2010a) What automated vocal analysis reveals
about the vocal production and language learning environment of young children with
autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40 (5), 555–569.
Warren, S., Gilkerson, J., Richards, J., etal. (2010b) Using LENA to map the language learning
environments and vocal behavior of young children with ASD. Presented at LENA
UsersConference, Denver, CO.
Xu, D., Yapanel, U., Gray, S., etal. (2008) Signal processing for young child speech language
development. Presented at Workshop on Child, Computer, and Interaction, Chania,
Crete, Greece.
Zimmerman, F., Gilkerson, J., Richards, J., etal. (2009) Teaching by listening: the importance
of adult–child conversations to language development. Pediatrics, 124, 342–349.
Further Reading and Resources
Hoff_c16.indd 253Hoff_c16.indd 253 6/6/2011 12:50:00 PM6/6/2011 12:50:00 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
There are three widely accepted points of view that provide strong support for the
importance of studying language use and support in preschool classrooms: (1)
language plays a central role in reading comprehension (Snow, 1991; Dickinson and
Porche, in press); (2) preschool classrooms can foster children’s language development
and associated reading success (Dickinson and Porche, in press); and (3) strong early
childhood classrooms can increase the chances of long-term educational success
(e.g., Reynolds, Ou, and Topitzes, 2004). But there was a time when these perspectives
were not widely accepted and we are only beginning to understand the role of
preschool classrooms in fostering language development; indeed, we have limited
knowledge of the patterning of language use in classrooms.
17 Approaches to Studying Language
in Preschool Classrooms
David K. Dickinson
Approaches to studying the language used by teachers and 3- and 4-year-old
children in preschool classrooms are discussed. After a brief framing of the
historical and intellectual context for my work, I discuss three distinct
approaches to describing language use in classrooms. First I discuss my early
and current work which relies on audio- or videotaping interactions that are
then transcribed in a way that allows for computerized analysis. Varied methods
of coding and analyzing transcriptions are reviewed. Time sampling approaches
that code for some of the same features as the transcribed speech are discussed.
Rating systems are also considered, one that focuses on the specifics of teacher–
child interaction and one that takes a global approach. Illustrative findings
are reported, and the merits and shortcomings of the methods presented
are discussed.
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Studying Language in Preschool 255
In this chapter I use my personal line of investigation of classrooms as language
environments because over the past 20 years I have examined classrooms using a
variety of methods. To understand why different methods were adopted it is helpful
to understand the intellectual climate from which they emerged and the questions
they were developed to address. I begin by providing a historical and conceptual
context for my first major study of language use in classrooms and then discuss
other methods. Methods to be discussed include multiple ways of analyzing
transcripts of audio- and videotaped interactions, time sampling methods, real-time
language coding, and live coding using checklists and rating tools.
Historical Framing
To understand the methods I have devised and used to study the relationships
between classroom experiences and the language and literacy development of young
children it is helpful to travel back to the 1980s, the originating point for my work.
What follows is a simplified overview of theoretical and associated methodologi-
cal trends prevalent in the 1980s that set the stage for a series of studies using
language-focused methodologies.
In the late 1970s, child language researchers were transcribing and analyzing
audio and video recordings of adult–child interactions in an effort to describe
patterns in children’s language use to uncover their linguistic competences (e.g.,
Brown, 1973; see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume). The focus was on the timing of
children’s acquisition of structures hypothesized as universal, with mothers
providing the data children use to construct linguistic knowledge. Typically
middle class mothers were observed in their homes as they conversed with one
child during naturally unfolding events or when using props provided by
researchers. In a landmark study, Wells (1985) identified book reading as making
particularly important contributions to language development. That study is
noteworthy because book reading is a context shared by homes and classrooms.
During this same period cognitive psychologists also were in search of evidence of
universal narrative structures (e.g., Mandler and Johnson, 1977).
Reading researchers interested in early reading and reading problems were
discovering the power of phonemic awareness as an explanatory mechanism for
reading failure, an important insight that began to bridge the divide between reading
and language (Stanovich, 1986). Typically they studied correlations among children’s
performances on tasks, with a narrow focus on associations between phonemic
awareness and reading. Occasionally measures of vocabulary were used as control
variables to adjust for verbal IQ.
Meanwhile, following the lead of child language researchers, other reading
researchers began to describe the origins of children’s understanding of print. The
resulting emergent literacy research focused on child–print interactions, with studies
of children’s writing being used to identify universal patterns in writing development
(Harste, Woodward, and Burke, 1984), and analyses of children’s emergent reading
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256 David K. Dickinson
of books revealing features of literate ways of using language (Purcell-Gates, 1988).
Similar to language researchers, the dominant thrust was to describe how universal
developmental patterns were manifest across cultures.
Anthropologists, long interested in the interplay between literacy, culture, and
thought, provided another theoretical perspective and associated methods.
Anthropologists had long been interested in the interpenetration of printed and
spoken language, and in the 1970s and 1980s two major studies were reported that
examined cultural variability in how language and literacy are used and explored the
implications of cultural variation on cognition and ways of using print and language
(Heath, 1983; Scribner and Cole, 1981).
Sociolinguists, like anthropologists, were interested in understanding the
manifestation of culture in interaction, with a particular interest in language (Cazden,
John, and Hymes, 1972). Similar to anthropologists, they called attention to the
powerful role of context in shaping the structure, content, and interpretation of
interaction. Using videotaping, audio recording, and written observations, ethnographers
and sociolinguists began describing patterns of interaction in classrooms in an effort
to understand how classroom participation was structured (Mehan, 1975). This work
dealt with differences at the level of groups – cultures, classrooms – and one thrust of
it was to highlight structural differences between the language practices of majority
and minority cultural groups. Some researchers reported in detail the interactions
between a teacher and a particular child and described how they led to a child being
excluded from full participation in classroom instruction such as reading groups
(McDermott and Hood, 1982). Others described how classroom routines that
required children to display knowledge in a way that made them stand out from the
group, and that was discrepant from the child’s culture, created conditions that
contributed to educational failure (Phillips, 1972). Still other studies noted the
mismatch between the narrative practices of children from African-American homes
and the practices typically seen among middle class Caucasian children (reviewed in
McCabe and Bliss, 2003). Researchers did not seek to find if the educational failure
of children from different demographic groups was related to language abilities that,
in turn, resulted from differential exposure to language in homes and classrooms.
Two methodological insights of importance for later studies of language in
classrooms emerged from work done from an anthropological perspective. First,
language is organized at the discourse level and the structure and interpretation of
discourse are shaped by social context and attendant beliefs and values. A complete
understanding of what children are learning and of the factors affecting learning
requires attention to the social context. Second, sociolinguists demonstrated that the
frequency of a particular linguistic form, such as the frequency of deleting or
contracting a copula (Labov, 1972), is important. This attention to the frequency
with which a child uses a given structure may be as important to consider as the
child’s competence to use a form at one point in time.
A new brand of thinking and research began to emerge along the boundaries
between language, reading, and linguistic anthropology as researchers examined
book reading between mothers and children from different backgrounds. Ninio’s
(1980) work on mother–child book reading drew attention to the variability in
Hoff_c17.indd 256Hoff_c17.indd 256 6/6/2011 12:50:54 PM6/6/2011 12:50:54 PM
Studying Language in Preschool 257
interaction that is associated with different levels of income and maternal education.
The importance of these issues was later driven home by experimental work
(Whitehurst et al., 1988) which showed that reading that encouraged children to
participate resulted in superior language growth. Examination of mother–child book
reading also provided evidence of the impact of literacy practices on children’s
emerging understanding of how meaning is derived from books (Snow, 1983) and
demonstrated that children with considerable exposure to book reading can adopt
ways of using language that include patterns of language use found in books (Purcell-
Gates, 1988; Snow, 1983).
Thus, by the mid 1980s several themes characterized the study of language that
had implications for studying language in classrooms:
1 Interest in universal patterns of development at the level of the sentence and
culture-specific patterns of interacting at the discourse level.
2 Efforts to describe mismatches between the language use required in schools and
that in homes and communities among children from racial and ethnic minority
groups, but limited interest in identifying language-based sources of reading
failure for children from low-income homes.
3 The assumption that language learning occurs as children interact with parents
in the home and neglect of classrooms as a potential source of linguistic input for
fostering language development.
4 Clear boundaries between child language researchers and most reading
researchers, with reading researchers being interested in the phonemic level and
child language researchers having little interest in how language ability relates to
5 A blurring of boundaries between language, reading, and writing among emergent
literacy researchers and anthropologists interested in studying language use in
classroom settings.
Starting Points for Examining Language
in Classroom Settings
It was against this backdrop that Catherine Snow and I launched a longitudinal
study in which we sought to understand factors that support literacy development
among children from low-income homes (Dickinson and Tabors, 2001; Snow, 1991).
We surmised that, while children universally display the ability to acquire sophisticated
language-using abilities, the language competencies associated with literacy success
(that we referred to as “decontextualized language”) might be differentially
distributed in the population, with low-income children coming up short due to
limitations in language exposure in their homes and classrooms. Because prior work
by Snow and colleagues had suggested that the early childhood years might hold a
key to understanding later problems (Snow, 1991), we started the Home–School
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Study of Language and Literacy Development (HSSLLD) with 3-year-olds as they
entered formal child care settings. Key assumptions were:
1 While some language abilities may emerge in a universally determined sequence
and rate, those that are especially important for later reading are differentially
supported in children’s homes and classrooms.
2 Children acquire skill using these structures through frequent exposure and use;
fluency using language is more important for reading skill than is demonstration
of competence in a selected setting.
3 Language ability is fundamental to reading comprehension, and understanding
of the contribution of early experience to reading requires a long-term view
because early language competencies may not translate into improved reading
skill until children have mastered basic decoding.
4 Richly textured yet brief samples of behavior can provide information about
enduring patterns that play a role in shaping children’s development.
These hypotheses drove our methodological decisions. First, we decided to study
language environments in both homes and classrooms, focusing primarily on adult–
child interactions (Dickinson and Tabors, 2001). Like reading researchers, we were
interested in differential patterns of learning and sought generalizable knowledge.
We tested children’s language and literacy abilities using standardized tools and
worked with a sample that was large enough to merit use of parametric statistics.
However, like child language researchers and classroom ethnographers, we wanted
to describe patterns of interaction that we hypothesized would foster learning of
literacy-related language skills. Snow focused on homes, the setting with which she
was familiar, and I led our investigation of classrooms.
Audiotaping and Transcribing Interactions
When we launched the HSSLLD we immediately found ourselves faced with daunting
methodological challenges associated with the sheer enormity of the potential data.
As one schooled in the ways of child language researchers and classroom
ethnographers, I wanted to capture the language experiences of children in as much
detail as possible. But we were collecting data in roughly 85 classrooms scattered
across eastern Massachusetts. The solution we chose was to capture as much detail
in as short a time as possible and hope that finely textured linguistic information
would reveal patterns of interaction that were sufficiently stable to enable us to
predict later learning (Dickinson and Tabors, 2001). This leap of faith led us to audio
record teachers and children throughout an entire classroom day and to videotape
book readings while taking field notes about their activities. The result was a room
filled with video- and audiotapes collected over two years. Ultimately we analyzed
over 222 hours of classroom interaction.
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We took different approaches to examining the tapes that we made of teachers and the
children. Audio- and videotapes of teachers were transcribed verbatim; to reduce
transcription time, the audiotapes made of individual children were coded directly from
the tapes without transcription. A critical decision that we made as we coded our data,
one that was consistent with the admonitions of anthropologists and sociolinguists, was
to analyze interactions in a context-specific manner. We coded all tapes by setting,
creating separate files for each of the classroom settings (book reading, free play, small
groups, large groups, lunch time). All the data were transcribed into CHAT format to
allow for automated analysis of the transcripts and of subsequent codes (see Corrigan,
Chapter 18 this volume; Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume). Every tape was verified by a
second person, who listened to the audio or video recording while reading the transcript.
This step adds considerably to the time required, but we believe it is essential given the
difficulty of understanding children’s voices and the need to transcribe the language and
add important contextual information from field notes. The importance of coding in a
context-specific manner was made clear by the finding of reversed effects depending on
context. For example, extended topic conversations were positively associated with
kindergarten outcomes when they occurred in one-to-one conversations during free
play but negatively related to outcomes when they occurred during group times.
The transcripts of teachers’ talk were coded exhaustively. We coded each utterance,
with adults referred to as “teacher” and children combined and coded as “child.
This decision reflected our goal of describing the lexical environment in the classroom
and our belief that the identities of the individual speakers were not important; we
sought to detect patterns of teacher–child exchange. Besides, it is impossible to
distinguish individual children’s voices from audiotapes; so, while theoretically
motivated, this decision also reflected acknowledgment of the limits of our
transcription capacity. Our coding was driven by our hypotheses regarding the kinds
of interactions that we anticipated would give rise to the linguistic skills that nurture
long-term literacy. We expected that the type of discourse of interest to us would
occur during teacher–child interactions that were information rich, included varied
vocabulary, encouraged analytic thinking, and included children as active participants.
Each utterance was coded for context, speaker, content, and conversational function:
1 Context. Based on the content of the activity and the number of participants
involved, we assigned a classroom setting code (e.g., lunch, book reading, small
2 Speaker. Speakers were either child, adult, or unknown (a rarely used code).
3 Content. We applied codes designed to described variability in the cognitive
challenge level of the comment. Content was deemed to have high-level cognitive
challenge if it required analysis of actions, events, or words, involved prediction,
or reflected links between children and texts being discussed. Low-challenge
interactions were those requiring labeling, recall of factual details, or, in the
case of book reading, chiming in to complete familiar phrases, reciting rote
information (e.g., counting).
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4 Function. Comments were coded for how they functioned in the conversation,
such as giving (or requesting) information, requesting (or giving) attention,
clarifying, and giving feedback. These codes provided information about the
relationship between one utterance and another.
Audiotapes that we made of our target children’s conversations were coded using
transcription machines that displayed elapsed time in seconds. This timing feature
allowed us to calculate how many seconds children spent talking with teachers,
talking with other children, or in silence, how long they spent in different activity
settings (e.g., lunch, free play), and how much time they spent talking about different
types of content. Content was coded using categories similar to those employed for
coding the teacher transcripts. This approach to coding did not allow us to determine
how interactions were structured (e.g., if a child initiated or responded).
Two other variables that proved to be important were created using the automated
analytic capabilities provided by the CHAT program (MacWhinney, 1991; see
Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume). The first was the frequency with which
sophisticated or “rare” words were used. This variable was created by using an
automated “filter” to screen out words likely to be known by children, leaving us
information about the variety of less common words used (types) and the frequency
of their use (tokens). This variable was created because we assumed that a critical
feature of literate-style discourse is its relatively rich concentration of novel words
and associated conceptual information. The second variable created using CHAT
procedures was the ratio of teacher talk relative to child talk.
Possibly the most noteworthy finding was that it was possible to carry out this type
of intensive and detailed study of classrooms even though it required thousands of
hours to transcribe, verify, code, and analyze the data. Our approach yielded detailed
descriptions of children’s classroom experiences and surprisingly clear support for
our initial hypotheses. We found that variables describing classroom interactions
that were consistent with our hypotheses enabled us to predict later language and
literacy (Dickinson and Tabors, 2001). For example, analysis of book reading in
preschool when children were 4 years old revealed that analytic talk that included
children as participants predicted vocabulary and story comprehension at the end of
kindergarten after controlling for other measures of classroom quality (Dickinson
and Smith, 1994). Recent analysis of data from the full day revealed associations
between preschool conversations and end-of-fourth-grade language and reading
competencies after controlling for home support for literacy and children’s early
language abilities (Dickinson and Porche, in press). The effects of preschool were
mediated by first-grade reading and language skills. Variables that proved to be
especially strong predictors included two that were created using CHAT, namely the
frequency of use of rare words and the ratio of teacher to child talk (with less teacher
talk being better), and two that described the content of talk during book reading,
namely analytic talk and comments designed to hold children accountable for
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Studying Language in Preschool 261
attending. The latter finding may indicate that children benefited from having
teachers who helped them learn to maintain attention in group settings. That
unexpected finding was possible because our exhaustive coding had required us to
code even passing brief comments designed to capture children’s attention.
It also is important to note what did not bear fruit. Our analyses of the audiotapes
we made of children’s conversations yielded detailed descriptions of classroom life
from the perspective of our target children, but those variables were weak predictors
of later performance. This failure to find consistent associations could mean that
individual children’s experiences are so subject to moment-to-moment and day-to-day
fluctuations that measuring their experience on any single day provides limited
information about their overall classroom experiences. It also suggests that the
content of interactions between teachers and children may be of primary importance.
Thus our findings supported our core hypotheses:
1 Language abilities that are especially important for later reading are differentially
supported in classrooms attended by children from low-income homes.
2 Children acquire skill using language through frequent exposure and use.
3 A long-term view is necessary because competence with literacy-related language
may not translate into improved reading skill until children have mastered basic
4 Richly textured yet brief samples of behavior can provide information about
patterns of language use in classrooms that may play a role in shaping children’s
The final point is the most surprising and the one most in need of verification. Our
ability to find these associations is contrary to the results of multiple studies that
have used large samples and more global measures of classrooms and have either
failed to find predictive relationships between process measures and child outcomes
or found relatively weak associations (Dickinson and Darrow, in press).
Time Sampling
The view of classrooms provided by the HSSLLD transcripts made it apparent that
far too often children from low-income homes receive relatively limited intellectual
stimulation and less than optimal support for acquisition of the kind of language
skills that support later reading comprehension. This observation led me to seek to
improve classrooms by creating a professional development intervention designed to
inform preschool teachers about language and literacy development and help them
improve the quality of supports they provide children (Dickinson and Caswell,
2007). For such a study our energy had to go into developing and delivering the
intervention; we could not take on the exhaustive data collection methods used for
the HSSLLD. The solution was to create a time sampling tool that allowed us to code
interaction on site, describing as many features of the interaction as possible.
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The first time sampling tool, the Teacher–Child Verbal Interaction Profile
(TCVI:Dickinson, Howard, and Haine, 1998), was designed to provide information
about features of teacher–child interaction that the HSSLLD had indicated were
likely to be related to enhanced development. In addition, since we were physically
present it was possible to describe potentially important aspects of the situation that
were invisible to someone coding an audiotape, such as teachers’ relative degree of
engagement with children, the number and gender of children in her immediate
vicinity, and physical positioning (e.g., sitting, moving) or location in the classroom.
Content and conversational structure were coded in ways designed to be comparable
to the HSSLLD methods. Interactions grounded in the immediate present that
represented limited cognitive challenge were coded as “ongoing activity” and
accounted for much of the coded time. Topics of particular interest because they
represented talk more likely to foster language growth included the following:
pretending, talk about nonpresent events, general knowledge, and talk about literacy
and math (instructional talk). We also were interested in structural aspects of the
interaction, so we coded for the relative balance of talk between teachers and children
(teacher dominant vs balanced between teacher and child) and for whether or not
the conversation stayed on and elaborated a single topic. Using this tool, researchers
observed for 30 seconds and then spent 30 seconds coding. While it took some
effort, we achieved and maintained good levels of interrater reliability (83% or
better for dichotomous codes, and Cohen’s kappa scores of 0.85 or better for
variables with more than two codes).
Observations carried out in 61 classrooms yielded textured descriptions of
children’s language experiences that, once again, were generally disappointing
(Dickinson, McCabe, and Clark-Chiarelli, 2004). In general, during the 30-second
intervals, teachers rarely extended and deepened topics (14% during free play, 19%
during meal times) and rarely discussed or explained the meanings of new words
(less than 1% of all coded intervals). The vast majority (79% at 3 years, 72% at 4)
of teacher talk during book reading was devoted to issues that make few cognitive
demands of the children. Mostly teachers focused on organization of the task, simple
feedback, and naming activities. Higher cognitive demands were not common (17%
at 3, 26.6% at 4). Thus, the features of conversations most predictive of later growth
were those least commonly observed.
Even though we were able to use the TCVI system reliably and it allowed collection
of data in many classrooms without the burden of transcribing and coding, sometimes
we had to spend four or more sessions in classrooms in order to achieve reliability.
In a subsequent study that examined the effectiveness of a small-scale professional
development intervention, Sarah Fanelli (now Sarah Ngo) and I created a somewhat
streamlined tool, Teacher–Child Discourse Analysis, to code interaction (Dickinson
et al., 2009). This tool once again was designed to capture features of classroom
discourse that the HSSLLD work had found to be important contributors to
children’s language development: attention to vocabulary, cognitively enriching
topics of conversation, and extended stretches of talk that stayed on a single topic.
Context again was important because we studied the effects of our intervention on
teachers’ book reading and their conversations during meal times. Distinct content
codes were necessary for each setting. This tool was sensitive to changes in patterns
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Studying Language in Preschool 263
of book reading and lunch time conversation that occurred as a result of professional
development and use of scripted guidance for reading books in the manner required
of teachers using the preschool curriculum, Opening the world of learning
(Schickedanz and Dickinson, 2005).
Our time sampling systems have been used to code interactions between particular
teachers and whatever children they happen to be talking with. This approach makes
it possible to focus either on the lead or on the assistant teacher, providing a more
comprehensive picture of classroom lexical environments. Global rating tools such
as the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO: Smith et al.,
2002) and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (Harms, Clifford, and
Crye, 1998) do not allow for this degree of precision.
Time sampling methods are appealing because they yield readily grasped
descriptions of exactly what is happening between teachers and children. However,
reliability can be challenging to achieve if distinctions are too fine or codes too
numerous. Also, data analysis can be daunting when using typical statistical programs
because there are multiple distinct codes for each interval. This database barrier
reduced the utility of TCVI data collected as part of our program evaluation effort.
In a subsequent small-scale study we used a less complex system of tallying and were
able to quickly determine patterns for different codes. In a further extension of time
sampling methods I sought to devise a system that could run on a hand-held PDA,
using its built-in timing capabilities. I was not able to arrive at a workable system,
but Meador, Vorhaus, and Wilson (2009) have created a system that runs on a tablet
computer for on-site data collection and enables observers to capture considerable
detail in real time. Such approaches hold considerable promise for finding a way to
strike a balance between intensive data collection that relies on audiotape and
transcriptions and global rating systems.
Rating Tools
Rating tools are a third general method we have explored for describing preschool
classrooms. The most noteworthy tool is the ELLCO, developed by Miriam Smith
with assistance from others (Smith et al., 2002). It was created at the request of state
officials in Connecticut who wanted a tool for describing classrooms from an
emergent literacy perspective to assist them in their efforts to improve the quality of
support for emergent literacy in preschool classrooms. The ELLCO was created to
describe classrooms in a more general manner than the approaches that had emerged
from the Home–School Study. It has scales to describe the language environment and
others that describe the physical environment, behavior management, and the nature
of support for using print. It has been widely used in evaluations of Early Reading
First programs and in many other early childhood settings. Its popularity, in part,
derives from the fact that it is easy to understand and use, and provides staff with
concrete, objective descriptions of classroom practice that can be the starting point
for coaching conversations. It gives teachers clear descriptions of valued ways of
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264 David K. Dickinson
organizing their material and rooms, but provides only limited information about
patterns of language use. While teachers and program directors report finding the
ELLCO useful as part of professional development efforts, its ratings have been no
more potent at predicting growth in children’s language and literacy than other
global rating systems.
An even simpler rating tool has yielded interesting descriptions of teacher
support for learning in classrooms. The first iteration, Adult Roles (Dickinson,
1996), was created when I was evaluating our emerging professional development
intervention and was frustrated by how some teachers spent classroom time. In
particular, I noted that some lead teachers spent nearly half of the time when
children were free to engage in activities around the room supervising children as
they brushed their teeth. Based on emerging HSSLLD findings suggesting that
teacher–child interactions during centers time could make measurable contributions
to children’s learning, I was concerned that teachers were totally missing
opportunities to verbally interact with children. Similarly, I noted disengagement
during meal times, another setting our data suggested holds potential for fostering
learning. Adult Roles proved to be easy to use; and later, when I was engaged in
another large evaluation project and wanted to augment the ELLCO with a tool
that described more of the interactional environment, I created a refined instrument,
Teacher Engagement. Designed for simplicity, this tool requires observers to apply
one score for each of 10 codes after observing an activity (e.g., lunch, meal time,
book reading). During the activity period observers make notes about the
interactions occurring between the lead and assistant teachers and the children and
record their codes when the activity period ends. This rating approach retains core
assumptions about beneficial features of classrooms and adult–child interaction:
active engagement in conversations with adults, especially when a single topic is
developed and the conversation has a focus on vocabulary. Negative codes are
included because I surmised that things that were clearly detrimental to adult–child
interaction might be as diagnostic as positive features.
The Teacher Engagement rating tool has been relatively easy to use and yielded
interesting results when used as part of a study carried out in 52 classrooms
(Dickinson et al., 2009). We used it to code three settings: book reading, meal
times, and centers time. In addition, we coded videotapes of book reading and
small group instruction for many of the same features of interaction. Across
approaches, we coded when teachers told children the meanings of words. When
we combined results for that single item from these two data sources we had a five-
point scale describing teachers’ attentiveness to vocabulary across the day. When
this simple scale was used as part of HLM analyses that controlled for fall scores,
demographic factors, and other statistical confounds, we found a statistically
significant effect for talk about vocabulary. Interestingly, the effect appears to be
carried by the high-end teachers. That is, a boost in vocabulary learning may not
occur unless a relatively high level of support is attained. This is a message that is
consonant with other recent studies and may help explain why many interventions
fail to achieve noteworthy success (Burchinal et al., 2010). It also carries a
methodological caution: researchers need to be sure their scales are sensitive to
high-end teaching and alert for nonlinear relationships between environmental
input and children’s growth.
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Studying Language in Preschool 265
Thus, rating tools can be devised that capture some of the same core elements of
interaction that seem to be related to enhanced language learning. They have appeal
to practitioners because they are relatively easy to use and can yield concrete
descriptions of interaction. They may appeal to researchers for the same reasons.
Concluding Thoughts
Beginning early this century there have been increasing numbers of interventions
designed to enhance the quality of preschools, but interventions delivered as part of full
curriculum or programmatic interventions typically have had only limited impact on
measures of language (Dickinson and Darrow, in press). This is a challenge we are
grappling with as we evaluate the effectiveness of a curriculum-based intervention that
was delivered in 52 classrooms. When we designed the study we built in plans to
videotape classrooms three times during the year. These tapes enabled us to code fidelity
of delivery of the curriculum in distinct activity settings. The codes include information
about whether specified activities were done and how they were carried out. For
example, during book reading teachers are directed to read particular books, to define
selected words, and to engage children in thought-provoking conversations. Our
coding draws on the data-intensive data collection methods favored by child language
researchers and classroom ethnographers in that we attend to the details of teacher–
child interactions; thus we can create a nuanced picture of the implementation of the
curriculum. Also, undaunted by the time-intensive nature of audio-based examination
of classrooms, we have transcribed over 70 hours of selected classroom settings (book
reading, group literacy instruction, centers time, small groups) into CHAT format and
we are analyzing these transcripts for the percentage of talk by teachers (an easier way
to capture the ratio of teacher relative to child talk), the density D of talk tokens
relative to talk types, the overall amount of talk, and the use of rare words using an
updated version of the list used for the HSSLLD project. We also are coding these tapes
for complex syntax using a system modeled on that of Washington and Craig (1994)
and for content, function, and topic development in a manner parallel to the HSSLLD.
(See Table 17.1 for an illustration of these multiple approaches.) Analyses are ongoing.
We have found that transcribing from videotapes, while still time consuming, is less
arduous than coding from audiotapes and that technology that enables use of a foot
pedal to stop and slightly rewind tapes in the same manner as for audiotape transcribing
machines greatly facilitates transcription (see also the video-linked transcript function
of CHILDES, described in Core, Chapter 6 this volume).
The time may be ripe for those interested in the nuanced details of language use in
classrooms to collaborate with field researchers who are struggling to evaluate the
fidelity of implementation of interventions and to identify critical features of classrooms
that account for differential growth. After all, it is widely acknowledged that much of
the learning that occurs for a child in a preschool classroom happens when she is
engaged in conversations. Perhaps more robust strategies for describing the structure,
content, and frequency of these interactions will lead to deeper understanding of how
classrooms can contribute to language acquisition and enhanced conceptual knowledge.
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266 David K. Dickinson
Table 17.1 Example of CHAT transcription and coding for topic construction, social
function and semantic content of a small group transcript
Activity involving moving objects with air after reading Gilberto and the Wind.
Rare words
12 (in full transcript); 4 in this segment indicated by boldface.
Content coding
*TCH: $TOP:SPC $FUN:GIVE $CON:BO and then the wind was blowin(g)
umthe pillowcases outside.
*TCH: $TOP:T00 $FUN:GIVE $CON:SW so _we’re gonna see what can air
*TCH: $TOP:T00 $FUN:GIVE $CON:SW we’re gonna see if this stuff is too
heavy or is it just right for the wind to move it.
*TCH: $TOP:NTO $FUN:ASKA $CON:OA everybody pick an item.
*TCH: $TOP:SPC $FUN:ASKA $CON:OA let’s see what we got first.
*TCH: $TOP:SPC $FUN:QUKN $CON:VO what is this?
*CHI: $TOP:TN2 $FUN:RESP $CON:VO a block.
*TCH: $TOP:TN3 $FUN:CORR $CON:VO a unifix cube.
*TCH: $TOP:NTO $FUN:QUKN $CON:VO what’s this?
*CHI: $TOP:TN2 $FUN:RESP $CON:VO a dice.
*TCH: $TOP:TN3 $FUN:EXPD $CON:VO a dice, a number dice.
*TCH: $TOP:NTO $FUN:QUKN $CON:VO what is this?
*CHI: $TOP:TN2 $FUN:RESP $CON:VO feet thing.
*TCH: $TOP:TN3 $FUN:CORR $CON:VO cotton+ball.
*CHI: $TOP:TN4 $FUN:REPT $CON:VO cotton+ball.
Coding explanations
$TOP = Conversational topic construction
T00: No topic: no sustained topic attempted; stray comment, attention
request, off-topic comment
NT0: New topic: initiated successfully, at least one follow-up utterance occurs
SPC: Speaker continues: same speaker on existing topic, directly relevant; not
a new turn; must be on a topic, not continuing about “no topic”
TN2, TN3, TN4, etc.: Topic continuation: new speaker on same topic, directly
relevant; no more than 5 turns of asides occur since last utterance on
this topic
FUN = Social Function
GIVE: Give information: statement that describes a situation, communicates
an idea, experience, or opinion
ATTN: Attention-getting: question or statement which calls/directs attention to
the speaker, or gives/acknowledges attention to another speaker
AKSA: Ask for an action: question or command which requests that child or
children do something, gives instructions or directions
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Studying Language in Preschool 267
Table 17.1 (cont’d)
QUKN: Known-answer question: question or request for information where the
speaker knows the answer, is looking for a specific response
RESP: Responding: statement that responds to a question, inquiry, or fill-in-
EXPD: Expanding: rephrase with slight correction or expansion
CORR: Correcting: question, statement, or response contingent on previous
utterance, which corrects it in terms of factual information
REPT: Repeating: direct echo or repetition of part or all of previous utterance
CON = Semantic Content
BO: Books: interaction about books and their content, such as discussion of
book titles, authors, or characters
SW: Scientific and world knowledge: interaction relating to facts or concepts
about the world
OA: Ongoing activity: interaction related to the immediate, shared physical
VO: Vocabulary: interaction about the meanings of words, defining and
discussing word meanings
Jill B. Freiberg played a major role in the development and refinement of this
coding system.
Work on this manuscript and some of the data reported was supported by grant
#R324E060088A from the United States Department of Education.
Key Terms
CHAT The name for the system of transcription used by the Child Language Data Exchange
Information System (CHILDES) (MacWhinney, 1991). CHILDES includes a collection of
language data as well as tools that enable computer-based transcript analysis.
Emergent literacy Activity that reflects early understanding of print, its use, and the language
typically employed when reading and writing prior to formal instruction.
