National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
John Muir &
Eugene O’Neill
National Historic
Sites Action Plan
John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites Become Climate Friendly Parks .............................................. 3
The Challenge of Climate Change .............................................................................................................................. 4
Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory at John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites .................................5
STRATEGY 1: Reduce GHG Emissions Resulting from Activities within and by the Parks ........................................9
Energy Use Management....................................................................................................................................... 9
Transportation Management................................................................................................................................. 11
Waste Management.............................................................................................................................................. 13
STRATEGY 2: Increase Climate Change Education and Outreach .......................................................................... 17
Park Staff .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Visitor Outreach .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Local Community Outreach .................................................................................................................................. 19
STRATEGY 3: Evaluate Progress and Identify Areas For Improvement ................................................................... 20
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
As participants in the Climate Friendly Parks program, John Muir National Historic Site and Eugene O’Neill National Historic
Site belong to a network of parks nationwide that are putting climate friendly behavior at the forefront of sustainability planning.
By conducting an emission inventory, setting an emission reduction goal, developing this Action Plan, and committing to
educate Park staff, visitors, and community members about climate change, John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic
Sites (NHS) provide a model for climate friendly behavior within the National Park Service.
John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites, as members of the Pacific West Region, are involved in the first regional
effort in the National Park Service to become Carbon Neutral. The Region has developed a vision of having its park
operations be carbon neutral and having all of its parks be a member of the Climate Friendly Parks Program by 2010.
This Action Plan identifies steps that John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS can undertake to reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions and adapt to current and future impacts of climate change. The plan presents the Parks’ emission reduction
goals, and associated reduction actions to achieve the Parks’ goals. Strategies and action plan items were developed by
working groups at San Francisco Bay Area Network Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) Workshop.
While the plan provides a
framework needed to meet the Parks’ emission reduction and adaptation goals, it is not intended to provide detailed
instructions on how to implement each of the proposed measures. The Parks’ Environmental Management System will
describe priorities and details to implement these actions, integrating emission reduction strategies into regular Park
operations and activities.
John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS aim to reduce Park operations:
Energy use emissions to 35 percent below 2008 levels by 2016.
Transportation emissions to 20 percent below 2008 levels by 2016.
Waste emissions to 40 percent below 2008 levels by 2016 through waste diversion and reduction.
To meet these goals, the Parks will implement strategies proposed in this plan that relate to the Parks’ current and future
emission inventories. Specifically, the plan recommends three strategies:
Strategy 1: Identify and implement mitigation actions that the Parks can independently take to reduce GHG emissions
resulting from activities within and by the Parks
Strategy 2: Increase climate change education and outreach efforts
Strategy 3: Monitor progress with respect to reducing emissions and preserving natural and cultural resources and
infrastructure and identify areas for improvement
Original notes from these workshops, including detailed action items not presented in the final plan have been archived by John Muir and
Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites and are available upon request.
Climate change presents significant risks and challenges to the National Park Service and specifically to John Muir NHS and
Eugene O’Neill NHS. Scientists cannot predict with certainty the general severity of climate change nor its impacts. Average
global temperatures on the Earth’s surface have increased about 1.1°F since the late 19
century, and the 10 warmest years
of the 20
century all occurred in the last 15 years.
The single leading cause of this warming is the buildup of GHGs in the
atmosphere—primarily carbon dioxide (CO
), methane (CH
) and nitrous oxide (N
O) —which trap heat that otherwise would
be released into space.
The continued addition of CO
and other GHGs to the atmosphere will raise the Earth’s average temperature more rapidly in
the next century; a global average warming of 4-7°F by the year 2100 is considered likely.
