Purdue University • Department of Forestry &Natural Resources • 1159 Forestry Bldg. • West Lafayette, IN 479071
The Shrinking and Swelling of Wood
and Its Effect on Furniture
By Carl A. Eckelman
The dimensional changes that accompany the shrinking and swelling of
wood are major sources of both visual and structural problems in furniture.
Shrinking and swelling occur as the wood changes moisture content in
response to daily as well as seasonal changes in the relative humidity of the
atmosphere, i.e., when the air is humid, wood adsorbs moisture and swells;
when the air is dry, wood loses moisture and shrinks. Various finishes and
treatments may be used to slow this process, but, in general, they do not
stop it. Likewise, air drying and kiln drying the wood do not prevent the
wood from subsequently gaining or losing moisture. Thus, wood that is
kiln dried to 6 percent moisture content and stored in a dry shed outdoors
in a temperate climate such as that found in Indiana will regain moisture
until it eventually reaches about 12 percent moisture content. Under the
same conditions in a tropical climate, the wood will come to a moisture
content of about 16 percent.
EMC vs Relative Humidity
With time, the moisture content of wood will always come into
equilibrium with the relative humidity of the air surrounding it. This
moisture content is referred to as the equilibrium moisture content (emc) of
the wood. It follows that for each level of relative humidity of the air,
there is a corresponding equilibrium moisture content of the wood. This
relationship is illustrated by the sorption curve presented in Figure 1 in
which emc is plotted as a function of relative humidity. This curve may be
used to predict the moisture content of wood in service at any relative
humidity. Thus, wood that is exposed to a relative humidity of 30 percent
will eventually come to an emc of about 6 percent. Similarly, wood
exposed to a relative humidity of 75 percent will come to an emc of about
14 percent.
The emc’s of wood composites tend to be somewhat less than those of
solid wood. Values for softwood plywood, particleboard, oil-treated
hardboard, and high-pressure laminate are given in Figure 2.
Equilibrium moisture content values are sufficiently similar for most of
the commonly used woods that one set of values can be used for all
species. Emc values are affected by temperature, however, so that
0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative Humidity - Percent
Moisture Content - Percent
Figure 1. Equilibrium moisture content versus relative humidity for solid
wood at 70° F.
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Relative Humidity - Percent
Moisture Content - Percent
Softwood plywood, Particleboard
Oil-treated hardboard,
HP Laminate
Figure 2. Equilibrium moisture content of selected wood composites.
different sets of values have been determined for a wide range of
temperatures. These values are important in high temperature drying, but
the values given for an average daily temperature are appropriate for most
emc determinations.
EMC’S by Region
Since the climate of the US is quite varied, the moisture content of
wood in service varies from region to region in accordance with differences
in temperature and humidity. The climate, for example, tends to be
somewhat hot and humid in the southern coastal states and cold and dry -
at least in the winter months - in the north and, in particular, in the north
central states. As a result of these differences, the moisture content of
furniture used in the southern coastal states such as Florida, southern
California, and Mississippi must be expected to attain relatively high
equilibrium moisture contents of at least 12 percent at sometime during the
year, whereas furniture used in the northern states in cities such as Chicago
must be expected to attain relatively low emc’s of 5 percent or less.
Similarly, furniture used in the dry Sun Belt states of the southwest must
also be expected to attain very low emc’s. A comprehensive view of the
average moisture contents to be expected in various regions of the country
is provided by Figure 3.
Moisture content changes of only a few percent are sufficient to cause
significant shrinking and swelling of wood. In the case of sugar maple, for
example, a change of 6 percent in moisture content may result in a
dimensional change in a furniture part of about 2-1/2 percent.
In general, the amount of shrinking and swelling which takes place is
directly proportional to moisture content changes in the wood. Wood
shrinks and swells the greatest amount in the tangential direction, about
half as much in the radial direction, and about 0.1% to 0.2% in the
longitudinal direction, Figure 4. Because of its small magnitude, shrinkage
in the longitudinal direction is usually ignored in most design problems.
Figure 3. Average equilibrium moisture contents in various regions of the United
Shrinking and Swelling in Relation To Grain Direction
The amounts of shrinkage which various species undergo as they are
dried from the green to oven-dry condition may be found from the
shrinkage coefficients (SC) given in Appendix III. Sugar maple, for
example shrinks 9.5 percent in the tangential direction as it goes from the
green to the oven dry condition and 4.9 percent in the radial direction - as
defined in Figure 4. Differences in shrinkage between species may be
significant. In contrast to sugar maple, mahogany shrinks 5.0% and 3.6%
in the tangential and radial directions, respectively.
