Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 1
Antitrust, Innovation, and Intellectual Property
Testimony Before the Antitrust Modernization Commission
Carl Shapiro
8 November 2005
1. Introduction
Thank you for the opportunity to appear here today. I am Carl Shapiro, the Transamerica
Professor of Business Strategy in the Haas School of Business, and Professor of Economics in
the Department of Economics, at the University of California at Berkeley, where I have taught
since 1990. I also am Director of the Institute of Business and Economic Research, an
Organized Research Unit at U.C. Berkeley. I have served as the Editor and Co-Editor of the
Journal of Economic Perspectives, a leading economics journal published by the American
Economic Association. I also am a Senior Consultant and Member of the Board of Directors at
CRA International, an economic consulting firm.
I am an economist who has been studying antitrust, innovation, and competitive strategy for
roughly twenty-five years. I have written numerous articles in the area of antitrust economics,
many of them addressing issues relevant to industries experiencing rapid technological change.
My curriculum vitae and recent articles are available at http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro.
My book with Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy, has
been widely read and cited. Some of my opinions in this area are explained in the 2002 report I
prepared for the OECD, “Competition Policy and Innovation,” which is available at
. Recently, my research has focused on patent
licensing, patent settlements, and patent reform.
I also have considerable practical experience applying economics for the purpose of enforcing
the antitrust laws in high-technology industries. I served as the Deputy Assistant Attorney
General for Economics in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice during 1995
and 1996. I have served on numerous occasions as an expert witness or consultant to the
Antitrust Division or the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. I also have consulted or served as an
expert witness on numerous antitrust matters for private companies, including a number of
monopolization and merger cases in which innovation and intellectual property were central.
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 2
2. General Approach to Antitrust, Innovation and Intellectual Property
A. Antitrust for the “New Economy”?
The Commission has posed several questions relevant to antitrust in the “New Economy.” While
catchy, the phrase “New Economy” tends to suggest the need for a “New Economics,” which I
submit is neither justified nor desirable. One of the most often quoted passages from
Information Rules states: “Technology changes. Economic laws do not.” Hence, a certain
conservatism runs through my testimony here: the Commission should be wary of proposals to
modify the antitrust laws, or their enforcement, based on claims that we are living in a “New
Economy.” True, we are experiencing a shift in economic activity from the industrial sector to
the information sector (broadly defined). True, certain economic forces like network effects and
switching costs are more significant than twenty or one hundred years ago. But the same
economic principles that have guided antitrust law and policy for the past century remain
relevant and valid today. Nor does the rapid pace of technological progress in some industries
itself imply that our core antitrust laws are outdated. To the contrary, innovation has been the
driver of American economic growth since at least the passage of the Sherman Act in 1890. To
believe that the basic economic forces now governing innovation, commercial success, and
monopoly power are unprecedented is a dangerous conceit.
While I resist the term “New Economy,” I embrace the formulation actually contained in the
Commission’s “New Economy Study Plan,” which focuses on the economic characteristics of
certain industries, namely those in which innovation, intellectual property, and technological
change are central features. In such “innovative industries,” antitrust must pay careful attention
to the incentives and obstacles facing firms seeking to develop and commercialize new
technologies, and antitrust must very explicitly recognize that market conditions, business
strategies, and industry structure can be highly dynamic.
B. Innovation is King
I take as a starting point that, at least over the medium to long term, the lion’s share of consumer
benefits associated with competition in our most dynamic industries results from innovation.
Here I use the term “innovation” broadly, including the introduction of new and improved
products as well as the adoption of new business methods and production processes. Put simply:
“Innovation is King.”
If we accept that innovation is king, at least in certain industries, what does this principle imply
for antitrust law and policy? I have no easy answer to this question, but rather a warning.
Some observers argue as follows: (1) innovation is king; (2) firms rarely if ever obtain market
dominance without having been innovators at some point in time; so (3) laws limiting the
business strategies of dominant firms reduce the rewards from achieving dominance and thus
tend to slow the rate of technological progress. They add to this the assertion that (4) ongoing
technological change can topple current market leaders; and thus claim that (5) durable
monopoly power is rare. The conclusion is that antitrust should be extremely cautious of
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Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 3
imposing limits on the conduct of dominant firms, and perhaps even from preventing direct
rivals in dynamic industries from merging.