Rising global temperatures will
further raise sea levels and affect all aspects of the water cycle, including snow cover, mountain glaciers, spring runoff, water
temperature, and aquatic life. Climate change is also expected to affect human health, crop production, animal and plant
habitats, and many other features of our natural and managed environments. Rise in sea level threatens coastal land,
wetlands, groundwater systems, infrastructure (built environment) and human population. Increasing sea level rise
compounded with increased storm intensity and frequency could result in flooding of the bay tributaries. The East Bay
network parks would face complications in transportation, water availability and infrastructure damage. Change in
temperature would also affect the Bay Area ecology, potentially impacting animal and plant range of habitat. Less mobile and
adaptable species would face population decline and potentially extirpation. Increasing temperature and change in
precipitation could lead to a buildup of fuel for wildfires, resulting in more frequent and intense wildfire.
IPCC 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva Switzerland.
Available online at <>
Naturally occurring GHGs include CO
, CH
, N
O, and water vapor. Human activities (e.g., fuel combustion and waste
generation) lead to increased concentrations of these gases (except water vapor) in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions result from the combustion of fossil fuels for transportation and energy (e.g., boilers, electricity
generation), the decomposition of waste and other organic matter, and the volatilization or release of gases from various other
sources (e.g., fertilizers and refrigerants). The main sources of energy consumption at John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill
NHS are natural gas and purchased electricity.
In 2008, GHG emissions at John
Muir NHS totaled 51 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO
E) and Eugene O’Neill
NHS totaled 38 MTCO
E . These totals include emissions from the Parks’ operations. For perspective, a typical single family
home in the U.S. produces approximately 12 MTCO .
per year Thus, the emissions from John Muir NHS are roughly
equivalent to the emissions from the energy use of 4 households each year, and Eugene O’Neill NHS is roughly equivalent to
the emissions from the energy use of 3 households each year.
The largest emission sect
or for John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS is energy, totaling 34 MTCO
E at John Muir NHS
(Fig 1
and Table 1) and 23 MTCO
E at Eugene O’Neill NHS (Fig 2
and Table 2).
U.S. EPA, Greenhouse Gases Equivalencies Calculators – Calculations and References, Retrieved , Website:
John Muir National Historic Site 2008 Park Operations Emissions by Sector
Energy Transportation Waste
John Muir National Historic Site 2008 Park Operations Emissions by Sector and Source
Energy 34
Stationary Combustion 22
Purchased Electricity 12
Transportation 8
Mobile Combustion 8
Waste 9
Landfilled Waste 8
Wastewater 1
Total 51
Note - Totals may not sum due to rounding
Not applicable data sources represented by "-"
Eugene O’Neill National Historic Site 2008 Park Operations Emissions by Sector
Energy Transportation Waste
Eugene O’Neill National Historic Site 2008 Park Operations Emissions by Sector and Source
Energy 23
Stationary Combustion 13
Purchased Electricity 10
Transportation 11
Mobile Combustion 11
Waste 4
Landfilled Waste 2
Wastewater 2
Total 38
Note - Totals may not sum due to rounding
Not applicable data sources represented by "-"
John Muir and Eugene O’Neill
National Historic Sites Respond to
Climate Change
The following actions were developed during the CFP workshop hosted by San Francisco Maritime
National Historical Park on October 27
and 28
, 2009, in order to meet the Parks’ climate change
mitigation goals.
John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS have developed a set of actions that the Parks are committed to taking in order to
reduce emissions from activities within and by the Parks. These actions have been prioritized based on a qualitative
assessment of a set of criteria including: emission reduction potential, cost-effectiveness, feasibility, co-benefits, regional
impact, and ability to rapidly implement. Actions that John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS will take have been presented
below in order from highest to lowest priority within each sub-category.
Energy Use Management
Emission Reduction Goal: Reduce Park operations energy use emissions at each Park to 35
percent below 2008 levels by 2016.
Improving energy efficiency and implementing alternative energy sources reduces Park-based fuel use, lowers GHG
emissions, decreases electricity consumption, and offers monetary benefits for the Parks. Emissions inventory results indicate
that 74 percent of John Muir NHS and 67 percent of Eugene O’Neill NHS’s GHG emissions from Park Operations are from
energy consumption. Consequently, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS identified actions to reduce energy-related
emissions. Presented below are the actions that are currently under way and which comprise the Parks’ progress to date, as
well as those actions the Parks will pursue.
