- Fedecal
- Health
Department of Health and Human Ser'lices
Strategies for Self-Care
& Resilience
Resilience has been defined bythe American Psychological Association as “the human ability to adapt in the face of
tragedy, trauma, adversity, hardship, and ongoing significant lifestressors.”
It is essential to take care of yourself. Just as you would tend to an acute physical injury by seeking support, alleviating
symptoms of pain, and taking steps to ensure recovery, the same is true for an emotional or psychological challenge or
obstacle. And, just as the human body is often ingenious in the way it can mend itself, so too the mind and heart can be
incredibly resilient. We just have to help them along.
Building and Engaging Resilience
Belowaresometipsfortakingcareof yourselfand engaging yourresilience.Pleasefeel freetousethoseideasthatyou find
most useful and continue to engage your own coping strategies.
Physical self-care
- Get enough sleep - Please tension in healthy ways
- Get regular physical activity - Take deep breaths
- Eat regular, well-balanced meals - Balance work, play, and rest
- Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption - Limit or eliminate exposure to media
Emotional self-care
- Know your vulnerabilities - Engage socially to avoid feeling isolated
- Get help early on if you are feeling - Set limits, if necessary, when others are too
overwhelmed demanding of your time or energy (Give
yourself time to heal and renew)
- Use relaxation skills that work best for you
- Reestablish a routine, if possible
- Listen to music that soothes you
Social self care
- Be aware of withdrawal and isolation - Seek out others for social activities
- Get nurturance /care from loved ones - Recognize that humor can be a useful respite
- Use friends, family, and community for support - Make an effort to have fun
- See how work can offer support
Spiritual self care
- Use religious and/or spiritual resources and - Meditate
- Connect with nature
- Read inspirational works
- Find creative ways to express yourself (i.e.,
- Pray drawing, painting, writing, etc.)
- Practice gratitude
Remember to:
- Recognize signs of stress and look after - Accept your limitations
- Allow others to give to you
- Identify what you can and cannot change
- Find a reason to smile or laugh every
- Keep expectations realistic
- Make deliberate plans to care for yourself
Checklist for Resilience: Ask Yourself These Questions
What are my strengths?
What has helped me endure previous difficulttimes?
What healthy things can I do to soothe myself when Im faced with uncertainty?
Is there something I can do to influence what will happen next? If so, what?
What are my resources to increase my resilience?
How can I ask for what Ineed?
Federal Occupational Health’s (FOH) Employee Assistance and Work/Life Program is available 24/7 to provide
support to federal employees. Professionally trained counselors can help minimize the impact of a stressful or
disturbing event and help promote resilience. The program provides counseling, problem solving, coaching, and
support to assist employees and their family members with a wide range of issues or concerns. Contact us today to
learn more.
Employee Assistance Program
(TTY: 1-888-262-7848)