The following counterargument reveals why any such sweeping conclusion is unwarranted:
(1) yes, innovation is king; and (2) true, firms rarely obtain market dominance without having
been innovators at some point in time; but (3) it does not follow that antitrust laws limiting the
returns to dominant firms are undesirable. If that were true, we should give innovators waivers
from other laws, such as environmental and labor laws, an absurd result. Furthermore, major
innovations often come from lean and hungry firms introducing disruptive technologies, hoping
to topple current market leaders, rather than from dominant incumbents who profit greatly from
the status quo. So (4) to promote technological progress we must prevent dominant firms from
abusing their power to hold back smaller, innovative rivals who would overtake them, or else (5)
today’s market leaders may be able to maintain or extend their dominance while slowing the
pace of innovation. Indeed, the stultifying effects of monopoly may be most worrisome when
they retard the pace of innovation and perpetuate the status quo.
3. General Questions Posed by the Commission
I now address the Commission’s general questions regarding the antitrust analysis of industries
in which innovation, intellectual property, and technological change are central features.
1. Does antitrust doctrine focus on static analysis, and does this affect its
application to dynamic industries?
In my experience, antitrust doctrine does not focus on static analysis. To answer more fully, it is
instructive to distinguish between three categories of antitrust cases: (a) price fixing; (b)
mergers; and (c) monopolization.
In price fixing cases, antitrust analysis necessarily focuses on whether the defendants in fact
entered into an agreement to control prices or quantities. This inquiry is necessarily historical,
although it need not be static. For example, an industry might experience certain cyclical or
seasonal variations that either disrupt or disguise collusion. To my knowledge, no serious
observers are arguing that enforcement of the antitrust laws against price fixing has slowed
innovation, or is undesirable in innovative industries, so I presume that the Commission’s
interest in “new economy” issues does not primarily involve price fixing cases.
Merger analysis must always be forward looking, while grounded in the actual, historical
experience in the industry. Recent merger enforcement has been informed and flexible enough
to recognize situations in which historical market shares, for example, provide a poor guide to
future competitive effects. In some cases, the future competitive significance of one of the
merging firms is likely to be far less than would be indicated by its historical market share. This
could occur, for example, if the firm in question had failed recently to introduce new and
improved products comparable to those offered by its rivals and has no promising new products
in the pipeline. In other cases, we observe that one of the merging firms with a small historical
market share has recently entered the market, or introduced a vastly improved product, or is
developing a promising new product. That firm’s future competitive significance is greater than
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 4
its historical share alone would indicate. More generally, the government enforcement agencies
and merging parties must ground their predictions of future competitive effects in the historical
record, carefully identifying recent and emerging trends in technology, business strategies and
capabilities, and other factors such as the expiration of patents or entry and exit by non-merging
parties. Gone are the days when the government could rely heavily on a static measure of market
shares to challenge a merger in a dynamic industry. Modern merger analysis is far from static.
Nor is antitrust doctrine towards monopolization static. In my experience, courts and
enforcement agencies recognize that current dominance may not persist and are open to the
arguments of an alleged monopolist that it could lose its position of leadership rapidly if it were
to serve its customers poorly. But accepting the need to consider market dynamics does not and
cannot mean that no firm has durable monopoly power. The harder questions arise when we
seek to assess the durability of monopoly power in dynamic industries. The obvious starting
point is to ask how long the firm has enjoyed a dominant position using some measure of market
share. While a firm that has long captured a dominant share of the market might lose share
rapidly, some good reason needs to be provided why this is likely to be the case. Perhaps a
strong threat is emerging in the form of a superior product or service that has recently been
introduced or soon will be introduced. Simply identifying threats that the dominant firm tracks
in the normal course of business falls far short of showing that these threats are likely to erode
the dominant firm’s monopoly power in the near future.
The video game industry provides a nice example of monopoly power in a dynamic industry. I
testified in the early 1990s on behalf of Atari Corporation in its antitrust case against Nintendo.