Progress to Date
Adjusted programmable thermostat and
work schedules to maximize building
efficiency. Thermostats turn off at 3:00
Monitoring energy bills for consumption
and cost variations.
Continuously use Watt Meters and energy
use displays to track and display the
energy consumption of electronic devices
to encourage energy efficient use.
Installed solar powered lighting in John
Muir NHS parking lot.
Energy Use Management – Planned Actions
Promote energy efficiency and energy conservation in the Park through behavioral change
Encourage energy conservation in all Park activities through actions including turning off lights and other
electronics, enabling computer and monitor “hibernate” settings, using natural lighting, and reducing water use.
Develop a mandatory energy-saving training program and new employee orientation. Those who complete the
training can verify the information covered by signing a checklist.
Establish and revitalize Operations and Maintenance to ensure reliability, safety, and energy efficiency.
Continue to incorporate operations and maintenance schedule into environmental management systems to
make sure scheduling is followed.
Work with maintenance staff to address energy losses from steam, water and air leaks, uninsulated lines,
maladjusted or inoperable controls, and other losses from poor maintenance.
Maintain programmable thermostats and adjust to maximize building efficiency. Encourage employees to be
mindful of adjustments and to turn off system if windows are open.
Upgrade lighting options
Upgrade all light bulbs in Parks to energy efficient bulbs.
Use high intensity discharge (HID) lamps and/or fluorescent lights (T-8’s or T5’s with electronic ballasts) in
all fixtures used for more than 3 hours a day.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) where appropriate.
Effectively utilize natural lighting by bringing it into buildings via conventional glazing, light shelves, skylights and
clerestory windows.
Install lighting controls such as motion sensors and make sure that a recommissioning schedule is in place to
ensure appropriate use.
Install energy efficient exit signs, street lighting, utilize solar lighting where feasible
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Develop and implement a monthly HVAC inspection schedule for coils, filters, dampers, and fans and
maintenance schedule that ensures timely replacement and cleaning.
Switch to more efficient electronics and devices
Ensure that all new electronics and office equipment are ENERGYSTAR qualified at. Rather than purchasing
individual copy, fax, print and scanning equipment, consider a multifunctional device, which can save space and
Work with procurement and vendors to make sure that CFLs, T8s, and energy efficient appliances are made
available. Adhere to auditing procedure of green purchasing document.
Refer the Federal Energy Management Program guidelines for purchasing energy efficient appliances in
accordance with federal procurement procedures.
Ensure that all new electronic/office equipment is ENERGY STAR qualified.
Default computers and printers to print double-sided printing. This can easily be changed back to single sided
printing as needed. Set the default settings on all computers and copiers to double-sided printing.
Ensure all computers’ power management settings follow current ENERGY STAR recommendations. Set
computers to enter system standby or hibernation mode after 30 minutes of inactivity and monitors to enter sleep
mode after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Replace existing boilers and furnaces with energy-efficient models.
Install energy efficient water heaters.
Improve building structures and envelopes
Complete an energy audit of all structures in the Park. Building energy audits can provide insightful information
into unknown building energy losses as well as assess the relative energy efficiency of the building portfolio.
Review and implement the DOI Sustainable Buildings Implementation Plan, which provides guidance for improving
the energy performance of new and existing buildings.
Install building level utility meters including new major construction and renovation projects to track and
continuously optimize performance.
Where appropriate, replace old windows with new windows (e.g. spectrally selective glass, double glazed, low-e
systems, gas filled windows, and electrochromic windows) that provide better insulation and solar selectivity.
Utilize alternative energy sources
Install photovoltaic panels on Park buildings, parking lots, open areas, etc. Photovoltaic panels both generate
electricity as well as (if placed correctly) decrease building energy use by reducing solar heat gain.
Transportation Management
Emission Reduction Goal: Reduce Park operations transportation emissions at each Park to 20
percent below 2008 levels by 2016.