Ethnographer An anthropologist who studies settings (cultures, classrooms, communities)
for an extended time by spending considerable time with the group being studied in an
effort to understand the details of the community’s beliefs and practices.
Lexical density The balance between the use of words not previously used in a given text and
the total number of words in the text. Different computer-based methods are used to
analyze it.
Parametric statistics Statistics used to analyze numerical data in an effort to provide
generalizable knowledge.
Phonemic awareness Ability to consciously reflect on or manipulate individual phonemes.
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268 David K. Dickinson
Rare words Sometimes called “sophisticated words, these are words deemed as being
somewhat uncommon for 4–year-olds. Computer-based methods have been devised to
analyze for their prevalence.
Sociolinguist A researcher who studies the social life of settings by carefully examining
patterns in language use, attending to social factors such as power, interpersonal
relationship, and context.
Time sampling An approach to coding in which observers watch interactions for a
predetermined interval and then code selected aspects of the interaction.
Brown, R. (1973) A first language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Burchinal, M., Vandergrift, N., Pianta, R., and Mashburn, A. (2010) Threshold analysis of
association between child care quality and child outcomes for low-income children in
pre-kindergarten programs. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25 (2), 166–176.
Cazden, C., John, V.P., and Hymes, D. (1972) Functions of language in the classroom.
NewYork: Teachers College Press.
Dickinson, D.K. (1996) Adult Roles. Newton, MA.
Dickinson, D.K., and Caswell, L. (2007) Building support for language and early literacy in
preschool classrooms through in-service professional development: effects of the
LiteracyEnvironment Enrichment Program (LEEP). Early Childhood Research Quarterly,
22, 243–260.
Dickinson, D.K., and Darrow, C.L. (in press) Methodological and practical challenges of
broad-gauged language interventions. In T. Shanahan and C.J. Lonigan (eds), Literacy in
preschool and kindergarten children: the National Early Literacy Panel and beyond.
Baltimore: Brookes.
Dickinson, D.K., Darrow, C.L., Ngo, S.M., and D’Souza, L.A. (2009) Changing classroom
conversations: narrowing the gap between potential and reality. In O.A. Barbarin and
B.H. Wasik (eds), The handbook of developmental science and early schooling: translating
basic research into practice. New York: Guilford.
Dickinson, D.K., Freiberg, J.B., Darrow, C.L., et al. (2009) Toward identifying an “active
ingredient” responsible for improving receptive vocabulary in preschool children.
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Institute for Educational Sciences,
Dickinson, D.K., Howard, C., and Haine, R. (1998) Teacher–Child Verbal Interaction Profile.
Newton, MA.
Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., and Clark-Chiarelli, N. (2004) Preschool-based prevention of
reading disability: realities vs possibilities. In C.A. Stone, E.R. Silliman, B.J. Ehren, and
K. Apel (eds), Handbook of language and literacy: development and disorders
(pp. 209–227). New York: Guilford.
Dickinson, D.K., and Porche, M.V. (in press) The relationship between teacher–child
conversations with low-income four-year-olds and grade four language and literacy
development. Child Development.
Dickinson, D.K., and Smith, M.W. (1994) Long-term effects of preschool teachers’ book
readings on low-income children’s vocabulary and story comprehension. Reading
Research Quarterly, 29 (2), 105–122.
Dickinson, D.K., and Tabors, P.O. (eds) (2001) Beginning literacy with language: young
children learning at home and school. Baltimore: Brookes.
Hoff_c17.indd 268Hoff_c17.indd 268 6/6/2011 12:50:55 PM6/6/2011 12:50:55 PM
Studying Language in Preschool 269
Harms, T., Clifford, R., and Crye, D. (1998) Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale,
Revised Edition. New York: Teachers College Press.
Harste, J.C., Woodward, V.A., and Burke, C.L. (1984) Language stories and literacy lessons.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Heath, S.B. (1983) Way with words: language, life and work in communities and classrooms.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Labov, W. (1972) Language in the inner city: studies in the black English vernacular.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
MacWhinney, B. (1991) The CHILDES project. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Mandler, J.M., and Johnson, N.S. (1977) Remembrance of things parsed: story structure and
recall. Cognitive Psychology, 9, 111–151.
McCabe, A., and Bliss, L.S. (2003) Patterns of narrative discourse: a multicultural lifespan
approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
McDermott, R.P., and Hood, L. (1982) Institutionalized psychology and the ethnography of
schooling. In P. Gilmore and A.A. Glatthorn (eds), Children in and out of school:
ethnography and education (pp. 232–249). Washington, DC: Center for Applied
Meador, D., Vorhaus, E., and Wilson, S. (2009) Tablet based Tools of the Mind fidelity system
with Filemaker as the platform. Nashville, TN: Peabody Research Institute, Vanderbilt
Mehan, H. (1975) Learning lessons: the social organization of classroom behavior. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Ninio, A. (1980) Picture-book reading in mother–infant dyads belonging to two subgroups in
Israel. Child Development, 51 (2), 587–590.
Phillips, S.U. (1972) Participant structure and communicative competence: Warm Springs
children in community and classroom. In C.B. Cazden (ed.), Functions of language in the
classroom (pp. 370–394). New York: Teachers College Press.
Purcell-Gates, V. (1988) Lexical and syntactic knowledge of written narrative held by well-read-
to kindergartners and second graders. Research in the Teaching of English, 22, 128–160.
Reynolds, A.J., Ou, S.R., and Topitzes, J.W. (2004) Paths of effects of early childhood interven-
tion on educational attainment and delinquency: a confirmatory analysis of the Chicago
child–parent centers. Child Development, 75 (5), 1299–1328.
Schickedanz, J., and Dickinson, D.K. (2005) Opening the world of learning: a comprehensive
literacy program. Parsippany, NJ: Pearson Early Learning.
Scribner, S., and Cole, M. (1981) The psychology of literacy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Smith, M.W., Dickinson, D.K., Sangeorge, A., and Anastasopoulos, L. (2002) The Early
Language and Literacy Classroom Observation toolkit (ELLCO). Baltimore: Brookes.
Snow, C.E. (1983) Literacy and language: relationships during the preschool years. Harvard
Educational Review, 53 (2), 165–189.
Snow, C.E. (1991) The theoretical basis for relationships between language and literacy in
development. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 6 (1), 5–10.
Stanovich, K.E. (1986) Matthew effects in reading: some consequences of individual differences
in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360–407.
Washington, J.A., and Craig, H.K. (1994) Dialectal forms during discourse of poor, urban,
African-American preschoolers. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 37 (4),
Wells, G. (1985) Learning, language and education. Philadelphia: NFER-Nelson.
Whitehurst, G.J., Falco, F.L., Lonigan, C.J., et al. (1988) Accelerating language development
through picture book reading. Developmental Psychology, 24 (4), 552–559.
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270 David K. Dickinson
Further Reading and Resources
Dickinson, D.K., and Darrow, C.L. (in press) Methodological and practical challenges of
broad-gauged language interventions. In T. Shanahan and C.J. Lonigan (eds), Literacy in
preschool and kindergarten children: the National Early Literacy Panel and beyond.
Baltimore: Brookes.
Dickinson, D.K., Flushman, T.R., and Freiberg, J.B. (2009) Language, reading and classroom
supports: where we are and where we need to be going. In B. Richards, M.H. Daller,
D. Malvern, et al. (eds), Vocabulary studies in first and second language acquisition:
the interface between theory and application (pp. 396–429). Basingstoke:
Massey, S.L., Pence, K.L., Justice, L.M., and Bowles, R.P. (2008) Educators’ use of cognitively
challenging questions in economically disadvantaged preschool classroom contexts.
Early Education and Development, 19 (2), 340–360.
Wasik, B.A., Bond, M.A., and Hindman, A. (2006) The effects of a language and literacy inter-
vention on Head Start children and teachers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98 (1),
Weizman, Z.O., and Snow, C.E. (2001) Lexical output as related to children’s vocabulary
acquisition: effects of sophisticated exposure and support for meaning. Developmental
Psychology, 37 (2), 265–279.
Zucker, T.A., Justice, L.M., Piasta, S.B., and Kaderavek, J.N. (2010) Preschool teachers’ literal
and inferential questions and children’s responses during whole-class shared reading.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25 (1), 65–83.
See also http://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/Dickinson_David.xml.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) is a set of tools available on
the internet for the study of first and second language acquisition. This chapter
begins with a general picture of the CHILDES system, followed by a discussion of
the wide range of questions that can be addressed using CHILDES and some
questions that may be difficult to answer using it. The procedures section of the
chapter describes issues in sampling CHILDES data, some CHILDES computer
programs available for data analysis, and coding and reliability issues. The data
analysis section includes a brief description of a few of the statistical matters that
may arise in using corpus data. In the last part of the chapter I report in detail some
of the decision processes I went through in using CHILDES for one of my own
research projects (Corrigan, 2004).
18 Using the CHILDES Database
Roberta Corrigan
This chapter describes the Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES)
and some examples of its use. CHILDES contains a set of transcriptions of
language production, in standardized format, most of it as conversations
between adults and children interacting in naturalistic settings, but some as
elicited narratives. It also contains computer tools to analyze the transcripts.
The database contains transcripts from monolingual speakers, bilingual
speakers, and clinical populations. CHILDES can be used to address any
research question in child language that requires spoken language data such as
those contained in the database. The chapter describes a few issues involved in
using CHILDES including sparse data, sources of variation in the database,
and coding of categories.
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272 Roberta Corrigan
Aims of CHILDES Research
What is CHILDES?
CHILDES consists of a hierarchically arranged database of transcriptions of spoken
language contributed by researchers who originally collected the data to conduct
their own research. Most of the database consists of conversations between adults
and children, done in a standardized format (Codes for the Human Analysis of
Transcripts, CHAT). Each transcript is stored as a separate file, located in a folder
labeled by the name of the researcher that contributed it. In addition to the database,
CHILDES provides a set of computer programs for analyzing language and tools for
linking transcripts to digitized audio or visual recordings (Computerized Language
ANalysis, CLAN). Currently, CHILDES contains data from a wide range of
monolingual speakers of different language groups including East Asian, Celtic,
English (both US and UK), Germanic, Romance, and Slavic. In addition, there are
corpora from bilingual speakers, clinical populations, and those containing narrative
data. A separate database and programs called PhonBank are available for analyzing
phonological properties of speech. The CHILDES collection continues to expand as
new researchers donate their transcripts.
Full details of the CHILDES system are available in MacWhinney (2000); updated
manuals for the database (including guidelines for its use and documentation for the
corpora), for CLAN, and for CHAT are available online at http://childes.psy.cmu.
edu/. The database and CLAN tools can be used online or can be downloaded to
individual computers. CHILDES is part of the TalkBank system, which also includes
databases on aphasia, adult bilingualism and second language acquisition, and
corpora transcribed in conversational analysis format.
The CHILDES website provides detailed tutorials on the CHAT transcription
format and the CLAN analysis tools. The current chapter is not intended to be a
tutorial, but will discuss more general issues that arise when doing corpus research
with CHILDES. I will focus on the database itself and on data manipulation with the
CLAN programs rather than on data transcription using the CHAT system. However,
anyone using CHILDES transcriptions must be familiar with basic CHAT notation
in order to understand what they are viewing when they open a CHILDES file.
Because particular methodological issues that might arise are dependent upon
theresearch questions that are being addressed in a given study, this chapter will
necessarily select only a small subset of issues to use as examples.
What Kinds of Questions Can Be Addressed Using CHILDES?
The databases are primarily used to address research questions that rely on how
language is used by children and adults as they interact in naturalistic settings. As of
November 2008, the CHILDES website (http://talkbank.org/usage/childesbib.pdf)
listed more than 3,100 published articles that made use of CHILDES. One of the
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Using the CHILDES Database 273
advantages of CHILDES is that researchers can use existing data to answer new
research questions without collecting and transcribing their own data.
Thus, CHILDES serves as a basic source of both parent and child language data.
In addition, Behrens (2008) suggests that large-scale corpora can be particularly use-
ful in addressing three types of questions that previously would have been difficult
to investigate, either because samples collected by individual researchers were too
small to make trustworthy generalizations or because necessary computer tools were
not available (see also Lieven and Behrens, Chapter 15 this volume).
First, are there differences in the frequency and distribution of adult language to
other adults compared to their language addressed to children? For example, in
Corrigan (2008) I took advantage of the fact that some of the English corpora in
CHILDES take place in settings with multiple adults who talk to each other as well
as to the child. I examined whether the semantic information in the discourse
surrounding adjectives is different when adults address children compared to other
adults. I found that even though adults rarely provide explicit definitions to the
children, the linguistic contexts of their utterances contain more information about
adjective meanings in adult–child conversations than in adult–adult conversations.
Second, are children’s linguistic representations item-specific or more abstract?
For example, Borensztajn, Zuidema, and Bod (2009) used an automatic procedure
to identify the most probable multiword child utterances using distributional data
from CHILDES files of three American English speaking children. They showed that
the relative number of variable slots in productive units of grammar increased with
age, supporting the notion that development proceeds from item-specific to abstract
Third, what are the effects of frequency on language learning, both across
individuals and across groups? Two examples of statistical regularities available in
the input language to young children that have been identified using CHILDES data
include distributional information about transitivity-alternating verbs (Scott and
Fisher, 2009) and co-occurrences between pronouns and verbs in child-directed
speech (Laakso and Smith, 2007).
Questions That May Be Difficult To Answer with CHILDES
While the size of the CHILDES database may allow researchers to address questions
that could not be answered with smaller samples, size can still be a limitation for
researchers attempting to answer questions about infrequently produced words,
constructions, or errors. Even though the 44-million-word database (including
words across both adults and children speaking multiple languages) is the largest
existing corpus of spoken language (MacWhinney, 2008), researchers may find that
it is still too small.
In any corpus, a small set of frequent words makes up the majority of tokens, with
most words occurring with very low frequency. The distribution of units larger than
one word is even more skewed (Baroni, 2008). As a result, even large corpora do not
sample all possible vocabulary or construction types. Pomikalek, Rychly, and
Kilgarriff (2009) propose that to study rare items may require a corpus containing
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274 Roberta Corrigan
as many as a billion words. Tomasello and Stahl (2004) suggest that age of onset,
order of acquisition, and error rate data are not reliable in language samples of
1hour or less collected every week or every other week (typical of most CHILDES
corpora). Discovering children’s errors in small samples is difficult because errors
are most likely to occur in low frequency structures (Rowland, Fletcher, and
Freudenthal, 2008). Investigators wanting to study rare words or constructions
(those that are produced only one or two times a day) or wanting to examine the
relative frequency of linguistic structures or errors in child language may need to
collect their own dense samples (Lieven and Behrens, Chapter 15 this volume;
Tomasello and Stahl, 2004) or choose other elicitation or experimental techniques
such as those described in other chapters in this volume in order to gather a sample
large enough for study.
Procedural Issues
Which Parts of CHILDES Will Be Used?
Investigators must decide early in the research process, based on their individual
research questions, whether to manipulate CHILDES data with CLAN, to use
CHILDES data without CLAN, or to use other corpus data with CLAN tools and/or
CHAT transcription format.
For example, many studies have attempted to simulate development of child
language phenomena using CHILDES data, but have manipulated the data using
non-CHILDES computational models. In an introduction to a special issue of the
Journal of Child Language, MacWhinney (2010) describes eight studies where
researchers input child-directed speech from CHILDES to various computational
models that output aspects of child language ranging from word segmentation to
aspects of syntax such as dative constructions.
Alternatively, language data that are not part of the CHILDES can be analyzed
using CLAN tools. For example, in Corrigan (in press) I found that there was a
correlation between pre-service teachers’ vocabulary scores and the diversity and
sophistication of the vocabulary in the books they chose to read aloud to their
elementary school pupils. To determine vocabulary diversity, I typed the texts of the
chosen children’s books into CLAN and used the VOCD program in CHILDES
tocompute a measure of lexical diversity that is an alternative to the traditional
type–token ratio (McKee, Malvern, and Richards, 2000).
Sampling and Grouping of Files
One of the most important methodological issues facing any researcher using the
CHILDES databases is which sample of participants or language to examine. Because
the files were donated by many different child language researchers, CHILDES is not
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Using the CHILDES Database 275
intended to be a balanced corpus. This contrasts with some other existing corpora
that were designed be representative of the types of language to be included within
them (see Biber and Jones, 2008, for a discussion of some issues involved in corpus
design). For example, the 10 million words of spoken language transcribed in the
British National Corpus (BNC: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/) were collected in
different contexts and selected from different ages, regions, and social classes in a
demographically balanced way. CHILDES has similar sources of variation, but
they are not systematically sampled. Researchers using CHILDES must think
aboutwhat characteristics are relevant to their own research questions and select
portions of the database that meet their criteria (essentially designing their own
corpus). While published studies using CHILDES do report on which corpora they
use, many of them do not give any insight as to why they made the sampling decisions
that they made.
Longitudinal versus cross-sectional data
Some corpora in CHILDES are longitudinal while others contain cross-sectional
data. The researcher may examine the language of one or two children in detail or
may sum data across children. In either event, researchers must make decisions about
sampling and/or grouping files. Should longitudinal data files be examined separately,
maintaining the sampling scheme of the original researcher, or should files be grouped
on some other basis? If multiple children are to be included, how many files will be
chosen and how will they be categorized?
Grouping on the basis of language level
Mean length of utterance (MLU) is the most commonly used measure of language
proficiency in child language research. The rationale for classifying children by MLU
rather than by age is that children of the same chronological age will vary greatly in
their language level (see Brown, 1973). MLUs are provided for some CHILDES files
in their documentation. Otherwise, the CLAN program MLU can be used to do the
computations. The default calculation is in morphemes, but this may be problematic
for crosslinguistic comparisons because languages differ widely in morphological
complexity (Brown, 1973). This has led some researchers to suggest that MLUs be
calculated in words (Parker and Brorson, 2005), which can also be accomplished
using CLAN programs.
For researchers who want to group children based on some other measure of
syntactic complexity, CLAN programs could be used to compute type–token ratios
(using the program FREQ), alternative measures of lexical diversity (VOCD), or
scores on the developmental sentence score (Lee, 1984), which can now be computed
automatically using the DSS program in CLAN. Norris and Ortega (2009) review a
number of other measures of syntactic complexity, some of which could be computed
with CLAN programs, noting that measures of subordination are frequently used in
second language acquisition (SLA) research.
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276 Roberta Corrigan
Other sources of extralinguistic variation
There are many other sources of variation in the CHILDES corpora including: type
of language, family socioeconomic status, whether the child belongs to a clinical
population or is typically developing, gender, type of discourse partner, general
setting (e.g., laboratory or home), task within setting (e.g., interactive book reading,
free play, meal time), and length of data files (either time or amount of language).
Insome cases, this variability could be beneficial to researchers who are interested in
studying whether some of these factors affect language performance (e.g., see
Domack, 2009, for a study that examines variation in gender, age, and SES). However,
not all sources of variation in CHILDES may be present with enough frequency to
study them systematically. Pomikalek, Rychly, and Kilgarriff (2009) suggest that
variation studies require subcorpora where the expected frequency for the item being
studied is between 30 and 40.
Researchers who do not want to directly examine sources of extralinguistic
variation in their research should at least think about their potential effects on their
research questions. The representativeness of a corpus depends not only on its total
size in words, but also on the number of files from different categories and the
number of words in each file (Biber and Jones, 2008). If a given source of variation,
one that makes a difference in the language outcome variable, is over-represented in
the chosen sample, then this may affect the generalizability of results. For example,
suppose that a researcher is interested in the syntactic complexity of maternal speech
to children. We know that parents’ speech to their preschoolers is more complex
during book reading than in other settings (Hoff, 2006). Suppose that a researcher
has sampled many more files containing book reading to younger children than to
older children. In this invented example, the researcher could erroneously conclude
that parental speech is more syntactically complex to younger than to older children!
In another example, suppose that a researcher wants to include both longitudinal
and cross-sectional data in the same study. Hypothetically, this could result in the
over-representation of a few children whose language is idiosyncratic in some way.
Similarly, individual files within CHILDES vary greatly in length, again producing
potential problems with over-representing certain children or time periods. In sum,
the variability of the corpora within CHILDES is both a strength and a weakness
that should be taken into account when designing studies.
Sampling language items
Another decision that must be made by researchers is what types of language items
to examine in the participant samples they have chosen. As noted previously in this
chapter, rare items are particularly problematic to locate in small samples. But even
with language items that occur frequently enough, problems may arise if a researcher
is interested in generalizing results beyond the particular language items that
have been studied. An example from the literature may be illustrative. Reali
and Christensen (2005) demonstrated that there is enough indirect evidence in
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Using the CHILDES Database 277
child-directed speech to allow a simple statistical learning mechanism to discriminate
correct from incorrect items for one type of auxiliary question, even when the input
corpus is lacking the construction. They were careful to point out in their conclusions
that their results were based on only one construction, but suggest that “we anticipate
that there are likely to be other cases in which indirect statistical information (and/
or other cues) can lead to correct generalization of the structure” (2005, p. 1024).
They argue that their results challenge poverty of stimulus arguments for language
acquisition (the idea that there is not enough information available in the input to
support the acquisition of some language structures, thereby necessitating innate
grammatical knowledge). Kam et al. (2008) replicated the findings, but then extended
the work to show that the statistical model did not perform well on related construc-
tions in English and Dutch. They conclude that Reali and Christensen’s (2005)
findings on the subclass of auxiliary questions they studied “provides only the
weakest encouragement for the belief that every other construction, when studied,
will prove to have a comparably reliable statistical hallmark” (2008, p. 783). The
important point in this example is that sampling only one example of language does
not allow generalizations to all other language.
Choosing among CLAN Programs
In addition to sampling decisions, researchers wanting to analyze data using CLAN
must decide which of the various programs can help them answer their research
questions. This chapter has already mentioned MLU, VOCD, DSS, and type–token
ratios calculated in FREQ as possible means for measuring syntactic complexity. FREQ
also counts the frequency of words or codes (including parts of speech) in selected files
or speakers within files, and outputs an alphabetical list of each word in the designated
speakers/files. It can be used to calculate lemmas or root words as well as inflected
forms. A few of the other commonly used CLAN programs and their functions are as
follows: (1) STATFREQ summarizes word or code frequencies across files to be used
as input to statistics programs; (2) FREQMERGE combines outputs from several
frequency runs; (3) COMBO searches for specified combinations of utterances or
character strings; (4) KWAL searches for specified key words and outputs the key
words as well as the specified number of utterances preceding or following the words;
(5) COOCCUR counts co-occurrences of words in clusters specified by the user (with
a default cluster of two words); and (6) MAXWD finds the longest word or utterances
in a file, and can also locate all the utterances that have a particular length or greater.
The reader should consult the CLAN manuals on the CHILDES website for more
details about these programs and for information on other available CLAN programs.
Coding and Interrater Reliability
Part of the rationale for standardizing transcripts in CHAT format is to increase the
reliability of the transcriptions. All CHILDES corpora code the speakers on the main
tiers of the transcript. All English language corpora (and those of many other
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278 Roberta Corrigan
languages, with work in progress to complete the entire database) are coded for part
of speech and grammatical relations information on the dependent tiers following an
utterance (for details see MacWhinney, 2008, and Sagae et al., 2010). Any automatic
tagging program generates a certain percentage of errors (about 6% in the current
case). If that percentage of errors is unacceptable for addressing a particular research
question, investigators using these coding categories may need to hand-correct the
errors. Some CHILDES transcripts also contain other standard coding categories,
described in detail in the CHAT manual on the CHILDES website, for example,
speech acts, gestures, and speaker’s errors. Some transcripts also contain other
project-specific codes. If explanations of these codes and information about reliability
of coding are not supplied in the documentation files for a particular corpus,
researchers can go back to the original publication sources cited in CHILDES to
locate the information.
Researchers who are using CHILDES transcripts will most often need to code
categories that were not of interest to the original researcher. They will then need to
measure reliability between coders. The CLAN program RELY allows multiple
coders to score files. The program will then flag mismatches among coders which
will facilitate calculation of interrater reliability.
Virtually all published materials using CHILDES present some type of rater
reliability information on their categories.
Analysis of Corpus Data
Obviously, decisions made at earlier stages of the research, such as the research
questions to be examined, how they are operationalized, and how sampling is to be
accomplished, ultimately will determine the types of data analysis that will be used
in a particular study. For example, if a decision was made to examine data from
individual children without matching them on some measure of syntactic complex-
ity, then grammatical development can only be examined within, not between
children (e.g., Borensztajn, Zuidema, and Bod, 2009).
According to Gries (in press), data of two types can be extracted from corpora:
(1)frequencies of words or constructions and their variability, and (2) frequencies and
distributions of co-occurrences of linguistic elements. These data may be subjected to
further statistical analyses, but sometimes they are simply presented descriptively.
Anumber of studies that use the CHILDES databases report only frequencies (or
percentages). Although observed absolute frequency is the most basic corpus statistic,
it may lead to inaccurate conclusions if observed elements are unevenly distributed in
a corpus (Gries, in press). Two major shortcomings of descriptive frequency counts
are that they: (1) do not compare the counted unit in contexts where it is present
versus those in which it is absent, and (2) do not determine whether the distributions
could have occurred as a result of chance (Tummers, Keylen, and Geeraerts, 2005).
CHILDES studies that go beyond descriptive frequency counts use measures that
run the full gamut of parametric and nonparametric tests available to researchers.
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Using the CHILDES Database 279
Incontrast to experimental research, where a researcher can decide in advance which
factors to vary and which to hold constant, in spontaneous data such as those
contained in CHILDES, multiple factors vary simultaneously (Tummers, Keylen, and
Geeraerts, 2005). Multifactorial methods including multiple regression, ANOVA, or
cluster analysis are often useful in analyzing these data. Two previously cited studies
serve as examples. Both ask whether surface regularities in the input provide the
basis for induction of semantic categories. Laakso and Smith (2007) used hierarchi-
cal cluster analyses, principal components analyses, and log-likelihood ratios to
analyze data from 22 CHILDES corpora in order to show that co-occurrences
between pronouns and verbs in child-directed speech can help differentiate between
physical (e.g., push or pull) and psychological verbs (e.g., want or know). Scott and
Fisher (2009) evaluated data from 10 CHILDES corpora using cluster analyses to
find that the distributional cues of verb transitivity, subject noun phrase animacy,
and lexical overlap between subject and object positions could separate verbs into
causal (e.g., bounce or close) versus unspecified object verbs (e.g., eat or hit).
An Example Study Using CHILDES
In the remainder of this chapter I will describe in some detail a study that I conducted
(Corrigan, 2004) using the CHILDES database in order to illustrate some of the
decisions that arise with its use.
Every Study Begins with a Research Question
The first step in doing research is to generate a question to be answered. An early
decision to be made is whether the question can be answered using naturalistic data
or whether an experimental methodology (such as those described in Part Two of this
volume) would be more appropriate. For several years I had been examining
connotative (evaluative) aspects of word meanings (e.g., Corrigan, 2002) and I was
interested in how children learn them. I discovered that there was virtually no research
in this area, partly because of difficulties in operationalizing what is meant by
connotation. Could the notion of word connotation be operationalized in a way that
took advantage of information available in corpora? The methods I had used with
adults (semantic differential scales) were not appropriate for use with very young
children. I had been reading corpus semantics literature investigating how word
meanings can be established by examining their context in large segments of text.
Abasic idea in this literature is that words acquire meanings through their frequent
co-occurrence with other words (Stubbs, 1995/2007). In particular, I was fascinated
by the notion that word collocations can provide evidence for connotative (evaluative)
meanings. For example, Stubbs notes that in 100 million words of text, cause most
often occurs with negative collocates such as death, damage, harm; on the other
hand, provide most often occurs with words that refer to desirable or necessary
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280 Roberta Corrigan
things such as support, help, money. I wondered whether the input to young children
contained enough information to support the acquisition of connotative meaning.
Ichose to examine the word happen, which had been described in the corpus linguistics
literature (Stubbs, 1995/2007) as having a negative connotation (common collocates
are negative words such as accidents), because I knew it to be a word that is commonly
used with young children. The specific research question then became whether or not
happen is more likely to refer to negative rather than topositive events in adult–child
conversations. I decided to look first at instances where adults used the word happen
and then to examine children’s uses of happen in their language.
Comparison Data
I chose to examine adult comparison data by looking at adults’ uses of happen in
another language corpus. In the Stubbs (1995/2007) data, I had noticed that the top
50 collocates of happen were grammatical words such as what, something, nothing,
whatever. Stubbs did not attempt to systematically evaluate the referents of these
words because he was looking only at a window of eight words on either side of
happen. I wondered if I were to identify the referents of these words in more extended
sequences of texts, whether they would also be negative in evaluation. I used the
British National Corpus (BNC) Sampler, which is a 2 million word sample of the full
BNC, split about equally between written and spoken texts. I found that the majority
of uses of happen in this sample referred to negative referents.
Sampling from CHILDES
To find as many examples of happen as possible, I decided to use all the US English
corpora that were available at the time that contained transcriptions of adults speaking
to children. I split the children into four groups based on their MLUs rather than their
ages. When MLUs were not provided in the database, I calculated them using CLAN.
I first assigned children with cross-sectional data into the appropriate groups. To avoid
over-representing data from children in longitudinal samples, I wanted each child
represented in only one MLU group. I calculated the MLUs for each file in the database,
then combined files that fell within the MLU ranges that Ihad decided upon. I then
assigned the appropriate portion of each child’s longitudinal data to one of the MLU
groups (discarding data that did not fall into the chosen group). So, for example, if a
child was assigned to the MLU 1.00–2.00 group, longitudinal data from only those
sessions in which his or her MLU fell into this range were included. In the end, I was
able to achieve my goal of keeping the percentage of happen utterances produced by
adults approximately equal across groups. All group assignments were done before
any coding of contexts to ensure that the outcomes of the scoring did not influence to
which groups children were assigned. In the second part of the study, where I was
looking at children’s language rather than at child-directed language, I maintained the
same groups, even though this produced unequal samples of child-produced happen.
Because this was a case study, I ignored issues of representativeness of sources of
variation other than the MLU of the child and I also chose not to study constructions
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Using the CHILDES Database 281
other than those containing happen. It could be that adults use happen more in some
contexts (e.g., storybook reading) than in others. This might be problematic for
interpreting the results if there were also differences in whether happen referred
more to negative rather than to positive events only in some contexts. My subjective
judgment is that this was not the case, but I did not test it directly.
Decisions about Procedures and Scoring
One of the many procedural decisions to be made included how to define the
contextof the happen utterances I scored. What was a reasonable window for the
context surrounding an utterance? I arbitrarily decided upon three utterances on
either side of happen. Another decision to be made was whether to include only the
adult’s context surrounding the utterance or to also include the child’s utterances.
Partly driven by a theoretical assumption that children and adults co-construct
meaning, Idecided to include both speakers’ utterances in the context. I used the
KWAL programs in CHILDES to gather these data. Having isolated happen and its
surrounding context, I was ready to score whether each utterance occurred in a
positive, negative, or neutral environment. I also had to decide how to score an
episode if the context surrounding it contained a mixture of utterances judged to be
positive, negative, and neutral.
Because I was producing new scoring categories that were not in the original data,
I needed to check for the reliability of the coding. A sample of 47% of the
adult-initiated episodes and 100% of the child-initiated episodes were scored by two
coders. Disagreement as to whether the surrounding utterances were positive or neg-
ative occurred with only 1% and 2% of the adult-initiated and child-initiated epi-
sodes. The worst reliability occurred in trying to determine whether an utterance was
positive or neutral.
Data Analysis Decisions
I chose to use chi-squares to analyze whether the observed frequency of negative
compared to positive contexts surrounding happen was more frequent than expected
for each age group. Chi-squares often involve decisions about whether to combine
different categories in a contingency table if data are sparse. The adults produced
enough instances of happen so that this was not an issue. With the child-initiated
happen data, I collapsed children from the 1.00–2.00 and 2.00–3.00 MLU groups
because of sparse data.
I found that both adults and children were more likely to use happen to describe
negative contexts as the children’s language grew in complexity. I concluded that
there was enough information available in the input for children to begin to acquire
the evaluative meaning of the word.