It is this difference between shrinking in the radial and tangential
directions that causes splits to develop in
the ends of logs and disks cut from logs,
Figure 5. As a log dries, it shrinks more
in circumference than the corresponding
shrinkage in diameter will allow. To
compensate for this phenomenon, a split
develops, usually along a ray, in order to
preserve the integrity of the expression
relating the circumference of a circle to its
diameter, i.e., Circumference = 3.14 x
Diameter. This differential shrinkage
along the radial and tangential axes also
explains the characteristic shrinkage and
distortion of flats, squares, and rounds,
Figure 6, as a function of the direction of
the annual growth rings.
Fiber Saturation Point
In general, shrinkage does not occur
in wood until the moisture content drops
below what is termed the “fiber saturation point” (fsp). Specifically, the
fiber saturation point is defined as that moisture content at which all of the
Figure 4. Diagram illustrating the radial, tangential, and longitudinal directions
both in a log and in a board cut from it.
Figure 5. Differences in
shrinking along the radial
and tangential axes cause
splits in the ends of logs.
liquid water, essentially sap, has been removed from the cell cavities but the
cell walls are still saturated with adsorbed water. For most woods, the fsp
is taken as 30 percent moisture content. Significant differences do occur,
Woods with high extractive contents, in particular, tend to have lower
fsp's. These differences can be
seen in Table 1 where the fsp's for
a few selected woods with both
low and high extractive contents
are presented. As can be seen, the
fsp for rosewood, which has a high
extractive content, is much lower
than for Sitka spruce, which has a
very low extractive content.
Quantitative Amounts of
The amount of shrinking or
swelling which takes place as a product undergoes a change in moisture
content may be calculated by means of the expression
W W SC mc
[( ) / ] /100 30
= change in width of a product; e.g., a board.
W = original width of a product.
= change in moisture content of a product - if a board dries from 12%
to 8% moisture content, then it has a change in moisture content,
, of 4%.
SC = the appropriate shrinkage coefficient given in Appendix III.
Moisture content changes of only a few percent are sufficient to cause
significant shrinking and swelling of wood. In the case of the 32-inch wide
sugar maple table top, for example, a change of 6 percent in moisture
content results in a change in width,
, of
= 32·(9.9/100)·6/30 = 0.63 in.
Failure to appreciate that changes of this magnitude occur in service may
lead to serious problems if the furniture is
not designed to accommodate them.
Some shrinkage and swelling of
wood must always be anticipated. It is
important, therefore, that furniture be
designed to accommodate dimensional
changes of the wood. Furthermore, the
need for moisture control and elimination
of moisture-related dimensional stability
problems increases as the price of the
furniture increases. Small splits and
Figure 6. Shrinkage and distortion of
flats, squares, and rounds as affected by
annual growth rings.
FSP- %
Southern yellow pine 29
Sitka spruce 28
Western redcedar 18
Redwood 22
Teak 18
Rosewood 15
Table 1. Fiber saturation points of
selected woods.
checks that may be tolerated in low to medium price furniture are totally
unacceptable in high quality furniture.
Problems Caused By Shrinkage and Swelling
Some of the most important problems related to the shrinking of wood
are simply visual. Of particular importance, shrinking of wood causes
joints to open and mating parts to fit together poorly. This is a serious
problem with miter joints in case doors, for example, which present an
especially poor appearance when they do not fit together properly, Figure
7. It is also a common problem and is particularly objectionable in corner
miter joints on tables since they are so easily seen.
Improper moisture content is also responsible for many gluing
problems, both with respect to initial gluing of the wood and also with
respect to the development of internal stresses in glued parts which result
from differential shrinkage and swelling of the parts glued together.
Internal stresses of this nature frequently cause solid wood seats to split
apart, for example, in early American type chairs.
Shrinkage of wood also causes appearance problems with parts such
as L-shaped butt joints that initially fit flush with one another but later
distort in service as the "butt" member shrinks across the grain, Figure 8.
This action causes the finish to “craze” along the glue line and also breaks
the smooth finish across the two parts joined together.
Shrinkage of the wood is also responsible for the development of
unsightly splits in essentially all types of furniture. Solid wood table tops
often develop unsightly splits in their ends, Figure 9. Not only is the split
objectionable, but it also exposes "white wood" which is particularly
objectionable with dark finishes.
Shrinkage or swelling of wooden parts after manufacture is also a
major cause of the poor fit commonly observed between holes bored into
solid wood parts such as chair seats and the ends of the back posts and
spindles which fit into them. Figure 10 illustrates the changes that take
place in the shape of a hole and the end of a dowel or turned pin end as the
Figure 7. When wood swells, miter joints open as shown on the left. When
wood shrinks, miter joints open as shown on the right.
wood shrinks and swells. Often,
the clearances between the ends of
the parts and the holes into which they fit are so great that it is impossible
to obtain an acceptable glue bond between them. As a result, furniture
constructed with such joints tends
to be weak.
Excessive swelling of the
center panel in solid wood raised
panel doors may cause the joints
of the frame to fracture as shown
in Figure 11. This damage is not
only unsightly, but it also seriously
weakens the doorframe.