Reducing vehicle miles traveled, improving
vehicle efficiency, and using alternative fuels can
significantly reduce John Muir and Eugene O’Neill
National Historic Sites emissions. As the inventory
results indicate, GHG emissions from
transportation comprise 29 percent of John Muir
NHS Park operations emissions and 16 percent of
Eugene O’Neill NHS Park operations emissions.
Presented below are the actions that are currently
under way and which comprise the Parks’
progress to date, as well as those actions that the
Parks will pursue.
Progress to Date
Continue to use alternative fuel vehicles whenever possible.
Visitors traveling to the Eugene O’Neill NHS must take a compressed natural gas (CNG) fueled shuttle bus.
Transportation Management – Planned Actions
Transportation-related Behavioral Changes
Encourage staff carpooling for commuting to work.
Use webinars/conference calls to avoid excessive travel, both within and outside of the Park. Purchase necessary
equipment for teleconferencing and videoconferencing.
Prohibit staff vehicle idling unless required for vehicle maintenance.
Create dashboard idling guidelines and post in vehicles.
Encourage visitors to carpool and provide alternative modes of visitor travel.
Assess need for leaf blowing and consider manual sweeping whenever possible.
Reduce NPS vehicle and equipment fuel consumption
Promote efficient driving through the use of employee trainings and dashboard signage.
Identify areas to reduce or eliminate mowing.
Analyze fleet fuel consumption patterns for efficiency improvements.
Replace two-stroke engines with more efficient four-stroke engines.
Replace NPS vehicles and equipment
Benchmark existing fleet-wide mile per gallon average and raise the average through vehicle replacement to
exceed California’s fuel economy standards. This will also happen as a result of energy efficient vehicle
replacement and use.
Conduct a transportation study and right-size the vehicle fleet by the number and type.
Use a Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM) to achieve a fleet that is the right size and type. A VAM
defines appropriate vehicle type and use for specific tasks.
Order right-size vehicles and return underutilized vehicles.
Develop a vehicle replacement plan to replace aging fleet vehicles.
Evaluate AFV options: Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), electric vehicles, CNG, and biodiesel.
Ongoing action: as vehicles come up for replacement, order alternative fuel vehicles.
Take advantage of DOE benefits and investigate the use of biodiesel and new technologies available in the
surrounding area.
Vehicle maintenance
Develop and maintain a fleet maintenance schedule.
Keep vehicles in top mechanical condition: rotate tires per manufacturers’ recommendations, check tire
pressure, don’t top off tank, and get regular tune-ups.
Waste Management
Emission Reduction Goal: Reduce Park operations waste emissions at each Park to 40 percent
below 2008 levels by 2016 through waste diversion and reduction.
The connection between waste and GHG emissions may not be obvious. However, waste management—in the form of source
and solid waste reduction—can dramatically reduce GHG emissions. Landfills are the largest human-generated source of
emissions in the United States. Waste from John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS facilities routinely travels hundreds
of miles to the landfill. Reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills reduces CH
emissions caused by decomposition as
well as the GHGs emitted from the transportation of waste. The less the Park and its visitors consume in terms of products
and packaging, the less energy is used and fewer GHGs are emitted.
Park operation activities emitted 4 MTCO
E at John Muir NHS and
9 MTCO2E at Eugene O’Neill NHS from waste
management in 2008. Diverting or reducing the Parks’ waste stream through increased recycling efforts and waste
management will reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and resulting emissions. Presented below are the actions that
are currently under way and which comprise
the Parks’ progress to
date as well as those actions that the Parks will pursue.
Progress to Date
Assigned one full time staff member to serve
as the collateral duty Park Recycling
Manager. Infusing responsibilities into
performance standards, monitor, track,
assess and continually improve Parks’
recycling program and activities.
Engaging Park staff and visitors in
composting and recycling programs by
encouraging proper disposal of waste.
Waste Management – Planned
Decrease waste through behavior change
Evaluate current purchases and reduce redundant products.
Train Park staff and contractors on waste reduction responsibilities.