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282 Roberta Corrigan
Doing research with CHILDES involves many of the same decisions that a researcher
must make in using any other method. Are spontaneous speech data the best source
to answer the research question? If so, are there sufficient data available in CHILDES
to address the question or should new, denser samples be collected? If CHILDES
contains sufficient data, which corpora or subcorpora should be used? What will the
comparison groups be, either within CHILDES or outside CHILDES? Which CLAN
programs can best be used to assemble the necessary data to answer the research
question, or should programs external to CHILDES be used? What language catego-
ries will be examined? Are the categories already coded in extant data files or will
new coding be necessary? If so, how will reliability be assessed? How should
the distributional frequency data on the categories be analyzed? In this chapter,
Ihave given examples of a few of the studies using the CHILDES system and how
they have addressed these methodological questions.
Key Terms
CHILDES Child Language Data Exchange System.
Child Language Data Exchange System An archive of transcripts of children’s speech and
computer tools to analyze them.
Corpus linguistics A subset of applied linguistics that analyses large samples of spoken or
written text stored in computerized databases.
Baroni, M. (2008) Distributions in text. In A. Ludeling and M. Kyoto (eds), Corpus linguistics:
an international handbook (vol. 2, pp. 803–821). Berlin: de Gruyter.
Behrens, H. (2008) Corpora in language acquisition research: history, methods, perspectives.
In H. Behrens (ed.), Corpora in language acquisition research: history, methods, perspec-
tives (pp. xi–xxx). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Biber, D., and Jones, J. (2008) Quantitative methods in corpus linguistics. In A. Ludeling and
M. Kyoto (eds), Corpus linguistics: an international handbook (vol. 2, pp. 1286–1304).
Berlin: de Gruyter.
Borensztajn, G., Zuidema, W., and Bod, R. (2009) Children’s grammars grow more abstract
with age: evidence from an automatic procedure for identifying the productive units of
language. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, 175–188.
Brown, R. (1973) A first language: the early stages. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Corrigan, R. (2002) The influence of evaluation and potency on perceivers’ causal attribu-
tions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 363–382.
Corrigan, R. (2004) The acquisition of word connotations: asking “What happened?” Journal
of Child Language, 31, 381–398.
Hoff_c18.indd 282Hoff_c18.indd 282 6/6/2011 12:51:33 PM6/6/2011 12:51:33 PM
Using the CHILDES Database 283
Corrigan, R. (2008) Conveying information about adjective meanings in spoken discourse.
Journal of Child Language, 35, 159–184.
Corrigan, R. (in press) Effects of pre-service teachers’ receptive vocabulary knowledge on their
interactive read-alouds with elementary school students. Reading and Writing.
Domack, A. (2009) “Let’s read a book, Mommy”: how gender, age, and socioeconomic status
affect naturalistic conversations about literacy. Unpublished dissertation, University of
Nebraska–Lincoln. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and
Social Sciences, 70 (3-A), 796.
Gries, S.T. (in press) Useful statistics for corpus linguistics. In M. Almela (ed.), New horizons
in corpus linguistics. Frankfurt: Lang.
Hoff, E. (2006) How social contexts support and shape language development. Developmental
Review, 26, 55–88.
Kam, X.-N., Stoyenshka, I., Tornyova, L., et al. (2008) Bigrams and the richness of the
stimulus. Cognitive Science, 32, 771–787.
Laakso, A., and Smith, L.B. (2007) Pronouns and verbs in adult speech to children: a corpus
analysis. Journal of Child Language, 34, 725–763.
Lee, L. (1984) Developmental sentence analysis. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
MacWhinney, B. (2000) The CHILDES Project: tools for analyzing talk (3rd edn, vols 1 and
2). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
MacWhinney, B. (2008) Enriching CHILDES for morphosyntactic analysis. In H. Behrens
(ed.), Corpora in language acquisition research: history, methods, perspectives
(pp. 165–196). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
MacWhinney, B. (2010) Computational models of child language learning: an introduction.
Journal of Child Language, 37, 477–485.
McKee, G., Malvern, D., and Richards, B. (2000) Measuring vocabulary diversity using
dedicated software. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 15, 323–337.
Norris, J., and Ortega, L. (2009) Toward an organic approach to investigating CAF in
instructed SLA: the case of complexity. Applied Linguistics, 30, 555–578.
Parker, M., and Brorson, K. (2005) A comparative study between mean length of utterance in
morphemes (MLUm) and mean length of utterance in words (MLUw). First Language,
25, 356–376.
Pomikalek, J., Rychly, P., and Kilgarriff, A. (2009) Scaling to billion-plus word corpora.
Advances in Computational Linguistics, 41, 3–14.
Reali, F., and Christensen, M. (2005) Uncovering the richness of the stimulus: structure
dependence and indirect statistical evidence. Cognitive Science, 29, 1007–1028.
Rowland, C., Fletcher, S., and Freudenthal, D. (2008) How big is big enough? Assessing the
reliability of data from naturalistic samples. In H. Behrens (ed.), Corpora in language
acquisiition research: history, methods, perspectives (pp. 1–24). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Sagae, K., Davis, E., Lavie, A., et al. (2010) Morphosyntactic annotation of CHILDES
t ranscripts. Journal of Child Language, 37, 705–729.
Scott, R., and Fisher, C. (2009) Two-year-olds use distributional cues to interpret transitivity-
alternating verbs. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 777–803.
Stubbs, M. (1995) Collocations and semantic profiles: on the cause of the trouble with
quantitative studies. Functions of Language, 2, 23–55. Reprinted in W. Teubert and
R. Krishnamurthy (eds), Corpus linguistics: critical concepts in linguistics. Routledge,
2007 (vol. 3, pp. 166–193.
Tomasello, M., and Stahl, D. (2004) Sampling children’s spontaneous speech: how much is
enough? Journal of Child Language, 31, 101–121.
Hoff_c18.indd 283Hoff_c18.indd 283 6/6/2011 12:51:33 PM6/6/2011 12:51:33 PM
284 Roberta Corrigan
Tummers, J., Keylen, K., and Geeraerts, D. (2005) Usage-based approaches in cognitive
linguistics: a technical state of the art. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 1–2,
Further Reading and Resources
Behrens, H. (2008) Corpora in language acquisition resarch: history, methods, perspectives.
Amsterdam: Benjamins. A collection of papers particularly useful for detailing methodo-
logical issues involved in corpus research.
Gries, S.T. (2009) What is corpus linguistics? Language and Linguistics Compass, 3, 1–17.
Avery accessible introduction to using corpora in the study of language.
Ludeling, A., and Kyoto, M. (2009) Corpus linguistics: an international handbook (vols 1 and
2). Berlin: de Gruyter. A collection of 61 papers covering topics such as the history of
corpus linguistics, how corpus linguistics relates to other disciplines such as sociolinguistics
or lexicography, different types of corpora and how they are compiled, corpus annotation,
statistical methods for corpus research, and uses for corpora.
Myles, F., and Mitchell, R. (2004) Using information technology to support empirical SLA
research. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1, 169–196. Describes the use of CLAN tools in
second acquisition research with a corpus-based program of French L2 research.
Sokolov, J., and Snow, C. (1994) Handbook of research in language development using
CHILDES. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Contains examples of original research that also
provide tutorials on how to use the version of CLAN that was available at the time the
book was published (there have been some changes, but much is still relevant).
http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/tools/email.html. A description of five Google group mailing lists
devoted to child language learning, technical issues involving CHILDES, the Phon
program, developmental pragmatics, and conversation analysis.
http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/mark/lipps/lipps.htm. The Language Interaction in Plurilingual
and Plurilectal Speakers (LIPPS) group is working on setting up a database called
Language Interaction Data Exchange System (LIDES) of bilingual, mixed language that
is modeled after CHILDES and uses CHAT transcription.
http://iascl.talkbank.org/clb.html. The Bulletin of the International Association for the Study
of Child Language provides periodic descriptions of changes in the CHILDES system
(newcorpora, new CLAN programs, etc.).
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Part IV Studying Multiple
Languages and Special
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aims
Crosslinguistically framed language development research has had two overarching
goals. The first goal tests claims of universalism, with the aim of uncovering theextent
and limits of broad generalizations about children’s language learning mechanisms.
19 Crosslinguistic Research
Aylin C. Küntay
There is considerable variation among the languages of the world in terms of
how the grammar is organized. Crosslinguistic research in child language
compares developmental patterns in children acquiring differently organized
languages. This comparative approach is crucial for testing universalist proposals
about how children learn language in addition to demonstrating language-
specific learning challenges and patterns. It is a flexible research framework:
all the techniques covered in this book can be implemented crosslinguistically;
children of any age and adults can be study participants; many domains of language
development can be covered. Data from individual languages count as crosslin-
guistic research, especially if findings expand or challenge our knowledge about
the acquisition of well-studied languages such as Indo-European. Recently,
guided by linguistic typology, typologically comparative language development
research has been especially prolific. In this chapter crosslinguistic research is
exemplified in two domains of child language: (1) morphosyntactic development,
and (2) pragmatic development.
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288 Aylin C. Küntay
The second goal, focusing on language-specific particularism, studies how the linguistic
organization of a certain language systematically influences the learner’s language
learning mechanisms (Slobin, 1997) or basic perceptual and cognitive mechanisms.
These two goals are to be conceived as complementary. Followers of Slobin’s
pioneering enterprise in crosslinguistic research, for example, have variously
demonstrated how children can learn language in general while also unraveling
language-specific acquisition paths of learners.
Time and again, comparisons of linguistic systems have shown that most of the
world’s 6000 or so languages have radically different grammatical organizations
than English. This variability naturally raises questions about what is universal and
what is particular in language development. Taking heed of such diversity for the
benefit of child language research, Slobin and his colleagues planted the seeds of
crosslinguistic research by publishing A field manual for cross-cultural study of the
acquisition of communicative competence in 1967. This manual was written to guide
researchers in the methods of collecting comparable field data on the acquisition of
communicative competence, which includes both linguistic knowledge and the
socialization of such knowledge through child-rearing practices.
In principle, all the research techniques covered in this book could be administered
within a crosslinguistic framework. The gist of the crosslinguistic approach is a
comparative outlook on the linguistic and cognitive developmental trajectories of
children exposed to different languages. On the surface, comparing paths
of development across learners of multiple languages appears as simple replications
of a technique in new linguistic communities and does not necessarily come across
as a research innovation. However, especially when developmental data of different
languages have been compared in a well-motivated way, crosslinguistic research has
proven essential in addressing long-standing questions and opening new avenues in
research about language development.
In crosslinguistic research, we see a prolific interface between child language
studies and a field of linguistics called linguistic typology (Bowerman, 2011).
Typologists operate with the goal of determining the limits of diversity that make it
possible to group languages into types, determined by the status of languages on
dimensions of variation (Slobin, 1997). Some of these variations stand out as proper-
ties that can potentially affect the trajectories of learning first languages. Child lan-
guage researchers utilize these typological descriptions in generating comparative
research questions across learners of languages with divergent properties and in
determining the extent to which universalist accounts of language development pro-
vide an adequate account of how all languages are learned. In other words, in uniting
methodological frameworks from the fields of linguistic typology and language
acquisition, the crosslinguistic method stands out as a unique research approach that
is simultaneously in search of universals and particulars.
One could adopt the crosslinguistic approach to assess any domain of language
development from phonological to pragmatic development. The approach can be
employed with populations of any age. Often, noncomparative work conducted with
children exposed to any language other than English is considered crosslinguistic,
owing to an implicit comparison to English (Stoll, 2009). Such studies often test the
extent to which universalist theories of language development proposed on the
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Crosslinguistic Research 289
grounds of research on Indo-European languages perform when tested with speakers
of other languages. The second type of crosslinguistic work, termed “typological
language acquisition” by Stoll (2009), operates with a well-motivated choice of com-
parisons across features of different languages. The prospects of the crosslinguistic
approach in child language are staggering. Studies can be found for only about 2%
of the world’s languages (Stoll, 2009). Despite such sparseness, crosslinguistic studies
have already supplied crucial contributions to the field of child language. Yet, of
course, it is important to be aware of some the challenges of conducting crosslinguistic
In this chapter, the advantages and the challenges of employing a crosslinguistic
approach will be demonstrated in two different research domains of child language
development. The first area is morphosyntactic development, and the second is
pragmatic development. The domains are: (1) argument structure comprehension,
that is, determination of “who-did-what-to-whom” in simple sentences; and (2) exo-
phoric usage of demonstrative pronouns, that is, reference to physically available
entities with this or that.
Domain 1: Comprehension of Argument Structure
When exposed to a sentence such as the bird is pushing the horse, hearers need to
figure out what exactly the roles of the bird and the horse are. Even if the meaning
of the verb “push” is understood, a key task in sentence comprehension is to assign
the status of the pusher and the pushee to the correct animals. The knowledge that
allows us to achieve this comprehension is called argument structure knowledge. In
English, we pay attention to the order of the nouns with respect to the verb to com-
prehend utterances; in other words, we use the word order of the sentence. In many
other languages, who is pushing and who is being pushed are indicated by markers
on the nouns referring to the animals, termed nominal case markers. Turkish, Serbian,
and Croatian, for example, are nominal case marking languages; they indicate who
is undergoing the action of pushing by a suffix on the noun standing for the pushee.
Some other languages indicate roles of event participants with markers on verbs.
Across languages, comprehension of the argument structure in sentences involves
use of one or more of these cues. Studying the developmental status of this knowledge
is a crucial component of assessing grammatical knowledge in children (see also
Ambridge, Chapter 8 this volume; McKercher and Jaswal, Chapter 10 this volume).
Do children learning different languages develop the capacity to comprehend
argument structure using similar or divergent cues? Based on research with English-
speaking populations, researchers had originally proposed a “rigid word order”
strategy, where children parse and produce sentences in the fixed order of subject,
verb, and object (Bowerman, in press). This strategy received vindication in recent
language comprehension studies (see Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume):
English-speaking children use a canonical word order strategy as a mechanism to
discover argument structure (i.e., who-did-what-to-whom) in the sentences they hear.
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290 Aylin C. Küntay
That is, upon hearing a transitive sentence such as Z is VERBing C, young children
map Z onto an actor and C onto an undergoer of the activity implied by the verb.
For a while, the canonical word order strategy stood ground as a plausible
candidate for being a universal discovery procedure about argument structure. But
soon it encountered crosslinguistic testing with languages of variable word order
and other typical ways of marking argument structure. Slobin and Bever (1982)
asked preschool speakers of Turkish, English, Italian, and Serbo-Croatian to act out
sentences using animal props. Crucially, the sentences were presented in various
word orders and/or in the presence or absence of case markers on the nouns. The
child speakers of the four languages were asked to use the animal toys in acting out
sentences with normative vs variant word orders, either with or without case markers
indicating the nonsubject grammatical role. The patterns of children’s enactments
revealed important language-specific strategies; for example, Turkish children
employed nominal case markers in addition to normative word orders to derive
sentence meaning. These results pointed towards a theoretical sharpening of the
initial proposal, in that the canonical word order strategy had to be streamlined as
the “canonical sentence schema. This crosslinguistic endeavor was responsible for
showing in hindsight that it was the rigid word order characteristic of English, in
essence a language-specific feature, that had been upheld as a promising universal
mechanism. The crosslinguistic sentence act-out study served to discard a generaliza-
tion, suggesting language-specific cues other than word order affect comprehension
in morphologically complex languages.
It is still a debate today how early English children’s use of normative word order
develops to facilitate sentence comprehension productively. Using the intermodal
preferential looking paradigm (see Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume;
Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, Chapter 5 this volume), where children are directed to
look at the scene matching a sentential stimulus, Gertner, Fisher, and Eisengart
(2006) have demonstrated that 21-month-old English learners will use SVO
( subject–verb–object) order to distinguish reversible agent–patient nonsense actions
paired with novel verbs (e.g., the rabbit is gorping the fox), showing that the SVO
frame is already productive at this young age. Dittmar et al. (2008), on the other
hand, show that such comprehension of novel reversible transitives depends on an
initial training phase about familiar transitive constructions, arguing that early
grasp of the transitive word order is tenuous for German and English learners.
Slobin and Bever (1982) found that Turkish children’s reliance on case markers
emerged about a half-year earlier than English-speaking children’s reliance on word
order, demonstrating that Turkish children start using the salient case marking cue
at the end of nonsubject nouns to comprehend argument structure during the early
phases of language development.
As the debate for English learners continues, crosslinguistic studies are being
conducted to determine whether children have an inclination to employ ordering
patterns as a cue to comprehension if they are acquiring languages without a rigid
word order. Gervain et al. (2008) turned to Italian and Japanese because these
languages have opposing word orders, with more frequent function words coming
before the less frequent content words in Italian (e.g., sul tavolo, on the table, “on
the table”) and vice versa for Japanese (e.g., Kobe ni, Kobe to, “to Kobe”). Building
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Crosslinguistic Research 291
on this typological distinction, the methodology was to create “miniature artificial
languages, where the order of frequent and infrequent nonsense words was
manipulated. The babies’ preferences for the two orders were tested via their head
turns towards specific auditory stimuli (see Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, Chapter 5
this volume). It was shown that Japanese and Italian 8-month-olds have already
detected the ordering patterns of their respective languages; namely, that Italians
babies tend to prefer ordering of more frequent nonsense words before less frequent
nonsense words, whereas Japanese tend to show the opposite pattern. A recent inter-
modal preferential looking study by Candan et al. (2010) also showed that Turkish
2-year-old children use word order as an indication of argument structure to match
scenes to a noun–noun–verb sentence, although their relative uncertainty in making
that match is higher than their English learning counterparts as revealed in their
more frequent switches between the two alternative scenes (see Piotroski and Naigles,
Chapter 2 this volume). Even in languages without a rigid word order, infants appear
to learn to prefer more common ordering patterns of their native languages. Yet,
how robustly the “basic word order” cue is used for derivation of sentential meaning
across different languages and ages is a current target question of crosslinguistic
methodology. For example, Chan, Lieven, and Tomasello (2009) find through an
act-out study that Cantonese children learn to rely on word order for sentence
comprehension after age 3, while English children show an earlier sensitivity, with
German children being somewhere in between.
These studies which use sentences for children to act out with objects or to match
to scenes have to make sure that both the linguistic stimuli and the visual stimuli
such as props and pictures are comparable across languages. In the Candan et al.
(2010) study comparing English, Turkish, and Mandarin learning children’s sensitivity
to word order, we filmed human actors costumed as animals so that we can use the
same stimuli in all of the three settings. We avoided human faces as they would not
look equally local to all the groups. In addition, we chose two animals the nouns
for which end in consonants in Turkish, so that both nouns undergo the same
vowel harmony rule when they are suffixed. We ensured that the audios of the
sentenceswere spoken by the familiar dialect in all cultures, and included engaging
child-directed attention getters in all the languages.
How should future crosslinguistic work proceed in addressing how children figure
out argument structure in their language? Head turning, act-out, or classical inter-
modal preferential looking procedures have been useful, but they do not zero in on
how language comprehension builds up through real time. These methods character-
istically merely reveal the statistically most prevalent preferences of children’s
language processing apparatus across entire trials of sentence comprehension (but
see Piotroski and Naigles, Chapter 2 this volume, for descriptions of extensions of
the classical intermodal preferential measure). There is now truly online child and
adult psycholinguistic work examining moment-to-moment changes in cognitive
processes during comprehension, tapped mostly through changes in direction and
duration of eye gaze (see Swingley, Chapter 3 this volume; Trueswell, Chapter 12 this
volume). This work demonstrates that comprehenders rapidly start predicting
meanings about an entire construction’s meaning from the first word on, revising
interpretations when necessary upon encounter of subsequent words.
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292 Aylin C. Küntay
As a relevant example which was followed up by crosslinguistic research, in
Snedeker and Trueswell (2004) participants were asked to move some objects around
as they listened to instructions, and, importantly, their eye gazes were monitored
throughout the trials, using the method of the visual world paradigm (see Trueswell,
Chapter 12 this volume). In the critical conditions, the instructions were made
ambiguous for guiding the choice of objects. The verb in the instructions was altered
to lead to different semantic biases in sentences with similar prepositional phrases
such as (1) tickle the pig with the fan (instrument biased), (2) choose the cow with
the fork (modifier biased), (3) feel the frog with the feather (unbiased). For example,
when the critical verb was one that typically appeared with an instrument as in (1),
it was expected that hearing of the verb such as tickle would quickly divert the
participants’ attention to a potential instrument like a fan as a solitary object rather
than a pig holding a fan, which was a distractor object. This hypothesis held true for
both 5-year-olds and adults; both age groups were affected by the meaning of the
sentence-initial verb in shaping their interpretations. Snedeker and Trueswell (2004)
concluded that the verb meaning establishes a bias, affecting the participants’ inter-
pretation of the prepositional phrase well in advance of their encounter of the phrase.
The participants’ reliance on verb meaning over other cues in resolving structural
ambiguities was used to support the idea that verbs are the primary linguistic units
in predicting the remaining argument structure of a sentence.
Crosslinguistic research was essential to assess whether these findings and
interpretations can be transferred to other languages. As seen in examples 1 to 3 above,
verbs appear at the outset of sentences in English directives. Thus, their core role in
predicting the rest of construction meaning could well be due to their initial position
in the sentence. To test this hunch, Choi and Trueswell (2010) turned to Korean, a
verb-final language, with an eyetracking study. Their experiments with 4- and 5-year-
olds showed that, unlike adults, children had difficulty in remedying an initial
destination-like interpretation of naypkhin-ey “napkin-on” when they encounter a
verbal form such as cipu-sey-yo “pick up” instead of a verb congruent with their
initial guess such as nohu-sey-yo “put. If verbs were the most informative elements
of argument structure in all languages, a change in the trail of interpretation would
have been less effortful and would have led to more error-free action patterns in
children’s enactments of the sentences. Thus, English children’s failure to supersede
the initially presented verb-biased information with disambiguating content appearing
later in a sentence is then not indicative of a universal tendency to abide by verb
meaning despite later incongruent information. Taken together, the English and the
Korean studies point to the primacy of early-arriving cues over the late-arriving ones
in online sentence meaning computation, as it is hard for preschool children to modify
initial misinterpretations in light of later evidence.
This sequence of eye gaze studies is a good example of how crosslinguistic research
can lead to streamlining of initial universalistic explanations. More studies should be
conducted to determine whether other linguistic elements than the verb facilitate
predictive processing of sentence meaning in variable word order languages. Kamide,
Scheepers, and Altmann’s (2003) study with a case marking language (German)
showed that adults use case marking information on the initial noun to anticipate the
rest of the argument structure of a sentence. Such experimental crosslinguistic studies
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Crosslinguistic Research 293
should be carried out with child learners of morphologically complex languages, to
determine whether anchors for parsing mechanisms differ across languages.
What these crosslinguistic and cross-sectional experimental studies set down are
the components of argument structure knowledge, or how these components get dif-
ferentially utilized during real-time language comprehension. Yet, the developmental
processes driving such knowledge remain elusive. More crosslinguistic work should
be directed towards search for these processes in child-directed discourse. The role
of language that children hear in conversational sequences with caregivers is often
proposed to be part of this developmental process, because unquestionably it is such
child-directed language that displays the typological features of a language. Küntay
and Slobin (1996) showed that Turkish mothers display many interesting features of
the target language, such as word order alternations and range of morphology, via
variation sets that are characterized by a sequence of utterances with a constant
communicative intention but varying forms. Such studies complement what is
lacking in purely experimental or typological studies by demonstrating the input
characteristics, that is, how typological factors are manifested to the child in real
interactions. Although recording, transcription, coding, and analysis of interactive
discourse are effortful (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume), the outcome is wellworth
the effort. For example, Budwig, Narasimhan, and Srivastava (2006) demonstrated
that rich morphosyntactic cues to the transitive–intransitive distinction in Hindi
child-directed speech led to Hindi children’s comprehension of such a distinction at
an earlier age than English-speaking children. Stoll, Abbot-Smith, and Lieven (2009)
examined child-directed speech in Russian, German, and English – languages with
typologically varying flexibility in word ordering. Their question was whether the
high degree of lexical repetitiveness found in the initial strings of English caregivers
would carry over to typologically different languages; the analyses revealed that it
did. Ural et al. (2009) found that the accusative morpheme is more effective than the
number of nouns in child-directed utterances for a machine learner to determine the
transitivity of a verb.
These recent studies notwithstanding, we still know very little about how actual
child-directed discourse is structured in non-English languages (Stoll, 2009) and
even less about how these patterns could be drawn out by the learner in acquisition
of grammatical patterns such as argument structure. This situation of relative igno-
rance surely warrants effortful crosslinguistic research on caregiver–child discourse.
When researchers obtain discourse surrounding children across languages, it is
important to make sure that the recorded contexts are relevant and have similar
organizations in all the cultures considered. Tardif, Gelman, and Xu (1999), for
example, showed that both English and Chinese children used more nouns in
book-reading contexts and more verbs during toy-play contexts, and provided a
qualification to an original proposal that Chinese learners have proportionally more
verbs than nouns in their early vocabularies compared to English learners. Thus, it is
important to choose or create comparable discourse contexts across cultures,
especially if the samples of speech collected are small and do not allow for natural
variation across a variety of activities. Other methodological considerations are who
to include among the providers of speech to the target children and where to do
therecording. In common practice, the children are recorded indoors in interaction
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294 Aylin C. Küntay
withtheir mothers, i.e., primary caregivers. However, dyadic interactions between
children and mothers, where children participate in interactions as legitimate
communicative partners, might not be relevant in certain nonindustrialized or rural
contexts. In a situation with Chintang learners in eastern Nepal, where toddlers play
outside within groups of other children for most of the day, Stoll et al. (in press)
placed a video camera and an external microphone close to the area where children
played. Most recordings took place outside the house and included all the child-
surrounding discourse. Thus, crosslinguistic researchers need to be watchful of the
regular living arrangements of their participants so that they tap culturally relevant
settings. In addition, it might not be appropriate to videotape in some cultures: some
Turkish mothers did not allow us to record their faces during a block-construction
task with their children, but permitted us to record their hands and voices.
Domain 2: Reference with Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns such as this, that, here, and there provide a typical way to
communicate about external objects and locations in conversations. Such forms are
ubiquitous in interaction, but their meanings are not inherently but rather contextu-
ally specified. Because the usage of these so-called deictic forms speaks to the question
of how communicative convergence takes place between interactive partners, their
study lies at the heart of the field of linguistic pragmatics. Although demonstrative
pronouns (and deictic systems in general) are pervasive in languages, linguistic
typologists have just recently begun to explore how they work in diverse languages
(Levinson, 2004).
The coverage of demonstrative pronouns is older in the field of child language,
however. Child language researchers analyzing productions of language from tran-
scripts could not escape noticing that demonstrative pronouns were frequent among
the very early utterances. Clark and Sengul (1978) found that demonstratives used
in conjunction with a pointing gesture are among the first few words that children
produce. It is not surprising that the gestural-referential usage of demonstrative
pronouns emerges before vocabulary development involving content words. With
demonstratives, communicators can use pointing-like gestures to uniquely identify
what exactly they are referring to among physical objects surrounding them.
However, by their very nature of context dependency in naturalistic discourse, chil-
dren’s choice of certain demonstrative pronouns over others did not easily lend itself
to an analysis of the dimensions that govern their usage.
Until recently, the literature of both linguistic typology and early child language
work have made the assumption that demonstratives primarily encode spatial
distinctions (Levinson, 2004; but see Diessel, 2006). In other words, the choice of a
particular demonstrative form from a set (e.g., choice of this or that) was seen to be
dependent on spatial factors such as degree of distance of the referent from a speaker
or an addressee. Clark and Sengul (1978) found that young English speakers take
several years to learn the “distance principle” as a semantic axis to govern their
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Crosslinguistic Research 295
choice of a specific demonstrative from the paradigm, although demonstratives are
very common in early child language. More recently, however, linguistic systems that
encode nonspatial semantic dimensions came to the attention of linguistic typologists
(Diessel, 2006; Levinson, 2004). What do these systems look like and what kind of
developmental challenges do they pose to their learners in comparison to the spatial
system exemplified in English?
Özyürek and Kita (2000) examined conversations among Japanese-speaking and
Turkish-speaking adults and found that the three-way demonstrative systems in
these languages were not entirely spatially oriented as proposed by the grammarians
of the respective languages. In other words, a certain “third” pronoun, şu in Turkish
and so in Japanese, was found to be used to direct an addressee’s attention to a new
referent, independently of the distance of this referent from the speaker or the
addressee. In both languages, these attention-bidding pronouns could be used to
refer to very near referents, such as spots on the speaker’s body, or very far objects,
such as buildings disappearing far in the horizon. The other two pronouns of the
paradigm, i.e., bu and o in Turkish, were employed only when there was an already
established shared attentional focus between the interlocutors. In those cases, bu was
reserved for referents closer to the speaker and o for those that were near the
addressee. The salient difference of this three-way system from the two-way system
of demonstratives in English prompted a crosslinguistically framed study with
Turkish children (Küntay and Özyürek, 2006).
In order to study the acquisition of the three-way demonstrative system in Turkish,
we conducted a cross-sectional, semi-experimental study with preschool children
and adults working on a joint task in pairs. The task required from the participants
was reconstructing a Lego
model based on a picture provided by the researcher,
using several blocks of different sizes and colors. Such an activity, we thought, would
confront an often-encountered challenge to effectively balance experimental control
and ecological validity in studies with children learning any language, and could also
easily be carried out by college-age adults. In addition, we wanted to maximize the
occurrence of demonstrative pronouns with implicit task-based demands. In that
regard, we expected that a task that calls for joint manipulation of physical objects
with a visually accessible goal state (i.e., the pictured model) would elicit many
demonstrative forms, leading to reference to objects in varying distances from both
of the interactants. Further, to achieve the goal, speakers would often call for shifted
attentional states from their recipients with regard to the referents, because there
were many individual Lego pieces (both pictured and actual) that could be referred
to at any point in the task. All these experimental manipulations would be created
unobtrusively: that is, neither the adults nor the children could plausibly guess what
exactly in their behaviors the researchers were interested in, being mostly preoccu-
pied with perfecting their constructions. The task requires minimal training of exper-
imenters and is appropriate for use in cultures where a request for playing withblocks
is not totally unusual.
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296 Aylin C. Küntay
The Lego construction sessions of pairs of friends at the ages of 4 and 6, together
with college-age adults, were video recorded for 12 minutes each. Video recording
ensured that nonverbal behaviors accompanying demonstrative pronouns, such as
gaze and gesture, would later be tracked. The transcripts of all the sessions were then
obtained from the videotapes, and were first segmented into utterances. The task
fulfilled its promise of providing a sizeable sample of demonstrative pronouns from
all three of the age groups included. Over one-third (38%) of the utterances in adult
conversations, and about 20% of the children’s utterances, contained at least one
demonstrative pronoun. All the utterances containing demonstrative pronouns were
then tagged with respect to the type of the demonstrative pronoun, i.e., bu, şu, or o.
We considered all the language-relevant morphological contexts where demonstra-
tives were used (i.e., locative -da, accusative -i, dative -a) in addition to when they
were used as adnominals (e.g., bu parça “this piece”) as belonging to that certain
type of the demonstrative. In tagging linguistic forms such as the three demonstrative
pronouns in Turkish, researchers should take into consideration morphological
and/or phonological variants of the target forms.
The obtained utterances with demonstratives were then coded by two trained
coders as these coders watched the videotapes. These coders were not informed
about the motivations and the expectations of the study. The codings included the
relative distance of the referent from the speaker of the utterance and the presence of
the addressee’s eye gaze on the referent just before the use of the demonstrative by
the speaker. To examine intercoder agreement, a third trained coder coded 25%
ofthe utterances where demonstratives were used in respect to the referent’s relative
distance and the addressee’s eye gaze on the referent. The interrater reliability was
86% for the distance measure, and 89% for the eye gaze measure. Some of the
disagreements were actual errors, so these were corrected. For the cases of unresolv-
able ambiguity in the data in relation to the coding category, the original codings
were retained.