Veneer which was laid up at
too high a moisture content on dry
particleboard or medium density fiberboard panels will subsequently dry in
service and develop surface checks which will cause the surface finish to
crack, Figure 12. A related problem occurs in laminated chair backs that
are inherently prone to checking -- formation of checks in dark-colored
backs exposes "white wood" that is readily noticeable and creates a poor
Shrinking and swelling of wood is also responsible for sunken glue
lines. When glue is first applied to the edges of the boards in a panel, the
Figure 8. When wood swells, L-shaped joints, (a), change as shown in (b).
When wood shrinks, the joints appear as in (c).
Figure 10. When wood shrinks, joints become elliptical in shape as shown on the
left. When wood swells, holes become elliptical as shown on the right. Dowels
change shape according to grain direction.
Figure 9. Unsightly splits develop in the
ends of tables when the end grain dries too
rapidly. Ss111296.mpg.
Figure 11. Swelling of the raised panel
caused the joints of the frame to fracture.
panel appears in the condition
shown in Figure 13a. As water is
adsorbed from the adhesive into the
wood, the wood begins to swell as
shown in Figure 13b. If the panel is
then sanded to remove these
swollen lines, it will at first assume
a smooth appearance. As the glue
line area dries, however, the wood
along the glue line will shrink, and
the panel will take on the appearance shown in Figure 13c.
Shrinking of wood can also cause corner blocks to fit poorly. In the
corner joints shown in Figure 14a, the corner block fits tightly against the
two rails it joints together. Should the block dry in service and shrink,
however, only the ends of the block will contact the sides of the rails,
Figure 14b. As a result, the glue bond
between the faces of the block and the sides
of the rails will be broken
Swelling of particleboard cores can
cause solid wood edge bands to split on
tables as shown in Figure 15. This problem
can arise when tables manufactured in a dry
climate are shipped to a humid climate or
used in a very humid atmosphere. A table
manufactured in December in Indiana, for
example, and shipped to the Bahamas might
experience such problems.
As wood shrinks, any fasteners
embedded in it will tend to loosen as shown
in Figure 16. The tip of the fastener will
tend to maintain its position - in this case
along the center line of the wood - as the
surface of the wood in effect shrinks
toward the center. As a result, the length
of the fastener protruding from the wood
increases. Joints loosen as a result of the
action as shown in the lower illustration in
Figure 16.
Table legs that are attached to the
support rails with anchor bolts or lag
screws loosen in service for the same
reason. As the leg dries, it shrinks and
becomes smaller, Figure 17. The amount
of the anchor bolt protruding from the side
increases accordingly. Since the anchor
Figure 12. Drying of veneer
surface causes checks to
Figure 13. Shrunken glue lines result
when a panel is planed before the glue
lines are allowed to dry and shrink to
original size. ss011497.mpg
Figure 14. Shrinking can cause corner blocks
to fit poorly. Ss112696.mpg
bolt no longer holds the sides of the legs firmly against the ends of the rails
in the “pocket” formed by the two rails, the leg becomes loose and wobbly.
Reducing Shrinkage and Swelling Problems
Four factors account for most of the shrinking and swelling problems
seen in furniture.
• The wood was not dried to the proper uniform moisture content before
manufacture which subsequently lead to excessive shrinkage,
• The construction of the furniture is such that the wood is mechanically
restrained from shrinking and swelling
• Excessive drying takes place through the ends of the members.
• A design was used that accents visual differences in shrinking and
swelling in members oriented perpendicular to one another rather than
minimizing them.
Numerous problems arise
because the furniture is constructed
from wood that has been improperly
conditioned prior to manufacture;
i.e., the wood is at the wrong
moisture content at the time of
manufacture. To reduce problems
related to the initial moisture content
of the wood, the wood should be
dried to a moisture content level
consistent with its final service
environment. It should then be stored and manufactured under
atmospheric conditions that will maintain this level. Then, even though the
wood will continue to shrink and swell in service as the seasons change, the
effects will be minimized.
It is, of course, impossible to always know the conditions in which the
furniture will be used. Lacking
better information, many
manufacturers in the U.S. prefer
to dry wood to about 6 percent
moisture content since fewer
problems appear to arise from
over-drying as opposed to
under-drying - presumably,
subsequent swelling of the
wood causes joints to close
tightly, whereas shrinking of the
wood causes joints to open.
Lacking more precise
knowledge, the conservative “2
percent rule” can be applied;
i.e., allow for 2 percent movement of the wood in service. This amount of
Figure 15. When a particleboard core
swells, it can cause a solid wood band to
split. Ss112496
Figure 16. Loosening of nail, screw, and staple
resulting from shrinking.
movement corresponds to a moisture content change of about 8 percent -
for a moisture content change of 4 to 12 percent, for example. This should
be adequate for almost any area of the United States.