Ensure that staff and contractors are aware of their roles and responsibilities to reduce waste. Conduct
periodic trainings to inform maintenance crews about recycling and composting policies at the Park.
Require an annual training on waste reduction and green procurement.
Make reusable and recyclable materials available for staff to use (e.g. plates, cups, silverware, etc.).
Integrate metrics on these responsibilities into performance evaluations.
Institute paperless office practices: establish standards for double-sided printing and copying, office supply
reuse, electronic correspondence procedures, electronic file storage, elimination of colored paper, etc.
Require that construction contractors reuse or recycle materials used during building renovations and new site
construction/remodeling projects.
Establish new plans and policies that promote waste reduction
Reduce purchasing through reuse.
Develop a Green Procurement Plan
To ensure the purchasing decisions follow EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG).
Use the Pacific West Region (PWR) or Washington Office (WASO) model plan addressing preference for
purchasing CPG and biobased products. Use Recommended Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) for the
percent recovered content required.
Manage new procurement by requiring purchase of products made of recycled materials or with reduced
packaging and other “green” practices.
Recycled content products include bathroom tissue, paper towels, and plastic trash bags.
Incorporate Waste reduction into Green Office Practices.
Reduce purchases where possible and avoid duplicate purchases.
Purchase CPG office supplies with maximum recycled content, avoid PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) supplies.
Purchase durable, reusable supplies, always print double sided, reuse office supplies when possible.
Reduce waste generated at meetings and employee functions.
Establish guidelines for waste minimization: use durable, reusable utensils and mugs, buy in bulk, use items
with reduced packaging, and provide recycling receptacles.
Manage solid waste with an Integrated Solid Waste Management Program (ISWAP).
Communicate Park waste policy or ISWAP to staff.
Create an orientation packet and provide information on policies and practices for recycling, green
procurement, and other aspects of the Park's waste management policy.
Conduct brown bag lunches and training seminars for all Park personnel on topics related to waste
Include information on Park sustainability, green procurement, and recycling policy in new employee
Measure, track, and report waste stream data (include landfilled waste and recycled waste) to monitor reductions
and success in diverting waste from the landfill.
Record waste management data in an Environmental Management System (EMS) plan or a spreadsheet
tracking system.
Implement recycling and composting practices
Start a comprehensive recycling outreach campaign aimed at Park visitors.
Continually increase the amount of waste material that can be recycled.
Recycle or donate old computers and electronics.
Donate old equipment to schools, senior centers, etc.
Practice cradle-to-grave recycling to ensure toxic components are properly managed. Purchase electronics
with less toxic components.
Implement a Construction Waste Management Plan and Job Site Recycling Policy.
Require a Construction Waste Management or Recycling Plan; track quantities of recyclables. Make sure
contract language addresses waste plan and recycling. Check on “take-back” policies (e.g., ceiling tiles,
cardboard, carpet, and drywall).
Reuse construction waste on-site, reuse elsewhere, or sell for recycling materials of value including
lumber/wood, drywall, metal, rubble, cardboard, fixtures, hardware, and wiring.
Require drywall contractors to recycle waste.
Work with haulers to prevent contamination of waste sorting. Ensure no illegal dumping occurs off job site.
Eliminate non-recyclable Styrofoam/Food Serviceware.
Use biodegradable cornstarch utensils (Earthshell) and biodegradable foam “peanuts.”
Styrofoam can be taken in for reuse at UPS Stores, or local businesses that ship items.
Install easy-to-use recycling containers throughout Park facilities.
Send used florescent bulbs to reclaim/recycle service center.
Institute alkaline, lithium battery recycling locations where feasible.
Reduce waste through green procurement
Purchase locally produced products whenever possible, from local vendors and food producers.
Continually increase the recycled content of purchased materials.
Focus on office supplies, gift shop concessionaires, building supplies, furniture and maintenance equipment:
hoses, mulch, edging, timbers, posts, and compost with recycled content.
Train staff on green procurement practices; incorporate into annual staff meetings and new employee orientation.
Encourage staff to take OFEE’s online green purchasing training.