If we were to obtain comparable data in another language, say in Japanese, it is
important that the same stimuli are provided to the participants and the recording
precision is equal in the two situations so that the same categories could be coded.
Features such as relative distance and eye gaze status of the participants could be
coded in any culture as long as the recording was done appropriately to allow such
coding. The same extensive training should be given to coders so that they are famil-
iar with the coding schema. In particular, when coders are coding for nonverbal
features, video samples could be cross-coded by native speakers of languages other
than that of the participants. Usually, being a native speaker is not a requirement for
coding nonverbal behavior, and this procedure ensures that the two research groups
have comparative fidelity.
The procedure yielded a coded transcript as an output (see Rowe, Chapter 13 this
volume; Corrigan, Chapter 18 this volume; Dickinson, Chapter 17 this volume). The
coded data were first analyzed in terms of the distributional patterns of each type of
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Crosslinguistic Research 297
demonstrative in the conversations of each group, using the chi-square test. In
addition, we analyzed how each demonstrative usage co-occurred with the coded
features of the conversational interaction, i.e., distance of referents and addressee’s
eye gaze patterns using repeated-measures ANOVA.
The distribution data indicated that in children’s conversations the distribution of
demonstrative pronouns differed from that in adults, i.e., children used more bu than
şu instances while the adults used more şu than bu instances. Analysis of the demon-
strative usage in relation to the nonverbal coding categories confirmed that one of the
demonstrative pronouns in Turkish, şu, was used to invite the addressee’s attention to
focus on a referent, independent of this referent’s spatial proximity to the interactants.
As for the children’s use of demonstratives, we showed that 4- and 6-year-old Turkish
speakers are not yet at adult levels in using the contrast between şu and the other two
demonstratives to manage their partner’s attentional status. On the other hand, Turkish
children took distance into account in their contrastive use of bu and o, reserving bu
for close and o for farther away referents. The discrepancy of the child demonstrative
pronoun system from the adult one in Turkish can be used to challenge a claim that
demonstrative pronouns are basic and easy to acquire across languages (Diessel,
2006). When faced with the task of designing the most appropriate demonstrative
form in fitting with the recipient’s attentional status during fast-flowing conversations,
Turkish 6-year-olds do not appear to perform at par with adults with regard to the
pragmatic implications of the demonstratives.
The Küntay and Özyürek (2006) study is not strictly crosslinguistic in the sense
that it does not involve any explicit comparison across different linguistic communities.
However, it contains an implicit comparison because the divergence of the Turkish
demonstrative pronoun system from the English one is conspicuous and the method
used is as close to the naturalistic as possible. The methodological approach in this
study is easily crosslinguistically transportable, and should clearly be replicated in
languages with a similar system of demonstratives such as Japanese and more
standard systems such as English.
In sum, the crosslinguistic approach can be fruitfully used to study morphosyntactic
development or pragmatic development in addition to domains that are not demon-
strated in this chapter. In combining the search for the “universal, the “particular,
and the “typological” in language development (Slobin, 1997), the crosslinguistic
framework could be adopted as complementary to any method covered in this book.
I would like to thank Reyhan Furman, Aslı Özyürek, and especially Letitia Naigles
and Dan Slobin for reading earlier versions of this chapter, and providing tips and
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298 Aylin C. Küntay
Key Terms
Argument structure The number and type of noun phrases, and the relationship of these
noun phrases with one another in a sentence, i.e., who-did-the-verb-to-what.
Demonstratives Words that indicate which entities a speaker refers to and distinguish those
entities from others, e.g., this, that, these, those.
Linguistic typology A field of linguistics which systematically studies the similarities and
differences in specific features across different languages.
Pragmatic development Development that takes place to acquire knowledge about the
communicative functions and conventions governing the use of language.
Bowerman, M. (2011) Linguistic typology and first language acquisition. In J.J. Song (ed.), The
Oxford handbook of linguistic typology (pp. 591–617). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Budwig, N., Narasimhan, B., and Srivastava, S. (2006) Interim solutions: the acquisition of
early verb constructions in Hindi. In E.V. Clark and B.F. Kelly (eds), Constructions in
acquisition. Stanford, CA: CSLI.
Candan, A., Küntay, A.C., Yeh, Y., et al. (2010) Crosslinguistic consistency and variation in
children’s sensitivity to word order. Unpublished manuscript, Koç University.
Chan, A., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2009) Children’s understanding of the agent–patient
relations in the transitive construction: cross-linguistic comparisons between Cantonese,
German, and English. Cognitive Linguistics, 20, 267–300.
Choi, Y., and Trueswell, J.C. (2010) Children’s (in)ability to recover from garden-paths in a
verb-final language: evidence for developing control in sentence processing. Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, 106, 41–61.
Clark, E., and Sengul, C.J. (1978) Strategies in the acquisition of deixis. Journal of Child
Language, 5, 457–475.
Diessel, H. (2006) Demonstratives, joint attention, and the emergence of grammar. Cognitive
Linguistics, 17, 463–489.
Dittmar, M., Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., and Tomasello, M. (2008) German children’s com-
prehension of word order and case marking in causative sentences. Child Development,
79, 1152–1167.
Gertner, Y., Fisher, C., and Eisengart, J. (2006) Learning words and rules: abstract knowledge
of word order in early sentence comprehension. Psychological Science, 17, 684–691.
Gervain, J., Nespor, M., Mazuka, R., et al. (2008) Bootstrapping word order in prelexical
infants: a Japanese–Italian cross-linguistic study. Cognitive Psychology, 57, 56–74.
Kamide, Y., Scheepers, C., and Altmann, G.T.M. (2003) Integration of syntactic and semantic
information in predictive processing: cross-linguistic evidence from German and English.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32, 37–55.
Küntay, A.C., and Özyürek, A. (2006) Learning attentional contrasts in using demonstratives
in conversation: what do language-specific strategies in Turkish reveal? Journal of Child
Language, 33, 303–320.
Küntay, A., and Slobin, D.I. (1996) Listening to a Turkish mother: some puzzles for acquisition.
In D.I. Slobin, J. Gerhardt, A. Kyratzis, and J. Guo (eds), Social interaction, social context,
and language: essays in honor of Susan Ervin-Tripp (pp. 265–286). Mahwah, NJ:
Hoff_c19.indd 298Hoff_c19.indd 298 6/6/2011 12:52:08 PM6/6/2011 12:52:08 PM
Crosslinguistic Research 299
Levinson, S.C. (2004) Deixis and pragmatics. In L. Horn and G. Ward (eds), The handbook of
pragmatics (pp. 97–121). Oxford: Blackwell.
Özyürek, A., and Kita, S. (2000) Attention manipulation in the situational use of Turkish
and Japanese demonstratives. Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America
Conference, Chicago.
Slobin, D.I. (ed.) (1967) A field manual for cross-cultural study of the acquisition of
communicative competence. Unpublished manuscript, University of California, Berkeley.
Slobin, D.I. (1997) The universal, the typological, and the particular in acquisition. In
D.I.Slobin (ed.), The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition. Vol. 5: Expanding the
contexts (pp. 1–39). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Slobin, D., and Bever, T. (1982) Children use canonical sentence schemas: a crosslinguistic
study of word order and inflections. Cognition, 12, 229–65.
Snedeker, J., and Trueswell, J.C. (2004) The developing constraints on parsing decisions: the
role of lexical-biases and referential scenes in child and adult sentence processing.
Cognitive Psychology, 49, 238–299.
Stoll, S. (2009) Crosslinguistic approaches to language acquisition. In E. Bavin (ed.), The
handbook of child language (pp. 89–104). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stoll, S., Abbot-Smith, K., and Lieven, E. (2009) Lexically restricted utterances in Russian,
German and English child directed speech. Cognitive Science, 33, 75–103.
Stoll, S., Bickel, B., Lieven, E., et al. (in press) Nouns and verbs in Chintang: children’s usage
and surrounding adult speech. Journal of Child Language.
Tardif, T., Gelman, S.A., and Xu, F. (1999) Putting the “noun bias” in context: a comparison
of Mandarin and English. Child Development, 70, 620–635.
Ural, A.E., Yüret, D., Ketrez, N., et al. (2009) Morphological cues vs. number of nominals in
learning verb types in Turkish: the syntactic bootstrapping mechanism revisited.
Languageand Cognitive Processes, 24, 1393–1405.
Further Reading and Resources
Berman, R.A., and Slobin, D.I. (1994) Relating events in narrative: a crosslinguistic develop-
mental study. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Bowerman, M., and Brown, P. (eds) (2007) Crosslinguistic perspectives on argument structure:
implications for learnability. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Guo, J., Lieven, E., Budwig, N., et al. (2009) Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of
language: research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin. New York: Psychology Press.
Slobin, D.I. (1985–95) The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition (vols 1–5). Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum.
Stoll, S. (2009) Crosslinguistic approaches to language acquisition. In E. Bavin (ed.), The
handbook of child language (pp. 89–104). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Research Aims
Reports of research on children who grow up in bilingual environments frequently
begin with reference to one or both of the following facts:
1 Half the world’s children grow up exposed to more than one language, yet most
of the research on language development studies monolingual children (Grosjean,
1988; 2010).
2 The number of children in school who come from bilingual homes is large
andgrowing, and – in the US and elsewhere – these children are statistically at risk
20 Studying Children in Bilingual
Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
This chapter describes methods for assessing the language environments and
language development of children exposed to two languages. The focus is on
preschool children; the domains of language considered include receptive and
productive language, covering phonology, the lexicon, and morphosyntax.
Topics comprise (1) sample selection, including procedures for defining the
samples to be studied, recruiting participants, and screening children for
language impairment; (2) methods for measuring properties of bilingual
environments, including caregiver interviews, the language diary, and recording
and analysis of caregivers’ child-directed speech; and (3) methods for measuring
language knowledge in bilingually developing children, including the use of
standardized tests, researcher-developed instruments, and the recording and
analysis of spontaneous speech. Examples drawn from research are presented.
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Children in Bilingual Environments 301
for school failure (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics,
2002; Scheele, Leseman, and Mayo, 2010; Snow, Burns, and Griffin, 1998).
The lack of scientifically based information about the language development of
children exposed to two languages and the concern about the low levels of academic
achievement that characterize many groups of bilingual children worldwide underlie
two central aims of research on bilingual development. One is the basic science aim
of understanding the mental processes involved in bilingual development; the second
is the applied aim of understanding the skills and needs of bilingual children in order
to support their learning in school.
Within the basic science approach there are multiple questions one can ask. One
can think of dual language exposure as a cognitive psychology experiment: what
does the brain do given input that comes from two different linguistic systems? Can
input from the two systems be distinguished? If so, how? Does the simultaneous
acquisition of two languages challenge the language acquisition device, or is the
human language acquisition capacity a bilingual (or even multilingual) capacity?
When two languages are acquired, either simultaneously or in sequence, does the
acquisition of one influence the rate or course of the acquisition of the other?
Answers to these questions potentially reveal the nature of the language acquisition
process and thus the nature of monolingual development as well. Children exposed
to more than one language are also sometimes studied because they typically hear
one of their languages more than the other and are more advanced in that language.
Thus, bilingually developing children provide a within-subjects test of the effects of
input on language development and of language knowledge on other aspects of
language processing and growth (e.g., Conboy and Mills, 2006; Hoff etal., in press;
Marchman, Fernald, and Hurtado, 2010; Pearson etal., 1997). Last, the ability to
account for bilingual development is a test of the adequacy of theories of language
acquisition because the correct theory of language acquisition must be able to
account for monolingual and bilingual (and even multilingual) development.
Although research on bilingual development is in its infancy, it has already yielded
insights regarding the process of language acquisition. For example, two findings
from the study of bilingual children address the long-standing and yet continuing
debate in the field regarding the degree to which language acquisition depends on
language input or is the result of a more experience-independent maturational
process. The first finding is that simultaneous bilinguals (or bilingual first language
learners) acquire each language at a slower rate than do monolingual children. The
second finding is that the rate at which bilingually developing children acquire each
language is a function of how much they hear each language. Both these findings
support the theoretical position that language acquisition is the result of children’s
analysis of the primary data provided to them through language exposure (e.g.,
Bialystok and Feng, 2011; Gathercole and Thomas, 2009; Hoff et al., in press;
Pearson etal., 1997; Scheele, Leseman, and Mayo, 2010). Findings that children’s
ability to store and repeat sound sequences in each language are related to their
exposure to each language also suggest that the basic process of phonological mem-
ory is itself a result of learning from input (Parra, Hoff, and Core, 2011). The finding
that the speed with which bilingually developing children process words in their
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302 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
twolanguages differs as a function of their exposure to each language also attests
tothe effect of language exposure – in this case not only on children’s acquisition
of language knowledge, but also on children’s ability to rapidly access what they
know as they listen to speech (Conboy and Mills, 2006; Marchman, Fernald, and
Hurtado, 2010).
Research with more applied motives has focused on questions such as how to
assess bilingually developing children in order to identify those who are language
impaired and on identifying factors in early skills that predict later literacy. The
problem of assessment arises because there are not good descriptive data on the
normative course of bilingual development, making it difficult to identify children
who are not developing typically. Achieving a description of normative bilingual
development is made difficult by the fact that bilingual children vary in the amount
and nature of their language exposure (Genesee, 2006), but some progress has
been made (see Gathercole, Thomas, and Hughes, 2008; Thordardottir, 2005;
Thordardottir et al., 2006). One topic within the research focused on literacy
concerns early predictors of later reading. There is evidence, consistent with findings
from monolingual children, that early oral language skills predict later reading
(Hammer, Lawrence, and Miccio, 2007) and that reading skills in one language can
benefit children’s reading development in another language – more so if the languages
and writing systems are similar (Oller and Jarmulowicz, 2007).
Other lines of research with bilingually developing children have investigated the
effects of learning two languages on nonlinguistic cognitive processes. There is, for
example, robust evidence that bilingual children show higher levels of inhibitory
control than monolingual children, and research on this phenomenon promises to
shed light on the basic processes underlying executive functions (Bialystok, 2009;
Bialystok and Feng, 2011). There are also findings in the literature that bilingual
children acquire theory of mind understandings at a slightly younger age than
monolingual children (Goetz, 2003).
Most, if not all, of the methods described in this book can be applied to the study of
language development in children who live in bilingual environments. For example,
researchers have studied the speech perception and language processing of what
Werker has termed “bilingual-to-be” infants using habituation, looking-while-
listening, and brain imaging techniques (e.g., Conboy and Mills, 2006; Marchman,
Fernald, and Hurtado, 2010; Werker, Weikum, and Yoshida, 2006; Werker, Byers-
Heinlein, and Fennell, 2009; and see Fennell, Chapter 1 this volume, Swingley,
Chapter 3 this volume, and Kovelman, Chapter 4 this volume). Researchers have
analyzed the spontaneous speech and standardized test performance of bilingually
developing children (see Bialystok and Feng, 2011; Genesee and Nicoladis, 2007),
obtained grammaticality judgments from bilingual children (e.g., Gathercole, 2002a;
2002b; 2002c), and used priming tasks to study language representation in bilinguals
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Children in Bilingual Environments 303
(see Vasilyeva, Waterfall, and Gómez, Chapter 11 this volume). The CHILDES
database includes speech samples from bilingual children (see Corrigan, Chapter 18
this volume). There are, however, some methodical issues that are particular to the
study of bilingually developing children, which we explore here, focusing on the
methods we and others have used to study children from infancy to 4 years. Some of
what we have learned from our efforts will apply to research with older children, but
studying older bilingual children – typically in school settings – has its unique
challenges. In particular, subject recruitment and selection are very different when one
needs to secure the permission and cooperation of schools. In contrast, research with
younger children requires only the permission and cooperation of caregivers – and, of
course, the children. Descriptions of large-scale projects that have studied bilingual
children in schools include Oller and Eilers (2002) and August and Shanahan (2006).
Defining Bilingual Environments and Bilingual Children
There is no agreed definition of either a bilingual environment or a bilingual child.
In some of our research we have defined bilingual environments as those in which
children experience two languages in one-to-one conversation and the less frequently
heard language constitutes at least 10% of their language exposure. (We do have
parents who volunteer their children in response to advertisements recruiting
bilingual children because they believe that their children are becoming bilingual by
watching bilingual television shows for children. We require that the language
exposure be in conversation with the target child.) The logic behind the 10% criterion
is that we want to study bilingual development and we suspect that there would not
be much language development to measure in cases where children hear less than
10% of their input in that language. Whether children become bilingual when their
less frequently heard language constitutes as little as 10% of their input is an
empirical question. In our research with 22-month-olds, we have made the argument
that they are “bilingually developing” because they produced some words in both
languages. Although there is the belief that children need a language to be at least
20% of their input in order for the language to be acquired, there is no clear evidence
for that view. The belief seems to have its origins in Pearson etal.s (1997) observa-
tion that children who hear less than 20% of their input in one of their languages are
reluctant to converse in that language, although these researchers were careful not to
claim that the children did not know any of that language. These same children did,
however, show that they had learned words in that less frequently heard language, as
we have also found in our research (Hoff etal., in press). (Whether that small amount
of input is sufficient to sustain bilingual development in the longer run is a different
question.) Some studies use a more restrictive criterion, including only children
who hear their two languages in approximately equal proportions (see Fennell,
Byers-Heinlin, and Werker, 2007; Sebastián-Gallés and Bosch, 2009).
The criterion one adopts in defining the sample needs to be guided by the aim of
the research. If the aim is to ask the very interesting cognitive psychology question of
what the mind does with input from two different language systems, then one could
make an argument for including only children with balanced bilingual input. To take
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304 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
the logic a step further, if the question is what the mind does with dual language
input over the course of first four years of life, then one might want to include only
children with consistently balanced input over that period. Although adopting such
stringent criteria may yield an elegant research design, implementation will quickly
run afoul of reality. Very few children have balanced input, and the balance of
language exposure changes as family circumstances and compositions change. We
have taken the approach of trying to capture the variability in children’s bilingual
environments (and then studying its consequences) rather than trying to restrict the
variability through selection criteria. Even with this inclusive approach, we have to
reject some potential participants because they cannot clearly be categorized as
bilingual or monolingual by our criteria. For example, the 2½-year-old child whose
environment has been a monolingual English environment since the age of 2, but
who had a Spanish-speaking nanny (or grandmother, or parent) in the home before
then, would not be bilingual because she has no Spanish input, but we would not
want to put her in a monolingual control group either because her infant exposure
might still affect her language processing.
So far, we have been referring to research on children who have been exposed to
two languages from birth – referred to as simultaneous bilinguals or bilingual first
language learners (Genesee, 2006). Another variable in the environments of many
bilingually developing children is the age at which their environment became bilingual.
Children may be first exposed to a second language after infancy because of their
own immigration or because they hear only their parents’ heritage language until
they enter school. These children who are first exposed to a second language at some
later point are referred to as sequential bilinguals. There is virtually no research on
the effects of the age of first exposure within the birth to 3-year period, and any
cutoff point dividing simultaneous from sequential bilinguals is arbitrary. In our
ongoing longitudinal research we have included children who hear only Spanish at
home on the logic that eventually they are likely to be exposed to some English and
we wish to study the effect of age of exposure within the preschool period. There is
evidence from the study of internationally adopted children that first exposure to a
language after the age of 2 may produce different outcomes than exposure before
(Gauthier and Genesee, in press). Also, whether effects of differences in the age of first
exposure are observable appears to depend on the measure employed (Abrahamsson
and Hyltenstam, 2009) and on the age at which the children are assessed. On some
measures, children catch up; on others, less so (Genesee, personal communication).
Insum, there is no basis at this point for saying one definition of what constitutes a
bilingual environment or a bilingually developing child is right and another wrong.
Itis important in designing research to realize that there is a decision to be made and
that the decision may well have consequences for the findings obtained.
Recruiting Bilingual Participants
If the target population is bilingual, then the recruitment needs to be bilingual. The
flyers and advertisements we place are in two languages; the website and the message
on the lab telephone are in two languages. All the materials our participants see and
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Children in Bilingual Environments 305
our own interview protocol exist in two languages. All of the researchers who contact
the participants are fully bilingual, and they follow the participant’s lead in the
choice of language to use. Because many parents of bilingual children may have
limited skill in the community language, recruitment efforts might also appropriately
be geared toward monolingual speakers of the minority or heritage language. When
the target bilingual population is also a low-income population, extra efforts need to
be made to recruit participants. Volunteer populations tend to be more educated and
to have a higher income than the average in the population, and in many areas this
may exclude most of the bilingual population. An extraordinary and very successful
approach to attracting low-income bilingual participants is that taken by Anne
Fernald’s lab at Stanford University. They have created a satellite research lab in a
rented house in a Latino neighborhood. The house also provides space for other
services to Latino families, with the result that it is a close and familiar place to
which families are much more comfortable going than to the Stanford University
campus, high on the hill in Palo Alto.
Screening Bilingual Participants
In studies of basic processes in child language, it is standard to employ some means
of excluding children who have a language learning impairment. It is not obvious
how to do this with bilingually developing children. Because children exposed to and
acquiring two languages have smaller single-language vocabularies than monolin-
gually developing children of the same age and reach grammatical milestones slightly
later than monolingually developing children (e.g., Hoff etal., in press), any screening
criterion applied equally to monolingual and bilingual children will be more
restrictive when applied to bilingual children. That is, if the requirement for inclusion
in the study is that the child be at the 10th percentile in at least one language, this
requirement asks more of the bilingual child – who must reach the 10th percentile in
one language in addition to knowing something in another – than of the monolin-
gual children who need only reach the 10th percentile in one language. For some
ages and some instruments, there may be a way around this dilemma (see below).
Where a solution is not obvious, it is crucial for researchers to remember as they
interpret their findings that their bilingual sample may be a more select group of
children than their monolingual sample.
Assessing Bilingual Environments
Bilingual environments vary in more ways than do monolingual environments.
Instudying children in bilingual environments, merely describing the sample in terms
of all the relevant parameters is a challenge. Most obviously, the balance of the two
languages is different for different children, and very few have close to equal amounts
of exposure to their two languages. Furthermore, even when amount of exposure is
similar, other properties of exposure may differ among children and between
languages within the same child. The two languages may be quite separated in
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306 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
experience or both languages may be used by the same people, in the same contexts,
and even within the same conversation (De Houwer, 2009; Pearson, 2008). Children
exposed to two languages may hear one or both of their languages from a restricted
number of different people, and children in bilingual environments may hear their
languages from both native and nonnative speakers to varying degrees (Fernald,
2006). The two languages may also differ in their functions. For instance, among
Moroccan immigrants in The Netherlands, even when the heritage language (Tarifit-
Berber) is the dominant language at home, Dutch is the language of home literacy
activities. In contrast, among Turkish immigrants in The Netherlands, Turkish is
used for home literacy activities (Scheele, Leseman, and Mayo, 2010). The larger
social context is an additional parameter on which bilingual environments vary:
achild’s bilingual environment may reflect a bilingual community (e.g., Belgium or
Quebec, Canada), an immigrant community within a larger monolingual community
(e.g., the Turkish in the Netherlands; the Chinese in New York City), a community
in which there is a widely used home language that differs from the language of
commerce and government (e.g., many parts of Africa), or a more unique family
circumstance (see De Houwer, 2009, and Pearson, 2008 for multiple examples).
We and others have used, or are using, three different methods to characterize
children’s bilingual environments: (1) interviews or questionnaires in which an adult
family member answers questions about language use in the home; (2) the language
diary method, in which the primary caregiver keeps a log of the target child’s
language experience; and (3) recordings of caregiver–child interactions.
We have designed a questionnaire with more than 100 items which we administer in
interview with the target child’s primary caregiver. Our questionnaire was initially
based on one developed and currently used by Virginia Marchman (e.g., Marchman
and Martínez-Sussman, 2002), and it has evolved over the course of several studies
as we think of more and more properties of children’s environments that we wish to
capture. We ask caregivers, for example, what languages are spoken in the home (in
addition to the Spanish and English that are our focus, there is sometimes a third
language spoken, for example, Quechua among natives of Peru). We ask who lives in
the household, what their native languages are, who in the household is bilingual,
and what percentage of the time they speak English and Spanish to the target child.
We also ask for information about the child’s language exposure with babysitters, in
preschool, or in childcare. We ask what language is spoken in playgroups, church,
sports activities, and more. We ask what language is used if there is book reading and
how often, and in what language and how much the children watch television. Of
course, other questions could also be asked (see, for example, Scheele, Leseman, and
Mayo, 2010).
We have felt it necessary to ask these questions in a face-to-face interview in order
to be sure the respondent is interpreting the question as we intended it. When we
have given parents questionnaires to fill out on their own, some come back only
partially completed and some come back with numbers that just do not add up.
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When we take the time to ask these questions in interview, we have found that
parents’ estimates of their children’s exposure to Spanish and English are strongly
correlated with the amount of Spanish and English exposure later recorded in
language diaries (see discussion of the language diary method below). The correla-
tion between the estimated percentage of Spanish exposure and the percentage of
diary time blocks with Spanish only was r = 0.84; the corresponding correlation for
English was r = 0.71 (n = 29). In contrast, Vihman (personal communication, 2009)
has reported that estimates of the balance of language exposure provided by parents
in a phone intake interview do not produce reliable results. It takes approximately
20 minutes to conduct the home language environment interview, but we do it in the
presence of the child and the time spent is also an investment in getting the child
accustomed to the researcher’s presence.
The language diary
It is valuable to have a more direct measure of children’s language experience as
well. The more direct measure provides a basis for validating the caregiver report
measures obtained in interview, and it also provides a way to estimate parameters of
language experience that participants cannot report on. The language diary is a
procedure developed by De Houwer and Bornstein (2003) for their study of French–
Dutch bilinguals in Belgium, which we have also used to study Spanish–English
bilingual children in South Florida.
This method depends on the cooperation and
diligence of caregivers who keep a log of their children’s language exposure for each
day of the week, recorded on one day for each of seven weeks. We provide the
caregivers witha spiral-bound book of diary pages with rows for each 30-minute
period from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (with space for adding additional waking hours)
and columns for indicating the language used during that period (English only,
Spanish only, both languages), the people who interacted with the child (e.g., mother,
mother and sibling), and the type of activity (e.g., breakfast, bath). We ask the
caregivers not to use a testing day as one of the days they record. We call, email, or
send a text message to the caregivers the evening before each scheduled recording day
as a reminder. We try to schedule our visits so that we can look at the record of the
first day shortly after it is recorded to make sure the caregivers understand and follow
the instructions.
From the detailed records that caregivers provide in these language diaries, we
have calculated measures of the children’s relative exposure to English and Spanish
(measured as the percentage of 30-minute periods in which the child heard only
English or only Spanish), and the children’s exposure to mixed input (measured as
the number of 30-minute periods in which both English and Spanish were addressed
to the child). We have also calculated the number of different speakers who addressed
the child in each language and the number of different contexts experienced in each
language over the course of seven days. By cross-referencing the diary record with
information about household members in the language environment questionnaire
we have also calculated the percentage of input in each language that was provided
by native speakers of that language. We have found, using language diary data, that
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308 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
not only the amount but also certain properties of language exposure influence
language development. In our sample, the number of different speakers who were
sources of English and the percentage of English exposure that was provided by
native speakers of English were both positive predictors of the children’s English
language development, over and above the effect of the amount of English exposure
(Place and Hoff, in press).
We tried using this same diary method again when the children were 4 years old,
and mothers reported that it was too difficult to keep records, largely because they
were not with their 4-year-olds all day – as they were with their 25-month-olds.
We have developed a brief telephone interview diary procedure as a substitute.
This is clearly more subject to error, but we hope that by asking focused questions
with well-practiced participants we can obtain reliable data. Following a prear-
ranged schedule, we phone the primary caregiver in the evening of seven different
days of the week – usually staggered across seven weeks, but we always make
accommodations for individual schedules – and ask the caregiver to report for that
day how much time the child spent in primarily English and primarily Spanish
environments; how much time was spent reading books and watching television
in each language; and who were the people who interacted with the child in
Recording caregiver–child interaction
The interview and diary methods are means of measuring the amount and contexts
of children’s exposure to each language. In order to address questions of the
quality of that exposure, it is necessary to obtain samples of speech in both
languages the child hears. To do this we video record 30 minutes of adult–child
interaction. We try to do this for both English and Spanish. We ask the families
which person is the target child’s primary source of each language, and we try to
obtain recordings of interaction with each. In many cases, a bilingual mother is the
primary source of both languages. Sometimes the only source of English is an
older child, in which case we record interaction between the target child and that
older sibling, and not all homes have a source of English. In order to obtain
samples of both languages, we have recorded interaction on two different days
and designated one the Spanish day and the other the English day. We have
instructed the adults that today we will speak only in English (or Spanish). We
nonetheless hear code switching in our language samples, because that is a property
of language use in bilingual homes.
There is no perfect way to capture children’s dual language experience. Recording
everything the child hears using a system such as Language Environment Analysis
(LENA: Lena Foundation, 2009) (see Naigles, Chapter 16 this volume) is
obviously best in some ways. However, purchasing the LENA system is beyond the
means of many research enterprises, and transcribing everything that LENA
records is beyond the means of virtually all. We have decided to try to sample the
English and Spanish the child hears for the purpose of measuring the quality of
input and to rely on the other methods – self-report and language diary – for
estimates of quantity.
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Children in Bilingual Environments 309
Procedures for Assessing Bilingual Competency
Start with the obvious: if a child is learning two languages, then to accurately assess
that child’s language development requires assessment in both languages. One can
move from there to the obvious problem that it may not be so easy to assess a child’s
competence in languages that the researcher does not speak and for which standard-
ized tests, norms of development, and even proficient speakers who can serve as
examiners are difficult to find. We have no solution to these problems (but see
Paradis, Emmerzael, and Dunacan, 2010, for discussion and a suggestion). We will
focus instead on the topic of how to assess the language competency of bilingual
children who are acquiring two languages for which tests, norms, and native
examiners are available, using our research on Spanish–English bilinguals to
illustrate. We review two types of method: the use of standardized tests and the
recording of spontaneous speech samples for later coding and analysis. One issue
common to both sorts of procedures is ensuring that the methods are fully tapping
the children’s abilities in each language. We assess each language on a different day
and use only that language to minimize the children’s lapsing into their preferred
language as we are testing their weaker one. Other researchers have gone even
further in separating assessments by using different examiners who are either
monolingual or pretend to be so (Páez, Tabors, and López, 2007).
Standardized tests
In our research with Spanish–English bilingually developing children, we have
usedthe following standardized tests for which Spanish and English versions are
available – or in one case, a Spanish–English bilingual version.
MacArthur inventories: MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (Fenson
etal., 1993); MacArthur–Bates Inventario del Desarrollo de Habilidades Comuni cativas
(Jackson-Maldonado etal., 2003). These well-known caregiver report inventories are
available not only in English and Spanish but in multiple languages. They have been
used with bilingual samples, and validated against spontaneous speech measures for
bilingual samples (Marchman and Martínez-Sussman, 2002). We have found them to
be excellent measures, with the following caveats: the norms are based on monolingual
populations and the reference groups for the Spanish and English norms differ in
socioeconomic status, making percentile scores noncomparable across languages. To
illustrate, a 30-month-old child who knows 616 words on the English version is at the
65th percentile according to the English monolingual norms; a 30-month-old who
knows 616 words on the Spanish versions is at the 80th percentile according to the
Spanish monolingual norms. As a result, a bilingual child who knows the same number
of words in English and in Spanish will look Spanish dominant if norm-referenced
scores are used. Is such a child more advanced in Spanish? Perhaps this question is not
a sensible question because we do not know that the normative rates of English and
Spanish vocabulary acquisition are the same, but the available norms do not tell us that
because the norming samples were not equated for socioeconomic status. With respect
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310 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
to grammar, it is clear that measures are not comparable across languages, but again
the noncomparability of the reference groups precludes evaluating whether a child is at
the same level relative to monolingual norms in both languages.