The moisture content of the lumber must be regularly sampled to
ensure that it is maintained at desired levels. A calibrated moisture meter
provides the most convenient way of determining moisture content before
it is machined into
It is
important that
wood not be hindered from shrinking across the grain since serious splitting
problems occur when the furniture is constructed in such a way that the
wood is mechanically restrained from expanding and contracting in service.
Shrinkage and swelling of wood cannot be prevented mechanically - only
the rate of shrinking and swelling can be slowed through the use of
coatings. Wood is very strong along the grain (longitudinal direction), but
it has limited strength across the grain (tangential and radial directions).
Thus, furniture must always be designed so that the wood is free to expand
and contract across the grain. The importance of this principle is
demonstrated in Figure 18. In this figure, a solid wood sugar maple top is
shown attached to the support rails at points 22 inches apart by means of
lag screws embedded in the top. Based on the data given in Appendix III,
if the wood were to dry from 12 to 6 percent, the top would shrink 0.42
inches between the points of attachment to the rail. The rail itself, on the
other hand, would shrink a negligible amount in this direction. In effect,
the rail hinders the top from shrinking, but it cannot prevent it. As a result,
a 0.42 inch-wide split will develop in the end of the top.
Parts will also tend to develop end-splits if conditions are such that
they dry too rapidly through end surfaces. Thus, stored parts may develop
end-splits if the temperature in the factory increases excessively over a
weekend (and the relative humidity decreases accordingly). This problem
arises because moisture loss from the end of a member is 16 to 20 times
Figure 17. As a table leg shrinks, the length of the anchor bolt protruding
from the leg loosens as shown on the right.
Figure 18. When a solid wood top is anchored to its support rail as
shown, splits are likely to develop if the top dries during service.
greater than from the side.
Thus, as the ends of the
members begin to dry, the
ends try to shrink, but the
core (which loses moisture at
a much slower rate) prevents
it. When the internal stresses
developed in the end of the
member exceed the inherent
strength of the wood
perpendicular to the grain,
the wood yields and splits develop.
This type of split often develops in the
ends of tabletops, Figure 9, in the dry
winter months of the northern climates.
To prevent this type of split from
developing in the factory, parts should
be stored in an area where the relative
humidity is maintained at the proper
level. Alternatively, the ends of the
members may be coated with a
material that will significantly retard
end drying.
Esthetic problems arise when
wood shrinks or swells if the visual
effects are not hidden, disguised, or
minimized. Most annoying, perhaps, is
“crazing” of the finish at a joint. In this case, joints that initially presented
a smooth fitting appearance subsequently appear to be misfit. . Such
problems generally occur in L-shaped joints where one member butts into
another at right angles. A typical problem is illustrated in Figure 19 where
the original smooth line between the top of the back and the top of the
back post has been broken by swelling of
the back.
When edge-gluing boards to fabricate
panels, the boards should be laid with their
growth rings alternately reversed as shown
in Figure 20a. By alternately reversing the
orientation of the grain, the growth ring
effects shown in Figure 6 are averaged so
that bowing of the panel as shown in Figure
20b is avoided.
It is also important that “balanced”
construction be used when laying up panels
or laminating veneer or high pressure
Figure 19. Swelling of the back
breaks the smooth line between the
top of the back and the back post.
Figure 21. Panel with “balanced”
Figure 20. Boards should be laid with
alternate growth ring orientation as in (a)
not as in (b). ss120496.mpg
laminates to tabletops. Balanced panel construction is illustrated in Figure
21. In this construction, the top and bottom plies are laid up with the grain
running in one direction while the grain of the center ply runs crossways to
these faces. Any shrinkage or swelling which takes place in the face ply
will be offset by a corresponding amount of shrinking or swelling in the
bottom ply, and, as a result, the panel will remain flat.
Tabletops should also have balanced construction. This is illustrated in
Figure 22 where the veneer or laminate applied to the top surface of the
table top is balanced by the comparable backer sheet applied to the
underside of the top.
Specific Examples
In the section that follows, a number of specific problems related to
shrinkage and swelling are presented and discussed. For convenience, the
furniture discussed is presented by functional category.
Solid Wood Table Tops
Problems with solid wood tabletops arise from the differential
shrinkage of the top across as opposed to along the grain. Shrinkage or
swelling along the grain will be near zero; shrinkage or swelling across the
grain, however, may be substantial.
Splitting in the ends of solid wood tabletops, Figure 23, is a
phenomenon that is most frequently seen with "antique" tables which have
been stored in an unheated area but are subsequently brought into a
centrally heated home. Moisture content of the tops stored in unheated
areas is likely to be 12 percent or more. As soon as these tops are brought
into a heated home, they immediately begin to dry out. Since moisture
movement is much more rapid from end grain than from side grain, the
ends of the table begin to dry out
before the core is able to lose moisture.