The primary conduct at issue was Nintendo’s exclusive contracts with third-party game
developers. During the late 1980s, Nintendo enjoyed a commanding share of the U.S. video
game business. Sega and Atari had much smaller sales of consoles and cartridges. Nintendo
argued that it had achieved its position of leadership through innovation, and that leadership in
this industry could change quite rapidly, twelve-year old boys being a fickle crowd. I agreed that
Nintendo might well cease to be dominant in the future, but noted that Nintendo’s dominance in
the early 1990s was not transitory: Nintendo had captured a very large share of the market for at
least five years. We now know that Nintendo later lost its dominant position, facing strong
rivalry by the late 1990s from Sony and Microsoft. That observation does not diminish
legitimate antitrust concerns about conduct by Nintendo that allegedly maintained its dominance
and harmed consumers for several years.
As a rule of thumb, a reasonable working hypothesis is that a firm with a very large market share
that has persisted for several years or more in a market with relatively stable contours has
durable monopoly power. To test that hypothesis, however, requires evidence that the firm truly
possesses monopoly power, as reflected by the ability to maintain prices above competitive
levels or to exclude rivals, not just by a large market share. Even if historical monopoly power is
established, one must still check that there are no major, predictable changes in technology or
other market conditions that are likely to disrupt that dominance in the near future. The shorter
is the time period over which the firm has commanded a large market share, the less significant
is its current market share and the more likely that the firm’s current advantage is transitory,
based on some smart or lucky business decision that has yielded a temporary competitive
advantage but will soon be copied or improved upon by others. On the other hand, if market
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shares have been relatively stable over a number of years, the mere fact that technology is
advancing rapidly does not imply that durable market power is absent.
2. What features, if any, of dynamic, innovation-driven industries pose
distinctive problems for antitrust analysis, and what impact, if any, should
those features have on the application of antitrust analysis to these
Antitrust analysis in dynamic industries can be challenging when one needs to make reliable
projections of future industry conditions. Such projections are necessary in merger cases and
frequently needed for monopolization cases. Yet these projections inevitably tend to be less
reliable in highly dynamic industries than in more settled and stable industries. In industries
where market leadership and market shares are highly volatile, significant market power is more
difficult to obtain or retain, implying a lessened need for antitrust intervention.
Collaboration among industry participants may be especially important in dynamic industries.
For example, if product compatibility standards enhance the value of new products due to
network effects, there are legitimate reasons for rival producers to cooperate to establish such
standards. In other settings, collaboration between suppliers of complements, such as hardware
and software, or content and distribution, can lead to more rapid product introduction, improved
products and services, or lower prices. Antitrust doctrine, with its emphasis on limiting
coordination among competitors, can have difficulty distinguishing pro-competitive
collaboration from collusion, especially in situations where two parties may have complex
relationships that involve competition in some areas and collaboration in other areas. These
complexities are the norm for large firms in the information technology sector of the economy.
Intellectual property rights play an especially critical role in innovative industries, and thus raise
a number of thorny issues for antitrust analysis of these industries. The intersection between
intellectual property law and antitrust law has been studied in great detail, with some observers
focusing on the alleged “tension” between these two bodies of law. Fundamentally, I do not
believe there need be any such tension, at least if antitrust law properly recognizes the
importance of providing incentives, along with the necessary flexibility, for industry participants
to conduct research, engage in product development, and diffuse the resulting innovations widely
in the marketplace. However, certain specific issues regarding intellectual property rights and
antitrust are gaining saliency as the number of patents grows, as the quality of those patents is
called into question, and as patents play an increasingly central role in the business strategies of
companies in certain sectors of the economy, including the information technology sector.
Several aspects of patent licensing pose distinctive problems for antitrust analysis in innovative
industries, especially those experiencing a surge in the number of patents issued: package
licensing; cross-licenses; patent pools; and agreements to settle patent litigation.
Lastly, determining when and whether to intervene in dynamic industries can be especially
difficult in the presence of switching costs, network effects, and other factors than can cause a
market to “tip” towards one supplier or one technology in a lasting manner. A snapshot of
market shares may suggest effective competition between two or more firms, yet if one firm has
a sizeable market share that is rapidly growing, that firm may come to dominate the market in a
manner that will be difficult to reverse. In such cases, one must assess (a) whether such a firm
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 6
truly is likely to obtain a dominant position in the near future, and, if so, (b) whether the firm’s
growing market share is the result of legitimate competition or anti-competitive behavior, and (c)
whether the market will remain sufficiently fluid or dynamic to discipline that firm’s behavior,
even if it does achieve a dominant market position.