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (Brownell, 2000). This test consists of a
series of pictures that the child is given to label. It was first developed for English, and
subsequently modified and normed for use with Spanish–English bilingual children in
the US. The problem with this test, for our research purposes, is that it is not two
parallel tests of English and Spanish vocabulary – at least as it was designed. The way it
is supposed to be administered to bilingual children is by first establishing which
language is the bilingual child’s dominant language and then administering the test in
that language. If the child does know the word for a picture in her dominant language,
she is then asked if she knows the word in the other language. Once the child provides
one label in one language she is not asked for it in the other. Thus, this is a test of how
many of these items the child has a word for in either language. This testing procedure
in which a bilingual child answers in whichever language the child chooses is sometimes
referred to as conceptual scoring, and it may be appropriate and very useful for purposes
of assessing the child’s total knowledge or conceptual understandings. This procedure
does not, however, provide assessments of the child’s knowledge of English and of
Spanish. We use the EOWPVT differently in our research. We administer it entirely in
English to assess the child’s English, and then we use it entirely in Spanish (on a different
day) to assess the child’s Spanish. We also had to modify the procedure for establishing
a basal because one of the first eight pictures is of a pair of scissors. At least among the
bilingual children in our sample, tijeras is a later acquired word than its English equiva-
lent scissors. Many children who cannot provide the label tijeras – and, if the standard
procedure were followed, would not be tested for failing to establish a basal – go onto
establish much higher basal scores when that item is skipped. We believe weobtain
measures of the children’s expressive vocabularies in both languages that, while not
directly comparable, allow us to examine individual differences within a language.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT); Test de Vocabulario en Imágenes Peabody
(TVIP). These widely used tests of receptive vocabulary have separately normed
versions in English and Spanish (see Pan, Chapter 7 this volume). Perhaps because
the English version has been recently revised and the Spanish version has not, the
stimulus materials for each version are not comparable. The stimuli for the English
version are larger and in color, and many of the plates have more detail in the pictures
than in the TVIP; the stimuli for the Spanish version are smaller and in black
and white, and often contain less detail. We are currently studying the effect of
these differences on the vocabulary scores children achieve; we have observed that
children who have seen the color pictures of the English version are not particularly
interested in the black and white version when it is presented.
Preschool Language Scale–4. This test is designed to provide assessments of
children’s English and Spanish language development. There are two versions, each
normed against a monolingual sample. As with all tests in two languages, there is
noncomparability. At many age levels there are items that have no equivalent in the
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Children in Bilingual Environments 311
other language. For example, one of the categories at the 2:6 to 2:11 level in the
Spanish version is “understands several pronouns (me, mi, tú, tu). There is no clear
counterpart to this in English. Another, related problem is that when the same
categories are in the Spanish and English versions, they may appear at different age
levels across the two versions. For example, items that are designed to tap children’s
understanding of part/whole relationships (e.g., the door of the car) are in the 2:6 to
2:11 group on the English version, but their equivalents (e.g., la puerta del carro) are
a 3:0 to 3:11 category on the Spanish version. Thus, a child might be administered
the test of understanding part/whole relationships in English but not in Spanish, if
that child did not know the pronoun system in Spanish and therefore did not advance
to the next age level in testing. In terms of procedure, also, the test was designed for
monolingual English- and Spanish-speaking populations. We found that we cannot
use the productive part of the test because we cannot control what language a child
will use to answer questions. We do not want to assume that a child is incapable of
answering in Spanish just because she chooses to answer a question posed in Spanish
in English. We use only the auditory comprehension portions of the test, and we
administer them in each language (on separate days, in counterbalanced order).
Spontaneous speech samples
The samples of caregiver–child interaction that we record in order to assess properties
of children’s input also provide a language sample that can be used to assess the
many aspects of children’s language skills that are not tapped by standardized tests
(see Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume). But as with standardized tests, there are unique
difficulties in using speech samples either to compare bilingual children’s skills in
their two languages or to compare children within a language. Ideally, the child is
recorded interacting with equivalent speakers of each language, but these do not
always exist in a child’s family. For some children, the only way to obtain a sample
of spontaneous speech in English is in interaction with the examiner. For other
children, family members are the child’s source of both English and Spanish input,
but they may differ in their proficiency of each language. For some children, an older
sibling is the source of English input. There is good reason to believe that these
differences among conversational partners – in language proficiency, in age, and in
their relationship with the child – might affect the children’s language use (Hoff, 2010).
Other problems with drawing conclusions from spontaneous speech samples of
bilingual children have been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Gutiérrez-Clellen etal., 2000).
Data Analyses
As is true for the field of child language more generally, the first studies of young
bilinguals frequently used very small samples. The limitations of small samples are
particularly problematic when studying heterogeneous populations – which bilingual
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312 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
children certainly are. The heterogeneity of the environments and language skills of
bilingual children, combined with the high variability in language skills that is
characteristic of typically developing monolingual children, means that multivariate
methods and large sample sizes are necessary to have adequately controlled and
adequately powered tests of hypotheses. The heterogeneity of bilingual samples also
argues for person-centered statistical techniques to identify types of bilingual
environments and types of bilingual proficiency, and these too require larger samples
than has been typical in the study of bilingual development (Laursen and Hoff, 2006).
It is also important to have a control group of monolingual children, if comparisons
are to be made, and that control group must match the bilingual sample with respect
to SES. Comparison of bilingual children to monolingual norms is an extremely weak
way to ask whether bilingually developing children differ from monolingual children.
Reactive Effects of Measurement
In our high-SES sample of Spanish–English bilingual households, virtually all the parents
are bilingual themselves. (Note: they were not bilingual first language learners, as their
children are, but as adults they are proficient in two languages.) These parents have
chosen to expose their children to Spanish even though they could have done otherwise
because they would like their children to develop competence in both English and
Spanish. They ask us if they are doing the right thing. In our IRB forms we claim that one
of the benefits of participating in this research for parents is the appreciation of their
children’s accomplishments that they will gain, and we clearly see that this is true as
parents observe their children being tested. Parents ask us about bilingual development,
how to promote it, and whether they are doing the right thing in exposing their children
to Spanish. They often hear conflicting advice about the wisdom of their choice, and
sometimes their concerns are part of their motivation for participating. We answer to the
best of our abilities with appropriate disclaimers about the limits of our knowledge. For
example, we say that children can learn two languages but that they need conversational
input in both languages to do so. We encourage book reading as a type of interaction and
suggest that TV is not the best source of language-advancing input. We tell parents that
it is perfectly normal for their child to be behind monolingual children in English, because
all our data show that it takes longer to acquire two languages than to acquire one.
However, we do not dismiss the difficulty that this lag may pose for the child in school.
Studying language development in children who are exposed to and acquiring two
languages potentially provides unique insights into the processes underlying all
language acquisition. Moreover, description of the normative course of language
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Children in Bilingual Environments 313
development in bilingual children provides educators, clinicians, and policy makers
with the information they need to serve the large and growing population of bilingual
children entering school. Bilingual development can be studied using all the
methodsthat are also applied to the study of monolingual development, but there
are some challenges unique to the study of bilingual children. Because bilingual
language experience can vary on more dimensions than monolingual experience, it is
more complicated to characterize the language experience of bilingual children.
Because the linguistic knowledge possessed by bilingual children can also vary on
multiple dimensions, characterizing their language development is also more complex.
This chapter has described the approach we have taken in our research with young
Spanish–English bilingual children in trying to meet these challenges. The reader may
be frustrated that we have raised issues more than we have provided solutions. Our
answer to that anticipated frustration is that the field of childhood bilingualism is
relatively new, and there is a great deal of work to be done. That work holds the
promise of shedding new light on the mental processes that underlie language
acquisition and of contributing to programs and policies that will support successful
bilingual development and successful academic outcomes in bilingual children.
Preparation of this chapter was supported by grants HD054427 and HD060718 to
the first author and HD060718-S1 to the second author from the National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development. We thank Cynthia Core, Melissa Señor,
and the many members of the Language Development Lab at Florida Atlantic
University for their contributions to the work described. We thank Ivelisse
Martínez-Beck for her comments on an earlier version of this chapter.
Key Terms
Bilingual first language learners Another term for children who are simultaneous bilinguals.
Bilingually developing children Children who are in the process of learning two languages. The
point of this term is not to claim that the children will successfully achieve bilingualism.
Sequential bilingualism Bilingualism in which first exposure to the second language begins
sometime after exposure to the first language.
Simultaneous bilingualism Bilingualism in which the child is exposed to both languages
from birth and learns both languages at the same time.
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Gathercole, V.C.M. (2002a) Command of the mass/count distinction in bilingual and
monolingual children: an English morphosyntactic distinction. In D.K. Oller and
R.E.Eilers (eds), Language and literacy in bilingual children (pp. 175–206). Clevedon,
UK: Multilingual Matters.
Gathercole, V.C.M. (2002b) Grammatical gender in bilingual and monolingual children: a
Spanish morphosyntactic distinction. In D.K. Oller and R.E. Eilers (eds), Language and
literacy in bilingual children (pp. 207–219). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Gathercole, V.C.M. (2002c) Monolingual and bilingual acquisition: learning different treatments
of that-trace phenomena in English and Spanish. In D.K. Oller and R.E. Eilers (eds), Language
and literacy in bilingual children (pp. 220–254). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Gathercole, V.C.M., and Thomas, E.M. (2009) Bilingual first-language development: dominant
language takeover, threatened minority language take-up. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 12 (2), 213–237.
Gathercole, V.C.M., Thomas, E.M., and Hughes, E. (2008) Designing a normed receptive
vocabulary test for bilingual population: a model from Welsh. International Journal of
Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (6), 678–720.
Gauthier, K., and Genesee, F. (in press) Sequential dual language learning in adopted children
from China: a longitudinal study. Child Development.
Genesee, F. (2006) Bilingual first language acquisition in perspective. In P. McCardle and
E.Hoff (eds), Childhood bilingualism: research on infancy through school age (pp.45–67).
Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Genesee, F., and Nicoladis, E. (2007) Bilingual first language acquisition. In E. Hoff and
M.Shatz (eds), Blackwell handbook of language development (pp. 324–342). Chichester,
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Goetz, P.J. (2003) The effects of bilingualism on theory of mind development. Bilingualism:
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Language and Cognition, 1, 131–149. Reprinted in F. Grosjean (2008), Studying
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Grosjean, F. (2010) Bilingual: life and reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gutiérrez-Clellen, V.F., Restrepo, M.A., Bedore, L., etal. (2000) Language sample analysis in
Spanish-speaking children: methodological considerations. Language, Speech, and
Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 88–98.
Hammer, C.S., Lawrence, F.R., and Miccio, A.W. (2007) Bilingual children’s language abilities
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Hearing Services in Schools, 38, 237–248.
Hoff, E. (2010) Context effects on young children’s language use: effects of conversational
setting and partner. First Language, 30, 461–472.
Hoff, E., Core, C., Place, S., et al. (in press) Dual language exposure and early bilingual
development. Journal of Child Language.
Jackson-Maldonado, D., Thal, D.J., Fenson, L., etal. (2003) El inventario del desarrollo de
habilidades comunicativas: user’s guide and technical manual. Baltimore: Brookes.
Laursen, B., and Hoff, E. (2006) Person-centered and variable-centered approaches to
longitudinal data. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52, 377–389.
Lena Foundation (2009) www.lenafoundation.org.
Marchman, V.A., Fernald, A., and Hurtado, N. (2010) How vocabulary size in two languages
relates to efficiency in spoken word recognition by young Spanish–English bilinguals.
Journal of Child Language, 37, 817–840.
Marchman, V.A., and Martínez-Sussmann, C. (2002) Concurrent validity of caregiver/parent
report measure of language for children who are learning both English and Spanish.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 45, 983–997.
Oller, D.K., and Eilers, R. (eds) (2002) Language and literacy in bilingual children. Clevedon,
UK: Multilingual Matters.
Oller, D.K., and Jarmulowicz, L. (2007) Language and literacy in bilingual children in the
early school years. In E. Hoff and M. Shatz (eds), Blackwell handbook of language
development (pp. 368–386). Oxford: Blackwell.
Páez, M.M., Tabors, P.O., and López, L.M. (2007) Dual language and literacy development of
Spanish-speaking preschool children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 28,
Paradis, J., Emmerzael, K., and Sorenson Duncan, T. (2010) Assessment of English language
learners: using parent report on first language development. Journal of Communication
Parra, M., Hoff, E., and Core, C. (2011) Relations among language exposure, phonological
memory, and language development in Spanish–English bilingually-developing two-year-
olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108, 113–125.
Pearson, B.Z. (2008) Raising a bilingual child. Random House.
Pearson, B.Z., Fernández, S.C., Lewedeg, V., and Oller, D.K. (1997) The relation of input
factors to lexical learning by bilingual infants. Applied Psycholinguistics, 18, 41–58.
Place, S., and Hoff, E. (in press) Properties of dual language exposure that influence two-year-
olds’ bilingual proficiency. Child Development.
Scheele, A.F., Leseman, P.P.M., and Mayo, A.Y. (2010) The home language environment
of monolingual and bilingual children and their language proficiency. Applied
Psycholinguistics, 31, 117–140.
Sebastián-Gallés, N., and Bosch, L. (2009) Developmental shift in the discrimination of vowel
contrasts in bilingual infants: is the distributional account all there is to it? Developmental
Science, 12, 874–887.
Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S., and Griffin, P. (1998) Preventing reading difficulties in young
children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
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316 Erika Hoff and Rosario Luz Rumiche
Thordardottir, E.T. (2005) Early lexical and syntactic development in Quebec French and
English: implications for cross-linguistic and bilingual assessment. International Journal
of Language and Communication Disorders, 40, 243–278.
Thordardottir, E. (in press). The relationship between bilingual exposure and vocabulary
development. International Journal of Bilingualism.
Thordardottir, E., Rothenberg, A., Rivard, M.-E., and Naves, R. (2006) Bilingual assessment:
can overall proficiency be estimated from separate measurement of two languages?
Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 4, 1–21.
Werker, J.F., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Fennell, C.T. (2009) Bilingual beginnings to learning
words. Philosophical Transactions B, 364, 3649–3663.
Werker, J.F., Weikum, W.M., and Yoshida, K.A. (2006) Bilingual speech processing in infants
and adults. In P. McCardle and E. Hoff (eds), Childhood bilingualism: research on infancy
through school age (pp. 1–18). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Further Reading and Resources
Center for Early Care and Education Research – Dual Language Learners. A national research
center housed at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, charged with
advancing the capacity of the research field to improve assessment and measurement and
examine and improve early care and education practices for children who are dual language
learners. http://cecerdll.fpg.unc.edu/.
De Houwer, A. (2009) Bilingual first language acquisition. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Genesee, F., and Nicoladis, E. (2007) Bilingual first language acquisition. In E. Hoff and
M.Shatz (eds), Blackwell handbook of language development (pp. 324–342). Chichester,
UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics (2007) Special issue devoted to childhood bilingualism.
McCardle, P., and Hoff, E. (2006) Childhood bilingualism: research on infancy through school
age. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Shatz, M., and Wilkinson, L.C. (eds) (2010) The education of English language learners.
NewYork: Guilford.
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The questions posed by those of us who study childhood language impairment
overlap extensively with the questions posed by investigators who study normal
language development; thus, our methods overlap as well. All of the methods
discussed in other chapters of this book have been used in the study of children
affected by language impairment. That said, there are some unique reasons to study
childhood language impairment and thus, some unique methods as well. As methods
are interesting only in so far as they allow us to answer questions, I have organized
21 Studying Children with
Language Impairment
Karla K. McGregor
This chapter presents a summary of methods specific to the study of children
with language impairment. The first section concerns research meant to
describe the nature of childhood language impairment. The importance of
selection criteria for recruiting participants with the diagnosis of interest and
measures for describing heterogeneity within this participant group are stressed.
Appropriate procedures for selecting and matching normally developing
comparison groups are reviewed. In the second section, the summary turns to
research meant to establish high level, high quality translational data that can
serve as a basis for evidence-based practice. The evidence ladder and the
guidelines for publishing research at given levels of the ladder are reviewed. In
the final section, the summary stresses the importance of including children
with language impairments in studies meant to address broad, fundamental
questions about human language development. Their inclusion helps to ensure
an accurate description of language development, forces completeness in causal
accounts, and enables useful tests of these accounts.
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318 Karla K. McGregor
this chapter according to three general questions that we in the subfield ask about
language impairment: what is the nature of the problem; what are the best clinical
practices for addressing the problem; and what does the problem of language
impairment tell us about normal language development?
What Is the Nature of the Problem?
Selection Criteria
Children with language impairments are a heterogeneous population; therefore, in
studies of childhood language impairment broadly defined, aggregate results can be
misleading and generalizable conclusions can be elusive. The most common way to
reduce heterogeneity within the participant sample is to limit enrollment to
participants with a given diagnosis. Frequently diagnoses are based in part or full on
behavioral profiles of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, as a first step, tests,
samples, and probes are used to establish the behavioral profile and thereby ensure
that potential participants present with the diagnosis of interest. Consider two
examples. In a 2009 paper, Evans, Saffran, and Robe-Torres identified 6–14-year-
olds with specific language impairment on the basis of composite expressive language
scores from the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals–3 (Semel, Wiig, and
Secord, 1995) that fell at or below 1.5 standard deviations below the mean for the
standardization sample. In their 2007 paper, Eigsti, Bennetto, and Dadlani identified
3–6-year-olds as having autism spectrum disorders on the basis of scores at or higher
than 5 and 6, respectively, on the communication and social reciprocity subscales of
the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (Lord, Rutter, and Le Couteur, 1994) and
the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Lord etal., 1999) along with parent
reports of early delays in development. These are fairly representative examples of
selection criteria used to identify specific language impairment and autism spectrum
disorders. However, difficult decisions are reflected in these (and any) examples,
namely, which standardized tests to administer – ideally ones with excellent psycho-
metric properties that tap the defining features of the impairment of interest (Plante
and Vance, 1994) – and which cutoffs to use – ideally those that maximize both
sensitivity and specificity (Lahey, 1990).
Whereas these measures assist the investigator in including children with the
diagnosis of interest, others are used to exclude children who present with other
diagnoses. To return to Evans, Saffran, and Robe-Torres (2009), excluded from
participation were children who failed to meet the following: nonverbal IQs of 85 or
greater, as measured by the Leiter International Performance Scale (LIPS: Roid and
Miller, 1997); normal hearing acuity based on ASHA (1997) guidelines for hearing
screening; normal or corrected-to-normal vision; and normal oral and speech motor
abilities. The first of these exclusions ruled out low intelligence and the remainder
ruled out frank deficits in sensory or motor domains, any of which could also yield
deficits in language. In Eigsti, Bennetto, and Dadlani (2007), children were excluded
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Children with Language Impairment 319
if they fit criteria for other types of spectrum disorders, namely, Asperger syndrome
or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
Investigators further reduce heterogeneity within their participant groups by
limiting enrollment according to a number of other variables. In Evans, Saffran, and
Robe-Torres (2009), all children were monolingual English speakers. In Eigsti,
Bennetto, and Dadlani (2007), all children in the autism group were verbal, speaking
in at least two-word phrases, and fairly high functioning, with mean nonverbal IQ
scores in the low average range.
Individual Differences
Despite our best efforts to recruit a homogeneous group of participants, each of
whom clearly presented with a given diagnosis of interest, the nature of development
in general and developmental impairments in particular is such that participants
may still vary greatly one from the other. Investigators often administer additional
tests to describe these differences and to subgroup participants. Grouping according
to whether expressive language or receptive language or both are affected is one
common strategy; grouping according to severity level is another.
Once the experiment itself is completed, investigators often explore individual
differences within the results. Some procedures that lend themselves to analysis of
individual differences (along with an example article in which that procedure has
been applied to the study of individual differences in children’s language) include
descriptive statistics (Nation et al., 2004); correlation (Gathercole, Adams, and
Hitch, 1994); signal detection theory (Mervis and Klein-Tasman, 2004); modified
t-tests (McGregor, Sheng, and Smith, 2005); maximum likelihood estimation (Evans,
Kass, and Viele, 1997); and growth-curve analysis (Hadley and Holt, 2006).
Group Comparisons
The measures discussed heretofore serve to identify a clinical group of interest and
to explore variations among individuals within that group. To understand the nature
of language impairment, comparison to other groups who, in principle, are just like
the affected children but do not present with language impairment, is also necessary.
Because developmental impairments, by definition, affect people as they develop,
understanding of the impairment is limited without comparison to unaffected people
who are in similar stages of development. Via such comparisons, we can begin to
tease apart the pieces of the language profile that are attributable to the impairment
from those attributable to the immature state. Two comparison groups are most
typical: age-mates and IQ-mates.
Age-mates are children with no history or current signs of language impairment
(or any other developmental impairment) who are highly similar in chronological
age to the children of interest. IQ-mates are children who have no history or current
signs of the impairment of interest (e.g., Down syndrome) but who are similar to the
affected children of interest in intellectual ability (e.g., nonsyndromic mental
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320 Karla K. McGregor
retardation). To ensure the similarity of the groups in terms of IQ, they are matched
on the basis of their performance on a standardized IQ test. Matching is done on the
basis of raw scores if the two groups vary in chronological age or standard scores if
they do not. Because of problematic psychometric properties, matching IQ-mates
to the affected group of interest on the basis of age-equivalency scores is not
recommended (Lahey, 1990; Mervis and Klein-Tasman, 2004).
Age-mates are an appropriate comparison group if the population of interest is
unaffected by intellectual deficits (e.g., children with specific language impairment).
IQ-mates are an appropriate comparison group otherwise. The logic of the latter is as
follows. Consider that children with Down syndrome, for example, have IQs thatfall
within the mild-to-moderate range of mental retardation; therefore, they arelikely to
perform significantly lower than age-mates with normal IQs on any measure of language
we might administer. If, instead, we compare their language performance to children
who have similar levels of mental retardation but who donot have Down syndrome, we
can begin to isolate the features of language impairment that are common to Down
syndrome from those that are associated with intellectual disabilities more globally
defined (see also Abbeduto, Kover, and McDuffie, Chapter 22 this volume).
Whereas age-mates and IQ-mates help us to judge the extent and nature of the
language impairment relative to expected developmental attainments, a third sort of
comparison group, language-mates, helps us to judge attainments in one aspect of
language relative to another. Language-mates, like age-mates, have no history or
current signs of impairments but, unlike age-mates, they are very similar to the
affected children of interest in some aspect of language development because they
are chronologically younger. Some common indices of matching include number of
words in the expressive vocabulary, mean length of utterance (MLU), or raw scores
on a given standardized test of language. Raw scores are, again, preferable to
language-age-equivalency scores. To illustrate the utility of language-mates, consider
children with specific language impairment matched to language-mates on the
basisof MLU. Given that MLU gives some indication of general morphosyntactic
development during the preschool years, one might be surprised to learn that children
with specific language impairment typically omit grammatical morphemes at a
significantly higher rate than their language-mates matched on the basis of MLU.
This frequently replicated finding indicates that, in specific language impairment,
thedevelopment of grammatical morphology lags behind the development of the
morphosyntactic system more generally defined which, in turn, leads to the
characterization of specific language impairment as involving “extraordinary
limitations in grammatical morphology” (Leonard, 1998, p. 59).
Matching can be pairwise or groupwise. For pairwise matching, an individual is
selected for the comparison group because he or she is highly similar to one individual
in the affected group. Some decision must be made about the closeness of the match.
Take age matching: the tightness of the match required depends on the age range of
interest. A 6 month difference in age is an unacceptable match if we areinterested in
2-year-olds, as language development is extremely rapid at that age (plus 6months
is equivalent to one-quarter of the total life experience of a 2-year-old!). On the other
hand, matching to within 6 months of age if we are interested in 16-year-olds may
be acceptable given slower rates of change in language at that age.
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Children with Language Impairment 321
For groupwise matching, the goal is that, on the matching variables, the groups
are characterized by highly similar means and distributions. Most investigators go
on to demonstrate via statistical tests that their groups are very similar. To do so, we
typically use a t-test. In the more conventional use of t-tests, we are careful to set a
low alpha level, typically p = 0.05 or lower, to minimize the risk of a type I error
(i.e.,concluding that there is a difference when there is none). In this less conventional
use our goal is the reverse, i.e., we seek to demonstrate similarity; therefore, the
greater risk here is a type II error (i.e., concluding that there is no difference when
there is one). To minimize type II error, we must set a high alpha level. Mervis and
Robinson (2003) suggest a minimal alpha of 0.50 to conclude that groups are well
matched on a given variable. A p-value less than 0.20 is unacceptable and those
between 0.20 and 0.50 are ambiguous (Frick, 1995). Mervis and John (2008) provide
a convincing demonstration of the importance of setting alpha at 0.50 or higher.
When children with Williams syndrome were poorly matched to unaffected peers on
the basis of relational vocabulary size, it appeared that they had particular deficits
inspatial vocabulary; when groups were adequately matched, p > 0.50, this was
obviously not the case.
Of course comparisons to age-mates, IQ-mates, or language-mates would be
meaningless if potential confounds were not taken into account. Comparison groups
must be highly similar to the group of interest in other demographic characteristics
known to influence language development and usage. These include, but are not
limited to, socioeconomic status, geographic region, gender, and the particular
languages and number of languages being learned.
Despite their utility, there are some disadvantages to the use of matched control
groups. In the case of language- and IQ-mates, investigators must make a theory-
dependent decision as to which measure is relevant for the particular experimental
question of interest. This can be difficult. Moreover, investigators typically rely on a
single measure collected at a single point in time for matching. The validity of using
a single measure, say MLU, as a proxy for assessing development in a complex
domain, say syntax, has obvious limits. The validity of measuring at a single point in
time is also questionable. This is especially true if the study includes affected children
of widely different skills matched to unaffected children of widely different ages; the
faulty assumption underlying such practice is that performance is not influenced by
development (Tager-Flusberg, 2004). If no significant difference is obtained between
the younger unaffected controls and the older affected children, we are often tempted
to conclude that the affected children are functioning on a given task at a level
commensurate with their language level. However, this conclusion ignores the
additional years of experience and development that characterize the affected group,
and it ignores the possibility that the null finding reflects independent effects
for the presence of the language impairment and for age that are similarly large
(Planteetal., 1993).
In response to these limitations, Thomas and colleagues (2009) recommend instead
that investigators compare the clinical population of interest to normal controls
on the basis of developmental trajectories for the particular experimental task
of interest. By collecting either longitudinal or cross-sectional data from controls
who range from the youngest level of functioning to the oldest chronological
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322 Karla K. McGregor
age represented in the affected group, investigators can determine whether the
performance of each affected individual fits anywhere on the normal trajectory and
whether dissociation between any two measures that is observed for an affected
individual is observed for any unaffected individuals. There are a number of
advantages to this approach, but paramount among them is that development is
appropriately considered. More traditional age-matched comparisons do not allow
conclusions about change over time in either the affected or the unaffected groups.
This is especially critical given that children with language impairment will follow
alternative developmental pathways and these, in large part, shape the profiles of
strengths and weaknesses that characterize the impairment (Karmiloff-Smith, 1998).
What Are the Best Clinical Practices
for Addressing the Problem?
Whereas nuanced and accurate descriptions of the nature of language impairment
across childhood are crucial to our basic understanding, they do not allow any direct
conclusions about clinical management of the problem. For this, translational
research methods are required. Via such methods we develop an evidence base that
will support effective clinical practice, be it prevention, diagnosis, or intervention.
Evidence-based practice is a movement that began in medicine but spread to allied
health professions and education. The clinician who conducts evidence-based
practice makes decisions in light of his or her own clinical expertise and experience,
the client’s needs and goals, and, importantly, the highest quality scientific evidence
available. The investigator, then, is held to the task of producing this quality evidence.
Familiar standards of scientific quality apply; for example, we strive to minimize
threats to internal and external validity. However, evidence is also ranked by type of
design: designs that yield evidence that is transferable and directly applicable to
clinical or educational settings comprise the highest rungs of the evidence ladder.
Basic or “bench” research is a very low level of evidence because it is not transferable.
Case studies (n = 1) or case series (n > 1) with little or no experimental control also
constitute a low level of evidence. Single-subject designs invoke excellent experimen-
tal controls via alternating or multiple baselines across behaviors and/or participants
but, like case studies and case series, they allow for limited generalization because of
the small n involved. Case-control studies are comparisons of two groups (e.g., two
groups affected by spoken language impairment), one with an outcome of interest
(e.g., age-appropriate reading ability) and one without (e.g., poor reading ability).
The goal is to determine retrospectively whether the groups varied in the interven-
tion of interest (e.g., reading taught via a phonics approach). In a cohort study, two
groups of affected individuals are identified; one receives the intervention and
theother does not. The groups are followed and their outcomes compared. These
children are not randomly assigned to groups; thus groups can be identified
retrospectively (lower) or prospectively (higher). The gold standard of intervention
research is the randomized controlled clinical trial. As the name conveys, prospective
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Children with Language Impairment 323
participants are randomly assigned to an experimental or a control group. These
groups are followed and their outcomes are compared to draw conclusions about
the effectiveness of the intervention. Ideally these experiments are double blinded,
that is the intervention is hidden from the child and parent receiving the interven-
tion, the clinician administering the intervention, and the investigator interpreting
the results, but this is an unachievable ideal in some studies of intervention for
children with language impairment. When higher levels of evidence are not feasible
or not appropriate for the question at hand, replications involving lower level designs
are an effective alternative.
Investigators must not only design studies to reflect a given level of evidence
but also report their studies in a standardized manner to facilitate the clinician’s
evaluation and consumption of the results. Journal editors typically require that
authors follow the Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT: Moher,
Schulz, and Altman, 2001) when publishing the results of randomized controlled
trials. CONSORT includes a 22-item checklist of requirements for the title, abstract,
introduction, methods, results, and discussion of the paper. The intention is to help
the reader judge the validity, reliability, and relevance of the findings. The guidelines
also are of great help to other investigators who wish to include the work in a
meta-analysis. Comparable guidelines exist for reporting nonrandomized designs
(TREND: des Jarlias et al., 2004) and systematic reviews or meta-analyses
(QUOROM: Moher etal., 1999).
It is important to emphasize that a high level of evidence does not necessarily
equate to a high quality study. There are examples of poorly executed and well-
executed studies at any level of the evidence ladder. Moreover, right-thinking people
may disagree with the organization of the evidence ladder. Given the huge amount of
variability within a given diagnostic group, one could argue that single-subject
designs, wherein the participant is his or her own control, are the only reasonable
approach. Single-subject designs are immune to ecological fallacy, that is, to the
mistaken assumption that effects at the aggregate level are necessarily representative
of effects at the individual level. Such designs also render moot the problems
associated with control group comparisons as discussed above.
Single-subject designs sample response to an intervention repeatedly over time
within a few participants (Gliner, Morgan, and Harmon, 2000). In the reversal or
ABAB version, the participant is observed for the behavior of interest until stability is
evident (A), then intervention is introduced (B) and the participant is observed for
consequent change in the behavior. Once change asymptotes, the intervention is
withdrawn (A) to see whether the behavior diminishes. Once stable, the second course
of intervention is introduced (B). The wax and wane of the behavior in response to
administration and withdrawal of the intervention is good evidence that the interven-
tion is causing change. In the multiple baselines version, a number of baseline observa-
tions are made simultaneously across different participants or across different behaviors
within a given participant. Once stable, the intervention is introduced to only one
participant, or for the purpose of modifying only one behavior. The other participants/
behaviors are continually monitored. If the participant/behavior that is the subject of
the intervention changes but the participants/behaviors that remain in baseline do not,
there is good evidence that the intervention itself is the cause of the change.
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324 Karla K. McGregor
What Does the Problem of Language Impairment
Tell Us about Normal Language Development?
Although most would agree that advances in our understanding of childhood
language impairments and their clinical management are worthy research goals,
fewer may have considered research on childhood language impairment as a means
of advancing description and explanation of language development more broadly
defined. In this final section, I turn away from childhood language impairment and
its clinical management as a focus of study per se and toward methods that make use
of these impairments as natural experiments for addressing fundamental questions
about human language.