The ends of the top try to shrink, but
the core, which retains its original
dimensions, prevents this from
occurring. As a result of this action,
the ends of the top are subjected to
tensile forces. Since wood has low
resistance to tensile force across the
grain, the wood yields, resulting in
unsightly splits in the ends of the top.
Figure 22. “Balanced top construction. The
veneer on top is “balanced” by the “backer
sheet” on the underside.
When tops are mechanically prevented from shrinking and swelling,
splitting of the entire top can occur. This principle is illustrated in Figure
24 where a round pedestal table with a split in the top is shown. The top is
supported by cross rails with the end of each rail firmly anchored to the
top. Splits develop in tops supported
as shown here because the top is
prevented from shrinking across the
grain by the cross rail which is
anchored at each end to the edge of
the top with screws. As the top
begins to shrink across the grain, it is
prevented from doing so by the cross
rail. Eventually, a point is reached
where the internal stresses exceed the
tensile strength of the wood, and the
top splits.
This damage could have been
prevented if the screws had been
inserted through slots which would have
allowed slip to take place between the top and the cross rail, Figure 25,
without creating internal stresses in the top. The two screws located in the
cross rail near the pedestal should not cause problems because only a small
amount of shrinking and swelling should take place in the wood between
them. These two screws can, therefore, be used both to locate the rail and
to firmly attach it to the top.
Splitting in rectangular tables with solid wood tops occurs for
essentially the same reason. If the rails are attached to the underside of the
top with screws at the points shown in Figure 26, the end rails will prevent
the top from shrinking if it begins to dry out in service. As a result, the top
will split. With solid wood tops,
these attachments should be made
with connections that allow
movement to take place between
the top and the rails, i.e., with slip
joints. When screws are used,
they should be located in the
middle portion of the end rails as
shown in Figure 27. By locating
the screws in this area, the amount
of shrinkage that occurs between
the fixed fasteners may be held to
acceptable levels.
Figure 23. Splits may develop in the ends of
solid wood tables if the ends dry out too
Figure 24. Splits develop in solid wood tops
when they are prevented from shrinking and
swelling across the grain by cross rails.
Figure 27. To allow the top to shrink and
swell, screws should be located towards the
centers of the end rails.
Figure 25. Splitting can be prevented by
inserting the screws through slots that
allow the top to move.
Figure 28 illustrates the bowing that
can occur in front and back rails when
the rails are attached to the top with
screws as shown in Figure 29 as the top
shrinks. This is a particularly serious
problem when tops are constructed of
air-dried wood and the tables are
subsequently shipped to a much drier
climate. Such problems tend to occur in
furniture produced in Central America
and the Far East where the emc’s are
frequently 16 percent. Bowing of up to
3/4 inches has been observed in some
Rails are often attached to tops by
means of screws that are inserted in
pocket holes drilled in the sides of the rails, Figure 30. This type of
connection does not allow the top to move relative to the rail and hence is
not suited for constructions in
which the top must be expected
to expand and contract. Where
such action must
be expected, it is
necessary to use
which will allow
the top to expand
and contract
without pulling
the side rail along
with it while at
the same time
maintaining an effective vertical connection between the rail
and the top. Screwed in place wooden blocks, Figure 31,
are often used to secure such connections between the rail
and top. In this construction, the block should be securely screwed to the
side rail, but only loosely screwed to the underside of the top.
Furthermore, the hole for the screw in the top should either be oversized,
or else, an actual slot can be used. In either event, the intent is to allow the
top to expand and contract without forcing the rail to follow its movement.
Figure 26. The screws in the end rails do
not allow the top to shrink and will likely
cause the end of the top to split.
Figure 28. When front and back rails are attached to
the top as show, they will bow inwardly if the top
Figure 30. This
screw/pocket hole
connection does not
allow the top to
shrink and swell.
Another connector that is used to allow
the top to move is a metal clip. One end of the
clip is securely screwed to the underside of the
top. The free end of the clip fits into a groove
that is cut into the side of the rail, Figure 32.
As the top shrinks and swells, the free end
simply slides in the groove
Attachment of Rails to Legs
An interesting problem can arise when the
side rails on tables are doweled into the sides
of the legs under the condition that the legs have not been sufficiently
seasoned and as a result, subsequently dry out in service, Figure 33. As the
leg dries and shrinks, the depth of the hole in the leg decreases. If the
dowel were inserted the full depth of the hole, i.e., if the dowel “bottomed
out” in the hole, then as the leg
dries, the dowel is in effect
ejected from the hole. If, as is
often the case, the end of the rail
is glued to the side of the leg, as
the dowel pushes the end of the
rail away from the side of the leg,
the end of the rail will try to pull
the side of the leg (to which it is
glued) with it. If the glue bond
between the end of the rail and
the side of the leg is greater than
the strength of the leg
perpendicular to the grain, a split will develop in the top of the leg, Figure
Solid Wood Booth Ends in
Figure 31. Attachment of rails to top
with screws and slotted blocks.