3. Are different standards or benchmarks for market definition or market
power appropriate when addressing dynamic, innovation-driven industries,
for example, to reflect the fact that firms in such industries may depend on
the opportunity to set prices above marginal costs to earn returns? Or, are
existing antitrust principles sufficiently flexible to accommodate the facts
relevant to dynamic industries?
No, different standards or benchmarks for market definition or market power for innovative
industries are neither necessary nor desirable.
In answering this question, I must emphasize that defining relevant antitrust markets and
assessing market power are merely intermediate steps in an antitrust analysis. For horizontal
mergers, market definition can be quite important, but only to the extent that the resulting market
shares are used to infer competitive effects. For monopolization cases, the assessment of market
power plays the role of a screen, but monopoly power alone cannot trigger liability without the
presence of some anticompetitive conduct.
There is a great deal of confusion in antitrust law about the proper ways to test for and measure
market power. Part of this confusion stems from the way in which the term “market power” is
usually defined in economics textbooks. Most economics textbooks state that a firm has “market
power” if it has any control over the price it receives for its products, as distinct from a price-
taking firm in a perfectly competitive market. The gap between price and marginal cost,
(P-MC)/P, is widely known as the Lerner Index of market power.
The gap between price and marginal cost is frequently an important piece of information for
antitrust purposes. For example, this margin is highly relevant when estimating the unilateral
effects of a horizontal merger. The Lerner Index measures what I like to call “technical market
power.” The Lerner Index summarizes information about the availability of substitutes (at
current prices) for the firm’s product: standard pricing theory teaches that the Lerner Index is
equal to the inverse of the elasticity of demand facing a firm. (With price discrimination,
different values of the Lerner Index arise for different sales made to different customers.)
Confusion arises, however, because the gap between price and marginal cost, taken alone, is not
a useful measure of market power as that term is used in antitrust law. Many, many firms have
technical market power but no real market power from an antitrust perspective. Virtually every
movie theatre, magazine, restaurant, and retail store sets the prices for its products well above
their marginal costs. Few of these firms have meaningful market power in an antitrust sense:
they are unable to maintain prices above competitive levels or exclude competitors from the
market. For very similar reasons, while firms engaging in price discrimination must have some
technical market power, the vast majority of them lack real antitrust market power.
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Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 7
For the purpose of measuring antitrust market power, we need to ask whether a firm is able to
maintain prices above the competitive price. Over the long run, the competitive price covers all
costs, including a risk-adjusted cost of capital. (In the short run, competitive prices can be above
or below this level: above if additional investment is needed to meet demand, below if demand
has fallen, leaving stranded, industry-specific capital.) In this sense, the long-run competitive
price equals average cost. However, marginal cost is commonly less than average cost. This
relationship is especially likely to hold if there are large fixed costs. Since R&D costs often do
not vary with the scale of output, such fixed costs are common in innovative industries. In my
experience it is common in the technology sector for firms to follow a rule of thumb that
involves investing some percentage of revenues into R&D; hence, long-term viability requires
sufficient margins to fund ongoing R&D efforts. Fixed costs also are very common in industries
that create informational content. Indeed, in some of these markets, such as those for movies or
music, that involves “hits” and “duds,” it is well understood that the large margins earned on the
“hits” are necessary to compensate for the larger number of “duds” that are inevitable.
For all of these reasons, competitive prices are often above marginal cost in innovative
industries, and sometimes far above marginal cost. This basic economic observation is not new,
either in practice or in theory: it holds in any industry with large fixed costs, from railroads to
microprocessors, from newspapers to computer software. Indeed, back in the 1930s, Edward
Chamberlin and Joan Robinson worked out the theory of competition with differentiated
products, demonstrating that competitive, equilibrium prices in these industries must exceed
marginal cost.