“The Average Child is a fiction …” wrote Bates, Dale, and Thal (1995, p. 26) in
a compelling argument for the study of individual differences in language develop-
ment. As they point out, even if we limit our view to children who are normally
developing, growth rates are characterized by enormous variation from child to
child, reflecting the interaction of genetic and environmental factors that are at
play. Take, for example, the normative data from the MacArthur–Bates
Communicative Development Inventories (MCDI: Fenson et al., 2007). At
24months, the 10th to 99th percentiles equate to a range of 77 to 658 words in the
expressive vocabulary. Once we consider children below the 10th percentile, an
often-used clinically significant cutoff, we might find children who are producing
no words at this age. This variation remains stable across developmental time. Even
after controlling for age, gender, birth order, socioeconomic status, and mother’s
and father’s education and occupation, the infant versions of the MCDI scales
account for significant variance in the toddler versions (Bates, Dale, and Thal,
1995). Across the school years as well, relative differences between children with
and without language impairment are stable (Law, Tomblin, and Zhang, 2008). To
be accurate, any description of language development must encompass this variety;
to be complete, any causal model must account for individual differences (see also
Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, Chapter 5 this volume, for a discussion of individual
Not only does the study of children across the full range of the distribution yield
descriptive validity, it enables tests of theoretical accounts of language development.
In the preface to her 1994 book on the study of atypical language, Tager-Flusberg
emphasizes the value in using developmental language impairment as a natural
experiment for investigating factors that influence language development and she
traces this approach to Lenneberg (1967). As she notes, normal development involves
rapid changes in all domains. Impaired development is more uneven, slower in some
domains than others, and therefore it is easier to unravel the developmental relation-
ships (or lack thereof) between domains.
Take as an example one fundamental question: to what extent is the child’s
syntactic system modular? This question stems from an enduring debate about the
possible dimensions of the language system and the extent to which these dimensions
involve different mechanisms of acquisition, neural representation, and use. Essential
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to answering this question is an examination of associations and dissociations
between syntax and other language systems.
One approach is to take advantage of extreme cases – children who cluster in the
tails of the normal distribution – because in these cases dissociations are more readily
apparent than in cases that cluster around the mean. In McGregor, Sheng, and Smith
(2005), my colleagues and I recruited toddlers who had precocious lexical develop-
ment, defined as scores at the 90th percentile or above on the expressive vocabulary
portion of the MCDI. The question was whether they would have precocious syntax
as well or whether, instead, scores tapping the lexical and syntactic domains would
dissociate. In McGregor etal. (2010), we recruited older children on the basis of
clinically low scores on measures of expressive syntax and asked the converse
question: would they have deficits in expressive vocabulary as well or would scores
tapping the lexical and syntactic domains dissociate? By selecting children on the
basis of extreme scores (extremely high lexical scores in the former case, extremely
low syntactic scores in the latter), it should be easier to identify dissociations.
However, in both studies we found tight associations between the expressive lexicon
and the grammar, whether in younger children or older, and whether in precocious
children or impaired. These data complement those based on children within the
average range and lend validity to the conclusion that lexical production and syntax
are closely linked.
Tomblin and Zhang (2006) addressed the same general question by examining
subgroups within a large longitudinal sample of children that included the entire
distribution, both children with and without language impairment, and across four
points in development: kindergarten, second, fourth, and eighth grades. These
children took standardized tests that tapped receptive and expressive vocabulary
and syntax (sentences). The investigators asked whether receptive and expressive
abilities and lexical and syntactic abilities are distinct dimensions of the language
system and, importantly, whether any dimensions change over developmental time.
To test for dimensionality, they first applied a modified parallel analysis. This is an
exploratory factor analysis (exploratory in that it did not involve any a priori
assumptions about the model of best fit) performed on individual items from the
standardized tests. Essentially it tells whether items tap one or a number of dimensions
of language. The result was that the items predominantly tapped a single dimension;
however, for the eighth grade sample only, there was some evidence of a difference
between vocabulary and syntax. This was followed by a confirmatory factor analysis
(confirmatory in that it tested the assumption of a unidimensional vs two- dimensional
model) performed on composite scores classified as receptive–expressive or
vocabulary–syntax. The result was confirmation that a two-factor model involving
vocabulary and syntax was a somewhat better fit than a unidimensional model. Both
were good fits for the data in the lower grades; by the eighth grade, however, the
two-dimensional model was clearly better. This study is exemplary in that it involved
(1) a longitudinal sample that (2) ranged widely in ability from impaired to advanced
and that (3) was analyzed with sophisticated statistical methods. The results reveal
something very important about language development writ large: neither vocabulary
and syntax nor receptive and expressive abilities are independent dimensions of
language during the early school years but, by eighth grade, vocabulary and syntax
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326 Karla K. McGregor
begin to function more independently. This evidence provides crucial support for
long-standing hypotheses about the emergence of language modules over the course
of development (Karmiloff-Smith, 1998).
Final Thoughts
Although we share many methods with those who study normal language
development, those of us who study childhood language impairments make use of
special methods for identifying and describing affected children and for determining
the best clinical management practices. As our questions become more sophisticated
and nuanced, so must our methods. The limitations in describing language impairment
at a single point late in development are obvious and the solution – longitudinal
studies that follow children from in utero – is costly. However, we have the founda-
tional evidence to support requests for such funds. Likewise, if we are to build a
sufficient evidence base, we must rise to the challenge of large-scale randomized
controlled trials, again a costly endeavor. I think we may be further behind here but,
thanks to the evidence-based practice movement, we do have a better understanding
of the design of clinical trials and a stronger motivation for conducting them than
ever before. Finally, decades of research on childhood language impairment reveal
the value of this subfield in informing and testing theories of language development,
but only to the extent that investigators use valid methods and make savvy interpre-
tations that recognize the complexities of teasing apart the effects of impairment
from the effects of development. I think, given the current state of the art, that we are
in an excellent position to do so.
Key Terms
Age-equivalency score The chronological age in a population of test takers (the norming
sample collected by the test developers) for which a given score is the median score. For
example, a 4-year-old whose raw score corresponds to an age-equivalent score of 5 years
obtained the same score as the median score earned by 5-year-olds in the norming sample.
Because age equivalencies do not convey variation within the norming sample, we do not
know whether this performance is exceptionally good; in fact, the difference between the
median scores for the 4- and 5-year-olds in the norming sample could be quite small.
Asperger syndrome An autism spectrum disorder characterized by significant difficulties in
social interaction as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.
Language and cognition are spared; however, the social use of language is problematic.
Autism spectrum disorder A range of disorders characterized by social deficits, restricted
and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests, and impaired verbal and nonverbal
communication. Severity varies from mild to severe across individuals; mental retarda-
tion may or may not be present.
Down syndrome A genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. People with
Down syndrome most typically present with moderate mental retardation but severity
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Children with Language Impairment 327
will vary from individual to individual. Speech production and expressive language are
typically more impaired than receptive language; morphosyntax is often weaker than
External validity The extent to which findings can be generalized from the laboratory to
other settings and from the participants in the study to other populations.
Internal validity The extent to which a causal relation between two variables in an experiment
is properly demonstrated and the extent to which alternative explanations for the
outcome can be dismissed.
Meta-analysis A method wherein the investigator gathers current research published on a
given topic and then reanalyzes the data using a common measure of effect size.
Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified A condition in which a person
presents with some but not all of the diagnostic features of autism spectrum disorders.
Sensitivity The proportion of affected cases correctly identified by a given test; how well a
test avoids false negatives.
Specificity The proportion of unaffected cases correctly identified by a given test; how well
a test avoids false positives.
Specific language impairment Primary developmental language impairment. Morphosyntax,
text-level grammar, and verbal working memory are areas of relative weakness; pragmat-
ics and phonology are areas of relative strength. These children present with no gross
abnormalities in sensory acuity or nonverbal cognition, although subtle problems in these
domains are often characteristic.
Standard scores How far above or below a test performance falls relative to the mean earned
by the test takers in the norming sample collected by the test developers. The mean is set
at 100; a standard deviation is set at 15. Scores that fall from 1 standard deviation below
the mean to 1 standard deviation above (i.e., 85–115 points) represent 66% of the norm
group; a range ± 2 standard deviations represents 95% of the norm group. For example,
if a 4-year-old’s raw score converts to a standard score of 115, she performed 1standard
deviation better than the average 4-year-olds in the norming sample.
Systematic review A literature review written by an author who has used explicit methods to
perform a thorough search and critical evaluation of individual research studies to
identify valid evidence pertaining to a single question of interest.
Translational research The scientific process of translating basic research findings into
practical applications for the population or question under study.
Williams syndrome A neurodevelopmental disorder caused by deletions of genes from the
long arm of chromosome 7. People with Williams syndrome present with mild to
moderate mental retardation. Although initially delayed, language ability is a strength
relative to visual-spatial processing.
ASHA (1997) Guidelines for audiologic screening. American Speech–Language–Hearing
Association. Available from www. asha.org/policy.
Bates, E., Dale, P., and Thal, D. (1995) Individual differences and their implications for theories
of language development. In P. Fletcher and B. MacWhinney (eds), Handbook of child
language (pp. 96–151). Oxford: Blackwell.
Des Jarlais, D.C., Lyles, C., Crepaz, N., and the TREND Group (2004) Improving the reporting
quality of nonrandomized evaluations of behavioral and public health interventions: the
TREND statement. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 361–366.
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328 Karla K. McGregor
Eigsti, I.M., Bennetto, L., and Dadlani, M.B. (2007) Beyond pragmatics: morphosyntactic
development in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1007–1023.
Evans, J., Kass, R., and Viele, K. (1997) Response time and verbal complexity: stochastic
models of individual differences in children with SLI. Journal of Speech and Hearing
Research, 40, 754–764.
Evans, J.L., Saffran, J.R., and Robe-Torres, K. (2009) Statistical learning in children with
specific language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52,
Fenson, L., Marchman, V.A., Thal, D.J., et al. (2007) MacArthur–Bates Communicative
Development Inventories: user’s guide and technical manual (2nd edn). Baltimore:
Gathercole, S.E., Adams, A.M., and Hitch, G.J. (1994) Do young children rehearse? An
individual-differences analysis. Memory and Cognition, 22, 201–207.
Gliner, J.A., Morgan, G.A., and Harmon, R.J. (2000) Single subject designs. American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 1327–1329.
Hadley, P.A., and Holt, J.K. (2006) Individual differences in the onset of tense marking:
a growth-curve analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49,
Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1998) Development itself is the key to understanding developmental
disorders. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2, 289–298.
Lahey, M. (1990) Who shall be called language disordered? Some reflections and one perspec-
tive. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 612–20.
Law, J., Tomblin, J.B., and Zhang, X. (2008) Characterizing the growth trajectories of language
impaired children between 7 and 11 years of age. Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research, 51, 739–749.
Lenneberg, E. (1967) Biological foundations of language. New York: Wiley.
Leonard, L. (1998) Children with specific language impairment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lord, C., Rutter, M., and Le Couteur, A. (1994) Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised: a
revised version of a diagnostic interview for caregivers of individuals with possible
pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24,
Lord, C., Rutter, M., DiLavore, P.C., and Risi, S. (1999) Autism Diagnostic Observation
Schedule–WPS (ADOS–WPS). Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
McGregor, K.K., Berns, A.J., Owen, A.J., etal. (2011) Associations between syntax and the
lexicon among children with or without ASD and language impairment. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI 10.1007/s10803-011-1210-4.
McGregor, K., Sheng, L., and Smith, B. (2005) The precocious two-year-old: status of the
lexicon and links to the grammar. Journal of Child Language, 32, 563–585.
Mervis, C.B., and John, A.E. (2008) Vocabulary abilities of children with Williams syndrome:
strengths, weaknesses, and relation to visuospatial construction ability. Journal of Speech,
Language, and Hearing Research, 51, 967–982.
Mervis, C.B., and Klein-Tasman, B.P. (2004) Methodological issues in group-matching
designs: α levels for control variable comparisons and measurement characteristics of
control and target variables. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 7–17.
Mervis, C.B., and Robinson, B.F. (2003) Methodological issues in cross-group comparisons of
language and/or cognitive development. In Y. Levy and J. Schaeffer (eds), Language
competence across populations: toward a definition of specific language impairment
(pp.233–258). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Moher, D., Cook, D.J., Eastwood, S., etal. (1999) Improving the quality of reports of meta-
analyses of randomized controlled trials: the QUOROM statement. Lancet, 354, 1896–1900.
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Children with Language Impairment 329
Moher, D., Schulz, K.F., and Altman, D.G. (2001) The CONSORT statement: revised
recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel group randomized
trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 1. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-
Nation, K., Clarke, P., Marshall, C.M., and Durand, M. (2004) Hidden language impairments
in children: parallels between poor reading comprehension and specific language
impairment? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47, 199–211.
Plante, E., Swisher, L., Kiernan, B., and Restrepo, M.A. (1993) Language matches: illuminat-
ing or confounding? Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 36, 772–776.
Plante, E., and Vance, R. (1994) Selection of preschool language tests: a data-based approach.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 25, 15–24.Frick, R.W. (1995)
Accepting the null hypothesis. Memory and Cognition, 23, 132–138.
Roid, G., and Miller, L. (1997) Leiter International Performance Scale–Revised. Wood Dale,
IL: Stoelting.
Semel, E., Wiig, E., and Secord, W. (1995) Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals–3.
San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.
Tager-Flusberg, H. (ed.) (1994) Constraints on language acquisition: studies of atypical
children. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tager-Flusberg, H. (2004) Strategies for conducting research on language in autism. Journal
of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 75–80.
Thomas, M.S.C., Annaz, D., Ansari, D., et al. (2009) Using developmental trajectories to
understand developmental disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
52, 336–358.
Tomblin, J.B., and Zhang, X. (2006) The dimensionality of language ability in school-age
children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 1193–1208.
Further Reading and Resources
Guidelines for selecting and administering standardized tests, collecting language samples,
and developing nonstandard probes to elicit language appear in:
Paul, R., and Norbury, C. (2007) Language disorders from infancy through adolescence:
assessment and intervention (3rd edn). Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences.
For more discussion on the value of assessing individual and group differences see:
Lubinski, D. (2000) Scientific and social significance of assessing individual differences:
“Sinking shafts at a few critical points. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 405–444.
Detailed steps for construction and analysis of developmental trajectories appear in:
Thomas, M.S.C., Annaz, D., Ansari, D., et al. (2009) Using developmental trajectories to
understand developmental disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
52, 336–358.
Guidance on the design of single-subject experiments appears in:
McReynolds, L.V., and Thompson, C.K. (1986) Flexibility of single-subject experimental
designs. Part I: Review of the basics of single-subject designs. Journal of Speech and
Hearing Disorders, 51, 194–203.
Kearns, K.P. (1986) Flexibility of single-subject experimental designs. Part II: Design selection
and arrangement of experimental phases. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 51,
Excellent resources for teaching and learning about evidence-based practice can be accessed
from the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries at:
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Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
22 Studying the Language
Development of Children
with Intellectual Disabilities
Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover,
and Andrea McDuffie
In this chapter, we focus on methods for assessing language in individuals with
intellectual disabilities. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 83
school-age children in the United States meet criteria for an intellectual disabil-
ity, and virtually all of these children have significant problems with acquiring
and using language. Research on language and intellectual disabilities is
focused largely on questions about variations in language development relative
to other domains of the individual’s functioning (e.g., nonverbal cognition),
across different components of language, as a function of differences in etiology
of the intellectual disability, and relative to differences in experience. We outline
the special challenges in measuring language in individuals with intellectual
disabilities and describe some of the methods we have developed to deal with
these challenges. These methods include standardized protocols for collecting
expressive language samples, laboratory-based analogs of various dimensions
of social interaction, and procedures for measuring the dynamic processes of
language learning and use. These methods are motivated by the goal of
stripping away the types of social scaffolding and nonlinguistic factors that
shape language in naturalistic contexts and make it difficult to unambiguously
characterize the language strengths and weaknesses of individuals with
intellectual disabilities.
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Children with Intellectual Disabilities 331
Intellectual disability is defined by (1) impairments in cognitive functioning ( typically
defined as an IQ two or more standard deviations below the mean for the popula-
tion), (2) limitations in the ability to function independently and meet the demands
of daily life, and (3) an onset before the age of 18 years (AAID, 2010). The Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 1 in 83 school-age children in the United
States meet criteria for an intellectual disability (http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dd/
mr3.htm). Until quite recently, the causes of most cases of intellectual disability were
unknown. Recent advances in genetics, particularly molecular genetics, however,
have led to the identification of close to 1000 genetic conditions producing intellec-
tual disability (Dykens, Hodapp, and Finucane, 2000). In light of the connections
between language and cognition that characterize development, it is not surprising
that intellectual disabilities are almost invariably associated with significant language
impairments (Abbeduto et al., 2006a). Nevertheless, interesting questions remain
about the nature, extent, correlates, and causes of language impairments in this
population, as well as about variations in those impairments, especially in relation to
differences in etiology.
Questions Motivating Research on Language
Development and Intellectual Disabilities
Although the relationship between language and cognition has been hotly debated
for decades, the bulk of the empirical evidence to date supports the claim that the
learning mechanisms that drive language development cannot be entirely specific to
the processing of linguistic information (e.g., Saffran, 2002). Moreover, there is
considerable evidence that social interactions with caregivers motivate and provide
a context for many facets of language development, from sounds to syntax (e.g.,
Tomasello, 1999). Children with intellectual disabilities have impairments that, by
definition, extend to numerous aspects of the human cognitive system. In addition,
this group of children experiences nonnormative linguistic and social environments
(Abbeduto et al., 2006a). Thus, there is little doubt that, on average, their language
development will be impaired and, perhaps, different in important respects relative
to same-age typical peers.
At the same time, however, the interrelationships between language and cognitive
development and experience are quite complex, nuanced, and dynamic across the
life course (Abbeduto et al., 2006a). Moreover, there is substantial variation
among children with intellectual disabilities in the degree of their cognitive
impairments and in the quality of the environments in which they hear and practice
language (Abbeduto et al., 2006a). In addition, etiological differences are associated
with different profiles of cognitive impairments (and comorbid challenging
behaviors and conditions), as well as with differences in the affected children’s
experiences of the world. For example, children with Down syndrome have impair-
ments in auditory working memory that are more pronounced than are those in
spatial working memory (at least early in development), whereas children with
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332 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
fragile X syndrome, a single-gene disorder and the leading inherited cause of
intellectual disabilities, display relatively more synchrony between their auditory
and spatial memory delays (Dykens, Hodapp, and Finucane, 2000). Such etiology-
related differences might lead to differences in the extent and nature of language
In summary, there is seldom reason to ask whether language is impaired in children
with intellectual disabilities; it almost certainly will be. However, the following are
all fruitful questions to be addressed through empirical research:
1 Are language impairments or delays more or less serious than those in other
domains of psychological or behavioral functioning? Perhaps the most high
profile line of research addressing this question has been focused on Williams
syndrome. This syndrome was originally put forth as providing evidence of
modularity because affected individuals were thought to have largely
age-appropriate language despite severe intellectual disability, although more
recent findings have refuted these early claims (Mervis, 2009).
2 Are impairments or delays variable across different components or dimensions of
language? There is evidence, for example, that lexical development either keeps
pace with, or is in advance of, nonverbal cognitive development in individuals
with Down syndrome, whereas syntax, especially expressive syntax, is delayed
relative to lexical development and nonverbal cognition in these individuals
(Martin et al., 2009).
3 Are there etiology-related differences in the profile of language impairments or
patterns of language development? In our research, for example, we have
found that limitations in many areas of syntax are more pronounced in
individuals with Down syndrome than in age- and cognitive-ability-matched
individ uals with fragile X syndrome (e.g., Finestack and Abbeduto, 2010).
Answers to this question are useful in generating hypotheses about
causal factors, including at the genetic level, in language development and
4 What are the concurrent and predictive relationships between linguistic and
nonlinguistic development for individuals with intellectual disabilities? In the
case of Down syndrome, for example, receptive syntax levels have been found to
be related to hearing status and auditory memory, but not visual-spatial memory
(Miolo, Chapman, and Sindberg, 2005). Although largely correlational in nature,
research addressing this question can lead to the identification of the specific
psychological and behavioral causes of language impairments in individuals with
intellectual disabilities.
5 What aspects of the environment promote or hinder language development
in individuals with intellectual disabilities? Although we think of the
cognitive impairments that define intellectual disabilities and other attributes
of the affected child as primary in producing language impairments, there
is considerable evidence that environmental factors, such as parental
responsiveness, can have profound effects on the language outcomes of
children with intellectual disabilities. Maternal responsivity, for example,
predicts later language outcomes for children with fragile X syndrome
(Warrenet al., 2010).
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Challenges in Studying Language Development
and Intellectual Disabilities: Implications for Methods
Answering any of the questions outlined in the preceding section presupposes that
one has a method for measuring the linguistic construct of interest and that group
differences or age- or developmental-level-related changes in the measure reflect
variations in that construct. In this section, we consider a number of challenges
indeveloping such methods.
One challenge is that an individual’s performance on any measure is likely to reflect
not only his or her linguistic ability, but also the influence of his or her capabilities
and tendencies in other domains that are of little or no interest to the researcher (or
clinician). Suppose, for example, that the goal is to determine whether a child can
understand the syntax of a passive sentence (e.g., The bird is chased by the frog). One
approach would be to ask the child to point to the drawing that matches the sentence
in the case in which there are two drawings, one depicting a frog chasing a bird and
the other a bird chasing a frog. If the child points to the incorrect drawing, is it
because he or she has not yet mastered the passive construction? Or is it because the
child has a hearing loss, was inattentive when the examiner spoke the sentence, was
unable to inhibit responding before “being sure, has a visual impairment that makes
discrimination of the relevant details of the drawings difficult, or was unable to
remember the sentence for the length of time needed to scan the drawings?
Of course, the problem of measurement error is also faced by researchers studying
language development in typical children. The problem might be more complicated in
the case of intellectual disability, however, because addressing the research question of
interest often involves comparisons to typical children matched on one or more meas-
ures of cognitive ability (e.g., mental age) or comparisons among matched groups of
individuals with different types of intellectual disability (e.g., Down syndrome vs
Williams syndrome). Despite matching, these groups often differ on many other
aspects of their functioning and these differences might affect their performance on
the language measure of interest. So, for example, matching individuals with Down
syndrome and Williams syndrome on a measure of auditory memory will lead to a
mismatch on visual-spatial memory (with the latter being more impaired on average
for individuals with Williams syndrome). If the language measure taps visual-spatial
ability in any way, then group differences on the language measure might reflect
“true” language differences, “irrelevant” differences in visual spatial ability, or both
(see also McGregor, Chapter 21 this volume, for a discussion of matching).
A second challenge to studying language in children with intellectual disabilities
arises from the social nature of virtually any task or test used to measure language.
Consequently, the performance of the child with an intellectual disability can be
influenced by the characteristics or behavior of the other person(s) involved in the
interaction. If expressive syntax is being assessed via language samples collected
during free play with an examiner, for example, the extent to which the examiner
asks yes–no rather than open-ended questions can affect conclusions about the
child’s skill: a high rate of yes–no questions leads, not surprisingly, to a high rate of
yes and no answers and thus a lower mean length of utterance (MLU) and a lower
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334 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
frequency of complex sentences than would be obtained if the examiner asked
open-ended questions. As another example, suppose turn-taking or topic-continua-
tion ability is assessed in free play with a parent. Because many parents are likely to
adjust their behavior to their child’s, it might appear that the child is quite skilled at
turn taking (e.g., few overlapping turns) or topic continuation (e.g., a large number
of consecutive speaking turns maintaining the same topic); however, these numbers
might reflect more about the parent’s ability to read the child’s signals and to scaffold
the child’s communication. Put differently, the child might look considerably less
skilled if interacting with a peer or unfamiliar adult, who is less inclined or skilled at
“masking” the child’s limited turn-taking and topic-continuation skills.
A third challenge to developing methods for studying language in individuals with
intellectual disabilities involves moving beyond a single measure of language ability
to measures that focus on the specific dimensions or aspects of language of interest
to the researcher (or clinician). Indeed, research to date has made clear that language
is not a unitary ability and that language can “come apart” in different ways so that
some parts may be more impaired or delayed than other parts. Syntax, for example,
is more impaired than vocabulary, on average, in individuals with Down syndrome
(Martin et al., 2009). But even discriminating between the broad components of
language may not be sufficient; for example, there are syndrome-related differences
as to which aspects of pragmatics are most challenging (Abbeduto et al., 2006b).
Moving beyond a single measure of ability, however, is difficult for two reasons.
First, although there are many standardized tests of language ability that have the
advantage of allowing comparisons to a normative sample, having well-documented
test–retest properties, etc., they often yield only relatively gross summary scores
(e.g.,a receptive language standard score) that aggregate over multiple dimensions of
language that can mask interesting variations. Second, and more importantly, research
on language challenges in individuals with intellectual disabilities is often highly
inductive rather than hypothesis driven. Consequently, there is a tendency to rely on
measures that embody rather “traditional” distinctions between different aspects of
language (e.g., between vocabulary and syntax or between receptive andexpressive
language) rather than those that are informed by hypotheses about thenature of the
underlying learning or processing deficits that characterize the individuals in question.
Our laboratory has employed a variety of methods for dealing with these challenges
to measuring language delays and impairments in individuals with intellectual
disabilities. In the following sections, we briefly present a few of these methods.
Methods for Measuring Language
Language Sampling
The analysis of spontaneous language samples, particularly in comparison to
standardized assessments, is especially useful for studying language development
in children with intellectual disability. First, whereas a standardized test might
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yield a single omnibus score for expressive language ability, samples of spontane-
ous language provide rich data with the opportunity to extract an array of variables
that reflect specific domains of ability. Aspects of language production such
asMLU, intelligibility, lexical diversity, use of grammatical morphemes, and syntactic
complexity are easily accessible from transcribed language samples, as are prag-
matic aspects of language use, such as repetitive language and contingent turn
taking. Second, a language sampling protocol can be readily adapted to any age
or developmental level, thereby avoiding the floor effects so often associated
with standardized tests, which make it difficult to identify potentially important
differences among individuals with intellectual disabilities at lower ability levels.
Third, language sample analysis is a contextualized and culturally sensitive
method of language assessment that might provide a more accurate estimate of
communicative language ability, in particular for children who are challenged by
the demands of social interaction. Thus, comparisons of spontaneous spoken
language performance across individuals or groups can address a range of
research questions about relative patterns of strength and weakness, over a wide
range of ages and ability levels, and with good generalizability to everyday com-
municative contexts.
Contexts for language sampling
As described above, the characteristics and behavior of the conversational partner
interacting with the individual with intellectual disability and the variability in the
resulting interactions can pose a challenge to research. In spontaneous language
sampling, however, important dimensions of the social interaction can be controlled
or manipulated in such a way as to answer theoretically and practically relevant
questions. For example, language sampling contexts vary in the extent to which they
elicit maximum performance in different aspects of language ability (Southwood
and Russell, 2004). Interview-style conversations draw more utterances and
utterances with higher MLU relative to free play (Southwood and Russell, 2004). In
our research, we have demonstrated that children and adolescents with intellectual
disability of mixed etiology produce more communication attempts per minute in a
conversational context than in narration, whereas the language produced in the
narrative context is likely to have a higher MLU than in conversation (Abbeduto
etal., 1995). Thus, the language sampling protocol can be constructed to isolate the
aspects of language ability of interest or to examine the impacts of the characteristics
of the sampling context on language ability.
We have also found that arriving at a more comprehensive picture of language
abilities can be accomplished through the use of both interview-style conversation
and narration from a wordless picture book. In particular, adolescent and young
adult males with fragile X syndrome only, those with comorbid fragile X syndrome
and autism, and those with Down syndrome display higher MLU in narration than
conversation, but higher lexical diversity, dysfluency, and rate of talk in conversation
than in narration (Kover and Abbeduto, 2010). Although the presence and content
of the storybook provides helpful visual scaffolding, these same features also
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336 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
constrain lexical diversity in narration. Increased dysfluency and rate of talk in
conversation are likely attributable to the reduced structure relative to narration.
Thus, utilizing multiple language sampling contexts is vital for understanding profiles
of abilities in individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Standardizing language sample elicitation
Although language sampling is a flexible methodology, procedures for language
sample elicitation must be standardized to the extent possible to make valid com-
parisons between language sampling contexts or etiological groups. Characteristics
of the sampling context (e.g., the conversational partner, the extent of prompting or
structure, the book in narration or toys in free play) can affect the language produced
by children, and thus variations in materials and experimenter behavior can hinder
interpretation of findings (Southwood and Russell, 2004). Even the amount of talk
and rate of questioning by a conversational partner can influence the amount of
child talk and MLU (Johnston et al., 1993). Thus, a failure to standardize the
sampling context makes it difficult to interpret differences across individuals, disor-
ders, and studies because participant ability and sampling conditions are confounded.
Using standardized sampling contexts, several researchers have documented
differential effects of context across groups and group differences in the face of the
same task demands. For example, Miles, Chapman, and Sindberg (2006) found that
adolescents with Down syndrome achieved a higher MLU in a narrative task
compared to an interview-style conversation, whereas typically developing children
matched on receptive language ability did not differ between contexts, which suggests
that nonlinguistic task demands might be especially important for individuals
withDown syndrome. In our research, we found that adolescents with fragile
Xsyndrome used fewer types of narrative evaluation, but were more grammatically
correct, than adolescents with Down syndrome matched on nonverbal cognitive
ability; however, group differences were not present for number of utterances, MLU,
or number of different word roots (Keller-Bell and Abbeduto, 2007). By standard-
izing the collection of language samples, linguistic phenotypes can be further refined
and etiology-specific intervention targets identified.
Language sampling can be quite useful when conducted in a constrained manner,
with a constant set of materials, and in a scripted, yet naturalistic, manner by trained
examiners or clinicians. A limitation of language sample analysis is the resource-
intensive nature of the work, in terms of the time required both to administer spon-
taneous language sampling protocols and to transcribe the resultant sample. Although
assessment time cannot be circumvented, transcription is facilitated by software
programs such as Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT: Miller and
Iglesias, 2006), which generate analyses automatically and can accommodate coding
systems beyond the standard output (see also Rowe, Chapter 13 this volume).
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Laboratory-Based Analogs of Social Interaction
As discussed in the previous section, standardized language sampling offers a solution
to several of the challenges faced by researchers interested in assessing language in
individuals with intellectual disabilities. By requiring that the participant’s commu-
nicative partner is an adult “confederate” who behaves in standardized or scripted
ways and focuses on predetermined and standardized topics and materials, many
aspects of language performance can be measured and attributed to the child’s lan-
guage skills rather than, for example, the scaffolding provided by a highly skilled
partner. Often, however, language sampling is not sufficient to address the question
of interest. The researcher may be interested in an aspect of language expression that
occurs too infrequently to be assessed in a brief language sample, or it may be
difficult to create the conditions that allow the full depth of the child’s mastery (or
lack of mastery) of the skill of interest to be assessed in a standardized, yet relatively
naturalistic, language sampling context.
These limitations of language sampling procedures have led us to also use lab-based
analog tasks. Although different from naturalistic linguistic interactions in many
respects, these tasks nonetheless mimic the relevant aspects of those interactions and
“pull” for the language behaviors and skills of interest. We have used such analog
tasks to study several important pragmatic skills across a number of populations and
age ranges. Here we describe two such tasks.
Producing referential descriptions
In a recent study, we used an analog task to examine the skills required to make clear the
referents of one’s talk when in the role of speaker (Abbeduto et al., 2006b). There is
considerable evidence that this is a domain of substantial impairment in individuals with
intellectual disability (e.g., Brownell and Whiteley, 1992); however, our interest was in
the possibility of syndrome-related variations in the extent and profile of impairments.
In our task, the participant assumed the role of speaker, and a researcher, whose behavior
was highly scripted, played the role of listener. The two partners were separated by an
opaque partition, which required that the participants use only verbal means of
communication. The participant and listener each had an identical set of four novel
shapes. The participant’s task on each trial was to describe a shape (i.e., target) so that
the listener could select that shape from his or her set. The shapes were abstract geo-
metric forms that had no universally agreed upon label. On some trials, the listener
feigned noncomprehension, thereby highlighting the need for the participant to create
descriptions that disambiguated the target for the listener. Each shape recurred several
times across trials, although not necessarily on consecutive trials. Thus, this task was
analogous to a conversation in which the participant would be providing information
about several related topics that he or she had experienced, but that the listener had not.