Figure 29. When the front and back rails
are attached to the top with screws as
shown, bowing of the rails can occur as
shown in Figure 28 can occur.
Figure 32. This metal clip
assembly allows tops to
shrink and swell.
Splitting also occurs in the solid wood ends used in the booths in many
restaurants, Figure 35 (l). This can
occur with solid wood ends in which
all of the material is vertically
oriented when a seat rail is firmly
attached across the width of the rail.
If the rail is attached at each end
(near the front edge of the seat) with
connectors which do not allow for
expansion and contraction, as the end
attempts to shrink when the humidity
drops, a split will develop along the
grain, Figure 35 (r), in order to relieve
the internal tensile stresses which are
developed perpendicular to the grain.
A somewhat different problem can
occur with the end shown in Figure 36
(left). In this end, the grain of the
backrests is oriented vertically while the
grain of the base portion is oriented
horizontally. If the backrest is attached
to the base by dowels located near each
edge, internal tensile stresses will be
developed in the backrest when the
humidity decreases longitudinal splits subsequently develop in the backrest
in order to relieve these stresses, Figure 36 (r).
Solid Wood Ends in Sofas
Splits can also develop in the solid wood end panels used in the end
frames of some sofas if the panels are not allowed to "float." The end
panel shown in Figure 37a is attached at each end to the arm and side rail
Figure 34. Bottoming of dowel in hole
in leg and gluing end of rail to edge of
leg cause damage seen in Figure 33.
Figure 33. This damage resulted
because the end of the rail was glued to
the side of the leg.
Figure 35. Solid wood restaurant booth ends may develop splits if they are anchored at
their ends and not allowed to shrink.
with dowels. When the panel tries to shrink, it is restrained by these
dowels, and as a result, a split develops along the grain, Figure 37a.
When the end panel is fastened to the frame near its edges, it will tend
to shear the dowels as it shrinks, and a split will likely develop in one of the
panels, Figure 37b. If it swells, it will tend to separate the end rails from
the stiles, Figure 37c. To eliminate these problems, the panel should be
anchored near its center, and allowed to float in grooves cut in the
underside of the arm and the top of the side rail, Figure 37d.
Visible joints in chairs should be designed so that movement of the
wood occurs at points that cause the least visual impact. This principle is
demonstrated in Figure 38. When the back is joined to the back post with
dowels located near the bottom edge of the backrest, dimensional changes
in the width of the backrest are transmitted to its top edge where they are
most evident (left view). When the backrest is joined to the back post with
dowels located near the top edge of the backrest, however, movement
takes place along the bottom edge of the backrest where it is least evident
(right view).
Figure 36. Splits will develop in the ends of booths constructed as shown if the bottom
edge of the backrest is anchored near its outer edges.
Sticking drawers are one of the most common moisture related
problems that occur with desks, Figure 39. The problem is that drawers
that move easily in the factory often stick tightly after desks are in service
for some time. The problem arises because the drawer fronts adsorb
moisture and swell. The solution is straightforward--desks must be
manufactured with sufficient clearance between rails and drawer fronts to
allow the fronts to swell without sticking. A 10-inch wide yellow poplar
drawer front, for example, could swell an eighth of an inch if the desk left
the factory at 6 percent moisture content but increased to 12 percent in the
Figure 37. Solid wood ends in upholstered furniture will split as shown if not
allowed to shrink and swell.
Figure 38. The unsightly effects of shrinking and swelling on the top rail to back
post glue line can be minimized by the proper placement of fasteners.
A more serious problem occurs with solid wood ends that are
prevented from shrinking by some part of the desk frame. The end panel
on the desk shown in Figure 40,
for example, split because the
drawer guides were rigidly
attached at each end with screws
to the end panel. When the end
panels dried out in winter and tried
to shrink, the drawer guides
prevented it with the result that
large splits opened in the panels.
For a panel this large, the amount
of shrinkage is substantial. If this
panel were constructed of yellow
poplar, and the distance
between screw centers was
23 inches, then for a 6
percent decrease in
moisture content, the panel
would shrink more than a
quarter of an inch between
screw centers. Had the
end been constructed of
sweetgum, shrinkage
would have been more
than 3/8 inches.
Box Constructions
Shrinking and swelling also causes splitting to
occur in the sides of box type constructions when
the grain of the sides and ends are mismatched. In
the toolbox construction shown in Figure 41, for
example, the grain of the sides run horizontally
while the grain of the ends to which the sides are
attached runs vertically. If the wood dries and the
sides shrink, the sides may split. It is often difficult
to avoid this problem. In large chests, the grain of
the sides and ends must almost necessarily match if
splits are to be avoided owing to the significant
width of the parts. In such chests, the bottom
must be allowed to float since it will always be mismatched with either the
end or the side.
Figure 39. Desk drawers will stick with changes in climate
if allowance is not made for shrinking and selling of
drawer fronts
Figure 40. The screws used to attach the ends of
the drawer slides to the inside of the desk did not
allow the solid wood end to shrink and swell
thus causing splits.