Summarizing, it is an error to infer genuine antitrust market power based on the gap between
price and marginal cost. This error may be more common or more pronounced in innovative
industries, but it is not confined to such industries. The gap between price and marginal cost
provides a necessary return to cover various fixed costs, including R&D costs in innovative
industries and the “first-copy” costs in content-based markets. The key point to bear in mind
here is that the competitive price can easily and significantly exceed marginal cost. Existing
antitrust principles are sufficiently flexible to recognize that a gap between price and marginal
cost, taken alone, does not imply the presence of true antitrust market power. However, the
Commission might play a useful role by emphasizing these economic principles in order to help
Courts improve the accuracy and sophistication of their antitrust analysis in innovative
4. Specific Questions Posed by the Commission
1. Should there be a presumption of market power in tying cases when there is
a patent or copyright? What significance should be attached to the existence
of a patent or copyright in assessing market power in tying cases and in other
See Edward Chamberlin, (1933), The Theory of Monopolistic Competition,Cambridge, Harvard University Press,
and Joan Robinson, (1934), The Economics of Imperfect Competition, London, Macmillan.
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 8
No, a patent or copyright should not create a presumption of market power.
Many patents are of limited commercial significance. Indeed, some two-thirds of patents lapse
prematurely because their owners do not make the required maintenance payments.
The mere
presence of a patent cannot and should not substitute for an inquiry into the presence of market
power over the tying good. Likewise, many copyrights merely allow their owners to
differentiate their products from many other similar products. Surely, not every owner of a
copyrighted book or piece of music or computer software has market power in the sense required
under tying law.
A patent is only important for the assessment of market power in a tying case if the patented
technology confers a significant competitive advantage on the patent holder. This could occur if
products practicing the patented technology are distinctly superior to products that do not use the
patented technology, or if the patented technology enables significant cost savings. So, if the
tying product is patented, one must still compare the attractiveness of rival, non-infringing
products to the patented product. Many patents merely allow their owners to differentiate their
products or enjoy a slight cost advantage, not enough to create genuine antitrust market power.
Likewise, many copyrights simply protect a particular creative work, like a piece of music or a
book, or a computer game, without creating any real market power. However, in some cases,
especially those involving computer software, copyrights can create significant market power by
making it difficult or impossible for others to write software that is compatible or has a similar
user interface. Determining whether a given copyright confers such power requires a fact-
intensive inquiry; no such presumption is warranted in general. Copyrights over content are
much less likely to confer meaningful market power than are copyrights that prevent other firms
from offering similar functionality or compatibility, as in the area of information technology.
2. In what circumstances, if any, should the two-year time horizon used in the
Horizontal Merger Guidelines to assess the timeliness of entry be adjusted?
For example, should the time period be lengthened to include newly
developed products when the introduction of those products is likely to erode
market power? Should it matter if the newly developed products will not
erode market power within two years? Is there a length of time for which the
possession of market power should not be viewed as raising antitrust
The Horizontal Merger Guidelines ask, in §3.0, whether “entry would be timely, likely, and
sufficient in its magnitude, character and scope to deter or counteract the competitive effects of
concern.” In Guidelines go on to state, in §3.2: “The Agency generally will consider timely only
those committed entry alternatives that can be achieved within two years from initial planning to
significant market impact.”
See Mark Lemley, (2001), “Rational Ignorance at the Patent Office,” Northwestern University Law Review, 95:4,
pp. 1497–532. The required fees are $830 at 3½ years, $1,900 at 7½ years, and $2,910 at 11½ years.
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Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 9
For the purpose of answering this question, it is necessary to distinguish entry that deters anti-
competitive conduct from entry that counteracts such conduct.
Entry That Deters Anti-Competitive Conduct: If the prospect of entry outside the two-year
time frame would fully and reliably deter any anti-competitive conduct, even during the two-year
time frame, such entry certainly should be included in the analysis of competitive effects,
presumably then leading to a conclusion that the merger poses no danger to competition. This
might occur, for example, if entry were certain to occur in response to the anti-competitive
conduct and if the profits earned from the anti-competitive conduct prior to entry were smaller
(in expected present discounted value) than the profits lost due to the subsequent entry.
Presumably, this fact pattern is more likely, the larger is the scale of entry, the sooner the entry
would occur, and the longer-lived are the industry-specific investments associated with the entry.