We conducted several analyses of the talk that the participants generated during
the task and found different pragmatic profiles for adolescents and young adults with
fragile X syndrome and those with Down syndrome. Both groups were less likely
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338 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
than were younger, nonverbal mental-age-matched typically developing children to
create unique (i.e., one-to-one) mappings between their descriptions and the shapes
(e.g., referring to a specific shape as “house” every time it appeared). Instead, the
syndrome groups were more likely to extend the same description to multiple shapes
(e.g., referring to two different shapes as “house”), thereby failing to conform to a
fundamental tenet of conversation (i.e., distinguish the referents for your listener).
Although there were no differences between the two syndrome groups in the use
of unique mappings, they differed in other aspects of their performance in the task.
The participants with fragile X syndrome were less likely than either those with
Down syndrome or those with typical development to use consistent descriptions
across recurrences of a given shape. Instead, the participants with fragile X syndrome
were more likely to use a new description each time the shape was talked about (e.g.,
referring to a shape as “house” on one trial and then calling it “piano” on a subse-
quent trial). Such inconsistency violates expectations established previously in the
interaction, thereby increasing the listener’s processing burden. In contrast, the par-
ticipants with Down syndrome were less likely than either the youth with fragile X
syndrome or the typically developing children to use referential frames (e.g., “it’s like
house” or “it’s kind of an ice cream cone”). Instead, the youth with Down syndrome
tended to provide a description without the scaffolding of a referential frame (e.g.,
“it’s a house” or “it’s an ice cream cone”) to assist their listener’s processing. In short,
the youth with fragile X syndrome and the youth with Down syndrome each created
problems for their listeners, but because of different pragmatic deficits.
Identifying and correcting comprehension problems
We also used an analog task to study noncomprehension signaling by adolescents
and young adults with fragile X or Down syndrome and nonverbal mental-age-
matched typically developing children (Abbeduto et al., 2008). Again, previous
research had shown noncomprehension signaling to be an area of substantial impair-
ment for individuals with intellectual disabilities (e.g., Fujiki and Brinton, 1993), but
our interest was in the possibility of syndrome-related differences in the impairment.
Such signaling requires monitoring one’s understanding of incoming messages,
identifying messages that are not understood, determining the reason for the compre-
hension problem, and formulating a linguistic signal that will elicit the information
needed for clarification (e.g., which toy?). Failure to signal noncomprehension can
seriously disrupt an interaction, especially because early misunderstandings will
have a snowball” effect as the interaction progresses.
We used a task in which the participant was the listener and responded to simple
directions from an examiner by moving one of several potential referents into a
scene in a book. Many of the directions were clear and unambiguous; however,
about 60% were designed to create noncomprehension. Three types of problematic
directions were created. In incompatible directions, the examiner requested an action
on an absent referent (e.g., “Put the red lamp on the desk” when the available refer-
ents were a yellow lamp and a green lamp). In novel directions, the examiner used an
unfamiliar word for the referent (e.g., “Put the azure balloon in the sky” when the
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referents were a blue balloon and a red balloon). In ambiguous directions, there were
multiple exemplars of the referent’s category (e.g., “Put the hat on the man” when
the referents were a brown hat and a gray hat). Thus, this laboratory task is analogous
to a range of social interactions involving direction following, but while providing a
more concentrated “dose” of comprehension problems to ensure that there was a
sufficient number of opportunities for assessing noncomprehension signaling.
All three groups did quite well on the unambiguous messages, responding with an
action on the correct referent and without signaling noncomprehension; however,
the two syndrome groups were less likely to signal noncomprehension of problematic
messages than were typically developing comparison children. The relative difficulty
of the different problem types, however, was similar across the three participant
groups: noncomprehension signals were more likely, and diagnostic group differences
were less pronounced, for incompatible directions than for ambiguous or novel
directions. These results suggest that the development of one or more of the behaviors
entailed in noncomprehension signaling is severely delayed in individuals with fragile
X syndrome or Down syndrome. Nevertheless, development in this domain is not
qualitatively different from that seen in typically developing individuals.
As illustrated by these two studies, aspects of language development that would be
difficult, if not impossible, to assess in naturally occurring interactions or even with
standardized language sampling tasks can be assessed by creating analogs of the
components of language use of interest. Such tasks strip away those aspects of real
social interaction that interfere with the measurement of the aspects of language
development of interest and create concentrated opportunities for the participant to
demonstrate the language behaviors of interest. Nevertheless, the generalizability of
the findings from such tasks to naturally occurring interactions remains an open
Real-Time Measures of Language Learning and Processes
In the previous sections, we have described several methods for measuring language
development in individuals with intellectual disabilities. These methods provide
valuable information about an individual’s level of language skill or, put differently, the
progress he or she has made in accumulating the elements and behaviors that make up
language competence. These measures do not, however, provide information about the
dynamic processes that characterize the ways in which that individual has acquired
those elements and behaviors. Information about the ways in which individuals with
intellectual disabilities learn language would be particularly useful for planning
interventions, allowing us not simply to target what information or behaviors the indi-
vidual needs to learn but to facilitate more effective ways of learning language. We
now turn briefly to two types of methods we have begun to employ to gain insights
into the learning processes of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
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340 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
Fast mapping
The term “fast mapping” was first introduced by Carey and Bartlett (1978) in a
classic study of word learning in preschool-aged children. Broadly speaking, fast
mapping describes an associative learning process by which children are able to
rapidly infer a correspondence between a novel label and a speaker’s intended
referent. According to Rice, Buhr, and Nemeth (1990), the experimental fast-mapping
paradigm provides a conservative metric of children’s initial and incomplete compre-
hension of a novel word and, for a given child or group of children, can reveal the
minimum input conditions that are necessary for the first stages of a novel word’s
acquisition and thereby the learning processes brought to bear by the child.
Although fast mapping was initially investigated in typically developing children
with extensive prior vocabulary knowledge, researchers also have used the paradigm
to examine vocabulary acquisition in typically developing infants and toddlers at the
earliest stages of language development. For very young children, behavioral
fast-mapping paradigms generally have focused upon identifying the types of social,
affective, and attentional cues required to support referential understanding when
the correspondence between label and object is not made explicit.
These types of studies have revealed a steady age progression in the ability of
typically developing children to use a variety of contextual cues to infer the speaker’s
referential intent. By 18 months of age, for example, typically developing toddlers
are able to follow and respond to adult eye gaze direction and learn a new word even
when the adult’s referential focus is discrepant from their own (Baldwin, 1993).
Children of this age can also learn a new word in contexts in which the target object
is not visible to the child when the novel label is provided (Tomasello, Strasberg, and
Akhtar, 1995). By 24 months of age, typically developing children can learn a new
word by interpreting an adult’s emotional reaction (Tomasello and Barton, 1994) or
by identifying what is novel in the discourse context from the speaker’s perspective
(Akhtar, Carpenter, and Tomasello, 1996).
Fast-mapping paradigms have also been extended to examine the process of word
learning in children with intellectual and related developmental disabilities.
Baron-Cohen, Baldwin, and Crowson (1997), for example, demonstrated that, when
the speaker’s direction of gaze coincided with the child’s, children with autism (mean
age 9 years) were able to make word–object associations as often as language-matched
controls. When there was a discrepancy between the child’s focus of attention and
the speaker’s (i.e., discrepant labeling), however, children with autism made mapping
errors because they did not attend to the speaker’s gaze. These authors suggest that
the fast-mapping process is intact for school-aged children with autism, but that the
ability to make appropriate mappings is impaired, presumably due to a deficit in
attention following.
In our own lab, we are currently using three different fast-mapping paradigms to
investigate how 4–10-year-old children with fragile X syndrome only, comorbid
fragile X syndrome and autism, and idiopathic autism, as well as nonverbal
mental-age-matched typically developing 2–5-year-olds, use social and affective cues
to learn new words. The tasks being administered measure novel word learning
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based upon the participant’s use of speaker’s eye gaze direction, emotional reaction,
and understanding of the speaker’s knowledge state. Importantly, all of the tasks
include multiple trials to assess word learning, as well as familiar object probes to
assess task compliance and generalization probes to assess whether the participant
has extended their initial word learning to other exemplars in the same category as
the target object. A baseline measure of fast-mapping performance that directly pairs
novel labels and objects in an ostensive manner is also being administered. The
primary goal of this research is to uncover potential differences in the use of social
cues in fast mapping according to diagnostic condition, with the expectation being
that autism is associated with particularly serious impairments in this regard.
Although standardized tests, language sampling, and analog tasks can provide
information about the extent to which an individual or group of individuals has
acquired language knowledge, the use of a behavioral fast-mapping paradigm is one
approach to providing insights into the process by which language is learned.
Importantly, analyzing fast-mapping task performance not only can inform our theories
of language acquisition but can have direct treatment implications as we come to
understand the kinds of environmental scaffolding necessary to support lexical
learning in different syndrome groups.
Eyetracking and preferential looking
Measures of looking time have been used extensively to assess comprehension in
typically developing infants and toddlers. In a looking-while-listening paradigm, for
example, the child typically views two pictures, a target and distractor, side-by-side
on a screen while listening to an auditory stimulus (Fernald et al., 2008). Both accuracy
in comprehension (i.e., the proportion of time spent looking to the target during a
window of time relative to the auditory stimulus) and speed of processing (i.e., the
time between the auditory stimulus of interest and the child’s gaze shift from the dis-
tractor to the target) can be assessed, allowing researchers to address questions about
how a child recognizes or interprets a word or grammatical construction. Looking
time tasks actually comprise a single family of paradigms based on eye gaze and eye
movements, which can involve either high-tech infrared eyetrackers or lower-tech
methods, and can accommodate studies of visual search and anticipatory looking.
Processes of language acquisition can also be assessed with looking time paradigms.
Gertner, Fisher, and Eisengart (2006), for example, found that typically developing tod-
dlers extend syntactic knowledge about word order to interpret novel verbs, evidenced
by looking longer to a video in which the agent was the subject of the sentence (e.g., a
duck acting on a bunny) than to a video of the reverse relationship (e.g., a bunny acting
on a duck) while listening to transitive sentences (e.g., The duck is gorping the bunny!).
Studies of this type can be extended to children with intellectual disabilities and other
populations about which little is known with respect to language learning mechanisms.
In addition to permitting precise measurement of comprehension or learning, eye
gaze paradigms provide several advantages over traditional assessments used with
children with intellectual disability. First, these paradigms were developed to assess
early language processing and thus are developmentally appropriate for a wide
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342 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
agerange of children with intellectual disabilities. Second, the incidental nature of
the tasks places negligible response demands on the child, which is significant for
those stressed by face-to-face assessments. Third, the minimal demands allow for
maximal compliance from children who might otherwise be challenging to test.
Lastly, theeffects of impulsivity and poor fine-motor control seen in some children
with intellectual disability may be diminished in these assessments.
The utility of looking time measures has been demonstrated in studies of children
and adolescents with a range of developmental disorders, including Williams syn-
drome and autism (e.g., Nazzi, Paterson, and Karmiloff-Smith, 2003; Swensen et al.,
2007). In our own lab, we are currently exploring the use of preferential looking
tasks to assess the interpretation of specific syntactic constructions with familiar and
novel verbs (e.g., active and passive reversible sentences in the form of The bird is
chased by the frog) in boys with fragile X syndrome or autism and typically developing
boys with similar levels of nonverbal cognitive ability. The goal of these studies is to
identify the aspects of syntactic comprehension that are most challenging to boys
with fragile X syndrome and autism.
Fast-mapping and looking time measures can complement research on profiles of
ability, etiological differences, and environmental influences by allowing researchers
to assess the dynamic learning processes underlying language development. Looking
time measures are especially useful for children who might be difficult to reliably
assess using other techniques.
Assessing language in individuals with intellectual disabilities poses many challenges
because of the complex interrelationships among linguistic and nonlinguistic impair-
ments in the performance of any task. We have tried to illustrate some of the ways
we have addressed these challenges in our research. It is important to recognize,
however, that no task is perfect in the sense of being a pure measure of only the con-
struct of interest. Minimally, this caution needs to be kept in mind when interpreting
the results of any single measure. Perhaps more importantly, the lesson should be
that a multi-pronged assessment using different measures designed to tap the same
construct should be used whenever possible.
Preparation of this chapter was supported by NIH grants R01HD024356,
R01HD054764, and P30HD003352.
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Key Terms
Autism A developmental disability defined by behavioral criteria, although there is evidence of
a substantial genetic contribution to risk. Defined by impairments inthree domains – social
reciprocity, communication, and restricted interests and stereotyped behaviors – along with
an onset early in development. Individuals with autism display a wide range of language
and cognitive impairments. Early language ability is one of the best predictors of adult
outcomes in terms of independent living and adaptive functioning.
Down syndrome A genetic condition involving triplication of all or part of chromosome 21.
The leading genetic cause of intellectual disability. The condition is associated with a
characteristic profile of physical symptoms and health conditions, as well as a behavioral
profile that includes especially serious delays in language, problems with articulation,
severe impairments in auditory memory, and a high rate of ear infections and hearing loss.
Fragile X syndrome The leading inherited cause of intellectual disability, caused by a muta-
tion in a single gene on the X chromosome. Because it is X linked, males are more likely
to be affected and more severely affected, on average, than females. Affected individuals
often also meet diagnostic criteria for autism or have many of the symptoms of autism.
Intellectual disability A condition defined by (1) impairments in cognitive functioning
( typically defined as an IQ two or more standard deviations below the mean for the
population), (2) limitations in the ability to function independently and meet the demands
of daily life, and (3) an onset before the age of 18 years.
Mental age A score derived from a standardized test of cognitive ability that is designed to
link an individual’s level of performance to a point on the typical developmental curve.
For example, a mental age of 4 years means that the individual’s level of performance
meets expectations for a typical 4-year-old on that test irrespective of the individual’s
chronological age. There are substantial statistical limitations associated with such scores.
Williams syndrome This condition is caused by the deletion of a small set of genes on
chromosome 7. Many individuals with Williams syndrome meet criteria for intellec-
tual disability, but many fall in the average range of intelligence. In addition to problems
in the cognitive domain, heart problems are common. Language is a relative strength,
but contrary to early claims, is not spared (i.e., age appropriate) in most affected
AAID (2010) Intellectual disability: definition, classification and systems of supports (11th
edn of AAIDD definition manual). Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities.
Abbeduto, L., Benson, G., Short, K., and Dolish, J. (1995) Effects of sampling context on the
expressive language of children and adolescents with mental retardation. Mental
Retardation, 33 (5), 279–288.
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language development and mental retardation: history, theories, findings, and future
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344 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
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Dykens, E.M., Hodapp, R.M., and Finucane, B.M. (2000) Genetics and mental retardation
syndromes: a new look at behavior and interventions. Baltimore: Brookes.
Fernald, A., Zangl, R., Portillo, A., and Marchman, V.A. (2008) Looking while listening: using
eye movements to monitor spoken language comprehension by infants and young
children. In I.A. Sekerina, E.M. Fernandez, and H. Clahsen (eds), Developmental psycho-
linguistics: on-line methods in children’s language processing (pp. 97–135). Philadelphia:
Finestack, L.H., and Abbeduto, L. (2010) Expressive language profiles of verbally expressive
adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome. Journal of
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53, 1334–1348.
Fujiki, M., and Brinton, B. (1993) Comprehension monitoring skills of adults with mental
retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 14, 409–421.
Gertner, Y., Fisher, C., and Eisengart, J. (2006) Learning words and rules: abstract knowledge
of word order in early sentence comprehension. Psychological Science, 17 (8), 684–691.
Johnston, J.R., Miller, J.F., Curtiss, S., and Tallal, P. (1993) Conversations with children who
are language impaired: asking questions. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 36 (5),
Keller-Bell, Y.D., and Abbeduto, L. (2007) Narrative development in adolescents and young
adults with fragile X syndrome. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 112 (4),
Kover, S.T., and Abbeduto, L. (2010) Expressive language in male adolescents with fragile
X syndrome with and without co-morbid autism. Journal of Intellectual Disability
Research, 54 (3), 246–265.
Martin, G.E., Klusek, J., Estigarribia, B., and Roberts, J.E. (2009) Language characteristics of
individuals with Down syndrome. Topics in Language Disorders, 29, 112–132.
Mervis, C.B. (2009) Language and literacy development of children with Down syndrome.
Topics in Language Disorders, 29, 149–169.
Miles, S., Chapman, R., and Sindberg, H. (2006) Sampling context affects MLU in the
language of adolescents with Down syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 49, 325–337.
Miller, J., and Iglesias, A. (2006) Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), English
and Spanish (version 9). Computer software. Language Analysis Lab, University of
Miolo, G., Chapman, R.S., and Sindberg, H.A. (2005) Sentence comprehension in adolescents
with Down syndrome and typically developing children: role of sentence voice, visual
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Children with Intellectual Disabilities 345
context, and auditory-verbal short-term memory. Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research, 48, 172–188.
Nazzi, T., Paterson, S., and Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2003) Early word segmentation by infants
and toddlers with Williams syndrome. Infancy, 4 (2), 251–271.
Rice, M.L., Buhr, J.C., and Nemeth, M. (1990) Fast mapping word learning abilities of
language-delayed preschoolers. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 33–42.
Saffran, J.R. (2002) Constraints on statistical language learning. Journal of Memory and
Language, 47, 172–196.
Southwood, F., and Russell, A.F. (2004) Comparison of conversation, freeplay, and story
generation as methods of language sample elicitation. Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research, 47, 366–376.
Swensen, L.D., Kelley, E., Fein, D., and Naigles, L.R. (2007) Processes of language acquisition
in children with autism: evidence from preferential looking. Child Development, 78 (2),
Tomasello, M. (1999) The cultural origins of human cognition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Tomasello, M., and Barton, M. (1994) Learning words in nonostensive contexts. Develop-
mentalPsychology, 30, 639–650.
Tomasello, M., Strasberg, R., and Akhtar, N. (1995) Eighteen month old children learn words
in nonostensive contexts. Journal of Child Language, 23, 157–176.
Warren, S.F., Brady, N., Sterling, A., et al. (2010) Maternal responsivity predicts language
development in young children with fragile X syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities, 115, 54–75.
Recommended Reading and Resources
AAID (2010) Intellectual disability: definition, classification and systems of supports (11th
edn of AAIDD definition manual). Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities.
Abbeduto, L., Brady, N., and Kover, S. (2007) Language development and fragile X syndrome:
profiles, syndrome specificity, and within-syndrome differences. Mental Retardation and
Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 13, 36–46.
Abbeduto, L., and McDuffie, A. (2010) Genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disa-
bilities. In C.L. Armstrong and L. Morrow (eds), Handbook of medical neuropsychology:
applications of cognitive neuroscience (pp. 193–221). New York: Springer.
Canfield, M.A., Honein, M.A., Yuskiv, N., et al. (2006) National estimates and race/ethnic-
specific variation of selected birth defects in the United States, 1999–2001. Birth Defects
Research and Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 747–756.
Condouris, K., Meyer, E., and Tager-Flusberg, H. (2003) The relationship between standardized
measures of language and measures of spontaneous speech in children with autism.
American Journal on Speech–Language Pathology, 12, 349–358.
Cowan, P.A., Weber, J., Hoddinott, B.A., and Klein, J. (1967) Mean length of spoken response
as a function of stimulus, experimenter, and subject. Child Development, 3, 191–203.
Dykens, E.M., Hodapp, R.M., and Finucane, B.M. (2000) Genetics and mental retardation
syndromes: a new look at behavior and interventions. Baltimore: Brookes.
Finestack, L.H., Richmond, E.K., and Abbeduto, L. (2009) Language development in
individuals with fragile X syndrome. Topics in Language Disorders, 29, 133–149.
Hodapp, R.M. (1998) Development and disabilities: intellectual, sensory, and motor impairments.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hoff_c22.indd 345Hoff_c22.indd 345 6/6/2011 12:56:23 PM6/6/2011 12:56:23 PM
346 Leonard Abbeduto, Sara T. Kover, and Andrea McDuffie
Johnston, J.R. (2001) An alternate MLU calculation: magnitude and variability of effects.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44 (1), 156–164.
Mervis, C.B., and Robinson, B.F. (2005) Designing measures for profiling and genotype/
phenotype studies of individuals with genetic syndromes or developmental language
disorders. Applied Psycholinguistics, 26, 41–64.
Tager-Flusberg, H., Rogers, S., Cooper, J., et al. (2009) Defining spoken language benchmarks
and selecting measures of expressive language development for young children with autism
spectrum disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52, 643–652.
Walker-Andrews, A.S., Haviland, J.M., Huffman, L., and Toci, L. (1994) Brief report:
preferential looking in intermodal perception by children with autism. Journal of Autism
and Developmental Disorders, 24 (1), 99–107.
Hoff_c22.indd 346Hoff_c22.indd 346 6/6/2011 12:56:23 PM6/6/2011 12:56:23 PM
Research Methods in Child Language: A Practical Guide, First Edition.
Edited by Erika Hoff.
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Abbot-Smith, K., 229, 293
Abrams, K.H., 151–2
abstract syntactic structure, 174
see also lexical independence of syntactic
acceptability judgment, 129
acoustic analysis, 89
act-out studies, 117, 120, 129, 151,
290, 291
active voice and syntactic priming, 167, 168,
169–70, 172, 174
Adolph, K.E., 241, 243
Adult Roles rating tool, 264
adult–child interaction
and preschool classroom environment,
see also interviews; parent/caregiver–child
age and language acquisition, 82, 83tab,
bilingualism and age of second language
exposure, 304
and role of gesture, 212–18
age-equivalency score, 320, 326
age-mates comparison groups, 319–22
Akhtar, N., 114, 116
Altmann, G.T.M., 292–3
Ambridge, B., 115, 116, 122, 124, 125–6
Ames, E.W., 12–13
analog tasks and social interaction, 337–9
anatomical brain imaging, 51–2
animacy, 168, 174
Annie corpus, 230, 231, 232tab
anthropological perspective, 256
argument structure
comprehension and crosslinguistic
research, 289–94, 298
overgeneralization errors, 119–20, 121,
127, 229
articulation, 80, 85–6
ASD see autism/autism spectrum disorder
Aslin, R.N., 35
Asperger syndrome, 320, 326
attention switching and IPL method, 20,
24–5, 26
attentional control and eye movements, 178,
184, 188
audio recording equipment, 87–8
auditory stimuli selection and LWL method,
autism/autism spectrum disorder (ASD),
318–19, 342, 343
and IPL paradigm, 18, 19, 20, 23
and LENA system, 245
word–object associations and fast
mapping, 340–1
see also intellectual disabilities and
assessment of language development
automated phonological analysis, 92, 94
Hoff_bindex.indd 347Hoff_bindex.indd 347 6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM
348 Index
automated speech recognition, 235
autonomic responses and habituation tests,
3, 4, 5–6
average child myth, 68
babbling and language acquisition, 53, 54–5
phonological properties, 80
Baddeley, A.D., 90
Baker’s paradox, 118–19
Baldwin, D., 340
Bannard, C., 230–1
Baron-Cohen, S., 340
Bartlett, E., 340
Bates, E., 68, 324
beat gestures, 210, 211, 215, 218, 222
behavioural fast mapping paradigm,
340–1, 342
Behrens, H., 229, 273
Benasich, A., 68, 69
Bencini, G.M.L., 173
Bennetto, L., 318–19
Berko, J., 156, 157
Bever, T., 290
observer bias and visual habituation
tasks, 6–7
word learning biases and IPL paradigm,
19, 25, 26
bilingual first language learners, 301,
304, 313
bilingual and multilingual infants, 300–13
competency assessment, 309–1
data analysis, 311–12
definitions, 303–4
and dense sampling, 227
and diary methods, 245–6, 247, 307–8
and phoneme perception, 52–4, 67
research procedures and methodological
issues, 302–11
and syntactic priming paradigm, 173
vocabulary assessment, 102, 104–6, 109
see also crosslinguistic studies
bilingually developing children, 313
binary grammaticality judgment paradigm/
task, 121, 129
Blitzscribe system, 246–7
blood flow in brain see hemodynamic
blood-oxygen-level dependence (BOLD),
49, 56
Bloom, L., 61
Bloom, P., 64–5
Bock, K., 163–4
Bod, R., 273
body motion artifacts, 50, 51, 56
book reading and language development,
255–6, 256–7, 260–1
see also reading acquisition
Borensztajn, G., 273
Bornstein, M., 307
Bortfeld, H., 66
Bowerman, M., 119
brain imaging techniques see neuroimaging
Braine, M.D.S., 119–20
Bretherton, I., 68
British National Corpus (BNC), 275, 280
Broca’s area, 54
Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 71
Brooks, P.J., 119–20, 121
Brown, Roger, 106, 194–5
Budwig, N., 293
Buhr, J.C., 340
Bundy, R.S., 65
Byers-Heinlein, K., 67
calibration procedures, 180
Cameron-Faulkner, T., 237
Candan, A., 291
canonical word order strategy, 289–90
Carey, S., 340
Carlo, M.S., 109
case marking languages, 25, 289, 290, 292
Casenhiser, D., 228
Chan, A., 291
Chapman, R., 336
CHAT transcription conventions, 197, 198,
201–2, 259, 260, 265, 266–7tab, 272,
274, 277–8
child-directed discourse
and crosslinguistic research, 293–4
see also maternal child-directed speech
CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange
System), 61, 108, 271–82, 303
analysis of corpus data, 278–9, 281
CHAT transcription conventions, 197,
198, 201–2, 259, 260, 265, 266–7tab,
272, 274, 277–8
CLAN programs, 272, 274, 275, 277, 278
and dense databases, 231, 235–6
Hoff_bindex.indd 348Hoff_bindex.indd 348 6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM
Index 349
example study using CHILDES database,
overview and scope, 272–4
Phon program, 89, 92, 272
procedural issues, 274–8
and recording interactions, 197, 198, 201
Choi, Y., 292
Christensen, M., 276–7
CLAN programs, 272, 274, 275, 277, 278
Clark, E., 294–5
classrooms see preschool classroom
language use study
Clément, F., 157
Clifton, R.K., 6
clinical trials and evidence-based practice,
322–3, 326
coda, 81
coding methods
and CHILDES, 277–8
and crosslinguistic studies, 296
and dense databases, 234–5
and diary methods, 250
and gesture, 213–18, 222
habituation trials, 9
hand coding procedures, 181
IPL method, 23–4
language sampling, 336
lexical development, 195–6
and LWL method, 38
morphological development, 194–5
offline coding in LWL method, 32
pragmatic development, 196–8
preschool classroom recordings, 259–60,
262–3, 266–7tab
procedure, 200tab, 203–6
and recording methods, 193–6
see also transcription
Coffey-Corina, S.A., 67
cognition/cognitive development
eye movement and cognitive control, 178,
186–7, 188
and habituation, 4
and intellectual disability, 331
role of gesture, 218, 219, 222
and vocabulary skills, 100–1
Cohen, Leslie B., 4, 13
Colombo, J., 14n, 65, 70–1
communicative acts, 212
comparative approach see crosslinguistic
complexity measures, 91–2
comprehension see language
comprehension paradigms, 117–18,
120, 129
comprehension-to-production priming, 165,
166, 171
computational linguistics and dense
databases, 236
computer programs see software programs
conditioned head turn (CHT) procedure, 5,
30, 65–6, 71
connotation study and CHILDES database,
consent and continuous recording, 249–50
consonant production, 80
percentage consonants correct (PCC)
measure, 91
CONSORT (Consolidated Standards for
Reporting Trials), 323
constrained skills, 145
construction conspiracy hypothesis, 229
context-specific coding and preschool
classroom, 259
continuity studies, 68–71, 102
control sentences and graded grammaticality
judgment paradigm, 124
control trials and IPL method, 26
conventional gestures, 210, 211fig, 222
Cooper, R.M., 179
corpus linguistics, 237, 282
dense sampling techniques, 226–37
see also CHILDES (Child Language Data
Exchange System)
Corrigan, R., 273, 274, 279–81
count/mass distinction and grammaticality
judgment tasks, 155–6
Craig, H.K., 265
crosslinguistic studies, 237, 287–98
data analysis, 296–7
and gesture, 216
and IPL paradigm, 20, 25, 290
and morphosyntactic development, 287,
289–94, 297
narrative and story retelling method, 144