Figure 41. Box construction
provides a dilemma because
there is always a mismatch in
the shrinking and swelling
characteristics of the sides
joined together.
Cabinet Doors
Raised Panels in Doors
Panels in door frames should be lightly stapled at their centers in a
center position in the frame so that the panel is free to expand outward on
both edges, Figure 42d. If the panel is pinned at the edges, Figure 42c,
splits will likely develop as shown. In addition, adequate clearance must be
provided in the frame for the panel to swell since a 16-inch wide red oak
panel must be expected to swell as much as 1/4 inch for a 6 percent change
in moisture content.. If this is not done, swelling of the joints may cause
the joints of the frame to fracture, Figure 42b. Since the panels will also
shrink, the edges of the panels should be “finished” to avoid showing
“white wood,” Figure 42a.
Figure 42. An allowance must be made for raised panels to swell in
doorframes, or they will break the corner joints. Panels will split if
pinned at the edges they should be pinned near the center of the
Shrinking and swelling may cause
appearance problems with both miter
joints and butt joints in cabinet doors.
Figure 43 illustrates the importance of
the proper placement of dowels in butt
joints in order to minimize the visual
effects of swelling of the frame. As can
be seen, the dowels should be located
as close to the upper edge of the frame
as possible so that in effect, the frame
swells into the panel cavity.
Figure 44 illustrates how shrinking and swelling affect the appearance
of miter joints. As can be seen, when the rails shrink, the joints open on
the inner corner; similarly, when the rails swell, the joints open on the outer
Edge Bands on Solid Wood Tops
Shrinkage and swelling problems have always existed, and craftsmen
of an earlier age dealt with them accordingly. Figure 44 shows the solid
wood top of a trestle table. End caps on these tops must also allow the top
to expand and contract freely. To allow the top to shrink and swell, early
craftsmen machined a tenon on the end of the top that fit into a mortise
Figure 43. Proper placement of dowels
minimizes the visual effect of shrinking
and swelling of the top rail.
Figure 44. Effect of shrinking and swelling on miter joints.
Figure 44. Attachment of end cap to top on pedestal tabletop.
machined in the side of the end cap. The cap was attached to the top with
dowels that are visible only on the underside of the top. The center dowel
fit snugly in a hole in the tenon that served to locate the cap with respect to
the center of the top. The remaining dowels, however, fit through slots cut
in the tenon. These slots allowed the dowels to slide sideways as the top
expanded and contracted thereby preventing splits in the top.
Splits may develop in the ends of solid wood shelving fitted with
dividers if the shelving is manufactured at too high a moisture content,
Figure 46. The dividers tend to prevent the shelves from shrinking and
swelling. Hence, the screws used to attach the shelving to the divider
should be located as near to the center of the
assembly as possible. Alternatively, a slotted
hole could be used with the rear screw to
allow a slight amount of movement.
Corner Blocks
Corner block with anchor bolt
construction is widely used in both chairs and
tables to attach legs to the supporting
framework. Both the size and placement of
corner blocks can have a significant effect on whether or not a chair or
table leg will subsequently loosen in service owing to shrinking and
swelling. In Figure 47a, a large corner block with dovetailed ends is shown
which is anchored at a point near the corner, i.e., near the leg. If the corner
block shrinks in service, the anchor bolt will loosen as shown along with
the leg attached to it. Had the block been attached as shown in Figure 47b,
shrinking and swelling effects would be greatly reduced since the face of
the corner block would essentially maintain its position. A similar situation
exists with the corner block shown in Figure 47c - it is both large in size
and anchored near the “root” of the joint. Shrinking and swelling effects
could be reduced both by using a thinner corner block and by anchoring it
near its outer edges as shown in Figure 47d.
Figure 46. Splits may develop in
shelving when the end of a shelf is
anchored to a divider as shown.
Figure 47. Designing corner block construction to avoid shrinking and swelling
problems. Constructions (b) and (d) are preferred.
Haygreen, John, and Jim Boyer. 1989. Forest Products and Wood
Science. 2nd ed. Iowa State University Press. Ames. 500 pp.
Rasmussen, Edmund F. 1961. Dry Kiln Operator's Manual. USDA
Agricultural Handbook No. 188. USGPO, Wash. D.C. 197 pp.
U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Res. Note FPL-0226. 1973. Moisture Content of
Wood in Use. U.S. For. Prod. Lab., Madison. 6pp. (Revision of
FPL report 1655, Moisture Content of Wood in Use, E.C. Peck,
Appendix I
Moisture Content of Wood
In general, the weight of moisture contained in a piece of wood
expressed as a percentage of its oven dry weight is referred to as its
moisture content. Expressed mathematically
g o
( )
where mc = moisture content
= green weight of the wood
= oven-dry weight of the wood
and oven dry weight refers to the quasi-constant weight attained by wood
samples dried at 105 C° (221 F°).