One reason to place less weight on entry that takes longer to accomplish is that such entry is less
likely in fact to deter anti-competitive conduct. But there is nothing magical about the two-year
time horizon in this calculus.
Entry That Counteracts Anti-Competitive Conduct: A rather different logic applies when
considering entry that would counteract anti-competitive conduct. As emphasized in the
Guidelines, such entry must be timely, likely, and sufficient. For the purposes of answering the
Commission’s question, I will assume that the entry in question is likely and sufficient.
Therefore, we can focus on what constitutes “timeliness.” To pose the question crisply, suppose
that sufficient entry would occur for sure precisely N months after the merger is consummated,
and suppose that this entry would instantly counteract the anti-competitive effects of the merger.
Therefore, the merger would lead to anti-competitive effects, and consumer harm, for N months,
after which its effects would be neutralized. Under these circumstances, I can see no principled
basis for simply ignoring those N months of consumer harm. Rather, I interpret the two-year
time horizon for entry under the Guidelines to be a compromise: entry that is likely and sufficient
and takes place in less than two years greatly limits any consumer harm, and as a policy matter
(i.e., looking across mergers as a whole) such harm is likely to be offset by the various merger
synergies that are difficult to demonstrate or measure and thus as a practical matter play little
role in the antitrust analysis. So, I do not agree that enhanced market power resulting from a
horizontal merger that lasts less than two years (say) is of no antitrust concern. Rather, I would
say that enhanced market power due to a horizontal merger that is fleeting is much more likely to
be offset by (difficult to prove) merger synergies than is more durable market power. In
principle, this balancing would vary from one type of industry to another. For example, long-
lived synergies might be more important in a growing market, suggesting a willingness to
tolerate more short-term consumer in order to achieve them through merger. However, future
benefits to consumers based on such synergies may need to be heavily discounted relative to
immediate consumer harm in a dynamic industry subject to the arrival of a disruptive
3. Should antitrust law be concerned with “innovation markets”? If so, how
should antitrust enforcers analyze innovation markets? How often are
“innovation markets” analyzed in antitrust enforcement?
I believe there is a consensus that antitrust law should be (and is) very much be concerned about
innovation competition, i.e., competition to engage in research and development directed towards
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 10
new or improved goods or processes. The classic instances of innovation competition arise when
two or more firms race to obtain a patent or to introduce new and improved products into the
marketplace. The role of competition in spurring innovation is especially strong in markets with
significant first-mover advantages.
Therefore, I interpret the Commission to be asking about the proper role of the “innovation
market” construct, which is controversial, in antitrust analysis designed to protect and promote
innovation competition, a mission that I believe is not controversial.
The DOJ/FTC “Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property” at §3.2.3, state:
“An innovation market consists of the research and development directed to particular new or
improved goods or processes, and the close substitutes for that research and development.”
Taken at face value, this definition is peculiar: normally a “market” consists of a set of buyers, a
set of sellers, and some goods or services that the buyers purchase from the sellers. In contrast,
“innovation markets” are defined in terms of certain activities (research and development efforts)
that are performed by certain organizations and involve no market transactions. Indeed, if the
fruits of the R&D are licensed, i.e., if there is a market transaction associated with the relevant
R&D, the “innovation market” concept does not apply. Instead, the applicable concept is a
“technology market.” As stated in §3.2.2 of the IP Guidelines: “Technology markets consist of
the intellectual property that is licensed (the ‘licensed technology’) and its close substitutes.”
The IP Guidelines motivate the “innovation market” construct by stating, at §3.2.3: “A licensing
arrangement may have competitive effects on innovation that cannot be adequately addressed
through the analysis of goods or technology markets. For example, the arrangement may affect
the development of goods that do not yet exist.” Concerns that licensing agreements or mergers
will retard innovation and thus adversely affect competition in product markets that do not yet
exist have arisen most frequently in the pharmaceutical industry, where companies typically
engage in a long development process to obtain FDA approval for new drugs. In principle,
however, licensing agreements and mergers can affect future product markets in many industries.
For example, a merger between two defense contractors with overlapping capabilities can
adversely affect future competition for weapons systems that have not yet even been designed.
