Economics Career Development Office (ECDO)
7329 Sewell Social Sciences |
Economic Consulting Career Guide
About Economic Consulting
Economic consultants quantify financial damages and analyze economic, statistical, and accounting issues in
litigation to support the expert analysis of one or more PhD Economists. Economic consulting firms support
law firms by creating “expert reports” relating to specific cases in a wide-ranging number of industries and
topics including securities, intellectual property, energy markets and forecasting current or future liabilities.
Economic consulting differs from management consulting in that economic consultants tend to be more
quantitative through creating statistical methods, econometric analysis, and financial modeling. The job duties
of an entry-level research associate in economic consulting include reviewing and analyzing datasets, running
regressions, creating charts, and preparing memos. Economic Consultants widely use STATA and are
preferably familiar with research methods and other data analytics tools such as Python, R, or Matlab.
Building experience in statistical software, research methods and writing and comfort in discussing economic
concepts and research topics of interest are great ways to be competitive for roles in this field and areas you
should highlight in your resume and cover letter.
Is Economic Consulting the Right Career For You?
Watch this short “Day in the Life” video about Economic Consulting
Recommended Courses
**Completing the Math Emphasis is suggested versus the general Economics track**
Core Electives in the major
Econ 410 Introductory Econometrics
Econ 458 Industrial Structure and Competitive Strategy
Econ 460 Economic Forecasting
Econ 468 Industrial Organization and Imperfect Competition
Econ 521 Game Theory and Economic Analysis
Econ 522 Law and Economics
Econ 570 Fundamentals of Data Analytics for Economists
Econ 580 Honors Tutorial in Research Project Design (bonus if you do a thesis!)
Applied Electives in the major
Econ 300 Introduction to Finance
Econ 315 Data Visualization for Economists
Economics Career Development Office (ECDO)
7329 Sewell Social Sciences |
Suggested Courses Outside of the Department of Economics
Math 320, 340 OR 341 Linear Algebra options (Note: Math 320 OR 340 are required for the Math
Emphasis track of the major)
Computer Science 220 Data Science Programming I (Python)
Statistics 240 Data Science Modeling 1
Finance 325 Corporation Finance
Statistics 405 Data Science Computing Project
Relevant Majors & Certificates
Data Science (L&S)
Statistics (L&S)
Mathematics (L&S)
Computer Science (L&S)
Finance (Business)
Data Science (L&S)
Statistics (L&S)
Mathematics (L&S)
Computer Science (L&S)
Relevant Student Organizations & Involvement
Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (or other quantitative research experience)
Equilibrium: Undergraduate Journal of Economics
Federal Reserve Challenge
Global Economic Forum
Economics Student Association
Search for additional student organizations.
Sample Job Titles
Associate Consultant or Consultant
Research Associate
Associate Analyst or Analyst
Summer Consultant (internships)
Job and Internship Search Resources
Economic Consulting Firm Career pages (NOT an exhaustive list):
Analysis Group
Bates White Economics Consulting
Brattle Group
Charles River Associates
Christensen Associates
Compass Lexecon
Cornerstone Research
NERA Economic Consulting
Handshake - Find internships and jobs, as well as info sessions and workshops on campus
LinkedIn Alumni Directorysee UW Econ alumni working in economic consulting
Indeed Search for internships and jobs by job title, company name, city, state and more
MyVisaJobsFind U.S. employers who have historically sponsored international employees
Economics Career Development Office (ECDO)
7329 Sewell Social Sciences |
LinkedIn – Create a professional social media profile to connect with peers, colleagues, and employers;
follow companies of interest to learn about job postings and news.
Recruitment Timelines: For internships or jobs starting in the summer, economic consulting firms tend to
recruit from September to January, and smaller firms may wait to recruit until January-March or as roles
become available.
Exploratory and Diversity Programs:
Cornerstone Research offers a First-Year Foundations and Sophomore Summit virtual programs for US
students who self-identify as part of an underrepresented group.
The Sadie Collective offers a variety of programs focused on the success of Black women in economics
and related fields (finance, policy, etc.) including an Exploring Career Pathways Conference and
Research Symposium.
American Economic Association Summer Training Program offered 2 months of intensive training that
aims to broaden participation and increase diversity in the economics profession to ensure that more
traditionally underrepresented views and backgrounds contribute to scholarship in the field.
Becker Friedman Institute Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute (EDE) offers a 3-week
program to diversity the pool of student majoring in economics.
Gain Technical Skills
DoIt Software Training for Students : Free workshops including Microsoft Excel, Python and more!
LinkedIn Learning: Free access to online trainings approved by LinkedIn
SSCC Training Classes: Free classes on various software including Stata and R
Additional Resources for Career Exploration
Economic Career Development Office Get career guidance, resume and cover letter reviews, and
interview tips
Economic ConsultanciesList of companies from London School of Economics
Careers in Economic and Litigation Consultingfrom UVA Department of Economics
What is Economic Consulting? – with white papers and examples of cases from Analysis Group
Interview Prep for Economic Consulting
Many economic consulting firms do a combination of behavioral interview questions and case interviews. Be
prepared to explain what interests you about economic consulting, your experience with data analysis and
programming, and previous research projects or papers. Some firms may have a programming or coding
exercise as part of their interview process.
Bates White Interview Resources and Example Case
Cornerstone Research Case Examples
Interviewing at Charles River Associates