The following example demonstrates the use of the above expression:
1. The green weight of a specimen of red oak is 227.0 grams. Its oven dry
weight is 170.3 grams. What is its moisture content?
= green weight of the wood = 136 grams
= oven dry weight of the wood = 100 grams.
g g
× =
( . )
227 1703
100% 333%
i.e., the moisture content of the specimen is 33 percent.
A similar problem stated and calculated in English units would appear
as follows:
2. The green weight of a specimen of red oak is 8 ounces. Its oven dry
weight is 5 ounces. What is its moisture content?
= green weight of the wood = 8 oz
= oven dry weight of the wood = 5 oz.
oz oz
× =
(8 )5
100% 60%
i.e., the moisture content of the specimen is 60 percent.
The "oven-dry" method provides a universally accepted basis for
determining the moisture content of wood, and it is, in fact, the method
preferred by kiln drying operators. For most purposes, however, moisture
content can be quickly determined with sufficient accuracy by means of
simple hand held resistance meters.
Appendix II
Calculation of Equilibrium Moisture Content at Any
Temperature and Relative Humidity
When desirable, equilibrium moisture content values may be estimated
with reasonable accuracy by means of the expression
× +
ln( )
. ( )
45 10 460
0 638
emc = equilibrium moisture content at stated temperature and relative
ln = natural logarithm of value contained in parentheses;
= relative humidity expressed as a decimal; e.g., 30 percent relative
humidity should be expressed as the decimal 0.30
T = temperature, °F.
As an example, the emc of wood at 40 percent relative humidity and a
temperature of 72 degrees may be estimated as follows:
emc =
× +
ln( . )
. ( )
1 0 4
45 10 72 460
7 05%
0 638
Appendix III
Shrinkage Coefficients for Selected Woods
(Green to Oven Dry)
Radial Tangential
Radial Tangential
Species Shrinkage Shrinkage Species Shrinkage Shrinkage
(%) (%)
Alder, red 4.4 7.3 Laurel, California 2.9 8.5
Apple 5.9 10.5 Locust, black 4.6 7.2
Ash: Madrone, Pacific 5.6 12.4
Black 5.0 7.8 Magnolia, southern 5.4 6.6
Green 4.6 7.1 Mahogany 3.6 5.0
White 4.8 7.8 Maple:
Aspen: Black 4.8 9.2
Bigtooth 3.3 7.9 Red 4.0 8.2
Quaking 3.5 6.7 Sugar 4.9 9.5
Basswood, American 6.6 9.3 Oak:
Beech, American 5.1 11.0 Black 4.5 9.7
Birch: Bur 4.4 8.8
Paper 6.3 8.6 California black 3.6 6.6
Sweet 6.5 8.5 Chestnut 5.5 9.7
Yellow 7.2 9.2 Live 6.6 9.5
Buckeye, Yellow 3.6 8.1 Oregon white 4.2 9.0
Butternut 3.4 6.4 Pin 4.3 9.5
Catalpa, northern 2.5 4.9 Northern red 4.0 8.2
Cherry, black 3.7 7.1 Scarlet 4.6 9.7
Chestnut, American 3.4 6.7 Southern red 4.5 8.7
Cottonwood, black 3.6 8.6 Swamp chestnut 5.2 10.8
Dogwood, flowering 7.4 11.8 Water 4.2 9.3
Elm: White 5.3 9.0
American 4.2 9.5 Willow 5.0 9.6
Rock 4.8 8.1 Persimmon, common 7.9 11.2
Slippery 4.9 8.9 Sweetgum 5.2 7.6
Hackberry 4.8 8.9 Sycamore, American 5.1 7.6
Hickory: Tupelo:
Mockernut 7.8 11.0 Black 4.4 7.7
Pignut 7.2 11.5 Water 4.2 7.6
Shagbark 7.0 10.0 Walnut, black 5.5 7.8
Shellbark 7.6 12.6 Willow, black 2.6 8.1
Holly, American 4.8 10.0 Yellow-poplar 4.0 7.1
Hophornbeam, eastern 8.5 10.0
Average(%) Standard Deviation(%)
Radial 4.966 1.367
Tangential 8.732 1.622
(Radial+Tangential)/2 6.849 1.367
Tangential/Radial 1.830 0.381
Radial/Tangential 0.569 0.381
Shrinking and swelling of wood occur as a result of the response of the
wood to changes in atmospheric humidity. The resulting dimensional
changes in the wood are a major source of defects in furniture. In general,
shrinking and swelling cannot be prevented. It is important, therefore, that
furniture be designed so that shrinking and swelling effects are minimized.
This paper discusses why shrinking and swelling occur, the amount of
shrinking and swelling to be expected, and how furniture can be designed
to minimize the effects. Numerous illustrations are used to demonstrate
preferred construction techniques.