For expositional purposes, the remainder of my discussion of innovation markets will focus on
horizontal mergers between firms pursuing R&D programs that might result in competing
products in the future.
As best I can determine, as applied to mergers, the “innovation market” construct is primarily a
way of evaluating potential future product-market competition by looking at current R&D efforts
rather than at the future product-market competition itself. In principle, this is a useful and
sensible approach: evidence about recent and planned R&D activities is likely to be more
concrete and complete than evidence about future competition in a the market for a product that
does not yet exist. So long as the analysis is rooted in reasonably foreseeable impacts on future
product-market competition, this approach seems both justified and useful.
Still, there are some rather tricky points that frequently arise in conducting this type of future-
looking analysis. I now comment on several of these points.
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Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 11
Identifying Innovation Rivals: Identifying today’s innovation rivals, and tomorrow’s product-
market rivals, may be difficult. In a normal merger analysis, important rivals typically
will be making significant sales to customers and thus will be easy to identify. When
current rivalry is at the innovation stage, it may be much more difficult to identify the
firms that are engaging in relevant R&D today and/or likely to be competitors in the
relevant product market tomorrow. Presumably it is for this reason that the IP
Guidelines, at §3.2.3, state: “The Agencies will delineate an innovation market only when
the capabilities to engage in the relevant research and development can be associated
with specialized assets or characteristics of specific firms.” It remains unclear how often
this requirement is met outside the specific institutional setting of the FDA approval
Uncertainties About Research Outcomes: The effect on actual product-market competition of
a merger of two firms who are innovation rivals is inevitably somewhat uncertain and
delayed. Such effects only arise in the future, when their innovative efforts lead to actual
goods or services that customers might buy. And such effects will not arise unless at least
one of the firms is in fact able to bring such products to market. For early-stage or highly
risky innovation, some discounting of product-market effects is appropriate.
However, these observations do not imply that antitrust concerns in such cases lack merit.
To illustrate, suppose that Firm A has an 80% chance of success and Firm B has a 40%
chance of success (and one firm’s success is independent of the other’s). Then there is a
32% chance (80% times 40%) that both firms will succeed. I see no reason why antitrust
law should be indifferent to consumer harm just because it will only occur with a 32%
probability. Furthermore, competition between the two firms may cause both of them to
press harder to be the first to succeed. If this is true, then competition also benefits
consumers by speeding up the introduction of new products. The probability that at least
one of the firms will succeed is 88% (the 80% chance that Firm A will succeed plus a
40% that Firm B will succeed in the 20% of the time that Firm A fails), so consumers
will benefit from competition not only in the 32% of the time that both firms would
succeed but also in the 56% of the time (80% times 60% that Firm A succeeds and Firm
B fails, plus 20% times 40% that Firm A fails and Firm B succeeds) that one of the firms
succeeds and the other fails to introduce a product into the market.
As a general rule of thumb, if the merging firms are expending significant resources on
their R&D programs, they must believe that there are significant commercial returns,
even recognizing that success is uncertain, so the potential impact on consumers also can
be significant. In other words, if one is going to establish priorities for antitrust
enforcement in this area, it makes more sense to base these priorities on the magnitude of
the firms’ R&D programs than on an assessment of the probability that those programs
will bear fruit in terms of commercial products.
Presumption of Harm to Innovation Competition: In a typical horizontal merger case, the
government can build a prima facie case based on market concentration. This approach
is based in part on theoretical and empirical evidence that substantial increases in
concentration caused by horizontal mergers tend to lead to diminished pricing
competition and consumer harm. However, there is no consensus among industrial
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 12
organization economists about the general relationship between concentration and
innovation competition. Still, I believe that a presumption of harm to innovation
competition is warranted at the very least in situations where the merger involves the only
two firms who are pursuing research that will allow them to enter a future product
market. (Of course, in any given case, a fact-based inquiry which also accounts for
merger synergies is required. My remark here only addresses the basis for a rebuttable
presumption of harm to competition based on a merger to monopoly.)
For example, in the case of Genzyme Corporation’s acquisition of Novazyme
Pharmaceuticals, it appears that Genzyme and Novazyme were the only two firms
pursuing drugs to treat Pompe disease.