and pragmatic development, 287, 289,
294–7, 298
and syntactic priming paradigm, 173
see also bilingual and multilingual infants
Crowson, M., 340
Hoff_bindex.indd 349Hoff_bindex.indd 349 6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM
350 Index
Dadlani, M.B., 318–19
Dale, P., 68, 324
Darwin, Charles, 193, 241
databases see CHILDES (Child Language
Data Exchange System); corpus
linguistics; dense sampling and
dense databases (DDBs)
dative constructions and syntactic priming,
167, 168
De Houwer, A., 307
de Villiers, J.G., 151, 154–5
de Villiers, P.A., 151, 154–5
deaf babies and sign language babble, 53, 54–5
decontextualized language, 257
deictic (pointing) gestures, 210, 211, 213,
220tab, 221tab, 222
deictic systems, 294–7
demonstrative pronouns and crosslinguistic
research, 289, 294–7, 298
dense sampling and dense databases (DDBs),
226–37, 274
procedure and implementation, 231–6
deoxy-hemoglobin, 49, 51, 56
developmental cognitive neuroscience, 44, 55
developmental psychology
and dense sampling evidence, 228
and priming procedures, 162, 164,
165–6, 167
see also psycholinguistics
diary methods, 193–4, 240–51
bilingualism and language diaries, 245–6,
247, 307–8
data and analysis, 250–1
and dense databases, 231
LENA system, 240, 245–6, 249–50,
251, 308
procedure, 248–50
Speechome Recorder, 227, 240, 246–7,
249–50, 251
targeted diaries, 240, 242–4, 247, 248–9,
250, 251
difference score, 125–6, 127, 129
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 51, 56
digital video and audio recording
equipment, 87–8
dipoles and magnetoencephalography, 48,
Plate 3
disorders see autism/autism spectrum
disorder (ASD); language delay and
distributed source model technique, 48–9,
Plate 3
Dittmar, M., 290
Down syndrome, 319, 320, 326–7, 331, 343
and assessment of language development,
332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337–8, 339
Doyle, E., 91
Dromi, E., 241
“dual route” model and dense sampling, 229
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills (DIBELS), 143
dyslexia and neural processing, 54, 55
E/LAN response and ERP methodology, 47
ecologically valid recording methods, 206
educational attainment and bilingualism,
Edwards, J., 86
Eigsti, I.M., 318–19
Eimas, P.D., 62–3
Eisenbeiss, S., 235
Eisengart, J., 290, 341
electroencephalogram (EEG), 45, 56
electroencephalography (EEG) techniques, 5,
45, 51
elicited imitation tasks and grammatical
knowledge, 115–16
elicited production tasks
and grammatical knowledge, 114–15,
120–1, 128, 130
and speech assessment, 84, 85–7, 90,
91–2, 93
elicited responses and syntactic priming,
ELLCO rating tool, 263–4
emergent literacy research, 255–7, 263, 267
endogenous factors and eye movements,
178, 184, 187, 188
entrenchment hypothesis, 119–20, 121, 127
environment see language environment
equivalent current dipole (ECD) model, 48,
Plate 3
ERP methodology, 5, 44, 45–7, 52, 56, 67, 69
ethnographers, 256, 267
evaluations and narrative, 141–2, 146
Evans, J.L., 318, 319
event-related potential (ERP) methodology,
5, 44, 45–7, 52, 56, 67, 69
evidence-based practice and language
impairment research, 317, 322–3, 326
Hoff_bindex.indd 350Hoff_bindex.indd 350 6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM
Index 351
exogenous factors and eye movements, 178,
184, 187, 188
Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary
Test (EOWPVT), 102, 109, 310
expressive (productive) vocabulary,
101, 109
external validity, 322, 327
eye movement, 31, 40, 179–81
and children with intellectual disabilities,
and cognitive control, 178, 186–7,
and crosslinguistic research, 291–2
and data in IPL method, 18, 20,
23–4, 26
and data in LWL procedure, 29, 30,
38–9, 40
eyetracking systems, 9, 179–81
see also looking behavior; preferential
looking procedures; visual world
familiar stimulus and habituation, 8,
familiarity preference, 13
familiarization methods, 7, 13, 26, 62
and dense sampling, 227, 231, 234
see also parent diaries; parent/
caregiver–child interaction
Fanelli, Sarah, 262
Fantz, R.L., 4, 61, 62, 65
fast mapping paradigm, 340–1, 342
Fennell, C.T., 67
Fernald, Anne, 31–2, 33–4, 61, 65–6,
69, 305
Fernández, S.C., 105
Ferreira, V.S., 176
Fisher, C., 279, 290, 341
fixation see visual fixation
“fixed strings” and dense sampling, 230
flexibility and targeted diary method,
243–4, 250
fMRI techniques, 44, 49–50, 51, 56,
Plate 4
fNIRS techniques, 44, 50–1, 52–3, 56,
Plate 4
fovea, 184, 188
fragile X syndrome, 331–2, 335, 336,
337–8, 339, 340–1, 342, 343
frequency information, 256
and CHILDES, 273–4, 278
and dense sampling, 229–30, 237, 274
Freund, L., 70–1
functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI), 44, 49–50, 51, 56, Plate 4
functional near infrared spectroscopy
(fNIRS), 44, 50–1, 52–3, 56, Plate 4
functional noninvasive brain imaging
techniques, 44–51
Gathercole, S.E., 90
Gelman, S.A., 153, 293
female advantage in habituation tasks, 8
and heart rate deceleration response, 63
see also grammatical gender encoders
generalization: argument structure
overgeneralization errors, 119–20,
121, 127, 229
Genesee, F., 304
Gertner, Y., 290, 341
Gervain, J., 290–1
gesture and language acquisition, 69–70,
107, 208–23
changing role in cognition, 219, 222
changing role over language development,
212–18, 220–1tab
and demonstrative pronouns, 294
form and categories, 210–11, 222
meaning, 211–13, 222
and potential for language learning,
gesture–speech relationship, 212, 214–15,
216, 218–19, 223
“getting it all” approach, 229, 241–2
Gleitman, H., 154–5
Gleitman, L.R., 154–5
global rating tools, 263
Goldberg, A.E., 228
Goldfein, M., 176
Goldin-Meadow, S., 69–70, 215
Golinkoff, R.M., 60, 64
Goodwin, A., 19
Gordon, Peter, 150, 155–6
graded grammaticality judgment paradigm,
data analysis, 124–7
procedure, 122–4
grammatical gender encoders, 34
Hoff_bindex.indd 351Hoff_bindex.indd 351 6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM6/6/2011 1:31:00 PM
352 Index
grammatical knowledge
and crosslinguistic research, 289–94
and dense sampling data, 230–1
and ERP methodology, 47
evaluation of methods for assessment,
eye movement and comprehension of
grammatical forms, 30, 178
gesture and grammatical complexity,
grammatical flexibility and targeted
diaries, 243–4, 250
and head turn preference procedure, 66
and IPL paradigm, 18–19, 20, 64, 290
see also grammaticality judgment (GJ)
paradigms/tasks; syntax; verbs
grammaticality judgment (GJ) paradigms/
tasks, 113, 114, 149–51, 154–9
graded grammaticality judgment
paradigm, 118–29
Gries, S.T., 278
Griffin, T., 141
group data
and habituation studies, 5
and language impairment research, 317,
matching groups and intellectual
disabilities, 332, 333, 336, 338, 340
Gualmini, A., 152–3
Habit software program, 7
habituation criterion, 14
habituation procedures, 3–14, 30, 71
origins of, 62
hand coding procedures, 181
Harris, P.L., 157
Hart, Betty, 106, 196, 206
Hartsuiker, R.J., 176
head turns, 65–6
and habituation tasks, 6
head turn preference procedure, 30, 65–6,
71, 291
see also conditioned head turn (CHT)
head-mounted eyetracking systems, 179–80
hearsay procedure and grammaticality
judgment tasks, 158
heart rate response, 4, 5–6, 63
hemodynamic response, 44, 49, 50, 51, 56,
Plate 4
hemoglobin, 49, 51, 56
Hirsh-Pasek, K., 31, 60, 64, 66
history of infant research methods, 60–72
Hochberg, J.G., 156
Hoff, E., 107, 242–4, 248–9, 250
Hoffmann, K., 89
Hollich, G., 60, 64
Home–School Study of Language and
Literacy Development (HSSLLD), 135,
Horowitz, F.D., 6, 63
Human Speechome Project, 227, 240,
246–7, 249–50, 251
Hunter, M.A., 12–13
Hurtado, N., 69
Huttenlocher, J., 167, 168, 172, 173
iconic gestures, 210, 211, 215, 217,
220–1tab, 223
imaginary companions and story
retelling, 142
imitation tasks and analysis, 90–1
impairment see language delay and disorder;
language impairment research
imperative mood, 154–5, 159
incremental-processing studies and LWL
method, 34, 35
independent phonological analyses, 89–90
individual data and habituation studies, 5
individual difference studies, 324
children with language impairments, 319
longitudinal studies, 68–9, 70–1
LWL method, 34, 35
infant-controlled methods
habituation tasks, 6, 14
head turn procedures, 65, 66
infant-directed register and LWL method, 32
infant research methods overview, 60–72
infant visual habituation tasks, 3, 4, 5
linking assumptions and eye movement
methods, 178, 183–7
and truth-value judgment tasks, 154
“inference from absence”, 120
information recharacterization, 178
Ingram, D., 91
input and bilingual language acquisition,
intellectual disabilities and assessment of
language development, 330–43
Hoff_bindex.indd 352Hoff_bindex.indd 352 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
Index 353
definition of intellectual disability,
331, 343
methodological challenges, 333–4
methods for measuring language, 334–9
real-time measures of language learning
and processes, 339–42
research topics, 332
laboratory-based analogs of social
interaction, 337–9
recording, transcription and coding
methods, 193–206
teachers see preschool classroom language
use study
see also parent/caregiver–child interaction
intermodal preferential looking (IPL)
paradigm, 17–26, 64–5, 71, 101
and acquisition of grammatical forms,
18–19, 290
coding and data analysis, 23–6
IPL setups, 22–3
nonlinguistic version, 65
and strategies of word learning, 18,
19–20, 64
video and audio stimuli, 21–2
internal review board (IRB) protocols,
internal validity, 322, 327
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 81
and bilingualism research, 306–7
language sampling of children with
intellectual disabilities, 335–6
telephone interviews, 307, 308
intransitivity and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 156
introspection, 237
inventories, 89–90
Inventory of Communicative Acts–Abridged
(INCA–A), 197–8, 204
IPL paradigm see intermodal preferential
looking (IPL) paradigm
IQ-mates comparison groups, 319–22
Ironsmith, M., 176
irregularity and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 156–8
Jakielski, K., 91
Jaswal, V.K., 153–4, 156–7, 158
John, A.E., 321
Journal of Child Language, 274
judgment paradigms/tasks, 114, 130,
truth-value judgment (TVJ) tasks, 30,
149–54, 158–9
see also grammaticality judgment (GJ)
Jusczyk, P., 60, 66
Kagan, J., 63, 68, 69, 70, 71
Kam, X.-N., 277
Kamide, Y., 292–3
Kidd, E., 115–16
Kilgarriff, A., 273–4, 276
Kisilevsky, B.S., 6
Kita, S., 295
Koenig, M., 157
Köpcke, K.-M., 229
Kuhl, P.K., 69
Küntay, A., 293, 297
Kwiatkowski, J., 89
Laasko, A., 279
laboratory-based analogs of social
interaction, 337–9
Labov, W., 134, 146
language comprehension
argument structure comprehension and
crosslinguistic research, 289–94, 298
and children with intellectual disabilities,
comprehension paradigms and grammar,
117–18, 120, 129
and eye movement methods, 179
and IPL method, 17–18, 19–20, 25–6,
64, 290
and LWL method, 30–1, 40
and syntactic priming, 163, 165–6,
171, 173
language delay and disorder
diary methods and LENA system, 245, 247
and gesture, 209, 213
narrative and story retelling technique,
and visual world method, 178
see also intellectual disabilities and
assessment of language development;
language impairment research
language diaries and bilingualism research,
Hoff_bindex.indd 353Hoff_bindex.indd 353 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
354 Index
language environment, 244
bilingual environments, 300–13
and children with intellectual disabilities,
LENA system, 245–6, 249–50, 251, 308
preschool classrooms and language
use, 255
language guided looking, 31, 32–3, 40
see also looking-while-listening (LWL)
language impairment research, 317–27
clinical application and evidence-based
practice, 322–3, 326
group comparisons, 319–22
and normal language development, 324–6
selection criteria, 318–19
see also intellectual disabilities and
assessment of language development;
language delay and disorder
language learning processes
gesture and language acquisition, 218–19
and intellectual disabilities, 339–42
learning of syntactic structures, 166,
173, 342
see also word learning processes and
language production
and eye movement methods, 179
production paradigms, 114–17, 130
and recording methods, 206
and sampling methods, 335
see also consonant production; linguistic
language sampling
and children with intellectual disabilities,
334–6, 337
see also dense sampling and dense
databases (DDBs)
language-mates comparison groups, 320–2
language-specific particularism and
crosslinguistic research, 288, 290
latency to match and IPL paradigm, 24, 26
learning see language learning processes
left IFG activation, 53, Plate 4
left inferior frontal gyrus, 54
left STG activation, 53, 55, Plate 4
LENA (Language Environment Analysis),
240, 245–6, 249–50, 251, 308
Lenneberg, E., 324
Leo corpus, 229, 231, 232tab, 237
Leonard, L., 320
Levine, S.C., 204
Lewis, M., 63
lexical acquisition
children with intellectual disabilities, 332
and dense sampling, 228–9
and diary method, 250
and habituation testing, 9
recording methods, 195–6
and syntax, 325
see also vocabulary
lexical density, 267
lexical independence of syntactic
representation, 164–5, 170, 172–3
Lidz, J., 152
Lieven, E., 115–16, 230–1, 237, 291, 293
linguistic context, 223
linguistic productivity, 228, 237
dense sampling and productivity levels,
see also language production
linguistic typology, 288, 289, 294, 298
linking assumptions and eye movements,
178, 183–7
Liszkowski, U., 213
literacy see reading acquisition
Logical International Phonetics Program
(LIPP), 92
longitudinal corpora, 237
CHILDES database, 275, 280
and dense sampling techniques, 226–37
longitudinal research, 68–71, 108, 194–8
and LENA system, 245
and normal language development, 325–6
and vocabulary, 102
see also longitudinal corpora
looking behavior
and assessment of children with
intellectual disabilities, 340–2
and habituation tasks, 6–12
see also eye movement; intermodal
preferential looking (IPL) paradigm;
looking-while-listening (LWL)
procedure; preferential looking
looking time measures, 19–20
children with intellectual disabilities,
looking-while-listening (LWL) procedure,
11, 18, 29–41, 69, 178, 341
Hoff_bindex.indd 354Hoff_bindex.indd 354 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
Index 355
background and development, 31–5
implementation, 35–40
low-income families
and literacy development, 257–67
and vocabulary skills, 104–5, 106, 107,
196, 197fig
LWL procedure see looking-while-listening
(LWL) procedure
MacArthur-Bates Communicative
Development Inventory (MCDI), 67,
68, 104–6, 248, 309–10, 324
McCardle, P., 70–1
McGregor, Karla K., 325
McKercher, D., 153, 156–7, 158
McRoberts, G.W., 32
MacWhinney, B., 61, 202, 272, 274
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
techniques, 44, 49–50, 51, 56
magnetic source imaging (MSI), 48
magnetoencephalography (MEG), 44, 48–9,
56, Plate 3
Malone, L.S., 154
Mancilla-Martinez, J., 105, 106
Mandel, D.R., 66
Maratos, M., 229
Marchman, Virginia A., 34, 69, 105–6, 306
Markman, E.M., 153
Martinez-Sussmann, C., 105–6
Maslen, R., 229
matching groups
and intellectual disabilities, 332, 333, 336,
338, 340
and language impairment research, 317,
maternal child-directed speech
and LWL method, 34–5
and narratives, 144
vocabulary and socioeconomic
differences, 107
see also child-directed discourse
Max Planck Institute dense databases, 231–4
Maytasse, R., 91
Meador, D., 263
mean length of utterance (MLU)
as CHILDES grouping measure, 275,
and dense sampling, 230
language impairment and group
comparisons, 320
language sampling and children with
intellectual disabilities, 335–6
and transcription, 194–5, 202–3
gesture meaning, 211–13, 222
see also semantic processing; word
measurement error and children with
intellectual disabilities, 333–4
and narratives, 134–5
nonword repetition and phonological
assessment, 86–7
phonological memory, 92, 93, 94, 301
story memory and narrative, 141, 143,
145, 146
mental age, 343
Mervis, C.B., 321
meta-analysis, 323, 327
metalinguistic knowledge, 154, 159
metaphoric gestures, 210, 215, 223
microphones and digital recording, 87
Miles, S., 336
Mills, D.L., 67
mismatch negativity response (MMN), 5, 47
MLU see mean length of utterance
Molfese, D.L., 68
Morgan, J.L., 6
morphological development and recording
methods, 194–5
morphosyntactic development and
crosslinguistic research, 287,
289–94, 297
Morris, S.R., 85, 89, 91
and MCDI report questionnaire, 67
mother–child book reading, 256–7
see also maternal child-directed speech;
parent/caregiver–child interaction
motion artifacts, 50, 51, 56
MRI techniques, 44, 49–50, 51, 56
multilingual infants see bilingual and
multilingual infants
multimodal research methods, 71
imaging techniques, 51–2, 55–6
vocabulary assessment, 110
Musolino, J., 152–3
N400 response and neuroimaging
techniques, 45–7, 48, Plate 3
Hoff_bindex.indd 355Hoff_bindex.indd 355 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
356 Index
Naigles, L.R., 242–4, 248–9, 250
Narasimhan, B., 293
definition, 146
narrative development and gesture,
narrative assessment, 133–46
challenges of methodologies, 135–6
history of method, 134–9
procedure, 139–43
narrative cohesion and gesture, 223
narrative quality, 141–2, 143, 145, 146
“native” learners, 53, 69
native and nonnative phoneme
discrimination, 69
naturalistic interactions, 206
and dense sampling, 226–37
see also CHILDES (Child Language Data
Exchange System); spontaneous speech
neighborhood density, 82, 94
Nelson, K., 61
Nemeth, M., 340
neuroimaging techniques, 30, 43–56,
Plates 3&4
functional noninvasive brain imaging,
future research trends, 70–1
multimodal and anatomical imaging,
51–2, 55–6
studies of early language acquisition, 52–4
studies of reading acquisition, 54–5
Neville, H.J., 67
Nevis, S., 62
Newman, R.S., 68–9
Ngo, Sarah, 262
Ninio, A., 256–7
“no negative evidence” problem, 118–19
noise elimination, 84–5, 234
nominal case marking languages, 289, 290
nonce words, 237
noncomprehension signaling and intellectual
disability, 338–9
nonlinguistic IPL paradigm, 65
nonsyntactic cues and priming, 169, 173
nonword repetition, 86–7, 90–1, 93, 94
normal language development, 324–6
Norris, J., 275
noun bias and IPL paradigm, 19
novel stimulus
and habituation, 4, 6, 8, 12–13, 14
and orienting response, 62, 72
novel words
associative learning and fast mapping,
and IPL paradigm, 18, 19, 25–6, 290
novel verbs and grammatical knowledge,
114–15, 116, 117, 118–20, 127, 290
and syntactic comprehension of boys with
intellectual disabilities, 342
novelty preference/response, 11, 14
nucleus, 81
Nurmsoo, E., 64–5
observer bias and visual habituation tasks,
Oller, D.K., 92, 105, 245–6
O’Neill, Daniela, 136
onset, 81
onset-contingent timecourse plots, 33–4,
40–1, Plate 2
optimality theory, 79
orientations and narrative, 141–2, 146
orienting response, 4, 6, 61, 62, 63, 72
see also head turns; looking behavior;
visual fixation
Ortega, L., 275
overgeneralization errors, 119–20, 121,
127, 229
overpluralization and grammaticality
judgment tasks, 155–6
oxy-hemoglobin, 49, 51, 56
Özçalıs¸kan, S., 215
Özyürek, A., 295, 297
P600 response and ERP methodology, 47
paired comparisons method, 62, 65
Pan, B.A., 105, 106, 107
parametric statistics, 258, 267
parent diaries, 193, 240–51
and dense sampling, 231
and “getting it all approach”, 241–2
parent reports and vocabulary knowledge,
parent/caregiver–child interaction, 206
and bilingualism studies, 308, 311
book reading and language development,
child-directed discourse and crosslinguistic
research, 293–4
Hoff_bindex.indd 356Hoff_bindex.indd 356 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
Index 357
and children with intellectual disabilities,
332, 334
gesture and language acquisition, 218–19
recording methods, 194–5, 196–8
vocabulary skills and social class, 104–5,
106, 107, 196, 197fig
see also maternal child-directed speech;
parent diaries
passive voice
and judgment tasks, 151–2, 159
syntactic priming and production, 167,
168, 169–70, 172, 174
past-tense studies, 115, 127
irregularity and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 156–8
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 62
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT),
102, 109, 310
Pearson, B.Z., 105, 303
Pegg, J.E., 65
percentage consonants correct (PCC)
measure, 91, 92
performance in language acquisition
research, 31
Perfors, A., 69
perspective and iconic gesture, 217, 223
pervasive development disorder not
otherwise specified, 319, 327
Phon program, 89, 92, 272
phoneme distinction
and bilingual infants, 52–4, 67
and fNIRS techniques, 52–3
and habituation tasks, 5–6, 9, 10
native and nonnative discrimination, 69
response to phonetic variability in
stimulus sets, 13
and sucking response, 62–3
and switch design method, 66–7
phonemes, 80, 84, 94
phonemic awareness, 93, 255, 267
phonetic inventories, 89–90
phonetic transcription, 81, 88–9
phonetics, 94
phonological analysis, 89–92, 93–4
phonological awareness, 54, 92–3, 94
phonological development
assessment methods, 79–94
overview of development, 82
phonological mean length of utterance
(PMLU), 91
phonological memory, 92, 93, 94, 301
phonological processing, 47, 92, 94
see also phoneme distinction
phonological properties of words, 80
phonological sensitivity, 92, 93, 94
phonology, 79–94, 94
concepts and terminology, 80–1
phonotactic probability, 82, 94
phonotactics, 80, 94
Pickering, M.J., 176
pictorial stimuli for syntactic priming,
picture vocabulary tests, 102, 109, 310
Pine, J.M., 115, 116
Pinto, John, 32, 34
Piotroski, Janina, 31
Pisoni, D.B., 66
Plunkett, K., 40
plurals and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 155–8
preferential pointing, 117–18, 129
see also deictic (pointing) gesture
Polka, L., 65
Pomikalek, J., 273–4, 276
poor man’s eyetracker, 180fig, 181
positional effects, 82
positron emission tomography (PET), 44
poverty of stimulus arguments, 277
pragmatic development
and children with intellectual disabilities,
334, 335
and crosslinguistic research, 287, 289,
294–7, 298
and dense sampling, 237
and language sampling, 335
recording methods, 196–8
predictive studies, 68–9
preference-for-grammatical-use score, 125,
127, 129
preferential looking procedures, 30–1
and children with intellectual disabilities,
and grammatical knowledge, 117–18,
120, 129
see also eye movement; intermodal
preferential looking (IPL) paradigm;
looking-while-listening (LWL)
preferential pointing procedures, 117–18
Hoff_bindex.indd 357Hoff_bindex.indd 357 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
358 Index
preschool classroom language use study,
historical framing, 255–7
methodology, 258–61
rating tools, 263–5
time sampling tool, 260, 261–3
Preschool Language Scale–4 test, 310–11
pre-test and post-test trials and habituation,
9, 10
priming procedures see syntactic priming
printed language see book reading and
language development
production data, 61
dense sampling and productivity levels,
production paradigms, 114–17, 130
see also syntactic priming paradigm
production-to-production priming, 165, 166
productive vocabulary see expressive
(productive) vocabulary
productivity see linguistic productivity
programs see software programs
pronunciation and LWL method, 33, 34, 35
proportion of whole word proximity
(PWP), 91
prosodic emphasis, 247
prosodic phonology, 79, 80, 84
Pruden, S.M., 64, 65
assessment measures, 92–3
visual world paradigm, 177–88
see also developmental psychology
psychology see developmental psychology;
puppets and story retelling, 141, 142
questionnaires and bilingualism research,
complex questions and elicited production
paradigm, 115
wh-questions, 18, 19, 60, 237
randomized controlled clinical trials,
322–3, 326
rare words, 227, 260, 266tab, 268
limitations of CHILDES, 273–4
rating tools and preschool classroom
language use, 263–5
reaction times and LWL method, 39
reading acquisition
and bilingual children, 302
neuroimaging studies, 43, 54–5
and phonemic awareness, 255
and preschool classroom language use,
254, 255, 257–67
and story retelling ability, 143–4
real-time language measures, 339–42
real-word repetition, 86
Reali, F., 276–7
receptive vocabulary, 101, 109
recharacterization of information, 178
recording methods, 193–206
and crosslinguistic research, 293–4
for dense sampling, 231, 234
lexical development, 195–6
morphological development, 194–5
pragmatic development, 196–8
preschool classroom interactions,
procedure, 199–201
Speechome Recorder, 227, 240, 246–7,
249–50, 251
see also diary methods
Reese, E., 144
referential cues and word learning, 11–12
referential decisions and eye movement,
referential description and children with
intellectual disabilities, 337–8
relational analyses, 89, 90–2
coding, 205
and diary methods, 242
habituation testing, 9
transcription, 88, 203
remote eyetracking systems, 180–1
repetition tasks and grammatical knowledge,
115–16, 128, 130
representation and syntactic priming
paradigm, 164–5, 170, 172–3
representational gestures, 210, 215, 223
research methods overview, 60–72
future trends, 70–1
researcher-designed vocabulary assessment,
researcher-generated elicitation tasks, 86
response latencies and LWL method, 32, 33,
34–5, 39
Hoff_bindex.indd 358Hoff_bindex.indd 358 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
Index 359
retelling stories and narrative assessment,
rhyme, 81
rhythmically alternating syllabic units,
53, 54–5
Rice, M.L., 70, 340
Risley, Todd R., 106, 196, 206
Robe-Torres, K., 318, 319
Robinson, B.F., 321
Rowe, M.L., 69–70, 107, 204
Rowland, C.F., 115
Roy, Deb, 246–7
Ruhland, R., 229
Rychly, P., 273–4, 276
saccades, 184, 188
Saffran, J.R., 318, 319
Salomo, D., 230
sampling see dense sampling and dense
databases (DDBs); language sampling
Santelman, L., 66
Savage, C., 170, 172, 173
Scheepers, C., 292–3
“schemas with slots” and dense sampling, 230
scope of negation and truth-value judgment
tasks, 152–3
Scott, R., 279
Seidl, A., 60
semantic processing
and dense sampling, 237
and ERP methodology, 47
and heart rate deceleration, 63
and judgment tasks, 155
semantic similarity and syntactic priming,
169, 173
semantic roles, 64
Sengul, C.J., 294–5
sensitivity, 318, 327
sentence processing research and eye
movement methods, 178
sequential bilingualism, 304, 313
Sethuraman, N., 228
shape bias and IPL paradigm, 19, 25, 26
Sheng, L., 325
Shi, R., 6
Shimpi, P., 168, 172, 173
Shipley, E.F., 154–5
Shriberg, L.D., 89
sign language babble, 53, 54–5
simultaneous bilingualism, 301, 304, 313
Sindberg, H., 336
“single route” model and dense sampling, 229
skewed input and lexical acquisition, 228–9
Slobin, D.I., 288, 290, 293, 297
smiley-face scale, 122, 126fig, 127, 130,
Plate 5
Smith, B., 325
Smith, L.B., 279
Smith, Miriam, 263
Snedeker, J., 176, 292
Snow, Catherine E., 196–7, 204, 257–8
Snyder, L., 68
social class
and dense database participation, 235
and vocabulary skills, 104–5, 106, 107,
196, 197fig
see also low-income families
social context and language, 256
sociolinguists, 256, 268
software programs
and CHILDES, 272
coding eye movements in IPL method, 23
and eyetracking techniques, 188n
and fNIRS data analysis, 52
language sampling, 336
and LWL methods, 35–6
and phonological analysis, 92
and transcription, 89, 201–2
visual habituation trials, 7, 9
Sokolov, E., 61, 62
Song, L., 70
sound learning, 80
specific language impairment, 318, 320, 327
specificity, 318, 327
speech assessment
and elicited productions, 84, 85–7, 90,
91–2, 93
see also spontaneous speech assessment
speech recognition, 235
Speechome recording system, 227, 240,
246–7, 249–50, 251
Spelke, E.S., 64
spontaneous speech assessment, 84–5, 93
and bilingualism research, 311
limitations, 107–8
phonological analyses, 89–92
recording methods, 193–206
vocabulary assessment, 106–8
see also language sampling; naturalistic
Hoff_bindex.indd 359Hoff_bindex.indd 359 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
360 Index
SQUID sensors, 48, 56
Srivastava, S., 293
Stager, C.L., 10, 66–7, 70
Stahl, D., 274
standard scores, 320, 327
standardized tests
articulation, 85–6
and bilingual competency, 309–11
and children with language impairments,
318, 334, 335
vocabulary, 102–3
Stanovich, K.E., 93
statistical learning, 79
Steinkrauss, R., 237
Stern, C., 241
Stern, W., 241
stimulus response and habituation, 4, 14, 62
complexity of stimulus, 12–13
Stoel-Gammon, C., 91
Stoll, S., 289, 293, 294
story memory and narrative, 141, 143,
145, 146
story production and narrative assessment,
story retelling and narrative assessment,
Stubbs, M., 279–80
subject-verb-object (SVO) construction, 20,
117, 290
and elicited production paradigm,
sucking response and habituation, 4, 5–6,
30, 62–3
superconducting quantum interference
devices (SQUIDs), 48, 56
Suriyakham, L.W., 204
Swain, I.U., 6
Swensen, L., 19
Swingley, D., 32, 33, 34, 35, 39–40
switch design method, 66–7
switch procedure and habituation testing,
9–12, 14
switches of attention and IPL method, 20,
24–5, 26
syllables, 80–1
syntactic bootstrapping and IPL
paradigm, 19
syntactic cues, 60
syntactic priming paradigm, 116–17,
adult developmental research, 163–4,
165, 168
child developmental research questions,
data analysis and coding, 172
future directions, 172–3
and learning of syntactic structures, 166,
procedures, 166–71
syntactic priming in production, 163, 165–6,
167, 174
syntax, 174
development of children with intellectual
disabilities, 332, 334, 342
and ERP methodology, 47
eye movement and syntactic and
referential decisions, 185–7
and normal language development, 324–5
see also grammatical knowledge; syntactic
priming paradigm
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts
(SALT), 336
systematic review, 323, 327
Szagun, G., 229
Tager-Flusberg, H., 324
TalkBank system, 272
Tallal, P., 69
Tanenhaus, M.K., 179
Tardif, T., 293
targeted diaries, 240, 242–4, 247, 248–9,
250, 251
Teacher Engagement rating tool, 264
Teacher–Child Discourse Analysis tool,
Teacher–Child Verbal Interaction Profile
(TCVI), 262, 263
teachers see preschool classroom language
use study
teaching trials, 26
Tek, S., 25
telephone interviews, 307, 308
test trials and IPL method, 26
Thal, D., 68, 324
Theakston, A.L., 121, 123, 237
thin sampling problems, 227, 228
Thomas, M.S.C., 321
Thomas-Brian corpus, 229, 230, 231,
232tab, 237
Thothathiri, M., 176
Hoff_bindex.indd 360Hoff_bindex.indd 360 6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM6/6/2011 1:31:01 PM
Index 361
time sampling and preschool classroom
language use, 261–3, 268
timecourse analyses
and IPL method, 25–6, Plate 1
and LWL method, 31, 32, 33–4, 40–1, 69,
Plate 2
Tomasello, M., 114, 115–16, 120, 121,
230–1, 241, 274, 291
Tomblin, J.B., 325
topical diaries, 229
“traceback” technique, 230
Blitzscribe system, 246–7
and corpus linguistics, 227
and dense databases, 234–6
and diary methods, 246, 247, 248, 251
language sampling, 336
lexical development, 195–6
morphological development, 194–5
phonetic transcription, 81, 88–9
pragmatic development, 196–8
preschool classroom recordings, 259, 265
procedure, 200tab, 201–3
and recording methods, 193–206, 247
spontaneous speech samples, 107
see also CHILDES (Child Language Data
Exchange System); coding methods
transitivity and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 156
translational research methods, 317, 322, 327
Trueswell, J.C., 181, 183, 185, 186–7, 292
truth-value judgment (TVJ) tasks, 30,
149–54, 158–9
“typological language acquisition”, 289
unconstrained skills, 145
“universal” learners, 52, 53
universalism and crosslinguistic research,
287, 288–9
Ural, A.E., 293
usage-based theory, 228, 237
utterance boundaries, 236
Vagh, S.B., 105, 106
Valian, V., 173
van Geert, P., 229
VanderBorght, M., 156–7, 158
Vasilyeva, M., 168, 172, 173
Vear, D., 242–4, 248–9, 250
Veltkamp, E., 176
verbal working memory, 94
and comprehension of argument
structure, 292
and diary method, 242–4, 248–9, 250
novel verbs and grammatical knowledge,
114–15, 116, 117, 118–20, 127,
290, 342
transitivity and grammaticality judgment
tasks, 156
digital video recording equipment, 87–8
eyetracking techniques for children and
toddlers, 179–81
video setup for IPL method, 21–2
viewpoint and iconic gesture, 217
Vihman, M.M., 307
visual acuity of infants, 61, 62
visual fixation, 63–5, 72
fixations and linking assumptions,
184, 188
and habituation tasks, 6–12
and IPL method, 26, 64
and LWL method, 32–3
see also eye movement; preferential
looking procedures
visual habituation see infant visual
habituation tasks
visual stimuli selection and LWL method, 36
visual world paradigm, 177–88
data analysis, 181–3
data evaluation and linking assumptions,
178, 183–7
and psycholinguistics, 179–81
assessment of skills, 100–10
bilingual children and standardized
tests, 310
gesture and vocabulary size, 213, 214–15
and native and nonnative phoneme
discrimination, 69
social class and development, 104–5, 106,
107, 196, 197fig
see also lexical acquisition
Vorhaus, E., 263
Vosoughi, S., 247
Waletzky, J., 134, 146
Warren, S., 245
Washington, J.A., 265
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362 Index
Wasik, B.A., 109
Waxman, Sandra, 11
weird word order paradigm, 116–17, 130
Wells, G., 255
Werker, Janet F., 5, 6, 7, 10, 65, 66–7,
70, 302
wh-questions, 18, 19, 60, 237
Whitehurst, G., 176, 257
whole word measures, 91
Williams syndrome, 321, 327, 332, 333,
342, 343
Wilson, S., 263
word births, 247
word learning processes and strategies,
11–12, 80
and fast mapping, 340–1, 342
and IPL paradigm, 18, 19–20, 64
see also word–object associations
word meaning
connotation study using CHILDES
database, 279–81
and truth-value judgment tasks, 153
word order acquisition, 60
canonical word order strategy, 289–90
and crosslinguistic research, 289–91
and grammaticality judgment tasks,
and IPL paradigm, 18–19, 20, 64, 290
weird word order paradigm, 116, 130
word shape, 81
word–object associations
fast mapping and intellectual disabilities,
referential cues and word learning, 11–12
switch procedure and habituation,
9–12, 14
writing development research, 255
Xu, F., 293
Zelazo, P.R., 6
Zhang, X., 325
Zimmerman, F., 245
Zuidema, W., 273
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