Adhere to Federal, NPS, and PWR Guidance for Procurement.
Use low/no-VOC insulation, carpets, paints, and adhesives.
Promote the use of recycled content products and materials procurement within the NPS.
Reduce and reuse wastewater
Install low-flow faucets.
Replace toilets with low-flow models.
Conserve water used in Grounds Maintenance.
Use drought-tolerant grass and native plantings.
Mow less grass and grasscycle (leave mowed clippings in place to fertilize).
Don’t water during the hottest time of day. Don’t use fine spray sprinklers. Don’t overwater. Maximize
permeability of surfaces to allow site to absorb water. Use rain catchment techniques.
Climate change is a complex and easily misunderstood issue. John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS can play an integral
role in communicating about climate change to a vast audience. A better understanding of the challenges and benefits of
reducing GHG emissions can motivate staff, visitors, and community members to incorporate climate friendly actions into their
own lives. John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS recognize that the greatest potential impact the Parks can have on
mitigating climate change is through public education. Thus, the Parks see public education as an end goal of any climate
initiative. From increasing the efficiency of public transportation to developing a green purchasing program, the actions John
Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS take to address climate change serve as opportunities for increasing the public’s
awareness of climate change. Presented below are actions that are currently under way and which comprise the Parks’
progress to date, and those actions that the Parks will pursue.
Progress to Date
Continue to connect with community and Park
partners on Climate Friendly Park efforts.
Building relationships with Friends
Groups, local environmental groups,
representatives from the local
tourism/community business board,
representatives from the state
environment/energy departments,
teachers, representatives from the
regional transportation authority, and local
university partners.
Holding an annual celebration of John
Muir and the earth, known as Earth Day
Birthday Celebration. This event shows
visitors the historical and environmental values of John Muir NHS.
Park Staff
Incorporate climate change into Park staff training, events, and performance plans
Developing a climate change education program for Park staff is vital to increasing awareness about climate change among
Park visitors and fostering a sense of collective responsibility among staff to help reduce Park emissions. By incorporating
climate change education into staff development programs, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS will enable their staff to
demonstrate commitment through leading by example, and providing visitors with the tools and resources they need to reduce
GHG emissions in the Parks and in their own communities. The Parks have developed a number of actions to raise
awareness among staff. These actions include:
Keep staff members that are part of the Green Team/Environmental Management Team informed about Climate-
related issues
Use materials, publications, and tools available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
other agencies and organizations to mentor fellow staff about climate change.
Create a Park Climate Change Policy Memo specific to John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites.
Hold internal Climate Friendly Park discussions and workshops.
Devise new strategies to continually reduce GHG emissions.
Distribute resources and tools to staff, and acknowledge success of current strategies, including giving
awards to climate leaders.
Develop intranet pages to inform staff about climate friendly actions.
Use internal information technology to encourage staff to achieve GHG emissions reductions at work, and
advise them on new ways to reduce personal emissions.
Incorporate climate change issues into the employee handbook.
Include climate materials in employee orientation packets.
Include the science and impacts of climate change into Park education tools.
Incorporate sessions on climate change into new and seasonal staff training.
Tailor seasonal staff handbook to include Climate Friendly Parks information.
Include Climate Friendly Parks language in Kiosks and other educational materials.
Develop a brown bag series for Park staff including Park partners and visitors to educate about current climate
change science, the Parks’ efforts, and what they can do.
Create visual reminders for Park employees with climate change information and tips on how employees can help
reduce emissions.
Disseminate information about climate friendly actions the Park is taking at conferences, meetings, and regional
Visitor Outreach
Understanding climate change and its consequences is essential to initiating individual behavioral change. John Muir NHS
and Eugene O’Neill NHS realize that they have a unique opportunity to educate the public in a setting free from many of the
distractions of daily life. By using existing materials, developing Park-specific materials, highlighting what the parks are
currently doing about climate change, and encouraging visitors to reduce emissions, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS
can play an important role in educating the public about climate change.