Therefore, a rebuttable presumption that
Genzyme’s acquisition of Novazyme diminished Genzyme’s incentives to bring those
drugs to market appears to have been warranted. Chairman Muris did not apply such a
presumption. He observed that Genzyme would still have some incentive to bring
Novazyme’s treatment to the market, even if its own treatment were already available,
because Novazyme’s treatment promised to be superior in several respects. However,
this observation does not rebut the key economic point that Genzyme’s incentives would
be diminished because the Novazyme product would cannibalize revenues from
Genzyme’s own product.
Going beyond mergers to monopoly, how much weaker should the presumption of harm
to competition based on an increase in concentration be in cases involving innovation
competition rather than traditional pricing competition? At the risk of over-simplifying a
large and complex literature, one key question that takes on special importance in
innovation cases (as opposed to more traditional cases based on pricing competition) is
that of appropriability: if one firm successfully innovates, to what extent will that firm be
able to appropriate the benefits of its innovation? If appropriability is high, as it may be
with strong patent rights or first-mover advantages, then the normal presumption retains
merit: eliminating one of several strong firm may well retard innovation or reduce the
diversity of research paths that are explored, to the detriment of consumers. However, if
appropriability is low, e.g., due to weak intellectual property rights and significant
spillovers to rival firms who engage in imitation, then increased concentration can
improve appropriability and promote innovation, weakening the link between
concentration and competition.
5. Patent Reform
I am very pleased that the Commission is interested in the operation of the patent system. Much
of my recent research involves the intersection of antitrust and patent policy. I urge the
Commission to consider the proper antitrust treatment of settlements of patent litigation,
See http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2004/01/genzyme.htm. I had no involvement in this case and do not claim familiarity
with the facts, beyond those reported in the statements of Chairman Muris and Commissioner Thompson. The
statement by Chairman Muris provides a valuable discussion of the use of innovation markets by the FTC.
Testimony of Carl Shapiro, “New Economy”
Antitrust Modernization Commission, 8 November 2005, Page 13
including so-called “reverse payments” from patent holders to alleged infringers, especially in
the light of the March 2005 decision by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Schering-
Plough Corp. and Upsher-Smith Laboratories vs. Federal Trade Commission. Rather than
prolong this statement, I refer the Commission to my recent writings on these issues:
Carl Shapiro, “Antitrust Limits to Patent Settlements,” Rand Journal of Economics,
Summer 2003, available at http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/settle.pdf.
Carl Shapiro, “Antitrust Analysis of Patent Settlements Between Rivals,Antitrust
Magazine, Summer 2003, at http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/settle_am.pdf.
Carl Shapiro, “Patent System Reform: Economic Analysis and Critique,” Berkeley
Technology Law Journal, 2004, available at
Mark A. Lemley and Carl Shapiro, “Probabilistic Patents,” Journal of Economic
Perspectives, Spring 2005, at http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/patents.pdf.
Joseph Farrell and Carl Shapiro, “How Strong Are Weak Patents?” U.C. Berkeley,
October 2005, available at http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/weak.pdf.
This last paper, while somewhat technical, reaches three strong conclusions: (1) payments of
fixed fees from patent holders to alleged infringers as part of licensing agreements pose grave
dangers to competition, especially for weak patents, i.e., those unlikely to be found valid if
litigated; (2) such payments are not justified as a reward to innovation; and (3) even if such
payments are prohibited, weak patents can command royalties far in excess of a reasonable,
normative benchmark, especially if those patents are licensed to downstream rivals, each of
whose profits is driven more by its relative competitive position than by its absolute cost level.
The research described in this last paper gives considerable support for two policy conclusions.
First, the Eleventh Circuit’s decision in the Schering case, if it becomes an important precedent,
may greatly exacerbate the harmful effects of weak patents that are issued by the Patent and
Trademark Office. Second, even if “reverse payments” are prohibited, weak patents can
command surprisingly large running royalties, at least in certain commercial settings. These
running royalties are not warranted based on the innovative contributions associated with these
weak patents, yet they raise downstream prices and harm consumers. Therefore, reforming the
patent system to reduce the number of weak patents would generate substantial benefits.