John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS staff recognize the many different audiences that visit the Parks, including
recreational and non-recreational Park visitors, “virtual visitors” who visit the parks online, school-aged visitors, local and out of
town visitors, local tribes, and external audiences. Reaching these various audiences with climate change information and
engaging them in the Parks’ efforts requires appropriately focused messaging. The Parks have developed a number of actions
to reach these various audiences effectively. These actions include:
Educate visitors about climate change.
Link climate change and National Parks preservation with actions like using mass transit and alternative
Incorporate climate change information into existing Park brochures.
Create/utilize bilingual brochures that talk about the success of the CFP program in terms of resource and
economic savings where appropriate. Include information and illustrations on Do Your Part!
Create signs promoting Park’s efforts to curb emissions.
Develop consistent messaging for recycling, idling, and emission reduction posters.
Educate visitors about their recycling options at the Park and at home.
Communicate with local communities, Park visitors, and local media about actions they can take to reduce GHG
Encourage internal and external stakeholders to reduce their carbon footprints using tools like Do Your Part!
Integrate climate change themes and information into interpretive programs and talks.
Integrate Climate Friendly Parks program with school programs using educational kits, wayside exhibits,
posters, etc.
Create demonstration projects and exhibits to convey Park sustainability message to visitors.
Develop a “Do Your Part” program for online visitors.
Create and distribute previously produced information on climate change and its effects on National Parks in
general and John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS in particular.
Local Community Outreach
The gateway communities, agencies, vendors, and volunteers surrounding John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS can play
a significant role in supporting the Parks’ climate change mitigation goals. As such, when appropriate, Park staff will assist
local communities with incorporating climate change messages into community events and find partners to promote climate
change education at those events, and engage with surrounding agencies to coordinate effective outreach and education
efforts. Potential actions include:
Host climate change education workshops.
Focus presentations on climate change priorities and talk about success stories.
Educate local community about what the Parks are doing to manage waste.
Expand on existing community event for Earth Day.
Collaboration with other Bay Area NPS Units on Climate Friendly projects.
Build CFP relationships by partnering with more community groups.
Participate in the First Bloom program to promote climate change awareness.
By taking the actions established in strategies 1, and 2 above, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS plan to reduce
emissions to the specified goal. Achieving these goals will require an ongoing commitment by the Parks, which may include
subsequent emission inventories, additional mitigation actions, and revaluation of goals. As part of this strategy, John Muir
NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS will:
Monitor progress with respect to reducing emissions. This will include subsequent emission inventories to evaluate
progress toward goals stated in this action plan.
Develop additional emission mitigation actions beyond those listed in this plan.
Periodically review and update this plan.
The Parks will track climate friendly actions through the Environmental Management System.
John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS have a unique opportunity to serve as a model for over 30,000 recreational visitors.
This report summarizes the operational actions the Parks commit to undertake to address climate change. Specifically, the
Parks realize their ability to educate the public and serve as a valuable model for citizens. By seriously addressing GHG
emissions within the Parks and sharing its successes with visitors, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS will help mitigate
climate change far beyond the Parks’ boundaries.
The National P
ark Service faces an uncertain future due to the possible effects of climate change. However, by seriously
addressing climate change impacts and reducing emissions, John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS will reduce their
contribution to the problem while setting an example for visitors. The strategies presented in this Action Plan present an
aggressive first step towards moving John Muir NHS and Eugene O’Neill NHS to the forefront of Climate Friendly Parks.
John Muir and Eugene O’Neill National Historic Sites: Park Statistics. Available online at:
Ralph Bell, Facility Manager, 925-372-0979, Ralph_Bell@
Tom Leatherman, Deputy Superintendant, 925-943-1531,
Donna Ba
lagtas, Maintenance Assistant, 925-372-0979,
Randy Mitchell, Maintenance Worker, 925-372-0979, [email protected]v
Brian Garrett, Wood Crafter, 925-372-0979, Brian_[email protected]
Bill Solis, Maintenance Mechanic, 925-943-1531, Bill[email protected]